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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:4
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2809fced:
# "{cps=*0.2}-- Three years later --{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}-- Três Anos Depois --{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:9
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6dba939e:
# "Volcaldera Bluffs. New duty station. Recruiting teens to suffer just like I did."
"Volcaldera Bluffs. Novo posto de recrutamento. Trazendo adolescentes para sofrerem assim como eu."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:11
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6f237003:
# "Good times, good times."
"Bons tempos, bons tempos."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:13
translate pt_br chapter_14C_448a59ca:
# "With my rucksack on my back and a cheap rolling case at my side, I make my way down to my old stomping ground for some cheap living."
"Com minha mochila nas costas e uma maleta de rodinhas barata ao lado, ando até meu antigo abrigo, buscando uma vida barata."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:16
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b3c913cd:
# "Three years. I wonder if Lucy still lives here."
"Três anos. Fico pensando se Lucy ainda mora por aqui."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:18
translate pt_br chapter_14C_962ee9b4:
# "There’s new buildings in the Galleria. Not to mention it’s gotten even more labyrinthine."
"Há alguns prédios novos na Galeria. Sem falar que ela se parece ainda mais com um labirinto."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:20
translate pt_br chapter_14C_048afa1b:
# "The sun reflecting off the mirror polished windows are baking me alive in my JDUs."
"O sol refletido pelas janelas junto às minhas fardas estão me cozinhando vivo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:23
translate pt_br chapter_14C_523ad1df:
# "Thinking back, I think there’s a park nearby that has a decent vending machine."
"Se me lembro bem, acho que tem um parque por aqui com uma boa máquina de vendas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:26
translate pt_br chapter_14C_e09a61bb:
# "Mentally retracing my steps from my senior year, I manage to find the park."
"Refazendo meus passos mentalmente, da época do terceiro ano, encontro o parque."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:34
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4af7d160:
# "Looks like they’re holding some kind of festival,{w=0.1} with all the booths set up and tyranno tykes running around."
"Parece que está acontecendo algum tipo de festival,{w=0.1} com todas as barracas montadas e tirano-pirralhos correndo por aí."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:36
translate pt_br chapter_14C_e0ad00da:
# "There’s an unoccupied picnic bench, miraculously, so I set my heavy bags carrying my entire life down and pop open my water bottle."
"Por um milagre, há uma mesa de piquenique desocupada, então coloco minhas bolsas contendo toda a minha vida atual em cima da mesa e abro minha garrafa d’água."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:44
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4f84ea1c:
# "Sitting here, I can’t help but reminisce about the last time I was here."
"Não posso deixar de me lembrar da última vez em que estive aqui."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:46
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7b5c6ecb:
# "There’s an awful lot I left behind here."
"Tem muita coisa que deixei para trás."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:48
translate pt_br chapter_14C_270c46e1:
# "Like my highschool sweetheart."
"Como a minha paixão do ensino médio."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:50
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a64586f2:
# "The dicks in my old platoon never did believe me."
"Os babacas do meu pelotão nunca acreditaram em mim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:52
translate pt_br chapter_14C_033258b7:
# "Then again I didn’t want to show that photo album her mom gifted me."
"Mas eu também não quis mostrar aquele álbum de fotos que a mãe dela me deu de presente."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:55
translate pt_br chapter_14C_dd52b6a3:
# "Raptor Jesus, I miss her."
"Jesus Raptor, como eu sinto falta dela."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:57
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2fde2950:
# "I wonder if she remembers that promise."
"Será que ela ainda se lembra daquela promessa?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:61
translate pt_br chapter_14C_14c7bfea:
# Lucy "Anon?"
Lucy "Anon?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:64
translate pt_br chapter_14C_00ea3b67:
# "Hm?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:66
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a407b11d:
# "I look up to see a pterodactyl in a floral print dress running full tilt towards me."
"Olho para cima e vejo uma pterodáctilo em um vestido floral correndo a todo vapor em minha direção."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:70
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6b207b11:
# Lucy "ANON!{w=0.2} YOU REMEMBERED!"
Lucy "ANON!{w=0.2} VOCÊ LEMBROU!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:78
translate pt_br chapter_14C_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:81
translate pt_br chapter_14C_67430ec9:
# "I stand up and prepare to take her down."
"Me levanto e me preparo para derrubá-la."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:83
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4a0ac8e8:
# "I am poorly prepared however."
"Mas não estou tão bem preparado assim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:86
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a15e9b83:
# "She lunges at me and before I think to grab my cheap ass kabar her beak mashes roughly against my lips."
"Ela pula em cima de mim e antes que eu consiga pensar em pegar a minha ka-bar, seu bico se pressiona com força contra meus lábios."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:89
translate pt_br chapter_14C_0ad25b8b_1:
# "What."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:92
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7c34ecc7:
# "I curse my instincts as my hands reflexively hold my amorous attacker by her hips."
"Amaldiçoo meus instintos enquanto minhas mãos instintivamente seguram minha agressora amorosa pela sua cintura."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:95
translate pt_br chapter_14C_71846403:
# "Wait."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:98
translate pt_br chapter_14C_fd9c4906:
# "I pull back, both for air and to figure out if this is who I think it is and not some well dressed sexual harassing lady-hobo."
"Me afasto, tanto para respirar um pouco quanto para descobrir se essa é quem eu penso que é e não uma assediadora sexual sem-teto e bem vestida."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:101
translate pt_br chapter_14C_8980a700:
# A "Lucy..?"
A "Lucy..?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:113
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b4468c32:
# Lucy "You remembered our promise!"
Lucy "Você lembrou da nossa promessa!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:116
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b5805d41:
# "Right. Right."
"Certo. Certo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:118
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c9b8cc4f:
# "Yeah, the promise{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"É, a promessa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:150
translate pt_br chapter_14C_fb174647:
# A "That I’d come back and be with you.{w=0.22} How could I forget?"
A "Que eu voltaria para ficar com você.{w=0.22} Como eu poderia esquecer?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:154
translate pt_br chapter_14C_040f4c32:
# "I finally have a chance to take Lucy in."
"Finalmente tenho a chance de dar uma boa olhada em Lucy."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:156
translate pt_br chapter_14C_10abe725:
# "Gone is the halter top, torn jeans, and spiky hornband."
"Seu top, jeans e spikes se foram."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:158
translate pt_br chapter_14C_9313ef5d:
# "In their place, a simple golden sun dress and a large red ribbon tied around her head crest, looking for the world like a pair of red bunny ears."
"No lugar, há um simples vestido dourado e uma grande fita vermelha amarrada em volta de sua crista, parecendo um par de orelhinhas de coelho."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:161
translate pt_br chapter_14C_347b8766:
# "Her hands remain on my shoulders, and I can see that she’s checking me out now."
"Suas mãos continuam em meus ombros, e vejo que ela está me analisando agora."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:163
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1422779a:
# "I’m proud to say I’m no longer a lanklet, especially with how my uniform blouse’s rolled up sleeves feel like they’re cutting off the blood flow to my hands."
