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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:8
translate pt_br chapter_11_d4f6d2f5:
# "The next day I was about ready to get to school when Fang stopped me at the door."
"No dia seguinte estava quase pronto para ir à escola quando Fang me parou na porta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:10
translate pt_br chapter_11_0b548a17:
# "I told her I felt fine, but when I crumbled after she poked my ribcage I decided she had a compelling argument to stay."
"Disse a ela que me sentia bem, mas quando me contorci de dor depois dela me cutucar nas costelas, decidi que o argumento era convincente o suficiente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:12
translate pt_br chapter_11_61a8f6d2:
# "Fang and I ended up just watching movies and playing Xrox all day."
"Fang e eu acabamos passando o dia inteiro assistindo filmes e jogando Xrox."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:15
translate pt_br chapter_11_ea7f3afa:
# "I don’t think I’ve ever seen Fang this morose, though."
"Mas acho que nunca vi ela tão melancólica assim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:17
translate pt_br chapter_11_c6a3ddef:
# "Didn’t want to pry too much, even if we’re dating now."
"Não quero me meter muito, mesmo que estejamos juntos agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:19
translate pt_br chapter_11_3c830d80:
# "Although I have a distinct hunch it’s related to the band and Trish."
"Meu palpite é que isso tenha a ver com a banda e a Trish."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:29
translate pt_br chapter_11_1c4b035c:
# "Today though, I bit my tongue through Fang’s chest-poke test and she let me go."
"Mas hoje consegui cerrar os dentes quando Fang fez o teste de cutucar meu peito e ela me deixou ir."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:31
translate pt_br chapter_11_ef9e3792:
# "I know she’d stayed the day before to keep an eye on me, but she still didn’t want to go today."
"Eu sei que ela ficou aqui ontem para me vigiar, mas ela também não quis ir à escola hoje."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:33
translate pt_br chapter_11_bbad83fd:
# "I made her promise not to start ‘preening’ again before I left."
"Fiz ela me prometer que não se ‘depenaria’ de novo enquanto eu estivesse fora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:35
translate pt_br chapter_11_baa63c3b:
# "I know picking up her missed homework will cheer her right up."
"Sei que trazer todo o dever de casa que ela perdeu vai dar uma boa animada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:37
translate pt_br chapter_11_586e6fce:
# "Now that I finally have some time to myself I can properly address something I’ve been meaning to."
"Agora que eu finalmente tenho um tempinho só para mim, consigo lidar com uma questão que já está me incomodando faz tempo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:40
translate pt_br chapter_11_36a91640:
# "The alarms."
"Os alarmes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:43
translate pt_br chapter_11_33c5b83f:
# "{i}*ahem*{/i}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:48
translate pt_br chapter_11_733adf42:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:55
translate pt_br chapter_11_a0b16bf0:
# "How did I go from never being in a relationship to having a chick sleep over in less than two days?!"
"Como é que eu fui de ‘nunca tive um relacionamento’ pra ‘uma garota tá dormindo na minha casa’ em menos de dois dias?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:58
translate pt_br chapter_11_a84885bb:
# "{cps=*.2}Ohhhh {/cps}fuck if anybody finds out{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"{cps=*.2}Ahhhh{/cps} tô fodido se alguém descobrir{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:60
translate pt_br chapter_11_f79e97f4:
# "Fang’s Father, Naser, Trish, all collectively splattering me on a wall."
"O pai da Fang, Naser, Trish, todos coletivamente decorando a parede com as minhas vísceras."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:63
translate pt_br chapter_11_6d4d387c:
# "It’s not like I can ask for advice, either!"
"Não é como se eu pudesse pedir conselhos também!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:65
translate pt_br chapter_11_0ba2b35f:
# "The only other people I can ask are all hopelessly single and probably living off government benefits!"
"As únicas outras pessoas com quem eu poderia falar são solteiros irremediáveis que provavelmente vivem de auxílio do governo!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:67
translate pt_br chapter_11_89a0750d:
# "My heartbeat doing Fang’s chest poke test from the inside is a good indicator I need to calm the fuck down."
"Meus batimentos cardíacos simulando o teste de cutucada da Fang nas feridas são bons indicadores de que eu preciso me acalmar nessa porra.."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:71
translate pt_br chapter_11_99d3014b:
# "Just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} get through today and check out some romance manga on the way home."
"Só{cps=*.1}...{/cps} passar o dia tranquilo e ler algum mangá de romance no caminho de volta pra casa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:84
translate pt_br chapter_11_67a576f5:
# "The school is as rowdy as ever."
"A escola está turbulenta como sempre."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:86
translate pt_br chapter_11_8fc03d79:
# "Somehow, nobody confronts me about the events of two days ago."
"De alguma forma, ninguém me perturba com os eventos de dois dias atrás."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:89
translate pt_br chapter_11_31dc9a76:
# "Man, the people here move on fast."
"Cara, as pessoas aqui esquecem rápido das coisas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:92
translate pt_br chapter_11_a28be7c2:
# "Maybe I should take the side route, getting bumped would probably feel like getting gored."
"Talvez eu deva ir por aquela entrada lateral. Se alguém esbarrar em mim agora, provavelmente vou ter a sensação de estar sendo eviscerado. "
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:94
translate pt_br chapter_11_0e605a86:
# "It’s a roundabout way to reach my locker, but I got plenty of time."
"Preciso dar uma volta maior para chegar ao meu armário, mas tenho tempo sobrando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:97
translate pt_br chapter_11_ef1eb6fa:
# Nas "There you are!"
Nas "Te achei!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:100
translate pt_br chapter_11_b709d9c0:
# "I turn to see Naser pushing through the crowd of students towards me."
"Me viro e vejo Naser empurrando a multidão de estudantes para chegar até mim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:102
translate pt_br chapter_11_e3e30437:
# "At least I can talk to him about the whole situation."
"Pelo menos vou poder conversar com ele sobre toda essa situação."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:104
translate pt_br chapter_11_454c81bf:
# "Or ask him for advice as well on how to handle Fang."
"Ou pedir uns conselhos sobre como lidar com a Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:111
translate pt_br chapter_11_71846403:
# "Wait."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:113
translate pt_br chapter_11_32f5b5c6:
# "Naser’s sister, Fang."
"Fang é a irmã do Naser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:116
translate pt_br chapter_11_4eaebeb1:
# "The Fang who skipped school and is spending the day at my apartment."
"A Fang que matou aula e tá no meu apartamento."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:118
translate pt_br chapter_11_c36ce2ef:
# "And never went home for the past two days."
"E que não voltou pra casa por dois dias."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:124
translate pt_br chapter_11_1946971f:
# "Suddenly I feel like a fish being circled by a very Naser-shaped shark."
"De repente me sinto como um peixe sendo rodeado por um tubarão em formato de Naser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:126
translate pt_br chapter_11_e2427f83:
# "How do I even begin to explain to him?"
"Como é que eu posso sequer começar a explicar isso pra ele?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:137
translate pt_br chapter_11_19c52474:
# A "Uh, h-hey, Naser. What’s-"
A "Ah, o-oi Naser. Como vo-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:150
translate pt_br chapter_11_e9d77bf8:
# "Naser grabs me by the jacket and shoves me against the wall of lockers."
"Naser me segura pelo colarinho e me empurra contra os armários."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:153
translate pt_br chapter_11_69a05474:
# A "ARGH MY EVERYTHING!" with vpunch
A "AI MEU TUDO!" with vpunch
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:155
translate pt_br chapter_11_fc19ae2a:
# Nas "{i}Where the hell is Fang?{/i}"
Nas "{i}Onde caralhos tá a Fang?{/i}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:157
translate pt_br chapter_11_e145d44a:
# A "Woah, hey! I can-"
A "Ei, calma aí! Eu poss-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:159
translate pt_br chapter_11_321cf3af:
# Nas "She ditched with you the other day and hasn’t come home since."
Nas "Ela matou aula contigo outro dia e ainda não voltou pra casa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:161
translate pt_br chapter_11_1d18e9fc:
# Nas "Do you know what I’ve had to put up with because of you? {i}Everything{/i} you do with Fang is {i}my fault{/i} for letting it happen!"
Nas "Você tem ideia do que eu tive que ouvir por tua causa? A {i}culpa{/i} é {i}minha{/i} por deixar você fazer {i}qualquer coisa{/i} com a Fang!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:163
translate pt_br chapter_11_3befb6c6:
# Nas "You’re lucky she texted me yesterday, Dad was about ready to file a missing person report for her."
Nas "Você tem muita sorte por ela ter me mandado mensagem ontem, o Pai quase registrou ela como pessoa desaparecida."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:165
translate pt_br chapter_11_c2a31cec:
# A "Look, Naser. Let me explain."
A "Olha Naser, me deixa explicar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:167
translate pt_br chapter_11_ddfdb3d6:
# Nas "You better, before I drag your ass home and make you tell it to my Dad instead."
Nas "É bom mesmo, antes que eu leve você pra casa e faça você explicar pro meu pai."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:169
translate pt_br chapter_11_c5c5ab4d:
# "The terrifying prospect is enough to make me pause."
"A ideia é terrível o suficiente para me fazer travar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:172
translate pt_br chapter_11_d51a6e56:
# A "Fang is staying at my apartment, but-"
A "Fang tá ficando lá no meu apartamento, mas-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:174
translate pt_br chapter_11_812b480b:
# "Naser’s eyes shoot up like it’s the one answer he didn’t want to hear."
"Os olhos de Naser se arregalaram como se essa fosse a única coisa que ele não queria ouvir."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:176
translate pt_br chapter_11_de160d91:
# A "Let me finish! But it was her idea after I fucked up my chest during an express trip down the stairs."
A "Deixa eu falar! Foi ideia dela depois que eu me fodi todo caindo das escadas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:178
translate pt_br chapter_11_b0ded043:
# A "She wanted to make sure I was alright and wouldn’t take no for an answer."
A "Ela queria ter certeza de que eu tava bem e não aceitou um ‘não’ como resposta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:190
translate pt_br chapter_11_b95df519:
# "Naser sighs and releases my clothes, but the scowl stays on his face."
"Naser suspira e solta minha blusa, mas continua de cara feia."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:192
translate pt_br chapter_11_4895a548:
# Nas "Is that all that happened, Anon?"
Nas "Foi só isso que rolou, Anon?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:195
translate pt_br chapter_11_6bd28825:
# A "I mean, we played some video games but-"
A "Digo, a gente jogou um pouco de video game, mas-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:197
translate pt_br chapter_11_32ce0cd9:
# Nas "ALL that happened?"
Nas "Foi SÓ isso que rolou?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:200
translate pt_br chapter_11_0ce65351:
# A "I don’t think- Oh. OH. We, uh, didn’t DO anything, if that’s what you mean."
A "Eu acho que- Ah. AAAAH. A gente não FEZ nada, se é isso que tu tá perguntando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:203
translate pt_br chapter_11_d55d417f:
# Nas "Mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Mmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:205
translate pt_br chapter_11_c3d6b8e1:
# A "I swear! She couldn’t even kiss me because of the stupid bruise{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Eu juro! Ela nem conseguiu me beijar por causa desses hematomas de merda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:210
translate pt_br chapter_11_2552e399:
# Nas "What?!" with vpunch
Nas "O QUÊ?!" with vpunch
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:213
translate pt_br chapter_11_20839699:
# "Oh look I’m getting shoved into my locker again."
"Olha só, estou sendo enfiado no meu armário de novo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:232
translate pt_br chapter_11_15943772:
# "I hiss in pain as Naser’s fists press me against the locker."
"Perco o ar com a dor enquanto o punho de Naser me pressiona contra o armário."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:234
translate pt_br chapter_11_45ea4e5c:
# Nas "Why would Fang kiss you?! Anon I {i}swear to Raptor Jesus{/i}-"
Nas "Por que é que ela te beijaria?! Anon, eu {i}juro por Jesus Raptor{/i}-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:236
translate pt_br chapter_11_deef1538:
# A "I told Fang I like her!"
A "Eu contei pra Fang que eu gosto dela!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:242
translate pt_br chapter_11_72d988c6:
# "Shit, I said that out loud."
"Merda, saiu em voz alta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:256
translate pt_br chapter_11_f1a91717:
# "Naser freezes, and the color drains from his face."
"Naser congela, e toda a cor se esvai do seu rosto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:263
translate pt_br chapter_11_43bd8ecd:
# "Then he shoves me back into the lockers as hard as he can."
"Então ele me joga contra os armários com toda a sua força."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:315
translate pt_br chapter_11_19bb0fa8:
# A "{b}FUCK!{/b}{fast}"
A "{b}PORRA!{/b}{fast}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:320
translate pt_br chapter_11_b1b6578d:
# "A few students start turning their heads."
"Alguns estudantes começam a olhar para nós."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:323
translate pt_br chapter_11_53319ca6:
# "Naser is still frozen in place, staring at his outstretched hands with a thousand yard stare."
"Naser ainda está congelado no lugar, com um olhar vazio encarando seus braços estirados."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:326
translate pt_br chapter_11_2f63f7bc:
# unknown "Hey, isn’t that the track team leader?"
unknown "Ei, aquele ali não é o líder do time de corrida?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:328
translate pt_br chapter_11_a70fa879:
# unknown "He’s beating on that loser from the presentation, right? Hilarious."
unknown "Ele tá quebrando aquele otário dos slides, né? Hilário!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:360
translate pt_br chapter_11_b70ed6af:
# "I could visibly see Naser’s thoughts process on his face as he finally comprehends our current situation."
"Consigo visualizar os pensamentos sendo processados no rosto de Naser quando ele finalmente compreende nossa situação atual."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:370
translate pt_br chapter_11_2407cced:
# Nas "No, I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Não, eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:374
translate pt_br chapter_11_fbe5ab2e:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:385
translate pt_br chapter_11_11c9f2b6:
# "He regains control of his legs and hurriedly rushes through the crowd, pushing aside a few students."
"Ele retoma o controle das pernas e anda rapidamente pela multidão, empurrando alguns estudantes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:387
translate pt_br chapter_11_a7098c5a:
# "One or two classmates glance at me again, then continue on their way."
"Um ou dois colegas de classe olham para mim de novo, e então seguem seu caminho."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:390
translate pt_br chapter_11_b9840836:
# "While I’m checking for any more broken bones my phone buzzes."
"Enquanto tento checar se quebrei algum osso, meu celular vibra."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:401
translate pt_br chapter_11_5914de8f:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Anyone beat you up yet :V"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Alguém já te enfiou a porrada? :V"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:404
translate pt_br chapter_11_050e1d02:
# "Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:407
translate pt_br chapter_11_e237ac07:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} No. On an unrelated matter, have you spoken with Naser recently?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Não. Mas mudando de assunto, você falou com o Naser?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:409
translate pt_br chapter_11_59bd534a:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Told him i was staying here yesterday but havent checked his responses"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Falei ontem pra ele que tava ficando aqui, mas não li as respostas"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:412
translate pt_br chapter_11_d794a036:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Why do i need to kill him or something <:V"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Pq, preciso matar ele ou algo assim? <:V"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:415
translate pt_br chapter_11_cf7cf176:
# "{i}Anon:{/i} Not yet. Just thinking it might be a good idea to get in touch with him when you feel like it."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Ainda não. Só tô pensando que talvez seja uma boa ideia falar com ele quando você estiver afim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:418
translate pt_br chapter_11_c838e0cf:
# "{i}Fang:{/i} I might feel like it after i stop raiding your fridge"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Talvez eu sinta vontade de falar com ele depois de assaltar sua geladeira"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:420
translate pt_br chapter_11_f28f3f14:
# "{i}Anon:{/i} Die."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Morra."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:422
translate pt_br chapter_11_4b50ad4f:
# "{i}Fang:{/i} >:V"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} >:V"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:429
translate pt_br chapter_11_24390c64:
# "Glad to know she’s still holding up."
"Bom saber que ela tá bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:432
translate pt_br chapter_11_5d8efbd3:
# "Shit, now I’m not gonna have enough soda to last the week."
"Merda, agora eu não vou ter refri o suficiente pro resto da semana."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:434
translate pt_br chapter_11_9fa19ac0:
# "I’ll worry about that when I get home."
"Vou deixar pra me preocupar com isso quando chegar em casa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:442
translate pt_br chapter_11_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:462
translate pt_br chapter_11_fc7c6fdd:
# "Today needs to end. Now."
"Hoje tem que acabar tipo, agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:464
translate pt_br chapter_11_9b304b29:
# "I have a backpack full of missed assignments, including Mr. Tsuki’s essay on the history of typefaces."
"Minha mochila tá cheia de deveres atrasados, incluindo um trabalho do Sr. Tsuki sobre fontes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:467
translate pt_br chapter_11_32280a97:
# "Who the fuck cares about typefaces?!"
"Quem caralhos se importa com fontes?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:469
translate pt_br chapter_11_fadcbd18:
# "Worst samurai english teacher ever."
"Pior samurai professor de português de todos os tempos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:471
translate pt_br chapter_11_2af8baec:
# "My ribs are burning as I heave a sigh."
"Minhas costelas doem quando suspiro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:474
translate pt_br chapter_11_d93d34c7:
# "At least I can go home now."
"Pelo menos posso ir pra casa agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:476
translate pt_br chapter_11_5df23971:
# "Where my hot ptero Gee Eff is waiting."
"Onde minha ptero-namorada gostosa tá me esperando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:478
translate pt_br chapter_11_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:480
translate pt_br chapter_11_8a540fed:
# "My hot ptero girlfriend who may or may not be having a mental breakdown in my apartment."
"Minha ptero-namorada gostosa que pode ou não estar tendo um colapso mental no meu apartamento."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:482
translate pt_br chapter_11_bdaff498:
# "And I have no idea what to do with a fucking girlfriend. All those hours of dating simulators have not adequately simulated dating in the least."
"E eu não tenho ideia do que fazer com a porra de uma namorada. Todas aquelas horas de simuladores de namoro nunca simularam adequadamente um namoro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:485
translate pt_br chapter_11_d20eea3d:
# "Just as I exit the main doors of Volcano High my phone buzzes against one particularly bad bruise on my leg."
"Assim que saio pelas portas principais de Volcano High, meu telefone vibra novamente contra um hematoma particularmente feio na minha perna."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:487
translate pt_br chapter_11_56f29a0a:
# "Fingers crossed it’s Fang."
"Espero que seja a Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:490
translate pt_br chapter_11_438720d7:
# "{i}Naser:{/i}{fast} We need to talk"
"{i}Naser:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} A gente precisa conversar"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:493
translate pt_br chapter_11_50dfc976:
# "{i}Naser:{/i}{fast} Meet me in the auditorium"
"{i}Naser:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Me encontra no auditório"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:497
translate pt_br chapter_11_e8bb1515:
# "I’m going to die."
"Eu vou morrer."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:500
translate pt_br chapter_11_740dbde6:
# unknown "{size=-5}You’re gonna die weeb! Naser’s looking for your weeb ass!{/size}"
unknown "{size=-5}Tu vai morrer, nerdola! O Naser tá te caçando!{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:504
translate pt_br chapter_11_a498983c:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Best to get it over with now."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Melhor dar um jeito nisso logo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:507
translate pt_br chapter_11_bd9de49c:
# "I meander my way to the school’s auditorium."
"Me arrasto até o auditório da escola."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:518
translate pt_br chapter_11_484f2a86:
# "Some of the lights are off when I get there, but I can make out Naser’s outline among the front row seats."
"Algumas luzes estão apagadas quando chego lá, mas consigo ver a silhueta do Naser entre as cadeiras da fileira da frente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:520
translate pt_br chapter_11_4cb30105:
# "He doesn’t turn to look at me when I enter or walk down the aisle."
"Ele não se virou para me olhar quando entrei, nem mesmo enquanto andava pelo auditório."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:539
translate pt_br chapter_11_084fa832:
# A "You uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} wanted to talk to me?"
A "Você, ahn{cps=*.1}...{/cps} queria falar comigo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:541
translate pt_br chapter_11_fbe5ab2e_1:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:544
translate pt_br chapter_11_591ebbe9:
# "I can see the gears in his head turning, but his expression is telling me he doesn’t actually know what he wants to do."
"Consigo ver as engrenagens girando na cabeça dele, mas sua expressão me diz que ele não tem ideia do que fazer."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:547
translate pt_br chapter_11_06b46f9d:
# "I'll keep my distance just in case."
"Mantenho uma certa distância, só por precaução."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:550
translate pt_br chapter_11_b77b28d4:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Why did you call me here?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Por que cê me chamou aqui?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:552
translate pt_br chapter_11_de5ce3ea:
# Nas "Just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Shut up. Let me think."
Nas "Cara, só{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Cala a boca. Me deixa pensar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:555
translate pt_br chapter_11_20a7b2bb:
# "He sighs, and turns to me."
"Ele suspira, e então se vira em minha direção."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:558
translate pt_br chapter_11_fbe5ab2e_2:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:560
translate pt_br chapter_11_45fd471d:
# Nas "I shouldn’t have pushed you earlier."
Nas "Eu não devia ter te empurrado antes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:562
translate pt_br chapter_11_b072ed99:
# Nas "Sorry. It was a moment of weakness."
Nas "Desculpa. Foi um momento de fraqueza."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:565
translate pt_br chapter_11_0085d472:
# A "Don’t worry about it, I can take a hit or two."
A "Relaxa, eu aguento uma surra ou duas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:568
translate pt_br chapter_11_7d914fdb:
# "He silently nods."
"Ele acena com a cabeça, silenciosamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:571
translate pt_br chapter_11_0c74f46a:
# Nas "Yeah man, sure."
Nas "Tá certo mano, claro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:573
translate pt_br chapter_11_8dff3250:
# "He nervously chuckles."
"Ele ri nervosamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:578
translate pt_br chapter_11_b67d0701:
# Nas "Look Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Olha, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:580
translate pt_br chapter_11_0bf3595a:
# Nas "When you told me Fang could kiss you because you told her your feelings{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Quando você me disse que a Fang poderia ter te beijado quando você falou pra ela dos seus sentimentos{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:582
translate pt_br chapter_11_a752e1d7:
# Nas "I can’t really describe it."
Nas "Sei lá, eu não consigo descrever."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:585
translate pt_br chapter_11_4143e335:
# Nas "Don’t take it the wrong way, but my mind just screamed at me ‘worst case scenario’."
Nas "Não me leve a mal, mas a minha cabeça só me disse que esse era ‘o pior cenário possível’."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:599
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d69e0a13:
# A "Why’s that?"
A "Por que isso?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:602
translate pt_br lSortingThings_9bc56f97:
# Nas "Because it’s my {i}sister{/i} we’re talking about here."
Nas "Porque a gente tá falando da minha {i}irmã{/i}."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:605
translate pt_br lSortingThings_6bed445c:
# A "So? Fang said she likes me too."
A "E daí? A Fang disse que gosta de mim também."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:607
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b29ae1ae:
# A "So we’re dating now. I think."
A "Então a gente tá junto agora, eu acho."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:611
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d9db3f19:
# "Naser clamps his hands up to his crest."
"Naser põe as mãos na sua crista."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:613
translate pt_br lSortingThings_32ecb1f1:
# Nas "Dating, even{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sweet Raptor Jesus{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Cês tão ficando{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Meu Jesus Raptor amado{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:616
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b6c51317:
# A "Why are you so surprised, I told you months ago I liked her, didn’t I?"
A "Por que cê tá tão surpreso assim? Eu te falei meses atrás que eu gostava dela, não falei?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:619
translate pt_br lSortingThings_a3d55380:
# Nas "Yes, you told me {i}you{/i} liked {i}her{/i}."
Nas "Pois é, você me falou que {i}você{/i} gostava dela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:622
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4334c3c5:
# Nas "I never expected her to LIKE YOU BACK."
Nas "Eu nunca pensei que ela TAMBÉM FOSSE GOSTAR DE VOCÊ."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:628
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c7687dbb:
# Nas "Explain yourself, now."
Nas "Explica isso. Agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:633
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7072d0af:
# A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I don’t even really know how this happened- I-I mean, I’ve barely even had friends before, let alone something romantic!"
A "Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nem sei como isso foi acontecer! D-digo, eu mal tinha amigos antes, quanto mais alguma coisa romântica!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:636
translate pt_br lSortingThings_a9a4cbba:
# A "Why would someone, anyone want to go out with {i}me{/i}?! Me, Naser!"
A "Por que é que alguém, qualquer pessoa que seja, iria querer sair {i}comigo{/i}?! Comigo, Naser!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:639
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c0eb93c6:
# A "I wouldn’t go out with me!"
A "Nem eu sairia comigo!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:642
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e6abdfe3:
# A "I have no idea what I’m doing!"
A "Eu não faço ideia do que tô fazendo!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:648
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2a905577:
# "Naser leans back with a hand holding his beak."
"Naser se recosta com uma mão no bico."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:651
translate pt_br lSortingThings_9eb44568:
# Nas "Oh, man, you’re worse off than I thought."
Nas "Ah, cara, tu tá pior do que eu imaginava."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:654
translate pt_br lSortingThings_eabf952a:
# Nas "Breathe, man."
Nas "Respira, velho."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:657
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b22aac51:
# A "I {i}am{/i}. It {i}hurts{/i}."
A "Eu {i}tô{/i} respirando. E {i}dói{/i}."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:661
translate pt_br lSortingThings_523c6f6c:
# Nas "Geez, at this rate I’m going to be more concerned for you than Fang."
Nas "Putz, desse jeito eu vou ficar mais preocupado contigo do que com a Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:664
translate pt_br lSortingThings_688115ef:
# A "Like, thinking about being with Fang, a part of me is fucking exuberant to the point of being higher than Reed. Reed!"
