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synced 2025-03-10 10:31:23 +01:00
Co-authored-by: dsatta <dsatta60@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: nutbuster <nutbuster@cock.li> Co-authored-by: Map <mapmappening@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://git.cavemanon.xyz/Cavemanon/SnootGame/pulls/246 Reviewed-by: Mappening <mapanon@noreply.git.cavemanon.xyz> Co-authored-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz> Co-committed-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz>
1622 lines
53 KiB
1622 lines
53 KiB
# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:4
translate it chapter_12C_c5f7e175:
# "Later at my hovel of a home…"
"Dopo, alla mia topaia di casa…"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:16
translate it chapter_12C_78ed6e68:
# A "Almost finished."
A "Quasi finito."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:19
translate it chapter_12C_591eaeee:
# Lucy "I wish I could get some help for the other periods, this took way too long."
Lucy "Vorrei che qualcuno mi aiutasse anche con le altre materie, ci abbiamo messo troppo tempo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:21
translate it chapter_12C_c23ba8c1:
# Lucy "Fuck, man. Trish keeps staring at me during class expecting me to talk to her, I gotta avoid Reed and Stella now because they're always around her too, it's agonizing!"
Lucy "Cazzo. Trish continua a fissarmi durante la lezione aspettando che parli con lei, ora devo anche evitare Reed e Stella perché stanno sempre con lei, è agonizzante!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:23
translate it chapter_12C_fe4378d0:
# Lucy "I keep having these dreams where she mans up and I'm forced to talk to her again! They feel more like nightmares now!"
Lucy "Continuo a fare questi sogni dove lei si fa coraggio e sono costretta a parlarle di nuovo! Ora sembrano più incubi che sogni!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:25
translate it chapter_12C_d1ebfb24:
# Lucy "Rosa is too busy to help - with the exercises, I mean - but I hope the camping trip will be fun."
Lucy "Rosa è troppo impegnata per aiutare - con gli esercizi, dico - ma spero che il campeggio sarà divertente."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:28
translate it chapter_12C_eb5abcd1:
# A "Well it's done. All of it."
A "Beh è finito. Tutto quanto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:31
translate it chapter_12C_4b35d8fd:
# Lucy "Thanks, Anon. You're a pretty cool guy."
Lucy "Grazie, Anon. Sei un tipo niente male."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:33
translate it chapter_12C_ffb054ff:
# A "No problem, I just like helping you, I guess."
A "Nessun problema, mi piace semplicemente aiutarti, credo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:36
translate it chapter_12C_ce0a3c4e:
# Lucy "...and without asking for anything in return."
Lucy "...e senza chiedere niente in cambio."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:38
translate it chapter_12C_cebf421c:
# Lucy "..."
Lucy "..."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:50
translate it chapter_12C_f17b64bd:
# Lucy "You're so good to me."
Lucy "Sei cosi buono con me."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:52
translate it chapter_12C_3be267da:
# A "Thanks. F- Lucy."
A "Grazie. F- Lucy."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:54
translate it chapter_12C_b82a2322:
# Lucy "Is there nothing you really want from me?"
Lucy "Non c'è niente che vorresti davvero da me?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:56
translate it chapter_12C_ba818e31:
# A "You mean repay? I don't know, things are too good now, though."
A "Dici per ripagarmi? Non lo so, le cose vanno bene ora, però."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:58
translate it chapter_12C_329c3f0b:
# Lucy "More naps?"
Lucy "Più pisolini?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:60
translate it chapter_12C_d7001ba0:
# Lucy "Or perhaps hugs?"
Lucy "O forse abbracci?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:62
translate it chapter_12C_87f570f6:
# Lucy "Hand holding?"
Lucy "Tenerci per mano?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:64
translate it chapter_12C_11b9a704:
# "I'm sweating profusely."
"Sto sudando abbondantemente."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:66
translate it chapter_12C_b9569433:
# Lucy "Or maybe{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}a kiss?"
Lucy "O forse{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}un bacio?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:69
translate it chapter_12C_c328c415:
# A "Kiss?{w=0.1} With that huge snoot?"
A "Un bacio?{w=0.1} Con quell'enorme musetto?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:71
translate it chapter_12C_eb65a325:
# Lucy "Why? Are you afraid? Have you never kissed a dinosaur before?"
Lucy "Perché? Hai paura? Non hai mai baciato un dinosauro prima d'ora?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:73
translate it chapter_12C_745d76fa:
# A "No?"
A "No?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:76
translate it chapter_12C_00fbbb35:
# Lucy "Not even a human girl?"
Lucy "Neanche una ragazza umana?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:79
translate it chapter_12C_19d1f662:
# A "{cps=*0.5}Uhhh...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.5}Uhhh...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:82
translate it chapter_12C_c559fac5:
# Lucy "So I'm your first?{w=0.2} That's exciting."
Lucy "Quindi sono la tua prima volta?{w=0.2} Che emozione."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:84
translate it chapter_12C_c0623946:
# A "This is so weird, I don't know how I'm feeling right now. Don't you feel weird too?"
A "È tutto così strano, non so cosa stia provando ora. Non ti senti anche tu strana?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:86
translate it chapter_12C_5f1155e1:
# Lucy "I've kissed shorter snouts, yours can't be that different."
Lucy "Ho baciato musi più corti, il tuo non può essere tanto differente."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:89
translate it chapter_12C_0ef9f288:
# Lucy "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} look Anon, if it doesn't work out..."
Lucy "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} senti Anon, se non funziona..."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:91
translate it chapter_12C_577feca2:
# Lucy "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}It won't change anything.{w=0.3} Right?"
Lucy "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}Non cambierà nulla.{w=0.3} Giusto?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:93
translate it chapter_12C_279f777b:
# A "Promise?"
A "Prometti?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:95
translate it chapter_12C_97eb9399:
# Lucy "Of course I promise! Get over here you fucking pussy!"
Lucy "Certo che prometto! Vieni qui fighetta del cazzo!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:97
translate it chapter_12C_48f9d5ef:
# A "O-okay."
A "O-okay."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:100
translate it chapter_12C_daf63f9c:
# Lucy "I won't bite, though I've never had human before..."
Lucy "Non mordo, anche se non ho mai assaggiato umano prima d'ora..."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:102
translate it chapter_12C_8e172148:
# A "Okay, here it goes{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
A "Okay, eccoci qua{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:109
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:112
translate it chapter_12C_0139c0c5:
# A "Well?"
A "Beh?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:114
translate it chapter_12C_49c74c39:
# Lucy "T-that’s just the lips!"
Lucy "Q-quelle sono solo le labbra!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:117
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_1:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:120
translate it chapter_12C_47e97d44:
# Lucy "T-the tongue, come on."
Lucy "L-la lingua, dai."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:123
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_2:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:126
translate it chapter_12C_39fb3ddc:
# Lucy "What are you doing?!"
Lucy "Cosa stai facendo?!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:128
translate it chapter_12C_1ee11086:
# A "Your mouth hinges way back, I have to hang my jaw."
A "La tua bocca si apre molto indietro, devo aprire molto la mia di bocca."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:130
translate it chapter_12C_e390d955:
# Lucy "Don’t do that, it’s stupid!"
Lucy "Non farlo, è stupido!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:132
translate it chapter_12C_da45b876:
# A "Wait, {i}you{/i} open wide now."
A "Aspetta, ora spalanca {i}tu{/i}."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:134
translate it chapter_12C_0ac24169:
# Lucy "That’s even sillier."
Lucy "Quello è ancora più stupido."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:137
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_3:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:140
translate it chapter_12C_cea17a47:
# Lucy "*glug*{w=0.2} *hack*{w=0.2} *urk*"
Lucy "*glug*{w=0.2} *hack*{w=0.2} *urk*"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:142
translate it chapter_12C_f045c4b8:
# A "Oh god how long is your tongue?! I think I almost threw up."
A "Oddio quanto è lunga la tua lingua?! Penso di aver quasi vomitato."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:144
translate it chapter_12C_a0ecea5a:
# Lucy "*cough*{w=0.2} Oh god *cough*{w=0.2} I think I reached your tonsils! *hurk*"
Lucy "*coff*{w=0.2} Oh dio *coff*{w=0.2} Credo di aver raggiunto le tue tonsille! *hurk*"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:146
translate it chapter_12C_b55f9b12:
# A "Shit sorry sorry sorr-"
A "Merda scusa scusa scus-"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:148
translate it chapter_12C_c7a80ba4:
# Lucy "No no. It’s fine. Let me think."
Lucy "No no. Va tutto bene. Fammi pensare."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:150
translate it chapter_12C_9c68e097:
# Lucy "Let’s try the other one again."
Lucy "Proviamo di nuovo l'altro modo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:152
translate it chapter_12C_c1594a5a:
# A "O-okay…"
A "O-okay…"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:155
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_4:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:158
translate it chapter_12C_a1562518:
# Lucy "Don’t open as *mnph*... wide."
Lucy "Non spalancare così *mnph*... tanto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:161
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_5:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:164
translate it chapter_12C_edae74fc:
# Lucy "Wait…"
Lucy "Aspetta…"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:167
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_6:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:170
translate it chapter_12C_42fc5725:
# Lucy "Tilt to the side… like this."
Lucy "Inclina la testa di lato… così."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:173
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_7:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:175
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_8:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:177
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_9:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:180
translate it chapter_12C_638e3f1c:
# A "I don’t know…{w=0.2} I’ll probably never get the hang of this."
A "Non lo so…{w=0.2} Probabilmente non mi abituerò mai."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:182
translate it chapter_12C_b887746e:
# Lucy "Really? I uh… {w=0.2}think it was… {w=0.2}nice."
Lucy "Dici? Io uh… {w=0.2}penso sia stato… {w=0.2}piacevole."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:184
translate it chapter_12C_13a51a04:
# A "Wait seriously?"
A "Aspetta dici sul serio?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:186
translate it chapter_12C_2c47c3c1:
# Lucy "Y-yeah. You’re not a {i}bad{/i} kisser."
Lucy "S-sì. Non baci {i}male{/i}."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:188
translate it chapter_12C_dbf5654c:
# A "Bullshit."
A "Stronzate."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:190
translate it chapter_12C_d191f573:
# Lucy "Seriously, here."
Lucy "Sto dicendo sul serio, dai."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:193
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_10:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:195
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_11:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:198
translate it chapter_12C_a8da3a2d:
# Lucy "Don’t be shy now…"
Lucy "Non fare il timido ora…"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:200
translate it chapter_12C_4fd67d2a:
# A "Lucy."
A "Lucy."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:203
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_12:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:213
translate it chapter_12C_e86cc2cd:
# Lucy "See? Getting better."
Lucy "Visto? Stai migliorando."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:215
translate it chapter_12C_51d68716:
# A "Mmm…"
A "Mmm…"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:217
translate it chapter_12C_d24d09c6:
# Lucy "I can feel your heart beating. It’s so loud."
Lucy "Riesco a sentire il tuo cuore battere. È così forte."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:224
translate it chapter_12C_c66673e5:
