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synced 2025-03-26 20:04:52 +01:00
Co-authored-by: dsatta <dsatta60@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: nutbuster <nutbuster@cock.li> Co-authored-by: Map <mapmappening@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://git.cavemanon.xyz/Cavemanon/SnootGame/pulls/246 Reviewed-by: Mappening <mapanon@noreply.git.cavemanon.xyz> Co-authored-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz> Co-committed-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz>
7344 lines
263 KiB
7344 lines
263 KiB
# FIXME: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:6
translate it chapter_6_24e0cf43:
# "{cps=*0.2}-- One Month Later --{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}-- Un Mese Dopo --{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:12
translate it chapter_6_9a1f0625:
# "I’m laying in bed on a saturday morning."
"Sono sdraiato sul letto di sabato mattina."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:14
translate it chapter_6_1090310d:
# "It’s been raining the last few days, so I’m stuck inside."
"È da diversi giorni che sta piovendo, quindi sono bloccato dentro casa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:16
translate it chapter_6_fafb39bb:
# "Not like I had any other plans anyways."
"Non che abbia avuto altri piani in mente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:19
translate it chapter_6_dd27f217:
# "The forecast says it should clear up later today."
"Il meteo dice che la giornata dovrebbe migliorare più tardi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:21
translate it chapter_6_8112b786:
# "There’s no new games out, and my backlog is just the perfect size of fuck that noise."
"Non sono usciti nuovi giochi e il mio catalogo è abbastanza grande da farmi pensare 'col cazzo'."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:23
translate it chapter_6_3f7d7ae0:
# "I don’t even feel like baiting on a certain basket weaving polynesian forum."
"Non voglio nemmeno baitare la gente su un certo forum polinesiano per tessitori di cesti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:26
translate it chapter_6_d50941b5:
# "The light of my phone is the only thing illuminating my hovel of a home."
"La luce del mio cellulare è l'unica cosa che illumina il tugurio che definisco casa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:28
translate it chapter_6_06dd4870:
# "I scroll through the camera roll out of boredom."
"Scorro tra le foto scattate per noia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:30
translate it chapter_6_03271e7a:
# "At least that’s what I tell myself."
"Almeno questo è ciò che mi dico da solo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:33
translate it chapter_6_f5f894cc:
# "Interspersed through various memes and screenshots of homework assignments are pictures Fang has been sending."
"Tra i vari meme e le foto dei compiti per casa ci sono quelle che Fang mi ha inviato in questo periodo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:35
translate it chapter_6_239de04d:
# "Over the last month I’ve been included more in Fang’s circle of friends."
"Nell'ultimo mese sono stato incluso sempre di più nella cerchia di amici di Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:38
translate it chapter_6_fc9412ee:
# "Never imagined I’d have so many actual pictures on it."
"Non avrei mai immaginato di avrei avuto così tante foto vere sul telefono."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:40
translate it chapter_6_4609e9eb:
# "Each one brings a vivid memory to mind, usually an embarrassing one."
"Ognuna di esse rispolvera un vivido ricordo, solitamente uno imbarazzante."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:42
translate it chapter_6_49443b6b:
# "But there’s some other ones{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Però ce ne sono alcune{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:44
translate it chapter_6_8627718f:
# "Like of me with the rest of the band just enjoying the atmosphere in the auditorium."
"Alcune tipo me con la band che ci godiamo l'atmosfera dell'auditorium."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:54
translate it chapter_6_5a0add29:
# "My perusal through old pictures is interrupted with a text."
"Il mio scorrere tra delle vecchie foto viene interrotto da un messaggio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:61
translate it chapter_6_a048274e:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Looking for new band venue"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Sto cercando un posto dove esibirci"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:63
translate it chapter_6_0e51c8b0:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Don’t feel like going alone"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Non voglio andarci da solə"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:66
translate it chapter_6_0c13eabd:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Do you want to come with?"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Vogliamo andare insieme?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:69
translate it chapter_6_53bfac71:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Alone{nw}"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Solo noi due{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:71
translate it chapter_6_39ca6c8f:
# extend "{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}{w=2}{nw}"
extend "{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}{w=2}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:74
translate it chapter_6_c72f4484:
# "No, shut the fuck up alarms."
"No, smettetela allarmi del cazzo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:77
translate it chapter_6_14a156d9:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Why alone?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} E gli altri?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:79
translate it chapter_6_6a9dba76:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Trish has a horn appt and Reed is"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Trish è a farsi le corna e Reed è"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:83
translate it chapter_6_9b43bb09:
# "{i}'Fang is typing...'{/i}{fast}"
"{i}'Fang sta scrivendo...'{/i}{fast}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:86
translate it chapter_6_f2690b1d:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Preoccupied."
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Impegnato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:90
translate it chapter_6_8973ca86:
# Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dude{w=.2} like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} back to the story{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fra{w=.2} tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} da capo a dodici{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:94
translate it chapter_6_59accb86:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Alright, where we dropping?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Ok, dove droppiamo?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:96
translate it chapter_6_44e9985c:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Just show up at my place in like an hour"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Davanti casa mia tipo tra un'ora"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:98
translate it chapter_6_a1b268db:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Need to go now"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} Devo andare"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:101
translate it chapter_6_e9c13d98:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} k"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} appost'"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:110
translate it chapter_6_c4b557b7:
# "This is fine."
"È tutto sotto controllo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:112
translate it chapter_6_f1e2160a:
# "It’s just helping a friend of mine find someplace for her band to play."
"Devo solo aiutare un'amica a trovare un posto per far esibire la sua band."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:114
translate it chapter_6_bc2c37c8:
# "A friend I have feelings for."
"Un'amica per cui ho preso una cotta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:116
translate it chapter_6_dfe5d96a:
# "And we’re alone."
"E siamo solo noi due."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:125
translate it chapter_6_0a626e43:
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:128
translate it chapter_6_0aa4aea5:
# "I boot up my computer and start a gacha thread on a taiwanese rum brewing blogsite."
"Accendo il mio computer e apro un nuovo gacha thread su un sito di blog taiwanese di distillazione di rum."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:130
translate it chapter_6_785f6f00:
# "The soothing replies bring my heartbeat down to an acceptable level."
"Le rilassanti risposte fanno abbassare i battiti del cuore fino a un livello accettabile."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:133
translate it chapter_6_92a7c8e6:
# "To top it off I insult the mods and then report my own post so I know they have to see it."
"E per finirla in bellezza insulto i moderatori e poi segnalo il mio post così sono sicuro che lo vedranno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:136
translate it chapter_6_8460566c:
# "I am become Anon, Collector of (You)s and Poster of Shit."
"Son diventato Anon, collezionista di (You) e Postatore di Merda."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:140
translate it chapter_6_540be28b:
# "By now the rain has subsided."
"Ha smesso di piovere."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:142
translate it chapter_6_26573606:
# "Still feeling refreshed, I grab my jacket and start making my way across town to Fang’s house."
"Sentendomi rinvigorito, prendo il mio giacchetto e mi dirigo verso casa di Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:146
translate it chapter_6_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:152
translate it chapter_6_d6805a0e:
# "Passing through the snobby part of town to catch a bus,{w=.4} my thoughts begin intruding on me."
"Passando per la parte snob della città per prendere un autobus,{w=.4} i miei pensieri cominciano a penetrarmi la testa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:154
translate it chapter_6_d6c636e1:
# "Images of what’s to come pass before my eyes unwarranted."
"Immagini di ciò che sta per accadere davanti ai miei occhi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:157
translate it chapter_6_e062d601:
# "Looking for restaurants{cps=*.1}...{/cps} because they’d be good venues of course!"
"Cercare ristoranti{cps=*.1}...{/cps} perché potrebbero essere degli ottimi posti per esibirsi, naturalmente!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:159
translate it chapter_6_f4b8964b:
# "Walking through the mall maybe? That’d be a good spot."
"Passeggiare per il centro commerciale forse? Sarebbe un ottimo posto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:161
translate it chapter_6_ecc7beb1:
# "The day turns to night and the temperature drops."
"Il giorno diventa notte e la temperatura scende."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:163
translate it chapter_6_f67eae8f:
# "I offer Fang my coat and-"
"Offro a Fang il mio giacchetto e-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:166
translate it chapter_6_cd0f4d99:
# "God damn it no this isn’t a{w=.2} {cps=*.2}daaa-{/cps}"
"Dio santo questo non è un {w=.2} {cps=*.2}appuntaaaaaa-{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:169
translate it chapter_6_61bc1508:
# "Oh shit my stop!"
"Merda, la mia fermata!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:174
translate it chapter_6_8c21caa3:
# "I scurry off the bus right as the doors are closing."
"Scendo di corsa dall'autobus prima che le porte si chiudano."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:176
translate it chapter_6_410e4335:
# "And I don’t forget to thank the driver."
"E non mi dimentico di ringraziare l'autista."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:186
translate it chapter_6_c53ed08d:
# "The bus stop is luckily only a block away from Fang’s neighborhood."
"La fermata dell'autobus si trova fortunatamente a un solo isolato dal quartiere di Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:188
translate it chapter_6_2804036d:
# "There’s a few stores open, and a street vendor is gleefully setting up shop for the first time in a few days.."
"Ci sono un paio di negozietti aperti, e una venditrice ambulante sta preparando con entusiasmo il suo bazaar per la prima volta in questi giorni."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:191
translate it chapter_6_aa502d27:
# "She calls out to me as I pass."
"Lei mi chiama appena passo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:205
translate it chapter_6_4e55b4bb:
# SV "Some storm, eh?"
SV "Certo che è stato un bell'acquazzone, eh?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:216
translate it chapter_6_0e7deac4:
# A "Oh, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} yeah. It was."
A "Oh, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sì. Certo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:219
translate it chapter_6_64b76687:
# SV "People don’t usually take the bus here these days, where ya headed?"
SV "La gente qui non prende l'autobus solitamente, dove vai di bello?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:221
translate it chapter_6_2f241f6c:
# A "Just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} over to the suburbs over there."
A "Verso{cps=*.1}...{/cps} la periferia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:223
translate it chapter_6_78600bd0:
# SV "Highschooler, taking the bus to the suburbs on a Saturday{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
SV "Un liceale, che prende l'autobus verso la periferia di Sabato{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:226
translate it chapter_6_04a38f04:
# SV "You’re going to see a girl, ain’tcha?"
SV "Stai andando a vedere una tipa, eh?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:231
translate it chapter_6_e2fc3cc3:
# A "How did{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ma come{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:233
translate it chapter_6_7dd8bfa3:
# A "I mean, I am, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I-it isn’t like that, you know?"
A "Aspè, sì, ma{cps=*.1}...{/cps} N-non è come sembra!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:236
translate it chapter_6_eb2ce119:
# SV "Come onnnn, you can’t fool me."
SV "Daaaiiiiii, non mi freghi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:239
translate it chapter_6_c5079758:
# SV "At any rate, why not pick up a few ‘dogs to impress her?"
SV "Visto che ci sei, perché non prendere un paio di hotdogs per impressionarla?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:241
translate it chapter_6_08635c3f:
# SV "We got ice cream too, if she’s an herbie."
SV "Ho anche del gelato, se è un erbivora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:244
translate it chapter_6_6e541d3c:
# A "Maybe later. I’ll keep it in mind."
A "Magari dopo. Lo terrò a mente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:250
translate it chapter_6_ec3b2f83:
# "I turn to leave, behind me I hear the vendor mutter to herself."
"Mi giro per andarmene, dietro di me sento la venditrice ambulante mormorare qualcosa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:260
translate it chapter_6_a7b77ca2:
# SV "Ah, to be young and in love again{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
SV "Ah, magari potessi tornare giovane e innamorarmi di nuovo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:263
translate it chapter_6_b3a62f84:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I pick up the pace."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Comincio ad accelerare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:276
translate it chapter_6_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:279
translate it chapter_6_9848f8f4:
# "The difference between Fang’s neighborhood and my apartment complex is night and day."
"C'è una differenza colossale tra il quartiere di Fang e il mio condominio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:281
translate it chapter_6_d679b55b:
# "The smell of burnt tires doesn’t hang in the air. Instead it’s a mix of Cedar and wet pavement."
"Non c'è più quella puzza di gomma bruciata nell'aria. Invece si respira un'aria di cedro e pavimento bagnato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:283
translate it chapter_6_282a536f:
# "The knife in my pocket feels excessive as an officer’s car passes by."
"Il coltellino nella mia tasca sembra essere eccessivo mentre una macchina della polizia mi passa vicino."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:286
translate it chapter_6_40a0cd45:
# "I suppose to someone who's lived here it would seem normal, but to someone from bumfuck nowhere? The suburb felt decadent."
"Suppongo che per chi abita qui è normale, ma per chi viene da fanculandia? La periferia sembrava decadente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:294
translate it chapter_6_74e2589f:
# "Fang’s home is easy enough to find thanks to Gruugle maps’ images."
"È stato abbastanza semplice trovare la casa di Fang grazie alle immagini di Gruugle Maps."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:297
translate it chapter_6_828afdaf:
# "It’s nice. Very nice actually. Two stories tall and with an expensive, if kinda scraped-up sports car in the drive-way."
"È carina. Molto bella oserei dire. Alta due piani e con una costosa, seppur un po' graffiata, macchina sportiva nel viale."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:299
translate it chapter_6_80f95a81:
# "I approach the home, careful to hop up the spread stones that make up the walkway, in fear of trampling the well manicured yard."
"Arrivo davanti casa, facendo attenzione a camminare sui sassi che compongono il vialetto per non calpestare il prato ben curato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:302
translate it chapter_6_408df68a:
# "At last I’m at my destination.{w=.4} Fuck."
"Finalmente sono arrivato a destinazione.{w=.4} Cazzo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:310
translate it chapter_6_ee18e116:
# "I stand frozen on the white porch now with the front door before me like the ramparts of a castle."
"Rimango pietrificato sul portico bianco davanti alla porta come se mi trovassi dinanzi ai bastioni di un castello."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:312
translate it chapter_6_34f484d4:
# "Am I supposed to knock, or text her that I’m here?"
"Dovrei bussare alla porta, o scrivergli che sono arrivato?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:315
translate it chapter_6_04b7e27b:
# "Crap, I’ve never done anything like this before."
"Cavolo, non ho mai fatto nulla del genere fino ad ora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:317
translate it chapter_6_ec10c7b9:
# "Go with a friend to find a venue for a band, that is."
"Stai andando con un'amica per trovare un posto per la band, tutto qui."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:327
translate it chapter_6_ff283023:
# "Before my knuckles reach the door it swings open."
# NOTE La traduzione qui scorre meglio.
"La porta si spalanca prima che io possa bussare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:332
translate it chapter_6_321b6152:
# "Before I can hit ‘Send’ the door swings open."
"Prima che possa premere su ‘Invia’ la porta si spalanca."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:353
translate it chapter_6_17b6d291:
# "{cps=*.5}{i}What is this killing intent?!{/i}{/cps}"
"{cps=*.5}{i}Cos'è questo istinto omicida?!{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:368
translate it chapter_6_5a3177e5:
# unknown "Hm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you Anon?"
unknown "Hm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sei Anon?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:373
translate it chapter_6_e56474dc:
# "Shitshitshitalarms shut the fuck up right now please I need to think."
"Merdamerdamerdaallarmi state zitti cazzo devo pensare a qualcosa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:378
translate it chapter_6_1c86abbf:
# A "Y-yeah, I’m Anon.{w=.4} P-pleased to m-meet you uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "S-sì, Sono Anon.{w=.4} P-piacere di f-fare la sua conoscenza err {cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:391
translate it chapter_6_c0d5c475:
# FD "{cps=12.5}{i}Executioner.{/i}{/cps}"
FD "{cps=12.5}{i}Carnefice.{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:394
translate it chapter_6_ed69333d:
# "My pants feel heavy and sodden."
"Sento i miei pantaloni diventare pesanti e fradici."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:397
translate it chapter_6_04a9b6ca:
# unknown "{size=-5}Honey, who is it?{/size}"
unknown "{size=-5}Amore, chi è?{/size}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:409
translate it chapter_6_7374fe6c:
# FM "OH! You must be Anon!"
FM "OH! Devi essere Anon!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:412
translate it chapter_6_f693dc9e:
# FM "Come in come in!"
FM "Entra, su!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:443
translate it chapter_6_2f07835d:
# "The petite ptero-matriarch drags me into her abode. I could see the patriarch’s jaw clench as Fang’s mother pushed me into the comfiest couch to ever exist."
"La piccola ptero-matriarca mi trascina nella sua dimora. Potevo vedere la mascella del patriarca serrarsi mentre la Madre di Fang mi spingeva nel divano più comodo che fosse mai esistito."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:446
translate it chapter_6_5b3b705d:
# FM "Oh you must forgive my little Lucy, she’s still getting ready for your date!"
FM "Oh perdona la mia piccola Lucy, si sta ancora preparando per il vostro appuntamento!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:449
translate it chapter_6_f4405a16:
# "Oh god I can feel iron-sights on my back."
"Oddio riesco a sentirmi un mirino puntato sulla schiena."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:452
translate it chapter_6_1667e8a8:
# "While she spoke a mile a minute I managed to catch some of the words."
"Mentre lei parlava a manetta sono riuscito a capire alcune parole."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:454
translate it chapter_6_883f3312:
# "I ignored the latter, because this{w=.2} ISN’T a {cps=*.3}daaaa-{/cps}"
"Ho ignorato le ultime, perché questo{w=.2} NON È un appunt{cps=*.3}aaaa-{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:456
translate it chapter_6_177224aa:
# "Isn’t THAT!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:459
translate it chapter_6_b3f43ac7:
# "But-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:461
translate it chapter_6_650edcf5:
# A "Ah, it’s uh, no trouble ma’am."
A "Ah, non c'è nessun problema signora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:463
translate it chapter_6_17c501d8:
# A "But uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I thought her name was Fang."
A "Ma{cps=*.1}...{/cps} credevo che sua figlia si chiamasse Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:465
translate it chapter_6_55c11e1a:
# "She titters, holding a hand over her sly smile."
"Lei ridacchia, coprendo il suo sorriso da furbetta con la mano."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:467
translate it chapter_6_de9f3aef:
# FM "Oh that? My little tooth fairy always loves to re-invent herself."
FM "Ah quello? Alla mia piccola fatina dei dentini piace sempre re-inventarsi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:469
translate it chapter_6_92d49b79:
# "'Her eyes gloss over as she’s pulled into her own memories."
"I suoi occhi sorvolano mentre è immersa nei suoi ricordi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:471
translate it chapter_6_7f739b09:
# FM "One moment she was the prettiest princess pirate, and now she’s some sort of rock and roll maestro!"
FM "Prima era la principessa pirata più adorabile del mondo, ed ora è una sorta di maestro rock and roll!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:473
translate it chapter_6_97e57f97:
# FM "The {i}imagination{/i} she has{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
FM "Che bella {i}immaginazione{/i} che ha{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:484
translate it chapter_6_37d179d7:
# Nas "Sup buddy."
Nas "Ehi bello."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:493
translate it chapter_6_f6531f23:
# "I look across the coffee table to see Naser reclined in an equally plushy couch."
"Guardo lungo il tavolo da caffè e vedo Naser reclinato su un comodo divanetto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:495
translate it chapter_6_c85f39a7:
# Nas "You good?"
Nas "Tutto a posto?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:498
translate it chapter_6_3bf12a8e:
# "I breathe deeply, collecting my scrambled thoughts into a semi-coherent state."
"Prendo un lungo respiro, facendo ordine nella mia testa per ritornare a uno stato semi-coerente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:500
translate it chapter_6_6d804529:
# A "I’m good{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Tutto ok{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:502
translate it chapter_6_7f59c255:
# A "So uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nice place."
A "Quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps} bella casa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:504
translate it chapter_6_4ceba35e:
# "I look at the walls of the room, what little white I could see that wasn’t covered by the myriad of family photos."
"Guardo i muri della stanza, quel poco di bianco che sono riuscito a vedere e che non fosse coperto da una miriade di foto di famiglia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:507
translate it chapter_6_fdd36e0e:
# "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} she really was a princess pirate at some point{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} era davvero una principessa pirata a un certo punto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:520
translate it chapter_6_f9d9034a:
# N "Home is where the heart is, {nw}"
N "Casa è dove sta il cuore, {nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:524
translate it chapter_6_8bdc4751:
# extend "as they say."
extend "come si suol dire."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:527
translate it chapter_6_e535a5da:
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:530
translate it chapter_6_d4090e03:
# "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} is that a sin to think that with that cross hung behind Naser’s head?"
