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synced 2025-03-10 18:39:44 +01:00
Co-authored-by: dsatta <dsatta60@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: nutbuster <nutbuster@cock.li> Co-authored-by: Map <mapmappening@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://git.cavemanon.xyz/Cavemanon/SnootGame/pulls/246 Reviewed-by: Mappening <mapanon@noreply.git.cavemanon.xyz> Co-authored-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz> Co-committed-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz>
1737 lines
60 KiB
1737 lines
60 KiB
# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:3
translate it chapter_13B_5b8917d5:
# "{cps=*.2}-- One Month Later --{/cps}"
"{cps=*.2}-- Un Mese Dopo --{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:8
translate it chapter_13B_fb31b6dc:
# "It’s prom night."
"È la notte del ballo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:10
translate it chapter_13B_3501beec:
# "The night Fang and I set aside for our own little party."
"La notte che io e Fang abbiamo dedicato alla nostra piccola festa."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:21
translate it chapter_13B_a2e9c16b:
# "When I arrive at Fang’s place I see the Pomegranate Parasite waiting outside the front door."
"Quando arrivo a casa di Fang vedo il Pompelmo Parassita che aspetta fuori la porta."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:23
translate it chapter_13B_a4a42fdc:
# "Great."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:26
translate it chapter_13B_b633c5a0:
# "And dear god, how can she move in that dress."
"E dio santo, come fa a camminare in quell'abito."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:28
translate it chapter_13B_502e0f72:
# "The top half looks like it’s been shrink-wrapped to her body."
"La parte superiore sembra essere stata termoretratta al suo corpo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:31
translate it chapter_13B_ef6e42e7:
# "And I'm one hundred percent certain there's nothing beneath the bottom half."
"E sono sicuro al cento per cento che non c'è niente sotto la parte inferiore."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:42
translate it chapter_13B_d5418678:
# N "Oh, I already knocked Anon."
N "Oh, ho già bussato Anon."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:44
translate it chapter_13B_a0f58311:
# N "Naser will be out in a moment to invite us in, I’m sure Fang will be getting ready too."
N "Naser arriverà tra un momento per farci entrare, sono sicura che anche Fang si stia preparando."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:47
translate it chapter_13B_8a9caa8d:
# N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} don’t seem very dressed for prom?"
N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Tu, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} non sembri molto vestito per il ballo?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:49
translate it chapter_13B_192fac6e:
# A "Not going."
A "Non ci vado."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:51
translate it chapter_13B_8cf92a5c:
# N "But you and Fang just make the cutest couple! You could have signed up for prom King and Queen!"
N "Ma tu e Fang siete una coppietta così carina! Vi sareste potuti iscrivere per Re e Regina del ballo!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:53
translate it chapter_13B_0a7f51c1:
# A "Nah. She said something about the ‘fascist sexist monarchy system’."
A "Nah. Lei ha detto qualcosa riguardo il ‘sistema fascista sessista monarchico’."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:56
translate it chapter_13B_9bdc511e:
# N "Well, Naser and I have entered and we are going to be prom royalty. Ooooh, I can not wait to wear that beautiful tiara, I picked it out and everything and the crown for Naser-"
N "Beh, Naser e io siamo entrati e saremo i nobili del ballo. Ooooh, non vedo l'ora di indossare quella bellissima tiara, l'ho scelta io personalmente e la corona per Naser-"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:58
translate it chapter_13B_822b1066:
# "I’ve already tuned her out."
"Già la sto ignorando."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:64
translate it chapter_13B_8a1ec6ef:
# "Naser opens the door."
"Naser apre la porta."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:76
translate it chapter_13B_306719ab:
# "Well if that isn’t the fanciest jacket I’ve seen in a while."
"Beh, se quella non è la giacca più elegante che abbia visto da un po'."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:78
translate it chapter_13B_d7f4e8c0:
# "It’s certainly better than the background of Avatar he always wears."
"È sicuramente meglio dello sfondo di Avatar che indossa sempre."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:81
translate it chapter_13B_493ee04c:
# Nas "Sorry to keep you waiting, Naomi."
Nas "Scusa per l'attesa, Naomi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:84
translate it chapter_13B_91da1c4f:
# Nas "This thing is a nightmare to get over my wings."
Nas "È un incubo far passare le ali per questa cosa."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:88
translate it chapter_13B_5edca3a8:
# Nas "Oh, Anon! Come on in, didn’t know you were already here."
Nas "Oh, Anon! Entra pure, non sapevo fossi già qui."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:90
translate it chapter_13B_e569dd51:
# "He waves for the two of us to enter, pecking Naomi on the cheek when she passes."
"Lui ci invita a entrare, beccando Naomi sulla guancia quando passa."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:106
translate it chapter_13B_8937793b:
# "Fang’s Mother speaks up from the kitchen."
"La Madre di Fang ci parla dalla cucina."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:108
translate it chapter_13B_2e45fb29:
# FM "Oh! Oh! Is that Anon?"
FM "Oh! Oh! Quello è Anon?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:113
translate it chapter_13B_324e67a8:
# Nas "Here we go."
Nas "Ed ecco qua."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:125
translate it chapter_13B_5d974dd1:
# "The small pterodactyl comes out, a bowl she’s struggling to stir in her arms."
"Il piccolo pterodattilo spunta fuori, con una ciotola che fa fatica a mescolare tra le braccia."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:127
translate it chapter_13B_c062c50c:
# FM "Oh! Anon’s come over too!"
FM "Oh! È venuto anche Anon!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:129
translate it chapter_13B_18b82bb3:
# FM "Are you two going to prom as well?"
FM "Anche voi due andrete al ballo?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:131
translate it chapter_13B_1ec99dc1:
# A "No, I’m just visiting for a bit. Fang doesn’t want to go."
A "No, sono solo di passaggio. Fang non vuole andare."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:133
translate it chapter_13B_3bf947a9:
# A "Where are they?"
A "Ləi dov'è?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:135
translate it chapter_13B_14e13582:
# FM "Lucy will be downstairs in a bit, she’s just getting the last of her makeup on!"
FM "Lucy scenderà tra poco, si sta finendo di truccarsi!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:137
translate it chapter_13B_21794e11:
# FM "In the meantime, take a seat! I’ve got some cookies in the oven that are almost ready!"
FM "Nel frattempo, siediti! Ho dei biscotti nel forno che sono quasi pronti!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:139
translate it chapter_13B_b846611f:
# A "Er, yes, thank you ma’am."
A "Er, sì, grazie signora."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:154
translate it chapter_13B_332cabf2:
# "I take my seat in the usual spot, sinking in and feeling the pillows conform around my spine."
"Mi siedo nel mio solito posto, sprofondando nei cuscini che avvolgono la mia spina dorsale."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:157
translate it chapter_13B_86a73894:
# "This thing must cost a fortune."
"Questa roba deve costare una fortuna."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:159
translate it chapter_13B_17ce8375:
# "Fang’s dad is a police commissioner if I recall."
"Il Padre di Fang è commissario di polizia se ricordo bene."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:161
translate it chapter_13B_540128ad:
# "That explains the luxurious furnishings."
"Questo spiega i mobili di lusso."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:164
translate it chapter_13B_75b60f44:
# "Now that I think about it, I’m surprised I haven’t seen him yet."
"Ora che ci penso, sono sorpreso di non averlo ancora visto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:174
translate it chapter_13B_1e956ab1:
# FD "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
FD "Quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:181
translate it chapter_13B_35608383:
# "I hope I didn’t just ruin these jeans."
"Spero di non aver appena rovinato questi jeans."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:184
translate it chapter_13B_64a9907b:
# A "Good evening, sir."
A "Buonasera, signore."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:186
translate it chapter_13B_69571405:
# A "I didn’t even see you in your chair, sir."
A "Non l'avevo neanche vista nella sua sedia, signore."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:188
translate it chapter_13B_f204d00a:
# A "My apologies."
A "Le porgo le mie scuse."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:191
translate it chapter_13B_47a67116:
# FD "Don’t sweat it, son."
FD "Non ti preoccupare, figliolo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:193
translate it chapter_13B_f34028d2:
# FD "Thing about humans, as well as many carnivores, is that their vision is based largely on movement."
FD "Una particolarità degli umani, e anche di molti carnivori, è che la loro visione è in buona parte basata sul movimento."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:195
translate it chapter_13B_769d5c4d:
# FD "You’d be surprised how effective staying quiet and stationary can be."
FD "È sorprendente quanto efficace stare fermo e in silenzio può essere."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:198
translate it chapter_13B_13b059c4:
# FD "How close you can get to someone without them knowing-"
FD "Quanto ci si può avvicinare a qualcuno senza che se ne accorga-"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:203
translate it chapter_13B_5403b4b9:
# FM "Sweetheart." with vpunch
FM "Tesoro." with vpunch
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:206
translate it chapter_13B_792a1b42:
# FD "Oh come on, you can’t expect me to believe he’s only here for a visit on the school’s prom night!"
FD "Oh e dai, non puoi aspettarti che creda che lui sia qui solo di passaggio la notte del ballo scolastico!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:218
translate it chapter_13B_1e09ba1f:
# FM "No.{w=.5} Intimidating.{w=.5} The suitor."
FM "Non.{w=.5} Intimidire.{w=.5} Il corteggiatore."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:224
translate it chapter_13B_f55b445c:
# "The big guy deflates a bit in his chair."
"L'omone si sgonfia un po' nella sua sedia."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:226
translate it chapter_13B_5acd40b4:
# FD "Point is, don’t get any funny ideas."
FD "Fatto sta, non ti fare strane idee."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:228
translate it chapter_13B_c4eaa8d1:
# A "Yessir."
A "Sissignore."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:232
translate it chapter_13B_b4fb335c:
# FM "Oh Naser, you just look so cute with Naomi in that dashing little jacket!"
FM "Oh Naser, sei così carino insieme a Naomi nella tua affascinante giacchettina!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:234
translate it chapter_13B_502f36dd:
# FM "Pictures! I need pictures!"
FM "Foto! Mi servono foto!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:237
translate it chapter_13B_142ee73c:
# FM "Oh, we should get a new scrapbook just for this!"
FM "Oh, dovremmo prendere un album dei ricordi solo per questo evento!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:239
translate it chapter_13B_68e314e4:
# "Naser worriedly looks at me as though I’d let him down somehow."
"Naser mi guarda preoccupato come se lo avessi deluso in qualche modo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:242
translate it chapter_13B_5172d22b:
# "My phone buzzes and I check to see who it is."
"Il mio telefono squilla e controllo chi è."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:252
translate it chapter_13B_88fa2a23:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.1} got out through the window, meet me at the bus stop"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.1} sono uscitə dalla finestra, vediamoci alla fermata del bus"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:255
translate it chapter_13B_bf12a58f:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.1} why didnt you have me wait there in the first place???"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.1} perche non mi hai semplicemente fatto aspettare li???"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:258
translate it chapter_13B_d44624b4:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.1} forgot dad wouldnt let us leave on our own in a million years"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.1} mi sono dimenticatə che papa non ci avrebbe fatto uscire da soli neanche tra un milione di anni"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:260
translate it chapter_13B_c232e2b8:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.1} just make something up and get out of there"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.1} inventati qualcosa e vattene da li"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:270
translate it chapter_13B_10ad4819:
# "I shift a bit in my seat, and Fang’s father notices my face has a gone a bit pale."
"Mi sistemo un po' nel mio posto, e il Padre di Fang nota che la mia faccia ha sbiancato un po'."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:272
translate it chapter_13B_49114b7c:
# FD "Something wrong, son?"
FD "Qualcosa che non va, figliolo?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:275
translate it chapter_13B_e3a03cf4:
# A "Uhh, yeah."
A "Uhh, sì."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:282
translate it chapter_13B_723a9a42:
# "I get up from the sofa and start inching towards the door."
"Mi alzo dal divano e comincio ad avanzare verso la porta."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:284
translate it chapter_13B_c3d31c35:
# A "Sorry, I gotta go early."
A "Scusatemi, devo già andare."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:287
translate it chapter_13B_1e7cc628:
# "He squints distrustfully."
"Lui strizza gli occhi con diffidenza."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:289
translate it chapter_13B_4db1cc92:
# FD "Already? Lucy hasn’t even come downstairs yet."
FD "Di già? Lucy non è ancora neanche scesa."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:291
translate it chapter_13B_b9fbc960:
# A "Yeah, sorry. Emergency came up."
A "Già, scusa. È un'emergenza."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:293
translate it chapter_13B_59ca5fa8:
# A "I uhh, y’know{cps=*.1}...{/cps} gotta go feed my pet roomba."
A "Io uhh, sai{cps=*.1}...{/cps} devo dare da mangiare al mio roomba."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:296
translate it chapter_13B_73d426d1:
# "I powerwalk to the exit."
"Marcio verso l'uscita."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:311
translate it chapter_13B_a14738a5:
# FD "Hold it."
FD "Fermo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:318
translate it chapter_13B_e2a19a97:
# "His chilling voice freezes me when I grab the doorknob."
"La sua voce agghiacciante mi congela mentre afferro il pomello."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:321
translate it chapter_13B_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:323
translate it chapter_13B_ec4c646c:
# FD "Roomba?"
FD "Roomba?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:326
translate it chapter_13B_071ef67a:
# A "That’s my dog’s name, yes."
A "Sì, è il nome del mio cane."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:329
translate it chapter_13B_d37c9cc3:
# "It is an absolute blessing that I’m facing the door."
"È assolutamente una benedizione che sono girato verso la porta."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:331
translate it chapter_13B_142e1b7f:
# "Cold sweat is pouring down my face, threatening to drip off my forehead."
"Sudore freddo gronda sulla mia faccia, minacciando di gocciolare dalla mia fronte."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:333
translate it chapter_13B_fc88fe08:
# "If it wasn’t for my jacket he would definitely see the spreading patches around my armpits."
"Se non fosse per il mio giacchetto lui avrebbe visto delle pozze formarsi attorno mie ascelle."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:336
translate it chapter_13B_e941db78:
# FD "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
FD "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:338
translate it chapter_13B_936c6697_1:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:340
translate it chapter_13B_e941db78_1:
# FD "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
FD "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:342
translate it chapter_13B_936c6697_2:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:345
translate it chapter_13B_be402bc6:
# FD "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sorry to keep you then. Safe trip home."
FD "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ti chiedo scusa per averti tenuto allora. Buon ritorno a casa."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:349
translate it chapter_13B_12245d86:
# A "Thanksyoutoobye."
A "Grazieancheateciao."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:359
translate it chapter_13B_4045dedb:
# "The door slams behind me and I make record time out of the block."
"La porta sbatte dietro di me e faccio il record per uscire dall'isolato."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:361
translate it chapter_13B_51843eb5:
# "My calves are on fire but I only care about getting as far away as possible."
"I miei polpacci vanno a fuoco ma mi importa solo di andare il più lontano possibile."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:373
translate it chapter_13B_bb5eb492:
# "Fang is sitting on the bench by the bus stop."
"Fang è sedutə alla panchina vicino la fermata."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:376
translate it chapter_13B_b1181177:
# "They jump when they see me."
"Ləi salta quando mi vede."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:395
translate it chapter_13B_af8ed57a:
# F "Jeez, anon, you look terrible!"
F "Cavolo, Anon, sei conciato male!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:397
translate it chapter_13B_0937fe28:
# A "*huff* yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I *huff*{cps=*.1}...{/cps} don’t feel great{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "*huff* già{cps=*.1}...{/cps} io *huff*{cps=*.1}...{/cps} non mi sento tanto bene{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:401
translate it chapter_13B_35993209:
# "I take a moment to catch my breath."
"Mi prendo un attimo per riprendere fiato."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:407
translate it chapter_13B_8bd547be:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Don’t put me that close to death again, please."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Non mettermi un piede nella fossa così di nuovo, per favore."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:410
translate it chapter_13B_1509b87e:
# F "Sorry, I forgot{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Scusa, mi ero dimenticatə{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:413
translate it chapter_13B_c49dd57b:
# F "I hate him so much sometimes{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Lo odio così tanto a volte{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:416
translate it chapter_13B_a7940937:
# F "You gonna be okay?"
F "Tutto bene?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:419
translate it chapter_13B_00c92f01:
# A "Yeah, I’m fine."
A "Sì, sto a posto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:421
translate it chapter_13B_3e543d3a:
# A "Are we taking the bus to the beach?"
A "Prendiamo il bus per andare alla spiaggia?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:423
translate it chapter_13B_a5f4a5a1:
# F "I’ve called up a taxi."
F "Ho chiamato un taxi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:425
translate it chapter_13B_b12cb145:
# F "It’ll be here any minute."
F "Sarà qui a momenti."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:428
translate it chapter_13B_fe5f547c:
# "I notice they’ve got a backpack with them."
"Mi accorgo che ləi ha uno zaino con se."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:430
translate it chapter_13B_31d45a42:
# A "The beer in there?"
A "C'è la birra lì dentro?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:433
translate it chapter_13B_0b225581:
# F "Loads. Also some fireworks."
F "Un sacco. Anche dei fuochi d'artificio."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:436
translate it chapter_13B_03e6c54c:
# A "Rad."
A "Fighissimo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:444
translate it chapter_13B_e75584f9:
# "I sit next to Fang on the bench to wait."
"Mi siedo vicino a Fang sulla panchina ad aspettare."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:452
translate it chapter_13B_b33edd0c:
# "{cps=*.4}-- Three Minutes and Twenty-Seven Seconds Later --{/cps}"
"{cps=*.4}-- Tre Minuti e Ventisette Secondi Dopo --{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:455
translate it chapter_13B_7a1bff46:
# "The Taxi comes barreling down the street, drifting into a turn and coming to a graceful stop in front of Fang and I."
"Il Taxi sfreccia giù per la strada, sgommando in curva ed eseguendo un'aggraziata fermata davanti me e Fang."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:457
translate it chapter_13B_8b00d91a:
# "The window rolls down."
"Il finestrino si abbassa."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:460
translate it chapter_13B_faab8a58:
# "It’s the same driver from before."
"È lo stesso autista di prima."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:462
translate it chapter_13B_08786301:
# D "Yep. Still got it."
D "Già. Ancora ci so fare."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:465
translate it chapter_13B_e53ce231:
# "The driver turns his head and looks over at us."
"L'autista si gira e ci guarda."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:468
translate it chapter_13B_752f6bdb:
# D "Ay, it’s my favorite couple again! How’s the leg, skinnie?"
D "Ay, è di nuovo la mia coppia preferita! Come va la gamba, senza-squame?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:470
translate it chapter_13B_767f2427:
# "The driver chuckles at his own remark."
"L'autista ridacchia alla sua stessa battuta."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:473
translate it chapter_13B_5654e9a4:
# "I briefly consider calling a different cab, but decide to give him the benefit of the doubt."
"Per un attimo penso a chiamare un taxi differente, ma decido di dargli il beneficio del dubbio."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:475
translate it chapter_13B_e52986dc:
# A "It’s fine now, thanks for asking."
A "Ora tutto bene, grazie per aver chiesto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:477
translate it chapter_13B_410d0bca:
# "I open the door for Fang and we both climb in the back."
"Apro la porta per Fang e saliamo entrambi di dietro."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:486
translate it chapter_13B_330c7680:
# D "Where am I takin’ you?"
D "Dove vi porto?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:488
translate it chapter_13B_6f6a5c1c:
# F "Take us to the beach."
F "Portaci alla spiaggia."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:490
translate it chapter_13B_51669029:
# D "Sounds romantic, anywhere in particular you got in mind?"
D "Sembra romantico, avete in mente un posto in particolare?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:493
translate it chapter_13B_7b5a0428:
# "I throw a look at Fang, not really having anywhere in mind."
"Do uno sguardo a Fang, non avendo proprio in mente un posto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:495
translate it chapter_13B_593bc938:
# A "Just anywhere I guess."
A "Qualsiasi posto va bene credo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:497
translate it chapter_13B_ad391777:
# D "I think I know just the spot."
D "Credo di sapere giusto il posto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:499
translate it chapter_13B_b55319ec:
# D "And it’s the scenic route too, so it works out for everyone!"
D "Ed è anche la strada panoramica, quindi va bene per tutti quanti!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:503
translate it chapter_13B_e06d70ca:
# "He peels out from the street to whichever beach he’s taking us."
"Sgomma via dalla strada verso qualsiasi spiaggia ci sta portando."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:506
translate it chapter_13B_ab528828:
# "Fang locks their hand in my own and rests her head on my shoulder during the silent drive."
# "Fang stringe la sua mano nella mia e appoggia la sua testa sulla mia spalla durante la guida silenziosa."
# presumo in questa frase si voglia fare riferimento ad anon che ancora non è molto abituato con linguaggio non-binario quindi ancora mischia i termini
"Ləi stringe la sua mano nella mia, poi lei appoggia la testa sulla mia spalla durante la guida silenziosa."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:509
translate it chapter_13B_052c5d70:
# "In the rear-view mirror, the driver makes eye contact with me."
"Nello specchietto retrovisore, l'autista mi guarda negli occhi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:511
translate it chapter_13B_1c802841:
# "The bottom of his eye curls, and I know exactly what he’s thinking."
"Il sotto del suo occhio si incurva, e so esattamente a cosa sta pensando."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:513
translate it chapter_13B_3f61f261:
# "His hand darts to the radio knob."
"La sua mano si precipita verso la manopola della radio."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:516
translate it chapter_13B_8bc5974e:
# A "Don-"
A "Non-"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:519
translate it chapter_13B_0bab7c93:
# "The way I dance with youuuu~"
"Te voooglio beeeene assaje~"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:522
translate it chapter_13B_223cf28c:
# "Fang throws their head back in disgust."
"Fang getta indietro la testa in disgusto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:524
translate it chapter_13B_6ab3a0f8:
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:527
translate it chapter_13B_4b747655:
# F "Man, you hate getting tips, don’t you?"
F "Wow, ti fanno proprio schifo le mance, non è vero?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:529
translate it chapter_13B_d972c004:
# D "I get something much better, take my word for it."
D "Ci guadagno qualcosa di molto meglio, fidati di me."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:532
translate it chapter_13B_2b560c23:
# "Two songs and thirty ran red lights later we reach wherever it was he took us."
"Due canzoni e trenta semafori rossi superati dopo, raggiungiamo qualsiasi sia il posto dove ci ha portato."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:535
translate it chapter_13B_ce4a1c58:
# D "Here we are, best point at the beach."
D "Ed eccoci qui, il miglior posto sulla spiaggia."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:537
translate it chapter_13B_eedd7f55:
# D "Twenty-seven bucks and eighty cents."
D "Ventisette dollari e ottanta centesimi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:539
translate it chapter_13B_67f6442a:
# "I pay the toll in crumpled fives, ones, and exact change."
"Pago il pedaggio in banconote accartocciate da cinque, da uno, e spicci esatti."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:542
translate it chapter_13B_79b63304:
# D "Oh yeah. Skin Row, that’s right."
D "Oh già. Skin Row, giusto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:544
translate it chapter_13B_74e41d87:
# D "Anywho, have fun, you two!"
D "Comunque, divertitevi, voi due!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:552
translate it chapter_13B_110b418e:
# "We climb out the back of the cab and the driver gives me a wink before the taxi screeches away in a cloud of sand and carbon monoxide."
"Scendiamo dal retro del taxi e l'autista mi fà un occhiolino prima che il taxi sfrecci via in una nuvola di polvere e monossido di carbonio."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:555
translate it chapter_13B_df290e15:
# "We have to be the only two who ever ride in that thing."
"Dobbiamo essere gli unici due a essere mai saliti su quella roba."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:557
translate it chapter_13B_b74dd9ce:
# "Now it’s just us. Alone."
"Ora siamo solo noi. Da soli."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:563
translate it chapter_13B_2c6f56a8:
# "I take Fang by the hand and we make our way down to the beach."
"Prendo Fang per mano e ci dirigiamo verso la spiaggia."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:565
translate it chapter_13B_90dfcac2:
# "There isn’t a single other person in sight. Perfect."
"Non c'è neanche una persona nei paraggi. Perfetto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:567
translate it chapter_13B_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:570
translate it chapter_13B_0d8a02ab:
# "I have no clue what the fuck I’m doing right now."
"Ora non ho la minima idea di cosa cazzo fare."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:573
translate it chapter_13B_e6714649:
# F "How about we find a spot to sit then?"
F "Che ne dici di trovare un posto per sederci allora?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:575
translate it chapter_13B_9830e91a:
# A "Y-yeah. Sounds like a plan."
A "S-sì. Mi sembra un buon piano."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:578
translate it chapter_13B_fd016807:
# "The waves have receded far back, letting us walk along the soft sand more easily."
"Le onde si sono ritirate molto, permettendoci di camminare sulla sabbia morbida più facilmente."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:580
translate it chapter_13B_7cc427dc:
# "After some time we find some kind of hidden shoal, only now revealed thanks to low tide."
"Dopo un po' di tempo troviamo una specie di secca nascosta, ora visibile grazie alla bassa marea."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:596
translate it chapter_13B_06a5c22f:
# F "This looks like a good place."
F "Questo sembra un buon posto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:598
translate it chapter_13B_fdbe2f4a:
# "Fang drops the backpack in the sand and promptly unzips it, retrieving two beer cans from inside."
"Fang fa cadere lo zaino sulla sabbia e prontamente lo apre, recuperando due lattine di birra dall'interno."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:600
translate it chapter_13B_67ff126c:
# "I take one from their extended hand and pull the tab open."
"Ne prendo una dalla sua mano estesa e tiro la linguetta."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:606
translate it chapter_13B_f4e0232e:
# F "To all those fucking losers who went to prom."
F "A tutti quei cazzo di perdenti che sono andati al ballo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:610
translate it chapter_13B_76130a9a:
# "I take a sip and my face immediately contorts. It’s been a while since I’ve drank this shit."
"Bevo un sorso e la mia faccia si contorce immediatamente. È passato un bel po' di tempo dall'ultima volta che ho bevuto questa merda."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:612
translate it chapter_13B_9cba468a:
# "Meanwhile Fang chugs half of their can and laughs at me."
"Nel frattempo Fang si scola metà della sua lattina e ride di me."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:614
translate it chapter_13B_34e9ae4b:
# F "Come on, Anon, don’t tell me you’re a lightweight."
F "Dai, Anon, non dirmi che non sai reggere un pò d'alcol."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:617
translate it chapter_13B_39c92ae0:
# "Fang wants to go? Let’s go."
"Fang vuole scommettere? Scommettiamo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:619
translate it chapter_13B_08e710fa:
# A "No, fuck you!"
A "No, fottiti!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:621
translate it chapter_13B_0b4c0f96:
# "I grab a fresh can and ram my pocket knife in the bottom, raising the hole to my mouth as I pull the tab."
"Prendo una lattina nuova e le infilzo il sotto con il mio coltellino, portando il buco alla mia bocca mentre tiro la linguetta."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:626
translate it chapter_13B_2f928e4e:
# F "Woohoo!"
F "Woohoo!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:628
translate it chapter_13B_5564d439:
# "I finish the can and look up to see that Fang now has a firework in their hand."
"Finisco la lattina e guardo in alto per vedere che Fang ha un fuoco d'artificio in mano."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:633
translate it chapter_13B_e7b3f815:
# "They plant it a few feet away and light the fuse way too close to the base."
"Ləi lo piazza a un paio di metri da noi e accende la miccia troppo vicina alla base."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:638
translate it chapter_13B_8c0b390a:
# "It zips off seconds later and explodes in a red burst after a few moments."
"Fila via qualche secondo dopo ed esplode in uno scoppio rosso dopo qualche momento."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:641
translate it chapter_13B_a3164560:
# A "Oh hell yeah! This is way better than prom!"
A "Cazzo sì! Questo è molto meglio del ballo!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:644
translate it chapter_13B_4886e5e1:
# A "Whaddya think they’re doing there anyways?"
A "Comunque cosa pensi stiano facendo?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:647
translate it chapter_13B_e199f916:
# F "Pffft, who cares?"
F "Pffft, chissene!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:650
translate it chapter_13B_b0fecf02:
# F "Naomi got her stupid crown and is probably sucking Naser’s dick in the locker room or something."
F "Naomi avrà preso la sua stupida corona e starà probabilmente succhiando il cazzo di Naser nello spogliatoio o una cosa del genere."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:653
translate it chapter_13B_617b11ea:
# "That’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps} specific."
"È alquanto{cps=*.1}...{/cps} specifico."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:655
translate it chapter_13B_92030bdd:
# "Fang sighs as I take another can from their bag and crack it open."
"Fang sospira mentre prendo un'altra lattina dal suo zaino e la apro."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:658
translate it chapter_13B_6059ba93:
# F "Y’know, Trish had this big idea when we started VVURM DRAMA."
F "Sai, Trish aveva tutte queste grandi idee quando abbiamo iniziato VVURM DRAMA."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:660
translate it chapter_13B_a4d93f03:
# "Fang sits down in the sand and I feel obligated to take a seat next to them, suffering the moist sand seeping into my clothes."
"Fang si siede sulla sabbia e mi sento obbligato a sedermi vicino a ləi, soffrendo per la sabbia bagnata che impregna i miei vestiti."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:666
translate it chapter_13B_65c19b73:
# F "We were gonna play a show at prom and everyone was gonna love us and it was gonna be our ‘big break’ like she always said."
