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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:7
translate pt_br chapter_12A_c3cc342d:
# "Later that night after school Fang texts me."
"Mais tarde naquela noite, depois da escola, Fang me manda uma mensagem."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:15
translate pt_br chapter_12A_22fb148b:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Alright i got a plan"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Beleza, tenho uma ideia"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:18
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f400a95f:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} a plan?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} que ideia?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:21
translate pt_br chapter_12A_5c2b10c1:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} To make sure the concert goes off without a hitch"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Pra ter certeza que a apresentação vai correr bem"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:23
translate pt_br chapter_12A_d19ef7d5:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} First we need to learn right from the source"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Primeiro a gente tem que aprender direto da fonte"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:26
translate pt_br chapter_12A_a000864b:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} the source?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} da fonte?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:29
translate pt_br chapter_12A_bb8380b3:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Theres an old museum of fine arts doing a special exhibit on music next week"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} tem um museu antigo de belas artes que vai fazer uma exposição especial de música na semana que vem"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:31
translate pt_br chapter_12A_02bc79a6:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Lots of stories of bands pulling through last minute right?"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Um monte de histórias de bandas que se viraram no último minuto, sabe?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:33
translate pt_br chapter_12A_605a702e:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} If we study from those old guys we’re guaranteed to do great!"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Se a gente aprender com esses velhacos, vamos nos dar bem!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:36
translate pt_br chapter_12A_2b11be63:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} is it really that simple?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} mas é fácil assim mesmo?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:39
translate pt_br chapter_12A_86ddd414:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Sure!"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Claro!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:41
translate pt_br chapter_12A_b1baa0c3:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Were gonna learn how old bands did well, were gonna play our music at prom, everyones gonna love us, and its gonna be great."
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} a gente vai aprender como as bandas antigas deram certo, depois a gente vai tocar nossa musica no baile, todo mundo vai adorar e vai ser ótimo."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:44
translate pt_br chapter_12A_25c56719:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} that’s a lot of ‘gonnas’"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} isso aí é um bocado de ‘vai’, né?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:47
translate pt_br chapter_12A_317eca2d:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} And youre gonna come with me"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} E você vai comigo"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:50
translate pt_br chapter_12A_830d8f71:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} what about trish and reed?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} mas e a trish ou o reed?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:53
translate pt_br chapter_12A_70e11978:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Sending them to a bunch of old record shops to cover more ground"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} vou mandar eles pra umas de discos velhos pra aprender mais."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:55
translate pt_br chapter_12A_5095b963:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} So itll just be the two of us"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} então vamos só nós dois"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:58
translate pt_br chapter_12A_6724b157:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} sounds like a plan."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} parece um bom plano."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:61
translate pt_br chapter_12A_9a71f559:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Meet me at the galleria at three alright?"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Me encontra na galeria às 3, tá?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:64
translate pt_br chapter_12A_66baf07d:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} i’ll be there."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} estarei lá."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:72
translate pt_br chapter_12A_2ddff721:
# "I put my phone down and look around my room."
"Coloco meu celular de lado e dou uma olhada pelo meu quarto."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:74
translate pt_br chapter_12A_120a49ae:
# "Do you need to dress special to go to museums{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
"Será que preciso de alguma roupa específica pra visitar um museu{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:76
translate pt_br chapter_12A_9dde841f:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Not sure if that would be good enough."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Não sei se isso é bom o suficiente."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:80
translate pt_br chapter_12A_314def55:
# "It’s probably fine, I shouldn’t be getting so worked up."
"Provavelmente tá ok, eu não deveria me preocupar tanto."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:82
translate pt_br chapter_12A_be60db70:
# "I get to spend the whole day with Fang, after all."
"Vou poder passar o dia inteiro com Fang no fim das contas."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:90
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:99
translate pt_br chapter_12A_c4eb7cb6:
# "The fine art museum turns out to be a relatively modern building right in the middle of the galleria."
"O Museu de Belas Artes acaba sendo um prédio relativamente moderno, bem no meio da galeria."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:101
translate pt_br chapter_12A_5530c06a:
# "Exactly the last kind of place I would expect Fang to be seen at."
"Exatamente o último tipo de lugar onde eu esperaria encontrar Fang."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:104
translate pt_br chapter_12A_4969dd62:
# "I almost regret my decision not to wear my dirty dress clothes before seeing Fang already waiting for me by the entrance."
"Quase me arrependo da minha decisão de não usar minha blusa social surrada antes de ver Fang já me esperando na entrada."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:110
translate pt_br chapter_12A_38b8e822:
# "Seeing me approach, she drops her cigarette and grinds the butt to ash under her heel."
"Ao me ver aproximar, ela joga o cigarro no chão e pisa com o calcanhar na bituca."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:124
translate pt_br chapter_12A_dcbd3aed:
# F "Took you long enough."
F "Por que demorou tanto?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:127
translate pt_br chapter_12A_9619159b:
# "Here’s your one chance Anon don’t fuck it up."
"Sua única chance, Anon, não ferra isso."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:130
translate pt_br chapter_12A_d857f1ff:
# A "Kept you waiting, huh?"
A "Te deixei esperando, huh?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:133
translate pt_br chapter_12A_08b8c425:
# F "God, you’re such a dork. C’mon, the music exhibit is inside."
F "Meu Deus, como você é bobão. Bora, a exposição é lá dentro."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:136
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ccd97b30:
# "Thankfully admission to the museum was free."
"Ainda bem que a entrada para o museu é de graça."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:156
translate pt_br chapter_12A_6fd1352c:
# "She leads me by the hand through the front doors, and I immediately feel the temperature fall at least ten degrees."
"Ela me leva pela mão através das portas frontais, e imediatamente sinto a temperatura cair pelo menos uns cinco graus."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:158
translate pt_br chapter_12A_91b75fc8:
# "Are museums always this cold?"
"Será que os museus são sempre frios assim?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:161
translate pt_br chapter_12A_66350bab:
# "The music exhibit is all the way in the back of the museum, past several rooms of abstract modern art."
"A exibição musical fica ao fundo, passando por várias salas com arte moderna abstrata."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:164
translate pt_br chapter_12A_102ca67a:
# F "What a bunch of junk."
F "Quanto lixo por aqui."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:166
translate pt_br chapter_12A_cb9a04bc:
# A "What, you don’t want to buy a painting made with dino egg yolks and whites for ten million?"
A "O quê, cê não quer pagar dez milhões numa pintura feita com clara e gema de ovo de dino?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:168
translate pt_br chapter_12A_4d2538ca:
# F "What a steal!"
F "Que pechincha!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:170
translate pt_br chapter_12A_915b4723:
# A "What about a sheet of paper with an url to a picture of a fridge for fifty grand?"
A "E que tal cinquenta mil numa folha de papel com um link que leva para a foto de uma geladeira?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:172
translate pt_br chapter_12A_cae95798:
# F "You’re messing with me."
F "Aí você já tá me zoando."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:174
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e628f4e3:
# A "It’s true, I’ll show you when we get out of here."
A "É verdade, te mostro quando a gente for embora."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:183
translate pt_br chapter_12A_724498d6:
# "We reach the exhibit hall with the big words ‘THE STYGY MOLDRIX EXPERIENCE’ hanging over the door."
"Chegamos no corredor da exposição com as palavras ‘A EXPERIÊNCIA STYGY MOLDRIX’ bem grandes penduradas na porta."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:185
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f5b0619c:
# "Despite it being a limited time event on the life and times of a famous musician, there’s only a few dozen people here."
"Embora esteja aqui por tempo limitado mostrando a vida e época de um músico famoso, tem só algumas dezenas de pessoas por aqui."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:188
translate pt_br chapter_12A_59ccb7e1:
# F "Finally!"
F "Finalmente!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:190
translate pt_br chapter_12A_5bb49897:
# F "Alright, Anon, get ready to take notes!"
F "Beleza, Anon, vai anotando aí!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:193
translate pt_br chapter_12A_26967e05:
# A "Notes{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
A "Anotar{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:195
translate pt_br chapter_12A_57316275:
# "Fang grabs me by the forearm and rushes the two of us into the exhibit."
"Fang me puxa pelo braço e nos leva até a exposição."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:210
translate pt_br chapter_12A_9f7f4dd2:
# "Once inside, she gives me her phone."
"Lá dentro, ela me entrega seu celular."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:212
translate pt_br chapter_12A_3f5b772f:
# F "Take pictures of everything for me, okay?"
F "Tira foto de tudo pra mim, tá?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:214
translate pt_br chapter_12A_812c950b:
# A "Dowhatnow? Uh, okay, sure{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Éoque? Ah, tá, beleza{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:216
translate pt_br chapter_12A_579db8ac:
# F "Let’s start with{cps=*.1}...{/cps} uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "A gente pode começar com{cps=*.1}...{/cps} uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:218
translate pt_br chapter_12A_90fc1d48:
# "She scans the room briefly before pointing giddily to a guitar hanging inside a case."
"Ela olha pela sala brevemente antes de apontar rapidamente para uma guitarra dentro de um expositor."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:220
translate pt_br chapter_12A_dcf6e741:
# "Despite being several decades old, the guitar was clearly well looked after."
"Embora tenha algumas várias décadas de idade, a guitarra estava claramente bem cuidada."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:222
translate pt_br chapter_12A_fc97ecfe:
# "The lacquer on the wood gleamed under the spotlights and the metal didn’t have a speck of rust on it."
"A laca de madeira brilhava na luz, e o metal não tinha nem sequer um pouco de ferrugem."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:227
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ded59537:
# F "OH! OH! That!"
F "AH! AH! Aquilo ali!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:229
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8f3a750f:
# A "What is it?"
A "O que é aquilo?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:238
translate pt_br chapter_12A_428e16a6:
# "She sprints over to the case and I have to catch up making sure I don’t drop her phone."
"Ela corre até o expositor e preciso alcançá-la tomando cuidado para não derrubar o seu celular."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:243
translate pt_br chapter_12A_97a3d99d:
# F "It’s Stygy’s famous guitar!"
F "É a famosa guitarra do Stygy!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:247
translate pt_br chapter_12A_16d15ce7:
# F "It’s actually a right handed piece, but Stygy was left-handed but couldn’t afford a lefty guitar, so he re-strung a regular one so he could play it."
F "Na verdade é um instrumento para destros, mas o Stygy era canhoto e não tinha grana pra comprar uma guitarra assim, então ele reorganizou as cordas de uma normal pra conseguir tocar."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:249
translate pt_br chapter_12A_fd6823bc:
# F "This guitar was the one he used on his last show at an informal gig in some jazz club in London, a few days before he bit it while OD-ing on drugs."