A "Cara, quando eu penso em estar junto da Fang, uma parte de mim fica tão feliz que eu começo a ficar mais chapado que o Reed. O Reed, mano!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:667
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7b22fe50:
# A "But then I start thinking how I don’t KNOW how to date and get so worried that I feel like I’m going to vomit."
A "Mas aí eu começo a pensar como eu não sei NADA sobre essas coisas e fico tão preocupado que sinto que vou vomitar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:687
translate pt_br lSortingThings_695a6d42:
# A "And then there’s my heart beating so hard and the fucking bruise and everything is fuck. Everything is fucking fuck, Naser."
A "E aí tem{cps=*1.1} o meu coração batendo tão forte{/cps}{cps=*1.3} e essa porra desses machucados{/cps}{cps=*1.5} e tudo tá uma merda{/cps}. {cps=*1.7}Tudo nessa porra tá fodido pra caralho{/cps}, Naser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:692
translate pt_br lSortingThings_a15c6474:
# Nas "BREATHE!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:694
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fa5259ad:
# "I finally notice the black spots in my vision and gasp."
"Finalmente reparo nos pontos pretos preenchendo minha visão e respiro fundo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:696
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c46d1dfd:
# "My lungs explode in pain and I falter back against my chair for support."
"Meus pulmões explodem em dor e caio na minha cadeira procurando suporte."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:698
translate pt_br lSortingThings_618cd149:
# A "Is this a panic attack? Naser I think I’m having a panic atta-"
A "Isso é um ataque de pânico? Naser eu acho que tô tendo uma cris-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:711
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fc9d900a:
# "My head snaps to the side and a fresh stinging pain blossoms on my cheek."
"Minha cabeça vira para o lado de repente e sinto um ardido forte na bochecha."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:714
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c21c394e:
# "I take the seconds of intense pain to focus and collect myself."
"Levo alguns segundos de dor intensa para focar e me recompor. "
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:718
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b048a1c7:
# A "Did you just slap me?"
A "Tu me deu um tapa?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:721
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fc4c7e1e:
# Nas "Yes."
Nas "Sim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:724
translate pt_br lSortingThings_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:727
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ee087bc5:
# Nas "You calm now?"
Nas "Tá calmo agora?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:729
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c9d760f3:
# A "Not really."
A "Não."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:732
translate pt_br lSortingThings_dce2171a:
# Nas "Would another slap help?"
Nas "Outro tapa ajuda?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:735
translate pt_br lSortingThings_139e571e:
# A "I’m calm I’m calm."
A "Eu tô calmo, tô calmo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:747
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0663f4b2:
# Nas "You’ve got it bad, Anon."
Nas "Cê tá na merda, Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:749
translate pt_br lSortingThings_054387bc:
# A "Got what bad?"
A "Na merda como?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:751
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c0b13c0d:
# Nas "You’re in love with Fang."
Nas "Tá apaixonado pela Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:754
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4309a513:
# A "How is that bad?"
A "E como é que isso é ruim?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:757
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c9e05d4b:
# Nas "Fang. You {i}both{/i} need help at this point."
Nas "Fang. Vocês {i}dois{/i} precisam de ajuda agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:760
translate pt_br lSortingThings_1cd7065f:
# A "Now that’s just uncalled for."
A "Isso aí foi desnecessário."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:762
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7adf96df:
# Nas "It’s true. Last thing you need is to be romantically involved."
Nas "Mas é verdade. A última coisa que vocês deveriam fazer é se envolverem romanticamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:767
translate pt_br lSortingThings_11442696:
# A "What if that’s exactly what we need?"
A "E se isso for exatamente o que a gente precisa?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:775
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e9cd10eb:
# Nas "Just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Let me get this straight."
Nas "Olha{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Deixa eu falar a real pra você."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:777
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4bbd458a:
# Nas "You have never had a girlfriend before."
Nas "Você nunca teve uma namorada antes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:779
translate pt_br lSortingThings_13cabaff:
# A "Yes."
A "Aham."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:782
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ad7e6cb7:
# Nas "Ever?"
Nas "Nunca?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:784
translate pt_br lSortingThings_bd8de94c:
# A "Yes, why?"
A "Isso, por quê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:788
translate pt_br lSortingThings_6c2a6010:
# Nas "Aside from being sad, that just makes it really not a good idea to go for what seems like such a{cps=*.1}...{/cps} poor combination."
Nas "Fora o fato de isso ser bem triste, não é uma boa ideia começar uma coisa que parece ser{cps=*.1}...{/cps} uma combinação ruim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:791
translate pt_br lSortingThings_dbbaac5c:
# A "That a challenge?"
A "Tá me desafiando?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:794
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f2438a45:
# Nas "Wha- are you even paying attention?"
Nas "Qu- cara, cê tá pelo menos prestando atenção?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:796
translate pt_br lSortingThings_12b748bc:
# A "I can be a great boyfriend, just you watch."
A "Eu posso ser um ótimo namorado, vai vendo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:802
translate pt_br lSortingThings_63e8bc1b:
# Nas "Oh my g-"
Nas "Meu De-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:805
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fbe5ab2e:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:810
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0539e1f6:
# Nas "You know what?"
Nas "Quer saber?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:812
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0fc2c181:
# Nas "You may be right."
Nas "Pode até ser, sim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:815
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2c23493f:
# A "Hm?"
A "Hm?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:817
translate pt_br lSortingThings_beab827d:
# Nas "Maybe just the thing Fang needs is someone to support her."
Nas "Talvez a única coisa que a Fang precise mesmo é de alguém pra apoiar ela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:820
translate pt_br lSortingThings_658dbc92:
# Nas "I clearly can’t do anything, and neither can our parents, or anyone we know."
Nas "Eu claramente não consigo fazer nada, nem os nossos pais, ou qualquer outra pessoa que a gente conheça."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:822
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7bf7832b:
# Nas "But thinking back to a few days ago{cps=*.1}...{/cps} she did shield you from the crowd and get you out of the auditorium."
Nas "Mas pensando aqui, uns dias atrás{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ela te protegeu da galera e te tirou do auditório."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:825
translate pt_br lSortingThings_982b233b:
# Nas "I brushed it off but{cps=*.1}...{/cps} it’s clear she cares for you."
Nas "Eu ignorei na hora mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps} é óbvio que ela se importa contigo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:829
translate pt_br lSortingThings_03f98237:
# Nas "So you know what Anon? I’ll trust you."
Nas "Então quer saber de uma coisa, Anon? Eu vou confiar em você."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:833
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7f1ad096:
# A "Dowha?"
A "Vaiquê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:836
translate pt_br lSortingThings_a521bafc:
# "Naser gets up from his seat, motioning for me to follow."
"Naser se levanta da sua cadeira, me indicando para segui-lo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:839
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e07db417:
# Nas "I’ll help you get to know Fang a bit better, and in return, you need to keep your promise of being a great boyfriend to her."
Nas "Eu vou te ajudar a conhecer a Fang um pouco melhor, e em troca, você precisa cumprir a promessa de ser um ótimo namorado pra ela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:842
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2bd0eacf:
# A "I- uh, yeah! Thank you, Naser. Uh, where are we going?"
A "E-eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tá! Valeu, Naser. Hm, pra onde a gente tá indo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:845
translate pt_br lSortingThings_38754f31:
# Nas "You’re gonna need some supplies."
Nas "Você vai precisar de uns mantimentos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:852
translate pt_br lSortingThings_295bbd20:
# "I follow Naser to the parking lot, where his half-beaten car awaits."
"Sigo Naser para o estacionamento, onde o carro detonadinho dele nos espera."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:869
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e5caa5db:
# Nas "Listen up, because this is all I really know."
Nas "Presta atenção, porque isso é tudo o que eu sei."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:871
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7156da6a:
# A "Wait, should I be taking no-"
A "Espera, eu devia estar anot-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:873
translate pt_br lSortingThings_75923ed0:
# Nas "First thing is you should always have a giant bag of dino-nuggies in your fridge, with her name written on it with a sharpie."
Nas "A primeira coisa que você sempre tem que ter é um pacote gigante de nuggets de dinossauro no seu congelador, com o nome dela escrito em canetinha."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:876
translate pt_br lSortingThings_73a44187:
# Nas "Be warned, she counts them. You eat any and it’s all over."
Nas "Mas fica esperto, ela conta todos. Se você comer um, já era."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:884
translate pt_br lSortingThings_158fc268:
# "I climb into the passenger seat as Naser revs up the NasCar."
"Sento no banco do passageiro enquanto Naser liga o NasCar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:886
translate pt_br lSortingThings_684a4d53:
# Nas "You’re gonna need some barbecue sauce too. And none of the bargain bin stuff, Fang ONLY likes top shelf dipping sauce."
Nas "Tu vai precisar de barbecue também. E não compra porcaria não, Fang SÓ gosta dos molhos de qualidade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:888
translate pt_br lSortingThings_8219d3c5:
# "The car violently peels out of the parking lot."
"O carro arranca do estacionamento."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:890
translate pt_br lSortingThings_bce5ef8c:
# "Naser continued to rattle off a checklist of do’s and don’ts for Fang, even as he takes me around various stores to stock up."
"Naser continua a me passar a lista de coisas que devo e não devo fazer pela Fang, enquanto me leva em várias lojas para comprar as coisas que vou precisar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:892
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ca12c37d:
# Nas "If she ever says she ‘isn’t hungry’, she is lying through her teeth."
Nas "Se ela falar que ‘não tá com fome’, é mentira."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:894
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7ffb17e0:
# Nas "Most places know what you need if you say ‘my girlfriend isn’t hungry’."
Nas "A maioria dos lugares já sabe o que fazer se você disser ‘minha namorada não tá com fome’."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:897
translate pt_br lSortingThings_3044cc6c:
# Nas "Next, either get a good supply of earplugs or say goodbye to your sense of hearing entirely. She can and will stay up until two a.m. listening to music on full blast."
Nas "Depois, compra uns bons tampões de ouvido, ou diga adeus pra sua audição. Ela pode e vai ficar acordada até duas da madrugada ouvindo música no volume mais alto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:900
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b07f71c2:
# "Naser tells me more information about Fang than I probably should have known."
"Naser provavelmente me conta mais sobre a Fang do que eu deveria saber."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:902
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0ec38ce7:
# Nas "And lastly, she will rip your shirt at least once. Have spares ready."
Nas "E por último, ela vai rasgar sua blusa pelo menos uma vez. Tenha umas extras."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:904
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5ee99603:
# A "What?!"
A "Quê?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:906
translate pt_br lSortingThings_22b557dd:
# Nas "Oh yeah. This is actually my fifth jacket this semester."
Nas "Pois é. Na real, essa é a minha quinta jaqueta esse semestre."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:909
translate pt_br lSortingThings_90f3f15c:
# A "I-I see{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "A-ah, entendi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:911
translate pt_br lSortingThings_37027cc1:
# "So that confirms Naser is just colorblind if he keeps getting these fuckugly jackets."
"Então isso confirma, o Naser é daltônico por continuar comprando essas jaquetas feias pra caralho."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:914
translate pt_br lSortingThings_30e74b67:
# A "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I’ve got your blessing?"
A "Então{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tenho a sua permissão?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:917
translate pt_br lSortingThings_390c12b6:
# Nas "IF you help my sister, Anon."
Nas "SE você ajudar a minha irmã, Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:919
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ac2012d5:
# A "Of course! I’ll be the best boyfriend."
A "Claro! Eu vou ser o melhor namorado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:921
translate pt_br lSortingThings_235fb6e9:
# Nas "You better. Because otherwise it won’t be me next time."
Nas "É bom mesmo. Se você fizer merda, não é comigo que vai ter que falar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:924
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f215e2c5:
# A "Wha-"
A "Que-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:926
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ed556dbe:
# Nas "Dad needs a new caddy. He’ll probably ask you and then you’ll go missing."
Nas "O Pai precisa de um caddie novo. Ele provavelmente vai te pedir pra fazer isso e então você vai desaparecer."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:929
translate pt_br lSortingThings_936c6697_1:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:931
translate pt_br lSortingThings_671bfc60:
# "Ah. Fuck."
"Puta. Merda."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:934
translate pt_br lSortingThings_aa2da683:
# Nas "Now tell me where your place is so I can drop you off."
Nas "Diz aí onde você mora, pra eu te deixar em casa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:937
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2838a496:
# "Naser hesitates when I give him my address."
"Naser hesita quando dou o meu endereço."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:939
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d8ad8ddd:
# Nas "Skin Row? You know I should have figured, but still{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Skin Row, velho? Digo, eu deveria ter imaginado, mas ainda assim{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:941
translate pt_br lSortingThings_8cbad6d2:
# "He speeds off in the direction of my apartment with all the grace of a semi truck."
"Ele dirige em direção ao meu apartamento com a graciosidade de um caminhoneiro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:944
translate pt_br lSortingThings_41974000:
# "Once we reach my neighborhood, his driving gets even more erratic."
"Assim que chegamos na minha vizinhança, sua direção se torna ainda mais errática."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:946
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e621a7b4:
# "Never stopping at stop signs and staying just above the speed limit."
"Não parou em nenhum sinal vermelho e ficou logo acima do limite de velocidade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:949
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4f506e5a:
# "Paranoid much?"
"Paranóico, será?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:952
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0929e46f:
# "Naser finally comes to a stop in front of my building to let me out."
"Naser finalmente para em frente ao meu prédio."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:963
translate pt_br lSortingThings_cef180f9:
# A "Thanks for the ride, Naser. And the, er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Fang stuff, too."
A "Valeu pela carona, Naser. E, hã{cps=*.1}...{/cps} por comprar as coisas pra Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:965
translate pt_br lSortingThings_31366578:
# "Naser’s gaze is fixed on the building’s doors instead."
"O olhar de Naser está fixo nas portas do prédio."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:968
translate pt_br lSortingThings_de311b36:
# Nas "So you’re going up to see Fang now, huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Então cê vai subir pra ver a Fang agora né{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:971
translate pt_br lSortingThings_09458988:
# A "You know you can come talk to her with me, if you want."
A "Sabe, você pode vir junto pra falar com ela, se quiser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:973
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5d218eba:
# Nas "No! I mean, can’t leave my car alone in this neighborhood. Don’t want something to happen to it, right?"
Nas "Não! Digo, eu não posso largar meu carro por aqui. Não queremos que nada aconteça com ele, né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:975
translate pt_br lSortingThings_eefac86e:
# "He tops it off with a less than genuine laugh."
"Ele termina a frase com uma risada falsa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:978
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d95befb9:
# A "Naser, your car has more dents than most of the ones around here."
A "Naser, teu carro tem mais amassados do que a maioria dos que tão por aqui."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:980
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d81b63f2:
# A "Also, I need help carrying all this stuff."
A "E outra, eu vou precisar de ajuda pra levar isso tudo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:982
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b398dec5:
# Nas "What? There’s like four bags, you can carry it fine."
Nas "Quê? Cara, tem tipo, umas quatro sacolas só, você consegue levar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:984
translate pt_br lSortingThings_9250e7b9:
# A "Not with these crippling injuries."
A "Não com esses machucados me aleijando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:987
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fb3ebb8e:
# A "You slamming me into the locker didn’t help either."
A "Você me enfiar num armário também não ajudou."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:990
translate pt_br lSortingThings_092425ab:
# A "Oww, it’s a {i}miracle{/i} I’m still able to breathe."
A "Aaai, é um {i}milagre{/i} que eu ainda esteja respirando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:993
translate pt_br lSortingThings_38d8b45b:
# "Naser rolls his eyes."
"Naser revira os olhos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:995
translate pt_br lSortingThings_9adf7d00:
# Nas "Fine, I’ll carry the crap up. But only for a moment, I don’t want my car getting jacked."
Nas "Tá, beleza, eu carrego essa merda pra cima. Mas não vou demorar, não quero que roubem meu carro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:997
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c593cedd:
# "He gets all the bags from the backseat and I lead him up the stairs to my place."
"Ele pega todas as sacolas do banco de trás e subimos pelas escadas até o meu apartamento."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1007
translate pt_br lSortingThings_58581c33:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Has Fang been doing alright here?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tá tudo bem com a Fang?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1009
translate pt_br lSortingThings_9cb5d8ca:
# A "Probably still a bit rattled."
A "Ela provavelmente ainda tá meio abalada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1011
translate pt_br lSortingThings_356b3962:
# A "Wasn’t in the best mood this morning either."
A "Não tava lá de muito bom humor hoje de manhã."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1014
translate pt_br lSortingThings_9f67c849:
# A "Probably a good idea to not get confrontational or anything, yeah?"
A "Acho que é melhor evitar briga ou qualquer coisa assim, beleza?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1017
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4992d643:
# "Naser nods and I unlock the door."
"Naser acena com a cabeça e eu destranco a porta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1026
translate pt_br lSortingThings_6c7469c8:
# "I hold the door open for Naser. He hesitates to enter so I look in to see Fang sat on my bed mashing away on The Duke furiously."
"Seguro a porta aberta para Naser. Ele hesita um pouco antes de entrar, então olho para dentro e vejo Fang sentada na minha cama, esmagando os botões do Duke furiosamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1053
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fd0165b8:
# F "Naser?!"
F "Naser?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1055
translate pt_br lSortingThings_8755cc6a:
# A "Don’t freak out, he’s just here to- wait."
A "Calma, não surta, ele só veio- pera."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1058
translate pt_br lSortingThings_602346a3:
# A "Why are you playing rockband with a controller?"
A "Por que cê tá jogando rockband com um controle?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1063
translate pt_br lSortingThings_a2c700b7:
# F "You mean I was doing it wrong?"
F "Ué, eu tô jogando errado?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1066
translate pt_br lSortingThings_35576b2e:
# A "And my account was locked, how did you even get that to start?"
A "E minha conta tava com senha, como tu conseguiu rodar isso?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1069
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4cebd6ac:
# F "Dude, your password was ‘RAYmba’."
F "Velho, sua senha era ‘RAYmba’."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1073
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2287a364:
# F "Who cares about that, why’s {i}he{/i} here?"
F "Mas tá, tanto faz, por que {i}ele{/i} tá aqui?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1076
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5d97c84a:
# "Naser waves dismissively."
"Naser acena com certo desdém."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1079
translate pt_br lSortingThings_86b03b13:
# Nas "Well, Anon, you’re welcome for the ride, I’ll just be going now."
Nas "Olha Anon, bem, de nada pela carona, mas eu tô indo agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1090
translate pt_br lSortingThings_30a7f66c:
# F "-Wait, Naser."
F "-Espera, Naser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1093
translate pt_br lSortingThings_defb8769:
# "He freezes halfway out the door."
"Ele para antes de atravessar a porta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1096
translate pt_br lSortingThings_93c4ba4f:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}How much do you know?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} O quanto você sabe?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1102
translate pt_br lSortingThings_19ff81df:
# Nas "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} know?"
Nas "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} do quê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1104
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0109b2f6:
# F "About me and Anon."
F "Sobre mim e o Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1107
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0d14f43a:
# Nas "Anon filled me in earlier."
Nas "Ele me contou tudo mais cedo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1112
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4e1f2037:
# F "You what?!"
F "Você o quê?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1114
translate pt_br lSortingThings_19da39d1:
# A "Fang, don’t worry, he’s cool!"
A "Relaxa Fang, ele tá de boa!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1116
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f5c755e0:
# F "You weren’t planning on telling Dad I’m here, were you?"
F "Você não tava pensando em falar pro Pai que eu tô aqui, né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1118
translate pt_br lSortingThings_600f7b32:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No, I wasn’t."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Não tava, não."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1120
translate pt_br lSortingThings_63768ce3:
# F "I’m serious, you can’t tell him, he’d kill Anon!"
F "É sério, você não pode contar pra ele, ele vai matar o Anon!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1123
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0d582d61:
# Nas "No, really, I wasn’t going to tell."
Nas "Não, sério, eu não ia contar não."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1126
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7c378846:
# F "Please, Naser, I need to know for absolute sure."
F "Por favor, Naser, eu preciso ter certeza."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1132
translate pt_br lSortingThings_537a25db:
# Nas "God damn it, Fang!"
Nas "Puta merda, Fang!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1134
translate pt_br lSortingThings_806289cb:
# Nas "Why don’t you trust me with even this?!"
Nas "Por que você nunca confia em mim?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1142
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5ceed74b:
# "Naser inhales deeply and turns towards the door."
"Naser respira fundo e se vira para a porta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1145
translate pt_br lSortingThings_edcda3fe:
# Nas "Sorry. I’m going now. I won’t tell, I swear."
Nas "Desculpa. Eu tô indo embora. Não vou contar, juro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1147
translate pt_br lSortingThings_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1149
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f31a57aa:
# F "It’s not that I don’t trust you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Não é que eu não confie em você{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1152
translate pt_br lSortingThings_dad6fe5f:
# "He pauses again with his hand on the doorknob."
"Ele para de novo, com a mão na maçaneta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1159
translate pt_br lSortingThings_8b5a52fe:
# "Like Spears’ did numerous times in the past, I take hold of Nasers’ shoulder."
"seguro o ombro de Naser, assim como o Spears fez várias vezes comigo no passado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1161
translate pt_br lSortingThings_a28b5d24:
# "I offer a reassuring smile and nod back towards Fang."
"Dou um sorriso tranquilizante e aceno com a cabeça em direção à Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1163
translate pt_br lSortingThings_936c6697_2:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1165
translate pt_br lSortingThings_16c32acc:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Then what? Why do you hate me?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Qual é o problema então? Por que você me odeia tanto?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1170
translate pt_br lSortingThings_238792f9:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I don’t hate you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu não te odeio{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1172
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f8ff9f44:
# F "Every time I see{cps=*.1}...{/cps} those{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Toda vez que eu olho pra{cps=*.1}...{/cps} essas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1175
translate pt_br lSortingThings_6480a993:
# Nas "Those{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
Nas "Essas{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1177
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5c788dc2:
# F "Your scars, I mean."
F "Suas cicatrizes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1180
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b10a4cba:
# F "I just remember that day back then."
F "Eu sempre me lembro daquele dia."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1183
translate pt_br lSortingThings_552aa6d9:
# Nas "What does that have to do with anything?"
Nas "E o que isso tem a ver?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1193
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b019cda6:
# F "I mean, It’s my fault, isn’t it?"
F "Digo, foi minha culpa, não foi?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1195
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e49912ed:
# F "I lied to you, and you got hurt."
F "Eu menti pra você e você se machucou."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1197
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fbe5ab2e_1:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1200
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f03bddf7:
# F "But it’s like you don’t blame me, even though you should."
F "Mas é como se você nunca me culpasse, por mais que devesse."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1203
translate pt_br lSortingThings_86c4fefc:
# F "Everyone depends on you, you’re the star player at school, but it’s in spite of your family instead of because of it."
