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synced 2025-03-10 18:39:44 +01:00
Co-authored-by: Map <mapmappening@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://git.cavemanon.xyz/Cavemanon/SnootGame/pulls/235 Reviewed-by: Mappening <mapanon@noreply.git.cavemanon.xyz> Co-authored-by: Michael Yick <MichaelYick@cavemanon.xyz> Co-committed-by: Michael Yick <MichaelYick@cavemanon.xyz>
328 lines
12 KiB
328 lines
12 KiB
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:13
translate pl chapter_11B_176dad86:
# "I turn back to see Fang giving me a raised eyebrow and a smug grin."
"Odwracam się i widzę, że Fang unosi brwi i uśmiecha się zadowolona."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:15
translate pl chapter_11B_f8660223:
# F "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Więc{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:18
translate pl chapter_11B_2c23493f:
# A "Hm?"
A "Hm?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:22
translate pl chapter_11B_7fc66b1e:
# "Fang's eyebrows rise and fall faster and faster."
"Brwi Fanga unoszą się i opadają coraz szybciej."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:24
translate pl chapter_11B_e170ad3a:
# "as if she's trying to send a message in morse code."
"jakby próbowała wysłać wiadomość alfabetem Morse'a."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:27
translate pl chapter_11B_6f942cd0:
# "Wait wha-"
"Czekaj c-"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:29
translate pl chapter_11B_6f373c6d:
# F "Heh. See, you can learn, Anon."
F "Heh. Widzisz, możesz się nauczyć, Anon."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:32
translate pl chapter_11B_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:34
translate pl chapter_11B_42f3e19f:
# "OH!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:36
translate pl chapter_11B_0a1535a0:
# "Oh god she’s still on about that?!"
"O Boże, ona wciąż o tym myśli?!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:38
translate pl chapter_11B_166a7b30:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}She does seem pretty serious about it."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ona wydaje się podchodzić do tego całkiem poważnie."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:40
translate pl chapter_11B_67740e29:
# "We’ve been friends long enough{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Jesteśmy przyjaciółmi wystarczająco długo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:42
translate pl chapter_11B_228a6bbb:
# "I guess it’s the least I can do to start going along with it."
"Myślę, że to przynajmniej tyle, co mogę zrobić, to zacząć się z tym zgadzać."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:45
translate pl chapter_11B_c07d00fd:
# F "I didn’t realize you were Pan, Anon."
F "Nie zdawałam sobie sprawy że jesteś 'PAN', Anon."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:48
translate pl chapter_11B_8a3002c3:
# A "Pan? Wait, what does a Raptor William’s movie have to do with this?"
A "Pan? Czekaj, co film Raptora Williamsa ma z tym wspólnego?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:56
translate pl chapter_11B_4ad8ed04:
# F "No, dummy! You’re Pansexual!"
F "Nie, głupku! Jesteś panseksualny!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:60
translate pl chapter_11B_0193beaf:
# A "I’m sorry, what?"
A "Przepraszam, że co?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:62
translate pl chapter_11B_7deaa74f:
# F "You’re Pan!"
F "Jesteś Pan!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:64
translate pl chapter_11B_b4251278:
# F "That means you’re willing to date people regardless of identity!"
F "Oznacza to, że zgadzasz się na umawianie z ludźmi bez względu na ich tożsamość seksualną!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:67
translate pl chapter_11B_e8f2830f:
# "Do I come off as that desperate{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
"Czy wychodzę na aż tak zdesperowanego{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:71
translate pl chapter_11B_52f0f46c:
# F "I’m an enbie, you recognize me, we’re dating, therefore you are Pan!"
F "Jestem niebi, respektujesz mnie, umawiamy się, więc jesteś Pan!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:74
translate pl chapter_11B_bd85abc5:
# "Fang deserves a gold medal at the mental gymnastic olympics."
"Fang zasługuje na złoty medal w olimpiadzie mentalnej gimnastyki."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:76
translate pl chapter_11B_6fad17e8:
# "Even the French would give that routine a ten outta ten."
"Nawet Francuz dałby tej gimnastyce dziesięć na dziesięć."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:79
translate pl chapter_11B_b61cae09:
# "Aaaaanyways{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"W kaaaażdym raazie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:81
translate pl chapter_11B_e776e22d:
# F "Mumblin’ again."
F "Znowu mamroczysz."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:83
translate pl chapter_11B_c46ca81e:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Prom! You uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} wanna actually like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} go? Together?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Studniówka! Ty, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Naprawde byś chciał{cps=*.1}...{/cps} iść? Razem?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:85
translate pl chapter_11B_c7830db0:
# "Ugh, which is worse, the panny stuff or prom?"
"Ugh, co jest gorsze, pansex coś tam czy bal?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:90
translate pl chapter_11B_8cc68d78:
# F "Mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} naaaaah."
F "Mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nieeeee."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:93
translate pl chapter_11B_af40e7eb:
# F "Prom is like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} so lame, ya know?"
F "Bal jest{cps=*.1}...{/cps} lamerski, wiesz?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:95
translate pl chapter_11B_0fe198c7:
# A "O-oh. Yeah, I get ya. Not to mention a waste of money."
A "O-oh. Ta, rozumiem ciebie. Już nie mówiąc o marnowaniu pieniędzy."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:98
translate pl chapter_11B_fae3d594:
# F "Yeah. Money better spent on actual good stuff."
F "Ta. Pieniądze lepiej spędzić na faktycznie dobrych rzeczach."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:100
translate pl chapter_11B_598ba099:
# A "Like carfe?"
A "Jak carfe?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:103
translate pl chapter_11B_dfa41233:
# "In the distance I can hear Reed rebuffing my attempt to try his product."
"W oddali słyszę, jak Reed odrzuca moją próbę wypróbowania jego produktu."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:105
translate pl chapter_11B_b0ad7595:
# F "Yeah. And booze."
F "Ta. I wóda."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:107
translate pl chapter_11B_eccc25da:
# A "Yeah totally. Like, prom cash is way better spent on fun stuff like liquor."
A "Tak, totalnie. Na przykład pieniądze ze studniówki są o wiele lepiej wydawane na fajne rzeczy, takie jak alkohol."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:111
translate pl chapter_11B_a1c0b6db:
# F "In fact, we totally should."
F "Właściwie powinniśmy to zrobić."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:114
translate pl chapter_11B_04fb369d:
# A "Should what?"
A "Powinniśmy co?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:116
translate pl chapter_11B_dbe2f43a:
# F "Have our own prom! Just the two of us! With booze!"
F "Powiniśmy odprawić własny bal! Tylko my dwoje! Z wódą!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:118
translate pl chapter_11B_d9a0aa45:
# "I consider the idea for a moment."
"Zastanawiam się nad tym pomysłem przez chwilę."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:121
translate pl chapter_11B_7629d112:
# "Just Fang, me and a few dozen cans of beer somewhere."
"Tylko Fang, ja i tuziny puszek po piwie leżących porozwalanych."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:127
translate pl chapter_11B_9684b80a:
# A "Fuck yeah!"
A "Zajebiście!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:131
translate pl chapter_11B_3087c243:
# F "Fuck yeah!"
F "Zajebiście!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:133
translate pl chapter_11B_04c92c78:
# Drf "Quiet down, you in the back."
Drf "Cisza, wy z tyłu."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:136
translate pl chapter_11B_26edff3d:
# A "Oops."
A "Ups."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:140
translate pl chapter_11B_9a8b8235:
# A "Crap, the assignment!"
A "Cholera, zadanie!"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:143
translate pl chapter_11B_66186ac8:
# F "You’re still worried about that?"
F "Wciąż się o to martwisz?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:145
translate pl chapter_11B_3362a934:
# "I flip the page over to reveal the second half, which we only have about ten minutes to finish."
"Odwracam stronę, aby odsłonić drugą połowę, do zakończenia której mamy tylko około dziesięciu minut."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:148
translate pl chapter_11B_f902a1a1:
# F "It’s just the one assignment, and there’s already no way you can finish, right?"
F "To tylko jedno zadanie i już nie ma mowy że je ukończysz, prawda?"
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:151
translate pl chapter_11B_60a0daa5:
# F "Just relax, take a break now and then."
F "Po prostu zrelaksuj się, od czasu do czasu zrób sobie przerwę."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:153
translate pl chapter_11B_1c59fed2:
# "I worriedly glance at the page again."
"Z niepokojem ponownie spoglądam na stronę."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:156
translate pl chapter_11B_70273cf8:
# "Maybe she’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps} they’re right."
"Może ona{cps=*.1}...{/cps} oni mają rację."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:159
translate pl chapter_11B_f627df4f:
# A "Alright, sure."
A "W prządku, dobra."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:169
translate pl chapter_11B_7fb6f928:
# "The two of us continue making plans up to the bell, and I toss the paper out when I leave."
"Oboje kontynuujemy tworzenie planów aż do dzwonka, kiedy wychodzę, wyrzucam zadanie."
# game/script/11B.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right,-and-she's-smug-about-it.rpy:171
translate pl chapter_11B_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"