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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:9
translate pt_br chapter_9_8e4ccd60:
# "End of midterms means the start of the new quarter."
"O fim dos testes indica o começo de um novo bimestre."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:11
translate pt_br chapter_9_83bfdf19:
# "Halfway through the semester, and things have been going pretty good."
"Já estamos na metade do semestre, e as coisas estão indo muito bem."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:13
translate pt_br chapter_9_d3e38f77:
# "I didn’t completely fuck up so far, and I think the rest of the band is starting to warm up to me."
"Ainda não fiz nenhuma merda catastrófica, e acho que o resto da banda tá começando a gostar mais da minha presença."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:15
translate pt_br chapter_9_372fb314:
# "Especially Fang."
"Especialmente Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:17
translate pt_br chapter_9_ceeb7813:
# "In fact we’ve been hanging out more in the auditorium after school."
"Na verdade, estamos passando mais tempo juntos no auditório depois das aulas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:19
translate pt_br chapter_9_6702fb45:
# "Instead of band practice we’ve been making use of that repaired projector."
"Ao invés dos ensaios da banda, estamos usando aquele projetor que o Reed consertou."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:21
translate pt_br chapter_9_aeec348f:
# "Watching shitty movies and playing games on Reed’s Xrox."
"Assistindo filmes ruins e jogando no Xrox do Reed."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:27
translate pt_br chapter_9_f910960c:
# N "Why are you so deep in thought, Anon?"
N "Tá perdido nos seus pensamentos, Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:34
translate pt_br chapter_9_17270441:
# "The Mandarin Manchurian rips me away from my monologue."
"A Ditadora Damasco me arranca do meu monólogo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:36
translate pt_br chapter_9_6c2cb487:
# "During homeroom, Spears came on the announcement to declare an assembly for the senior class."
"Durante a primeira aula, Spears anunciou uma reunião com os alunos do terceiro ano."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:38
translate pt_br chapter_9_7756651d:
# "Or in his own words,"
"Ou, em suas próprias palavras, "
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:40
translate pt_br chapter_9_5dfae8b3:
# Sp "{alpha=.75}{i}\"ASSES IN THOSE SEATS NOW!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
Sp "{i}{alpha=.75}\"SENTEM ESSES RABOS NESSAS CADEIRAS AGORA!\"{/alpha}{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:53
translate pt_br chapter_9_e0ccec04:
# "Naomi has taken the opportunity to walk with me through the hallways."
"Naomi usou a oportunidade para andar comigo pelos corredores."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:56
translate pt_br chapter_9_be8e0575:
# A "What do you want?"
A "O que você quer, hein Naomi?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:59
translate pt_br chapter_9_69890284:
# N "So I heard you and Fang went on another date the other day."
N "Então, eu fiquei sabendo que você e a Fang saíram em um encontro de novo outro dia."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:62
translate pt_br chapter_9_8d1d0eca:
# "Of course she did."
"Claro que ela ficou sabendo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:64
translate pt_br chapter_9_ca925cd0:
# A "It wasn’t a date, we were just hanging out."
A "Não foi um encontro, a gente só tava matando tempo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:66
translate pt_br chapter_9_a712e173:
# "Just kickin’ Reed’s ass in Rock Ring 3."
"Detonando o Reed em Rock Ring 3"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:68
translate pt_br chapter_9_bb4eb25b:
# "Pls give mammoth bone armor."
"Por favor, coloquem uma armadura no mammoth."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:73
translate pt_br chapter_9_7b9978d5:
# A "You do anything fun with Naser lately?"
A "Cê tem feito alguma coisa legal com o Naser ultimamente?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:76
translate pt_br chapter_9_c5b2bbcf:
# N "OH! {w=0.3}{nw}"
N "OH! {w=0.3}{nw}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:81
translate pt_br chapter_9_5da968b5:
# extend "My Naser just had another track meet!"
extend "Meu Naser participou de outra corrida!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:87
translate pt_br chapter_9_25f60234:
# "That always works."
"Sempre funciona."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:90
translate pt_br chapter_9_396f57c4:
# N "His high jump form is so perfect!"
N "A postura dele no salto em altura é perfeita!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:92
translate pt_br chapter_9_07b399c2:
# N "And he looks so dazzling in his track and field uniform!"
N "E ele fica deslumbrante no uniforme de corrida!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:98
translate pt_br chapter_9_de9465b5:
# N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And his physique{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E aquele físico{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:100
translate pt_br chapter_9_bf7ca676:
# "I tune her out as she covers her profusely red nose."
"Começo a ignorar o que ela diz assim que ela começa a cobrir a fuça vermelha."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:105
translate pt_br chapter_9_7b10e5a4:
# "The less I can think of Naser’s body the better."
"Quanto menos eu pensar no corpo do Naser, melhor."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:115
translate pt_br chapter_9_a8921b29:
# "We get to the auditorium once again and I look to the back row to find our spot."
"Chegamos ao auditório novamente e já começo a procurar nosso lugar de costume, na última fileira."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:118
translate pt_br chapter_9_b30b9eb9:
# "Empty?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:125
translate pt_br chapter_9_5f40d872:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:140
translate pt_br chapter_9_6069c7e9:
# "Fang and Trish are sitting in the front row."
"Fang e Trish estão sentadas na fileira da frente."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:142
translate pt_br chapter_9_3112e91c:
# "Next to them is Reed huddling behind a cart with the projector he’d fixed on it, messing with the cords."
"Reed está perto delas, atrás de um carrinho com o projetor que ele consertou, mexendo nos cabos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:151
translate pt_br chapter_9_b71e325b:
# A "What’s the deal? Why are we sitting in the front all of a sudden?"
A "Qual o problema? Por que a gente tá sentando na frente de repente?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:155
translate pt_br chapter_9_d0067502:
# Re "{cps=*.25}Uhhhh{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Spears asked me to man the projector{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "{cps=*.25}Maaaano{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} o Spears me pediu pra cuidar do projetor{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:157
translate pt_br chapter_9_41830480:
# Re "First I was like \"say {cps=*.25}whaaaaat{/cps}\", but then I was like \"yeah, man, sure\"."
Re "Primeiro eu fiquei tipo ‘{cps=*.25}queeeeee{/cps}’, mas depois eu tava ‘beleza, mano, pode crer’."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:159
translate pt_br chapter_9_367df6eb:
# Re "So here I am."
Re "E agora tô aqui."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:163
translate pt_br chapter_9_b7f91389:
# A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} see{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} saquei{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:170
translate pt_br chapter_9_28cf53ec:
# "I take my seat next to Fang."
"Me sento ao lado de Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:173
translate pt_br chapter_9_2d168717:
# A "They say why we’re here yet?"
A "Eles já disseram por que a gente tá aqui?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:176
translate pt_br chapter_9_81fac6db:
# F "Nope."
F "Nop."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:179
translate pt_br chapter_9_eb8e50e4:
# T "Since we’re seniors it’s probably some other stupid pep talk about ‘Our Futures’."
T "Já que a gente é do terceirão, provavelmente é alguma conversa fiada sobre ‘Os Nossos Futuros’."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:182
translate pt_br chapter_9_17de6722:
# Re "I bet it’s a fundraiser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Aposto que é uma rifa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:184
translate pt_br chapter_9_2e61bfac:
# Re "I’m like, good at selling things and stuff{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Eu sou tipo, muito bom pra vender as paradas e tal{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:187
translate pt_br chapter_9_822af454:
# A "I’m sure."
A "Seeeei."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:190
translate pt_br chapter_9_cbb84571:
# A "Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask."
A "Na real, queria perguntar uma coisa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:192
translate pt_br chapter_9_87b174d2:
# A "What exactly is 'carfe'?"
A "O quê exatamente é ‘carfê’?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:195
translate pt_br chapter_9_dd9d6aad:
# Re "You don’t know man?"
Re "Tu não sabe, mano?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:198
translate pt_br chapter_9_3091f39f:
# Re "Carfentanyl.{w=.3} The wildest stuff a dino can get."
Re "Carfentanil.{w=.3} A parada mais braba que um dino pode comprar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:201
translate pt_br chapter_9_fec3f51e:
# A "Really now?"
A "É sério isso?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:204
translate pt_br chapter_9_6cf8124d:
# T "It was used in war by skinnies a while back. It’s a deadly tranquilizing agent."
T "Foi usada na guerra pelos pelanca um tempo atrás. É um agente tranquilizante mortal."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:210
translate pt_br chapter_9_7720697d:
# Re "It’s only deadly when you make it wrong, man."
Re "Ei, só mata se tu preparar errado, bicho."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:213
translate pt_br chapter_9_1e1d24c5:
# Re "But yeah, it’s great stuff if you know how to do it."
Re "Mas é, bagulho louco quando tu sabe usar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:217
translate pt_br chapter_9_670a5ba9:
# A "Fang, have you ever tried any?"
A "Fang, tu já usou isso?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:220
translate pt_br chapter_9_b5608fc5:
# F "Once."
F "Só uma vez."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:222
translate pt_br chapter_9_5b0d873f:
# F "Woke up hanging upside down from a tree with Naomi’s clothes on hugging a fake skeleton."
F "Acordei de ponta cabeça pendurada numa árvore usando as roupas da Naomi e abraçando um esqueleto de plástico."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:225
translate pt_br chapter_9_48a754ae:
# T "See, when I do it it just makes me a bit dizzy for a few hours."
T "Tá vendo? Quando eu uso só fico meio tonta por umas horas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:227
translate pt_br chapter_9_1f5c474b:
# A "Huh.{w=0.3} Can I see some?"
A "Hm.{w=0.3} Posso provar?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:230
translate pt_br chapter_9_531b069a:
# Re "Absolutely not."
Re "De jeito nenhum."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:232
translate pt_br chapter_9_e7b51dc4:
# F "No."
F "Não."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:235
translate pt_br chapter_9_2ec08589:
# A "Why not?"
A "Por quê?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:238
translate pt_br chapter_9_1e3e24ba:
# T "That stuff’s a hundred times more powerful than horse tranquilizer."
T "Essa parada é centenas de vezes mais forte que tranquilizante pra cavalo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:240
translate pt_br chapter_9_14a2a530:
# T "It’d melt your skin."
T "Derreteria a tua pele."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:243
translate pt_br chapter_9_32dceb2e:
# Re "Make your heart burst."
Re "Vai fazer teu coração estourar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:246
translate pt_br chapter_9_a97059dc:
