--- title: "Deploying" description: How to deploy iocane --- `iocaine` is a single binary, and apart from an optional configuration file, a wordlist, and some sources for its markov generator, there's nothing else it needs. It has no persistent state, no database, and writes nothing to disk. Read more about deploying `iocaine` itself [here](@/deploying/iocaine.md). Nevertheless, it is a good idea to run it as its dedicated user, and never expose it to the open Internet - always run it behind a reverse proxy. Always run it behind a reverse proxy, because half the work - the routing of AI crawlers towards `iocaine` - is left up to the reverse proxy, deploying `iocaine` is going to be a two step process: the first step to deploy `iocaine` itself, and another to properly configure the reverse proxy. Every deployment is a little bit different. As a starting point, see an example of how to configure [nginx](@/deploying/nginx.md), or [Caddy](@/deploying/caddy.md). You can, of course, use any other web server that can route traffic towards `iocaine`.