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synced 2025-03-27 04:17:08 +01:00
Co-authored-by: dsatta <dsatta60@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: nutbuster <nutbuster@cock.li> Co-authored-by: Map <mapmappening@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://git.cavemanon.xyz/Cavemanon/SnootGame/pulls/246 Reviewed-by: Mappening <mapanon@noreply.git.cavemanon.xyz> Co-authored-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz> Co-committed-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz>
1707 lines
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1707 lines
60 KiB
# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:16
translate it chapter_x9_938feb50:
# "What the fuck just happened?"
"Cosa cazzo è appena successo?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:18
translate it chapter_x9_9f89ee8c:
# "One second Naser and Naomi were talking{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Un secondo Naser e Naomi stavano parlando{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:20
translate it chapter_x9_5dcd9e49:
# "Now I’ve got a cripple brother looking more lost and confused than ever before."
"Ora ho un fratello handicappato che sembra più smarrito e confuso che mai."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:22
translate it chapter_x9_b845b63b:
# "And little miss ‘perfect life’ crying like a baby outside my house."
"E la signorina ‘vita perfetta’ sta frignando davanti casa mia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:25
translate it chapter_x9_c999da76:
# Nas "M-maybe I{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{w=0.5} I should-"
Nas "F-forse{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{w=0.5} Dovrei-"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:28
translate it chapter_x9_3cdb7344:
# F "Naser for once in your life, do the smart thing{w=.5}{nw}"
F "Naser per una volta in vita tua, fai la cosa intelligente{w=0.5}{nw}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:34
translate it chapter_x9_598fc1de:
# extend " and shut up!"
extend " e stai zitto!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:40
translate it chapter_x9_7dc98af8:
# "I wince as I see Naser recoil at my harsh words."
"Sussulto mentre vedo Naser indietreggiare per le mie dure parole."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:42
translate it chapter_x9_3f72269d:
# "Can’t fall back into bad habits now."
"Ora non posso ricadere nelle mie cattive abitudini."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:45
translate it chapter_x9_36171b8d:
# "Think Lucy, Think! How do you unfuck this fuck-up?"
"Pensa Lucy, pensa! Come puoi decazzare questa cazzata?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:50
translate it chapter_x9_ace1995a:
# "I look out the window and watch as Naomi continues wailing."
"Guardo fuori dalla finestra e osservo mentre Naomi continua a piangere."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:52
translate it chapter_x9_e6b27ab4:
# "Even though I despise the idea, Naomi needs someone to be there for her and support her now more than ever."
"Anche se detesto l'idea, a Naomi serve qualcuno che sia lì per lei e che la sostenga ora più che mai."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:54
translate it chapter_x9_296797af:
# "With the thought of what I’m about to do, I realize just how much Anon had really done for me."
"Con il pensiero di quello che sto per fare, mi rendo conto di quanto Anon abbia veramente fatto per me."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:57
translate it chapter_x9_b90213a9:
# "But god damn it, I really don’t want to{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Ma porca miseria, non voglio{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:64
translate it chapter_x9_bb5578c0:
# "I turn back to face my brother, who looks like he wants to jump from our house’s roof."
"Mi rigiro verso mio fratello, che sembra di voler saltare dal tetto di casa nostra."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:67
translate it chapter_x9_9f7089c2:
# F "I’m gonna go try and calm Naomi down."
F "Vado a cercare di calmare Naomi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:69
translate it chapter_x9_fac42aa9:
# F "Stay here and finish cleaning."
F "Resta qui e finisci di pulire."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:72
translate it chapter_x9_6e1f1f63:
# "Naser nods and takes up the broom Naomi set aside, distracting himself by sweeping up the rest of the trash on the floor."
"Naser annuisce e prende la scopa che Naomi aveva messo da parte, distraendosi spazzando il resto dell'immondizia sul pavimento."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:83
translate it chapter_x9_12ecd9f3:
# "Easy part done."
"Parte facile completata."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:86
translate it chapter_x9_2a59ca8f:
# "I take a calming sigh and walk out the door to the wailing idiot trying to wake up the whole neighborhood."
"Sospiro per calmarmi ed esco dalla porta verso l'idiota lagnosa che sta provando a svegliare l'intero vicinato."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:129
translate it chapter_x9_99f16620:
# F "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you{cps=*.1}...{/cps} okay?"
F "Quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tutto{cps=*.1}...{/cps} bene?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:132
translate it chapter_x9_52dc5397:
# "Naomi doesn't reply."
"Naomi non risponde."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:135
translate it chapter_x9_2ab7159e:
# "She only keeps crying like her whole world's falling apart."
"Continua a piangere come se il suo mondo stesse cadendo a pezzi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:152
translate it chapter_x9_c217dd62:
# F "Naomi?{w=0.5} The fuck is wrong with you?"
F "Naomi?{w=0.5} Cosa cazzo hai che non va?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:167
translate it chapter_x9_be50d1d0:
# "Somehow, her sobbing gets louder, to the point that I feel my ears start to ring. Any louder, and she’s going to give me tinnitus."
"In qualche modo, il suo singhiozzare diventa più forte, al punto che sento le mie orecchie fischiare. Un po' più forte, e mi farà venire l'acufene."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:173
translate it chapter_x9_9c72cd57:
# F "NAOMI!{w=0.2} Get a FUCKING grip!"
F "NAOMI!{w=0.2} Datti una CAZZO di calmata!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:178
translate it chapter_x9_1ff583e5:
# "Naomi finally looks up to me with a tear-stained face."
"Naomi finalmente mi guarda con un viso rigato di lacrime."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:181
translate it chapter_x9_629c7f94:
# N "A break{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{w=1.0} N-Naser s-said he{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=1.0}he wants to take a break!"
N "Una pausa{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{w=1.0} N-Naser ha detto che{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=1.0}si vuole prendere una pausa!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:184
translate it chapter_x9_76322855:
# "I almost want to slap the bitch."
"Quasi voglio tirare uno schiaffo alla troia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:186
translate it chapter_x9_6b4b3560:
# "She’s putting on all the waterworks because Naser wants some time away from her?"
"Sta zampillando come una fontana perché Naser vuole stare un po' di tempo lontana da lei?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:188
translate it chapter_x9_0260b719:
# F "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}And?"
F "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}E?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:210
translate it chapter_x9_75eaba53:
# "Naomi, who had still been lying on her knees up to this point, scowls at me with a face full of fire and fury before rising to her feet."
