tobi 24b4f9b5d7
[chore] make single pull request template (#1239)
When you have multiple templates, they can only be selected by the API, so you can't just open a pull request via the web UI and have the template presented to you. This should fix that by having just one pull request template.
2022-12-09 12:57:07 +01:00

1.2 KiB


If this is a code change, please include a summary of what you've coded, and link to the issue(s) it closes/implements.

If this is a documentation change, please briefly describe what you've changed and why.

This pull request implements xyz or fixes abc.

closes #(issue) closes #(another issue)


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  • I/we have read the GoToSocial contribution guidelines.
  • I/we have discussed the proposed changes already, either in an issue on the repository, or in the Matrix chat.
  • I/we have performed a self-review of added code.
  • I/we have written code that is legible and maintainable by others.
  • I/we have commented the added code, particularly in hard-to-understand areas.
  • I/we have made any necessary changes to documentation.
  • I/we have added tests that cover new code.
  • I/we have run tests and they pass locally with the changes.
  • I/we have run go fmt ./... and golangci-lint run.