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6132 lines
288 KiB
# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:8
translate pt_br chapter_13D_006ff012:
# "Fang leans over the railing of the staircase."
"Fang se inclina sobre o corrimão da escada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:11
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8f6d03e9:
# F "Nice suit! Did ya get it from the suit store?"
F "Smoking massa! Sua mãe que escolheu?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:20
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c20091f2:
# "Holy shit, she can really rock that dress."
"Caralho, esse vestido fica foda nela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:25
translate pt_br chapter_13D_06d8671e:
# FD "Ahem."
FD "Ahem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:27
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0228f4ba:
# "Ah. Shit."
"Ah. Merda."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:47
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c9f5f482:
# F "Daaaad. Stop scaring Anon!"
F "Paaaaai. Para de assustar o Anon!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:49
translate pt_br chapter_13D_82b80bc8:
# FD "I’ll scare who I want in my home."
FD "Eu vou assustar quem eu quiser dentro da minha casa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:59
translate pt_br chapter_13D_406e5fc4:
# "Fang’s mom saves me, taking the mountainous pterodactyl by his head crest."
"A mãe de Fang me salva, pegando aquela montanha de pterodáctilo pela crista."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:62
translate pt_br chapter_13D_171d153f:
# FM "Now now, dear, Anon is a lovely guest."
FM "Não não, querido, o Anon é um convidado adorável."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:64
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9eebe059:
# FM "Come on down and pose for pictures with everyone, Lucy!"
FM "Vem aqui tirar fotos com todo mundo, Lucy!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:66
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a65caa0a:
# A "Actually, stay up there so we can all rest."
A "Ou melhor, fica aí em cima pra gente descansar um pouco."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:69
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d749b9a6:
# F "Har."
F "Ha!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:71
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e1f2f9f5:
# F "Best thing to do is get it over with."
F "Melhor acabar logo com isso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:73
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4606eb1b:
# FM "That’s right. Alright everyone, group together, this one’s going on Christmas postcards for sure!"
FM "Isso mesmo. Ok pessoal, se juntem! Essa com certeza vai pros cartões de Natal!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:76
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4a195581:
# "Kill me."
"Me mata."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:78
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8432ac32:
# F "Later."
F "Mais tarde."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:190
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9026e106:
# "The onslaught of flashes continues as the four of us are directed to stand and pose together in every possible combination."
"Os ataques de flashes continuam enquanto nós quatro somos direcionados a ficar em pé e posar juntos em todas as combinações possíveis."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:192
translate pt_br chapter_13D_66ec30ce:
# "After a millenia Fang’s mother is satisfied, or her camera ran out of storage."
"Depois de um milênio, a mãe de Fang fica satisfeita. Ou acabou o espaço da câmera."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:231
translate pt_br chapter_13D_fccd7666:
# "Naser and Fang both crash onto the couch rubbing their photo-bleached eyes, Even Naomi is holding her eyes closed."
"Naser e Fang se jogam no sofá, esfregando os olhos cegados pela luz. Até mesmo Naomi está mantendo os olhos fechados."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:233
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2071dd78:
# "The whole thing left me parched."
"Esse negócio todo me deixou morrendo de sede."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:236
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4b28d725:
# A "Hate to bother, but do you guys have any water?"
A "Desculpa incomodar, mas posso pegar uma água?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:238
translate pt_br chapter_13D_68a88c12:
# F "The fridge dispenses water."
F "Aham, tem na porta da geladeira."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:240
translate pt_br chapter_13D_578fc171:
# Nas "Cups are in the cabinet closest on the right."
Nas "Os copos ficam no armário da direita."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:242
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ba26487b:
# A "Thanks."
A "Valeu."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:255
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9a15ffb7:
# "While pouring my glass of water, Naomi walks in after me."
"Enquanto enchia meu copo de água, Naomi entra na cozinha."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:267
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c608889e:
# A "Oh, you need a cup too? I’ll grab you one."
A "Ah, quer um pouco também? Eu pego pra você."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:269
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9e660886:
# N "No thank you."
N "Não, obrigada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:272
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2b91b359:
# N "Actually, Anon, can I speak with you for a moment?"
N "Na verdade, Anon, posso falar contigo um instante?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:276
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4e20e7da:
# "Oh boy."
"Ah céus."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:278
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d4e68606:
# A "Go ahead."
A "Tá, manda aí."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:281
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e12ed3a8:
# N "I’m very happy that you and Fang are together now, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Eu tô muito feliz que você e Fang estão juntos agora, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:284
translate pt_br chapter_13D_6744d21d:
# "I take a long, slow sip."
"Dou um gole, {cps=*0.1}beeem{/cps} lento."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:287
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0e74a9ac:
# A "But what?"
A "Mas o quê?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:290
translate pt_br chapter_13D_91abdcfd:
# N "But, I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.05} Just look at her."
N "Mas, digo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.05} olha pra ela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:292
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ed57b2ed:
# N "The school year’s almost over and she’s barely changed from being that weird punk-goth type."
N "O ano escolar tá acabando e ela não mudou nada, continua sendo essa punk gótica esquisita."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:295
translate pt_br chapter_13D_abd61998:
# "{cps=*.45}Siiiiip.{/cps} Aaaaah.{w=0.2} Refreshing."
"{cps=*.45}Hmmm{/cps},{w=0.2} aguinha refrescante."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:298
translate pt_br chapter_13D_6bd3bcf5:
# A "So?"
A "E?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:300
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4c0437f4:
# N "I mean, I thought you would try to make her{cps=*.2}...{/cps} {w=0.2}Presentable, you know?"
N "Digo, eu pensei que você ia tentar deixá-la mais{cps=*.2}...{/cps} {w=0.2}apresentável, sabe?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:303
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f355ba92:
# "Mmm, love me some water."
"Eita que eu amo água."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:306
translate pt_br chapter_13D_26d48151:
# A "Could you elaborate?"
A "Elabore."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:308
translate pt_br chapter_13D_29af49fa:
# N "But it’s like you aren’t even trying to fix her."
N "Parece que você não tá nem tentando consertar ela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:311
translate pt_br chapter_13D_24129223:
# "Damn, now I need a refill."
"Droga, agora preciso encher o copo de novo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:314
translate pt_br chapter_13D_66be6ac9:
# N "Could you stop that, I’m being serious here."
N "Dá pra parar com isso? Eu tô falando sério."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:316
translate pt_br chapter_13D_cf602e38:
# A "No no, keep going, I’m listening."
A "Não, não, pode falar, eu tô ouvindo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:319
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0d1887a6:
# "A quick top up and I’m good to go."
"Com o copo cheio, tô pronto pra mais."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:323
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0d87ba5a:
# N "Well I figured you would help her become more ladylike."
N "Bom, eu achei que você fosse ajudar ela a se parecer mais com uma garota."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:325
translate pt_br chapter_13D_431a84db:
# A "I understand. How does that make you feel?"
A "Entendi. Como você se sente em relação a isso?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:328
translate pt_br chapter_13D_1d789e32:
# N "Well, to be honest, I’d rather Fang not be a problem to me at all."
N "Pra ser sincera, eu prefiro que a Fang não seja um problema pra mim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:330
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ebf9ec83:
# N "I’ve tried everything, too, but even getting her a boyfriend doesn’t work."
N "Eu tentei de tudo também, mas nem arrumar um namorado pra ela deu certo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:333
translate pt_br chapter_13D_00d81abc:
# N "It’s harsh to ask, but when we go to prom tonight I’d like you two to avoid us."
N "É duro pedir isso, mas quando formos para o baile, prefiro que vocês evitem a gente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:335
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c510cac1:
# N "It’s supposed to be a special night."
N "É pra ser uma noite especial."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:338
translate pt_br chapter_13D_1ff11f58:
# A "I see."
A "Entendi."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:341
translate pt_br chapter_13D_dd719bac:
# N "Oh, really? That’s grea-"
N "Ah, sério? Isso é óti-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:345
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8d8ad48b:
# A "And how does that make you feel, Fang?"
A "E como você se sente em relação a isso, Fang?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:367
translate pt_br chapter_13D_34e18bdd:
# F "Well since you’ve asked, Anon, I’d be glad to share."
F "Bom, já que você perguntou, Anon, eu adoraria compartilhar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:370
translate pt_br chapter_13D_69824aae:
# N "O-oh, Fang, I d-didn’t see you there."
N "O-oh, Fang, e-eu não te vi aí."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:372
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4d3f04d7:
# F "You’d be surprised how effective staying quiet and stationary can be."
F "Você se surpreenderia com o quão eficiente é ficar quieto e imóvel."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:374
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5bfc8276:
# F "How close you can get to someone without them knowing you’re even there."
F "O quão perto você pode chegar de alguém sem que eles saibam que você tá ali."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:377
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ad91067e:
# N "I-I see. Very impressive."
N "A-ah, entendo. Muito impressionante."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:380
translate pt_br chapter_13D_6f22cf26:
# F "Why do you look so surprised? Isn’t me being invisible exactly what you want?"
F "Por que a surpresa? Eu ficar invisível não é exatamente o que você quer?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:382
translate pt_br chapter_13D_71218acb:
# N "W-well, n-no, I was only planning-"
N "B-bom, n-não, eu só tava planejan-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:385
translate pt_br chapter_13D_1a8e9e8d:
# F "Oh, right! Your ‘plan’!"
F "Ah, é! O seu ‘plano’!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:387
translate pt_br chapter_13D_95ab8141:
# F "I’ve known for months now you were up to something retarded, but not what."
F "Eu já sabia que você tava aprontando alguma coisa retardada faz meses, só não sabia o quê."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:389
translate pt_br chapter_13D_18dfa1db:
# F "But I totally get this, it’s exactly something only you would come up with."
F "Mas agora eu saquei, é exatamente o tipo de coisa que só você poderia inventar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:391
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e0d56852:
# F "Down to the whole thing crashing and burning."
F "Até tudo ir pro espaço."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:393
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9fe80301:
# F "I mean really, how could you mess this up?"
F "Fala sério, como é que você conseguiu ferrar isso?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:395
translate pt_br chapter_13D_eb7c5298:
# F "Literally all you had to do was get some poor schmuck and get him to do everything for you."
F "Literalmente tudo o que cê tinha que fazer era pegar um pobre coitado qualquer e botar ele pra fazer tudo por você."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:398
translate pt_br chapter_13D_41fc8e79:
# F "Hey{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
F "Ué{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:400
translate pt_br chapter_13D_18d2ae56:
# F "You can’t get even one person to do what you want?"
F "Você não consegue nem mesmo uma única pessoa pra fazer as suas vontades?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:402
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8a114362:
# F "Pretty sad, right Anon?"
F "Bem triste isso, né Anon?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:405
translate pt_br chapter_13D_899c3da7:
# A "I could do that in seconds on a certain website."
A "Eu conseguiria isso em segundos em um certo site."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:410
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0ad8303b:
# F "Man, even Anon can do it better. Huh."
F "Cara, até o Anon consegue fazer melhor hein?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:412
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0c7eeae2:
# F "So basically, fuck your stupid plan, fuck your prom crown, and fuck you."
F "Então, basicamente, foda-se o seu plano babaca, foda-se a sua coroa do baile e foda-se você."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:415
translate pt_br chapter_13D_dce5053f:
# "In a flash Fang strikes Naomi right across the face."
"Num piscar de olhos Fang acerta um tapa na cara de Naomi."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:437
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b1795c7a:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And your dress sucks."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E seu vestido é uma merda."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:439
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f542b0b6:
# F "Anon, you’ve got the taxi number right? We’re gonna need to leave like, right now."
F "Anon, cê tem o telefone do táxi aí, né? A gente vai precisar sair fora, tipo, agora."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:441
translate pt_br chapter_13D_65e47743:
# A "Yeah, I’ll give him a call."
A "Aham, vou ligar pra ele."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:444
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a3d9c6aa:
# A "Bye Naomi, enjoy your hat."
A "Tchau Naomi, gostei do blush."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:447
translate pt_br chapter_13D_22ffa40a:
# "We leave a speechless Naomi fuming in the kitchen and head towards the front door."
"Deixamos para trás uma Naomi fumegante e sem palavras, logo em seguida fomos em direção à porta da frente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:468
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b0813b14:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And are promptly intercepted by Fang’s mother still holding her camera."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E somos prontamente interceptados pela mãe de Fang, ainda segurando sua câmera."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:470
translate pt_br chapter_13D_460838a3:
# "I guess she found another card for it."
"Acho que ela encontrou outro cartão de memória."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:473
translate pt_br chapter_13D_42017e90:
# FM "You two look so darling together! We need more photos!"
FM "Vocês estão tão lindos juntos! A gente precisa de mais fotos!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:476
translate pt_br chapter_13D_11b11889:
# A "{cps=*.15}...{/cps}I think we’re gonna be late if we take any more pictures."
A "{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Eu acho que vamos nos atrasar se tirarmos mais fotos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:478
translate pt_br chapter_13D_477ee543:
# F "Yeah mom, we need to leave early so I can get everything all set up."
F "É, mãe, a gente precisa ir mais cedo pra arrumar tudo antes."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:480
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2548b8fe:
# "And to avoid being anywhere near Naomi."
"E pra evitar ficar perto da Naomi."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:483
translate pt_br chapter_13D_6a96cbeb:
# "To my surprise, she seemingly relents to Fang this time."
"Para minha surpresa, ela parece realmente ter escutado a Fang dessa vez."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:485
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f0eca1d3:
# FM "Oh fine, you’ll be happy you have them when your own children are going to prom!"
FM "Ah, tudo bem, vocês vão ficar felizes de ter essas fotos quando seus próprios filhos estiverem indo para o baile!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:488
translate pt_br chapter_13D_402f17ad:
# "An image flashes in my mind of me and Fang as parents."
"Surge uma imagem mental de mim e Fang como pais."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:490
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b874d1ff:
# "A bit early to think of something like that, and the blush on Fang’s face tells me she’s thinking the same thing."
"É um pouco cedo demais para imaginar essas coisas. O rosto vermelho de Fang me diz que ela está pensando o mesmo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:492
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b9ec8f8b:
# F "MOM!"
F "MÃE!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:494
translate pt_br chapter_13D_6878b08a:
# FM "Make sure to have fun at prom, you two!"
FM "Divirtam-se no baile, vocês dois!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:497
translate pt_br chapter_13D_514e89a7:
# "I glance over and Fang’s dad catches me dead in the eyes."
"Olho para o lado e o pai de Fang me encara diretamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:518
translate pt_br chapter_13D_03ec7a1a:
# FD "Home by midnight."
FD "Quero ela em casa meia-noite em ponto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:521
translate pt_br chapter_13D_62160155:
# "I manage a nod as Fang grabs my hand and leads me out the door with her guitar in the other."
"Consigo responder com um aceno de cabeça enquanto Fang me arrasta pela porta com uma mão e segura sua guitarra na outra."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:555
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9be8f27a:
# A "Let me call the taxi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Tá, deixa eu chamar o táxi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:558
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5432da56:
# "I dial the number for the taxi service."
"Disco o número guardado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:561
translate pt_br chapter_13D_45906ff7:
# D "City taxi service."
D "Serviço de táxi da cidade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:563
translate pt_br chapter_13D_901c7a90:
# A "Yes, can you come to the bus stop at-"
A "Sim, pode vir nos buscar no ponto de ônibus em-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:565
translate pt_br chapter_13D_899b3721:
# D "Got it."
D "Beleza."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:567
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8e9aad0e:
# "*click*"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:570
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a7097584:
# F "Did he hang up on you?"
F "Ele desligou na sua cara?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:572
translate pt_br chapter_13D_056ff5a0:
# A "I dunno, maybe-"
A "Sei lá, talvez-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:575
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ed421fc8:
# "The taxi skids around the corner, barreling towards the bus stop."
"O táxi derrapa pela esquina e corre em direção ao ponto de ônibus."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:577
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c8d56a9c:
# "In the last ten feet it slows to a graceful stop in front of us."
"Diminuindo a velocidade nos últimos três metros até parar graciosamente em nossa frente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:579
translate pt_br chapter_13D_533a8189:
# "The window rolls down and it’s the same velociraptor driver from before. Of course it is."
"A janela se abre e é o mesmo motorista velociraptor de antes. Claro que tinha que ser ele."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:582
translate pt_br chapter_13D_08786301:
# D "Yep. Still got it."
D "É isso aí. Ainda tenho a manha."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:585
translate pt_br chapter_13D_036ddc35:
# A "How did you get here so fast?"
A "Como tu chegou aqui tão rápido?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:587
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f2291904:
# D "Was in the neighborhood."
D "Tava pela vizinhança."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:592
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e53ce231:
# "The driver turns his head and looks over at us."
"O taxista vira a cabeça e olha para nós."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:595
translate pt_br chapter_13D_477a0a60:
# D "Ay, it’s my favorite couple again!{w=0.2} How’s the leg, skinnie?"
D "Eita, meu casal favorito de novo!{w=0.2} Como tá a perna, pelanca?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:597
translate pt_br chapter_13D_767f2427:
# "The driver chuckles at his own remark."
"O motorista ri da própria piada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:599
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5654e9a4:
# "I briefly consider calling a different cab, but decide to give him the benefit of the doubt."
"Considero por um instante chamar um táxi diferente, mas decidi dar a ele o benefício da dúvida."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:602
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e52986dc:
# A "It’s fine now, thanks for asking."
A "Tá boa agora, valeu por perguntar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:605
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2d19ce77:
# "This guy must stake out wherever we go."
"Esse cara deve ficar vigiando todo canto que a gente vai."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:607
translate pt_br chapter_13D_cdb1d2e8:
# "Aren’t there {i}any other{/i} taxi drivers in this town?"
"Não tem {i}nenhum outro{/i} taxista nessa cidade?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:610
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a52b1143:
# "I open the door for Fang and we climb in the back, fitting her guitar behind the driver’s seat."
"Abro a porta para Fang e nos sentamos no banco de trás, colocando a guitarra dela apoiada atrás do assento do motorista."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:630
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e8074777:
# D "So where’re you two lovebirds heading dressed all snazzy like that?"
D "E aí, onde é que os pombinhos vão elegantes desse jeito?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:632
translate pt_br chapter_13D_7dad2353:
# A "Volcano High, it’s prom night."
A "Volcano High, é a noite do baile."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:634
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0071afba:
# "The driver gives a whistle in response."
"O motorista assobia em resposta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:636
translate pt_br chapter_13D_083808d1:
# D "Prom, huh? Sounds like one romantic night."
D "Baile, hein? Vai ser uma noite romântica né?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:639
translate pt_br chapter_13D_027e6ad7:
# "With that he speeds off away, leaving Fang’s house a shrinking spot in the rear-view mirror."
"Com isso ele acelera, fazendo a casa de Fang desaparecer atrás de nós."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:641
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f29c20ca:
# "The drive back to school is rather calm, despite the driver going at least thirty miles over the speed limit the whole time."
"A viagem para a escola é relativamente calma, embora o taxista estivesse indo a pelo menos cinquenta quilômetros por hora acima do limite de velocidade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:644
translate pt_br chapter_13D_052c5d70:
# "In the rear-view mirror, the driver makes eye contact with me."
"Pelo retrovisor, o motorista faz contato visual comigo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:646
translate pt_br chapter_13D_1c802841:
# "The bottom of his eye curls, and I know exactly what he’s thinking."
"A parte de baixo de seu olho se curva e eu sei exatamente o que ele está pensando."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:648
translate pt_br chapter_13D_3f61f261:
# "His hand darts to the radio knob."
"Sua mão vai em direção ao rádio."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:651
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8bc5974e:
# A "Don-"
A "Nã-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:653
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0bab7c93:
# "The way I dance with youuuu~"
"The way I dance with youuuu~"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:655
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e7b101e2:
# "Fang’s heel digs into the back of the driver’s seat, making him yelp."
"O salto de Fang afunda na parte de trás do banco do motorista, fazendo ele gemer de dor."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:658
translate pt_br chapter_13D_eab2b707:
# D "Sheesh, no wonder they call them stilettos."
D " Viiixe, não é à toa que chamam isso de salto agulha."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:661
translate pt_br chapter_13D_fa737e99:
# "The driver kills the radio, a smug grin of victory spreading across Fang’s face."
"O motorista desliga o rádio, um sorriso de vitória se espalha pelo rosto de Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:664
translate pt_br chapter_13D_bf94d005:
# "Eventually the cab pulls up to the school gymnasium, illuminated by the celebratory decorative string lights."
"Eventualmente o táxi estaciona perto do ginásio da escola, iluminado pelas luzes decorativas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:666
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ffa6b4a6:
# "I reach for my wallet to pay the toll and the driver just gives me a wave."
"Puxo a minha carteira para pagar a corrida e o motorista apenas acena para mim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:669
translate pt_br chapter_13D_287f37de:
# D "Y’know what? It’s on the house this time, kids."
D "Quer saber? Dessa vez é por conta da casa, crianças."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:671
translate pt_br chapter_13D_1f97a4e9:
# D "Just have fun, you two."
D "Divirtam-se, vocês dois."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:687
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d4b05dbe:
# "We climb out the back of the cab and the driver gives me a wink before the taxi screeches away in a cloud of carbon monoxide."
