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synced 2025-03-10 18:39:44 +01:00
Co-authored-by: dsatta <dsatta60@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: nutbuster <nutbuster@cock.li> Co-authored-by: Map <mapmappening@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://git.cavemanon.xyz/Cavemanon/SnootGame/pulls/246 Reviewed-by: Mappening <mapanon@noreply.git.cavemanon.xyz> Co-authored-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz> Co-committed-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz>
3186 lines
115 KiB
3186 lines
115 KiB
# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:7
translate it chapter_3_a61ccc3f:
# "{cps=*0.2}-- One Week Later --{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}-- Una Settimana Dopo --{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:17
translate it chapter_3_554773bd:
# "It's math. Bane of retards and lazy intellectuals alike."
"Matematica. Tormento dei ritardati e pigri intellettuali."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:19
translate it chapter_3_17d6611d:
# "And teachers too, judging by the lack of a certain coomer teacher."
"E anche dei professori, a giudicare dalla mancanza di un certo professore morto di figa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:21
translate it chapter_3_3ae4bef8:
# "Substitute today, which means busywork. Group problems busywork specifically."
"Oggi c'è la supplente, il che vuol dire lavoro inutile. In particolare lavoro inutile da svolgere in gruppo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:23
translate it chapter_3_8cdde118:
# "Of course, I can't escape this any more than I could have escaped the lab partner assignment."
"Ovviamente, non me la posso svignare come non ho potuto svignarmela dal compito in coppia in laboratorio."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:25
translate it chapter_3_5dc85e01:
# "At least here I have the opportunity to just keep to myself for an hour."
"Almeno ora ho l'opportunità di stare un'ora in pace da solo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:28
translate it chapter_3_6f40802c:
# "I don't even bother attempting the assignment, instead pretending my phone is a calculator and spending the first half shitposting about video games I haven’t played online."
"Neanche mi sforzo di finire il compito, invece faccio finta che il mio telefono sia una calcolatrice e trascorro la prima mezzora a shitpostare online di videogiochi che non ho giocato."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:32
translate it chapter_3_a9c05b72:
# "The second half, interrupted by something pointy to the back of the dome."
"La seconda mezzora viene interrotta da qualcosa di appuntito dietro la zucca."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:35
translate it chapter_3_ebc758ad:
# "*sshk*"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:38
translate it chapter_3_c3069c62:
# "I can feel something stuck between my chair and my back."
"Sento qualcosa d'incastrato tra lo schienale della sedia e il mio dorso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:40
translate it chapter_3_7dfe3825:
# "I fish around and pull out a crumpled paper airplane, a completed set of problems."
"Allungo il braccio dietro la schiena e tiro fuori un aeroplano di carta accartocciato, con una serie di problemi."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:43
translate it chapter_3_e5751d65:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}this is Reed's. And it's{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}questo è di Reed. E sono{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:46
translate it chapter_3_55b4d2bc:
# "...done?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:48
translate it chapter_3_aa59ff3d:
# "Even the extra problems that I don't even bother with because they take another ten minutes each."
"Anche i problemi extra che non ho neanche provato a fare perché ci vogliono una decina di minuti per ciascuno."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:50
translate it chapter_3_d8b119c6:
# "I turn around to see that technicolor burnout waving me over. He's sitting next to Trish."
"Mi giro e vedo quel tossicomane technicolor che mi saluta. È seduto vicino a Trish."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:53
translate it chapter_3_77cb90a7:
# "She's giving me the evil eye."
"Lei mi sta facendo malocchio."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:55
translate it chapter_3_ea4bf139:
# "At least I think it's the evil eye. Whatever that expression is, it clashes with her smile."
"Almeno credo sia un malocchio. Qualsiasi cosa sia quell'espressione, è in conflitto con il suo sorriso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:58
translate it chapter_3_081c32a8:
# "Might as well see what they want."
"Tanto vale vedere cosa vogliono."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:68
translate it chapter_3_c9d2d37b:
# "As I weave through the maze of desks squished together with partners more interested in their phones than the worksheet, I catch a hint of whatever Reed and Trish are talking about."
"Mentre serpeggio attraverso il labirinto di banchi pieno di studenti con compagni più interessati ai loro telefoni che al compito, riesco quasi a sentire di cosa Reed e Trish stanno parlando."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:70
translate it chapter_3_ff44f8c5:
# Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Honesty is the best policy, eh?"
Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}L'onesta è la miglior politica, eh?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:72
translate it chapter_3_f622546b:
# Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Bad juju to keep somethin’ bottled up{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Porta sfiga tenersi tutto dentro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:91
translate it chapter_3_c3786480:
# "Reed grabs hold of another chair and sets it on Trish's other side, nodding in my direction before taking a big pull from whatever he's got in that thermos on his desk."
"Reed prende un'altra sedia e la poggia vicino a Trish, facendomi un cenno con la testa prima di bere un bel sorso di qualsiasi cosa abbia nel thermos sul suo banco."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:93
translate it chapter_3_171646eb:
# "The widening of his pupils suggest its more than just Roarbucks cold brew in it."
"La dilatazione delle sue pupille mi suggerisce che non c'è solo caffè Roarbucks là dentro."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:96
translate it chapter_3_15e85a48:
# T "Hey, Anon!"
T "Hey, Anon!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:98
translate it chapter_3_5d688392:
# A "You guys need something?"
A "Vi serve qualcosa?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:100
translate it chapter_3_846f1c72:
# T "Nah, just wanted to chat a bit since we got the time."
T "Nah, volevamo solo chiacchierare un po' dato che ne abbiamo il tempo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:103
translate it chapter_3_8052cd98:
# "There’s something in her tone of voice{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"C'è qualcosa nel tono della sua voce{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:105
translate it chapter_3_ac518b72:
# " It’s like she's getting ready to gore me with those nubs she calls horns."
"È come se si stesse preparando per trafiggermi con quelle protuberanze che chiama corna."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:108
translate it chapter_3_3d590e93:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sure"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Certo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:112
translate it chapter_3_b60488da:
# Re "Imma let you two get to whatever{cps=*.1}...{/cps} gonna go for a refill{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Vi lascio da soli a fare quello che vi pare{cps=*.1}...{/cps} vado a fare il pieno{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:115
translate it chapter_3_58b84545:
# "He shakes his thermos and heads for the door."
"Scuote il thermos e va verso la porta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:124
translate it chapter_3_db2d6142:
# "What's in that anyway?"
"Ma poi cosa c'è là dentro?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:129
translate it chapter_3_14799203:
# Re "Don't ask{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Non chiedere{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:138
translate it chapter_3_1ad8c816:
# "Fair enough."
"Mi sembra giusto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:141
translate it chapter_3_01f805f3:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:143
translate it chapter_3_d03bfe39:
# "Fuck it."
"Chi se ne fotte."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:149
translate it chapter_3_3f90d3f3:
# T "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You and Fang?"
T "Quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Tu e Fang?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:151
translate it chapter_3_14e77f5c:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You and Fang what?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Tu e Fang cosa?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:153
translate it chapter_3_44b6508b:
# T "They’ve been talkin’ about you."
T "Ləi sta parlando di te."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:156
translate it chapter_3_9f25f2af:
# A "They?"
A "Luis?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:158
translate it chapter_3_02e17d95:
# "The tiny triceratops rolled her eyes dramatically."
"Il piccolo triceratopo alza gli occhi al cielo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:161
translate it chapter_3_ab12a548:
# T "Fang.{w=.4} Fang’s been talkin’ bout you."
T "Fang.{w=.4} Fang sta parlando di te."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:164
translate it chapter_3_d92b27c1:
# A "All good things, I’m sure."
A "Tutte cose belle, presumo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:168
translate it chapter_3_66f62ddd:
# "Fang’s been talking about me? That’s dumb."
"Fang sta parlando di me? Che stupidaggine."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:170
translate it chapter_3_002644a8:
# "Oh yeah. The phones."
"Oh giusto. Telefoni."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:173
translate it chapter_3_b1502457:
# "All we’ve been doing is more labwork in science."
"Abbiamo solo fatto altre ricerche in laboratorio durante l'ora di scienze."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:178
translate it chapter_3_2a7ba880:
# "Last Thursday I tried to remember how to make a railgun."
"Giovedì scorso ho cercato di ricordare come si facesse un cannone a rotaia."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:180
translate it chapter_3_999f6cb6:
# "To show I could, of course."
"Per mostrare che posso, ovviamente."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:183
translate it chapter_3_b05dacd1:
# F "{alpha=0.8}\"{i}Pfft, I could make one too.{/i}\"{/alpha}"
F "{alpha=0.8}\"{i}Pfft, ci potrei riuscire pure io.{/i}\"{/alpha}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:186
translate it chapter_3_3146b7dc:
# "She seeme unimpressed at the time, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Sembrava indifferente allora, ma{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:190
translate it chapter_3_550b0740:
# A "Was it about making a railgun?"
A "Per caso ha a che fare con il cannone a rotaia?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:193
translate it chapter_3_94f393a4:
# T "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yeah, it was."
T "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sì, esatto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:196
translate it chapter_3_f8c33181:
# T "What exactly are you talking about with them?"
T "Di cosa parlate esattamente tu e ləi?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:198
translate it chapter_3_20160718:
# A "Just science stuff."
A "Solo roba di scienza."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:200
translate it chapter_3_34153c18:
# A "The railgun is just something I happen to know though, picked it up from an old game."
A "Il cannone a rotaia è solamente una cosa che conosco di mio, l'ho imparato da un vecchio videogioco."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:203
translate it chapter_3_45067b7c:
# "Trish raises an eyebrow."
"Trish alza un sopracciglio."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:205
translate it chapter_3_1eadea6f:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Right."