F "Dovevamo fare uno spettacolo al ballo e tutti ci avrebbero amato e sarebbe stata la nostra ‘grande occasione’ come diceva sempre."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:669
translate it chapter_13B_1384999b:
# F "Now{cps=*.1}...{/cps} fuuuck. Now Trish went and did all that to you and now none of that’s happening."
F "Ora{cps=*.1}...{/cps} caaazzo. Ora Trish ti ha fatto tutto questo e ora niente di quello succederà."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:671
translate it chapter_13B_c1b776db:
# A "Eh, fuck her."
A "Eh, vada a farsi fottere."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:675
translate it chapter_13B_99c40406:
# F "You know, part of me thought you two would just hatefuck and be done with it."
F "Lo sai, parte di me pensava che voi due avreste semplicemente scopato d'odio e l'avreste fatta finita."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:677
translate it chapter_13B_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:679
translate it chapter_13B_1bc03d59:
# A "I er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} that’s not happening."
A "Io er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} te lo puoi scordare."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:681
translate it chapter_13B_fe2eb176:
# "I finish the beer and toss the can into the sand."
"Finisco la birra e lancio la lattina sulla sabbia."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:683
translate it chapter_13B_6cee3a19:
# "Better keep this party going."
"Meglio tenere in vivo la festa."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:686
translate it chapter_13B_8a85e415:
# F "I just wish everything could go back to the way it was before all that bullshit."
F "Vorrei solo che tutto potrebbe tornare a come era prima di tutte quelle cazzate."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:688
translate it chapter_13B_4d4d1d1b:
# "Fang takes a sip from her can as I grab another."
"Fang beve un sorso dalla sua lattina e io ne prendo un'altra."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:690
translate it chapter_13B_fb6edffe:
# A "Ha, you shaid it."
A "Ha, dishi bene."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:693
translate it chapter_13B_9965cc8c:
# F "Pffft, are you already drunk? Looks like you are a lightweight after all."
F "Pffft, già sei ubriaco? Allora avevo ragione che non lo reggi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:695
translate it chapter_13B_d06eb607:
# A "It’sh all a bunch of bullshit. Shkool is bullshit and promf is bullshit and err’thang is bullshit."
A "Shono tutte un mucchio di stronzhate. La sqhuola è una stronzata e il balllo è una shronzata e tuttotutto è una shrotnzata."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:698
translate it chapter_13B_8f7d741e:
# A "Not you though, you- you- you’re not bullshit."
A "Non tu però, tu- tu- tu non sei una stronzata."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:701
translate it chapter_13B_275ea76a:
# A "Err’thin was great ’til fuckin’ Trish done did me dirty and turned it into Rock Bottom two point oh."
A "Tuttttto andava bene finho a che qella cazzo di Trish ha fatto la shtronza e ha fatto ridivenciare tutto Rock Bottom due punto zerouh."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:703
translate it chapter_13B_3c3731cf:
# A "I ackshually had frens ’n life ‘n shit."
A "Avevo efffetchivamente amishi e una vita e cazzate coshi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:705
translate it chapter_13B_f50bc566:
# A "’n not come off as a fuckin’ retard for once."
A "E non parevo un cazzzho di ritardatho per una volta."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:708
translate it chapter_13B_0bf15eca:
# A "Fuck Trish n’ fuck Naomi too."
A "Fanculo Trish e fanculo pure Naomi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:710
translate it chapter_13B_6fe733e2:
# F "Yeah, fuck that bitch Naomi."
F "Sì, fanculo quella troia di Naomi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:712
translate it chapter_13B_44c87622:
# "Fang downs the rest of her can and reaches for another."
"Fang si scola il resto della sua lattina e allunga la mano verso un'altra."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:714
translate it chapter_13B_3f326d3f:
# A "Yeah, fuck that bitch."
A "Già, fanculo quella troia."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:716
translate it chapter_13B_871e84ac:
# F "Controlling freak, probably does Naser’s homework."
F "Maniaca del controllo, probabilmente fà i compiti a Naser."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:718
translate it chapter_13B_932e9fe5:
# "I bring my can up for another swig but it’s empty."
"Porto la mia lattina alla bocca per un'altra sorsata ma è vuota."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:721
translate it chapter_13B_d3dd5a9c:
# "Fuckin’ bitch. Even stealin’ my booze."
"Stupida puttana. Addirittura mi rubi gli alcolici."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:724
translate it chapter_13B_be241835:
# "I reach my hand{cps=*.1}...{/cps} two hands{cps=*.1}...{/cps} four hands?"
"Allungo la mia mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps} due mani{cps=*.1}...{/cps} quattro mani?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:727
translate it chapter_13B_9c43de72:
# "I reach into the bag and find more liquid sustenance and pop the top and chug it all at once."
"Raggiungo la borsa e trovo altro nutrimento liquido e la apro e la scolo tutta di botto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:732
translate it chapter_13B_d3014bad:
# A "Fuck her stupid fuckin’ plans n’ try’na fix people."
A "Fanculo i suoi stupidi piani per sistemare le perzone."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:735
translate it chapter_13B_c99fc9f2:
# F "Ha! Now you’re wasted!"
F "Ha! Ora sei sbronzo!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:738
translate it chapter_13B_c6a93e92:
# "The fuck I am."
"Col cazzo che lo sono."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:740
translate it chapter_13B_999d2126:
# "I bring my can up for another swig but it’s empty again."
"Porto la lattina alla bocca per un'altro sorso ma è di nuovo vuota."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:743
translate it chapter_13B_2d13aa94:
# "How does that pink bitch keep doing it?!"
"Ma come ci riesce quella troia rosa?!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:745
translate it chapter_13B_d9d0b124:
# "Always puttin’ her nose into everythin’. ‘How’s Fang, Anon?’ ‘What have yoush and Fang been up to?’"
"Mette sempre il naso dappertuttto. ‘Come sta Fang, Anon?’ ‘Come ve la passhate tu e Fang?’"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:747
translate it chapter_13B_139fb105:
# "Whatta bitch."
"Ccche puttana."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:750
translate it chapter_13B_f786754e:
# F "That pampered princess. Always acting like she’s right. And how she’s got Naser just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} wound up around her stupid finger."
