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title | description |
Deploying | How to deploy iocane |
is a single binary, and apart from an optional configuration file, a wordlist, and some sources for its markov generator, there's nothing else it needs. It has no persistent state, no database, and writes nothing to disk. Read more about deploying iocaine
itself here.
Nevertheless, it is a good idea to run it as its dedicated user, and never expose it to the open Internet - always run it behind a reverse proxy. Always run it behind a reverse proxy, because half the work - the routing of AI crawlers towards iocaine
- is left up to the reverse proxy, deploying iocaine
is going to be a two step process: the first step to deploy iocaine
itself, and another to properly configure the reverse proxy.
Every deployment is a little bit different. As a starting point, see an example of how to configure nginx, or Caddy. You can, of course, use any other web server that can route traffic towards iocaine