F "Essa guitarra foi a que ele usou no último show. Uma apresentação informal em algum clube de jazz em Londres, alguns dias antes de ter uma overdose de drogas."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:252
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8f40720c:
# A "Yeah, that’s pretty cool."
A "Que massa hein?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:254
translate pt_br chapter_12A_029de7af:
# "I caught maybe half of that."
"Talvez eu tenha entendido metade disso."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:256
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f6dfe686:
# "Either way, I snap several pictures from various angles while Fang continues her sermon."
"De toda forma, tiro várias fotos de múltiplos ângulos enquanto Fang continua sua explicação."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:258
translate pt_br chapter_12A_78716345:
# F "Alright, what’s next?"
F "Beleza, e agora?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:270
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f1bee4ce:
# "She drags me along to the next display case, a few vacuum-sealed pages with various scribblings on them."
"Ela me arrasta para o próximo expositor, com algumas páginas seladas a vácuo, com vários rabiscos nelas. "
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:275
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ddbfd603:
# F "And these are some letters he hand-wrote to his father! If my dad wasn’t such an asshole he could have pulled some strings and let us play in the precinct!"
F "Aqui tem algumas das cartas que ele escreveu à mão pro pai! Se o meu pai não fosse um babaca ele poderia ter mexido uns pauzinhos pra deixar a gente tocar na delegacia!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:288
translate pt_br chapter_12A_3fa78aa6:
# "I try keeping up with her ramblings while taking pictures, but somewhere along the way I lose her in the twisting corridors."
"Tento acompanhar as divagações dela enquanto tiro fotos, mas em algum lugar pelo caminho eu perco ela de vista."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:292
translate pt_br chapter_12A_26edff3d:
# A "Oops."
A "Oops."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:294
translate pt_br chapter_12A_df1e0b4a:
# "I stand in place looking around a bit, but she’s nowhere in sight."
"Fico parado procurando um pouco, mas não a encontro em lugar nenhum."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:297
translate pt_br chapter_12A_22558124:
# "She can’t have gone far, guess I’ll keep taking pictures of things."
"Ela não pode ter ido longe, acho que vou continuar tirando foto das coisas."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:303
translate pt_br chapter_12A_4edd815a:
# "My eyes are drawn to a monitor on the wall playing documentary footage."
"Meus olhos são atraídos para um monitor na parede rodando um documentário."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:305
translate pt_br chapter_12A_18cca9c0:
# "It was a clip of Stygy playing the national anthem as a protest song or something."
"Era um clipe do Stygy tocando o hino nacional como protesto ou alguma coisa assim."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:307
translate pt_br chapter_12A_15de88cc:
# "It sounded kinda cool, I’ll give him that much."
"Soava bem legal, vou dar o braço a torcer."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:325
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e1bc84e5:
# F "Ooh, that’s a good find, Anon!"
F "Ooh, isso aí é um achado, Anon!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:328
translate pt_br chapter_12A_b7891bb8:
# "Fang’s voice makes me jump as she reappears out of nowhere."
"A voz de Fang me faz pular quando ela reaparece do nada."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:330
translate pt_br chapter_12A_b1c5f438:
# F "Maybe we could play something like that, show us as a champion of the common man!"
F "Talvez a gente possa tocar alguma coisa assim, para nos verem como os representantes gloriosos do homem comum!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:333
translate pt_br chapter_12A_1a7ba830:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Glad I could help."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} É, foi exatamente o que eu pensei. Que bom que pude ajudar."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:335
translate pt_br chapter_12A_0d3d4cc0:
# F "I saw some good stuff in the next row over we can go check out. too."
F "Vi umas coisas boas na próxima fileira, a gente pode dar uma olhada lá também."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:349
translate pt_br chapter_12A_cec16da3:
# "She drags me away from the screen to whatever it is she wants to take ‘inspiration’ from."
"Ela me arrasta para longe da tela pra ver o que quer que seja que ela quer usar como ‘inspiração’."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:359
translate pt_br chapter_12A_3dc96ef5:
# "I’m glad she’s having fun and all, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Fico feliz que ela esteja se divertindo e tal, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:361
translate pt_br chapter_12A_5aab9fc1:
# "I wish this was more of a date than a research assignment."
"Queria que fosse mais um encontro e menos um trabalho de pesquisa."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:363
translate pt_br chapter_12A_fc98b28a:
# "But I guess she’d feel the same way if I bombarded her with anime."
"Mas acho que ela se sentiria da mesma forma se eu a bombardeasse com anime."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:365
translate pt_br chapter_12A_c9306b5a:
# "She has her interests and I have mine."
"Ela tem os interesses dela e eu tenho os meus."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:368
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f604f3b5:
# "Maybe after this I can take her to a restaurant."
"Talvez depois disso eu consiga levá-la a um restaurante."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:370
translate pt_br chapter_12A_69adcf6e:
# "We’re in a city, but there’s bound to be something relatively cheap nearby."
"A gente tá numa cidade, mas deve ter alguma coisa relativamente barata por perto."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:372
translate pt_br chapter_12A_cf00a350:
# "It’d be nice, talking about the pictures and things we’ve been taking over some burgers."
"Seria legal, conversar sobre as fotos e as outras coisas enquanto comemos uns hambúrgueres."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:375
translate pt_br chapter_12A_018c3e14:
# "It’s only four-thirty now, it’ll be about dinner time by the time we get out, too."
"Ainda são quatro e meia, devemos sair perto da hora do jantar."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:377
translate pt_br chapter_12A_452396a6:
# "Pretty decent timing, sounds like a good plan."
"Timing bacana, parece um bom plano."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:380
translate pt_br chapter_12A_653b4fa5:
# "Fang drags me around a few more exhibits, cataloguing the various paraphernalia and stopping occasionally to obsess over some minor detail."