"Saímos do táxi e o motorista me dá uma piscadinha antes de arrancar com tudo em uma nuvem de monóxido de carbono."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:689
translate pt_br chapter_13D_1bd8a015:
# "I offer to carry Fang’s guitar from here which she gladly accepts."
"Me ofereço para carregar a guitarra de Fang, que aceita alegremente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:692
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5aaa79db:
# "The students strung up various strings of lights along the overgrowths of vines around the school."
"Os estudantes penduraram várias luzes entre as vinhas que crescem em volta da escola."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:694
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d789d825:
# "A rather impressive mural of King Rex is spray painted on the wall outside by the ticket booth."
"Há também um mural impressionante de King Rex pintado na parede do lado de fora, perto da bilheteria."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:696
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d8cf0529:
# "You could tell how recent it was by how there was smoke leaking out of the eyes and mouth."
"Dá para dizer que é uma pintura recente pela maneira que a tinta na fumaça vazando pelos olhos e boca ainda aparenta estar fresca."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:698
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2ac0bf38:
# "I think about getting a picture with Fang by it, but I think I’ve developed a serious case of photophobia."
"Pensei em tirar uma foto com Fang ao lado dele, mas desenvolvi um sério caso de fotofobia."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:701
translate pt_br chapter_13D_36e470ca:
# "The line to get in isn’t too long, and it only takes a few minutes to get inside."
"A fila não é muito longa, são apenas alguns minutos para entrar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:721
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9288eaf5:
# "Inside is about as well decorated as outside."
"O interior é tão bem decorado quanto o exterior."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:723
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2493409e:
# "More lights hang from the greenery and even the ceiling."
"Mais luzes estão penduradas pelas vinhas e até pelo teto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:725
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0a64139d:
# "Those nerdy little chinese lanterns are strung about from wall to wall."
"Essas lanterninhas chinesas nerdolas estão penduradas de parede a parede."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:728
translate pt_br chapter_13D_3ad3f219:
# F "Gotta wonder who picked decorations that go perfectly with her dress."
F "Hmm, quem será que escolheu a decoração que combina perfeitamente com o próprio vestido?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:730
translate pt_br chapter_13D_48887ff9:
# A "Perks of the job."
A "Benefícios do trabalho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:733
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0e182da0:
# "Fang leads me to the temporary stage on the other side of the gymnasium where a curtain had been set up."
"Fang me leva até o palco temporário do outro lado do ginásio, onde uma cortina foi instalada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:735
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e69d3016:
# "Thanks to her guitar lessons I feel like I can actually help get her set up instead of standing around doing nothing."
"Graças às nossas sessões de prática, sinto que posso realmente ajudar em alguma coisa com a preparação ao invés de ficar parado sem fazer nada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:737
translate pt_br chapter_13D_37de7bbe:
# "We slip behind the curtain and come face to face with King Rex, smoke billowing out of his mouth."
"Vamos para trás das cortinas e ficamos cara a cara com o King Rex, com fumaça saindo de sua boca."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:752
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ed0a5cc9:
# Re "{cps=*.15}...{/cps}’Sup?"
Re "{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Coé?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:755
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9eb7cc33:
# "Reed must be helping Spears with the sound system."
"Reed deve estar ajudando o Spears com o sistema de som."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:758
translate pt_br chapter_13D_26e78f32:
# F "Oh good, Reed’s here."
F "Ah, beleza, o Reed tá aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:760
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e4377109:
# F "You can get everything set up like you usually do."
F "Pode ajeitar tudo como cê sempre faz."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:762
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c32dda45:
# Re "You got it, amigo."
Re "Pode crer, manito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:765
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b96e4382:
# "With a mock salute, Reed takes the guitar case from my hand and promptly disappears behind one of the speakers."
"Com uma continência de brincadeira, Reed pega o case da minha mão e prontamente desaparece atrás de uma das caixas de som."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:780
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9a20cf65:
# "Only to return moments later with the guitar, now with a cable trailing behind him."
"Retornando instantes depois com a guitarra, agora com um cabo se arrastando atrás dele."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:782
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ed99128c:
# "Damn, he works fast."
"Putz, ele trabalha rápido."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:784
translate pt_br chapter_13D_dff97aad:
# F "Yeah he does, there’s a reason he handles all this sort of stuff."
F "Pois é, tem um motivo pra ele lidar com essas coisas sempre."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:787
translate pt_br chapter_13D_02a77303:
"Mania de RESMUNGAR."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:790
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b670f23b:
# "Reed dusts off his hands and lets out a sigh, releasing another mushroom cloud of smoke from the costume."
"Reed limpa as mãos e suspira, soltando outra nuvem de fumaça de dentro da fantasia."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:793
translate pt_br chapter_13D_eaa58aa5:
# Re "Man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I haven’t talked to you guys in ages, y’know?"
Re "Caaara{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Não falo com vocês há eras, saca?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:795
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b85dac3a:
# Re "Not since the whole{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.1}projector thing."
Re "Desde toda aquela{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.1}parada lá com o projetor."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:798
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e45d9d99:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You know I sit two seats away from you in math, why didn’t you just talk to me then?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Cê sabe que eu sento a duas cadeiras de você nas aulas de matemática, né? Por que não falou comigo la?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:800
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a928e883:
# Re "Bro, I would but like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.3}don’t wanna leave Trish alone."
Re "Mano, eu falaria, mas tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.3}não quero deixar a Trish sozinha."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:802
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c9ecfd65:
# Re "She’s still suuuuper beating herself up over it,{w=.1} don’t wanna isolate her even more, y’know?"
Re "Ela ainda tá suuuuuper se culpando por tudo isso aí e eu não quero isolar ela ainda mais,{w=.1} tendeu?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:810
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9be8a490:
# Re "Fang, why don’t you try talking to her sometime?"
Re "Fang, tenta falar com ela qualquer hora aí, pô."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:813
translate pt_br chapter_13D_bb3e0c27:
# A "Weren’t you going to talk to her about it, Fang?"
A "Você não ia conversar com ela sobre isso, Fang?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:816
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d8a431d7:
# F "I’ve{cps=*.125}...{/cps}been meaning to, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Eu{cps=*.125}...{/cps} tava pensando nisso sim, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:818
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4c253eca:
# F "It’s just sort of awkward, you know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "É tão estranho, sabe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:820
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5ff6f423:
# F "I’ll try talking to her soon, I promise."
F "Eu vou tentar falar com ela logo, logo. Prometo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:823
translate pt_br chapter_13D_41df28ad:
# Re "Trish is here{cps=*.12}...{/cps}{w=0.1} somewhere."
Re "A Trish tá por aqui{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} em algum lugar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:825
translate pt_br chapter_13D_92ed2513:
# A "She bought a ticket? Does she even have a date?"
A "Ela comprou o ingresso? Pelo menos ela tem um par?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:827
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d54370f0:
# Re "Took advantage of my ‘plus one’ deal for deejaying tonight, dude."
Re "Ela pegou o meu ‘ingresso extra’ que ganhei pela parada de dj hoje, mano."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:829
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4ff5e855:
# Re "Don’t think she wanted a dance with King Rex though{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Mas acho que ela não tá afim de dançar com o King Rex{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:832
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a8ec75b8:
# "Reed’s shoulders slump a bit inside the costume."
"Os ombros de Reed caem um pouco dentro da fantasia."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:835
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4125334e:
# A "I can imagine."
A "É, imagino."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:838
translate pt_br chapter_13D_919d75f4:
# F "Think everything’s set up now, so we can just enjoy ourselves for the next ninety minutes."
F "Acho que tá tudo pronto agora, então a gente pode curtir os próximos noventa minutos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:840
translate pt_br chapter_13D_bbc9380f:
# Re "You guys going out?"
Re "Cês tão de saída?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:842
translate pt_br chapter_13D_13fda662:
# A "Yeah, see you later Reed."
A "Aham. Até mais, Reed."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:845
translate pt_br chapter_13D_1e11949f:
# "He waves his goodbye and turns his attention back to the mix table."
"Ele acena e volta sua atenção para a mesa de mixagem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:851
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e84af07f:
# F "You getting hungry?"
F "E aí, tá ficando com fome?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:853
translate pt_br chapter_13D_81ae54bc:
# A "Yeah, actually."
A "Na real, tô sim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:855
translate pt_br chapter_13D_22942aa8:
# F "I saw there was a pretty big food table on the way in, come on."
F "Vi uma mesa enorme de bufê quando a gente entrou, bora lá."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:863
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d1aa4c6e:
# "Despite the selection of food being rather diverse and professional, Fang piles her plate with barbecue."
"Embora a seleção de comidas seja bem diversificada e profissional, Fang enche seu prato com churrasco."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:865
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4b245be4:
# "I myself end up with a bit of this and that, bites of sushi, various meats, a few of those tiny party sandwiches, and a few things I don’t recognize but look tasty enough."
"Eu acabo pegando um pouco disso e daquilo, peças de sushi, várias carnes, um pouco desses mini sanduíches de festa, e outras coisas que eu não reconheço mas parecem gostosas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:877
translate pt_br chapter_13D_7348bb46:
# F "Spears told me Rosa helped cook most of this."
F "O Spears me disse que a Rosa ajudou a cozinhar a maior parte disso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:880
translate pt_br chapter_13D_3026ec34:
# A "Wh-how?{w=0.2} This has got to be at least a month’s worth of food."
A "Qu-como?{w=0.2} Aqui tem comida pra pelo menos um mês."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:882
translate pt_br chapter_13D_1a0da651:
# F "I dunno, she just did it."
F "Sei lá, ela só fez."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:884
translate pt_br chapter_13D_37f4ee2f:
# A "Is she here now?"
A "Ela tá por aqui agora?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:886
translate pt_br chapter_13D_7faf6cc6:
# F "Probably in the kitchen working her tail off making more."
F "Provavelmente na cozinha, suando o rabo pra fazer mais."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:889
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c5f5b200:
# "We sit against the back wall to wolf down our servings, and Fang makes me go back to get her seconds."
"Nos sentamos encostados na parede para detonar nossos pratos. Fang me faz voltar e pegar mais comida para ela repetir."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:892
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a943b5cc:
# "Eventually she decides the black hole in her esophagus is satisfied."
"Eventualmente ela decide que o buraco negro dentro do seu esôfago está satisfeito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:895
translate pt_br chapter_13D_cb3b336e:
# F "Man, were these tickets worth every penny or what?"
F "Cara, esses ingressos valeram cada centavo, né não?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:897
translate pt_br chapter_13D_52987a8a:
# A "I’m not sure what those things filled with melted cheese were, but they were great."
A "Eu não faço ideia do que eram aquelas coisinhas com recheio de queijo derretido, mas tava ótimo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:899
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d15c1843:
# F "Let’s go see what other crap there is to do here."
F "Bora ver que outra merda tem pra fazer por aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:901
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5eea27c6:
# A "How much time do we got?"
A "Quanto tempo a gente ainda tem?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:903
translate pt_br chapter_13D_62d388c3:
# F "Spears told me I should head back once the slow dances start."
F "O Spears falou que eu preciso ir pro palco quando a dança lenta começar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:905
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a10603d4:
# F "Probably another hour or so."
F "Acho que uma hora, mais ou menos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:908
translate pt_br chapter_13D_bdb552a6:
# F "You know what, speaking of dances, we should go hit up the floor while they’re still playing the good stuff."
F "Quer saber, falando sobre dança, a gente devia ir pra pista enquanto eles ainda tão tocando as coisas boas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:910
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d400e7df:
# A "What, you don’t like slow dances?"
A "O quê, não gosta de dança lenta?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:912
translate pt_br chapter_13D_938ccd8b:
# F "What I like are the bones in my feet."
F "O que eu gosto é dos ossos dos meus pés."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:914
translate pt_br chapter_13D_799ef8d1:
# A "Woooooow."
A "Oooooorra meu."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:921
translate pt_br chapter_13D_96fb6f4f:
# "Fang takes my hand and leads me into the crowd of dancing teenagers."
"Fang segura minha mão e me leva para a multidão de adolescentes dançantes."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:923
translate pt_br chapter_13D_76454a5d:
# "Reed actually has a pretty good selection of music going."
"Reed até que colocou umas músicas bem bacanas pra tocar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:925
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ba2e5feb:
# "Instead of whatever garbage was in the weekly top-forty list, he’s been playing real music."
"Ao invés de mandar qualquer lixo que estivesse na lista de top 40 semanal, ele tá tocando música de verdade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:928
translate pt_br chapter_13D_dd3916de:
# "Fang’s already lost in the music, grooving along with the other students."
"Fang já está perdida no ritmo, curtindo com os outros estudantes."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:930
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a4156ff1:
# "Now would be a good time to mention I can’t dance in any capacity, not just slow dancing."
"Agora seria uma ótima hora para mencionar que eu sou incapaz de dançar qualquer gênero, não apenas música lenta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:932
translate pt_br chapter_13D_cd3de4d8:
# "I can’t just stand here like a sperg, need to think of something fast{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Mas não posso simplesmente ficar parado aqui que nem um autista, preciso pensar em alguma coisa, e rápido{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:935
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8c50b454:
# F "Stop being a dweeb, Anon."
F "Para de ser um mané, Anon."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:937
translate pt_br chapter_13D_65e97052:
# "When in doubt, improvise."
"Na duvida, improvise."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:949
translate pt_br chapter_13D_cfba7497:
# "I bob my knees to the fast rhythm of the music."
"Balanço os joelhos no ritmo rápido da música."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:968
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ac3b3411:
# "And my hands mimic the reload animations from various first person shooters I’ve actually played."
"E minhas mãos imitam as animações de recarga de vários FPS que joguei."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1042
translate pt_br chapter_13D_fa8d999d:
# "For good measure I spice it up with a couple dragon punch moves from some fightan cabinets."
"Só pra garantir, melhorei tudo soltando alguns shoryuken dos fliperamas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1137
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e0bd99a4:
# "Fang seems glad I’ve joined in, she even tries to mimic a few of my ‘moves’."
"Fang parece feliz por ter me juntado a ela, e até tenta copiar alguns dos meus ‘passos’."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1139
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f57ce9e2:
# "Then she raises an eyebrow and her smile curls a bit more."
"Então ela levanta uma sobrancelha e seu sorriso se abre um pouco mais."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1144
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8e0afbb5:
# F "Wait, Anon, are you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
F "Pera, Anon, ce tá{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1148
translate pt_br chapter_13D_96c1765c:
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1151
translate pt_br chapter_13D_3c5600e8:
# A "I’m not sure what you were expecting."
A "Eu não sei o que você esperava."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1153
translate pt_br chapter_13D_82da128b:
# F "Yeah,{w=0.1} no, {w=0.1}that’s great,{w=0.2} keep doing it."
F "Não,{w=0.1} beleza,{w=0.1} tá ótimo,{w=0.2} continua fazendo isso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1155
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8fa1be5f:
# F "Holy shit you’re weird."
F "Puta merda, como você é esquisito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1158
translate pt_br chapter_13D_7a128e7f:
# "At least I’m not flossing like some of the faggots here."
"Pelo menos eu não tô me exibindo como alguns dos viadinhos por aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1181
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d4009d79:
# "Reed wades through the crowd and grabs Fang’s shoulder from behind."
"Reed anda entre a multidão e segura o ombro de Fang por trás."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1184
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4d689074:
# F "Yah! What the-"
F "Yah! O que-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1186
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5db9aa97:
# F "Reed, why aren’t you on stage?"
F "Reed, por que cê não tá no palco?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1188
translate pt_br chapter_13D_80034fcb:
# Re "Autoplay, don’t worry about it."
Re "Tá no automático, relaxa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1190
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f149801a:
# Re "Something’s come up, we’re gonna need you a bit early."
Re "Rolou uma parada, a gente precisa de ti mais cedo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1194
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5cbb5745:
# "Fang hesitates."
"Fang hesita."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1198
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a9ffd579:
# F "Damn it, sorry Anon, I don’t mean to leave you like this."
F "Que merda, foi mal, Anon. Eu não queria te deixar assim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1200
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0468996a:
# A "Things happen, go ahead and fix whatever Reed tripped over."
A "Acontece, vai lá consertar o que quer que o Reed tenha tropeçado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1204
translate pt_br chapter_13D_fad9c04f:
# Re "How did you-{w=0.25} nevermind."
Re "Como tu-{w=0.25} esquece."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1206
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2d18549a:
# Re "Come on, there’s no time!"
Re "Vem, tamo sem tempo!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1213
translate pt_br chapter_13D_68f5377a:
# A "Good luck, Fang."
A "Boa sorte, Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1215
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2d745a56:
# "Fang gives me a brief hug before following Reed out of the crowd, leaving me alone amongst the sea of sweaty teenagers."
"Fang me dá um abraço rápido antes de seguir Reed para longe da multidão, me deixando sozinho no meio do mar de adolescentes suados."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1246
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1253
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9b404560:
# "I should go get more of those cheese things from earlier."
"Eu deveria pegar mais daquelas coisinhas de queijo derretido."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1255
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5095a424:
# "It’s nice to eat like an actual human for once."
"É bom poder comer como um humano de verdade, pra variar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1266
translate pt_br chapter_13D_50df6d0f:
# "On my way over to the catering table something catches the corner of my eye."
"No meu caminho para a mesa de refeições, algo em minha visão periférica me chama a atenção."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1282
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2a192c68:
# "Sitting alone at a table in the back is Trish, blankly staring at her phone and not touching the plate of food in front of her."
"Sentada sozinha em uma mesa no fundo está Trish, encarando seu celular sem tocar no prato de comida à sua frente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1284
translate pt_br chapter_13D_78056a2f:
# "I really don't pay any mind to her, my focus solely on getting to the buffet table."
"Eu realmente não me importo com ela, meu foco está somente em chegar na mesa do bufê."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1288
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a5daf18a:
# Re "{alpha=0.5}{i}She’s still suuuuper beating herself up over it, don’t wanna isolate her even more, y’know?{/i}{/alpha}"
Re "{alpha=0.75}{i}Ela ainda tá suuuuuper se culpando por tudo isso aí e eu não quero isolar ela ainda mais, tendeu?{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1291
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e4fdad47:
# "God{cps=*.1}...{/cps} damn it, Reed."
"Que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} merda, Reed."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1293
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c2c33a07:
# "I really don’t feel like playing therapist again, especially at prom."
"Eu não tô mesmo afim de brincar de terapeuta de novo, ainda mais no baile."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1296
translate pt_br chapter_13D_957de8ce:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}But if she’s still hung up on what happened then the least I can do is talk to her, right?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Mas se ela realmente ainda tá chateada com o que aconteceu, o mínimo que eu poderia fazer é conversar com ela, né?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1299
translate pt_br chapter_13D_48dfd23a:
# "After getting another plate of tiny greasy delights, I begin to approach Trish."
"Depois de pegar um prato extra de pequenas delícias gordurosas, começo a me aproximar de Trish."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1301
translate pt_br chapter_13D_36dca4f4:
# "Worst case scenario I get gored on her horn, and it’s not as threatening as staircases."
"No pior dos casos, ela vai me eviscerar com o seu chifre, mas isso não é tão ameaçador quanto as escadas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1306
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c8db7e64:
# A "Is this seat taken?"
A "Esse lugar tá livre?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1308
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5ce277e4:
# "Trish looks up from her phone and her face flies through a myriad of emotions."
"Trish olha por cima do seu celular e seu rosto passa por uma miríade de emoções."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1322
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ed205c51:
# "At first confused, then fucking pissed, then aroused, then back to fucking pissed, all in the space of an attosecond."
