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synced 2025-03-28 04:45:18 +01:00
Co-authored-by: dsatta <dsatta60@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: nutbuster <nutbuster@cock.li> Co-authored-by: Map <mapmappening@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://git.cavemanon.xyz/Cavemanon/SnootGame/pulls/246 Reviewed-by: Mappening <mapanon@noreply.git.cavemanon.xyz> Co-authored-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz> Co-committed-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz>
3320 lines
120 KiB
3320 lines
120 KiB
# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:9
translate it chapter_9_8e4ccd60:
# "End of midterms means the start of the new quarter."
"La fine degli esami di metà trimestre ne annuncia l'inizio di uno nuovo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:11
translate it chapter_9_83bfdf19:
# "Halfway through the semester, and things have been going pretty good."
"Sono a metà del semestre, e le cose stanno andando abbastanza bene."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:13
translate it chapter_9_d3e38f77:
# "I didn’t completely fuck up so far, and I think the rest of the band is starting to warm up to me."
"Non ho ancora mandato tutto a puttane, e credo che stia piacendo sempre di più al resto della band."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:15
translate it chapter_9_372fb314:
# "Especially Fang."
"Specialmente a Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:17
translate it chapter_9_ceeb7813:
# "In fact we’ve been hanging out more in the auditorium after school."
"Di fatto ci stiamo frequentando sempre di più nell'auditorium dopo la scuola."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:19
translate it chapter_9_6702fb45:
# "Instead of band practice we’ve been making use of that repaired projector."
"Al posto di fare prove con la band stiamo utilizzando quel proiettore che Reed ha sistemato."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:21
translate it chapter_9_aeec348f:
# "Watching shitty movies and playing games on Reed’s Xrox."
"Guardiamo film di merda o giochiamo con la Xrox di Reed."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:27
translate it chapter_9_f910960c:
# N "Why are you so deep in thought, Anon?"
N "A cosa stai pensando, Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:34
translate it chapter_9_17270441:
# "The Mandarin Manchurian rips me away from my monologue."
"Il Manciuriano Mandarino mi strappa via dal mio monologo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:36
translate it chapter_9_6c2cb487:
# "During homeroom, Spears came on the announcement to declare an assembly for the senior class."
"Durante la prima ora, Spears ha annunciato un'assemblea per gli studenti dell'ultimo anno."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:38
translate it chapter_9_7756651d:
# "Or in his own words,"
"O a parole sue,"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:40
translate it chapter_9_5dfae8b3:
# Sp "{alpha=.75}{i}\"ASSES IN THOSE SEATS NOW!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
Sp "{alpha=.75}{i}\"POGGIATE I VOSTRI CULI, ORA!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:53
translate it chapter_9_e0ccec04:
# "Naomi has taken the opportunity to walk with me through the hallways."
"Naomi ha preso l'opportunità per camminare insieme a me tra i corridoi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:56
translate it chapter_9_be8e0575:
# A "What do you want?"
A "Cosa vuoi?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:59
translate it chapter_9_69890284:
# N "So I heard you and Fang went on another date the other day."
N "Ho sentito che te e Fang avete avuto un altro appuntamento l'altro giorno."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:62
translate it chapter_9_8d1d0eca:
# "Of course she did."
"Ovvio che l'ha sentito."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:64
translate it chapter_9_ca925cd0:
# A "It wasn’t a date, we were just hanging out."
A "Non era un appuntamento, stavamo solo uscendo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:66
translate it chapter_9_a712e173:
# "Just kickin’ Reed’s ass in Rock Ring 3."
"Stavo spaccando il culo a Reed a Rock Ring 3."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:68
translate it chapter_9_bb4eb25b:
# "Pls give mammoth bone armor."
"Pls give mammoth bone armor."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:73
translate it chapter_9_7b9978d5:
# A "You do anything fun with Naser lately?"
A "Tu e Naser avete fatto qualcosa di bello di recente?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:76
translate it chapter_9_c5b2bbcf:
# N "OH! {w=0.3}{nw}"
N "OH! {w=0.3}{nw}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:81
translate it chapter_9_5da968b5:
# extend "My Naser just had another track meet!"
extend "Il mio Naser ha appena fatto un'altra gara di atletica leggera!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:87
translate it chapter_9_25f60234:
# "That always works."
"Funziona sempre."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:90
translate it chapter_9_396f57c4:
# N "His high jump form is so perfect!"
N "L'esecuzione del suo salto in alto è così perfetta!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:92
translate it chapter_9_07b399c2:
# N "And he looks so dazzling in his track and field uniform!"
N "Ed è così affascinante nella sua tuta da atletica!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:98
translate it chapter_9_de9465b5:
# N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And his physique{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}E il suo fisico{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:100
translate it chapter_9_bf7ca676:
# "I tune her out as she covers her profusely red nose."
"La ignoro mentre lei copre il suo naso abbondantemente rosso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:105
translate it chapter_9_7b10e5a4:
# "The less I can think of Naser’s body the better."
"Meno penso al corpo di Naser meglio è."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:115
translate it chapter_9_a8921b29:
# "We get to the auditorium once again and I look to the back row to find our spot."
"Torniamo all'auditorium e controllo la fila nel retro per trovare il nostro posto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:118
translate it chapter_9_b30b9eb9:
# "Empty?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:125
translate it chapter_9_5f40d872:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:140
translate it chapter_9_6069c7e9:
# "Fang and Trish are sitting in the front row."
"Fang e Trish sono sedute in prima fila."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:142
translate it chapter_9_3112e91c:
# "Next to them is Reed huddling behind a cart with the projector he’d fixed on it, messing with the cords."
"Vicino a loro c'è Reed accovacciato dietro un carrello con il proiettore che ci ha fissato sopra, smanettando con i cavi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:151
translate it chapter_9_b71e325b:
# A "What’s the deal? Why are we sitting in the front all of a sudden?"
A "Cosa succede? Perché ci stiamo sedendo in prima fila di punto in bianco?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:155
translate it chapter_9_d0067502:
# Re "{cps=*.25}Uhhhh{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Spears asked me to man the projector{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "{cps=*.25}Uhhhh{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Spears mi ha chiesto di occuparmi del proiettore{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:157
translate it chapter_9_41830480:
# Re "First I was like \"say {cps=*.25}whaaaaat{/cps}\", but then I was like \"yeah, man, sure\"."
Re "Prima ero tipo \"{cps=*.25}coooomeeee{/cps} scusa\", ma poi ero tipo \"certo, capo, perché no\"."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:159
translate it chapter_9_367df6eb:
# Re "So here I am."
Re "Quindi eccomi qui."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:163
translate it chapter_9_b7f91389:
# A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} see{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Capisco{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:170
translate it chapter_9_28cf53ec:
# "I take my seat next to Fang."
"Mi siedo vicino a Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:173
translate it chapter_9_2d168717:
# A "They say why we’re here yet?"
A "Hanno già detto del perché siamo qui?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:176
translate it chapter_9_81fac6db:
# F "Nope."
F "No."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:179
translate it chapter_9_eb8e50e4:
# T "Since we’re seniors it’s probably some other stupid pep talk about ‘Our Futures’."
T "Dato che siamo dell'ultimo anno sarà qualche stupido discorso di incoraggiamento sui ‘Nostri Futuri’."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:182
translate it chapter_9_17de6722:
# Re "I bet it’s a fundraiser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Io scommetto che è una raccolta fondi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:184
translate it chapter_9_2e61bfac:
# Re "I’m like, good at selling things and stuff{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Io sono tipo, bravo a vendere roba e simili{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:187
translate it chapter_9_822af454:
# A "I’m sure."
A "Ne sono certo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:190
translate it chapter_9_cbb84571:
# A "Actually, I’ve been meaning to ask."
A "Comunque, ti volevo proprio chiedere."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:192
translate it chapter_9_87b174d2:
# A "What exactly is 'carfe'?"
A "Esattamente, che cosa è il ‘carfe’?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:195
translate it chapter_9_dd9d6aad:
# Re "You don’t know man?"
Re "Fra non lo sai?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:198
translate it chapter_9_3091f39f:
# Re "Carfentanyl.{w=.3} The wildest stuff a dino can get."
Re "Carfentanil.{w=.3} La cosa più potente che un dino possa prendere."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:201
translate it chapter_9_fec3f51e:
# A "Really now?"
A "Dici sul serio?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:204
translate it chapter_9_6cf8124d:
# T "It was used in war by skinnies a while back. It’s a deadly tranquilizing agent."
T "In passato era usata in guerra dai senza-squame. È un tranquillante mortale."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:210
translate it chapter_9_7720697d:
# Re "It’s only deadly when you make it wrong, man."
Re "È mortale solo se lo prepari male, zì."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:213
translate it chapter_9_1e1d24c5:
# Re "But yeah, it’s great stuff if you know how to do it."
Re "Ma comunque sì, è roba buona se sai come farla."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:217
translate it chapter_9_670a5ba9:
# A "Fang, have you ever tried any?"
A "Fang, tu l'hai mai provato?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:220
translate it chapter_9_b5608fc5:
# F "Once."
F "Una volta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:222
translate it chapter_9_5b0d873f:
# F "Woke up hanging upside down from a tree with Naomi’s clothes on hugging a fake skeleton."
F "Mi sono svegliatə appesə a un albero a testa in giù con addosso i vestiti di Naomi mentre abbracciavo uno scheletro finto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:225
translate it chapter_9_48a754ae:
# T "See, when I do it it just makes me a bit dizzy for a few hours."
T "Invece, quando io mi faccio mi lascia solo stordita per qualche ora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:227
translate it chapter_9_1f5c474b:
# A "Huh.{w=0.3} Can I see some?"
A "Huh.{w=0.3} Posso vederne un po'?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:230
translate it chapter_9_531b069a:
# Re "Absolutely not."
Re "Assolutamente no."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:232
translate it chapter_9_e7b51dc4:
# F "No."
F "No."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:235
translate it chapter_9_2ec08589:
# A "Why not?"
A "Perché no?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:238
translate it chapter_9_1e3e24ba:
# T "That stuff’s a hundred times more powerful than horse tranquilizer."
T "Quella roba è cento volte più potente dei tranquillanti per cavalli."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:240
translate it chapter_9_14a2a530:
# T "It’d melt your skin."
T "Ti squaglierebbe la pelle."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:243
translate it chapter_9_32dceb2e:
# Re "Make your heart burst."
Re "Scoppiare il cuore."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:246
translate it chapter_9_a97059dc:
# F "I heard a human tried it once and exploded."
F "Ho sentito che una volta un umano l'ha provata ed è esploso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:248
translate it chapter_9_ea09208b:
# T "I bet."
T "Ci credo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:252
translate it chapter_9_f99ac024:
# A "Yeah, yeah, sure. You just don’t want to share."
A "Sì, sì, certo. Volete solo tenerlo tutto per voi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:258
translate it chapter_9_e50922d9:
# "The last of the seniors trickle in and take seats near the front."
"Gli ultimi studenti dell'ultimo anno entrano e prendono posti vicini a quelli davanti."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:260
translate it chapter_9_e5230fb0:
# "Eventually Spears takes the stage."
"Alla fine Spears sale sul palco."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:276
translate it chapter_9_c019a543:
# "He pauses to make sure everyone’s covering their ears before beginning."
"Fa una pausa per assicurarsi che tutti abbiamo coperto le proprie orecchie prima di iniziare."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:285
translate it chapter_9_8ea368e1:
# Sp "{cps=*.25}ALLLRIGHT{/cps}!" with vpunch
Sp "{cps=*.25}VABBBBENE{/cps}!" with vpunch
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:288
translate it chapter_9_bb7ee271:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:290
translate it chapter_9_46734c83:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:292
translate it chapter_9_0bea08d2:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:295
translate it chapter_9_d64e1f69:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:313
translate it chapter_9_afece56f:
# "Spears gestures his hand towards Naomi and Naser, who show up from behind the stage curtains."
"Spears gesticola verso Naomi e Naser, che spuntano da dietro il sipario."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:315
translate it chapter_9_5c72bbf0:
# "The Chiffon Czarina brings a wireless microphone to her snout."
"La Czarina Chiffon porta un microfono wireless al suo muso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:317
translate it chapter_9_789f6700:
# "She begins reciting a well rehearsed speech in her usual snooty{w=.2} (heh){w=.2} manner."
"Lei comincia a recitare un discorso ben preparato con il suo solito muso{w=.2} (heh){w=.2} all'insù."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:320
translate it chapter_9_8a8a636d:
# "More plastic than person."
"Più plastica che persona."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:323
translate it chapter_9_d5f258a4:
# N "Why, thank you, Principal Spears!"
N "La ringrazio, Preside Spears!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:326
translate it chapter_9_a8a62ec3:
# "The projector comes to life, displaying a basic slideshow title card reading."
"Il proiettore prende vita, mostrando una presentazione abbastanza basilare."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:329
translate it chapter_9_ecb0f1d2:
# A "Reed, how do you know when to move it forward?"
A "Reed, come sai quando devi andare avanti?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:331
translate it chapter_9_fb60bee9:
# Re "It’s when she crosses her fingers. Check it out."
Re "Lo devo fare quando lei incrocia le dita. Sta a guardare."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:334
translate it chapter_9_1db20d8f:
# N "Now, this is a very important turning point in your life!"
N "Ora, questo è un momento molto decisivo nella vostra vita!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:338
translate it chapter_9_9b60f357:
# "Ah, got it, It’s one of these. I needed a nap."
"Ah, capito, è una di queste. Mi serviva un pisolino."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:344
translate it chapter_9_7ed813ba:
# "As soon as I closed my eyes I felt a malevolent force looming before me."
"Non appena chiudo gli occhi sento una forza malevola incombere su di me."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:346
translate it chapter_9_9fe88836:
# "Somehow, I felt like opening my eyes was a bad idea."
"Non so come, ma mi sento come se aprire gli occhi fosse una brutta idea."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:348
translate it chapter_9_88d82df4:
# "But keeping them closed was an even worse one."
"Ma tenerli chiusi era una ancora peggio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:355
translate it chapter_9_96ddf8a8:
# "At least there’s cute little designs on the slides."
"Almeno sulle slide ci sono dei disegnini carini."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:357
translate it chapter_9_cbb081fe:
# "There’s a little penguin with a graduation cap{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"C'è un piccolo pinguino con un cappello da diploma{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:361
translate it chapter_9_9c48139f:
# "There’s the school mascot in a party hat{cps=*.1}...{/cps} even has the fogged up window{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"C'è la mascotte della scuola con un cappellino da festa{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ha anche la finestrella annebbiata{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:365
translate it chapter_9_7ae8bb8c:
# "A lineup of various graduates with a token human at the end for diversity. Typical."
"Una carrellata di vari diplomati con un umano simbolico alla fine per diversità. Tipico."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:369
translate it chapter_9_22151154:
# "There’s some scientists and engineers holding hands{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Ci sono degli scienziati e ingegneri che si tengono per mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:373
translate it chapter_9_230df099:
# "There’s a triceratops holding onto a branch with the text \"Hang in there, baby!\""
"C'è un triceratopo appeso a un ramo con scritto \"Tieni duro, baby!\""
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:377
translate it chapter_9_792ded64:
# "There’s me two years ago when I photoshopped myself with an anime girl."
"Ci sono io di due anni fa quando mi ero photoshoppato con una ragazza anime."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:385
translate it chapter_9_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:387
translate it chapter_9_78fa7117:
# "{cps=*.1}....{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:389
translate it chapter_9_49b80c7f:
# "{cps=*.1}.....{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:395
translate it chapter_9_836d9a44:
# "{i}What the fuck-{/i}"
"{i}Ma che cazzo-{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:397
translate it chapter_9_222a5acc:
# "{i}HOW!{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:399
translate it chapter_9_0f5518e8:
# "{i}{b}WHY!{/b}{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:401
translate it chapter_9_c3b5f31c:
# "The world’s stopped turning.{w=.3} No one around me is moving and there is no sound at all."
"Il mondo ha smesso di girare.{w=.3} Nessuno intorno a me si stava muovendo e non volava una mosca."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:403
translate it chapter_9_89e2cd53:
# "Why is that here?{w=0.4} {i}How!{/i}"
"Quello che ci fa lì?{w=0.4} {i}Come!{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:405
translate it chapter_9_d16c9c67:
# "I deleted everything!{w=.4} {i}EVERYTHING!{/i}"
"Ho cancellato tutto!{w=.4} {i}TUTTO!{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:407
translate it chapter_9_4b4e1f1e:
# "{i}So why the fuck is it here.{/i}"
"{i}Allora perché cazzo è qui.{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:410
translate it chapter_9_943ae44f:
# "My body feels like stone as I try to turn."
"Sento come se il mio corpo fosse fatto di pietra mentre provo a girarmi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:412
translate it chapter_9_674e0eac:
# "To see if anyone else is seeing this."
"Per vedere se qualcun altro vedesse la stessa cosa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:414
translate it chapter_9_6af6ca5b:
# "In the end I can’t bring myself to move at all."
"Alla fine non riuscivo a muovermi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:416
translate it chapter_9_7a531625:
# "It doesn’t matter, I already feel their endless gazes."
"Non importa, già riesco a sentire i loro sguardi senza fine."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:427
translate it chapter_9_1f9f43a0:
# "I feel lightheaded."
"Mi gira la testa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:429
translate it chapter_9_f7257440:
# "There’s what feels like a lump of lead in the pit of my stomach."
"Mi sento come se avessi un blocco di piombo nello stomaco."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:431
translate it chapter_9_a1735934:
# "There’s dark spots forming in my sight."
"Si formano dei punti neri nella mia vista."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:433
translate it chapter_9_da412809:
# "When I finally breathe again the world restarts."
"Quando finalmente riesco a respirare, il mondo ritorna a girare."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:435
translate it chapter_9_be81ee13:
# "The laughter hits first."
"Le risate arrivano per prime."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:437
translate it chapter_9_4cfd1593:
# "A monstrous guffaw from behind, that’s joined by every other senior in the room."
"Delle risate fragorose vengono da dietro, a cui partecipano ogni studente nella stanza."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:451
translate it chapter_9_3ebfdfe4:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:456
translate it chapter_9_030166b5:
# Re "I-{w=.2}I am!"
Re "Lo-{w=.2}Lo sto facendo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:459
translate it chapter_9_df7fb347:
# "More pictures."
"Altre foto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:461
translate it chapter_9_43e99c33:
# "So many more pictures."
"Così tante altre foto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:465
translate it chapter_9_1db4249e:
# "Each one more and more embarrassing than the last."
"Ognuna più imbarazzante dell'altra."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:468
translate it chapter_9_03b507f4:
# "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} oh god{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps} oddio{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:474
translate it chapter_9_07cb2738:
# Nas "Shit!"
Nas "Merda!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:498
translate it chapter_9_495a288c:
# "There’s a loud crash right next to me and the entire room becomes black."
"Sento qualcosa rompersi con forza vicino a me e l'intera stanza diventa buia."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:501
translate it chapter_9_1e320f0f:
# "Did I faint?"
"Sono svenuto?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:503
translate it chapter_9_d1b40db3:
# "Is this real life?{w=0.5} Is this just fantasy?"
"È questa la vita reale?{w=0.5} È questa solo fantasia?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:508
translate it chapter_9_c9ea68c4:
# F "A-Anon?"
F "A-Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:511
translate it chapter_9_4f4553a4:
# "Still awake.{w=0.4} Fuck."
"Sono ancora sveglio.{w=0.4} Cazzo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:531
translate it chapter_9_9886381e:
# "The lights come back on and my eyes burn."
"Le luci si riaccendono e mi bruciano gli occhi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:533
translate it chapter_9_0f4ef6fa:
# "The projector is on the floor, lens shards scattered all around."
"Il proiettore è sul pavimento, frammenti di lente sparpagliati tutti intorno."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:535
translate it chapter_9_3f9fbf12:
# "The laughter is even louder now."
"Le risate ora sono ancora più forti."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:538
translate it chapter_9_f7d2eacd:
# Nas "Reed how the {i}fuck{/i} did this happen?"
Nas "Reed come {i}cazzo{/i} è potuto accadere?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:540
translate it chapter_9_d2285b79:
# Re "L-{w=.2}look I just used the USB Trish said-"
Re "S-{w=.2}senti io ho solamente usato l'USB che Trish-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:545
translate it chapter_9_d1a16c55:
# Nas "{cps=*2.0}TRISH?!{/cps}{w=0.4} Why would Trish-"
Nas "{cps=*2.0}TRISH?!{/cps}{w=0.4} Perché mai Trish-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:547
translate it chapter_9_e75b98f2:
# "Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} wasn’t in her seat."
"Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} non era al suo posto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:549
translate it chapter_9_ae0e78c7:
# "In the corner of my eye I notice someone running for the entrance."
"Con la coda dell'occhio mi accorgo di qualcuno che corre verso l'entrata."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:551
translate it chapter_9_4a92b15c:
# "It’s Trish.{w=.3} She’s making a mad sprint for the door."
"È Trish.{w=.3} Sta correndo all'impazzata verso la porta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:554
translate it chapter_9_99334968:
# Nas "Stop her!{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Fermatela!{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:574
translate it chapter_9_e3b26954:
# "She continues dashing towards the exit{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Lei continua a scattare verso l'uscita{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:576
translate it chapter_9_a6cbd2fd:
# "And right into Spears’ hand."
"E dritta nelle mani di Spears."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:578
translate it chapter_9_847fc95a:
# "Literally."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:582
translate it chapter_9_52cdce97:
# "His baseball mitt of a hand covers the{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} the{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} {i}that fucking {b}BITCH!{/b}{/i}"
"La sua mano, che più di una mano pareva un guantone da baseball, ricopriva quella{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} quella{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.1} {i}quella cazzo di {b}PUTTANA!{/b}{/i}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:584
translate it chapter_9_58348c84:
# "Covers her face entirely."
"Ricopriva interamente la sua faccia."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:586
translate it chapter_9_85a2f00a:
# "Even lifts her up. By her face. With one hand."
"La alza anche da terra. Dalla faccia. Con una mano."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:589
translate it chapter_9_f596d94b:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:591
translate it chapter_9_06b25830:
# "Spears motions for me to follow him but I feel paralyzed by everything that just happened."
"Spears mi indica di seguirlo ma mi sento paralizzato da tutto quello che è appena successo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:595
translate it chapter_9_b3cf23e8:
# "I bury my face in my hands and just groan."
"Seppellisco la faccia tra le mie mani e gemo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:597
translate it chapter_9_cc2746f8:
# "This is Rock Bottom all over again."
"Come a Rock Bottom, di nuovo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:607
translate it chapter_9_74c7696b:
# "Fang tugs at my arm, trying to get me to follow."
"Fang mi tira il braccio, cercando di farmi alzare."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:609
translate it chapter_9_1aac78eb:
# "I just can’t find the energy to move anything right now."
"Al momento non riesco proprio a trovare l'energia di muovermi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:611
translate it chapter_9_5564e9ea:
# "Fang frantically looks around at the hysterical crowd, trying to come up with something."
"Fang guarda disperatamente verso la folla isterica, cercando di farsi venire in mente qualcosa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:613
translate it chapter_9_fe884492:
# "Eventually, I feel Fang put her arm over my shoulder as she tries to get me to stand."
"Alla fine, sento Fang mettere il suo braccio sulla mia spalla mentre prova ad alzarmi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:621
translate it chapter_9_767e621f:
# "She drapes her wings across my back, creating a barrier between me and everyone else."
"Lei mi ricopre con le sue ali, creando una barriera tra me e tutti gli altri."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:632
translate it chapter_9_04203420:
# "Without saying a word she leads me out of a side door towards the principal’s office."
"Senza dire una parola lei mi conduce fuori da una porta laterale verso l'ufficio del preside."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:643
translate it chapter_9_938feb50:
# "What the fuck just happened?"
"Cosa cazzo è appena successo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:657
translate it chapter_9_2329cd74:
# F "Hey{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Ehi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:659
translate it chapter_9_37b5952c:
# "How is this happening to me?"
"Come mai mi sta succedendo tutto questo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:661
translate it chapter_9_e2fbbd61:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You gonna be alright?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Tutto bene?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:663
translate it chapter_9_426b36bc:
# "How did Trish find those dumb pictures?"
"Come ha fatto Trish a trovare quelle stupide foto?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:665
translate it chapter_9_7f7ac448:
# F "Look, don’t listen to those pricks Anon."
F "Senti, non dare retta a quei coglioni, Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:667
translate it chapter_9_2b9d17ed:
# "Was Reed in on it?"
"Era coinvolto anche Reed?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:669
translate it chapter_9_9b6cd673:
# F "All of them dumbasses."
F "Sono tutti stronzi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:671
translate it chapter_9_232ae763:
# "He couldn’t be, what would he gain from something like this?"
"Non è possibile, cosa ci guadagnerebbe da una cosa del genere?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:673
translate it chapter_9_08286c5c:
# F "Like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} this’ll all blow over."
F "Tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tutto quanto passerà."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:675
translate it chapter_9_de016cf5:
# "What would {i}Trish{/i} gain from something like this?"
"Cosa ci guadagnerebbe {i}Trish{/i} da una cosa del genere?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:677
translate it chapter_9_301ced7c:
# F "Like, none of them talk about our shitty concert."
F "Cioè, non parlano più del nostro concerto di merda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:679
translate it chapter_9_e46b0a9d:
# "I know she doesn’t like me but {i}this{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Lo so che a lei non piaccio ma {i}questo{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:681
translate it chapter_9_468edcb9:
# F "And that was like, a fuckin’ month ago."
F "E quello era tipo, un cazzo di mese fa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:683
translate it chapter_9_5a503e57:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}This is fucked up!"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Questo è troppo, cazzo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:685
translate it chapter_9_ff3a2f7c:
# "I’m going to rip her stupid horns off and give her a couple new holes to breathe with!"
"Le staccherò quelle stupide corna e le farò un paio di nuovi buchi da cui respirare!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:687
translate it chapter_9_0c784545:
# F "It’ll be all good Anon."
F "Andrà tutto bene Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:689
translate it chapter_9_4608594c:
# "Think Fang’s dad had a thing going on with the golf clubs{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Credo che il Padre di Fang abbia l'idea giusta con quelle mazze da golf{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:691
translate it chapter_9_2691fb29:
# "See if he can give me a couple of pointers."
"Gli potrei chiedere qualche consiglio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:693
translate it chapter_9_137598a3:
# F "Just needs some time to forget it happened."
F "Ci vorrà solo un po' di tempo e dimenticheranno quello che è successo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:696
translate it chapter_9_6f752566:
# "The squeak of sneakers catches my attention and I turn to see Reed approaching us down the hall."
"Il cigolio di scarpe da ginnastica attrae la mia attenzione e mi giro per vedere Reed in fondo al corridoio che si avvicina a noi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:712
translate it chapter_9_7fa47cb9:
# F "Reed{cps=*.1}..?{/cps} I thought Spears sent everyone back to class."
F "Reed{cps=*.1}..?{/cps} Pensavo che Spears avesse rispedito tutti in classe."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:714
translate it chapter_9_3fd92c72:
# Re "Can't just sit in class while all my hombres are going through some pretty heavy stuff, y'know?"
Re "Non posso semplicemente stare seduto in classe mentre tutti i miei hombres passano dei brutti momenti, sai?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:717
translate it chapter_9_0cf50a09:
# Re "Got something I need to get off my chest, anyways."
Re "Devo togliermi un peso dallo stomaco, in ogni caso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:719
translate it chapter_9_df0c5571:
# A "What? Bit busy dealing with being doxxed here!"
A "Cosa? Sono un po' impegnato con l'essere stato doxxato!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:722
translate it chapter_9_6f1e962d:
# "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:730
translate it chapter_9_535dde89:
# A "Wait, get what off your chest?"
A "Aspetta, quale peso dallo stomaco?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:732
translate it chapter_9_77357aeb:
# A "Were{cps=*.1}...{/cps} were you in on it?"
A "Sei{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sei coinvolto anche tu?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:740
translate it chapter_9_2b0228d4:
# "Fang’s questioning glare makes Reed shudder."
"Lo sguardo interrogatorio di Fang fa tremare Reed."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:744
translate it chapter_9_cbd07327:
# Re "Wait, wait, no, don’t get the wrong idea, man!"
Re "Aspetta, aspetta, no, non farti l'idea sbagliata, fra!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:748
translate it chapter_9_129cae69:
# F "Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps} how did this happen?"
F "Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps} come è potuto accadere?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:750
translate it chapter_9_0a4a9b0e:
# Re "No no, it went more like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "No no, è andata così{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:753
translate it chapter_9_d9f217b7:
# Re "I was getting the projector set up earlier, right?"
Re "Prima stavo sistemando il proiettore, giusto?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:757
translate it chapter_9_b35fc194:
# Re "Something was wrong with the lens, and I didn’t have enough time."
Re "C'era qualcosa che non andava con le lenti, e non avevo abbastanza tempo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:759
translate it chapter_9_6b5a74d9:
# Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}So I asked Trish to go get the thing from Naomi."
Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Quindi ho chiesto a Trish di farsi dare la pennetta da Naomi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:763
translate it chapter_9_c0d3bfb5:
# Re "I guess she must’ve, like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} changed the slides before giving it to me?"
Re "Presumo lei abbia, tipo,{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cambiato le slide prima di darmela?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:766
translate it chapter_9_9e4bb793:
# A "{cps=*1.4}And you didn’t think to check?!{/cps}"
A "{cps=*1.4}E non hai pensato di controllare?!{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:771
translate it chapter_9_82faea4a:
# "Reed deflates."
"Reed si deprime."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:774
translate it chapter_9_635c6b80:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Damn it, Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dannazione, Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:776
translate it chapter_9_ea19c1d8:
# Re "Look, man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Trish isn't a bad person."
Re "Senti, bro{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Trish non è una cattiva persona."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:779
translate it chapter_9_8e8156e8:
# A "Bitch sure has a funny way of showing it!"
A "Certo che quella troia ha un modo divertente di mostrarlo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:782
translate it chapter_9_710e5987:
# Re "Dude.{w=.3} I know you're still hurting from what she did but like-"
Re "Amico.{w=.3} Lo so che stai male per quello che lei ha fatto ma-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:784
translate it chapter_9_ac709e9c:
# A "Yeah, what could have POSSIBLY given that away?!"
A "Già, COSA te lo fa pensare?!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:789
translate it chapter_9_a61579c8:
# Re "BRO!{w=0.3} Let me finish!"
Re "BRO!{w=0.3} Fammi finire!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:792
translate it chapter_9_155a1bff:
# "Reed's raised voice takes the wind out of my lungs."
"La voce alta di Reed mi toglie il fiato dai polmoni."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:794
translate it chapter_9_867c1d65:
# "That's the first time I think I've ever heard him raise his voice."
"Credo sia la prima volta che gli ho sentito alzare la voce."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:797
translate it chapter_9_9ed7b9e3:
# Re "Trish messed up pretty bad, bro. Like massively, hugely messed up."
Re "Trish ha fatto un bel casino, bro. Tipo un enorme, gigantesco casino."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:799
translate it chapter_9_446beaa9:
# Re "Not gonna argue with that. She abused my trust too, dude."
Re "Quello non lo nego. Lei ha abusato anche della mia di fiducia, bro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:801
translate it chapter_9_9b35f5ad:
# Re "When she gave me the presentation from Naomi I didn’t think she’d do anything like that."
Re "Quando lei mi ha dato la presentazione da Naomi, non ci avevo pensato che avrebbe fatto una cosa del genere."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:803
translate it chapter_9_a9e15784:
# Re "But did you ever consider {i}why{/i}?"
Re "Ma hai mai considerato il {i}perché{/i}?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:805
translate it chapter_9_87adcf1e:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Because she's a two-bit cunt?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Perché è una stronza da due soldi?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:808
translate it chapter_9_dcb4d47f:
# "Reed sighs again, with a noticeable lack of smoke surrounding him."
"Reed sospira di nuovo, con una evidente mancanza di fumo che lo circonda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:810
translate it chapter_9_7e3027e6:
# Re "Dude{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you and Trish have always been at each others' throats."
Re "Fra{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tu e Trish siete sempre stati ai ferri corti."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:813
translate it chapter_9_c4ef86b3:
# Re "But like, why even?"
Re "Ma tipo, perché?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:815
translate it chapter_9_0f3e35df:
# "I open my mouth to answer but can't find the words."
"Apro la bocca per rispondere ma non riesco a trovare le parole."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:817
translate it chapter_9_ee276999:
# "Or the reason?"
"O la ragione?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:820
translate it chapter_9_65ce6127:
# Re "Did'ja ever stop to consider WHY Trish always gave you a hard time?"
Re "Ti sei mai fermato a considerare PERCHÉ Trish ti ha sempre dato filo da torcere?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:822
translate it chapter_9_cc3faeff:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Not really{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Non proprio{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:825
translate it chapter_9_1c9f1009:
# "Another sigh, this time with an expectant look from Reed."
"Un altro sospiro, questa volta con uno sguardo di attesa da Reed."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:827
translate it chapter_9_35b9528a:
# Re "Did you ever even try, bro?"
Re "Ci hai almeno mai provato, bro?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:829
translate it chapter_9_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:831
translate it chapter_9_ddd98295:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:834
translate it chapter_9_acf47387:
# Re "And that's the problem, dude."
Re "Ed ecco il problema, fra."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:836
translate it chapter_9_7e5d6497:
# "Reed has a pained expression on his face, and a quick glance shows Fang’s is even worse."
"Reed ha un'espressione addolorata sul viso, e con uno sguardo veloce vedo che quella di Fang è anche peggio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:838
translate it chapter_9_94eb25fe:
# Re "Like, I know it sucks. Trish tricked me and all too, and that hurts, y’know?"
Re "Cioè, lo so che è brutto. Trish ha ingannato anche me, e questo fa male, sai?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:840
translate it chapter_9_9b0c795c:
# Re "But maybe try and think why Trish did this, alright bro?"
Re "Ma forse prova e pensa al perché Trish ha fatto una cosa del genere, va bene fra?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:857
translate it chapter_9_8bb70db4:
# "Trish can still burn in hell for all I care."
"Trish può bruciare all'inferno per quanto mi riguarda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:864
translate it chapter_9_2da68b29:
# Sp "Three MONTHS!"
Sp "Tre MESI!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:866
translate it chapter_9_7fa1a87b:
# Sp "THREE MONTHS from graduation and you PULL A STUNT LIKE THIS?!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:872
translate it chapter_9_129f22d9:
# "Spears’ stern voice grilling Trish in his office rips me from my thoughts."
"La voce severa di Spears che cazzia Trish nel suo ufficio mi strappa dai miei pensieri."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:874
translate it chapter_9_d11ff456:
# "Good! She deserves it!"
"Ottimo! Se lo merita!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:876
translate it chapter_9_b3460f6f:
# Sp "I’ve half a mind to have campus security escort you out of here and send you to Reef City Continuation!"
Sp "Ho una mezza idea sul chiamare la sicurezza del campus per scortati fuori da qui e spedirti a Reef City Continuation!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:892
translate it chapter_9_0450b52e:
# "Fang and Reed both hiss at that."
"Fang e Reed sibilano entrambi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:894
translate it chapter_9_7ffe5da3:
# "What the fuck does that mean?"
"Cosa cazzo vuol dire?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:897
translate it chapter_9_dcdfcee1:
# Sp "You have five minutes to explain why I shouldn’t do that right now."
Sp "Hai cinque minuti per spiegarmi perché non lo dovrei fare in questo momento."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:899
translate it chapter_9_bae4d0e1:
# "I couldn’t hear Trish’s full response through the door but she was obviously crying."
"Non riesco a sentire la riposta completa di Trish attraverso la porta, ma lei stava ovviamente piangendo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:901
translate it chapter_9_0464ef6b:
# "After what SHE did?"
"Dopo quello che LEI ha fatto?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:913
translate it chapter_9_89da2ea1:
# "Fang leaned in, trying to listen through the door to hear what the bitch was saying."
"Fang si appoggia, provando ad ascoltare attraverso la porta per sentire quello che stava dicendo la troia."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:915
translate it chapter_9_f69f521d:
# "Because of her arms I was pulled closer too."
"Per colpa delle sue braccia anche io vengo avvicinato."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:917
translate it chapter_9_9ae1a00a:
# "I heard the trollop’s whimpering and wanted nothing more than to really make her cry."
"Ho sentito il singhiozzo della sgualdrina e non desideravo altro che farla piangere per davvero."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:920
translate it chapter_9_45cdb466:
# T "-all HIS fault-"
T "-tutta colpa SUA-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:922
translate it chapter_9_5546f977:
# "My fault?! I did fucking nothing to that purple pole-smoker."
"Colpa mia?! Non ho fatto un cazzo a quella venera-cazzi viola."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:924
translate it chapter_9_17e6f08f:
# T "-didn’t know what else I could do-"
T "-non sapevo cosa altro fare-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:926
translate it chapter_9_9e07982f:
# "Not fucking show half the school the cringiest thing I’ve ever done and commit what amounts to character assassination?!"
"Non mostrare alla cazzo di metà della scuola la cosa più cringiosa che abbia mai fatto e commettere quella che è praticamente diffamazione?!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:928
translate it chapter_9_a6a7f714:
# T "-some asshole from the sticks-"
T "-uno stronzo dai bassifondi-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:930
translate it chapter_9_e32a656a:
# "I’ll show that cunt some fucking sticks."
"Te li faccio vedere io i bassifondi stronza."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:932
translate it chapter_9_aac9b9f9:
# T "-driving Fang away!"
T "-allontanando Fang!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:937
translate it chapter_9_2dc6c4e6:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:939
translate it chapter_9_a31e6269:
# "What does Fang have to do with any of this?!"
"Che centra Fang con tutto questo?!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:941
translate it chapter_9_042a9411:
# "She wasn’t the one bitching about every damn thing I do!"
"Non era lei a lagnarsi per qualsiasi diamine di cosa faccia!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:944
translate it chapter_9_11986eb6:
# "I glance over to Fang whose expression seems even worse now."
"Mi giro verso Fang la cui espressione ora sembrava ancora peggio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:946
translate it chapter_9_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:948
translate it chapter_9_938fcbaa:
# "Looking at her this way makes a part of me feel even shittier."
"Vederla in questo modo fa sentire parte di me di merda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:950
translate it chapter_9_ca3ffef4:
# "Like I did cause this."
"Come se avessi causato tutto questo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:953
translate it chapter_9_92c681fb:
# "Fuck Trish though, she’s been an ass to me from the beginning!"
"In ogni caso fanculo Trish, lei è stata un dito al culo dall'inizio!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:956
translate it chapter_9_2e8c3629:
# Sp "Anon! Will you please step into my office!"
Sp "Anon! Potresti per favore entrare nel mio ufficio!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:958
translate it chapter_9_09123825:
# "Spears’ voice shocks me from my eavesdropping."
"La voce di Spears mi scuote dal mio origliare."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:960
translate it chapter_9_8caeefa9:
# "What am I supposed to say to Trish?"
"Cosa dovrei dire a Trish?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:963
translate it chapter_9_82351dfa:
# "Fang tries to give a reassuring smile but it’s so fragile."
"Fang prova a farmi un sorriso rassicurante ma è così fragile."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:965
translate it chapter_9_a330da32:
# "Like this is all her fault and not that backstabbing bitch."
"Come se fosse tutta colpa sua e non di quella puttana traditrice."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:967
translate it chapter_9_65cb295e:
# "Reed gives a silent nod. No thumbs up this time."
"Reed annuisce silenziosamente. Niente pollici in sù questa volta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:987
translate it chapter_9_b0cb64fe:
# "I enter Spears’ office and my eyes are immediately drawn to Trish sitting in front of his desk surrounded by crumpled up tissues."
"Entro nell'ufficio di Spears e i miei occhi sono immediatamente attratti verso Trish, seduta davanti alla sua scrivania circondata da fazzoletti stropicciati."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:997
translate it chapter_9_7eb63444:
# Sp "Trish, is there anything you would like to tell Anon?"
Sp "Trish, c'è qualcosa che vorresti dire ad Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1000
translate it chapter_9_0436d177:
# "I’ve never seen her like this."
"Non l'ho mai vista così."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1014
translate it chapter_9_2bbce73a:
# T "It’s all your fault."
T "È tutta colpa tua."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1016
translate it chapter_9_b25f083e:
# T "Who are you to come here and take Fang away!"
T "Chi ti credi di essere per venire qui e portare via Fang!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1018
translate it chapter_9_364c2e64:
# T "You’re just some nobody from the middle of nowhere who only cares about yourself!"
T "Sei solamente un nessuno che viene dal mezzo del nulla a cui importa solo di se stesso!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1021
translate it chapter_9_8e769693:
# T "I helped pull Fang out of their shell."
T "Ho aiutato Fang a uscire dal guscio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1023
translate it chapter_9_f5edb7a0:
# "And made her a social pariah in the process."
"E l'hai resa una emarginata sociale nel frattempo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1025
translate it chapter_9_a5dab64b:
# T "My band was doing great before you came here!"
T "La mia band stava andando bene prima che venissi tu!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1027
translate it chapter_9_affe475e:
# "I set up the only successful show you ever played."
"Ho organizzato l'unico spettacolo di successo in cui avete mai suonato."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1033
translate it chapter_9_7196871d:
# T "And then you show up and start manipulating everyone!"
T "E poi spunti tu e cominci a manipolare tutti quanti!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1035
translate it chapter_9_85fa0137:
# T "Because you’re a selfish control freak!"
T "Perché sei un egoista maniaco del controllo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1038
translate it chapter_9_8bf3204e:
# T "Everything has to revolve around you!"
T "Tutto quanto deve girare intorno a te!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1040
translate it chapter_9_52a786ce:
# T "Fang and Reed and me were going to make it to the top!"
T "Io e Fang e Reed saremo saliti alle stelle!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1042
translate it chapter_9_08b49ead:
# T "But you stole everything from me because you didn’t understand us!"
T "Ma tu mi hai rubato tutto perché non ci capisci!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1049
translate it chapter_9_16dc023c:
# T "No one understands us!"
T "Nessuno ci capisce!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1051
translate it chapter_9_a78c640e:
# "Trish is cut off by a horrid sob, her head falling into her hands and new tears spilling from her eyes."
"Trish viene interrotta da un orrido singhiozzo, la sua testa cade tra le sue mani e nuove lacrime sgorgano dai suoi occhi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1056
translate it chapter_9_ffe09919:
# "Raptor Jesus on his cross of rock that’s a lot to unpack."
"Gesù Raptor sulla sua croce di pietra è un bel po' da digerire."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1058
translate it chapter_9_441d9b5c:
# "It’s like you didn’t even try to understand me either."
"È come se neanche tu avessi mai provato a capirmi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1065
translate it chapter_9_a8c1e2c4:
# Sp "Anon, is there anything you want to add?"
Sp "Anon, c'è qualcosa che vorresti aggiungere?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1067
translate it chapter_9_2abf5cae:
# "Like how she’s not worth the oxygen?"
"Tipo come lei sia uno spreco di ossigeno?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1070
translate it chapter_9_6ab74d7b:
# "But if this really is all about Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Ma se tutto questo riguarda davvero Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1088
translate it lTalkWithTrish_b26284ff:
# "I turn to the pitiable purple punk-rocker."
"Mi giro verso la pietosa punk viola."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1090
translate it lTalkWithTrish_8aa630c4:
# Sp "{cps=*.7}{alpha=0.75}{i}\"You are not the only person in the world.\"{/i}{/alpha}{/cps}"
Sp "{cps=*.7}{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Non sei l'unica persona al mondo.\"{/i}{/alpha}{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1093
translate it lTalkWithTrish_d41fe13e:
# "Maybe Reed was onto something."
"Forse Reed non aveva torto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1095
translate it lTalkWithTrish_90051390:
# "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} think I finally get it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps} credo di aver finalmente capito{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1098
translate it lTalkWithTrish_f2715950:
# A "Look, Trish."
A "Guarda, Trish."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1100
translate it lTalkWithTrish_86e45e0c:
# A "Maybe we didn’t start off right. And yeah, I can be an asshole."
A "Forse non siamo iniziati con il piede giusto. E sì, posso essere uno stronzo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1105
translate it lTalkWithTrish_9ac40179:
# "She looks up at me, surprise written on her teary eyed face."
"Lei mi guarda, stupore dipinto sul suo viso bagnato di lacrime."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1107
translate it lTalkWithTrish_9e4be1ef:
# A "I didn’t mean to drive you and Fang apart or anything. I just want to be Fang’s friend."
A "Non era mia intenzione allontanare te e Fang o una cosa del genere. Voglio solo essere amico di Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1109
translate it lTalkWithTrish_0f02d0d7:
# A "But after what you fucking did. Fucking digging up my past? Airing it to every senior?"
A "Ma, cazzo, dopo quello che hai fatto. Scavare nel mio cazzo di passato? Mostrarlo a ogni studente dell'ultimo anno?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1111
translate it lTalkWithTrish_01a67980:
# A "And all for Fang?"
A "E tutto per Fang?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1113
translate it lTalkWithTrish_fdff0344:
# A "She’s outside the door thinking this is all her fault!"
A "Lei è fuori dalla porta a pensare che sia tutta colpa sua!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1123
translate it lTalkWithTrish_3c9fd3ce:
# "That got a response from Trish."
"Quello fa reagire Trish."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1125
translate it lTalkWithTrish_16da0dab:
# "Her head dipped down and her fingers curled into the hem of her hoodie."
"La sua testa si abbassa e le sue dita stringono l'orlo del cappuccio della felpa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1127
translate it lTalkWithTrish_db3a5426:
# A "Maybe it’s your fault for being such a bitch."
A "Forse è colpa tua per essere stata così stronza."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1129
translate it lTalkWithTrish_6371945d:
# A "Maybe it’s mine. I don’t know."
A "Forse è mia. Non lo so."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1131
translate it lTalkWithTrish_5f8cb51c:
# A "But it sure as shit isn’t Fang’s!"
A "Ma col cazzo che è di Fang!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1133
translate it lTalkWithTrish_ec789cee:
# "Another choked sob racked her body and the tears started anew."
"Un altro singhiozzo soffocato tormenta il suo corpo e le lacrime ricominciano."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1136
translate it lTalkWithTrish_4bec6f94:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I’m sorry for being a poor friend to you."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Mi dispiace di esserti stato un pessimo amico."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1138
translate it lTalkWithTrish_11904742:
# A "But after what you did?{w=.3} I don’t know if I can forgive that."
A "Ma dopo quello che hai fatto?{w=.3} Non so se posso perdonarlo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1141
translate it lTalkWithTrish_3cf4627b:
# "Spears nods in approval, a fatherly grin stretching his cheeks."
"Spear annuisce in segno di approvazione, un sorriso paterno distendeva le sue guance."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1143
translate it lTalkWithTrish_1e8a9987:
# Sp "That was well said, son. You’ve come a long way since your first day."
Sp "Ben detto, figliolo. Hai fatto tanta strada dal tuo primo giorno."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1146
translate it lTalkWithTrish_a2497085:
# Sp "You can leave. Take the rest of the day if you need it."
Sp "Te ne puoi andare. Prenditi il resto della giornata se ti serve."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1148
translate it lTalkWithTrish_950784b4:
# "I rise from my chair and make for the door."
"Mi alzo dalla sedia e mi dirigo verso la porta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1154
translate it lTalkWithTrish_0a0ee7c6:
# "But I’m stopped by what Trish just muttered."
"Ma vengo fermato da quello che Trish ha appena mormorato."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1157
translate it lTalkWithTrish_7e66b8dc:
# T "{size=-5}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.6}s’my fault{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size} {w=0.3}{size=-10}m’sorry.{/size}"
T "{size=-5}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.6}è colpa mia{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{/size} {w=0.3}{size=-10}scusa.{/size}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1159
translate it lTalkWithTrish_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1161
translate it lTalkWithTrish_996cdd78:
# A "You should tell that to Fang."
A "Dovresti dirlo a Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1172
translate it lIgnoreTrish_ffab67d7:
# A "No, I’ve got nothing."
A "No, niente."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1175
translate it lIgnoreTrish_67343468:
# "Spears sighs like he expected me to add something more."
"Spears sospira, come se si aspettasse che aggiungessi qualcosa di più."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1177
translate it lIgnoreTrish_cfe15cfb:
# "What was I supposed to say?"
"Cosa avrei dovuto dire?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1179
translate it lIgnoreTrish_044bfb5d:
# "Forgive her and act like nothing happened?"
"Perdonarla e comportarmi come se non fosse successo niente?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1182
translate it lIgnoreTrish_78539a82:
# Sp "Well, Anon, I can’t really say I blame you after all of that."
Sp "Bene, Anon. Non posso biasimarti dopo quello tutto quello che è successo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1184
translate it lIgnoreTrish_ee549177:
# "Trish remains silent, her eyes locked on the floor."
"Trish rimane in silenzio, i suoi occhi fissi sul pavimento."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1186
translate it lIgnoreTrish_67015b01:
# Sp "You can go home for the day if you need to."
Sp "Per oggi puoi tornare a casa se ti serve."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1198
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_65b6bfde:
# "Right before I clamp my hand on the doorknob, Spears speaks up."
"Poco prima che possa afferrare la maniglia, Spears dice qualcosa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1200
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_cb813c37:
# Sp "Oh, and Anon.{w=0.3} Don’t think I didn’t notice."
Sp "Oh, e Anon.{w=0.3} Non pensare che non me ne sia accorto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1202
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_12c320ca:
# "Uh oh."
"Uh oh."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1206
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_d7c73f50:
# "I slowly turn back to him."
"Mi giro lentamente verso di lui."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1211
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_30c62700:
# Sp "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Sp "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1213
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1215
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_634cda11:
# Sp "Your waifu is trash and your taste is shit."
Sp "La tua waifu è spazzatura e i tuoi gusti fanno cagare."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1217
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_44317e76:
# Sp "My door is always open so I can share some quality anime."
Sp "La mia porta è sempra aperta quindi posso consigliare qualche anime di qualità."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1220
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1228
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_fdf0fc80:
# "I open the door to see Fang again, expression complex, leaning against the door’s frame."
"Apro la porta e vedo di nuovo Fang, la sua espressione è complessa, appoggiata al telaio della porta"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1240
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_045991ba:
# "Reed has taken my place beside her with a comforting arm around her shoulder."
"Reed ha preso il mio posto vicino a lei con un braccio di conforto attorno la sua spalla."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1242
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_a2c07abd:
# "If this was any other situation I might have felt a bit jealous."
"Se fosse stata qualsiasi altra situazione mi sarei potuto sentire un po' geloso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1252
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_f03083dd:
# F "Hey."
F "Ehi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1254
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_ce6e7e0f:
# "A heavy sigh escapes my lips."
"Un sospiro pesante scappa dalle mie labbra."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1260
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_eb608ac1:
# A "Hey."
A "Ehi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1263
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_5cdeb35e:
# Re "Doing okay, bro?"
Re "Tutto apposto, bro?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1265
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_1abff588:
# A "I’d frankly like to just disappear right now."
A "Sinceramente voglio solo sparire ora."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1267
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_2cf9a3c0:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I think I’ll just go home."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Penso che andrò a casa e basta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1269
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_ec0a1f1a:
# F "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} can ditch.{w=.3} If you need me to come with."
F "Io uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} posso fare sega.{w=.3} Se vuoi posso venire anch'io."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1271
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_1aad8079:
# "Fang looks at the door to Spear’s room for a bit, then back to me."
"Fang guarda verso la porta dell'ufficio di Spears per un po', poi ritorna a me."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1273
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_6109b4ec:
# "Trish is probably having to call her parents right now."
"Trish sta probabilmente chiamando i suoi genitori in questo momento."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1275
translate it lPostSpearsOfficeTrish_9243fd39:
# "Fang must've heard everything in the office."
"Fang deve aver sentito tutto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1303
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_ec023bad:
# A "You worried about her, too?"
A "Sei in pensiero anche per lei?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1306
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_f6c38a80:
# "Fang turns her head down to her shoes."
"Fang abbassa la testa verso le sue scarpe."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1308
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1310
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_d0155318:
# F "How could I not tell something like this was happening?"
F "Come ho fatto a non accorgermene?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1312
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_7850d5fc:
# A "You know it’s not your fault."
A "Lo sai che non è colpa tua."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1314
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_24c8d28e:
# F "Doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty about it."
F "Non significa che non mi senta in colpa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1317
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_507019c7:
# "She picks her head up to look me in the eye."
"Lei rialza la testa e mi guarda negli occhi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1319
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_5007f9e2:
# F "We should leave{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you probably don’t want to see her when she gets out."