F "Todo mundo confia em você, você é a estrela da escola, mas isso tudo é apesar da família que você tem, não por causa dela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1206
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2dcb8be5:
# F "You can’t even bring yourself to hate me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Você nem consegue me odiar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1210
translate pt_br lSortingThings_921a1021:
# Nas "All this time, that’s what this was about?"
Nas "Por todo esse tempo, é disso que se trata?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1216
translate pt_br lSortingThings_8bffc897:
# "Fang wipes away a tear with her wing and nods."
"Fang seca uma lágrima com sua asa e acena com a cabeça."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1226
translate pt_br lSortingThings_73bdcab4:
# "Naser brushes my hand off his shoulder and turns around."
"Naser tira minha mão do ombro e se vira."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1229
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0461ac7e:
# Nas "I don’t hate you because I don’t blame you for anything, Fang."
Nas "Eu não te odeio porque eu não te culpo por nada disso, Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1231
translate pt_br lSortingThings_83e0ccea:
# Nas "Back then, we were only kids, I was eleven? Twelve?"
Nas "Naquela época a gente era criança. Eu tinha o quê, onze, doze anos?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1235
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0d37c1ba:
# Nas "I was always thinking I’d done something wrong because of how you acted differently since then."
Nas "Eu sempre achei que tinha feito alguma coisa errada pelo quão diferente você passou a agir desde aquela época."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1237
translate pt_br lSortingThings_cb853968:
# Nas "I thought you hated me."
Nas "Eu achei que você me odiasse."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1240
translate pt_br lSortingThings_494a1aea:
# Nas "I mean, look at all the shit I’ve ruined for you."
Nas "Digo, olha o tanto de merda que eu arruinei pra você."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1242
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ed8f9f4e:
# Nas "Band practices, shows, parties, hell, dates even."
Nas "Os ensaios da banda, shows, festas, puta merda, até um encontro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1245
translate pt_br lSortingThings_3631e7c6:
# Nas "All I ever do is ruin things for you."
Nas "Tudo o que eu faço é estragar tudo pra você."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1247
translate pt_br lSortingThings_228b620c:
# Nas "And when I did I’d always get told off by Trish."
Nas "E quando eu fazia merda a Trish sempre vinha me encher o saco."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1250
translate pt_br lSortingThings_cf33b215:
# "A part of me wants to groan at just the mention of her name."
"Uma parte de mim quer gritar só de ouvir o nome dela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1260
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e1b99587:
# "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I think I did since both Naser and Fang are looking at me."
"Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Acho que eu acabei fazendo isso já que o Naser e a Fang estão me encarando agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1263
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2e350eaf:
# A "Ahaha{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ahaha{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1266
translate pt_br lSortingThings_abee1507:
# F "Urgh, way to ruin the moment Anon."
F "Aff, que jeito de estragar o momento hein, Anon?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1269
translate pt_br lSortingThings_cef9c868:
# Nas "Real smooth, man. Real smooth."
Nas "Mandou ver hein, Anon?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1274
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fbfdaa38:
# A "Oh come on, you two were finally making progress."
A "Ah, qual é, vocês tavam finalmente fazendo algum progresso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1277
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5f864413:
# F "Remind me why we’re dating again?"
F "Me lembra, por que a gente tá junto mesmo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1283
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ab20d181:
# Nas "Hey, he’s your boyfriend. Cut him some slack."
Nas "Ei, ele é o teu namorado. Dá um desconto pra ele."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1286
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2959da0b:
# A "What’s that supposed to mean?!"
A "Pô, o que cê tá insinuando com isso?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1288
translate pt_br lSortingThings_df838827:
# "The siblings chuckle lightly at my expense."
"Os irmãos começam a rir de leve às minhas custas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1290
translate pt_br lSortingThings_dfacf1e6:
# "The things I do for people{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Ah, as coisas que eu faço pelas pessoas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1293
translate pt_br lSortingThings_68257f01:
# "Once the laughter ends Fang looks at Naser."
"Assim que as risadas terminam, Fang olha para Naser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1300
translate pt_br lSortingThings_643900aa:
# F "Look, Naser, for all of Anon’s faults I do like him."
F "Olha, Naser, mesmo com todos os defeitos, eu gosto de verdade do Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1303
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f40b6f6c:
# F "Which is why I’d rather dad not arrest him and kill him."
F "Então eu prefiro que o Pai não prenda nem mate ele."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1306
translate pt_br lSortingThings_3fc5a0f2:
# F "I know I haven’t been a good{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sibling{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Eu sei que eu não tô fazendo um bom trabalho como{cps=*.1}...{/cps} irmane{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1308
translate pt_br lSortingThings_bd5c7623:
# F "But I’m begging you here."
F "Mas tô te implorando aqui."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1311
translate pt_br lSortingThings_51ace14b:
# Nas "I told you before, I won’t tell."
Nas "Eu já te falei, não vou contar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1313
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4f82e49b:
# Nas "Just be sure to come home later tonight."
Nas "Só vem pra casa hoje mais tarde."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1316
translate pt_br lSortingThings_46232b68:
# "Fang hisses and looks away."
"Fang rosna e olha para o outro lado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1320
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e420bd9e:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You ARE coming home tonight, right?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Você volta pra casa HOJE, né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1324
translate pt_br lSortingThings_6b100bed:
# F "{cps=*.2}Weeeeell{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.2}Entããããão{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1327
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d597b40b:
# A "What-"
A "Que-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1332
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5baa4cac:
# Nas "WHAT?!"
Nas "QUÊ?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1336
translate pt_br lSortingThings_291faab6:
# F "I need to stay to look after my idiot boyfriend."
F "Eu preciso ficar de olho no meu namorado idiota."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1339
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2d520031:
# A "{cps=*.6}I don’t need-{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
A "{cps=*.6}Eu não preci-{/cps}{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1344
translate pt_br lSortingThings_da7b76de:
# extend "{cps=*3}AIIIEEE!{/cps}"
extend "{cps=*3}AIIIEEE!{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1350
translate pt_br lSortingThings_580b3cef:
# "Fang withdraws her finger from the bruise on my chest."
"Fang tira o dedo do machucado no meu peito."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1353
translate pt_br lSortingThings_52cfea90:
# A "FUCK! God, again with the tests?"
A "PORRA! Caralho, de novo com esses testes?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1357
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4f0fd185:
# Nas "What am I supposed to tell dad then? Hell, what have you been telling him?"
Nas "O que é que eu falo pro pai então? Aliás, o que você andou falando pra ele?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1359
translate pt_br lSortingThings_bda735d2:
# F "That I’ve been staying at Naomi’s place for a group project."
F "Que eu tô ficando na casa da Naomi pra fazer um projeto em grupo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1364
translate pt_br lSortingThings_936c6697_3:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1366
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fbe5ab2e_2:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1369
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e3483ca3:
# F "Well I can’t say I’m staying at Trish or Reed’s place."
F "Eu não posso falar que tô na casa da Trish ou do Reed."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1373
translate pt_br lSortingThings_07caa7db:
# Nas "But Naomi?"
Nas "Pô, mas da Naomi?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1377
translate pt_br lSortingThings_80d1736b:
# F "If I told dad I was staying at Anon’s place in Skin Row what do you think would happen?"
F "Se eu falasse pro pai que tava na casa do Anon em Skin Row, o que tu acha que ia acontecer?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1380
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2dc354c3:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Okay, fair point."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tá, justo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1383
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d1d90243:
# A "Are you actually okay staying here though?"
A "Mas você tá de boa em ficar aqui?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1386
translate pt_br lSortingThings_33c9e206:
# "Fang shrugs and looks away."
"Fang dá de ombros e olha para o lado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1389
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c239b1e0:
# F "S’not bad. Just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} boring when I’m all alone."
F "Não é ruim. Só meio{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tedioso quando eu fico só."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1391
translate pt_br lSortingThings_8d8b1f24:
# F "And there’s not much to eat here."
F "E não tem muita coisa pra comer aqui."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1394
translate pt_br lSortingThings_022b6d61:
# A "Well let’s fix that last part then."
A "Bom, essa última parte a gente pode consertar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1397
translate pt_br lSortingThings_59326fbd:
# "I get a questioning look from Fang as I take one of the grocery bags from Naser."
"Recebo um olhar questionador de Fang enquanto pego uma das sacolas de compras com Naser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1400
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4e14fd79:
# "Her eyes instantly lock onto the hefty back of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets I take out."
"Os olhos dela instantaneamente grudam no grande pacote de nuggets de dinossauro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1403
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5cb56e09:
# A "You gonna stay for dinner Naser?"
A "Vai ficar pra jantar, Naser?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1406
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fbb4c4ac:
# Nas "{cps=*.6}I want to but-{/cps}{w=.7}{nw}"
Nas "{cps=*.6}Eu queria, mas-{/cps}{w=.7}{nw}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1422
translate pt_br lSortingThings_cab53ed4:
# "The loud blaring of a car alarm has Naser drop the rest of the bags onto the floor and rush out the door."
"O som de um alarme de carro faz Naser largar o resto das compras no chão e correr pela porta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1424
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4a6bb0b4:
# Nas "Shit! The NasCar!"
Nas "Eita porra, o NasCar!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1434
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0ddde4c6:
# A "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Guess he wasn’t wrong about the carjacking thing."
A "Hm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Acho que ele não tava errado sobre tentarem roubar o carro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1440
translate pt_br lSortingThings_1d4eb2b4:
# "I turn back to Fang."
"Me viro para Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1443
translate pt_br lSortingThings_8e0dc4c7:
# "Whose currently writing her name on the bag of tenders."
"Que está neste momento escrevendo o próprio nome no pacote de nuggets."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1446
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2dcecf6c:
# F "Mine."
F "É meu."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1451
translate pt_br lSortingThings_cc9156f0:
# A "Fang you can’t hog-"
A "Fang, você não pode peg-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1458
translate pt_br lSortingThings_96256232:
# F "*hiss*"
F "*rosna*"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1462
translate pt_br lSortingThings_3bc03ff3:
# A "Did you just hiss at me?!"
A "Cê acabou de rosnar pra mim?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1466
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2dcecf6c_1:
# F "Mine."
F "É meu."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1470
translate pt_br lSortingThings_3edf6849:
# "We ended up watching Top Spear until midnight while Fang hogged her bag of nuggies."
"No fim, assistimos Top Spear até meia-noite enquanto a Fang monopolizava o pacote de nuggets."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1479
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1488
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0a97bb7c:
# "I was ready for an uneventful day of school."
"Eu estava pronto pra mais um dia chato na escola."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1490
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c7e85142:
# "In fact I’d be extremely happy if it was."
"Na verdade, ficaria extremamente feliz se fosse só um dia chato."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1493
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e93d58f0:
# "This entire week has been the most dramatic in my life."
"Essa semana inteira foi a mais dramática da minha vida."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1495
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d7deef6b:
# "Even the walk to school was dramatic, with Fang escorting me as if she was Secret Service."
"Até a caminhada para a escola foi dramática, com a Fang me escoltando como se fosse do Serviço Secreto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1503
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d7a7a4fd:
# "In English I’m still trying to catch up with the rest of the class."
"Na aula de Português, ainda estou tentando alcançar o restante da classe."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1505
translate pt_br lSortingThings_644bef27:
# "In any other class I’d have been caught up, but Mr. Tsuki is an absolute slave driver."
"Se fosse qualquer outra aula eu já estaria no mesmo nível, mas o Sr. Tsuki é um escravagista."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1508
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e2812839:
# "My phone buzzes, and I try to tell myself it’s not worth getting distracted."
"Meu telefone vibra, e tento me convencer que não vale a pena me distrair agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1510
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5f22a247:
# "The next question is on Serif’s history, however, and I decide it’s not worth it."
"Mas a próxima questão é sobre a história das fontes serifadas e decido que isso não vale a pena."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1517
translate pt_br lSortingThings_dfb01d9f:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Ughh"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Ughh"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1519
translate pt_br lSortingThings_fb0be6bd:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Pleeeease tell me your morning is going better than mine"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Pooooor favooor me diz que sua manhã tá melhor que a minha"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1522
translate pt_br lSortingThings_00572e08:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} could be better, why?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} podia ser melhor, pq?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1525
translate pt_br lSortingThings_1350274b:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} I didnt even think of Trish"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Eu nem pensei na Trish"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1527
translate pt_br lSortingThings_74c4cdf4:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} She hasnt seen me in two days and is trying to bother me with band stuff"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Ela não me vê faz dois dias e já tá me enchendo com coisa da banda"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1530
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2ffe18bb:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Shes reeeaaaally not taking me taking a break well"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Ela reeeeealmente não tá levando numa boa meu tempo fora da banda"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1533
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ca7245e9:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} oh. you serious about quitting music and all that?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} ah, cê tava falando sério de largar a musica e tal?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1536
translate pt_br lSortingThings_84d9f40c:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} What :V"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Que :V"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1538
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b0d8cdd8:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Why would I quit music"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Pq eu largaria a musica"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1540
translate pt_br lSortingThings_c3d0c62d:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Just taking off from the band for a while"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Só tô dando um tempo da banda"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1543
translate pt_br lSortingThings_778ab3ec:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} ah."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} ah."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1546
translate pt_br lSortingThings_1dd84a4c:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Think Trish gets the memo now"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Mas acho que a Trish entendeu isso agora"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1548
translate pt_br lSortingThings_14442229:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Apparently cold shoulder works wonders on her :V"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Aparentemente ignorar funciona super bem nela :V"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1551
translate pt_br lSortingThings_1c508df3:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} you think that’ll work for long?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} vc acha que isso vai funcionar por muito tempo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1553
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d09c8b42:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} No lol"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} não kkkk"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1555
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b0421f37:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Will have to make distance at lunch"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Vou ter que me afastar no almoço"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1558
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4628c656:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} Lets eat on the roof or something"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Bora comer no telhado ou sei lá"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1560
translate pt_br lSortingThings_89892c3f:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} good idea"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} boa"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1563
translate pt_br lSortingThings_953fe328:
# "She doesn’t respond further so I turn my attention back to the assignment."
"Ela não responde mais, então volto minha atenção ao exercício."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1568
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ec84ff20:
# " ‘{i}Serif fonts can be broadly classified into one of four subgroups: old style, transitional, Didone and slab serif, in order of fir-{/i}-’ Nope."
" ‘{i}As fontes serifadas podem ser amplamente classificadas entre um dos quatro subgrupos: estilo antigo, serifa de transição, moderno e laje, na ordem de-{/i}’ Chega."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1570
translate pt_br lSortingThings_1fd50c73:
# "Nope, just writing a review of BIIC: A PostPaleo RPG here."
"Não, vou só escrever um review de BIIC: A PostPaleo RPG aqui."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1573
translate pt_br lSortingThings_8ecccb70:
# "(I passed the assignment.)"
"(Eu ganhei nota nessa tarefa.)"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1581
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5265cde7:
# "After a torturous science period where Fang poked my bruises whenever she got bored lunch came around."
"Depois de uma aula de ciências torturante onde a Fang ficou cutucando os meus machucados toda vez que ficava entediada, chegou a hora do almoço."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1583
translate pt_br lSortingThings_110b1e14:
# "Fang and I got plates of country fried steak and start heading up the stairs, chattering about possibly seeing a movie this weekend."
"Fang e eu pegamos pratos de bife frito e começamos a subir as escadas, conversando sobre a possibilidade de assistir um filme nesse fim de semana."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1595
translate pt_br lSortingThings_6922f0c7:
# F "-seemed like a Kong fan."
F "-fosse um fã de King Kong."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1598
translate pt_br lSortingThings_94dadc54:
# A "Did Naser say that?"
A "O Naser disse isso?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1600
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2dd2fbb8:
# F "Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps} But c’mon, it looked like it’d be a great movie."
F "Talvez{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Mas fala sério, parece um ótimo filme."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1603
translate pt_br lSortingThings_58ebfaa8:
# "Before I can retort I hear footsteps rushing in from behind."
"Antes que eu possa responder, ouço passos vindos de trás."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1613
translate pt_br lSortingThings_230fe157:
# T "Fang! I thought we’d be hanging out in the auditorium. Y’know, like usual?"
T "Fang! Achei que a gente ia ficar no auditório. Sabe, como sempre?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1622
translate pt_br lSortingThings_ab7dd452:
# "Fang doesn’t even bat an eye and continues up the steps."
"Fang nem olha e continua subindo as escadas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1632
translate pt_br lSortingThings_dbe1c36d:
# "Trish follows even as Fang starts taking the steps two at a time."
"Trish segue mesmo quando Fang sobe dois degraus por vez."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1634
translate pt_br lSortingThings_85807349:
# T "Fang! C’mon!"
T "Fang! Qual é!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1636
translate pt_br lSortingThings_114478b4:
# "If the door was still there I’m pretty sure Fang would’ve kicked it open."
"Se a porta ainda estivesse aqui, tenho certeza que Fang teria aberto ela com um chute."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1646
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b0dfaa8a:
# "Instead she quickly turns with a huff and starts to scale the ladder one-handed."
"Ao invés disso, ela rapidamente passa pela porta e começa a subir a escada com uma mão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1666
translate pt_br lSortingThings_3160ca51:
# "Before Trish can climb it I pull myself up the ladder awkwardly."
"Antes que Trish possa subir, passo na frente e subo a escada de forma desajeitada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1675
translate pt_br lSortingThings_8505cb60:
# "Each step up a rung I need to pause, the rough movements causing bouts of pain across my chest."
"Preciso dar uma pausa para cada degrau que subo. Os movimentos bruscos causam ondas de dor pelo meu peito."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1679
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4553e340:
# "Trish growls as I take my time climbing up. Halfway up I’m able to hand Fang my tray of food and scale the ladder at a slightly faster snail’s pace."
"Trish rosna enquanto levo meu tempo para subir. Na metade do caminho consigo entregar minha bandeja para Fang e subo o restante das escadas um pouco mais rápido do que uma lesma."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1682
translate pt_br lSortingThings_59130e6b:
# "Once I’m at the top I swing my legs onto the ladder, blocking Trish from climbing up too."
"Quando chego no topo, viro as pernas para a escada, impedindo a Trish de subir também."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1687
translate pt_br lSortingThings_48f1093d:
# T "Asshole! Let me talk with Fang!"
T "Seu babaca! Me deixa falar com Fang!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1690
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e4feae06:
# A "Know any theaters with easily accessible fire exits?"
A "Sabe de algum cinema com saídas de incêndio acessíveis?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1692
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b8001a1a:
# F "You kidding, of course I do."
F "Tá zoando? Claro que eu sei."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1694
translate pt_br lSortingThings_615d2b2b:
# A "Sweet, saves me some money."
A "Ótimo, me pouparia uma grana."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1699
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e7b605ee:
# T "Anon I swear to fuck!" with vpunch
T "Anon, eu juro que{cps=*.1}...{/cps}" with vpunch
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1705
translate pt_br lSortingThings_252034f5:
# T "Fang, please! Just say something!"
T "Fang, sério! Fala alguma coisa!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1707
translate pt_br lSortingThings_765edc72:
# "I can tell Fang is getting annoyed at Trish not taking the hint."
"Posso ver que Fang está ficando irritada por Trish não ter entendido o recado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1711
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7e1764e4:
# F "Trish, I just don’t want to see you right now, okay?"
F "Trish, eu só não tô afim de ver você agora, ok?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1717
translate pt_br lSortingThings_7edd23bb:
# T "But{cps=*.1}...{/cps} why?! I’m your best friend!"
T "Mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps} por quê?! Eu sou sua melhor amiga!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1720
translate pt_br lSortingThings_624ed285:
# F "I still need some time away after what you did."
F "Eu ainda preciso de um tempo depois da merda que você fez."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1722
translate pt_br lSortingThings_5447a7fc:
# T "What about Reed? What about VVURM DRAMA? We can’t perform with just the two of us!"
T "Mas e o Reed? E a VVURM DRAMA? A gente não pode tocar sem você!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1725
translate pt_br lSortingThings_976fa329:
# F "I think you should leave, Trish."
F "Acho que você devia sair daqui, Trish."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1730
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4515ad7c:
# T "I think you aren’t thinking straight!"
T "E eu acho que você não tá pensando direito!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1734
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0e6ef2b5:
# T "We {i}need{/i} you to come back to-"
T "A gente {i}precisa{/i} que você volte pra-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1737
translate pt_br lSortingThings_23f3a0d2:
# F "Trish."
F "Trish."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1740
translate pt_br lSortingThings_16e07868:
# "Her voice is a calm fury, cold and collected and bitter."
"Sua voz é uma mistura de fúria calma, fria, controlada e amarga."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1744
translate pt_br lSortingThings_9c89e496:
# F "I am trying to have lunch."
F "Eu estou tentando almoçar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1746
translate pt_br lSortingThings_defb034f:
# F "With my boyfriend."
F "Com o meu namorado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1748
translate pt_br lSortingThings_30911c02:
# F "That you just humiliated in front of everyone barely two days ago."
F "Que você fez o favor de humilhar na frente de todo mundo não faz nem dois dias direito."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1752
translate pt_br lSortingThings_08d892a1:
# F "I am perfectly capable of deciding for myself if I want to take a break."
F "Eu sou perfeitamente capaz de decidir por mim se quero ou não dar um tempo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1755
translate pt_br lSortingThings_4ebe7529:
# F "If and when I want to get back into the band, I will talk to you."
F "Se, e quando, eu quiser voltar pra banda, eu te aviso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1759
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e86ff048:
# F "For now, all you’re doing is pissing me off and ruining our lunch together."
F "Por enquanto, você só tá me irritando e atrapalhando o nosso almoço."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1762
translate pt_br lSortingThings_07ad9eb6:
# F "Leave."
F "Sai."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1766
translate pt_br lSortingThings_9adfebb2:
# "Trish’s jaw hangs open, a barely audible squeak of protest escaping her."
"A boca de Trish fica aberta, sendo possível ouvir um guincho de protesto escapando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1773
translate pt_br lSortingThings_89d5e1cf:
# "She wipes a tear away with her jacket sleeve and shimmies down the ladder."
"Ela seca uma lágrima com a manga do casaco e desce a escada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1776
translate pt_br lSortingThings_bab08819:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sorry."
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Desculpa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1787
translate pt_br lSortingThings_aba1153c:
# "Fang waits until her footsteps quiet before letting out a sigh."
"Fang espera até que não possa mais ouvir os passos dela antes de suspirar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1797
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b194884a:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}That hurt."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Isso doeu."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1807
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e5064811:
# "Fang’s hand finds mine and grasps it."
"A mão de Fang encontra a minha e a agarra."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1809
translate pt_br lSortingThings_6acdb1cd:
# "Her grip is feather light, and I can feel her shuddering breath as a shiver in her palm."
"É um aperto leve como uma pena, consigo sentir sua respiração trêmula, tal como sua mão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1811
translate pt_br lSortingThings_56d70da4:
# "I offer her silent reassurance, my fingers curling around her hand softly."
"Ofereço um silêncio reconfortante enquanto meus dedos se entrelaçam com os dela suavemente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1814
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2d4af9b9:
# F "Anon, do you think I fucked up?"
F "Anon, você acha que eu fiz merda?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1817
translate pt_br lSortingThings_55499733:
# "I consider for a moment."
"Penso por um instante."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1819
translate pt_br lSortingThings_d090e0e3:
# "While Trish did mess up, big time, she’s still Fang’s best friend."
"Embora a Trish tenha sacaneado, muito, ela ainda é a melhor amiga da Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1821
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f63f1713:
# "It wasn’t all malicious. Just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} misguided."
"Não foi totalmente por maldade. Só{cps=*.1}...{/cps} equivocado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1824
translate pt_br lSortingThings_0b427a65:
# "Maybe some time apart will help both Fang and Trish."
"Talvez um tempo longe fizesse bem tanto para Fang quanto para Trish."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1826
translate pt_br lSortingThings_e50903f7:
# "Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps} but y’know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Talvez{cps=*.1}...{/cps} mas sabe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1829
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b21b2d81:
# "I know you can hear this, though."
"Eu sei que você tá me ouvindo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1832
translate pt_br lSortingThings_354547a3:
# "Fang simply rolls her eyes."
"Fang simplesmente revira os olhos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1835
translate pt_br lSortingThings_b50a1e2c:
# F "Such a dweeb."
F "Um baita de um mané."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1837
translate pt_br lSortingThings_708f79bd:
# A "Yep."
A "Aham."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1840
translate pt_br lSortingThings_2d139501:
# "She held my hand the entirety of lunch."
"Ela segurou minha mão durante todo o almoço."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1842
translate pt_br lSortingThings_943c46da:
# "Which was nice."
"O que foi muito bom."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1851
translate pt_br lSortingThings_008d3a18:
# "But it made eating my mediocre steak fucking difficult."
"Mas dificultou um bocado comer esse bife medíocre."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1853
translate pt_br lSortingThings_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1862
translate pt_br lMendingThings_37ca4bda:
# A "It’s because I’m human, isn’t it."
A "É porque eu sou humano, não é?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1865
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0a404b70:
# Nas "{cps=*.75}Just picture the fucked up flipper ba-{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}"
Nas "{cps=*.75}Só imagina as coitadas das crian-{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1868
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4f2b540b:
# Nas "Hey! Anon this is serious!"
Nas "Ei! Isso aqui é coisa séria, Anon!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1871
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9d932ac5:
# "So much for brevity."
"Que maneira de ser direto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1876
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6ae7cd1a:
# Nas "I'm trying to not make this any worse than it already is --"
Nas "Eu tô tentando não tornar isso pior do que já é-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1879
translate pt_br lMendingThings_94eca142:
# Nas "Look man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Olha cara{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1881
translate pt_br lMendingThings_02337656:
# Nas "I was thinking only of myself, I wasn't being understanding and I just unloaded it all on you."
Nas "Eu só tava pensando em mim mesmo, não fui compreensivo e descontei tudo em você."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1884
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c9c11ca9:
# Nas "So no hard feelings?"
Nas "Então, sem ressentimentos?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1886
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ae886b94:
# Nas "If you and Fang like each other then that's not my problem, right? You're a nice guy, really."
Nas "Se você e a Fang se gostam, não é problema meu, certo? Você é um cara bacana, de verdade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1888
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6bc09a7b:
# Nas "If she’s happy then I'm happy, right?"
Nas "Se ela tá feliz, eu tô feliz, beleza?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1890
translate pt_br lMendingThings_17c21c65:
# Nas "I just want to know if she can forgive me for being harsh on you, I feel like it's one of those things she'd hate me for, right?"
Nas "Eu só queria saber se ela vai me perdoar por pegar pesado contigo. Eu acho que essa é uma das coisas pelas quais ela vai me odiar, sabe?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1892
translate pt_br lMendingThings_598c532d:
# "Naser’s smile could at best be called fragile."
"O sorriso do Naser só pode ser descrito como frágil."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1895
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7923e80c:
# A "I wouldn’t worry about it too much right now, she’s under a lot of pressure."
A "Eu não me preocuparia tanto com isso agora. Ela já tá lidando com muita coisa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1900
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f8ac117c:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Did something happen to her?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Aconteceu alguma coisa com ela?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1902
translate pt_br lMendingThings_83c5d87a:
# A "Because of the stunt Trish pulled she broke off with her and the band."
A "Por conta daquela babaquice que a Trish fez, ela se afastou da banda."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1904
translate pt_br lMendingThings_12c95636:
# A "Now she’s refusing to leave my place out of fear and stress."
A "Agora ela não quer sair da minha casa por conta do medo e estresse."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1906
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fbe5ab2e:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1908
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e713cb44:
# A "I’m honestly feeling out of my depth here, there’s really nothing I can do except be there for her."
A "Eu tô perdido com essa situação, então tudo o que eu posso fazer é estar lá por ela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1910
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fbe5ab2e_1:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1912
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fdecf1b1:
# A "You’re in a much better position to help her, you’re her brother and all."
A "Você tá em uma posição muito melhor pra ajudar ela, sendo irmão e tal."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1916
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3cac18e6:
# Nas "I-- I AM their brother, but uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "E– EU SOU irmão delu, mas ahn{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1919
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0139c0c5:
# A "Well?"
A "E aí?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1922
translate pt_br lMendingThings_426a20c5:
# Nas "It’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps} complicated. You know that. I suck at helping her."
Nas "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} complicado. Cê sabe disso. Eu sou péssimo em ajudar ela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1924
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7d6d696e:
# Nas "Remember earlier this year? That concert? She told me to kill myself and the next day Trish came lashing out at me."