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Giusto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:207
translate it chapter_3_dd3324ca:
# A "Why do you ask?"
A "Perché chiedi?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:209
translate it chapter_3_f1060d8a:
# T "You learned to make a deadly weapon from a video game?"
T "Hai imparato a costruire un'arma letale da un videogioco?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:211
translate it chapter_3_b9818f23:
# "Her tone is flat.{w=.4} Unlike her chest."
"Il suo tono è piatto.{w=.4} Al contrario del suo petto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:214
translate it chapter_3_091d1672:
# A "{cps=*.4}I wouldn’t say deadl-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
A "{cps=*.4}Non direi proprio letal-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:217
translate it chapter_3_23f84fc4:
# T "Don’t interrupt."
T "Non interrompere."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:220
translate it chapter_3_514ce73c:
# T "Why would you think that it’s a good idea to make a weapon in class?"
T "Come ti è venuto in mente che costruire un'arma in classe fosse una buona idea?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:222
translate it chapter_3_857b70cd:
# T "How did you not get in trouble?"
T "Come hai fatto a non finire nei guai?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:225
translate it chapter_3_9c9a2028:
# A "Spears actually did talk to me, said something about the 'great equaliser'."
A "Per la verità Spears ne ha parlato con me, mi ha detto qualcosa riguardo al ‘grande equalizzatore’."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:229
translate it chapter_3_85d504ca:
# "Trish grabs the bridge of her snout."
"Trish afferra il ponte del suo muso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:231
translate it chapter_3_7e053c37:
# T "This is why men are useless."
T "Ecco perché gli uomini sono così inutili."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:233
translate it chapter_3_c8c91e39:
# "She continues to mutter to herself. All of it incoherent."
"Continua a borbottare tra sé e sé. Tutto quello che diceva era incoerente."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:236
translate it chapter_3_c903f0ff:
# A "Is there a point?"
A "Dove vuoi arrivare?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:239
translate it chapter_3_89766949:
# "She rounds back on me, anger painted clearly on her face."
"Si gira verso di me, con il viso pieno di rabbia."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:242
translate it chapter_3_0f773bef:
# T "Look, Anon, YOU may be into that stuff, but leave Fang out of it."
T "Senti, Anon, a TE potrebbero piacere queste cose, ma lascia stare Fang."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:244
translate it chapter_3_13010b34:
# T "They have better things to do than{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.1} than{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Ləi ha cose migliori da fare invece di{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.1} di{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:251
translate it chapter_3_dcba4588:
# T "Than play with some man-child’s lethal toys!"
T "Di giocare con i giocattoli letali di un bambinone!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:264
translate it chapter_3_33332296:
# Re "Whoa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Harsh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Whoa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Parole dure{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:273
translate it chapter_3_8b3ba4c9:
# "Reed slumps into the seat next to Trish, sipping on his thermos of{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Reed sprofonda nella sedia vicino a Trish, sorseggiando il suo thermos di{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:276
translate it chapter_3_45fbf58c:
# Re "Just agua, bro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "È solo agua, fra{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:279
translate it chapter_3_61a6f47c:
# "Thermos of water{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Thermos di acqua{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:282
translate it chapter_3_d0691e10:
# "{cps=*.5}What the-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
"{cps=*.5}Ma che-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:284
translate it chapter_3_a2c6967f:
# Re "What’d I miss?"
Re "Che mi sono perso?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:287
translate it chapter_3_8a3be102:
# T "I’m just trying to tell Anon here that he shouldn’t be telling Fang how to make a fuckin’ gun in school."
T "Sto solamente cercando di far capire ad Anon che non dovrebbe dire a Fang come si fa una cazzo di pistola a scuola."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:292
translate it chapter_3_5412a227:
# Re "Why not?"
Re "Perché no?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:297
translate it chapter_3_abf80c76:
# T "We’ve been over this."
T "Ne abbiamo già discusso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:299
translate it chapter_3_95c8d083:
# Re "We have?{w=.4} When?"
Re "Sicura?{w=.4} Quando?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:302
translate it chapter_3_9e1feba0:
# T "Less than five minutes ago."
T "Meno di cinque minuti fa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:304
translate it chapter_3_d3cd60b9:
# Re "Thought we were talkin’ about Anon?"
Re "Pensavo stessimo parlando di Anon?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:310
translate it chapter_3_f3a603b6:
# T "Yes!"
T "Sì!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:312
translate it chapter_3_2e063b55:
# T "And specifically!"
T "Ed in particolare!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:321
translate it chapter_3_c27b898e:
# T "We were talking about Anon’s gun!" with vpunch
T "Stavamo parlando della pistola di Anon!" with vpunch
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:326
translate it chapter_3_c7db43e2:
# "Heads start to turn."
"Le teste cominciano a girarsi."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:334
translate it chapter_3_616ad183:
# "Reed grins at them all."
"Reed fa un sorrisetto a tutte."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:336
translate it chapter_3_2fb61fc1:
# Re "Then how bout {i}these{/i} guns?"
Re "Che ne dite di {i}queste{/i} pistole?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:338
translate it chapter_3_b4e6d7c2:
# "Reed places his hands on the back of his head and flexes his biceps."
"Reed si mette le mani dietro la testa e flette i bicipiti, poi fa le pistole con le dita."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:359
translate it chapter_3_6080b0f2:
# "Trish’s face is a blur of emotions."
"La faccia di Trish è un turbinio di emozioni."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:361
translate it chapter_3_ed205c51:
# "At first confused, then fucking pissed, then aroused, then back to fucking pissed, all in the space of an attosecond."
"Prima confusa, poi incazzata, poi eccitata, e poi di nuovo incazzata, tutto in un attosecondo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:364
translate it chapter_3_984b0d13:
# T "Not those!{w=.4} {nw}"
T "Non quelle!{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:372
translate it chapter_3_238e2cbc:
# extend "The one he made with magnets!" with vpunch
extend "Quelle che ha fatto con i magneti!" with vpunch
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:376
translate it chapter_3_ba8849a5:
# Re "But like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
Re "Ma comunque{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:378
translate it chapter_3_58020e1b:
# extend "how do magnets work?"
extend "i magneti come funzionano?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:386
translate it chapter_3_4698e32e:
# "{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}"
"{cps=*20}{i}DING-{w=0.7}DONG {w=0.65}BING-{w=0.7}BONG{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:391
translate it chapter_3_891555d7:
# "All at once all the students giving the clock a blank stare stand to attention and file out the door."
"Tutti gli studenti si alzano in unisono ed escono in fila dalla classe."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:398
translate it chapter_3_a8981b2b:
# T "I{w=.2}-I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=.75}{nw}"
T "Io{w=.2}-Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=.75}{nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:402
translate it chapter_3_74838519:
# extend "Damn it, Reed!"
extend "Cacchio, Reed!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:423
translate it chapter_3_ac86a0bf:
# "Trish punches Reed in the shoulder, gives me another evil stare, and saunters out the room."
"Trish dà un pugno a Reed sulla spalla, mi butta un altro malocchio, ed esce lentamente fuori dalla stanza."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:440
translate it chapter_3_31aa6f66:
# Re "Hey."
Re "Hey."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:442
translate it chapter_3_4f52ebfd:
# "Reed pats me on the shoulder."
"Reed mi da una pacca sulla spalla."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:449
translate it chapter_3_88099cb9:
# Re "Bruh."
Re "Bruh."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:460
translate it chapter_3_7b692572:
# "He gives me a thumbs up and exits as well."
"Mi da un pollice in sù ed esce anche lui."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:463
translate it chapter_3_a54cfc04:
# "Leaving only the substitute teacher, looking at me from her desk impatiently for me to leave."
"Rimane solo la supplente, che mi guarda impaziente dalla sua scrivania aspettando che me ne vada."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:466
translate it chapter_3_0428c341:
# "Guess it’s her lunch period, too."
"Credo che sia ora di pranzo anche per lei."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:480
translate it chapter_3_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:497
translate it chapter_3_05f345ab:
# "Naser ended up dragging me to sit with him and the magenta motormouth again."
"Alla fine Naser mi ha trascinato al tavolo con lui e la macchinetta magenta un'altra volta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:500
translate it chapter_3_c2823f5e:
# "Naomi hovers over Naser, who currently has Gucci under his eyes."
"Naomi gira intorno a Naser, che in questo momento ha delle Gucci sotto gli occhi."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:503
translate it chapter_3_b2e4ec60:
# Nas "So, I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} talked to the soccer team earlier."
Nas "Quindi, ho uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} parlato con la squadra di calcio poco fa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:505
translate it chapter_3_96d73d38:
# Nas "They’re going to make the first game after all."
Nas "Alla fine ce la faranno a giocare la prima partita."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:508
translate it chapter_3_8b035777:
# N "Isn’t that great, Anon?"
N "Non è fantastico, Anon?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:511
translate it chapter_3_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:518
translate it chapter_3_74cafc33:
# Nas "I also{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} got the L&L Club to{w=.4} {cps=*.5}finally take down their{w=.3} christmas decorations{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Ho anche{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} convinto il club di L&L a{w=.4} {cps=*.5}togliere finalmente le{w=.3} decorazioni di natale{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:520
translate it chapter_3_17e75bd8:
# Nas "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {cps=*.3}{size=-5}the library’s{/size}{size=-10} clean again...{/size}{/cps}"
Nas "Ora{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {cps=*.3}{size=-5}la biblioteca è{/size}{size=-10} di nuovo pulita...{/size}{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:529
translate it chapter_3_282d62ad:
# "Naser’s head lands in his chicken salad, then he jerks wide awake."
"La testa di Naser finisce nella sua insalata di pollo, poi si sveglia di scatto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:537
translate it chapter_3_8b3e5343:
# N "NASER!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:542
translate it chapter_3_880b2403:
# Nas "OH GOOD LORD NOT THE WATER-{fast}" with vpunch
Nas "OH DIO SANTISSIMO NON L'ACQUA-{fast}" with vpunch
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:545
translate it chapter_3_936c6697_1:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:548
translate it chapter_3_35b57f04:
# Nas "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sorry."
Nas "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} scusa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:554
translate it chapter_3_8bffd08c:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Did you say something, Anon?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Hai detto qualcosa, Anon?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:556
translate it chapter_3_4d984528:
# A "Naser, you look like you fell into another blender."
A "Naser, sembra tu sia cascato in un'altro frullatore."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:563
translate it chapter_3_24fef41c:
# A "What’s going on, big guy?"
A "Tutto apposto, ragazzone?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:566
translate it chapter_3_268d5883:
# Nas "Don’t worry about it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Non ti preoccupare{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:568
translate it chapter_3_227d5619:
# Nas "Just some{cps=*.1}...{/cps} family problems last night{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "C'è solo stato qualche{cps=*.1}...{/cps} problema di famiglia ieri notte{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:570
translate it chapter_3_83b45f22:
# A "Like what?"
A "Tipo?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:574
translate it chapter_3_2186c39e:
# Nas "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:577
translate it chapter_3_89506443:
# N "You don’t have to tell him if you don’t want to, dear."
N "Non devi dirglielo se non vuoi, caro."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:582
translate it chapter_3_1a6e23c5:
# N "Why don’t you wipe that alfredo sauce off your cute little face."
N "Perché non pulisci quella salsa alfredo che hai sul tuo bel faccino."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:584
translate it chapter_3_75006875:
# "She’s so saccharine she’d give a third world country diabetes."
"È così sdolcinata che riuscirebbe a far venire il diabete a un paese del terzo mondo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:587
translate it chapter_3_09976b08:
# Nas "It’s my sister again{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "È di nuovo mia sorella{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:589
translate it chapter_3_af9677b3:
# "Why is it always his sister with him?"
"Ma perché qualsiasi cosa gli succede ha a che fare con sua sorella?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:592
translate it chapter_3_53954a7c:
# N "Aww{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Aww{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:594
translate it chapter_3_46cac050:
# Nas "I was going to sleep last night, when I heard something downstairs."
Nas "Stavo per andare a dormire ieri notte, quando ho sentito qualcosa di sotto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:596
translate it chapter_3_8a3f81e1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}When did this turn into an interrogation?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Da quando è diventato un interrogatorio?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:599
translate it chapter_3_41fd0b76:
# Nas "It was about one or two in the morning."
Nas "Erano all'incirca l'una o le due di notte."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:601
translate it chapter_3_16356edd:
# Nas "I checked what it was, and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Sono andato a controllare cos'era, e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:604
translate it chapter_3_ee68e861:
# Nas "Fang was just, standing in front of the microwave."
Nas "Fang era immobile, davanti al microonde."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:607
translate it chapter_3_466c285e:
# Nas "Staring at the dino nuggets rotate inside."
Nas "Mentre fissava i dinosauri di pollo che giravano dentro."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:610
translate it chapter_3_f7334363:
# "At one in the morning?"
"All'una di notte?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:613
translate it chapter_3_9602cd1d:
# Nas "At one in the morning."
Nas "All'una di notte."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:616
translate it chapter_3_62c052d5:
# N "This is a personal issue, isn’t it?"
N "È una questione personale, vero?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:619
translate it chapter_3_91ca14a5:
# N "Wouldn’t you rather just be {nw}"
N "Non preferiresti {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:623
translate it chapter_3_99986c1e:
# extend "enjoying lunch with us?"
extend "pranzare insieme a noi e non pensarci?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:626
translate it chapter_3_28cb2eab:
# Nas "I just need advice from someone at this point, Naomi."
Nas "Naomi, a questo punto ho davvero bisogno di qualche consiglio."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:629
translate it chapter_3_750e6346:
# N "But from Anon?"
N "Ma da Anon?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:631
translate it chapter_3_646ef733:
# A "But from me?"
A "Ma da me?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:634
translate it chapter_3_b0173596:
# "Naser continues."
"Naser continua."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:636
translate it chapter_3_e7c32571:
# Nas "I asked her what she was doing, and she just{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Le ho chiesto cosa stava facendo, e lei{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:639
translate it chapter_3_e2f0f1d0:
# Nas "Just says 'fuck off...', so I think 'maybe dad will help'."
Nas "Lei mi dice ‘fottiti...’, quindi penso ‘forse Papà puo' aiutare’."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:642
translate it chapter_3_6badf367:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}He didn’t."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Non ha aiutato."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:644
translate it chapter_3_5b9d8208:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}They just got into a shouting match."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Hanno cominciato a litigare a voce alta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:646
translate it chapter_3_462277fc:
# Nas "Screamin’ bout her lack of control an’ dad was pissed an’-"
Nas "Urlava della sua mancanza di autocontrollo e Papà era incazzato e-"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:652
translate it chapter_3_5683ce9b:
# N "Poor baby."
N "Povero piccolo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:654
translate it chapter_3_c20416eb:
# "Naomi wraps her arms around Naser’s head, cradling the tired pterosaur in her bosom."
"Naomi stringe le sue braccia intorno alla testa di Naser, cullando lo stanco pterosauro nel suo seno."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:670
translate it chapter_3_65b39822:
# "There’s a rumbling snore and it’s clear that Naser has checked out."
"Si sente un rimbombante russare ed è chiaro che Naser è andato."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:672
translate it chapter_3_ba02f12b:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.5}Riiiiiiiight{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.5}Oooooooooook{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:675
translate it chapter_3_3ee3766e:
# "Naomi looks distraught."
"Naomi ha un'aria sconvolta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:678
translate it chapter_3_a95b4b85:
# N "He’s always like this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "È sempre così{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:680
translate it chapter_3_ec1cf680:
# N "But it’s been getting worse recently{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Ma di recente la situazione è peggiorata{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:683
translate it chapter_3_5eed34e8:
# A "Going unconscious?"
A "Lo svenire?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:686
translate it chapter_3_c7273d33:
# N "Trying to help.{w=.4} Wearing himself ragged."
N "Provare ad aiutare gli altri.{w=.4} Lo sta consumando."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:689
translate it chapter_3_1f9d0aa7:
# N "That Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Quella Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:693
translate it chapter_3_31114a11:
# N "We should help Naser."
N "Dovremmo aiutare Naser."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:695
translate it chapter_3_7dc3cc65:
# A "What, by talking to Fang?"
A "Come, parlando con Fang?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:697
translate it chapter_3_bb90855f:
# N "By taking him to the nurses office."
N "Portandolo in infermeria."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:700
translate it chapter_3_5c5831ab:
# "Ah fuck."
"Ah cazzo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:710
translate it chapter_3_15abda6c:
# "Naomi looks at me with the biggest, wettest doe eyes possible."
"Naomi mi guarda con i più grandi e umidi occhi da cerbiatta possibili."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:714
translate it chapter_3_bc37ad89:
# A "Alright alright. He doesn’t look that heavy anyway."
A "Ok ok. Neanche sembra tanto pesante."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:716
translate it chapter_3_a214fb7d:
# N "Only a hundred and sixty pounds."
N "Solo settantadue chili."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:718
translate it chapter_3_b0848cba:
# A "How do you-{w=.4} nevermind."
A "Come fai a-{w=.4} lascia stare."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:727
translate it chapter_3_c8558df6:
# "Naomi puts herself under Naser’s left arm, motioning me to take the other one."
"Naomi si mette sotto il braccio sinistro di Naser, indicandomi di prendere l'altro."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:729
translate it chapter_3_9c64e006:
# "I sling his arm around my back and-"
"Mi metto il suo braccio in spalla e-"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:732
translate it chapter_3_2bcc9618:
# "GOOD LORD HE’S HEAVY." with vpunch
"DIO SANTO SE È PESANTE." with vpunch
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:736
translate it chapter_3_84600855:
# N "Alright, the Nurses’ Office is down the main hall on the left side, near the front desk."
N "Ok, l'infermeria è giù il corridoio principale sul lato sinistro, vicino alla reception."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:738
translate it chapter_3_153da195:
# "I’m clenching my face too much to be able to speak, I can only get a slight nod out."
"Mi sto sforzando troppo per riuscire a parlare, riesco solamente ad annuire."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:741
translate it chapter_3_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:752
translate it chapter_3_abf531da:
# "After dropping Naser at the nurse and leaving before Naomi could argue with her about staying, the lunch bell rings."
"Dopo aver lasciato Naser all'infermiera ed essermene andato prima che Naomi discutesse con lei sul restare, suona la campanella del pranzo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:754
translate it chapter_3_28cf64cf:
# "With music at the ass end of the campus I have to sprint through the halls."
"L'aula di musica è in culonia quindi mi devo mettere a correre in corridoio."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:756
translate it chapter_3_5b85122f:
# "Fuck today, I avoided gym class for a reason."
"Oggi è una giornata del cazzo, c'è un motivo del perché ho saltato palestra."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:759
translate it chapter_3_0d090ec4:
# "Halfway to Music class, I slam into somebody and tumble to the floor."
"A metà strada mi schianto contro qualcuno e cado a terra."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:770
translate it chapter_3_08ef3296:
# A "Augh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Augh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:783
translate it chapter_3_29138d5f:
# unknown "{cps=*.2}You...{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*.2}Tu...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:785
translate it chapter_3_855bfdb5:
# A "AH!"
A "AH!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:787
translate it chapter_3_28695988:
# "Sorry, sorry sorry!"
"Scusa, scusa scusa!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:796
translate it chapter_3_0530112e:
# "I get up from the floor and look at the stego who bumped into me."
"Mi rialzo da terra e guardo lo stegosauro che mi ha urtato."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:798
translate it chapter_3_d01a52c4:
# "The plates on her back twitch as she looks me up and down."
"Le piastre sulla sua schiena fremono mentre mi osserva da testa a piedi."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:804
translate it chapter_3_fbc75bfb:
# unknown "{cps=*.25}Judgement{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*.25}Giudizio{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:810
translate it chapter_3_ea7605c5:
# "A chill rolls over me."
"Sento un brivido."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:815
translate it chapter_3_f79c4dc6:
# unknown "Karma?{w=.6} No.{w=.75} No,{w=.4} maybe second chance?"
unknown "Karma?{w=.6} No.{w=.75} No,{w=.4} forse una seconda possibilità?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:817
translate it chapter_3_a48a96e6:
# "She draws closer, a contemplative expression on her face."
"Si avvicina, un'espressione contemplativa sul viso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:820
translate it chapter_3_73a2cce3:
# unknown "Ah, I see now."
unknown "Ah, ora capisco."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:824
translate it chapter_3_0b716a4f:
# A "What?"
A "Cosa?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:826
translate it chapter_3_6125b197:
# unknown "You’ve important choices to come."
unknown "Dovrai fare delle scelte molto importanti."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:828
translate it chapter_3_17692d8d:
# A "I do?"
A "Dovrò?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:830
translate it chapter_3_67f4df90:
# A "Wait back up what the fuck are you talking about?"
A "Aspetta, rallenta, di che cazzo stai parlando?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:832
translate it chapter_3_0e947442:
# unknown "This."
unknown "Di questa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:843
translate it chapter_3_293726b3:
# "She reaches toward my chest, plucking something off of it."
"Lei allunga il braccio verso il mio petto, strappando via qualcosa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:845
translate it chapter_3_d4d19efe:
# "She holds it up for me to see it’s some oversized playing card."
"Me lo fa vedere e vedo che è una carta da gioco troppo cresciuta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:848
translate it chapter_3_5f08d906:
# A "Still lost."
A "Ancora non capisco."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:852
translate it chapter_3_77dbb928:
# unknown "It’s you.{w=.6} Your card."
unknown "Sei tu.{w=.6} La tua carta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:854
translate it chapter_3_0960fae0:
# unknown "You are on the precipice of a great ordeal.{w=.6} Many difficult points of divergence and contention are coming your way.{w=.75} Reflect on them."
