Michael Yick 947f584c0a Patch "Kurwa Bobr" Ready - Polish translation from email (#235)
Co-authored-by: Map <>
Reviewed-by: Mappening <>
Co-authored-by: Michael Yick <>
Co-committed-by: Michael Yick <>
2024-05-04 11:35:46 +00:00

312 lines
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# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:5
translate pl chapter_11A_57608767:
# "I help Fang through the first few questions until she says she has a good grasp on the concept."
"Pomagam Fang odpowiedzieć na kilka pierwszych pytań, dopóki nie powie, że dobrze rozumie materiał."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:7
translate pl chapter_11A_53de02b5:
# "Eventually Im able to focus on my own work again, making steady progress through the remaining problems."
"W końcu mogę znów skupić się na własnej pracy, pokonując pozostałe zadania."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:10
translate pl chapter_11A_10cb1f54:
# "My mind wanders back to the idea of going to Prom."
"Moje myśli wracają do pomysłu pójścia na bal."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:12
translate pl chapter_11A_db931904:
# "I honestly dont feel like going."
"Szczerze mówiąc, nie mam ochoty iść."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:14
translate pl chapter_11A_f4be3bf3:
# "Maybe Fang will feel the same about skipping prom and just going to the beach or something."
"Może Fang czuje to samo na temat pominięcia studniówki i po prostu pójściu na plażę czy coś."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:17
translate pl chapter_11A_0665a8e3:
# A "Hey Fang. Do-"
A "Hej Fang. Czy-"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:22
translate pl chapter_11A_5148fa4b:
# "Somethings off with Fang, shes gazing vacantly into space."
"Coś jest nie tak z Fang, patrzy tępo w przestrzeń."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:24
translate pl chapter_11A_5e8c8515:
# "Her worksheet lies untouched in front of her."
"Jej arkusz ćwiczeń leży przed nią nietknięty."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:26
translate pl chapter_11A_7171edcd:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fang?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fang?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:29
translate pl chapter_11A_784b7a01:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ive decided."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Zdecydowałam."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:31
translate pl chapter_11A_829169f7:
# A "Huh?"
A "Huh?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:34
translate pl chapter_11A_ee17c2e8:
# F "VVURM DRAMA has to play for the school at prom."
F "VVURM DRAMA musi zagrać dla szkoły na balu."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:36
translate pl chapter_11A_b7041cc7:
# F "Its the only way that everyone will finally see our talent."
F "To jedyny sposób by wszyscy wkońcu dostrzegli nasze talenty."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:39
translate pl chapter_11A_af05d71e:
# A "Wait, your band? But I thought you broke off last mon-"
A "Czekaj, twój zespół? Ale myślałem że odeszłaś w zeszły po-"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:44
translate pl chapter_11A_89bbfc3d:
# F "Oh, dont worry about that."
F "Oh, nie martw się o to."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:46
translate pl chapter_11A_140df526:
# F "Trish called with the idea last night and I apologized!"
F "Trish zadzwoniła z pomysłem zeszłej nocy a ja przeprosiłam!"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:51
translate pl chapter_11A_2a3fa510:
# A "I-wait, {i}you{/i} apologized?"
A "Ja-czekaj, ¿{i}ty{/i} przeprosiłaś?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:54
translate pl chapter_11A_d49dab18:
# F "Thinking about it again, leaving the band was something of an overreaction on my part."
F "Kiedy jeszcze raz o tym pomyślałam, odejście z zespołu było z mojej strony czymś w rodzaju przesadnej reakcji."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:56
translate pl chapter_11A_0cf62217:
# A "Overreaction? But she-"
A "Przesadnej reakcji? Ale ona-"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:58
translate pl chapter_11A_68b23159:
# F "Trish has been my friend for a long time, and I shouldnt have been so harsh on her."
F "Trish jest moją przyjaciółką od dawna i nie powinnam była być dla niej taka surowa."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:60
translate pl chapter_11A_f42f0ced:
# A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} ye-{w=.4}{nw}"
A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} ta-{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:63
translate pl chapter_11A_cb936082:
# F "So the bands back together!"
F "Więc zespół znów jest razem!"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:65
translate es chapter_11A_c6e70309:
# F "Isnt that great!?"
F "Czy to nie jest wspaniałe!?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:67
translate pl chapter_11A_4cf0cd74:
# A "I-I, uh, sure?"
A "Ja-ja, uh, pewnie?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:69
translate pl chapter_11A_300b6da2:
# F "So youll go to prom to help us play, right?"
F "Więc będziesz na balu by nam pomóc grać, prawda?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:72
translate pl chapter_11A_bc6d7537:
# "So much for avoiding it. Fuck me."
"Tyle z unikania. Niech mnie szlag."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:74
translate pl chapter_11A_a7981a65:
# A "Guess I dont have much of a choice."
A "Chyba nie mam zbytniego wyboru."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:76
translate pl chapter_11A_32138f76:
# A "You sure about Trish though?"
A "Jesteś pewna z Trish?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:78
translate pl chapter_11A_1db507b4:
# A "{cps=*.6}She proba-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "{cps=*.6}Ona prawdo-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:81
translate pl chapter_11A_8c68f564:
# F "Oh, you can apologize to her at lunch today."
F "Oh, możesz ją przeprosić dzisiaj podczas lunchu."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:90
translate pl chapter_11A_13b4e631:
# A "Wh-buh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} What?!"
A "C-cc{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Co?!"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:95
translate pl chapter_11A_c619164b:
# A "Why in the seven fucks would I apologize to her?"
A "Czemu do siedmiu kurew miałbym ją przepraszać?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:99
translate pl chapter_11A_a821fb1e:
# A "The janitors have stopped washing my locker since it just gets more dicks drawn on it every day!"
A "Woźni przestali myć mają szafke od kiedy pojawia się na niej coraz więcej rysunków kutasów każdego dnia!"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:102
translate pl chapter_11A_a7a14206:
# A "Theres more dicks on my locker than in a pride parade for fucks sake!"
A "Jest więcej kutasów na mojej szafce niż na paradzie równości do kurwy nędzy!"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:105
translate pl chapter_11A_ef066920:
# F "Its easier than just letting it boil, right?"
F "To łatwiejsze niż pozwalać się sytuacji jątrzyć, prawda?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:107
translate pl chapter_11A_d8ee1bbd:
# F "You should be more willing to forgive people."
F "Powinieneś być bardziej skłonny przebaczać."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:110
translate pl chapter_11A_0ac798ae:
# F "Come on, we both have limited friend groups."
F "Daj spokój, oboje mamy ograniczone grupy przyjaciół."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:112
translate pl chapter_11A_1a98aaf3:
# F "We cant afford to burn bridges when we can just accept things, right?"
F "Nie możemy sobie pozwolić na palenie mostów, skoro możemy po prostu zaakceptować pewne rzeczy, prawda?"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:115
translate pl chapter_11A_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:117
translate pl chapter_11A_2ce83728:
# "When she puts it like that."
"Jeśli ona to tak przedstawia."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:120
translate pl chapter_11A_c4c620fe:
# A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Whatever. Fine."
A "Ja{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nie ważne. Dobra."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:126
translate pl chapter_11A_539722eb:
# "But how she put it."
"Ale sposób w jaki ona to przedstawia."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:128
translate pl chapter_11A_fac801d6:
# "Maybe its just me, but she seems a little{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Może to tylko moje obawy, ale ona wydaje się trochę{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:130
translate pl chapter_11A_95096231:
# "Frantic."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:136
translate pl chapter_11A_4292df86:
# F "Ohh, thank you so much Anon!"
F "Ohh, dziękuje bardzo Anon!"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:138
translate pl chapter_11A_86fbf73f:
# F "Ill start looking for a good suit to wear!"
F "Zacznę szukać dobrego stroju do założenia!"
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:141
translate pl chapter_11A_2d88d8fc:
# "Fang yanks her phone out and starts looking through an online catalogue of androgynous formal wear."
"Fang wyciąga telefon i zaczyna przeglądać internetowy katalog androgynicznej odzieży wyjściowej."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:144
translate pl chapter_11A_a87bb792:
# "Well, this cant be a good sign."
"Cóż, to nie może być dobry znak."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:146
translate pl chapter_11A_261c87bf:
# "\"Highlight of our time here at Volcano High\" indeed."
"\"Najważniejszy moment naszego pobytu w Volcano High\" rzeczywiście."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:156
translate pl chapter_11A_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-28 12:16
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:65
translate pl chapter_11A_c6e70309:
# F "Isnt that great!?"
F "Czy nie jest to wspaniałe!?"