"Aspè{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} è per caso peccato visto che c'è un crocifisso appeso dietro la testa di Naser?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:533
translate it chapter_6_01a744d8:
# "I look back to see the Cream Queen of the Kremlin, a tray of the smallest cups I’ve ever seen in her arms."
"Mi giro per trovarmi la Capa del Cremlino Color Crema che regge un vassoio con le tazzine più piccole che abbia mai visto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:536
translate it chapter_6_c7003d55:
# N "Naser! Your mother made us some tea! Oh isn’t she the most wonderful woman!"
N "Naser! Tua Madre ha preparato del tè! È proprio una donna magnifica!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:540
translate it chapter_6_b2f165a5:
# Nas "Bleh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} she knows I’m not a fan of that hot leaf juice{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Bleah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} lo sa che non sono un fan di quella specie di brodo caldo di foglie{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:549
translate it chapter_6_bf2cbaf4:
# "Naomi navigates around the couch and coffee table, setting the tray of treats and tea before us."
"Naomi passa tra il divanetto e il tavolino, appoggiando il vassoio di dolcetti e tè davanti a noi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:552
translate it chapter_6_f1b11e0b:
# N "Would you like some, Anon?"
N "Ne vuoi un po', Anon?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:555
translate it chapter_6_c7daa714:
# A "I’ll pass, thanks."
A "Passo, grazie."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:558
translate it chapter_6_45277788:
# "Something’s not right with what just happened."
"C'è qualcosa che non quadra in ciò che è appena successo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:560
translate it chapter_6_6dac88c7:
# "I look back to where Naomi was standing."
"Guardo dietro dove stava prima Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:563
translate it chapter_6_3355a705:
# "The entire opposing wall is covered in various hunting trophies."
"L'intero muro è coperto da vari trofei di caccia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:565
translate it chapter_6_e2753b86:
# "Two bears, a whole school of fish, a falcon, two deers{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Due teste di orso, un intero branco di pesci, una testa di falco, due di cerbiatto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:568
translate it chapter_6_54aade6c:
# "And a rhinoceros."
"e una di un rinoceronte."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:571
translate it chapter_6_908cea0a:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I may have made a huge mistake."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Credo di aver commesso un grandissimo errore."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:574
translate it chapter_6_ea4e02a7:
# "The loveseat to the left of me scrapes forward into my field of view."
"Il divanetto alla mia sinistra entra nel mio campo visivo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:585
translate it chapter_6_0cf66363:
# "Fang’s father leans back, carefully examining and polishing a golf club."
"Il Padre di Fang si siede, esaminando con attenzione e lucidando una mazza da golf."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:588
translate it chapter_6_a093ca6e:
# "Maybe I can turn his trophies into a conversation piece."
"Forse posso usare i suoi trofei per iniziare una conversazione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:590
translate it chapter_6_22fd33e8:
# "Extend an olive branch, so to speak."
"Offrire il ramo d'olivo, per così dire."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:593
translate it chapter_6_fcf045db:
# A "What gun did you use to hunt these?"
A "Che fucile ha usato per cacciarli?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:601
translate it chapter_6_c671ac4b:
# FD "Gun?"
FD "Fucile?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:604
translate it chapter_6_42491104:
# "My hands fold into my lap and I stare a million yards into the wall clock ahead of me."
"Le mie mani si ripiegano sulle gambe e fisso l'orologio sul muro con uno sguardo assente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:607
translate it chapter_6_f3971f3a:
# FD "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon, was it?"
FD "Quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon, giusto?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:609
translate it chapter_6_8e94e1bc:
# FD "You a big fan of golf?"
FD "Ti piace il golf?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:612
translate it chapter_6_2da59da0:
# "Naser dons a similar pose."
# FIXME Da rivedere, non sono sicuro.
"Naser si mette in una posa simile."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:615
translate it chapter_6_ab3cf23a:
# A "I’ve played minigolf before{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ho giocato a minigolf{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:618
translate it chapter_6_7a365237:
# FD "That’s a good start, a good start{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
FD "È un buon inizio, un buon inizio{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:620
translate it chapter_6_ac02598f:
# FD "Nothing beats the real thing, though."
FD "Niente può però superare il vero golf."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:622
translate it chapter_6_2452816f:
# FD "You ever play golf before, boy?"
FD "Hai mai giocato a golf fino ad ora, ragazzo?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:624
translate it chapter_6_0b45087d:
# "Don't say Wii Golf don't say Wii Golf don't say Wii golf-"
"Non dire Wii Golf non dire Wii Golf non dire Wii Golf-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:626
translate it chapter_6_8dafe945:
# A "N-no, not on a proper green before."
A "N-no, mai su un vero e proprio campo da Golf."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:629
translate it chapter_6_71126069:
# "Nailed it."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:633
translate it chapter_6_9da04f63:
# FD "Well, this is my favorite club right here.{w=.4} A 9 Iron."
FD "Beh, questa è la mia mazza preferita.{w=.4} Un ferro 9."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:635
translate it chapter_6_6b9c6684:
# "He finishes polishing the head of the club and rotates it ever so slightly so I see my reflection in the metal."
"Finisce di lucidare la testa della mazza e la gira in modo che io possa vedere il mio riflesso sul metallo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:638
translate it chapter_6_285c419e:
# FD "Now, Irons are by far the most common, and most useful out of your standard club set."
FD "Ora, i Ferri sono quelle più comuni, e le più utili del set standard."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:640
translate it chapter_6_6a3c6027:
# FD "Anywhere you need an extra{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} push{w=.4}, the Iron will do."
FD "Se hai bisogno di una mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} extra{w=.4}, il Ferro è più che sufficiente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:642
translate it chapter_6_bdb473d4:
# "His gaze makes its way from the club to me as he lays it across his lap."
"Il suo sguardo passa dalla mazza a me mentre la poggia sulle sue gambe."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:644
translate it chapter_6_1478c5b5:
# "I gulp and sink back into the couch in an attempt to hide among the cushions."
"Inghiotto della saliva e sprofondo sul divanetto cercando di nascondermi tra i cuscini."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:646
translate it chapter_6_27f33fd2:
# FD "Of course, this is all due to the solid steel construction, and your own efforts."
FD "Ovviamente, tutto questo è dovuto alla solida costruzione in acciaio, e dai propri sforzi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:648
translate it chapter_6_196712ec:
# FD "With the right quality club and technique, you can almost feel the ball {i}cleaving in twain{/i} when you strike it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
FD "Con la giusta tecnica e una mazza di buona qualità, puoi quasi sentire la pallina {i}lacerarsi in due{/i} quando la colpisci{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:650
translate it chapter_6_8ea44459:
# FD "And I assure you, Anon, that my equipment is of the highest quality, and my technique is impeccable."
FD "E posso assicurarti Anon, che il mio equipaggiamento è di ottima qualità e che la mia tecnica è impeccabile."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:663
translate it chapter_6_3f7028ce:
# "Fang’s father stands up, stepping on top of the sturdy coffee table. His club is lined up, and I can see my reflection in the impromptu ball."
"Il Padre di Fang si alza, salendo sul resistente tavolino. La sua mazza da golf è allineata, e posso intravedere il mio riflesso nella palla da golf immaginaria."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:665
translate it chapter_6_04109536:
# "With well-practiced motions he demonstrates a perfect swing in the middle of the living room."
"Con dei movimenti ben precisi dimostra uno swing perfetto nel bel mezzo del salotto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:679
translate it chapter_6_a316108c:
# "I can practically feel the air slice in half as an image of the impossibly large pteradon standing over me with the club flashes momentarily."
"Riesco praticamente a sentire l'aria tagliarsi a metà mentre un'immagine di un gigantesco pterodattilo in piedi sopra a me con la mazza da golf mi sfiora la mente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:693
translate it chapter_6_838ce112:
# "Fang’s father laughs heartily, setting the murder tool aside as he reclaims his throne."
"Il Padre di Fang ride di gusto, posando lo strumento da omicidio mentre reclama il suo trono."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:696
translate it chapter_6_89af8b69:
# N "What fine form sir!"
N "Quale ottima forma sire!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:705
translate it chapter_6_b2b9b15c:
# FM "Dear!" with vpunch
FM "Tesoro!" with vpunch
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:708
translate it chapter_6_1fa34515:
# "Fang’s father flinches."
"Il Padre di Fang trasale."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:717
translate it chapter_6_252a6cf0:
# FM "How many times have I told you about intimidating suitors! This is the first boy our little Tooth Fairy has brought home!!"
FM "Quante volte ti ho detto che non devi intimidire i corteggiatori! Questo è il primo ragazzo che la nostra piccola fatina dei dentini ha portato a casa!!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:720
translate it chapter_6_77e01a4d:
# FD "What about Reed?"
FD "E Reed?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:722
translate it chapter_6_fbe60dd1:
# "The father shrunk under the patented mother’s leer."
"Il Padre si rimpicciolisce al brevettato sguardo da madre."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:725
translate it chapter_6_61ba5231:
# FM "You know that boy isn’t right, dear."
FM "Lo sai che quel ragazzo non è adatto, tesoro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:727
translate it chapter_6_654d8a24:
# "I feel a smidgen of sympathy, but keep quiet to avoid similar treatment from her."
"Provo un leggero senso di simpatia, ma decido di rimanere in silenzio per evitare un simile trattamento da parte sua."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:733
translate it chapter_6_87001f8d:
# F "Oh my god Mom! Not in front of my friends!"
F "Oh mio dio Mamma! Non di fronte ai miei amici!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:753
translate it chapter_6_b9c73827:
# "Fang is at the foot of the stairway, frustration clear on her face."
"Fang si trova ai piedi delle scale, chiaramente frustrata."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:755
translate it chapter_6_b568f073:
# "I look to Fang with hands clasp together, silently pleading."
"Guardo Fang con le mani incrociate, pregando silenziosamente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:759
translate it chapter_6_8d8ac0e2:
# N "Oh! Are you ready for your date now?"
N "Oh! Siete pronti per il vostro appuntamento adesso?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:773
translate it chapter_6_931916a4:
# "I lurch in my seat at that."
"Barcollo dalla sedia sentendo ciò."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:775
translate it chapter_6_2a5455e6:
# A "Ah, nah nah!{w} {cps=*.4}We’re just-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "Ah, no no!{w} {cps=*.4}Stiamo solo-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:778
translate it chapter_6_c0b2c1b6:
# F "N-no! We need to find a venue!"
F "N-no! Dobbiamo trovare un posto per esibirci!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:781
translate it chapter_6_308c30e2:
# FM "Just you two though?"
FM "Solo voi due?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:786
translate it chapter_6_8c53126d:
# "Oh god no.{w=.4} Please, Raptor Jesus, I promise I’ll sacrifice a goat if you end this."
"Oddio no.{w=.4} Ti prego, Gesù Raptor, sacrificherò una capra se farai finire quest'agonia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:790
translate it chapter_6_90e96b8c:
# N "Why don’t we have a double date then!"
N "Perché non avere un doppio appuntamento allora!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:793
translate it chapter_6_0c5687da:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}God, why have you abandoned me{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dio, perché mi hai abbandonato{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:795
translate it chapter_6_750a8405:
# "Buddha be a bro please!"
"Buddha sii un fra per favore!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:800
translate it chapter_6_2c64de8e:
# FM "I agree! Naser and Naomi can accompany you!"
FM "Sono d'accordo! Naser e Naomi possono accompagnarvi!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:804
translate it chapter_6_46ccc247:
# "{cps=*2}I am going to personally commit mass deicide.{/cps}"
"{cps=*2}Sto per commettere un deicidio di massa..{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:808
translate it chapter_6_bb70b84b:
# FD "I agree."
FD "Sono d'accordo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:810
translate it chapter_6_5e787fd7:
# "He looks me dead in the eyes."
"Lui mi guarda dritto negli occhi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:813
translate it chapter_6_7ccba063:
# FD "More people means you’re less likely to do something reckless, after all."
FD "Più persone significa meno possibilità di fare cose avventate, dopo tutto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:817
translate it chapter_6_5840cbef:
# Nas "I dunno, I don’t think Fang would appreciate-"
Nas "Non so, non credo che Fang apprezzerebbe-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:834
translate it chapter_6_c36b42c2:
# "Fang’s father puts his arm around Nasers’ shoulder and pulls him aside."
"Il Padre di Fang mette il suo braccio attorno alle spalle di Naser e lo tira da parte."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:837
translate it chapter_6_978d5528:
# FM "You’d love going with your brother, right Fang?"
FM "Ti piacerebbe andare con tuo fratello, vero Fang?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:840
translate it chapter_6_a3b8433c:
# F "Absolutely not."
F "Assolutamente no."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:842
translate it chapter_6_887a6605:
# F "I’m perfectly able to find somewhere to play without anyone’s help."
F "Sono perfettamente in grado di trovare un posto per esibirmi senza l'aiuto di nessuno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:844
translate it chapter_6_73affe01:
# F "Especially his."
F "Specialmente di Naser."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:849
translate it chapter_6_64b832e3:
# FM "Come now, how many opportunities in your youth will you get to spend time all together like this?"
FM "Dai su, quante opportunità avrete nella vostra gioventù per passare del tempo tutti insieme?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:852
translate it chapter_6_ed572308:
# F "Hopefully none."
F "Spero nessuna."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:858
translate it chapter_6_ed71a24a:
# FM "{cps=*.2}Aww,{/cps} but you used to {i}always{/i} spend time with little Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
FM "{cps=*.2}Aww,{/cps} ma tempo fa eri {i}sempre{/i} solita spendere tempo con il piccolo Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:860
translate it chapter_6_a4ef69a2:
# "Her eyes gloss over again."
"I suoi occhi si velano ancora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:865
translate it chapter_6_d4877c0c:
# FM "Like all those times you used to bathe together."
FM "Come tutte le volte che facevate il bagnetto insieme."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:876
translate it chapter_6_59d96356:
# F "{i}Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!{/i}"
F "{i}Mammaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!{/i}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:879
translate it chapter_6_88447976:
# "Fang’s Father gives a loud pat on Naser’s back and he returns to the conversation."
"Il Padre di Fang da una bella pacca sulla schiena a Naser e ritorna alla nostra conversazione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:891
translate it chapter_6_6141f3cc:
# Nas "Yes, I think a group date is an {w=.2}{i}excellent{/i}{w=.1} idea."
Nas "Sì, penso che un appuntamento di gruppo sia un'idea {w=.2}{i}eccellente{/i}."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:895
translate it chapter_6_26f61bbe:
# Nas "We should {i}all{/i} go together."
Nas "Dovremmo andare {i}tutti insieme{/i}."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:898
translate it chapter_6_2537eb39:
# "Naser’s shaking like a leaf in a monsoon in the middle of an earthquake with a meteor hanging overhead."
"Naser sta tremando come una foglia durante un monsone nel bel mezzo di un terremoto sul punto d'impatto di un meteorite prossimo ad abbattersi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:901
translate it chapter_6_b0da35c4:
# F "It’s not happening."
F "Non se ne parla proprio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:910
translate it chapter_6_8eca6d28:
# FD "It is."
FD "E invece sì."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:913
translate it chapter_6_878a0501:
# "Fang and her dad lock eyes."
"Fang e suo Padre cominciano a squadrarsi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:921
translate it chapter_6_9d58f154:
# "The tension in the room mounts as the staredown draws on."
"La tensione sale alle stelle mentre i due continuano a fissarsi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:924
translate it chapter_6_625d2569:
# "The moment long eternity finally ends though."
"L'eterno momento finalmente finisce."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:926
translate it chapter_6_d71e3701:
# "Eventually Fang flops her head back in defeat."
"Eventualmente Fang tira la testa all'indietro in segno di sconfitta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:933
translate it chapter_6_55e7c779:
# F "Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffine."
F "Vaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbè."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:939
translate it chapter_6_dd8a68d3:
# F "Let’s just get out of here, Anon."
F "Andiamocene da qui, Anon."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:942
translate it chapter_6_b133de29:
# "Gladly."
"Con piacere."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:955
translate it chapter_6_d90dd03e:
# "Naomi gives a little cheer and tugs the still catatonic Naser by the arm out the door."
# Povero Naser... Il fra...
"Naomi esulta leggermente e trascina per il braccio un Naser in stato ancora catatonico fuori dalla porta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:964
translate it chapter_6_09e97d5c:
# "I give a polite goodbye to Fang’s Mother."
"Saluto con educazione la Madre di Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:966
translate it chapter_6_3ca1c3f4:
# "I extend a hand to Fang’s father and-"
"Estendo la mano al Padre di Fang e-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:969
translate it chapter_6_5bc7627c:
# "The eight bones of my palm are squeezed together, being ground into dust under the immense strength."
"Le otto ossa del mio palmo vengono strizzate e polverizzate sotto l'estrema pressione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:971
translate it chapter_6_d9920192:
# "The five bones joining my fingers to my palm threaten to splinter from the powerful grip."
"Le cinque ossa che collegano le mie dita al palmo della mia mano cercano di sfuggire alla potente presa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:973
translate it chapter_6_1456cb0a:
# "The rest of my bones in my hand try to separate from the vicious shake that Fang’s father ends it with."
"Le ossa rimanenti della mia mano cercano di nuovo di liberarsi dalla feroce stretta di mano con cui conclude il Padre di Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:976
translate it chapter_6_ade5705a:
# "By the time I get outside everyone else is getting into the fancy and beat up car from before."
"Quando esco fuori trovo tutti quanti che stanno entrando nell'elegante e scassata macchina di prima."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:978
translate it chapter_6_1a7f6d07:
# "Guess it was Naser's."
"Allora era di Naser."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:984
translate it chapter_6_9ae770e6:
# N "Come on, Naser! The day is still young!"
N "Andiamo, Naser! La giornata non è ancora finita!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:986
translate it chapter_6_68e45e2a:
# "Naser, still mentally fried, is being goaded by Naomi into driving to the city."
"Naser, ancora scombussolato, viene incitato da Naomi nel guidare verso la città."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:988
translate it chapter_6_cc94b58d:
# "Eventually, he robotically enters the driver's seat."
"Alla fine, raggiunge roboticamente il posto di guida."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:991
translate it chapter_6_78731910:
# "Naomi ecstatically shoots into the shotgun seat."
"Naomi si fionda sul posto del passeggero."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:993
translate it chapter_6_2c6d864f:
# "Fang and I take the back seats."
"Fang ed io ci sediamo di dietro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1001
translate it chapter_6_43a5bc1c:
# "Now that we’re getting this shitshow on the road, I should probably clarify with Fang about precisely what sort of venue she wants."
"Ora che stiamo per marciare verso l'inferno, dovrei chiarire precisamente con Fang che tipo di posto cerca."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1003
translate it chapter_6_7018da1a:
# "The split second I move my hand towards Fang to ask Naser chucks his jacket between us with lightning speed."
"Nella frazione di secondo che muovo la mano verso Fang, Naser getta con velocità fulminea il suo giacchetto tra di noi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1005
translate it chapter_6_05ff1b7b:
# Nas "{i}Whups{/i}, look out back there! Haha!"
Nas "{i}Ops{/i}, attenti lì dietro! Ahah!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1008
translate it chapter_6_02f258e5:
# "The look of pants-shitting fear on his face betrays his jovial tone."
"Il suo sguardo fottutamente terrorizzato contraddice il suo tono gioviale."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1010
translate it chapter_6_2c024432:
# "Poor guy."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1013
translate it chapter_6_9fa77e5a:
# A "A-anyways, Fang."
A "Q-quindi, Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1015
translate it chapter_6_83309f92:
# "She looks over."
"Lei mi guarda."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1017
translate it chapter_6_0ee26d5a:
# A "What sort of place are we supposed to be looking for?"
A "Che tipo di posto stiamo cercando?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1020
translate it chapter_6_b858778d:
# "Fang looks away for a minute with a finger under the end of her beak."
"Fang distoglie lo sguardo per un minuto con un dito sotto la punta del suo becco."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1022
translate it chapter_6_99e9aeff:
# "Is that supposed to be a thinking pose?"
"Quella dovrebbe essere una posa da pensatrice?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1025
translate it chapter_6_bbb0bb0b:
# F "Some wide open space where people can stand or sit."
F "Un grande spazio aperto dove le persone possono stare in piedi o sedersi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1027
translate it chapter_6_b35412b7:
# F "Preferably with a mosh pit."
F "Preferibilmente con un mosh pit."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1030
translate it chapter_6_26835ec3:
# N "Oh, I know lots of places like that!"
N "Oh, conosco tanti posti come quello!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1032
translate it chapter_6_81027d65:
# A "Where?"
A "Dove?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1034
translate it chapter_6_f62c4499:
# N "They’re at the Gold Fern Galleria in the downtown shopping district!"
N "Si trovano tutti alla Galleria Gold Fern del quartiere commerciale!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1037
translate it chapter_6_e7b51dc4:
# F "No."
F "No."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1040
translate it chapter_6_3aa8d07d:
# N "Why ever not?"
N "Perché no?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1042
translate it chapter_6_77d50411:
# F "I’m not going to play around the ritzy area."
F "Non mi esibirò in quel posto da elegantoni."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1044
translate it chapter_6_9e20fc24:
# F "There’s more stuck up assholes there than at school!"
F "Ci sono più stronzi arroganti lì che a scuola!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1046
translate it chapter_6_93f53d9c:
# "Naomi shrugs and turns back to Naser."
"Naomi fa spallucce e torna a parlare con Naser."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1049
translate it chapter_6_a1c72f9f:
# N "In that case, we should just park in the middle of the city and work our way around."
N "A questo punto, dovremmo parcheggiare in mezzo la città e partire da lì."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1051
translate it chapter_6_cb2735b7:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sure. That’s fine."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Per me va bene."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1053
translate it chapter_6_a00f4bd5:
# N "What do you think, Anon?"
N "Che ne pensi, Anon?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1055
translate it chapter_6_f80be5c8:
# "I look at Fang. She’s preoccupied with watching the buildings fly past us."
"Guardo Fang. È preoccupata a guardare gli edifici che stiamo passando."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1058
translate it chapter_6_8619f2c6:
# "I shrug."
"Faccio spallucce."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1060
translate it chapter_6_d3044bc6:
# N "Alright then, to the city we go!"
N "Bene allora, andiamo verso il centro!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1063
translate it chapter_6_c4a65768:
# "Naomi turns the radio on, shattering my ears with the most nauseatingly upbeat love-song on max volume."
"Naomi accende la radio, disintegrando le mie orecchie con la più nauseante e movimentata canzone d'amore che io abbia mai sentito."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1065
translate it chapter_6_e111421f:
# "I’m left to retch as the song violates my virgin ears with it’s too-cheery tune."
"Stringo i denti mentre la canzone stupra le mie orecchie vergini col suo tono extra-dolciastro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1084
translate it chapter_6_6adfd1a1:
# "In the city proper now I find myself with a new dilemma."
"Dopo che siamo arrivati in città mi trovo davanti a un nuovo dilemma."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1087
translate it chapter_6_638fe137:
# "The group slowly makes its way down the sidewalk."
"Il gruppo si fa strada piano piano sul marciapiede."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1089
translate it chapter_6_11d059c0:
# "Naser walks ahead and continues to look back at me, his expression anxious and worried."
"Naser cammina davanti a noi continuando a guardarmi con un espressione ansiosa e preoccupata."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1091
translate it chapter_6_1ef6711b:
# "Fang refuses to speak and gives everyone and everything a vicious sneer."
"Fang si rifiuta di parlare e sogghigna a tutto e tutti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1093
translate it chapter_6_1c65fbc2:
# "And Naomi just."
"E Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1095
translate it chapter_6_4589c200:
# "Won’t."
"Non vuole."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1097
translate it chapter_6_2dffed7f:
# "Shut the fuck up."
"Chiudere quella cazzo di bocca."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1101
translate it chapter_6_020b7dc2:
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1103
translate it chapter_6_a0fbf57a:
# "God this marmalade monster needs to die."
"Dio questo mostro di marmellata agli agrumi deve morire."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1106
translate it chapter_6_1425049a:
# N "OH.{w=.3} MY.{w=.3} GOSH!{w=.5} {nw}"
N "OH.{w=.3} MIO.{w=.3} DIO!{w=.5} {nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1111
translate it chapter_6_ae0ddd81:
# extend "It’s PERFECT!"
extend "È PERFETTO!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1114
translate it chapter_6_560c0881:
# "Naomi stops the group before a large glass window. Past it is a large open room sparsely filled with miniscule round tables with candelabras set atop them."
"Naomi ferma il gruppo vicino a una grande vetrata. Dentro c'è una grande sala con dei piccoli tavolini rotondi con dei candelabri sopra di essi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1118
translate it chapter_6_68aca106:
# Nas "Isn’t this a bit too{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Questo posto sembra troppo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1120
translate it chapter_6_15f266c7:
# "Ostentatious."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1123
translate it chapter_6_2e79ec92:
# F "Gaudy."
F "Pacchiano."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1128
translate it chapter_6_2c4aac79:
# N "No way!{w=.4} It’s wide open!{w=.4} The tables can be rearranged to provide ample room for your audience!"
N "Ma no!{w=.4} È così spazioso!{w=.4} I tavolini si possono sistemare per avere un ampio spazio per il vostro pubblico!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1134
translate it chapter_6_120b6606:
# "Fang looks unimpressed."
"Fang non sembra impressionata."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1137
translate it chapter_6_028a22b9:
# N "Come on, let’s go ask!"
N "Andiamo a chiedere!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1154
translate it chapter_6_dab385d2:
# "The saurolophus wraps her arms around Naser’s and bodily drags him to the entrance."
"Il saurolofo avvolge le braccia attorno a Naser e lo trascina all'entrata."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1157
translate it chapter_6_2bf4cb3e:
# F "Fuck me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Che cazzo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1160
translate it chapter_6_48ebb7d7:
# "Shutthefuckupbrain."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1163
translate it chapter_6_6c9de956:
# A "Ten dollars we get kicked out."
A "Dieci dollari che veniamo cacciati via."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1166
translate it chapter_6_9c4c0bc0:
# F "No deal. You’re stating an inevitability, not a possibility."
F "Te lo puoi scordare. Stai esprimendo una certezza, non una possibilità."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1175
translate it chapter_6_5f507094:
# "We follow behind the pair to find Naomi pestering the Maitre D’ for possible arrangements, cringing as the poor man just stares off into the middle distance while Naomi prattles on obliviously."
"Seguiamo la coppia per trovarci davanti Naomi che rompe le scatole al Maitre su come sistemare il tutto, cringiando mentre il povero signore guarda l'orizzonte mentre Naomi parla a manetta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1177
translate it chapter_6_b5890206:
# N "-And if possible could you include maybe a dinner ticket option for-"
N "-E sarebbe possibile includere un biglietto per la cena opzionale-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1179
translate it chapter_6_53feaa6f:
# "The Maitre D’ looks towards us, or rather Fang, and scowls."
"Il Maitre si volta verso di noi, o meglio verso Fang, e ci guarda storto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1182
translate it chapter_6_f04da1a2:
# MaitD "Our esteemed establishment caters exclusively to those with an appreciation for fine culture, culinary and otherwise."