unknown "Sei sul baratro di una grande ordalia.{w=.6} Molti e difficili punti di divergenza e contesa ti stanno per travolgere.{w=.75} Pensaci su."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:858
translate it chapter_3_c6a4fa88:
# "I think about asking the green weirdo to make sense, but the bell is about to ring."
"Stavo pensando di chiedere alla stramboide verde di farsi capire, ma sta per suonare la campanella."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:860
translate it chapter_3_0944479e:
# A "Yeah, thanks, sure."
A "Sì, grazie, capito."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:862
translate it chapter_3_f92a5dcb:
# A "Sorry, gotta dash."
A "Scusa, devo scappare."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:886
translate it chapter_3_f31ea95e:
# "I slam into the band room door just as the late bell trills, panting and sweaty."
"Sbatto contro la porta dell'aula di musica proprio mentre suona la campanella dei ritardatari, ansimante e sudato."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:893
translate it chapter_3_8232b8b6:
# jingo "Good timing, Mr. Mous. Just in time for free period."
jingo "Ottimo tempismo, Mr. Imo. Sei in tempo per l'ora libera."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:896
translate it chapter_3_5c14abb0:
# "What{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:898
translate it chapter_3_1da07aef:
# jingo "Take up anything you like and have fun."
jingo "Prendi quello che ti pare e divertiti."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:909
translate it chapter_3_2c65695c:
# "The teacher then took to his extremely lavish loveseat, threw on a pair of headphones and blacked out."
"Il professore si siede sul suo divanetto alquanto sontuoso, si mette un paio di cuffie e perde conoscenza."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:912
translate it chapter_3_a90b1d79:
# "I looked at the scattered instruments, left alone for whatever reason."
"Guardo gli strumenti sparsi sul pavimento, lasciati in disparte per qualche motivo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:914
translate it chapter_3_0060d5e8:
# "Dented-looking brass and cracked woodwinds. Even a bass with a missing string."
"Ottoni ammaccati e legni screpolati. C'è anche un basso senza una corda."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:916
translate it chapter_3_d8192b80:
# "Wow. I feel like that right about now."
"Wow. Anch'io mi sento così in questo momento."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:919
translate it chapter_3_a5075e4e:
# "I reach for one at random, taking a wooden{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thing{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Allungo la mano verso uno strumento a caso, e prendo un{cps=*.1}...{/cps} coso{cps=*.1}...{/cps}di legno."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:921
translate it chapter_3_c5ddd11c:
# "It looks like an oak tree made love to an eggplant and this is the aborted monstrosity in Mexico."
"È come se una quercia avesse fatto l'amore con una melanzana e questa è la mostruosità abortita in Messico."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:924
translate it chapter_3_5c3a7707:
# "Whatever, I melt into my chair and pull out my phone. Seems a majority of my classmates have a similar idea."
"Vabbè, crollo sulla sedia e tiro fuori il telefono. Sembra che la maggior parte degli studenti abbia avuto la mia stessa idea."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:926
translate it chapter_3_8d17419e:
# "I’ve some shitposting to do."
"Ho un po' di shitposting da fare."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:928
translate it chapter_3_bbf63fa0:
# "Let’s see{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:938
translate it chapter_3_d9d20eac:
# "Ah yes, perfect."
"Ah, perfetto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:940
translate it chapter_3_fcc247cb:
# "Click post."
"Clicco su post."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:945
translate it chapter_3_5fab8f68:
# "{cps=*.3}Aaaand{/cps} now to wait."
"{cps=*.3}Eeeeeeeee{/cps} ora si aspetta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:953
translate it chapter_3_2ca84bc7:
# "Nefarious deed for the day done, I look around the room out of boredom."
"Con l'azione nefasta del giorno compiuta, do un'occhiata intorno la stanza per noia."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:956
translate it chapter_3_0334b13d:
# "Oh fuck no."
"Oh cazzo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:958
translate it chapter_3_8be86f93:
# "Fang has a weapon of mass hearing loss."
"Fang ha tra le mani un'arma sonica."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:960
translate it chapter_3_592fbf65:
# "I’m covering my ears in preparation when the ptero-rist starts strumming and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Mi tappo le orecchie per precauzione quando la ptero-rrista inizia a strimpellare e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:965
translate it chapter_3_08bf038c:
# "Oh wow."
"Oh wow."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:967
translate it chapter_3_4edd0196:
# "I still have my hearing."
"Riesco ancora a sentire."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:970
translate it chapter_3_2d489d9a:
# "In fact she’s actually playing something pleasant."
"In effetti sta suonando qualcosa di piacevole."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:973
translate it chapter_3_745ced76:
# "It’s mellow.{w=.4} Relaxed.{w=.4} A slow rhythm that carries a strange nostalgic hint to it."
"È pacato.{w=.4} Rilassato.{w=.4} Un ritmo lento che porta con sé un pizzico di strana nostalgia."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:975
translate it chapter_3_8858d982:
# "The difference between this and the performance is night and day."
"La differenza tra questo e lo spettacolo è giorno e notte."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:978
translate it chapter_3_bb47807a:
# "What gives?"
"Come è possibile?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:981
translate it chapter_3_dd125ee1:
# "Looking a bit closer, she’s swinging her tail a bit to the rhythm."
"Guardando con attenzione, mi accorgo che sta oscillando la coda un po' a ritmo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:983
translate it chapter_3_99577b2b:
# "She uses her tail as a metronome?"
"Sta usando la coda come metronomo?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:986
translate it chapter_3_7f108203:
# "Suddenly, the phone slips from my hand onto the floor."
"All'improvviso, il telefono mi scivola dalle mani e finisce per terra."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:994
translate it chapter_3_9d237610:
# A "SHIT!" with vpunch
A "MERDA!" with vpunch
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:997
translate it chapter_3_d5474717:
# "The sound it makes as it clatters on the ground is a klaxon of pants-shitting terror."
"Il suono che fa mentre sbatte sul pavimento è un clacson di terrore che mi fa cagare sotto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:999
translate it chapter_3_e56d7c75:
# "It lies face down on the isle."
"Giace per terra a faccia in giù."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1002
translate it chapter_3_1fb0482c:
# "Do I really want to pick it up and potentially face a harsh reality?"
"Voglio davvero tirarlo su e potenzialmente vedere una terribile realtà?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1005
translate it chapter_3_ab04a355:
# "{cps=*.5}Schrodingers’ crack.{/cps}"
"{cps=*.5}La crepa di Schrodinger.{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1007
translate it chapter_3_c6be3a4b:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I can’t just leave it there."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Non lo posso semplicemente lasciare lì."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1010
translate it chapter_3_99eec105:
# "I pick up the phone and slowly turn it over."
"Prendo il telefono e lo giro lentamente."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1012
translate it chapter_3_a7674e33:
# "It’s the moment of truth."
"È il momento della verità."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1021
translate it chapter_3_a55f0402:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No cracks?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Niente crepe?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1028
translate it chapter_3_55711989:
# "Thank the Lord."
"Grazie a Dio."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1036
translate it chapter_3_29733131:
# F "Yeah, you got lucky."
F "Già, sei stato fortunato."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1039
translate it chapter_3_0fa00576:
# "Fang has stopped playing and is throwing a small smirk my way."
"Fang ha smesso di suonare e mi fa un sorrisetto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1042
translate it chapter_3_15900296:
# "I should probably say something{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Forse dovrei dire qualcosa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1044
translate it chapter_3_c922f8d1:
# "Her playing is pretty good, I'll compliment that."
"Suona molto bene, le farò un complimento."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1046
translate it chapter_3_53cfa604:
# A "That sounded way better than in the video Reed took."
A "Suonava molto meglio che nel video che ha fatto Reed."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1050
translate it chapter_3_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1052
translate it chapter_3_edcbb710:
# "Wrong choice of words."
"Pessima scelta di parole."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1055
translate it chapter_3_90b0b141:
# F "You’re still not off my shit list, watch it."
F "Sei ancora nella mia lista degli stronzi, attento."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1057
translate it chapter_3_d50b0155:
# "Quick Anon, think."
"Presto Anon, pensa a qualcosa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1060
translate it chapter_3_23c21bc2:
# A "Why didn’t you play guitar back then, you’re obviously a lot better with it."
A "Perché non hai suonato la chitarra allora? La sai suonare molto meglio."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1063
translate it chapter_3_4a8bc711:
# F "Would’ve if I could’ve."
F "Lo avrei fatto se potessi."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1066
translate it chapter_3_460c6d87:
# A "What do you mean?"
A "In che senso?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1069
translate it chapter_3_faf7aa40:
# "There’s an empty seat next to Fang."
"C'è una sedia vuota vicino a Fang."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1071
translate it chapter_3_dd00b225:
# "Finders’ keepers, I guess."
"Chi cerca trova, credo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1085
translate it chapter_3_cc0cc4a5:
# F "The band is just Reed, Trish, and I."
F "Nella band ci siamo solo Reed, Trish, ed io."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1087
translate it chapter_3_ef996b9d:
# F "So we all have to decide by majority what happens."
F "Quindi tutto viene deciso per maggioranza."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1089
translate it chapter_3_d41a8273:
# F "Reed says using a bass is more unique, and Trish always says how it’s a ‘promising business model’."
F "Reed dice che usare un basso è più particolare, e Trish dice sempre che è un ‘business model promettente’."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1092
translate it chapter_3_b71c28cf:
# A "But it sounds like you play the guitar much easier than a bass."
A "Ma sembra che per te suonare una chitarra sia più facile che suonare un basso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1095
translate it chapter_3_329b7762:
# F "I play the bass just fine."
F "Me la cavo con il basso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1097
translate it chapter_3_7c8caa35:
# F "I think the problem is more that if you want to make an unconventional band layout, you damn well better know what you’re doing."