"Fang me arrasta por mais algumas exposições, catalogando as várias parafernalhas e parando ocasionalmente para se obcecar com algum detalhe menor."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:382
translate pt_br chapter_12A_942b968b:
# "Eventually we loop back around to the entrance."
"Eventualmente damos a volta completa até a entrada."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:395
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f9e4f88f:
# "Fang looks back at the room we just came from."
"Fang olha de volta para a sala da qual acabamos de sair."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:397
translate pt_br chapter_12A_21565511:
# A "You about ready to go?"
A "Tá pronta pra ir?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:399
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ba55282f:
# F "Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps} just trying to think if we missed anything{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Talvez{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tô pensando se a gente esqueceu de alguma coisa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:401
translate pt_br chapter_12A_adda23c7:
# A "I’m pretty sure we got everything, you could probably reconstruct the entire exhibit using only these pictures I took."
A "Tenho quase certeza que a gente viu tudo, você provavelmente conseguiria reconstruir toda a exposição só com as fotos que eu tirei."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:403
translate pt_br chapter_12A_b09a80f5:
# F "I guess{cps=*.1}...{/cps} just can’t have this part of the plan go wrong, you know?"
F "Acho que sim{cps=*.1}...{/cps} é que eu não posso deixar essa parte do plano dar errado, sabe?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:408
translate pt_br chapter_12A_0ab93cd7:
# A "About that, I’m still not sure what your plan is meant to-"
A "Então, sobre isso, eu ainda não sei qual é o objetivo do seu-"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:413
translate pt_br chapter_12A_59a08c9b:
# F "OH WAIT!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:424
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e2de294b:
# "She dashes off back into the room we just came in, leaving my words dangling from my mouth."
"Ela corre de volta para dentro da sala, e me deixa falando sozinho."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:427
translate pt_br chapter_12A_7618a05f:
# "While I’m gone her phone buzzes."
"Enquanto espero, o telefone dela vibra."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:431
translate pt_br chapter_12A_6f81317f:
# "{i}Trish:{/i}{fast} hey r u rdy to mt up lik u sad we wud?"
"{i}Trish:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} iai tah dboa pragente se ver hj dpois?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:434
translate pt_br chapter_12A_468b7813:
# "What{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
"O quê{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:436
translate pt_br chapter_12A_daaab1a3:
# "It says these ebonics come from Trish, but I didn’t know they were meeting later{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Diz aqui que esse dialeto de trioulo vêm da Trish, mas eu não sabia que elas se encontrariam mais tarde{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:439
translate pt_br chapter_12A_3e8194fa:
# "This’ll throw a huge wrench into my plan earlier{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Isso vai acabar com os meus planos de jantar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:451
translate pt_br chapter_12A_d2b03e48:
# F "Alright, sorry, I’m back."
F "Beleza, foi mal, voltei."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:453
translate pt_br chapter_12A_3bcebdbb:
# A "What was that about?"
A "E o que foi isso?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:455
translate pt_br chapter_12A_3ba2f3d7:
# F "Sorry, had to hit up the gift shop."
F "Desculpa, tive que passar na loja de lembrancinhas."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:457
translate pt_br chapter_12A_5e7d4890:
# A "Oh."
A "Ah."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:459
translate pt_br chapter_12A_eb8b6ab0:
# "That explains the fuck-ugly tie-dye monstrosity tied around her headcrest."
"Isso explica essa monstruosidade colorida feia pra caralho que ela amarrou na crista."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:462
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e798f0dc:
# A "You uh, got a text from Trish, I think."
A "Você recebeu, uhm, uma mensagem da Trish, eu acho."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:464
translate pt_br chapter_12A_524a6e99:
# "I hand her back her phone."
"Devolvo o celular para ela."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:470
translate pt_br chapter_12A_00739df1:
# F "Oh! That’s right, I told her and Reed that we’d meet up after we were done with everything."
F "Ah! Tá certo, eu falei pra ela e pro Reed que a gente vai se encontrar depois de terminar tudo aqui."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:473
translate pt_br chapter_12A_51667ea4:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I see{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Entendi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:475
translate pt_br chapter_12A_88765e6b:
# F "Right, so I’ll tell her we should meet at-"
F "Beleza, então eu vou falar pra ela encontrar a gente na-"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:477
translate pt_br chapter_12A_d3d81fbc:
# A "Actually, Fang, hold on a second{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Na real, Fang, espera um pouco aí{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:480
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8d93edc8:
# F "Hm?"
F "Hm?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:482
translate pt_br chapter_12A_680d0c7b:
# A "Before we all meet together, do you want to stop by a restaurant or something, just the two of us?"
A "Antes da gente ir se encontrar com eles você quer passar em algum restaurante ou alguma coisa assim, só nós dois?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:485
translate pt_br chapter_12A_60a7ab7b:
# "She thinks to herself for a moment and smiles."
"Ela pensa por um instante e sorri."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:488
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ec6f87fe:
# F "Of course, I dragged you along this whole time after all."
F "Claro, eu te arrastei por aí o dia inteiro."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:490
translate pt_br chapter_12A_a0bf830b:
# A "Don’t worry about it."
A "Tá de boa."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:492
translate pt_br chapter_12A_b5a13025:
# A "I think I can get us something from that taco truck I saw on the way in."
A "Acho que a gente pode pegar alguma coisa no food truck que eu vi na entrada."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:494
translate pt_br chapter_12A_af2e6b3e:
# F "Alright, I’ll tell Trish to wait a bit."
F "Beleza, vou falar pra Trish esperar um pouco."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:516
translate pt_br chapter_12A_3eca9c86:
# "Instead of Fang dragging me through the museum, we walked out casually hand in hand."
"Ao invés da Fang me arrastar pelo museu, andamos normalmente de mãos dadas."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:530
translate pt_br chapter_12A_2d1a0acd:
# "I think I saw that truck a block east from here{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Acho que vi o food truck a uma quadra daqui{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:532
translate pt_br chapter_12A_c319bece:
# A "By the way, do you take pollo or asada or what on your taco. Please don’t say leng-"
A "Então, tu quer um x-salada ou um x-bacon ou o quê? Por favor não diga de fran-"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:537
translate pt_br chapter_12A_0c0a9e43:
# F "Wait!!"
F "Espera!!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:540
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8833930d:
# "She stops dead in her tracks, head jerked to the side."
"Ela para de repente, com a cabeça virada para o lado."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:543
translate pt_br chapter_12A_829169f7:
# A "Huh?"
A "Hã?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:545
translate pt_br chapter_12A_1073d0b6:
# F "Look!"
F "Olha ali!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:548
translate pt_br chapter_12A_9c3451dd:
# "I peer at where she’s pointing."
"Me viro para onde ela está apontando."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:550
translate pt_br chapter_12A_92d97539:
# "Some poster on the museum wall, it’s an advertisement for a documentary playing in the museum’s mini theater."
"Tem um pôster na parede, anunciando um documentário que vai passar no mini cinema do museu."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:552
translate pt_br chapter_12A_4762856a:
# "And{cps=*.1}...{/cps} it’s a documentary on Stygy Moldrix."
"E{cps=*.1}...{/cps} é um documentário sobre Stygy Moldrix."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:555
translate pt_br chapter_12A_9c0f691d:
# F "I didn’t see this on the way in, we have to see that too!"
F "Eu não tinha visto isso quando a gente entrou! A gente tem que assistir!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:557
translate pt_br chapter_12A_5bf23bfc:
# A "But what abou-"
A "Mas e-"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:560
translate pt_br chapter_12A_23a2a43a:
# F "I know, I know, I’m sorry Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Eu sei, eu sei, foi mal Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:566
translate pt_br chapter_12A_d4c49971:
# "Her eyes plead with me for mercy."
"Seus olhos imploram por misericórdia."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:568
translate pt_br chapter_12A_9786c655:
# F "Just bear with me a while longer?"
F "Aguenta por mim só mais um pouquinho?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:571
translate pt_br chapter_12A_de93953b:
# "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:573
translate pt_br chapter_12A_4e556c4d:
# "Well, it’s not like the truck’s going anywhere, at least."
"Bom, não é como se o food truck fosse sair de lá, pelo menos."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:575
translate pt_br chapter_12A_39dcd75d:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fine. Let’s go{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tá, bora{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:584
translate pt_br chapter_12A_bcaaa03e:
# F "Oh, thank you Anon!"
F "Ah, valeu Anon!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:586
translate pt_br chapter_12A_9f56eb2e:
# A "Yeah, I know this means a lot to you."
A "Sem problema, eu sei que isso significa muito pra você."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:590
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8e639ad6:
# F "Come on, the next showing is in five minutes!"
F "Vem, a próxima sessão é em cinco minutos!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:592
translate pt_br chapter_12A_515ae37e:
# "Already I’m being dragged back inside."
"E de novo, estou sendo arrastado para dentro."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:608
translate pt_br chapter_12A_292f7744:
# "I guess seeing a movie with Fang isn’t the worst thing in the world."
"Acho que assistir um filme com a Fang não é a pior coisa do mundo."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:616
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:626
translate pt_br chapter_12A_01b98c95:
# "Well this sucks."
"Então{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Isso é uma merda."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:629
translate pt_br chapter_12A_df315bb2:
# "I feel my stomach grumble for what feels like the fiftieth time, once again regretting not even buying an overpriced bag of popcorn."
"Sinto meu estômago reclamar de fome pela quinquagésima vez, me arrependendo de novo de não ter comprado uma pipoca superfaturada."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:631
translate pt_br chapter_12A_364b4341:
# "Stealthily as I could, I check the time on my phone before the light can distract anyone else."
"Furtivamente dou uma olhada rápida no meu celular para checar as horas, antes que a luz possa distrair alguém."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:633
translate pt_br chapter_12A_7eee3288:
# "It’s been thirty-six minutes since the documentary started, only a few more to go before I can escape."
"Passaram trinta e seis minutos desde que o documentário começou. Só mais alguns minutos antes que eu possa escapar disso."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:635
translate pt_br chapter_12A_362be330:
# "I glance over at Fang, who has been so engrossed in the film that she hasn’t so much as looked at me this entire time."
"Fang está tão absorvida no filme que não olhou para mim nenhuma vez esse tempo todo."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:637
translate pt_br chapter_12A_42af25ea:
# "Resigning myself to my fate, my eyes return to the screen which is currently going on about Stygy’s fourth unfinished studio album."