"Me orgulho em dizer que não sou mais um magricela, evidente por como as mangas enroladas do meu uniforme parecem estar cortando a circulação sanguínea dos meus braços."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:166
translate pt_br chapter_14C_95725a0b:
# Lucy "You’ve really changed since I last saw you, Anon!"
Lucy "Você mudou muito desde que te vi pela última vez, Anon!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:168
translate pt_br chapter_14C_9ecdaf0e:
# Lucy "I’m so glad you’re safe after all these years!"
Lucy "Tô tão feliz de te ver seguro depois de todos esses anos!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:170
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b76938cf:
# Lucy "I got so worried for you, what if something happened overseas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Eu fiquei tão preocupada{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E se acontecesse alguma coisa do outro lado do oceano{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:172
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c7e3b647:
# Lucy "What if you got lost or hurt{cps=*.125}...{/cps}"
Lucy "E se você tivesse se perdido ou se machucado{cps=*.125}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:174
translate pt_br chapter_14C_13d273f3:
# Lucy "What if you never returned at all{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Se você nunca tivesse voltado{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:177
translate pt_br chapter_14C_36ab6f36:
# A "Hey, have more faith in me."
A "Ei, tenha um pouquinho mais de fé em mim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:180
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1aa9d213:
# A "I still got all my limbs, right?"
A "Eu ainda tenho todos os meus membros, tá?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:182
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ef9840dc:
# A "I didn’t get bruised too bad."
A "Nem me machuquei muito."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:184
translate pt_br chapter_14C_18274469:
# A "Like uhh, remember that time I fell down the stairs?"
A "Tipo, uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} lembra daquela vez que eu caí das escadas?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:187
translate pt_br chapter_14C_d93ecf44:
# A "I’m pretty indestructible, yeah?"
A "Eu sou meio que indestrutível, né?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:190
translate pt_br chapter_14C_db308cd3:
# "{cps=*.2}...{/cps}Maybe I’ll wait before showing her my scars."
"{cps=*.2}...{/cps} Talvez eu deva esperar um pouco antes de mostrar minhas cicatrizes a ela."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:193
translate pt_br chapter_14C_82f76473:
# Lucy "Wow, you’re pretty amazing…"
Lucy "Uau, você é incrivel{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:196
translate pt_br chapter_14C_d559c631:
# A "What’ve you been up to?"
A "E o que você tem feito?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:198
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ee9d39b6:
# Lucy "Oh, I got my Associates and then-"
Lucy "Ah, eu terminei meu Tecnólogo e-"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:200
translate pt_br chapter_14C_64cd6708:
# unknown "{cps=*.5}MIIIISSSS LUCCYYYYYYYY!!!{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*.5}TIIIIIA LUCYYYYYYY!!!{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:203
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1d29bf2e:
# "Fang shrugs."
"Fang dá de ombros."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:206
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c0d08659:
# Lucy "And then this."
Lucy "E então tem isso."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:209
translate pt_br chapter_14C_347c2af0:
# "A little T-rex runs up to the table."
"Um pequeno T-rex corre até a mesa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:212
translate pt_br chapter_14C_140c8602:
# unknown "MISS LUCY!!{w=0.2} MISS LUCY!!"
unknown "TIA LUCY!!{w=0.2} TIA LUCY!!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:214
translate pt_br chapter_14C_3473b773:
# Lucy "Now Vince, there’s no need to yell this close."
Lucy "Vince, não precisa gritar."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:216
translate pt_br chapter_14C_3a38cd9d:
# Lucy "What’s wrong?"
Lucy "O que houve?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:218
translate pt_br chapter_14C_dd72e9d7:
# Vince "I was playing with Jared and he said, he said that earthquakes happen when my mommy gets out of bed!!"
Vince "Eu tava brincando com o Jared e ele disse, ele disse, que os terremotos acontecem quando a minha mãe levanta da cama!!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:220
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a9c50753:
# Vince "Tell him it’s not true!!"
Vince "Fala pra ele que é mentira!!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:223
translate pt_br chapter_14C_75eac52c:
# A "Tell him that his mom has a secret daddy she doesn’t tell anyone about."
A "Diz pra ele que a mãe dele tem um papai secreto que ela não fala pra ninguém."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:226
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ed44febf:
# Lucy "Anon!"
Lucy "Anon!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:228
translate pt_br chapter_14C_3365fd23:
# Vince "Okaaay!"
Vince "Tá boooom!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:230
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6f341bfe:
# Lucy "Oh no you don’t."
Lucy "Ah não, você não vai falar isso."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:232
translate pt_br chapter_14C_15264bfb:
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:240
translate pt_br chapter_14C_5f1edfbb:
# "After clearing up the squabble, Lucy slumps over the picnic table again."
"Depois de resolver a briga, Lucy volta para a mesa de piquenique."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:247
translate pt_br chapter_14C_018e22a3:
# A "Want me to get you a water bottle or something?"
A "Quer que eu pegue uma água ou alguma coisa pra você?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:249
translate pt_br chapter_14C_37be85f8:
# Lucy "No thanks, I had lemonade earlier."
Lucy "Não, obrigada, eu tomei uma limonada mais cedo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:251
translate pt_br chapter_14C_42945b75:
# Lucy "The fair’s some annual town hunting celebration, this year the people in charge had extra funding."
Lucy "Essa feira é uma celebração anual de caça da cidade. Esse ano os responsáveis tiveram uma verba extra."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:253
translate pt_br chapter_14C_875b5e99:
# Lucy "So today they’re letting the local schools have a field trip here free of charge."
Lucy "Então hoje eles deixaram as escolas locais fazerem uma visita sem custo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:256
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b676c678:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Need another chaperone?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Precisa de uma ajuda?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:258
translate pt_br chapter_14C_d0e30af8:
# Lucy "I’d love to, but parents get really upset about this sort of thing."
Lucy "Eu adoraria, mas os pais ficam bem irritados com essas coisas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:260
translate pt_br chapter_14C_89733155:
# Lucy "You have to be qualified and certified to look after these guys."
Lucy "Você precisa ser qualificado e certificado pra ficar de olho nesses carinhas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:263
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ecf72474:
# A "Oi naehd a choild moindin’ loicence, yeh? Pray-ay bonkahs, yeh."
A "Se inspirou nos seguranças de clube para virar guarda mirim?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:265
translate pt_br chapter_14C_85785187:
# "I chuckle aloud at my own silly accent. Lucy’s giggles echo my mirth."
"Eu rio com a minha própria piada. A gargalhada leve de Lucy confirma a efetividade da minha graça."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:268
translate pt_br chapter_14C_92bc3cc5:
# "Lucy’s giggles slowly melt away and a trickling tear leaves from her eye."
"A risada de Lucy rapidamente se desfaz e uma lágrima começa a escorrer de seu olho."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:272
translate pt_br chapter_14C_dcc9cb21:
# Lucy "You’re really back{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Você voltou mesmo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:283
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a49c61e9:
# "Her arms wrap around me tightly, as if afraid I’ll disappear at any moment."
"Seus braços me envolvem em um abraço apertado, como se ela estivesse com medo de que eu desapareça a qualquer momento."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:285
translate pt_br chapter_14C_8296672b:
# "My hand rubs comforting circles across her back, soothing her."
"Minha mão desliza em círculos reconfortantes pelas suas costas, a acalmando."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:288
translate pt_br chapter_14C_dfec30e9:
# A "Yeah.{w=.2} I’m back, Lucy."
A "Sim,{w=0.2} eu tô de volta, Lucy."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:290
translate pt_br chapter_14C_d07aeff3:
# A "I’m surprised you waited for me here."
A "Me surpreende que você tenha esperado aqui por mim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:292
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7cf422fb:
# Lucy "Of course. That promise means the world to me, Anon."
Lucy "É claro. Aquela promessa significava tudo pra mim, Anon."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:295
translate pt_br chapter_14C_28f7fd59:
# "We stay embraced in the hot sun for just a moment longer before I let go again."
"Ficamos abraçados debaixo do sol quente por apenas mais um instante antes que eu a soltasse novamente."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:303
translate pt_br chapter_14C_81892bb4:
# "Lucy’s gaze lingers on the children, her eyebrows knit together in contemplation."
"O olhar de Lucy volta para as crianças, suas sobrancelhas se unindo enquanto ela pensa em algo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:306
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b60d3ca3:
# Lucy "Look at them, Anon."
Lucy "Olha pra eles, Anon."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:308
translate pt_br chapter_14C_bdf05e3c:
# "Fang points toward the kids screaming and falling over each other."
"Fang aponta em direção às crianças gritando e caindo umas em cima das outras."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:311
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a2157003:
# Lucy "We were all like this at some point."
Lucy "Todos nós fomos assim em algum momento."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:314
translate pt_br chapter_14C_84dabb54:
# A "Stupid?"
A "Burros?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:316
translate pt_br chapter_14C_d7ab79fb:
# Lucy "Yeah- no, I mean careless. Innocent."
Lucy "É- não, eu digo, descuidados. Inocentes."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:319
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b83f150d:
# A "Suppose we were."
A "Acho que sim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:322
translate pt_br chapter_14C_eacee036:
# "She lets out a sigh."
"Ela suspira."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:324
translate pt_br chapter_14C_fb7be70b:
# Lucy "One day they’re gonna start thinking and doing all the wrong things we thought and did when we were teenagers{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Um dia eles vão começar a pensar e fazer todas as coisas erradas que pensamos e fizemos quando éramos adolescentes{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:326
translate pt_br chapter_14C_0f368cd7:
# Lucy "I wish I could stop it from happening. They're perfect just like this."
Lucy "Eu queria impedir que isso acontecesse. Eles são perfeitos exatamente como estão."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:329
translate pt_br chapter_14C_8a7803dc:
# A "Kids can be, mean to each other."
A "As crianças podem ser malvadas umas com as outras."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:332
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ae22d24c:
# Lucy "But not cruel. The world makes them cruel."
Lucy "Mas não cruéis. O mundo as torna cruéis."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:334
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6b3b8f38:
# Lucy "Until then{cps=*.1}...{/cps} they're free. We gotta protect their freedom. Save them from our mistakes."
Lucy "Até lá{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eles são livres. A gente precisa proteger essa liberdade. Poupar eles dos nossos erros."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:337
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7793092d:
# "That’s quite a statement to hear from her."
"Isso é uma afirmação e tanto vindo dela."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:340
translate pt_br chapter_14C_43d0ec28:
# A "You've changed."
A "Você mudou."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:343
translate pt_br chapter_14C_3bed6108:
# "I think now would be a good time for a segue."
"Acho que agora é uma boa hora para mudar de assunto."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:346
translate pt_br chapter_14C_8e2536a6:
# A "I'm glad to see you're doing good. How’s everyone else?"
A "Fico feliz de ver que você está bem. E como tá todo mundo?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:352
translate pt_br chapter_14C_000270d0:
# Lucy "Everyone else?"
Lucy "Todo mundo?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:355
translate pt_br chapter_14C_66107b34:
# A "Y’know, Naser, Trish, Naomi, Reed, all those guys?"
A "Sim, Naser, Trish, Naomi, Reed. A galera?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:358
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ee0a24dd:
# Lucy "Oh! Naser went to medical school{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Ah! Naser foi estudar medicina{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:367
translate pt_br chapter_14C_385ea32e:
# "She closes her eyes as though trying to recall a lost memory."
"Ela fecha os olhos como se tentasse lembrar de uma memória perdida."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:374
translate pt_br chapter_14C_26e8ac76:
# Lucy "I haven’t seen Naomi, though."
Lucy "Não vejo Naomi faz um tempo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:376
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1a66805d:
# A "And the others?"
A "E o resto?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:378
translate pt_br chapter_14C_8267f87e:
# Lucy "Haven't seen them since either."
Lucy "Nunca mais vi nenhum deles."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:382
translate pt_br chapter_14C_07c845e2:
# Lucy "But you’re here now!"
Lucy "Mas você tá aqui agora!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:384
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7d4fbc97:
# Lucy "And now that you’re back, I’m never letting you go again."
Lucy "E agora que você voltou, eu nunca mais vou te deixar ir embora."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:387
translate pt_br chapter_14C_d3c6a882:
# A "I’m not going anywhere{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sweet Tooth."
A "Eu não vou a lugar algum{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Dentinho Doce."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:389
translate pt_br chapter_14C_30ae6151:
# "Lucy rolls her eyes."
"Lucy revira os olhos."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:392
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7abfec0d:
# Lucy "You know, if you had said that back then I’d have hit you."
Lucy "Sabe, se você tivesse me chamado disso naquela época eu teria te batido."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:394
translate pt_br chapter_14C_9459e882:
# A "Yeah, and then I’d have just done it again because you’re cute when you’re annoyed."
A "Aham e então eu teria chamado de novo porque você fica fofa quando tá com raiva."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:396
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ef8b1997:
# A "I guess we’ve both changed since then."
A "Acho que os dois mudaram desde então."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:398
translate pt_br chapter_14C_60a46f57:
# Lucy "Oh yeah? How so?"
Lucy "Ah é? Como assim?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:401
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2561ad46:
# A "I mean, when I first enrolled I had every intention of just laying low and not sticking out."
A "Digo, quando eu cheguei aqui, eu só queria ficar na minha e não chamar atenção de ninguém."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:403
translate pt_br chapter_14C_cabbdf15:
# A "I didn’t care about making friends as long as it suited that goal."
A "Não me importava com amizades nem nada disso."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:405
translate pt_br chapter_14C_42ca41b5:
# A "As long as I didn’t get bullied any more, I was glad to just blend in."
A "Desde que ninguém fizesse mais bullying comigo, eu ficaria feliz em sumir."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:407
translate pt_br chapter_14C_37c7082d:
# Lucy "Guess that plan fell apart."
Lucy "Acho que esse plano foi pro espaço."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:409
translate pt_br chapter_14C_561acfe4:
# A "It did, yeah."
A "Foi sim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:412
translate pt_br chapter_14C_8b44d551:
# A "I kinda blame you for that development."
A "Eu meio que te culpo por essa parte."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:414
translate pt_br chapter_14C_e6b0b874:
# Lucy "Ha, I made you care about people."
Lucy "Ha, eu fiz você se importar com as pessoas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:416
translate pt_br chapter_14C_08df2347:
# A "You did."
A "Fez mesmo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:419
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1e6080cf:
# "A few kids chase each other around the table."
"Algumas crianças correm atrás umas das outras em volta da mesa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:422
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c0fcf9bf:
# A "You get any break time today?"
A "Tem uma folga hoje?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:424
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4c229369:
# A "I'd love to check out the town, see what else is different."
A "Eu adoraria dar uma olhada na cidade, ver o que mudou."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:426
translate pt_br chapter_14C_02e6cdcc:
# Lucy "I’d love to! I’ll go ask, I might get a few minutes to step away."
Lucy "Eu também! Vou perguntar, talvez consiga alguns minutos pra dar uma saída."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:428
translate pt_br chapter_14C_5d381063:
# A "Yeah, and we could go and check Volcano High again, for old time's sake."
A "Aham, a gente pode passar na escola de novo, pelos velhos tempos."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:432
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1f822d41:
# "She freezes for a second."
"Ela congela por um instante."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:435
translate pt_br chapter_14C_46126c15:
# Lucy "I-I’d rather not Volcano High. Too many bad memories."
Lucy "E-eu prefiro não ir em Volcano High. Muitas memórias ruins."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:449
translate pt_br chapter_14C_5e435372:
# "Lucy ended up getting the rest of the day off from her supervisors, I was surprised by how understanding they were once they saw me."
"Lucy conseguiu o restante do dia de folga com seus supervisores. Fiquei surpreso pelo quão compreensivos eles foram depois de me verem."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:457
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f78dc3f2:
# Lucy "They said I deserve it after a hard day's work."
Lucy "Eles disseram que eu mereço depois de um dia de trabalho duro."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:459
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7d5c8b21:
# A "You do look exhausted dealing with the ankle biters."
A "Você parece exausta cuidando desses pestinhas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:461
translate pt_br chapter_14C_cabc6fcf:
# Lucy "Not at all! Truth be told, Anon. I love doing what I do."
Lucy "Não tô! Falando sério, Anon, eu amo o meu trabalho."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:470
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:479
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a2fc41a8:
# "Catching up with Lucy was the happiest I felt in years, the memories came rushing back as we walked under the hot sun."
"Reencontrar Lucy foi o momento mais feliz que tive em anos. As memórias voltaram com força total enquanto andávamos debaixo do sol quente."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:482
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a6dc9313:
# A "So you don’t know at all how Reed and Trish are doing?"
A "Então cê não tem ideia de como estão o Reed e a Trish?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:484
translate pt_br chapter_14C_12c5aae7:
# Lucy "OH! {cps=*.175}...{/cps}When was the last time I spoke with them{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
Lucy "AH!{cps=*.175}...{/cps} Quando será que foi a última vez que falei com eles{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:486
translate pt_br chapter_14C_36e51676:
# A "Hope Trish is alright, the two of you were friends for the longest time."
A "Espero que a Trish esteja bem. Vocês foram amigas por muitos anos."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:488
translate pt_br chapter_14C_fe1dbe83:
# Lucy "I guess I{cps=*.15}...{/cps} {w=0.1}Didn’t feel the need to see them again?"
Lucy "Eu acho que eu{cps=*.15}...{/cps} {w=0.1}Não senti necessidade de falar com eles de novo?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:491
translate pt_br chapter_14C_def8b896:
# Lucy "Looking back, they were terrible influences."
Lucy "Pensando bem, eles eram péssimas influências."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:493
translate pt_br chapter_14C_85c11530:
# A "I guess so{cps=*.125}...{/cps}"
A "Hmm, acho que eram{cps=*.125}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:496
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a1c4b115:
# A "And Stella and Rosa?"
A "E a Stella e Rosa?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:498
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a601f047:
# Lucy "Haven't seen them either."
Lucy "Também não vi mais nenhuma das duas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:500
translate pt_br chapter_14C_44ae326d:
# A "Seems weird, considering Rosa was of such help to us."
A "Estranho, considerando o quanto a Rosa ajudou a gente."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:503
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b53695dd:
# Lucy "Don't get me wrong, Anon. I love what Rosa did for me, Naser and you, but I guess I{cps=*.175}...{/cps}{w=0.1}just didn't need to see her anymore."
Lucy "Olha, não me entenda mal, Anon. Eu amo o que a Rosa fez por mim, Naser e por você, mas acho que eu{cps=*.175}...{/cps}{w=0.1} não tinha mais necessidade de ver ela."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:505
translate pt_br chapter_14C_9c549921:
# Lucy "I didn't want to see anyone else, for that matter."
Lucy "Eu não quis ver mais ninguém, pra falar a verdade."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:507
translate pt_br chapter_14C_cad4be4d:
# Lucy "You must've had friends in the army, back at rock bottom, or even before that, right?"
Lucy "Você deve ter feito amigos no exército, em Rock Bottom, ou até antes disso, né?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:509
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ad44692f:
# Lucy "They're gone from your life too, there's nothing wrong with that."
Lucy "Eles também não estão mais na sua vida, não tem nada de errado nisso."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:512
translate pt_br chapter_14C_657dd1fd:
# A "Haven't you looked for them?"
A "Você não tentou entrar em contato com eles?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:514
translate pt_br chapter_14C_155d13a4:
# Lucy "I don't want to."
Lucy "Eu não quero."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:517
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6486e41c:
# "The scenery here seems familiar{cps=*.125}...{/cps}"
"Essa paisagem me parece familiar{cps=*.125}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:520
translate pt_br chapter_14C_947037ef:
# "Oh, this is my old path to school. Maybe I will get to see it after all."
"Ah, esse era meu antigo caminho pra escola. Acho que vou acabar dando uma olhada nela no fim das contas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:522
translate pt_br chapter_14C_70374922:
# Lucy "L-let's turn away. To Moe's, or somewhere."
Lucy "V-vamos voltar. A gente pode ir no Moe ou algum outro lugar."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:525
translate pt_br chapter_14C_23cf3fca:
# A "Aww, I wanted to see the school again though."
A "Aww, eu queria ver a escola de novo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:527
translate pt_br chapter_14C_bf80fe2c:
# Lucy "NO, Anon."
Lucy "NÃO, Anon."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:530
translate pt_br chapter_14C_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:533
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f705ec94:
# Lucy "Seems like we just repeat each other, I get upset over nothing, and I apologize."
Lucy "Acho que a gente continua fazendo as mesmas coisas de sempre. Eu continuo ficando chateada por nada, me desculpa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:536
translate pt_br chapter_14C_321efb5d:
# Lucy "Sorry, I just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.1}don't want to remember Volcano High, I just{cps=*.125}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Foi mal, eu só{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.1}não quero me lembrar de Volcano High, eu{cps=*.125}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:539
translate pt_br chapter_14C_3e649244:
# Lucy "I did too much dumb stuff there, you know?"
Lucy "Eu fiz muita burrada lá, sabe?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:541
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b0568e27:
# Lucy "I just want to forget all that happened."
Lucy "Eu só quero esquecer que tudo aquilo aconteceu."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:544
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f6e2a83e:
# A "Moe’s is fine, too. I do want to see how that fossil is doing."
A "Moe é uma boa também. Eu queria mesmo ver como anda aquele fóssil."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:546
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a813a358:
# Lucy "Er, actually, Moe retired! He sold his franchise."
Lucy "Ah, na verdade o Moe se aposentou! Ele vendeu a franquia."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:548
translate pt_br chapter_14C_cc5afb0e:
# A "Oh. Well, we can still go check it out."
A "Ah. Enfim, a gente ainda pode dar uma passada por lá."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:561
translate pt_br chapter_14C_47cd9cbe:
# "It took a while to get there, getting to be nearly five when we arrived at Moe's, we ordered our usual and picked a table."