Nas "Lembra daquele show um tempo atrás? Ela falou para eu me matar e no dia seguinte a Trish veio me encher o saco."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1926
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9e0e0974:
# Nas "Telling ME how my own sibling feels about me. How she'd be better off if I didn't exist."
Nas "Falando PRA MIM como minha própria irmane se sente a meu respeito. Como ela estaria melhor se eu não existisse."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1928
translate pt_br lMendingThings_20ecaa63:
# Nas "Now you’re here telling me she’s having a mental breakdown, which {i}I{/i} didn’t know."
Nas "Agora você tá aqui me falando que ela tá tendo uma crise da qual {i}eu{/i} não sabia."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1931
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ea48edd6:
# Nas "Hell, even Reed tells me how she’s doing sometimes."
Nas "Porra, até o Reed me fala como ela tá às vezes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1947
translate pt_br lMendingThings_274d39e9:
# Nas "Fucking hell, Anon, tell me: Why do I gotta hear about how Fang feels from Trish, Reed, and now YOU?"
Nas "Puta que pariu, Anon, me diz: Por que é que eu preciso saber como ela tá se sentindo através de pessoas como a Trish, o Reed e agora VOCÊ?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1949
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c6c4b118:
# Nas "What's so POISONOUS about me she can't tell me this shit \"THEMSELF\"?"
Nas "O que é que tem de TÃO RUIM em mim que ‘ELU MESME’ não pode me contar essas merdas?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1951
translate pt_br lMendingThings_691114b6:
# Nas "WHY do I aggravate \"THEM\" so much?"
Nas "POR QUE eu irrito tanto ‘ELU’?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1954
translate pt_br lMendingThings_58b2bd49:
# A "Dude!"
A "Mano!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1957
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c20bdc66:
# Nas "Shut up for a second, man. Oh God{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Cala a boca um pouco, cara. Ah céus{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1959
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ceebd24e:
# "I can only watch as Naser breaks down in front of me, hands on his head in emotional turmoil."
"Eu só consigo olhar enquanto o Naser desmorona na minha frente, suas mãos segurando a cabeça em um turbilhão emocional."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1974
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fbe5ab2e_2:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1976
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1d490481:
# Nas "What did I ever do to her{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
Nas "O que é que eu fiz pra ela{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1981
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fd307085:
# A "I-er{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Eu- ahm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1983
translate pt_br lMendingThings_65b6fdae:
# Nas "What, do you know?"
Nas "Pera, você sabe o motivo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1986
translate pt_br lMendingThings_15cbf8a5:
# A "I’m thinking the two of you might be in the same boat, actually."
A "Eu acho que vocês dois podem estar no mesmo barco, na verdade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1989
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b0db9b24:
# Nas "Wh-shut up."
Nas "Qu-não fala merda."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1991
translate pt_br lMendingThings_50962863:
# A "She told me a while back{cps=*.1}...{/cps} she does want to reconnect with you, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ela me contou um tempo atrás{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ela quer se reconectar com você, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1994
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b9d58d36:
# Nas "She’s afraid of me?"
Nas "Ela tem medo de mim?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1997
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2f97d5d3:
# A "Herself. She’s been beating herself up ever since that{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Thing that happened."
A "De si mesma. Ela fica se culpando desde que aconteceu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} aquilo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1999
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ae03b974:
# A "Still thinks you blame her."
A "Ela ainda acha que você culpa ela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2005
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0ed24f05:
# Nas "What thing?"
Nas "Aquilo o quê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2007
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c3560467:
# "I gesture to one of his scars."
"Eu aponto para uma de suas cicatrizes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2010
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d6fc6423:
# Nas "What?"
Nas "Quê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2012
translate pt_br lMendingThings_77206301:
# Nas "You're not serious, it's over THAT shit? From fucking YEARS ago?"
Nas "Cê não pode estar falando sério, é por causa DESSA merda? Essa porra que rolou ANOS atrás?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2015
translate pt_br lMendingThings_026d005d:
# A "She was in tears when she told me."
A "Ela tava chorando quando me contou isso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2018
translate pt_br lMendingThings_deb52dd7:
# Nas "Holy shit, shut up."
Nas "Puta merda cara, cala a boca."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2021
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1841387e:
# A "Why don't you ask her yourself?"
A "Por que você mesmo não pergunta pra ela?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2024
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3e9c7dd2:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2026
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fbe5ab2e_3:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2031
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4130aa6e:
# Nas "Why would it be about that? I was just a little retarded kid then. I didn't blame her for one second."
Nas "Não pode ser por causa daquilo. Eu era um molequinho retardado na época. Eu nunca culpei ela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2033
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4cbbfec0:
# Nas "Not for one second{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Nunca mesmo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2036
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a0284ab3:
# "He turns his head aside."
"Ele vira a cabeça para o lado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2039
translate pt_br lMendingThings_721ca507:
# Nas "You know what happened while I was at the hospital recovering?"
Nas "Sabe o que aconteceu quando eu tava me recuperando no hospital?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2042
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1cfe3492:
# Nas "She never showed up. I don't know why."
Nas "Ela nunca apareceu. Eu nunca entendi o motivo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2044
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e6935a82:
# Nas "Mom and Dad were always there with me but Fang never saw me in the hospital."
Nas "A Mãe e o Pai ficaram o tempo todo lá comigo, mas a Fang nunca foi me ver."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2047
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8e9e3273:
# Nas "I wanted to see her the most."
Nas "Ela era quem eu mais queria ver."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2051
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7b397266:
# Nas "I worriedly asked mom and dad every day where Fang was."
Nas "Eu fiquei preocupado e perguntava todo dia pra Mãe e pro Pai onde a Fang tava."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2059
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7d2ff81e:
# Nas "When I’d get restless, they had to keep telling me Fang was close by in the building, or at home, safe."
Nas "Quando eu ficava muito agitado eles tinham que continuar me falando que a Fang tava por perto, dentro do hospital, ou em casa, segura."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2062
translate pt_br lMendingThings_84fcc9ce:
# Nas "I didn't cry when I rolled down a cliff and broke every bone in my body, but every night when I was alone in that hospital room I cried like a baby thinking I had disappointed my sister by doing this to her."
Nas "Eu não chorei quando rolei morro abaixo quebrando todos os ossos do meu corpo, mas toda noite quando eu tava sozinho naquele hospital eu chorava que nem um bebê achando que eu tinha desapontado a minha irmã por ter feito isso com ela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2065
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5728615b:
# A "You think it's your fault?"
A "Você acha que a culpa é sua?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2068
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ba89a193:
# Nas "Yes! It’s all I do! It’s all I’ll ever do! Ruin my sister’s life!"
Nas "Sim! É isso o que eu faço! É tudo o que eu sempre fiz! Arruinar a vida da minha irmã!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2070
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fbe5ab2e_4:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2074
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fac45bf5:
# Nas "Man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Cara{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2076
translate pt_br lMendingThings_09964633:
# Nas "Where did it all go wrong?"
Nas "Quando foi que tudo começou a dar errado?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2079
translate pt_br lMendingThings_733ee882:
# Nas "Do you remember your life four, five years ago?"
Nas "Você lembra da sua vida há uns quatro, cinco anos atrás?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2081
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5297392b:
# A "Rather not."
A "Prefiro não lembrar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2083
translate pt_br lMendingThings_099d0f6f:
# Nas "Things were simpler then though."
Nas "As coisas eram tão mais simples."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2086
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7aa82e06:
# Nas "It was FINE. We hung out, we had movie nights, she'd bring her friends, we all got along."
Nas "Tava tudo BEM. A gente saía, fazia noites de filme, ela trazia os amigos em casa, todo mundo se dava bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2090
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7f00aafe:
# Nas "Somewhere in there, shit just changed. Everyone just started talking about herbivores, genders and other shit{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Mas em algum momento, tudo mudou. Todo mundo começou a falar sobre herbívoros, identidade de gênero e outras merdas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2092
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2f2a7284:
# Nas "I didn't think of fighting Fang for it, but then she changed her name, started this whole non-binary deal{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Eu não pensei em brigar com a Fang por isso, mas aí ela mudou o próprio nome, começou com toda essa parada de não-binário{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2094
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a21a71a0:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}the pronoun thing took a while to get used to, but I was happy for her at first, going along because I didn't want to step on her toes."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} levou um tempo pra me acostumar com esse negócio dos pronomes, mas de início eu fiquei feliz, fui na onda porque eu não queria pisar no calo dela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2097
translate pt_br lMendingThings_538632f6:
# Nas "I thought she'd be happier, but she only got more and more miserable and distant."
Nas "Achei que ela estaria contente, mas ela só ficou mais e mais infeliz e distante."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2099
translate pt_br lMendingThings_01f8599b:
# Nas "I'd try helping her and everything would just get more insufferable every time."
Nas "Eu tentava ajudar e tudo ia ficando cada vez mais insuportável."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2103
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9e73fc80:
# Nas "At some point Trish would just talk to me for her, and then {i}she{/i} became unbearable to talk to, too."
Nas "Em certo momento a Trish começou a falar comigo no lugar dela, e então falar com a Trish {i}também{/i} ficou insuportável."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2105
translate pt_br lMendingThings_dc3bdc05:
# A "Trish?"
A "A Trish?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2108
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bea0557d:
# Nas "Trish is not a bad girl, Anon. But goddamn if she didn't inculcate in Fang’s head ALL the wrong things."
Nas "Ela não é uma pessoa ruim, Anon. Mas putz, ela enfia TODAS as coisas erradas na cabeça da Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2111
translate pt_br lMendingThings_dc87ffa7:
# A "Well, Fang needs you now to start putting the right things in her head again."
A "Bom, a Fang precisa que você comece a colocar as coisas certas na cabeça dela de novo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2113
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fe780214:
# A "Please, help her."
A "Ajuda ela, por favor."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2122
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5f882ad5:
# Nas "Anon, go away. I want to be alone for a second."
Nas "Anon, vai embora. Eu quero ficar sozinho um pouco."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2125
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c9033dc8:
# A "What do I tell Fang when I get home?"
A "O que eu falo pra Fang quando chegar em casa?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2127
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a0896fad:
# Nas "JUST GO."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2130
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fda671da:
# "I sigh, taking one last look at Naser as he sat motionless in the barely lit auditorium."
"Eu suspiro, dando uma última olhada em Naser enquanto ele fica sentado sem se mexer no auditório mal iluminado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2138
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bc4440de:
# "Between Naser not being any help and my injuries, my walk home feels like agony."
"Entre a incapacidade do Naser de ajudar e os meus machucados, minha caminhada para casa foi agonizante."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2140
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2151
translate pt_br lMendingThings_23ac00cc:
# "My knee is back to not liking it when I bend it too much and I’m taking careful breaths again."
"Meu joelho voltou a não gostar quando eu dobro ele demais, e estou respirando com cuidado de novo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2154
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e1efe1fc:
# "He was still upset when I left{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Ele ainda estava chateado quando eu saí{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2156
translate pt_br lMendingThings_94cba933:
# "Man, I’m two for two now in terms of not being able to do anything."
"Cara, eu estou num empate de dois a dois em termos de não poder fazer nada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2158
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e44e6a9a:
# "What could I have done more{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
"O que mais eu poderia ter feito{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2161
translate pt_br lMendingThings_768c6d3e:
# "I still have enough strength to get home without any major problems."
"Ainda tenho forças para chegar em casa sem maiores problemas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2169
translate pt_br lMendingThings_97c06845:
# A "Fang? I’m here!"
A "Fang? Cheguei!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2172
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0bc02218:
# "My apartment door is locked{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"A porta está trancada{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2174
translate pt_br lMendingThings_af8543fe:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And I left my keys inside."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E eu deixei minhas chaves lá dentro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2176
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9fbd39b5:
# "Smooth."
"Que ótimo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2179
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a592dc37:
# "I bang my fist on the door."
"Bato na porta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2181
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7f7c8939:
# A "Fang? You in here?"
A "Fang? Você tá aí?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2184
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b8c13f2c:
# F "{size=-10}I’m changing, don’t come in!{/size}"
F "{size=-10}Tô me trocando, não entra!{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2186
translate pt_br lMendingThings_86d10fa4:
# A "Why?"
A "Por quê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2188
translate pt_br lMendingThings_aa8fbf8c:
# F "{size=-10}What do you mean why? I took a shower you dumbass.{/size}"
F "{size=-10}Como assim por quê? Eu tomei um banho, jumento.{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2190
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1ccd5b8b:
# A "But you wear the same things every day, what are you changing into?"
A "Mas você veste a mesma coisa todo dia, tá colocando o quê agora?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2193
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5ea98e1b:
# A "Wait, you’re not trying on my clothes again are you?"
A "Espera, cê não tá provando as minhas roupas de novo né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2196
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a792ebb9:
# "*BANG*"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2199
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ed98e11f:
# "Was that one of her boots?"
"Isso foi uma das botas dela?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2201
translate pt_br lMendingThings_59e0250b:
# "She seemed pretty cheery when she messaged me earlier, this isn't right."
"Ela parecia animada quando me mandou mensagem antes, alguma coisa tá errada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2204
translate pt_br lMendingThings_873054bb:
# A "Why can’t you change in the bathroom?"
A "Você não pode se trocar no banheiro?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2207
translate pt_br lMendingThings_77d65967:
# "No response."
"Sem resposta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2211
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d6b760bd:
# "I rustle the doorknob a bit before hearing it unlock from the other side."
"Mexo um pouco na maçaneta antes de ouvir ela se destrancar pelo outro lado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2213
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f8ca53ad:
# "As soon as I enter, Fang starts pressing her fingers on all the bruises I had."
"Assim que entro, Fang começa a pressionar os dedos em todos os meus machucados."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2224
translate pt_br lMendingThings_327c4801:
# "Worry is etched onto her face."
"Preocupação estampada no seu rosto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2226
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bb8c0c02:
# "She’s acting like I'm about to fall over, geez."
"Ela tá agindo como se eu fosse cair, eu hein."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2228
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2104fe5e:
# F "You ok?"
F "Cê tá bem?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2230
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2334325a:
# A "Whoa, calm down."
A "Ei, calma aí."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2232
translate pt_br lMendingThings_42afad94:
# "That's close enough."
"Foi perto o suficiente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2234
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3455faa1:
# A "I'm fine, don't worry about me."
A "Tô bem, não se preocupa comigo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2237
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7950f562:
# F "Good. I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I'm just a little tired. Think I’ll take a nap."
F "Beleza. Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} me cansei um pouco. Acho que vou tirar um cochilo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2243
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8bc67e88:
# "I dropped my things on the corner of the room, went to the kitchen to check the food{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Larguei minhas coisas no canto do quarto, fui para a cozinha dar uma olhada na comida e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2246
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fec0c0a3:
# A "Very funny."
A "Muito engraçado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2248
translate pt_br lMendingThings_329bbfcd:
# "Fang wasn’t joking about raiding the fridge."
"Fang não estava brincando sobre assaltar a geladeira."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2250
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ae6f26ea:
# "All the salami is gone."
"Todo o salame acabou."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2253
translate pt_br lMendingThings_990a117f:
# "It was good salami too."
"E era salame do bom."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2255
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1fc57c52:
# "Guess I need to go out for more."
"Acho que eu preciso sair pra comprar mais."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2266
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b9d7cbe3:
# "Back in the main room, Fang lies down on my bed."
"De volta ao quarto, Fang está deitada na minha cama."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2279
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8eca563a:
# A "Are you really that tired? I figured we could go buy groceries{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Você se cansou tanto assim? Tava pensando que a gente podia sair pra fazer umas compras{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2281
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cf337f6b:
# F "No{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Não{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2283
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d1396681:
# A "Fine, I'll just go by myself."
A "Beleza, eu vou sozinho então."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2285
translate pt_br lMendingThings_531cab8c:
# F "Nooooooo."
F "Nãããããão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2290
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d97b707a:
# A "Don’t worry, I won’t push myself. Only getting a few things."
A "Tudo bem, eu não vou exagerar. Só vou comprar algumas coisas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2292
translate pt_br lMendingThings_10042639:
# F "Anon, please!"
F "Anon, por favor!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2306
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7161f514:
# "She pulls me by my jacket so I’m sitting next to her on the bed."
"Ela me puxa pela jaqueta e logo em seguida estou sentado ao seu lado na cama."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2308
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2e702b7e:
# "Fang carefully hovers her hands over me, a very different attitude from when she was poking my ribs earlier."
"Fang cuidadosamente põe as mãos em volta de mim, uma atitude bem diferente de quando ela estava cutucando minhas costelas antes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2311
translate pt_br lMendingThings_97b95c5a:
# F "Is your arm still hurting? Don't fucking lie to me."
F "Seu braço ainda tá doendo? Não ouse mentir pra mim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2313
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f2f8ddcf:
# A "It doesn't hurt that much, only my other wrist{cps=*.1}...{/cps} and knee."
A "Não tá doendo tanto, só meu outro pulso{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e joelho."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2316
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cff8782c:
# F "Good."
F "Ótimo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2329
translate pt_br lMendingThings_71f8f976:
# "She lays her head on my arm, very carefully. It was fast becoming her preferred pillow here."
"Ela apoia a cabeça no meu braço, com muito cuidado. Esse estava se tornando seu travesseiro preferido."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2332
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6459fe16:
# "In any other situation I would find this cute but I totally lied to her and this hurts like crazy."
"Em qualquer outra situação eu acharia isso fofo, mas eu menti para ela e tá doendo um bocado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2334
translate pt_br lMendingThings_434feb22:
# "I'm almost willing to have another go at the stairs if that keeps her from touching me like this."
"Estou quase considerando tentar a sorte com as escadas de novo se isso impedir ela de continuar me tocando desse jeito."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2337
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7c64d1d5:
# F "You don't hate me, do you?"
F "Você não me odeia, né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2340
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ba5496bb:
# "That’s not what I was expecting."
"Eu não esperava por essa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2342
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0c41a6e7:
# A "What? Why would I ever hate you?"
A "O quê? Por que eu te odiaria?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2344
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f414ec9e:
# F "Because{cps=*.1}...{/cps} it's all my fault, right?"
F "Porque{cps=*.1}...{/cps} é tudo minha culpa, né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2346
translate pt_br lMendingThings_01597c9f:
# F "You didn't deserve all the shit me and the others gave you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Você não merecia ser tratado que nem lixo por mim e pelos outros{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2349
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5ef45872:
# F "Maybe we should just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} start over?"
F "Talvez a gente devesse{cps=*.1}...{/cps} começar de novo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2351
translate pt_br lMendingThings_59542652:
# A "Nah, I like what we have now."
A "Nah, eu gosto do que a gente tem agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2354
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bbe2a183:
# A "Maybe you do need some rest, Fang. I'll be back soon with the groceries."
A "Acho que você precisa descansar um pouco, Fang. Eu já volto com as compras."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2356
translate pt_br lMendingThings_759edc71:
# "I gently slide my arm out from her grip."
"Gentilmente me solto dela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2360
translate pt_br lMendingThings_06e4de6e:
# F "No! God damn it, can't you just stay still for one second? You can't leave me here alone!"
F "Não! Puta merda, não dá pra você ficar quieto por um minuto? Você não pode me deixar só!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2362
translate pt_br lMendingThings_be98d9d6:
# A "What? I'm just going for groceries, what’s going on?"
A "O quê? Eu só vou fazer compras, o quê que tá acontecendo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2364
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ba492385:
# F "I'm fine, I’m just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} fucking dizzy."
F "Eu tô bem, só{cps=*.1}...{/cps} com vertigem pra caralho."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2367
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b7ae30f7:
# A "What did you do?"
A "O que você fez?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2370
translate pt_br lMendingThings_28818e71:
# F "Don't leave, please{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Não vai, por favor{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2383
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a96ed132:
# "I hold her by the shoulders. They feel scruffy."
"Eu a seguro pelos ombros. Tem algo de errado com eles."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2389
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8e1a88eb:
# A "Fang, what happened?"
A "Fang, o que aconteceu?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2392
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5f3bf677:
# F "Don't leave me here all alone{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Não me deixa só{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2394
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2364b7fd:
# "I catch a speck of red on my hands as they brush against her wings."
"Vejo uma mancha vermelha nas minhas mãos quando passo elas por suas asas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2398
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0b4564ba:
# "Oh fuck."
"Que merda."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2400
translate pt_br lMendingThings_97ca382f:
# "Oh god damn it."
"Puta merda."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2402
translate pt_br lMendingThings_dc2327e5:
# "First Aid kit! I need the First Aid kit."
"Primeiros socorros! Eu preciso do kit de primeiros socorros."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2413
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2c488f7f:
# "Fang grips my arm tightly as I get up from the bed."
"Fang segura o meu braço com força enquanto me levanto da cama."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2415
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8741d65d:
# F "Anon wait!"
F "Anon, espera!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2429
translate pt_br lMendingThings_448d244a:
# "When I open the bathroom door a wave of humidity from the shower washes over me."
"Quando abro a porta do banheiro, uma onda de umidade vinda do chuveiro me atinge."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2432
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0af582e6:
# "A smear of blood on the shower stall wall."
"Há uma mancha de sangue na parede do box."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2434
translate pt_br lMendingThings_30d6f615:
# "A feather behind the toilet."
"Tem uma pena atrás do vaso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2436
translate pt_br lMendingThings_96f81146:
# "Another stuck to the seat."
"Outra presa no assento."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2438
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4e1cea66:
# "At least three in the bowl, one of them still has blood in it."
"Pelo menos três na pia, uma delas ainda com sangue."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2441
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fe8912f1:
# A "Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
A "Fang{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2443
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e44f0aa0:
# "She huddles against the corner of my bed away from me."
"Ela se encolhe no canto da cama, se distanciando de mim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2445
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bd9e1920:
# "Now that I look at it, her wings do seem slightly thinner."
"Prestando mais atenção agora, as asas dela parecem um pouco mais finas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2447
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5102eeac:
# A "You were preening again?"
A "Você tava se depenando de novo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2450
translate pt_br lMendingThings_67d41e29:
# "She hesitates for a moment before nodding."
"Ela hesita por um instante antes de confirmar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2452
translate pt_br lMendingThings_746e5096:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Yes."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tava."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2455
translate pt_br lMendingThings_86947902:
# F "I couldn’t stop doing it{cps=*.1}...{/cps} it got really bad, there was blood everywhere."
F "Eu não consegui parar{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ficou bem feio, tinha sangue por todo lado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2457
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e86c2e18:
# F "I spent all day cleaning it up."
F "Passei o dia inteiro limpando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2459
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a15fffdc:
# "She looks like she’s on the verge of tears."
"Ela parece estar à beira de lágrimas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2462
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2c1b407f:
# "I don't know what to do."
"Eu não sei o que fazer."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2464
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9cd49344:
# A "God fucking damn it."
A "Puta que pariu."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2466
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3624276a:
# F "Fuck. Fuck shit."
F "Que merda, essa porra."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2469
translate pt_br lMendingThings_052b3cd7:
# A "{i}Fuck{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Caralho{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2475
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2478
translate pt_br lMendingThings_31736249:
# "I make us both some microwave dino nuggets and we silently eat on the floor."
"Esquento uns nuggets de dinossauro para nós no microondas e comemos em silêncio no chão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2480
translate pt_br lMendingThings_485d53f9:
# "Groceries will have to wait for now."
"As compras vão ter que esperar por enquanto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2493
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3fdcb4f7:
# A "You think you’ll be able to go to school tomorrow?"
A "Acha que consegue ir pra a escola amanhã?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2496
translate pt_br lMendingThings_601c6f2b:
# F "{size=-5}Nooo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}"
F "{size=-5}Nãããão{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2498
translate pt_br lMendingThings_88d86cb9:
# A "But you’ll fall behind in class."
A "Mas você vai ficar pra trás nas aulas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2501
translate pt_br lMendingThings_af013100:
# F "I’ll drop out."
F "Eu largo os estudos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2503
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ed321d69:
# A "Come on, Fang."
A "Sério, Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2505
translate pt_br lMendingThings_61b9c351:
# F "I don’t want to see anyone right now{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Eu não quero ver ninguém agora{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2508
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b641d892:
# A "What about Naser? I talked to him earlier and-"
A "E o Naser? Falei com ele mais cedo hoje e-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2511
translate pt_br lMendingThings_09405050:
# F "Fuck him."
F "Ele que se foda."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2514
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e9e50211:
# A "He can help you{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ele pode te ajudar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2516
translate pt_br lMendingThings_30e18d3e:
# F "He can go die."
F "Ele pode se matar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2519
translate pt_br lMendingThings_927a4bfd:
# A "Fang, this isn’t healthy. I can’t help you through this alone."
A "Fang, isso não faz bem. Eu não posso te ajudar sozinho."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2522
translate pt_br lMendingThings_afdf1778:
# F "But you're good at it!"
F "Mas você é bom nisso!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2524
translate pt_br lMendingThings_34a08f8a:
# A "Then take my advice, tomorrow we go to school, you sort this out with him."
A "Então me escuta, amanhã a gente vai pra escola e você resolve isso com ele."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2526
translate pt_br lMendingThings_67d5b59e:
# F "Why not just get him to come here today?"
F "Por que você não chama ele pra vir aqui hoje?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2528
translate pt_br lMendingThings_714e4cf8:
# A "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} don’t think he’ll come to Skin Row."
A "Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} não acho que ele viria pra Skin Row."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2531
translate pt_br lMendingThings_35d887c6:
# A "Why are you so against this? It’s Naser. Naser!"
A "Por que você é tão contra isso? É só o Naser. O Naser!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2535
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b4dc727e:
# "Fang’s head falls and she let’s out a shuddering sigh."
"A cabeça da Fang cai e ela solta um suspiro estremecido."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2537
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5c8d34e1:
# F "It’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "É a{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2539
translate pt_br lMendingThings_786afc16:
# F "Trish will probably be there."
F "A Trish provavelmente vai estar lá."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2542
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5832f5da:
# F "I blocked her number{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Eu bloqueei o celular dela{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2544
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6fe3ba25:
# F "She kept messaging me."
F "Ela não parava de me mandar mensagem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2546
translate pt_br lMendingThings_47636e77:
# "Shit. I forgot about her."
"Merda, esqueci dela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2548
translate pt_br lMendingThings_37397bb3:
# "And if she’s been messaging Fang all day{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"E se ela passou o dia inteiro mandando mensagem pra Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2551
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ebcaf040:
# "Trish’s last plan humiliated me in front of the entire school body."
"O último plano da Trish me humilhou na frente da escola inteira."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2553
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ffc81064:
# "And all because I hung out with Fang."
"E tudo isso porque eu passei a andar com a Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2555
translate pt_br lMendingThings_03fb6532:
# "The fuck would she pull just to talk to Fang."
"Que merda ela deve ter feito pra conseguir falar com a Fang?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2557
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b30ca7eb:
# A "Okay, yeah, Trish. Fucking Trish."
A "Tá, beleza, a Trish. Filha da puta da Trish."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2559
translate pt_br lMendingThings_afe1e434:
# A "Well. What about your parents? Have you even told them you’re here?"
A "Bom, e os seus pais? Você pelo menos falou pra eles que tá aqui agora?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2562
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7d50045d:
# F "No fucking duh. Dad’s mad. Big shocker there."
F "Nem fodendo. O pai tá puto. Grande surpresa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2564
translate pt_br lMendingThings_986a23cf:
# A "And your mom?"
A "E a sua mãe?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2566
translate pt_br lMendingThings_883de05f:
# F "I don’t know."
F "Eu não sei."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2568
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d3d305dc:
# A "Maybe she can help then."
A "Talvez ela possa ajudar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2571
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d39a75d6:
# F "Fine, fine. I’ll text her. But I’m not going tomorrow."
F "Tá bom, beleza. Eu vou mandar uma mensagem pra ela. Mas ainda não vou pra escola amanhã."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2573
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9d79e5db:
# A "Okay."
A "Ok."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2575
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e469eaaf:
# "Morosely she withdraws her phone from her pocket."
"Ela tira o telefone do bolso com tristeza."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2577
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0bdf6e70:
# "Her fingers tap rapidly at the screen."
"Seus dedos digitam rapidamente na tela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2581
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b1003b41:
# "What feels like an eternity of her writing, erasing, and rewriting a text message ends when she looks at me with eyes filled with worry."