MaitD "Il nostro prestigioso ristorante è riservato esclusivamente a chi apprezza la cultura fine, culinaria e quant'altro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1184
translate it chapter_6_faa8f466:
# MaitD "Might I recommend that you vacate the premises at once, or will you be requiring an escort?"
MaitD "Posso consigliarvi di liberare il locale, oppure richiedete di essere scortati via?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1195
translate it chapter_6_d6f78b3d:
# A "Where’s my ten bucks?"
A "Dove stanno i miei dieci verdoni?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1198
translate it chapter_6_dadaa359:
# F "Up your ass, I told you no deal."
F "Su per il tuo culo, te l'ho detto che non ci avrei scommesso."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1201
translate it chapter_6_40c64172:
# "Naser tugs a bit at Naomi’s arm, and she stomps back to the entrance in a huff with him following."
"Naser strattona un po' il braccio di Naomi, e lei torna indietro all'entrata sbuffando con lui che la segue."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1217
translate it chapter_6_33d474f8:
# N "Hmph!{w=.4} Fang, I’ve decided this place isn’t good enough!"
N "Hmph!{w=.4} Fang, ho deciso che questo posto non è adatto!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1220
translate it chapter_6_42a2686c:
# "Sure."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1223
translate it chapter_6_8985e116:
# Nas "Don’t be mad Naomi, he isn’t worth getting upset about."
Nas "Non ti arrabbiare Naomi, non ne vale la pena."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1230
translate it chapter_6_60eabb0f:
# F "Nah, he’s worth it. If it were me and the band they’d have one less tire on all their cars."
F "E invece si che ne vale. Se fosse per me e la band, avrei fatto in modo che tutte le loro macchine avessero una ruota in meno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1233
translate it chapter_6_4ccb06f6:
# "Naser raises an eyebrow back at Fang."
"Naser alza il sopracciglio a Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1238
translate it chapter_6_f580b0e0:
# "She responds with a smirk and a middle finger."
"Lei risponde con un sorrisetto e il dito medio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1248
translate it chapter_6_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1268
translate it chapter_6_1987b132:
# "We’ve been searching for a place for at least two hours now."
"Sono due ore che stiamo cercando un posto per l'esibizione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1270
translate it chapter_6_5489d589:
# "Fang is barely holding herself together, judging from her angry muttering."
"Fang si sta a malapena trattenendo, a giudicare dal suo borbottio incazzato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1273
translate it chapter_6_3d5d6fa4:
# "A lot of muttering. Mostly including words like murder, knives, and particular genitals as pin cushions, with profanity taking up a good half of what escaped her beak."
"Tanto borbottio. Più che altro include parole tipo omicidio, coltelli, e particolari genitali come puntaspilli, con profanità che compongono la metà di quello che è uscito dal suo becco."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1275
translate it chapter_6_af9bd419:
# "I could see a blood vessel throbbing on her temple. This didn’t look good."
"Riesco a vedere una vena palpitante sulla sua tempia. Non va bene."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1278
translate it chapter_6_f582ca44:
# "I position myself slightly behind Fang, putting her between me and Naomi."
"Mi posiziono quasi vicino a Fang, mettendomi in mezzo a lei e Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1281
translate it chapter_6_4ff1523b:
# A "Hey Naomi, I got an idea!"
A "Ehi Naomi, ho un idea!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1286
translate it chapter_6_1eb4b4c0:
# "Naomi spins on her heel towards the sound of my voice, and the giant grin on her stupid snout stiffens as she sees Fang’s looming aneurysm."
"Naomi fa una piroetta sul suo tacco verso di me al suono della mia voce, e il suo gigantesco sorriso sul suo stupido muso si irrigidisce vedendo Fang sull'orlo di avere un aneurisma."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1292
translate it chapter_6_52acf863:
# N "Maybe we should take a little break."
N "Forse dovremmo prenderci una pausa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1294
translate it chapter_6_f1638dc1_3:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1296
translate it chapter_6_877224b4:
# "Luckily there’s a small park nearby."
"Fortunatamente c'è un parco vicino."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1313
translate it chapter_6_27183b0b:
# "The four of us grab some drinks from a vending machine."
"Prendiamo tutti e quattro dei drink da un distributore automatico."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1315
translate it chapter_6_73b24a48:
# "Fang and I grab a knockoff brand of soda, Naomi got a bottle of water, and Naser bought a sports drink."
"Fang ed io prendiamo una soda farlocca, Naomi una bottiglietta d'acqua e Naser una bevanda energizzante."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1318
translate it chapter_6_33eb0077:
# "We’re lucky to find an unoccupied picnic table with some shade, because the afternoon sun has turned the cool day into a sweltering hot one."
"Abbiamo avuto la fortuna di aver trovato un tavolo da picnic libero con un po' d'ombra poiché siamo passati da una fresca mattina a un pomeriggio con caldo bestiale."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1320
translate it chapter_6_51f51321:
# "Thank you, coastal weather."
"Grazie mille, clima marittimo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1323
translate it chapter_6_f1d426e0:
# "We sit in near silence aside from Naser's audible chugging of his sports drink."
"Ci sediamo nel silenzio più profondo a parte per Naser che si sta scolando la bevanda energetica."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1325
translate it chapter_6_72a841fa:
# "He crushes the bottle in one hand and tosses it into a trash can five yards away."
"Stropiccia la bottiglia con una sola mano e fa canestro in un cestino a cinque metri di distanza."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1329
translate it chapter_6_4aa8ff62:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Then looks to us with the smuggest grin to ever be seen on a beak."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Per poi voltarsi verso di noi col sorriso più compiaciuto che un becco possa fare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1332
translate it chapter_6_f0771bff:
# A "Showoff."
A "Che esibizionista."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1334
translate it chapter_6_fc4c7e1e:
# Nas "Yes."
Nas "Sì."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1339
translate it chapter_6_b1096d70:
# N "Great shot, Naser!"
N "Ottimo colpo, Naser!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1343
translate it chapter_6_05bad0ee:
# Nas "Of course it was, babe."
Nas "Ovvio che sì, dolcezza."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1345
translate it chapter_6_f1ee24c6:
# "Fang mock retches into the grass."
"Fang fa finta di vomitare sull'erba."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1351
translate it chapter_6_6a2ce8b8:
# Nas "At any rate, I need to drain the snake."
Nas "A ogni modo, devo svuotare il mio pitone."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1354
translate it chapter_6_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1357
translate it chapter_6_fc887f3c:
# "Naser turns and gives a brief wave back to us, and makes his way to the public restroom on the other side of the park."
"Naser si allontana salutandoci al volo e si fa strada verso i bagni pubblici dall'altra parte del parco."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1368
translate it chapter_6_6da87c27:
# N "Aww, his double-entendres are always so clever!"
N "Ahh, i suoi doppi-sensi sono sempre così ingegnosi!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1370
translate it chapter_6_e109340b:
# "Fang slaps a hand over her eyes."
"Fang si tira una mano sugli occhi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1374
translate it chapter_6_6839b077:
# F "I need to go too."
F "Devo andare anch'io."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1376
translate it chapter_6_a85dcdb7:
# N "Why? Something the matter?"
N "Come mai? C'è qualcosa che non va?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1379
translate it chapter_6_3db5c3b5:
# F "Monthly problems."
F "Problemi mensili."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1382
translate it chapter_6_a9f465b6:
# N "Do you have everything you need?"
N "Hai tutto a portata di mano?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1384
translate it chapter_6_5c068b7d:
# N "I have some extras stocked!"
N "Io ne ho un bel po'!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1386
translate it chapter_6_fdf69e2c:
# N "I have regular, plastic, scented{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Regolari, di plastica, profumati{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1388
translate it chapter_6_53da6505:
# N "Oh, {cps=*.5}what diameter do-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
N "Oh, {cps=*.5}di che diametro ti-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1391
translate it chapter_6_34798eac:
# F "Shut up now."
F "Stai zitta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1404
translate it chapter_6_eee08c39:
# "Fang stomps away to the bathroom, leaving just the apricot asspain{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Fang si fa strada verso i bagni, lasciando solo l'assillante albicocca{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1408
translate it chapter_6_55fdd502:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And me."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}E il sottoscritto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1413
translate it chapter_6_1d6dac46:
# N "Do you need to use the restroom as well, Anon?"
N "Devi andare anche tu al bagno, Anon?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1416
translate it chapter_6_9ad8fb9a:
# "How tempting."
"Molto allettante."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1418
translate it chapter_6_32eec0b5:
# A "Well,{w=.3} now that you mention it,{w=.4} I-{w=.4}{nw}"
A "Beh,{w=.3} ora che mi ci fai pensare,{w=.4} Io-{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1424
translate it chapter_6_a468a2f0:
# N "Since it’s just the two of us, I’ve been wanting to ask for a while."
N "Visto che siamo solo noi due, è da un po' che te lo volevo chiedere."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1426
translate it chapter_6_c89c9597:
# N "How have things been going with Fang?{w=.4} Has she been well?{w=.4} Is there anything wrong?"
N "Come sta andando con Fang?{w=.4} Sta bene?{w=.4} C'è qualcosa che non quadra?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1430
translate it chapter_6_86bc5197:
# A "Shouldn’t Naser know?"
A "Queste cose non dovrebbe saperle Naser?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1433
translate it chapter_6_5fdb7763:
# N "Yes, Naser knows, but I figure I’d ask you as well."
N "Si, Naser lo sa, ma ho pensato di chiedere anche a te."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1436
translate it chapter_6_ccdb1a34:
# N "Since the two of you spend so much time together and all."
N "Visto che voi due state passando così tanto tempo insieme."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1440
translate it chapter_6_293bb2f1:
# N "I hear Naser talking all the time about how worried he is for Fang."
N "Sento sempre Naser parlare di quanto sia preoccupato per Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1442
translate it chapter_6_bcc82d2d:
# N "He’s such a good brother, isn’t he?"
N "È davvero un ottimo fratello, non trovi?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1445
translate it chapter_6_7605ed11:
# "I’m just going to start filtering her."
"Comincio a filtrare ciò che sta dicendo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1448
translate it chapter_6_262fbdbb:
# N "I just get so worried for her sometimes, too."
N "È solo che mi preoccupo anche per lei, talvolta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1450
translate it chapter_6_ac3a952c:
# N "Fang can just be so anti-social, you know?"
N "Fang può essere così asociale, non credi?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1452
translate it chapter_6_c17bfbea:
# N "And she’s always avoiding me."
N "E mi evita in continuazione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1455
translate it chapter_6_fdc77684:
# N "I never can get a read on how she feels."
N "Non riesco mai a capire cosa le passa per la testa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1458
translate it chapter_6_07903398:
# N "Like when she was feeling upset a month or so ago."
N "Tipo quando era turbata un mesetto fà circa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1460
translate it chapter_6_d4757286:
# N "Or just after that concert she gave after winter break."
N "Oppure dopo quel concerto che lei ha tenuto dopo le vacanze invernali."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1464
translate it chapter_6_71846403:
# "Wait."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1466
translate it chapter_6_ba8717cb:
# "Rewind a bit."
"Riavvolgi il nastro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1468
translate it chapter_6_ceec62a7:
# A "How’d you know about how Fang felt sad a month ago?"
A "Come facevi a sapere che Fang era triste un mese fa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1471
translate it chapter_6_f0f2e63a:
# N "Oh, Naser told me!"
N "Oh, me lo ha detto Naser!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1474
translate it chapter_6_f1638dc1_4:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1476
translate it chapter_6_20c44a14:
# "The fuck is up with her?"
"Ma che cazzo vuole questa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1479
translate it chapter_6_a1fa7f6f:
# A "Then why ask me?"
A "Allora perché lo chiedi a me?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1482
translate it chapter_6_f3424ffc:
# N "You keep on asking that question!"
N "Continui a farmi quella domanda!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1484
translate it chapter_6_1a49d7df:
# A "You keep on dodging that question."
A "E tu continui a evitarla."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1487
translate it chapter_6_8d4472ea:
# N "Hm? What am I dodging?"
N "Hm? Cosa sto evitando?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1490
translate it chapter_6_ea249606:
# A "Fang clearly doesn’t like you, you say so yourself."
A "Non piaci a Fang, lo stai dicendo tu."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1492
translate it chapter_6_e448b483:
# A "Yet you keep asking me about her."
A "Eppure stai chiedendo a me di lei."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1494
translate it chapter_6_17ea44cf:
# A "When you can just go to Naser."
A "Quando puoi chiedere a Naser."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1496
translate it chapter_6_b2a4c803:
# A "Fang is his sister after all."
A "Fang è sua sorella dopotutto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1499
translate it chapter_6_1a49304f:
# N "O-of course! It’s just I’d like to hear from you about her!"
N "M-ma certo! È solo che volevo sapere di lei da te!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1502
translate it chapter_6_a44b2438:
# A "Why me though? I don’t know anything about her, Naser knows Fang way better than I do."
A "Ma perché io? Non so nulla di lei, Naser conosce Fang molto meglio di me."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1507
translate it chapter_6_63475577:
# N "Because you two have been getting so close!{w=.4}{nw} "
N "Perché voi due state diventando così vicini!{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1511
translate it chapter_6_4fb2304b:
# extend "You’re even on a date right now Anon!"
extend "State nel bel mezzo di un appuntamento, Anon!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1515
translate it chapter_6_adfa20c9:
# "Naomi’s pupils dilate and her eyes dance away from me."
"Le pupille di Naomi si dilatano e i suoi occhi smettono di guardarmi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1517
translate it chapter_6_d51f7f18:
# N "In fact, you two make the cutest couple. {cps=*.3}Hahaha.{/cps}"
N "In effetti, siete proprio una bella coppietta. {cps=*.3}Ahahah.{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1520
translate it chapter_6_714f4d4f:
# "It’s the first time Naomi’s looked anything other than happy."
"È la prima volta che vedo Naomi essere tutt'altro che felice."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1526
translate it chapter_6_c3833cab:
# A "Are you up to something?"
A "Stai tramando qualcosa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1533
translate it chapter_6_97fb795f:
# N "Why would I ever be up to something?"
N "Perché mai dovrei tramare qualcosa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1535
translate it chapter_6_f7c846d5:
# A "Because you’re not making any sense."
A "Perché come ti stai comportando non ha senso."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1540
translate it chapter_6_324288df:
# A "Naser knows her better than anyone else."
A "Naser la conosce meglio di chiunque altro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1542
translate it chapter_6_e4a2760b:
# A "But every time we talk you bring Fang up."
A "Ma ogni volta che parliamo tu metti in mezzo Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1545
translate it chapter_6_86d10fa4:
# A "Why?"
A "Perché?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1550
translate it chapter_6_54ee34a9:
# N "I have every reason to care!"
N "Ho tutte le ragioni per interessarmi!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1552
translate it chapter_6_86d10fa4_1:
# A "Why?"
A "Perché?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1555
translate it chapter_6_965ebefb:
# N "{cps=*.4}Because-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
N "{cps=*.4}Perché-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1559
translate it chapter_6_f0e44486:
# A "Why?!"
A "Perché?!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1564
translate it chapter_6_4615a976:
# N "Because Naser wants to make Fang happy! {w=.7}{nw}"
N "Perché Naser vuole rendere Fang felice! {w=.7}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1566
translate it chapter_6_aedbfd31:
# extend "A-and so do I, of course! Ahahahaha!"
extend "E-e anche io, ovviamente! Ahahahah!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1576
translate it chapter_6_06fb6c3d:
# "Naomi’s laugh is hollow."
"La risata di Naomi è vuota."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1578
translate it chapter_6_86845b29:
# "Her eyes shifting side to side."
"I suoi occhi balzano da una parte all'altra."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1582
translate it chapter_6_3458cd20:
# N "I was only doing what I thought was best for both her and you, Anon."
N "Stavo solo facendo ciò che pensavo fosse più giusto per te e lei, Anon."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1588
translate it chapter_6_71846403_1:
# "Wait."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1592
translate it chapter_6_5003a531:
# N "The first time I saw you, sitting on your own on that dirty old bench."
N "La prima volta che ti ho visto eri seduto per i fatti tuoi su quella vecchia e sporca panchina."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1594
translate it chapter_6_6eaceb52:
# N "You looked like you needed someone to lean on."
N "Sembrava che avessi bisogno di qualcuno a cui appoggiarti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1598
translate it chapter_6_7a357e7d:
# "No{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1601
translate it chapter_6_9865ab11:
# N "And with Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "E con Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1604
translate it chapter_6_18b98aad:
# "I think back to all the times that the beige bitch had asked me about Fang."
"Ripenso a tutte le volte che la battona beige ha chiesto di Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1607
translate it chapter_6_b995828e:
# N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"What a great opportunity for real friendship Anon!{w=.4} I’m so happy for you!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Che ottima opportunità per una vera amicizia Anon!{w=.4} Sono così contenta per te!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1609
translate it chapter_6_8b8b657d:
# Nas "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"...?\"{/i}{/alpha}"
Nas "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"...?\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1611
translate it chapter_6_ba1c0de6:
# A "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"...?\"{/i}{/alpha}"
A "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"...?\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1613
translate it chapter_6_8a8b9682:
# N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"If there’s anything Fang needs in these trying times, it’s a new friend to talk to!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Se c'è qualcosa di cui Fang ha bisogno in questi brutti momenti, è un nuovo amico col quale parlare!\"{/i}{/alpha}\""
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1616
translate it chapter_6_9ea6c30f:
# "{cps=*.3}This entire time.{/cps}"
"{cps=*.3}Per tutto questo tempo.{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1620
translate it chapter_6_46c97101:
# N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Wasn't that Naser's sister?{w=.4} How wonderful that you're making friends, Anon!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.75}Era la sorella di Naser? Che bello che tu ti stia facendo degli amici, Anon!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1622
translate it chapter_6_4cc2b90d:
# N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Tell me everything!{w=.4} What were you and Fang talking about?\"{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Raccontami tutto! Di cosa stavate parlando te e Fang?\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1624
translate it chapter_6_c873cfd1:
# N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"I wanna know all about it!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Voglio sapere tutto!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1627
translate it chapter_6_92892002:
# "{i}Fuck{/i}, how didn’t I notice?"
"{i}Cazzo{/i}, come ho fatto a non accorgermene?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1630
translate it chapter_6_6e28b65d:
# N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Sorry, but I did help Anon pick his electives.\"{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Scusa, però sono stata io ad aiutare Anon con le materie opzionali.\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1632
translate it chapter_6_8ac9cea4:
# N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Oh! What if you asked Fang for help?{w=.4} I’m sure she’d lend a hand!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
N "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Oh! Perché non chiedi a Fang di aiutarti?{w=.4} Sono sicura che ti darà una mano!\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1635
translate it chapter_6_3e84b4e3:
# "{cps=*.3}That fucking{/cps}{w=.2} {i}bitch{/i}."
"{cps=*.3}Questa cazzo di{/cps}{w=.2} {i}puttana{/i}."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1641
translate it chapter_6_98ffc729:
# Sp "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"You can thank Naomi that you got off with campus beautification.\"{/i}{/alpha}"
Sp "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Puoi ringraziare Naomi che te la sei cavata solo con l'abbellimento del campus.\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1643
translate it chapter_6_94fd6a83:
# Sp "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"She was quite adamant that it would be more constructive than homeroom detention.\"{/i}{/alpha}"
Sp "{alpha=0.75}{i}\"Era molto ostinata sul fatto che sarebbe stato più costruttivo dell'aula punizione.\"{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1646
translate it chapter_6_17eb5740:
# "This entire time she’s been pushing me closer to Fang."
"Per tutto questo tempo lei mi ha fatto avvicinare sempre di più a Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1648
translate it chapter_6_1d007823:
# "I must be the biggest fucking idiot."
"Devo essere proprio il re dei coglioni."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1652
translate it chapter_6_531a9ffd:
# N "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon? You’ve been spacing out."
N "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Anon? Stai sognando a occhi aperti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1657
translate it chapter_6_53f3fa2f:
# "{b}She played me like a god damned fiddle.{/b}"
"{b}Mi sono fatto raggirare come un pivellino!{/b}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1671
translate it chapter_6_436c8ac4:
# Nas "Did I miss something?"
Nas "Mi sono perso qualcosa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1674
translate it chapter_6_66f6beb5:
# "I look to Naser, who’s completely clueless to what Naomi has been doing for the past month."
"Guardo Naser, il quale è totalmente all'oscuro di ciò che Naomi ha fatto per tutto questo mese fino a oggi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1676
translate it chapter_6_4b4915e5:
# "Just like I was."
"Come lo sono stato io."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1679
translate it chapter_6_04002087:
# "What would he do in this situation?"
"Cosa farebbe lui in questa situazione?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1681
translate it chapter_6_b516e066:
# "He’s the boyscout here after all."
"È lui il boyscout qui dopo tutto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1684
translate it chapter_6_3de84bbd:
# "Fitting that the moral compass has a literal compass for a head."
"Proprio conveniente che la bussola morale ha letteralmente una bussola come testa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1688
translate it chapter_6_002952fb:
# "I’m part of someone else’s plan."
"Faccio parte del piano di un'altra persona."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1690
translate it chapter_6_50d2456d:
# "Nothing I’ve done in the last several months was a conclusion reached on my own."
"Nessuna delle decisioni che ho preso in questi mesi è stata di mia spontanea volontà."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1693
translate it chapter_6_15652a88:
# "Are my feelings for Fang also just a tool for Naomi?"
"Anche i miei sentimenti per Fang sono solo uno strumento per Naomi?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1696
translate it chapter_6_6c2d4832:
# "What do I even do here?"
"Che cosa dovrei fare?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1710
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_65e4f1dc:
# "I need to get away from here,{w=.4} fast."
"Devo scappare via di qui, {w=.4} e di corsa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1717
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_384eed1a:
# A "Actually, I need to use the bathroom myself now."
A "In verità, dovrei usarlo il bagno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1722
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_d0a86191:
# N "Oh, sure! We’ll be here!"
N "Oh, certamente! Ti aspettiamo!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1727
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_b0a7cd10:
# "I soullessly start dragging my feet away from Naomi."
"Trascino apaticamente i piedi via da Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1736
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_184aa06f:
# Nas "ANON.{w=.4} WAIT!"
Nas "ANON.{w=.4} ASPETTA!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1738
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_2c990d04:
# "I freeze in place."
"Mi blocco."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1742
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_a8350648:
# Nas "Fair warning, watch the ceiling."
Nas "Attento al soffitto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1745
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_b5313f58:
# "I sense great tragedy in those words{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Sento una grande tragedia provenire da queste parole{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1747
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_809aeab3:
# "Whatever. I don’t want to be here."
"Vabbè. Non voglio stare qui."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1761
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1770
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_0c3392fe:
# "The public restroom looks clean enough from the outside, but I can see through the open doors that it gets cleaned maybe once a week."