# F "I heard a human tried it once and exploded."
F "Eu ouvi dizer uma vez que um humano provou e explodiu."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:248
translate pt_br chapter_9_ea09208b:
# T "I bet."
T "Aposto que é verdade."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:252
translate pt_br chapter_9_f99ac024:
# A "Yeah, yeah, sure. You just don’t want to share."
A "Tá, tá, claro. Cês só não querem dividir comigo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:258
translate pt_br chapter_9_e50922d9:
# "The last of the seniors trickle in and take seats near the front."
"Os últimos alunos entram e sentam nos lugares livres perto da frente."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:260
translate pt_br chapter_9_e5230fb0:
# "Eventually Spears takes the stage."
"Eventualmente Spears sobe ao palco."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:276
translate pt_br chapter_9_c019a543:
# "He pauses to make sure everyone’s covering their ears before beginning."
"Ele dá uma pausa para se certificar de que todos estão tapando os ouvidos antes de começar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:285
translate pt_br chapter_9_8ea368e1:
# Sp "{cps=*.25}ALLLRIGHT{/cps}!" with vpunch
Sp "{cps=*.25}MUUUUITO BEM{/cps}!" with vpunch
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:288
translate pt_br chapter_9_bb7ee271:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:290
translate pt_br chapter_9_46734c83:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:292
translate pt_br chapter_9_0bea08d2:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:295
translate pt_br chapter_9_d64e1f69:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:313
translate pt_br chapter_9_afece56f:
# "Spears gestures his hand towards Naomi and Naser, who show up from behind the stage curtains."
"Spears faz um gesto com a mão na direção de Naomi e Naser, que aparecem detrás das cortinas do palco."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:315
translate pt_br chapter_9_5c72bbf0:
# "The Chiffon Czarina brings a wireless microphone to her snout."
"A Seriguela Soberana leva um microfone sem fio à sua fuça."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:317
translate pt_br chapter_9_789f6700:
# "She begins reciting a well rehearsed speech in her usual snooty{w=.2} (heh){w=.2} manner."
"Ela começa a recitar um discurso bem ensaiado com a fuça (heh) empinada."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:320
translate pt_br chapter_9_8a8a636d:
# "More plastic than person."
"Mais falsa que nota de três."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:323
translate pt_br chapter_9_d5f258a4:
# N "Why, thank you, Principal Spears!"
N "Ora, muito obrigada, Diretor Spears!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:326
translate pt_br chapter_9_a8a62ec3:
# "The projector comes to life, displaying a basic slideshow title card reading."
"O projetor é ligado, exibindo um slideshow básico."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:329
translate pt_br chapter_9_ecb0f1d2:
# A "Reed, how do you know when to move it forward?"
A "Reed, como você sabe a hora de passar pro próximo slide?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:331
translate pt_br chapter_9_fb60bee9:
# Re "It’s when she crosses her fingers. Check it out."
Re "É quando ela cruza os dedos. Se liga."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:334
translate pt_br chapter_9_1db20d8f:
# N "Now, this is a very important turning point in your life!"
N "Agora, esse é um momento de tomar decisões muito importantes na sua vida!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:338
translate pt_br chapter_9_9b60f357:
# "Ah, got it, It’s one of these. I needed a nap."
"Ah, entendi, é um desses discursos. Precisava mesmo de um cochilo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:344
translate pt_br chapter_9_7ed813ba:
# "As soon as I closed my eyes I felt a malevolent force looming before me."
"Assim que fecho meus olhos, sinto uma força maligna sobre mim."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:346
translate pt_br chapter_9_9fe88836:
# "Somehow, I felt like opening my eyes was a bad idea."
"Por algum motivo, acho que abrir os olhos seria uma péssima ideia."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:348
translate pt_br chapter_9_88d82df4:
# "But keeping them closed was an even worse one."
"Mas mantê-los fechados, uma ainda pior."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:355
translate pt_br chapter_9_96ddf8a8:
# "At least there’s cute little designs on the slides."
"Pelo menos tinha uns designs bonitinhos nos slides."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:357
translate pt_br chapter_9_cbb081fe:
# "There’s a little penguin with a graduation cap{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Tem um pinguim com um capelo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:361
translate pt_br chapter_9_9c48139f:
# "There’s the school mascot in a party hat{cps=*.1}...{/cps} even has the fogged up window{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Tem o mascote da escola com um chapéu de festa{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tem até uma janelinha embaçada{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:365
translate pt_br chapter_9_7ae8bb8c:
# "A lineup of various graduates with a token human at the end for diversity. Typical."
"Umas fotos de vários graduandos, com um humano no final para mostrar a diversidade. Típico."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:369
translate pt_br chapter_9_22151154:
# "There’s some scientists and engineers holding hands{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Tem alguns cientistas e engenheiros dando as mãos{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:373
translate pt_br chapter_9_230df099:
# "There’s a triceratops holding onto a branch with the text \"Hang in there, baby!\""
"Tem um tricerátopo segurando uma placa dizendo \"Aguenta firme, amor!\""
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:377
translate pt_br chapter_9_792ded64:
# "There’s me two years ago when I photoshopped myself with an anime girl."
"Tem eu de dois anos atrás, quando fiz uma montagem de mim mesmo com uma garota de anime."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:385
translate pt_br chapter_9_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:387
translate pt_br chapter_9_78fa7117:
# "{cps=*.1}....{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:389
translate pt_br chapter_9_49b80c7f:
# "{cps=*.1}.....{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:395
translate pt_br chapter_9_836d9a44:
# "{i}What the fuck-{/i}"
"{i}Que porra é essa-{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:397
translate pt_br chapter_9_222a5acc:
# "{i}HOW!{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:399
translate pt_br chapter_9_0f5518e8:
# "{i}{b}WHY!{/b}{/i}"
"{i}{b}POR QUÊ?!{/b}{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:401
translate pt_br chapter_9_c3b5f31c:
# "The world’s stopped turning.{w=.3} No one around me is moving and there is no sound at all."
"O mundo parou de girar.{w=.3} Ninguém à minha volta está se movendo e não há barulho algum."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:403
translate pt_br chapter_9_89e2cd53:
# "Why is that here?{w=0.4} {i}How!{/i}"
"Por que isso tá ali?{w=0.4} {i}Como??{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:405
translate pt_br chapter_9_d16c9c67:
# "I deleted everything!{w=.4} {i}EVERYTHING!{/i}"
"Eu deletei tudo isso!{w=.4} {i}TUDO!{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:407
translate pt_br chapter_9_4b4e1f1e:
# "{i}So why the fuck is it here.{/i}"
"{i}Então por que caralhos essa porra tá ali?{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:410
translate pt_br chapter_9_943ae44f:
# "My body feels like stone as I try to turn."
"Meu corpo parece pedra quando tento me virar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:412
translate pt_br chapter_9_674e0eac:
# "To see if anyone else is seeing this."
"Para checar se mais alguém tá vendo isso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:414
translate pt_br chapter_9_6af6ca5b:
# "In the end I can’t bring myself to move at all."
"No fim das contas eu não consigo me mexer."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:416
translate pt_br chapter_9_7a531625:
# "It doesn’t matter, I already feel their endless gazes."
"Não importa, já sinto os infinitos olhares em cima de mim."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:427
translate pt_br chapter_9_1f9f43a0:
# "I feel lightheaded."
"Me sinto aéreo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:429
translate pt_br chapter_9_f7257440:
# "There’s what feels like a lump of lead in the pit of my stomach."
"A sensação de que tem um pedaço enorme de chumbo no fundo do meu estômago."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:431
translate pt_br chapter_9_a1735934:
# "There’s dark spots forming in my sight."
"Pontos pretos começam a se formar na minha vista."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:433
translate pt_br chapter_9_da412809:
# "When I finally breathe again the world restarts."
"Quando consigo finalmente respirar de novo, o mundo reinicia."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:435
translate pt_br chapter_9_be81ee13:
# "The laughter hits first."
"As risadas batem primeiro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:437
translate pt_br chapter_9_4cfd1593:
# "A monstrous guffaw from behind, that’s joined by every other senior in the room."
"Ouço uma gargalhada monstruosa vinda de trás, que é acompanhada por todos os outros alunos na sala."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:451
translate pt_br chapter_9_3ebfdfe4:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:456
translate pt_br chapter_9_030166b5:
# Re "I-{w=.2}I am!"
Re "T-{w=.2}tá bom!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:459
translate pt_br chapter_9_df7fb347:
# "More pictures."
"Mais fotos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:461
translate pt_br chapter_9_43e99c33:
# "So many more pictures."
"Tantas fotos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:465
translate pt_br chapter_9_1db4249e:
# "Each one more and more embarrassing than the last."
"Cada uma mais comprometedora do que a anterior."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:468
translate pt_br chapter_9_03b507f4:
# "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} oh god{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Meu Deus{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:474
translate pt_br chapter_9_07cb2738:
# Nas "Shit!"
Nas "Merda!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:498
translate pt_br chapter_9_495a288c:
# "There’s a loud crash right next to me and the entire room becomes black."
"Escuto um estrondo alto perto de mim e todo o auditório fica escuro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:501
translate pt_br chapter_9_1e320f0f:
# "Did I faint?"
"Será que eu desmaiei?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:503
translate pt_br chapter_9_d1b40db3:
# "Is this real life?{w=0.5} Is this just fantasy?"
"Será só imaginação?{w=0.5} Será que nada vai acontecer?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:508
translate pt_br chapter_9_c9ea68c4:
# F "A-Anon?"
F "A-Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:511
translate pt_br chapter_9_4f4553a4:
# "Still awake.{w=0.4} Fuck."
"Ainda acordado.{w=0.4} Porra."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:531
translate pt_br chapter_9_9886381e:
# "The lights come back on and my eyes burn."
"As luzes se acendem novamente e os meus olhos queimam."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:533
translate pt_br chapter_9_0f4ef6fa:
# "The projector is on the floor, lens shards scattered all around."
"O projetor está no chão, com lentes quebradas espalhadas por todo o lado."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:535
translate pt_br chapter_9_3f9fbf12:
# "The laughter is even louder now."
"As risadas são ainda mais altas agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:538
translate pt_br chapter_9_f7d2eacd:
# Nas "Reed how the {i}fuck{/i} did this happen?"
Nas "Reed, como é que aconteceu uma {i}merda{/i} dessas?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:540
translate pt_br chapter_9_d2285b79:
# Re "L-{w=.2}look I just used the USB Trish said-"
Re "O-olha,{w=.2} eu só usei o pendrive que a Trish-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:545
translate pt_br chapter_9_d1a16c55:
# Nas "{cps=*2.0}TRISH?!{/cps}{w=0.4} Why would Trish-"
Nas "{cps=*2.0}TRISH?!{/cps}{w=0.4} Por que a Trish-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:547
translate pt_br chapter_9_e75b98f2:
# "Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} wasn’t in her seat."
"Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} não estava no lugar dela."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:549
translate pt_br chapter_9_ae0e78c7:
# "In the corner of my eye I notice someone running for the entrance."
"Com o canto do olho, noto alguém correndo para a entrada."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:551
translate pt_br chapter_9_4a92b15c:
# "It’s Trish.{w=.3} She’s making a mad sprint for the door."
"É a Trish.{w=.3} Ela está fugindo loucamente para a porta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:554
translate pt_br chapter_9_99334968:
# Nas "Stop her!{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Segura ela!{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:574
translate pt_br chapter_9_e3b26954:
# "She continues dashing towards the exit{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Ela continua indo para a saída{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:576
translate pt_br chapter_9_a6cbd2fd:
# "And right into Spears’ hand."
"E vai direto para a mão do Spears."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:578
translate pt_br chapter_9_847fc95a:
# "Literally."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:582
translate pt_br chapter_9_52cdce97:
# "His baseball mitt of a hand covers the{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} the{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} {i}that fucking {b}BITCH!{/b}{/i}"
"Sua mão gigante cobre a{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} a{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} {i}essa {b}PUTA{/b} do caralho!{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:584
translate pt_br chapter_9_58348c84:
# "Covers her face entirely."
"Cobre a cara dela completamente."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:586
translate pt_br chapter_9_85a2f00a:
# "Even lifts her up. By her face. With one hand."
"Ele até a levanta. Pela cara. Com uma mão."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:589
translate pt_br chapter_9_f596d94b:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:591
translate pt_br chapter_9_06b25830:
# "Spears motions for me to follow him but I feel paralyzed by everything that just happened."
"Spears faz sinal para que eu o siga, mas estou paralisado por tudo o que acaba de acontecer."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:595
translate pt_br chapter_9_b3cf23e8:
# "I bury my face in my hands and just groan."
"Enterro o rosto nas minhas mãos e lamento."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:597
translate pt_br chapter_9_cc2746f8:
# "This is Rock Bottom all over again."
"Isso aqui é Rock Bottom de novo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:607
translate pt_br chapter_9_74c7696b:
# "Fang tugs at my arm, trying to get me to follow."
"Fang puxa meu braço, tentando me fazer segui-la."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:609
translate pt_br chapter_9_1aac78eb:
# "I just can’t find the energy to move anything right now."
"Eu não tenho energia para mover nenhum músculo agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:611
translate pt_br chapter_9_5564e9ea:
# "Fang frantically looks around at the hysterical crowd, trying to come up with something."
"Fang olha em volta freneticamente para a multidão histérica, tentando pensar em alguma coisa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:613
translate pt_br chapter_9_fe884492:
# "Eventually, I feel Fang put her arm over my shoulder as she tries to get me to stand."
"Eventualmente, sinto Fang passar um braço pelo meu ombro enquanto tenta me fazer levantar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:621
translate pt_br chapter_9_767e621f:
# "She drapes her wings across my back, creating a barrier between me and everyone else."
"Ela estira suas asas pelas minhas costas, criando uma barreira entre mim e todo o restante do pessoal."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:632
translate pt_br chapter_9_04203420:
# "Without saying a word she leads me out of a side door towards the principal’s office."
"Sem dizer uma palavra, ela me leva por uma porta na lateral em direção à diretoria."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:643
translate pt_br chapter_9_938feb50:
# "What the fuck just happened?"
"Que porra foi essa que acabou de acontecer?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:657
translate pt_br chapter_9_2329cd74:
# F "Hey{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Ei{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:659
translate pt_br chapter_9_37b5952c:
# "How is this happening to me?"
"Como é que isso foi acontecer comigo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:661
translate pt_br chapter_9_e2fbbd61:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You gonna be alright?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Cê vai ficar bem?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:663
translate pt_br chapter_9_426b36bc:
# "How did Trish find those dumb pictures?"
"Como é que a Trish achou a merda dessas fotos?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:665
translate pt_br chapter_9_7f7ac448:
# F "Look, don’t listen to those pricks Anon."
F "Olha, não liga pra esses imbecis, Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:667
translate pt_br chapter_9_2b9d17ed:
# "Was Reed in on it?"
"Será que o Reed teve alguma coisa a ver com isso?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:669
translate pt_br chapter_9_9b6cd673:
# F "All of them dumbasses."
F "Todos eles são uns babacas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:671
translate pt_br chapter_9_232ae763:
# "He couldn’t be, what would he gain from something like this?"
"Não, ele não poderia, o que ele ganharia com isso?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:673
translate pt_br chapter_9_08286c5c:
# F "Like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} this’ll all blow over."
F "Tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} todo mundo vai esquecer isso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:675
translate pt_br chapter_9_de016cf5:
# "What would {i}Trish{/i} gain from something like this?"
"O que é que a {i}Trish{/i} ganha com isso?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:677
translate pt_br chapter_9_301ced7c:
# F "Like, none of them talk about our shitty concert."
F "Nenhum deles fala mais daquele show de merda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:679
translate pt_br chapter_9_e46b0a9d:
# "I know she doesn’t like me but {i}this{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Eu sei que ela não gosta de mim, mas {i}isso{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:681
translate pt_br chapter_9_468edcb9:
# F "And that was like, a fuckin’ month ago."
F "E aquela porra foi tipo, há um mês atrás."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:683
translate pt_br chapter_9_5a503e57:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}This is fucked up!"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Isso é errado pra caralho!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:685
translate pt_br chapter_9_ff3a2f7c:
# "I’m going to rip her stupid horns off and give her a couple new holes to breathe with!"
"Eu vou arrancar aqueles chifres estúpidos dela e fazer uns buracos novos por onde ela possa respirar!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:687
translate pt_br chapter_9_0c784545:
# F "It’ll be all good Anon."
F "Vai ficar tudo bem, Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:689
translate pt_br chapter_9_4608594c:
# "Think Fang’s dad had a thing going on with the golf clubs{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Pensando bem, o pai da Fang tem uma tara por tacos de golfe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:691
translate pt_br chapter_9_2691fb29:
# "See if he can give me a couple of pointers."
"Vou perguntar pra ele depois se pode me dar umas dicas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:693
translate pt_br chapter_9_137598a3:
# F "Just needs some time to forget it happened."
F "Só dá um tempo, todo mundo vai esquecer isso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:696
translate pt_br chapter_9_6f752566:
# "The squeak of sneakers catches my attention and I turn to see Reed approaching us down the hall."
"O rangido de tênis no chão chama minha atenção e me viro para ver Reed se aproximando de nós, vindo do fundo do corredor."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:712
translate pt_br chapter_9_7fa47cb9:
# F "Reed{cps=*.1}..?{/cps} I thought Spears sent everyone back to class."
F "Reed{cps=*.1}...?{/cps} O Spears não mandou todo mundo de volta pra aula?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:714
translate pt_br chapter_9_3fd92c72:
# Re "Can't just sit in class while all my hombres are going through some pretty heavy stuff, y'know?"
Re "Não dá pra ficar na aula quando meu brother tá passando por uma barra pesada dessas, saca?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:717
translate pt_br chapter_9_0cf50a09:
# Re "Got something I need to get off my chest, anyways."
Re "Tem uma coisa que eu preciso tirar do peito também."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:719
translate pt_br chapter_9_df0c5571:
# A "What? Bit busy dealing with being doxxed here!"
A "O quê que é? Tô meio ocupado sendo exposto aqui!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:722
translate pt_br chapter_9_6f1e962d:
# "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:730
translate pt_br chapter_9_535dde89:
# A "Wait, get what off your chest?"
A "Pera, tirar o quê do peito?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:732
translate pt_br chapter_9_77357aeb:
# A "Were{cps=*.1}...{/cps} were you in on it?"
A "Você{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tava envolvido nisso?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:740
translate pt_br chapter_9_2b0228d4:
# "Fang’s questioning glare makes Reed shudder."
"O olhar acusatório de Fang faz Reed se estremecer."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:744
translate pt_br chapter_9_cbd07327:
# Re "Wait, wait, no, don’t get the wrong idea, man!"
Re "Não, não, calma, não pensa bobeira, velho!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:748
translate pt_br chapter_9_129cae69:
# F "Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps} how did this happen?"
F "Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps} como isso aconteceu?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:750
translate pt_br chapter_9_0a4a9b0e:
# Re "No no, it went more like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Não, calma, foi tipo assim{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:753
translate pt_br chapter_9_d9f217b7:
# Re "I was getting the projector set up earlier, right?"
Re "Eu tava preparando o projetor mais cedo, certo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:757
translate pt_br chapter_9_b35fc194:
# Re "Something was wrong with the lens, and I didn’t have enough time."
Re "Tinha alguma coisa errada com as lentes, e eu não tinha muito tempo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:759
translate pt_br chapter_9_6b5a74d9:
# Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}So I asked Trish to go get the thing from Naomi."
Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Então eu pedi pra Trish pegar o pendrive com a Naomi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:763
translate pt_br chapter_9_c0d3bfb5:
# Re "I guess she must’ve, like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} changed the slides before giving it to me?"