"O que parece uma eternidade entre ela escrevendo, apagando e reescrevendo uma mensagem de texto termina quando ela olha para mim com preocupação no rosto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2585
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ab623540:
# "I shuffle close to her, arm carefully wrapping over her shoulder."
"Chego mais perto dela, cuidadosamente passando um braço pelo seu ombro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2587
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b556a3c6:
# "Fang thumbs the send button and sighs."
"Fang aperta o botão de enviar e suspira."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2590
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0753f531:
# F "There, happy?"
F "Pronto, feliz?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2592
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4e7d60d8:
# A "Tired actually. So uh, movie may-"
A "Cansado, na verdade. Então, ahn, um filme tal-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2595
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0d93d584:
# F "I just want to sleep, Anon."
F "Eu só quero dormir, Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2598
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5684fb5b:
# "Sleep sounds good."
"Dormir me soa bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2609
translate pt_br lMendingThings_83e63094:
# "Fang gets up first before needlessly helping me up."
"Fang se levanta primeiro, antes de me ajudar sem necessidade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2611
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a0a9cf8f:
# "I consider the option of changing to pajamas but I don’t think Fang would be impressed with my Master Grug onesie."
"Penso na opção de vestir meus pijamas, mas não acho que a Fang ficaria impressionada com o meu macacão do Master Grug."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2614
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fc2cb993:
# "Fang slips into my bed first, her wings carefully laid behind her."
"Fang deita na cama antes, suas asas cuidadosamente postas atrás dela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2621
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2503d5e0:
# "I climb in to the space she left for me."
"Subo logo após e me deito no espaço que ela deixou para mim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2623
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e7d09d83:
# "Which she’s quick to invade."
"O qual ela invade em seguida."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2626
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8d316a67:
# "Her head settles on my shoulder and her wings once again act as a shared blanket."
"Ela põe a cabeça no meu ombro e suas asas mais uma vez atuam como um cobertor compartilhado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2629
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a05a2b96:
# F "Night Anon."
F "Boa noite, Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2632
translate pt_br lMendingThings_67c3a5f5:
# A "Night Fang."
A "Boa noite, Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2635
translate pt_br lMendingThings_19b371ab:
# "That night, laying together with Fang, I dreamt of us escaping all of our problems."
"Naquela noite, deitado com Fang, sonhei sobre nós escapando de todos os nossos problemas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2637
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d6059d69:
# "If only."
"Quem dera."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2646
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2654
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d1917af6:
# "Fang refused to leave again this morning."
"Fang se recusou a sair novamente nesta manhã."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2656
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a3b9eb7c:
# "I originally told her I’d have to stay as well since I didn’t want to risk her hurting herself again."
"De início falei para ela que eu tinha que ficar também, já que não queria correr o risco de deixar ela se machucar de novo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2658
translate pt_br lMendingThings_eb44231f:
# "She ended up swearing on her guitar she won’t hurt herself again."
"Ela acabou jurando pela própria guitarra que não faria isso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2661
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0abfb36e:
# "I’ll need to pick up her assignments for today as well."
"Também vou precisar pegar os deveres dela hoje."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2664
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f48f040f:
# "How did things end up like this?"
"Como foi que as coisas ficaram assim?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2666
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5cd73da5:
# "I can’t do anything about Fang on my own, and Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Eu não consigo fazer nada pela Fang sozinho, e o Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2668
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0331b0b5:
# "Isn’t interested in helping, to say the least."
"Não tá interessado em ajudar, pra dizer o mínimo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2679
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a8cbf218:
# St "-you see Fang’s brother beat on Anon yesterday?"
St "-você viu o irmão da Fang bater no Anon ontem?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2681
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8bc39590:
# St "He’s the star of the school, right?"
St "Ele é a estrela da escola, não é?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2683
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ba5c061a:
# Ro "I’ve heard Fang has eloped with An-on, she was not at school yesterday."
Ro "Eu ouvi falarem que a Fang fugiu com o Anón. Ela não tava na escola ontem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2686
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1e30e267:
# St "If that’s the case he’s changed his mind already. Hey, Anon!"
St "Se foi o caso ele já mudou de ideia. Ei, Anon!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2688
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bc04bbcd:
# "I hadn’t noticed the two on the steps ahead of me."
"Nem reparei nas duas conversando nas escadas à minha frente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2690
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d9faf285:
# "But Rosa noticed me, judging by her waving hand and overly cheerful smile."
"Mas a Rosa me viu, a julgar pelo aceno de mão e um sorriso bem animado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2700
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4fd9f4b0:
# "I’m not in a great mood today, but I should still say hi."
"Não estou no melhor dos humores hoje, mas ainda deveria dizer oi."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2702
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d76300d3:
# A "Good morning, Stella. Morning, Rosa."
A "Bom dia, Stella. Bom dia, Rosa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2707
translate pt_br lMendingThings_37509930:
# "Really don’t want to put up with Stella’s overly positive attitude today."
"Realmente não tô afim de lidar com a atitude super positiva da Stella hoje."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2723
translate pt_br lMendingThings_41386251:
# Ro "Oh, An-on, you do not look so happy. Why?"
Ro "Oh, Anón, você não parece muito feliz. O que aconteceu?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2726
translate pt_br lMendingThings_490990e2:
# St "Indeed, a dark haze hangs heavy over your heart."
St "De fato, uma névoa escura pesa sobre o seu coração."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2729
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b9bb0083:
# "Rosa and I give the green stegosaur a flat look."
"Rosa e eu encaramos a estegossauro verde."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2731
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e9c76f81:
# A "Don’t worry about it, just dealing with some heavy stuff right now."
A "Não se preocupa com isso, só tô lidando com umas paradas pesadas agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2734
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d44e89ca:
# Ro "Oh dear."
Ro "Ô, meu querido."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2737
translate pt_br lMendingThings_045064b1:
# St "Did you finish a good series and feel that post-finale depression?"
St "Assistiu alguma série boa e tá sentindo aquela depressão depois que acaba?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2740
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a5334b28:
# A "What? No."
A "Quê? Não."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2743
translate pt_br lMendingThings_003a8bc5:
# St "Was it because that one pervy anime got canceled? I wouldn’t have pegged you as a fan of that kind of stuff."
St "Foi por causa daquele anime ecchi que foi cancelado? Eu não achei que você gostasse desse tipo de coisa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2746
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b8bdeb4a:
# A "No Stella, it’s not that."
A "Não, Stella, não é isso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2749
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8104e5ca:
# St "Oh! Is it money related? Do you need money to get Fang a proper ring?"
St "Ah! Tem a ver com dinheiro? Precisa de grana pra comprar um anel de verdade pra Fang?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2753
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7c2bc0fb:
# A "What?! Why would I need to get Fang a ring?!"
A "Quê?! Por que eu compraria um anel pra Fang?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2755
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bb3d64d9:
# St "Well I heard from a guy who heard from Mr. Carldewskii who heard from-"
St "Então, eu ouvi de um cara que ouviu do Sr. Carldewskii que ouviu do-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2757
translate pt_br lMendingThings_800f4e37:
# A "Get to the point Stella."
A "Vai direto ao ponto, Stella."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2760
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7625c63c:
# St "I heard that you and Fang are getting married."
St "Eu fiquei sabendo que você e a Fang vão se casar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2769
translate pt_br lMendingThings_27a20144:
# A "W-w-w-w-"
A "Q-q-q-q-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2772
translate pt_br lMendingThings_28f5e67c:
# St "I wish you both a happy marriage!"
St "Eu desejo um casamento muito feliz pra vocês!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2774
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0f255f8b:
# St "Come on, I’ll give you a reading here!"
St "Vem cá, vou te dar uma leitura!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2777
translate pt_br lMendingThings_964bb672:
# St "I can tell you how your future life together will be!"
St "Eu posso dizer como vai ser a vida de vocês juntos no futuro!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2779
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f85dffef:
# St "Let me get my cards out-"
St "Deixa eu só pegar minhas cartas-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2782
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e5042600:
# A "Stella! I’m not feeling it right now, maybe later, okay?"
A "Stella! Eu realmente não tô muito afim agora, talvez depois, tá?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2785
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0c89b04b:
# St "You shouldn’t go about your day without this sort of knowledge, it can really help show your path forward!"
St "Você não devia passar o dia sem esse tipo de conhecimento, isso pode realmente te ajudar a encontrar o seu caminho!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2788
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c6ba2010:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2790
translate pt_br lMendingThings_43557b48:
# A "Please, just leave me alone!"
A "Por favor, só me deixa em paz!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2799
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f4c74a83:
# "Guilt hits me immediately when I see her shirk back."
"A culpa me atinge imediatamente quando vejo ela se encolher."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2802
translate pt_br lMendingThings_aa50e444:
# Ro "Ay dios mio! An-on! What is the matter with you?!"
Ro "Ay dios mio! Anón! Qual é o seu problema?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2804
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8c513d76:
# Ro "You are acting just horrible today!"
Ro "Você tá sendo uma pessoa horrível hoje!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2807
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f26cac5b:
# A "Sorry, Stella. Just… Don’t worry about it."
A "Desculpa, Stella. Só{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Não se preocupa com isso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2812
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1937f72a:
# Ro "Please tell us, what has you down?"
Ro "Fala pra gente, o que tá te incomodando?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2814
translate pt_br lMendingThings_51c02f2e:
# A "Just Fang stuff. You know she hasn’t been showing to school lately."
A "Só umas coisas com a Fang. Vocês sabem que ela não tem vindo pra escola ultimamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2816
translate pt_br lMendingThings_61dd9aa8:
# A "She’s actually been refusing to leave my apartment."
A "Na verdade ela se recusa a sair do meu apartamento."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2819
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c2b650e6:
# St "You mean like-"
St "Você fala tipo-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2822
translate pt_br lMendingThings_986501cb:
# Ro "Now is not the time, Stella."
Ro "Agora não é hora, Stella."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2827
translate pt_br lMendingThings_35651526:
# Ro "Is it really that bad?"
Ro "Tá tão feio assim?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2829
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6b424412:
# A "She... hasn’t been taking recent events well."
A "Ela{cps=*.1}...{/cps} não tá lidando muito bem com as coisas que aconteceram recentemente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2832
translate pt_br lMendingThings_63d02cd2:
# "That’s one way to put it."
"É uma forma de dizer isso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2835
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8fb0a3b1:
# Ro "I do hate to see friends in trouble, I know Fang is a good girl at heart."
Ro "Eu odeio ver amigos com dificuldade, sei que a Fang é uma garota de coração bom."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2838
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ba0a6b0d:
# Ro "Please, if there is anything we can do, Stella and I will try to be there."
Ro "Stella e eu vamos tentar ajudar, então por favor avise se tiver alguma coisa que possamos fazer."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2845
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c2a611af:
# "Rosa takes a piece of paper from her bag and hands it to me."
"Rosa tira um papel da mochila e me entrega."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2848
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8c68eb61:
# Ro "My number, An-on. If you do need it."
Ro "Meu telefone, Anón. Se você precisar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2855
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6a100e33:
# A "Thanks, Rosa. I’ll think about it."
A "Valeu, Rosa. Vou pensar nisso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2859
translate pt_br lMendingThings_167c1981:
# St "Do{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you want a reading now?"
St "Você{cps=*.1}...{/cps} quer uma leitura agora?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2863
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2d25a6da:
# "The school bells interrupt."
"O sinal da escola interrompe o assunto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2865
translate pt_br lMendingThings_456e6198:
# A "Sorry, Stella. Some other time."
A "Desculpa, Stella. Talvez outra hora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2868
translate pt_br lMendingThings_26db1147:
# St "Awww."
St "Awww."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2877
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e91db2ff:
# "We all enter the school and split off to our homerooms."
"Entramos na escola e nos separamos para nossas primeiras aulas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2879
translate pt_br lMendingThings_59874172:
# "In class it feels just like the beginning of the year."
"Nas aulas me sinto como no começo do ano."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2881
translate pt_br lMendingThings_dd938abf:
# "All alone."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2884
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5e8e30ca:
# "Naomi’s apparently busy with yearbook stuff."
"Naomi aparentemente está ocupada com alguma coisa referente ao anuário."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2886
translate pt_br lMendingThings_432b0dc5:
# "Trish and Reed have been ditching math."
"Trish e Reed estão matando a aula de matemática."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2889
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3a5736cd:
# "Not that I care honestly. I just want to get home and make sure Fang is okay."
"Não que eu me importe, sinceramente. Só quero chegar logo em casa e me certificar de que Fang está bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2898
translate pt_br lMendingThings_46d002dc:
# "Time passes so quickly that it’s lunch now and I already have my tray."
"O tempo passa tão rápido que já é hora do almoço, e estou com minha bandeja em mãos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2900
translate pt_br lMendingThings_60c9bf1c:
# "I didn’t even realize I was walking up the stairs to the rooftop."
"Nem reparei que estava subindo as escadas para o telhado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2914
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1407f649:
# "My stupor is broken by the sight of Trish and Reed."
"Meu estupor é quebrado quando vejo Trish e Reed."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2916
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b7a369d0:
# "Worry is etched in both their faces as they approach me."
"Preocupação estampada no rosto dos dois enquanto eles se aproximam de mim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2918
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3cfd6946:
# "Worry that I do not want to be involved in at all."
"Pena que eu realmente não quero me envolver nisso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2929
translate pt_br lMendingThings_41535e4b:
# "My feet carry me up the stairs quickly, and away from the two band members."
"Meus pés me levam escada acima rapidamente, e para longe dos dois integrantes da banda."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2942
translate pt_br lMendingThings_358c9506:
# "I pass through the broken threshold to the roof and manage to climb the ladder one-handed to the top of the stair enclosure."
"Passo pela porta quebrada do telhado e subo a escada com uma mão, até o topo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2947
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4b719452:
# Re "{size=-5}-Doesn’t want to talk to us. See?{/size}"
Re "{size=-5}-Não quer falar com a gente, tá vendo?{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2949
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d6472a75:
# T "{size=-5}Damn it, where’d that skinnie go!{/size}"
T "{size=-5}Que merda, pra onde o pelanca foi?{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2952
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d046dc08:
# Re "{size=-5}Trish c’mon. You’re actin’ crazy.{/size}"
Re "{size=-5}Trish, sério. Cê tá agindo como uma maluca.{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2954
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ab81c5e9:
# T "{size=-5}It’s his fault Reed! If we can just get him to talk to Fang for us-{/size}"
T "{size=-5}É culpa dele, Reed! Se a gente conseguir que ele fale com Fang por nós-{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2956
translate pt_br lMendingThings_aa92b039:
# Re "{size=-5}She doe-{/size}"
Re "{size=-5}Ela po-{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2959
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c3c2f860:
# T "It’s THEY damn it!" with vpunch
T "É ELU, porra!" with vpunch
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2962
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ee3e5810:
# "I hear a defeated sigh and retreating footsteps."
"Ouço um suspiro derrotado e passos se distanciando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2966
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cce39334:
# "I feel like Neo after dodging that."
"Me sinto como o Neo depois de desviar dessa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2968
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9e1ff2f5:
# "Maybe Fang had the right idea about not coming back to school."
"Talvez a Fang estivesse certa em não voltar para a escola."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2970
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b93501df:
# "Who needs it, anyway?"
"Quem é que precisa disso, afinal?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2974
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a80717c3:
# "Ugh, no, focus Anon."
"Aff, não, foco, Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2976
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e1ca2c71:
# "I hunker down on the rooftop and silently eat my meal."
"Me sento no telhado e almoço em silêncio."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2979
translate pt_br lMendingThings_321148fe:
# "Just need to focus on Fang right now."
"Só preciso me concentrar na Fang agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2988
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b7f02b73:
# "For the rest of the day I’m constantly on the lookout to avoid Trish."
"Pelo restante do dia estou constantemente alerta para evitar a Trish."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2990
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2ab3aa5a:
# "I want no part in whatever she’s looking for me for."
"Eu não quero ter que lidar com isso, não importa o que ela queira comigo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2993
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2716fce5:
# "Thankfully I reach the end of the day with no more triceratops-shaped incidents and hurry my way back home."
"Felizmente consigo chegar ao fim do dia sem nenhum incidente em forma de tricerátopo, e começo a fazer o meu caminho para casa rapidamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2995
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d0306e29:
# "Once I’m free from being intercepted on the school campus, my mind starts to wander back to my conversation this morning."
"Quando me vejo livre do campus escolar, minha mente volta à conversa de hoje de manhã."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2997
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4c2280c0:
# "Rosa and Stella seemed pretty willing to help Fang and Naser."
"Rosa e Stella pareceram bem dispostas a ajudar Fang e o Naser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2999
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d9ff7bf5:
# "But do either of them really understand what’s actually going on? It’s not like this is just some dumb argument."
"Mas será que alguma delas entende o que está acontecendo de verdade? Não é como se isso fosse só uma discussão por besteira."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3001
translate pt_br lMendingThings_50117a9f:
# "I’m not really sure what either of them could do to help, either."
"Também não tenho tanta certeza do que elas podem fazer para ajudar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3004
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d683c40a:
# "Rosa would just pull something out of the Bible to read, and Stella…"
"Rosa provavelmente só leria alguma passagem da Bíblia, e a Stella{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3006
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1701ee08:
# "Stella would show them some anime about friendship or something."
"A Stella mostraria algum anime sobre amizade ou qualquer coisa assim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3009
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fd3ffc18:
# "I guess it couldn’t hurt to talk to them though, right? At the very least they could point me in the right direction."
"Acho que não faria mal conversar com elas, né? Pelo menos elas poderiam me dar alguma dica para fazer a coisa certa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3018
translate pt_br lMendingThings_95f46616:
# "Before long I reach my apartment building, once again lost in my thoughts around Fang."
"Em pouco tempo chego no meu prédio, mais uma vez perdido em meus pensamentos sobre Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3020
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ed0c2931:
# "At least I remembered my key this time."
"Pelo menos lembrei de trazer minhas chaves dessa vez."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3032
translate pt_br lMendingThings_14a4f451:
# "Things seem normal enough when I enter."
"As coisas parecem normais o suficiente quando eu entro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3034
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a20f416d:
# "Fang is resting in my bed, her chest rising and falling."
"Fang está descansando na minha cama, seu peito subindo e descendo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3037
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bdcfc00a:
# "A quick look in the bathroom shows no gore splattered on the walls."
"Uma olhada rápida no banheiro não mostra sinais de sangue espalhado pelas paredes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3039
translate pt_br lMendingThings_82cfd4d3:
# "Still, I should check on Fang myself."
"Mas ainda assim, é melhor checar a Fang eu mesmo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3057
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0454d3b7:
# "A closer inspection makes my heart drop like a rock."
"Uma olhada de perto faz meu coração pesar como uma pedra."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3059
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a1619458:
# "Dozens of feathers are strewn about the bedsheets, most of them under Fang."
"Dezenas de penas estão espalhadas pelos lençóis, a maioria delas debaixo de Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3061
translate pt_br lMendingThings_887a65a6:
# "I bite back a scream of frustration."
"Engulo um grito de frustração."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3064
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cd4f9d74:
# "They’re everywhere{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Elas estão por todo lado{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3066
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3dcdc0f0:
# "Fang’s wings are folded behind her, but I can’t see the damage at all."
"As asas de Fang estão dobradas atrás dela, mas não consigo ver nenhum dano."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3072
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f2b4a10b:
# "I gently lift one to try to see where she hurt herself."
"Gentilmente levanto uma para tentar ver onde ela se machucou."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3074
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5204976a:
# F "{cps=*.25}Mmmng{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.25}Mmmng{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3082
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6bdbaa91:
# F "Anon?!"
F "Anon?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3084
translate pt_br lMendingThings_920b39be:
# "She sits up with a jolt, a dozen feathers sticking to her side."
"Ela se senta rapidamente, uma dúzia de penas grudadas no lado do corpo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3086
translate pt_br lMendingThings_28d6b79e:
# F "Oh, shh-"
F "Ah, mmme-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3090
translate pt_br lMendingThings_33cde2fb:
# "She quickly sweeps the feathers off of her and into a pile behind her."
"Ela rapidamente pega as penas e coloca em uma pilha atrás de si."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3092
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ec9ac617:
# F "Y-you’re home!"
F "V-você tá em casa!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3095
translate pt_br lMendingThings_19d87983:
# A "Fang, why?"
A "Fang, por quê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3097
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7091af15:
# A "You swore this morning you wouldn’t start again!"
A "Você me prometeu hoje de manhã que não ia mais fazer isso!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3099
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4e2c71cc:
# F "Th-these aren’t mine! Look!"
F "E-essas não são minhas! Olha!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3101
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1bcafc59:
# "Fang stretches her wings out. Sure enough, there’s no fresh blood on them."
"Fang estira as asas. De fato, não tem sangue fresco nelas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3105
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6b8c492c:
# A "Then what{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
A "Então{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3107
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4bc41059:
# "My gaze shifts to my pillow."
"Meu olhar vai para meu travesseiro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3110
translate pt_br lMendingThings_836e654c:
# "I pick it up and a chunk of down falls out a hole ripped in the side."
"Pego ele e um punhado de penas cai por um buraco que foi aberto na lateral."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3113
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8189b048:
# "I glance back to Fang in bewilderment, she’s cast her head aside in shame."
"Olho de volta para Fang, perplexo, enquanto ela vira a cabeça com vergonha."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3116
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0bd0cb94:
# A "I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps} It’s not self-harm, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps} why?"