# A "Y-yeah,{w=0.2} same."
A "G-già,{w=0.2} potrei dire lo stesso."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:226
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_13:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:232
translate it chapter_12C_1e2ea65c:
# "It’s been a few weeks since I asked Lucy out to prom."
"Sono passate un po' di settimane da quando ho chiesto a Lucy di andare al ballo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:234
translate it chapter_12C_90c10a03:
# "Gotta say, things are looking up for me right now."
"Devo dire, le cose per me stanno promettendo bene."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:236
translate it chapter_12C_f2386519:
# "Lucy has really taken to helping Rosa with the school gardens."
"Lucy ha davvero preso a cuore aiutare Rosa con i giardini scolastici."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:238
translate it chapter_12C_d52b48a3:
# "Rosa doesn’t force me to help anymore, but I still frequently lend a hand."
"Rosa non mi costringe più ad aiutarla, ma spesso do una mano comunque."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:240
translate it chapter_12C_361e29e9:
# "Just earlier today Lucy and I were planting some hydrangeas that were set to bloom in just a few weeks."
"Proprio questa mattina io e Lucy stavamo piantando delle ortensie che sarebbero sbocciate tra solo qualche settimana."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:249
translate it chapter_12C_2e92ddbe:
# "And now I’m setting up a pair of tents."
"E ora sto montando un paio di tende."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:251
translate it chapter_12C_293a3377:
# "Alone."
"Da solo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:253
translate it chapter_12C_b0152058:
# "Despite being in a group of four."
"Nonostante noi siamo in quattro."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:276
translate it chapter_12C_fcbbef00:
# "{i}Stella’s chattering with me about the esoteric while the school delinquents get the Orwellian treatment from Rosa, who swaps between helping Fang plant some kind of exotic flower I don’t know and barking orders.{/i}"
"{i}Stella chiacchiera con me riguardo l'esoterico mentre i delinquenti della scuola subiscono il trattamento Orwelliano da Rosa, che passa dall'aiutare Fang a piantare un qualche fiore esotico che non conosco a sbraitare ordini.{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:278
translate it chapter_12C_370e15c2:
# "{i}I understand maybe a third of what Stella’s saying and mostly just nod along.{/i}"
"{i}Capisco forse un terzo di quello che sta dicendo Stella e semplicemente annuisco.{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:281
translate it chapter_12C_7985e04a:
# St "{i}-nights really important because the moon will be in perfect alignment for my divinations.{/i}"
St "{i}-notti sono molto importanti perché la luna sarà in perfetto allineamento per le mie divinazioni.{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:283
translate it chapter_12C_79c96252:
# A "{i}Right, right. Lunar eclipse. Is that the one where you can’t see the Moon or the one where you can’t see the sun?{/i}"
A "{i}Giusto, giusto. Eclissi lunare. È quella in cui non puoi vedere la luna o quella in cui non puoi vedere il sole?{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:286
translate it chapter_12C_2ad85ef3:
# St "{i}*sigh*{/i}"
St "{i}*sigh*{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:288
translate it chapter_12C_c4abefd3:
# St "{i}It’s also called a Blood Moon for its color?{/i}"
St "{i}Viene anche chiamata Luna Rossa per il suo colore?{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:290
translate it chapter_12C_d984ed81:
# St "{i}It’s a very important night for me, Anon.{/i}"
St "{i}È una notte molto importante per me, Anon.{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:292
translate it chapter_12C_70c45404:
# St "{i}I feel as though my divinations will be at their best under it’s crimson glow.{/i}"
St "{i}Mi sento come se le mie divinazioni saranno al loro meglio sotto il suo bagliore cremisi.{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:295
translate it chapter_12C_846410f5:
# A "{i}But camping?{/i}"
A "{i}Ma fare campeggio?{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:304
translate it chapter_12C_ad59dc8f:
# Ro "{i}Oh, yes!{/i}"
Ro "{i}Oh, sì!{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:306
translate it chapter_12C_df6ef123:
# Ro "{i}My backyard is very big. Long bus ride to school.{/i}"
Ro "{i}Il mio giardino è molto grande. Lungo viaggio in autobus per arrivare a scuola.{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:308
translate it chapter_12C_6724a534:
# Ro "{i}But I see the stars at night so well, so Stella has slumber parties often!{/i}"
Ro "{i}Ma di notte le stelle si vedono così bene, quindi Stella e io facciamo spesso pigiama party!{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:315
translate it chapter_12C_e80ee70b:
# Lucy "{i}Anon! We should go to!{/i}"
Lucy "{i}Anon! Dovremmo andare anche noi!{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:318
translate it chapter_12C_c6f387a1:
# A "{i}Wait what why?{/i}"
A "{i}Aspetta cosa perché?{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:320
translate it chapter_12C_470b5375:
# Lucy "{i}We can go stargazing Anon. Just imagine it.{/i}"
Lucy "{i}Potremmo andare a vedere le stelle Anon. Immaginatelo.{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:323
translate it chapter_12C_e5774777:
# A "{i}But camping? Can’t we just-{/i}"
A "{i}Ma fare campeggio? Non possiamo semplicemente-{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:328
translate it chapter_12C_f6cbd090:
# Lucy "{i}C’mon Anon. Don’t you want to watch the stars together with me?{/i}"
Lucy "{i}Eddai Anon. Non vuoi vedere le stelle insieme a me?{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:331
translate it chapter_12C_40682c19:
# "{i}Lucy’s pleading eyes lock onto mine.{/i}"
"{i}Gli occhi supplicanti di Lucy guardano nei miei.{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:334
translate it chapter_12C_3382ee49:
# A "{i}Alriiiiiight. As long as we have tents. I don’t wanna deal with insects.{/i}"
A "{i}Vaaaa beeeeeeneee. Basta che ci sono tende. Non voglio aver a che fare con gli insetti.{/i}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:338
translate it chapter_12C_65d01cf9:
# A "{i}As long as we have tents.{/i}{w=0.2} Me and my stupid fucking mouth."
A "{i}Basta che ci sono tende.{/i}{w=0.2} Io e la mia cazzo di bocca."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:356
translate it chapter_12C_073a92a1:
# "Finally I manage to get a post to stick into the soft soil."
"Finalmente riesco a conficcare un palo nel terreno soffice."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:358
translate it chapter_12C_7e3f6a13:
# "One down. Nineteen to go."
"Fuori uno. Ne mancano diciannove."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:361
translate it chapter_12C_c08200df:
# "Ugh, and now Lucy’s gonna use those cute sad eyes whenever she wants something."
"Ugh, e ora Lucy userà quei carini occhi tristi ogni volta che vorrà qualcosa."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:363
translate it chapter_12C_e546c228:
# "And no alone time with her, since all the girls are working at the grill."
"E non riesco a stare da solo con lei, dato che le ragazze si stanno occupando del barbecue."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:366
translate it chapter_12C_1843f1d1:
# A "Hey, you guys aren’t just making dinner with that gross herbivore meat, right?"
A "Hey, state preparando qualcos'altro oltre a quella schifosa carne da erbivoro, giusto?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:368
translate it chapter_12C_7ff594de:
# Ro "Of course! I’m always prepared to serve guests."
Ro "Certo! Sono sempre preparata per servire gli ospiti."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:371
translate it chapter_12C_90e1051a:
# St "Wait, which ones were which again?"
St "Aspetta, quali erano quelli erbivori e quali no?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:375
translate it chapter_12C_dac834c3:
# A "Wha- If I bite into even a single bug your cards are going into the campfire."
A "Cos- Se mordo anche un singolo insetto le tue carte finiranno nel falò."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:377
translate it chapter_12C_de55740b:
# Ro "Hey! Camping is supposed to be relaxing! Relax!"
Ro "Ehi! Fare campeggio dovrebbe essere rilassante! Rilassati!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:379
translate it chapter_12C_2a28c97a:
# Ro "Also, when you’re done with the tents you need to start the campfire."
Ro "Poi, quando finirai con le tende dovrai accendere il falò."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:382
translate it chapter_12C_a37e34bf:
# A "Wait, why me?"
A "Aspetta, perché io?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:385
translate it chapter_12C_d11aaec1:
# "Rosa and Stella flinch and exchange glances."
"Rosa e Stella sussultano e si scambiano sguardi."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:388
translate it chapter_12C_0084dfe0:
# St "Just{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} figured you’d know, is all."
St "Solo{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} pensavamo che lo sapessi fare, tutto qui."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:391
translate it chapter_12C_3b11ffd6:
# A "Why would I{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{nw}"
A "Perché dovrei{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{nw}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:395
translate it chapter_12C_f19f58af:
# extend " Hey!"
extend " Ehi!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:397
translate it chapter_12C_22541062:
# St "The principal fits the bill so well."
St "Il preside corrisponde molto bene al profilo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:399
translate it chapter_12C_6e355749:
# Ro "Guess that’s just him."
Ro "Penso che sia solo lui."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:402
translate it chapter_12C_e921cf5b:
# Lucy "Come on, quit teasing him."
Lucy "Dai, smettetela di prenderlo in giro."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:404
translate it chapter_12C_ca420761:
# Lucy "Who cares if he hasn’t evolved to fire yet?"
Lucy "A chi importa se non si è ancora evoluto fino al fuoco?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:408
translate it chapter_12C_3a7d777b:
# "I trip into the tent and tear the whole thing down."
"Inciampo sulla tenda e la demolisco."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:425
translate it chapter_12C_312a9f37:
# "By the time I get both of the tents standing, the sun is nearing the horizon."
"Quando finisco di mettere in piedi entrambe le tende, il sole si avvicina all'orizzonte."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:427
translate it chapter_12C_fa7b4c53:
# "My back already hurts from setting everything up."
"La schiena mi fa già male dopo aver sistemato tutto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:429
translate it chapter_12C_f8780de4:
# "Luckily Lucy carries around a lighter for her cigarettes so I was able to start a small fire."
"Per fortuna Lucy porta con sè un accendino per le sue sigarette quindi sono stato in grado di accedere un fuocherello."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:431
translate it chapter_12C_3e396622:
# "I slump on one of the logs around the firepit and try to massage my shoulders."
"Crollo su uno dei ceppi attorno al falò e provo a massaggiare le mie spalle."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:446
translate it chapter_12C_9a74058a:
# Ro "Hello, An-on."
Ro "Ciao, An-on."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:448
translate it chapter_12C_0c4e1225:
# A "Oh, is the food ready?"
A "Oh, il cibo è pronto?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:450
translate it chapter_12C_8e86db9e:
# Ro "Stella and Lucy are getting some plates to use."
Ro "Stella e Lucy sono andate a prendere qualche piatto da usare."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:452
translate it chapter_12C_352fc9bc:
# Ro "Just taking a seat for a minute."
Ro "Mi sto solamente sedendo per un minuto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:455
translate it chapter_12C_c3955624:
# A "Thanks for inviting Lucy and I to camp back here."
A "Grazie per aver invitato me e Lucy a questo campeggio."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:457
translate it chapter_12C_1d168d65:
# Ro "Oh, don’t thank me, I am very happy to have friends over!"
Ro "Oh, non mi ringraziare. Sono molto contenta di far venire amici!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:459
translate it chapter_12C_094c9f4c:
# Ro "Although normally I struggle with making the tents stand."
Ro "Anche se di solito ho problemi a tenere in piedi le tende."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:461
translate it chapter_12C_1cc3d282:
# Ro "So really I must thank you for setting it up for me!"
Ro "Quindi in realtà dovrei ringraziare te per averle montate per me!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:465
translate it chapter_12C_faca158e:
# A "Oh, uh, it was nothing."
A "Oh, uh, niente di che."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:468
translate it chapter_12C_72cc8220:
# "Stella calls out from the back door to Rosa’s house."
"Stella chiama dalla porta del retro della casa di Rosa."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:471
translate it chapter_12C_c3ef17b4:
# "She’s returning with Lucy, both holding extra utensils and snack foods."
"Lei sta ritornando con Lucy, entrambi tengono in mano posate extra e qualche snack."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:474
translate it chapter_12C_b431bd8d:
# "Rosa waves them over."
"Rosa fa cenno di avvicinarsi."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:496
translate it chapter_12C_1b47debd:
# Ro "I never pictured Fang coming over."
Ro "Non mi sarei mai immaginato che Fang venisse."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:498
translate it chapter_12C_a0075f0f:
# Ro "Lucy really is lucky to have you."
Ro "Lucy è molto fortunata ad averti."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:501
translate it chapter_12C_5c569b4b:
# "Stella struggles to separate the false shish kebabs from the real meat before handing me a plate."
"Stella fatica a separare i falsi shish kebab dalla carne vera prima di darmi un piatto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:503
translate it chapter_12C_aac23c70:
# "Lucy gets that look in her eye and snatches the bigger one right off."
"Lucy fa quello sguardo con gli occhi e mi ruba quello più grande."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:506
translate it chapter_12C_9138c589:
# St "Eventide draws near. I believe it best we sojourn from the fated ones, Rosa. My scrying glass awaits."
St "Il vespro si avvicina. Penso sia meglio soggiornare altrove dai predestinati, Rosa. Il mio vetro divinatorio ci attende."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:514
translate it chapter_12C_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:517
translate it chapter_12C_f524df6a:
# Lucy "Er, what? I don’t speak… whatever the fuck that was."
Lucy "Er, cosa? Non parlo… qualsiasi cazzo di cosa sia quello."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:522
translate it chapter_12C_85ec4753:
# Ro "*giggle* I believe Stella means that the sun is setting and we need to go set up her telescope."
Ro "*risatina* Credo che Stella voglia dire che il sole sta calando e dobbiamo andare a sistemare il suo telescopio."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:524
translate it chapter_12C_958175d5:
# A "Then why didn’t she just say that?"
A "Allora perché non ha semplicemente detto quello?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:526
translate it chapter_12C_db21c344:
# "Rosa and Stella take their plates of imposter kebabs and start walking to the other end of Rosa’s yard."
"Rosa e Stella prendono i suoi piatti di kebab impostori e si dirigono verso l'altra estremità del giardino di Rosa."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:550
translate it chapter_12C_382749cd:
# "Fang shrugs at me and starts devouring her food."
"Fang mi fa spallucce e comincia a divorare il suo cibo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:552
translate it chapter_12C_57567722:
# "With nothing to do but wait for night time I also begin to remove kebab."
"Con niente da fare se non aspettare la notte comincio anch'io a rimuovere kebab."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:555
translate it chapter_12C_439c1ae7:
# Lucy "Bleh. I think Stella undercooked this. Gimme some of yours."
Lucy "Bleh. Credo che Stella non l'abbia cotto abbastanza. Dammene un po' dei tuoi."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:557
translate it chapter_12C_d1ebc558:
# A "No way, you have your own."
A "Non ci penso neanche, tu hai i tuoi."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:559
translate it chapter_12C_ab4c1b56:
# Lucy "Well I want yours too. You’re supposed to share with your girlfriend."
Lucy "Beh voglio anche i tuoi. Dovresti condividere con la tua ragazza."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:562
translate it chapter_12C_763af67a:
# "Damn her and her filthy ptero-logic."
"Mannaggia a lei e alla sua sporca ptero-logica."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:565
translate it chapter_12C_96f45273:
# A "{cps=*0.65}Fiiiiiiiiine{/cps}. You can have a bite."
A "{cps=*0.65}Vaaa beeeeeneee{/cps}. Puoi avere un morso."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:570
translate it chapter_12C_1688399d:
# "I hold out the meat on a stick for her."
"Le porgo la carne sullo spiedo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:573
translate it chapter_12C_10165fe0:
# "She grins wickedly."
"Lei fa un gran sorriso maligno."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:575
translate it chapter_12C_8c39c5f5:
# "I realize my mistake as I watch her maw widen and engulf the entirety of my kebab."
"Mi rendo conto del mio sbaglio mentre guardo le sue fauci spalancarsi e divorare interamente il mio kebab."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:582
translate it chapter_12C_bc60c12a:
# "Once she pulls away I’m left holding a crispy yet clean wooden stick."
"Quando lei si ritira rimango con un abbrustolito ma pulito bastoncino di legno."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:585
translate it chapter_12C_0b767bc4:
# Lucy "Mmmm{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Stolen food is the best food."
Lucy "Mmmm{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Il cibo rubato è il cibo migliore."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:589
translate it chapter_12C_de5177a3:
# A "Well that was uncalled for."
A "Beh questa te lo potevi risparmiare."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:591
translate it chapter_12C_59198f81:
# Lucy "Here, take the gross one."
Lucy "Ecco, prendi quello schifoso."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:593
translate it chapter_12C_7b47371e:
# "Lucy hands over her undercooked kebab."
"Lucy mi pone il suo kebab poco cotto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:598
translate it chapter_12C_f172e826:
# A "Whatever, I like it rare anyways."
A "Vabbè, tanto a me piace al sangue."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:600
translate it chapter_12C_4337bf2e:
# Lucy "You should be thanking me, then."
Lucy "Mi dovresti ringraziare, allora."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:609
translate it chapter_12C_e20ecfdd:
# "She leans her head into my shoulder."
"Lei appoggia la sua testa sulla mia spalla."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:612
translate it chapter_12C_87c86b9e:
# "Yuck, this really was undercooked."
"Puah, è davvero poco cotto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:614
translate it chapter_12C_a336a24b:
# "I hold the stick over the fire to char a bit more."
"Metto il bastoncino sul fuoco per abbrustolirlo un po' di più."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:617
translate it chapter_12C_470969fd:
# Lucy "That’s just going to burn the outside."
Lucy "Brucerai solamente l'esterno così."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:619
translate it chapter_12C_6ae707fa:
# A "Can’t be harder than roasting a marshmallow, right?"
A "Non può essere più difficile di arrostire un marshmallow, giusto?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:621
translate it chapter_12C_9dc1f52d:
# Lucy "Did Rosa bring any?"
Lucy "Rosa ne ha portati?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:623
translate it chapter_12C_47e1685a:
# A "Think so. Save your kebab stick for them."
A "Penso di sì. Tieniti il bastoncino del kebab."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:625
translate it chapter_12C_537397c2:
# Lucy "Think I’d rather use a regular stick off the ground than get a greasy marshmallow."
Lucy "Penso che preferirei usare un normale bastoncino preso da terra piuttosto che avere un marshmallow unto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:627
translate it chapter_12C_54763880:
# A "Heh."
A "Heh."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:630
translate it chapter_12C_7f37ed1c:
# "Lucy and I listen to the crackling of the fire for a few minutes."
"Lucy e io ascoltiamo il crepitio del fuoco per qualche minuto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:633
translate it chapter_12C_207081db:
# "Somewhere in the distance I hear Stella yelling at Rosa about leaving the telescope cap on."
"Da qualche parte in lontananza sento Stella urlare a Rosa riguardo a non aver tolto il tappo del telescopio."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:636
translate it chapter_12C_1e104dc7:
# Lucy "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:639
translate it chapter_12C_1d9b65ad:
# Lucy "Rosa said earlier that I’m lucky to have you."
Lucy "Rosa prima mi ha detto che sono fortunata ad averti."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:642
translate it chapter_12C_85f9c05c:
# A "You feel lucky? I’m thinking it’s the other way around."
A "Io penso che sia il contrario. Tu ti senti fortunata?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:644
translate it chapter_12C_d3315afd:
# Lucy "I do."
Lucy "Sì."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:647
translate it chapter_12C_5764f902:
# Lucy "Rosa was right, I wouldn’t have thought about going camping back in first semester."
Lucy "Rosa aveva ragione, non avrei mai pensato di fare campeggio nel primo semestre."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:649
translate it chapter_12C_f255665e:
# Lucy "Guess I really have been changing a lot."
Lucy "Credo di essere davvero cambiata molto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:652
translate it chapter_12C_19456127:
# Lucy "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}Your kebab’s on fire."
Lucy "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}Il tuo kebab ha preso fuoco."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:655
translate it chapter_12C_008137ff:
# A "Huh- {w=.5}{nw}"
A "Huh- {w=.5}{nw}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:658
translate it chapter_12C_aeff4850:
# extend "Shit!"
extend "Merda!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:660
translate it chapter_12C_dd42fb03:
# "I blow out the now burnt chunks of meat."
"Soffio sugli oramai bruciati pezzi di carne."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:663
translate it chapter_12C_f1383582:
# A "Uhhh… Flambe?"
A "Uhhh… Flambe?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:666
translate it chapter_12C_3959359b:
# "Lucy snorts."
"Lucy fa una risata nasale."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:669
translate it chapter_12C_e0f76676:
# "Chewing down on this, it’s not the worst thing I’ve eaten."
"Masticandolo, non è la cosa peggiore che abbia mangiato."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:672
translate it chapter_12C_bbebec7e:
# A "Still want a piece?"
A "Vuoi ancora un pezzo?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:674
translate it chapter_12C_131bae37:
# "She just holds her mouth open."
"Lei tiene semplicemente la bocca aperta."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:676
translate it chapter_12C_f1681299:
# "I put the stick in biting range and she gnaws the chunk off."
"Metto il bastoncino a portata di morso e lei consuma il pezzetto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:679
translate it chapter_12C_02d05b3a:
# Lucy "Yeah, It’s not undercooked anymore. That’s for certain."
Lucy "Già, è cotto un po' di più. Questo è sicuro."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:681
translate it chapter_12C_d7fef621:
# A "Looks like I poured jet fuel on it."
A "Sembra che io ci abbia versato del carburante per jet sopra."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:687
translate it chapter_12C_6321e317:
# "Lucy leans back into her arms staring up at the night sky."
"Lucy si appoggia indietro sulle sue braccia e guarda il cielo stellato."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:689
translate it chapter_12C_7afcfa5c:
# "I finish off the stick and join her."
"Io termino il bastoncino e mi unisco a lei."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:694
translate it chapter_12C_44e155e6:
# "Stella was right, the stars look great out here."
"Stella aveva ragione, le stelle sono fantastiche qua fuori."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:696
translate it chapter_12C_2b5e3bc9:
# "Reminds me of home."
"Mi ricordano casa."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:699
translate it chapter_12C_db36b86a:
# Lucy "The stars do?"
Lucy "Le stelle?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:701
translate it chapter_12C_3d165322:
# A "Hm? Oh. Yeah, there wasn’t a lot of light pollution around Rock Bottom."
A "Hm? Oh. Sì, non c'era molto inquinamento luminoso vicino Rock Bottom."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:703
translate it chapter_12C_687c746e:
# A "In the brief time I was in scouts, I got to look at the constellations a bit."
A "Nel breve lasso di tempo in ho fatto parte degli scout, ho avuto modo di guardare un po' le costellazioni"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:706
translate it chapter_12C_9c5218b9:
# Lucy "Name a few."
Lucy "Indicamene qualcuna."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:708
translate it chapter_12C_12941a92:
# A "I don’t remember now, this was like a decade ago."
A "Ora non mi ricordo, questo era tipo un decennio fa."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:711
translate it chapter_12C_00ff2736:
# A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}Orion’s belt?"
A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}La Cintura di Orione?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:713
translate it chapter_12C_b5bc86a7:
# Lucy "Anyone can name Orion’s belt."
Lucy "Tutti possono indicare la Cintura di Orione."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:716
translate it chapter_12C_069acb7a:
# A "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} big spoon and lil spoon?"
A "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} grande carriola e piccola carriola?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:718
translate it chapter_12C_7d341d5c:
# Lucy "You mean the dippers?"
Lucy "Dici i carri?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:720
translate it chapter_12C_ba7133df:
# A "Also yes."
A "Anche."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:723
translate it chapter_12C_3a28a2a8:
# "Lucy hums and scoots close enough so I can wrap an arm around her shoulder."
"Lucy canticchia e si avvicina abbastanza per permettermi di avvolgere la sua spalla con il mio braccio."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:725
translate it chapter_12C_f7356527:
# "Her head leans on my shoulder and I can’t help but smile."
"La sua testa si appoggia alla mia spalla e non posso fare a meno di sorridere."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:728
translate it chapter_12C_91c51189:
# Lucy "Something like this, then?"
Lucy "Qualcosa del genere, allora?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:730
translate it chapter_12C_7ec89dd1:
# A "Eh, close enough."
A "Eh, diciamo di sì."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:732
translate it chapter_12C_880af75c:
# A "I think you can see Mars too, it’s supposed to be the red one."
A "Penso che si possa anche vedere Marte, dovrebbe essere quello rosso."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:735
translate it chapter_12C_e9e1648c:
# Lucy "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} I think that’s the moon, Anon."
Lucy "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Credo che quella sia la luna, Anon."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:738
translate it chapter_12C_f556d884:
# A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:741
translate it chapter_12C_75cd8029:
# A "It’s been a while, okay? Cut your boyfriend some slack."
A "È passato tanto tempo, okay? Dai un po' di tregua al tuo ragazzo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:744
translate it chapter_12C_1e923a2d:
# "I feel her head shake as she withholds a snicker for my sake."
"Sento la sua testa tremare mentre trattiene una risatina per amor mio."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:747
translate it chapter_12C_cfaf9d5d:
# A "Still managed to get my badge though."
A "Però sono sempre riuscito a ottenere il mio distintivo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:749
translate it chapter_12C_4ebe40a2:
# Lucy "Aren’t you the big strong man."
Lucy "Oh, abbiamo qui un ragazzone bello forte."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:752
translate it chapter_12C_4739006f:
# A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}Fuck it. A compliment’s a compliment."
A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}Chi se ne fotte. Un complimento è un complimento."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:754
translate it chapter_12C_4c68a9b7:
# "We gaze up at the night sky in companionable silence."
"Ammiriamo il cielo notturno in socievole silenzio."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:760
translate it chapter_12C_be69443d:
# Lucy "Oh! Look!"
Lucy "Oh! Guarda!"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:762
translate it chapter_12C_8d52d95c:
# "Lucy points to the sky at a shooting star."
"Lucy punta verso il cielo, dove c'è una stella cadente."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:765
translate it chapter_12C_cf92d01f:
# A "Well hey, you got a wish?"
A "Beh ehi, hai espresso un desiderio?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:768
translate it chapter_12C_fa2ac7a4:
# Lucy "That’s not a shooting star, dork."
Lucy "Quella non è una stella cadente, scemo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:773
translate it chapter_12C_02dbd869:
# A "It isn’t?"
A "Non lo è?"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:775
translate it chapter_12C_46de04c9:
# "I look again."
"Guardo di nuovo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:777
translate it chapter_12C_038c5668:
# "The star is joined by several smaller dots trailing behind, in the sky for only an instant before disappearing over the other horizon."
"Alla stella si uniscono vari piccoli puntini che la seguono in cielo solo per un instante, prima di sparire oltre l'altro orizzonte."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:780
translate it chapter_12C_bcfe2971:
# A "Whoa, a meteor shower."
A "Whoa, uno sciame di meteore."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:783
translate it chapter_12C_d68564d7:
# "Stella’s incomprehensible excited gibberish breaches our ears."
"L'emozionato e incomprensibile ostrogoto di Stella viola le nostre orecchie."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:786
translate it chapter_12C_630a1c74:
# "Lucy lays down on her back to get a better view."
"Lucy si sdraia per avere una vista migliore."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:788
translate it chapter_12C_a8e881df:
# "A little dirt on my clothes is worth the moment."
"Vale la pena sporcare i miei vestiti con un po' di terra."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:791
translate it chapter_12C_db1732de:
# "Man, being here with Lucy, after such a wonderful night{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"Wow, essere qui con Lucy, dopo una notte così magnifica{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:793
translate it chapter_12C_baf7526d:
# "I feel like no matter what, everything’s going to be just fine."
"Mi sento come se non importi cosa succeda, tutto andrà bene."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:796
translate it chapter_12C_b7fb6fac:
# Lucy "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}I feel the same."
Lucy "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}Anch'io mi sento così."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:799
translate it chapter_12C_51229b50:
# "I’m just going to start biting my tongue."
"Comincerò a mordermi la lingua."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:801
translate it chapter_12C_2a45b89b:
# Lucy "Thank you for being here with me, Anon."
Lucy "Ti ringrazio per essere qui con me, Anon."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:803
translate it chapter_12C_0f1aed12:
# A "I mean{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} This was all you. And Rosa and Stella too."
A "Cioè{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Hai fatto tutto tu. Anche Rosa e Stella."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:806
translate it chapter_12C_57158cb4:
# Lucy "No, you big dweeb{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} {nw}"
Lucy "No, sfigatone{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} {nw}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:808
translate it chapter_12C_754b9816:
# extend "I mean{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
extend "Voglio dire{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:811
translate it chapter_12C_8b81c393:
# Lucy "You’ve always been there for me even when I was so mean to you."
Lucy "Tu sei sempre stato lì per me anche quando sono stata così cattiva con te."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:813
translate it chapter_12C_dd83eb17:
# Lucy "I don’t know what kind of road I was going down when you met me, but{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
Lucy "Non so che strada stavo prendendo quando mi hai incontrato, ma{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:816
translate it chapter_12C_dbeb87e5:
# Lucy "But I know it wasn’t a good place to be. I don’t know where I was going to end up if I never found you."
Lucy "Ma so che non era una buona. Non lo so dove sarei finita se non ti avessi trovato."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:818
translate it chapter_12C_f4bb57aa:
# Lucy "You saved me, Anon. And I’ll always be grateful for that."
Lucy "Mi hai salvata, Anon. E te ne sarò sempre grata."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:825
translate it chapter_12C_7818cb76:
# "She sits up and looks down to me with that warm smile of hers."
"Lei si siede e mi guarda con quel suo caloroso sorriso."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:827
translate it chapter_12C_efe2f001:
# "Hearing her put it that way{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"Sentirlo dire da lei in questo modo{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:829
translate it chapter_12C_915523ec:
# "Maybe I did ‘fix’ Lucy after all."
"Forse ho davvero ‘sistemato’ Lucy dopo tutto."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:831
translate it chapter_12C_10a73d1b:
# "She seems so happy with how things are, it doesn’t matter if it was all part of someone’s stupid plan."
"Lei sembra contenta di come stanno le cose, non importa se era tutto parte dello stupido piano di qualcun'altro."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:834
translate it chapter_12C_366131d3:
# "Lucy’s fingers dance across my cheek."
"Le dita di Lucy ballano sulla mia guancia."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:836
translate it chapter_12C_2851df92:
# "Slowly, slowly, ever so slowly."
"Lentamente, lentamente, mai così lentamente."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:838
translate it chapter_12C_205ebadf:
# "Her eyes lid as she leans forward, her head tilting and her mouth opening slowly."
"I suoi occhi si chiudono mentre si avvicina, la sua testa si inclina e la sua bocca si apre lentamente."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:840
translate it chapter_12C_0f600599:
# "It’s taken a month for us to figure this out, but now that we’ve had practice…"
"Ci abbiamo messo un mese a capire come si fa, ma ora che abbiamo fatto pratica…"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:842
translate it chapter_12C_219dd22c:
# "I raise myself up, my own mouth meeting her’s in a slow and soft connection."
"Mi alzo, la mia bocca incontra la sua in una connessione lenta e dolce."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:854
translate it chapter_12C_7106c6fe:
# "Her tongue slides along mine and this time she manages not to gag me with it."
"La sua lingua scivola sulla mia e questa volta lei riesce a non farmi venire da vomitare."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:856
translate it chapter_12C_49a067e2:
# "Our first through fourteen kisses never went this smoothly."
"I nostri baci dal primo al quattordicesimo non erano mai andati così bene."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:858
translate it chapter_12C_9aba0b5f:
# "And it’s utter bliss as we savor each other’s lips."
"Ed è perfetta beatitudine mentre godiamo delle labbra dell'altro."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:860
translate it chapter_12C_7252918a:
# "And while I would stay like this forever if I could{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"E anche se rimarrei così per sempre se potessi{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:862
translate it chapter_12C_61adeae6:
# "Air is very much a necessity for life."
"L'aria è una necessità molto importante per vivere."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:865
translate it chapter_12C_bcec4c1e:
# "We separate just as slowly as when we connected."
"Ci separiamo lenti come quando ci siamo legati."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:876
translate it chapter_12C_8a74c4e6:
# "Lucy’s eyes open as she smiles impishly at me."
"Gli occhi di Lucy si aprono mentre lei mi sorride maliziosamente."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:879
translate it chapter_12C_1dda7705:
# Lucy "I love you."
Lucy "Ti amo."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:882
translate it chapter_12C_80eb2c86:
# "Yeah. Me too."
"Sì. Anch'io."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:888
translate it chapter_12C_026adc3e:
# "She giggles and lays down. Her head resting on my shoulder and her wing becoming a blanket as we look back to the stars."
"Lei ridacchia e si sdraia. La sua testa si riposava sulla mia spalla e la sua ala diventa una coperta mentre ritorniamo a guardare le stelle."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:890
translate it chapter_12C_7ba4378f:
# "We stay laying a while longer, keeping the red moon company."
"Rimaniamo sdraiati un po' più a lungo, tenendo compagnia alla luna rossa."
# game/script/12C.anon-fang-lovey-dovey.rpy:899
translate it chapter_12C_c904541c_14:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"