Re "Eu acho que ela deve ter, tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} alterado os slides antes de me entregar?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:766
translate pt_br chapter_9_9e4bb793:
# A "{cps=*1.4}And you didn’t think to check?!{/cps}"
A "{cps=*1.4}E você não pensou em conferir antes?!{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:771
translate pt_br chapter_9_82faea4a:
# "Reed deflates."
"Reed murcha um pouco."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:774
translate pt_br chapter_9_635c6b80:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Damn it, Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Porra, Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:776
translate pt_br chapter_9_ea19c1d8:
# Re "Look, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Trish isn't a bad person."
Re "Olha mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps} a Trish não é uma pessoa ruim."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:779
translate pt_br chapter_9_8e8156e8:
# A "Bitch sure has a funny way of showing it!"
A "Essa filha da puta com certeza demonstra isso muito bem!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:782
translate pt_br chapter_9_710e5987:
# Re "Dude.{w=.3} I know you're still hurting from what she did but like-"
Re "Cara.{w=.3} Eu sei que tu tá magoado pelo que ela fez, mas-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:784
translate pt_br chapter_9_ac709e9c:
# A "Yeah, what could have POSSIBLY given that away?!"
A "Ah é? E o que será que faz você PENSAR que eu tô chateado?!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:789
translate pt_br chapter_9_a61579c8:
# Re "BRO!{w=0.3} Let me finish!"
Re "MANO!{w=0.3} Me deixa falar!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:792
translate pt_br chapter_9_155a1bff:
# "Reed's raised voice takes the wind out of my lungs."
"A voz alterada de Reed tira o ar dos meus pulmões."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:794
translate pt_br chapter_9_867c1d65:
# "That's the first time I think I've ever heard him raise his voice."
"É a primeira vez que vejo ele aumentar o tom."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:797
translate pt_br chapter_9_9ed7b9e3:
# Re "Trish messed up pretty bad, bro. Like massively, hugely messed up."
Re "A Trish sacaneou grandão, irmão. Tipo, muito, cabuloso mesmo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:799
translate pt_br chapter_9_446beaa9:
# Re "Not gonna argue with that. She abused my trust too, dude."
Re "Não vou tirar tua razão nisso. Ela abusou da minha confiança também, velho."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:801
translate pt_br chapter_9_9b35f5ad:
# Re "When she gave me the presentation from Naomi I didn’t think she’d do anything like that."
Re "Quando ela me entregou a apresentação da Naomi eu não achei que ela fosse fazer nada assim."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:803
translate pt_br chapter_9_a9e15784:
# Re "But did you ever consider {i}why{/i}?"
Re "Mas tu já pensou {i}por que{/i} ela fez isso, irmão?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:805
translate pt_br chapter_9_87adcf1e:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Because she's a two-bit cunt?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Porque ela é uma piranha de merda?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:808
translate pt_br chapter_9_dcb4d47f:
# "Reed sighs again, with a noticeable lack of smoke surrounding him."
"Reed suspira de novo, com uma notável falta de fumaça em volta dele."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:810
translate pt_br chapter_9_7e3027e6:
# Re "Dude{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you and Trish have always been at each others' throats."
Re "Velho{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tu e a Trish sempre tretaram, o tempo todo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:813
translate pt_br chapter_9_c4ef86b3:
# Re "But like, why even?"
Re "Mas tipo, por que isso?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:815
translate pt_br chapter_9_0f3e35df:
# "I open my mouth to answer but can't find the words."
"Abro a boca para responder, mas não consigo encontrar as palavras certas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:817
translate pt_br chapter_9_ee276999:
# "Or the reason?"
"Ou o motivo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:820
translate pt_br chapter_9_65ce6127:
# Re "Did'ja ever stop to consider WHY Trish always gave you a hard time?"
Re "Já parou pra pensar POR QUE a Trish sempre implicou contigo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:822
translate pt_br chapter_9_cc3faeff:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Not really{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Na verdade, não{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:825
translate pt_br chapter_9_1c9f1009:
# "Another sigh, this time with an expectant look from Reed."
"Outro suspiro, dessa vez com um olhar de expectativa vindo do Reed."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:827
translate pt_br chapter_9_35b9528a:
# Re "Did you ever even try, bro?"
Re "Tu nunca nem tentou, meu mano?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:829
translate pt_br chapter_9_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:831
translate pt_br chapter_9_ddd98295:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Não."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:834
translate pt_br chapter_9_acf47387:
# Re "And that's the problem, dude."
Re "Esse é o problema, velho."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:836
translate pt_br chapter_9_7e5d6497:
# "Reed has a pained expression on his face, and a quick glance shows Fang’s is even worse."
"Reed tem uma expressão de dor no seu rosto, e uma olhada rápida mostra que Fang está ainda pior."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:838
translate pt_br chapter_9_94eb25fe:
# Re "Like, I know it sucks. Trish tricked me and all too, and that hurts, y’know?"
Re "Mano, eu sei que é uma merda. Ela me enganou e tudo também, e isso machuca, saca?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:840
translate pt_br chapter_9_9b0c795c:
# Re "But maybe try and think why Trish did this, alright bro?"
Re "Mas tenta pensar um pouco no motivo pra isso tudo, beleza?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:857
translate pt_br chapter_9_8bb70db4:
# "Trish can still burn in hell for all I care."
"Por mim a Trish ainda pode ir sentar no colo do capeta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:864
translate pt_br chapter_9_2da68b29:
# Sp "Three MONTHS!"
Sp "Três MESES!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:866
translate pt_br chapter_9_7fa1a87b:
# Sp "THREE MONTHS from graduation and you PULL A STUNT LIKE THIS?!"
Sp "TRÊS MESES antes da graduação e você ME APRONTA UMA GRACINHA DESSAS?!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:872
translate pt_br chapter_9_129f22d9:
# "Spears’ stern voice grilling Trish in his office rips me from my thoughts."
"A voz severa de Spears interrogando a Trish no seu escritório me tira dos meus pensamentos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:874
translate pt_br chapter_9_d11ff456:
# "Good! She deserves it!"
"Ótimo! Ela merece!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:876
translate pt_br chapter_9_b3460f6f:
# Sp "I’ve half a mind to have campus security escort you out of here and send you to Reef City Continuation!"
Sp "Eu estou quase pedindo que o segurança do campus te acompanhe para fora e te mande para o CEM de Reef City!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:892
translate pt_br chapter_9_0450b52e:
# "Fang and Reed both hiss at that."
"Fang e Reed rosnam ao ouvir isso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:894
translate pt_br chapter_9_7ffe5da3:
# "What the fuck does that mean?"
"O que porra isso significa?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:897
translate pt_br chapter_9_dcdfcee1:
# Sp "You have five minutes to explain why I shouldn’t do that right now."
Sp "Você tem cinco minutos para me dar um motivo para não fazer isso agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:899
translate pt_br chapter_9_bae4d0e1:
# "I couldn’t hear Trish’s full response through the door but she was obviously crying."
"Não consegui ouvir a resposta completa da Trish através da porta, mas ela estava obviamente chorando."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:901
translate pt_br chapter_9_0464ef6b:
# "After what SHE did?"
"Depois do que ELA fez?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:913
translate pt_br chapter_9_89da2ea1:
# "Fang leaned in, trying to listen through the door to hear what the bitch was saying."
"Fang se inclinou, tentando ouvir o que a piranha estava falando."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:915
translate pt_br chapter_9_f69f521d:
# "Because of her arms I was pulled closer too."
"Por causa dos braços dela, eu também fui puxado para perto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:917
translate pt_br chapter_9_9ae1a00a:
# "I heard the trollop’s whimpering and wanted nothing more than to really make her cry."
"Ouvir a prostituta choramingando, e fazer ela chorar era tudo o que eu mais queria."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:920
translate pt_br chapter_9_45cdb466:
# T "-all HIS fault-"
T "-tudo culpa DELE-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:922
translate pt_br chapter_9_5546f977:
# "My fault?! I did fucking nothing to that purple pole-smoker."
"Minha culpa?! Eu nunca fiz nada pra essa porra de chupa-rola roxa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:924
translate pt_br chapter_9_17e6f08f:
# T "-didn’t know what else I could do-"
T "-não sabia mais o que eu podia fazer-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:926
translate pt_br chapter_9_9e07982f:
# "Not fucking show half the school the cringiest thing I’ve ever done and commit what amounts to character assassination?!"
"Talvez não mostrar pra metade da porra da escola a merda mais constrangedora que eu já fiz e cometer difamação?!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:928
translate pt_br chapter_9_a6a7f714:
# T "-some asshole from the sticks-"
T "-um babaca que veio de uma quebrada-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:930
translate pt_br chapter_9_e32a656a:
# "I’ll show that cunt some fucking sticks."
"Ah, eu vou mostrar pra essa piranha quem vai ficar quebrada."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:932
translate pt_br chapter_9_aac9b9f9:
# T "-driving Fang away!"
T "-afastando Fang!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:937
translate pt_br chapter_9_2dc6c4e6:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Quê."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:939
translate pt_br chapter_9_a31e6269:
# "What does Fang have to do with any of this?!"
"O que a Fang tem a ver com isso?!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:941
translate pt_br chapter_9_042a9411:
# "She wasn’t the one bitching about every damn thing I do!"
"Não era ela que ficava enchendo o saco com tudo o que eu fazia!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:944
translate pt_br chapter_9_11986eb6:
# "I glance over to Fang whose expression seems even worse now."
"Olho para Fang, que está com uma expressão ainda pior agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:946
translate pt_br chapter_9_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:948
translate pt_br chapter_9_938fcbaa:
# "Looking at her this way makes a part of me feel even shittier."
"Ver ela assim faz uma parte de mim se sentir ainda mais merda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:950
translate pt_br chapter_9_ca3ffef4:
# "Like I did cause this."
"Como se eu tivesse causado isso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:953
translate pt_br chapter_9_92c681fb:
# "Fuck Trish though, she’s been an ass to me from the beginning!"
"Mas que se foda a Trish, ela foi babaca comigo desde o começo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:956
translate pt_br chapter_9_2e8c3629:
# Sp "Anon! Will you please step into my office!"
Sp "Anon! Pode entrar no meu escritório agora?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:958
translate pt_br chapter_9_09123825:
# "Spears’ voice shocks me from my eavesdropping."
"A voz do Spears me assusta para longe da porta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:960
translate pt_br chapter_9_8caeefa9:
# "What am I supposed to say to Trish?"
"O que é que eu deveria falar pra Trish?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:963
translate pt_br chapter_9_82351dfa:
# "Fang tries to give a reassuring smile but it’s so fragile."
"Fang tenta me dar um sorriso reafirmante, mas é tão frágil{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:965
translate pt_br chapter_9_a330da32:
# "Like this is all her fault and not that backstabbing bitch."
"Como se isso fosse culpa dela, e não da vagabunda traíra."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:967
translate pt_br chapter_9_65cb295e:
# "Reed gives a silent nod. No thumbs up this time."
"Reed acena com a cabeça. Silencioso dessa vez, sem joinhas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:987
translate pt_br chapter_9_b0cb64fe:
# "I enter Spears’ office and my eyes are immediately drawn to Trish sitting in front of his desk surrounded by crumpled up tissues."