"Primeiro confusa, depois puta pra caralho, depois excitada, depois puta de novo. Tudo no espaço de um milissegundo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1325
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b2d9f533:
# A "Hey{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Lookin’ good in that dress."
A "Ei{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tá bonita nesse vestido."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1328
translate pt_br chapter_13D_14495233:
# T "Y{w=0.08}-you too{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "V-{w=0.08}você também{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1331
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8d317f7d:
# "Okay, operation confused trigga is off to a good start."
"Ok, a operação trioula confusa começou bem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1333
translate pt_br chapter_13D_54a3fe27:
# "I hold out the second plate of morsels to her."
"Ofereço o segundo prato de petiscos para ela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1339
translate pt_br chapter_13D_16ab5303:
# A "I snagged these for Fang, but she had some last minute stage issues to deal with."
A "Peguei esses pra Fang, mas ela teve que resolver um problema de última hora no palco."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1342
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0734dfd5:
# T "O-oh. Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.125}Thanks?"
T "A-ah. Hã{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.125}Valeu?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1355
translate pt_br chapter_13D_3b13e2e6:
# "I sit down next to her and tuck into my meal."
"Me sento ao lado dela e começo a comer."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1358
translate pt_br chapter_13D_24da3d59:
# T "Aren’t you supposed to be with Fang? Why are you here?"
T "Cê não devia estar com a Fang? Por que tá aqui?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1360
translate pt_br chapter_13D_bcf7f38d:
# A "Well, she’s got something to deal with and I’m hungry."
A "Bom, ela tinha uma parada pra resolver e eu tô com fome."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1362
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2cab38ed:
# T "No! I mean here!"
T "Não! Eu digo aqui!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1365
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9631f120:
# A "To{cps=*.1}...{/cps}eat?"
A "Pra{cps=*.1}...{/cps} comer?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1368
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8cb162b9:
# "For emphasis I show her my half finished plate."
"Dando ênfase, mostro a ela meu prato pela metade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1373
translate pt_br chapter_13D_8c9a0ba3:
# T "Oh my fuck, no! As in right here!"
T "Puta que pariu, não! To falando desse lugar em específico!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1375
translate pt_br chapter_13D_bec68b0f:
# A "Oh!"
A "Ah!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1377
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d302ad4d:
# A "Because it’s prom-"
A "Por que é o baile-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1382
translate pt_br chapter_13D_36d5741f:
# "Before her hands can reach for my throat I finish."
"Antes que suas mãos pudessem alcançar minha garganta, termino minha frase."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1384
translate pt_br chapter_13D_636075a0:
# A "And you’re looking lonely."
A "E você parece solitária."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1388
translate pt_br chapter_13D_de84e0dc:
# "Ah, there we go."
"Ah, vamos nessa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1391
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a39eb2e7:
# "Trish locks up completely."
"Trish trava completamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1393
translate pt_br chapter_13D_19d12a8e:
# "Looking closer I can see just how dry her eyes are."
"Olhando de perto, vejo como seus olhos estão secos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1395
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e0aacb42:
# "Man, she must’ve been crying a lot."
"Cara, ela deve ter chorado um bocado ultimamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1398
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b63b37b8:
# T "I wasn’t!"
T "Não tava, não!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1401
translate pt_br chapter_13D_efc88096:
# "God damn it mouth."
"Puta merda, boca."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1404
translate pt_br chapter_13D_51b8ea23:
# A "Alright, alright. I was just thinking."
A "Tá, tá. Eu só tava pensando alto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1406
translate pt_br chapter_13D_6602d6ac:
# A "And like, how do I say this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "E tipo, como é que eu falo isso{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1409
translate pt_br chapter_13D_96d9fbaf:
# "Trish is focused completely on me now. Okay brain, help me out here."
"Trish está completamente focada em mim agora. Ok, cérebro, me ajuda aí."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1411
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d64967cb:
# A "I saw you sat here.{w=0.5} No date,{w=0.3} no friends,{w=0.3} no nothing."
A "Te vi sentada aqui.{w=0.5} Sem par,{w=0.3} sem amigos,{w=0.3} nem nada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1414
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4cc49941:
# "Ah, bad choice, Trish’s face sunk at each word."
"Ah, péssima escolha, o rosto de Trish se entristeceu mais com cada palavra."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1417
translate pt_br chapter_13D_963201c2:
# A "I was thinking ’bout how lonely you were."
A "Aí eu pensei no quão solitária você tava aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1419
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ebeb9af7:
# A "Which is something I know quite well."
A "O que é uma coisa que eu entendo bem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1421
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d4fc5736:
# A "Being alone and all."
A "Ficar sozinho e tal."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1424
translate pt_br chapter_13D_049b8461:
# A "So!"
A "Então!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1426
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e2c8dedb:
# A "Since I’m by myself now, and you were looking lonely, I’d figured we could be lonely together."
A "Já que eu tô sozinho agora, e você parece solitária, eu achei que a gente podia ficar sozinhos juntos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1428
translate pt_br chapter_13D_14e5d2e5:
# A "Make sense?"
A "Faz sentido?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1431
translate pt_br chapter_13D_670f6c52:
# "Trish lets out a sigh."
"Trish suspira."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1435
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b5840a39:
# T "{cps=*.125}...{/cps}Why are you doing this?"
T "{cps=*.125}...{/cps} Por que cê tá fazendo isso?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1437
translate pt_br chapter_13D_cf305c83:
# T "After everything I did, you should hate me for it."
T "Depois de tudo o que eu fiz, você deveria me odiar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1440
translate pt_br chapter_13D_3f739ce1:
# "I sigh."
"Eu suspiro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1445
translate pt_br chapter_13D_0418fc13:
# A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I mean, I still get called names and stuff."
A "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} digo, as pessoas ainda tão me zoando e tal."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1448
translate pt_br chapter_13D_66d6cbbc:
# A "And Stella keeps trying to get me to watch shit with her."
A "E a Stella continua tentando me forçar a assistir umas porcarias com ela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1451
translate pt_br chapter_13D_7d44e837:
# A "But fuck it. I won’t have to see those fuckers ever again in a few weeks."
A "Mas foda-se. Só mais algumas semanas e eu não vou mais precisar ver nenhum desses pau no cu."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1453
translate pt_br chapter_13D_adeb7295:
# A "That shit’s gonna be in the past."
A "Essa merda toda vai ficar no passado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1456
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ca74c2e9:
# A "But{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1459
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d7fd89bc:
# F "{alpha=0.5}{i}I’ve{cps=*.125}...{/cps} been meaning to, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/i}{/alpha}"
F "{alpha=0.75}{i}Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tava pensando nisso sim, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1463
translate pt_br chapter_13D_dbe51149:
# A "But it’d crush Fang if she never talks with her best friend again."
A "Mas a Fang ficaria arrasada se nunca mais pudesse falar com a melhor amiga dela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1470
translate pt_br chapter_13D_62327cf1:
# "Trish’s eyes widen."
"Os olhos de Trish se arregalaram."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1474
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d04c44ce:
# A "So. Peace?"
A "Então. Trégua?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1476
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e3586bec:
# "I hold out the second plate of food to her again."
"Ofereço novamente o segundo prato de comida para ela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1482
translate pt_br chapter_13D_16d36ee9:
# "Trish takes the proffered plate. Her dry eyes start to water and a fragile smile grows on her face."
"Trish pega o prato. Seus olhos secos começam a se encher de lágrimas e um sorriso frágil surge em seu rosto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1485
translate pt_br chapter_13D_be5b6af1:
# T "Peace."
T "Trégua."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1489
translate pt_br chapter_13D_eee7d1ad:
# A "Cool. Also speaking of, that food’s probably cold now, too."
A "Não esquenta. Falando nisso, essa comida aí já deve estar gelada agora."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1493
translate pt_br chapter_13D_995d0501:
# "It’s a bad joke, but it works in getting a simple laugh out of the triceratops girl."
"É uma péssima piada, mas funciona para tirar uma simples risada da garota tricerátopo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1498
translate pt_br chapter_13D_1c34bd53:
# "I make quick work of the rest of my pot stickers, noting how Trish is ravenously devouring them."
"Termino rapidamente as minhas coisinhas de queijo, mas nada parecido como a Trish está devorando os dela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1500
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5c57c898:
# "Huh, I guess she was looking a little thin. This month must have been hell for her."
"Hm, acho que ela está mais magra mesmo. Esse mês deve ter sido infernal para ela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1503
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d7045ede:
# "We sit in silence until the music changes to something much slower."
"Nos sentamos em silêncio até a música mudar para algo bem mais lento."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1505
translate pt_br chapter_13D_13185777:
# "Definitely not my kind of music."
"Definitivamente não é o meu estilo de música."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1507
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f7c54016:
# "I peer over and see Trish staring longingly at the couples dancing."
"Vejo Trish encarando ansiosamente os casais dançando."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1509
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5d368674:
# "Guess no one’s bothered to ask her."
"Acho que ninguém chamou ela pra dançar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1512
translate pt_br chapter_13D_3b3c41dd:
# T "Reed has."
T "O Reed chamou."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1514
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f6047d5c:
# A "Then why not dance with him?"
A "Por que você não foi com ele então?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1516
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e79286f4:
# T "I am NOT dancing with King Rex."
T "Eu NÃO vou dançar com o King Rex."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1519
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b928210b:
# "Poor Reed."
"Coitado do Reed."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1522
translate pt_br chapter_13D_aeba47b6:
# A "Well, how ‘bout with me?"
A "Bom, que tal eu?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1524
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4738e77b:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Do you even know how to dance?"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Cê pelo menos sabe dançar?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1527
translate pt_br chapter_13D_fc8c7a19:
# A "I can improvise?"
A "Eu posso improvisar?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1531
translate pt_br chapter_13D_846910b7:
# T "Let me rephrase that. Do you even know how to slow dance?"
T "Deixa eu reformular. Você pelo menos sabe dançar música lenta?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1533
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c34dcdf1:
# A "There’s a difference?"
A "E tem diferença?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1536
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4a8582cc:
# "Trish sighs in frustration."
"Trish suspira, frustrada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1542
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f3984567:
# T "The things I put up with{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "As merdas que eu tenho que aguentar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1546
translate pt_br chapter_13D_811e080e:
# T "Alright, I’ll teach you."
T "Tá, eu vou te ensinar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1548
translate pt_br chapter_13D_13386564:
# A "Wait wha-"
A "Calma, qu-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1550
translate pt_br chapter_13D_01ee170e:
# T "I want to dance, and so help me Raptor Jesus I’m getting a dance."
T "Eu quero dançar, então pelo amor de Jesus Raptor, eu vou dançar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1555
translate pt_br chapter_13D_bb0eed98:
# "Trish grabs me by the elbow and pulls me to the dance floor."
"Trish me segura pelo cotovelo e me puxa para a pista de dança."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1562
translate pt_br chapter_13D_dd3ba722:
# "When Trish finds a spot she’s satisfied with, away from most of the other couples and open, she turns back to me."
"Quando ela encontra um local que a deixa satisfeita, aberto e longe da maioria dos outros casais, ela se vira para mim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1576
translate pt_br chapter_13D_62f6aa2a:
# T "Left hand on my hip. Now!"
T "Mão esquerda na minha cintura. Agora!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1578
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ca5cd8ed:
# "Oh wow, she is short as hell."
"Uau, ela é baixinha pacas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1580
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4a1d5207:
# "I need to actually reach so my hand plants itself on her hip."
"Preciso me curvar para que minha mão alcance a sua cintura."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1583
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d802cc53:
# A "Okay, next?"
A "Ok, e agora?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1585
translate pt_br chapter_13D_61afd450:
# "Trish’s left hand takes my right, and her right hand is placed on my left bicep since she doesn’t want to stand on her toes. Or mine."
"A mão esquerda dela segura a minha direita, e sua mão direita vai no meu bíceps, já que ela não quer ficar na ponta de seus pés, ou dos meus."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1587
translate pt_br chapter_13D_bb225727:
# T "Now just step to your left."
T "Agora, um passo pra sua esquerda."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1593
translate pt_br chapter_13D_2f8b6c17:
# "My left foot moves left."
"Meu pé esquerdo vai para a esquerda."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1595
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f7a894aa:
# T "And bring your right foot next to it."
T "Agora traz o seu pé direito para perto do esquerdo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1597
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b3df0d3d:
# "Okay. That’s one step."
"Ok. Isso é um passo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1599
translate pt_br chapter_13D_876d1363:
# T "And that’s it."
T "E é isso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1602
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1605
translate pt_br chapter_13D_137a6d5c:
# "Wow, dancing is simple."
"Uau, dançar é fácil."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1607
translate pt_br chapter_13D_4506c858:
# "Slowly I find myself getting into the rhythm of the dance."
"Lentamente vou entrando no ritmo da dança."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1621
translate pt_br chapter_13D_253f6d7e:
# "Occasionally Trish would give instructions for a new step or move."
"Ocasionalmente Trish me dava instruções para um novo passo ou movimento."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1623
translate pt_br chapter_13D_653c9c1a:
# "One song and dance grew into three or four, I lost track."
"Uma música e dança viraram três ou quatro. Eu parei de contar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1626
translate pt_br chapter_13D_d8ab15eb:
# "But as we ease into the next song, I realize that Trish is starting to smile at last."
"Mas quando começamos a próxima música, reparo que Trish está finalmente começando a sorrir."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1636
translate pt_br chapter_13D_c5e5a281:
# "*{cps=*0.5}GRRRRRRRRRLLLL{/cps}*"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1639
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e1a9d748:
# "Trish’s face goes bright red."
"O rosto dela fica vermelho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1642
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e6b01f8f:
# A "What was that?"
A "O que foi isso?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1644
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e1c2c50d:
# T "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I think I was hungrier than I thought."
T "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu acho que tava com mais fome do que pensava."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1646
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5da38dc5:
# A "Wanna head back to the food table?"
A "Quer pegar alguma coisa pra comer?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1648
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f54e506c:
# T "Er- yeah. Sorry."
T "Ah- sim, desculpa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1650
translate pt_br chapter_13D_268db65e:
# A "For what? Come on."
A "Pelo quê? Vem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1661
translate pt_br chapter_13D_3556c511:
# "I lead Trish out of the crowd back in the general direction of the buffet."
"Levo Trish para longe da multidão, em direção ao bufê."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1679
translate pt_br chapter_13D_089a6cf6:
# A "Thanks for teaching me to dance."
A "Valeu por me ensinar a dançar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1683
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b56f4e01:
# T "I’m coming for you if I hear Fang’s got a broken toe."
T "Eu vou te pegar se souber que a Fang quebrou um dedo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1685
translate pt_br chapter_13D_755f9938:
# A "Noted. You go ahead, I’ll wait at the bench we were at before."
A "Anotado. Vai na frente, vou esperar no banco que a gente tava antes."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1687
translate pt_br chapter_13D_52e0e61f:
# "I gesture towards the tables of food."
"Gesticulo na direção das mesas de comida."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1689
translate pt_br chapter_13D_85f95c6c:
# T "Oh, sure. Gimme a bit."
T "Beleza, já volto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1691
translate pt_br chapter_13D_f15afb7a:
# "She heads off and I go sit in the same spot on the bleachers as before."
"Ela sai e me sento no mesmo lugar das arquibancadas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1705
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9bf6bcea:
# "Well then. Got some time to kill, time to shitpo-"
"Beleza então. Tenho um tempinho sobrando, hora de posta-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1708
translate pt_br chapter_13D_71dc7088:
# "*THUNK*" with vpunch
"*THUNK*" with vpunch
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1712
translate pt_br chapter_13D_111dc1e5:
# A "Whoa, Trish, warn me before you jump into the chair."
A "Ei Trish, me avisa antes de pular na cadeira."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1721
translate pt_br chapter_13D_221b00bb:
# Sp "My bad."
Sp "Perdão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1724
translate pt_br chapter_13D_06674bce:
# A "Oh {cps=*0.25}ffff{/cps}-flint, hello Principal Spears."
A "Eita {cps=*0.25}poooo{/cps}-orcaria, olá Diretor Spears."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1726
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a08f3e45:
# A "Is Fang doing alright?"
A "Tudo bem com a Fang?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1728
translate pt_br chapter_13D_ed899431:
# Sp "Yeah, she’s still getting everything ready."
Sp "Sim, ela ainda está preparando as coisas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1730
translate pt_br chapter_13D_fda5cb28:
# Sp "I just wanted to have a word with you. Got a minute?"
Sp "Eu só queria ter uma palavrinha com você. Tem um minuto?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1732
translate pt_br chapter_13D_529b1d4f:
# A "Sure."
A "Claro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1735
translate pt_br chapter_13D_15e45c24:
# Sp "When you first got here I noticed you were a bit on the egotistical side, if I may say so."
Sp "Assim que chegou aqui em Volcano High você era meio egoísta, se me permite dizer."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1737
translate pt_br chapter_13D_97b80649:
# Sp "You’ve since become a fine young man."
Sp "Mas desde então, se tornou um grande jovem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1739
translate pt_br chapter_13D_b4620743:
# Sp "You were in a muddy situation and were able to get this much out of it."
Sp "Você estava em uma situação ruim e conseguiu se virar bem com tudo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1741
translate pt_br chapter_13D_9da6264d:
# Sp "I can tell you’re going places, son."
Sp "Posso dizer que você vai alcançar novos horizontes, filho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1743
translate pt_br chapter_13D_a2464fa0:
# A "I-I see. Thanks."
A "A-ah, entendo. Obrigado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1757
translate pt_br chapter_13D_3f19ccd7:
# "Principal Spears leans over and places one of his gargantuan hands on my shoulder."
"O Diretor Spears se inclina e coloca uma de suas mãos gigantescas em meu ombro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1761
translate pt_br chapter_13D_28a38121:
# Sp "I’m real proud of you."
Sp "Estou realmente orgulhoso de você."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1763
translate pt_br chapter_13D_e3758dcb:
# "He pats my shoulder out of its socket and gets up."
"Ele desloca meu ombro com um tapinha e se levanta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1797
translate pt_br chapter_13D_470acb49:
# Sp "I won’t keep you any longer, I have my own business to attend to in a moment."
Sp "Não vou tomar seu tempo. Tenho meus próprios assuntos para resolver em breve."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1799
translate pt_br chapter_13D_83714fa2:
# A "Giving Naomi and Naser their crowns?"
A "Dar a coroa pra Naomi e Naser?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1801
translate pt_br chapter_13D_5aa5129f:
# Sp "Heh. It’s a bit obvious, but I won’t ruin their moment."
Sp "Heh. É meio óbvio, mas não vou estragar o momento deles."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1803
translate pt_br chapter_13D_bee716ab:
# Sp "Alright, be seeing you."
Sp "É isso, te vejo mais tarde."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1805
translate pt_br chapter_13D_6865cf37:
# A "Later, Principal Spears."
A "Até, Diretor Spears."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1813
translate pt_br chadshark_f4496517:
# "He marches away to get ready for the announcement."
"Ele se retira para se preparar para o anúncio."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1826
translate pt_br chadshark_0c6baa46:
# "I check my phone to make my post."
"Puxo meu telefone para fazer uma postagem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1828
translate pt_br chadshark_8eaecc04:
# "hey fagets guess whos at prom? later virgins\npic rel is my date :^)"
"eai bichonas adivinha quem ta no baile? falou virgens"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1845
translate pt_br chadshark_35cefb86:
# "I attach a picture I took of Stella earlier when her date was in the restroom."
"Anexo uma foto que tirei da Stella mais cedo, quando o par dela estava no banheiro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1847
translate pt_br chadshark_91a00452:
# "How did she end up with the football captain, anyway?"
"Como é que ela foi ficar com o capitão do time de futebol?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1849
translate pt_br chadshark_6dac522e:
# "Whatever."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1861
translate pt_br chadshark_699e4f73:
# "Three{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Two{cps=*.1}...{/cps} One{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Três{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Dois{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Um{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1863
translate pt_br chadshark_825ca369:
# "Refreshing{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Recarregando página{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1865
translate pt_br chadshark_2060488b:
# "Forty replies AND revenge for that soda can."
"Quarenta respostas E uma vingança por aquela lata de refri."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1885
translate pt_br chadshark_1b787d9f:
# T "Alright, sorry, I’m back."
T "Beleza, foi mal, voltei."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1888
translate pt_br chadshark_13ab9158:
# "Trish slides into the chair Spears just left from."
"Trish senta na mesma cadeira onde Spears estava."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1891
translate pt_br chadshark_4f988833:
# T "Did someone bend this{cps=*.12}...{/cps}?"
T "Alguém amassou isso aqui{cps=*.12}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1893
translate pt_br chadshark_c590f001:
# A "Spears."
A "Spears."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1895
translate pt_br chadshark_6af89f96:
# T "Oh."
T "Ah."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1898
translate pt_br chadshark_7d43a10c:
# "She puts her plate down."
"Ela coloca o prato na mesa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1900
translate pt_br chadshark_d4805aa2:
# "It’s a veritable bake sale."
"É uma variedade enorme de bolos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1903
translate pt_br chadshark_2625c208:
# A "Hey, you can’t have dessert for dinner."
A "Ei, não pode comer sobremesa no lugar da janta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1905
translate pt_br chadshark_6a6c1f7a:
# T "Piss off."
T "Vá se lascar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1909
translate pt_br chadshark_b3e911ac:
# "The music fades until all that’s left is chatter."
"A música lentamente diminui seu som, restando apenas as conversas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1911
translate pt_br chadshark_2ea86381:
# "Spears takes to the stage with mic in hand for once."
"Spears sobe no palco, pela primeira vez com o microfone em mãos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1927
translate pt_br chadshark_01e14dbc:
# Sp "Alright everyone. Before we end tonight’s prom we have a couple of items to take care of."
Sp "Bem, pessoal, antes de terminarmos o baile desta noite, temos alguns pontos para tratar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1930
translate pt_br chadshark_1747c65c:
# Sp "First thing is-"
Sp "A primeira coisa é-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1932
translate pt_br chadshark_3345b476:
# "The principal pulls a tiny gold sheaf envelope from his lapel and holds it up for the audience to gawk at."
"O diretor puxa um pequeno envelope dourado de sua lapela e segura para que a platéia veja."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1934
translate pt_br chadshark_e2304c2b:
# Sp "to announce prom King and Queen."
Sp "anunciar o Rei e Rainha do Baile."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1938
translate pt_br chadshark_56df547e:
# "Well this is a foregone conclusion."
"Bom, isso é uma conclusão precipitada. "
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1940
translate pt_br chadshark_63ea78be:
# "A few students are already congratulating Naser as he’s led by the arm by his handler."
"Alguns estudantes já estão parabenizando Naser enquanto ele é guiado por sua capataz."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1943
translate pt_br chadshark_cfdfb358:
# Sp "A drum roll, please."
Sp "Um rufar de tambores, por favor."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1946
translate pt_br chadshark_a126f4f9:
# "Reed steps onto the stage with a small block in his arms."
"Reed sobe ao palco com um pequeno bloco em mãos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1948
translate pt_br chadshark_12b1b173:
# "He smiles and nods, pressing one of the myriad of buttons on the block."
"Ele sorri e acena, pressionando um dos milhares de botões no bloco."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1950
translate pt_br chadshark_ca03e26c:
# "A mediocre recording of the drumline plays over the speakers as Spears clears his throat and tears open the envelope."