"Levamos um tempo, já eram por volta de cinco da tarde quando chegamos no Moe. Pedimos nossa pizza de costume e nos sentamos em uma mesa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:575
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b8bfb7aa:
# "I can see the old piano in my peripheral vision."
"Reparo no velho piano com minha visão periférica."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:578
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2b4a9f36:
# A "I’ve been asking so much about what you’re doing now, but what happened while I was away?"
A "Te perguntei muitas coisas sobre o que você anda fazendo agora, mas o que aconteceu enquanto eu estive longe?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:582
translate pt_br chapter_14C_0811e714:
# Lucy "I remembered your promise."
Lucy "Eu me lembrei da sua promessa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:585
translate pt_br chapter_14C_e7a512b0:
# Lucy "I tried improving myself, like, really tried."
Lucy "E tentei ser uma pessoa melhor. Tipo, muito mesmo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:587
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a46985f0:
# Lucy "But things kept getting difficult. For a while I gave up."
Lucy "Mas as coisas só foram ficando mais difíceis. Por um tempo, eu cheguei a desistir."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:589
translate pt_br chapter_14C_de6309a1:
# Lucy "There were times I’d cry. I would think back to when you were here and miss you so much."
Lucy "Teve momentos em que eu chorava. Eu me lembrava de quando você tava aqui comigo e então eu sentia tanto a sua falta."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:591
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f5a691da:
# Lucy "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1}don't wanna worry you with the details of what I did during that time, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} não quero te preocupar com os detalhes do que eu fiz naquele tempo, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:594
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f684752d:
# Lucy "I guess I realized something."
Lucy "Eu acho que entendi uma coisa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:596
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1c4a2253:
# Lucy "All this time I was a huge dick to my family, I idealized things too much and lashed out at them for not being on the same page as me."
Lucy "Esse tempo todo eu fui uma babaca com a minha família, idealizei muito as coisas e descontei neles por não estarem na mesma página que eu."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:598
translate pt_br chapter_14C_680e8d4d:
# Lucy "I wanted to be a rockstar, so I wanted them to behave a certain way I think it would fit for that lifestyle."
Lucy "Eu queria ser uma estrela do rock, então eu queria que eles se comportassem de um jeito que fosse compatível com esse estilo de vida."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:600
translate pt_br chapter_14C_0f8da6e3:
# Lucy "I was being unfair and unrealistic towards them, I wanted them to hate me and somehow that was gonna further my career."
Lucy "Eu tava sendo injusta e nada realista com eles. Queria que eles me odiassem e achava que isso ia me alavancar na carreira de algum jeito."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:602
translate pt_br chapter_14C_9baab9bf:
# Lucy "Looked like it worked for a lot of famous people."
Lucy "Tinha funcionado bem pra muita gente famosa, né?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:605
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c765e430:
# Lucy "I didn't want to make my family sad anymore, so I just did what I've always should have done and learned to love them, to thank them for all they did for me."
Lucy "Não queria mais deixar minha família triste, então eu fiz o que deveria ter feito há muito tempo e aprendi a amar eles, a agradecer por tudo o que fizeram por mim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:608
translate pt_br chapter_14C_402c0ee3:
# A "So you kept playing? I'd love to see what else you've composed over the years. I'm sure it's great."
A "Então você continuou tocando? Eu adoraria ver o que você compôs nesses anos. Tenho certeza de que é ótimo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:611
translate pt_br chapter_14C_44931e13:
# Lucy "No{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1}I just gave that up."
Lucy "Não{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} eu desisti disso tudo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:613
translate pt_br chapter_14C_618b1870:
# A "What? Really? It was such a huge part of you!"
A "Quê? É sério? Mas a música era uma parte tão importante para você!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:616
translate pt_br chapter_14C_d0e0b40e:
# Lucy "I didn't need it anymore, plus it reminded me too much of Trish, I've put away the instruments somewhere and never played anything ever again."
Lucy "Eu não precisava mais disso, além de me lembrar demais da Trish. Deixei os instrumentos de lado e nunca mais toquei nada."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:618
translate pt_br chapter_14C_53a7d0d5:
# A "Then what have you been doing all these years?"
A "Então o que você fez todos esses anos?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:621
translate pt_br chapter_14C_0098db88:
# Lucy "Dad needed help with a charity event, he bought food and he needed me to help him carry it around since Naser was away in college."
Lucy "O Pai precisava de ajuda com um evento de caridade, ele comprou comida e precisava que eu ajudasse a carregar por aí já que o Naser tá na faculdade."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:623
translate pt_br chapter_14C_69075c95:
# Lucy "I thought it was just going to be a boring evening with a bunch of brats, but I saw something{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Eu achei que seria só um evento tedioso com um monte de pirralhos, mas eu vi alguma coisa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:625
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4ccc2d96:
# Lucy "I saw the children, they ran around me, they offered me toys to play with, I joined them."
Lucy "Vi as crianças, enquanto eles corriam em volta de mim, oferecendo brinquedos pra brincar com eles, e eu fui."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:627
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2006e019:
# Lucy "I lifted them from the ground, some clung to my legs as I moved about-"
Lucy "Levantei eles do chão, alguns grudaram nas minhas pernas enquanto eu andava-"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:629
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c3207f89:
# Lucy "No one ever played with me like that, no one ever approached me like that, it was so pure, so innocent."
Lucy "Ninguém nunca brincou assim comigo, nem chegavam perto de mim desse jeito. Era uma coisa tão pura, tão inocente."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:632
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1a016924:
# A "Should have shown them a picture of you in your high school clothes."
A "Devia ter mostrado uma foto sua do ensino médio pra eles."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:635
translate pt_br chapter_14C_57a9afae:
# Lucy "THAT would be hilarious."
Lucy "ISSO seria hilário."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:637
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ca536e2e:
# Lucy "But yeah, I enjoyed my time with the children so much{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.15}I asked around in my church and eventually I got a gig dealing with preschoolers."