"Entro no escritório do Spears e meus olhos focam instantaneamente na Trish, que está sentada na frente da mesa, rodeada por vários lenços de papel amassados."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:997
translate pt_br chapter_9_7eb63444:
# Sp "Trish, is there anything you would like to tell Anon?"
Sp "Trish, tem algo que você queira dizer ao Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1000
translate pt_br chapter_9_0436d177:
# "I’ve never seen her like this."
"Eu nunca vi ela assim antes."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1014
translate pt_br chapter_9_2bbce73a:
# T "It’s all your fault."
T "É tudo culpa sua."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1016
translate pt_br chapter_9_b25f083e:
# T "Who are you to come here and take Fang away!"
T "Quem você pensa que é pra chegar aqui e levar Fang embora?!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1018
translate pt_br chapter_9_364c2e64:
# T "You’re just some nobody from the middle of nowhere who only cares about yourself!"
T "Você é só um zé ninguém que veio do meio do nada que só pensa em si mesmo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1021
translate pt_br chapter_9_8e769693:
# T "I helped pull Fang out of their shell."
T "Eu ajudei a tirar Fang da casca dela!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1023
translate pt_br chapter_9_f5edb7a0:
# "And made her a social pariah in the process."
"E transformou ela num pária social no processo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1025
translate pt_br chapter_9_a5dab64b:
# T "My band was doing great before you came here!"
T "Minha banda tava indo super bem antes de você aparecer!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1027
translate pt_br chapter_9_affe475e:
# "I set up the only successful show you ever played."
"Eu ajudei a organizar o único show de sucesso que vocês já fizeram."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1033
translate pt_br chapter_9_7196871d:
# T "And then you show up and start manipulating everyone!"
T "E aí você aparece e começa a manipular todo mundo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1035
translate pt_br chapter_9_85fa0137:
# T "Because you’re a selfish control freak!"
T "Porque você é um maluco controlador egoísta!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1038
translate pt_br chapter_9_8bf3204e:
# T "Everything has to revolve around you!"
T "Tudo sempre tem que girar ao seu redor!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1040
translate pt_br chapter_9_52a786ce:
# T "Fang and Reed and me were going to make it to the top!"
T "A gente ia chegar no topo, Fang o Reed e eu!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1042
translate pt_br chapter_9_08b49ead:
# T "But you stole everything from me because you didn’t understand us!"
T "Mas você roubou tudo de mim porque você nunca entendeu a gente!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1049
translate pt_br chapter_9_16dc023c:
# T "No one understands us!"
T "Ninguém entende a gente!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1051
translate pt_br chapter_9_a78c640e:
# "Trish is cut off by a horrid sob, her head falling into her hands and new tears spilling from her eyes."
"Sua voz é cortada por um soluço horrível enquanto ela apoia a cabeça nas mãos e novas lágrimas começam a escorrer dos seus olhos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1056
translate pt_br chapter_9_ffe09919:
# "Raptor Jesus on his cross of rock that’s a lot to unpack."
"Jesus Raptor na cruz de pedra, isso é muita coisa pra absorver."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1058
translate pt_br chapter_9_441d9b5c:
# "It’s like you didn’t even try to understand me either."
"É como se você nunca tivesse tentado me entender também."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1065
translate pt_br chapter_9_a8c1e2c4:
# Sp "Anon, is there anything you want to add?"
Sp "Anon, tem alguma coisa que você queira dizer?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1067
translate pt_br chapter_9_2abf5cae:
# "Like how she’s not worth the oxygen?"
"Tipo como ela não vale o ar que respira?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1070
translate pt_br chapter_9_6ab74d7b:
# "But if this really is all about Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Mas se isso tudo realmente foi pela Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1088
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_b26284ff:
# "I turn to the pitiable purple punk-rocker."
"Me viro para a roqueirinha lamentável."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1090
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_8aa630c4:
# Sp "{cps=*.7}{alpha=0.75}{i}\"You are not the only person in the world.\"{/i}{/alpha}{/cps}"
Sp "{cps=*.7}{i}{alpha=0.75}\"Você não é a única pessoa no mundo.\"{/alpha}{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1093
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_d41fe13e:
# "Maybe Reed was onto something."
"Talvez o Reed estivesse certo sobre uma coisa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1095
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_90051390:
# "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} think I finally get it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} acho que entendi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1098
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_f2715950:
# A "Look, Trish."
A "Olha, Trish."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1100
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_86e45e0c:
# A "Maybe we didn’t start off right. And yeah, I can be an asshole."
A "Talvez a gente tenha começado isso do jeito errado. Tá, eu posso sim ser um babaca."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1105
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_9ac40179:
# "She looks up at me, surprise written on her teary eyed face."
"Ela olha para mim com uma expressão de surpresa em sua cara de choro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1107
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_9e4be1ef:
# A "I didn’t mean to drive you and Fang apart or anything. I just want to be Fang’s friend."
A "Eu nunca quis afastar Fang de você nem nada disso. Eu só queria ser amigo da Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1109
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_0f02d0d7:
# A "But after what you fucking did. Fucking digging up my past? Airing it to every senior?"
A "Mas depois dessa merda do caralho que você fez{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Porra, revirar meu passado? Mostrar isso pra todo mundo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1111
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_01a67980:
# A "And all for Fang?"
A "Foi tudo por causa da Fang?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1113
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_fdff0344:
# A "She’s outside the door thinking this is all her fault!"
A "Ela tá ali do lado de fora, achando que a culpa disso tudo é dela!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1123
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_3c9fd3ce:
# "That got a response from Trish."
"Isso chamou a atenção da Trish."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1125
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_16da0dab:
# "Her head dipped down and her fingers curled into the hem of her hoodie."
"Sua cabeça se inclinou e seus dedos se enrolaram na bainha do moletom."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1127
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_db3a5426:
# A "Maybe it’s your fault for being such a bitch."
A "Talvez a culpa seja sua, por ser uma piranha do caralho."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1129
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_6371945d:
# A "Maybe it’s mine. I don’t know."
A "Talvez a culpa seja minha, sei lá."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1131
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_5f8cb51c:
# A "But it sure as shit isn’t Fang’s!"
A "Mas eu tenho certeza que não é da Fang!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1133
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_ec789cee:
# "Another choked sob racked her body and the tears started anew."
"Outro soluço estremeceu o corpo dela, e novas lágrimas escorreram."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1136
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_4bec6f94:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I’m sorry for being a poor friend to you."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Me desculpa por ser um péssimo amigo pra você."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1138
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_11904742:
# A "But after what you did?{w=.3} I don’t know if I can forgive that."
A "Mas depois disso?{w=.3} Não sei se eu consigo perdoar isso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1141
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_3cf4627b:
# "Spears nods in approval, a fatherly grin stretching his cheeks."
"Spears acena com a cabeça em aprovação, um sorriso paternal surgindo em seu rosto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1143
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_1e8a9987:
# Sp "That was well said, son. You’ve come a long way since your first day."
Sp "Falou bem, filho. Você cresceu muito desde o seu primeiro dia aqui."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1146
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_a2497085:
# Sp "You can leave. Take the rest of the day if you need it."
Sp "Pode ir. Tire o resto do dia para descansar, se precisar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1148
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_950784b4:
# "I rise from my chair and make for the door."
"Me levanto da cadeira e vou até a porta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1154
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_0a0ee7c6:
# "But I’m stopped by what Trish just muttered."
"Mas paro no meio do caminho para ouvir algo que a Trish acaba de murmurar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1157
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_7e66b8dc:
# T "{size=-5}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.6}s’my fault{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size} {w=0.3}{size=-10}m’sorry.{/size}"
T "{size=-5}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.6} é minha culpa{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size} {w=0.3}{size=-10} desculpa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1159
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1161
translate pt_br lTalkWithTrish_996cdd78:
# A "You should tell that to Fang."
A "Você deveria falar isso pra Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1172
translate pt_br lIgnoreTrish_ffab67d7:
# A "No, I’ve got nothing."
A "Não, eu não tenho nada."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1175
translate pt_br lIgnoreTrish_67343468:
# "Spears sighs like he expected me to add something more."
"Spears suspira como se esperasse que eu dissesse algo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1177
translate pt_br lIgnoreTrish_cfe15cfb:
# "What was I supposed to say?"
"O que eu deveria dizer?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1179
translate pt_br lIgnoreTrish_044bfb5d:
# "Forgive her and act like nothing happened?"
"Que eu perdôo ela e então volto a agir como se nada tivesse acontecido?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1182
translate pt_br lIgnoreTrish_78539a82:
# Sp "Well, Anon, I can’t really say I blame you after all of that."
Sp "Bom, Anon, não posso dizer que eu te culpo depois disso tudo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1184
translate pt_br lIgnoreTrish_ee549177:
# "Trish remains silent, her eyes locked on the floor."
"Trish continua em silêncio, com os olhos travados na porta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1186
translate pt_br lIgnoreTrish_67015b01:
# Sp "You can go home for the day if you need to."
Sp "Pode ir para casa e descansar, se precisar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1198
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_65b6bfde:
# "Right before I clamp my hand on the doorknob, Spears speaks up."
"Antes que eu pegue a maçaneta, Spears fala mais uma coisa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1200
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_cb813c37:
# Sp "Oh, and Anon.{w=0.3} Don’t think I didn’t notice."
Sp "Ah, Anon,{w=0.3} não pense que eu não reparei."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1202
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_12c320ca:
# "Uh oh."
"Uh oh."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1206
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_d7c73f50:
# "I slowly turn back to him."
"Lentamente me viro para ele."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1211
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_30c62700:
# Sp "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Sp "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1213
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1215
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_634cda11:
# Sp "Your waifu is trash and your taste is shit."
Sp "Suas waifu são um lixo e o seu gosto é uma merda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1217
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_44317e76:
# Sp "My door is always open so I can share some quality anime."
Sp "Minha porta sempre estará aberta para te mostrar animes de qualidade."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1220
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1228
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_fdf0fc80:
# "I open the door to see Fang again, expression complex, leaning against the door’s frame."
"Abro a porta para ver Fang novamente, com uma expressão complexa, encostada no batente da porta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1240
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_045991ba:
# "Reed has taken my place beside her with a comforting arm around her shoulder."
"Reed tomou meu lugar ao seu lado, com um braço reconfortante em volta do ombro dela."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1242
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_a2c07abd:
# "If this was any other situation I might have felt a bit jealous."
"Se fosse em qualquer outra situação, eu teria ficado com um pouco de ciúmes."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1252
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_f03083dd:
# F "Hey."
F "E aí."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1254
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_ce6e7e0f:
# "A heavy sigh escapes my lips."
"Um suspiro pesado escapa dos meus lábios."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1260
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_eb608ac1:
# A "Hey."
A "E aí."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1263
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_5cdeb35e:
# Re "Doing okay, bro?"
Re "Tá bem, mano?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1265
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_1abff588:
# A "I’d frankly like to just disappear right now."
A "Sinceramente eu só tô afim de desaparecer agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1267
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_2cf9a3c0:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I think I’ll just go home."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Acho que eu vou pra casa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1269
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_ec0a1f1a:
# F "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} can ditch.{w=.3} If you need me to come with."
F "Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} posso matar aula.{w=.3} Se você quiser que eu vá junto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1271
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_1aad8079:
# "Fang looks at the door to Spear’s room for a bit, then back to me."
"Fang olha para a porta da sala do Spears por um instante, e depois para mim."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1273
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_6109b4ec:
# "Trish is probably having to call her parents right now."
"Trish provavelmente está ligando para os pais dela agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1275
translate pt_br lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_9243fd39:
# "Fang must've heard everything in the office."
"Fang deve ter ouvido tudo o que rolou lá dentro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1303
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_ec023bad:
# A "You worried about her, too?"
A "A situação dela te preocupa, né?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1306
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_f6c38a80:
# "Fang turns her head down to her shoes."
"Fang olha para suas botas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1308
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1310
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_d0155318:
# F "How could I not tell something like this was happening?"
F "Como é que eu não percebi que tava rolando um negócio desses?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1312
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_7850d5fc:
# A "You know it’s not your fault."
A "Cê sabe que isso não é culpa sua."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1314
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_24c8d28e:
# F "Doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty about it."
F "Não quer dizer que eu não sinta isso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1317
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_507019c7:
# "She picks her head up to look me in the eye."
"Ela levanta a cabeça para me olhar nos olhos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1319
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_5007f9e2:
# F "We should leave{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you probably don’t want to see her when she gets out."
F "A gente devia ir embora{cps=*.1}...{/cps} você provavelmente não quer ver ela."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1321
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_ff705811:
# A "Actually, I think we should wait. Looks like you have something to say to her."
A "Na real, acho que a gente devia esperar. Parece que você quer falar alguma coisa pra ela."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1323
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_e4fd20a2:
# F "Well, yeah, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Bom, sim, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1325
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_f32d34dd:
# A "There’s something else I wanted to tell her, too."
A "Tem outra coisa que eu também quero falar pra ela."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1331
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_94c55945:
# F "There is?"
F "Tem?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1333
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_17102577:
# Re "There is?"
Re "Tem?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1336
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_03d1d04c:
# F "You sure you should be talking to her when you’re still this upset?"
F "Certeza que é uma boa ideia falar com ela, chateado desse jeito?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1339
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_fc29be71:
# A "It’s nothing bad, promise."
A "Não vou falar nada de ruim, juro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1343
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_9f0f9783:
# Re "It’s a good call, dude."
Re "É uma boa, meu mano."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1347
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_2a8c87cd:
# F "Mmmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Mmmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1349
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_efdd0b06:
# A "You can go first."
A "Você pode conversar com ela primeiro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1355
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_1e43a66f:
# "Fang gives a small nod, and the three of us slide down the wall into sitting positions."
"Fang dá um pequeno aceno com a cabeça, e então nós três nos sentamos no corredor, apoiados na parede."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1382
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_174f3eab:
# "The minutes pass."
"Os minutos passam."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1388
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_cf664385:
# F "What do I even say to her{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
F "Eu nem sei o que falar pra ela{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1390
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1392
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_0ff1eb27:
# "I’m not entirely sure either."
"Na verdade eu também não sei."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1395
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_fb34d261:
# "Reed awkwardly toys with his tail in silence, suddenly a lot less contemplative than before."
"Reed brinca com sua cauda em silêncio, de repente bem menos pensativo do que antes."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1397
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_b8fc3fd2:
# "The clasped hands around my knees start to leave red marks on each other."
"As minhas mãos entrelaçadas em volta dos meus joelhos começam a deixar marcas vermelhas uma na outra."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1399
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_b8aa1f9f:
# "I can’t find the energy to shift them."
"Mas não tenho energia para trocá-las de posição."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1404
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_7ba0f926:
# "Aeons later, Trish emerges from the office."
"Eras depois, Trish surge de dentro do escritório."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1417
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_4aa0e240:
# "Her tears have become shiny trails reflecting the sterile light of the hallway."
"Suas lágrimas viraram trilhas brilhantes refletindo a luz estéril do corredor."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1423
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_a2732574:
# "Hesitantly, Fang gets up to speak with her."
"Hesitante, Fang se levanta para falar com ela."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1425
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_905d9080:
# "That makes one of us."
"Isso resolve a questão para um de nós."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1433
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_3a17b211:
# "For a while, the two just stare at each other."
"Por um tempo, as duas apenas se encararam."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1438
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_e347875b:
# "Eventually{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1440
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_fa00ae94:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Why?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Por quê?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1442
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_c0cc75f4:
# F "Why the fuck did you do this to Anon?"
F "Por que você fez uma merda dessas com o Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1444
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_930c6f7d:
# F "Do you actually think I’d be okay with this?"
F "Você realmente achou que eu ficaria de boa com isso?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1446
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_3d582470:
# F "Anon is just as much my friend as you or Reed!"
F "O Anon é um amigo tão importante pra mim quanto você ou o Reed!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1449
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_aa3fa8f2:
# F "That was something those douchebags who make fun of our band would do."
F "Isso aí é coisa que aqueles babacas que riram da gente fariam."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1451
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_b7f44010:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I thought he was a bad influence{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu pensei que ele fosse má influência{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1453
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_a9474f88:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}On you{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.2}the band{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Pra você{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e pra banda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1455
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_a204734a:
# T "Everything is changing, Fang, and I don’t like it."
T "Tá tudo mudando, Fang, e eu não tô gostando disso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1457
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_8dac7e12:
# T "All because of Anon."
T "Tudo por conta do Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1463
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_bdaa5bf4:
# F "Then why didn’t you just fucking talk to us?"
F "Então por que você não simplesmente veio falar com a gente, porra?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1465
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_17f0a66a:
# F "Anon isn’t some asshole trying to rip everything apart."
F "O Anon não é só um babaca tentando detonar com tudo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1467
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_84c01cc5:
# T "I know what you told me, Fang, but like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Eu sei o que cê me falou, Fang, mas é que{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1469
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_c3b4aa9a:
# T "But you deserve better, he’s not-"
T "É que cê merece coisa melhor, ele não-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1473
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_617f1bc5:
# "I catch Trish throwing a glance my way as she cuts herself off."
"Vejo Trish olhando para mim enquanto ela se interrompe."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1476
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_6d299d6a:
# T "Look, I’m sorry Fang. I'm just trying to look out for you."
T "Olha, desculpa, Fang. Eu só tô tentando cuidar de você."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1479
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_95ac6e2a:
# F "Look out for me? I can make my own decisions, Trish."
F "Cuidar de mim? Eu sou capaz de tomar as minhas próprias decisões, Trish."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1482
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_8daee265:
# "Fang sighs and rubs her temples."
"Fang suspira e esfrega as têmporas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1485
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_2c3af4d4:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I’m taking a break from the band."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu vou dar um tempo da banda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1497
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_6eb4cff8:
# "I watch as Trish’s entire world shatters before her eyes."
"Vejo o mundo da Trish se desmoronar bem na frente de seus olhos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1500
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_0e88acd8:
# "Reed’s lack of reaction tells me they discussed this while I was in Spears’ office."
"A falta de reação do Reed me diz que eles já tinham conversado sobre isso enquanto eu estava no escritório do Spears."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1507
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_4a5c14c6:
# T "W-{w=.3}what?"
T "Q-{w=.3}quê?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1510
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_28e89aea:
# F "I need time to think{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Eu preciso de um tempo pra pensar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1514
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_41457b5f:
# T "Fang wait-"
T "Fang, espera aí-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1516
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_000ca06b:
# F "Bye."
F "Tchau."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1525
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_653702d2:
# "Fang turns away from Trish and starts walking away."
"Fang se vira e começa a ir embora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1527
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_9a519f17:
# F "I’ll wait by the exit while you talk, Anon."
F "Te espero na saída enquanto vocês conversam, Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1539
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_62335f58:
# "Reed gets up as she passes by and begins to follow, giving me a thumbs up."
"Reed levanta enquanto ela passa por ele e começa a seguir, me dando um joinha."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1541
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_b47ddb70:
# Re "Give you some privacy, amigo."
Re "Te dar um pouco de privacidade, manito."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1550
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1554
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_b1c7b081:
# "And now it’s just the two of us."
"E agora estamos só nós aqui."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1559
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_b4c42672:
# "I get up from my spot on the floor, pins and needles in my legs making it more difficult."
"Levanto do meu lugar no chão, o formigamento nas pernas tornando isso mais difícil."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1561
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_9967bea6:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Now what do you want?"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E o que é que você quer agora?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1563
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_66e7e682:
# A "I fucked up too."
A "Eu fiz merda também."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1568
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_82756980:
# "That catches her off-guard."
"Isso a pega desprevenida."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1571
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_6dc7461f:
# A "This is my fault too, ya know? I played a stupid game with this instead of manning up and just talking about it."
A "É minha culpa também, sabe? Fiquei brincando num joguinho estúpido ao invés de virar homem e simplesmente falar na cara."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1573
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_e32a29e2:
# "I stone the fuck up and finally admit it. To the world and myself."
"Tomo coragem nessa merda e finalmente admito. Pra mim mesmo e pro mundo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1575
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_c9a8da09:
# A "I like Fang."
A "Eu gosto da Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1577
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_1e8fc3d1:
# A "I like her and I know that’s what you’re afraid of."
A "Eu gosto dela e eu sei que é disso que você mais tem medo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1579
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_6c4d0faa:
# A "I was never out to break anything up, I just like Fang. I want to help her."
A "Eu nunca quis destruir nada, eu só gosto da Fang. Eu quero ajudar ela."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1581
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_c1a54b36:
# A "I never wanted to hurt anyone."
A "Eu nunca quis machucar ninguém."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1585
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_57ae134b:
# "Trish’s eyes glaze over and stare at something in the distance, as if all her worst fears came true."
"Os olhos da Trish ficam distantes, como se seus piores medos tivessem se tornado realidade."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1587
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_76b7b5f4:
# "I guess in a way they did today."
"Bom, acho que de certa forma eles se tornaram hoje."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1590
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_72303890:
# A "I’m done, Trish. I’m not going to fight with you over this."
A "Eu cansei, Trish. Não vou ficar brigando com você por causa disso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1592
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_add70239:
# A "I won’t fuck with you, you won’t fuck with me."
A "Não vou te sacanear e você não me sacaneia também."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1595
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_275b555c:
# A "I’m going home."
A "Tô indo pra casa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1602
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_336fdf8a:
# "I turn away from Trish as she buries her head in her hands again."
"Me viro enquanto Trish enfia o rosto nas mãos de novo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1604
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_4f3c3e74:
# "Part of me wonders if she’ll use that against me, but right now it just feels good to get it out of my system."
"Parte de mim se preocupa se ela vai usar isso contra mim, mas agora eu só me sinto bem de ter tirado isso do peito."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1624
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_26592626:
# "As I begin looking for Fang, Reed stops me in the hallway."
"Enquanto procuro por Fang, Reed me para no corredor."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1627
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_ff1673ca:
# Re "Made the right call talking it out, trust me dude."
Re "Fez a coisa certa falando a verdade. Pode crer, mano."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1630
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_a9c997e2:
# "Reed shuffles his feet a bit and scratches his neck."
"Reed mexe um pouco os pés e coça o pescoço."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1633
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_0f5a41ad:
# Re "Gonna give you a bit of space after dealing with that. Time to think things over, y’know?"
Re "Vou te dar um pouco de espaço depois de lidar com tudo isso aí. Hora de pensar melhor sobre as coisas, saca?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1637
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_94a0ad09:
# "Suddenly he leans in and lowers his voice."
"De repente ele se inclina e sussurra."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1640
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_6e5c50c0:
# Re "You should tell them, bro."
Re "Cê devia contar pra elu também, mano."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1647
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_802790de:
# "With a cryptic wink he rushes off towards Trish, probably to give her the same kind of therapy."
"Com uma piscadinha enigmática, ele corre em direção a Trish, provavelmente para dar o mesmo tipo de terapia para ela."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1654
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_071419b6:
# "I throw a quick glance back to see him pull in Trish for a hug. His turn to deal with her now."
"Olho para trás e vejo ele puxar a Trish para um abraço. É a vez dele de lidar com ela agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1657
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_87671c01:
# "What did he mean by 'tell them'? Tell them wha-"
"O que é que ele quis dizer com ‘falar pra elu’? Falar o qu-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1661
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1663
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_dbe95082:
# "Does Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
"Será que o Reed{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1665
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_4eda3fa5:
# "How did he{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
"Como é que ele{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1667
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1670
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_02f82073:
# "So much for privacy."
"Que privacidade, hein."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1673
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_701ba130:
# "I shake the thoughts from my mind and head in the direction Fang went."
"Tiro os pensamentos da minha cabeça e vou para onde Fang está me esperando."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1675
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_cc84c5df:
# "That can wait."
"Isso aí pode esperar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1688
translate pt_br lWaitForTrishToExit_bc1d0793:
# "I catch up to Fang near the front of the school as I mentally prepare myself for what’s coming."
"Encontro Fang perto da entrada da escola, enquanto me preparo mentalmente para o que vem agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1698
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_96901a5f:
# A "Sure, let’s get out of here."
A "Claro, bora sumir daqui."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1701
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_e32596f1:
# "Reed lets out another heavy sigh."
"Reed solta um suspiro pesado de novo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1703
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_4a37cc75:
# Re "Gonna stick around. Try and talk with Trish n’all."
Re "Eu vou ficar. Tentar falar com a Trish e tal."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1715
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_2951ac4c:
# F "Reed, I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I’m taking a break from the band."
F "Reed, eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} vou dar um tempo da banda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1718
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_88ba4cc8:
# "Reed’s expression shifts to one of sadness and shock."
"A expressão do Reed alterna entre choque e tristeza."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1721
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_d94fb7b3:
# F "I just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} need time to think, alright?"
F "Eu só{cps=*.1}...{/cps} preciso de um tempo pra pensar, tá?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1724
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_217ef903:
# Re "Like, y’know that’ll crush Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Tipo, cê sabe que isso vai detonar a Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1727
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_aace732e:
# Re "But can’t really stop you if you think it’s right, dude. Taking a breather and all{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Mas não posso te impedir se tu acha que é a coisa certa, velho. Respirar um pouco e tal{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1729
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_cc39e689:
# F "Thanks, Reed."
F "Valeu, Reed."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1732
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_7610bef9:
# "Reed offers a weak smile as we turn away from the principal’s office."
"Reed dá um sorriso fraco enquanto nos afastamos do escritório do diretor."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1746
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_4ad34f77:
# Re "See ya, space cowboy."
Re "See ya, space cowboy."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1750
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_d3db77bc:
# "Wait,{w=0.3} did he just{cps=*.1}..?{/cps}"
"Pera,{w=0.3} ele acabou de{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1753
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_166c2fcc:
# "God damn it, Reed."
"Puta merda, Reed."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1770
translate pt_br lGoHomeEarly_2acee1c5:
# "We make our way to the front of the school as I mentally prepare myself for what’s coming."
"Andamos até a frente da escola enquanto me preparo mentalmente para o que vem agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1776
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_15d8957d:
# "Time for the Walk of Shame."
"Hora da Caminhada da Vergonha."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1779
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_bff1fbd9:
# "As I make my way through the hall I do my best to ignore the passing jeers from teens I don’t even know."
"Enquanto ando pelo corredor, faço o meu melhor para ignorar a zoeira de adolescentes que eu nem conheço."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1781
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_7b3f19a8:
# "I guess it’s already spread to the lower years too."
"Acho que a informação já chegou nas outras turmas também."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1783
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_91ad06cf:
# "Fucking lightspeed capable rumor mill."
"Notícia ruim é rápida, agora falsa, se espalha na velocidade da luz."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1785
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_39d7f418:
# unknown "HEY DO THE NARUTO RUN."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1787
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_0a4c7acb:
# unknown "Look at the pathetic weeb."
unknown "Olha lá o nerdola patético."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1789
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_b84f7b4f:
# unknown "How’s your 2D girlfriend Anon?"
unknown "Como tá tua namorada 2D, Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1791
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_14272a29:
# unknown "Hey Anon, need to borrow a jar?"
unknown "Ei Leanon! Fica longe do meu Dinocast!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1793
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_8ed9266a:
# St "Your waifu is great and I love her!"
St "Sua waifu é linda e eu amo ela!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1795
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_4d2503be:
# A "Not helping, Stella."
A "Não tá ajudando, Stella."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1797
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_532372b1:
# "I keep my head down, avoiding the looks from them all."
"Mantenho minha cabeça baixa, evitando os olhares de todos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1799
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_4479f79a:
# "Shouldering open the door I’m blinded by the morning sun’s glare."
"Abrindo a porta com os ombros, sou cegado pelo sol da manhã."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1809
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_5e3e80b3:
# "Within an hour I’ve fallen back to square one."
"Em apenas uma hora eu voltei à estaca zero."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1811
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_0ba2116f:
# "Is it too late to transfer to another school?"
"Será que é tarde demais pra mudar de escola de novo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1814
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_cb8fd0d2:
# "Fang steps to the stairs, phone in hand."
"Fang desce as escadas, com o celular em mãos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1816
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_d0fab60e:
# F "I can call us a taxi or something, Anon."
F "Eu posso chamar um táxi, Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1818
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_6b05f176:
# "I nod at that, moving for the stairs."
"Aceno com a cabeça, descendo as escadas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1821
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_ed1f7c69:
# unknown "HEY LOSER, THINK FAST!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1824
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_91757805:
# "I turn towards the voice, and the world slows down."
"Me viro para a direção da voz, e o mundo fica mais lento."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1830
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_486ccab3:
# "My field of vision is filled with a soda can, and I freeze up like a deer in headlights."
"Meu campo de visão é preenchido com uma lata de refrigerante, e congelo no lugar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1855
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_db760140:
# "The can smacks me in the forehead while I was mid-stride, and I shift my footing to try and regain balance."
"A lata acerta minha testa enquanto eu estava no meio do movimento e tento me equilibrar novamente."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1884
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_8987b07d:
# "Except my foot catches on the edge of the stairlip and slips."
"Mas meu pé fica preso na beirada da escada e escorrega."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1924
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_c3739b85:
# "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1926
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_f11619a7:
# A "{cps=*.2}Uuurg.{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.2}Uuurg.{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1928
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_79119ffc:
# unknown "Oh fuck, we need to split before the Caveman gets here!"
unknown "Puta merda, bora vazar antes que o homem das cavernas chegue aqui!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1930
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_88868f85:
# F "ANON!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1932
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_6d3ff37b:
# "My lungs feel like they’re on fire."
"Meus pulmões parecem estar em chamas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1934
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_e86ebfd0:
# "I think my feet touched the back of my head."
"Eu acho que o meu pé tocou a parte de trás da minha cabeça."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1937
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_fae86de5:
# "I peel myself from around the bollard, feeling every bone in my body creak painfully."
"Me solto do poste de amarração, sentindo todos os ossos do meu corpo estalarem dolorosamente."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1952
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_b95bd794:
# A "Argh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} fuck."
A "Argh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} que bosta{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1958
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_df50987e:
# F "Holy shit! You’re alive!"
F "Puta merda! Cê tá vivo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1960
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_ec0db366:
# A "Am I? Ow."
A "Tô? Ai."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1966
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_045f762b:
# "Nothing seems to be broken{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} I’ve been in worse."
"Não parece que quebrei nada{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Já estive pior."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1968
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_8024febe:
# "Honestly my ego’s more injured than I am."
"Sinceramente, meu ego está mais ferido do que eu."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1971
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_65ecba2d:
# F "Can you walk?"
F "Consegue andar?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1973
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_e46948ae:
# A "Yeah, sure, sure."
A "Aham, consigo sim."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1976
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_7bf49b95:
# A "This’s nothing compared to field day back at my old school."
A "Isso não é nada comparado às aulas de educação física na minha antiga escola."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1980
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_8d467987:
# "I try taking a step and my knee involuntarily twists in a direction it’s not supposed to."
"Tento dar um passo e meu joelho se dobra em uma direção que não deveria."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1994
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_60fd6f08:
# "Suddenly, I’m doing the Seth McFarlane pose again."
"De repente, eu estou fazendo a pose do Seth McFarlane de novo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1997
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_60ec904c:
# F "Oh no. Ohhh no. Let me help you up."
F "Ah não. Aaaah não. Deixa eu te ajudar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2010
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_cf3671ab:
# "She tucks her arms around my shoulder and pulls me to my feet again."
"Ela coloca os braços em volta do meu ombro e me deixa em pé de novo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2012
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_46f8c9bc:
# F "Let’s just get to the bench over there."
F "Vem, bora praquele banco ali."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2014
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_138454c6:
# F "The taxi will be here in like five minutes."
F "O táxi deve chegar em uns cinco minutos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2016
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_5ce4299f:
# "Using Fang as a second foot, I eventually make it to the bench."
"Usando Fang como um segundo pé, eventualmente consigo chegar ao banco."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2018
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_af126096:
# "I still can’t bend either leg, so I just sort of splay against the sidewalk."
"Ainda não consigo dobrar nenhuma das pernas, então elas ficam estiradas pela calçada."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2020
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_9eb1a7b6:
# "Fang sits on the other end and starts digging through her pockets."
"Fang se senta na outra ponta do banco e começa a procurar alguma coisa nos bolsos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2022
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_0099d3a3:
# F "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I think I heard somewhere that nicotine relieves a bit of pain{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Ahn{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu acho que ouvi em algum lugar que nicotina alivia um pouco a dor{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2024
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_1dc512f6:
# A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I could use a smoke{cps=*.1}...{/cps} right about now."
A "Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} é, eu preciso mesmo de um cigarro{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tipo agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2026
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_43081217:
# "Fang retrieves one of the cigarettes from the crumpled pack and sparks it to life with her pink lighter."
"Fang pega um dos cigarros do maço amassado e o acende com seu isqueiro rosa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2028
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_85f7b874:
# "She takes the first draw, then hands it to me."
"Ela dá a primeira tragada, depois me entrega."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2030
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_24d58bad:
# "I inhale slowly, my chest aching as my lungs fill with wonderfully numbing nicotine."
"Puxo lentamente, meu peito doendo enquanto meus pulmões se enchem com a maravilhosa e entorpecente nicotina."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2032
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_b35e7f36:
# "The minty taste and the cool sensation settling over my skin does help to relax my painfully tense muscles."
"O gostinho de menta e a sensação refrescante na minha pele ajudam a relaxar os meus músculos tensos e doloridos."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2034
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_0fcb8ff5:
# "Before I know it the cigarette in my fingers is nothing but a smoldering filter."
"Antes que eu pudesse perceber, o cigarro entre meus dedos não é nada além de um filtro queimado."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2037
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_c3d2fb9f:
# F "Looks like our ride’s here."
F "Acho que nossa carona chegou."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2039
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_8a812671:
# "A grimy beater of a taxi pulls up to the curb, driven by an equally grimy velociraptor."
"Um táxi surrado para no meio fio, sendo dirigido por um velociraptor igualmente surrado."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2041
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_a773db8f:
# "Clearly one of the three left operating in the city."
"Certamente é um dos três únicos táxis que ainda operam na cidade."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2044
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_2ef1201e:
# "Fang helps me to my feet and over to the cab, opening the door so I can shamble in."
"Fang me ajuda a levantar e andar até o táxi, abrindo a porta para que eu possa me jogar para dentro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2052
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_2b4a10aa:
# D "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Shit, kid, you look like you got into a fight with a steamroller and lost."
D "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Caralho, moleque, parece que tu tomou uma surra dum rolo compressor."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2054
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_a87e31d3:
# A "Mmm."
A "Mmm."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2056
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_048341ea:
# D "Now where’re you kids heading on a school day? Maybe the hospital?"
D "Agora onde é que cês tão indo em dia de aula? Um hospital, será?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2058
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_c3c69278:
# A "Home."
A "Pra casa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2060
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_04d4757d:
# D "Sure thing kid. Got the address?"
D "Beleza, guri. Tem o endereço?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2062
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_0afc8908:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Two-thirty-seven South St. Hammond street."
A "Duzentos e trinta e sete, rua St. Hammond Sul."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2064
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_ab6d3082:
# "The driver sucks in a breath through his teeth."
"O motorista puxa o ar entre os dentes."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2067
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_3b1ccfe8:
# D "Skin Row, eh?{w=0.3} Well I can take you s’far as the edge of the neighborhood, deal?"
D "Skin Row, hein?{w=0.3} Cara, consigo te deixar na entrada do bairro, pode ser?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2069
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_4129099d:
# A "Yeah, whatever. Just take me home{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Tá, tanto faz, só me leva pra casa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2071
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_0f53a83c:
# "The cab speeds off away from the school."
"O carro parte, deixando a escola para trás."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2076
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_ae3a6455:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I still can’t believe that Trish would do something like that."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu ainda não acredito que a Trish fez isso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2078
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_420470b6:
# "The cab driver lets out a laugh."
"O motorista dá uma risada alta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2080
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_38cb1b1b:
# D "You got your ass handed to you by a girl, didn’t you?"
D "Tu tomou uma surra de uma guria, né não?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2082
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_c108362f:
# "I don’t bother responding while Fang kicks the back of his seat."
"Nem me preocupo em responder enquanto Fang chuta o banco do motorista."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2084
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_c75df08e:
# D "Yeah, yeah, I didn’t want a tip much anyways{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
D "Tá bom, tá bom, não tava esperando nenhuma gorjeta mesmo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2087
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_1ba7eacb:
# F "Why doesn’t the driver want to drive all the way to your place?"
F "Por que o motorista não quer te levar até a porta de casa?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2089
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_c201f327:
# F "It can’t be that bad, right?"
F "Não pode ser tão ruim assim, né?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2091
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_10a1a8f9:
# A "Uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} that reminds me."
A "Ahh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} lembrei de uma coisa aqui."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2093
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_ad6ae5de:
# A "Hold this{cps=*.1}...{/cps} for me."
A "Segura isso pra mim{cps=*.1}...{/cps} por favor."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2095
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_c0f4e6fe:
# "I toss my pocket knife into Fang’s lap, she looks at me with a nervous smile like she expects a punchline."
"Jogo meu canivete no colo de Fang. Ela me olha com um um sorriso nervoso, como se esperasse um trocadilho ou brincadeira."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2097
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2099
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_aa3d7c93:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Oh."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Oh."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2101
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_ac95e916:
# A "Joking{cps=*.1}...{/cps} kinda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Tô zoando{cps=*.1}...{/cps} mais ou menos{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2103
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_a6847f0a:
# A "Haven’t needed to shiv someone yet{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Não precisei furar ninguém ainda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2106
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_194009e3:
# "Talking hurts, breathing too."
"Falar dói, respirar também."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2108
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_289ca7cf:
# "Each breath I take feels like my ribs are gonna shatter."
"Parece que minhas costelas vão se estilhaçar cada vez que puxo o ar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2112
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_5afb0c8b:
# "Fang must have noticed since she kept silent after that."
"Fang deve ter notado isso, já que ela ficou em silêncio pelo resto do caminho."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2117
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_38d2cbb7:
# D "Alrighty, end of the line."
D "Beleza, fim da linha."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2119
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_3dc33ff1:
# D "That’ll be fifteen bucks even."
D "Deu quinze pilas."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2121
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_3ac1fa6f:
# A "There’s still a few blocks we gotta walk."
A "A gente ainda tem que andar algumas quadras."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2127
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_8bd4bbae:
# "I manage to limp out of the car and Fang drops a few crumpled bills in her seat and slams the door behind her."
"Saio mancando do carro e Fang joga algumas notas amassadas no banco, batendo a porta com força atrás de si."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2129
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_2e5695f4:
# "The car peels out and disappears around the corner."
"O carro arranca e desaparece na esquina."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2132
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_466a0d5f:
# A "Well, {w=0.2}no place to go but home."
A "Bom,{w=0.2} só resta ir pra casa agora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2139
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_5b2a9f89:
# F "Wait, you still can’t walk, right?"
F "Pera, cê ainda não consegue andar, né?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2141
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_405fb77a:
# "I can probably make it a good fifty yards."
"Provavelmente consigo andar uns cinquenta metros."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2143
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_e052c814:
# F "Hang on, give me your shoulder."
F "Calma aí, deixa eu pegar seu ombro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2145
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_8d022f32:
# A "No, don’t worry abou-"
A "Não, tá de bo-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2147
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_c8fb6829:
# "Ignoring my protests, Fang wraps my arm around her back for support."
"Ignorando minha objeção, Fang envolve meu braço nas suas costas para dar apoio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2149
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_c4499652:
# F "Where are we going?"
F "Pra onde a gente vai?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2151
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_3ae09af4:
# A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} first turn is a right up here{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ahn{cps=*.1}...{/cps} virando a primeira à direita aqui{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2154
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_607aa9e4:
# "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Fang is coming over to my place?"
"Espera{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Fang tá indo pra minha casa?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2156
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_62d53157:
# "Fang is coming over to {i}my{/i} place?"
"Fang tá indo pra {i}minha{/i} casa?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2158
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_841b2fe5:
# "Fang is coming over to my {i}place{/i}?"
"Fang tá indo pra minha {i}casa{/i}?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2161
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_e975689b:
# "I don’t want her to see how I live!"
"Eu não quero que ela veja como eu vivo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2164
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2167
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_1ed08b9d:
# "Crap, did I leave Saturnia on?"
"Merda, será que eu deixei Saturnia rodando?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2169
translate pt_br lWalkOfShame_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
translate pt_br strings:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:845
old "Not exactly in the introspective sort of mood right about now."
new "Não tô no clima pra uma introspecção nesse momento."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:845
old "I refuse to accept that I had any part to play in this debacle other than being the victim."
new "Eu me recuso a aceitar que eu tenha qualquer participação nisso além de ser a vítima."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:845
old "I guess Reed might have a point..."
new "Acho que o Reed pode estar certo..."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1078
old "Talk with Trish"
new "Falar com a Trish"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1078
old "Ignore Trish"
new "Ignorar a Trish"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1283
old "Wait for Trish to exit the office"
new "Esperar a Trish sair do escritório"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1283
old "Go Home Early"
new "Ir para casa mais cedo"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1844
old "Duck."
new "Agaixar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1844
old "Dodge."
new "Desviar."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1844
old "Catch it out of the air."
new "Pegar a lata no ar."