wukko 7f533b3485 retweet links, new clipboard icon, mobile layout and loc improvements
- added support for retweet links
- updated spaces endpoint
- bumped up the user agent version
- new clipboard icon
- new clipboard + auto mode layout on mobile, less wasted space
- fixed button press animations for safari on mobile
- tons of localization improvements for english and russian
- bumped up youtubei.js to 4.1.0
2023-03-24 23:16:10 +06:00

417 lines
19 KiB

import { backdropLink, celebrationsEmoji, checkbox, collapsibleList, explanation, footerButtons, multiPagePopup, popup, popupWithBottomButtons, sep, settingsCategory, switcher, socialLink } from "./elements.js";
import { services as s, appName, authorInfo, version, repo, donations, supportedAudio } from "../config.js";
import { getCommitInfo } from "../sub/currentCommit.js";
import loc from "../../localization/manager.js";
import emoji from "../emoji.js";
import changelogManager from "../changelog/changelogManager.js";
let com = getCommitInfo();
let enabledServices = Object.keys(s).filter((p) => {
if (s[p].enabled) return true;
}).sort().map((p) => {
return `<br>&bull; ${s[p].alias ? s[p].alias : p}`
let donate = ``
let donateLinks = ``
let audioFormats = => {
return { "action": p }
audioFormats.unshift({ "action": "best" })
for (let i in donations["links"]) {
donateLinks += `<a id="don-${i}" class="switch autowidth" href="${donations["links"][i]}" target="_blank">REPLACEME ${i}</a>`
let extr = ''
for (let i in donations["crypto"]) {
donate += `<div class="subtitle${extr}">${i} (REPLACEME)</div><div id="don-${i}" class="text-to-copy" onClick="copy('don-${i}')">${donations["crypto"][i]}</div>`
extr = ' top-margin'
export default function(obj) {
const t = (str, replace) => { return loc(obj.lang, str, replace) };
let ua = obj.useragent.toLowerCase();
let isIOS = ua.match("iphone os");
let isMobile = ua.match("android") || ua.match("iphone os");
let platform = isMobile ? "m" : "p";
if (isMobile && isIOS) platform = "i";
audioFormats[0]["text"] = t('SettingsAudioFormatBest');
try {
return `<!DOCTYPE html>
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<meta property="og:description" content="${t('EmbedBriefDescription')}" />
<meta property="og:image" content="${process.env.selfURL}icons/generic.png" />
<meta name="title" content="${appName}" />
<meta name="description" content="${t('AboutSummary')}" />
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<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />
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<body id="cobalt-body" data-nosnippet ontouchstart>
name: "about",
closeAria: t('AccessibilityClosePopup'),
tabs: [{
name: "about",
title: `${emoji("🐲")} ${t('AboutTab')}`,
content: popup({
name: "about",
header: {
aboveTitle: {
text: t('MadeWithLove'),
closeAria: t('AccessibilityClosePopup'),
title: `${emoji("🔮", 30)} ${t('TitlePopupAbout')}`
body: [{
text: t('AboutSummary')
}, {
text: collapsibleList([{
"name": "services",
"title": t("CollapseServices"),
"body": `${enabledServices}<br/><br/>${t("ServicesNote")}`
}, {
"name": "support",
"title": t("CollapseSupport"),
"body": `${t("FollowSupport")}<br/>
${socialLink(emoji("🐘"), "mastodon",,}
${socialLink(emoji("🐦"), "twitter",,}<br/>
${socialLink(emoji("🐙"), "github", repo.replace("", ''), repo)}<br/>
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"name": "privacy",
"title": t("CollapsePrivacy"),
"body": t("PrivacyPolicy")
}, {
name: "changelog",
title: `${emoji("🎉")} ${t('ChangelogTab')}`,
content: popup({
name: "changelog",
header: {
closeAria: t('AccessibilityClosePopup'),
title: `${emoji("🪄", 30)} ${t('TitlePopupChangelog')}`
body: [{
text: `<div class="category-title">${t('ChangelogLastMajor')}</div>`,
raw: true
}, {
text: changelogManager("banner") ? `<div class="changelog-banner"><img class="changelog-img" src="${changelogManager("banner")}" onerror="'none'"></img></div>`: '',
raw: true
}, {
text: changelogManager("title"),
classes: ["changelog-subtitle"],
nopadding: true
}, {
text: changelogManager("content")
}, {
text: `${sep()}<span class="text-backdrop">${obj.hash}:</span> ${com[0]}`,
classes: ["changelog-subtitle"],
nopadding: true
}, {
text: com[1]
}, {
text: backdropLink(`${repo}/commits`, t('LinkGitHubChanges')),
classes: ["bottom-link"]
}, {
text: `<div class="category-title">${t('ChangelogOlder')}</div>`,
raw: true
}, {
text: `<div id="changelog-history"><button class="switch bottom-margin" onclick="loadOnDemand('changelog-history', '0')">${t("ChangelogPressToExpand")}</button></div>`,
raw: true
}, {
name: "donate",
title: `${emoji("💰")} ${t('DonationsTab')}`,
content: popup({
name: "donate",
header: {
closeAria: t('AccessibilityClosePopup'),
title: emoji("💸", 30) + t('TitlePopupDonate')
body: [{
text: `<div class="category-title">${t('DonateSub')}</div>`,
raw: true
}, {
text: `<div class="changelog-banner"><img class="changelog-img" src="updateBanners/catsleep.webp" onerror="'none'"></img></div>`,
raw: true
}, {
text: t('DonateExplanation')
}, {
text: donateLinks.replace(/REPLACEME/g, t('DonateVia')),
raw: true
}, {
text: t('DonateLinksDescription'),
classes: ["explanation"]