A "Digo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} não é auto-mutilação mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps} por quê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3119
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f071e5b5:
# F "W-well, I was looking for something to watch online{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "E-então, eu tava procurando por alguma coisa pra assistir online."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3121
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c909999a:
# F "And, and I was about to see a movie when I got a call."
F "E{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e eu ia começar a ver um filme quando recebi uma ligação."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3124
translate pt_br lMendingThings_20e21c51:
# F "It said it was Reed, and I remembered what you said yesterday{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Dizia na tela que era o Reed, e eu lembrei do que você falou ontem{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3126
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3632ed64:
# F "So I got myself ready to talk to him, since it’s what you’d want me to do{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Então eu me preparei pra falar com ele, já que era isso que você queria que eu fizesse{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3128
translate pt_br lMendingThings_eb39c54a:
# F "And{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "E{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3132
translate pt_br lMendingThings_865e02fc:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}It wasn’t Reed."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Não era o Reed."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3134
translate pt_br lMendingThings_789c96b1:
# F "Trish used his phone."
F "A Trish usou o celular dele."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3138
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ba5b4eb7:
# F "I just couldn’t stop myself from ripping something, I’m sorry Anon."
F "Eu não consegui me segurar, precisava destruir alguma coisa. Desculpa, Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3144
translate pt_br lMendingThings_eb608ac1:
# A "Hey."
A "Ei."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3146
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a1d9d0a5:
# "I scootch closer to her on the bed and put an arm around her."
"Chego perto dela na cama e coloco um braço em sua volta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3149
translate pt_br lMendingThings_512c420d:
# "She turns and buries her face in my collar."
"Ela vira e afunda a cabeça no meu colarinho."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3151
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2a91836f:
# A "Don’t worry about the pillow."
A "Não se preocupa com o travesseiro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3153
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b3358127:
# A "I’m more worried about you."
A "Eu tô mais preocupado com você."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3156
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5dfe5e0e:
# A "You can’t just hide here forever, you know?"
A "Você não pode ficar se escondendo aqui pra sempre, cê sabe disso né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3158
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3161
translate pt_br lMendingThings_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3163
translate pt_br lMendingThings_93c4bb98:
# A "How about going out for a good meal?"
A "Que tal sair pra jantar?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3165
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8b37132d:
# A "We’re out of food here anyways."
A "A gente tá sem comida mesmo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3167
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8c24f617:
# A "Are you able to go somewhere if it’s with me?"
A "Você consegue ir em algum lugar se for comigo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3170
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0a8318a0:
# "I feel her head nod against my chest."
"Sinto a cabeça dela acenar contra o meu peito."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3172
translate pt_br lMendingThings_43edb518:
# A "I’ll place a reservation at Moe’s, why don’t you clean the feathers off your arms?"
A "Vou fazer uma reserva no Moe então. Vai lá limpar essas penas dos braços, que tal?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3175
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b7828e51:
# "She slowly lets go and gets up for the bathroom to get ready."
"Ela me solta lentamente e vai até o banheiro se arrumar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3182
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0ad71c74:
# "When the door clicks I call Rosa."
"Logo que a porta se fecha, ligo para a Rosa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3196
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7f6a2df3:
# Ro "Yes?"
Ro "Sim?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3199
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1a261aeb:
# A "Yeah, I need your help with Fang."
A "Então, preciso da sua ajuda com a Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3201
translate pt_br lMendingThings_601d8b09:
# Ro "I’ll be glad to help as best I can!"
Ro "Fico feliz em ajudar como puder!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3203
translate pt_br lMendingThings_374ae6fc:
# A "This is a longshot, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Isso pode parecer meio estranho, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3205
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f83feb0b:
# A "Can you get Naser to Dino Moe’s Pizza in Little Troodon within the hour?"
A "Consegue fazer o Naser ir até a pizzaria Dino-Moe lá em Little Troodon em uma hora?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3208
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e566c4c3:
# Ro "Is that all? Of course I can!"
Ro "Só isso? Claro que consigo!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3210
translate pt_br lMendingThings_289eac48:
# Ro "I will go get him now!"
Ro "Eu vou buscar ele agora!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3213
translate pt_br lMendingThings_410fcfd3:
# "She hangs up on me."
"Ela desliga na minha cara."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3223
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bfa1c0ea:
# "The bathroom door swings open and Fang throws a fistful of down into the kitchen trashcan."
"A porta do banheiro se abre e Fang joga um punhado de penas na lixeira da cozinha."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3235
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6526679e:
# F "Okay{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I’m ready."
F "Ok{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Estou pronta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3238
translate pt_br lMendingThings_588770a0:
# A "Great, think we can catch the next bus in ten minutes if we leave now."
A "Ótimo, acho que dá pra pegar o próximo ônibus em uns dez minutos se a gente sair agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3244
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f1638dc1_3:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3246
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b7b4a1ef:
# "For all the heartache and mental anguish I’ve been through these past few days there’s one good thing to come of it."
"Depois de toda a mágoa e cansaço mental que eu passei nesses últimos dias, alguma coisa boa vai acontecer."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3249
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a8dc77a3:
# "I’m on an actual date!"
"Eu tô num encontro de verdade!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3252
translate pt_br lMendingThings_db058afc:
# F "Such a dweeb, Anon."
F "Você é muito mané, Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3254
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cdeffae4:
# "I feel my cheeks warm up as Fang’s fingers interlock with mine."
"Sinto minhas bochechas esquentarem quando os dedos de Fang se entrelaçam com os meus."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3265
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1c631a01:
# "We’re in Moe’s reception now. In hindsight I should’ve called Moe too."
"Estamos na recepção do Moe agora. Pensando bem, eu também deveria ter ligado para o Moe."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3268
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6d60f840:
# Moe "Aye! My lil' Lucy! Back again so soon?"
Moe "Ei! {i}La mia piccola{/i} Lucy! Voltaram tão cedo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3277
translate pt_br lMendingThings_47146a32:
# "I can feel Fang flinch as her barrel chested uncle hobbles toward us."
"Sinto Fang estremecer enquanto o tio em formato de barril vem na nossa direção."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3279
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b029b5ea:
# Moe "And you brought Anon! Must be date night den!"
Moe "E {i}hai portato{/i} Anon! Deve ser um encontro então!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3282
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ea5ae73d:
# F "Y-yeah. Date night. Please don’t tell dad."
F "A-aham. Um encontro. Por favor, não conta pro meu pai."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3284
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e76e5683:
# Moe "O’ course! I know ole Rip would jus’ keel over."
Moe "{i}Di sicuro{/i}! Eu sei que o {i}vecchio{/i} Rip te mataria."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3287
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a4cf4cef:
# A "Thanks Moe."
A "Valeu, Moe."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3289
translate pt_br lMendingThings_94432ada:
# Moe "No problem no problem. Nows let’s get you twos settled in."
Moe "{i}Nessun problema{/i}, sem problema. {i}Andiamo{/i}, vou levar vocês pra mesa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3292
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3cbd14ac:
# Moe "Jerry! Get dat table clean NOW!"
Moe "Jerry! Limpa essa mesa AGORA!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3295
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9d2056e2:
# "We wait a little longer in the foyer as the overworked employee scrubbed the booth table clean."
"Esperamos um pouco mais no hall de entrada enquanto o empregado sobrecarregado de trabalho limpa a mesa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3299
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d710e2db:
# Moe "So’s, you two official nows?"
Moe "Então, estão namorando agora?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3303
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d4edd06e:
# "I notice a fluffy white wing slowly wrap itself over my shoulder."
"Percebo uma asa branca e macia lentamente se embrulhar no meu ombro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3305
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c8cb3936:
# "I now look like I have a feathered cloak hiding my Ptero girlfriend from view."
"Agora parece que eu tenho uma capa de penas escondendo minha ptero-namorada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3308
translate pt_br lMendingThings_182c579d:
# A "Y-yeah. We are, Moe."
A "A-aham. Estamos sim, Moe."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3310
translate pt_br lMendingThings_944c2ce4:
# "I don’t know if I’m wincing at the awkwardness or the pain from Fang’s claws digging into my hand."
"Não sei se estou tremendo por conta da vergonha ou da dor que sinto quando as garras de Fang se cravam na minha mão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3312
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5570116b:
# "Probably both."
"Provavelmente os dois."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3314
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4aabfa27:
# "Moe laughs regardless."
"Moe ri de qualquer forma."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3316
translate pt_br lMendingThings_445c1a45:
# Moe "In dat case I’ll make sure dat your date night goes perfectly."
Moe "{i}In quel caso{/i} vou me certificar {i}che tutto vada bene{/i}."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3324
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6a99e9db:
# "The old t-rex lead us to our clean table and set about lighting the lone candle there with an extra long barbecue lighter."
"O velho t-rex nos leva para a nossa mesa limpa e acende a vela solitária com um isqueiro extra longo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3327
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e4c3e0cb:
# Moe "Dere we go. Don’ worry ‘bout the menu, kids. I’ll set yous up right."
Moe "Pronto. Não se preocupem com o {i}menù, bambini{/i}. Eu já sei o que trazer para vocês."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3330
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ec933f11:
# "When I take my seat across from Fang, she gets up to sit next to me and lays her head against my shoulder."
"Quando me sento de frente para Fang, ela se levanta e se senta ao meu lado, apoiando a cabeça no meu ombro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3342
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ca8d9d3e:
# A "Wasn’t expecting it’d be free again. Your uncle’s pretty nice."
A "Não achei que fosse sair de graça de novo. Seu tio é bem bacana."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3345
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ec8565b7:
# F "Yeah, he’s nice{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "É, ele é legal{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3348
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c3611273:
# "We sit a while, listening to the soft music playing through the cheap speakers."
"Ficamos sentados por um tempo, ouvindo a música suave tocar das caixas de som baratas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3350
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7785900f:
# "It only now occurs to me Fang might not like the sudden appearance of her brother."
"Só agora penso que talvez a Fang não goste do irmão dela aparecendo aqui do nada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3353
translate pt_br lMendingThings_79b837c9:
# A "You holding up so far?"
A "Como você tá?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3355
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f66f0688:
# F "Heh. I’m not that fragile, come on."
F "Heh. Eu não sou tão frágil assim, qual é."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3357
translate pt_br lMendingThings_542e07b0:
# A "Certainly had me fooled."
A "Com certeza me enganou então."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3365
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8fc46fb2:
# "She bumps her elbow into my side."
"Ela acerta o cotovelo nas minhas costelas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3368
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fa81e098:
# A "Ow."
A "Ai."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3371
translate pt_br lMendingThings_93d8bc25:
# "My phone buzzes in my pocket. Probably Rosa."
"Meu telefone vibra no bolso. Provavelmente é a Rosa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3384
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c266b039:
# "I discreetly peek at the notification."
"Discretamente leio a notificação."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3387
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e6172f50:
# "She’s here already?"
"Ela já tá aqui?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3402
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c16d31cf:
# "I crane my neck around to see Rosa enter, dragging a horrified Naser by the arm."
"Dou uma olhada em volta e vejo Rosa entrar, arrastando um Naser aterrorizado pelo braço."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3404
translate pt_br lMendingThings_69c13eee:
# "Suddenly my stomach tightens and I’m having second thoughts."
"De repente meu estômago aperta e estou começando a repensar se isso foi uma boa ideia."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3407
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f6fe8f14:
# "Rosa spots me through the lattice and her face lights up."
"Rosa me vê através da grade e seu rosto se ilumina."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3409
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3bce2215:
# "I cover my eyes with one hand and slump in my seat."
"Cubro meus olhos com uma mão e me jogo na cadeira."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3415
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a8617688:
# Ro "An-on! Fang! What a happy coincidence to see you two here!"
Ro "Anón! Fang! Que coincidência ver os dois aqui!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3421
translate pt_br lMendingThings_96ce25ea:
# Nas "Is- is this what you dragged me here for, Rosa?"
Nas "É-é pra isso que você me arrastou pra cá, Rosa?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3424
translate pt_br lMendingThings_83f80a84:
# "Fang’s voice is an angry hiss in my ear."
"Fang sussurra entre dentes no meu ouvido."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3426
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5d0d0373:
# F "{size=-5}{i}What did you do?!{/i}{/size}"
F "{size=-5}{i}O que você fez?!{/i}{/size}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3428
translate pt_br lMendingThings_07c65ab4:
# A "I’m here with you, just give it five minutes."
A "Eu tô aqui com você, dá só cinco minutos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3431
translate pt_br lMendingThings_31f8ef75:
# F "I am so not buying you a new pillow."
F "De jeito nenhum vou te comprar um travesseiro novo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3446
translate pt_br lMendingThings_da36ef02:
# "Rosa practically shoves Naser into the seat across from me and sits down herself."
"Rosa praticamente joga Naser na cadeira do outro lado da mesa e se senta também."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3465
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2ae7ebef:
# Nas "Rosa I thought you wanted to talk about the gardening club budget!"
Nas "Rosa, eu achei que você queria falar sobre o orçamento do clube de jardinagem!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3468
translate pt_br lMendingThings_560d4b74:
# "He’s quick to turn his glare from the latina to me."
"Ele rapidamente desvia seu olhar da latina para mim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3471
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2c69d066:
# Nas "What’s all this about, Anon?"
Nas "O que tá rolando aqui, Anon?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3473
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b8d33dbb:
# Nas "I told you before, I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Eu já te falei antes que{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3476
translate pt_br lMendingThings_aaf821d1:
# Ro "Hush, this was my idea."
Ro "Quieto, foi ideia minha."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3478
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5a81fd64:
# Ro "You were just telling me in the car you were having struggles with your sister."
Ro "Você tava me falando no carro que tinha uns problemas com a sua irmã."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3482
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4d5c6ce7:
# Nas "Yeah, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Foi, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3485
translate pt_br lMendingThings_69bf81d6:
# Ro "Go ahead and try talking to Fang about it."
Ro "Então vá em frente e tenta falar com a Fang sobre isso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3490
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8df93044:
# "Fang shifts in her seat to get up and I squeeze her hand to get her to stop."
"Fang começa a se levantar da cadeira e eu aperto sua mão para fazê-la parar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3493
translate pt_br lMendingThings_348a3a00:
# F "Ngh."
F "Ngh."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3495
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fbe5ab2e_5:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3502
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cf0f16f3:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} well{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} então{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3504
translate pt_br lMendingThings_58f9ce0e:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I guess I want to say-"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu acho que o que eu queria dizer-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3514
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b9aaca93:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3541
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0981fc24:
# "Rosa slams her head into the table."
"Rosa bate a cabeça na mesa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3553
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ab679b25:
# Moe "Whoa, Nasah?!"
Moe "Whoa, {i}Nassa{/i}?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3555
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d885d8fe:
# Moe "I sees you’ve finally dumped that strumpet!"
Moe "Finalmente você largou {i}quella stronza{/i}!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3557
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0593835c:
# Moe "I’z told you she was bad for yous, I did!"
Moe "Te falei que ela era ruim para você, {i}ho detto{/i}!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3559
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2a4d00cc:
# Moe "Do I know how to call ‘em or what?"
Moe "Qual era {i}il suo{/i} nome?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3562
translate pt_br lMendingThings_43aa48a4:
# "Moe’s powerful jaw clicks shut when he notices our unenthused stares."
"A poderosa mandíbula de Moe se fecha com força quando ele repara os nossos olhares desanimados."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3565
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0a24751d:
# Moe "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Dis ain’t a double date, ain’t it?"
Moe "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Isso não é um encontro duplo, é?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3568
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a3ea65de:
# A "Thank you for the breadsticks, Moe, but it’s not the best timing."
A "Valeu pelos palitos de pão, Moe, mas não é a melhor hora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3573
translate pt_br lMendingThings_74db2adb:
# "Moe drags over a chair with his tail and sits in it with his tiny arms on the backrest."
"Moe puxa uma cadeira com sua cauda e senta nela com os seus bracinhos no encosto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3576
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7e5fb65d:
# Moe "Nobody tells me nothin’ anymore from your family, you twos, but I got a good idea what this’d be about."
Moe "Ninguém me fala mais nada sobre a {i}famiglia di voi due{/i}, mas eu tenho uma ideia sobre o que isso se trata."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3579
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0d3b5a55:
# A "Moe, you really don’t have to-"
A "Moe, você realmente não precisa-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3581
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f4eaa3a9:
# Moe "Don’t think I haven’t noticed how little Lucy there looks."
Moe "{i}Non pensarlo{/i} que não reparei na aparência da {i}piccola{/i} Lucy aqui."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3585
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5bb0de61:
# Moe "Even little Nasah looks like he’s had the shit kicked outta him."
Moe "Até o {i}piccolo Nassa{/i} parece ter apanhado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3589
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fe5650c6:
# Moe "Ol’ Moe can intuit what’s happenin’."
Moe "O velho Moe pode imaginar o que {i}sta succedendo{/i}."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3592
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a248bc40:
# Moe "As for Nasah’s new lady friend and you, please give us a little privacy."
Moe "Quanto a você e a nova amiga do Nassa, {i}per favore{/i} nos deem um pouco de privacidade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3596
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d71527cb:
# Moe "Family matters are best handled by da family."
Moe "Assuntos da {i}famiglia{/i} devem ser tratados pela {i}famiglia{/i}."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3600
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f4ffd6ea:
# "Fang turns a worried look my way as her claws once again dig into my hand."
"Fang olha para mim com preocupação enquanto suas garras mais uma vez se cravam na minha mão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3602
translate pt_br lMendingThings_024b6f73:
# "An old memory flashes in my head."
"Uma memória antiga surge em minha mente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3605
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c6814c6f:
# "If it worked for Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Se funcionou para o Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3608
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2929bbb1:
# A "It’ll be fine, Fang. I’ll be nearby."
A "Vai ficar tudo bem, Fang. Eu vou estar aqui perto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3617
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f828851e:
# "I draw her into a hug and my cheek rubs softly against her long beak."
"Puxo ela para um abraço e esfrego minha bochecha suavemente contra o seu longo bico."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3622
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5b277d5e:
# "I pull away to see Fang with a luminescent blush across her cheek."
"Me afasto para ver Fang com um vermelho brilhante em suas bochechas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3631
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bf69757d:
# "I shuffle out of the booth and stand next to Rosa."
"Me levanto da mesa e fico ao lado de Rosa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3634
translate pt_br lMendingThings_82e4d164:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3637
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1c548eb6:
# "The overworked busman brought us to a small table on the opposite end of the restaurant."
"O funcionário sobrecarregado nos levou a uma pequena mesa no lado oposto do restaurante."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3639
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9eb6396f:
# "Guess this isn’t the first time this kind of thing has happened."
"Acho que essa não é a primeira vez que acontece esse tipo de coisa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3652
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5bc1e376:
# A "So uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} now what Rosa?"
A "Então, hm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e agora, Rosa?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3657
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e1a48c6b:
# Ro "Mr. Moe said it best. Family matters are solved by familia."
Ro "O Sr. Moe falou o suficiente. Assuntos de família são resolvidos pela família."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3659
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0084cdbf:
# Ro "We just sit and wait now."
Ro "Agora nos sentamos e esperamos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3664
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4006d2fa:
# "She grimaces as her eyes sweep over the menu."
"Ela faz uma careta enquanto olha o cardápio."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3666
translate pt_br lMendingThings_77cead10:
# Ro "Is there any vegetarian options here?"
Ro "Tem alguma opção vegetariana aqui?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3668
translate pt_br lMendingThings_984cce38:
# A "Why not the pasta?"
A "E o macarrão?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3670
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c7bd3402:
# Ro "I am watching my figure, An-on."
Ro "Estou cuidando do meu corpo, Anón."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3673
translate pt_br lMendingThings_eea392de:
# "I hope Moe can solve this quickly."
"Espero que o Moe consiga resolver isso rápido."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3676
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1435f272:
# Ro "You know, this is to help you too, An-on."
Ro "Sabe, isso é pra te ajudar também, Anón."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3679
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3681
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2db5f6f3:
# Ro "You yourself look like you are struggling with something."
Ro "Você mesmo parece estar com dificuldades."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3684
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0047e03e:
# Ro "Let me hear {i}your{/i} troubles, An-on."
Ro "Me fala dos {i}seus{/i} problemas, Anón."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3687
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b90786b5:
# "My troubles?"
"Os meus problemas?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3690
translate pt_br lMendingThings_33bc4d36:
# "I look across the room to see Naser and Fang actually laughing with Moe."
"Olho para o outro lado da sala e vejo o Naser e Fang rindo com o Moe."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3692
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ded42b5e:
# "My heart clenches as I wish I was there with Fang."
"Meu coração aperta. Eu queria estar lá com a Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3695
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f746bce7:
# Ro "Is it your new relationship?"
Ro "É sobre seu relacionamento?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3699
translate pt_br lMendingThings_35a27ba8:
# A "*sigh* That and a hundred other things."
A "*sigh* Isso e uma centena de outras coisas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3702
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2d211cbc:
# Ro "Let it out, An-on. There is no need to bottle up these anxieties of yours."
Ro "Fala comigo, Anón. Não precisa ficar segurando essa sua ansiedade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3711
translate pt_br lMendingThings_52d29377:
# "It was as if a bulwark broke."
"É como se uma muralha tivesse rompido."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3725
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0e91bdda:
# "The words spilled from my lips at so rapid a pace I feared Rosa wouldn’t understand."
"As palavras saíram da minha boca tão rapidamente que tive medo que Rosa não fosse me entender."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3728
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2c71c493:
# "I told her everything."
"Contei tudo para ela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3730
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c55b2864:
# "From how I wound up at Volcano High, all my inner turmoil there, even my romantic failings."
"De como fui parar em Volcano High, todos os meus problemas lá, e até as minhas falhas no amor."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3732
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8f889ca6:
# "Time slipped by as I used this rare moment to finally vent about everything around me."
"O tempo voou enquanto eu usava esse raro momento para finalmente desabafar sobre tudo à minha volta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3734
translate pt_br lMendingThings_83a7e4dc:
# "And through it all Rosa simply smiled and nodded."
"E ouvindo tudo isso, Rosa simplesmente sorria e acenava."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3736
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e8ce8f79:
# "Few times she would speak up, if only for clarification or to offer sympathy."
"Ela falou poucas vezes, seja para perguntar mais detalhes ou demonstrar compaixão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3739
translate pt_br lMendingThings_55400136:
# "Our meal came and went ignored."
"Nossa comida veio e foi ignorada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3741
translate pt_br lMendingThings_888b30b7:
# "I just kept talking and talking until I couldn’t anymore."
"Continuei falando e falando até não conseguir mais."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3749
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8b60c65c:
# "My throat is so dry now and my voice is hoarse."
"Minha garganta está tão seca agora que fiquei rouco."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3752
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5b50563a:
# "God how long was I talking."
"Por quanto tempo será que eu falei?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3756
translate pt_br lMendingThings_199f8154:
# "Rosa slides out from her chair and steps around it."
"Rosa se levanta da sua cadeira e dá a volta nela."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3763
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b585eb0f:
# "Her fist rocks my shoulder back harshly."
"Seu punho acerta meu ombro com força."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3765
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ce7cde3e:
# A "Agh! What was that for?!"
A "Ai! Pra quê isso?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3768
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4feefd4e:
# Ro "For being a stupid boy. Here, drink."
Ro "Por ser um garoto idiota. Aqui, bebe."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3770
translate pt_br lMendingThings_53d88634:
# "I take the proffered glass of water and down it greedily."
"Pego o copo de água oferecido e bebo de uma vez."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3773
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9c270fcf:
# "As soon as I set the cup down a pair of arms wrap around my head."
"Assim que coloco o copo na mesa, um par de braços envolvem a minha cabeça."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3782
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ff16d68f:
# "Oh god oh fuck Rosa is actually gonna kill me."
"Meu Deus, puta que pariu, a Rosa vai me matar de verdade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3790
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6600f25c:
# Ro "You stupid boys. Always hiding away your own pain."
Ro "Garotos estúpidos. Sempre escondendo a própria dor."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3792
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ecf8390c:
# "Her heavy hand rubs my head gently as she cradles it against her chest."
"Sua mão pesada esfrega a minha cabeça gentilmente enquanto ela me segura contra o peito."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3794
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f83bfbe8:
# Ro "Be sure you tell Fang of this, okay?"
Ro "Não esquece de falar isso pra Fang, tá bom?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3797
translate pt_br lMendingThings_768c9f4c:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Okay{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ok{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3799
translate pt_br lMendingThings_95d0dcf9:
# Ro "Good. Personally I think you two are absolutely adorable."
Ro "Ótimo. Eu mesma acho que vocês são um casal adorável."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3802
translate pt_br lMendingThings_10930627:
# Ro "But my Lord on His cross of rock are you two dumb."
Ro "Mas meu Senhor na Sua cruz de pedra, como vocês dois são burros."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3804
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9594940d:
# Ro "Always hiding away these pains you have from the world and your loved ones."
Ro "Sempre escondendo essas dores que vocês tem do mundo e das pessoas que amam."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3816
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0125d9e0:
# "Rosa loosens her grip around my head and I sneak a glance over towards Fang and Naser."
"Rosa solta a minha cabeça e dou uma olhada em direção à Fang e Naser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3818
translate pt_br lMendingThings_54b6ba1f:
# "They aren’t trying to kill each other, so they seem to have made some progress."
"Eles não estão tentando se matar, então talvez tenham feito algum progresso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3820
translate pt_br lMendingThings_72f4a037:
# "I almost think I just saw Fang actually smile."
"Acho que quase consegui ver a Fang sorrir, na verdade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3823
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f3d99a98:
# "Right as I turn back to the table, my ears are assaulted by Moe’s Italian shrieking from across the restaurant."
"Assim que volto o olhar para minha mesa, meus ouvidos são destruídos pelos gritos italianos do Moe vindos do outro lado do restaurante. "
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3826
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5c791c5f:
# Moe "AY! YOUS KIDS CAN COME ON BACKS NOW!" with vpunch
Moe "EI! VOCÊS {i}BAMBINI{/i} VOLTEM PRA CÁ AGORA!" with vpunch
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3844
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3f52a973:
# "The first thing I notice on the way over is how much more lively Fang and Naser look, like they had regained all of their lost energy."
"A primeira coisa que percebi no caminho de volta foi o quão mais animados estão Fang e Naser, como se tivessem recuperado toda a energia perdida."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3866
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ba1e8d6b:
# "Before I can take a seat Fang gets up and wraps her arms around my head."
"Antes que eu consiga me sentar, Fang levanta e envolve minha cabeça em seus braços."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3868
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7596a5dc:
# "I almost ask her what the deal is, but I can feel the icy stare she’s shooting at Rosa from here."
"Quase pergunto pra ela o que está acontecendo, mas consigo sentir daqui o olhar gelado que ela está lançando para Rosa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3874
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d6b36555:
# Ro "F-Fang, you know I didn’t mean it like that!"
Ro "F-Fang, você sabe que não é assim!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3878
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6cea4ba6:
# "Fang lets out the laugh she was holding in."
"Fang solta a risada que estava segurando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3883
translate pt_br lMendingThings_92c0b2e9:
# F "I know, just messing."
F "Eu sei, só tô te sacaneando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3889
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f2529662:
# "I let out a sigh of relief. Fang’s back to making jokes, that’s good."
"Eu suspiro, aliviado. Fang voltou a fazer piadas, isso é ótimo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3892
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c47548c9:
# Moe "It’s good to sees ol’ Moe could help to sets things straight. Don’t ever hesistate on coming right backs if yous needs it!"
Moe "Bom saber que o {i}vecchio{/i} Moe pôde {i}aiutare{/i} a esclarecer as coisas. {i}Non esitare mai{/i} em me procurar se precisarem!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3894
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d439f672:
# Moe "And good job on gettin’ yousself a better half Nasah, she’s a better looker than your old lady friend."
Moe "E bom trabalho Nassa, {i}lei è una ragazza migliore{/i} que aquela outra."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3898
translate pt_br lMendingThings_72033597:
# Nas "Wait, Rosa isn’t my-"
Nas "Espera, a Rosa não é mi-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3903
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3aa16d0b:
# Nas "Naomi and I are still-"
Nas "Naomi e eu ainda estam-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3905
translate pt_br lMendingThings_aa7b758f:
# Moe "I knows, you’re probably all heart broken about da break up, but dun do it in front of yer new gal, Nasah."
Moe "Eu sei, {i}tu probabilmente{/i} está de coração partido depois da {i}rottura{/i} com ela, mas {i}non essere così{/i} na frente da sua nova namorada, Nassa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3907
translate pt_br lMendingThings_115fb07a:
# Moe "Allsways said dat {i}melograno mignotta{/i} was nevah goods tah yah."
Moe "Eu sempre disse que aquela {i}melograno mignotta{/i} não era boa o suficiente {i}per te{/i}."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3925
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e4b22663:
# "Moe rushes off before Naser can finish his sentence, leaving the four of us alone once again."
"Moe vai embora antes que o Naser consiga terminar sua frase, deixando nós quatro sozinhos novamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3930
translate pt_br lMendingThings_76e08fd3:
# "I promptly take my place in the booth next to Fang, feeling her clawed fingers lock with my own."
"Prontamente me sento ao lado de Fang, sentindo os dedos dela se entrelaçarem com os meus."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3936
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d86593ac:
# "Rosa on the other hand took a seat a conspicuous distance from Naser, and I’m not quite sure who looks more embarrassed."