"Il bagno pubblico da fuori sembra essere pulito, ma posso vedere attraverso le porte aperte che viene pulito sì e no una volta a settimana."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1772
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_96fb656a:
# "I’m not here to use the restroom anyways."
"Tanto non sono venuto qui per usare il bagno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1775
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_da961560:
# "If I’m right, I just need to look behind the building, and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Se i miei calcoli sono esatti, devo solo guardare dietro l'angolo, e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1780
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_73dc262d:
# "Jackpot."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1782
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_4099d3ac:
# "Fang is resting on the wall with a half finished cigarette between her fingers."
"Fang si sta appoggiando sul muro con mezza sigaretta finita tra le sue dita."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1785
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_dc2b56c8:
# A "Got a spare?"
A "C'hai una sigaretta?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1795
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_7db5b0a0:
# "She shrugs half-heartedly, holding out the half-smoked sin-stick to me."
"Lei fa spallucce svogliatamente, porgendomi la mezza sigaretta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1798
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_e9f1a195:
# "I hesitate."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1801
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_21a4cfa4:
# "Fang tilts her head. Before she can pull her hand back I accept the smoke."
"Fang inclina leggermente la testa. Prima che lei possa ritirare la mano accetto la sigaretta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1807
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_c7ae2216:
# "The cherry at the end burns dimly as I tap off the ash."
"La fine della sigaretta brucia debolmente mentre butto via la cenere."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1809
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_fb8fe860:
# "‘It’s not an indirect kiss or anything like that’ I chant as a mantra."
"Recito ‘non è un bacio indiretto o roba del genere’ come mantra."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1812
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_5b09fc75:
# "The drag is smooth, with the hint of mint to it."
"Il tiro è morbido, e ha un accenno di menta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1814
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_52a979cd:
# "The smoke exhaled is wispy, and I can feel my skin prickle."
"Il fumo esalato è sottile e posso sentire un brivido sulla pelle."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1816
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_844c4b38:
# "I don’t know whether it’s because of the nicotine or whose lips I tasted."
"Non so se è per via della nicotina o per il fatto di aver assaporato le sue labbra."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1819
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_9d469299:
# "Fuck."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1822
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_ba26487b:
# A "Thanks."
A "Grazie."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1824
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_60808306:
# "I hand her back the cigarette."
"Gli restituisco la sigaretta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1827
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_84d710b7:
# F "Mmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Mmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1829
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_9df379a8:
# "Fang’s tail drums a steady rhythm on the wall as she takes one last, long drag."
"La coda di Fang sbatte ritmicamente sul muro mentre lei fa un'ultima e lunga tirata."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1831
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_c6bbe60f:
# "She blows out a heavier cloud and drops the stump on the ground."
"Butta fuori una fitta nuvoletta e getta la cicca per terra."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1834
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_f49dc7d1:
# "I stamp on the stub before she can, giving it a solid twist before kicking the dead end into the grass."
"Calpesto la cicca ancora accesa prima di lei, girando per bene il piede prima di calciarla via sul prato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1837
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_32579544:
# F "How’d you find me?"
F "Come mi hai trovato?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1845
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_1a0aa13d:
# A "Where else would you be?"
A "Dove potevi stare altrimenti?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1847
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_b8b99f40:
# "She gives a brief shrug."
"Fa spallucce."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1850
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_04b7283c:
# A "Anyways, we could probably get away with ditching Naser and Naomi."
A "Comunque, credo che potremmo squagliarcela e lasciare Naser e Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1852
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_cf4d46b6:
# F "How’d you manage that?"
F "Come pensi di riuscirci?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1854
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_f1b27fb5:
# A "Secret family technique."
A "Tecnica segreta di famiglia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1857
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_073cd826:
# F "Pssh."
F "Pssh."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1860
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_e7271ff5:
# "Suddenly an image of Fang’s dad pops in my mind and I realize I probably shouldn’t be seen alone with her behind a public restroom."
"All'improvviso un'immagine del Padre di Fang salta alla mente e realizzo che forse non dovrei essere visto da solo con lei dietro a un bagno pubblico."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1862
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_f3ea17ea:
# "Under penalty of ‘holy shit my spleen is outside my body’."
"Con penalità ‘oh merda la mia milza sta fuori dal mio corpo’."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1865
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_f797e7ae:
# A "Let’s get out of here."
A "Andiamocene da qui."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1867
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_a6661665:
# F "Alright.{w=.4} Let’s get a move on."
F "Ok{w=.4} Muoviamoci."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1875
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_7cf221b4:
# "The two of us peek from behind the building to make sure the coast is clear of any brothers or scheming persimmon piranhas."
"Sbirciamo da dietro l'edificio per assicurarci che non siano presenti fratelli o cobra complottisti color cachi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1878
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_2c2a5e0e:
# "The coast is clear."
"Via libera."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1881
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_11df51ba:
# F "I think I know where to look."
F "Penso di sapere dove cercare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1883
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_072395ae:
# A "Please tell me it’s not in this shitty Promenade place."
A "Ti prego dimmi che non è in quel posto di merda che è il lungomare"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1885
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_8ad1e22e:
# F "Nah, it’s in Lil' Tru."
F "Nah, sta a Lil' Tru."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1887
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_c8446043:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Where?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dove?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1889
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_ead42fd5:
# F "Little Troodon. It’s near enough that we can walk there."
F "Little Troodon. Possiamo arrivarci a piedi visto che è vicino."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1891
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_8270c304:
# A "Why didn’t you mention it before?"
A "Perché non l'hai menzionato prima?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1893
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_ec1908c6:
# F "Naomi."
F "Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1895
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_c0518d8c:
# A "Ah."
A "Ah."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1903
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_8d932799:
# "The two of us sprint conspicuously across the park to the nearest cover in the concrete jungle."
"Sprintiamo vistosamente attraverso il parco e spariamo nella giungla di cemento."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1912
translate it lAnonExcusesHimself_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1923
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_ad4f111a:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1929
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_e8dc1b30:
# "It doesn’t matter if my feelings are being used."
"Non importa se i miei sentimenti vengono usati."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1931
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_bf6a95ca:
# "They’re still real to me."
"Per me sono ancora reali."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1934
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_4c520c2f:
# "And I want to actually help her."
"E voglio davvero aiutarla."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1936
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_34aaa33d:
# "Right now that means helping her find a venue."
"E questo significa aiutarla a trovare un posto per esibirsi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1938
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_5e9c80d1:
# "Even if it means being around the coral cunt."
"Anche se significa stare vicino alla carogna corallo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1942
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_2a02f026:
# Nas "Hey, Naomi, did you know that thirteen percent of public restrooms{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Ehi, Naomi, sai che il tredici percento dei bagni pubblici{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1944
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_60b8deab:
# "Naser babbles with Naomi while we wait for Fang to return."
"Naser chiacchiera con Naomi mentre aspettiamo che Fang ritorni."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1960
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_80172f04:
# F "Alright, I’m done taking a dump or whatever."
F "Apposto, ho finito di cagare o quello che è."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1962
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_75e50324:
# F "Let’s go."
F "Andiamo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1965
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_50113c24:
# Nas "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps} why do you smell like smoke?"
Nas "Aspetta{cps=*.1}...{/cps} perché puzzi di fumo?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1968
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_4d439f42:
# F "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I went to hong kong for a bit. Let’s go."
F "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Sono andatə a Hong Kong per un attimo. Andiamo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1971
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_fd682d16:
# Nas "You know you aren’t supposed to be smoking, Fang."
Nas "Sai che non dovresti fumare, Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1974
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_7e3ac232:
# F "Just drop it, dork."
F "Smettila, stupido."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1976
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_5e0dc39a:
# F "You don’t see me bringing up that leopard mankini you have in your closet."
F "Non mi vedi menzionare quel mankini leopardato che hai dentro l'armadio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1986
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_72dafdf9:
# "Naser’s skin turns a noticeably lighter shade."
"Naser sbianca visibilmente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1990
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_3b882b5c:
# A "That the only thing in the closet?"
A "Quella è l'unica cosa che hai dentro l'armadio?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1993
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_c621b1ca:
# F "Oh, of fucking course not."
F "Oh, col cazzo che lo è."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1995
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_39f1c980:
# F "{cps=*.6}He’s also got this pink-{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}"
F "{cps=*.6}Lui ha anche questa cosa rosa, è-{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2000
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_3b4a19a9:
# Nas "I’M GOING TO STOP YOU {i}RIGHT THERE{/i}.{fast}" with vpunch
Nas "NON {i}TI AZZARDARE{/i}.{fast}" with vpunch
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2004
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_71441e8d:
# N "Why don’t we continue on now!"
N "Dai su, perché non continuiamo!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2007
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_70cc7ee6:
# "Naomi is holding a handkerchief to her nose, with a prominent splotch of red that’s steadily growing."
"Naomi sta tenendo un fazzoletto sul naso, con un prominente rossore che si espande sempre di più."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2010
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_0c0ffa6f:
# F "Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffiiiiinally."
F "Fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffinalmente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2012
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2030
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_7c9a4384:
# "Not even ten minutes later and we’re back where we started."
"Nemmeno dieci minuti dopo e ci ritroviamo al punto di partenza."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2033
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_dc246fd2:
# N "-isn’t this one perfect! The stage is so well lit and-"
N "-è perfetto! Il palco è ben illuminato e-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2036
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_45bd5802:
# "Fang seems seconds away from successful recreation of Jing Ke’s assassination of King Zheng."
# Di che cazzo sta parlando Anon qui? LOL
"Fang sembra essere in procinto di ricreare con successo l'assassinio del Re Zheng da parte di Jing Ke."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2038
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_e243b7ff:
# "I know it’s wrong to poke a hornet’s nest, but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"So che è sbagliato stuzzicare un vespaio, ma{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2040
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_433a1236:
# A "Fang, you alright?"
A "Fang, tutto ok?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2043
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_b5bd6afa:
# F "I hate everyone here."
F "Odio tutti qui."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2046
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_c0518d8c:
# A "Ah."
A "Ah."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2048
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_e35d5a9f:
# "Well then."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2050
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_99805413:
# "Fang’s about to commit homicide."
"Fang sta per commettere un omicidio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2053
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_8f20c5b7:
# "I should ask Naser to just split off for a while{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Dovrei chiedere a Naser di dividerci per un po'{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2055
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_f7129b50:
# "Naomi would back me up if I can convince her I’m taking Fang out on a d-{w=.4}EVENT."
"Naomi mi appoggerebbe l'idea se riuscissi a convincerla che sto portando Fang a un app-{w=.4}EVENTO."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2057
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_8754aeec:
# "I really don’t want Naomi’s help, though."
"Non voglio che Naomi mi aiuti, però."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2060
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_6f888fbd:
# "I could get Fang to ask Naser to break off, but uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Potrei fare in modo che Fang chieda a Naser di dividerci, ma uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2062
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_25db1cd3:
# "She’s on the verge of fratricide too right now."
"Al momento è sul punto di commettere un fraticidio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2071
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_9ef47cf5:
# Nas "Hey, Anon, you alright?"
Nas "Ehi, Anon, tutto bene?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2073
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_2c23493f:
# A "Hm?"
A "Hm?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2075
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_f806dad9:
# Nas "You’ve got this intense look on you."
Nas "Hai questo sguardo così intenso."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2077
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_4d0a5096:
# A "Oh, sorry."
A "Oh, scusa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2079
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_985b36d6:
# A "Just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} trying to think of good places."
A "Sto solo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cercando di pensare a degli ottimi posti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2086
translate it lAnonWaitsForFang_e17fe806:
# "Guess it’s now or never."
"Adesso o mai più."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2100
translate it lAskNaser_1e4ae745:
# A "Actually, Naser."
A "Senti un po', Naser."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2102
translate it lAskNaser_8053a930:
# Nas "Hm?"
Nas "Hm?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2108
translate it lAskNaser_0d52459b:
# "Naser slows his gait so he’s walking next to me."
"Naser rallenta il passo in modo da mantenere il mio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2111
translate it lAskNaser_90bad758:
# Nas "Something on your mind?"
Nas "Stai pensando a qualcosa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2117
translate it lAskNaser_85eb39a6:
# "I lean in and start whispering."
"Mi avvicino e sussurro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2119
translate it lAskNaser_9a110f4f:
# A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Sì{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2121
translate it lAskNaser_c847798a:
# A "It may be a good idea to split into groups."
A "Sarebbe meglio se ci dividiamo in gruppi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2128
translate it lAskNaser_eab0b254:
# Nas "Ha, you’re funny."
Nas "Ah ah, molto divertente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2130
translate it lAskNaser_f3ce6d23:
# "Naser’s brow grows slick with sweat."
"La fronte di Naser comincia a ungersi di sudore."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2133
translate it lAskNaser_8ce7ca05:
# "Christ what did his dad tell him?"
"Cristo santo ma cosa gli ha detto suo Padre?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2135
translate it lAskNaser_00177f61:
# "This is gonna be difficult."
"Sarà difficile convincerlo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2138
translate it lAskNaser_7a890ecb:
# A "Take a look at her man."
A "Amico, guardala."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2140
translate it lAskNaser_20a3adca:
# A "You know she doesn’t get along with Naomi."
A "Sai che lei non va d'accordo con Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2143
translate it lAskNaser_441d0e3e:
# "His eyes shift back, catching sight of Fang’s poorly withheld anger."
"Gli occhi di Naser tornano a guardare Fang che sta a malapena contenendo l'ira."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2147
translate it lAskNaser_42168ebc:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2149
translate it lAskNaser_6740c040:
# A "It’s only a matter of time before things go nuclear."
A "È solo una questione di tempo prima che vada tutto in malora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2151
translate it lAskNaser_00108f79:
# A "And as much as I’d find a catfight amusing, neither of us want to see Fang and Naomi duke it out."
A "E anche se trovo un bisticcio tra donne divertente, nessuno di noi due vuole vedere una rissa tra Fang e Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2154
translate it lAskNaser_fbe5ab2e:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2156
translate it lAskNaser_31ec3ca6:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Be that as it may{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Anche se fosse{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2159
translate it lAskNaser_6864fde3:
# Nas "We still can’t split."
Nas "Non possiamo dividerci."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2162
translate it lAskNaser_01911ff9:
# Nas "I’m supposed to be keeping an eye on you two right now."
Nas "Devo tenere sotto controllo te e Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2176
translate it lAskNaser_5cf90afb:
# N "What are we whispering about?"
N "Di cosa state parlicchiando voi due?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2178
translate it lAskNaser_bc244b32:
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2182
translate it lAskNaser_d071eedf:
# "Naomi has circled around behind us and pokes her head between Naser and I."
"Naomi ha fatto il giro dietro di noi e infila la sua testa tra me e Naser."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2185
translate it lAskNaser_a51c7b43:
# Nas "Don’t worry about it, babe."
Nas "Non preoccuparti, dolcezza."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2187
translate it lAskNaser_6b676e5f:
# Nas "Anon just wanted to split the group for a bit."
Nas "Anon voleva solo che ci dividessimo in due gruppi per un po'."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2189
translate it lAskNaser_b1a3b5e0:
# N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2191
translate it lAskNaser_b1a3b5e0_1:
# N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2197
translate it lAskNaser_410f8683:
# N "That’s a wonderful idea!"
N "Questa è una bellissima idea!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2203
translate it lAskNaser_99a4c6e4:
# Nas "But babe,{w=.3} {cps=*.6}you know I’m supposed to-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
Nas "Ma tesoro,{w=.3} {cps=*.6}sai che devo-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2206
translate it lAskNaser_88aac4fa:
# N "I think you should trust Anon a bit more!"
N "Penso che dovresti fidarti un po' di più di Anon!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2210
translate it lAskNaser_b204a6ff:
# A "Do you really think I’m the frisky type?"
A "Pensi davvero che sono uno che ci prova?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2213
translate it lAskNaser_f6793a7d:
# "Naser looks at me for a moment."
"Naser mi fissa per un momento."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2217
translate it lAskNaser_fc4c7e1e:
# Nas "Yes."
Nas "Sì."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2220
translate it lAskNaser_e6e98c68:
# A "Wow."
A "Wow."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2222
translate it lAskNaser_59311e6c:
# Nas "It’s true."
Nas "È vero."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2226
translate it lAskNaser_f3806280:
# N "I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Beh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2228
translate it lAskNaser_33485f64:
# A "A){w=.4} Go fuck yourselves."
A "A){w=.4} Andatevene a fanculo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2230
translate it lAskNaser_e965a90b:
# A "And B){w=.4} I’m not some degenerate."
A "E B){w=.4} Non sono un degenerato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2234
translate it lAskNaser_2efc1a56:
# N "Still, despite his looks, the Anon I know won’t end up doing anything weird!"
N "Comunque, nonostante il suo aspetto, l'Anon che conosco non farebbe nulla di strano!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2241
translate it lAskNaser_cdd8ff66:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You really think so?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Lo credi davvero?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2243
translate it lAskNaser_1bcf4b33:
# N "Sure!"
N "Certo!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2248
translate it lAskNaser_acda1ee1:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You promise to not make it weird or anything, right?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Mi prometti che non farai nulla di strano o roba simile, vero?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2250
translate it lAskNaser_2ccf4fdf:
# A "I-I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} What?{w=.4} Whatever, no, of course not."
A "I-io{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Cosa?{w=.4} Vabbè, no, certo che no."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2253
translate it lAskNaser_91aa10bb:
# N "Seems it’s settled then!"
N "Sembra che abbiamo risolto!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2255
translate it lAskNaser_2f894afd:
# N "Come on, Naser! We’ll go look on the east side of town!"
N "Andiamo, Naser! Ritorniamo alla parte est della città!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2261
translate it lAskNaser_329d0b61:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Alright{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Va bene{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2264
translate it lAskNaser_cec069ca:
# Nas "I trust you, Anon."
Nas "Mi fido di te, Anon."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2285
translate it lAskNaser_f810987f:
# "Naomi grabs Naser by the arm and leads him around a corner and onto another street."
"Naomi prende Naser per il braccio e lo porta dietro un angolo e verso un'altra strada."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2287
translate it lAskNaser_52f91525:
# "Naser gives one last worried look back before he’s out of sight."
"Naser mi guarda un'ultima volta preoccupato prima di scomparire."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2291
translate it lAskNaser_ae2f5c2e:
# F "What were the three of you huddling about?"
F "Di cosa stavate parlando voi tre?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2294
translate it lAskNaser_059e5f8a:
# "Fang was walking behind us this whole time? I didn’t notice."
"Fang stava camminando dietro di noi per tutto questo tempo? Non me ne sono accorto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2296
translate it lAskNaser_ef373f8c:
# A "Oh, I was just getting rid of them."
A "Oh, mi stavo semplicemente sbarazzando di loro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2299
translate it lAskNaser_a950c218:
# F "Oh, man, you’re a lifesaver."
F "Oh, grazie, sei un salvavita."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2301
translate it lAskNaser_e21320ab:
# A "Seems like it was either this or someone ends up with a black eye."
A "Le cose erano due: o questo oppure qualcuno finiva con un occhio nero."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2304
translate it lAskNaser_b4b2ac3b:
# F "You think I’d stop at a black eye?"
F "Pensi che mi sarei fermatə a un occhio nero?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2313
translate it lAskFang_a0bf830b:
# A "Don’t worry about it."
A "Non ti preoccupare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2316
translate it lAskFang_b7ae8496:
# Nas "Alright{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Va bene{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2319
translate it lAskFang_18e516f7:
# "He looks ahead again, paying great attention to Naomi’s spergery."
"Lui continua a guardare davanti, prestando molta attenzione alle chiacchiere ritardate di Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2322
translate it lAskFang_508fb60d:
# "I turn to Fang again."
"Ritorno a guardare Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2327
translate it lAskFang_f537a4a9:
# A "Hey, if you don’t want to stay in a group, why don’t you ask Naser to split off for a while?"
A "Ehi, se non vuoi stare in gruppo, perché non chiedi a Naser di separarci per un po'?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2331
translate it lAskFang_98f5632e:
# F "Why me?"
F "Perché devo chiederlo io?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2333
translate it lAskFang_d8772b60:
# A "He’ll listen to you."
A "Sicuramente ti ascolterà."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2335
translate it lAskFang_ed7b5696:
# A "He's only doing this because your dad put him up to it."
A "Sta facendo tutto questo solo perché vostro Padre l'ha costretto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2338
translate it lAskFang_271bc791:
# A "I think he trusts you enough to be willing to take Naomi elsewhere for a while."
A "Penso che lui si fidi abbastanza di te per portarsi via Naomi da qualche altra parte per un po'."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2341
translate it lAskFang_31128208:
# F "Hm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Hm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2343
translate it lAskFang_26319646:
# A "Give him a chance."
A "Dagli una possibilità."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2345
translate it lAskFang_4a01c60c:
# "Fang looks in contemplation at Naser walking ahead of us."
"Fang sta contemplando cosa fare mentre fissa Naser che ci cammina davanti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2349
translate it lAskFang_80cb50d6:
# F "Ehh, might as well try."
F "Ehh, a questo punto posso tentare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2354
translate it lAskFang_33a04883:
# F "Hey, Stephen Ha-Wing!"
# FIXME Cosa ci metto qua...?
F "Ehi, Ala-x Zanardi!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2356
translate it lAskFang_9441f61b:
# A "Wait,{w=.3} {cps=*.5}that’s not how-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "Aspetta,{w=.3} {cps=*.5}non si chiama-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2359
translate it lAskFang_5a9fad7b:
# Nas "Yeah?"
Nas "Sì?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2362
translate it lAskFang_974a925e:
# A "{i}He responded to it?!{/i}"
A "{i}Ha risposto?!{/i}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2366
translate it lAskFang_ab7528d4:
# F "Can you take your girlfriend and fuck off elsewhere?"
F "Potresti portarti via la tua ragazza e andartene a fanculo da un'altra parte?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2368
translate it lAskFang_5f3bee2e:
# F "Me and her just aren’t going to get along."
F "Io e lei non andiamo d'accordo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2370
translate it lAskFang_f2b244c4:
# F "And it’d cover more ground."
F "E così sicuramente finiremo prima."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2373
translate it lAskFang_1d9bc9f3:
# "Naser slows down a bit."
"Naser rallenta un po'."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2382
translate it lAskFang_7146f8d2:
# Nas "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} don’t think that’s a great idea."
Nas "Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps} non credo che sia una buona idea."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2384
translate it lAskFang_a9468955:
# Nas "We should stick together, right Naomi?"
Nas "Dovremmo stare tutti insieme, giusto Naomi?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2388
translate it lAskFang_71d04bab:
# N "Well{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Beh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2393
translate it lAskFang_8ff7bddd:
# "Two can play this game you citrine psycho."
"Occhio per occhio, dente per dente, psicopatica citrina."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2395
translate it lAskFang_f7187825:
# "I look at Naomi and give her a subtle nod."
"Guardo Naomi e le faccio un sottile cenno di sì con la testa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2400
translate it lAskFang_000eb5ce:
# N "I think it’s a {i}wonderful{/i} idea,{w=.4} we can check in the Promenade! Oh I know this wonderful cafe and-"
N "Penso che sia un'{i}ottima{/i} idea,{w=.4} noi possiamo andare a controllare sul lungomare! Oh conosco questo locale grazioso e-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2402
translate it lAskFang_4bc33a85:
# F "Great. Now fuck off."
F "Bene. Ora andatevene a fanculo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2413
translate it lAskFang_5ed4075b:
# Nas "H-{w=.3}hold on a second!"
Nas "A-{w=.3}aspetta un secondo!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2417
translate it lAskFang_968d36e8:
# Nas "Dad said he’ll do to {i}me{/i} anything that you do to Fang!"
Nas "Papà ha detto che farà a {i}me{/i} tutto ciò che tu farai a Fang!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2420
translate it lAskFang_4d9b658a:
# "Anon Fang & Naomi" "{cps=*.25}...What...{/cps}"
"Anon Fang & Naomi" "{cps=*.25}...Che...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2428
translate it lAskFang_7649768e:
# Nas "Fang, you gotta promise to not let Anon do anything creepy."
Nas "Fang, mi devi promettere di non lasciare che Anon faccia qualcosa di schifoso."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2435
translate it lAskFang_f51918a0:
# A "That’s fuckin’ rude."
A "Cazzarola che maleducazione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2449
translate it lAskFang_0d6c4719:
# "Fang looks at me and grins wickedly."
"Fang mi guarda con uno sguardo malizioso."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2452
translate it lAskFang_6dd07dd5:
# Nas "{cps=*.5}Please Fang.{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.5}Fang, ti prego.{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2459
translate it lAskFang_41d51451:
# F "I promise."
F "Te lo prometto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2461
translate it lAskFang_f3a96259:
# F "Now go."
F "Ora andatevene."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2464
translate it lAskFang_fe5fc64d:
# "Naser gulps and nods."
"Naser deglutì e annuì."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2471
translate it lAskFang_5b816794:
# Nas "You better not do anything creepy Anon!"
Nas "Non ti azzardare a fare il pervertito Anon!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2508
translate it lAskFang_baf744f8:
# "With that Naser and Naomi leave, turning the corner onto another street."
"E con ciò, Naser e Naomi se ne vanno, girando l'angolo verso un'altra strada."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2519
translate it lpostAsking_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2521
translate it lpostAsking_9dae8be9:
# "Now it’s just the two of us."
"Ora siamo solo noi due."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2524
translate it lpostAsking_293a3377:
# "Alone."
"Soli soletti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2529
translate it lpostAsking_135e025b:
# "Oh and there’s the alarms again.{w=.4} {nw}"
"Oh! Ecco di nuovo gli alarmi.{w=.4} {nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2531
translate it lpostAsking_2a5f1be7:
# extend "I think I’m finally starting to tune them out though."
extend "Però credo che sto finalmente iniziando a gestirli."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2542
translate it lpostAsking_fbcf23ab:
# "Fang reaches into her pocket and withdraws a crumpled pack of cigarettes."
"Fang rovista dentro la sua tasca ed estrae un pacchetto stropicciato di sigarette."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2545
translate it lpostAsking_dc2b56c8:
# A "Got a spare?"
A "C'hai una sigaretta?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2547
translate it lpostAsking_292292de:
# "She shrugs half-heartedly, holding out the pack to me."
"Lei fa spallucce svogliatamente, porgendomi il pacchetto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2549
translate it lpostAsking_c88cda21:
# "There’s one left."
"Ne è rimasta una."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2551
translate it lpostAsking_e9f1a195:
# "I hesitate."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2554
translate it lpostAsking_85693b7f:
# "Fang tilts her head. Before she can pull her hand back I accept the last smoke."
"Fang inclina leggermente la testa. Prima che lei possa ritirare la mano accetto l'ultima sigaretta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2557
translate it lpostAsking_db8697be:
# "I bring the butt to my lips, feeling the pod within the filter."
"Metto la sigaretta in bocca, sentendo la capsula nel filtro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2559
translate it lpostAsking_3bb09266:
# A "Figures you smoke menthols."
A "Immaginavo fumassi sigarette al mentolo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2561
translate it lpostAsking_9fdede8f:
# F "Oh shut up. And you better share, I don’t think I’ll be getting a fresh pack any time soon."
F "Ma stai zitto. E farai meglio a condividere, non credo che avrò un pacchetto nuovo presto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2563
translate it lpostAsking_51df2d18:
# "She hands me her lighter, a little cheap pink Bic."
"Mi porge l'accendino, un piccolo Bic rosa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2566
translate it lpostAsking_4c69536d:
# "It’s quick and easy, no wind to worry about as my thumb rolls over the top and the tiny ember of a flame sears the end of the cigarette."