"Naomi, che a questo punto stava ancora seduta sulle ginocchia, mi guarda imbronciata con una faccia piena di fuoco e furia prima di alzarsi in piedi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:213
translate it chapter_x9_93cf3c23:
# N "What do you mean {w=.3}{nw}"
N "Cosa intendi con {w=.3}{nw}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:216
translate it chapter_x9_a39c46a0:
# extend "{i}‘and’{/i}?"
extend "{i}‘e’{/i}?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:218
translate it chapter_x9_3d8b29ba:
# N "Naser and I are the perfect couple!"
N "Naser e io siamo la coppia perfetta!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:220
translate it chapter_x9_e529cf12:
# N "He is the perfect boyfriend!"
N "Lui è il ragazzo perfetto!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:222
translate it chapter_x9_85e6a78c:
# N "And I am the perfect girlfriend!"
N "E io sono la ragazza perfetta!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:224
translate it chapter_x9_47b4022d:
# N "We’re supposed to have the perfect life together!"
N "Avremmo dovuto avere la vita perfetta insieme!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:226
translate it chapter_x9_6cc37220:
# N "Wh-why does he want us to take a break in our relationship!?"
N "P-perché lui vuole che ci prendiamo una pausa dalla nostra relazione!?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:242
translate it chapter_x9_ce576bab:
# "Naomi buries her face in her hands and sits on the curbside. Thankfully, she doesn’t burst into more wails, which is at least an improvement."
"Naomi sprofonda la faccia tra le mani e si siede sul marciapiede. Per fortuna, non scoppia più a piangere, il che si può dire essere un miglioramento."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:245
translate it chapter_x9_2e4cf45e:
# "Shit. Why am I the one who has to fix this mess?"
"Merda. Perché devo essere io quella a sistemare questo macello?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:247
translate it chapter_x9_edfa6502:
# "I’m probably the least qualified person when it comes to relationships."
"Sono probabilmente la persona meno qualificata in materia di relazioni."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:250
translate it chapter_x9_bd8a3ee6:
# "Still{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}not like Naser’s going to be any better at this."
"Tuttavia{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}non è che Naser potrebbe essere tanto meglio."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:253
translate it chapter_x9_6af3207f:
# "Fuck{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}guess it really comes down to me{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Cazzo{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}credo che tocchi davvero a me{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:256
translate it chapter_x9_27caf3eb:
# "I sit down next to Naomi on the curb."
"Mi siedo vicino a Naomi sul marciapiede."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:275
translate it chapter_x9_74f6d63c:
# "My presence makes her tense up, which also results in her shutting off the waterworks to at least appear more dignified."
"La mia presenza la fa irrigidire, il che provoca anche lo spegnimento della fontana per sembrare almeno più dignitosa."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:278
translate it chapter_x9_7764a45c:
# F "So Naser wants to take a break."
F "Quindi Naser si vuole prendere una pausa."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:281
translate it chapter_x9_7f0b63a6:
# F "Big fucking whoop!"
F "Sti gran cazzi!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:283
translate it chapter_x9_097eb294:
# F "It’s not the end of the world. It just means{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}you two have some things to think about{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "Non è la fine del mondo. Vuol dire solo che{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}voi due avete delle cose a cui pensare{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:286
translate it chapter_x9_3c8759ef:
# "I know my words are directed at Naomi, but a part of me can’t help but feel they are also applicable to me."
"So che le mie parole sono dirette a Naomi, ma una parte di me non può fare a meno di sentire che siano applicabili anche a me."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:288
translate it chapter_x9_e0696d38:
# "After all{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}I’m still trying to figure out what’s really going to happen between Anon and myself{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Dopo tutto{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}Sto ancora tentando di capire cosa succederà davvero tra me e Anon{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:291
translate it chapter_x9_792068d3:
# N "What is there to think about!? Naser and I were supposed to be together!"
N "Pensare a cosa!? Naser e io dovevamo stare insieme!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:293
translate it chapter_x9_8c485f21:
# N "I was going to take care of him every day!"
N "Mi sarei preso cura di lui ogni giorno!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:295
translate it chapter_x9_1be06f79:
# N "Cook dinner!{w=0.3} Clean the nest!{w=0.3} Romantic nights out!{w=0.3} Children running around the house!"
N "Cucinare la cena!{w=0.3} Pulire il nido!{w=0.3} Uscite romantiche la sera!{w=0.3} Bambini che corrono per casa!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:297
translate it chapter_x9_613cfa44:
# N "What am I going to do now!?{w=0.3} I already told my parents that I’m moving out!{w=0.3} Where do I go!?{w=0.3} What do I even do!?"
N "Cosa faccio adesso!?{w=0.3} Ho già detto ai miei genitori che mi sarei trasferita!{w=0.3} Dove vado!?{w=0.3} Che cosa dovrei fare!?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:300
translate it chapter_x9_f862c3d5:
# "I find myself scowling at Naomi’s words{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Mi ritrovo a imbronciarmi alle parole di Naomi{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:303
translate it chapter_x9_32563843:
# F "So, this is what all this shit’s about?"
F "Quindi è questo il motivo di tutta questa merda?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:305
translate it chapter_x9_34831763:
# F "Your {i}‘perfect’{/i} little plan falling apart before your eyes?"
F "Il tuo piccolo piano {i}‘perfetto’{/i} che va a rotoli davanti ai tuoi occhi?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:309
translate it chapter_x9_689174eb:
# F "You haven’t really changed in the last year{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "Non sei cambiata per niente in quest'anno{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:312
translate it chapter_x9_d2a4b1d1:
# "Naomi's head snaps toward me, her eyes baleful and teary as she glares daggers at me."
"La testa di Naomi si gira di scatto verso di me, i suoi occhi sono minacciosi e lacrimosi mentre mi trafigge con lo sguardo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:315
translate it chapter_x9_2377e3fb:
# N "E-excuse me!?"
N "C-come scusa!?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:317
translate it chapter_x9_ac029709:
# N "W-w-what’s that supposed to mean!?"
N "C-c-che vuoi dire!?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:319
translate it chapter_x9_9ea15ecd:
# F "You heard me."
F "Mi hai sentita."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:321
translate it chapter_x9_47b772e3:
# F "I mean you were, are - and if you keep this up, will be - a total fucking bitch ‘til the day your ass turns back to dust."
