mirror of
synced 2025-03-17 19:39:00 +01:00
* redesign status template
* separate index page styling
* redesign profile template
* fix header styling/wrapping
* remove old spoiler js
* fix status cw button wrapping
* fix status info variables
* profile responsiveness, accessibility tweaks
* fix variable use, mobile
* remove duplicate id's
* rss icon, fix indent
* fix toot border-radius
* fix toot spacing
* emojify and html profile fields
* refactor (sensitive) media rendering
* plaintext profile fields
* bundle plyr icon svg
* only pause video when switching photoswipe slides
* yarn upgrade
* profile fields formatting
* replace uglifyify with @browserify updated fork
* fix profile field templating (yet again)
* fix React classes
* testrig: add testing profile field for admin user
* fix sensitive media interactions
* Revert "testrig: add testing profile field for admin user"
This reverts commit 80490c183e
* settings interface wrapping
* fix reported toot styling
* add role to profile sr-only text
* comment fallback rule
* remove currently unused image description lacking indicator
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