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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:3
translate it chapter_7_a61ccc3f:
# "{cps=*0.2}-- One Week Later --{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}-- Una Settimana Dopo --{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:14
translate it chapter_7_5fcb15ce:
# "The week’s been a mix of excitement and trepidation."
"Questa settimana è stata un mix di eccitazione e ansia."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:16
translate it chapter_7_0222a9b9:
# "More excitement from Fang and the band and trepidation on my part around Fang."
"Eccitazione da parte di Fang e la band e ansia da parte mia quando sono vicino a Fang."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:18
translate it chapter_7_ae27d2ec:
# "Having come to terms with how I feel, I just can’t stop noticing all the little things she does."
"Dovendo accettare come mi sento al riguardo, non posso fare a meno di notare tutte le piccole cose che lei fa."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:21
translate it chapter_7_06527ee3:
# "Like her cute tail wagging to a silent tune."
"Come la sua coda carina che scodinzola al ritmo di una melodia silenziosa."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:24
translate it chapter_7_7696aecf:
# "Or her weird and funny way of eating."
"O il suo strano e divertente modo di mangiare."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:27
translate it chapter_7_a6017c94:
# "Or how soft and huggable her wings look."
"O quanto soffici e coccolose sembrino le sue ali."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:30
translate it chapter_7_00e9b409:
# "Raptor Jesus, if this is what love is I kind of want to sample buckshot."
"Gesù Raptor, se questo è l'amore quasi quasi vorrei assaggiare piombo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:33
translate it chapter_7_caf13308:
# "And yet I don’t want it to stop."
"Eppure non voglio che smetta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:35
translate it chapter_7_b673b429:
# "Even now as Moe and Reed work on clearing the floor of tables and making a noise."
"Anche adesso, con Moe e Reed che spostano i tavoli e fanno fracasso."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:41
translate it chapter_7_6c82475b:
# "And I’m drooling like an idiot as I watch Fang bend over a large Amp."
"Io sono qui a sbavare come un deficiente mentre guardo Fang piegata a pecorina sopra un grosso amplificatore."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:44
translate it chapter_7_000c9c21:
# unknown "Ahem."
unknown "Ahem."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:46
translate it chapter_7_f36af35d:
# "Even now her tail wags to that mysterious beat in her head."
"Anche ora la sua coda scodinzola a ritmo di quella canzone misteriosa nella sua testa."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:49
translate it chapter_7_4d09aac6:
# unknown "AHEM."
unknown "AHEM."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:51
translate it chapter_7_d6754a5c:
# "Not to mention the way those jeans hug her hips and ass-"
"Per non parlare del modo in cui i suoi jeans fasciano i suoi fianchi e il culo-"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:54
translate it chapter_7_4136ac1f:
# unknown "AH-{b}HEM!{/b}{w=.3}"
unknown "AH-{b}HEM!{/b}{w=.3}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:56
translate it chapter_7_2c23493f:
# A "Hm?"
A "Hm?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:62
translate it chapter_7_2b667a2a:
# T "Aren’t you supposed to be helping?"
T "Non dovresti dare una mano?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:64
translate it chapter_7_a16e248f:
# "Hm? {w=.3} OH SHIT RIGHT!"
"Hm? {w=.3} OH MERDA GIUSTO!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:66
translate it chapter_7_49e2f933:
# A "Y-yeah, right! Just moving this table ahahaha."
A "S-sì, giusto! Sto solo spostando questo tavolo ahahaha."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:88
translate it chapter_7_6016d302:
# "I pick up the last table on the floor and hurriedly move it to the suspiciously large storage room in the back of Dino-Moe’s."
"Alzo l'ultimo tavolo e lo muovo in fretta nel ripostiglio stranamente spazioso nel retro di Dino-Moe’s"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:90
translate it chapter_7_8e6341a5:
# "I set the table down with the rest, right next to the seemingly out of place buckets of cement mix."
"Metto il tavolo con agli altri, proprio vicino ai secchi di cemento apparentemente fuori posto."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:93
translate it chapter_7_1b3c4311:
# "Looking out from the closet, the joint is actually pretty big."
"A guardare dal ripostiglio, il posto in realtà è alquanto grande."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:95
translate it chapter_7_f4fd17b5:
# "The area is a good one-hundred and fifty by two-hundred feet, so without the tables there’s enough space for at least a few hundred people."
"Sarà un'area di circa quarantacinque per sessanta metri, quindi senza i tavoli ci sarà posto per qualche centinaia di persone."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:105
translate it chapter_7_51077db5:
# "Impressed, I let out a low whistle."
"Colpito, faccio un leggero fischio."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:110
translate it chapter_7_63f4d23e:
# St "I’m on time, right?"
St "Sono in orario, giusto?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:121
translate it chapter_7_176d1e35:
# "Where did she come from?"
"Lei da dove spunta?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:124
translate it chapter_7_a0f32033:
# A "Hm? Who are you?"
A "Hm? Tu chi sei?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:126
translate it chapter_7_c292f49b:
# St "We’ve met before..."
St "Ci siamo già incontrati..."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:128
translate it chapter_7_d2c2e399:
# A "Wha- wait… Stella, right? From the school gardens."
A "Cos- aspetta… Stella, giusto? Dai giardini della scuola."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:130
translate it chapter_7_c43e80cb:
# "She gleefully nods."
"Lei annuisce con gioia."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:132
translate it chapter_7_6f6d9d35:
# St "Yes! Rosa should be coming any minute now, too!"
St "Sì! Dovrebbe arrivare anche Rosa da un minuto all'altro!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:135
translate it chapter_7_3312b35a:
# "I haven’t spoken to either of them since campus beautification."
"Non ho parlato con nessuna delle due dall'abbellimento del campus."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:137
translate it chapter_7_8d554e6f:
# "Well, other than Stella through the bathroom door, but that doesn’t really count."
"Beh, a parte quella volta con Stella al bagno, ma non credo conti."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:139
translate it chapter_7_a2e3c3c0:
# "But Fang and the rest will be happy they have at least two fans, right?"
"Ma Fang e gli altri almeno saranno felici che hanno due fan, giusto?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:142
translate it chapter_7_eb08622c:
# St "You know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
St "Sai{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:144
translate it chapter_7_395c0492:
# St "There’s always room in the gardening club if you still want to join, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
St "C'è sempre spazio nel club di giardinaggio se ti vuoi ancora unire, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:147
translate it chapter_7_e8f1a064:
# "There’s no way I’m going back to that sort of prison labor."
"Non esiste che io ritorni a fare quel lavoro da prigione."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:150
translate it chapter_7_32b94547:
# "I look the pale green, spine covered thing up and down."
"Guardo la cosa spinosa color verde pallido dalla testa ai piedi."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:152
translate it chapter_7_e59e86e4:
# "Including the ‘OPPAI’ t-shirt she’s wearing."
"Maglietta ‘OPPAI’ che sta indossando compresa."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:155
translate it chapter_7_12e816a2:
# "What the fuck."
"Ma che cazzo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:158
translate it chapter_7_d89c537d:
# A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:160
translate it chapter_7_117fde8c:
# A "Y-you {i}do{/i} know what your shirt says, right?"
A "T-tu {i}lo sai{/i} cosa hai scritto sulla maglietta, vero?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:170
translate it chapter_7_057dc906:
# "Stella gives me a quizzical look and glances down at her shirt, her face turning bright red."
"Stella mi guarda con uno sguardo confuso e controlla la sua maglietta, la sua faccia diventa un rosso accesso."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:173
translate it chapter_7_c6b60e91:
# St "Oh my{cps=*.1}...{/cps} th-this was the only clean shirt I had{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
St "Oh mio dio{cps=*.1}...{/cps} q-questa era l'unica maglietta pulita che avevo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:176
translate it chapter_7_32e17811:
# "If I didn’t feel the way I did about Fang, I’d think Stella’s stammering was kinda cute."
"Se non provassi sentimenti per Fang, penserei che il balbettio di Stella sia un po' carino."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:179
translate it chapter_7_222d26d9:
# "Suddenly her face lights up and her eyes return to me."
"All'improvviso il suo viso si illumina e i suoi occhi puntano di nuovo verso di me."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:187
translate it chapter_7_42d2903d:
# St "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps} You like anime too, don’t you?"
St "Aspetta{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anche a te piacciono gli anime, non è vero?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:190
translate it chapter_7_8fd9fdfa:
# "Play it cool, Anon. No need to reveal your power level."
"Mantieni la calma, Anon. Non c'è bisogno di rivelare il tuo livello di potenza."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:198
translate it chapter_7_9070640f:
# A "I saw some back in elementary school."
A "Ne ho visti un po' alle elementari."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:201
translate it chapter_7_8d75a81f:
# A "Yeah, uh… a little bit."
A "Già, uh… un pochino."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:203
translate it chapter_7_84354581:
# St "That’s amazing! I don’t have anyone else I can talk to about it!"
St "È fantastico! Io non ho altri con cui parlarne!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:205
translate it chapter_7_90324c86:
# St "What’s your favorite anime? I {i}loooove{/i} PreCure!"
St "Quale è il tuo anime preferito? Io {i}adoooooroooo{/i} PreCure!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:208
translate it chapter_7_c5e6f919:
# "Raptor Jesus on his cross of rock."
"Gesù Raptor sulla sua croce di pietra."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:210
translate it chapter_7_7551bee0:
# "It takes all my strength not to physically cringe."
"Ci vogliono tutte le mie forze per non cringiare fisicamente."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:218
translate it chapter_7_a4cbb53d:
# St "Oooh, we should watch it together sometime!"
St "Oooh, dovremmo guardarlo insieme qualche volta!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:220
translate it chapter_7_e4b7456d:
# St "I have the box set of {i}every{/i} season!"
St "Ho i cofanetti di {i}tutte{/i} le stagioni!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:222
translate it chapter_7_7cf9caad:
# St "We could marathon it over a long weekend or something!"
St "Potremmo fare una maratona durante un ponte o una cosa del genere!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:225
translate it chapter_7_6eb65898:
# A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} maybe some other time{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} forse un'altra volta{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:228
translate it chapter_7_e861916b:
# "I’ll just block my calendar for this{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Maybe for after the heat death of the universe."
"Lo segno sul mio calendario{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Forse per dopo la morte termica dell'universo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:231
translate it chapter_7_d244f561:
# A "Anyway, the show isn’t for another half-hour."
A "Comunque, allo spettacolo manca una mezz'oretta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:236
translate it chapter_7_14bf4d2a:
# St "I wanted to ask you before... What did you think of your fortune?"
St "Te lo volevo chiedere prima... Cosa ne pensi della sorte che ti avevo letto?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:239
translate it chapter_7_9c9fb755:
# A "Uh... I kinda forgot..."
A "Uh... Potrei averla dimenticata..."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:241
translate it chapter_7_5f0cd2f0:
# St "You got the Judgement?"
St "Hai ottenuto il Giudizio?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:243
translate it chapter_7_ddade9df:
# A "Doesn’t ring a bell."
A "Non mi dice niente."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:245
translate it chapter_7_d8eb1995:
# St "O-oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} How would you like another?"
St "O-oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} bene{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Vuoi che te ne legga un'altra?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:247
translate it chapter_7_35c72214:
# A "Eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I got time to kill, sure."
A "Eh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ho tempo da perdere, certo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:250
translate it chapter_7_3039d81d:
# "She pulls her deck of tarot cards from{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Somewhere{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Lei tira fuori il suo mazzo di tarocchi da{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Qualche parte{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:252
translate it chapter_7_3000d2a5:
# "Where the fuck does she hide these things?"
"Dove cazzo le nasconde queste cose?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:254
translate it chapter_7_9fba187a:
# "Anyway, she fans the deck out."
"In ogni caso, lei mette le carte a ventaglio."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:257
translate it chapter_7_18b3554f:
# St "Alright, take one."
St "Va bene, prendine una."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:262
translate it chapter_7_4afa778b:
# "I take one at random and show it to her."
"Prendo una carta a caso e gliela mostro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:270
translate it chapter_7_3973c9a6:
# St "Upright Strength."
St "Forza dritta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:271
translate it chapter_7_6776e951:
# St "OH! {w=.3} I don’t think you need to worry about what’s to come, Anon."
St "OH! {w=.3} Non credo tu debba preoccuparti di quello che accadrà, Anon."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:274
translate it chapter_7_5569856b:
# St "Inverted Hierophant."
St "Papa rovesciato."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:275
translate it chapter_7_e48ec533:
# St "You need to be wary of your words and actions, Anon."
St "Devi fare attenzione alle tue parole e azioni, Anon."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:278
translate it chapter_7_f734bb08:
# St "Inverted Hermit."
St "Eremita rovesciato."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:279
translate it chapter_7_781fa87d:
# St "Anon, if you ever feel lonely you can come to me."
St "Anon, se mai ti sentissi solo puoi venire da me."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:282
translate it chapter_7_5034cacd:
# St "Oh my, {w=.3} inverted Empress."
St "Oh santo cielo, {w=.3} Imperatrice rovesciata."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:283
translate it chapter_7_49832ed4:
# St "You need to be wary about future negligence, Anon."
St "Devi essere cauto riguardo a negligenze future, Anon."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:286
translate it chapter_7_61c8d749:
# St "uh oh..."
St "uh oh..."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:287
translate it chapter_7_0b716a4f:
# A "What?"
A "Cosa?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:288
translate it chapter_7_4e478542:
# St "Some dipshit developer made broken code and this is the error handling message and you should report this as a bug"
St "Qualche sviluppatore coglione ha scritto del codice sbagliato e questo è il messaggio di gestione degli errore e dovresti riportarlo come bug."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:289
translate it chapter_7_0b716a4f_1:
# A "What?"
A "Cosa?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:290
translate it chapter_7_6f4aa48f:
# St "Basically the if/else statement that handles this shit has failed at catching the score, and I cannot give you a tarot reading..."
St "In pratica la dichiarazione if/else che gestisce questo schifo ha fallito nel leggere il punteggio, e non ti posso leggere i tarocchi..."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:296
translate it chapter_7_4cbce818:
# A "The fuck does that mean?"
A "Che cazzo vuol dire?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:298
translate it chapter_7_96d8a523:
# St "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*1.4}Gottago,naturecalls,seeyouattheshow{/cps}!"
St "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*1.4}Devoandare,lanaturachiama,civediamoallospettacolo{/cps}!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:311
translate it chapter_7_7d401d7b:
# "She flees in denim pissing fear."
"Lei scappa in paura di poter bagnare i suoi jeans."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:315
translate it chapter_7_48baf49a:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Well then{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}In tal caso{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:318
translate it chapter_7_ad039950:
# "What was I doing?"
"Cosa stavo facendo?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:321
translate it chapter_7_3c6e0704:
# "Oh yeah."
"Oh giusto."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:323
translate it chapter_7_47f86faa:
# "I step up to the stage to see the band’s point of view."
"Vado sul palco per vedere la prospettiva della band."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:344
translate it chapter_7_8906d074:
# "And then promptly trip."
"E prontamente inciampo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:359
translate it chapter_7_d45aabc1:
# A "Argh!"
A "Argh!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:364
translate it chapter_7_a081eead:
# "What the fuck was that?!"
"Quello che cazzo era?!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:366
translate it chapter_7_1131cc8d:
# "There’s a loose cord over my foot."
"C'è un cavo sciolto sul mio piede."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:368
translate it chapter_7_b1f39f1c:
# "That’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:370
translate it chapter_7_23f9db84:
# "Probably not good for the show."
"Che potrebbe causare problemi durante lo spettacolo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:380
translate it chapter_7_70c5d3ab:
# "I stand up and wipe the dust from my pants."
"Mi alzo e spolvero i miei pantaloni."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:383
translate it chapter_7_acac4234:
# "Trish is the organizer{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Trish è l'organizzatrice{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:385
translate it chapter_7_f50546b9:
# "Right now she’s giving Reed a lecture on why it’s probably a bad idea to put carfentanyl in the smoke machine."
"Ora sta facendo una ramanzina a Reed sul perché è probabilmente una pessima idea mettere carfentanil nella macchina del fumo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:388
translate it chapter_7_de9e403a:
# A "Hey, Trish!"
A "Ehi, Trish!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:392
translate it chapter_7_0cef45ab:
# "Trish looks over her shoulder and Reed’s face lights up."
"Trish si guarda alle spalle e la faccia di Reed si illumina."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:394
translate it chapter_7_1c9a9d0d:
# A "Can you come here a second?"
A "Puoi venire qui un secondo?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:397
translate it chapter_7_97b83429:
# "Trish sighs, points between her eyes and Reed’s, and stomps over to the stage."
"Trish sospira, punta con le dita a V i suoi occhi e poi quelli di Reed e si avvia con passo pesante verso di me."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:410
translate it chapter_7_5b71432e:
# T "Whaddayawant, skinnie?"
T "Che vuoi, senza-squame?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:412
translate it chapter_7_7b37772d:
# A "I just tripped on one of the wires up here."
A "Sono inciampato su uno dei fili qua su."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:415
translate it chapter_7_77d5d261:
# T "Sucks to be you."
T "Peggio per te."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:418
translate it chapter_7_06843748:
# "Bitch."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:421
translate it chapter_7_1bb71199:
# A "Should I plug them all into a surge protector so you guys don’t fall during the concert?"
A "Secondo te dovrei attaccarli tutti quanti allo scaricatore di sovratensione così nessuno potrebbe cadere durante il concerto?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:424
translate it chapter_7_32b67ccf:
# T "What?"
T "Cosa?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:426
translate it chapter_7_65d94342:
# T "No, of course not."
T "No, certo che no."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:428
translate it chapter_7_fdc04c7b:
# T "We won’t trip, I have that on good authority."
T "Non inciamperemo, ho delle fonti attendibili."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:430
translate it chapter_7_25cc7d0e:
# A "Whose?"
A "Quali fonti?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:433
translate it chapter_7_d3f02e4c:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Reed’s."