F "Dovremmo andarcene{cps=*.1}...{/cps} non credo tu voglia vederla quando esce da lì."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1321
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_ff705811:
# A "Actually, I think we should wait. Looks like you have something to say to her."
A "In realtà, penso che dovremmo aspettare. Sembra che tu abbia qualcosa da dirle."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1323
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_e4fd20a2:
# F "Well, yeah, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Beh, sì, ma{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1325
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_f32d34dd:
# A "There’s something else I wanted to tell her, too."
A "Anche io ho qualcos'altro da dirle."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1331
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_94c55945:
# F "There is?"
F "Qualcos'altro?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1333
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_17102577:
# Re "There is?"
Re "Qualcos'altro?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1336
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_03d1d04c:
# F "You sure you should be talking to her when you’re still this upset?"
F "Sei sicuro che dovresti parlare con lei quando sei ancora così arrabbiato?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1339
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_fc29be71:
# A "It’s nothing bad, promise."
A "Non è niente di male, prometto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1343
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_9f0f9783:
# Re "It’s a good call, dude."
Re "Ottima idea, fratello."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1347
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_2a8c87cd:
# F "Mmmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Mmmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1349
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_efdd0b06:
# A "You can go first."
A "Puoi andare prima tu."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1355
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_1e43a66f:
# "Fang gives a small nod, and the three of us slide down the wall into sitting positions."
"Fang annuisce leggermente, e noi tre scivoliamo sul muro e ci sediamo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1382
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_174f3eab:
# "The minutes pass."
"Passano i minuti."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1388
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_cf664385:
# F "What do I even say to her{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
F "Che cosa le dico{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1390
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1392
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_0ff1eb27:
# "I’m not entirely sure either."
"Neanche io ne sono completamente sicuro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1395
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_fb34d261:
# "Reed awkwardly toys with his tail in silence, suddenly a lot less contemplative than before."
"Reed gioca goffamente con la sua coda in silenzio, improvvisamente molto meno pensieroso di prima."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1397
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_b8fc3fd2:
# "The clasped hands around my knees start to leave red marks on each other."
"Le mani strette attorno alle mie ginocchia cominciano a lasciare segni rossi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1399
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_b8aa1f9f:
# "I can’t find the energy to shift them."
"Non riesco a trovare l'energia di spostarle."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1404
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_7ba0f926:
# "Aeons later, Trish emerges from the office."
"Un'eternità dopo, Trish emerge dall'ufficio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1417
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_4aa0e240:
# "Her tears have become shiny trails reflecting the sterile light of the hallway."
"Le sue lacrime erano diventate scie lucide che riflettevano la luce sterile del corridoio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1423
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_a2732574:
# "Hesitantly, Fang gets up to speak with her."
"Con esitazione, Fang si alza per parlare con lei."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1425
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_905d9080:
# "That makes one of us."
"Uno in meno."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1433
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_3a17b211:
# "For a while, the two just stare at each other."
"Per un po', i due si fissano e basta a vicenda."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1438
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_e347875b:
# "Eventually{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1440
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_fa00ae94:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Why?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Perché?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1442
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_c0cc75f4:
# F "Why the fuck did you do this to Anon?"
F "Perché cazzo hai fatto una cosa del genere ad Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1444
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_930c6f7d:
# F "Do you actually think I’d be okay with this?"
F "Pensi davvero che sarei statə d'accordo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1446
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_3d582470:
# F "Anon is just as much my friend as you or Reed!"
F "Anon è tanto mio amico quanto te e Reed!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1449
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_aa3fa8f2:
# F "That was something those douchebags who make fun of our band would do."
F "Quello è stato qualcosa che quei coglioni che ci prendono in giro avrebbero fatto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1451
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_b7f44010:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I thought he was a bad influence{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ho pensato fosse una cattiva influenza{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1453
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_a9474f88:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}On you{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.2}the band{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Su di te{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {w=0.2}sulla band{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1455
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_a204734a:
# T "Everything is changing, Fang, and I don’t like it."
T "Sta cambiando tutto, Fang, e non mi piace."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1457
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_8dac7e12:
# T "All because of Anon."
T "Tutto per colpa di Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1463
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_bdaa5bf4:
# F "Then why didn’t you just fucking talk to us?"
F "E allora perché cazzo non ce lo hai detto?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1465
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_17f0a66a:
# F "Anon isn’t some asshole trying to rip everything apart."
F "Anon non è solo uno stronzo che sta provando a distruggere tutto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1467
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_84c01cc5:
# T "I know what you told me, Fang, but like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Lo so cosa mi avevi detto, Fang, ma tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1469
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_c3b4aa9a:
# T "But you deserve better, he’s not-"
T "Ma tu meriti di meglio, lui non è-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1473
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_617f1bc5:
# "I catch Trish throwing a glance my way as she cuts herself off."
"Colgo Trish lanciarmi un'occhiataccia mentre si interrompe."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1476
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_6d299d6a:
# T "Look, I’m sorry Fang. I'm just trying to look out for you."
T "Senti, mi dispiace Fang. Sto solo provando a prendermi cura di te."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1479
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_95ac6e2a:
# F "Look out for me? I can make my own decisions, Trish."
F "Prenderti cura di me? So decidere da solə, Trish."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1482
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_8daee265:
# "Fang sighs and rubs her temples."
"Fang sospira e strofina le sue tempie."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1485
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_2c3af4d4:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I’m taking a break from the band."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Mi prendo una pausa dalla band."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1497
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_6eb4cff8:
# "I watch as Trish’s entire world shatters before her eyes."
"Osservo mentre l'intero mondo di Trish va in frantumi davanti ai suoi occhi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1500
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_0e88acd8:
# "Reed’s lack of reaction tells me they discussed this while I was in Spears’ office."
"La mancanza di reazione di Reed mi dice che ne avevano già discusso mentre ero nell'ufficio di Spears."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1507
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_4a5c14c6:
# T "W-{w=.3}what?"
T "C-{w=.3}cosa?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1510
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_28e89aea:
# F "I need time to think{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Mi serve del tempo per pensare{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1514
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_41457b5f:
# T "Fang wait-"
T "Fang aspetta-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1516
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_000ca06b:
# F "Bye."
F "Addio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1525
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_653702d2:
# "Fang turns away from Trish and starts walking away."
"Fang dà le spalle a Trish e inizia ad allontanarsi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1527
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_9a519f17:
# F "I’ll wait by the exit while you talk, Anon."
F "Ti aspetto all'uscita mentre parli, Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1539
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_62335f58:
# "Reed gets up as she passes by and begins to follow, giving me a thumbs up."
"Reed si alza mentre Fang passa e comincia a seguirla, dandomi un pollice in sù."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1541
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_b47ddb70:
# Re "Give you some privacy, amigo."
Re "Un po' di privacy, amigo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1550
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1554
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_b1c7b081:
# "And now it’s just the two of us."
"E ora siamo solo noi due."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1559
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_b4c42672:
# "I get up from my spot on the floor, pins and needles in my legs making it more difficult."
"Mi alzo dal pavimento, il formicolio delle mie gambe atrofizzate non aiuta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1561
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_9967bea6:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Now what do you want?"
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ora cosa vuoi?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1563
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_66e7e682:
# A "I fucked up too."
A "Anche io ho fatto un casino."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1568
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_82756980:
# "That catches her off-guard."
"Quello la prende di sorpresa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1571
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_6dc7461f:
# A "This is my fault too, ya know? I played a stupid game with this instead of manning up and just talking about it."
A "È anche colpa mia, sai? Mi sono comportato da stupido al posto di farmi coraggio e parlarne."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1573
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_e32a29e2:
# "I stone the fuck up and finally admit it. To the world and myself."
"Mi faccio crescere le palle e finalmente lo ammetto. Al mondo e a me stesso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1575
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_c9a8da09:
# A "I like Fang."
A "Mi piace Fang."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1577
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_1e8fc3d1:
# A "I like her and I know that’s what you’re afraid of."
A "Lei mi piace e lo so che questo è quello di cui hai paura."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1579
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_6c4d0faa:
# A "I was never out to break anything up, I just like Fang. I want to help her."
A "Non è mai stato il mio obiettivo spezzare il vostro gruppo, semplicemente mi piace Fang. Voglio aiutarla."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1581
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_c1a54b36:
# A "I never wanted to hurt anyone."
A "Non ho mai voluto fare male a nessuno."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1585
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_57ae134b:
# "Trish’s eyes glaze over and stare at something in the distance, as if all her worst fears came true."
"Gli occhi di Trish si velano e fissano il vuoto, come se tutte le sue paure peggiori si fossero realizzate."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1587
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_76b7b5f4:
# "I guess in a way they did today."
"Presumo che in un certo senso oggi lo abbiano fatto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1590
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_72303890:
# A "I’m done, Trish. I’m not going to fight with you over this."
A "Ne ho abbastanza, Trish. Non ne discuteremo a riguardo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1592
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_add70239:
# A "I won’t fuck with you, you won’t fuck with me."
A "Io non ti romperò il cazzo, tu non mi romperai il cazzo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1595
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_275b555c:
# A "I’m going home."
A "Torno a casa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1602
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_336fdf8a:
# "I turn away from Trish as she buries her head in her hands again."
"Do le spalle a Trish mentre lei infila la testa tra le mani un'altra volta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1604
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_4f3c3e74:
# "Part of me wonders if she’ll use that against me, but right now it just feels good to get it out of my system."
"Parte di me si chiede se lo userà contro di me, ma in questo momento mi sento bene dopo essermi liberato di questo peso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1624
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_26592626:
# "As I begin looking for Fang, Reed stops me in the hallway."
"Mentre comincio a cercare Fang, Reed mi ferma in corridoio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1627
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_ff1673ca:
# Re "Made the right call talking it out, trust me dude."
Re "Hai fatto la decisione giusta a parlarne, fidati zì."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1630
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_a9c997e2:
# "Reed shuffles his feet a bit and scratches his neck."
"Reed strascica i piedi un po' e si gratta il collo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1633
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_0f5a41ad:
# Re "Gonna give you a bit of space after dealing with that. Time to think things over, y’know?"
Re "Ti lascio un po' di spazio per digerire tutta la situazione. Tempo di ripensare a tutto, capisci?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1637
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_94a0ad09:
# "Suddenly he leans in and lowers his voice."
"All'improvviso si avvicina e abbassa la voce."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1640
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_6e5c50c0:
# Re "You should tell them, bro."
Re "Glielo dovresti dire, bro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1647
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_802790de:
# "With a cryptic wink he rushes off towards Trish, probably to give her the same kind of therapy."
"Con un occhiolino criptico corre verso Trish, probabilmente per darle lo stesso tipo di terapia."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1654
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_071419b6:
# "I throw a quick glance back to see him pull in Trish for a hug. His turn to deal with her now."
"Do un'occhiata veloce dietro di me e lo vedo mentre abbraccia Trish. Ora tocca a lui occuparsi di lei."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1657
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_87671c01:
# "What did he mean by 'tell them'? Tell them wha-"
"In che senso ‘dire’? Dire cos-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1661
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1663
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_dbe95082:
# "Does Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
"Non è che Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1665
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_4eda3fa5:
# "How did he{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
"Come ha{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1667
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1670
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_02f82073:
# "So much for privacy."
"Alla faccia della privacy."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1673
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_701ba130:
# "I shake the thoughts from my mind and head in the direction Fang went."
"Scaccio il pensiero e mi dirigo verso dove Fang si era diretta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1675
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_cc84c5df:
# "That can wait."
"Quello può aspettare."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1688
translate it lWaitForTrishToExit_bc1d0793:
# "I catch up to Fang near the front of the school as I mentally prepare myself for what’s coming."
"Raggiungo Fang vicino l'entrata della scuola e mi preparo mentalmente per quello che sta per succedere."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1698
translate it lGoHomeEarly_96901a5f:
# A "Sure, let’s get out of here."
A "Certo, andiamocene."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1701
translate it lGoHomeEarly_e32596f1:
# "Reed lets out another heavy sigh."
"Reed emette un forte sospiro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1703
translate it lGoHomeEarly_4a37cc75:
# Re "Gonna stick around. Try and talk with Trish n’all."
Re "Io resto. Proverò a parlare con Trish e tutto quanto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1715
translate it lGoHomeEarly_2951ac4c:
# F "Reed, I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I’m taking a break from the band."
F "Reed, io{cps=*.1}...{/cps} io mi prendo una pausa dalla band."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1718
translate it lGoHomeEarly_88ba4cc8:
# "Reed’s expression shifts to one of sadness and shock."
"L'espressione di Reed muta in una di tristezza e shock."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1721
translate it lGoHomeEarly_d94fb7b3:
# F "I just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} need time to think, alright?"
F "È solo che{cps=*.1}...{/cps} mi serve tempo per pensare, va bene?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1724
translate it lGoHomeEarly_217ef903:
# Re "Like, y’know that’ll crush Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Tipo, lo sai che distruggerà Trish{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1727
translate it lGoHomeEarly_aace732e:
# Re "But can’t really stop you if you think it’s right, dude. Taking a breather and all{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Ma non posso fermarti se pensi che ti serve, zì. Prendersi una pausa e tutto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1729
translate it lGoHomeEarly_cc39e689:
# F "Thanks, Reed."
F "Grazie, Reed."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1732
translate it lGoHomeEarly_7610bef9:
# "Reed offers a weak smile as we turn away from the principal’s office."
"Reed mi offre un debole sorriso mentre voltiamo le spalle all'ufficio del preside."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1746
translate it lGoHomeEarly_4ad34f77:
# Re "See ya, space cowboy."
Re "See ya, space cowboy."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1750
translate it lGoHomeEarly_d3db77bc:
# "Wait,{w=0.3} did he just{cps=*.1}..?{/cps}"
"Aspetta,{w=0.3} ha appena{cps=*.1}..?{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1753
translate it lGoHomeEarly_166c2fcc:
# "God damn it, Reed."
"Dannazione, Reed."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1770
translate it lGoHomeEarly_2acee1c5:
# "We make our way to the front of the school as I mentally prepare myself for what’s coming."
"Ci dirigiamo verso l'entrata della scuola e mi preparo mentalmente per quello che sta per succedere."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1776
translate it lWalkOfShame_15d8957d:
# "Time for the Walk of Shame."
"Ora della Camminata della Vergogna."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1779
translate it lWalkOfShame_bff1fbd9:
# "As I make my way through the hall I do my best to ignore the passing jeers from teens I don’t even know."
"Mentre mi faccio strada tra i corridoi, faccio il mio meglio per ignorare gli scherni di passaggio da adolescenti che neanche conosco."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1781
translate it lWalkOfShame_7b3f19a8:
# "I guess it’s already spread to the lower years too."
"Presumo si sia già diffuso anche tra i primi anni."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1783
translate it lWalkOfShame_91ad06cf:
# "Fucking lightspeed capable rumor mill."
"Stupida fabbrica di pettegolezzi alla velocità della luce."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1785
translate it lWalkOfShame_39d7f418:
# unknown "HEY DO THE NARUTO RUN."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1787
translate it lWalkOfShame_0a4c7acb:
# unknown "Look at the pathetic weeb."
unknown "Guarda che patetico weeb."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1789
translate it lWalkOfShame_b84f7b4f:
# unknown "How’s your 2D girlfriend Anon?"
unknown "Come va la tua ragazza 2D Anon?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1791
translate it lWalkOfShame_14272a29:
# unknown "Hey Anon, need to borrow a jar?"
unknown "Hey Anon, ti serve un barattolo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1793
translate it lWalkOfShame_8ed9266a:
# St "Your waifu is great and I love her!"
St "La tua waifu è fantastica e le voglio bene!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1795
translate it lWalkOfShame_4d2503be:
# A "Not helping, Stella."
A "Non aiuti, Stella."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1797
translate it lWalkOfShame_532372b1:
# "I keep my head down, avoiding the looks from them all."
"Tengo la testa abbassata, evitando tutti i loro sguardi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1799
translate it lWalkOfShame_4479f79a:
# "Shouldering open the door I’m blinded by the morning sun’s glare."
"Aprendo la porta con la spalla vengo accecato dal sole mattutino."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1809
translate it lWalkOfShame_5e3e80b3:
# "Within an hour I’ve fallen back to square one."
"In un'ora sono ritornato al punto di partenza."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1811
translate it lWalkOfShame_0ba2116f:
# "Is it too late to transfer to another school?"
"È troppo tardi per trasferirmi in un'altra scuola?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1814
translate it lWalkOfShame_cb8fd0d2:
# "Fang steps to the stairs, phone in hand."
"Fang scende le scale, telefono in mano."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1816
translate it lWalkOfShame_d0fab60e:
# F "I can call us a taxi or something, Anon."
F "Posso chiamarci un taxi o una cosa del genere, Anon."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1818
translate it lWalkOfShame_6b05f176:
# "I nod at that, moving for the stairs."
"Annuisco, dirigendomi verso le scale."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1821
translate it lWalkOfShame_ed1f7c69:
# unknown "HEY LOSER, THINK FAST!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1824
translate it lWalkOfShame_91757805:
# "I turn towards the voice, and the world slows down."
"Mi giro verso la voce, e il mondo va al rallentatore."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1830
translate it lWalkOfShame_486ccab3:
# "My field of vision is filled with a soda can, and I freeze up like a deer in headlights."
"Il mio campo visivo è riempito da una lattina di soda, e io mi blocco come un cervo davanti ai fanali."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1855
translate it lWalkOfShame_db760140:
# "The can smacks me in the forehead while I was mid-stride, and I shift my footing to try and regain balance."
"La lattina mi colpisce sulla fronte mentre stavo camminando, tento di dimenarmi per provare a mantenere l'equilibro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1884
translate it lWalkOfShame_8987b07d:
# "Except my foot catches on the edge of the stairlip and slips."
"Eccetto che il mio piede becca la fine del gradino e scivolo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1924
translate it lWalkOfShame_c3739b85:
# "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1926
translate it lWalkOfShame_f11619a7:
# A "{cps=*.2}Uuurg.{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.2}Uuurg.{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1928
translate it lWalkOfShame_79119ffc:
# unknown "Oh fuck, we need to split before the Caveman gets here!"
unknown "Oh cazzo, dividiamoci prima che arrivi il Cavernicolo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1930
translate it lWalkOfShame_88868f85:
# F "ANON!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1932
translate it lWalkOfShame_6d3ff37b:
# "My lungs feel like they’re on fire."
"Mi sento come se i miei polmoni avessero preso fuoco."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1934
translate it lWalkOfShame_e86ebfd0:
# "I think my feet touched the back of my head."
"Credo che i miei piedi mi abbiano toccato la nuca."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1937
translate it lWalkOfShame_fae86de5:
# "I peel myself from around the bollard, feeling every bone in my body creak painfully."
"Mi stacco da intorno al paletto, sentendo ogni osso del mio corpo scricchiolare dolorosamente."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1952
translate it lWalkOfShame_b95bd794:
# A "Argh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} fuck."
A "Argh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} cazzo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1958
translate it lWalkOfShame_df50987e:
# F "Holy shit! You’re alive!"
F "Oh cazzo! Sei vivo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1960
translate it lWalkOfShame_ec0db366:
# A "Am I? Ow."
A "Lo sono? Ow."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1966
translate it lWalkOfShame_045f762b:
# "Nothing seems to be broken{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} I’ve been in worse."
"Niente sembra essersi rotto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} Ho passato di peggio."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1968
translate it lWalkOfShame_8024febe:
# "Honestly my ego’s more injured than I am."
"Onestamente il mio ego è più ferito del mio corpo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1971
translate it lWalkOfShame_65ecba2d:
# F "Can you walk?"
F "Riesci a camminare?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1973
translate it lWalkOfShame_e46948ae:
# A "Yeah, sure, sure."
A "Sì, sì, credo di sì."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1976
translate it lWalkOfShame_7bf49b95:
# A "This’s nothing compared to field day back at my old school."
A "Questo è niente in confronto alla giornata di sport alla mia vecchia scuola."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1980
translate it lWalkOfShame_8d467987:
# "I try taking a step and my knee involuntarily twists in a direction it’s not supposed to."
"Provo a fare un passo e il mio ginocchio si torce involontariamente in una direzione in cui non dovrebbe torcersi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1994
translate it lWalkOfShame_60fd6f08:
# "Suddenly, I’m doing the Seth McFarlane pose again."
"All'improvviso, sto di nuovo facendo la posa di Seth McFarlane."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1997
translate it lWalkOfShame_60ec904c:
# F "Oh no. Ohhh no. Let me help you up."
F "Oh no. Ohhh no. Lascia che ti aiuti ad alzarti."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2010
translate it lWalkOfShame_cf3671ab:
# "She tucks her arms around my shoulder and pulls me to my feet again."
"Lei mi mette le mani attorno alle spalle e mi rimette in piedi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2012
translate it lWalkOfShame_46f8c9bc:
# F "Let’s just get to the bench over there."
F "Andiamo verso quella panchina laggiù."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2014
translate it lWalkOfShame_138454c6:
# F "The taxi will be here in like five minutes."
F "Il taxi dovrebbe arrivare tra cinque minuti."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2016
translate it lWalkOfShame_5ce4299f:
# "Using Fang as a second foot, I eventually make it to the bench."
"Usando Fang come secondo piede, prima o poi arrivo alla panchina."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2018
translate it lWalkOfShame_af126096:
# "I still can’t bend either leg, so I just sort of splay against the sidewalk."
"Ancora non riesco a piegare le gambe, quindi le divarico sul marciapiede."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2020
translate it lWalkOfShame_9eb1a7b6:
# "Fang sits on the other end and starts digging through her pockets."
"Fang si siede dall'altro lato e comincia a scavare nelle sue tasche."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2022
translate it lWalkOfShame_0099d3a3:
# F "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I think I heard somewhere that nicotine relieves a bit of pain{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Credo di aver sentito da qualche parte che la nicotina aiuta un po' con il dolore{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2024
translate it lWalkOfShame_1dc512f6:
# A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I could use a smoke{cps=*.1}...{/cps} right about now."
A "Già{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Mi andrebbe una sigaretta{cps=*.1}...{/cps} in questo momento."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2026
translate it lWalkOfShame_43081217:
# "Fang retrieves one of the cigarettes from the crumpled pack and sparks it to life with her pink lighter."
"Fang prende una delle sigarette dal pacchetto accartocciato e la accende con il suo accendino rosa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2028
translate it lWalkOfShame_85f7b874:
# "She takes the first draw, then hands it to me."
"Lei tira per prima, poi me la offre."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2030
translate it lWalkOfShame_24d58bad:
# "I inhale slowly, my chest aching as my lungs fill with wonderfully numbing nicotine."
"Inspiro lentamente, il petto mi fa male mentre i miei polmoni si riempono del delizioso torpore della nicotina."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2032
translate it lWalkOfShame_b35e7f36:
# "The minty taste and the cool sensation settling over my skin does help to relax my painfully tense muscles."
"Il sapore di menta e la sensazione di fresco che si insedia sulla mia pelle in effetti aiuta a rilassare i miei muscoli dolorosamente tesi."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2034
translate it lWalkOfShame_0fcb8ff5:
# "Before I know it the cigarette in my fingers is nothing but a smoldering filter."
"Prima che me ne accorga la sigaretta tra le mie dita non è altro che un filtro fumante."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2037
translate it lWalkOfShame_c3d2fb9f:
# F "Looks like our ride’s here."
F "Sembra che il nostro taxi sia arrivato."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2039
translate it lWalkOfShame_8a812671:
# "A grimy beater of a taxi pulls up to the curb, driven by an equally grimy velociraptor."
"Uno sporco catorcio di un taxi si accosta sul marciapiede, guidato da un velociraptor ugualmente sporco."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2041
translate it lWalkOfShame_a773db8f:
# "Clearly one of the three left operating in the city."
"Chiaramente uno dei tre che ancora sono attivi in città."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2044
translate it lWalkOfShame_2ef1201e:
# "Fang helps me to my feet and over to the cab, opening the door so I can shamble in."
"Fang mi aiuta ad alzarmi e a camminare verso il taxi, aprendo la porta così che possa barcollare dentro."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2052
translate it lWalkOfShame_2b4a10aa:
# D "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Shit, kid, you look like you got into a fight with a steamroller and lost."
D "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Merda, ragazzo, sembra che tu abbia fatto a botte con un rullo compressore e abbia perso."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2054
translate it lWalkOfShame_a87e31d3:
# A "Mmm."
A "Mmm."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2056
translate it lWalkOfShame_048341ea:
# D "Now where’re you kids heading on a school day? Maybe the hospital?"
D "Ora, dove volete andare voi ragazzi in una giornata di scuola? Forse all'ospedale?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2058
translate it lWalkOfShame_c3c69278:
# A "Home."
A "Casa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2060
translate it lWalkOfShame_04d4757d:
# D "Sure thing kid. Got the address?"
D "Certo ragazzo. Hai l'indirizzo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2062
translate it lWalkOfShame_0afc8908:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Two-thirty-seven South St. Hammond street."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Due-trenta-sette via South St. Hammond."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2064
translate it lWalkOfShame_ab6d3082:
# "The driver sucks in a breath through his teeth."
"L'autista inspira attraverso i denti."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2067
translate it lWalkOfShame_3b1ccfe8:
# D "Skin Row, eh?{w=0.3} Well I can take you s’far as the edge of the neighborhood, deal?"
D "Skin Row, eh?{w=0.3} Beh ti posso portare fino al bordo del quartiere, d'accordo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2069
translate it lWalkOfShame_4129099d:
# A "Yeah, whatever. Just take me home{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Sì, è uguale. Basta che mi porti a casa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2071
translate it lWalkOfShame_0f53a83c:
# "The cab speeds off away from the school."
"Il taxi corre via dalla scuola."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2076
translate it lWalkOfShame_ae3a6455:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I still can’t believe that Trish would do something like that."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ancora non riesco a credere che Trish farebbe una cosa del genere."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2078
translate it lWalkOfShame_420470b6:
# "The cab driver lets out a laugh."
"L'autista del taxi scoppia a ridere."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2080
translate it lWalkOfShame_38cb1b1b:
# D "You got your ass handed to you by a girl, didn’t you?"
D "Una ragazza ti ha fatto il culo, non è vero?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2082
translate it lWalkOfShame_c108362f:
# "I don’t bother responding while Fang kicks the back of his seat."
"Neanche rispondo mentre Fang da un calcio al suo sedile."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2084
translate it lWalkOfShame_c75df08e:
# D "Yeah, yeah, I didn’t want a tip much anyways{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
D "Sì, sì. Tanto neanche la volevo molto la mancia{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2087
translate it lWalkOfShame_1ba7eacb:
# F "Why doesn’t the driver want to drive all the way to your place?"
F "Perché l'autista non ti vuole portare fino a dove vivi?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2089
translate it lWalkOfShame_c201f327:
# F "It can’t be that bad, right?"
F "Non può essere così male, giusto?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2091
translate it lWalkOfShame_10a1a8f9:
# A "Uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} that reminds me."
A "Uhhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} questo mi ricorda una cosa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2093
translate it lWalkOfShame_ad6ae5de:
# A "Hold this{cps=*.1}...{/cps} for me."
A "Mi puoi tenere{cps=*.1}...{/cps} questo?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2095
translate it lWalkOfShame_c0f4e6fe:
# "I toss my pocket knife into Fang’s lap, she looks at me with a nervous smile like she expects a punchline."
"Lancio il mio coltellino sul grembo di Fang, lei mi guarda con un sorriso nervoso come se si aspettasse una battuta."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2097
translate it lWalkOfShame_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2099
translate it lWalkOfShame_aa3d7c93:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Oh."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Oh."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2101
translate it lWalkOfShame_ac95e916:
# A "Joking{cps=*.1}...{/cps} kinda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Scherzo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} circa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2103
translate it lWalkOfShame_a6847f0a:
# A "Haven’t needed to shiv someone yet{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ancora non c'è stato il bisogno di pugnalare qualcuno{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2106
translate it lWalkOfShame_194009e3:
# "Talking hurts, breathing too."
"Parlare fa male, respirare pure."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2108
translate it lWalkOfShame_289ca7cf:
# "Each breath I take feels like my ribs are gonna shatter."
"Con ogni respiro mi sento come se le mie costole si stessero per frantumare."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2112
translate it lWalkOfShame_5afb0c8b:
# "Fang must have noticed since she kept silent after that."
"Fang deve esserne accorta dato che è rimasta in silenzio dopo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2117
translate it lWalkOfShame_38d2cbb7:
# D "Alrighty, end of the line."
D "Eccoci, capolinea."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2119
translate it lWalkOfShame_3dc33ff1:
# D "That’ll be fifteen bucks even."
D "Fanno quindici dollari."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2121
translate it lWalkOfShame_3ac1fa6f:
# A "There’s still a few blocks we gotta walk."
A "Dobbiamo ancora camminare per qualche isolato."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2127
translate it lWalkOfShame_8bd4bbae:
# "I manage to limp out of the car and Fang drops a few crumpled bills in her seat and slams the door behind her."
"Riesco a zoppicare fuori dalla macchina e Fang lascia un po' di banconote accartocciate e sbatte la porta dietro di lei."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2129
translate it lWalkOfShame_2e5695f4:
# "The car peels out and disappears around the corner."
"La macchina sgomma via e sparisce dietro l'angolo."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2132
translate it lWalkOfShame_466a0d5f:
# A "Well, {w=0.2}no place to go but home."
A "Beh, {w=0.2}non c'è altro posto dove andare tranne che a casa."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2139
translate it lWalkOfShame_5b2a9f89:
# F "Wait, you still can’t walk, right?"
F "Aspetta, tu ancora non puoi camminare, giusto?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2141
translate it lWalkOfShame_405fb77a:
# "I can probably make it a good fifty yards."
"Forse riesco a fare una decina di metri."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2143
translate it lWalkOfShame_e052c814:
# F "Hang on, give me your shoulder."
F "Aspetta, dammi la tua spalla."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2145
translate it lWalkOfShame_8d022f32:
# A "No, don’t worry abou-"
A "No, non ti preoccupar-"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2147
translate it lWalkOfShame_c8fb6829:
# "Ignoring my protests, Fang wraps my arm around her back for support."
"Ignorando le mie proteste, Fang avvolge il mio braccio attorno alla sua schiena per supporto."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2149
translate it lWalkOfShame_c4499652:
# F "Where are we going?"
F "Dove dobbiamo andare?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2151
translate it lWalkOfShame_3ae09af4:
# A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} first turn is a right up here{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} gira la prima a destra{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2154
translate it lWalkOfShame_607aa9e4:
# "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Fang is coming over to my place?"
"Aspetta{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Fang sta venendo a casa mia?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2156
translate it lWalkOfShame_62d53157:
# "Fang is coming over to {i}my{/i} place?"
"Fang sta venendo a casa {i}mia{/i}?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2158
translate it lWalkOfShame_841b2fe5:
# "Fang is coming over to my {i}place{/i}?"
"Fang sta venendo a {i}casa{/i} mia?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2161
translate it lWalkOfShame_e975689b:
# "I don’t want her to see how I live!"
"Non le posso far vedere come vivo!"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2164
translate it lWalkOfShame_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2167
translate it lWalkOfShame_1ed08b9d:
# "Crap, did I leave Saturnia on?"
"Merda, ho lasciato Saturnia aperto?"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:2169
translate it lWalkOfShame_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
translate it strings:
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:845
old "Not exactly in the introspective sort of mood right about now."
new "Non mi sento esattamente molto introspettivo al momento."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:845
old "I refuse to accept that I had any part to play in this debacle other than being the victim."
new "Rifiuto di accettare che io abbia avuto un ruolo in questo fiasco apparte essere la vittima."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:845
old "I guess Reed might have a point..."
new "Forse Reed potrebbe avere ragione..."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1078
old "Talk with Trish"
new "Parla con Trish"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1078
old "Ignore Trish"
new "Ignora Trish"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1283
old "Wait for Trish to exit the office"
new "Aspetta che Trish esca dall'ufficio"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1283
old "Go Home Early"
new "Vai A Casa Prima"
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1844
old "Duck."
new "Abbassati."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1844
old "Dodge."
new "Schiva."
# game/script/9.anons'-dirty-laundry-gets-put-up-to-air.rpy:1844
old "Catch it out of the air."
new "Prendila al volo."