"Uma gravação medíocre de bateria toca nas caixas de som enquanto Spears limpa sua garganta e abre o envelope."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1954
translate pt_br chadshark_10176819:
# Sp "And your winners."
Sp "E os vencedores."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1956
translate pt_br chadshark_f0a14b16:
# Sp "For the one Mil."
Sp "Da turma de um milhão-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1958
translate pt_br chadshark_04d273ef:
# Sp "Twenty-twenty class."
Sp "E dois mil e vinte."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1960
translate pt_br chadshark_2b7adf0f:
# Sp "{cps=*.6}Aaaaaare{/cps}.{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Sp "{cps=*.6}Sããããão{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1966
translate pt_br chadshark_907cb532:
# Sp "{cps=*.6}Naaaaaser aaaaand Naaaaoooomiiiiii!{/cps}"
Sp "{cps=*.6}Naaaaaser eeeeeee Naaaaoooomiiiiii!{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1972
translate pt_br chadshark_c908be35:
# "He tosses the paper over his shoulder and yanks out the crowns from a pocket inside his jacket."
"Ele joga o papel por trás do ombro e puxa as coroas de um bolso interno do seu paletó."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2027
translate pt_br chadshark_177c220c:
# "Spears backs out of the spotlight, giving a polite applause to the pair as they rush onstage to accept."
"Spears sai da luz do holofote, aplaudindo o par educadamente enquanto eles sobem ao palco para aceitar a premiação."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2029
translate pt_br chadshark_e9769389:
# "The rest of the class is in a celebratory uproar."
"O restante da turma urra em celebração."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2031
translate pt_br chadshark_191234a7:
# "Spears offers the crowns to Naomi, who puts the larger one on Naser’s crest to droop off, and then dons the tiara{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Spears oferece as coroas a Naomi, que coloca a maior na crista de Naser, e depois põe sua tiara{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2033
translate pt_br chadshark_930f56a7:
# "The whole moment is picturesque, just like Naomi wanted."
"O momento é pitoresco, exatamente como Naomi queria."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2040
translate pt_br chadshark_f5d6ccb7:
# N "Thank you all so much, Volcano High!"
N "Muito obrigada a todos vocês, Volcano High!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2042
translate pt_br chadshark_1af183a8:
# N "This is such an honor to receive."
N "É uma grande honra estar aqui agora."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2044
translate pt_br chadshark_0cdcc952:
# N "My, I don’t really have a speech prepared. But{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Nossa, eu nem tenho um discurso preparado, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2046
translate pt_br chadshark_5968886b:
# N "In just one short year, we-"
N "Nesse curto ano, nós-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2049
translate pt_br chadshark_c402ba83:
# Sp "Alright, alright, let’s stay on schedule."
Sp "Tudo bem, tudo bem, vamos nos manter no cronograma."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2051
translate pt_br chadshark_f8972ff4:
# Sp "I promised your parents we’d be out of here by ten."
Sp "Eu prometi aos seus pais que todos sairiam daqui às dez da noite."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2076
translate pt_br chadshark_80ffa3ed:
# Sp "To close off this wonderful night, I’ve asked a student to play one final song for us."
Sp "Para finalizar esta noite maravilhosa, pedi para que uma estudante tocasse uma última música para nós."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2078
translate pt_br chadshark_1a054b5c:
# Sp "Now I know she’s played before with... mixed results, but please give her a second chance."
Sp "Agora, eu sei que ela já tocou antes com{cps=*.1}...{/cps} resultados mistos, mas por favor, dêem a ela uma segunda chance."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2080
translate pt_br chadshark_7aff68ab:
# Sp "To finish up, please welcome Fang!"
Sp "Para finalizar, com vocês, Fang!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2107
translate pt_br chadshark_7f7f7b99:
# "Spears puts the microphone up and gives a welcoming applause as the cheap curtains draw open."
"Spears devolve o microfone ao suporte e aplaude enquanto as cortinas baratas se abrem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2118
translate pt_br chadshark_6c625939:
# "Fang is standing onstage front and center, guitar in hand."
"Fang está de pé no meio do palco, guitarra em mãos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2121
translate pt_br chadshark_e7e17eb3:
# unknown "Wait, who?"
unknown "Pera, quem?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2123
translate pt_br chadshark_9edf85d4:
# unknown "She was there last time, wasn’t she?"
unknown "Ela tava lá da última vez, né?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2125
translate pt_br chadshark_126f6baf:
# unknown "I’ll just start recording{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
unknown "Eu já vou começar a gravar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2128
translate pt_br chadshark_19e7eb98:
# "She scans the room, a nervous look creeping onto her face."
"Ela dá uma checada no salão, um olhar de insegurança começa a surgir em seu rosto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2139
translate pt_br chadshark_4ace5924:
# T "Those dicks!"
T "Esses babacas!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2141
translate pt_br chadshark_c8bc94f8:
# "I start waving my arms in the air, trying to catch Fang’s attention."
"Começo a sacudir os braços no ar, tentando chamar a atenção de Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2143
translate pt_br chadshark_67b1a2c7:
# "Trish sees what I’m doing and whistles with her thumb and index finger."
"Trish vê o que estou fazendo e usa os dedos para assobiar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2146
translate pt_br chadshark_6e1ede90:
# unknown "Who the-"
unknown "Quem-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2148
translate pt_br chadshark_ed3b0071:
# unknown "-that the weeb?"
unknown "-aquele é o nerdola?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2150
translate pt_br chadshark_37a27311:
# unknown "Only he would-"
unknown "Só ele-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2152
translate pt_br chadshark_272a0107:
# unknown "-match made for losers-"
unknown "-casal de perdedores-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2155
translate pt_br chadshark_5fe87c55:
# "Fang notices us and some of the nervousness melts off her face."
"Fang nos vê e um pouco do seu nervosismo some."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2158
translate pt_br chadshark_83b5d236:
# "She takes a deep breath and starts strumming the first notes of her song."
"Ela respira fundo e começa a dedilhar as primeiras notas de sua música."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2166
translate pt_br chadshark_55a9d00f:
# "It took half a year but she finally completed the song from the roof."
"Levou metade de um ano, mas ela finalmente completou a música do telhado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2177
translate pt_br chadshark_620709d4:
# "The cascade of chords is a slow build that increases tempo gradually."
"A cascata de acordes é uma construção lenta, que aumenta o tempo gradualmente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2179
translate pt_br chadshark_25ea201d:
# "Thinking back over all the practice sessions, Fang fretted over what exactly she would play."
"Lembro de todas aquelas sessões de ensaio, quando Fang tentava decidir o que exatamente iria tocar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2181
translate pt_br chadshark_1609cbce:
# "Turns out, a rock ballad fit perfectly."
"No fim das contas, uma balada de rock é perfeitamente apropriada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2183
translate pt_br chadshark_5867f2e9:
# "Both as a final song for prom."
"Tanto como uma música para o baile{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2185
translate pt_br chadshark_345ff407:
# "And as a summation of Fang."
"Quanto uma demonstração de quem Fang é."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2187
translate pt_br chadshark_f2006bff:
# "After all, as she plays her heart out on stage to the growing surprise and cheers of the crowd, this song is the best representation of her."
"Afinal, ela está tocando com todo seu coração no palco para a crescente surpresa e comemoração da platéia, essa música é a melhor representação dela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2190
translate pt_br chadshark_df4c3c8e:
# "Trish and I cheer Fang on loudly."
"Trish e eu gritamos alto em torcida para Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2192
translate pt_br chadshark_8a461eb9:
# "The lyrics we composed together were a mix of her, admittedly, overly flowery and edgy poetry from her wall and my own shitposting."
"Admito que as letras que compusemos eram uma mistura das poesias floreadas e irritadas em sua parede e minhas próprias postagens online."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2194
translate pt_br chadshark_a94b0d12:
# "Surprisingly it mixed well."
"Surpreendentemente, funcionou bem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2196
translate pt_br chadshark_8831d194:
# "Apparently the rest of my classmates thought so too."
"Aparentemente o restante dos meus colegas de classe também pensam o mesmo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2198
translate pt_br chadshark_127d1cd2:
# "I spin around to get a better look at all the cheering students and immediately fix my eyes on Naomi."
"Me viro para dar uma olhada melhor nos estudantes gritando e imediatamente fixo meus olhos em Naomi."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2201
translate pt_br chadshark_1ed44382:
# "And she looks pissed."
"Ela tá BEM puta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2203
translate pt_br chadshark_bedddab2:
# "Naser looks like he’s enjoying the show, however."
"Mas Naser parece estar curtindo o show."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2206
translate pt_br chadshark_d47057c5:
# "Not wanting to let the moment go to waste, I get my phone out and zoom in as stealthily as I can."
"Não querendo deixar o momento passar batido, pego meu celular e dou zoom o mais furtivamente possível."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2208
translate pt_br chadshark_82fa199b:
# "I snap a picture of the seething prom queen before she stomps off, probably complaining how her perfect night was ruined."
"Tiro uma foto da rainha do baile fervendo de raiva antes que ela marche para longe, provavelmente reclamando sobre como a noite perfeita dela foi arruinada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2210
translate pt_br chadshark_6b9268b5:
# "Shame that someone other than her gets the spotlight for once."
"É uma pena que alguém além dela possa ter um lugar nos holofotes, pra variar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2213
translate pt_br chadshark_9f040f7e:
# "Satisfied that Fang will enjoy seeing the picture, I begin pushing and squeezing my way towards the front of the crowd."
"Satisfeito que Fang possa apreciar essa foto, começo a empurrar e me espremer até chegar na frente da multidão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2215
translate pt_br chadshark_b449ab02:
# "As soon as Fang’s eyes lock with mine, I catch a look of unreserved glee on her face."
"Assim que os olhos de Fang encontram os meus, vejo uma expressão de alegria imensa em seu rosto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2217
translate pt_br chadshark_b438de5e:
# "That same look she had during their concert at Moe’s, or when we even found Moe’s in the first place."
"Aquele mesmo olhar que ela tinha durante o show no Moe, ou até mesmo quando a gente encontrou a pizzaria para que eles pudessem tocar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2219
translate pt_br chadshark_3501743d:
# "She is finally in her element, and loving every second of it."
"Ela finalmente está onde deveria, amando cada segundo disso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2221
translate pt_br chadshark_86ea3fa9:
# "Fang’s voice is beginning to grow hoarse as she nears the end of her song."
"A voz de Fang começa a ficar rouca quando o final da sua música se aproxima."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2223
translate pt_br chadshark_a5cbfa59:
# "As the song reaches its crescendo, her final lyrics are echoed by the crowd and reverberates throughout the hall."
"Quando a música chega em seu crescendo, suas letras finais ecoam pela multidão e reverberam através do salão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2226
translate pt_br chadshark_b8444e56:
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2227
translate pt_br chadshark_579df431:
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2228
translate pt_br chadshark_6dd8bc38:
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2231
translate pt_br chadshark_828e38d3:
# "Her voice shakes as the words trail off, delivering a meteoric finale to her show."
"Sua voz fica trêmula enquanto as palavras se esvaem, entregando um final meteórico para seu show."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2235
translate pt_br chadshark_542bf848:
# "The guitar echoes for several seconds before applause begins to fill the air, cheers that I didn’t initiate this time."
"A guitarra ecoa por vários segundos antes que aplausos comecem a encher o ar, vivas que eu não comecei dessa vez."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2238
translate pt_br chadshark_3cb79635:
# "I begin to join in, but take notice of Fang’s utterly stiff posture."
"Começo a me juntar a eles, mas reparo na postura extremamente rígida de Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2240
translate pt_br chadshark_451f1984:
# "Eyes wide, wings pressed against her back, legs locked like a statue."
"Olhos arregalados, asas pressionadas contra as costas, pernas travadas como uma estátua."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2242
translate pt_br chadshark_2091f851:
# "She looks like she’s about to faint from shock."
"Ela parece estar prestes a desmaiar por conta do choque."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2244
translate pt_br chadshark_e80cd771:
# "I realize I have an opportunity here and stone the fuck up."
"Percebo que tenho uma oportunidade aqui e tomo coragem nessa porra."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2246
translate pt_br chadshark_04a55bdf:
# "God damn it, I’m going to take it."
"Foda-se, vou nessa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2249
translate pt_br chadshark_d1675162:
# "I push my way through the crowd and jump up on the stage, taking the nearly catatonic Fang into my arms."
"Abro caminho entre a multidão e subo no palco, segurando uma quase catatônica Fang em meus braços."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2251
translate pt_br chadshark_2634c376:
# "Standing in an embrace on stage, my mind barely registers the crowd of students in front of us."
"De pé em um abraço no palco, minha mente mal registra toda a multidão de estudantes à nossa frente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2253
translate pt_br chadshark_f4cf3f03:
# "Fang gasps and snaps back to reality."
"Fang respira fundo e volta para a realidade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2255
translate pt_br chadshark_4a4f0f17:
# "I can see the embarrassed mirth playing across her beautiful eyes."
"Posso ver a alegria e a vergonha dançando juntas em seus lindos olhos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2263
translate pt_br chadshark_7079f5e5:
# "No thought at all, I press my lips against hers."
"Sem nem pensar, pressiono meus lábios contra os dela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2265
translate pt_br chadshark_dbc9e977:
# "Behind me I can hear the audience’s cheers grow louder."
"Atrás de mim, posso ouvir a audiência gritando ainda mais alto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2267
translate pt_br chadshark_1f348ec6:
# "I can hear Rosa and Stella’s wolf whistles inside the crowd."
"Ouço Rosa e Stella assobiando como lobos no meio da multidão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2269
translate pt_br chadshark_267e8633:
# "I can even make out Naser, Trish and Reed’s own supportive calls."
"Consigo identificar até Naser, Trish e Reed gritando em apoio."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2272
translate pt_br chadshark_f1b45c1f:
# "It’s a picture-perfect moment."
"É um momento perfeito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2275
translate pt_br chadshark_3007a458:
# "Wait. Missing one thing."
"Espera. Falta uma coisa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2278
translate pt_br chadshark_8d15dbee:
# "I extend one arm out toward Naomi, who I know is suffering from rectal-ragnarok by now, and raise one finger in particular at her."
"Estendo um braço em direção a Naomi, que eu sei que está sofrendo de uma enorme dor no rabo agora e levanto um dedo em particular para ela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2280
translate pt_br chadshark_1852e796:
# "There, picture-perfect."
"Agora sim, perfeito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2290
translate pt_br chadshark_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2299
translate pt_br chadshark_6bd8013f:
# "The cool night air feels absolutely amazing after we spent so long in the sweatbox of a gym."
"Depois de passarmos tanto tempo na sauna que é aquele ginásio, o ar fresco da noite é simplesmente incrível."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2301
translate pt_br chadshark_6b5e1290:
# "When I had brought up calling the taxi to take us home, Fang insisted on walking instead."
"Quando sugeri chamar o táxi para nos levar para casa, Fang insistiu em irmos a pé."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2303
translate pt_br chadshark_353e5bf5:
# "And I couldn’t turn her down after she gave me ‘the look’."
"E eu não posso dizer não depois de ela me dar ‘aquele olhar’."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2317
translate pt_br chadshark_acbfb63d:
# F "{cps=*.6}MMmmm{/cps}. Feels fucking nice now."
F "{cps=*.6}MMmmm{/cps}. O clima tá agradável pra caralho agora."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2320
translate pt_br chadshark_789e05f8:
# "Her wings flutter, and surprises me when droplets of sweat are sent flying from them."
"Suas asas batem, me surpreendendo quando gotas de suor saem voando delas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2323
translate pt_br chadshark_115482e1:
# A "Yeah, nice and breezy."
A "É. Agradável e fresquinho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2335
translate pt_br chadshark_ac7dc9c1:
# "My arm finds its way around her waist, and Fang takes the hint and starts walking closer with me."
"Meu braço encontra seu caminho até a cintura dela. Fang entende a dica e começa a andar mais perto de mim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2337
translate pt_br chadshark_7f367eae:
# "In companionable silence we find ourselves drifting nowhere near Fang’s home."
"Nos encontramos vagando ainda bem longe da casa de Fang, em um silêncio agradável."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2339
translate pt_br chadshark_e3b152a6:
# "The quiet streets of the town are lit well enough, yet provide a more interesting mystique to it."
"As caladas ruas da cidade estão bem iluminadas, mas ainda suficiente para providenciarem um certo ar místico."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2341
translate pt_br chadshark_4ef19167:
# "It’s as we pass by the park we had visited so many months ago that my phone buzzes in my pocket."
"Quando passamos pelo parque, que visitamos há tantos meses atrás, meu celular vibra dentro do meu bolso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2343
translate pt_br chadshark_a36d5fca:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}and Fang’s hip."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e no quadril de Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2352
translate pt_br chadshark_36ebb355:
# "The startled noise from Fang’s mouth was part eardrum shattering and part fucking hilarious."
"O barulho assustado que saiu da boca dela foi parte ensurdecedor e parte hilário pra caralho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2356
translate pt_br chadshark_c9179b38:
# A "{cps=*.665}Bahahahahahaha!{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.665}Bahahahahahaha!{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2362
translate pt_br chadshark_4494a38e:
# F "Shut up!"
F "Ah, cala a boca!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2364
translate pt_br chadshark_73f30aa9:
# "Her hip collides with mine, forcing my still buzzing phone roughly against my leg."
"Seu quadril colide com o meu, apertando meu celular vibrante contra minha perna."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2367
translate pt_br chadshark_ff8489db:
# A "Hehehe, sorry. One sec."
A "Hehehe, foi mal. Deixa eu ver isso aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2370
translate pt_br chadshark_1780ab0e:
# "A check of it shows I'm getting dangerously close to my midnight curfew."
"Uma olhada me mostra que estou ficando perigosamente perto do toque de recolher da meia-noite."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2372
translate pt_br chadshark_fecc98e3:
# "Also, Reed had been texting me several pictures in rapid succession."
"Além disso, Reed está mandando várias fotos em rápida sucessão. "
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2374
translate pt_br chadshark_7445ae23:
# "All of them depict King Rex dancing with every girl I know except Fang."
"Todas elas mostrando o King Rex dançando com todas as garotas que conheço, exceto Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2376
translate pt_br chadshark_1b1442af:
# "Even Naomi, with a face fueled by pure seethium."
"Até mesmo a Naomi, com uma cara de cu."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2378
translate pt_br chadshark_35fa0c34:
# "And Stella, with a blurred gray elbow barely in frame."
"E também a Stella{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Na verdade o cotovelo dela, borrado e mal enquadrado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2381
translate pt_br chadshark_21e1f5d8:
# "{i}Reedman: yooooo i got my dances{/i}"
"{i}Reedman:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} eaeeeee dancei pacas"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2383
translate pt_br chadshark_29681fe2:
# "{i}Reedman: also swing by the hospital some time, bring my backpack{/i}"
"{i}Reedman:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} quando tu puder traz minha mochila no hospital"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2386
translate pt_br chadshark_2b29a262:
# "He really does it to himself."
"Ele sozinho bota a vida em perigo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2389
translate pt_br chadshark_bf8a9810:
# "Right, the curfew."
"Tá, certo, o toque de recolher."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2400
translate pt_br chadshark_2c739c38:
# "Before I can pocket my phone, Fang stops my hand."
"Antes que eu possa enfiar o celular no bolso, Fang segura minha mão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2403
translate pt_br chadshark_27cbd807:
# F "Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2405
translate pt_br chadshark_2c23493f:
# A "Hm?"
A "Hm?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2407
translate pt_br chadshark_4db3dbf3:
# F "There’s something I wanted to do. Before we get home."
F "Tem mais uma coisa que eu queria fazer. Antes de ir pra casa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2410
translate pt_br chadshark_29758c12:
# A "Where are you hiding your smokes? That dress doesn’t look like it has any pockets."
A "Onde cê tá escondendo os cigarros? Não vi nenhum bolso nesse vestido."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2412
translate pt_br chadshark_eba688a8:
# F "Not that."
F "Não é isso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2414
translate pt_br chadshark_62b1aa4b:
# F "Trish and Spears stole my slow dance."
F "A Trish e o Spears roubaram a minha dança lenta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2416
translate pt_br chadshark_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2419
translate pt_br chadshark_770056d1:
# "Oh!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2422
translate pt_br chadshark_fd0365a4:
# A "O-out here though?"
A "M-mas aqui fora?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2424
translate pt_br chadshark_ac73bd16:
# F "Why not? No one else is here."
F "Por que não? Não tem ninguém aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2427
translate pt_br chadshark_97c9a7e6:
# "I look around and see that she’s telling the truth."
"Dou uma olhada em volta e confirmo que ela está de fato falando a verdade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2430
translate pt_br chadshark_b9cb5025:
# A "W-well, okay? Any-"
A "B-bom, ok? Alg-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2432
translate pt_br chadshark_0842425b:
# "Before I can ask for a music request Fang yanks my phone out of my hand and is already looking for one online."
"Antes que eu possa perguntar qual música ela quer, Fang puxa o celular da minha mão e procura por uma online."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2434
translate pt_br chadshark_7f56bc34:
# "The music is tiny and tinny coming out of my phone’s ratty speaker."
"A música saindo da caixinha de som do meu celular é baixa e metálica."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2437
translate pt_br chadshark_02bed573:
# F "Okay, just like I saw with you and Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Ok, do jeito que eu vi você fazer com a Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2439
translate pt_br chadshark_2751304e:
# A "Wait, do YOU not know how to slow dance?"
A "Pera, VOCÊ não sabe dança lenta?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2442
translate pt_br chadshark_9e96f7d1:
# F "I can improvise?"
F "Eu posso improvisar?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2445
translate pt_br chadshark_861795ed:
# "I chuckle as my hands finds its place on her hip and takes her other."
"Eu rio enquanto minhas mãos vão aos lugares corretos em sua cintura e mão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2458
translate pt_br chadshark_86deba92:
# A "Alright, I think she said like this{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Beleza, se não me engano ela ensinou assim{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2471
translate pt_br chadshark_7ec97a78:
# "I try to explain Trish’s instructions to Fang as we slowly move to the barely audible rhythm."
"Tento explicar as instruções de Trish para Fang enquanto nos movemos lentamente ao ritmo quase inaudível."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2473
translate pt_br chadshark_c1a19272:
# "And between the too-quiet music, the constant foot stomps from Fang, and my own idiocy giving bad instructions."
"Entre a música muito baixa, os pisões que Fang me dá e minha própria burrice dando instruções ruins{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2475
translate pt_br chadshark_73c246c2:
# "We find ourselves in a close embrace beneath the streetlights, now just swaying along and loving each other’s company."
"Nos encontramos em um abraço apertado debaixo das luzes da rua, agora apenas nos balançando e amando a companhia um do outro. "
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2483
translate pt_br chadshark_b3b4469b:
# "{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2490
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_329bb90c:
# "{cps=*0.2}-- Two Weeks Later --{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}-- Duas Semanas Depois --{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2501
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_133d3e38:
# "Time seemed to fly after prom, honestly."
"O tempo pareceu voar depois do baile, sinceramente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2503
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_bc7ed2f8:
# "Probably the stress of finals."
"Provavelmente culpa do estresse das provas finais."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2505
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a57d685d:
# "And graduation rehearsals."
"E os ensaios de formatura."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2508
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_8ec82c8a:
# "And graduation itself."
"E a formatura em si."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2510
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_ca1088c1:
# "I nearly gouged out my eardrums having to sit through Naomi’s speech."
"Quase perfurei meus tímpanos tendo que aguentar o discurso da Naomi."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2512
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_48cad77f:
# "Of course the bubblegum blockhead was the valedictorian."
"Claro que a babalu cabeçuda era a oradora da turma."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2514
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_93e979e3:
# "Her speech, as rehearsed as it was, still sounded like we were at a funeral."
"Seu discurso, por mais ensaiado que fosse, ainda soava como se estivéssemos em um funeral."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2516
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_8d67e30c:
# "Even now I think she’s still seething from prom night."
"Acredito que ela ainda está sentida pela noite do baile."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2518
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_45bc7cdc:
# "Or maybe it’s the photo of her face that’s currently circulating a certain Albanian Car Trading chatroom."
"Ou talvez seja culpa da foto da cara dela que atualmente circula por uma certa sala de bate-papo Albanesa de Negociação de Carros."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2520
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f81e2795:
# "Infinitely better than any reaction I could’ve made."
"É infinitamente melhor do que qualquer reação que eu pudesse ter."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2523
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_3ea10558:
# "About a week after, Fang came to me with news that Trish got the idea for a celebration and Naser was organizing it."
"Por volta de uma semana depois, Fang veio falar comigo sobre uma ideia de celebração que Trish teve. Naser é quem estava organizando tudo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2525
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_99983e4b:
# "Naser organizing any party meant that he’d make sure nobody had any real fun, so Fang convinced him to split up the work between the rest of us."
"Naser organizando qualquer festa significa que ele se certificaria de que ninguém se divertiria de verdade, então Fang o convenceu a dividir o trabalho entre o restante de nós."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2527
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d96ccf59:
# "It was Fang’s job to get the pizza."
"O trabalho da Fang era comprar as pizzas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2529
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_40f257dd:
# "I, the broke fuck that I am, was put in charge of the fire and finding a good pit for it."
"Eu, o quebrado fodido que sou, fui encarregado de acender a fogueira e encontrar um bom local para ela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2532
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_149ca675:
# Nas "{i}You people are good at making fires, right Anon?{/i}"
Nas "{i}Então, sua gente é boa acendendo fogo né, Anon?{/i}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2535
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_ced79956:
# "I wonder if I can sue him for hate speech."
"Fico pensando se eu posso processar ele por discurso de ódio."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2538
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a3e670f1:
# "That aside."
"Deixando isso de lado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2540
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f0430212:
# "The party is at St. Hammond Beach, which is just below the cliffs that make the town’s namesake."
"A festa é na Praia de St. Hammond, que fica logo abaixo das colinas que dão o nome à cidade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2542
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_9555ca5f:
# "The sun has already set when we get there, the starry sky illuminating the whole place in a pale blue."
"Já era noite quando chegamos lá. O céu estrelado iluminava o lugar em um azul fraco."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2544
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d9ece8f2:
# "I got to the site a bit earlier and got to set up an impressive firepit with meticulously set stones surrounding it, and logs set in an ideal tower for an overnight blaze."
"Cheguei um pouco antes e comecei a montar uma fogueira impressionante, com pedras meticulosamente colocadas ao seu redor e toras montadas em uma torre ideal para queimar a noite inteira."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2546
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_55231421:
# "Everything is ready, so where is everyone else?"
"Já está tudo pronto, então onde tá todo mundo?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2548
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_b372664a:
# "We agreed to meet at seven, right?"
"Concordamos em nos encontrar às sete, certo?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2551
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_dc32f605:
# "Right as I reach into my pocket for my phone, a van chugs onto the sand from the distance."
"Assim que enfio a mão no bolso para pegar o celular, vejo uma van chegando na areia à distância."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2553
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_0b1ae8ab:
# "It stops right in front of me and Trish flies out the side door, gasping for breath."
"Ela para bem em minha frente e Trish pula para fora da porta lateral, tentando respirar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2581
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_b83af3b3:
# T " *huff*{w=0.2}, *huff*{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T " *huff*{w=0.2}, *huff*{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2583
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a3b80c00:
# A "You look like you just got choked out by Spears."
A "Parece que o Spears acabou de te dar um mata-leão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2586
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_b97e5db2:
# "She just points back to the van."
"Ela simplesmente aponta de volta para a van."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2588
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f20147ed:
# "The drivers’ door opens, letting out a gust of smoke from within."
"A porta do motorista se abre, deixando sair uma rajada de fumaça de dentro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2590
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a08379f4:
# "Reed emerges from the cloud as if nothing’s wrong."
"Reed surge do meio da nuvem como se nada tivesse acontecido."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2593
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_b972b8fd:
# T "Reed... {w=0.2}*huff*... {w=0.2}Your car.... {w=0.2}*huff*{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2} *huff*{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2} Seu carro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2} *huff*{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2606
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f7e5167c:
# Re "Oh yeah, you like it? It’s an electric!"
Re "Ah é, tu curtiu? Ele é elétrico!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2626
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_6b901fec:
# "Trish collapses in the sand."
"Trish desmaia na areia."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2628
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_9f2aff0f:
# "Before I can check if she’s still breathing, a stereotypical mariachi car horn catches my attention."
"Antes que eu possa verificar se ela ainda está respirando, uma buzina mariachi estereotipada chama minha atenção."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2631
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_9f1c88fe:
# "I swing around and catch Stella and Rosa exiting a hot pink Prius, each with a pair of phone speakers in their hands."
"Me viro e vejo Stella e Rosa saindo de um Prius rosa-choque, cada uma com um par de caixas de som em mãos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2634
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_ac35cb7d:
# "Waving to them, my focus returns to Reed now helping Trish off the ground."
"Acenando para elas, meu foco retorna ao Reed, agora ajudando Trish a se levantar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2676
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e675d4ee:
# "Diverting my attention back at my masterpiece of a firepit, the realization slowly dawns on me that I have nothing to start the fire with."
"Volto para minha obra-prima de fogueira, lentamente percebendo que não tenho nada para acender isso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2679
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_66c5eee5:
# Re "Need a light, amigo?"
Re "Precisa de um isqueiro, manito?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2697
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_fa087801:
# "Before I can respond, he reaches into his pocket and fishes out a lighter which is promptly tossed my way."
"Antes que eu pudesse responder, ele enfia a mão no bolso e pega um isqueiro, prontamente jogando em minha direção."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2708
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_55986cf2:
# "Catching it out of the air, I only briefly catch the words ‘FUCK COMMUNISM’ engraved in its side when I hear yet another car approaching."
"Depois de pegar o isqueiro no ar consigo ler brevemente as palavras ‘FODA-SE O COMUNISMO’ engravadas na lateral, quando ouço outro carro se aproximando."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2722
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d3e8b21e:
# "Recognizing it by sound alone, I see the NasCar glide to a halt next to Rosa’s car."
"Reconhecendo pelo ronco do motor, vejo o NasCar parando ao lado do carro de Rosa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2724
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_ef671fd5:
# "That name might still be dumb as hell, but I gotta admit it’s growing on me."
"Esse nome pode continuar sendo idiota pra caramba, mas tenho que admitir que estou começando a gostar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2727
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_1e1a4a41:
# "Fang emerges from the backseat and waves at me."
"Fang surge do banco de trás e acena para mim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2729
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_0742adf8:
# "She hunches into the car to get out the pizza boxes and starts striding towards us."
"Ela se curva para dentro do carro, pegando as caixas de pizza e então começa a vir em nossa direção."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2759
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_0c1813d2:
# Nas "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}c’mon babe, please. You know she didn’t do it on purpose!"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} qual é amor, sério. Você sabe que ela não fez de propósito!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2773
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a413bcec:
# "Naomi erupts from the car in a frothing rage, her shirt noticeably stained an orange-red."
"Naomi brota do carro espumando de raiva, com a blusa claramente manchada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2776
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_9d00544a:
# F "Ha! Wish I did."
F "Ha! Queria que tivesse sido."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2778
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e4089cd1:
# F "Oh yeah, the box on top is a bit messed up. Long story."
F "Ah é, a caixa de cima tá meio zoada. Longa história."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2781
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_95d9ea14:
# N "How on *EARTH* did you throw a pizza on me from the backseat and get it back in the box?!"
N "Como *DIABOS* você jogou uma pizza em mim do banco de trás e colocou ela de volta na caixa?!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2783
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_8e15aea8:
# Re "Naser, bro{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} you were driving the whole time, right?"
Re "Naser, meu mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cê tava dirigindo o tempo todo, né não?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2785
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_18a84e35:
# Nas "Yeah, why?"
Nas "Tava, por quê?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2787
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_528c85a5:
# Re "Just a feeling."
Re "Só um palpite."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2793
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a2207699:
# N "This stuff has been happening ever since that picture of me was posted online."
N "Essas coisas tão acontecendo desde que aquela foto minha foi parar na internet."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2795
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a2f54836:
# Nas "Relax, babe, it’s the start of summer."
Nas "Calma amor, é o começo do verão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2797
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_315d4369:
# Nas "Here, take my jacket."
Nas "Aqui, pega minha jaqueta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2805
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_be204d09:
# "Naser starts sliding the jacket off his back and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Naser começa a tirar sua jaqueta e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2808
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_dc4cad17:
# "What the-{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
"Mas que-{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2810
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_1a8a0831:
# "What is this noneuclidean bullshit I see before me."
"Mas que merda de geometria não euclidiana eu tô vendo agora?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2812
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_0e9b3a7f:
# "Why is there a second jacket below the first...?"
"Por que tem uma segunda jaqueta debaixo da primeira{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2819
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_47835693:
# "Reed taps my back and pulls my eyes away from the spatial anomaly."
"Reed cutuca meu ombro e retira minha atenção da anomalia espacial."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2822
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_cc79b8f7:
# Re "Hurry up and start the fire, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Acende logo o fogo aí, irmão{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2824
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c6b285cd:
# Re "I got the booze all ready."
Re "Já tô com a cerveja toda aqui, bicho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2841
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_9b72293d:
# "Once the bonfire was set ablaze Stella and Trish started setting up the speakers around in a radius."
"Quando a fogueira acende, Stella e Trish começam a colocar as caixas de som à nossa volta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2844
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_5e531d13:
# Ro "Are you sure these will be loud enough?"
Ro "Certeza que essas vão ser altas o suficiente?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2846
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_b4efe55e:
# Ro "They’re only a few dollars at the supermarket."
Ro "Elas foram bem baratinhas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2848
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_25b66ec6:
# Re "Oh yeah, those’ll be louder than the carfe this time."
Re "Ah é, vão bombar mais do que carfê dessa vez."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2851
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_26918a82:
# Ro "Why would coffee be louder than a stereo?"
Ro "Por que café seria mais alto do que as caixas de som?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2854
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c713ecae:
# Re "Anyway!"
Re "Enfim!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2861
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_91720ab6:
# "Reed drops the ice chest he was holding in the sand."
"Reed solta no chão o cooler que estava segurando."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2864
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_38e3a2ef:
# Re "Went all in man, got the name brands and everything."
Re "Manda ver galera, peguei as paradas de marca boa e tudo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2866
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_31aece6e:
# A "I’m surprised you got Naser to let you bring this stuff."
A "Eu ainda tô surpreso que o Naser deixou você trazer isso aí."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2869
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_4e2b05dd:
# "Naser returns to the rest of the group, wearing his jacket again."
"Naser volta para o restante do grupo, vestindo sua jaqueta novamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2872
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_13298ccc:
# Nas "Got me to agree to what?"
Nas "Deixei o quê?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2875
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_deeb0b57:
# Re "About that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Então, sobre isso aí{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2882
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d2884b91:
# Nas "You brought alcohol?!"
Nas "Você trouxe bebida alcoólica?!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2884
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f3b8af8d:
# Re "I mean, I usually call it liquor, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Normalmente eu chamo de cachaça, meu brother, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2889
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a18a7412:
# Nas "Darn it, Reed!"
Nas "É sério, Reed?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2891
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_65686691:
# Nas "We’re all underage, you know even if I were to agree Naomi would pitch a fit!"
Nas "Somos todos menores de idade, tu sabe que mesmo que eu concordasse a Naomi ia fazer um escândalo!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2894
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e90fffcd:
# Re "Dude, we all just graduated{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Mano, a gente acabou de se formar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2896
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_7ef60cb6:
# Re "If now isn’t the time to live a little, then when?"
Re "Se não der pra curtir um pouco agora, quando que a gente vai?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2899
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_434ae4b0:
# "Naser hesitates."
"Naser hesita."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2902
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_60165a2f:
# Re "Besides, I did think of you and Naomi."
Re "E outra coisa, eu pensei em você e na Naomi também."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2905
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_4b8a7259:
# Nas "Huh?"
Nas "Hã?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2908
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d62fe5fe:
# Re "Yeah, I got a special brand just for the two of you. Great beginner stuff."
Re "Pois é, bicho, comprei uma marca especial só pra vocês. Parada massa pra iniciante."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2914
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d41f3de0:
# Nas "You{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Whatever, I’ll try to keep Naomi from calling the police, fine."
Nas "Você{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tanto faz, eu vou tentar impedir a Naomi de chamar a polícia."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2916
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_840cf8ea:
# Re "You’re a real bro, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Esse é meu brother{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2921
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_cbf5fb41:
# Re "If everyone’s ready then let’s get started!"
Re "Tá todo mundo aqui, bora começar!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2930
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e4f56c95:
# "Soon enough the pizza and booze are passed out and we’re all sitting in the sand around the blazing fire and the weekly top-forty list playing on the speakers."