"Facile e veloce, nessun vento di cui preoccuparmi mentre il mio pollice fa scoccare la scintilla di una fiammella che brucia la fine della sigaretta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2568
translate it lpostAsking_28c46034:
# "I pop the pod with my incisor and pull in slowly."
"Spezzo la capsuletta con i miei incisivi e fumo lentamente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2570
translate it lpostAsking_6a7e2701:
# "The draw is smooth, with a hint of mint to it."
"Il tiro è morbido, e ha un accenno di menta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2573
translate it lpostAsking_c7ae2216:
# "The cherry at the end burns dimly as I tap off the ash."
"La fine della sigaretta brucia debolmente mentre butto via la cenere."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2575
translate it lpostAsking_eff504ed:
# "The smoke exhaled is wispy, and I can feel my nerves ease."
"Il fumo esalato è sottile, sento i miei nervi calmarsi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2578
translate it lpostAsking_7ada117f:
# F "Ha, pussy."
F "Hah, checca."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2580
translate it lpostAsking_2e23c3c6:
# A "It’s your last one, wanna savor it."
A "È la tua ultima sigaretta, lasciamela gustare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2582
translate it lpostAsking_60808306:
# "I hand her back the cigarette."
"Gli ridò la sigaretta indietro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2584
translate it lpostAsking_fb8fe860:
# "‘It’s not an indirect kiss or anything like that’ I chant as a mantra."
"Recito ‘non è un bacio indiretto o roba del genere’ come mantra."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2589
translate it lpostAsking_b8b97ecb:
# "Her drag is harsher, burning up twice the amount."
"Il suo tiro più pesante, facendo bruciare la sigaretta il doppio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2591
translate it lpostAsking_5bba0fcd:
# "She blows out hazy rings, one after another, as if signaling an indigenous Raptor tribe."
"Sputa fuori degli anelli, uno dopo l'altro, come se stesse comunicando con una tribù indigena di Raptor."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2594
translate it lpostAsking_0b1825f6:
# A "Trying to show off now?"
A "Che fai, ora te la tiri?"
# game//script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2596
translate it lpostAsking_8d8f36c6:
# F "Bet you can’t do it."
F "Scommetto che non sei capace."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2598
translate it lpostAsking_05e95137:
# "Fang grins as she hands the stick back to me."
"Fang ghigna mentre mi porge la sigaretta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2601
translate it lpostAsking_14acf035:
# A "You trigga-lipped it."
A "L'hai sbavata tutta quanta come un trigga."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2603
translate it lpostAsking_5764c378:
# F "It’s still good, man."
F "È ancora buona, dai."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2608
translate it lpostAsking_67e53705:
# "The filter feels moist between my index and middle knuckles."
"Sento il filtro umido tra le nocche dell'indice e del medio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2610
translate it lpostAsking_edf2c6ae:
# "I bring the smoke back to my lips, trying to ignore the wetness of it."
"Porto la sigaretta alle mie labbra, cercando di ignorare il filtro bagnato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2612
translate it lpostAsking_126a4587:
# "I draw in even more, burning up another quarter of it."
"Fumo ancora di più, bruciandone un altro quarto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2615
translate it lpostAsking_dc818996:
# "I can feel my skin prickle as I exhale a thicker fog."
"Sento dei brividi correre lungo il corpo mentre espiro una nuvoletta più fitta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2617
translate it lpostAsking_1ae53a00:
# "I don’t know whether it’s because of the nicotine or whose lips I imagine I taste."
"Non so se è per via della nicotina o per le labbra che immagino di assaporare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2620
translate it lpostAsking_9d469299:
# "Fuck."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2623
translate it lpostAsking_82641d20:
# F "Ha, called it."
F "Ha! Te lo avevo detto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2625
translate it lpostAsking_dd257588:
# A "Mmm. Yeah, I can’t."
A "Mmm. No, non ci riesco."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2630
translate it lpostAsking_b1f85336:
# "Fang’s tail ticks a steady rhythm like a metronome as she takes one last,{w=.3} long drag."
"La coda di Fang batte un ritmo costante come un metronomo mentre si fa un'ultima,{w=.3} lunga tirata."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2632
translate it lpostAsking_a043c9d3:
# "She blows out a thick cloud and drops the stump on the ground."
"Espira una grande nuvola fitta e getta a terra la cicca."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2636
translate it lpostAsking_3b377a46:
# "I stamp on the stub before she can, giving it a solid twist before kicking the dead end into the street."
"Calpesto la cicca ancora accesa prima di lei, girando per bene il piede prima di calciarla via sulla strada."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2644
translate it lpostAsking_f49c8cc1:
# A "So now what?"
A "E ora che si fa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2646
translate it lpostAsking_13c1367d:
# F "I think I know where we can look."
F "Penso di sapere dove cercare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2649
translate it lpostAsking_072395ae:
# A "Please tell me it’s not in this shitty Promenade place."
A "Dimmi che non è in quel posto di merda che è il lungomare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2651
translate it lpostAsking_5d94fceb:
# F "Nah, it’s Lil' Tru."
F "Nah, sta a Lil' Tru."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2653
translate it lpostAsking_c8446043:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Where?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dove?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2655
translate it lpostAsking_ead42fd5:
# F "Little Troodon. It’s near enough that we can walk there."
F "Little Troodon. Possiamo arrivarci a piedi visto che è vicino."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2657
translate it lpostAsking_8270c304:
# A "Why didn’t you mention it before?"
A "Perché non l'hai menzionato prima?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2659
translate it lpostAsking_ec1908c6:
# F "Naomi."
F "Naomi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2661
translate it lpostAsking_c0518d8c:
# A "Ah."
A "Ah."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2666
translate it lpostAsking_c949c80b:
# "Fang leads the way, navigating us away from this overly expensive part of town."
"Fang fa strada, navigandoci via dalla parte estremamente costosa della città."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2673
translate it lpostAsking_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2687
translate it troodon_64726baa:
# "Little Troodon is completely unlike the rest of the city."
"Little Troodon è completamente diversa dal resto della città."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2689
translate it troodon_a41d68d3:
# "Instead of skyscrapers and glass buildings, the whole place is a series of interconnected alleyways forming a plaza."
"Invece di trovare grattacieli e edifici con vetrate, tutto il posto è una serie di vialetti interconnessi che formano una piazza."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2691
translate it troodon_8bba304d:
# "Mostly booths for scamming vendors, but every now and then an actual building can be seen."
"Il più delle volte si trovano venditori abusivi, ma ogni tanto qualche edificio vero e proprio può essere avvistato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2693
translate it troodon_b3cff6f1:
# "Countless salesmen call out to Fang and I."
"Tanti venditori cercano di catturare la nostra attenzione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2695
translate it troodon_fc481579:
# "Fang just strides past all of them."
"Fang li sorpassa tutti quanti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2698
translate it troodon_607e99dd:
# F "Just don’t make eye contact."
F "Non guardarli negli occhi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2701
translate it troodon_dd06715b:
# "She must know the place."
"Sicuramente conosce il posto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2704
translate it troodon_34aace35:
# "One child runs up and gives me a flower to mark me for pickpockets."
"Un ragazzino si avvicina e mi porge un fiorellino per rendermi un bersaglio per i borseggiatori."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2706
translate it troodon_473d198d:
# "I toss it in the nearest bin."
"Lo getto nel cestino più vicino."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2709
translate it troodon_e0d535dd:
# F "Good eye."
F "Ottima mossa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2711
translate it troodon_afdf3adb:
# A "Living in the ass-end of this place, I’ve picked up a thing or two."
A "Vivere nella parte peggiore della città mi ha insegnato un paio di cose."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2720
translate it troodon_10290d61:
# "The two of us check the sparsely located buildings one by one."
"Tutti e due controlliamo gli edifici messi qua e là uno a uno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2722
translate it troodon_bccd9922:
# "I make sure to mark down the foreign swears in a notepad to look up later."
"Faccio in modo di segnarmi tutte le parolacce straniere che sento per poterle cercare su internet dopo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2725
translate it troodon_cf934ba6:
# "Several hours pass as both the sun and the temperature drops."
"Passano diverse ore mentre il sole tramonta e la temperatura si abbassa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2735
translate it troodon_8cb623a1:
# F "Can’t believe we’re still looking."
F "Non posso crederci: stiamo ancora cercando."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2737
translate it troodon_854338c9:
# F "These people are usually looking for any way possible to attract customers."
F "Queste persone di solito cercano di attrarre potenziali clienti nei modi più disparati."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2740
translate it troodon_4c4aa6be:
# A "{cps=*.3}Maaaaybe {/cps}you shouldn’t have insulted that one guy{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.3}Foooorse {/cps}non avresti dovuto insultare quel tizio{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2743
translate it troodon_4beaf537:
# F "Fuck him{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} callin’ me a meteor dodger{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} fucking prick."
F "Se ne andasse a fanculo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} mi ha chiamato schiva meteora{cps=*.1}...{/cps} lo stronzo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2746
translate it troodon_ba86db09:
# A "Still, we must have checked dozens of places by now."
A "Comunque, avremo controllato una dozzina di posti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2748
translate it troodon_fc47b847:
# A "But why won’t anyone have a band?"
A "Ma perché nessun posto vuole far esibire una band?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2754
translate it troodon_7ed4c3af:
# unknown "{cps=*.6}Her Reputation,{w=.4} it does so Precede her.{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*.6}La sua Reputazione,{w=.4} per lei ha la Precedenza...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2757
translate it troodon_b98da89c:
# "Fang’s pupils contract."
"Le pupille di Fang si contraggono."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2760
translate it troodon_ebeab342:
# "Not this again."
"Oh non di nuovo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2765
translate it troodon_fa747e84:
# F "{b}HER{/b}?!?!{w=.4} You people are all the same!{w=.4} Thinking that you have to go off-"
F "{b}LEI{/b}?!?!{w=.4} Siete tutti uguali!{w=.4} Pensate di potervela cavare così-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2768
translate it troodon_0ed12d10:
# A "Fang!"
A "Fang!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2775
translate it troodon_61a281e3:
# F "WHAT!" with vpunch
F "CHE VUOI!" with vpunch
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2778
translate it troodon_8cc402eb:
# unknown "As you can see,{w=.3} her Reputation,{w=.3} does Precede her."
unknown "Come puoi vedere,{w=.3} la sua Reputazione,{w=.3} la Precede."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2781
translate it troodon_c47d4cec:
# F "Choke on a platter of cocks."
F "Strozzati con un bel piatto di cazzi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2784
translate it troodon_2920ccc9:
# unknown "Everyone here,{w=.3} knows of her,{w=.4} especially of her family."
unknown "Tutti qui,{w=.3} conoscono lei,{w=.4} e specialmente la sua famiglia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2787
translate it troodon_dec900f2:
# F "A full platter! Stacks high!"
F "Un bel piattone! Una montagna!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2799
translate it troodon_0ace83a8:
# "I look at the{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Guardo verso{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2802
translate it troodon_10530e24:
# "What the fuck am I looking at?!"
"Ma che cazzo sto vedendo?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2804
translate it troodon_3d808134:
# unknown "Do not think thoughts you cannot,{w=.4} Perceive."
unknown "Non pensare a cose che non puoi,{w=.4} Percepire."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2807
translate it troodon_b1094aeb:
# "Reed’s uncle then."
"È lo zio di Reed allora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2809
translate it troodon_eb371203:
# unknown "The uncle you seek is elsewhere."
unknown "Lo zio che cerchi si trova altrove."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2812
translate it troodon_0b716a4f:
# A "What?"
A "Cosa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2815
translate it troodon_d65cc2c4:
# unknown "Yes,{w=.3} I know of that,{w=.3} which you,{w=.3} oh so,{w=.3} Desperately seek."
unknown "Sì,{w=.3} io so di quello,{w=.3} che voi,{w=.3} oh così tanto,{w=.3} Disperatamente cercate."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2819
translate it troodon_4fa32f01:
# F "Wait, you know a venue? Where?!"
F "Aspetta, conosci un posto? Dove?!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2821
translate it troodon_76d928d7:
# unknown "But first,{w=.4} the Ritual,{w=.3} that must be Conducted."
unknown "Ma prima,{w=.4} il Rituale,{w=.3} che deve essere Compiuto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2823
translate it troodon_080f7834:
# "Finally, progress."
"Finalmente, progressi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2826
translate it troodon_24ef333f:
# F "No way!"
F "Non ci posso credere!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2828
translate it troodon_0253762f:
# A "Tell us."
A "Dicci."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2830
translate it troodon_d7f55a79:
# "Anything to get away from this guy."
"Qualsiasi cosa pur di levarmi dai piedi sto tizio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2833
translate it troodon_8d1f51bd:
# unknown "We will,{w=.3} Partake,{w=.3} in the ancient humiliation that has slain,{w=.3} my entire lineage."
unknown "Noi ora,{w=.3} Parteciperemo,{w=.3} all'antica umiliazione che ha ucciso,{w=.3} tutta la mia stirpe."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2835
translate it troodon_1cb5dced:
# unknown "Even my own,{w=.3} Family,{w=.3} offed in this deadly sport before I was even born."
unknown "Anche la mia,{w=.3} Famiglia,{w=.3} fatta secca da questa attività mortale prima che nascessi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2837
translate it troodon_8ac61c2e:
# unknown "The humiliation is diabolically easing,{w=.3} a Clutching,{w=.3} of earthly currency."
unknown "L'umiliazione è diabolicamente alleggerente,{w=.3} una Stretta,{w=.3} di valuta terrestre."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2839
translate it troodon_3730c889:
# unknown "For as long,{w=.3} as I can stand to hold it."
unknown "Fino a che,{w=.3} riuscirò a tenerla."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2841
translate it troodon_caa823f4:
# unknown "And to the victorious,{w=.3} my own artifact holding me to this flimsy visage{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
unknown "E al vittorioso,{w=.3} questo artefatto che mi lega a queste deboli sembianze{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2843
translate it troodon_5e1ab298:
# unknown "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}A Phone Roomba."
unknown "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Un Roomba per cellulari."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2846
translate it troodon_8f2f19da:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}A phone roomba."
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Un Roomba per cellulari."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2848
translate it troodon_5c1bbf83:
# unknown "Only the finest tool to clean your phone."
unknown "Il migliore strumento per pulire il tuo cellulare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2850
translate it troodon_add28be8:
# unknown "Here,{w=.3} let me show you it’s brushing majesty."
unknown "Ecco,{w=.3} lascia che ti dimostri le sue maestose capacità di spazzolatura."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2853
translate it troodon_c7dfcb57:
# "He feels around his fanny-pack for one of the roombas, then holds his phone out on one hand."
"Il venditore ambulante rovista nel suo marsupio per prendere uno dei Roomba, poi prende il suo cellulare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2855
translate it troodon_f765ee42:
# "He puts the device on, and it whirrs to life, slowly crossing the screen."
"Ci mette il robottino sopra, e prende vita, passando lentamente per lo schermo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2858
translate it troodon_72888f65:
# "When it reaches the edge, it beeps and turns around, making a return trip to where it started."
"Quando raggiunge il bordo, fa un beep e si gira, ritornando da dove era partito."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2860
translate it troodon_a8234614:
# "After a few trips, the merchant turns the roomba off and gives us an expectant leer."
"Dopo un paio di giretti, il venditore spegne il Roomba e ci guarda in attesa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2864
translate it troodon_0ac83eda:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I just use my shirt though{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}A me basta usare la maglietta però{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2866
translate it troodon_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2881
translate it lbuyTheRoomba_4f836f9a:
# A "Fuck it, fine."
A "Fanculo, va bene"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2887
translate it lnotBuyingTheFuckingRoomba_95f3a3ad:
# A "Fang, we can find the place on our own."
A "Fang, possiamo trovare il posto per conto nostro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2890
translate it lnotBuyingTheFuckingRoomba_2fb769e7:
# unknown "You know,{w=.4} this place is well known for trafficking."
unknown "Ti dirò,{w=.4} questo posto è ben conosciuto per traffico illegale di persone."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2896
translate it lnotBuyingTheFuckingRoomba_f47f0ea1:
# A "Fine you fucking cunt."
A "Va bene brutto stronzo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2900
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ea2af8fb:
# "I slap down the money on Reed’s maybe-family’s booth."
"Butto i soldi sulla bancarella del forse-zio di Reed."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2903
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c89f5514:
# unknown "Very well,{w=.4} the contest is yours,{w=.3} along with this trinket."
unknown "Molto bene,{w=.4} la vittoria è vostra,{w=.3} e vostro è anche questo ninnolo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2906
translate it lRoombaConvergence_509be7e3:
# unknown "Head east,{w=.3} of this filthy Bazaar,{w=.3} and you will find your Destiny{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
unknown "Andate a est,{w=.3} di questo sporco Bazaar,{w=.3} e troverete il vostro Destino{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2909
translate it lRoombaConvergence_88e587ea:
# unknown "At Dino-Moe’s."
unknown "A Dino-Moe's."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2912
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6105628f:
# A "The pizza chain?"
A "La catena di pizzerie?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2914
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2b08ef70:
# unknown "You will come to understand my wisdom once you reach it.{w=.5} Fare thee well,{w=.4} seekers of Musical Amphitheaters."
unknown "Capirete la mia saggezza quando raggiungerete la vostra destinazione.{w=.5} A buon rendere,{w=.4} cercatori di Anfiteatri Musicali."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2917
translate it lRoombaConvergence_417eeea2:
# "The shopkeeper gives one last smug wave to us."
"Il venditore ci saluta compiaciuto un'ultima volta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2927
translate it lRoombaConvergence_989ccb99:
# "I motion for Fang to follow and start heading in the direction the shopkeeper showed us."
"Faccio cenno a Fang di seguirmi e ci incamminiamo verso la direzione che il venditore ci ha indicato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2929
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2932
translate it lRoombaConvergence_532e0b25:
# "After twisting through the endless maze of merchants and frivolities Fang finally stops in front of a building."
"Dopo aver superato il gigantesco labirinto di mercanti e frivolezze Fang finalmente si ferma davanti a un edificio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2935
translate it lRoombaConvergence_77249c3d:
# A "We’re here."
A "Eccoci qua."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2949
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a2029e8f:
# "The building is an antiquated Italian restaurant, with the words ‘DINO-MOE’S PIZZA & PASTA’ written on a grand sign out front."
"L'edificio è un ristorante italiano antiquato, con una grossa insegna dove c'è scritto ‘DINO MOE'S PIZZA & PASTA’."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2952
translate it lRoombaConvergence_12ee0c1e:
# F "Pizza, huh?"
F "Pizza, eh?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2955
translate it lRoombaConvergence_04d21a96:
# F "In the middle of Little Troodon?"
F "Nel bel mezzo di Little Troodon?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2958
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5abc6e12:
# A "Let’s see."
A "Vediamo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2961
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a4a942fc:
# "I open the double doors for Fang to enter."
"Apro le porte per far entrare Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2963
translate it lRoombaConvergence_14b18209:
# "There’s a plaque for the National Register of Historic Places on the window."
"C'è una targa commemorativa del ‘Registro Nazionale dei Luoghi di Importanza Storica‘ sulla finestra."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2978
translate it lRoombaConvergence_49b3471e:
# A "Historical, huh?"
A "Storico, eh?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2980
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c054baa2:
# "Inside is a homely italian styled pizzeria."
"Il locale è una pizzeria in stile italiano casareccio"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2982
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d8f45522:
# "The warm candle lighting against the lattice dividers of the booths casts shades of orange along the walls and floor."