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Reed."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:435
translate it chapter_7_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:438
translate it chapter_7_d5664f6e:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:441
translate it chapter_7_c38edf0c:
# A "And you trust his word on something like this?"
A "E ti fidi della sua parola su una cosa del genere?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:444
translate it chapter_7_db8414d5:
# T "Sure."
T "Ovvio."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:446
translate it chapter_7_835406a7:
# T "He’s the expert on this stuff and all."
T "È lui l'esperto di queste robe."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:449
translate it chapter_7_c84c975c:
# "Before I can object, Trish turns away and runs after Reed who is huddled over the smoke machine, pungent fumes wafting from it’s exposed innards."
"Prima che possa obiettare, Trish mi volta le spalle e corre verso Reed che è inginocchiato sulla macchina del fumo che emana fumo pungente dalle sue interiora esposte."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:463
translate it chapter_7_57a8ea69:
# "Well, seems like he’s got that handled."
"Beh, sembra che lui abbia tutto sotto controllo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:465
translate it chapter_7_955ce6eb:
# "Trish seemed pretty confident that Reed knows what he’s doing with the stage."
"Trish sembra abbastanza sicura che Reed sappia cosa stia facendo col palco."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:467
translate it chapter_7_99b3a5de:
# "But Reed obviously doesn’t understand cable management."
"Ma è ovvio che Reed non ne sa niente di cable management."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:482
translate it LeaveStageAsIs_5440c126:
# "Reed may not understand cable management,{w=.4} but then again neither did I."
"Reed non ne saprà niente di cable management,{w=.4} ma d'altra parte neanche io."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:484
translate it LeaveStageAsIs_ab1cd510:
# "Probably better to let sleeping fossils lie."
"Probabilmente è meglio non svegliar fossile che dorme."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:494
translate it FixCables_882ac1b2:
# "It could be a serious hazard if I leave them like this."
"Potrebbe essere un rischio serio se li lascio così."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:496
translate it FixCables_c8efb1e3:
# "Like a fire hazard or something. I think."
"Rischio incendio o una cosa simile. Credo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:498
translate it FixCables_4cf48915:
# "I’ll just put them all on one of Moe’s surge protectors."
"Li attacco tutti in uno degli scaricatori di sovratensione di Moe."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:501
translate it FixCables_aa5598b5:
# "{cps=*0.5}Aaaaaand{/cps} done."
"{cps=*0.5}Eeeeeeeee{/cps} fatto."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:505
translate it PostCableConundrum_d4a4d01e:
# "Now that that’s taken care of, I glance at the pizza-themed clock on the wall."
"Ora che questa è fatta, do un'occhiata all'orologio a tema pizza sul muro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:507
translate it PostCableConundrum_08ab12fa:
# "Thirty minutes until the show starts."
"Mezz'ora all'inizio dello spettacolo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:509
translate it PostCableConundrum_4e9208a1:
# "The band is doing one last sound test, Reed’s bass drum bearing another new logo for VVURM DRAMA that doesn’t look half bad."
"La band sta facendo un'ultima prova suono, la grancassa di Reed ha un altro nuovo logo dei VVURM DRAMA che non è affatto male."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:511
translate it PostCableConundrum_c068186e:
# "Trish has a wicked grin on her face and I can practically see the dollar signs in her eyes."
"Trish ha un sorriso malefico sulla sua faccia e posso praticamente vedere i simboli dei dollari nei suoi occhi."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:514
translate it PostCableConundrum_2f833ca7:
# "And Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"E Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:526
translate it PostCableConundrum_c294bf7b:
# "Fang looks anxious, hands wringing the strap of her hollowbody electric guitar."
"Fang sembra ansiosa, le sue mani stringono la tracolla della sua chitarra semiacustica."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:529
translate it PostCableConundrum_c3af6ce5:
# "I consider what I’m about to do is extremely stupid but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Penso che quello che stia per fare sia estremamente stupido ma{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:533
translate it PostCableConundrum_eb608ac1:
# A "Hey."
A "Ehi."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:553
translate it PostCableConundrum_d76754fa:
# "She jumps a little as I step back on stage. Her knuckles are bright white as they strangle the leather strap."
"Lei sobbalza un po' mentre salgo di nuovo sul palco. Le sue nocche sono un bianco acceso mentre stringe la tracolla di pelle."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:556
translate it PostCableConundrum_0e544bae:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Hey."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ehi."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:559
translate it PostCableConundrum_e9fc0031:
# Moe "{alpha=0.5}{i}The secret is support!{/i}{/alpha}"
Moe "{alpha=0.5}{i}Il segreto è il sostegno!{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:561
translate it PostCableConundrum_976f65c2:
# "I offer her my most supportive smile."
"Le offro il mio sorriso più incoraggiante."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:563
translate it PostCableConundrum_7c72943d:
# A "You’ve got this, Fang."
A "Ce la puoi fare, Fang."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:566
translate it PostCableConundrum_aa8014ba:
# F "Don’t feel like I do, though."
F "Non credo di potercela fare, però."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:568
translate it PostCableConundrum_5443cdd5:
# A "You do. You’ve been practicing all month for this."
A "Tu puoi. Hai fatto pratica tutto il mese per questo concerto."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:570
translate it PostCableConundrum_a79f513a:
# A "And you’ve improved immensely since your last gig."
A "E sai suonare immensamente meglio dall'ultima volta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:572
translate it PostCableConundrum_1a61f7ac:
# A "I have complete faith in your ability to play guitar."
A "E ho completa fiducia nella tua abilità di suonare la chitarra."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:574
translate it PostCableConundrum_15d5b4fe:
# A "Don’t worry so much."
A "Non ti preoccupare così tanto."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:576
translate it PostCableConundrum_0a033f58:
# A "Just don't fret about it, you’ll be fine."
A "Non te lo scordare, andrà tutto bene."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:579
translate it PostCableConundrum_8e9f9d1c:
# "Trish rolls her eyes, Reed’s vacant stare has a bit of approval."
"Trish alza gli occhi al cielo, lo sguardo vuoto di Reed ha un che di approvazione."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:586
translate it PostCableConundrum_bd325a55:
# T "At least it wasn't a dinosaur pun this time."
T "Almeno non era una battuta sui dinosauri questa volta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:589
translate it PostCableConundrum_dfe8cb11:
# A "I'm not that unfunny!"
A "Non sono così noioso!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:591
translate it PostCableConundrum_e05f7f23:
# T "You are."
T "Lo sei."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:593
translate it PostCableConundrum_5fe6019e:
# A "Fuck you, I’m hilarious."
A "Vaffanculo, io sono esilarante."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:595
translate it PostCableConundrum_72543c2c:
# T "No one thinks that, loser."
T "Nessuno la pensa così, perdente."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:597
translate it PostCableConundrum_34ae6be8:
# A "Don’t you have something to be triggered about?"
A "Non hai qualcosa sul quale sentirti ‘triggered’?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:612
translate it PostCableConundrum_7e187c84:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:620
translate it PostCableConundrum_d08ead11:
# A "Just did, wanna see me do it again?"
A "L'ho appena fatto, vuoi che lo faccia di nuovo?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:623
translate it PostCableConundrum_03e1645f:
# F "Ladies, Ladies, please."
F "Signore, signore, per piacere."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:625
translate it PostCableConundrum_a50e2eb1:
# F "Shut the fuck up."
F "Chiudete quella cazzo di bocca."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:628
translate it PostCableConundrum_8a666110:
# F "We’ve got sweet music to play."
F "Abbiamo bella musica da suonare."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:641
translate it PostCableConundrum_5c62a3ce:
# "Showtime!"
"Inizia lo spettacolo!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:659
translate it PostCableConundrum_14ed9e55:
# F "All right! Next up we got 'The!'"
F "Ok! Ora suoneremo ‘Il’!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:662
translate it PostCableConundrum_72546432:
# "WHAT."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:665
translate it PostCableConundrum_e6e21b0c:
# "They go right into their next song with gusto."
"Cominciano immediatamente con la canzone seguente con brio."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:676
translate it PostCableConundrum_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:679
translate it PostCableConundrum_32e40240:
# "An hour later and the band is wrapping up their last song for the night."
"Un'ora dopo e la band sta finendo la loro ultima canzone della serata."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:681
translate it PostCableConundrum_5d3f464b:
# "I take my eyes off the stage to get a read on the crowd."
"Stacco gli occhi dal palco per dare un'occhiata alla folla."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:683
translate it PostCableConundrum_c1bd7321:
# "Easily a good hundred people showed up to see VVURM DRAMA, better than any of us expected."
"Un centinaio buono di persone sono venute per vedere VVURM DRAMA, meglio di quanto ci aspettassimo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:685
translate it PostCableConundrum_4a03122b:
# "The look on Fang’s face when everyone began filtering into the restaurant was priceless."
"L'espressione sulla faccia di Fang quando tutti cominciavano a entrare nel ristorante era inestimabile."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:719
translate it PostCableConundrum_bb0d3be1:
# "They were on the last song of the night, the bizarrely long name of which I missed."
"Erano alla loro ultima canzone della serata, il cui nome bizzarramente lungo avevo dimenticato."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:723
translate it PostCableConundrum_e48a8b4a:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:724
translate it PostCableConundrum_67ab293e:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:725
translate it PostCableConundrum_b26ed274:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:726
translate it PostCableConundrum_b7ca5ef4:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:727
translate it PostCableConundrum_8f1b83ae:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:730
translate it PostCableConundrum_90db522d:
# "Oh right… Reed definitely wrote this one."
"Oh giusto… questa l'ha scritta Reed di sicuro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:733
translate it PostCableConundrum_ef59ce4f:
# "The band really has improved, as opposed to booing and pointing at the audience is listening intently."
"La band è davvero migliorata, al posto di fischiare e indicare il pubblico sta ascoltando con attenzione."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:736
translate it PostCableConundrum_ffc40d6e:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:737
translate it PostCableConundrum_6e46797e:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:738
translate it PostCableConundrum_1eaf26e1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:750
translate it PostCableConundrum_cbbbd9ec:
# "After the song ends, VVURM DRAMA hangs onto the pose of their final note."
"Dopo la fine della canzone, VVURM DRAMA rimane con la posa dell'ultima nota."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:753
translate it PostCableConundrum_c9f997f1:
# "It’s silent."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:755
translate it PostCableConundrum_be16fa2f:
# "I applaud the band, eventually some other patrons join in."
"Applaudo alla band, dopo un po' altre persone si uniscono a me."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:764
translate it PostCableConundrum_bd6ea7e4:
# "The applause turns to cheers, and the cheers turn to uproar."
"L'applauso diventa tifo, e i tifi diventano un baccano."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:766
translate it PostCableConundrum_3ad667b4:
# "The crowd was cheering."
"La folla stava esultando."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:768
translate it PostCableConundrum_a6242b68:
# "{i}Actually{/i} cheering this time."
"Esultavano {i}sul serio{/i} questa volta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:793
translate it PostCableConundrum_60d3512d:
# "The bandmates’ faces light up, and they all glance at each other."
"La faccia dei membri della band si illumina, e si guardano a vicenda."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:795
translate it PostCableConundrum_c9938d1c:
# "The hard work has taken its toll on the three, giving them varying degrees of perspiration."
"Il duro lavoro si fa sentire sui tre, dando a loro diversi livelli di traspirazione."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:797
translate it PostCableConundrum_ba26d394:
# "The sweat is trickling down Fang’s forehead, Trish has gone from an afro to dreadlocks, and Reed is providing the restaurant with a nice ocean scent."
"Il sudore gronda sulla fronte di Fang, Trish è passata dall'afro ai dread, e Reed dona al ristorante una bella fragranza oceanica."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:800
translate it PostCableConundrum_e3f96e92:
# "Fang finishes with a furious flurry of strumming on her fretboard."
"Fang finisce con una furiosa raffica di schitarrate sulla sua tastiera."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:803
translate it PostCableConundrum_be644334:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:805
translate it PostCableConundrum_f3dd26f1:
# "The crowd’s approval is obvious, even in the makeshift mosh pit where I see Stella getting fake curb-stomped."
"L'approvazione della folla era evidente, anche nel mosh pit improvvisato dove vedo Stella che viene pestata per finta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:808
translate it PostCableConundrum_efe6a699:
# "At least I think it’s fake."
"Almeno credo sia per finta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:811
translate it PostCableConundrum_66baca6b:
# "Rosa is on the other side of the room, too entranced by the music to care."
"Rosa è dall'altra parte della stanza, troppo affascinata dalla musica per fregarsene."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:813
translate it PostCableConundrum_a0893abd:
# "Eh, I don’t see any blood so she’s good."
"Eh, non vedo sangue quindi è apposto."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:832
translate it PostCableConundrum_88868f85:
# F "ANON!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:833
translate it PostCableConundrum_31a88fe5:
# "Before I could react I was swept up in a blur of feathers."
"Prima che possa reagire vengo travolto da un turbine di piume."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:851
translate it PostCableConundrum_f490d15c:
# "Fang wrapped her arms and wings around me and kept rocking back and forth."
"Fang mi impacchetta nelle sue braccia e ali e continuava a dondolarmi avanti e indietro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:858
translate it PostCableConundrum_7fc86e19:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:860
translate it PostCableConundrum_ced81537:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:863
translate it PostCableConundrum_3a7a12a8:
# "I tune out the alarms screaming in my head and hug her back."
"Abbasso il volume agli allarmi che mi suonano in testa e la abbraccio anch'io."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:874
translate it PostCableConundrum_d843666a:
# "Her wings are just as soft and huggable as they look."
"Le sue ali sono soffici e coccolose come sembravano."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:876
translate it PostCableConundrum_9ca260d5:
# "Fang’s beak settles against my cheek, the warm scales sliding smoothly up and down against it."
"Il becco di Fang si posa sulla mia guancia, dove le calde squame scivolano dolcemente su e giù."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:878
translate it PostCableConundrum_81c2b0df:
# "This is nice."
"È piacevole."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:881
translate it PostCableConundrum_82504022:
# "I become aware of my hands, planted firmly on the small of Fang’s back and pressing her closer to me."
"Mi accorgo dove si trovano le mie mani: ben salde sulla schiena di Fang che la portano più vicina a me."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:883
translate it PostCableConundrum_e9743b34:
# "Beneath my splayed palms is soft, warm and drenched in sweat. I find that I don’t really mind the slickness."
"Sotto i miei palmi distesi c'è qualcosa di soffice, caldo, e sudaticcio. Mi rendo conto che non mi importa molto la liscezza."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:886
translate it PostCableConundrum_38b886ba:
# T "Fang?"
T "Fang?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:889
translate it PostCableConundrum_61d17985:
# "I feel like I could stay like this forever."
"Potrei restare così per sempre."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:892
translate it PostCableConundrum_a51f1e27:
# T "Hellooo, Fang?"
T "Prontooo, Fang?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:894
translate it PostCableConundrum_222f186b:
# "Fang suddenly flinches, and I get a split second view of a purple hand on her shoulder."
"Fang trasale di colpo, e vedo una mano viola sulla sua spalla per una frazione di secondo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:896
translate it PostCableConundrum_167103cd:
# "Her face is beet red and the warmth in my own cheeks tells me I don’t look far behind."
"La sua faccia è rossa come un pomodoro e il calore nelle mie guance mi dice che anche io non scherzo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:904
translate it PostCableConundrum_afd699b6:
# "Trish looks like she’s sucked on a lemon with how twisted her face is."
"La faccia di Trish è così contorta che sembra abbia succhiato un limone."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:906
translate it PostCableConundrum_dce5e972:
# "The tiny triceratops pulls Fang out of my hands, and I can picture my fist twisting that horn right off her face."
"Il piccolo triceratopo mi toglie Fang dalle mani, e io posso immaginare il mio pugno strappargli quel corno dalla faccia."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:922
translate it PostCableConundrum_fb6178ec:
# T "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Hmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:924
translate it PostCableConundrum_8b3ed357:
# A "Great show, right?"
A "Bello spettacolo, vero?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:926
translate it PostCableConundrum_79a07513:
# T "I guess. For our first show, anyway."
T "Credo di sì. Per essere un primo spettacolo, almeno."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:929
translate it PostCableConundrum_7cd34de6:
# F "What? It was great though! Everyone was cheering!"
F "Cosa? Siamo stati grandi! Tutti stavano esultando!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:932
translate it PostCableConundrum_d02a4dfe:
# T "But it was a small crowd."
T "Ma era solo una piccola folla."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:934
translate it PostCableConundrum_0411e20a:
# A "Was it? The place was packed."
A "Piccola? Il posto era pieno."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:937
translate it PostCableConundrum_13af7146:
# T "Small venue. We gotta think bigger now."
T "Locale piccolo. Ora dobbiamo pensare più in grande."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:939
translate it PostCableConundrum_7eebc950:
# A "Why bigger?"
A "Perché più in grande?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:942
translate it PostCableConundrum_dfb1bbe0:
# T "Because I still have stock!"
T "Perché ho ancora inventario!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:945
translate it PostCableConundrum_148d427d:
# "She motions to the bar, where there is still some hung up shirts with the new mediocre logo lazily spray painted on."
"Lei indica il bar, dove ci sono ancora delle magliette appese con sopra il nuovo mediocre logo pigramente verniciato a spruzzo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:948
translate it PostCableConundrum_37fed207:
# A "Have you sold much?"
A "Avete venduto molto?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:950
translate it PostCableConundrum_32a41602:
# T "Three buttons, four stickers, and an Apron!"
T "Tre spille, quattro sticker, e un grembiule!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:954
translate it PostCableConundrum_4e052c92:
# A "An apron?"
A "Un grembiule?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:956
translate it PostCableConundrum_124c1b7a:
# Moe "AY, KIDS!"
Moe "AO, REGÀ!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:983
translate it PostCableConundrum_03e8cd87:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:986
translate it PostCableConundrum_d316aa7b:
# "Trish looks split on whether to be mad about the trigga comment or happy about the successful sale."
"Trish è divisa tra l'arrabbiarsi per il trigga e l'essere felice per il successo di una vendita."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:989
translate it PostCableConundrum_a27d61d3:
# unknown "Hey! Someone took ma apron!"
unknown "Hey! Quarcuno m'ha preso er grembiule!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:991
translate it PostCableConundrum_ec97a340:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:994
translate it PostCableConundrum_317d9aa2:
# F "It uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} looks nice, Uncle Moe."
F "Non{cps=*.1}...{/cps} è male, Zio Moe."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:997
translate it PostCableConundrum_034240b8:
# Moe "Anyways, youse all gonna be helpin’ wit da clean up, right?"
Moe "Comunque, m'aiutate a pulì, ve'?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1000
translate it PostCableConundrum_cd95c001:
# "I look at the absolute mess around us."
"Guardo l'assoluto macello intorno a noi."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1003
translate it PostCableConundrum_9d469299:
# "Fuck."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1013
translate it PostCableConundrum_5d3f464b_1:
# "I take my eyes off the stage to get a read on the crowd."
"Stacco gli occhi dal palco per dare un'occhiata alla folla."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1015
translate it PostCableConundrum_c1bd7321_1:
# "Easily a good hundred people showed up to see VVURM DRAMA, better than any of us expected."
"Un centinaio buono di persone sono venute per vedere VVURM DRAMA, meglio di quanto ci aspettassimo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1017
translate it PostCableConundrum_4a03122b_1:
# "The look on Fang’s face when everyone began filtering into the restaurant was priceless."
"L'espressione sulla faccia di Fang quando tutti cominciavano a entrare nel ristorante era inestimabile."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1051
translate it PostCableConundrum_bb0d3be1_1:
# "They were on the last song of the night, the bizarrely long name of which I missed."
"Erano alla loro ultima canzone della serata, il cui nome bizzarramente lungo avevo dimenticato."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1055
translate it PostCableConundrum_e48a8b4a_1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1056
translate it PostCableConundrum_67ab293e_1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1057
translate it PostCableConundrum_b26ed274_1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1058
translate it PostCableConundrum_b7ca5ef4_1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1059
translate it PostCableConundrum_8f1b83ae_1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1062
translate it PostCableConundrum_90db522d_1:
# "Oh right… Reed definitely wrote this one."
"Oh giusto… questa l'ha scritta Reed di sicuro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1065
translate it PostCableConundrum_ef59ce4f_1:
# "The band really has improved, as opposed to booing and pointing at the audience is listening intently."
"La band è davvero migliorata, al posto di fischiare e indicare il pubblico sta ascoltando con attenzione."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1067
translate it PostCableConundrum_f175b8f1:
# "And nobody has tripped so far."
"E nessuno è ancora inciampato."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1070
translate it PostCableConundrum_ffc40d6e_1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1071
translate it PostCableConundrum_6e46797e_1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1072
translate it PostCableConundrum_0f702231:
# F "ON A-"
F "DI UN-"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1081
translate it PostCableConundrum_693b52c8:
# "As if right on cue, half of the lights on stage cut out."
"Nemmeno a farlo apposta, metà delle luci sul palco si spengono."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1083
translate it PostCableConundrum_70e19581:
# "Trish strummed silently before giving a confused glance at the speakers."
"Trish strimpellava in silenzio prima di dare un'occhiata confusa alle casse."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1086
translate it PostCableConundrum_1b8f84bf:
# F "T-tuesday?"
F "M-martedì?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1089
translate it PostCableConundrum_2e18a0f5:
# "Fang fell out of tempo with Reed’s drums, stumbling over the end of the song."
"Fang va fuori dal tempo della batteria di Reed, finendo a fatica la canzone."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1092
translate it PostCableConundrum_c9f997f1_1:
# "It’s silent."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1094
translate it PostCableConundrum_2d388199:
# "I began to clap, followed by several other patrons."
"Comincio ad applaudire, seguito da molte altre persone."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1101
translate it PostCableConundrum_08828d1a:
# "Including Stella who looked seconds away from being curb-stomped."
"Stella inclusa che sembrava stesse per venire pestata."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1103
translate it PostCableConundrum_66baca6b_1:
# "Rosa is on the other side of the room, too entranced by the music to care."
"Rosa è dall'altra parte della stanza, troppo affascinata dalla musica per fregarsene."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1120
translate it PostCableConundrum_837a0bd8:
# "My eyes scan the room before noticing Trish, the sheer vehement rage radiating from her visibly distorting the air around her."
"I miei occhi scrutano la stanza prima di notare Trish, la cui assoluta e violenta rabbia distorce visibilmente l'aria intorno a lei."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1123
translate it PostCableConundrum_9d469299_1:
# "Fuck."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1125
translate it PostCableConundrum_3939f5db:
# "My jaw aches as I picture myself in Stella’s place, courtesy of one pissed off womanlet."
"Sento la mandibola addolorata mentre mi immagino me al posto di Stella, cortesia di una nana incazzata."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1127
translate it PostCableConundrum_923afb01:
# "Before I have the chance to escape I hear my one saving grace."
"Prima di aver possibilità di scappare sento la mia salvezza."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1136
translate it PostCableConundrum_88868f85_1:
# F "ANON!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1138
translate it PostCableConundrum_a4b1062c:
# "Fang reaches me before Trish leaves the stage, extending her hand for a high-five."
"Fang mi raggiunge prima che Trish lasciasse il palco, alzando la sua mano per un batti-cinque."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1141
translate it PostCableConundrum_c21070b6:
# F "We did it!"
F "Ce l'abbiamo fatta!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1149
translate it PostCableConundrum_c5d3a9ee:
# T "No thanks to that asshole!"
T "Non grazie a quello stronzo!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1152
translate it PostCableConundrum_9d8a2c49:
# "Oh no."
"Oh no."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1159
translate it PostCableConundrum_1a90ffcb:
# F "What’s wrong?"
F "Cosa c'è che non va?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1161
translate it PostCableConundrum_6e324ba3:
# T "Skinnie sabotaged the show!"
T "Il senza-squame ha sabotato il nostro spettacolo!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1163
translate it PostCableConundrum_1f986768:
# T "I told him not to touch the wires and look what happened!"
T "Gli ho detto di non toccare i cavi e guarda cosa è successo!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1166
translate it PostCableConundrum_787942da:
# A "I was only trying to help."
A "Volevo solo aiutare."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1169
translate it PostCableConundrum_21290b93:
# "Trish holds up her hand to my face, waving the other around in grand gestures."
"Trish mette la sua mano sulla mia faccia, sventolando l'altra con grandi gesti."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1172
translate it PostCableConundrum_f9e6323f:
# T "You ruined the big finale! We missed our chance to make it big!"
T "Hai rovinato il gran finale! Abbiamo perso la nostra occasione per sfondare!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1174
translate it PostCableConundrum_1e316e57:
# T "Why is it that only my bass cut out anyways?!"
T "Poi perché solamente il mio basso è stato tagliato fuori?!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1176
translate it PostCableConundrum_d4097c2b:
# T "Are you actively trying to ruin us?!"
T "Stai cercando di rovinarci?!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1178
translate it PostCableConundrum_00944ee0:
# T "I told you Reed knew what he was doing!"
T "Ti ho detto che Reed sapeva cosa stava facendo!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1180
translate it PostCableConundrum_4e5643cc:
# T "Do you not trust him and I?"
T "Perché non ti fidi di noi due?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1186
translate it PostCableConundrum_abbc2136:
# "Tears trickle down her sweat-glazed face."
"Lacrime scendono sulla sua faccia glassata di sudore."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1191
translate it PostCableConundrum_1df0f953:
# T "Is Fang really the only one here you care about?!"
T "Ti importa solamente di Fang?!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1193
translate it PostCableConundrum_c4a8ec31:
# T "We exist too, you know!"
T "Esistiamo anche noi, sai!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1201
translate it PostCableConundrum_06b2ab16:
# "This hypocritical bitch!"
"Questa stronza ipocrita!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1203
translate it PostCableConundrum_da72bc9b:
# "The sharp words cut right through me."
"Quelle frecciate taglienti mi colpiscono."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1206
translate it PostCableConundrum_7b16855d:
# F "Jeez, Trish. The show went great! Our first good concert!"
F "Cacchio, Trish. Lo spettacolo è andato bene! Il nostro primo bel concerto!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1210
translate it PostCableConundrum_75caebcc:
# F "The crowd actually clapped this time!"
F "La folla ha addirittura applaudito questa volta!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1212
translate it PostCableConundrum_3cca8887:
# T "No thanks to him."
T "Non grazie a lui."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1214
translate it PostCableConundrum_64500fc0:
# A "I didn’t do it on purpose."
A "Non l'ho fatto apposta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1216
translate it PostCableConundrum_604b1969:
# "Even though you deserved it."
"Anche se te lo sei meritato."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1219
translate it PostCableConundrum_8565c38a:
# "Before she could interrogate me further, Fang grabbed Trish on the arm."
"Prima che lei potesse interrogarmi ulteriormente, Fang prende la mano di Trish."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1225
translate it PostCableConundrum_f5d8dc39:
# F "Trish! Didn’t you say you wanted to set up our merch!"
F "Trish! Non avevi detto che volevi sistemare la merce?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1230
translate it PostCableConundrum_82486da5:
# "Trish winces, then gives a begrudging sigh, lowering her accusatory finger."
"Trish sussulta, poi fa un sospiro rancoroso, abbassando il suo dito accusatorio."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1233
translate it PostCableConundrum_1a2d5f9c:
# T "Ugh, you aren’t worth it."
T "Ugh, non ne vali la pena."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1246
translate it PostCableConundrum_72016b59:
# "Trish storms off leaving Fang and I alone."
"Trish se ne va infuriata lasciando Fang e me da soli."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1248
translate it PostCableConundrum_d7c4d5e9:
# "And Reed who was listening the entire time."
"E Reed che ha ascoltato per tutto il tempo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1265
translate it PostCableConundrum_84fe78c2:
# Re "Anon, dude{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you really should trust others, y’know?"
Re "Anon, fra{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ti dovresti fidare di più degli altri, lo sai?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1267
translate it PostCableConundrum_0240c5f2:
# Re "It’s like they say{cps=*.1}...{/cps} trust is the building block of our economy, or something."
Re "È tipo come dicono{cps=*.1}...{/cps} la fiducia è il mattone della nostra economia, o una cosa del genere."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1270
translate it PostCableConundrum_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1273
translate it PostCableConundrum_13e30218:
# Re "There are two kinds of people in this world, bro... people who believe and people who trust."
Re "Ci sono due tipo di persone a questo mondo, bro... persone che credono e persone che si fidano."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1275
translate it PostCableConundrum_958c4864:
# Re "And you believed in something false, your impulsiveness."
Re "E tu hai creduto in qualcosa di falso, la tua impulsività."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1278
translate it PostCableConundrum_1c6e1705:
# "Before I can begin to comprehend Reed’s capitalist sermon, my ears are assaulted by very Italian yelling."
"Prima che possa iniziare a comprendere il sermone capitalista di Reed, le mie orecchie vengono assalite da delle urla molto italiane."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1287
translate it PostCableConundrum_11beccf2:
# Moe "AY, KIDS!" with vpunch
Moe "AO, REGÀ!" with vpunch
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1305
translate it PostCableConundrum_03e8cd87_1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1308
translate it PostCableConundrum_ca147b26:
# "Reed looks almost jealous of Moe’s new garb."
"Reed sembra quasi geloso del nuovo stile di Moe."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1311
translate it PostCableConundrum_9dc108d4:
# Re "Nice threads, compadre."
Re "Che drip, compadre."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1314
translate it PostCableConundrum_a27d61d3_1:
# unknown "Hey! Someone took ma apron!"
unknown "Hey! Quarcuno m'ha preso er grembiule!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1316
translate it PostCableConundrum_ec97a340_1:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1319
translate it PostCableConundrum_317d9aa2_1:
# F "It uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} looks nice, Uncle Moe."
F "Non{cps=*.1}...{/cps} è male, Zio Moe."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1322
translate it PostCableConundrum_034240b8_1:
# Moe "Anyways, youse all gonna be helpin’ wit da clean up, right?"
Moe "Comunque, m'aiutate a pulì, ve'?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1325
translate it PostCableConundrum_cd95c001_1:
# "I look at the absolute mess around us."
"Guardo l'assoluto macello intorno a noi."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1328
translate it PostCableConundrum_9d469299_2:
# "Fuck."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1343
translate it PostCableConundrum_ca17fee8:
# "An hour later and I’m stuck mopping up where the mosh pit once stood."
"Un'ora dopo e io sto ancora pulendo il pavimento dove prima si trovava il mosh pit."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1345
translate it PostCableConundrum_5a7ca39c:
# "As my mop head gains a tinge of red I pray to god this isn’t from Stella."
"Mentre il mio mocio si tinge di rosso prego a dio che non venga da Stella."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1347
translate it PostCableConundrum_b5bc04eb:
# "Rosa wanted to stay and help clean buuut{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Rosa voleva restare e aiutare a pulire maaaa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1350
translate it PostCableConundrum_76f393d0:
# Ro "{i}I am so sorry Stella! Come, I shall nurse you back at my home!{/i}"
Ro "{i}Mi dispiace così tanto Stella! Vieni, ti curerò a casa mia!{/i}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1353
translate it PostCableConundrum_47db0ce6:
# "I’d feel more sorry for Stella but Rosa looked capable of helping her."
"Mi dispiacerebbe di più per Stella ma Rosa sembra capace di aiutarla."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1355
translate it PostCableConundrum_f0a5687e:
# "My god that’s a lot of{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Marinara{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Oddio c'è un sacco di{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Marinara{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Già{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1358
translate it PostCableConundrum_380dcb4f:
# "Fang and Trish are trying to divide and carry out the stage."
"Fang e Trish stanno provando a dividere e trasportare fuori il palco."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1360
translate it PostCableConundrum_ca111ad9:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}The mop really isn’t getting much from the floor."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Questo mocio non sta facendo un ottimo lavoro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1362
translate it PostCableConundrum_e05e23f0:
# "Am I supposed to have a bucket or something?"
"Non dovrei avere un secchio o qualcosa di simile?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1372
translate it PostCableConundrum_fa1600c3:
# Re "Yooo, Anon!"
Re "Yooo, Anon!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1375
translate it PostCableConundrum_619c0320:
# "Reed crosses right through the puddles, tracking grimy footprints without a care."
"Reed cammina proprio sulle pozzangere, lasciando orme sporche senza fregarsene."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1378
translate it PostCableConundrum_5dd9a349:
# Re "Hey man... what’d you think of the lyrics?"
Re "Hey zì... cosa ne pensi dei testi?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1381
translate it PostCableConundrum_d23e5386:
# A "What were you on when you wrote that?"
A "Di che cosa ti eri fatto quando l'hai scritto?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1384
translate it PostCableConundrum_039ed682:
# "Reed rubs his forehead, struggling to remember more than ten minutes ago."
"Reed strofina la sua fronte, facendo fatica a ricordare più di dieci minuti fa."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1387
translate it PostCableConundrum_f708ae6f:
# Re "I dunno man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} the floor maybe? But I also distinctly remember floating{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Boh fra{cps=*.1}...{/cps} di carne credo? Però mi ricordo anche di sembrare leggero come una nuvola{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1390
translate it PostCableConundrum_db18d4c1:
# Re "Y’know, dude, we’ve been doing this since junior year, right?"
Re "Sai, bro, lo facciamo da quando siamo al terzo anno, giusto?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1392
translate it PostCableConundrum_6340167e:
# Re "And this is the first show that anyone’s actually liked."
Re "E questo è il primo spettacolo che è piaciuto per davvero."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1394
translate it PostCableConundrum_7a8841af:
# Re "Wild."
Re "Da pazzi."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1397
translate it PostCableConundrum_52136291:
# A "You’ve only been playing together for a year?"
A "Suonate insieme da solo un anno?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1399
translate it PostCableConundrum_efef2d77:
# Re "You know it man, crazy how time flies."
Re "Ci puoi contare amico, incredibile come vola il tempo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1401
translate it PostCableConundrum_2a874d4d:
# Re "Man, back then Trish had these crazy long horns and glasses."
Re "Wow, a quei tempi Trish aveva quelle corna lunghe e gli occhiali."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1404
translate it PostCableConundrum_9fdacfce:
# "Now there’s a thought. How would Trish even look with glasses?"
"Ecco qualcosa a qui pensare. Come sarebbe Trish con gli occhiali?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1406
translate it PostCableConundrum_cc782464:
# "Actually, how would glasses even work on any triceratops?"
"Ora che ci penso, come funzionano gli occhiali per i triceratopi?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1409
translate it PostCableConundrum_ed56bd40:
# Re "Fang wasn’t Fang."
Re "Fang non era Fang."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1411
translate it PostCableConundrum_ca5a8398:
# A "She- what?"
A "Lei- cosa?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1414
translate it PostCableConundrum_8c5bfe3d:
# Re "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Probably shouldn’t have mentioned that…"
Re "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Forse non dovevo dirlo…"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1416
translate it PostCableConundrum_34ca0184:
# A "Fang wasn’t herself?"
A "Fang non era lei stessa?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1419
translate it PostCableConundrum_d2d5cede:
# Re "Honestly{cps=*.1}...{/cps} That’s probably something to be left for Fang and Fang alone to talk about{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sorry."
Re "Onestamente{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Quello è probabilmente qualcosa di cui può parlare Fang e solo Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Scusa."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1421
translate it PostCableConundrum_9efb173d:
# A "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ri{cps=*0.65}iiiii{/cps}ght."
A "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} va{cps=*0.65}aaaa beee{/cps}ne."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1424
translate it PostCableConundrum_2205eb9d:
# Re "Only thing that stayed the same was like... me and my carfe, bro."
Re "L'unica cosa che è rimasta la stessa... siamo io e la mia carfe, bro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1427
translate it PostCableConundrum_b0c13684:
# "How long has he been on that stuff?"
"Da quanto tempo si fa di quella roba?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1430
translate it PostCableConundrum_ac4569d6:
# Re "It was almost like a totally different time, man."
Re "Erano tempi quasi totalmente diversi, bro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1433
translate it PostCableConundrum_f0503a8c:
# "Before I even got a moment to picture what it might have been like not even a year ago, Trish appears behind Reed."
"Prima che possa avere un momento per immaginare come sarebbe stato neanche un anno fa, Trish appare dietro Reed."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1447
translate it PostCableConundrum_1c72245b:
# "She looks like she’s about to snap both our necks."
"Lei sembra che stia per spezzare il collo a entrambi."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1450
translate it PostCableConundrum_910a38e5:
# T "Hey, Reed, what are you two talking about?"
T "Ehi, Reed, di cosa parlate voi due?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1452
translate it PostCableConundrum_925ad1b5:
# Re "Just talking about some memories of the band, Trish."
Re "Parlavamo solo di qualche ricordo della band, Trish."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1455
translate it PostCableConundrum_43aee2ce:
# T "You didn’t tell him anything about me, did you?"
T "Non gli hai detto niente di me, vero?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1457
translate it PostCableConundrum_f05d1f08:
# A "Glasses."
A "Occhiali."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1460
translate it PostCableConundrum_6603d186:
# T "Reed, you absolute ass."
T "Reed, asino che non sei altro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1464
translate it PostCableConundrum_9fd88c33:
# "Reed just shrugs."
"Reed alza le spalle."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1466
translate it PostCableConundrum_3b392b89:
# "By this point the restaurant has been mostly cleaned up with only a few tables left to put back."
"A questo punto il ristorante è quasi pulito e l'unica cosa che manca è qualche tavolo da sistemare."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1472
translate it PostCableConundrum_4cda1ffc:
# T "So Anon, we showed you ours, now it’s your turn to show us yours."
T "Quindi Anon, ti abbiamo mostrato il nostro, ora è il tuo turno di mostrarci il tuo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1474
translate it PostCableConundrum_2657972d:
# A "What, out here in public? Didn’t peg you for the kinky type."
A "Che, qui in pubblico? Non ti facevo una tipa così perversa."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1477
translate it PostCableConundrum_9270723c:
# "Trish inhales sharply, visibly trying to master herself."
"Trish inspira forte, cercando visibilmente di controllarsi."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1479
translate it PostCableConundrum_da781377:
# T "I meant with your old school."
T "Parlo della tua vecchia scuola."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1482
translate it PostCableConundrum_91e17d28:
# A "That’s on a need to know basis, and you don’t need to know."
A "Quelle sono informazioni riservate, e tu non hai le credenziali giuste."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1492
translate it PostCableConundrum_0bc24d87:
# F "Come on Anon, don’t you have any good memories from your old school?"
F "Eddai Anon, non hai qualche bel ricordo della tua vecchia scuola?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1495
translate it PostCableConundrum_6e69fe64:
# "Oh god no."
"Oh dio no."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1498
translate it PostCableConundrum_26826301:
# A "I’d really rather not talk about it."
A "Preferei davvero non parlarne."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1500
translate it PostCableConundrum_6621cfc9:
# F "Why not? You’ve told me about your parents."
F "Perché no? Tu mi hai parlato dei tuoi genitori."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1503
translate it PostCableConundrum_3af8c422:
# "That seems to catch Trish’s attention."
"Quello sembra attrarre l'attenzione di Trish."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1505
translate it PostCableConundrum_0aee461d:
# "Shit. And that look of expectancy from Fang too?"
"Merda. E quello sguardo di attesa da Fang?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1508
translate it PostCableConundrum_b531e308:
# "I guess it can’t hurt."
"Presumo non possa fare male."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1511
translate it PostCableConundrum_9f81dea9:
# A "Well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I did try to get into music at one point."
A "Beh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Una volta ho provato ad avvicinarmi alla musica."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1513
translate it PostCableConundrum_d652b0df:
# F "With how much you need my help in music class?"
F "E ti serve così tanto il mio aiuto a scuola?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1515
translate it PostCableConundrum_da29b5ea:
# A "I didn’t say I was good at it. I was just clicking buttons and seeing what stuck."
A "Non ho detto che ero bravo. Cliccavo solo bottoni per vedere se usciva qualcosa di decente."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1517
translate it PostCableConundrum_16dfb7dd:
# A "And spoiler alert, nothing did."
A "E allarme spoiler, non usciva niente."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1522
translate it PostCableConundrum_47ffeee5:
# "That got a giggle out of Fang and a look from Trish."
"Ottengo una risatina da Fang e un'occhiataccia da Trish."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1526
translate it PostCableConundrum_4820b106:
# T "By the way Anon, I saw you talking to that Stella girl before the concert. You have something going on there?"
T "In ogni caso Anon, ti ho visto mentre parlavi con quella Stella prima del concerto. C'è qualcosa tra voi due?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1529
translate it PostCableConundrum_f48b53b1:
# "I feel a pit in my stomach as a look of betrayal crosses Fang’s face."
"Mi sento un vuoto allo stomaco mentre vedo uno sguardo di tradimento attraversare la faccia di Fang."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1531
translate it PostCableConundrum_797b4809:
# "Right into Trish’s trap, {w=0.3}hook, {w=0.3}line, {w=0.3}sinker and rod."
"Sono caduto dentro la trappola di Trish, {w=0.3}amo, {w=0.3}lenza, {w=0.3}peso e canna."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1539
translate it PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb:
# A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
A "NON ho un debole per Incontineisha."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1542
translate it PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_1:
# A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
A "NON ho un debole per Incontineisha."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1545
translate it PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_2:
# A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
A "NON ho un debole per Incontineisha."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1548
translate it PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_3:
# A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
A "NON ho un debole per Incontineisha."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1551
translate it PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_4:
# A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
A "NON ho un debole per Incontineisha."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1554
translate it PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_5:
# A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
A "NON ho un debole per Incontineisha."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1557
translate it PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_6:
# A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
A "NON ho un debole per Incontineisha."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1560
translate it PostCableConundrum_afcbc2bb_7:
# A "I do NOT have a thing for Incontineisha."
A "NON ho un debole per Incontineisha."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1563
translate it PostCableConundrum_aba8e4d4:
# Re "Who?{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Thought like, we were talkin’ bout whatsherface."
Re "Chi?{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Pensavo che tipo, stavamo parlando di comesichiama."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1565
translate it PostCableConundrum_b4b72ff6:
# T "The one with the Dino Duel cards."
T "Quella con le carte di Dino Duel."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1568
translate it PostCableConundrum_f4cfa3bd:
# Re "...I thought those were Pocket Raptor cards."
Re "...pensavo fossero carte di Pocket Raptor."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1571
translate it PostCableConundrum_9d4e2064:
# F "Weren’t they handegg cards?"
F "Non erano carte di pallauovo?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1574
translate it PostCableConundrum_a279d9f6:
# A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} moving on{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} in ogni caso{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1577
translate it PostCableConundrum_de8dc930:
# T "Anyone back home you had your eye on then?"
T "C'era qualcuno a casa tua a cui eri interessato allora?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1579
translate it PostCableConundrum_4ac9003a:
# A "Nobody at Rock Bottom was worth the time."
A "Nessuno a Rock Bottom ne valeva la pena."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1582
translate it PostCableConundrum_b2e0f170:
# "Fang’s face softens, almost in a silent sigh of relief."
"La faccia di Fang si intenerisce, quasi in un silenzoso sospiro di sollievo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1584
translate it PostCableConundrum_f76418c4:
# "Is there hope for me yet?"
"C'è ancora speranza per me?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1588
translate it PostCableConundrum_64e719d0:
# T "Rock Bottom, huh? I don’t think you’ve ever told us where you’re from before."
T "Rock Bottom, huh? Non credo tu ci abbia mai detto da dove vieni prima d'ora."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1591
translate it PostCableConundrum_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1595
translate it PostCableConundrum_c285bafe:
# "SHIT."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1598
translate it PostCableConundrum_bbf41042:
# A "O-oh, I haven’t? Huh."
A "O-oh, non l'ho fatto? Huh."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1600
translate it PostCableConundrum_408bad8f:
# F "Who really cares where you went to last?"
F "A chi importa dove stavi prima?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1602
translate it PostCableConundrum_578dae49:
# Re "Yeah, man, it’s just a school."
Re "Esatto, fra, è solo una scuola."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1604
translate it PostCableConundrum_3d4a2bbb:
# F "Was it in the sticks?"
F "Era in mezzo al nulla?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1606
translate it PostCableConundrum_6145d032:
# A "Not exactly, it was certainly lower class though."
A "Non proprio, però era di sicuro di ceto basso."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1608
translate it PostCableConundrum_8ddfb6ed:
# A "I used to buy bulk soda and sell them to the stupid kids for lunch money."
A "Compravo soda all'ingrosso e la rivendevo ai bambini stupidi per i soldi del pranzo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1611
translate it PostCableConundrum_39d1925b:
# Re "Yooo, my man!"
Re "Yooo, mio padre!"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1622
translate it PostCableConundrum_5634e58e:
# "Reed gives me a fist bump."
"Faccio pugno contro pugno con Reed."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1625
translate it PostCableConundrum_57446987:
# A "I’d usually just go places on a crappy dirt bike, leaving donuts in parking lots when I was sure nobody was looking."
A "Di solito andavo in giro su una moto da cross da quattro soldi, lasciavo sgommate nei parcheggi quando ero sicuro nessuno stesse guardando."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1628
translate it PostCableConundrum_5cd100d9:
# F "Sounds like you were pretty cool at your last school."
F "Sembra che eri abbastanza figo quando stavi alla tua vecchia scuola."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1631
translate it PostCableConundrum_4a144cb2:
# "HA."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1634
translate it PostCableConundrum_1847528a:
# A "I dunno about that…"
A "Non sò…"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1636
translate it PostCableConundrum_a79e5da6:
# Re "Sure, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I don’t get why you left in the first place if you had it so good."
Re "Sicuro, fra{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Non capisco proprio perché te ne sei andato se ti stava andando così bene."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1639
translate it PostCableConundrum_9d8a2c49_1:
# "Oh no."
"Oh no."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1642
translate it PostCableConundrum_911e9b8d:
# A "Oh, uh, actually{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Oh, uh, in realtà{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1650
translate it PostCableConundrum_584a304f:
# "{cps=*3.0}THINK OF SOMETHING{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}THINK OF SOMETHING{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}THINK OF SOMETHING!{/cps}"
"{cps=*3.0}PENSA A QUALCOSA{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}}PENSA A QUALCOSA{/cps}{w=0.1} {cps=*3.0}}PENSA A QUALCOSA!{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1653
translate it PostCableConundrum_eb858f3d:
# A "I had to leave because of, uh…"
A "Me ne sono dovuto andare perché, uh…"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1656
translate it PostCableConundrum_728ecf1c:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1659
translate it PostCableConundrum_68e2bc77:
# A "Family issues."
A "Problemi di famiglia."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1668
translate it PostCableConundrum_71126069:
# "Nailed it."
"Ottimo lavoro."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1670
translate it PostCableConundrum_00b65d9c:
# Re "Bummer man... glad you’re here instead."
Re "Mi dispiace fra... sono contento tu sia qui ora."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1673
translate it PostCableConundrum_2bfe209c:
# A "Yeah, yeah, thanks man."
A "Già, già, grazie fra."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1675
translate it PostCableConundrum_1d1860b2:
# T "Sounds personal, guess we shouldn’t pry."
T "Sembra qualcosa di personale, non credo ci dovremmo impicciare."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1677
translate it PostCableConundrum_6a431647:
# T "We’re all friends here, after all."
T "Siamo tutti amici qui, dopo tutto."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1680
translate it PostCableConundrum_fc842902:
# "Guess we are all friends at this point."
"Credo che a questo punto siamo tutti amici."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1682
translate it PostCableConundrum_fed74143:
# "To varying degrees."
"Chi più chi meno."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1684
translate it PostCableConundrum_cd6bd11d:
# "I let a content smile creep onto my face."
"Lascio che un sorriso felice si insinui sulla mia faccia."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1688
translate it PostCableConundrum_1cab933b:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1690
translate it PostCableConundrum_7b6fac65:
# "The tyrannosaur stomps over to us from the kitchen."
"Il tirannosauro cammina a passo pesante verso di noi dalla cucina."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1711
translate it PostCableConundrum_b3d3aac5:
# Moe "Great job again on da show, punks."
Moe "Troppo bello 'o spettacolo, pische'."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1713
translate it PostCableConundrum_3b1a3871:
# Moe "I knew my lil Lucy could pull dis shindig off."
Moe "'O sapevo ch'a mia piccola Lucy c'avrebbe fatta."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1716
translate it PostCableConundrum_82712c7b:
# "He clamps one of his tiny hands down on Fang’s shoulder as she reflexively tries to hide her face with a wing."
"Lui stringe una delle sue piccole mani sulla spalla di Fang e lei prova di riflesso a nascondere la sua faccia con un'ala."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1719
translate it PostCableConundrum_57619bb1:
# Moe "Alas, I’m expecting a late night visita’, so I needs you punks to piss off."
Moe "Comunque, stanotte c'ho d'aspettà n'ospite, quindi voi pischelli dovete escì."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1721
translate it PostCableConundrum_c391fe18:
# Moe "Come on by for a slice sometime, yeah?"
Moe "Venite pe 'na pizza quarche volta, sè?"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1723
translate it PostCableConundrum_d5d987c3:
# A "Thanks, Moe."
A "Grazie, Moe."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1725
translate it PostCableConundrum_ec685625:
# Re "Yeah man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thanks a bunch{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Esatto zì{cps=*.1}...{/cps} grazie tante{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1727
translate it PostCableConundrum_bcac5457:
# Moe "Now scram youse kids. I’ve got a different kinds a clean-up ta deal wit’."
Moe "Ora corète regazzini. C'ho altra robba da pulì stasera."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1737
translate it PostCableConundrum_d94ed6a2:
# "Aaaaaaand repressing that."
"Eeeeeeeee reprimo quel pensiero."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1740
translate it PostCableConundrum_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
translate it strings:
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:195
old "I used to when I was little."
new "Li guardavo quando ero piccolo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:195
old "I’ve seen a bit here and there."
new "Ne ho visti un po' qua e là."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:475
old "Leave the stage as-is"
new "Lascia il palco così come è"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:475
old "Fix the cables"
new "Sistema i cavi"
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536
old "Nyet."
new "Nyet."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536
old "Nein."
new "Nein."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536
old "Non."
new "Non."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536
old "Nope."
new "Nope."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536
old "Inai."
new "Inai."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536
old "Mei yo."
new "Mei yo."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536
old "None of that."
new "Neanche per sogno."
# game/script/7.concert-day.rpy:1536
old "No."
new "No."