"Rosa por outro lado se sentou a uma boa distância do Naser, e eu não sei dizer qual dos dois parece mais envergonhado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3944
translate pt_br lMendingThings_31e16a88:
# "The rest of the time at Moe’s goes by pretty well, whatever family trick up his tiny sleeve seemed to have worked."
"O resto do tempo que passamos no Moe correu bem. Seja lá qual truque familiar ele tinha na sua pequena manga, parece ter funcionado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3946
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9af0f6d0:
# "Fang is more calm than I’ve seen her in months, Naser is talking and laughing without having to walk through a verbal minefield."
"Fang está mais calma do que eu a vi em meses, Naser está falando e rindo sem ter que andar por um campo minado verbal."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3948
translate pt_br lMendingThings_20096111:
# "From everyone’s mood alone, I feel like a burden is lifted from my shoulders."
"Só por essa mudança de humor de todos, sinto que um peso enorme foi tirado dos meus ombros."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3951
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9eb4ed63:
# "Dinner is lively, and Rosa offers to take Fang and I home."
"O jantar é animado, e Rosa se oferece para nos deixar em casa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3953
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a33ac18c:
# "Fang agrees to return to her place with Naser."
"Fang concorda em voltar para casa com Naser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3955
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9185921b:
# "She drops me off back at my place, and I return Fang’s backpack to her."
"Ela me deixa no meu apartamento e devolvo sua mochila antes de ir embora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3961
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d0014666:
# "After locking the door I collapse on my bed, completely spent."
"Depois de trancar a porta, desabo na minha cama, completamente exausto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3963
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e14b520c:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I forgot to get a new pillow."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu esqueci de comprar um novo travesseiro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3965
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f1638dc1_4:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3974
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6eaec5a7:
# "Fang texts me while I’m walking to school the next day."
"No dia seguinte, Fang me manda uma mensagem enquanto estou andando para a escola."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3982
translate pt_br lMendingThings_04874b5d:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} i slept like a rock last night lol"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} dormi que nem uma pedra ontem kkkk"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3984
translate pt_br lMendingThings_98c7c773:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} you feeling better too?"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} você também tá se sentindo melhor?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3987
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ec2efe48:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} Yeah. Were your parents upset?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Aham. Seus pais ficaram bravos?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3990
translate pt_br lMendingThings_98de5a0a:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} im friggin"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} eu to ferrada"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3992
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8505003b:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} grounded from everything basically forever"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} de castigo de tudo praticamente pra sempre"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3995
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d64e5aa0:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} Uh oh."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} krl."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3998
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e8814bca:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} my mom will forget in like a week lmao :V"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} minha mãe vai esquecer disso em uma semana :V"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4000
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c82a6376:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} see you in science as always, right?"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} te vejo na aula de ciências como sempre, né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4003
translate pt_br lMendingThings_dff4a503:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} Yeah, of course."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Sim, claro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4005
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6047eff8:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} What do you plan to do about your missing assignments?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} E o que vc vai fazer com os deveres que vc perdeu?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4008
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5dfde573:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} naser stayed up to help me with them."
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} o naser ficou acordado pra me ajudar com eles."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4010
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2364e5df:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} i think he did most of it though lol"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} acho que ele fez a maior parte sozinho kkkk"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4022
translate pt_br lMendingThings_883ca8e5:
# "Warms my heart to see she’s back to normal."
"Meu coração se anima de saber que ela está de volta ao normal."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4025
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c27a77ca:
# "Wait, she still hasn’t spoken with Trish."
"Espera, ela ainda não falou com a Trish."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4028
translate pt_br lMendingThings_10498182:
# "I shouldn’t be worried."
"Eu não deveria me preocupar com isso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4030
translate pt_br lMendingThings_883ac62f:
# "But{cps=*.1}...{/cps} when she called, Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps} quando ela ligou, a Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4033
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b9a0d16a:
# Re "Yo, Anon! Wait up!"
Re "E aí, Anon! Peraê!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4041
translate pt_br lMendingThings_13b47bac:
# "I instinctively start picking up the pace."
"Instintivamente comecei a apertar o passo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4052
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a2a580c8:
# Re "Wait, man! I need to talk to you about Trish!"
Re "Calma aí, mano! Preciso falar contigo sobre a Trish!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4055
translate pt_br lMendingThings_16bee4e8:
# "Ugh. Well, I don’t have a beef with Reed, can’t hurt to talk."
"Aff. Bom, não tenho nenhum problema com o Reed, não faz mal falar com ele."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4060
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0b716a4f:
# A "What?"
A "Que foi?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4066
translate pt_br lMendingThings_af10c377:
# Re "Trish’s been, like, super beat up over everything that’s happened."
Re "A Trish tá tipo, super mal com tudo isso que rolou, mano."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4069
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ec3566ea:
# A "So I’ve heard."
A "Tô sabendo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4072
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3cafbb0c:
# Re "So, you wouldn’t mind if, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Então, tu não se importaria de, é{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4074
translate pt_br lMendingThings_52e3448f:
# A "No, Reed."
A "Não, Reed."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4080
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fb5288fd:
# Re "Huh?"
Re "Hã?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4083
translate pt_br lMendingThings_71fdc13f:
# A "I’m not going to lure Fang into meeting Trish so she can try to fix their abusive relationship."
A "Eu não vou atrair Fang pra um encontro com a Trish pra ela tentar consertar essa relação abusiva."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4089
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c64da201:
# "Reed winces."
"Reed hesita."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4091
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cb7f3e24:
# Re "Read me like a book, huh?"
Re "Leu minha mente, hein?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4094
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fa4a9198:
# Re "Come on, man. Trish’ll be better this time, I know it."
Re "É sério, mano. A Trish vai melhorar, eu sei."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4096
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4eaa6d08:
# Re "Just give it a chance, what’s the worst that could happen."
Re "Só dá uma chance, qual o pior que pode acontecer, saca?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4100
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e87bf318:
# "I hear the desperation in his voice."
"Sinto desespero na sua voz."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4104
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f4c1beda:
# "Hesitating, I sigh and roll my eyes."
"Hesitante, suspiro e reviro os olhos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4107
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f095d146:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fine. But I’m going to be there and we’re leaving the split second I can tell it’s not going well."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tá. Mas eu vou estar lá e a gente se manda no instante em que eu perceber que as coisas não tão indo bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4110
translate pt_br lMendingThings_6930cbf4:
# Re "Oh man, you’re a lifesaver! Just bring her over into the auditorium for lunch, I’ll make sure Trish doesn’t flake!"
Re "Ah irmão, tu salvou pacas! Traz ela pro auditório no almoço, vou garantir que a Trish não faça merda!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4119
translate pt_br lMendingThings_589be065:
# "Reed excitedly jogs away to his homeroom."
"Reed corre animado para sua primeira aula."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4121
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c845dfe5:
# "That’s the most relieved I’d ever seen him."
"Eu nunca vi ele tão aliviado assim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4124
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fb089623:
# "Guess Trish really is sorry."
"Acho que a Trish realmente se arrependeu."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4132
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3b44fa20:
# "I give Fang the memo as I duck into class moments before the bell."
"Dou o recado para a Fang assim que entro na sala momentos antes do sinal tocar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4140
translate pt_br lMendingThings_09b8a07d:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} i dunno{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} eu não sei{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4142
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d2c4676e:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} youll be there right? <:V"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} você vai estar lá né? <:V"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4145
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ebbeb547:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast} Of course I will."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Claro, vou sim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4148
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7caafed2:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast} ill try not to get too worked up in anticipation then. :V"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} vou tentar controlar a minha ansiedade então. :V"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4158
translate pt_br lMendingThings_610abecd:
# "I sigh and glance at the clock."
"Suspiro e dou uma olhada no relógio."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4160
translate pt_br lMendingThings_96b0bd54:
# "I feel like my mood’s been put in a guillotine now."
"Sinto que o meu humor foi colocado em uma guilhotina agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4162
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b5259b2a:
# "And Trish and Reed are the ones in the black hoods."
"E a Trish e o Reed são os carrascos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4164
translate pt_br lMendingThings_07b99b43:
# "The anxiety’s returned, making time crawl by so slowly now."
"A ansiedade voltou, fazendo com que o tempo passe extremamente devagar agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4166
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1f82cb7c:
# "Even in science, where Fang and I could at least sit next to each other and talk didn’t alleviate it."
"Mesmo a aula de ciências não aliviou isso, onde posso pelo menos sentar perto da Fang e conversar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4168
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0f14437f:
# "But Math{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Mas matemática{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4170
translate pt_br lMendingThings_01018945:
# "Mr. Carleciidewski was unconscious at his desk, once again being of no help."
"O Sr. Carlesiidewski estava inconsciente na sua mesa, como sempre sem ajudar em nada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4172
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c62c4134:
# "Reed is now sitting behind me, and every time I glance back he smiles and nods."
"Reed está sentado atrás de mim, e toda vez que olho para trás ele sorri e acena."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4175
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4d8d9ce5:
# "Trish is nowhere to be seen."
"Não vejo a Trish em lugar nenhum."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4178
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2773bac8:
# "The ticks of the clock’s second hand are a countdown to doomsday and I’m at the epicenter of it."
"Os tiques do segundo ponteiro do relógio são uma contagem regressiva para o fim do mundo, e eu estou no epicentro disso tudo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4185
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e34f9368:
# "The lunch bell blares loudly and I shuffle out from behind my desk."
"O sinal para o almoço parece tocar mais alto do que o normal, e me levanto da minha mesa prontamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4188
translate pt_br lMendingThings_94d08407:
# "A powerful arm wraps around my shoulder, dragging me to the door."
"Um braço forte passa pelo meu ombro, me arrastando para a porta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4190
translate pt_br lMendingThings_11615321:
# Re "C’mon man, sooner we get our food the sooner we can put all this behind us."
Re "Vambora, mano. Quanto mais rápido a gente pegar a comida, mais rápido a gente resolve essa treta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4200
translate pt_br lMendingThings_528578d6:
# "There’s an edge of something to Reed’s voice, making his words sound unnatural."
"Tem algo na voz do Reed que faz suas palavras soarem pouco naturais."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4212
translate pt_br lMendingThings_18d7e66f:
# "My phone vibrates in my pocket."
"Meu celular vibra dentro do bolso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4215
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2512639a:
# "When I reach for it Reed bumps me."
"Quando vou pegar, Reed me cutuca."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4223
translate pt_br lMendingThings_eec12821:
# Re "Whatcha want for lunch?"
Re "Vai querer o quê pro almoço?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4227
translate pt_br lMendingThings_77cc252b:
# A "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} what’re they serving?"
A "Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} o que eles estão servindo hoje?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4229
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1168f9a4:
# "Another buzz in my pocket."
"Outra vibração de dentro do bolso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4232
translate pt_br lMendingThings_23df299b:
# Re "Well I think it’s mystery meatloaf and pizza today."
Re "Acho que hoje é bolo de carne misterioso e pizza."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4234
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ced8bc7e:
# "And another."
"E mais uma."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4240
translate pt_br lMendingThings_54ccec93:
# A "One sec-"
A "Calma aí-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4243
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cff16ecc:
# Re "Yo the line’s moving."
Re "A fila tá andando, mano."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4250
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7842a629:
# "I’m bumped forward in line by Reed."
"Reed me empurra para a fila."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4253
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3ac70cab:
# "My phone is vibrating nonstop now."
"Meu celular vibra sem parar agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4257
translate pt_br lMendingThings_13a21b01:
# A "Reed what’re you-"
A "Reed, qual é a-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4260
translate pt_br lMendingThings_08aed104:
# Re "Just trying to get us some grub before we see Trish and Fang. Don’t wanna do this on an empty stomach right?"
Re "Só quero que a gente pegue um rango antes de encontrar com a Trish e Fang, mano. Não queremos fazer isso de estômago vazio, né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4265
translate pt_br lMendingThings_fce82f4c:
# "I get my phone out at last to see-"
"Finalmente puxo meu celular para olhar-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4268
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d4da40f9:
# Re "Yo so the pizza right? Let’s get the pizza."
Re "E aí, pizza, né? Bora de pizza."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4275
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9d7e834e:
# A "Reed what is with you right now?!"
A "Reed, qual é o teu problema?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4286
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0de86c95:
# "I glance at my phone’s screen to see ten messages all from Fang."
"Olho para a tela do celular e vejo dez mensagens da Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4295
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4da7a4a0:
# "Reed pushes me forward and my phone hits the floor."
"Reed me empurra para a frente e meu celular cai no chão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4302
translate pt_br lMendingThings_921c5d60:
# A "God damn it Reed!"
A "Porra, Reed!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4308
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bc0a0992:
# Re "I got it Anon."
Re "Peguei aqui, Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4314
translate pt_br lMendingThings_33238123:
# "He scoops up my phone and pockets it."
"Ele pega o celular e coloca no bolso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4316
translate pt_br lMendingThings_08a08ad3:
# Re "Food first, man, c’mon."
Re "Comida primeiro, mano, bora lá."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4318
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e01058aa:
# A "Reed seriously what the fuck is up with you!"
A "Reed, é sério, qual a porra do teu problema?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4321
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8f0b368b:
# Re "What? Nothing, man, just us two getting some food. Right?"
Re "Quê? Nada, mano, só a gente pegando comida aqui. Né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4326
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8a30ff21:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Give me back my phone, Reed."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Devolve meu celular, Reed."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4329
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f307fe73:
# Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} "
Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} "
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4331
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0690c33a:
# Re "{cps=*.1}......{/cps} "
Re "{cps=*.1}......{/cps} "
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4336
translate pt_br lMendingThings_acd268b0:
# Re "Sorry."
Re "Foi mal."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4339
translate pt_br lMendingThings_deadcaec:
# "I drop my tray and make a break down the hall towards the auditorium."
"Largo minha bandeja e corro até o auditório."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4359
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b5668589:
# "Reed is chasing close behind only a few feet behind me."
"Reed está quase me alcançando, ficando apenas a poucos passos de distância."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4361
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ddd903ec:
# Re "Anon, wait!!"
Re "Anon, pera aí!!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4364
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1768c3d4:
# "Think I’m managing to outpace him."
"Acho que vou conseguir chegar antes dele."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4366
translate pt_br lMendingThings_232d12e7:
# "Just need to turn the corner and it’s on the other end of the hall."
"Só preciso virar a esquina aqui e o auditório fica do outro lado desse corredor."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4369
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f4619bd0:
# "I hear Reed’s footsteps get further away, and stop for a split second."
"Ouço os passos do Reed ficando mais distantes, e paro por um instante."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4380
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cf0b5d72:
# "Did he give up?"
"Ele desistiu?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4416
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7b5e89cd:
# "What the fu-?!"
"Que porr-?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4485
translate pt_br lMendingThings_607e6ecd:
# "Water sprays from the ceiling and the halls are quickly crowded with screaming students running for their lives, the teachers trying fruitlessly to keep them calm."
"Água começa a jorrar do teto e os corredores rapidamente se enchem de alunos gritando e correndo, os professores tentando inutilmente mantê-los calmos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4489
translate pt_br lMendingThings_45faff81:
# "{i}Reed, you dirty bastard!!{/i}"
"{i}Reed, seu filho da puta imundo!!{/i}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4492
translate pt_br lMendingThings_22ed5000:
# "I’m shoved aside from all angles by the student body."
"Sou empurrado por todos os lados pelos estudantes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4495
translate pt_br lMendingThings_73dd9d32:
# "Just a dozen more feet to the door-!"
"Só mais alguns metros pra chegar na porta-!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4523
translate pt_br lMendingThings_91aca34f:
# "I finally manage to get my hand on the handle and-"
"Finalmente consigo alcançar a maçaneta e-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4539
translate pt_br lMendingThings_99d0ac2c:
# A "*Glk-!*"
A "*Glk-!*"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4551
translate pt_br lMendingThings_644ae707:
# Re "Sorry, man."
Re "Foi mal, mano."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4554
translate pt_br lMendingThings_76c3e9b9:
# "He’s got me in a chokehold with one arm."
"Ele me prendeu em um mata-leão com um dos braços."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4557
translate pt_br lMendingThings_41239b68:
# Re "Convenient."
Re "Conveniente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4561
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5f2a338e:
# "Reed opens the door with one foot to look in."
"Reed abre a porta com um pé para olhar para dentro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4565
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7bee9303:
# Re "You’ll see, man. It’s all going well."
Re "Tu vai ver, irmão. Tá tudo indo bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4568
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3dbd214c:
# "I can only watch the scene before me unfold."
"Eu consigo apenas ver a cena se desdobrar diante dos meus olhos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4586
translate pt_br lMendingThings_dc2715de:
# T "{i}WHY{/i} don't you want to talk about it?"
T "{i}POR QUE{/i} você não quer falar sobre isso?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4592
translate pt_br lMendingThings_5e916214:
# T "Please talk to me, {i}PLEASE{/i}."
T "Por favor, fala comigo, {i}POR FAVOR{/i}."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4594
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f1a8fdbd:
# T "It's been days, didn't you have enough time to think about it already?"
T "Já faz dias, você ainda não teve tempo suficiente pra pensar nisso?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4598
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e64d388e:
# F "Fuck off from my life, already!"
F "Sai logo da porra da minha vida!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4600
translate pt_br lMendingThings_94229ac0:
# T "No, Fang, I won't! I helped you, remember? I wanna keep helping you."
T "Não, Fang, eu não vou! Eu te ajudei, lembra? Eu quero continuar te ajudando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4605
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a57193cd:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4610
translate pt_br lMendingThings_476a8d4d:
# T "I did not! You couldn't deal with yourself, you weren't happy with how things were going."
T "Eu não fiz isso! Você não dava conta de lidar consigo, não tava feliz com o jeito que as coisas tavam andando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4613
translate pt_br lMendingThings_808d4507:
# T "I HELPED you achieve a new YOU, you've embraced something beautiful, I was proud of you!"
T "Eu TE AJUDEI a conquistar um novo VOCÊ, você abraçou uma coisa linda, eu tava orgulhosa de você!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4616
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b695d7c6:
# F "I don't NEED a NEW me-"
F "Eu não PRECISO de um NOVO eu-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4618
translate pt_br lMendingThings_84aa2a94:
# T "I don't UNDERSTAND, would you PLEASE tell ME what's so WRONG?"
T "Não tô ENTENDENDO, será que você pode POR FAVOR ME explicar o que tá tão ERRADO?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4622
translate pt_br lMendingThings_18681544:
# F "Please Trish, stop talking to me."
F "Por favor, Trish, para de falar comigo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4627
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e20af549:
# T "BUT WHY?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4632
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f9aae368:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4635
translate pt_br lMendingThings_cdca1f5d:
# T "What about the other guys? What about the band?"
T "E o resto do pessoal? E a banda?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4639
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0b4cc6fd:
# F "You ruined everything! It was supposed to be fun!"
F "Você fodeu com tudo! Era pra isso ser divertido!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4643
translate pt_br lMendingThings_eb318c50:
# T "How? Please tell me."
T "Como? Me fala por favor."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4646
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1869bd7f:
# F "You just took control of everything, we were doing what you wanted all the time."
F "Você tomou o controle de tudo, a gente só fazia o que você queria o tempo todo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4648
translate pt_br lMendingThings_95c65857:
# T "We VOTED to know what to do next!"
T "A gente VOTOU pra saber o que fazer!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4650
translate pt_br lMendingThings_950c899c:
# F "And we only did what you wanted!"
F "E a gente só fez o que você queria!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4653
translate pt_br lMendingThings_04bf6186:
# T "Because I THOUGHT you'd be ok with it, if you didn't agree with anything I did then you should've just TOLD ME!"
T "Porque eu ACHEI que VOCÊ tava de boa com isso, se tu não concordava com qualquer coisa que eu fiz então cê devia ter ME FALADO!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4655
translate pt_br lMendingThings_c6255cb8:
# F "You should have known!"
F "Você devia saber!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4658
translate pt_br lMendingThings_ea02351b:
# F "You're confusing me!"
F "Você tá me confundindo!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4660
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d4c26392:
# T "IT WAS {w=.2}{nw}"
T "FOI IDEIA {w=.2}{nw}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4664
translate pt_br lMendingThings_64738c95:
# extend "{i}YOUR{/i}{w=.2} IDEA."
extend "{i}SUA{/i}."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4666
translate pt_br lMendingThings_50f2ed6e:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4668
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b2b0831d:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4679
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a0e5a09b_1:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4681
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d5664f6e:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4683
translate pt_br lMendingThings_34e66e78:
# "Reed’s chokehold is making my wounds flare up again. Can I just die? Right here?"
"O aperto do Reed faz os meus machucados começarem a doer de novo. Será que eu posso só morrer? Tipo aqui e agora?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4686
translate pt_br lMendingThings_df427d43:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You didn't answer about the band, what about Vvurm Drama?"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Você não me respondeu sobre a banda. O que vai rolar com a Vvurm Drama?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4692
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0cf7a94c:
# F "I don't know Trish. It's over, ok?"
F "Sei lá, Trish. Acabou, tá?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4703
translate pt_br lMendingThings_adc4d772:
# T "I was HOPING you were just taking a time-off to cool off and RECONSIDER-"
T "Eu ESPERAVA que você tivesse tirando um tempo só pra descansar e RECONSIDERAR-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4710
translate pt_br lMendingThings_809589df:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4716
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f6ce6448:
# F "I don't know who you are anymore, Trish. You did something that's making me question YEARS of my life- WASTED YEARS."
F "Eu não sei mais quem é você, Trish. Você fez uma coisa que me fez questionar ANOS da minha vida- ANOS DESPERDIÇADOS."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4719
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9bf0ac6b:
# T "Because of him? That's what it is?"
T "É por causa dele? É isso?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4729
translate pt_br lMendingThings_51b26050:
# T "You're really just gonna THROW AWAY our entire life together, since we were kids -up until now- just as we're about to make it-"
T "Você vai realmente JOGAR FORA toda a nossa vida juntos, desde que a gente era criança -até agora- logo no momento que a gente ia bombar-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4732
translate pt_br lMendingThings_478bd7ae:
# F "Trish, no, I didn't mean it- I-"
F "Trish, não, não foi isso que eu disse- eu-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4738
translate pt_br lMendingThings_efb6ce7f:
# T "Every time I offered you a shoulder to cry on, the songs we wrote, the stories we came up with, all gone? Is that it?"
T "Toda vez que eu te ofereci um ombro pra chorar, as músicas que a gente escreveu, as histórias que a gente inventou, tudo no lixo? É isso?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4740
translate pt_br lMendingThings_97dc29f4:
# T "And for fucking what?"
T "E tudo pelo quê, porra?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4743
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7b733524:
# T "For a fucking bum you met a few months ago? Is this what you want, to become a trailer wife?"
T "Por uma porra de um vagabundo que você conheceu uns meses atrás? É isso que você quer, virar mulher de nóia?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4750
translate pt_br lMendingThings_8e85ff9a:
# T "To do absolutely fucking NOTHING all day inbetween getting beaten up and feeding little brats to the benefit of some penniless NOBODY?"
T "Pra não fazer PORRA NENHUMA o dia inteiro além de tomar porrada e dar de comer pra pirralhinhos pra deixar um ZÉ NINGUÉM feliz?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4753
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a7a546d1:
# T "I was always here for you, we do EVERYTHING TOGETHER, and THIS is how you thank me? By kicking me out of your life to become a CUM DUMPSTER for this worthless PRION?"