"La calda luce delle candele che riflette sui divisori dei tavoli in lattice proietta ombre giallastre sul muro e sul pavimento."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2985
translate it lRoombaConvergence_975e4225:
# "The two of us walk up to the reception desk."
"Ci avviciniamo alla reception."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2987
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9d26274f:
# "A very tired waitress puts on a plastic smile when she sees us."
"Una cameriera estremamente stanca mette su un sorriso finto quando ci vede."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2989
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c9ba0e53:
# Waitress "Welcome to historic Dino-Moes, table for two?"
Waitress "Benvenuti allo storico Dino-Moes, un tavolo per due?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2991
translate it lRoombaConvergence_eefedd03:
# A "Actually, we just need to ask the manager something."
A "In verità, vorremmo solo chiedere una cosa al manager."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2993
translate it lRoombaConvergence_780873ed:
# "The waitress rolls her eyes and skulks off."
"La cameriera alza gli occhi al cielo e sguscia via."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2997
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a88d4bd5:
# F "Service with a smile, huh?"
F "Un servizio con il sorriso, huh?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2999
translate it lRoombaConvergence_dabf9ec9:
# A "Working in the industry grates on you."
A "Lavorare nella ristorazione ti rovina."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3001
translate it lRoombaConvergence_566be050:
# F "This is a historical place though, isn’t it?"
F "Questo però è un posto storico, no?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3004
translate it lRoombaConvergence_54d30177:
# F "Wouldn’t they have higher standards for-"
F "Non dovrebbero avere degli standard più alti per-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3020
translate it lRoombaConvergence_40d23087:
# Moe "{cps=*.2}AYYYYYY {/cps}IF IT ISN’T LITTLE LUCY!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3024
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6ddf9a55:
# "Fang’s skin goes several shades lighter."
"Fang sbianca immensamente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3026
translate it lRoombaConvergence_393663d5:
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3028
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b5240f85:
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3030
translate it lRoombaConvergence_13f665d2:
# "An older T-Rex hobbles his way to us with arms spread wide."
"Un anziano T-Rex si fa strada verso di noi a braccia aperte."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3033
translate it lRoombaConvergence_95024c96:
# "Well, as wide as he could at least."
"Beh, per quanto aperte possa tenerle almeno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3047
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e5702a1c:
# "Fang squawks in protest as she’s pressed into his apron covered belly."
"Fang gracchia in segno di protesta mentre viene schiacciata verso il pancione ingrembiulato del grande T-Rex."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3049
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4f9f28f7:
# F "U-uncle M-Moe?{w=.4} What are you doing here?"
F "Z-zio M-Moe?{w=.4} Che cosa ci fai tu qui?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3057
translate it lRoombaConvergence_917dd57d:
# Moe "I’m workin’, toots!"
Moe "Sto a' lavora', cucciola!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3059
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4f35b455:
# Moe "Dis is my restaurant!"
Moe "Questo è il mio ristorante!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3062
translate it lRoombaConvergence_79aabd45:
# A "Hold up. Your uncle is Moe. Moe as in the Moe that started Dino-Moe’s?"
A "Aspè. Tuo zio è Moe. Lo stesso Moe che ha aperto Dino-Moe's?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3065
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d040edf4:
# F "No!{w=.4} I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} I don’t know!"
F "No!{w=.4} Cioè{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} Non lo so!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3067
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1322d589:
# Moe "{cps=*.2}HAHAHAHA{/cps}{w=.1}AH{w=.2} MY BABY GIRL ASN’T SWUNG BY IN AGES!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3069
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7422b966:
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3073
translate it lRoombaConvergence_fd4b0ba5:
# "I feel my own skin warm up now. The old T-Rex laughs louder and slaps his rotund belly."
"Arrossisco dall'imbarazzo. Il vecchio T-Rex ride ancora di più e shiaffeggia il suo pancione rotondo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3075
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ad025934:
# Moe "Relax kids, I’m messin’ wit ya. Come on I’ll gives ya da bes’ seats in da house."
Moe "Tranquilli belli miei, ve sto a pijà pe culo. Venite qua, ve do i mijiori posti de'a casa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3091
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ba4584a4:
# "Moe wraps an arm around each of our shoulders and drags us through the restaurant to a cozy yet dark booth sequestered away from the rest."
"Moe mette le sue braccia su ciascuna delle nostre spalle e ci tira per il ristorante verso un punto nascosto ma accogliente lontano da tutti gli altri."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3110
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4ea16792:
# "We’re shoved into the seats and the owner/uncle bends over the table to light the sole candle there."
"Veniamo presi e lanciati sulle nostre sedie e il proprietario/zio si avvicina per accedere l'unica candela sul tavolo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3113
translate it lRoombaConvergence_90ccc30f:
# "I’m having a candle-lit dinner with Fang now."
"Sto avendo una cena a lume di candela con Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3115
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3129
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9ce3cf9c:
# "The hell is happening?!"
"Che diavolo sta succedendo?!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3131
translate it lRoombaConvergence_638be490:
# Moe "Now yous twos wait right there while I make my lil princess’ favrite pie. On me, o’ course."
Moe "Mo stavene boni qua mentre vado a prepara' a pizza preferita pe a mia cucciolotta. Ovviamente aggratis."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3136
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8cd5dcf4:
# "Moe proceeds to saunter off, pushing through the double doors that probably led to the kitchen."
"Moe procede a sguizzare via, passando per le doppie porte che probabilmente portano alla cucina."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3139
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b7116f80:
# "I look over the candle to Fang."
"Guardo verso Fang oltre la candela."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3141
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0987dcf9:
# "She looks how I feel at the moment."
"Lei sembra sentirsi come mi sento in questo momento"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3143
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a213e973:
# "Lost and confused."
"Persa e confusa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3146
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d98f76b2:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What just happened{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Che cosa è appena successo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3148
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d9621351:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I don’t know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Non lo so{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3151
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d0b89c9c:
# A "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3153
translate it lRoombaConvergence_28897ed0:
# "Fuck.{w=.4} Come on Anon, you can do it."
"Cazzo.{w=.4} Dai Anon, ce la puoi fare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3156
translate it lRoombaConvergence_932cf288:
# "You were part of the team that kicked Reddit’s ass in Claws of Duty: Jurassic Warfare."
"Hai fatto parte di quel team che ha preso a calci in culo Reddit in Claws of Duty: Jurassic Warfare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3159
translate it lRoombaConvergence_920aa6a0:
# A "Is that really your uncle?"
A "Lui è davvero tuo zio?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3162
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9c142a4f:
# F "No, he’s just a good family friend."
F "No, è solo un buon amico di famiglia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3164
translate it lRoombaConvergence_35b3fde1:
# F "My dad goes bowling every Thursday with him."
F "Mio Padre va a giocare a bowling ogni giovedì con lui."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3167
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1f28d9ac:
# A "Sounds fun."
A "Sembra divertente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3169
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2dbc2fe6:
# A "You ever go along?"
A "Hai giocato anche tu qualche volta?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3172
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7382efb2:
# F "Not anymore."
F "Non più."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3174
translate it lRoombaConvergence_21d8eb1e:
# F "All that sportsy stuff doesn’t appeal to me."
F "Tutta quella roba di sport non fa per me."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3177
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4d01e078:
# F "Besides, I have school and band stuff to worry about."
F "E poi, devo pensare alla scuola e alla band."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3180
translate it lRoombaConvergence_df611d3e:
# F "Not to mention my dad’s a bit of an asshole."
F "Considera anche che mio Padre è un po' stronzo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3183
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9490c8b4:
# "The image of a golf club comes to mind."
"Mi viene in mente l'immagine di una mazza da golf."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3185
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d7023c38:
# A "You don’t say?"
A "Ma davvero?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3187
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7de2d5b6:
# F "Uh huh."
F "Uh huh."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3190
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6983b077:
# F "Whenever I’m listening to my music at night he always yells through the door about ‘audible bowel movements’."
F "Ogni volta che ascolto la mia musica la notte strilla sempre riguardo a ‘movimenti intestinali estremamente udibili’."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3193
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1445a38f:
# A "Honestly, do you blame him?"
A "Onestamente, come puoi biasimarlo?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3200
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6de92e69:
# "Fang smirks."
"Fang fa un sorrisetto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3202
translate it lRoombaConvergence_33be8e64:
# F "Maybe not."
F "Forse no."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3205
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d3b97922:
# A "My dad isn’t even really there most of the time."
A "Mio Padre non c'è nemmeno per la maggiorparte del tempo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3208
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2e722f32:
# A "When I do interact with him, it’s just these huge orders about what to do with myself."
A "Quelle poche volte che interagisco con lui, sono sempre ordini su cosa devo fare con la mia vita."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3210
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6b750c69:
# A "\"You’re going to camp\", \"you’re going to Brazil\", \"you’re going to some coastal town for half a year\"."
A "\"Devi andare al campeggio\", \"Ti mando in Brasile\", \"Devi andare in una città vicino la costa per sei mesi\"."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3213
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5fd100a0:
# A "Then again, that last one was more my fault."
A "L'ultima cosa è però in parte colpa mia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3216
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a6cd56e7:
# F "Sounds rough."
F "Sembra una cosa brutta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3219
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ee8155ab:
# F "What about your Mom?"
F "E che mi dici di tua Madre?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3221
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1703669c:
# A "What about her?"
A "Mia Madre?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3223
translate it lRoombaConvergence_aceec676:
# A "Pretty standard mother, a bit naggy."
A "Una Madre classica, anche se un po' rompiscatole."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3226
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0df96cd4:
# A "She’d always try to dress me for school, so i’d look like the biggest dork ever."
A "Ogni volta cercava sempre di decidere i miei vestiti per scuola, in modo da farmi passare per il più grande sfigato di tutti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3229
translate it lRoombaConvergence_df342906:
# A "One time she got me into a denim jacket and jeans combo."
A "Una volta mi ha fatto vestire con una giacca in denim e dei jeans."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3234
translate it lRoombaConvergence_884122a0:
# F "The Double-Denim Disaster!{w=0.75}{nw}"
F "Il disastro Doppio-Denim!{w=0.75}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3237
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7d438337:
# extend "{cps=*.5} Pffffffft.{/cps}"
extend "{cps=*.5} Pffffffft.{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3240
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7ea08fe6:
# A "How’d you know-{w=.4}{cps=*.25} waaaaaaiiit {/cps}a second."
A "Come facevi a-{w=.4}{cps=*.25} aaaaaaspetta {/cps}un secondo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3244
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1cf1313c:
# F "Another word and you get hot wax in your face."
F "Dì un'altra parola e ti becchi della cera bollente in faccia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3246
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ca5879da:
# "I’m holding back my laughter behind my fist."
"Trattengo le risate dietro il mio pugno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3249
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d338a2d6:
# A "And she’d always try to embarrass me in front of everyone."
A "E cercava sempre di mettermi in imbarazzo di fronte a tutti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3251
translate it lRoombaConvergence_074955b5:
# F "Don’t all moms do that?"
F "Non lo fanno tutte le mamme?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3254
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5f8001ef:
# A "Why don’t you tell me,{w=.4}{cps=*.25} Pirate Princess?{/cps}"
A "Dimmelo tu,{w=.4}{cps=*.25} Principessa dei Pirati!{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3275
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8b23cace:
# "You know, hot wax really only hurts for the first few seconds."
"La cera bollenta fa male solo per i primi secondi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3277
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9eb5bc99:
# "That cute look of surprise though?{w=.4} Lasting for eternity."
"Ma quello sguardo sorpreso così adorabile?{w=.4} Rimane per sempre."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3280
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7d3eca79:
# F "Breathe a word of that to anyone and this candle is going up where the sun don’t shine while it’s still lit."
F "Di' solo una parola di questa cosa a qualcuno e la candela accesa finirà dove non batte il sole."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3284
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9577174e:
# "I scrape the hardened wax on my forehead off with one hand."
"Tolgo la cera secca dalla mia fronta con la mano."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3289
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bb5fd2d8:
# A "Alright alright.{w=.4} Sheesh."
A "Okay okay.{w=.4} Wow."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3291
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0eb8c462:
# A "But what about your mom?"
A "Ma tua Madre?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3293
translate it lRoombaConvergence_063227bb:
# A "Is she like, on heroin or something?"
A "È tipo, sotto eroina o cosa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3296
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8fd3b84a:
# F "Ha, no.{w=.4} She’s just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} always in her own little world."
F "Ahah, no.{w=.4} Lei{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sta sempre nel suo mondo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3298
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9621a5f6:
# F "Nothing is ever wrong, there’s no flaws with anything{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Niente va mai storto, non ci sono problemi o quant'altro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3300
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1e6b30bf:
# F "No concern is worth worrying about."
F "Non c'è niente di cui preoccuparsi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3302
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b09634ea:
# A "Ah. Yeah, that can’t be healthy."
A "Ah. Hmm, non penso sia salutare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3304
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f9acd5c7:
# F "Eh, I’ve made do so far."
F "Eh, ce l'ho fatta a sopravvivere fino ad ora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3307
translate it lRoombaConvergence_315be1bb:
# A "Well, for what it’s worth, you’ve still got Trish, Reed and Naser."
A "Beh, nonostante tutto, hai Trish, Reed e Naser."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3310
translate it lRoombaConvergence_434f690e:
# F "Pffft.{w=.4} Yeah, the one whose horn is more important than finding a place, my shitty baby brother, and Reed."
F "Pffft.{w=.4} Certo come no, una che gli importa più del suo corno che trovare un posto, il mio fottuto fratello, e Reed."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3315
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3b46afa0:
# "Fang groans as she leans back in her seat."
"Fang si lamenta mentre si appoggia sulla sedia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3319
translate it lRoombaConvergence_211c17c0:
# F "The new guy is the only one I can rely on."
F "Il tipo nuovo è l'unico sul quale posso contare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3321
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0cb68b38:
# F "{cps=*.4}My life sucks.{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.4}La mia vita fa schifo.{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3324
translate it lRoombaConvergence_83c7530a:
# A "Hmmmm, I dunno{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Hmmm, non lo so{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3326
translate it lRoombaConvergence_dc8ea117:
# F "We haven’t found a venue and our show is in a week."
F "Non abbiamo trovato un posto per esibirci e lo show è tra una settimana."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3330
translate it lRoombaConvergence_31c9aa67:
# F "Gah!{w=.6} Fuckin’ Naomi!{w=.5} Fuckin’ Dad!"
F "Argh!{w=.6} Naomi del cazzo!{w=.5} Papà del cazzo!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3333
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a825e5f6:
# A "On the flip-side, we’re getting some of your favorite pizza at one of the pricier italian places around. For free too."
A "Guarda il lato positivo, stiamo per mangiare la tua pizza preferita in uno dei ristoranti italiani più costosi. Gratis."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3336
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bb62ef17:
# F "But the venue{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Ma il posto per esibirci{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3338
translate it lRoombaConvergence_00e4ae89:
# A "We still have time."
A "Abbiamo ancora tempo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3341
translate it lRoombaConvergence_71dc4b97:
# A "So, pizza first and then we find a place for your show."
A "Quindi, prima la pizza e poi cerchiamo un posto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3344
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6e7b2639:
# Moe "Someone say pizza?"
Moe "Qualcuno ha detto pizza?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3358
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c9dd5af2:
# Moe "Someone order a fuckin’ pizza?!"
Moe "Qualcuno ha ordinato 'na cazzo de pizza?!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3363
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9f3fbca5:
# "Moe slides a large pizza onto the table in front of us."
"Moe ci presenta sul tavolo una grande pizza."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3365
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d295ad23:
# Moe "A pizza with extra sausage, anchovies, pepperoni and ham, also known as the Moe’s Original Meateor Pizza, Lucy’s favorite!"
Moe "Pizza co 'e sarsicce, acciughe, salame e prosciutto, conosciuta anche come la Pizza Carnosauriana De Moe, 'a preferita de Lucy!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3368
translate it lRoombaConvergence_73f04ca4:
# F "I go by Fang now, actually."
F "Ora mi chiamo Fang, in verità."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3372
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e1bbd621:
# Moe "Whoa-hoa! The youth are getting uppity with me!"
Moe "AOOooo! Sti giovani me vojono fa girà 'a testa!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3374
translate it lRoombaConvergence_32bf9409:
# Moe "Ya try’na make ol’ Moe confused, ya punk?"
Moe "Me stai a pijà per culo, eh?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3383
translate it lRoombaConvergence_926b8327:
# "He gives Fang a light noogie."
"Da un piccolo colpetto scherzoso a Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3393
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8e633ff2:
# Moe "So what’ve you punks been up to?"
Moe "Che state a fà voi due?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3395
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0ec98623:
# A "Actually, mister Moe, we were going to ask-"
A "In verità, signor Moe, volevamo chiederle-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3399
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9ca51f27:
# Moe "Mister?{w=.4} Young punk ya don’ need ta be so formal."
Moe "Signore?{w=.4} Abbello de casa nun devi esse formale commè."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3409
translate it lRoombaConvergence_603a77cd:
# "{cps=*.2}AAAAArgh {/cps}fuck my head."
"{cps=*.2}AAAAArgh {/cps}cazzo la testa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3419
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d525dc11:
# Moe "You younguns, I ‘eard ya talkin’ bout yer parents."
Moe "Ve stavo a sentì prima, stavate a parlà dei vostri genitori."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3422
translate it lRoombaConvergence_06edad9a:
# "Ah man, here comes the lecture."
"Oh no, ecco la filippica."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3424
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9bc6d523:
# Moe "You know, the best part bein’ young is-"
Moe "Volete sapè na cosa? A'cosa più bella dell'essere pischelli è-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3427
translate it lRoombaConvergence_62a432e6:
# Waitress "{cps=*.25}Mooee!!{/cps}" with vpunch
Waitress "{cps=*.25}Mooee!!{/cps}" with vpunch
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3430
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c120ddc9:
# Waitress "We got a code {i}K{/i} on line 1!"
Waitress "Abbiamo un codice {i}K{/i} sulla linea uno!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3438
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3f6fe496:
# "Moe hangs his head in despair."
"Moe guarda al cielo in disperazione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3440
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5e02564c:
# Moe "‘Old dat thought, kids. I’ze gots a pissed off motha ta deal wit."
Moe "Ah annamo bene! Aspettateme n'attimo pischelli. C'ho da sistema' 'na rottura de cojoni, 'na madre."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3451
translate it lRoombaConvergence_80400ab8:
# "Moe stomps away to the reception desk, leaving Fang, the pizza and me."
"Moe se ne va verso la reception, lasciando Fang, la pizza e me."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3456
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d072b55f:
# F "Hey, free food."
F "Hey, cibo gratis."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3459
translate it lRoombaConvergence_fac11f28:
# "Fang piles three slices on a plate, catching a few of the anchovies before they slide off."
"Fang prende tre pezzi di pizza, prendendo al volo le acciughe prima che scivolino via."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3461
translate it lRoombaConvergence_50eab0ee:
# "I think I'll only take one, I’d rather not get heartburn at eighteen."
"Penso che prenderò solo un pezzo, non voglio farmi prendere un infarto a diciotto anni."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3464
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a24d1ca8:
# "Man, this place sure isn’t historical for no reason."
"Wow, allora c'è un motivo per cui questo posto è storico!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3466
translate it lRoombaConvergence_eb98542c:
# "Even something as ridiculous as this tastes phenomenal."
"Anche se ridicola questa pizza è fenomenale!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3468
translate it lRoombaConvergence_398b1377:
# "Good thing it’s free, I’d be willing to pay a premium for this stuff."
"Meno male che è gratis, sarei disposto a pagare un sacco di soldi per questa roba."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3470
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ad441016:
# "Kicks Comet Pizza’s ass any day of the week."
"Fa il culo a Comet Pizza sette giorni su sette."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3473
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c312d464:
# F "It really hooks you in, don’t it?"
F "Crea dipendenza, eh?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3476
translate it lRoombaConvergence_90dfd043:
# "Oh, I didn’t realize I was in my own world for a bit."
"Oh, non mi ero reso conto che stavo con la testa tra le nuvole."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3478
translate it lRoombaConvergence_fcb1847b:
# A "Uh, yeah."
A "Uh, vero."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3480
translate it lRoombaConvergence_33d17597:
# A "It’s real good."
A "È davvero buona."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3482
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e678bcdd:
# "Huh, she’s already down two slices?"
"Huh, si è già spazzolata due pezzi di pizza?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3484
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3366b68e:
# F "Shame I have to limit myself around the good stuff."
F "Peccato che mi devo limitare con la roba buona."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3488
translate it lRoombaConvergence_10c9521a:
# "Fang picks up her last slice, tosses it upwards{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Fang prende l'ultimo pezzo di pizza, lo lancia in aria{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3490
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2f40a2b7:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}and snaps it out of the air with one bite."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}e lo prende al volo in un solo boccone."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3493
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5900aff4:
# A "Whoa."
A "Whoa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3495
translate it lRoombaConvergence_388831c9:
# A "Cool trick. Do you do parties?"
A "Bel trucchetto. Lo fai anche alle festicciole?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3500
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6ab6630b:
# "While she raises her middle finger at the remark, the grin on Fang’s face says it’s more out of humor than malice."
"Mentre lei alza il dito medio alla mia presa in giro, noto il sorrisetto di Fang essere giocoso anziché malizioso."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3506
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d0705e4e:
# F "You gonna finish that?"
F "Lo finisci quello?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3508
translate it lRoombaConvergence_298e3482:
# "I look at my half eaten slice."
"Guardo il mio pezzo di pizza mangiato a metà."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3510
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f7a61b76:
# "I guard my hoard with an arm bulwark."
"Lo proteggo con il mio braccio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3514
translate it lRoombaConvergence_83ad0cc8:
# A "Mine."
A "Mio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3516
translate it lRoombaConvergence_cfe741a2:
# F "Heh. Didn’t want it anyway."
F "Heh. Tanto non lo volevo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3518
translate it lRoombaConvergence_83ad0cc8_1:
# A "Mine."
A "Mio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3520
translate it lRoombaConvergence_43b1ddce:
# "I’m quick to finish off my slice to keep it to myself while Fang goes for her third helping."
"Finisco in fretta di mangiare la mia fetta mentre Fang prende una terza porzione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3523
translate it lRoombaConvergence_96c75b6c:
# "The pizza doesn’t last, sadly, as we continue to take slices."
"Purtroppo la pizza finisce in fretta, mentre continuiamo a mangiare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3525
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2afa494d:
# "Its’ life is ended in a matter of minutes, when otherwise I would have committed pastacide in an hour."
"La sua vita finisce in pochi minuti, quando invece avrei commesso un pastacidio in un'ora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3527
translate it lRoombaConvergence_fcb99295:
# "By the end I’m satisfied enjoying the feeling of the itis."
"Alla fine sono sazio e mi godo l'abbiocco."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3534
translate it lRoombaConvergence_829538bc:
# F "{cps=*.25}Aaaah{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} Uncle Moe knows just how to make it."
F "{cps=*.25}Aaaah{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} Lo zio Moe sa proprio come fare la pizza."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3537
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2b01a51a:
# A "Yeah, your uncle is pretty cool."
A "Già, tuo zio è niente male."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3543
translate it lRoombaConvergence_48306c44:
# "Fang gets out of her seat, legs unsteady as she fights off the need for a well needed nap."
"Fang si alza, con le gambe addormentate mentre cerca di combattere il bisogno di farsi un sonnellino."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3546
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e14f5c65:
# F "I’ll see ya at the front. I’ve got a serious need. For real this time."
F "Ci becchiamo di fuori, devo sbrigare dei bisogni. Stavolta per davvero."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3548
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a1284a87:
# "I snicker and nod."
"Ridacchio e annuisco."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3562
translate it lRoombaConvergence_96df820a:
# A "Sure, leave me to deal with your uncle."
A "Certo, e mi lasci da solo con tuo zio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3569
translate it lRoombaConvergence_fc74a27a:
# "I force myself out of the booth and casually meander to the reception area."
"Mi sforzo ad alzarmi dal tavolo e vado verso l'area della reception."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3586
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2d2d6aed:
# "Moe is there placing the receiver of the desk’s phone back."
"Trovo Moe che sta agganciando la cornetta del telefono."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3598
translate it lRoombaConvergence_264f22bd:
# Moe "‘Ey son, youse enjoy da meal?"
Moe "Ao, t'è piaciuta a pizza?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3600
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2d309089:
# A "Definitely. Feel like I’mma black out any second."
A "Eccome se mi è piaciuta. Sento che sto per addormentarmi per quanto sono sazio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3602
translate it lRoombaConvergence_11b8d21b:
# Moe "Hahaha. Dat’s what I like ta hear!"
Moe "AHAHAH. Volevo sentì popo questo!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3604
translate it lRoombaConvergence_69b47b87:
# Moe "Glad to make yas date, then."
Moe "So' contento che ho mijiorato er tuo appuntamento."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3610
translate it lRoombaConvergence_11dfb054:
# A "A-ah, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} we aren’t-"
A "A-ah, er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} non è un-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3612
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ec9df905:
# Moe "No? Coulda fooled me wit’ dat disaster youse called flirtin’."
Moe "No? E io che pensavo che stavi a flertà a cazzo de cane."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3614
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8851940a:
# A "No, really!"
A "No, giuro!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3616
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d408c1b0:
# A "Fang’s looking for a venue."
A "Fang sta cercando un posto dove esibirsi con la sua band."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3618
translate it lRoombaConvergence_58505162:
# A "Her band is planning a show for next week."
A "La sua band sta pianificando uno show per la prossima settimana."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3621
translate it lRoombaConvergence_014bac0c:
# Moe "{cps=*.4}Reeeaaally {/cps}now.{w=.4} Why not have it here den?"
Moe "{cps=*.4}Hmmmmmmmm{/cps}?{w=.4} Pecché nun'o fai qua allora?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3624
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c164be5a:
# "I look around at the restaurant, trying to find any real place for the band to actually play."
"Mi guardo attorno al ristorante, cercando di trovare un vero posto dove far esibire la band."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3626
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2cf2a2ea:
# Moe "Ay, dun sweat the details, kid."
Moe "Ao, nun te preoccupà, abbello."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3628
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f47f57a8:
# "Moe grins."
"Moe sghignazza."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3630
translate it lRoombaConvergence_82499f1e:
# Moe "Me and da boys are used to makin’ room for shows."
Moe "Io e i miei ragazzi semo troppo bravi a fa' posto pe'i posti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3632
translate it lRoombaConvergence_63a040ad:
# Moe "Youse jus tell ma l’il Lucy ya got a place, then yas sure ta sweep ‘er of ‘er feet."
Moe "Dije a'mia piccola Lucy che c'ha un posto e stai sicuro che'a conquisti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3635
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bdce5559:
# A "Ah{w=.2} er{w=.2} wha{w=.2} I{w=.2} th{w=.4} huh?"
A "Ah{w=.2} e{w=.2} com{w=.2} io{w=.2} il{w=.4} cos?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3638
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d54f1709:
# "Anon.exe has failed."
"Anon.exe è crashato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3641
translate it lRoombaConvergence_73973fde:
# Moe "Ah{w=.2} ta be young and in love."
Moe "Ah{w=.2} esse ggiovani e nnamorati."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3644
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b62f14dc:
# Moe "Listen here, Anon."
Moe "Ascoltame amme, Anon."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3646
translate it lRoombaConvergence_dcb77e11:
# Moe "{i}{cps=*.5}I segreti dell’amore{/cps}{/i}, the secret ta love{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Moe "{i}{cps=*.5}I segreti dell’amore{/cps}{/i}, er segreto de'amore{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3648
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4aae4c2e:
# Moe "It’s not shared mis’ry. Youse can complain bout all da lil details in life."
Moe "Nun se tratta de condivide 'a miseria. Poi rompe er cazzo su tutte e stronzate de a vita."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3650
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6ca28823:
# Moe "But dat don’t fix yas problems."
Moe "Ma nun funziona così."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3655
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3f226841:
# Moe "Howeva!"
Moe "Ma!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3657
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a7d5bee4:
# Moe "Yas can’t be tryna do everythang for her neitha."
Moe "Nun poi nemmeno fa' tutto pe lei."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3659
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c0421f24:
# Moe "Othawize she’d jus expec ya ta fix all her problems for her."
Moe "Pecché artrimenti s'aspetta che je fai tutto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3662
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b6b39a81:
# Moe "The secret is support!"
Moe "Er segreto è er sostegno!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3664
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2ba08cd2:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Support?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sostegno?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3666
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ba513c1c:
# Moe "Ay, youse gots ta be her support."
Moe "Eh 'satto, devi sta lì pe sostenella."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3668
translate it lRoombaConvergence_834af263:
# Moe "She gots ta fix her own problems, but youse gots ta back her up on dem."
Moe "Deve aggiustà i problemi da sola, ma ce devi esse te per sostenella in ciò che deve fare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3670
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7cf4f782:
# Moe "An’ from what I hear from ma boy Nasa, you’ve already been dun dat."
Moe "E da quanto m'ha detto Naser, 'o stai già a fa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3673
translate it lRoombaConvergence_49858534:
# "I suppose I have. Like at her band practice, or on the roof."
"Suppongo di sì. Tipo durante le esercitazioni della band, o mentre stavamo sul tetto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3675
translate it lRoombaConvergence_39731620:
# Moe "Like now!"
Moe "Tipo ora!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3677
translate it lRoombaConvergence_84599e68:
# Moe "{cps=*.3}Hahahahaha {/cps}{w=.3}BADA {w=.1}BING!"
Moe "{cps=*.3}Hahahahaha {/cps}{w=.3}BADA {w=.1}BING!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3679
translate it lRoombaConvergence_61131086:
# unknown "BADA {w=.1}BOOM."
unknown "BADA {w=.1}BOOM."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3683
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2032e372:
# Moe "Back ta work Jerry!"
Moe "Torna a lavorà Jerry!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3687
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5cd9611b:
# Moe "Anyway."
Moe "Vabbò."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3689
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0a7ff47c:
# Moe "Be good ta her, Anon."
Moe "Fa er bravo co' lei, Anon."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3691
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a9c915ae:
# Moe "She’ll be good ta youse, I raised her right afta all."
Moe "Lei sarà brava co' te. L'ho cresciuta bene dopotutto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3694
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4e771384:
# A "Err, thanks, Moe."
A "Err, grazie, Moe."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3696
translate it lRoombaConvergence_37bf695d:
# Moe "Ay, anytime."
Moe "Quanno te pare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3699
translate it lRoombaConvergence_52d04e99:
# Moe "I’ve been hangin’ around youse fools for too long, I can’t jus’ ignore the kitchen anymore, youse know?"
Moe "So' stato per troppo tempo qua tra de voi ragazzetti, nun posso ignorà a' cucina, no?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3701
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9378c347:
# Moe "Give little Lucy my regards, huh?"
Moe "Porta i miei saluti a' mia piccola Lucy, vabbò?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3703
translate it lRoombaConvergence_529b1d4f:
# A "Sure."
A "Certo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3714
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4af79f3d:
# "Moe saunters back to the kitchen."
"Moe passeggia tornando in cucina."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3722
translate it lRoombaConvergence_dfac5812:
# "Now that I think about it, how does he cook with those little arms?"
"Ora che ci penso, come fa a cucinare con delle braccia così piccole?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3724
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2248ba8e:
# "I look a bit closer, there’s several toy claws hanging on a rack just inside the kitchen door."
"Guardo un po' più da vicino, vedo che ci sono degli artigli giocattolo su una griglia vicino alla porta della cucina."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3727
translate it lRoombaConvergence_806714c9:
# "Somehow I don’t think that was something I was supposed to see."
"Credo che quella è una cosa che non avrei mai dovuto vedere."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3739
translate it lRoombaConvergence_03662bf6:
# F "Alright, I’m back."
F "Eccomi, sono tornatə."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3742
translate it lRoombaConvergence_28cd418d:
# F "Let’s hit the road."
F "Ricominciamo a cercare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3744
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5ed75f42:
# F "Maybe we’ll find somewhere to play before sundown."
F "Forse troveremo qualcosa prima che il sole tramonta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3753
translate it lRoombaConvergence_86a40cb6:
# A "Actually, we really don’t."
A "In verità, non c'è bisogno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3756
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c81b0c5f:
# "Fang freezes in place."
"Fang si congela sul posto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3760
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b919eb7a:
# F "How?"
F "Come?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3762
translate it lRoombaConvergence_408666b9:
# A "Your Uncle."
A "Tuo zio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3765
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1d62d933:
# F "You{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} aske uncle Moe if my band could play?"
F "Hai{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} chiesto allo zio Moe se la mia band potesse suonare?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3768
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4eeb551c:
# A "Yeah, he seemed pretty excited about it."
A "Sì e sembrava entusiasta all'idea."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3770
translate it lRoombaConvergence_470f6a56:
# A "He’s got a stage ready and everything."
A "Ha un palco pronto e tutto il resto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3778
translate it lRoombaConvergence_968447ec:
# "Fang still isn’t moving{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Fang ancora non si muove{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3780
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a251983e:
# "Did I do something wrong?"
"Ho fatto qualcosa di sbagliato?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3785
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1d846889:
# "It’s a blur of motion."
"È un miscuglio di emozioni."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3799
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3de51a45:
# "One second Fang looks like she’s going to start hyperventilating."
"Un secondo prima Fang sta per entrare in iperventilazione."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3801
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8e8a23e1:
# "Next it’s like I’m wrapped in a blanket of down feathers."
"Un secondo dopo mi ritrovo circondato da una coperta di soffici piume."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3803
translate it lRoombaConvergence_19e5b6e3:
# "Being shaken from side to side."
"E vengo scosso da una parte all'altra."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3805
translate it lRoombaConvergence_cf861181:
# "With a tinnitus inducing scream right in my ear."
"Con annesso strillo direttamente dentro il mio orecchio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3812
translate it lRoombaConvergence_25097f2a:
# F "{cps=*.3}AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA {/cps}WE GOT A VENUE{cps=*.3} AAAAAAAAA{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3814
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3f880fba:
# "It’s so infectious."
"È così contagioso."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3816
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ac5e04c6:
# "My arms reflexively support her, wrapping around below her wings."
"Le mie braccia la reggono instintivamente, abbracciandola sotto le sue ali."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3818
translate it lRoombaConvergence_01b7df4c:
# "Fang’s arms are wrapped around my shoulders as she clings to me."
"Le braccia di Fang sono abbracciate attorno alle mie spalle mentre è appiccicata a me."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3820
translate it lRoombaConvergence_24eb2ef2:
# "I feel something warm, soft and somewhat moist press against my cheek."
"Sento qualcosa di caldo, morbido e alquanto umido premere sulla mia guancia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3822
translate it lRoombaConvergence_cb47122b:
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3826
translate it lRoombaConvergence_dc61a289:
# "All movement stops and reality resumes."
"Tutto il movimento giunge a uno stop e ritorniamo alla realtà."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3839
translate it lRoombaConvergence_83f29489:
# "Fang’s wings withdraw from around us."
"Le ali di Fang si allontanano da noi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3841
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c8eaaee1:
# "She pulls away until only her hands are on my shoulders."
"Si allontana fino a quando solo le sue mani si trovano sulle mie spalle."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3844
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c07b18ff:
# "My hands are now at her sides and I can feel her warm scales on my palms."
"Le mie mani sono appoggiare sui suoi fianchi e riesco a sentire le sue calde squame sui miei palmi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3847
translate it lRoombaConvergence_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3849
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bce9991d:
# "Wow."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3852
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4f1580a5:
# "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Io uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3854
translate it lRoombaConvergence_29860137:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3866
translate it lRoombaConvergence_20b47cf0:
# "It’s the sound of clapping that causes us to jump apart, faces bright red and breath rapid."
"È il suono degli applausi che ci fa separare, faccie completamente arrossate e fiato molto ansioso."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3869
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f3702c8a:
# "Back at the kitchen door is Moe, clapping loudly with his miniscule arms."
"Dietro alla porta della cucina c'è Moe, che sta applaudendo immensamente con le sue minuscole braccia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3872
translate it lRoombaConvergence_05947db9:
# A "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I suppose we uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Credo che noi uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3875
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8cad41ae:
# F "Um{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Um{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3878
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0b498649:
# A "Call{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} Naser?"
A "Dovremmo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} chiamare Naser?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3881
translate it lRoombaConvergence_645a3306:
# F "Y-{w=.15}yeah, a-and tell him{cps=*.1}...{/cps} right?"
F "S-{w=.15}sì, e d-dirglielo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} giusto?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3884
translate it lRoombaConvergence_82942de8:
# A "Totally."
A "Esatto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3891
translate it lRoombaConvergence_86f62562:
# A "VVURM DRAMA’s got a venue!"
A "VVURM DRAMA ha un locale!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3894
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c4035950:
# "Fang smiles softly and nods."
"Fang sorride dolcemente e annuisce."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3897
translate it lRoombaConvergence_41e96a8b:
# "Good thing Naomi put Naser’s number in my phone."
"Menomale che Naomi ha salvato il numero di cellulare di Naser sul mio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3899
translate it lRoombaConvergence_75ea32f1:
# "Even though I didn’t ask for it."
"Anche se non glielo avevo chiesto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3902
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7aeb6021:
# "The tone rings twice."
"Il telefono squilla due volte."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3904
translate it lRoombaConvergence_869264d1:
# Nas "Yes?"
Nas "Pronto?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3906
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6907002e:
# A "Hey, Naser."
A "Ehi, Naser."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3908
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5e1eb5be:
# Nas "Hold on, I’ll put you on speaker."
Nas "Aspettà, ti metto in vivavoce."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3911
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5ca4490a:
# Nas "Go ahead."
Nas "Ok, vai."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3913
translate it lRoombaConvergence_41881ceb:
# A "Mission accomplished, we got a venue set up."
A "Missione compiuta, siamo riusciti a trovare un posto per esibirci."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3916
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9a7e6cf7:
# N "Oh, they did?"
N "Oh, ci sono riusciti?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3918
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5404c9a2:
# N "That’s great!"
N "Ma è fantastico!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3920
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b373966c:
# A "Yeah, we’re at Dino-Moe’s place in Little Troodon."
A "Sì, stiamo da Dino-Moe a Little Troodon."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3922
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ffdff4c8:
# Nas "Cool."
Nas "Figo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3924
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a95c1ead:
# Nas "I’ll bring the NasCar over in a jiffy!"
Nas "Prendo la NasCar e sarò lì in un battibaleno!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3927
translate it lRoombaConvergence_dff7d109:
# "I’m going to punch him."
"Appena lo vedo gli tiro un pugno."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3930
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ab716ee3:
# N "You sure you want us to get you now?"
N "Sei sicuro che vuoi che veniamo a prendervi adesso?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3932
translate it lRoombaConvergence_96519fd4:
# N "Now that you have business out of the way you and Fang could go do something fun!"
N "Ora che avete risolto tu e Fang potete fare qualcosa di bello insieme!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3935
translate it lRoombaConvergence_936c6697:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3938
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4ddccb3c:
# "You know, it may not be such a bad idea."
"Sai che c'è? Non sarebbe una cattiva idea."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3940
translate it lRoombaConvergence_631e1072:
# "Even if it’s an idea from the Orchid Oppressor."
"Anche se è un'idea dell'Oppressore Orchidea."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3942
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3945
translate it lRoombaConvergence_42900f88:
# "Good lord, I’m never going to be able to play golf again."
"Oh santo cielo, non potrò più giocare a golf se mi azzardo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3947
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b815fb96:
# A "I’ll pass. It’s getting pretty dark."
A "No lascia stare, si sta facendo buio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3950
translate it lRoombaConvergence_53954a7c:
# N "Aww{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Aww{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3952
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e93cffa9:
# Nas "Alright, stay put and we’ll be there soon."
Nas "Va bene, rimanete lì: arriveremo tra poco."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3954
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ab1310a0:
# A "Alright."
A "Ok."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3956
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8e1ecd38:
# A "See you."
A "A dopo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3959
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a1640e0d:
# "All’s left is to wait a few minutes for the ride to get here."
"L'unica cosa rimasta da fare è quella di aspettare qualche minuto che il nostro passaggio arrivi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3972
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6260f863:
# "Fang is sitting on a bench in front of one of the restaurant windows."
"Fang è seduta su una panchina di fronte a una delle vetrate del ristorante."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3974
translate it lRoombaConvergence_85e1bf35:
# "She’s humming to herself, and her tail is drumming eurobeat on the bench."
"Sta canticchiando, e la sua coda batte sulla panchina a ritmo di eurobeat."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3976
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d5535d27:
# "I take a seat next to her."
"Mi siedo vicino a lei."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3979
translate it lRoombaConvergence_54b384ec:
# "By now the plaza has cooled down, most shops have closed and the only people still out are returning home after the long day."
"La piazza è diventata meno caotica, la maggior parte dei negozi è chiusa e le uniche persone ancora presenti stanno tornando a casa dopo la lunga giornata."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3981
translate it lRoombaConvergence_35f34990:
# "The two of us sit in companionable silence save for Fang’s humming and tail drumming."
"Noi due siamo seduti in piacevole silenzio salvo per Fang che canticchia e batte con la sua coda."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3983
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2fd59d58:
# "Her mood is contagious and soon enough I’m humming with her."
"Il suo umore è contagioso e presto mi ritrovo a canticchiare con lei."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3986
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2bc72e01:
# "I already know the song."
"Conosco questa canzone."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3988
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a6769020:
# "It’s from the roof."
"È di quando stavamo sul tetto della scuola."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3991
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5b9cde00:
# "Except more{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} more{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Eccetto che è{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} più{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3993
translate it lRoombaConvergence_454009f4:
# "Happy."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3996
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3aef961c:
# "The scene is great."
"La scena è fantastica."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:3998
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e744c2d0:
# "Just Fang and I on a bench in the waning sunlight in the middle of a deserted plaza."
"Solamente Fang e io su una panchina con il sole che tramonta nel bel mezzo di una piazza deserta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4004
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ea187278:
# "Taking the moment in,{w=.4} I almost don’t notice Fang scooting closer to me."
"Mentre assaporo il momento,{w=.4} mi accorgo a malapena che Fang si sta avvicinando verso di me."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4012
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f1638dc1_3:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4030
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0907132d:
# Nas "Mom! Dad! We’re home!"
Nas "Mamma! Papà! Siamo tornati!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4033
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ee9ad97b:
# "The ride back to Fang’s house went by uneventfully."
"Il viaggio di ritorno è stato piuttosto tranquillo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4035
translate it lRoombaConvergence_50f393f8:
# "Fang and I didn’t talk about what happened so Naser didn’t have an aneurysm."
"Fang ed io non abbiamo parlato di ciò che è successo altrimenti Naser avrebbe avuto un aneurisma."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4051
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0c8e875f:
# FM "Oh! Welcome home, Naser dear!"
FM "Oh! Bentornato, Naser caro!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4053
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b909850b:
# FM "How did your date go?"
FM "Come è andato il vostro appuntamento?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4055
translate it lRoombaConvergence_abb990fc:
# FM "I’m just dying to know!"
FM "Sto morendo dalla voglia di sapere!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4058
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a277d2d1:
# FD "{cps=*.4}I am also interested.{/cps}"
FD "{cps=*.4}Anche io sono interessato.{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4060
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9df2c0be:
# "I don’t know how but he’s looking into the exact center of my pupils with no margin of error."
"Non so come ma lui mi sta guardando dritto negli occhi senza margine d'errore."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4063
translate it lRoombaConvergence_81273432:
# FD "So, Ayy-non, how was your trip with my little girl?"
FD "Quindi, Ayy-non, com'è andata la passeggiata con la mia piccola?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4066
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6c8fd440:
# F "Dad!"
F "Papà!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4069
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bba53941:
# FM "Why don’t you go get ready for bed Lucy."
FM "Perché non ti prepari per andare a letto Lucy."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4072
translate it lRoombaConvergence_dd29274f:
# "Fang glowers."
"Fang le lancia un'occhiataccia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4074
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8b243a11:
# FD "Lucy your mom-"
FD "Lucy tua Madre-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4076
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b3ed2911:
# "I look to Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Mi giro verso Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4079
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1631ce83:
# "Okay, yeah.{w=.4} It was a date."
"Ok, lo ammetto.{w=.4} Era un appuntamento."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4082
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4240ca6b:
# A "It went well, sir."
A "È andata bene, signore."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4085
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f8fd9cbd:
# FD "What did-"
FD "Che cosa avete-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4087
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b8e2552d:
# A "We were able to find a venue, and I met Fang’s Uncle Moe."
A "Siamo stati in grado di trovare un posto per esibirci e ho incontrato lo zio di Fang, Moe."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4093
translate it lRoombaConvergence_37b6ffb2:
# "Fang’s dad sputters."
"Il Padre di Fang farfugliava."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4097
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4dd4b488:
# FD "I've half a mind of bringing you to the station boy!"
FD "Ho una mezza idea di portarti alla stazione di polizia ragazzo!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4099
translate it lRoombaConvergence_af651cdc:
# FD "And the other half of testing my new nightsick on ya!"
FD "E l'altra mezza di provare il mio nuovo manganello su di te!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4102
translate it lRoombaConvergence_133beb87:
# FM "Dear! Not in front-"
FM "Caro! Non di fronte-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4104
translate it lRoombaConvergence_05c69191:
# A "I wouldn’t mind doing this again."
A "Non mi dispiacerebbe rifarlo di nuovo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4121
translate it lRoombaConvergence_fbe412cb:
# "Oh wow.{w=.5} The look on Fang’s face is really cute."
"Oh wow.{w=.5} Lo sguardo sulla faccia di Fang è davvero adorabile."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4125
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0b6df8ec:
# FM "Oh I’m so happy for you two!"
FM "Oh sono così contenta per voi due!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4128
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1ee98d68:
# "I wave as I turn to the door."
"Saluto con la mano mentre chiudo la porta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4130
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a822d9e5:
# A "I’ll see you at school Fang."
A "Ci vediamo a scuola Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4135
translate it lRoombaConvergence_99e727af:
# F "Y-{w=.15}yeah. You too, Anon!"
F "S-{w=.15}sì. Anche a te, Anon!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4154
translate it lRoombaConvergence_39f19dcd:
# "With that I exit the door."
"E con ciò esco dalla porta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4156
translate it lRoombaConvergence_083d6fae:
# "Once it’s closed I can feel all that bravado evaporate and my legs turn to jelly."
"Dopo aver chiuso la porta sento la spavalderia evaporare mentre le mie gambe si trasformano in gelatina."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4159
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9c6b21d4:
# "I think that’s enough excitement for one day. My first step forward towards the bus stop is so wobbly I worry I’ll end up in Fang’s Mom’s rose bush."
"Penso che tutto questo livello di eccitazione basta e avanza per oggi. Il mio primo passo verso la fermata dell'autobus è così barcollante che quasi quasi rischio di cadere nel cespuglio di rose della Mamma di Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4161
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2e0b49a6:
# "It would probably be a good idea to sit a bit and catch my breath before going home, and take a seat on the curb just outside Fang’s house."