F "Dico che eri, sei - e se non la smetti, sarai - un'assoluta stronza del cazzo fino al giorno che non ritornerai polvere."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:324
translate it chapter_x9_5fbd13b5:
# "Naomi’s brows furrow."
"Naomi aggrotta le sopracciglia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:326
translate it chapter_x9_6d7e7c28:
# "She grits her teeth so tightly that for a second, I think she’s going to make her gums bleed."
"Lei stringe i denti così forte che per un secondo ho pensato che le sue gengive stessero per sanguinare."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:329
translate it chapter_x9_65df1179:
# N "F-Fu-Fuck you, you{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}you discount-brand guitarist!"
N "V-V-Vaffanculo, sei{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}sei una chitarrista di sottomarca!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:331
translate it chapter_x9_0aa8dcb0:
# F "Insult me all you want. You know I’m right."
F "Insultami quanto vuoi. Sai che ho ragione."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:333
translate it chapter_x9_83e392d5:
# N "Naser and I are a-absolutely perfect for each other! Not like with you and A-Anon!"
N "Naser e io siamo a-assolutamente perfetti l'uno per l'altro! Non come te e A-Anon!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:335
translate it chapter_x9_a7225445:
# "This asshole. She’s lucky I don’t have anything blunt I can use to beat the shit out of her."
"Questa stronza. È fortunata che non ho niente da poter usare per picchiarla a sangue."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:338
translate it chapter_x9_f133514a:
# "I cross my arms and give Naomi a flat look."
"Incrocio le braccia e guardo Naomi impassibile."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:341
translate it chapter_x9_4444957a:
# F "Perfect for one another? I’m not the one with a broken relationship after a single fucking night!"
F "Perfetti l'uno per l'altro? Non sono io quella con una relazione spezzata dopo una singola cazzo di serata!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:343
translate it chapter_x9_529a3d14:
# F "Me and Anon{cps=*.20}...{/cps} yeah, we fight, but we always come out of it stronger."
F "Io e Anon{cps=*.20}...{/cps} sì, litighiamo, ma ne usciamo sempre più forti."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:345
translate it chapter_x9_45690e90:
# F "We’re taking a break{cps=*.20}...{/cps} but that doesn’t mean our relationship’s over."
F "Ci stiamo prendendo una pausa{cps=*.20}...{/cps} ma questo non vuol dire che la nostra relazione è finita."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:348
translate it chapter_x9_df8787f4:
# F "Unlike yours{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "Al contrario della tua{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:351
translate it chapter_x9_853d7b1b:
# "At first, Naomi gives me a look of absolute rage."
"All'inizio, Naomi mi fa uno sguardo di rabbia assoluta."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:353
translate it chapter_x9_f2d340c3:
# "Her hands curl into fists and her face turns a bright red."
"Le sue mani si chiudono in pugni e la sua faccia diventa un rosso acceso."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:355
translate it chapter_x9_05908cd5:
# "But that expression doesn’t last long as her eyes again fill with tears and her shoulders slump."
"Ma quella espressione non dura a lungo mentre i suoi occhi si riempono di nuovo di lacrime e le sue spalle si afflosciano."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:358
translate it chapter_x9_da76fe7f:
# N "Why{cps=*.20}...{/cps}?"
N "Perché{cps=*.20}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:360
translate it chapter_x9_0154bc1b:
# F "Why what?"
F "Perché cosa?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:363
translate it chapter_x9_0012a06b:
# N "Why talk to me?"
N "Perché parlare con me?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:365
translate it chapter_x9_3d8ec6bb:
# N "If you hate me this much, why are you wasting your breath even acknowledging my existence?"
N "Se mi odi così tanto, perché stai sprecando il tuo fiato riconoscendo che esisto?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:367
translate it chapter_x9_4f27e3cd:
# N "You really get a rise about kicking me when I’m at my lowest!?"
N "Davvero provi gusto a prendermi a calci quando ho toccato il fondo!?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:369
translate it chapter_x9_44dca038:
# N "Do you want to hit me again like you did before prom!?"
N "Vuoi colpirmi di nuovo come hai fatto prima del ballo!?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:371
translate it chapter_x9_a28e3710:
# F "You offering? Because I can oblige!"
F "Offri? Perché sarebbe un piacere!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:373
translate it chapter_x9_eb9fa727:
# "I give Naomi a smug grin in an attempt to liven the mood a bit, but my attempt at humor goes completely unnoticed."
"Faccio a Naomi uno sguardo compiaciuto in un tentativo di ravvivare l'atmosfera, ma il mio tentativo di fare humor viene ignorato."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:375
translate it chapter_x9_d9d6851a:
# "She only stares at me with absolute contempt."
"Lei mi guarda con assoluto disprezzo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:378
translate it chapter_x9_f870c542:
# "Naturally, I glare right back at the bitch."
"Naturalmente, rispondo alla troia con un'occhiataccia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:381
translate it chapter_x9_2456c1f4:
# "Still, seeing Naomi like she is now, a part of me can’t help but pity her."
"Eppure, vedere Naomi così com'è, una parte di me non può fare a meno di avere pietà per lei."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:383
translate it chapter_x9_55a528c5:
# "At the back of my mind, I remember a certain memory."
"In un angolo remoto della mente, riaffiora un certo ricordo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:385
translate it chapter_x9_ed54419f:
# "One that I’ll always treasure:"
"Uno di cui farò sempre tesoro:"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:388
translate it chapter_x9_815db771:
# A "{alpha=0.5}{i}All that matters is her.{/i}{/alpha}"
A "{alpha=0.5}{i}Lei è tutto ciò che conta.{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:392
translate it chapter_x9_742ba5f7:
# "I sigh and let all my anger fade away."
"Sospiro e lascio sfumare tutta la mia rabbia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:394
translate it chapter_x9_b96683f1:
# "Anger isn’t going to do anything right now."
"Essere arrabbiati non servirà a niente."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:397
translate it chapter_x9_bebd87af:
# F "I’m not here to kick your ass{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}even if you deserve a beating."
F "Non sono qui per farti il culo{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}anche se te la meriti una sculacciata."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:399
translate it chapter_x9_9fd067a0:
# F "I just{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "È solo che{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:402
translate it chapter_x9_dccf492f:
# "I look toward the window and see Naser still sweeping, his shoulders hunched and wings drooped."
"Guardo verso la finestra e vedo che Naser sta ancora spazzando, le sue spalle ricurve e ali penzolanti."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:405
translate it chapter_x9_4d8c4393:
# "God damn it."
"Porca miseria."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:408
translate it chapter_x9_7bcb3d2b:
# F "Naser’s kicking himself over this."
F "Naser si sta mangiando le mani per questo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:410
translate it chapter_x9_936fbb94:
# F "Y’know the kinda guy he is."
F "Sai come è fatto."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:412
translate it chapter_x9_a8d099c4:
# F "At least you should, anyway."
F "Almeno dovresti, in ogni caso."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:414
translate it chapter_x9_aa288dc3:
# N "B-but-"
N "M-ma-"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:416
translate it chapter_x9_485c1f00:
# F "He worries. He always worries."
F "Lui si preoccupa. Si preoccupa sempre."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:418
translate it chapter_x9_3000b160:
# F "Constantly. Naser can’t help himself."
F "Continuamente. Naser non ci può fare niente."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:421
translate it chapter_x9_89e29292:
# "It’s like my words are stabbing Naomi in the heart as she starts to shrink more and more."
"È come se le mie parole stessero pugnalando Naomi nel cuore mentre lei si ristringe sempre di più."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:424
translate it chapter_x9_e9393c77:
# F "I think it’s how he shows he cares."
F "Penso sia il modo in cui lui mostra che gli importa."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:426
translate it chapter_x9_61449a2b:
# F "That he’s willing to take everyone’s issues and ignore his own."
F "Che è disposto a prendersi carico dei problemi di tutti e ignorare i propri."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:429
translate it chapter_x9_27d0d6ef:
# N "I{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}but he said{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "Io{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}ma lui ha detto{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:431
translate it chapter_x9_b4f9da10:
# N "He said he wanted to take a break! Just like you and Anon!"
N "Ha detto che si vuole prendere una pausa! Proprio come te e Anon!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:433
translate it chapter_x9_c5699b69:
# N "You had to have put him up to this! You! You-"
N "Scommetto che sei stata tu a convincerlo! Tu! Tu-"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:435
translate it chapter_x9_b282b70f:
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:438
translate it chapter_x9_38c04d72:
# "I can’t help but roll my eyes at her words."
"Non posso fare a meno di alzare gli occhi al cielo a queste parole."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:441
translate it chapter_x9_04fd81bf:
# F "God, you’re so fucking stupid."
F "Dio, sei cosi cogliona."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:443
translate it chapter_x9_a27ac73d:
# F "No, I didn’t put him up to this shit. Hell, I didn’t even tell him that Anon and I went on break!"
F "No, non sono stata io a convincerlo e merdate varie. Diavolo, non gli ho neanche detto che Anon e io stessimo in pausa!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:445
translate it chapter_x9_e0bd46eb:
# F "Naser{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}did you actually TELL him how you set me and Anon up from the very start?"
F "Naser{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}glielo hai DETTO di come hai combinato me e Anon fin dall'inizio vero?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:448
translate it chapter_x9_74adaeb1:
# "The dumb bitch blanches at that."
"La stupida troia sbianca."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:450
translate it chapter_x9_71126069:
# "Nailed it."
"Colpita nel segno."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:453
translate it chapter_x9_57ad48cc:
# F "That’s another thing about my brother, y’know{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "Quella è un'altra cosa di mio fratello, sai{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:455
translate it chapter_x9_80c8c6f2:
# F "He can be stupidly dense."
F "Può essere stupidamente ottuso."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:457
translate it chapter_x9_540c5660:
# F "He probably didn’t even know you were trying to move in with him."
F "Probabilmente neanche sapeva che stavi provando a trasferirti con lui."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:459
translate it chapter_x9_f78b6c43:
# N "T-then how do you know?!"
N "A-allora come fai tu a saperlo?!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:461
translate it chapter_x9_43453023:
# "Ha. Called it."
"Ha. Beccata."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:464
translate it chapter_x9_e18030a4:
# F "You and your stupid plans."
F "Tu e i tuoi stupidi piani."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:466
translate it chapter_x9_c1545581:
# F "Would it kill you to just, I don’t fucking know, tell someone?"
F "Ti ucciderebbe semplicemente, e che cazzo ne so, dirlo a qualcuno?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:469
translate it chapter_x9_92868ce1:
# "Naomi sags and whimpers."
"Naomi si affloscia e mugola."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:472
translate it chapter_x9_8fa1e940:
# N "I was going to move in with him."
N "Avevo intenzione di andare a vivere con lui."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:474
translate it chapter_x9_ca98c637:
# N "Go to the same college and graduate together."
N "Andare allo stesso college e laurearsi insieme."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:476
translate it chapter_x9_ae1c15c8:
# N "We would have a perfect life together{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "Avremmo avuto una vita perfetta insieme{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:479
translate it chapter_x9_66c7df2d:
# "I facepalm at her words."
"Faccio un facepalm a queste parole."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:481
translate it chapter_x9_63551ef2:
# "Perfect this. Perfect that."
"Perfetto questo. Perfetto quello."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:488
translate it chapter_x9_60481d01:
# "I can’t fucking stand Naomi’s bullshit anymore."
"Porca miseria non sopporto più le stronzate di Naomi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:491
translate it chapter_x9_5faa5bc9:
# "I stand up and for once look down on the salmon-toned asshole."
"Mi alzo e per una volta guardo dall'alto la stronza salmonata."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:504
translate it chapter_x9_856c0a90:
# F "For fuck’s sake, get over yourself!"
F "Ma porca di quella puttana, abbassa la cresta!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:506
translate it chapter_x9_ade3c5b2:
# F "You’re. {w=0.5}Not. {w=0.5}Perfect!"
F "Non. {w=0.5}Sei. {w=0.5}Perfetta!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:511
translate it chapter_x9_2377e3fb_1:
# N "E-excuse me!?"
N "C-come scusa!?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:521
translate it chapter_x9_113971bf:
# "Naomi stands up, her previous sadness supplanted by anger."
"Naomi si alza in piedi, la sua tristezza soppiantata da rabbia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:524
translate it chapter_x9_b125d92a:
# N "I’ll have you know that I’ve dedicated my whole life to being as perfect as can be!"
N "Per tua informazione ho dedicato tutta la mia vita all'essere il più perfetta possibile!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:526
translate it chapter_x9_e4ee9a01:
# F "That’s complete bullshit, and you know it."
F "È una cagata pazzesca, e lo sai."