F "Penso che il problema sta nel fatto che se vuoi fare una band non convenzionale, è meglio che tu sappia cosa stai facendo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1100
translate it chapter_3_aebd7baa:
# F "If you’re anything short of masterful it won’t sound good."
F "A meno che non sei un maestro non suonerà bene."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1102
translate it chapter_3_01c404be:
# F "And when it comes to music, it either sounds good or it doesn’t."
F "E quando si parla di musica, o suona bene o non suona affatto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1104
translate it chapter_3_793d92f3:
# F "Simple as."
F "Semplice."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1107
translate it chapter_3_2adef050:
# "She continues strumming."
"Lei continua a strimpellare."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1111
translate it chapter_3_077cb453:
# A "But it’s just a high school band, right?"
A "Ma è soltanto una band da scuola superiore, giusto?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1113
translate it chapter_3_ce91ceef:
# A "Shouldn’t it just be fun?"
A "Non dovreste divertirvi e basta?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1115
translate it chapter_3_cdfc2972:
# F "It is, yeah."
F "Già, ci stiamo divertendo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1118
translate it chapter_3_c5e68f11:
# A "Even though you’re just doing what they want without getting a say in it?"
A "Anche se stai solamente facendo quello che ti dicono, senza che tu possa dire niente in merito?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1122
translate it chapter_3_d1a9fd46:
# "Fang flinches and misses a note."
"Fang sussulta e manca una nota."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1124
translate it chapter_3_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1127
translate it chapter_3_d2457b14:
# F "It’s not like that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Non è così{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1129
translate it chapter_3_24254332:
# F "It’s just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Trish says{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}"
F "È solo che{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Trish dice{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1131
translate it chapter_3_9fdbcbbc:
# extend "I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps} God damn it."
extend "Cioè{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Dannazione."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1135
translate it chapter_3_a14d7c57:
# F "Look, we’re better with two basses. Trish and Reed say so."
F "Senti, siamo meglio con due bassi. Trish e Reed dicono così."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1138
translate it chapter_3_faa8c13b:
# A "The au--"
A "Il pub--"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1143
translate it chapter_3_3ef0d472:
# "Uhp."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1145
translate it chapter_3_9d469299:
# "Fuck."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1148
translate it chapter_3_d44107ab:
# "I almost said 'the audience at the concert' to her out loud."
"Ho quasi detto ‘il pubblico al concerto’ ad alta voce."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1151
translate it chapter_3_e860cf35:
# F "What was that?"
F "Cosa hai detto?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1155
translate it chapter_3_ff0fd657:
# A "{cps=*.2}Nuthin’{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.2}Niente{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1158
translate it chapter_3_c0cf2150:
# "Fang growls at that."
"Fang ringhia."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1162
translate it chapter_3_63f5ff7a:
# F "You know what, we’re having band practice after school today."
F "Sai cosa, oggi dopo scuola abbiamo le prove."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1165
translate it chapter_3_249abc0f:
# F "Just show up and see for yourself."
F "Vieni e guarda tu stesso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1168
translate it chapter_3_48d1947d:
# A "And what if I don’t?"
A "E se non lo faccio?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1171
translate it chapter_3_d1b52456:
# F "You’ll be a little bitch that’s wrong."
F "Sarai una puttanella che ha torto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1174
translate it chapter_3_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1176
translate it chapter_3_c1149a4b:
# "In that case."
"In questo caso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1178
translate it chapter_3_5c687782:
# A "Fuck you, I’m right, your band sucks with two basses,{w=.4} {nw}"
A "Vaffanculo, ho ragione, la tua band fa schifo con due bassi,{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1180
translate it chapter_3_8f0aca7b:
# extend "and you shoulda been on guitar!"
extend "e dovresti suonare la chitarra!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1182
translate it chapter_3_b13f93bc:
# "I lock eyes with her."
"Ci guardiamo negli occhi."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1187
translate it chapter_3_096e34fa:
# F "Fuck you!"
F "Vaffanculo!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1192
translate it chapter_3_6be31547:
# A "Fuck you!"
A "Vaffanculo!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1197
translate it chapter_3_44f55199:
# F "Fuck!{w=.4} {nw}"
F "V-a-f-f-!{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1200
translate it chapter_3_2a2c2124:
# extend "You!"
extend "-nculo!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1208
translate it chapter_3_47484265:
# A "FUCK YOU!" with vpunch
A "VAFFANCULO!" with vpunch
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1213
translate it chapter_3_f91263b7:
# jingo "{cps=*.2}Aaaaand{/cps} we’re {cps=*.15}caaaaaalm{/cps} now."
jingo "{cps=*.2}Eeeeeeeee{/cps} ora siamo {cps=*.15}caaaaaaalmiiiii.{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1220
translate it chapter_3_b61957a8:
# "Fuck me."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1222
translate it chapter_3_f1638dc1_3:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1235
translate it chapter_3_8cd2c9ab:
# F "Hurry up, dweeb. If I can keep ahead of you while carrying two instruments, you can speedwalk."
F "Sbrigati, sfigato. Se riesco a starti avanti mentre porto due strumenti, tu puoi camminare un po' più in fretta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1237
translate it chapter_3_9018bc0a:
# A "You sure you don’t want me to carry one?"
A "Non sarebbe meglio se ne porto uno io?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1240
translate it chapter_3_7ffc0745:
# F "Pfeh."
F "Pfeh."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1242
translate it chapter_3_4f5a496e:
# "Fang is leading me back to the auditorium with both the acoustic guitar ‘borrowed’ from the music room and her bass in hand, one over each shoulder."
"Fang mi porta nelle quinte dell'auditorium con in mano sia la chitarra ‘presa in prestito’ dall'aula di musica che il suo basso, uno su ogni spalla"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1254
translate it chapter_3_fb07fd90:
# "When we eventually get to the auditorium, Fang stops."
"Quando finalmente arriviamo all'auditorium, Fang si ferma."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1259
translate it chapter_3_e0a5bf51:
# "Is something wrong?"
"C'è qualcosa che non va?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1262
translate it chapter_3_20fbd3cc:
# A "Uh,{w=.4} {cps=*.4}is everything-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
A "Uh,{w=.4} {cps=*.4}va tutto bene-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1265
translate it chapter_3_cc5ec7ba:
# F "The doors, moron."
F "Le porte, scemo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1267
translate it chapter_3_05510adc:
# "She swings the guitar cases on her shoulders around a bit."
"Lei muove un po' le custodie che ha in spalla."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1270
translate it chapter_3_94004a03_1:
# "Oh."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1274
translate it chapter_3_6bfcc129:
# "I step around her and grab the handle,{w=.4} pulling the door wide open."
"Vado verso la porta e prendo la maniglia,{w=.4} spalancandola."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1277
translate it chapter_3_be5f47db:
# A "Ladies first."
A "Prima le signore."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1281
translate it chapter_3_f1638dc1_4:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1284
translate it chapter_3_6c3c8f3b:
# "Fang growls and stomps on my foot as she walks past."
"Fang ringhia e mi schiaccia il piede mentre entra."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1299
translate it chapter_3_950cff99:
# A "FUCK!" with vpunch
A "CAZZO!" with vpunch
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1301
translate it chapter_3_bff3952b:
# F "Hurry up already."
F "Dai sbrigati."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1319
translate it chapter_3_871bceba:
# "Inside, Reed and Trish already have everything set up onstage."
"Dentro, Reed e Trish avevano già sistemato tutto sul palco."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1334
translate it chapter_3_d0c2c73f:
# "Where does Reed keep that huge drumset during the day?"
"Reed dove la tiene quell'enorme batteria durante il giorno?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1338
translate it chapter_3_8004b034:
# "Trish waves her arms from the stage."
"Trish saluta con entrambe le braccia dal palco."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1340
translate it chapter_3_a4b8ff4d:
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1343
translate it chapter_3_277110c4:
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1348
translate it chapter_3_1577b581:
# "Trish squints in the spotlight, then finally notices me."
"Trish strizza gli occhi alla luce del faretto, e alla fine si accorge di me."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1351
translate it chapter_3_65201864:
# T "What-"
T "Ma che-"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1356
translate it chapter_3_420794c1:
# T "What’s he doing here?!"
T "Che ci fa lui qui?!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1359
translate it chapter_3_27028e89:
# "Fang slings both cases onto the stage, then climbs on herself."
"Fang lancia entrambe le custodie sul palco, poi sale lei stessa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1372
translate it chapter_3_d34d2f9d:
# F "Proving a dumbass bigot wrong."
F "Devo far capire a un bigotto cretino che ha torto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1375
translate it chapter_3_022e230c:
# A "So you admit there’s smart ones?"
A "Quindi ammetti che ne esistono di intelligenti?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1379
translate it chapter_3_191fc50f:
# "Fang then ripped something from Trish’s hands and threw it at me."
"Fang strappa qualcosa dalle mani di Trish e me lo lancia addosso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1417
translate it chapter_3_45c7da59:
# T "What the fuck?!"
T "Ma che cazzo?!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1419
translate it chapter_3_c038baa2:
# "It strikes against my head with a dull *tonk* and lands on the ground in front of me."
"Mi colpisce in testa con un innocuo *tonk* e cade per terra di fronte a me."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1442
translate it chapter_3_d9e12a4d:
# "Looking down at the makeshift shuriken, it was a copy of {i}\"VVORM DRAMA's hit new single INDRAGON ONSLAUGHT\"{/i}"
"Guardo in basso verso lo shuriken improvvisato, era una copia del {i}\"nuovo singolo dei VVORM DRAMA, INDRAGON ONSLAUGHT\"{/i}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1453
translate it chapter_3_2938c885:
# T "Fang!{w=.4} I just made that in art class!"
T "Fang!{w=.4} L'ho appena fatto a lezione d'arte!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1455
translate it chapter_3_957efa5b:
# A "It looks like picasso had a seizure."
A "Sembra che Picasso abbia avuto un attacco epilettico."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1462
translate it chapter_3_23dcacb1:
# F "He was being an ass!"
F "Stava facendo il coglione!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1464
translate it chapter_3_7835fca0:
# A "I was."
A "Confermo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1468
translate it chapter_3_9fe31b17:
# Re "Like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} are we on break now?"
Re "Ma quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps} siamo in pausa?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1472
translate it chapter_3_99291987:
# T "We haven’t even started!"
T "Non abbiamo neanche iniziato!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1478
translate it chapter_3_9231020d:
# T "Fang, why is Anon here?!"
T "Fang, che ci fa Anon qui?!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1484
translate it chapter_3_1decd1e9:
# F "Like I said, proving him wrong."
F "Come ho detto, gli devo far capire che ha torto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1486
translate it chapter_3_aac64975:
# A "More like proving me right."
A "Più che altro far capire che ho ragione."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1489
translate it chapter_3_3734cc90:
# T "Proving him wrong how?"
T "In che senso fargli capire che ha torto?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1494
translate it chapter_3_fdb80228:
# Re "Like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Playing guitar, right?{w=.4} {nw}"
Re "Una cosa tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Suonare la chitarra, giusto?{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1496
translate it chapter_3_755e0b52:
# extend "Ya wanted to play your guitar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
extend "Volevi suonare la tua chitarra{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1500
translate it chapter_3_32b67ccf:
# T "What?"
T "Cosa?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1502
translate it chapter_3_5f4a4320:
# F "Yes!{w=.4} {nw}"
F "Sì!{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1504
translate it chapter_3_682f982d:
# extend "I mean-"
extend "Cioè-"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1506
translate it chapter_3_b6e5ba65:
# A "Ha!"
A "Ha!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1508
translate it chapter_3_62dcf2fe:
# F "No, I mean Anon thinks that if I used a guitar instead of bass the music would sound better."
F "No, intendo che Anon pensa che se usassi la chitarra al posto del basso suoneremmo meglio."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1511
translate it chapter_3_e805e68f:
# T "What?{w=.4} No {cps=*.2}wayyyy{/cps}."
T "Cosa?{w=.4} Neanche per {cps=*.2}sooognoooo{/cps}."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1514
translate it chapter_3_31b73b39:
# F "I know, right?"
F "Vero?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1517
translate it chapter_3_5b8400bf:
# Re "{cps=*.3}Woooow,{/cps} way to try throwing everything off, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "{cps=*.3}Woooow,{/cps} vuoi proprio fare un macello te, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1522
translate it chapter_3_5e460088:
# F "Mm. Let's just go through 'I Need Meth Money By Tuesday Night And If I Don’t Get It I Will Stomp On Your Child'."
F "Mm. Iniziamo da ‘Mi Servono Soldi Per La Metanfetamina Entro Martedì Sera E Se Non Li Avrò Pesterò Tuo Figlio’."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1525
translate it chapter_3_65337a5e:
# "Don't say ayy lmao."
"Non dire ayy lmao."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1533
translate it chapter_3_86a544da:
# F "Three{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Two{cps=*.1}...{/cps} One{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Tre{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Due{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Uno{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1543
translate it chapter_3_b73c8a46:
# "My mind went blank."
"La mia mente è un vuoto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1546
translate it chapter_3_d23594c3:
# "I don’t know what just happened."
"Non ho idea di cosa sia successo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1562
translate it chapter_3_ed86f15d:
# "I look to the stage and see Fang, panting, looking distressed."
"Guardo il palco e vedo Fang, ansimante, ed esaurita."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1567
translate it chapter_3_e5d68c94:
# F "S-see? Totally awesome, r-right?"
F "V-vedi? Una figata, v-vero?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1570
translate it chapter_3_c26eb12c:
# "Not the word I would use."
"Non è esattamente la parola che userei."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1573
translate it chapter_3_2389d830:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I think you should give the guitar a try."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Penso che dovresti dare una possiblità alla chitarra."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1580
translate it chapter_3_4d6a4eac:
# T "Oh shut up, you don't know anything about music."
T "Oh stai zitto, non ne sai niente di musica."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1583
translate it chapter_3_0b568703:
# F "Might as well. That’s what I brought him for, after all."
F "Tanto vale. Dopotutto l'ho portato qui apposta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1585
translate it chapter_3_18681214:
# T "You’re really siding with him on this?"
T "Stai davvero dalla sua parte?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1588
translate it chapter_3_7604cd59:
# T "We already decided VVURM DRAMA is better with only drum and bass, remember?"
T "Abbiamo già deciso che VVURM DRAMA è meglio con solo batteria e basso, ricordi?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1592
translate it chapter_3_dee37035:
# Re "Yeah man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} WAY more unique that way."
Re "Esatto fra{cps=*.1}...{/cps} MOLTO più particolare così."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1595
translate it chapter_3_87ceeef3:
# A "Aren’t there like two bands in existence that pulled it off?"
A "Non ci sono soltanto tipo due band al mondo che ci sono riuscite?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1599
translate it chapter_3_e2ec5a0c:
# Re "That means there’s a chance then, yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
Re "Questo vuol dire che c'è una possibilità allora, già{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1603
translate it chapter_3_8738796f:
# A "It can’t hurt to try, right?"
A "Tentar non nuoce, vero?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1606
translate it chapter_3_5b2507b0:
# T "You don’t get a say in this, it’s a band decision and we already made our choice."
T "Stanne fuori, è una decisione della band e abbiamo già deciso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1610
translate it chapter_3_33399466:
# F "Maybe he’s right, Trish. What’s the big deal?"
F "Forse ha ragione, Trish. Che problema c'è?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1613
translate it chapter_3_9859d876:
# T "The 'deal' is we’re wasting enough time as it is when we should be practicing!"
T "Il ‘problema’ è che stiamo sprecando tempo che avremo potuto usare per fare pratica!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1616
translate it chapter_3_b646902e:
# T "Especially wasting time on playing guitar when it doesn’t match any of our stuff."
T "In particolare sprecare tempo a suonare la chitarra quando non va d'accordo con la nostra roba."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1628
translate it chapter_3_cf9a2005:
# "That clearly struck a nerve."
"Deve aver colpito nel segno."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1630
translate it chapter_3_86c6532c:
# F "'Wasting time' playing guitar?{w=.6} {nw}"
F "‘Sprecare tempo’ a suonare la chitarra?{w=.6} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1636
translate it chapter_3_ca7f182b:
# extend "What’s THAT supposed to mean?"
extend "In CHE senso?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1638
translate it chapter_3_81fcadca:
# "Fang rounds on Trish, jabbing an accusing finger into the little triceratop’s surprisingly voluminous chest."
"Fang si avvicina a Trish, colpendo il petto sorprendentemente prolisso del piccolo trieratopo con un dito accusatorio."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1643
translate it chapter_3_0f37fa5d:
# F "Every time I want to make changes you guys always overrule me!"
F "Ogni volta che voglio fare qualche cambiamento voi siete sempre a sfavore!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1645
translate it chapter_3_8f168b9e:
# F "Even when it’s something like playing my favorite instrument in my own band!"
F "Anche quando è qualcosa tipo suonare il mio strumento preferito nella mia band!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1648
translate it chapter_3_920691b3:
# "Yikes."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1652
translate it chapter_3_850d0c72:
# T "Come on Fang, you know I didn’t mean it that way!"
T "Eddai Fang, lo sai che non lo faccio apposta!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1654
translate it chapter_3_cdbe048c:
# T "We decided that democratically, right Reed?"
T "Lo abbiamo deciso democraticamente, giusto Reed?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1657
translate it chapter_3_aaccf444:
# Re "Yeah, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps} like, there are only three of us, y’know?"
Re "Esatto, ma{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cioè, siamo solo in tre, sai?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1667
translate it chapter_3_3c5b6b66:
# "I'll hate myself for this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Mi odierò per questo ma{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1669
translate it chapter_3_5b2ef0fe:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}this is already getting too intimate for me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}la situazione è troppo personale per i miei gusti{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1671
translate it chapter_3_1a422da9:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}but maybe I should say something."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}ma forse dovrei dire qualcosa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1674
translate it chapter_3_2fcfcdb4:
# "It’s only going to get worse if I don’t."
"La situazione peggiorerà soltanto se non faccio qualcosa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1676
translate it chapter_3_6799406d:
# "But this seems like a personal argument between them."
"Ma questa sembra una discussione intima tra di loro."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1693
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_58faac26:
# "Fang does seem very passionate about playing guitar."
"Fang sembra avere molta passione per la chitarra."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1695
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_cb862bdd:
# "It could only help their music, right?"
"Potrebbe aiutare la loro musica, non è vero?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1703
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_362eff07:
# A "Just give Fang a chance, have you ever even let them play guitar with the band?"
A "Dai a Fang una possibilità, l'hai almeno mai vistə suonare la chitarra con la band?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1710
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_c76f48e9:
# "That seemed to stop Trish in her presidential yeezys."
"Questo sembra aver fermato Trish e le sue yeezy presidenziali."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1714
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_fbaccd64:
# T "I- uh, well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} not really.{w=.4} {nw}"
T "Io- uh, beh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} non proprio.{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1716
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_b822306f:
# extend "We voted on it in our first jam session together."
extend "L'abbiamo messo al voto nella nostra prima jam session."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1718
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_349cbc0e:
# "Fang made a weird face, like she couldn’t believe I was standing up for her."
"Fang fa una faccia strana, non riesce a credere che la sto sostenendo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1720
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_cd8d7639:
# "Honestly I couldn’t believe I stood up for her either."
"Onestamente neanche io riesco a credere che la stia sostenendo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1722
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_71de1cdf:
# "But god dammit I’m winning this challenge!"
"Ma cazzarola la sfida la voglio vincere!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1725
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_fe053392:
# A "If you’re really Fang’s friend, you should at least let them try."
A "Se sei davvero amica di Fang, almeno lascialə provare."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1731
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_c5be82a2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=1}{nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1736
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_be5ad26f:
# "Trish’s mouth opened and closed, as if she was trying to find the right words."
"La bocca di Trish si apriva e chiudeva, come se stesse cercando le parole giuste."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1739
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_6ba21f3d:
# "She threw up her hands and let out a frustrated sigh."
"Lei alza le mani al cielo e sbuffa con frustazione."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1742
translate it GuitarQuestionSpeakUp_a64e7a27:
# T "Fine, I guess we can try it with the guitar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "D'accordo, suppongo che possiamo provare con la chitarra{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1753
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_d703151f:
# "Can’t guarantee their style won’t be better than dogshit if I lose this challenge."
"Non posso garantire che il loro stile non supererà il livello ‘merda’ se perdo questa sfida."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1755
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_976a91ee:
# "Certainly can’t get worse."
"Di sicuro non può peggiorare."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1758
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_9777d2a6:
# "This is between the members of the band."
"È una cosa tra i membri della band."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1767
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_ce7953c6:
# T "In the end, majority still rules."
T "Alla fine, la maggioranza vince sempre."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1774
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_e79c0401:
# T "I’m sorry, Fang, but we can’t get into creative squabbles like this all the time."
T "Mi dispiace, Fang, non possiamo avere queste bisticciate creative ogni volta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1776
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_e9e47694:
# T "And you already agreed to it, right?"
T "E tu eri già d'accordo, vero?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1781
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_011aec29:
# "How controlling."
"Che manipolatrice."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1787
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_6925d1e4:
# "Fang hangs her head in defeat."
"Fang china la testa in sconfitta."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1789
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_dec3670b:
# F "{cps=*0.4}I guess so{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*0.4}Suppongo di sì{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1796
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_7d0babe3:
# Re "Hey man, Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}"
Re "Hey fra, Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1798
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_95414cd8:
# extend "Don’t let it get to you so hard{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
extend "Non prendertela così tanto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1801
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_5f60a929:
# Re "We just gotta get it out of your system’s all, right{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
Re "Dobbiamo farti sfogare, tutto qui, giusto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1805
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_43631b43:
# Re "Like, y’know, get it all out now so you don’t have to later, yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
Re "Cioè, sai, farti sfogare ora così non lo devi fare dopo, già{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1807
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_55f75a19:
# Re "Like Trish said{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Come ha detto Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1814
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_4e59680e:
# T "I never said that."
T "Non l'ho mai detto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1817
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_c9c3b6de:
# Re "Cuz’, that’s how these things work, right? You know until you don’t, and then all the rest is wack."
Re "Cioè, queste cose funzionano così, giusto? Lo sai finchè non lo sai, poi tutto il resto è un macello."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1822
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_8e59f761:
# T "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} guess?"
T "Credo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} di sì?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1825
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_32b67ccf:
# T "What?"
T "Che?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1829
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_967d22e9:
# Re "It’s like the bigger picture, you got Fang playin' bass with all us{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "È tipo il quadro d'insieme, fai suonare a Fang il basso insieme a tutti noi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1832
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_3438e61e:
# Re "And they’re all{w=.3} {nw}"
Re "E ləi è tipo{w=.3} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1834
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_522efc8c:
# extend "\"{cps=*.3}ohh yeah {/cps}good thing I’m not thinking about playing other instruments, yeah yeah\""
extend "\"{cps=*.3}ooooh sì {/cps}menomale che non devo pensare a suonare altri strumenti, già già\""
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1837
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_d8a832eb:
# Re "And you’re all like{w=.4} {nw}"
Re "E tu sei tipo{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1839
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_32a6ed05:
# extend "\"see, I told you so\"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
extend "\"visto, te l'avevo detto\"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1844
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_f1a94295:
# T "Yeah, so we should let them play now to get it all out for later!"
T "Esatto, dovremmo lasciarti suonare ora così ti sfoghi per dopo!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1849
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_31f79139:
# T "{cps=*0.25}Wait{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "{cps=*0.25}Aspetta{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1851
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_6ebc70e8:
# "If there were any cameras rolling, they’d be zooming in on Trish’s face."
"Se ci fosse una videocamera che stesse girando, zoomerebbero sulla faccia di Trish."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1854
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_cc39e689:
# F "Thanks, Reed."
F "Grazie, Reed."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1857
translate it GuitarQuestionStaySilent_40d756c2:
# T "Yeah, thanks a lot."
T "Già, grazie tante."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1873
translate it lpostguitarscene_d3dc0645:
# F "Alright, this time we’re doing 'I Gave The Special Kids The Jonestown Special And Now I’m Going To Jail'!"
F "Va bene, questa volta suoniamo ‘Ho Dato Ai Bambini Con Bisogni Speciali Il Trattamento Speciale Jonestown E Ora Sto Per Andare In Prigione’!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1877
translate it lpostguitarscene_1c392875:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I’m gonna need Raptor Jesus after this one{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dopo questo avrò bisogno di Gesù Raptor{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1891
translate it lpostguitarscene_85acd26f:
# F "And a three,{w=.3} two,{w=.3} and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "E tre,{w=.3} due,{w=.3} e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1898
translate it lpostguitarscene_b03f3152:
# "Opposed to the nostalgic tune earlier, Fang rapidly strums on her borrowed guitar."
"Al contrario della melodia nostalgica di prima, Fang schitarra con forza sulla sua chittara presa in prestito."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1900
translate it lpostguitarscene_9f3d0b13:
# "It’s fast and rough but the tone carried doesn’t melt my eardrums."
"È veloce e grezzo ma il suono non mi squaglia i timpani."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1902
translate it lpostguitarscene_b6b5fe3c:
# "Watching and listening now I can see and hear the difference clear as day."
"Mentre guardo e ascolto ora riesco chiaramente a sentire e vedere la differenza."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1905
translate it lpostguitarscene_8a4695c5:
# "They’re actually not bad."
"Non sono affatto male."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1908
translate it lpostguitarscene_e9f1da56:
# "Not good, not by any metric worth it’s weight."
"Non eccellenti, neanche per sogno."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1910
translate it lpostguitarscene_36493866:
# "But at least I don’t cringe so hard my spleen erupts from my side and creates a splash zone."
"Ma almeno non sto cringiando così tanto da farmi esplode la milza dal fianco e creare una pozzanghera di sangue."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1913
translate it lpostguitarscene_571a2971:
# "I find myself bobbing to the song, in fact."
"Anzi, sto cominciando a ondeggiare la testa a ritmo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1917
translate it lpostguitarscene_78642685:
# "And just as I consider the song 'gittin’ gud' it ends."
"E proprio mentre la canzone sta per ‘git guddare’ finisce."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1919
translate it lpostguitarscene_929f107e:
# "I feel a little disappointed that the show ended so soon."
"Sono un po' deluso che lo spettacolo sia finito così presto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1921
translate it lpostguitarscene_30687029:
# "Then I remember it’s not a show at all."
"Poi mi ricordo che non sono a uno spettacolo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1927
translate it lpostguitarscene_4d306730:
# "And that I definitely won."
"E che ho vinto di sicuro."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1938
translate it lpostguitarscene_464e01e8:
# "There’s sweat dripping from Fang’s brow, and her black clothes are clinging to her a bit more tightly."
"Sudore cola dalla fronte di Fang e i suoi vestiti color nero fasciano il suo corpo ancora di più."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1940
translate it lpostguitarscene_a146da6c:
# "The grin on her face stands out the most though."
"Ma ciò che spicca di più è il grande sorriso sul suo viso."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1947
translate it lpostguitarscene_c8d5ddf6:
# F "See! Totally better with a guitar Trish!"
F "Visto! È molto meglio con la chitarra, Trish!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1978
translate it lpostguitarscene_e9094ca0:
# A "Ha! I win!"
A "Ha! Ho vinto!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1980
translate it lpostguitarscene_ec2d1cf0:
# "Trish, Reed, and Fang turn to look at me."
"Trish, Reed, e Fang si girano verso di me."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1987
translate it lpostguitarscene_d429ce90:
# F "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.6} {nw}"
F "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.6} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1989
translate it lpostguitarscene_fc9e8155:
# extend "OH!{w=.6} {nw}"
extend "OH!{w=.6} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1992
translate it lpostguitarscene_e89683ce:
# extend "OH GOD DAMN IT!" with vpunch
extend "OH PORCA PUTTANA!" with vpunch
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1995
translate it lpostguitarscene_c6f55abb:
# A "So you’re now a normal band?"
A "Quindi ora siete una band normale?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1998
translate it lpostguitarscene_74ec2f8c:
# F "I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Cioè{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2003
translate it lpostguitarscene_43a35266:
# "Trish scowls."
"Trish si acciglia"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2005
translate it lpostguitarscene_d1e7879b:
# T "A vote then."
T "Si vota allora."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2007
translate it lpostguitarscene_4239f94c:
# T "Who votes if we stick to drum and bass?"
T "Chi vota per restare batteria e basso?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2014
translate it lpostguitarscene_362494cc:
# "She’s the only one to raise her hand."
"Lei è l'unica ad alzare la mano."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2019
translate it lpostguitarscene_eb1ddd28:
# T "{cps=*.4}fff{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
T "{cps=*.4}caaaaa{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2021
translate it lpostguitarscene_b7a0aa9d:
# extend "{cps=*.4}And against?{/cps}"
extend "{cps=*.4}quanti contrari?{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2034
translate it lpostguitarscene_434c8ad7:
# "Even I raise my hands along with Reed and Fang."
"Anch'io alzo le mie mani insieme a Reed e Fang."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2046
translate it lpostguitarscene_aa345eea:
# T "You stay out of this Skinnie!"
T "Restane fuori Senza-squame!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2048
translate it lpostguitarscene_b2c49fe6:
# A "Skinnie?"
A "Senza-squame?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2056
translate it lpostguitarscene_87f2cdd9:
# F "Yessss!"
F "Sìììììììì!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2062
translate it lpostguitarscene_6fbf06c1:
# Re "So like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} do we gotta redo all the songs?"
Re "Quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} dobbiamo rifare tutte le canzoni?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2065
translate it lpostguitarscene_ff1c19c8:
# F "It’s only one instrument line."
F "Solamente le mie parti."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2067
translate it lpostguitarscene_4dc91050:
# F "Shouldn’t take too long."
F "Non ci dovrebbe volere molto."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2070
translate it lpostguitarscene_ca55bd44:
# T "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2073
translate it lpostguitarscene_c2af5b48:
# T "There goes our main marketing strategy."
T "Ecco che se ne va la nostra strategia di marketing principale."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2075
translate it lpostguitarscene_8d9854cb:
# "Marketing strategy? I thought she was a triceratops, not a rhinorex."
"Strategia di marketing? Pensavo fosse un triceratopo, non un rhinorex."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2080
translate it lpostguitarscene_adc2f201:
# "I’m abusing my good luck here so I probably should leave."
"Sto abusando della mia buona stella a restare qui, credo me ne debba andare."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2083
translate it lpostguitarscene_7b74f1c5:
# A "That was very fun you guys, I hope I can see you all play more{cps=*.1}...{/cps} again{cps=*.1}...{/cps} better now than it was before{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.4}uuuhhhh{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ragazzi è stato molto divertente, spero di potervi vedere suonare di più{cps=*.1}...{/cps} di nuovo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} meglio ora di prima{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.4}uuuhhhh{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2085
translate it lpostguitarscene_ccd3d75b:
# A "We’re cool right? Bye!"
A "Tutto a posto giusto? Ciao!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2094
translate it lpostguitarscene_a1068cd2:
# "As I move to the door Fang calls out."
"Mentre mi dirigo verso la porta Fang mi chiama."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2098
translate it lpostguitarscene_7043ee27:
# F "Wait!"
F "Aspetta!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2101
translate it lpostguitarscene_6604cb1e:
# F "We uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Noi uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2107
translate it lpostguitarscene_51d162c2:
# "I look to see her fidgeting onstage."
"La vedo leggermente agitata sul palco."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2111
translate it lpostguitarscene_aff98912:
# F "We {cps=*.35}couuuld{/cps} uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
F "Noi {cps=*.35}avreeeemmo bisooogno{/cps} uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2113
translate it lpostguitarscene_1007d6a3:
# extend "OH! Feedback! We could use your feedback!"
extend "OH! Feedback! Noi avremo bisogno del tuo feedback!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2117
translate it lpostguitarscene_67a52fb6:
# T "We what?!{w=.4} {nw}"
T "Noi che?!{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2119
translate it lpostguitarscene_94d3e9c2:
# extend "Fang, from him?"
extend "Fang, da lui?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2124
translate it lpostguitarscene_f215e2c5:
# A "Wha-"
A "Cos-"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2127
translate it lpostguitarscene_1d582fe9:
# F "He’s been helpful! So why not? Reed, back me up here."
F "È stato d'aiuto! Perché no? Reed, aiutami."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2130
translate it lpostguitarscene_d4a7d0bc:
# Re "mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Kay{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
Re "mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Oke{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2132
translate it lpostguitarscene_5600e668:
# extend "Anon should stay{cps=*.1}...{/cps} He's a bro."
extend "Anon dovrebbe restare{cps=*.1}...{/cps} È stato un bro."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2137
translate it lpostguitarscene_1db5dd68:
# T "REALLY?!{w=.5} {cps=*.4}BUT-{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
T "SIETE SERI?!{w=.5} {cps=*.4}MA-{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2140
translate it lpostguitarscene_49cb60c3:
# F "Anon, you’ll stick around a while, right?"
F "Anon, ti va di restare un po' con noi, vero?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2149
translate it lpostguitarscene_e01c08d1:
# A "If you guys’ll order some Dino-moe’s, sure."
A "Se ordinate un po' di Dino-moe, certo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2157
translate it lpostguitarscene_25f433c0:
# "The three of them just stare blankly."
"I tre mi guardano con sguardi vacui."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2160
translate it lpostguitarscene_4ecf4504:
# "Wait.{w=.4} Auditorium.{w=.4} Pizza."
"Aspetta.{w=.4} Auditorium.{w=.4} Pizza."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2162
translate it lpostguitarscene_0513ec40:
# "{cps=*.4}Fuck.{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2167
translate it lpostguitarscene_273f7afc:
# "Ohfuckohshitfortheloveofallthatisholywhynow."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2170
translate it lpostguitarscene_d57d33f7:
# A "I-{w=.1}I mean, uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Uh-{w=.1}cioè, uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2172
translate it lpostguitarscene_fe21b2f1:
# A "Actually, I have to go. Like, right now. So{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Bye."
A "In realtà me ne devo andare. Tipo, in questo momento. Quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ciao."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2175
translate it lpostguitarscene_05bd3f2d:
# F "Why? I can spring for pizza if you’re too broke."
F "Perché? Posso alzarti una pizza se sei al verde."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2177
translate it lpostguitarscene_020a2d79:
# A "Nah nah nah, no need."
A "Nah nah nah, non c'è bisogno."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2179
translate it lpostguitarscene_fe54c6ef:
# A "Plus I just remembered, I have to do uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} important things."
A "Poi mi sono appena ricordato che devo uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} fare delle cose importanti."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2182
translate it lpostguitarscene_fa6b8f7f:
# F "More important than our music?"
F "Più importante della nostra musica?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2184
translate it lpostguitarscene_aa58aef5:
# A "Err, yeah. See I have to go return a blu-{w=.4} a book!"
A "Err, sì. Devo restituire un blu-{w=.4} un libro!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2186
translate it lpostguitarscene_4cce6e79:
# "Fucking hell mouth, don’t go slipping weebtalk now!"
"E che cazzo bocca, non fare il weeb ora!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2188
translate it lpostguitarscene_4c476396:
# A "See it’s {cps=*.2}WAAAAY{/cps} overdue and I can NOT afford the late fee."
A "È che è {cps=*.2}MOOOOOLTO{/cps} in ritardo e NON posso permettermi la multa."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2192
translate it lpostguitarscene_4f864e6d:
# Re "Wait a minute{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Aspetta un attimo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2194
translate it lpostguitarscene_84a584c0:
# "?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2196
translate it lpostguitarscene_07740190:
# "I almost didn’t recognize Reed’s voice, he said that way too sharply."
"Quasi non riconoscevo la voce di Reed, lo ha detto in modo troppo nitido."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2199
translate it lpostguitarscene_60f2c4d0:
# Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}the late date is like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} two weeks{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Are you up to something, Anon?"
Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}i ritardi ci sono dopo tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} due settimane{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Stai nascondendo qualcosa, Anon?"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2201
translate it lpostguitarscene_5609e344:
# "He sounds completely lucid and didn’t slur any words{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Sembra completamente lucido e non ha biascicato una parola{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2204
translate it lpostguitarscene_9d8a2c49:
# "Oh no."
"Oh no."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2214
translate it lpostguitarscene_f1bbeca5:
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2217
translate it lpostguitarscene_f1bbeca5_1:
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2220
translate it lpostguitarscene_926bd6a6:
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2228
translate it lpostguitarscene_3efb190c:
# A "It’s from the library near my place.{w=.4} {cps=*.25}Suuuper{/cps} strict.{w=.4} Y’know how public libraries are like."
A "È della libreria vicino a casa mia.{w=.4} Sono{cps=*.25} suuuuuuuper{/cps} severi.{w=.4} Sai come sono le biblioteche pubbliche."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2232
translate it lpostguitarscene_83df0e69:
# Re "{cps=*.5}Riiiiiight.{/cps}"
Re "{cps=*.5}Ceeeeeeertoo.{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2243
translate it lpostguitarscene_ce03c1db:
T "E CHE CAZZO TE NE VAI?" with vpunch
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2246
translate it lpostguitarscene_6f150f98:
# "I love you, Trish."
"Ti voglio bene, Trish."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2248
translate it lpostguitarscene_4af09ca5:
# A "Sure, bye."
A "Va bene, ciao."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2256
translate it lpostguitarscene_74c24ca5:
# "I scramble away to the exit."
"Scatto verso l'uscita."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2258
translate it lpostguitarscene_bb3aafa1:
# "As I turn to make my way out of there, on the stage I hear{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Mentre sto per andarmene dal palco sento{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2261
translate it lpostguitarscene_bdb9c84f:
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2264
translate it lpostguitarscene_3d7cf1b6:
# "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} hear them chattering{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Io uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} riesco a sentire delle chiacchere{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2269
translate it lpostguitarscene_840a025f:
# F "Okay now how about{w=.2} 'I’m Not Sure Why But The Burglar Joined My Threesome'."
F "Okay, ora che ne dite di{w=.2} ‘Non So Perché Ma Il Ladro Si È Unito Alla Mia Cosa A Tre’."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2273
translate it lpostguitarscene_839d2c33:
# "Don’t think about a threesome with Trish and Fang, don’t think about a threesome with Trish and Fang, they’re meteor dodgers for crying out loud!"
"Non pensare a una cosa a tre con Trish e Fang, non pensare a una cosa a tre con Trish e Fang, sono schiva meteore per l'amor del cielo!"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2276
translate it lpostguitarscene_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2278
translate it lpostguitarscene_8657e7de:
# "Ok, just for one second."
"Ok, forse solo per un secondo."
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2290
translate it lpostguitarscene_af0fc4e9:
# "{cps=*.2}Fuck.{/cps}"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:2292
translate it lpostguitarscene_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
translate it strings:
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1683
old "Speak Up"
new "Di' La tua"
# game/script/3.showing-up-at-band-practice-and-giving-feedback.rpy:1683
old "Stay Silent"
new "Resta In Silenzio"