Lucy "Mas é, eu gostei tanto do tempo que passei com eles{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.15} perguntei pra nossa igreja e acabei conseguindo um trabalho para cuidar das crianças da pré-escola."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:640
translate pt_br chapter_14C_43165b82:
# "She looks so happy right now.{w=0.2} I feel like I would ruin the mood to bring up Trish, Reed and the others again."
"Ela parece tão feliz agora.{w=0.2} Sinto que vou estragar esse clima se falar de novo sobre a Trish, o Reed e os outros."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:643
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a3329927:
# A "Y’know, part of me expected you to forget about the whole promise."
A "Sabe, parte de mim esperava que você tivesse esquecido dessa promessa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:645
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4ec16755:
# A "That I’d come back and some lucky dino guy had already swept you off your feet."
A "Que algum dino sortudo teria levado você embora antes de eu ter voltado."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:648
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6abc7171:
# "She just smiles and gives a small laugh."
"Ela só sorriu e deu uma pequena risada."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:651
translate pt_br chapter_14C_86ec0dac:
# Lucy "The amount of guys I had to tell that my boyfriend was just deployed and coming home soon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "A quantidade de caras que eu dispensei dizendo que meu namorado tava no exército e que voltaria em breve pra casa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:654
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4a772078:
# "She begins stroking my hand on the table."
"Ela começa a acariciar minha mão na mesa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:657
translate pt_br chapter_14C_3ea0fccf:
# Lucy "Anon, I’d never forget about you or our promise."
Lucy "Anon, eu nunca esqueceria nem de você e nem da nossa promessa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:660
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2a2652ae:
# "Part of me is glad she's saying this to me, but I still have too many questions."
"Parte de mim fica grato que ela esteja dizendo isso, mas ainda tenho muitas perguntas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:662
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1913f3ea:
# "It's weird because I know she’s happy, she looks happy in her work, and she's glad I'm here{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"É estranho, porque eu sei que ela está feliz. Ela parece feliz no seu trabalho e está feliz que eu esteja aqui{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:665
translate pt_br chapter_14C_22e2ea84:
# "But something deflates the moment, I don't know what it is."
"Mas tem alguma coisa estragando esse momento{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e eu não sei o que é."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:667
translate pt_br chapter_14C_43065cca:
# "I look towards the decorative piano Moe always had in the corner."
"Olho para o piano decorativo que o Moe sempre teve no canto."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:670
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7dba38b1:
# A "Look Fang, the piano."
A "Olha Fang, o piano."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:673
translate pt_br chapter_14C_de604911:
# Lucy "What about it?"
Lucy "O que tem ele?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:675
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c6be5e96:
# A "You think they’d let us play it?"
A "Acha que eles deixariam a gente tocar?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:677
translate pt_br chapter_14C_34822c10:
# Lucy "I don't know, it's probably out of tune{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Não sei, provavelmente tá desafinado{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:679
translate pt_br chapter_14C_647f314e:
# A "Might be worth a shot, come on."
A "Ei, pode ser uma boa, bora lá."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:681
translate pt_br chapter_14C_3c86f69f:
# Lucy "But you can't play{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Mas você não sabe tocar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:683
translate pt_br chapter_14C_55ea944d:
# A "Then {i}you{/i} play."
A "Então {i}você{/i} vai tocar."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:692
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f7ea1f38:
# "As we sit by the piano, I think she understands why I'm teasing her like that."
"Quando nos sentamos no piano, acho que ela finalmente entende o motivo de eu estar provocando-a desse jeito."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:694
translate pt_br chapter_14C_09d4b2a8:
# "I open the lid, the keys look rather pristine."
"Abro a tampa, as teclas parecem intactas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:697
translate pt_br chapter_14C_b0905fc5:
# Lucy "Anon, I-"
Lucy "Anon, eu-"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:699
translate pt_br chapter_14C_9d0314a8:
# "Her fingers lightly roll across the keys."
"Seus dedos deslizam suavemente pelas teclas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:701
translate pt_br chapter_14C_474978ac:
# "She retracts herself."
"Ela se retrai."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:704
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f2f4c203:
# Lucy "I haven't played in a long time{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2}I don't know if I can still do it."
Lucy "Faz muito tempo que eu não toco nada{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2} Eu não sei se ainda consigo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:707
translate pt_br chapter_14C_49d515c5:
# A "I bet you still remember how to do it."
A "Eu aposto que você ainda lembra como se faz."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:710
translate pt_br chapter_14C_343b219e:
# "She positions her hands just above the keys."
"Ela posiciona as mãos acima das teclas."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:712
translate pt_br chapter_14C_d3b35dc4:
# Lucy "I haven't done this in years. I don't even know which song to play."
Lucy "Não faço isso há anos. Eu nem sei que música tocar."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:714
translate pt_br chapter_14C_82a4ad3a:
# A "I wanna see you play, that's all. I wanna hear you after all this time away."
A "Eu quero ver você tocar, tanto faz o quê. Quero ouvir você depois de todo esse tempo longe."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:717
translate pt_br chapter_14C_61c5b084:
# Lucy "Alright."
Lucy "Tá bom."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:720
translate pt_br chapter_14C_3ec61e16:
# "She gave out a sigh, but then{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Ela suspira, mas então{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:723
translate pt_br chapter_14C_02fd247d:
# Lucy "What to play?"
Lucy "O que será que eu toco?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:725
translate pt_br chapter_14C_dfe7f096:
# "Her eyes seem to glimmer for a moment."
"Seus olhos brilham por um instante."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:728
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1f383363:
# Lucy "I know."
Lucy "Já sei."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:736
translate pt_br chapter_14C_15aaa8a4:
# Lucy "Remember this?"
Lucy "Lembra disso?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:738
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a7801eeb:
# Lucy "It was our song, remember?"
Lucy "Era nossa música, lembra?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:740
translate pt_br chapter_14C_891f2d80:
# Lucy "We made it together."
Lucy "Fizemos ela juntos."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:742
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7a1218ff:
# Lucy "Ha! I still got it!"
Lucy "Ha! Eu ainda dou conta!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:744
translate pt_br chapter_14C_85fc7c3a:
# Lucy "I always thought of this melody when I thought about you{cps=*.2}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Eu sempre pensei nessa melodia quando me lembrava de você{cps=*.2}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:746
translate pt_br chapter_14C_e8b47598:
# Lucy "Guess I never forgot how to do it. Thought I'd be rusty with the piano."
Lucy "Parece que eu nunca esqueci como fazer isso. Achei que estaria enferrujada com o piano."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:749
translate pt_br chapter_14C_aaf7010c:
# A "You play beautifully."
A "Foi lindo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:752
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ebb6b954:
# Lucy "{cps=*.15}...{/cps}Thank you{cps=*.3}...{/cps}"
Lucy "{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Obrigada{cps=*.3}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:755
translate pt_br chapter_14C_281138e9:
# "I sit closer to Lucy, she rests her head on my shoulder. Her hands are still resting on the keys, eager to play again."
"Chego mais perto de Lucy, ela descansa sua cabeça em meu ombro. Suas mãos ainda estão nas teclas, ansiosas para tocar mais."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:758
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f359b9d7:
# A "You shouldn't have abandoned music."
A "Você não devia ter abandonado a música."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:761
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4ce58511:
# Lucy "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:765
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ac5cd246:
# "We talked about what we would do now, especially since it was getting dark outside and the street lights were coming on."