# 92 minuti di applausi
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:528
translate it chapter_x9_be5d5e31:
# F "Before you and my brother started bumping uglies, you were just some meek nerdy bitch."
F "Prima che tu cominciassi a sbatterti mio fratello, eri solamente una docile cagna secchiona."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:530
translate it chapter_x9_6ee71aea:
# F "Mostly harmless."
F "Praticamente innocua."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:532
translate it chapter_x9_72f516b7:
# F "But then you became{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}whatever this is."
F "Ma poi sei diventata{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}qualsiasi cosa sei ora."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:535
translate it chapter_x9_ce5bcb6c:
# "I motion to her whole being."
"Gesticolo verso di lei."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:540
translate it chapter_x9_6c0bb337:
# F "You became a bossy, machiavellian perfectionist BITCH with plans on top of plans like you’re some kind of chessmaster!"
F "Sei diventata una dispotica, machiavellica, e perfezionistica PUTTANA con piani su piani come se fossi una specie di maestra di scacchi!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:542
translate it chapter_x9_23ba0db1:
# F "You never actually cared about Naser in the first place, did you?"
F "Non ti è mai veramente importato di Naser, non è vero?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:544
translate it chapter_x9_b20ffa55:
# F "You only wanted him for the prestige it would bring you!"
F "Lo volevi solamente per il prestigio che ti avrebbe portato!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:599
translate it chapter_x9_8809ec7f:
# "FUCK! Ow!" with hpunch
"CAZZO! Ow!" with hpunch
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:602
translate it chapter_x9_281801a6:
# "I can feel a searing heat on my cheek."
"Posso sentire il calore rovente sulla mia guancia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:605
translate it chapter_x9_ac41feb9:
# "Surprised she had it in her."
"Sono sorpresa che ne fosse capace."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:615
translate it chapter_x9_34a2bb27:
# "Naomi isn’t looking me in the eyes, but she’s huffing as she cradles her hand to her chest."
"Naomi non mi sta guardando negli occhi, ma sta ansimando mentre teneva la sua mano al petto."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:618
translate it chapter_x9_376b973f:
# N "I LOVE Naser! He actually cared about a useless girl like me! So I had to become his perfect girlfriend!"
N "Io AMO Naser! A lui è importato di una ragazza inutile come me! Quindi dovevo diventare la sua ragazza perfetta!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:621
translate it chapter_x9_08cf20c6:
# "I rub my cheek and do my best to keep my temper under control."
"Mi strofino la guancia e faccio il mio meglio per mantenere la calma."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:623
translate it chapter_x9_5ccbec76:
# "Though I want to, jumping on top of the bitch and beating the shit out of her is not the answer right now."
"Anche se voglio, assalire la troia e pestarla a sangue non è la risposta giusta al momento."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:626
translate it chapter_x9_d5be0f30:
# F "Does a ‘perfect girlfriend’ intentionally try to secretly manipulate her boyfriend’s family without even telling him?!"
F "Una ‘ragazza perfetta’ proverebbe intenzionalmente a manipolare in segreto la famiglia del suo ragazzo senza dirglielo?!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:633
translate it chapter_x9_3cb7c7a6:
# "Naomi’s breath hitches."
"Il respiro di Naomi s'intoppa."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:636
translate it chapter_x9_3dede249:
# F "How do you think Naser would react to finding out what you did?"
F "Come pensi reagirebbe Naser se scoprisse cosa hai fatto?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:639
translate it chapter_x9_10134a33:
# N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}He{cps=*.20}{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{/cps}"
N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}Lui{cps=*.20}{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:642
translate it chapter_x9_725bc58b:
# "Naomi shuts her mouth as fast as she opens it."
"Naomi chiude la bocca tanto velocemente quanto l'ha aperta."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:645
translate it chapter_x9_246fd4de:
# F "Probably wouldn’t like it, would he?"
F "Probabilmente non gli piacerebbe, no?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:647
translate it chapter_x9_69d68bd5:
# F "Aaron Fuckwingham was way too protective of my retarded ass to approve."
F "Aaron Alainculataldo era troppo protettivo della ritardata in questione per approvare."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:649
translate it chapter_x9_2ffb614a:
# F "And he clearly did care about you, too."
F "E chiaramente gli importava seriamente anche di te."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:651
translate it chapter_x9_96fb09fa:
# F "It wasn’t even that you didn’t care to know how Naser felt. You knew and actively disregarded that information."
F "Non è neanche che non ti importava di come si sentiva Naser. Lo sapevi e hai attivamente ignorato quell'informazione."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:655
translate it chapter_x9_73c46f3e:
# N "Shut up{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "Stai zitta{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:657
translate it chapter_x9_32bdf584:
# F "No way, I’m-"
F "Non esiste, sono-"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:659
translate it chapter_x9_f9add84d:
# N "I know already{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "Già lo so{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:662
translate it chapter_x9_667dbba4:
# "The dumb bitch shifts her head to the side, trying to hide her eyes."
"La stupida stronza muove la testa di lato, provando a nascondere i suoi occhi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:665
translate it chapter_x9_c64595f8:
# N "P-please, couldn’t y-you let me just{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{w=0.2} g-grovel h-here?"
N "P-per favore, non mi p-potresti lasciare{cps=*.20}...{/cps} q-qui a u-umiliarmi?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:668
translate it chapter_x9_54bdbf53:
# "Naomi’s words are coming out haphazardly. It’s clear that she’s having a hard time forming thoughts."
"Le parole di Naomi escono a casaccio. È chiaro che sta avendo difficoltà a pensare."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:670
translate it chapter_x9_9cce5a28:
# "She’s already pretty fucked up. But she needs to hear what comes next, even if it hurts her."
"Lei è già bella che incasinata. Ma deve sentire quello che viene dopo, anche se le fa male."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:683
translate it chapter_x9_74c119f7:
# F "You know what your problem is, Naomi?"
F "Sai quale è il tuo problema, Naomi?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:685
translate it chapter_x9_40613b7a:
# F "You’ve stayed stuck in your own little world with your own little plans, thinking that everything you do is always going to turn out just like you planned."