}, {
text: sep(),
raw: true
}, {
text: donate.replace(/REPLACEME/g, t('ClickToCopy')),
classes: ["desc-padding"]
}, {
text: sep(),
raw: true
}, {
text: t('DonateHireMe',,
classes: ["desc-padding"]
name: "settings",
closeAria: t('AccessibilityClosePopup'),
header: {
aboveTitle: {
text: `v.${version}-${obj.hash}${platform} (${obj.branch})`,
url: `${repo}/commit/${obj.hash}`
title: `${emoji("⚙️", 30)} ${t('TitlePopupSettings')}`
tabs: [{
name: "video",
title: `${emoji("🎬")} ${t('SettingsVideoTab')}`,
content: settingsCategory({
name: "downloads",
title: t('SettingsQualitySubtitle'),
body: switcher({
name: "vQuality",
explanation: t('SettingsQualityDescription'),
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"action": "max",
"text": "4320p+"
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"action": "360",
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+ settingsCategory({
name: "tiktok",
title: "tiktok & douyin",
body: checkbox("disableTikTokWatermark", t('SettingsRemoveWatermark'), 3)
+ settingsCategory({
name: t('SettingsCodecSubtitle'),
body: switcher({
name: "vCodec",
explanation: t('SettingsCodecDescription'),
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"action": "h264",
"text": "h264 (mp4)"
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"action": "av1",
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"action": "vp9",
"text": "vp9 (webm)"
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body: switcher({
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"action": "true",
"text": "dash"
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name: "audio",
title: `${emoji("🎶")} ${t('SettingsAudioTab')}`,
content: settingsCategory({
name: "general",
title: t('SettingsFormatSubtitle'),
name: "aFormat",
explanation: t('SettingsAudioFormatDescription'),
items: audioFormats
}) + sep(0) + checkbox("muteAudio", t('SettingsVideoMute'), 3) + explanation(t('SettingsVideoMuteExplanation'))
}) + settingsCategory({
name: "dub",
title: t("SettingsAudioDub"),
body: switcher({
name: "dubLang",
explanation: t('SettingsAudioDubDescription'),
items: [{
"action": "original",
"text": t('SettingsDubDefault')
}, {
"action": "auto",
"text": t('SettingsDubAuto')
}) + settingsCategory({
name: "tiktok",
title: "tiktok & douyin",
body: checkbox("fullTikTokAudio", t('SettingsAudioFullTikTok'), 3) + explanation(t('SettingsAudioFullTikTokDescription'))
}, {
name: "other",
title: `${emoji("🪅")} ${t('SettingsOtherTab')}`,
content: settingsCategory({
name: "appearance",
title: t('SettingsAppearanceSubtitle'),
body: switcher({
name: "theme",
subtitle: t('SettingsThemeSubtitle'),
items: [{
"action": "auto",
"text": t('SettingsThemeAuto')
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"action": "dark",
"text": t('SettingsThemeDark')
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"action": "light",
"text": t('SettingsThemeLight')
}) + checkbox("alwaysVisibleButton", t('SettingsKeepDownloadButton'), 4, t('AccessibilityKeepDownloadButton'))
}) + settingsCategory({
name: "miscellaneous",
title: t('Miscellaneous'),
body: checkbox("disableChangelog", t('SettingsDisableNotifications')) + `${!isIOS ? checkbox("downloadPopup", t('SettingsEnableDownloadPopup'), 1, t('AccessibilityEnableDownloadPopup')) : ''}`
name: "download",
standalone: true,
header: {
closeAria: t('AccessibilityClosePopup'),
subtitle: t('TitlePopupDownload')
body: switcher({
name: "download",
subtitle: t('DownloadPopupWayToSave'),
explanation: `${!isIOS ? t('DownloadPopupDescription') : t('DownloadPopupDescriptionIOS')}`,
items: `<a id="pd-download" class="switch full space-right" target="_blank" href="/">${t('Download')}</a>
<div id="pd-copy" class="switch full">${t('CopyURL')}</div>`
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content: '<div id="picker-holder"></div>'
name: "error",
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buttonOnly: true,
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buttonText: t('ErrorPopupCloseButton'),
header: {
closeAria: t('AccessibilityClosePopup'),
title: t('TitlePopupError'),
emoji: emoji("☹️", 64, 1),
body: `<div id="desc-error" class="desc-padding subtext"></div>`
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<button id="pasteFromClipboard" class="switch" onclick="pasteClipboard()" aria-label="${t('PasteFromClipboard')}">${emoji("📋", 22)} ${t('PasteFromClipboard')}</button>
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${/* big action buttons are ALWAYS either first or last, because usual buttons are bundled in pairs and are sandwiched between bigger buttons for mobile view */
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text: `${emoji(celebrationsEmoji() , 22)} ${t('AboutTab')}`,
aria: t('AccessibilityOpenAbout')
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name: "about",
type: "popup",
context: "donate",
text: `${emoji("💰", 22)} ${t('Donate')}`,
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name: "settings",
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text: `${emoji("⚙️", 22)} ${t('TitlePopupSettings')}`,
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