"Conversamos sobre o que vamos fazer agora, especialmente por estar escurecendo lá fora e as luzes na rua começaram a se acender."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:767
translate pt_br chapter_14C_811e2553:
# "We walked our way back to where we started, near the park."
"Andamos de volta para o local de onde começamos, perto do parque."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:781
translate pt_br chapter_14C_34b61533:
# Lucy "I don't know, Anon! It's just so WEIRD! A music teacher?"
Lucy "Eu sei lá, Anon! É tão ESTRANHO! Uma professora de música?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:783
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ba8e76fb:
# A "I don't know, Fang, it could be cool if you tried."
A "Sei não, Fang, pode ser uma boa se você tentar."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:786
translate pt_br chapter_14C_0173db6e:
# "Fang is shivering, the colder air setting in."
"Com o clima esfriando, Fang começa a tremer."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:788
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6a211535:
# A "Here, this'll get you warmer."
A "Aqui, deixa eu te esquentar."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:801
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7a0287df:
# "I draw Lucy close to my chest."
"Puxo Lucy para perto do meu peito."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:803
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2b3c16ec:
# "She snuggles up to me."
"Ela se aconchega."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:806
translate pt_br chapter_14C_e2579d6a:
# Lucy "Thank you."
Lucy "Obrigada."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:808
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c40822e8:
# "She's precious. Being taller now, I guess the animal part of my brain is telling me to protect my smaller and more fragile mate."
"Ela é preciosa demais. Agora que sou mais alto, acho que a parte primitiva do meu cérebro me diz para proteger meu par menor e mais frágil."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:811
translate pt_br chapter_14C_65612de4:
# A "Little by little, I'll get you back to music, your friends, I'm sure it'll work out fine towards the end."
A "Aos poucos eu vou fazer você voltar a tocar, a falar com seus amigos{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tenho certeza que as coisas vão ficar bem no final."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:814
translate pt_br chapter_14C_dd88e1b6:
# "Lucy stirs. She doesn’t like the idea."
"Lucy se agita. Ela não gosta da ideia."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:817
translate pt_br chapter_14C_583e3c3a:
# Lucy "Anon{cps=*.125}...{/cps}{w=0.13}please don't ask me to do that. I'm not ready."
Lucy "Anon{cps=*.125}...{/cps}{w=0.13} por favor, não me pede pra fazer isso. Eu não tô pronta."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:819
translate pt_br chapter_14C_43a6af20:
# A "How are you not ready?"
A "Como não tá pronta?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:822
translate pt_br chapter_14C_bc2440eb:
# Lucy "I lied, Anon. Ok?"
Lucy "Eu menti, Anon. Ok?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:824
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a4ae4ebc:
# Lucy "I lied, I disappointed you, I promised I would get better, but you're clearly not happy with how I turned out."
Lucy "Eu menti, te decepcionei, prometi que ia melhorar, mas você claramente não tá feliz com quem eu sou agora."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:826
translate pt_br chapter_14C_8a52cba4:
# A "Nonsense, you have no idea how proud I am of you."
A "Nada a ver, você não tem ideia do quão orgulhoso eu tô de você."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:828
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2d5a7f3e:
# Lucy "I'm still broken, Anon."
Lucy "Eu ainda sou uma pessoa quebrada, Anon."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:831
translate pt_br chapter_14C_27dc12cd:
# Lucy "I’ve even started preening again because I had no one, but remembering I promised you and Naser I wouldn't do it anymore hurt even more so."
Lucy "Eu até comecei a me depenar de novo por não ter mais ninguém, mas lembrar que prometi pra você e pro Naser que não faria mais isso só fazia doer mais."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:833
translate pt_br chapter_14C_848d9a6a:
# Lucy "But that was years ago. I swear, I tried getting better."
Lucy "Mas isso foi anos atrás. Eu juro que tentei melhorar."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:835
translate pt_br chapter_14C_97d7a1a5:
# Lucy "Forgive me."
Lucy "Me desculpa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:838
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c66c1816:
# "I'm the one sighing this time."
"Dessa vez eu que estou suspirando."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:841
translate pt_br chapter_14C_936c6697_1:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:844
translate pt_br chapter_14C_eacbae76:
# Lucy "You wanted me to live my own life, be this great person you wanted me to be, yet I'm here doing menial church tasks and dealing with children."
Lucy "Você quis que eu vivesse minha própria vida, ser essa grande pessoa que você queria que eu fosse, mas aqui estou eu, fazendo trabalhos menores para a igreja e lidando com crianças."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:846
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ee898ece:
# Lucy "I got no friends, no new songs, nothing going on for me."
Lucy "Não tenho amigos, nem músicas novas, nem planos."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:848
translate pt_br chapter_14C_0531c268:
# Lucy "I know I needed to be a famous musician to make you happy, I know I needed to have forgiven Trish and the others, but it just didn't work out.{w=0.3} I couldn't do it."
Lucy "Eu sei que eu precisaria ser uma artista famosa pra te deixar feliz, eu sei que eu devia ter perdoado a Trish e os outros, mas não deu certo.{w=0.3} Eu não consegui."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:850
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a82e36d6:
# Lucy "I'm lonely, Anon. You're all that's left for me."
Lucy "Eu tô sozinha, Anon. Você é tudo o que me restou."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:853
translate pt_br chapter_14C_aa08447f:
# A "You didn't need to be all that to be happy, I still think you're the best."
A "Você não precisava fazer isso tudo pra ser feliz. Eu ainda acho que você é a melhor."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:855
translate pt_br chapter_14C_9f7eaf1e:
# A "Forget it, Lucy. What's done is done. We're here."
A "Esquece isso, Lucy. O que passou, passou. A gente tá aqui agora."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:857
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6d07be72:
# A "That's all it matters."
A "Isso é tudo o que importa."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:869
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c55e3338:
# "I embrace her, I could tell she was getting tense, but slowly she relaxes in my arms."
"Eu a abraço. Reparo que ela estava ficando tensa, mas lentamente começa a relaxar em meus braços."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:871
translate pt_br chapter_14C_66297f62:
# "When I said that we're being together was all that mattered, she hugged me back."
"Quando eu disse que estarmos juntos é tudo o que importa, ela me abraçou de volta."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:874
translate pt_br chapter_14C_1e25c934:
# A "I'm here."
A "Eu tô aqui."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:876
translate pt_br chapter_14C_67ea8d1d:
# Lucy "And I still can't believe it."
Lucy "E eu ainda não consigo acreditar nisso."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:879
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4c11e938:
# "Lucy is shaking with excitement in my arms now."
"Lucy está tremendo com animação em meus braços agora."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:882
translate pt_br chapter_14C_32ce67cc:
# Lucy "I already am thinking up all kinds of things we could do!"
Lucy "Eu já tô pensando em todas as coisas que a gente pode fazer!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:884
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f0790432:
# Lucy "Fuck, just knowing I won't see you until tomorrow already hurts me."
Lucy "Porra, só de saber que eu não vou te ver até amanhã já dói."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:886
translate pt_br chapter_14C_201c24b4:
# Lucy "I can take you to see Mom and Dad! Right now! They would get a kick out of seeing you like this."
Lucy "Posso te levar pra ver a Mãe e o Pai! Agora! Eles vão adorar te ver assim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:888
translate pt_br chapter_14C_e8782417:
# A "Ah! Not right now. That would be too much for them to take in."
A "Ah! Acho melhor não fazer isso agora. Seria muita coisa pra eles lidarem."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:890
translate pt_br chapter_14C_183648d0:
# A "And I have to unpack too, I got a little room in a motel for now."
A "E eu tenho que terminar a minha mudança, tenho um quarto pequeno num hotel agora."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:892
translate pt_br chapter_14C_33fcf020:
# Lucy "Would you like some help?"
Lucy "Quer ajuda?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:895
translate pt_br chapter_14C_845133d2:
# "I thought to deny her, but Lucy’s eyes are pleading with me to say yes."
"Pensei em negar, mas os olhos de Lucy me imploram para dizer sim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:898
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ae3eee7a:
# A "I’ve got quite a bit, you sure Lucy?"
A "Tenho uma porrada de coisa, tem certeza, Lucy?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:900
translate pt_br chapter_14C_e7fb4249:
# Lucy "All the more reason for me to help!"
Lucy "Mais motivo ainda pra ajudar!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:903
translate pt_br chapter_14C_444bad43:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Alright then. My motel isn’t too far from here."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Beleza então. Meu hotel não fica longe daqui."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:916
translate pt_br chapter_14C_c0b9d003:
# "I wasn’t kidding when I said I had a lot to unpack."
"Eu não tava brincando quando disse que tinha um monte de coisa pra guardar."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:918
translate pt_br chapter_14C_eca8ab25:
# "Between all the luggage I had brought back with me."
"Entre toda a bagagem que eu trouxe de volta."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:920
translate pt_br chapter_14C_eee02c71:
# "And the heavier memories of my time spent in the arid deserts."
"E as memórias mais pesadas do tempo que passei no deserto árido."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:922
translate pt_br chapter_14C_595e7628:
# "I saw and felt a different side of Lucy I’d partially forgotten."
"Vi e senti um lado diferente de Lucy que eu tinha parcialmente esquecido."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:925
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2c53dbac:
# "Her tender hands rubbing soothingly across the scars now littered across my chest."
"Suas mãos carinhosas passando pelo meu peito agora cheio de cicatrizes."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:927
translate pt_br chapter_14C_601d1bad:
# "We stayed up til the warm morning glow of dawn lit up the messy motel room."
"Ficamos acordados até o brilho quente da manhã iluminar o quarto de hotel bagunçado."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:930
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4ba86906:
# "Clothes, paperwork and useless knick knacks I’d collected were scattered everywhere in an organized chaos."
"Roupas, papelada e quinquilharias inúteis que colecionei estavam espalhados por todo o lado, em um caos organizado."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:932
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4755ea58:
# "And yet I’ve never felt more rest and at peace with the world than with Lucy cuddled up next to me."
"E com Lucy aconchegada ao meu lado, nunca me senti tão descansado e em paz com o mundo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:935
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ecf1d014:
# "A peace shattered by my stomach demanding sustenance loudly."
"Uma paz destruída pelo meu estômago ruidosamente exigindo sustento."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:938
translate pt_br chapter_14C_fc5e08e6:
# A "Mmm{cps=*.15}...{/cps}{w=0.13}How about we get some breakfast?{w=0.1} My treat."
A "Mmm{cps=*.15}...{/cps} que tal um café da manhã?{w=0.1} Eu pago."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:940
translate pt_br chapter_14C_fb186678:
# Lucy "A breakfast date sounds nice."
Lucy "Um encontro para um café da manhã é uma ótima ideia."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:942
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ff5888e6:
# Lucy "Say, how about we invite my family. I’m sure mom would love to see you again."
Lucy "E se a gente chamar a minha família? Tenho certeza que a Mãe vai amar te ver de novo."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:945
translate pt_br chapter_14C_13eb4780:
# "Probably would, too. However{cps=*.175}...{/cps}"
"Eu provavelmente também adoraria. Mas{cps=*.175}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:948
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f0cede49:
# A "I’d rather spend it with just you, Lucy."
A "Eu prefiro passar esse tempo só com você, Lucy."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:950
translate pt_br chapter_14C_2e78fe31:
# "I grin as I watch Lucy’s face turn beet red."
"Sorrio enquanto o rosto de Lucy fica vermelho como uma tomate."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:953
translate pt_br chapter_14C_ccc496c6:
# Lucy "You were never this smooth a talker, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Você nunca foi tão galã assim, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:956
translate pt_br chapter_14C_59b73be7:
# Lucy "Fine. But I definitely want them to see you."
Lucy "Beleza. Mas eu realmente quero que eles te vejam."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:958
translate pt_br chapter_14C_96c8cedc:
# A "Tomorrow then?"
A "Amanhã, então?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:960
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6553ae3d:
# Lucy "Tomorrow."
Lucy "Amanhã."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:962
translate pt_br chapter_14C_6152b822:
# Lucy "I'll tell them first! Get them hyped to see you!"
Lucy "Eu aviso eles antes! Deixar eles animados pra te verem!"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:964
translate pt_br chapter_14C_0aa74591:
# A "That would be great. So{cps=*.125}...{/cps}{w=0.1} tomorrow then?"
A "Seria ótimo. Então{cps=*.125}...{/cps}{w=0.1} amanhã?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:966
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f3197210:
# Lucy "Tomorrow, yes."
Lucy "Amanhã, sim."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:978
translate pt_br chapter_14C_a8e90fae:
# "We made our way towards her car door, but before getting in, she once again embraces me, this time a little stronger."
"Andamos até a porta do carro dela, mas antes de entrar, ela me abraça mais uma vez, agora um pouco mais forte."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:988
translate pt_br chapter_14C_afdf9814:
# A "Urgh-- it's ok, Lucy."
A "Urgh– tá tudo bem, Lucy."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:991
translate pt_br chapter_14C_4ce0eff1:
# Lucy "I was so lonely, Anon."
Lucy "Eu tava tão sozinha, Anon."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:993
translate pt_br chapter_14C_44b2c54e:
# A "You don't need to be alone, you know."
A "Você não precisa estar sozinha, sabia?"
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:995
translate pt_br chapter_14C_7559c6e9:
# Lucy "I'm so glad you're here. I missed you."
Lucy "Tô tão feliz de você estar aqui. Senti tanto a sua falta."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:997
translate pt_br chapter_14C_f5afda77:
# A "I missed you too, Lucy."
A "Eu também senti saudades, Lucy."
# game/script/14C.good-ending.rpy:1000
translate pt_br chapter_14C_50359ebb:
# "Though I miss the old Fang, I'm elated. I love you, Lucy."
"Embora eu sinta falta da velha Fang, estou feliz. Eu te amo, Lucy."