"Aceitando o meu destino, meus olhos se viram para a tela, que agora fala sobre o quarto álbum de estúdio não finalizado do Stygy."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:639
translate pt_br chapter_12A_927b932e:
# "How exciting."
"Que emocionante."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:642
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f1b677c0:
# "I would have just slept through it if I knew Fang wouldn’t be upset with me."
"Eu teria simplesmente dormido se soubesse que a Fang não ficaria chateada comigo."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:644
translate pt_br chapter_12A_0dc5fbf8:
# "Not just because of how interested she is in Stygy Moldrix, but because I wouldn’t be taking notes."
"Não só por estar tão interessada no Stygy Moldrix, mas porque eu não estaria fazendo anotações."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:646
translate pt_br chapter_12A_eeb9ed4b:
# "As the screen fades and the lights turn back on, I silently thank Raptor Jesus for ending my forty-minute torment."
"Quando o telão apaga e as luzes acendem novamente, agradeço silenciosamente a Jesus Raptor por acabar com o meu tormento de quarenta minutos."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:657
translate pt_br chapter_12A_2efde918:
# F "That was really good! A lot of ideas for the band!"
F "Isso foi ótimo! Uma porrada de ideias pra banda!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:659
translate pt_br chapter_12A_d24db982:
# A "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} yeah, it was cool I guess."
A "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sim, foi legal, eu acho."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:661
translate pt_br chapter_12A_006fea6b:
# "Just please get me out of here."
"Por favor, só me tira daqui."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:663
translate pt_br chapter_12A_118b6aa8:
# A "Now about that food truck{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Então, aquele food truck{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:665
translate pt_br chapter_12A_a50c6a41:
# F "Oh! I told Trish and Reed that we could meet at the Galleria food court, we can get something to eat there."
F "Ah! Eu falei pra Trish e o Reed que a gente se encontraria na praça de alimentação da galeria, então a gente pode comer lá."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:668
translate pt_br chapter_12A_5ef1c8aa:
# "Really not looking forward to being anywhere near Trish but food is food."
"Eu não queria mesmo ficar sequer próximo da Trish, mas comida é comida."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:670
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e6ad3883:
# "Part of me just wants to call the date here and go home."
"Parte de mim só quer terminar esse encontro agora e ir pra casa."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:672
translate pt_br chapter_12A_92401d2f:
# "Not that it was ever much of a date to begin with."
"Não que tenha sido um encontro, pra começo de conversa."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:675
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8d553a3d:
# A "Alright, let’s go then."
A "Beleza, então vamos."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:677
translate pt_br chapter_12A_d56314e3:
# "At least I can talk to Reed about Rock Ring or something."
"Pelo menos posso falar com Reed sobre Rock Ring ou qualquer coisa do tipo."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:679
translate pt_br chapter_12A_12bbf7c4:
# "Fang smiles and leads me back out of the museum and towards the food court."
"Fang sorri e me leva para fora do museu em direção à praça de alimentação."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:692
translate pt_br chapter_12A_473faf4a:
# "I still think this is a bad idea, I’m still not over what Trish did and I doubt her mind has changed much either."
"Ainda acho que é uma péssima ideia. Não superei o que a Trish fez e eu duvido que ela tenha mudado de opinião também."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:695
translate pt_br chapter_12A_713d2bb7:
# F "Stop being grumpy, Anon, you’re just hungry."
F "Deixa de ser resmungão, Anon, cê só tá com fome."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:697
translate pt_br chapter_12A_c8b1e162:
# "For fuck’s sake."
"Puta que me pariu mesmo."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:700
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e2771619:
# A "Fang, someone filled my locker with a shit-ton of hentai they printed out last week. It’s not okay."
A "Fang, alguém encheu o meu armário com uma caralhada de hentai impresso na semana passada. Isso não é legal."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:703
translate pt_br chapter_12A_86a4eb5f:
# F "That’s just some dumbass at school, we can get some food and it’ll be fine."
F "Isso é só coisa de algum babaca na escola, a gente pode comer alguma coisa e vai ficar tudo de boa."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:711
translate pt_br chapter_12A_cb6299ab:
# "We round the corner and I immediately lock on to a certain triceratops."
"Viramos a esquina e imediatamente vejo uma certa tricerátopo."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:732
translate pt_br chapter_12A_6a615a5b:
# "Trish and Reed were already eating at one of the tables."
"Trish e Reed já estavam comendo em uma das mesas."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:735
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ad4e958e:
# "Fuck that."
"Foda-se essa merda."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:737
translate pt_br chapter_12A_cd44a0a6:
# A "I’m gonna go get something to eat first{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you want anything?"
A "Eu vou pegar alguma coisa primeiro{cps=*.1}...{/cps} quer algo pra você?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:740
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8ef0fa0e:
# F "Nah, I’m good. Not that hungry."
F "Nah, tô de boa. Não tô com muita fome."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:743
translate pt_br chapter_12A_636178b6:
# "Extra order of fries it is."
"Uma porção extra de batatas então."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:746
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8497be5a:
# "I split off from Fang to find a place to get food from."
"Me separo de Fang para encontrar um lugar pra comprar comida."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:754
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e0853815:
# "I glance over my shoulder to see Fang saying something and hugging Trish, both of them turning to look over at me."
"Dou uma olhada por cima do ombro e vejo Fang falando alguma coisa e abraçando Trish, as duas se virando para mim."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:756
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f3b56e0b:
# "Trish looking significantly less enthused than Fang. No surprise there."
"Trish parece estar bem menos entusiasmada do que Fang. Nenhuma surpresa aqui."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:759
translate pt_br chapter_12A_5ee920d3:
# "I stand in line for a Cretaceous Fried Chicken stand and order my food, savoring every moment I wait and don’t have to interact with Trish."