"Rapidamente a pizza e as bebidas foram distribuídas enquanto nos sentamos na areia ao redor do fogo, com as top quarenta da semana tocando nas caixas de som."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2932
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e335b925:
# "Everyone is conversating amongst themselves."
"Todos estão conversando entre si."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2941
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_3c8743ff:
# T "-are totally in! Come on, you’d look great in it!"
T "-totalmente na moda! Bora lá, vai ficar ótimo em você!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2943
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_648689ba:
# F "No fucking way that’s fucking real! ‘Beach maid’?! Have you been sneaking Reed’s stash again?"
F "Nem fodendo que essa merda é verdade! ‘Empregada na praia’?! Tu andou mexendo nas coisas do Reed de novo?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2946
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_83846225:
# N "And-and-and another thing!"
N "E-e-e mais uma coisa!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2948
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_313c8f37:
# N "Her song wasn’t even that good! *hic*"
N "A música dela nem era tão boa assim! *hic*"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2950
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_6cbf9610:
# N "Why was it us who gets *hic*{w=0.3}, gets the short end of the stick?!"
N "Por que é que foi a gente *hic*{w=0.3} que acabou se dando mal no fim das contas?!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2952
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_68767acd:
# Nas "I mean, I mean, I liked it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Digo, digo, eu curti{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2954
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_1f7dc6d1:
# N "You’ve said that a dozen times already{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Você já falou isso umas dez vezes{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2957
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_875e46df:
# Re "Y’know, I’m something of a gardener myself."
Re "Sabe, eu sou um jardineiro também."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2959
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_4eb9ab1f:
# Ro "Oh! Really? You should have joined the gardening club back at school, we had the loveliest little poppy bed."
Ro "Ah! Sério? Você devia ter participado do clube de jardinagem na escola, nós tínhamos o canteiro de papoulas mais lindo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2961
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_94ab0b5e:
# Re "Poppies, you say? The coincidences keep piling up, don’t they{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Papoulas, tu diz? As coincidências só aumentam, né não{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2964
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d3b80057:
# St "-And the robots are powered by their blood! Super cool right?!"
St "-E os robôs são movidos pelo sangue! Super legal, né?!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2967
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c74d152e:
# "Oh right, Stella was talking to me. Forgot why I was zoning out for a bit."
"Ah é, a Stella tava falando comigo. Tinha esquecido o motivo de ter começado a divagar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2970
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_019120ba:
# A "Sure, yeah."
A "Aham, claro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2972
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_6f5adb0f:
# St "Great, I’ll get my copy and we can watch it at your place sometime."
St "Ótimo, eu vou pegar o meu DVD e a gente pode assistir na sua casa qualquer dia."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2974
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_53259b03:
# St "Oh! Bring Fang too! She’d love this movie too!"
St "Ah! Leva a Fang também! Ela vai amar esse filme!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2977
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_7c6e26df:
# "Did I just agree to something?"
"Eu acabei de concordar com alguma coisa?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2980
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_00f2f24c:
# St "Oh, oh! Enough about Escaflowne, I want to show you something neat!"
St "Ah, ah! Esquece Escaflowne, eu quero te mostrar uma coisa melhor!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2983
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_fa26262f:
# "She brings a small box from her front pocket."
"Ela puxa uma caixa pequena de dentro do seu bolso da frente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2986
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c997a263:
# St "I got a new set of tarot cards! You want to be the first to use them?"
St "Eu comprei umas cartas novas de tarô! Quer ser o primeiro a usar?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2988
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e5c8be17:
# A "I don’t see why not."
A "Bora lá."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2991
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_5469e962:
# "Stella shifts to a criss-cross position and fans out all the cards for me to pick from."
"Stela cruza as pernas e abre um leque com todas as cartas para que eu escolha."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2993
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_684897cc:
# "I pull one out and turn it over."
"Puxo uma e viro para olhar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2996
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_efb7b9f1:
# A "The lovers{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
A "Os Amantes{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:2998
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_41d5e332:
# "The illustration depicts a human and pterosaur in embrace."
"A ilustração mostra um humano e uma pterossauro se abraçando."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3001
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d7fd5dcc:
# "I raise an eyebrow at Stella."
"Levanto uma sobrancelha para Stella."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3004
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e5b8d7dd:
# St "What’s that look for?"
St "Qual é a desse olhar?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3006
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_8cb50eaf:
# A "Oh come on."
A "Ah, fala sério."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3008
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_8927d2d7:
# St "Oh, you know, the heart of the cards and all that."
St "Ah, cê sabe, o coração das cartas e tal."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3010
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d09bbd1b:
# St "Go ahead and keep that one."
St "Fica com essa pra você."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3013
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c46f0b22:
# "I sigh and tuck the card into my jacket pocket."
"Suspiro e enfio a carta no bolso da minha jaqueta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3016
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_97b438e6:
# A "You did that on purpose, didn’t you?"
A "Você fez isso de propósito, não foi?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3018
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_b904f37a:
# "Stella’s not-so-innocent smile tells me all I need to know."
"O sorriso não-tão-inocente de Stella me diz tudo o que preciso saber."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3021
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_0fadb572:
# Ro "I think it’s so cute!"
Ro "Eu achei muito bonitinho!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3023
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_ff078461:
# "Rosa and Reed apparently finished their botanical conversation and were listening in on Stella’s entire ‘fortune’."
"Rosa e Reed aparentemente terminaram sua conversa sobre botânica e estavam ouvindo toda a ‘leitura’ da Stella."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3025
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_af5c0029:
# Re "Ooh! Do me next, man."
Re "Aah! Faz uma pra mim, velho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3028
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_33ea24d9:
# St "Maybe later, Reed."
St "Talvez depois, Reed."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3031
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_62fc1508:
# "Reed deflates a bit and my attention returns to the inebriated couple behind him."
"Reed se desanima um pouco e minha atenção volta ao casal embriagado atrás dele."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3036
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_7a9a1b45:
# A "What did you even give Naser to get them that wasted?"
A "O que você deu pro Naser pra eles ficarem bêbados assim?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3038
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_4d3f3021:
# "Reed glances behind him before throwing his head back in laughter."
"Reed olha para o casal antes de jogar a cabeça para trás rindo alto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3041
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_9216b39f:
# Re "Little party trick, bro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Truque de festa, irmãozinho{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3044
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_8c3432ab:
# "He grabs one of Naser’s empty cans and tosses it in my lap."
"Ele pega uma das latas vazias do Naser e joga no meu colo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3052
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_3caecbf0:
# "Holding it up to the light, I barely make out the words ‘NON ALCOHOLIC’ written in microscopic font."
"Segurando contra a luz, consigo ler as palavras ‘NÃO ALCOÓLICO’ escritas em uma fonte microscópica."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3061
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c0b43fa1:
# A "So you mean they’re-"
A "Tu quer dizer então que-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3063
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_58ba2279:
# Re "Totally sober, dude."
Re "Tão totalmente sóbrios, meu brother."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3066
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c93c860c:
# "It’s my turn to laugh at the pair making fools of themselves when Fang suddenly gets up and starts walking towards the parked cars."
"É minha vez de rir do par de abobados quando Fang subitamente se levanta e começa a andar em direção aos carros estacionados."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3070
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_65b31ace:
# F "Got something I want to do, be right back."
F "Tem uma coisa que eu quero fazer, já volto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3074
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_80bf4b13:
# "I give her a smile and turn back to Reed."
"Dou um sorriso para ela e me volto para Reed."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3077
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_59f5fa5b:
# Re "We can still mess with them, man. Watch this."
Re "A gente ainda pode sacanear eles, mano. Se liga."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3079
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_fe16f47c:
# Re "Hey Naser! What’s your plan now that you’re, like, out of school?"
Re "Ô Naser! Qual teu plano pra quando tu, tipo, terminar a faculdade?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3081
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_da01e6a4:
# "The two virgin drunks turn their attention to us, Naser clearly ‘deep’ in thought."
"Os dois virgens bêbados voltam sua atenção para nós. Naser está claramente ‘imerso’ em seus pensamentos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3084
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_918f8a9e:
# Nas "Aw, man, like... {w=0.5}I’m gonna be-{w=0.2} gonna go and be a nur-{w=0.2} nyros-{w=0.1} sturgon."
Nas "Ah, cara, tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.5}eu vou se-{w=0.2} vou ser um ne-{w=0.2} noro-{w=0.1} surjão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3088
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f35ddd44:
# N "My bad boy’s {cps=*0.5}soooooooooo{/cps} smart!"
N "Meu garotão é {cps=*0.5}tãããããão{/cps} esperto!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3091
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c83bc301:
# "Gross."
"Que nojo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3094
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_cae48503:
# "I lean towards Reed and lower my voice."
"Me inclino em direção ao Reed e abaixo minha voz."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3099
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_b87130b0:
# A "Should we tell them?"
A "Será que a gente conta pra eles?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3101
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e26a8c74:
# Re "Nah, dude. Naomi’s having fun for like, the first time ever."
Re "Nem, mano. A Naomi tá se divertindo, sei lá, pela primeira vez na vida, bicho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3103
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_df51eae9:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}So tomorrow then?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Amanhã então?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3105
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d100bbf4:
# Re "Definitely tomorrow, bro."
Re "Com certeza amanhã, brother"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3108
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_49dbfa2b:
# "Reed lets out a sigh and turns back towards me."
"Reed solta um suspiro e se vira para mim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3111
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f98b41e7:
# Re "So, like, for real though{cps=*.1}...{/cps} what are you gonna do now that school’s over, man?"
Re "Então, tipo, na real mesmo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} o que tu vai fazer agora que a escola acabou, velho?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3120
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_94e85886:
# A "Well... {w=0.3}Spears convinced me to send out a couple application letters for college."
A "Então{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.3}O Spears me convenceu a mandar algumas cartas de apresentação pra faculdade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3122
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_4e617de4:
# A "I’m thinking of doing something with music{cps=*.1}...{/cps} maybe becoming a sound engineer?"
A "Tô pensando em fazer alguma coisa relacionada a música{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tipo um engenheiro de som?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3125
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a2735d38:
# A "I’m not sure yet."
A "Não sei ainda."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3127
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_4e617de4_1:
# A "I’m thinking of doing something with music{cps=*.1}...{/cps} maybe becoming a sound engineer?"
A "Tô pensando em fazer alguma coisa relacionada a música{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tipo um engenheiro de som?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3129
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_5ce0f5f5:
# Re "Oh nice, dude! You can be the band’s sound technician when you’re done!"
Re "Que massa, mano! Tu pode ser o técnico de som da banda quando terminar!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3134
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_5d046375:
# A "Yeah, something like that{cps=*.1}...{/cps} What about you?"
A "Aham, alguma coisa do tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E você?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3136
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_0ac21579:
# Re "Me? Flow with the go, dude. Like the dinos of old, gotta get in sync with the universe first, y’know?"
Re "Eu? Eu surfo na onda, irmão. Tipo os dinos do passado, tenho que entrar em sintonia com o universo primeiro, tá ligado?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3139
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_eec439d3:
# A "Riiiight. What about-"
A "Ceeeeerto. E que tal-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3141
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c652d307:
# T "I’m gonna get my cosmetologist license and open my own horn salon!"
T "Eu vou tirar minha licença de cosmetologista e abrir meu próprio salão de chifres!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3143
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_b2c01af9:
# "The miniature triceratops bursts out from the other side of the bonfire, catching me off guard."
"A tricerátopo miniatura grita do outro lado da fogueira, me pegando desprevenido."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3145
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_be06961a:
# T "We’ll do hair and horns and piercings and- oh! Engravings too! Fang even said-"
T "A gente vai fazer cabelo, chifres, piercings e- ah! Gravuras também! A Fang até falou que-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3147
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a5d9683b:
# F "That I’d be your first customer, I’ve told you a million times by now."
F "Que eu vou ser sua primeira cliente, já te disse isso um milhão de vezes."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3150
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_3a310fd3:
# "Fang returns from wherever it is she went, now carrying an object in her hands."
"Fang volta de onde quer que tivesse ido, agora trazendo um objeto em mãos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3154
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c8119400:
# "The flickering light of the bonfire is enough to illuminate the cover of the school yearbook she’s holding."
"A luz trêmula da fogueira é suficiente para iluminar a capa do anuário escolar que ela está segurando."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3156
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_31a270c7:
# "Without a word she walks in front of us, conspicuously carrying the yearbook right towards-"
"Sem dizer nenhuma palavra, ela anda até nós, visivelmente carregando o anuário até a-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3158
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c600666a:
# A "You’re not going to burn your yearbook, are you? That thing was like, eighty bucks!"
A "Cê não vai queimar isso, né? Essa parada aí custou uns oitenta contos!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3160
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e8775185:
# F "What? No! How drunk are you, you dork?"
F "Que? Não! Quão bêbado você tá, bobão?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3162
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f93c9762:
# A "This many."
A "Desse tanto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3164
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_49aa2294:
# "I hold up three fingers, though why is it suddenly nine?"
"Levanto três dedos, mas por que de repente são nove?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3167
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a0ab60ae:
# "Hmmmm... Gonna need some more beer to fix that."
"Hmmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Acho que preciso de mais cerveja pra resolver isso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3170
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_fdf58ead:
# F "God, Anon, I was thinking we could all{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I dunno{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sign it? I saw a lot of others doing that."
F "Meu Deus, Anon, eu tava pensando que a gente podia{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sei lá{cps=*.1}...{/cps} assinar ele? Eu vi uma galera fazendo isso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3173
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_ced14907:
# A "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3176
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_650099c6:
# "I always thought it was a silly tradition."
"Eu sempre pensei que isso fosse uma tradição boba."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3178
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_8d7116fb:
# "I think back to all the yearbooks I have back home."
"Lembro de todos os anuários que tenho em casa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3180
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_5aad95a8:
# "And how they’re all blank inside the cover."
"E como todos estão em branco na capa interna."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3182
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_dc5d1f8b:
# "Totally just a silly tradition."
"É só uma tradição besta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3185
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c58b3da5:
# F "Why else would I even have one of these things?"
F "Por que mais eu teria um negócio desses?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3187
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_a63f1d25:
# A "Your mom-"
A "Sua mãe-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3189
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_956a74be:
# F "Aside from my mom."
F "Fora minha mãe."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3191
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_c850e41b:
# T "Me first, me first!"
T "Eu primeiro, eu primeiro!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3194
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_3d2c68a5:
# "Trish is already fumbling through her hoodie pocket for some writing implement."
"Trish já está mexendo nos bolsos do seu moletom, procurando uma caneta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3197
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_587fc1d4:
# Ro "Yes! I would love to, Fang!"
Ro "Ah sim! Eu adoraria, Fang!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3199
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_4992423c:
# St "Oh I know exactly what to write! First let me do a palm reading!"
St "Ah, eu sei exatamente o que escrever! Mas deixa eu ler a palma da sua mão antes!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3201
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_76b9bea6:
# Re "Heh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I’ll sign it too."
Re "Heh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu vou assinar também."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3203
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_d301dff9:
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3206
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f4797ff8:
# "The yearbook makes its way around the fire, each of us leaving some meaningful message on it’s inside covers."
"O anuário passa em volta da fogueira, cada um de nós deixando alguma mensagem importante na capa interna."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3209
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_552a709a:
# "I’m the last to receive the book and I look at what each of our friends wrote."
"Eu sou o último a receber o livro e dou uma olhada no que cada um dos nossos amigos escreveu."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3211
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_8fe4b3f8:
# "{i}You’ll always be my best friend, no matter what happens, Lucy. - Trish{/i}"
"{i}Você sempre será a minha melhor amiga, não importa o que aconteça, Lucy. - Trish{/i}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3213
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_1ec47faa:
# "Lucy? Heh, nah, Fang will always be Fang to me."
"Lucy? Heh, nah, a Fang sempre vai ser Fang pra mim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3216
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_56d4023c:
# "{i}Stay frosty. - Reed{/i}"
"{i}Fica de boa. - Reed{/i}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3218
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f1c4cde7:
# "Wow, he even drew King Rex, complete with ‘fire breathing’."
"Uau, ele até desenhou o King Rex, com o ‘bafo de fogo’ e tudo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3221
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_530fee5b:
# "{i}Even the most wilted flower flourishes under God’s light. -Rosa{/i}"
"{i}Até as flores mais murchas florescem sob a luz de Deus. -Rosa{/i}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3223
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_763c6423:
# "I think reading that one counts for my next few church visits. Amen, Raptor Jesus."
"Acho que ler isso conta pelas minhas próximas visitas à igreja. Amém, Jesus Raptor."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3226
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_20d1d6c5:
# "{i}The future is something that you build by yourself. - Stella{/i}"
"{i}O futuro é algo que você constrói sozinho. -Stella{/i}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3228
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f401a1ec:
# "So close to kneecapping her with this book. Fuckin’ Sailor Moon."
"Estou quase acertando ela com esse livro. Porra de Sailor Moon."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3231
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_21399d26:
# "I can’t decipher either Naser or Naomi’s. Naser’s looks like a bunch of chicken scratched scribbles, while Naomi’s looks like her chickens went to college and got a doctorate."
"Não consigo decifrar o que Naser e Naomi escreveram. O do Naser parece um monte de rabiscos feitos pelos pés de uma galinha, enquanto o da Naomi parece que suas galinhas foram para a faculdade e conseguiram um doutorado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3234
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_652f0a12:
# F "Anon? {w=0.2}Hellooooo.{w=0.2} You’ve been staring at the page for the past five minutes."
F "Anon? {w=0.2}Ooooooooi.{w=0.2} Cê tá encarando essa página aí já faz uns cinco minutos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3236
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_2e102c41:
# A "Right right. Just uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thinking of what to put."
A "Tá, tá. Eu só, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tô pensando no que escrever."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3238
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_ff914514:
# "Okay, Anon, something meaningful. Something that’ll remind Fang of you every time she reads it."
"Beleza, Anon, alguma coisa marcante. Alguma coisa que vai fazer a Fang lembrar de você toda vez que ela ler."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3246
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_5a0a5807:
# "Perfect."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3248
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_cb382b5c:
# "I hand the yearbook to Fang."
"Devolvo o anuário para Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3250
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_67b48ab4:
# "She skims the page and then shakes her head."
"Ela vira a página e então balança a cabeça."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3253
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_5c7316f7:
# F "Really Anon? You’re such a dweeb."
F "É sério, Anon? Você é muito mané mesmo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3255
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_925656f0:
# A "It was very fitting if you ask me."
A "Foi bem apropriado, se quer saber."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3258
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_7ce1dff8:
# "As the night draws on and the temperature falls we move closer to the fire."
"À medida que a noite avança e a temperatura cai, nos movemos para mais perto do fogo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3260
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_e77e1efd:
# "My fingers find themselves interlocked with Fang’s, and her wing drapes over my shoulder as a natural blanket."
"Meus dedos estão entrelaçados com os de Fang, e suas asas estão sobre meus ombros como um cobertor natural."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3262
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_9301d3a6:
# "I can’t help but smile as we slowly drift off to sleep around the campfire."
"Não consigo deixar de sorrir enquanto lentamente começamos a dormir em volta da fogueira."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3264
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_2884f4fc:
# "I can regret the hangover tomorrow, right now I want to just enjoy the night with my friends."
"Vou deixar para me arrepender da ressaca amanhã. Agora eu só quero aproveitar a noite com os meus amigos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3273
translate pt_br FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3277
translate pt_br tink_248c8b1d:
# "{cps=*0.2}-- Six months later --{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}-- Seis Meses Depois --{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3281
translate pt_br tink_489bd16c:
# "After prom night and graduation life slowed down."
"Depois do baile e da formatura, a vida deu uma desacelerada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3283
translate pt_br tink_5bb36671:
# "I’ve been accepted to a college a few states away for a degree in sound engineering."
"Fui aceito em uma faculdade a alguns estados de distância, para uma graduação em Engenharia Acústica."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3285
translate pt_br tink_f2bb02b8:
# "No worries about school except for the lunch card I still had to pay back."
"Nenhuma preocupação em relação à escola além do vale-refeição, que precisei pagar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3287
translate pt_br tink_aefbbb89:
# "Moe had been kind enough to give me a summer job to help with that."
"Moe foi bondoso o suficiente para me arrumar um emprego de verão que ajudou com isso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3289
translate pt_br tink_5f58371b:
# "Though I don’t think I can talk about some of the things I’ve seen."
"Mas acho que não posso falar sobre as coisas que vi lá."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3291
translate pt_br tink_6f60f663:
# "I’ll never be able to look at marinara the same way."
"Nunca mais vou enxergar molho marinara do mesmo jeito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3293
translate pt_br tink_dd34cbc0:
# "But pasta-based trauma aside, it’s now the day after Christmas."
"Fora os traumas relacionados a massas, agora é o dia depois do Natal."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3304
translate pt_br tink_6b1253db:
# "I’m sitting in my bed, looking through one of my favorite presents."
"Estou sentado em minha cama, folheando um dos meus presentes favoritos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3306
translate pt_br tink_ab82b60b:
# "Fang’s mom was right, I am happy about all those photos."
"A mãe da Fang tava certa, estou muito feliz com todas essas fotos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3308
translate pt_br tink_49b12962:
# "As I look through the scrapbook spread across my lap I can’t help but reminisce about the best year of my life."
"Enquanto olho o álbum aberto no meu colo, não posso deixar de relembrar do melhor ano da minha vida."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3311
translate pt_br tink_c6929696:
# F "*{cps=*0.6}SSSSNRRRRRRK{/cps}*"
F "*{cps=*0.6}SSSSNRRRRRRK{/cps}*"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3314
translate pt_br tink_87c80a68:
# "I have to contain my laugh, but Fang looks ridiculously cute curled up beside me in my bed."
"Preciso conter minha risada, mas Fang está ridiculamente fofa embrulhada ao meu lado na cama."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3316
translate pt_br tink_4f918bb0:
# "Curled up around my pillow, suckling on her thumb."
"Encolhida ao redor do meu travesseiro, chupando o dedão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3318
translate pt_br tink_a7c18388:
# "I go back to the scrapbook, enjoying the memories I’ve shared with my friends."
"Volto para o álbum, aproveitando as memórias que compartilhei com meus amigos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3320
translate pt_br tink_0bf798ff:
# "And to think I wanted to stay a loner when I first got here."
"E pensar que eu queria ser um recluso quando cheguei aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3329
translate pt_br tink_39d06414:
# "*Beep boop beep*"
"*Beep boop beep*"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3331
translate pt_br tink_c435733b:
# "*{cps=*0.6}VRRRRRRRRRMMMM{/cps}*"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3333
translate pt_br tink_b5425680:
# F "‘M UP!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3337
translate pt_br tink_8f4125f0:
# "The loud noise of Trish’s present makes Fang bolt upright."
"O som alto do presente de Trish faz Fang se levantar imediatamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3339
translate pt_br tink_ff4c1641:
# A "OOF!"
A "OOF!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3341
translate pt_br tink_7d7ed456:
# "And sends me tumbling onto Reed’s present."
"E me derruba diretamente no presente do Reed."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3348
translate pt_br tink_ddc27656:
# "The new Metal Gear RAYmba Mk.II bumps against my face, turns, and continues eating the crumbs off my new carpet."
"O novo Metal Gear RAYmba MkII bate na minha cara, vira, e continua comendo as migalhas no meu novo carpete. "
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3350
translate pt_br tink_6af1f792:
# "Even from the floor I can say that both were really thoughtful gifts."
"Mesmo aqui do chão consigo dizer que foram dois presentes muito bem pensados."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3352
translate pt_br tink_81bc1699:
# "Reed was right, the carpet really helped to tie the room together."
"Reed tava certo. O carpete realmente ajuda a complementar o quarto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3355
translate pt_br tink_9542efda:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Anon? You here?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon? Cê tá aí?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3357
translate pt_br tink_137e4ea2:
# A "On the floor."
A "No chão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3360
translate pt_br tink_25ca7981:
# "Fang’s face appears over the edge of my bed."
"O rosto de Fang aparece na beirada da cama."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3363
translate pt_br tink_c594fe00:
# F "Why are you on the floor?"
F "Por que cê tá no chão?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3365
translate pt_br tink_37589deb:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Yoga?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yoga?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3367
translate pt_br tink_75083f78:
# F "{cps=*0.6}Riiiiight{/cps}."
F "{cps=*0.6}Seeeei.{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3374
translate pt_br tink_a14e6e8d:
# "I sit up from the floor and shiver."
"Me sento e começo a tremer."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3376
translate pt_br tink_be7d36cd:
# "Volcaldera Bluffs may not get snow, but the cold air and the ocean definitely make the town cold as shit."
"Pode não nevar em Volcaldera Bluffs, mas o ar gelado e o oceano com certeza deixam a cidade fria pra caralho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3379
translate pt_br tink_34a77caf:
# "I crawl back on to my bed and try to find my spot that I warmed."
"Me arrasto de volta para a cama e tento encontrar o canto que esquentei."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3382
translate pt_br tink_5e9e3830:
# A "Fang you stole my warm spot!"
A "Fang, tu roubou meu cantinho quente!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3384
translate pt_br tink_d5787c9c:
# "In fact she’s taken up the entire bed. Her wings are spread wide and all of my blanket has been piled over her."
"Na verdade ela pegou a cama inteira. Suas asas estão abertas e todo o meu cobertor está empilhado em cima dela."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3387
translate pt_br tink_1d11d847:
# F "Mine!"
F "É meu!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3389
translate pt_br tink_da564ed7:
# A "Come on, you gonna let your boyfriend freeze?"
A "Qual é, vai deixar o seu namorado congelar?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3391
translate pt_br tink_959a5a7a:
# F "Yes."
F "Vou."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3393
translate pt_br tink_addf744d:
# A "That’s just cold of you."
A "Que frio da sua parte."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3395
translate pt_br tink_f6eaa82d:
# "She groans at my pun but acquiesces, holding open the blanket and shuffling over."
"Ela resmunga com o meu trocadilho, mas concorda, levantando o cobertor e me dando espaço."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3397
translate pt_br tink_660db202:
# F "Hurry up! You’re letting the warm escape."
F "Anda logo! Tá deixando o calor escapar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3399
translate pt_br tink_0a5c5728:
# "I slide into the blanket next to her, my arms automatically wrapping around Fang’s waist and drawing her against my chest."
"Deslizo para debaixo do cobertor ao lado dela, meus braços automaticamente envolvendo a cintura de Fang e puxando ela para perto do meu peito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3404
translate pt_br tink_2a38225a:
# F "Mmmm."
F "Mmmm."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3407
translate pt_br tink_579d1b01:
# "Her beak rubs against me as she hums."
"Ela esfrega o bico em mim enquanto murmura."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3410
translate pt_br tink_c021bd06:
# "Aw yes. Cuddles. Best way to spend a cold day."
"Ah é. Carinho. Melhor jeito de passar um dia frio."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3412
translate pt_br tink_3802644c:
# F "Damn right."
F "É isso aí."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3414
translate pt_br tink_87d3f3e1:
# "I chuckle and reach for the scrapbook."
"Dou uma risada e pego o álbum."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3416
translate pt_br tink_3f0db8de:
# F "You’re looking at that again?"
F "Tá olhando isso de novo?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3418
translate pt_br tink_e1ad7a48:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Yeah?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sim?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3421
translate pt_br tink_a768ef45:
# "Her face glows a soft pink in embarrassment."
"Seu rosto fica rosa com o constrangimento."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3423
translate pt_br tink_88d13a37:
# A "D’aaaaawww{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Someone’s embarrassed."
A "Aaaaaawwwwn{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Alguém tá com vergonha."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3425
translate pt_br tink_1702912f:
# F "And someone is about to be on the floor again."
F "E alguém vai parar no chão de novo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3428
translate pt_br tink_2ea8b226:
# "*VRRRRRM* *Beep boop beep*"
"*VRRRRRM* *Beep boop beep*"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3431
translate pt_br tink_2c2855e7:
# F "I think Mark Two would like the company."
F "Eu acho que o Mark Two vai adorar a companhia."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3433
translate pt_br tink_67a82239:
# A "Sheesh, you’re always so grouchy in the morning."
A "Putz, cê é muito rabugenta de manhã."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3435
translate pt_br tink_05f69cd9:
# "I laugh even as her elbow digs into my chest."
"Começo a rir mesmo quando o seu cotovelo me acerta no peito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3438
translate pt_br tink_0fe74cbf:
# "Fang crawls on top of me and puts all her weight down on my lungs."
"Fang sobe em mim e põe todo o seu peso nos meus pulmões."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3440
translate pt_br tink_c327bf25:
# "I only laugh more."
"O que só me faz rir mais ainda."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3442
translate pt_br tink_7b12dc23:
# "Not like Fang can do what a staircase could."
"Não é como se a Fang conseguisse fazer o que uma escada consegue."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3445
translate pt_br tink_f5a6696a:
# F "Stop.{w=0.3} Cuddles now.{w=0.3} Scrapbook later."
F "Para.{w=0.3} Chamego agora.{w=0.3} Álbum depois."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3447
translate pt_br tink_e1b20a11:
# A "Hahahahalright. Cuddles it is."
A "Hahahahahatá. Chamego então."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3450
translate pt_br tink_417b3dc8:
# "She squeals when I roll us on to our side, bringing us face to face."
"Ela solta um gritinho quando nos coloco de lado, ficando cara a cara."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3452
translate pt_br tink_59ab0578:
# "I can feel my own face glow as warm as hers, but I also have the same smile as her too."
"Posso sentir meu próprio rosto ficar tão quente quanto o dela, mas também estamos com o mesmo sorriso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3454
translate pt_br tink_9ea3798c:
# "I place a chaste kiss on the end of her snoot, eliciting some giggles from Fang."
"Dou um beijo na ponta da sua fuça, tirando umas risadinhas de Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3457
translate pt_br tink_767f2e0b:
# F "What did I say about that."
F "O que eu te falei sobre isso?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3459
translate pt_br tink_787b5e21:
# A "Bout what?"
A "Sobre o quê?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3461
translate pt_br tink_7aa1b799:
# F "Kissing that!"
F "Sobre beijar isso!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3463
translate pt_br tink_65620016:
# A "Mmmm, gonna need to be more specific."
A "Hmmm, precisa ser mais específica."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3465
translate pt_br tink_60b51fcc:
# F "Kissing my nose!"
F "Beijar o meu nariz!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3467
translate pt_br tink_1c890ec0:
# A "Oh! You mean this!"
A "Ah! Tá falando disso!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3469
translate pt_br tink_fd824652:
# "I kiss her snoot again."
"Beijo a fuça dela de novo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3472
translate pt_br tink_466216e3:
# F "Ugh, stop messing with the snoot."
F "Ugh, para de mexer com a fuça."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3474
translate pt_br tink_a1b457bf:
# "I chuckle again."
"Começo a rir novamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3476
translate pt_br tink_8e9cd6a1:
# F "Fuck!"
F "Porra!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3478
translate pt_br tink_3aca5f64:
# A "I made you say it."
A "Consegui fazer você falar!"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3480
translate pt_br tink_b0b5e9a7:
# F "Fucking insufferable."
F "Insuportável do caralho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3483
translate pt_br tink_78ddd33b:
# "I kiss the snoot one final time and get another elbow as my reward."
"Beijo a fuça uma última vez e ganho outra cotovelada de recompensa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3486
translate pt_br tink_58c50121:
# F "In.{w=0.2}suf.{w=0.2}fer.{w=0.2}a.{w=0.2}ble."
F "In.{w=0.2}su.{w=0.2}por.{w=0.2}tá.{w=0.2}vel."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3488
translate pt_br tink_45116e16:
# "I snatch the scrapbook at last."
"Finalmente pego o álbum."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3490
translate pt_br tink_417e7b32:
# "Fang groans and hides her face in my chest."
"Fang resmunga e esconde o rosto no meu peito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3493
translate pt_br tink_b0fb0c92:
# F "Why do you like that thing so much?"
F "Por que cê gosta tanto dessa coisa?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3495
translate pt_br tink_0b54540c:
# A "Because your mom was right."
A "Porque sua mãe tava certa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3497
translate pt_br tink_0399c954:
# "Fang groans again."
"Fang resmunga de novo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3500
translate pt_br tink_324838da:
# A "Come on, there’s some embarrassing pics of me in here too."
A "Qual é, tem umas fotos embaraçosas minhas aqui também."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3502
translate pt_br tink_69555ff1:
# F "Like you making out with an anime girl again?"
F "Tipo você ficando com alguma garota de anime de novo?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3504
translate pt_br tink_306e686b:
# A "Okay not that embarrassing."
A "Tá, não tão embaraçosas assim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3508
translate pt_br tink_ba773f0a:
# "I turn onto my back and Fang adjusts herself to lean on my shoulder."
"Me viro de costas e Fang se ajeita para se apoiar no meu ombro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3512
translate pt_br tink_fb4ff0cc:
# "The rest of our morning is spent cuddled in my bed, going through the scrapbook together."
"Passamos o restante da manhã abraçados na minha cama, olhando o álbum juntos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3514
translate pt_br tink_9ac2293e:
# "When lunchtime rolls around, I have to face reality and make something to eat."
"Quando chegou a hora do almoço, precisei encarar a realidade e fazer algo para comer."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3516
translate pt_br tink_d2943d0e:
# "Especially since no restaurant in the city will deliver to this neighborhood."
"Principalmente porque nenhum restaurante da cidade faz entregas nesse bairro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3519
translate pt_br tink_c6fd2acf:
# A "Alas, I must leave the warmth of the bed to make lunch."
A "Infelizmente, preciso deixar o calor da cama pra fazer almoço."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3521
translate pt_br tink_20864b70:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}This is gonna suck."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Isso vai ser uma merda."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3523
translate pt_br tink_846d65bd:
# F "Wear the thing."
F "Veste o negócio lá."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3525
translate pt_br tink_831391d2:
# A "I’d rather just carry the blanket around."
A "Eu prefiro levar o cobertor comigo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3527
translate pt_br tink_2dcecf6c:
# F "Mine."
F "É meu."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3529
translate pt_br tink_f5e4b8a3:
# A "Pfeh."
A "Aff."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3532
translate pt_br tink_c8295899:
# "I reach under the bed to retrieve the bag I tried hiding, and I pull out the jacket from within."
"Alcanço embaixo da cama uma sacola que tentei esconder e puxo a jaqueta de dentro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3534
translate pt_br tink_c38304be:
# "Two expertly stitched gorilla heads stare back at me, with the text ‘MNKY 4 LYF’ embroidered in gold thread."
"Duas cabeças de gorila costuradas me encaram de volta, com o texto ‘MAMACO PPRT’ bordado em linha dourada."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3537
translate pt_br tink_072069f9:
# "I still don’t know if Naser is racist or if he really is just that clueless."
"Eu ainda não sei se o Naser é racista ou se ele realmente é tapado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3540
translate pt_br tink_25ffb5de:
# A "This is great."
A "Que maravilha{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3542
translate pt_br tink_ad429714:
# F "It looks freaking fantastic, I don’t know why you don’t want to wear it."
F "Essa parada é sensacional, não sei porque você não quer usar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3544
translate pt_br tink_c6cb8e98:
# A "And you don’t see anything wrong with this?"
A "Ah, tu não vê nada de errado nisso aqui?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3546
translate pt_br tink_81fac6db:
# F "Nope."
F "Não."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3549
translate pt_br tink_5cf68517:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You realize last month was Homo History Month, right?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Você sabe que mês passado foi o Mês da História Humana, né?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3551
translate pt_br tink_64e9a63a:
# F "What’s that have to do with an ugly jacket?"
F "E o que é que isso tem a ver com uma jaqueta feia?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3554
translate pt_br tink_da315638:
# "I’ll sue them later."
"Eu vou meter um processo nos dois."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3557
translate pt_br tink_5e0708cb:
# A "Alright, here I go."
A "Beleza, bora lá."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3559
translate pt_br tink_2a09b28a:
# "I zip the abomination on and step out of bed, the wall of cold stinging my toes."
"Fecho o zíper dessa abominação e saio da cama, com o frio atingindo meus dedos dos pés."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3567
translate pt_br tink_d1ce9bec:
# A "Carbonara sound good?"
A "Carbonara é uma boa?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3569
translate pt_br tink_ee7c1130:
# F "Why do you make it so weird? Most people just use tomato sauce."
F "Por que você faz isso de um jeito tão estranho? A maioria das pessoas só usa molho de tomate."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3572
translate pt_br tink_1633aa8e:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Don’t ask questions you aren’t prepared to know the answer to."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Não faça perguntas das quais você não está preparada para a resposta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3583
translate pt_br tink_4cdcf996:
# "I crack four eggs, separating the yolk from the whites and saving them in a tupperware for later."
"Quebro quatro ovos, separando as gemas das claras e guardando elas em um pote para depois."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3585
translate pt_br tink_b9e06cd1:
# "Maybe a simple custard pudding for dessert later."
"Talvez faça um flan simples de sobremesa mais tarde."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3588
translate pt_br tink_6bb9a2eb:
# "I grab some bacon, cheese and milk from the fridge, grating a healthy handful of cheese into the yolks and mixing with a splash of milk before dicing the bacon."
"Pego um pouco de bacon, queijo e leite da geladeira, gratinando uma quantia saudável de queijo nas gemas e misturando com um pouco de leite antes de cortar o bacon."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3590
translate pt_br tink_441da208:
# "Boiling some water in the kettle to save time, I measure out the appropriate amount of spaghetti and toss it in the pot with the water and some salt before grabbing a pan and setting it on the stove."
"Fervendo um pouco de água na chaleira para economizar tempo, faço a medida exata da quantia necessária de espaguete e jogo na panela com água e um pouco de sal, antes de pegar a frigideira para colocar no forno."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3593
translate pt_br tink_90c1037e:
# F "Stop acting like you’re on the cooking channel, Anon."
F "Para de agir como se você estivesse em um canal de culinária, Anon."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3595
translate pt_br tink_ebf94720:
# "I start frying the bacon to render out the fat before adding in some pre-chopped garlic, sauteing until it’s fragrant."
"Começo a fritar o bacon para derreter a gordura antes de adicionar um pouco de alho pré-cortado, refogando até ficar cheiroso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3597
translate pt_br tink_11f06845:
# "When the bacon turns crispy, just in time for the spaghetti to finish cooking, I remove the pan from the heat while throwing in some of the pasta water to bring down the temperature."
"Quando o bacon fica crocante, bem a tempo do espaguete terminar de cozinhar, retiro a frigideira do fogo e jogo um pouco de água do macarrão para resfriar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3599
translate pt_br tink_855fed2e:
# "The final step was to add the yolks, cheese and milk to the bacon and garlic with some more pasta water and toss it with the spaghetti until it all came together as a creamy, salty and delicious lunch."
"O passo final foi adicionar as gemas, queijo e leite ao bacon e alho com um pouco de água do macarrão e misturar no espaguete até que virasse um almoço cremoso, salgado e delicioso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3602
translate pt_br tink_2fe6dac6:
# "All in less than ten minutes."
"Tudo em menos de dez minutos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3605
translate pt_br tink_2eeafce2:
# A "It’s all ready."
A "Tá pronto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3607
translate pt_br tink_56087405:
# A "Alright, RAYmba, nap time."
A "Beleza, RAYmba, hora da soneca."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3609
translate pt_br tink_1dbb67ce:
# A "Move to the rug so we can eat."
A "Vai lá pro tapete pra gente comer."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3612
translate pt_br tink_0f2f4984:
# "Fang grumbles and starts shifting in the bed, so I turn my attention to making the plates."
"Fang resmunga e começa a se mexer na cama, então me concentro em montar os pratos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3621
translate pt_br tink_8f199736:
# "I grab a few sodas from the fridge and place everything on the new rug for an indoor picnic setup."
"Pego alguns refrigerantes de dentro da geladeira e coloco tudo em cima do tapete novo para um piquenique dentro de casa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3623
translate pt_br tink_899f8211:
# "Fang’s moved from being wrapped up on the bed to being wrapped up on the rug, laying on her stomach."
"Fang saiu da cama e levou as cobertas para se enrolar no tapete, ficando de bruços."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3625
translate pt_br tink_0cdc0d63:
# "Her feet wagging back and forth in a pair of plush green dino slippers."
"Seus pés dentro do par de pantufas de dino verde balançam para frente e para trás."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3628
translate pt_br tink_215b2dfb:
# A "Better hurry, in this weather this’ll get cold in minutes."
A "Melhor comer logo, nesse clima vai esfriar rápido."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3630
translate pt_br tink_48ccf3dd:
# A "Then again, the computer’s right there, I could always try running the snootcoin miner."
A "Mas qualquer coisa meu computador tá alí, dá pra rodar o minerador de snootcoin também."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3632
translate pt_br tink_5d06fb9a:
# F "That sounds like it’ll only work once."
F "Parece que esse é o tipo de coisa que só funciona uma vez."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3634
translate pt_br tink_3934fa9d:
# A "True."
A "Verdade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3637
translate pt_br tink_2279206d:
# "We both start eating the pasta."
"Começamos a comer o macarrão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3639
translate pt_br tink_1960e9c3:
# "While I take the classic approach of just slurping the noodles, Fang has a harder time and resorts to just twisting the fork around and eating a whole clump at once."