F "Sei rimasta bloccata nel tuo piccolo mondo con i tuoi piccoli piani, pensando che tutto quello che fai andrà a finire proprio come tu hai pianificato."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:687
translate it chapter_x9_55f44e70:
# F "Well guess what? The world doesn’t revolve around you!"
F "Beh indovina un po'? Il mondo non gira intorno a te!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:690
translate it chapter_x9_549bca73:
# "Naomi raises an eyebrow at me at first."
"All'inizio Naomi alza un sopracciglio."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:692
translate it chapter_x9_3ac4da85:
# "She then grimaces before fixing me with a look that I can only describe as disgust."
"Poi fa una smorfia prima mi fissarmi con uno sguardo che posso solo descrivere come di disgusto."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:695
translate it chapter_x9_cc8141c6:
# "Yet as the seconds tick by, Naomi’s expression changes."
"Tuttavia, mentre passano i secondi, l'espressione di Naomi cambia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:698
translate it chapter_x9_f0237eae:
# "Her grimace slowly vanishes, replaced instead with a thousand-yard stare."
"La sua smorfia svanisce lentamente, sostituita da uno sguardo spento."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:701
translate it chapter_x9_7967fed3:
# N "You’re{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "Hai{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:704
translate it chapter_x9_32fcaf9e:
# N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}You’re right{cps=*.20}{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{/cps}"
N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}Hai ragione{cps=*.20}{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:706
translate it chapter_x9_36960ee9:
# N "I{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}I haven’t changed one bit{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "Io{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}Io non sono cambiata neanche un po'{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:713
translate it chapter_x9_1bfa9a65:
# "She grabs hold of her head and once more falls on her knees."
"Lei tiene la testa con le mani e cade di nuovo sulle sue ginocchia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:716
translate it chapter_x9_2e93b1c4:
# N "Ever since I{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.4}I stopped being a meek nerdy girl, I became obsessed with perfection{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}to the point that I{cps=*.20}...{/cps} I wound up becoming some kind of coral castellan."
N "Da quando ho{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.4}smesso di essere una docile secchiona, sono diventata ossessionata con la perfezione{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}al punto che io{cps=*.20}...{/cps} sono finita per diventare una specie di castellana corallo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:718
translate it chapter_x9_fd99361c:
# N "Did I work hard to get there? Yes."
N "Ho lavorato duro per arrivare lì? Sì."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:720
translate it chapter_x9_100d4cba:
# N "Should I have worked so hard when it led to where I am today?"
N "Avrei dovuto lavorare così duramente quando mi ha portata a dove sono oggi?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:723
translate it chapter_x9_5e2b4125:
# N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}I {w=0.5}{cps=*.20}...{/cps}I don’t know anymore{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}Io {w=0.5}{cps=*.20}...{/cps}io non lo so più{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:726
translate it chapter_x9_ce7972fb:
# N "All I know is that{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{w=0.2} aside from your brother{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}nothing's ever really made me happy{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "So solo che{cps=*.20}...{/cps}{w=0.2} a parte tuo fratello{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}niente mi ha mai resa veramente felice{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:729
translate it chapter_x9_5122d100:
# N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}Nothing{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}Niente{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:732
translate it chapter_x9_72fc3c71:
# "Against my better judgment, I kneel next to Naomi and put a hand on her shoulder."
"Contro il mio buon senso, mi inginocchio vicino a Naomi e metto una mano sulla sua spalla."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:744
translate it chapter_x9_6f5f820e:
# F "Hey, just because you’re a manipulative fucking bitch doesn’t mean that you haven’t done some good."
F "Ehi, mica solo perché sei una cazzo di troia manipolatrice non vuol dire che non hai fatto del bene."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:746
translate it chapter_x9_831b737b:
# F "I mean{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}you did bring me and Anon together."
F "Cioè{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}hai fatto incontrare me e Anon."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:748
translate it chapter_x9_91003f31:
# F "Also{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}you did make my brother happy{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}even if it was under your authoritarian thumb{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "Poi{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}hai reso mio fratello felice{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}anche se era sotto il tuo pugno di ferro{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:751
translate it chapter_x9_79d0de95:
# "I kinda feel sick saying that."
"Mi sento quasi male a dirlo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:753
translate it chapter_x9_3fb26481:
# "I shouldn’t be praising her manipulative bitchiness, but I can’t deny that Naser was genuinely happy being with Naomi."
"Non dovrei lodare la sua stronzaggine manipolativa, ma non posso negare che Naser era veramente felice con Naomi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:756
translate it chapter_x9_32ebe5e7:
# "Even if most of that happiness was a side-effect and not a direct result of a healthy relationship{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Anche se la maggior parte di quella felicità era un effetto collaterale e non una conseguenza diretta di una relazione sana{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:759
translate it chapter_x9_30ddae3f:
# F "Maybe{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}maybe a break is what you two need now more than ever."
F "Forse{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}forse una pausa è quello che vi serve ora più che mai."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:761
translate it chapter_x9_a81766d3:
# F "Time away to think."
F "Tempo per pensare."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:763
translate it chapter_x9_5a445250:
# F "Time away to contemplate what the two of you really mean for each other."
F "Tempo per riflettere su cosa voi due significate davvero l'uno per l'altro."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:765
translate it chapter_x9_5aeddde9:
# F "Time to really figure out what the two of you mean to each other{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "Tempo per capire sul serio cosa siete l'uno per l'altro{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:768
translate it chapter_x9_28d279ce:
# "Once again, though my words are meant for Naomi, a part of me can’t shake the fact that they’re applicable to me as well{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Ancora una volta, anche se le mie parole sono destinate a lei, una parte di me non può fare a meno di pensare che siano applicabili anche a me{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:771
translate it chapter_x9_90b62ae0:
# N "Y-you really think so?"
N "L-lo pensi sul serio?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:774
translate it chapter_x9_d1166513:
# "I shrug my shoulders."
"Faccio spallucce."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:777
translate it chapter_x9_35cf3581:
# F "I don’t fucking know."
F "E che cazzo ne so."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:779
translate it chapter_x9_a848bed5:
# F "Maybe this break’s what the two of you need to really start a new phase of your relationship."
F "Forse questa pausa è quello che serve vi serve per iniziare sul serio una nuova fase della vostra relazione."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:781
translate it chapter_x9_6b7986b9:
# F "Or maybe this is it{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}and maybe you two will go your separate ways{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "O forse è tutto qui{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.2}e forse andrete ognuno per la sua strada{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:784
translate it chapter_x9_ef35efa1:
# "I almost feel myself tearing up as I say those words."
"Quasi mi sento lacrimare gli occhi mentre dico quelle parole."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:786
translate it chapter_x9_44428ca9:
# "I don’t want to admit it, but a part of me fears that my words may turn out to be prophetic in regard to Anon and Myself{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Non voglio ammetterlo, ma una parte di me ha paura che le mie parole potrebbero diventare profetiche riguardo me e Anon{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:789
translate it chapter_x9_48c850c2:
# "Naomi is eerily quiet as she absorbs my words."
"Naomi è stranamente silenziosa mentre assorbe le mie parole."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:791
translate it chapter_x9_b8119b9b:
# "I keep my hand on her shoulder. I’m not entirely sure why though."
"Tengo la mia mano sulla sua spalla. Però non sono del tutto sicura del perché."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:794
translate it chapter_x9_da9a1655:
# "Maybe as a sign of support?"
"Forse come segno di sostegno?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:797
translate it chapter_x9_666edf6b:
# "The fuck did I know."
"Che cazzo ne so."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:799
translate it chapter_x9_6a667cdd:
# "Still, being there for Naomi - even if most of me still hated the bitch - felt good{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Comunque, essere lì per Naomi - anche se maggior parte di me odiava la troia - mi faceva sentire bene{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:802
translate it chapter_x9_8f555f4b:
# N "So{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}What{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}What am I supposed to do now?"
N "Quindi{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}Cosa{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.5}Cosa dovrei fare ora?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:805
translate it chapter_x9_a6abcc13:
# "The question really struck me harder than it should have."
"La domanda mi colpisce più duramente di quanto avrebbe dovuto."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:807
translate it chapter_x9_fe048dd6:
# "What was next?"
"Cosa c'era dopo?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:810
translate it chapter_x9_db965e70:
# "I don’t know any proper answer."
"Non conosco nessuna risposta adatta."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:812
translate it chapter_x9_929e17eb:
# "But the one thing I can do is try to bury this hatchet with Naomi once and for all{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Ma l'unica cosa che posso fare e provare a seppellire l'ascia di guerra con Naomi una volta per tutte{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:815
translate it chapter_x9_d1519b7e:
# "So I spoke with Naomi. Truly spoke to her."
"Quindi ho parlato con Naomi. Parlato veramente con lei."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:817
translate it chapter_x9_0a3abf58:
# "For the first time, we talked on a common ground."
"Per la prima volta, abbiamo trovato un terreno comune per parlare."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:819
translate it chapter_x9_913f70be:
# "Even though both our voices were already dry, we just kept letting it out for hours."
"Anche se avevamo già la voce rauca a forza di parlare, abbiamo continuato a riversare tutto fuori per ore."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:821
translate it chapter_x9_fe344404:
# "Every insult and begrudging compliment we’d ever thought of each other was put out to air."
"Ogni insulto e complimento rancoroso che avessimo mai pensato l'uno dell'altro è stato messo a nudo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:824
translate it chapter_x9_03cbc127:
# "When we run out of words we just lay in silence."
"Quando abbiamo finito le parole siamo rimaste sdraiate in silenzio."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:826
translate it chapter_x9_3f6db1fc:
# "I nearly drift off to sleep on the sidewalk when a car pulls up in front of us."
"Mi sto quasi addormentando sul marciapiede quando una macchina si ferma davanti a noi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:829
translate it chapter_x9_9770f95c:
# "Oh, Naomi must’ve called a taxi."
"Oh, Naomi deve aver chiamato un taxi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:851
translate it chapter_x9_5cae1408:
# "I crank one eyelid open and see Naomi hesitantly moving to get in the backseat."
"Alzo una palpebra e vedo Naomi che si muove con esitazione verso il posto di dietro."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:856
translate it chapter_x9_9948dd60:
# "She stops with her hand on the handle."
"Si ferma con la sua mano sulla maniglia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:859
translate it chapter_x9_8f9db999:
# N "Fang?"
N "Fang?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:862
translate it chapter_x9_ee933c38:
# F "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:865
translate it chapter_x9_e47d653c:
# N "This is probably just me being deliriously exhausted, but{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "Probabilmente è solo la stanchezza delirante, ma{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:867
translate it chapter_x9_e180ddca:
# N "I{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.4}I enjoyed this talk we had."
N "Mi{cps=*.20}...{/cps} {w=0.4}mi è piaciuta questa chiacchierata."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:869
translate it chapter_x9_1009afd1:
# F "You better. Not everyday I pour out my soul to anyone that isn’t Anon."
F "Fai bene a fartela piacere. Non è tutti i giorni che riverso la mia anima con qualcuno che non sia Anon."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:872
translate it chapter_x9_0ad50f4d:
# "Naomi actually laughs at my humor this time."
"Naomi ride davvero alla mia battuta questa volta."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:875
translate it chapter_x9_48acf501:
# "Progress{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:878
translate it chapter_x9_409460c5:
# N "Hanging out might not be so bad sometimes{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "Uscire qualche volta non potrebbe essere così male{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:881
translate it chapter_x9_a8452b1f:
# "She goes quiet. Before she can muddy up her thoughts with something else, she gets in the taxi."
"Lei diventa silenziosa. Prima che lei possa confondere i suoi pensieri con qualcos'altro, lei sale sul taxi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:884
translate it chapter_x9_a36b1809:
# N "See you around{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
N "Ci vediamo in giro{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:890
translate it chapter_x9_7ea011e2:
# "She shuts the door before I can say anything and is gone within seconds."
"Lei chiude la porta prima che possa dire qualcosa e se ne va in pochi secondi."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:895
translate it chapter_x9_228b4bde:
# "Yeah, I can probably hang around with Naomi again{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Sì, probabilmente potrei frequentare di nuovo Naomi{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:898
translate it chapter_x9_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:901
translate it chapter_x9_4d7e2fd9:
# F "{cps=*.1}......{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}......{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:904
translate it chapter_x9_fccc9a30:
# "I need to get up from this curb."
"Devo alzarmi da questo marciapiede."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:912
translate it chapter_x9_02e75f6f:
# "A few of my feathers have bent and gotten stuck to the concrete from being pressed into it for so long."
"Un po' delle mie piume sono piegate e si sono incastrate nel cemento dato che erano state premute troppo a lungo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:914
translate it chapter_x9_7d39318c:
# "The door was still unlocked, luckily."
"La porta era ancora aperta, per fortuna."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:930
translate it chapter_x9_b2fa5a37:
# "Good thing I don’t live in Skin Row."
"Menomale che non vivo a Skin Row."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:932
translate it chapter_x9_14796599:
# "My place would probably be down to the foundations by now."
"A quest'ora sarebbero probabilmente rimaste solo le fondamenta."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:935
translate it chapter_x9_8826f848:
# "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:938
translate it chapter_x9_a3f3029c:
# "Dragging myself up the stairs, I remember Naomi and Naser didn’t even really get to say goodbye."
"Trascinandomi su per le scale, mi ricordo che Naomi e Naser non hanno neanche potuto dirsi addio."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:940
translate it chapter_x9_febef0da:
# "He took it about as well as I expected."
"Se l'è presa come mi aspettavo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:943
translate it chapter_x9_0410f399:
# "Judging by the loud music coming from his room he’s still upset."
"A giudicare dalla musica a palla che esce dalla sua camera è ancora arrabbiato."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:945
translate it chapter_x9_97e64e59:
# "He’ll probably stop crying by the time he’s leaving in a few days."
"Probabilmente smetterà di piangere prima che se ne va tra qualche giorno."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:960
translate it chapter_x9_1bc7d7e5:
# "I sigh into my pillow."
"Sospiro sul mio cuscino."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:962
translate it chapter_x9_de08ab02:
# "This shit is definitely not my style."
"Merda così non è assolutamente nel mio stile."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:968
translate it chapter_x9_d601ac6a:
# "When I turn over to the cool side of my pillow my fingertips brush against the corner of my phone."
"Quando giro il cuscino verso il lato fresco le punte delle mie dita sfiorano l'angolo del mio telefono."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:971
translate it chapter_x9_ba5b711a:
# "A break{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
"Una pausa{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:979
translate it chapter_x9_69feb0ed:
# "Before I can think otherwise, my fingers tap the number I’ve memorized by heart."
"Prima che possa pensare ad altro, le mie dita digitano il numero che ho imparato a memoria."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:983
translate it chapter_x9_80367c51:
# "It takes a few seconds but the screen changes to display Anon’s tired face, barely lit by his shitty phone’s screen."
"Ci vuole qualche secondo ma lo schermo cambia per mostrare la faccia stanca di Anon, a malapena illuminata dallo schifoso schermo del suo telefono."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:986
translate it chapter_x9_1371ced8:
# A "Lucy? It’s three in the morning{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
A "Lucy? Sono le tre di mattina{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:988
translate it chapter_x9_35f65c6d:
# F "I know, but{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
F "Lo so, ma{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:991
translate it chapter_x9_aa82fc23:
# A "You okay?"
A "Tutto bene?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:993
translate it chapter_x9_2d9ef4ae:
# F "Yes. I just wanted to see you."
F "Sì. Volevo solo vederti."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:995
translate it chapter_x9_d523658d:
# A "Hm{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
A "Hm{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:998
translate it chapter_x9_6d10973e:
# F "Anon, I know we’re on break."
F "Anon, lo so che ci stiamo prendendo una pausa."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1000
translate it chapter_x9_87235128:
# F "But I want to see you."
F "Ma voglio vederti."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1002
translate it chapter_x9_979f083f:
# A "You mean, like, visit?"
A "Cioè, tipo, visitare?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1004
translate it chapter_x9_3208414d:
# unknown "Oi! Shut the fuck up I’m trying to sleep!"
unknown "Oi! Chiudi quella cazzo di bocca sto cercando di dormire!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1008
translate it chapter_x9_c363f0f3:
# A "Damn it."
A "Mannaggia."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1010
translate it chapter_x9_77d37cb5:
# A "If I could I would-"
A "Se potessi lo farei-"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1012
translate it chapter_x9_57b1b67a:
# F "When’s your next break?"
F "Quanto è la tua prossima pausa?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1014
translate it chapter_x9_0b716a4f:
# A "What?"
A "Cosa?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1016
translate it chapter_x9_87d6d3dc:
# F "When. Is. Your. Next. Break?"
F "Quando. È. La. Tua. Prossima. Pausa?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1019
translate it chapter_x9_0668a6ef:
# A "Err, a couple months? July I think?"
A "Err, un paio di mesi? Luglio credo?"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1021
translate it chapter_x9_61aa0f63:
# F "Text me the date."
F "Messaggiami il giorno."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1023
translate it chapter_x9_1eb16749:
# A "Yeah sure, but why-"
A "Sì ok, ma perché-"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1025
translate it chapter_x9_07bc0ba9:
# F "I’ll buy the ticket in the morning."
F "Comprerò il biglietto in mattinata."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1027
translate it chapter_x9_1a293c10:
# F "If you can’t come see me then I’ll just visit."
F "Se non puoi venire qui allora ti visito io."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1029
translate it chapter_x9_5d04d7d8:
# unknown "ANON I SWEAR TO GOD!"
unknown "ANON GIURO SU DIO!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1032
translate it chapter_x9_571e486c:
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1035
translate it chapter_x9_848c10f1:
# "I can see his face start to turn pink."
"Posso vedere la sua faccia diventare rosa."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1038
translate it chapter_x9_e2e5538e:
# A "R-right! Yeah, I’ll give you the date and address."
A "O-ok! Sì, ti manderò il giorno e l'indirizzo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1040
translate it chapter_x9_8b7c8ef9:
# F "You better!"
F "Farai meglio!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1042
translate it chapter_x9_739f80d0:
# A "I guess I gotta go now."
A "Credo che debba andare ora."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1044
translate it chapter_x9_21ae0065:
# F "Good night Anon."
F "Buonanotte Anon."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1049
translate it chapter_x9_bf28230f:
# A "Night Lucy."
A "Notte Lucy."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1066
translate it chapter_x9_8e1d0d6f:
# "My screen fades to black and drops down onto my sheets."
"Lo schermo ridiventa nero e cade sulle mie coperte."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1069
translate it chapter_x9_022d00ba:
# F "I love you."
F "Ti amo."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1072
translate it chapter_x9_0a976822:
# "It’s just a break after all."
"È solo una pausa dopo tutto."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1081
translate it chapter_x9_8826f848_1:
# "{cps=*.20}...{/cps}"