T "Eu sempre estive lá por você, a gente fazia TUDO JUNTOS, e é ASSIM que você me agradece? Me chutando pra fora da sua vida pra virar a PUTA desse MERDA inútil?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4755
translate pt_br lMendingThings_eadfd8ce:
# T "Do you NOT see what's wrong here?"
T "Cê NÃO TÁ vendo o problema aqui?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4764
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d5664f6e_1:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4766
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9b1fa4a5:
# T "You told me when the year started you were scared shitless you weren't gonna amount to anything in life."
T "Você me falou quando o ano começou que tava com medo pra caralho de não ser ninguém na vida."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4769
translate pt_br lMendingThings_9fe7ae31:
# T "Are we in this together or not? If not you'll dive headfirst into exactly THAT, you'll be a nobody!"
T "A gente tá junto nessa ou não? Se não, vai acontecer exatamente ISSO, você não vai ser ninguém!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4776
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b7623d7f:
# T "Remember? I still HAVE THE MESSAGES, LOOK."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4778
translate pt_br lMendingThings_0b8e6b2d:
# T "You KNOW I'm right. I'm always right!"
T "Você SABE que eu tô certa. Eu sempre tô certa!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4784
translate pt_br lMendingThings_84e7cbef:
# T "Answer me, Fang!"
T "Responde, Fang!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4788
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f260c0f8:
# "Reed lets go of my neck completely."
"Reed solta meu pescoço completamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4802
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2732023e:
# "He wordlessly puts his hands in his pockets and withdraws my phone."
"Ele coloca as mãos no bolso sem falar nada, e pega meu celular."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4805
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f1eba2b5:
# "The phone is dropped limply in my palm and Reed turns away silently."
"Depois de soltar o telefone nas minhas mãos, Reed se vira em silêncio."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4807
translate pt_br lMendingThings_418724a9:
# Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4821
translate pt_br lMendingThings_b1ae6832:
# "I only caught a glimpse of it, but I saw the disappointment in his eyes."
"Foi só por um instante, mas vi o desapontamento em seus olhos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4825
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d79b23b7:
# "I stand back up and throw the door open."
"Me levanto novamente e abro a porta com força."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4842
translate pt_br lMendingThings_1ef8d134:
# "Silence washes over the room."
"O silêncio invade o ambiente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4846
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4a03f659:
# "Eventually Fang takes a deep breath and lets it out, before facing Trish again."
"Eventualmente Fang respira fundo e depois solta o ar, antes de olhar novamente para Trish."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4853
translate pt_br lMendingThings_2e6cf189:
# F "Fuck."
F "Sai."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4855
translate pt_br lMendingThings_23894763:
# F "Off."
F "Daqui."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4858
translate pt_br lMendingThings_4bb9529e:
# F "Just {i}fuck off{/i} from my life, Trish."
F "Só {i}{cps=*0.5}vaza{/cps}{/i} da {i}{cps=*0.5}porra{/cps}{/i} da minha vida, Trish."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4861
translate pt_br lMendingThings_d5664f6e_2:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4874
translate pt_br lMendingThings_a8ad8122:
# "Trish shoots me another of those petty glares before dashing out the side door."
"Trish lança mais um daqueles olhares mesquinhos antes de sair pela porta lateral."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4881
translate pt_br lMendingThings_7342ce70:
# "Fang folds a seat down and sits in it with her knees to her chest, covering herself with her wings."
"Fang desdobra um dos bancos e senta nele com os joelhos no peito, se cobrindo com as asas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4887
translate pt_br lMendingThings_e32dd0ed:
# "I sit next to her and she starts silently weeping into her knees."
"Me sento ao seu lado, então ela começa a chorar silenciosamente nos joelhos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4889
translate pt_br lMendingThings_63375fbb:
# "I reach through the wings and find a hand to hold."
"Procuro entre as asas e encontro uma mão para segurar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4892
translate pt_br lMendingThings_bd4fb4b8:
# "The lunch bell comes and goes, as does the tardy bell for music class."
"O sinal do almoço vem e vai, assim como o sinal de atraso da aula de música."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4898
translate pt_br lMendingThings_3d956a25:
# "We ended up ditching the last few classes and just go back to my apartment again."
"Acabamos matando as últimas aulas e voltamos para o meu apartamento novamente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4900
translate pt_br lMendingThings_f1638dc1_5:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4909
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_94388bbd:
# A "I don’t follow."
A "Eu não entendi."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4912
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_9ccc1ded:
# Nas "Like, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I told you a while back how I can’t do anything to help my sister."
Nas "Então, é{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu te falei há um tempo atrás que eu não consigo fazer nada para ajudar a minha irmã."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4914
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_87b60456:
# Nas "That frustration has just been getting worse."
Nas "Essa frustração só tá piorando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4917
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_193f9d2b:
# Nas "I’m not even sure it’s anything wrong with Fang at this point, like, it might be me getting upset over what I don’t understand{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Something like that."
Nas "A essa altura eu nem sei se tem alguma coisa errada com a Fang, tipo, pode ser que eu só esteja ficando chateado com coisas que eu não entendo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Alguma coisa assim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4920
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_69b9f824:
# A "I wouldn’t worry too much about Fang, she tells me she’s fine."
A "Eu não me preocuparia tanto assim com a Fang, ela me disse que tá bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4922
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_16696315:
# A "She might come back to school tomorrow, even."
A "Capaz até que ela volte pra escola amanhã."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4925
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_b2ba66b5:
# Nas "She bounces back well."
Nas "Ela se recupera rápido."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4928
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_c6c4ee9c:
# A "Still a bit on-edge about everything though."
A "Ela ainda tá meio estressada com tudo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4930
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_a116ea56:
# A "But that’s her business, right?"
A "Mas é problema dela, né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4933
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_8aa9643e:
# Nas "Sure{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Sim, claro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4936
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_15cb76f7:
# Nas "I still just can’t shake the feeling{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Eu só não consigo tirar isso da minha cabeça{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4938
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_74ac1ddc:
# Nas "I just can’t find the right words."
Nas "Nem encontrar as palavras certas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4940
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_fbe5ab2e:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4942
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_ab7343a2:
# A "Does Fang and I going out bother you that much?"
A "Nós estarmos juntos é algo que te incomoda tanto assim?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4945
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_ed4b2043:
# Nas "It’s not that exactly, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Não é bem isso, mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4948
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_e6088d4f:
# A "But?"
A "Mas?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4951
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_fbe5ab2e_1:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4954
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_f25103c5:
# "I’m lost."
"Eu não tô entendendo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4956
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_b4d5ef43:
# "Is he asking me to say something for him? That’s dumb."
"Ele tá me pedindo para falar algo por ele? Que idiotice."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4958
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_a56e469e:
# "I’m not a mind reader."
"Eu não sei ler mentes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4962
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_d9c52094:
# Nas "Er{cps=*.1}.....{/cps} I mean{cps=*.1}.....{/cps} Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} digo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4964
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_fbe5ab2e_2:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4966
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_e384c228:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}......{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}......{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4969
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_c6599ff7:
# A "Well, if that’s all, I’m gonna leave. I have homework and stuff to do."
A "Bom, se é só isso, eu vou embora. Tenho dever de casa e outras coisas pra fazer."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4972
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_dad5d445:
# "Naser sighs."
"Naser suspira."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4975
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_15bd1a81:
# Nas "Yeah, sure. Sorry{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Tá, beleza. Foi mal{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4978
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_01660327:
# A "Text me if you figure it out, I guess."
A "Me manda uma mensagem se você descobrir o que quer falar, e tal."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4981
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_5ead739e:
# Nas "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Tá{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4983
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_3b7e2d70:
# Nas "See you."
Nas "Falou."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:4988
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_ba18d2f8:
# "Naser looks back ahead at the curtains and doesn’t get up to follow me out of the auditorium."
"Naser olha para as cortinas e não se levanta para me seguir para fora do auditório."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5004
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5012
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_166c08ee:
# "I fish the key from my backpack and unlock my door."
"Pego as chaves dentro da mochila e destranco a minha porta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5025
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_b8419127:
# "My place is as drab as ever, and Fang is laying in my bed paying close attention to whatever she’s doing on her phone."
"Minha casa está monótona como sempre, Fang está deitada na cama prestando atenção no celular, fazendo sabe-se lá o quê."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5027
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_90d4651a:
# "She looks like she hasn’t slept in days, how long has she been on her phone?"
"Parece que ela não dorme há dias. Quanto tempo faz que ela tá grudada no celular?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5039
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_0bcc7b9f:
# A "Yo, I’m home. You feeling better?"
A "Ei, cheguei. Tá se sentindo melhor?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5041
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_d18930e3:
# "The loud sound of chewing and a thumb up was a good enough reply."
"O som alto de mastigação e um polegar para cima foram respostas boas o suficiente."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5047
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_5b98ca7e:
# A "You didn’t really miss anything today."
A "Cê não perdeu nada hoje."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5049
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_25bb4959:
# A "Mr. Fernsworth basically gave everyone the day off."
A "O Sr.Fernsworth basicamente liberou todo mundo mais cedo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5053
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_8366aeed:
# "She finally finishes whatever she raided from my fridge with a massive gulp."
"Ela finalmente termina o que quer que tivesse roubado da minha geladeira, engolindo de uma vez."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5056
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_fbf5b4eb:
# F "{cps=*.3}Aaaaah.{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.3}Aaaaah.{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5058
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_9e356fa6:
# F "Nice, so no homework to catch up on."
F "Beleza, então não tem nenhum dever de casa pra fazer."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5061
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_a5612ca7:
# A "So, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Então, ahm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5064
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_b0e94a1a:
# "C’mon Anon, relationships shouldn’t be this hard."
"Bora lá, Anon, relacionamentos não deviam ser tão difíceis assim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5066
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_d1fd9f58:
# A "What’ve you been doing?"
A "O que cê tá fazendo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5070
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_8878faad:
# F "Nothing."
F "Nada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5073
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_e3618f9a:
# A "O-oh."
A "A-ah."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5076
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_a9e2b826:
# F "Ate all your salami. Tried playing a game but I don’t know your password."
F "Comi todo o seu salame. Tentei jogar alguma coisa mas não sei a sua senha."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5079
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_a2f98d8b:
# "Thank fuck. She didn’t see any Saturnia."
"Ainda bem, porra. Ela não viu nada de Saturnia."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5081
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_994e315a:
# A "My bad, I guess it slipped my mind to give it to you."
A "Foi mal, acho que esqueci de te falar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5084
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_ced3ef37:
# "What else can I-"
"O que mais eu posso-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5086
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_eff4795c:
# A "Oh, and Naser wanted me to meet him."
A "Ah, e o Naser quis me ver."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5088
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_67518ca6:
# "Fang looks up from her phone."
"Fang levanta os olhos do celular."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5091
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_e9af2355:
# F "He did? Why?"
F "Quis? Pra quê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5093
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_2186c4a2:
# A "Yeah, he ended up just mumbling a lot about the two of us, so I left."
A "É, ele ficou resmungando um bocado sobre a gente, então eu fui embora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5096
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_cbb5d719:
# F "Ugh, what a weirdo."
F "Ugh, que esquisitão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5098
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_86fadbd1:
# F "Can’t he stop getting into my business for, like, a week?"
F "Será que ele não pode me deixar em paz por, tipo, uma semana?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5101
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_2b74f7a2:
# F "Sickos. Him and Naomi."
F "Doentes. Ele e a Naomi."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5110
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_22aed857:
# "I sit on the bed next to Fang."
"Me sento na cama ao lado de Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5112
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_781b790b:
# A "Hey, forget about them."
A "Ei, esquece eles."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5114
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_fd991119:
# A "How about we actually do something fun now?"
A "Que tal a gente fazer algo divertido agora?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5117
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_be87cd7f:
# F "Sure. Like what?"
F "Tá. Tipo o quê?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5119
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_6d6a8d0b:
# A "We could play some party games or something."
A "A gente pode jogar algum party game ou sei lá."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5122
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_86e96329:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5125
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_312fea85:
# A "Can be something else if you want."
A "Pode ser outra coisa também se você quiser."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5127
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_247fa212:
# F "I just thought you were going to say we should go out somewhere or something{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "É que eu achei que você ia me levar pra sair pra algum lugar ou algo assim{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5130
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_076eca8a:
# A "Er, I’m trying to save money for a new game that comes out in a few weeks, so{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ah, eu tô tentando economizar dinheiro pra um game novo que sai em algumas semanas, então{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5132
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_9a0daefa:
# F "That’s alright."
F "Tudo bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5135
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_7ba1d6cc:
# A "Got anything you want to play in mind?"
A "Tem alguma coisa que você queira jogar?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5138
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_442d5237:
# F "No, I’m fine watching. Still have a lot to think about, y’know?"
F "Não, tô de boa assistindo. Tenho muita coisa pra pensar ainda, sabe?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5141
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_4696bc1c:
# "I get the feeling I just stuck my foot in my mouth."
"Tenho a sensação de que falei algo que não deveria."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5146
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_3d1ab9a2:
# "Or maybe she’s just not telling me something?"
"Ou talvez ela só não tá me contando alguma coisa?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5149
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_55672e73:
# "Not really my place to pry."
"Bom, não cabe a mim me meter."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5151
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_9c7d6718:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}If you say so."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Se você diz."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5154
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_0bae7526:
# "I load up Towervania: Melody of Melancholy, and Fang’s phone buzzes."
"Coloco Towervania: Melody of Melancholy, e o telefone de Fang vibra."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5159
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_6232fc87:
# F "Oh, snap."
F "Ah, merda."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5161
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_e7e5845e:
# F "Something happened, I gotta go."
F "Aconteceu uma parada, tenho que ir."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5165
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_1d031bfb:
# A "Someone get hurt?"
A "Alguém se machucou?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5167
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_95f7cfcd:
# F "No, nothing that serious, but I should still be going."
F "Não, nada sério assim, mas eu preciso ir embora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5169
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_97c8f739:
# F "Don’t want to overstay my welcome here, and all."
F "Não quero abusar da hospitalidade, só isso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5172
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_213e1b84:
# A "Oh, alright."
A "Ah,{w=0.2} beleza."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5174
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_8330379e:
# "Fang gives a quick hug goodbye and waves as she goes out the door."
"Fang me dá um abraço rápido de despedida e acena enquanto sai pela porta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5184
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5193
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_113cc1a0:
# "I return my attention to the game and end up playing until nightfall."
"Volto minha atenção para o game e acabo jogando a noite inteira."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5195
translate pt_br lBreakingThings_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5207
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_e3180770:
# "{cps=*.2}-- April first --{/cps}"
"{cps=*.2}-- Primeiro De Abril --{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5211
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_0ddc8784:
# "Fang and I have been together for a month now."
"Fang e eu estamos juntos faz um mês agora."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5217
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_76c01fef:
# "Things are going pretty well. When we discount Trish’s weekly attempt to talk with Fang."
"As coisas estão indo muito bem. Se a gente esquecer das tentativas semanais da Trish de entrar em contato com a Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5219
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_a5940c3a:
# "Rosa and Stella have helped with that."
"Rosa e Stella têm ajudado com isso."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5222
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_d041416e:
# "In fact they’ve done a lot for our relationship."
"Na verdade elas fizeram muita coisa pelo nosso relacionamento."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5224
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_0377c814:
# "Between distracting Trish and giving us a space to just be together on the weekends away from everyone."
"Entre distrair a Trish e nos dar um espaço pra ficarmos juntos nos fins de semana, longe de todo mundo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5226
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_b9496445:
# "Only downside to it is all the fucking gardening we have to do during our alone time."
"A única coisa ruim é toda essa porra de jardinagem que a gente tem que fazer durante nosso tempo a sós."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5229
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_fcd13884:
# "Still, things are good."
"Ainda assim, as coisas estão indo bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5232
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_e942366b:
# "And right now I’m gonna win our prank war."
"E nesse exato momento eu vou ganhar a nossa guerra das pegadinhas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5234
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_0067d847:
# "She may have gotten me with that stupid kiss prank."
"Ela pode ter me pego com aquela brincadeirinha de beijo idiota."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5236
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_6b4eb92f:
# "How the hell she found a mouse trap that small I’ll never know."
"Como caralhos ela encontrou uma ratoeira pequena daquele jeito eu nunca vou saber."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5238
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_24cb7f90:
# "But I got a special Pachy treat for her today."
"Mas eu consegui um presentinho Paqui especial pra ela hoje."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5241
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_ca59c1f6:
# "For once I can use my weebiness for the greater good."
"Pelo menos uma vez na vida eu posso usar a minha nerdice pra um bem maior."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5254
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_e1b70fe5:
# A "Hey Sweet Tooth."
A "Ei, Dentinho Doce."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5257
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_cc547b42:
# "Fang groans at the pet name. Honestly that hurt me to say too."
"Fang resmunga ao ouvir o nome de pet. Na verdade, me incomoda falar isso também."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5259
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_4fc6e731:
# "I considered using her mom’s pet name but after the last time, I didn’t want to tempt her."
"Pensei em usar o nome de pet que a mãe dela deu, mas depois da última vez, eu não quis provocá-la."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5262
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_1a8baaba:
# "Phase one complete, she’s too distracted to check the box in my hand."
"Fase um completa. Ela tá distraída demais para prestar atenção na caixa na minha mão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5264
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_fed4ea02:
# A "Wanna play the pocky game?"
A "Quer fazer a brincadeira do Pocky?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5269
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_4c943c51:
# F "How do you play that?"
F "Como é que se brinca disso?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5272
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_a7a5e3bb:
# A "Well, I hold one of these,"
A "Então, eu seguro um desses,"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5277
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_019f9d60:
# "I take one of the green sugary sticks from the box and hold the plain end by my teeth."
"Pego um dos palitinhos doces verdes de dentro da caixa e seguro a ponta sem cobertura com os meus dentes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5279
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_6c75fe5c:
# A "bhetween mah teef. Den joo haff too take it wiff yer lips."
A "enfre meuf denfef. Enfão vofê prefisa pegar com of feuf labiof."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5281
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_c79269c6:
# A "an’ try an’ bite as ‘uch as joo can wiffout touchin’ my fashe."
A "E fenfa morder o quanfo vofê puder fem focar a minha cara."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5284
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_82a84ebe:
# "Fang narrows her eyes in suspicion, and then cautiously moves her head towards mine."
"Fang cerra os olhos suspeitando de mim, e então cautelosamente move sua cabeça em direção à minha."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5286
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_8d99cd88:
# A "It’sh jush shocola’e!"
A "É fó um chofolafe!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5300
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_d1468300:
# "She moves in and crunches down on the pocky stick centimeters from my face."
"Ela vem e morde o palito de Pocky a centímetros do meu rosto."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5305
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_73dc262d:
# "Jackpot."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5313
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_4801bf92:
# "Her face contorts almost immediately and she spits it out on the floor."
"Seu rosto se contorce quase imediatamente e ela cospe tudo no chão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5319
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_a6fc0d2e:
# F "...What the fuck is that?! Where did you even get those?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Que porra é essa?! Onde tu conseguiu isso?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5321
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_477415d9:
# "I barely contain my laugh as Fang downs the rest of her coffee to get the taste out of her mouth."
"Mal consigo segurar minhas risadas enquanto Fang toma o resto do seu café para tirar o gosto da boca."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5323
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_cd031b63:
# A "Let’s just say Stella gets all sorts of weird snacks from Japan."
A "Digamos que a Stella consegue todo tipo de comida esquisita do Japão."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5325
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_2dbc6c75:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Like wasabi pocky sticks."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tipo palitinhos Pocky de wasabi."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5328
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_c39fa456:
# "Fang looks ready to strangle me but I still have one card left to play."
"Fang parece pronta para me estrangular, mas ainda tenho uma carta na manga."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5331
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_41b8a29c:
# A "Hey, I have amnesty for today, April Fools! Payback for the mousetrap from the other day."
A "Ei, eu tenho anistia por hoje, Primeiro de Abril! Tô dando o troco pela ratoeira do outro dia!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5345
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_c5210f54:
# "She growls at that and jabs me in the shoulder. I guess I deserve that much."
"Ela rosna ao ouvir isso e me dá um soco no ombro. Acho que eu mereci essa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5349
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_f1d86249:
# "Before I can make my retort, an announcement comes in over the speakers."
"Antes que eu possa dar uma resposta, um anúncio vem das caixas de som."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5364
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_3ca6b825:
# Sp "ALRIGHT EVERYONE LISTEN UP!{fast}" with hpunch
Sp "MUITO BEM, OUÇAM TODOS!{fast}" with hpunch
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5370
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_037ab9bf:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5373
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_923d88e0:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5375
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_4950aaa1:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5385
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_9221a922:
# "The P.A. system’s ending chime ushers in a moment of complete silence."
"O toque do sistema de som inaugura um momento de silêncio total."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5388
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_1c55410d:
# "Then, all at once the chatter starts."
"Então, a conversa começa de uma vez."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5391
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_9b356487:
# unknown "Ohmanohmanohman, I gotta ask him to go with-"
unknown "Ahcaracaracara, eu tenho que chamar ele pra ir-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5393
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_5e738067:
# unknown "-I even have a dress good enough for-"
unknown "-Eu tenho até um vestido bom o suficiente pra-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5395
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_eeb59203:
# unknown "-tickets are pretty expensive, I’ll pass this-"
unknown "-ingressos são caros pra caramba, eu nem vou-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5398
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_4e68c151:
# "Everyone seems excited about the sudden news."
"Todos parecem animados com a notícia."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5400
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_c27778b9:
# "Prom, huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Baile, né{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5402
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_37c72b87:
# "I guess I wouldn’t mind going if it’s with Fang."
"Acho que não me importaria em ir, se for com Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5405
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_728b8236:
# "What would she wear?"
"O que será que ela vestiria?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5407
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_049c2dd8:
# "Actually, scratch that, what would I wear?"
"Na verdade, esquece isso, o que é que EU vou vestir?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5409
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_a9e80d04:
# "I can’t afford a decent outfit{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Maybe I’ll mail home and ask Dad for his old suit."
"Eu não consigo pagar por uma roupa decente{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Talvez eu mande uma carta pra casa e peça o terno antigo do Pai."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5411
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_01cdad86:
# "Couples tickets are like a hundred bucks, too."
"Os ingressos para casais são tipo uns cem contos também."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5413
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_203b9f64:
# "I’m sure I could make it work if I needed to."
"Tenho certeza que consigo fazer isso dar certo se precisar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5416
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_0300c223:
# A "Hey Fa-"
A "Ei, Fa-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5426
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_f9e48267:
# Drf "Settle down students!"
Drf "Acalmem-se, estudantes!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5428
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_471fac15:
# Drf "There will be plenty of time to scheme your night of debauchery later!"
Drf "Haverá muito tempo para esquematizar sua noite devassa depois!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5430
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_435ebcef:
# Drf "We still have the lesson to get through, finish this and then chatter all you need."
Drf "Ainda temos uma tarefa para finalizar. Terminem isso e então conversem à vontade."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5435
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_6098c95e:
# "The class collectively throws their heads back to groan."
"A turma coletivamente joga suas cabeças para trás para reclamar."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5438
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_7cb65af3:
# Drf "Oh, fiddlesticks. It’s only two pages of particle physics."
Drf "Ah, seus desagradáveis. São apenas duas páginas de física de partículas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5441
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_77ae8c54:
# F "You have a spare railgun in your backpack?"
F "Tem uma pistola eletromagnética extra aí na sua mochila?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5451
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_89ada676:
# "Professor Fernsworth passes out the assignment and returns to his desk for a quick nap."
"O Professor Fernsworth entrega a tarefa e volta para sua mesa para tirar um cochilo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5454
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_da3308b6:
# "Particle physics isn’t too hard, more tedious than anything."
"Física de partículas não é tão difícil. É mais tedioso do que qualquer coisa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5456
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_314ce76a:
# "I should finish pretty quickly unless something comes up."
"Vou acabar isso bem rápido, a não ser que aconteça alguma coisa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5459
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_a1f65346:
# F "Anon, remind me, what’s a quark again?"
F "Anon, me ajuda, o que é um quark?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5463
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_39e2f6ec:
# "Oh right."
"Ah, é."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5465
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_d5161902:
# "Lab partners."
"Parceiros de laboratório."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5467
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5479
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_5aa183a3:
# "About fifteen minutes into the assignment, the two of us are just about done."
"Depois de quinze minutos fazendo o exercício, estamos quase terminando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5481
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_079547d1:
# "We’re making surprisingly good time."
"Na verdade, estamos resolvendo isso até que bem rápido."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5484
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_ce396662:
# F "Uhm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} and you said that the electrons hold the negative charge, right?"
F "Hmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e você falou que os elétrons armazenam carga negativa, né?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5486
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_cf0e2654:
# A "Yeah, yeah."
A "Aham, sim."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5489
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_b07c3f41:
# F "Can’t imagine when I’d be using this crap in real life."
F "Não consigo me ver usando essa merda na vida real."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5491
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_90231937:
# A "You never know, you might shrink one day."
A "Nunca se sabe, você pode acabar encolhendo um dia."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5494
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_7d227f10:
# F "Yeah, and you might stop pretending you’re livestreaming on Yousnoot."
F "Aham, e você pode parar de fingir que tá streamando no Yousnoot."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5497
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_0decfa4c:
# A "As far as you know I might be giving you incorrect answers, you know."
A "Olha, pelo menos até onde você sabe, eu posso estar te dando as respostas erradas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5499
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_a6a5f35d:
# F "Mhm, sure."
F "Mhm, claro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5502
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_6dd1eb9f:
# "The teacher is making his rounds checking on the students and gets to our desks."
"O professor está fazendo suas rondas, dando uma olhada nos estudantes até que chega na nossa mesa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5513
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_ce07f57a:
# Drf "Hello, Anon. Fang."
Drf "Olá, Anon. Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5515
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_152c3435:
# Drf "Are you two getting along well?"
Drf "Estão se entendendo bem?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5517
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_4f346544:
# AnonAndFang "Yes, Doctor Fernsworth."
AnonAndFang "Sim, Doutor Fernsworth."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5519
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_c33c79f6:
# Drf "Great to hear."
Drf "Fico feliz em saber."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5522
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_70c9fa7d:
# Drf "You know, I’m real proud of you two."
Drf "Tenho que dizer, estou realmente orgulhoso de vocês dois."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5525
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_ceee9f33:
# Drf "I remember at the start of the year you were at each other's throats."
Drf "Me lembro do começo do ano, quando vocês estavam quase se matando."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5527
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_5055fcab:
# Drf "And now look at you!"
Drf "E agora, olha só para vocês!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5533
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_5b54f625:
# "The two of us cringe."
"Nós dois nos encolhemos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5536
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_222bc8f0:
# A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yeah, thanks."
A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} É, valeu."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5538
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_e00d8449:
# Drf "At any rate, you two understand the material, right?"
Drf "De toda forma, vocês entenderam a matéria, certo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5543
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_151e0aaa:
# A "Oh yeah, Fang and I are fine."
A "Ah sim, Fang e eu estamos ok."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5546
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_15d723df:
# A "I was just helping them with a few problems."
A "Eu estava ajudando elu com alguns exercícios."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5549
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_e186a784:
# "Phew, remembered it this time."
"Ufa, lembrei dessa vez."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5551
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_9b7e66f3:
# Drf "Good, good."
Drf "Muito bem."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5553
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_a76992e0:
# Drf "I won’t keep you any longer then."
Drf "Não vou mais atrapalhar vocês, então."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5560
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_c74a3168:
# "Fernsworth meanders to pester the next few students."
"Fernsworth se retira para ir perturbar os próximos estudantes."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:5563
translate pt_br lPromAnnouncement_7179338d:
# A "Anyways, where were we?"
A "Enfim, onde a gente tava?"
translate pt_br strings:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2695
old "Guess I’ll say hi."
new "Acho que vou dizer oi."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2695
old "Don’t want to talk to them today."
new "Não tô afim de falar com elas hoje."