"Enquanto eu uso a abordagem clássica de simplesmente sugar o macarrão, Fang tem uma dificuldade maior e decide juntar um grande monte no garfo e colocar de uma vez na boca."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3642
translate pt_br tink_6c4b8a49:
# A "You plan on enjoying any?"
A "Cê tá pelo menos sentindo o gosto disso?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3645
translate pt_br tink_08529cf4:
# F "It’sh good. Like the uh, cheese."
F "Aham, tá bom. Tipo o uh, queijo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3647
translate pt_br tink_8db81ae3:
# A "Why thank you."
A "Ora, muito obrigado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3650
translate pt_br tink_a585246f:
# "Eventually lunch is reduced to greasy plates and crushed soda cans."
"Eventualmente o almoço é reduzido a pratos engordurados e latas de refrigerante amassadas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3653
translate pt_br tink_a38a302e:
# "Fang moves her trash aside and rests in her arms."
"Fang coloca o seu lixo de lado e se apoia nos braços."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3656
translate pt_br tink_bc04ef29:
# A "Oh, I just remembered."
A "Ah, acabei de lembrar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3658
translate pt_br tink_8b7309f3:
# A "I have something else for you."
A "Tenho mais uma coisa pra te dar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3660
translate pt_br tink_b9b1f0bc:
# F "Another christmas present?"
F "Outro presente de natal?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3662
translate pt_br tink_875a9922:
# A "You’ll see."
A "Cê vai ver."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3665
translate pt_br tink_d556cda2:
# "I take my phone from my pocket and lay it face-up on the carpet."
"Pego meu celular do bolso e coloco em cima do tapete."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3667
translate pt_br tink_e9ac420c:
# F "Your phone?"
F "Seu celular?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3669
translate pt_br tink_177c5045:
# A "Hold on."
A "Espera."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3672
translate pt_br tink_1bc2219a:
# "From under my bed, RAYmba Mk1 hums to life and instinctively makes a beeline for the phone."
"Debaixo da cama, RAYmba Mk1 liga e instintivamente se dirige até o celular."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3674
translate pt_br tink_6d1ea06c:
# "It struggles a bit due to the small package strapped around it like it’s a pack mule."
"Ele tem um pouco de dificuldade por conta de um pequeno pacote amarrado em si, como se fosse um burro de carga."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3676
translate pt_br tink_52a468e5:
# "Fang has to raise her arm after it bumps into her to let it pass."
"Ele bate em Fang, que precisa levantar o braço para deixá-lo passar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3678
translate pt_br tink_438a36d8:
# "It reaches my phone and starts happily scraping the dust from it."
"Depois chega até meu celular e começa a limpar a poeira na tela alegremente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3681
translate pt_br tink_168a4080:
# F "Impressive."
F "Impressionante."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3683
translate pt_br tink_0fa32c83:
# F "You get Reed to make it do that for you?"
F "Você pediu pro Reed ensinar isso pra ele?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3685
translate pt_br tink_b53f584c:
# A "Maybe, however{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Talvez, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3687
translate pt_br tink_0b8a2f48:
# A "That’s not what I wanted to show you."
A "Não é isso que eu queria te mostrar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3695
translate pt_br tink_69a51801:
# "I remove the small package from the robot and hand it to Fang."
"Retiro o pequeno pacote do robô e entrego para Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3698
translate pt_br tink_d4e68606:
# A "Go ahead."
A "Pode pegar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3701
translate pt_br tink_9a7e7db8:
# "She examines the box carefully before removing the paper packaging."
"Ela examina a caixa com cuidado antes de remover o embrulho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3703
translate pt_br tink_7f901e0d:
# "Sliding the box open reveals an amber pendant on a silver chain."
"Abrindo a caixa, é revelado um pingente de âmbar em uma corrente de prata."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3711
translate pt_br tink_675ddbf9:
# "I take the necklace from the box and hold it up for both of us to inspect."
"Pego o colar da caixa e seguro para que nós dois possamos olhar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3713
translate pt_br tink_92ab21f2:
# "As the amber dangles in the air, it catches the light from outside and glows the same brilliant orange as her eyes."
"Enquanto o âmbar paira no ar, ele captura a luz externa e brilha com a mesma intensidade laranja de seus olhos."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3716
translate pt_br tink_8870d3fa:
# F "Anon...{w=0.3} it’s beautiful."
F "Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} é lindo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3718
translate pt_br tink_9f15072d:
# A "Here."
A "Aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3726
translate pt_br tink_5657c66c:
# "I take the pendant from her hands and hold it open to put around Fang’s neck."
"Abro a corrente para colocar o pingente em volta do pescoço de Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3728
translate pt_br tink_8b94b536:
# "She holds her hair up for my hands to reach across."
"Ela levanta o cabelo para que eu possa colocar o colar em volta de seu pescoço."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3730
translate pt_br tink_d511ab9d:
# "I try to fumble with the clasp, it’s a bit tricky with the wings getting in the way{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Me atrapalho um pouco com o fecho. É um pouco complicado com as asas no meio do caminho{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3732
translate pt_br tink_a6824398:
# "The tip of her beak is mere centimeters from my face."
"A ponta do seu bico está a centímetros do meu rosto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3735
translate pt_br tink_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3737
translate pt_br tink_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3740
translate pt_br tink_289a554d:
# A "...There."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Pronto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3748
translate pt_br tink_9f31fe8a:
# "Fang lets her hair down again and holds up the pendant."
"Fang solta o cabelo e segura o pingente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3750
translate pt_br tink_82744952:
# F "This is{cps=*.1}...{/cps} thank you, Anon."
F "Isso é{cps=*.1}...{/cps} obrigada, Anon."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3753
translate pt_br tink_c49490f0:
# A "The moment I saw it, I knew it would have been the perfect present."
A "Quando eu vi isso pela primeira vez, soube que seria o presente perfeito."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3756
translate pt_br tink_67d728e2:
# F "Speaking of presents{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Falando em presentes{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3768
translate pt_br tink_46f87710:
# "She gestures her snout to the ukulele resting against the corner of the room."
"Ela aponta com o focinho para o ukulele no canto do quarto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3770
translate pt_br tink_677dcc19:
# F "You gonna try playing that?"
F "Vai tentar tocar aquilo?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3772
translate pt_br tink_5b723743:
# A "I could, yeah."
A "Eu poderia, sim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3775
translate pt_br tink_da1fc038:
# F "Do uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} do that song I taught you."
F "Toca, hã{cps=*.1}...{/cps} toca aquela música que eu te ensinei."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3777
translate pt_br tink_1eae2deb:
# "I happily oblige and rip off the bow still wrapped around the small instrument."
"Eu obedeço alegremente e tiro o laço que ainda estava em volta do pequeno instrumento."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3779
translate pt_br tink_93c0f7c8:
# A "I’m not singing for you, you know that, right?"
A "Mas eu não vou cantar pra você, cê sabe disso, né?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3781
translate pt_br tink_5da74ff5:
# "Fang giggles as I begin plucking away at the tiny little strings, producing a very familiar melody."
"Fang ri enquanto começo a dedilhar as pequenas cordas, produzindo uma melodia muito familiar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3784
translate pt_br tink_17895d80:
# "She starts thumbing her new pendant absentmindedly."
"Ela distraidamente começa a mexer em seu novo colar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3786
translate pt_br tink_413ec9cd:
# "My shrill rendition more resembled that first time Fang played it on the rooftop than her energetic performance at prom."
"A minha interpretação estridente lembra mais da vez em que Fang tocou no telhado em comparação à sua performance no baile."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3788
translate pt_br tink_c5296049:
# "Despite my occasional fumbling, it still possesses that same nostalgic tone it always had."
"Apesar dos meus deslizes, ainda possui aquele mesmo tom nostálgico de sempre."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3790
translate pt_br tink_aacfa8d7:
# "When Fang begins humming along, I soon find myself joining in to make the song sound complete."
"Quando Fang começa a cantarolar junto, eu a acompanho para tornar a música completa."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3792
translate pt_br tink_626c3388:
# "I wish moments like these could last forever."
"Queria que esses momentos durassem para sempre."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3795
translate pt_br tink_7b254be3:
# "But just like the music in the air, they always do and before long we reach the end of the song."
"Mas assim como a música no ar, eles sempre precisam acabar. Em pouco tempo chegamos ao final da música."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3797
translate pt_br tink_ed738ae4:
# "A comfortable silence fills the room after the notes fade."
"Um silêncio confortável preenche o quarto depois que as notas param."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3800
translate pt_br tink_036acf24:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I love that song."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu amo essa música."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3802
translate pt_br tink_5b646642:
# A "I hope so, you wrote it after all."
A "Espero que sim, foi você que escreveu ela afinal."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3804
translate pt_br tink_864525b5:
# F "Yeah, but you know we-"
F "É, mas você sabe que a ge-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3807
translate pt_br tink_f4a63f6c:
# "Her thought is interrupted by a knock at the door."
"Seus pensamentos foram interrompidos por uma batida na porta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3810
translate pt_br tink_fca64c99:
# F "You expecting company?"
F "Tá esperando alguém hoje?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3812
translate pt_br tink_e5a9d519:
# "I give her a puzzled look in return before getting up and heading to the door."
"Dou a ela um olhar confuso antes de me levantar e ir até a porta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3822
translate pt_br tink_4e097dc1:
# "My momentary fear of it being a potential addict or murderer are quelled upon opening the door, revealing-"
"Meu medo momentâneo de ser um possível viciado ou assassino é reprimido assim que abro a porta, revelando-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3824
translate pt_br tink_1e5d9f6f:
# A "Principal Spears? What are you doing here?"
A "Diretor Spears? O quê você tá fazendo aqui?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3837
translate pt_br tink_34ab0445:
# "Our ex-principal is squeezed into the narrow hallway, holding a delicately wrapped gift in his hands."
"Nosso ex-diretor está espremido no corredor estreito, segurando em suas mãos um presente delicadamente embrulhado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3840
translate pt_br tink_1844a154:
# Sp "Anon, I trust that you had a good Christmas?"
Sp "Anon, creio que você teve um bom Natal?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3842
translate pt_br tink_30e25863:
# Sp "Normally I wouldn’t visit a former student like this, but I intend on making light of my offer during the school year."
Sp "Normalmente eu não visitaria um ex-estudante assim, mas pretendo cumprir a minha oferta durante o ano escolar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3845
translate pt_br tink_b5fcbf15:
# "He extends the gift towards me and I cautiously accept, beginning to open the wrapping paper."
"Ele me entrega o presente e aceito com cautela, começando a abrir o embrulho."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3847
translate pt_br tink_bf78a727:
# "Inside is a box set of some anime I’ve never heard of before."
"Dentro está um box de DVDs de um anime que nunca ouvi falar antes."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3850
translate pt_br tink_347938e7:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}’Rurouni Kenshin’?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ‘Samurai X’?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3853
translate pt_br tink_d7fa7bab:
# Sp "As I said, I am always open to giving some quality anime suggestions."
Sp "Como eu te disse, estou sempre aberto a dar sugestões de animes de qualidade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3855
translate pt_br tink_84e634fe:
# Sp "I think you’ll find this quite enjoyable."
Sp "Acredito que você aproveitará bastante."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3858
translate pt_br tink_1fc9918d:
# A "I, uh{cps=*.125}...{/cps} thank you, Principal Spears."
A "Eu, uh{cps=*.125}...{/cps} obrigado, Diretor Spears."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3860
translate pt_br tink_04e2a619:
# "Spears gives a fatherly smile as I shake his hand."
"Spears dá um sorriso paternal enquanto aperto sua mão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3862
translate pt_br tink_068061e8:
# Sp "I hope you and Fang enjoy the rest of your holidays."
Sp "Espero que você e Fang aproveitem o restante do seu feriado."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3864
translate pt_br tink_561c4a22:
# A "Thanks, yeah. I’ve had fun exchanging gifts with my friends."
A "Sim, obrigado. A troca de presentes com os meus amigos foi bem divertida."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3867
translate pt_br tink_2c3e29f8:
# Sp "I can see you’re wearing a new jacket now-"
Sp "Vejo que você está usando uma nova jaqueta agora-"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3870
translate pt_br tink_13aa2e00:
# "He stares with a certain thinly veiled disgust creeping on his face."
"Ele me encara com um certo desgosto começando a surgir em seu rosto."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3873
translate pt_br tink_a0c77523:
# Sp "Anon, I get that we live in a postracial world and all{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Sp "Anon, eu sei que nós vivemos em um mundo pós-racial e tudo mais{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3875
translate pt_br tink_88e573ed:
# Sp "But come on, have a little pride in yourself."
Sp "Mas sério, tenha um pouco de amor próprio."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3878
translate pt_br tink_2de8a765:
# "Fang struggles to keep her laughter in behind me."
"Fang se segura para não rir atrás de mim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3880
translate pt_br tink_156f579b:
# A "No it’s cool, Mister Spears."
A "Não, tá tranquilo, Senhor Spears."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3882
translate pt_br tink_c078e79a:
# A "I’m taking monkey back."
A "Estou voltando ao macaco."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3885
translate pt_br tink_23a33d6e:
# Sp "If you say so."
Sp "Se você diz."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3888
translate pt_br tink_bb528a60:
# Sp "At any rate, I shouldn’t keep you too long."
Sp "De toda forma, não devo tomar mais do seu tempo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3890
translate pt_br tink_6ce8e5e3:
# A "You sure? I have some leftover lunch if you want to stick around a bit."
A "Certeza? Tem um pouco de almoço sobrando se o senhor quiser ficar um pouco."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3892
translate pt_br tink_d68b3b57:
# Sp "I really appreciate the offer, but I have my own plans for lunch with my family."
Sp "Eu agradeço a oferta, mas tenho meus próprios planos de almoçar com minha família."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3894
translate pt_br tink_58b737d5:
# A "Alright. Thanks again for stopping by."
A "Tudo bem. Obrigado de novo por passar aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3897
translate pt_br tink_890916b7:
# Sp "Had to do it at least once before you leave next month."
Sp "Tinha que te ver pelo menos mais uma vez antes de você partir no mês que vem."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3899
translate pt_br tink_201570d8:
# Sp "Be seeing you. Fang."
Sp "Até logo, Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3901
translate pt_br tink_d0bf4cd5:
# "Fang throws a handwave back at him."
"Fang acena de volta para ele."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3911
translate pt_br tink_a92f2546:
# "Spears clambers out the door and shuts it behind him, leaving just Fang and I in the room again."
"Spears se espreme para fora da porta e a fecha atrás de si, deixando Fang e eu a sós novamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3916
translate pt_br tink_f6d2ab56:
# F "{cps=*.175}...{/cps}That’s right, you’re leaving next month{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.175}...{/cps} Pois é, você vai embora mês que vem{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3917
translate pt_br tink_7a6f0e3b:
# "Fang curls up in the blanket."
"Fang se encolhe no cobertor."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3921
translate pt_br tink_2c0434c6:
# A "{cps=*.15}...{/cps}Yeah{cps=*.175}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.15}...{/cps} É{cps=*.175}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3925
translate pt_br tink_27507f58:
# "I sit next to her on the ground and wrap an arm around her shoulder."
"Me sento ao seu lado no chão e coloco um braço em volta de seu ombro."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3928
translate pt_br tink_2c667b9a:
# F "Do you really have to go?"
F "Você precisa mesmo ir?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3930
translate pt_br tink_aea46221:
# F "Can’t you just go to community college here in the city?"
F "Não dá pra só{cps=*.1}...{/cps} entrar em alguma universidade aqui na cidade?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3933
translate pt_br tink_c2f997b1:
# A "You’ve seen the acceptance letter, Fang."
A "Você viu a carta de admissão, Fang."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3935
translate pt_br tink_63e97766:
# A "I got a scholarship to stay there at a fraction of the cost. I can’t just pass that up."
A "Eu ganhei uma bolsa pra ficar lá por uma fração do preço. Não posso deixar passar."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3937
translate pt_br tink_d679e03f:
# F "But five years?"
F "Mas cinco anos?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3939
translate pt_br tink_6f8e0edf:
# A "You got plans of your own, don’t you?"
A "Você tem seus próprios planos também, né?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3941
translate pt_br tink_f0924ddd:
# F "Yeah. So{cps=*.1125}...{/cps}"
F "É. Então{cps=*.1125}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3944
translate pt_br tink_84ae1476:
# A "So{cps=*.1125}...{/cps}"
A "Então{cps=*.1125}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3947
translate pt_br tink_09920c45:
# F "We’re still gonna talk."
F "A gente vai continuar se falando."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3949
translate pt_br tink_ce750f0a:
# A "Obviously."
A "Óbvio."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3951
translate pt_br tink_b2891daf:
# F "But{cps=*.1125}...{/cps}"
F "Mas{cps=*.1125}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3954
translate pt_br tink_e027afca:
# "Fang takes a deep breath."
"Fang respira fundo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3957
translate pt_br tink_de93f953:
# F "I’m not doing a distant relationship."
F "Eu não vou manter um relacionamento à distância."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3960
translate pt_br tink_9b11ffab:
# "Oh{cps=*.1125}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3963
translate pt_br tink_e7afceae:
# "Oh wow{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
"Ah, uau{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3966
translate pt_br tink_d51b14a0:
# A "Is this a break up?"
A "Você tá terminando comigo?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3968
translate pt_br tink_3a1a421c:
# "Because ow, my fucking heart."
"Por que, ai, puta que pariu, meu coração."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3971
translate pt_br tink_419ca514:
# "Fang shakes her head from side to side slowly."
"Fang balança a cabeça de um lado para o outro lentamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3973
translate pt_br tink_d5b3a9cb:
# "Oh thank fuck."
"Ah, ainda bem, porra."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3976
translate pt_br tink_0882d4c4:
# F "I don’t want to break up, Anon."
F "Eu não quero terminar, Anon."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3978
translate pt_br tink_c5390355:
# F "But I was thinking{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Mas eu tava pensando{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3980
translate pt_br tink_c7335f1b:
# F "You’ve been helping me ever since you got here."
F "Você tá me ajudando desde que chegou aqui."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3982
translate pt_br tink_8675f013:
# A "Yeah, and you’ve helped me too."
A "Sim, e você me ajudou também."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3984
translate pt_br tink_f571ebc8:
# F "I know."
F "Eu sei."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3986
translate pt_br tink_01bbe56d:
# F "But you’re leaving for college."
F "Mas você vai pra faculdade."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3988
translate pt_br tink_f8660223:
# F "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Então{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3990
translate pt_br tink_c603c3b5:
# F "I{cps=*.15}...{/cps}Want to do some thinking."
F "Eu{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Quero pensar mais um pouco."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3992
translate pt_br tink_5f418c5e:
# A "More thinking? Wow, that’s new for you."
A "Pensar mais? Uau, isso é novidade pra você."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3995
translate pt_br tink_dd668a0f:
# "The plastic plate bounces off my head harmlessly."
"O prato de plástico rebate na minha cabeça inofensivamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3998
translate pt_br tink_f3232f8c:
# F "{cps=*.15}...{/cps}Ass{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.15}...{/cps} Babaca{cps=*.15}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4001
translate pt_br tink_58c2f745:
# "Fang giggles as I fake like I’m on a soccer pitch."
"Fang ri enquanto finjo ter sofrido uma falta num jogo de futebol."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4004
translate pt_br tink_5724cb7e:
# F "I want to do more thinking. Self-reflecting."
F "Eu quero pensar mais. Auto-reflexão."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4006
translate pt_br tink_8991685a:
# F "This entire year has been one of the best in my life."
F "Esse ano todo foi um dos melhores na minha vida."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4008
translate pt_br tink_9ca01551:
# F "And I want more of them like this."
F "E eu quero ter mais anos assim."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4010
translate pt_br tink_3e525e61:
# F "But with you gone I gotta make them good on my own, ya know?"
F "Mas com você longe de mim, eu preciso fazer com que sejam bons por conta própria, sabe?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4012
translate pt_br tink_f17a70b6:
# A "I get you."
A "Sim, eu te entendo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4020
translate pt_br tink_929dca49:
# "I pull Fang closer, my chin resting atop her head."
"Puxo Fang para mais perto, meu queixo apoiado em sua cabeça."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4023
translate pt_br tink_c5ad05cd:
# A "So, not breaking up."
A "Então, sem terminar comigo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4025
translate pt_br tink_f213866a:
# F "No, just{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Não, só{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4027
translate pt_br tink_be53bd58:
# A "A break?"
A "Um tempo?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4029
translate pt_br tink_5b24fe21:
# "She giggles again."
"Ela ri novamente."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4032
translate pt_br tink_adc2d2c4:
# F "Yeah. A break sounds right. Not breaking up, just taking a break."
F "É. Um tempo parece mais certo. Não terminar, só dar um tempo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4034
translate pt_br tink_57d3f861:
# A "Plus, I’m not leaving for a few weeks."
A "De toda forma, eu só vou daqui a umas semanas."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4037
translate pt_br tink_d7add179:
# "Fang perks up."
"Fang se anima."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4040
translate pt_br tink_ff22e925:
# F "True. That’s a few weeks to cram in all the cuddles I’ll be missing."
F "Verdade. São algumas semanas pra aproveitar todo o chamego que eu vou perder."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4042
translate pt_br tink_0b38abbd:
# A "Cuddles or {i}cuddles{/i}?"
A "Chamego ou {i}‘chamego’{/i}?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4044
translate pt_br tink_cfb253b9:
# "Fang’s grin is just shy of mischievous."
"O sorriso de Fang é quase travesso."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4046
translate pt_br tink_8e5e8e9e:
# F "On the bed.{w=0.2} Now.{w=0.2} I’m collecting on those cuddles right now."
F "Pra cama.{w=0.2} Agora.{w=0.2} Eu vou cobrar esses chamegos nesse instante."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4048
translate pt_br tink_7f71cf15:
# A "Yes ma’am."
A "Sim senhora."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:4057
translate pt_br tink_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
translate pt_br strings:
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:807
old "I’m sure Trish’ll be fine soon enough."
new "Tenho certeza que a Trish vai ficar bem logo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:807
old "Weren’t you going to talk to her about it, Fang?"
new "Você não ia conversar com ela sobre isso, Fang?"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3116
old "Go to college"
new "Ir para a faculdade"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3116
old "Not certain just yet"
new "Não sei ainda"
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3243
old "What will you write?"
new "O quê você escreverá?"