"Fico na fila do Cretaceous Fried Chicken e faço meu pedido, aproveitando cada momento que tenho enquanto espero e não tenho que interagir com a Trish."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:761
translate pt_br chapter_12A_01e664ba:
# "The moment doesn’t last long and I walk over to the table, food in hand."
"Esse momento não dura muito e logo ando até a mesa, com minha comida em mãos."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:778
translate pt_br chapter_12A_9376b2c0:
# "The only remaining seat puts me straight across the table from Trish."
"O único lugar livre me coloca exatamente do lado oposto da Trish."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:781
translate pt_br chapter_12A_204e2099:
# "Of fucking course."
"É óbvio que essa porra ia acontecer."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:794
translate pt_br chapter_12A_7babcb79:
# "I place the basket of fries in front of Fang and she immediately starts digging in."
"Coloco o baldinho de batatas na frente da Fang e ela imediatamente começa a comer."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:796
translate pt_br chapter_12A_000140c3:
# "So much for not being hungry."
"Não tava com fome, né?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:799
translate pt_br chapter_12A_4a846ada:
# "Reed gives me a thumbs up, wearing his giant oversized sunglasses again."
"Reed me dá um joinha, usando seus óculos de sol gigantes de novo."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:805
translate pt_br chapter_12A_d4b7f775:
# "While Trish is making a face somewhere in between judgemental and open contempt."
"Enquanto Trish está fazendo uma cara que fica entre julgar e desprezar abertamente."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:808
translate pt_br chapter_12A_7cc7db18:
# T "So what took you so long? He wasn’t wasting your time again, was he, Fang?"
T "E aí, por que demorou tanto? Ele não tava te fazendo perder tempo de novo né, Fang?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:811
translate pt_br chapter_12A_c3749cbf:
# "Welp time to clock out of that conversation."
"Bom, hora de ignorar essa conversa."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:813
translate pt_br chapter_12A_83ce7964:
# "I’m sure they can have a riveting discussion without me."
"Tenho certeza que eles podem ter um papo fascinante sem mim."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:815
translate pt_br chapter_12A_c1cd145c:
# "It’s just one meal after all, I can ignore Trish for an hour and then Fang and I can leave."
"É só um lanche no fim das contas, eu sou capaz de ignorar a Trish por uma hora e depois Fang e eu podemos ir embora."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:818
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8c54abdb:
# "Digging into my basket of chicken tenders, I pull out my phone and head straight to the armenian graphic design forum."
"Enquanto como minhas tiras de frango, pego meu celular e vou diretamente para um fórum qualquer."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:834
translate pt_br chapter_12A_8a0f1309:
# "There’s another Grugsnax thread I can shitpost in to pass the time."
"Tem outra thread de Grugsnax que eu posso sacanear pra passar o tempo."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:837
translate pt_br chapter_12A_6deded80:
# "Every once in a while I look up from my phone and catch Trish giving me a death glare before turning to look back at the others."
"De vez em quando dou uma checada por cima do meu celular e pego a Trish me fuzilando com os olhos antes de se virar para os outros."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:839
translate pt_br chapter_12A_a09bf68e:
# "Before long my train of thought is broken by Fang saying{cps=*.1}...{/cps} something."
"Depois de um tempo minha linha de raciocínio é quebrada por Fang dizendo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} alguma coisa."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:842
translate pt_br chapter_12A_2839e51f:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}so Anon, what do you think?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e ai, Anon, o que você acha?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:858
translate pt_br chapter_12A_39a1884e:
# A "Uh, yeah. That sounds good?"
A "Ah, é. Parece bom?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:867
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e0ce3227:
# "Trish looks smug. What did I agree to?"
"Trish parece presunçosa. Com o que eu acabei de concordar?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:870
translate pt_br chapter_12A_199e38a9:
# F "Great! We can try Trish’s new song in the next rehearsal!"
F "Ótimo! A gente pode tentar tocar a música nova da Trish no próximo ensaio!"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:872
translate pt_br chapter_12A_c2fce3d7:
# T "I’m surprised you agreed to that, I would have thought you wanted us to play some anime song instead."
T "Me surpreende tu ter concordado com isso. Eu achei que você iria querer que a gente tocasse a abertura de algum anime."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:875
translate pt_br chapter_12A_78f62d5c:
# "She’s just loving this, isn’t she."
"Ela tá amando isso, não tá?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:878
translate pt_br chapter_12A_693449b7:
# Re "Hey man, that sounds kinda fun."
Re "Ô mano, seria massa."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:884
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f274bdf1:
# "Reed is qualed by Trish’s sneer."
"Reed fica incomodado com a zombaria de Trish."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:887
translate pt_br chapter_12A_25368dcd:
# "'Know what, I don’t care any more."
"Quer saber, eu nem ligo mais."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:892
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f266da87:
# F "Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps} but let’s talk about that later. I’m cravin’ a milkshake now."
F "Talvez{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Mas a gente fala disso depois. Eu tô louca por um milk shake agora."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:904
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f0f2b383:
# "Fang gets up and turns to a nearby smoothie booth."
"Fang se levanta e vai até uma barraca de sorvete próxima."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:906
translate pt_br chapter_12A_2c1f78b8:
# "Leaving me here."
"Me deixando aqui."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:908
translate pt_br chapter_12A_71f20340:
# "To deal with this. These."
"Pra lidar com isso. Com esses dois."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:912
translate pt_br chapter_12A_37fb79b6:
# T "So, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Então, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:914
translate pt_br chapter_12A_afb4f6ba:
# "Her grin is just short of vicious."
"O sorriso dela é cruel."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:916
translate pt_br chapter_12A_eb9c8dab:
# T "So happy you agreed to my idea."
T "Tô tão feliz de você ter concordado com a minha ideia."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:918
translate pt_br chapter_12A_2719fa30:
# T "Guess you’re starting to get some good taste."
T "Acho que tu tá começando a criar bom gosto."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:920
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e059123f:
# T "Better than any of that weeb-pop trash you’ve got on your phone."
T "Pelo menos melhor do que aquele lixo de nerdola que cê tem no seu celular."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:923
translate pt_br chapter_12A_59a2d119:
# "I pointedly ignore her. She’s trying to get a rise out of me."
"Eu prontamente a ignoro. Ela está tentando me irritar."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:925
translate pt_br chapter_12A_17017b3c:
# T "Maybe I’ll make a somebody out of you too."
T "Talvez eu consiga fazer você virar gente também."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:927
translate pt_br chapter_12A_410411b4:
# T "Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Quem sabe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:929
translate pt_br chapter_12A_4e40b7c5:
# "My fist clenches tightly beneath the table."
"Cerro os punhos com força debaixo da mesa."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:938
translate pt_br chapter_12A_bf9129c8:
# "I can see it now."
"Agora eu entendi."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:943
translate pt_br chapter_12A_1f5c1ab2:
# "Just before I get up I think through it one more time."
"Logo antes de levantar eu penso mais um pouco."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:945
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e087253a:
# "Her stupid horn jammed right in her eye."
"Esse chifre estúpido dela enfiado dentro do olho."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:948
translate pt_br chapter_12A_3f739ce1:
# "I sigh."
"Eu suspiro."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:950
translate pt_br chapter_12A_caabe188:
# "My fist unfurls."
"Minha mão se abre."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:952
translate pt_br chapter_12A_6134efdd:
# A "Yeah, sure, whatever."
A "Tá, beleza, tanto faz."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:955
translate pt_br chapter_12A_b76483e9:
# "God this was a waste of a day."
"Isso foi um desperdício de dia."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:957
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ebb7ae26:
# "Normally I would love just spending time with Fang, but she’s been so preoccupied with the band lately."
"Normalmente eu amaria só ficar de bobeira com a Fang, mas ela está tão ocupada com a banda ultimamente."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:959
translate pt_br chapter_12A_82ae12a0:
# "I don’t even know why she needed me today when all she did was drag me around."
"Eu nem sei pra quê ela precisava de mim hoje quando a única coisa que ela fez foi me arrastar por aí."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:961
translate pt_br chapter_12A_c298f7b4:
# "And now being anywhere near Trish is the cherry on the shit sundae."
"E agora ficar em qualquer lugar próximo da Trish é a cereja do bolo de merda."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:964
translate pt_br chapter_12A_28dba422:
# "Fang returns a few moments later with a milkshake in her hand."
"Fang retorna uns momentos depois, com um milk shake em mãos."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:976
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ef56cd1c:
# F "What’d I miss?"
F "Perdi alguma coisa?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:978
translate pt_br chapter_12A_4f989822:
# T "Just talking to White Knight about his taste in music."
T "Tava só falando com o Cavaleiro Branco aqui sobre o gosto musical dele."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:982
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ec3c2d30:
# "Fuck this."
"Se foda essa porra."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:984
translate pt_br chapter_12A_75c2fcb9:
# "I can’t deal with this any more."
"Eu não consigo mais lidar com essa merda."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:987
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ffa31323:
# A "Shit, I just got a text from the post office. Says my dad’s prom suit came and I wanted to get there before it closed."
A "Eita, acabei de receber uma mensagem do correio. Diz que o terno do meu pai chegou e eu queria pegar ele antes de fecharem."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:993
translate pt_br chapter_12A_87401e1e:
# A "Sorry to do this Fang, I gotta go. See you at school tomorrow."
A "Foi mal, Fang, tenho que ir. Te vejo na escola amanhã."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:995
translate pt_br chapter_12A_64589fdd:
# "I hate lying to Fang this way but I just can’t stand being around Trish any more."
"Odeio mentir pra Fang desse jeito, mas eu não suporto mais ficar perto da Trish."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:998
translate pt_br chapter_12A_6c971fc7:
# F "O-oh, it wasn’t anything I did, was it?"
F "A-ah. Eu fiz alguma coisa?"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:1000
translate pt_br chapter_12A_3f01ec67:
# A "Everything’s fine, I just want to be ready for prom and your show."
A "Tá tudo bem, só quero estar preparado pro baile e pro seu show."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:1003
translate pt_br chapter_12A_e98bb486:
# "That seemed to put her at ease."
"Isso parece ter acalmado ela."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:1005
translate pt_br chapter_12A_ab1a8b38:
# F "Alright{cps=*.1}...{/cps} we still have a bunch to talk about for the show. See you tomorrow, then."
F "Tá bom{cps=*.1}...{/cps} a gente ainda tem mais algumas coisas pra definir pro show. Te vejo amanhã então."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:1007
translate pt_br chapter_12A_26392baa:
# Re "Peace, dude."
Re "Falou, meu mano."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:1016
translate pt_br chapter_12A_67e9bfd7:
# "I give Fang a reassuring hug and promptly head for the exit, not missing Trish’s dumb smug face as I pass her."
"Dou um abraço tranquilizante na Fang e prontamente vou para a saída, sem deixar de ver a cara estúpida e presunçosa da Trish."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:1031
translate pt_br chapter_12A_4d8c4393:
# "God damn it."
"Que merda."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:1033
translate pt_br chapter_12A_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
translate pt_br strings:
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:934
old "It's not worth it."
new "Não vale a pena."
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:934
old "I've had about enough of this."
new "Eu não aguento mais isso."