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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:13
translate pt_br chapter_11B_176dad86:
# "I turn back to see Fang giving me a raised eyebrow and a smug grin."
"Me viro e vejo Fang com uma sobrancelha levantada e um sorriso presunçoso."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:15
translate pt_br chapter_11B_f8660223:
# F "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Então{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:18
translate pt_br chapter_11B_2c23493f:
# A "Hm?"
A "Hm?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:22
translate pt_br chapter_11B_7fc66b1e:
# "Fang's eyebrows rise and fall faster and faster."
"As sobrancelhas de Fang se levantam e baixam rapidamente."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:24
translate pt_br chapter_11B_e170ad3a:
# "as if she's trying to send a message in morse code."
"Como se ela estivesse tentando mandar uma mensagem em código morse."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:27
translate pt_br chapter_11B_6f942cd0:
# "Wait wha-"
"Espera, o qu-"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:29
translate pt_br chapter_11B_6f373c6d:
# F "Heh. See, you can learn, Anon."
F "Heh, até você consegue aprender né, Anon?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:32
translate pt_br chapter_11B_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:34
translate pt_br chapter_11B_42f3e19f:
# "OH!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:36
translate pt_br chapter_11B_0a1535a0:
# "Oh god she’s still on about that?!"
"Meu Deus, ela ainda tá nessa?!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:38
translate pt_br chapter_11B_166a7b30:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}She does seem pretty serious about it."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Mas ela parece estar falando sério sobre isso."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:40
translate pt_br chapter_11B_67740e29:
# "We’ve been friends long enough{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Já somos amigos há tempo suficiente{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:42
translate pt_br chapter_11B_228a6bbb:
# "I guess it’s the least I can do to start going along with it."
"Acho que o mínimo que posso fazer é concordar e seguir adiante."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:45
translate pt_br chapter_11B_c07d00fd:
# F "I didn’t realize you were Pan, Anon."
F "Não sabia que você era Pan, Anon."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:48
translate pt_br chapter_11B_8a3002c3:
# A "Pan? Wait, what does a Raptor William’s movie have to do with this?"
A "Pan? Calma, o que o filme do Raptor Williams tem a ver com isso?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:56
translate pt_br chapter_11B_4ad8ed04:
# F "No, dummy! You’re Pansexual!"
F "Não, pateta! Você é Pansexual!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:60
translate pt_br chapter_11B_0193beaf:
# A "I’m sorry, what?"
A "Calma, quê?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:62
translate pt_br chapter_11B_7deaa74f:
# F "You’re Pan!"
F "Você é Pan!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:64
translate pt_br chapter_11B_b4251278:
# F "That means you’re willing to date people regardless of identity!"
F "Quer dizer que você tá disposto a namorar as pessoas independente da identidade de gênero delas!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:67
translate pt_br chapter_11B_e8f2830f:
# "Do I come off as that desperate{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
"Será que eu pareço estar tão desesperado assim{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:71
translate pt_br chapter_11B_52f0f46c:
# F "I’m an enbie, you recognize me, we’re dating, therefore you are Pan!"
F "Eu sou NB, você me reconhece como tal, nós estamos juntos, então você é Pan!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:74
translate pt_br chapter_11B_bd85abc5:
# "Fang deserves a gold medal at the mental gymnastic olympics."
"Fang merecia uma medalha de ouro nas olimpíadas de ginástica mental."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:76
translate pt_br chapter_11B_6fad17e8:
# "Even the French would give that routine a ten outta ten."
"Até os Franceses dariam um dez de dez para manobra."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:79
translate pt_br chapter_11B_b61cae09:
# "Aaaaanyways{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:81
translate pt_br chapter_11B_e776e22d:
# F "Mumblin’ again."
F "Resmungando de novo."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:83
translate pt_br chapter_11B_c46ca81e:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Prom! You uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} wanna actually like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} go? Together?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} O baile! Você, é{cps=*.1}...{/cps} gostaria de{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ir? Comigo?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:85
translate pt_br chapter_11B_c7830db0:
# "Ugh, which is worse, the panny stuff or prom?"
"Aff, o que será que é pior, esse negócio de Pan ou o baile?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:90
translate pt_br chapter_11B_8cc68d78:
# F "Mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} naaaaah."
F "Mmmm.{w=.3} Naaaah."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:93
translate pt_br chapter_11B_af40e7eb:
# F "Prom is like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} so lame, ya know?"
F "Baile é tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tão sem graça, sabe?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:95
translate pt_br chapter_11B_0fe198c7:
# A "O-oh. Yeah, I get ya. Not to mention a waste of money."
A "A-ah. É, saquei. Sem falar que é um desperdício de grana."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:98
translate pt_br chapter_11B_fae3d594:
# F "Yeah. Money better spent on actual good stuff."
F "Aham. Melhor torrar dinheiro em coisa boa de verdade."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:100
translate pt_br chapter_11B_598ba099:
# A "Like carfe?"
A "Tipo carfê?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:103
translate pt_br chapter_11B_dfa41233:
# "In the distance I can hear Reed rebuffing my attempt to try his product."
"À distância consigo ouvir Reed rejeitar minha tentativa de tentar usar o seu produto."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:105
translate pt_br chapter_11B_b0ad7595:
# F "Yeah. And booze."
F "É. E bebida."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:107
translate pt_br chapter_11B_eccc25da:
# A "Yeah totally. Like, prom cash is way better spent on fun stuff like liquor."
A "Pode crer. Tipo, muito melhor gastar a grana do baile em cachaça."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:111
translate pt_br chapter_11B_a1c0b6db:
# F "In fact, we totally should."
F "Na real, a gente devia fazer isso."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:114
translate pt_br chapter_11B_04fb369d:
# A "Should what?"
A "Isso o quê?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:116
translate pt_br chapter_11B_dbe2f43a:
# F "Have our own prom! Just the two of us! With booze!"
F "Fazer o nosso próprio baile! Só nós dois! Com bebida!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:118
translate pt_br chapter_11B_d9a0aa45:
# "I consider the idea for a moment."
"Penso na ideia por um instante."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:121
translate pt_br chapter_11B_7629d112:
# "Just Fang, me and a few dozen cans of beer somewhere."
"Só Fang e eu em algum lugar, com umas dúzias de latinhas de cerveja."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:127
translate pt_br chapter_11B_9684b80a:
# A "Fuck yeah!"
A "Aí sim, porra!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:131
translate pt_br chapter_11B_3087c243:
# F "Fuck yeah!"
F "Porra, vambora!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:133
translate pt_br chapter_11B_04c92c78:
# Drf "Quiet down, you in the back."
Drf "Quietos, vocês aí atrás."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:136
translate pt_br chapter_11B_26edff3d:
# A "Oops."
A "Oops."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:140
translate pt_br chapter_11B_9a8b8235:
# A "Crap, the assignment!"
A "Merda, a tarefa!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:143
translate pt_br chapter_11B_66186ac8:
# F "You’re still worried about that?"
F "Ainda tá preocupado com isso aí?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:145
translate pt_br chapter_11B_3362a934:
# "I flip the page over to reveal the second half, which we only have about ten minutes to finish."
"Viro a página para dar uma olhada na segunda metade, que a gente tem uns dez minutos para terminar."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:148
translate pt_br chapter_11B_f902a1a1:
# F "It’s just the one assignment, and there’s already no way you can finish, right?"
F "É só um exercício, e já não tem jeito de você terminar, né?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:151
translate pt_br chapter_11B_60a0daa5:
# F "Just relax, take a break now and then."
F "Relaxa então, dá um tempo de vez em quando."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:153
translate pt_br chapter_11B_1c59fed2:
# "I worriedly glance at the page again."
"Olho preocupado para a página novamente."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:156
translate pt_br chapter_11B_70273cf8:
# "Maybe she’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps} they’re right."
"Talvez ela{cps=*.1}...{/cps} elu tenha razão."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:159
translate pt_br chapter_11B_f627df4f:
# A "Alright, sure."
A "Tá, beleza."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:169
translate pt_br chapter_11B_7fb6f928:
# "The two of us continue making plans up to the bell, and I toss the paper out when I leave."
"Continuamos fazendo planos até o sinal tocar e jogo a folha no lixo quando saímos."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:171
translate pt_br chapter_11B_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"