F "Quella principessa viziata. Si comporta come se avesse sempre ragione. E ora lei ha Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nel suo stupido pugno."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:752
translate it chapter_13B_db1c0ba1:
# "Yeah. Poor fuckin’ Naser. Even if his head looks like a perfect circle."
"Già. Povero poveraccio Naser. Anche se la sua testa sembra un cerchio perfetto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:755
translate it chapter_13B_7e4adae7:
# F "Hah!"
F "Hah!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:758
translate it chapter_13B_b28bd5f4:
# "Why is she laughing?"
"Perché sta ridendo?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:760
translate it chapter_13B_145d2cec:
# "Meh. Musta thought somethin’ funneh."
"Meh. Deve aver penshato a qualcosa di divertenteh."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:762
translate it chapter_13B_9b0123b8:
# A "Yeah, poor Naser."
A "Già, povero Naser."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:764
translate it chapter_13B_b6daf4b3:
# "How the fuck did he even hook up with her ‘nyways?"
"Come cazzo a fatto lui a mettersi con lei in ogni casho?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:767
translate it chapter_13B_d3542f50:
# A "He’s soo worried about everyone, I always see him fretting about you."
A "Si preoccupa cosìììì tanto di tutti, lo vedo sempre consumarsi per te."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:771
translate it chapter_13B_3851bd19:
# A "You wouldn’t believe how much that pisses Naomi off."
A "Non crederei mai quanto quello faccia incazzare Naomi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:773
translate it chapter_13B_657735f3:
# "I can just imagine her now."
"Me la posso immaginare."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:775
translate it chapter_13B_73163568:
# A "‘Nooo stop paying attention to Fang, waaaah’."
A "‘Noooo smettila di dare attenzioni a Fang, waaaah’."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:778
translate it chapter_13B_f33cce99:
# "The fuck’s her deal anyway{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tryna ‘fix’ Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Cosa cazzo ha che non va lei comunque{cps=*.1}...{/cps} provare a ‘sistemare’ Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:780
translate it chapter_13B_4e1660f8:
# "Like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} s’not her shit to fix{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} non è suo problema sistemare{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:782
translate it chapter_13B_5aa2398f:
# "S’not mine either{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"neanche il mio{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:787
translate it chapter_13B_f0f9e306:
# F "Fix?"
F "Sistemare?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:790
translate it chapter_13B_00ea3b67:
# "Hm?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:792
translate it chapter_13B_c3614f2f:
# A "Y’say somethin’?"
A "Hai detto qualcosha?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:796
translate it chapter_13B_8f21095d:
# F "You said Naomi was trying to ‘fix’ me?"
F "Hai detto che Naomi stava provando a ‘sistemarmi’?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:799
translate it chapter_13B_75e9c234:
# A "Fuuuuuuuuck{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Caaaaaaaaazzo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:801
translate it chapter_13B_886b0d59:
# A "Well, uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Beh, uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:803
translate it chapter_13B_42c2e3f6:
# A "Y’know what, we’ve been together long enough{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Sai che ti dico, stiamo insieme da tanto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:805
translate it chapter_13B_ce9ba12e:
# A "You promise not to kill me?"
A "Prometti di non uccidermi?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:808
translate it chapter_13B_fbf0b33f:
# F "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} what? Sure."
F "Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cosa? Ok."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:810
translate it chapter_13B_46502c23:
# A "So Naomi right, she’s buggin’ me constantly when I first got here about dumb stuff."
A "Cioè Naomi, lei mi assillava costantemente quando ero appena arrivato riguardo stupidaggini."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:813
translate it chapter_13B_4e532f7e:
# F "As she does, yes."
F "Come fa sempre, sì."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:815
translate it chapter_13B_9efd50c1:
# A "Yeah, yeah. You fuckin’ hate her and she fuckin’ hates you and all, and she uhhhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Sì, sì. Lei ti sta sul cazzo e tu gli stai sul cazzo e tutto quanto, e lei uhhhhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:817
translate it chapter_13B_1ebd6a24:
# A "She got me to start dating you, she thought I was some super cool magic guy that would make you normal or whatever."
A "Lei mi ha spinto a uscire con te, lei pensava fossi un tizio magico super figo e ti avrebbe reso normale o boh."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:821
translate it chapter_13B_8da7506b:
# F "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Naomi put you up to dating me?"
F "Aspetta{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Naomi ti ha convinto a uscire con me?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:823
translate it chapter_13B_0a92b285:
# A "She tried, yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ci ha provato, sì{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:825
translate it chapter_13B_d197d0e8:
# A "Somethin’ about wanting all of Naser’s attention because he thinks you’re a screwup."
A "Qualcosa riguardo a volere tutte le attenzioni di Naser perché lui pensa tu sia un disastro."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:828
translate it chapter_13B_a0327b12:
# A "Shows what she knows, right?"
A "Fa capire cosa lei sa, giusto?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:830
translate it chapter_13B_675e6ddf:
# A "Probably couldn’t fix you if I tried."
A "Probabilmente non riuscirei a sistemarti neanche se ci provassi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:833
translate it chapter_13B_366b8e85:
# "Fang’s eyebrows furrow."
"Le sopracciglia di Fang si corrucciano."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:835
translate it chapter_13B_9f1321cc:
# F "You think I need fixing?"
F "Pensi che debba essere sistematə?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:839
translate it chapter_13B_43296ae6:
# A "I mean, no more than anyone else."
A "Dico, non più di chiunque altro."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:841
translate it chapter_13B_8936df0e:
# A "Everyone’s got their problems, y’know?"
A "Tutti hanno i loro problemi, giusto?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:844
translate it chapter_13B_6224200e:
# A "Like me, I’m too nice to people. Too nice."
A "Tipo io, sono troppo buono con le persone. Troppo buono."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:846
translate it chapter_13B_7a564d45:
# A "And you do that weird thing with the pronouns for attention."
A "E tu fai quella strana cosa con le pronunce e i pronomi per attirare l'attenzione."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:851
translate it chapter_13B_b3683372:
# F "A-a-attention?!?"
F "A-a-attenzione?!?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:853
translate it chapter_13B_a76e94d8:
# A "We just gotta live with our faults sometimes, yeah?"
A "Ogni tanto bisogna vivere con i propri difetti, giusto?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:856
translate it chapter_13B_fe1773f3:
# A "You can trust me, I know about this sorta thing{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Tu ti puoi fidare di me, ne so qualcosa a riguardo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:869
translate it chapter_13B_20b5ec90:
# "Pain blossoms across my cheek."
"Un dolore affiora sulla mia guancia."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:872
translate it chapter_13B_a5e44c27:
# "Fang cradles her palm."
"Fang culla il suo palmo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:874
translate it chapter_13B_646d301d:
# "If it feels anything like my face right now she’s gotta be hurting."
"Se si sente come la mia faccia si sente ora, lei si deve essere fatta male."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:886
translate it chapter_13B_884fa8f3:
# F "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
F "Ma che cazzo di problemi hai?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:888
translate it chapter_13B_2c79f021:
# F "How could you say this is for attention!"
F "Come puoi dire che lo faccio per attirare l'attenzione!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:890
translate it chapter_13B_8405516c:
# F "What attention? You know this is who I am!"
F "Quale attenzione? Lo sai che questo è quello che sono!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:896
translate it chapter_13B_a9be61f4:
# A "What, a girl with daddy issues?"
A "Cosa, una ragazza con problemi paterni?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:899
translate it chapter_13B_54e711ef:
# F "Y-y-you know I’m not a girl!"
F "T-t-tu lo sai che non sono una ragazza!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:901
translate it chapter_13B_30bb2a71:
# A "You sure are fuckin’ acting like one{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Anche se ti stai fottutamente comportando come tale{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:904
translate it chapter_13B_145e4436:
# "Fang visibly pales."
"Fang diventa visibilmente pallida."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:906
translate it chapter_13B_dd45cb2f:
# "Her eyes harden."
"I suoi occhi si fanno seri."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:911
translate it chapter_13B_d6f15e1c:
# F "Did you ever care about me or were you just ‘fixing’ everything Naomi didn’t like?"
F "Ti è mai importato di me oppure stavi solo ‘sistemando’ qualsiasi cosa non piacesse a Naomi?"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:913
translate it chapter_13B_144d2c18:
# F "Like the fucking tool that you are."
F "Come la cazzo di marionetta che sei."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:915
translate it chapter_13B_3ff62a70:
# A "You serious? The way you’re going it seems anyone cares more about you than you!"
A "Sei seria? Ti stai comportando come se agli altri importasse più di te che a te!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:918
translate it chapter_13B_fb4dc2b4:
# F "I can’t believe I ever thought you were better than any of the other fuckheads at school!"
F "Non riesco a credere di avere pensato che tu fossi meglio delle altre teste di cazzo a scuola!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:920
translate it chapter_13B_fd4fbb23:
# F "That I ever opened up to you thinking this time would be different!"
F "Che mi sono apertə a te pensando che questa volta sarebbe stato differente!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:922
translate it chapter_13B_875abd71:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}That I actually stuck up for you and broke off with my friends!"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Che ho preso le tue difese e mollato i miei amici!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:925
translate it chapter_13B_ab00bca3:
# F "But you’re still the same bigoted dumbass as the day I met you."
F "Ma tu sei ancora lo stesso coglione bigotto di quando ti ho incontrato."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:928
translate it chapter_13B_91140a24:
# A "You should be glad I’ve put up with your shit as long as I have, I deserve a fuckin’ prize or something."
A "Dovresti essere felice che ho sopportato le tue cazzate per tutto questo tempo, mi merito un cazzo di premio o una cosa del genere."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:930
translate it chapter_13B_4a4faa8c:
# A "Not like anyone else would put up with a mentally ill schizo like you."
A "Nessun altro avrebbe sopportato una malata di mente schizofrenica come te."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:938
translate it chapter_13B_9e157358:
# F "{i}Mentally ill?!{/i}"
F "{i}Malata di mente?!{/i}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:944
translate it chapter_13B_d26ee021:
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:950
translate it chapter_13B_b23c40c2:
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:952
translate it chapter_13B_35df18ac:
# F "{b}SHUT UP!{/b}"
F "{b}STA ZITTO!{/b}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:969
translate it chapter_13B_fc895536:
# "I try to step closer."
"Provo ad avvicinarmi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:972
translate it chapter_13B_46f69a29:
# "Her palms thrust roughly into my chest."
"I suoi palmi colpiscono con forza il mio petto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:992
translate it chapter_13B_28515283:
# "The momentum from her shove and the soft footing beneath me send me sprawling back."
"Lo slancio dalla sua spinta e il soffice pavimento sotto di me mi fanno cadere all'indietro."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:994
translate it chapter_13B_64810eb7:
# "I splash into the shallow water, the stinging salt burning my eyes."
"Cado nelle acque poco profonde, il sale pungente mi brucia gli occhi."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1010
translate it chapter_13B_64125b4c:
# "From my resting spot in the shallows I see Fang’s silhouette shrink into the distance."
"Da dove rimango seduto in acqua riesco a vedere la sagoma di Fang rimpicciolirsi in lontananza."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1013
translate it chapter_13B_bb065c1b:
# "I sit up, rising out of the pool of ocean water to see her halfway up the beach."
"Mi siedo, emergendo dalla piscina di acqua marina per vederla a metà spiaggia."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1015
translate it chapter_13B_ecc231f4:
# "She stops for a moment and turns back."
"Lei si ferma per un momento e si gira."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1018
translate it chapter_13B_f16b36bf:
# F "{size=-5}Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}"
F "{size=-5}Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1020
translate it chapter_13B_d90eb6fd:
# "I can barely make out her voice from so far away."
"Riesco a malapena a sentire la sua voce da così lontano."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1023
translate it chapter_13B_a6bba711:
# F "{size=-5}Trish was right about you.{/size}"
F "{size=-5}Trish aveva ragione su di te.{/size}"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1026
translate it chapter_13B_ac3b2091:
# "Her wings shift, hiding her completely as she slips away into the night."
"Le sue ali si spostano, nascondendola completamente mentre scompare nella notte."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1029
translate it chapter_13B_66412422:
# "I lean back, resubmerging into the black sea water."
"Mi piego indietro, reimmergendomi nelle nere acque marine. "
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1032
translate it chapter_13B_e22e546a:
# "The pain, from my cheek, and in my eyes, brings sobriety and clarity to what I’ve just done."
"Il dolore, dalla mia guancia, e nei miei occhi, mi fanno capire con sobrietà e chiarezza cosa ho appena fatto."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1034
translate it chapter_13B_aed64233:
# "Her parting words echo in my head and I can’t help but agree after I realize just what exactly happened."
"Le sue parole di addio echeggiavano nella mia testa e non posso fare a meno di essere d'accordo dopo essermi reso conto di cosa sia appena successo."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1038
translate it chapter_13B_af5953d1:
# "Surrounded by the salty air and soft waves, the alcohol finally gets to me and I drift out of consciousness."
"Circondato dall'aria salmastra e dalle morbide onde, alla fine l'alcool si fa sentire e perdo conoscenza."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:1046
translate it chapter_13B_c3739b85:
# "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"