"Forse sarebbe meglio che mi sieda un attimo per riprendere fiato prima di tornare a casa, magari sul marciapiede vicino la casa di Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4164
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3154cb90:
# "The door behind me slams open and I jerk around to see Naser being shoved down the steps."
"La porta dietro di me si spalanca e mi giro di colpo e vedo Naser gettato fuori di casa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4169
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2097a148:
# FD "-and don’t come back until you’re finished thinking!"
FD "-e non tornare fino a quando non capisci quello che hai fatto!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4175
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2c97decf:
# "The door slams again and I hear a morose sigh."
"La porta sbatte di nuovo e sento un tetro sospiro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4188
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f8a326e2:
# Nas "Aw man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} Anon?"
Nas "Uffa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} Anon?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4190
translate it lRoombaConvergence_75ec4035:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sì{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4192
translate it lRoombaConvergence_13d85b72:
# Nas "Why’re you sitting here?"
Nas "Perché sei seduto qui?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4195
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f58accdf:
# A "Just catching my breath. Your dad’s a bit{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Sto solo riprendendo il fiato. Tuo Padre è un po'{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4198
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b067dbfd:
# Nas "Harsh?"
Nas "Severo?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4200
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5691bd4b:
# A "Homicidal, but close enough."
A "Omicida, ma ci sei arrivato vicino."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4204
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d9d9b1c4:
# "Naser huffs and shoves his hands back into his pockets."
"Naser sbuffa e si infila le mani in tasca."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4207
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5091ab16:
# Nas "You know you’re the reason dad kicked me out, right?"
Nas "Lo sai che è colpa tua se mio Padre mi ha buttato fuori di casa, vero?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4210
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b8242536:
# A "What?{w=.4} I know he’s pissed I so much as looked at Fang but what did you do?"
A "Cosa?{w=.4} Lo so che è incazzato perché ho addirittura osato guardare Fang ma perché ce l'ha con te?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4213
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2637b6a1:
# Nas "Turns out letting you run off with Fang is just{w=.15} ‘encouraging your degeneracy’{w=.15} or something."
Nas "Sembra che lasciarti andare con Fang significhi{w=.15} ‘incoraggiare la tua degenerazione’{w=.15} o qualcosa del genere."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4224
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d7f1587b:
# "Sighing, Naser drops to sit on the curb next to me."
"Sbuffando, Naser si siede sul marciapiede vicino a me."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4226
translate it lRoombaConvergence_da681f14:
# "He kicks a rock clean across the road and into the neighbors’ mailbox."
"Tira un calcio a un sasso lungo la strada e dentro la cassetta della posta del vicino."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4229
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3b0b56ab:
# A "Impressive."
A "Impressionante."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4232
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d48f5aad:
# Nas "Hmph."
Nas "Hmph."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4235
translate it lRoombaConvergence_27398772:
# A "Getting kicked out really got you that down?"
A "Essere buttato fuori di casa ti ha fatto deprimere così tanto?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4237
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6bb6df2d:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Sure."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Certo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4240
translate it lRoombaConvergence_01be67d5:
# A "Convincing. What’s the real answer?"
A "Convincente. Cosa provi veramente?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4244
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f243b7f4:
# Nas "What’s it to you?"
Nas "A te cosa importa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4246
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d246f150:
# A "Not much. Just figured I’d ask."
A "Non saprei. Volevo solo chiedere."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4249
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d081b9fc:
# "He stretches his wings and lays back on the pavement."
"Spalanca le sue ali e si sdraia sul pavimento."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4252
translate it lRoombaConvergence_fa9b6c77:
# Nas "Just figures it’d get to this."
Nas "Sapevo che sarei stato punito."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4254
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a9606a3f:
# A "Get to what?"
A "Punito per cosa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4257
translate it lRoombaConvergence_262aeb81:
# Nas "Me getting punished for Fang’s issues."
Nas "Per i problemi di Fang."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4259
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bf26cbc8:
# "Naser lays an arm over his eyes."
"Naser appoggia un braccio sui suoi occhi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4262
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8322123c:
# Nas "Why’d you need to go alone?"
Nas "Perché sei voluto andare da solo con lei?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4264
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c1963277:
# A "You saw her today, she was this close to killing your girlfriend."
A "L'hai vista oggi no? Era così vicina da ammazzare la tua ragazza."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4266
translate it lRoombaConvergence_220e64e9:
# A "Honestly you should be thanking me for that."
A "Onestamente mi dovresti ringraziare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4268
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6fb4eac3:
# "He waves me away at that."
"Fa un cenno dismissivo sentendo ciò."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4270
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5c7265b9:
# Nas "Feh."
Nas "Feh."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4273
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b37eb490:
# A "Go on."
A "Vai avanti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4279
translate it lRoombaConvergence_435c7658:
# Nas "You aren’t my therapist."
Nas "Non sei il mio terapeuta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4282
translate it lRoombaConvergence_33e06693:
# A "Humor me."
A "Assecondami."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4286
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5bb31365:
# "Naser’s arm flops away from his face and onto the concrete."
"Naser accasscia il braccio dalla sua faccia al cemento."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4289
translate it lRoombaConvergence_eb037eaf:
# Nas "Ugh.{w=.4} I mean, look at it from my perspective."
Nas "Ugh.{w=.4} Tipo, mettiti nei miei panni."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4291
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7eedf241:
# Nas "Fang is always up to something stupid{cps=*.1}...{/cps} more often than not these days she’s arguing with either me or my parents{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Fang fa sempre stupidaggini{cps=*.1}...{/cps} il più delle volte lei litiga con me oppure con i miei genitori{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4293
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0edd45a2:
# Nas "At this rate, Fang’ll end up a junkie or in a prison somewhere."
Nas "Se continua di questo passo, Fang finirà in prigione o diventerà una tossicomane."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4296
translate it lRoombaConvergence_eb18a736:
# "I cringe at the mental image of junkie Fang."
"Cringio all'idea di una Fang tossicodipendente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4300
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4cde1918:
# Nas "Mom and dad have pretty much accepted that, so who do you think all their hopes and dreams go to?"
Nas "Mamma e Papà si sono praticamente arresi, quindi indovina su chi hanno speranza?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4303
translate it lRoombaConvergence_043b94a1:
# Nas "Me."
Nas "Su di me."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4305
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b8656095:
# "With a growl Naser sits back up."
"Naser si rialza ringhiando."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4314
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bb33201d:
# Nas "It’s like I’m not allowed to have problems of my own, not allowed to mess up or do anything less than the best."
Nas "È come se non posso avere i miei problemi, non posso fare sbagli o non fare il meglio assoluto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4317
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ca5041e9:
# A "Judging by the trophy case at school, you aren’t doing half bad."
A "A giudicare dai trofei che ci sono a scuola, non stai messo male."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4322
translate it lRoombaConvergence_25b3e814:
# Nas "I wish it was an option to fail, I mean."
Nas "Vorrei solo che fallire fosse un'opzione, questo intendo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4324
translate it lRoombaConvergence_83f0e6f8:
# Nas "Instead, I’m stuck with no room for error and {i}still{/i} with a broken sister."
Nas "E invece, sono costretto ad avere nessun margine di errore e ad avere {i}comunque{/i} una sorella rovinata."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4327
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a9a186d2:
# Nas "And she’s still my sister,{w=.4} you know?"
Nas "Ma è sempre mia sorella,{w=.4} no?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4329
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c6f7fd00:
# Nas "I can’t help but be worried for her."
Nas "Ovvio che non posso fare a meno di essere preoccupato per lei."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4332
translate it lRoombaConvergence_af6f5eee:
# Nas "But what can I do?"
Nas "Ma cosa posso fare?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4334
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a898059e:
# Nas "She hates me, and I can’t bring up my worries with my parents."
Nas "Lei mi odia e non posso lamentarmi dei miei problemi con i miei genitori."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4336
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bbd6937e:
# Nas "Even Naomi notices I get stressed about it."
Nas "Anche Naomi ha notato quanto mi stresso per questa cosa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4339
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0c253ba7:
# Nas "I just want my sister to be happy, to go back to normal."
Nas "Voglio solo che mia sorella sia felice e che torni alla normalità."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4341
translate it lRoombaConvergence_19389a73:
# Nas "But I don’t even remember what her normal {i}is{/i}!"
Nas "Ma non ricordo nemmeno qual'è la {i}sua{/i} normalità!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4344
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bf2ca8c0:
# A "I don’t have siblings myself, but if I did I certainly would have trouble doing all you’re able to."
A "Non ho fratelli o sorelle, ma non potrei mai essere in grado di gestire tutto ciò tu sei invece in grado di fare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4346
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f5741b21:
# A "That selflessness by itself should help you, right?"
A "Questo altruismo dovrebbe aiutarti, giusto?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4349
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1145d40f:
# Nas "Selflessness?{w=.4} You kidding me?"
Nas "Altruismo?{w=.4} Ma stai scherzando?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4352
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c88faa13:
# Nas "Her friends would be destroyed if Fang just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} dropped all that."
Nas "I suoi amici ci rimarrebbero malissimo se Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps} smettesse di essere ciò che è ora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4354
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8bc13d04:
# Nas "Who am I to even wish she were different?"
Nas "Chi sono io per desiderare che Fang sia differente?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4357
translate it lRoombaConvergence_58141339:
# A "So you’re getting all this worked up and you aren’t sure it’s even the right thing?"
A "Quindi ti stai preoccupando per tutto questo e non sai nemmeno se è la cosa giusta?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4359
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7e614138:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Yeah, I guess so."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Credo di sì."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4362
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4987511d:
# "I try and parse everything Naser’s bitched about up to now."
"Cerco di capire la roba della quale Naser si è lamentato fino ad ora."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4364
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7e3bff70:
# "Guess it’s time for Dr. Mous’ psychological response."
"Penso sia giunto il momento della risposta psicologica del Dott. Imo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4367
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e25f402f:
# A "Y’know Naser, have you ever considered just{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} not?"
A "Lo sai, hai mai considerato di{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} lasciar perdere?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4371
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f8391622:
# Nas "What?!"
Nas "Cosa?!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4378
translate it lRoombaConvergence_cad6c4fe:
# "Naser practically lunges at me. I hold my hands up in supplication."
"Naser si scaglia contro di me. Supplico con le mie mani."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4380
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5e6293c9:
# "I consider what to say."
"E comincio a pensare a cosa dire."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4383
translate it lRoombaConvergence_71ea79cf:
# "Moe’s advice drifts to the forefront of my thoughts."
"Il consiglio di Moe appare tra i miei pensieri."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4385
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a37fe277:
# A "Hear me out.{w=.3} Just consider this."
A "Ascoltami.{w=.3} Pensa a ciò che sto per dirti."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4387
translate it lRoombaConvergence_30aa75d4:
# A "Maybe it’s not your job."
A "Forse non spetta a te."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4389
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d4d23505:
# A "I mean, you go out of your way to try and help her."
A "Tipo, ti sforzi per provare ad aiutarla."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4391
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4f527ad2:
# A "Hell even Naomi has tried."
A "Cazzo, pure Naomi ci ha provato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4393
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2b1b9a99:
# A "But{cps=*.1}...{/cps} maybe Fang’s problem is her problem to fix."
A "Ma{cps=*.1}...{/cps} credo che Fang debba pensarci da sola."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4397
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c9778938:
# Nas "But-{w=.1}but-{w=.1}but-"
Nas "Ma--{w=.1}ma--{w=.1}ma-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4399
translate it lRoombaConvergence_74fa7af4:
# A "We met your uncle today."
A "Abbiamo incontrato tuo zio oggi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4403
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e5cb3a6c:
# Nas "Uncle Moe?!"
Nas "Lo zio Moe?!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4405
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d47680a1:
# A "Yeah, and he had some advice for me."
A "Sì, e mi ha dato dei consigli."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4407
translate it lRoombaConvergence_d32e5376:
# A "He said she needs someone to support her.{w=.4} Not fix her problems for her."
A "Ha detto che lei ha bisogno di qualcuno che la sostenga.{w=.4} Non qualcuno che cerchi di aggiustare i suoi problemi al suo posto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4410
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ee7551ce:
# Nas "Isn’t that what I’ve been doing?"
Nas "Non è quello che sto facendo?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4412
translate it lRoombaConvergence_976843ad:
# A "Remember the show in the auditorium?"
A "Ti ricordi lo spettacolo in auditorium?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4416
translate it lRoombaConvergence_0501fb68:
# "The perturbed pterosaur sags as he recalls that disaster."
"Lo pterosauro perturbato si incurva su se stesso mentre ricorda quel disastro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4418
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3aa1f686:
# Nas "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Oh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4421
translate it lRoombaConvergence_360e9b42:
# A "Look man, you’ve got a lot of problems of your own."
A "Senti, hai un sacco di problemi per conto tuo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4423
translate it lRoombaConvergence_14e274c4:
# A "Maybe you should handle those first before you try to fix your sister’s."
A "Forse dovresti pensare a gestire i tuoi problemi prima di cercare di aggiustare quelli di tua sorella."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4426
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3a0d6a7d:
# Nas "{cps=*.25}Haaaaah.{/cps}{w=.4} Well, if Uncle Moe said so{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.25}Haaaaah.{/cps}{w=.4} Beh, se lo dice lo zio Moe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4429
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2c0e04e0:
# Nas "But why did he tell you that?"
Nas "Ma perché te lo ha detto a te?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4431
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1b70340c:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Shit{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4433
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1ca9d0a9:
# A "Err{cps=*.1}...{/cps} y’know{cps=*.1}...{/cps} just advice from an old guy."
A "Err{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sai{cps=*.1}...{/cps} è semplicemente un consiglio da una persona anziana."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4435
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8828fb85:
# A "You know how they love to give advice."
A "Lo sai che alle persone anziane gli piace dare consigli."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4438
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c9f0828a:
# "His head shakes side to side, dismissing my dismissal."
"Lui dissente il mio dissenso, facendo di no con la tesa."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4440
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2d7aaeb5:
# Nas "No way.{w=.4} Not Uncle Moe.{w=.4} He’d never give you the time of day."
Nas "Non ci credo.{w=.4} Non lo zio Moe.{w=.4} Non è il tipo da perdere tempo con te."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4442
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2ff2a47a:
# "Shitshitshitshitshit."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4445
translate it lRoombaConvergence_aa2c0d34:
# A "Look, he just wanted to give me some advice for Fang and now I’m giving it to you."
A "Senti, mi ha voluto semplicemente dare dei consigli su Fang e ora te li sto dando a te."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4447
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3de9c8da:
# A "So drop it."
A "Quindi smettila."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4450
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7606d1dc:
# Nas "No way."
Nas "Assolutamente no."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4454
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5b79c818:
# Nas "Advice for Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} saying it was a date{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Consigli per Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} dicendo che era un apputamento{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4463
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6d60769f:
# Nas "Do you like my sister?!"
Nas "Ti piace mia sorella?!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4466
translate it lRoombaConvergence_aaa37755:
# A "{cps=*.6}I wasn’t the one to call it a-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "{cps=*.6}Non ero io quello che l'ha definito un app-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4468
translate it lRoombaConvergence_20c31cec:
# Nas "That{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Questo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4471
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4747d921:
# Nas "Explains a lot, shit{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Spiega un sacco di cose, cazzo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4474
translate it lRoombaConvergence_17cdc1ed:
# A "{cps=*.5}But I didn’t-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "{cps=*.5}Ma io non-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4477
translate it lRoombaConvergence_cd803aed:
# Nas "Oh god, what would Dad think of the kids?"
Nas "Oddio, cosa penserebbe Papà dei bambini?!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4481
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bf8067a3:
# A "What the fuck?!"
A "Ma che cazzo?!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4487
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9147564f:
# Nas "Hell, if Dad finds out {i}{cps=*.25}at all{/cps}{/i}-"
Nas "Diamine, se mio Padre {i}{cps=*.25}lo venisse a sapere{/cps}{/i}-"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4494
translate it lRoombaConvergence_fc3445f5:
# A "NASER." with vpunch
A "NASER." with vpunch
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4497
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2ced0463:
# "He pauses, the look of shocked disdain still stuck to his face."
"Sta un attimo in pausa, con uno sguardo scioccato e disgustato ancora stampato in faccia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4503
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ae255523:
# A "At this point it seems like you just {i}want{/i} to be a stressed mess."
A "A questo punto sembra che tu {i}voglia{/i} essere sempre stressato."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4506
translate it lRoombaConvergence_05f120a7:
# A "Maybe I do like your sister."
A "Forse tua sorella mi piace."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4508
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e67995e9:
# A "Sure, she’s rude, violent and maybe a bit bipolar."
A "Certo, è maleducata, violenta e forse un po' bipolare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4512
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9e64a7d3:
# A "She’s impressionable, self-centered, stubborn, the list goes on."
A "È suggestionabile, egocentrica, testarda, eccetera."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4516
translate it lRoombaConvergence_968749bf:
# Nas "Are you looking to taste some concrete?"
Nas "Vuoi che ti faccia assaggiare del cemento?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4518
translate it lRoombaConvergence_8c6b3d1a:
# A "But beyond all that, there’s more to her."
A "Nonostante tutto questo, c'è dell'altro in lei."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4520
translate it lRoombaConvergence_ef56abdb:
# A "Like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} like her passion, Naser."
A "Tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} la sua passione, Naser."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4522
translate it lRoombaConvergence_3e403d57:
# A "She adores music. Adores {i}playing{/i} music."
A "Lei adora la musica. Adora {i}suonare{/i}."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4524
translate it lRoombaConvergence_5ce9b8f8:
# A "And she has these{cps=*.1}...{/cps} moments where I can see the softer side of her."
A "E ha questi{cps=*.1}...{/cps} momenti dove mostra la sua parte più tenera."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4527
translate it lRoombaConvergence_aaa6ee51:
# "The pop of knuckles from Naser tells me I should rephrase that."
"Il rumore delle nocche di Naser mi fa capire che devo riformulare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4529
translate it lRoombaConvergence_fa4c5634:
# A "I mean, it feels like I’ve gotten to see a side of Fang that she hasn’t shown anyone else."
A "Cioè, sembra che ho avuto la possibilità di vedere una parte di Fang che non ha mostrato a nessun altro."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4531
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e3031aef:
# A "A side that’s willing to give a loser like me the time of day."
A "Una parte che è disposta a degnare di uno sguardo persino a un perdente come me."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4534
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2c1851cd:
# Nas "And that’s enough?"
Nas "E ti basta questo?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4536
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2ec225f3:
# A "I don’t know man, this is all uncharted water."
A "Amico, non lo so, per me sono tutte acque inesplorate."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4539
translate it lRoombaConvergence_623471e6:
# A "Like, how did you and Naomi get together?"
A "Per esempio, come avete fatto tu e Naomi a mettervi insieme?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4547
translate it lRoombaConvergence_b9fb7fb6:
# Nas "That is{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} a very long story."
Nas "Quella{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.3} è una {i}lunga{/i} storia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4550
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f9977ba8:
# A "How long?"
A "Quanto lunga?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4553
translate it lRoombaConvergence_4389a5ac:
# Nas "About two school semesters, thirty track-meets, and a school election."
Nas "Tipo due semestri, trenta gare di atletica leggera e un'elezione scolastica."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4556
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f8c73206:
# A "So about a paperback book then?"
A "Quindi... Tanto quanto un librone?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4559
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bf27ee8d:
# Nas "Sure, why not."
Nas "Sì praticamente."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4562
translate it lRoombaConvergence_65b42626:
# "Naser hums and reclines back onto the pavement."
"Naser mormora e si sdraia di nuovo sul pavimento."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4572
translate it lRoombaConvergence_af88cf68:
# Nas "Sheesh, how’d we wind up talking about our love lives?"
Nas "Che palle, ma come siamo arrivati a parlare delle nostre vite sentimentali?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4574
translate it lRoombaConvergence_7db4a228:
# A "Speak for yourself, man, I know fuckall about this stuff."
A "Parla per te, amico, non capisco un cazzo di questa roba."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4577
translate it lRoombaConvergence_41bbf8f6:
# Nas "And you think I do?"
Nas "E pensi che io ne sappia qualcosa?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4579
translate it lRoombaConvergence_98c57f6d:
# Nas "Naomi’s the one that makes all the plans and stuff."
Nas "Naomi è quella che organizza tutto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4582
translate it lRoombaConvergence_859e76a9:
# A "Seems like she does that a lot."
A "Sembra che lo faccia molto spesso."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4585
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9fb510a2:
# Nas "Just the way she is."
Nas "È fatta così."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4588
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f42cf230:
# Nas "Anyway, I think dad’s had enough time and beer to cool down now."
Nas "Comunque, penso che mio Padre abbia bevuto abbastanza birra per calmarsi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4590
translate it lRoombaConvergence_03b0c243:
# A "How long has it been?"
A "Quanto tempo è passato?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4593
translate it lRoombaConvergence_c2009c30:
# Nas "‘Bout an hour I think."
Nas "Penso circa un'oretta."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4596
translate it lRoombaConvergence_da478565:
# A "Wait{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Aspè{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4598
translate it lRoombaConvergence_11019e8b:
# "I swiftly withdraw my phone to check the time."
"Tiro fuori al volo il mio cellulare per controllare gli orari."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4604
translate it lRoombaConvergence_90236c4b:
# A "Ah fuck, I’m gonna miss the last bus!"
A "Ah cazzo, perderò l'autobus!"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4612
translate it lRoombaConvergence_aa171027:
# Nas "I could give you a lift."
Nas "Se vuoi ti posso dare un passaggio."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4615
translate it lRoombaConvergence_68f23de0:
# "And let you find out I live in the shittiest part of town?"
"E permetterti di scoprire che vivo nella parte della città più merdosa di tutte?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4618
translate it lRoombaConvergence_91beae44:
# A "Nah it’s fine. If I run I think I can make it."
A "Nah tranquillo. Se corro dovrei farcela in tempo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4620
translate it lRoombaConvergence_02e63c0a:
# Nas "Well don’t let me keep you. I’ll catch ya at school, Anon."
Nas "Beh allora non ti trattengo. Ci becchiamo a scuola, Anon."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4622
translate it lRoombaConvergence_9cf13cb1:
# A "Yeah,sure thing."
A "Certo."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4624
translate it lRoombaConvergence_966b760f:
# Nas "And for what it’s worth, you’re not like the monkeys we hear about all the time on Dino News Network."
Nas "E per quel che vale, non sei come quelle scimmie che vediamo tutte le volte a Dino News Network."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4627
translate it lRoombaConvergence_1c764bc8:
# Nas "The kind that hang around this part of town called Skin Row, y’know?"
Nas "Il tipo di scimmie che bazzicano a Skin Row, sai?"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4630
translate it lRoombaConvergence_2dda37ec:
# "Just gonna ignore that."
"Procedo ad ignorare ciò che ha detto."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4633
translate it lRoombaConvergence_e63430f9:
# Nas "Thanks for sticking around a bit."
Nas "Grazie per avermi fatto compagnia."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4636
translate it lRoombaConvergence_bd5549e9:
# Nas "It’s{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} nice to finally be able to tell someone all that."
Nas "È{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} bello poter esprimere come mi sento a qualcuno."
# bgame/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4644
translate it lRoombaConvergence_6f1f4495:
# "I wave Naser goodbye as I get up and start jogging for the bus stop."
"Saluto Naser con la mano mentre mi alzo e comincio a sprintare verso la fermata dell'autobus."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4646
translate it lRoombaConvergence_cdd9634a:
# "I’m mentally fatigued after everything that’s happened today."
"Sono mentalmente esausto dopo tutto quello che è successo oggi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4654
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f62e1caf:
# "I check my phone for the time."
"Controllo l'ora sul mio cellulare."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4661
translate it lRoombaConvergence_24e8355b:
# "Hmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4664
translate it lRoombaConvergence_a38b23cf:
# "I open up the browser and go to a familiar Sudetan Sword Swallowing IRC."
"Apro il browser e vado su un familiare canale IRC di Mangia Spade Sudanesi."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4667
translate it lRoombaConvergence_18d756d0:
# "[[Hey faggots, guess who just got back from a perfect date?]{fast}"
"[[Ehi brutti froci, indovinate chi è tornato da un perfetto appuntamento?]{fast}"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4673
translate it lRoombaConvergence_272041c3:
# "Twelve replies from a single post, I think that’s a new record for me."
"Dodici risposte su un singolo post, penso di aver raggiunto un nuovo record."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:4675
translate it lRoombaConvergence_f1638dc1_4:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
translate it strings:
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:322
old "Knock"
new "Bussa alla porta"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:322
old "Text Fang"
new "Manda un messaggio a Fang"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1702
old "Excuse myself"
new "Vai via"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:1702
old "Wait for Fang"
new "Aspetta che Fang ritorni"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2092
old "Ask Naser"
new "Chiedi a Naser"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2092
old "Ask Fang"
new "Chiedi a Fang"
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2871
old "At least it’s a novelty."
new "Almeno è un simpatico gadget."
# game/script/6.anon-helps-fang-find-a-venue-for-band.rpy:2871
old "No way am I paying forty bucks on this shit."
new "Col cazzo che sgancio quaranta dollari per sta merda."