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synced 2025-03-13 20:19:25 +01:00
Co-authored-by: dsatta <dsatta60@gmail.com> Co-authored-by: nutbuster <nutbuster@cock.li> Co-authored-by: Map <mapmappening@gmail.com> Reviewed-on: https://git.cavemanon.xyz/Cavemanon/SnootGame/pulls/246 Reviewed-by: Mappening <mapanon@noreply.git.cavemanon.xyz> Co-authored-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz> Co-committed-by: MichaelYick <michaelyick@cavemanon.xyz>
2114 lines
66 KiB
2114 lines
66 KiB
# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:9
translate it chapter_14A_9a1a081b:
# "I wake up the next morning with my head cradled in my arms."
"La mattina dopo mi sveglio con la mia testa cullata tra le braccia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:12
translate it chapter_14A_3f68dd9a:
# "My back aches from the lack of proper bedding, but that’s hardly anything new."
"La schiena mi fa male per la mancanza di un letto adeguato, ma non è una novità."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:14
translate it chapter_14A_3d536be5:
# "Groggily, I pull myself to my feet."
"Mi tiro su in piedi, con un po' di stanchezza."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:23
translate it chapter_14A_5e87613f:
# "I pull back the curtain to reveal that a thick Sunday fog had rolled in overnight."
"Scosto la tenda e scopro che durante la notte è calata una fitta nebbia domenicale."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:25
translate it chapter_14A_a8db3a51:
# "What time is it?"
"Che ore sono?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:27
translate it chapter_14A_8bda980f:
# "Guess I’ll check my phone{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Fammi dare un'occhiata al cellulare{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:34
translate it chapter_14A_6af43cc7:
# "Ten AM, huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Le dieci di mattina{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:41
translate it chapter_14A_42e0d57e:
# "Damn, I slept a while."
"Accidenti, ho dormito un bel po'."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:44
translate it chapter_14A_5f1716b7:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Did Fang sleep well?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fang ha dormito bene?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:46
translate it chapter_14A_cbfc24b2:
# A "Fang, you up?"
A "Fang, sei sveglia?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:51
translate it chapter_14A_120a269c:
# "The bed is empty."
"Il letto è vuoto."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:53
translate it chapter_14A_5e7d4890:
# A "Oh."
A "Oh."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:56
translate it chapter_14A_884dcff6:
# "Wait a second."
"Aspetta un attimo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:58
translate it chapter_14A_bbde1fe1:
# "My phone has seventy missed calls and over a hundred texts from Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Sul mio telefono ci sono settanta chiamate perse e più di cento messaggi da Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:60
translate it chapter_14A_785acf67:
# "That’s right, my phone was on silent last night for Prom."
"Esatto, ieri sera il mio telefono era in silenzioso per il ballo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:62
translate it chapter_14A_24261559:
# "He’s probably just worried about Fang, but by Raptor Jesus’ right nut man."
"Probabilmente è solo preoccupato per Fang, ma santo Gesù Raptor..."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:65
translate it chapter_14A_1c713b06:
# "I open the most recent voicemail."
"Apro la segreteria telefonica e ascolto l'ultimo messaggio."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:67
translate it chapter_14A_f427f993:
# FD "By Raptor Jesus’ left testicle if Fang is not home within the hour I will hunt you down and mount your head on my trophy wall! You will RUE the day that-"
FD "Per il testicolo sinistro di Gesù Raptor se Fang non è a casa entro un'ora, ti darò la caccia e monterò la tua testa sulla mia parete dei trofei! RIMPIANGERAI il giorno in cui-"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:69
translate it chapter_14A_9bde94e2:
# "Whoa."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:72
translate it chapter_14A_b172674a:
# "Next one{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Il prossimo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:74
translate it chapter_14A_af27fcaf:
# FD "Maybe I didn’t make myself fucking clear. I will drag your skinny ass down to the station myself if Lucy is not home in the morning. I have a particular set of-"
FD "Forse non mi sono spiegato bene, cazzo. Trascinerò io stesso il tuo culo magro alla stazione di polizia se Lucy non sarà a casa domattina. Ho un particolare set di-"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:76
translate it chapter_14A_d51314d9:
# "I’m starting to get the idea."
"Sto iniziando a farmi un'idea."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:78
translate it chapter_14A_99ed55e7:
# "All the texts are written in a similar vein."
"Tutti i messaggi sono scritti in modo analogo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:81
translate it chapter_14A_030e4b68:
# "I try texting Fang to see if she got home safe."
"Provo a mandare un messaggio a Fang per sapere se è tornata a casa sana e salva."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:83
translate it chapter_14A_16bee6c9:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} hey, you alright?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} ehi, tutto a posto?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:85
translate it chapter_14A_991c0196:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} just noticed your dad was pretty livid last night"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} ho notato che tuo padre era incazzato nero ieri notte"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:87
translate it chapter_14A_242ace71:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} he mustve been writing all night long"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} sarà stato a scrivere tutta la notte"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:90
translate it chapter_14A_9e7b313a:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No immediate response."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Nessuna risposta immediata."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:92
translate it chapter_14A_ba915c2d:
# "Well, she’ll see it when she sees it."
"Beh, lo vedrà quando lo vedrà."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:94
translate it chapter_14A_2ad9919f:
# "S’not like I can do much else for Fang right now."
"Non posso fare molto altro per Fang in questo momento."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:97
translate it chapter_14A_86dfe914:
# "I take note of the mess that Fang created, a reminder of how badly I fucked up."
"Prendo nota del disordine creato da Fang, un promemoria che ho toppato alla grande."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:99
translate it chapter_14A_138bff70:
# "Fuck me. So this is what they mean by Prom Night disasters."
"Cazzarola. Ecco cosa si intende con disastri della notte del ballo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:101
translate it chapter_14A_cf8129a6:
# "I always thought it was just a euphemism for teen pregnancies."
"Ho sempre pensato che fosse solo un eufemismo per indicare le gravidanze delle adolescenti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:104
translate it chapter_14A_6fd392cd:
# "There’s laminate{cps=*.1}...{/cps} something, splinters all over the floor from my dresser."
"C'è qualcosa{cps=*.1}...{/cps} di laminato, schegge su tutto il pavimento dalla mia cassettiera."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:106
translate it chapter_14A_70d199ce:
# "And a check inside my bathroom reveals that The Duke managed to crack my porcelain throne."
"E un controllo nel mio bagno rivela che il joystick Duke è riuscito a rompere il mio trono di porcellana."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:109
translate it chapter_14A_0a0da558:
# "Shit. No way am I getting my deposit back now."
"Merda. Ora non potrò mai risanare il mio deposito."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:111
translate it chapter_14A_41eccaf7:
# "I check the controller carefully, only barely relieved that there’s no damage."
"Controllo con attenzione il controller, appena sollevato dal fatto che non abbia subito danni."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:114
translate it chapter_14A_9e3d5774:
# "After I’ve swept up the bits of broken dresser I find I have no real clue what to do."
"Dopo aver raccolto i pezzi di comò rotti, mi accorgo di non avere la minima idea di cosa fare."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:116
translate it chapter_14A_f4df4569:
# "A check of my phone again shows that Fang’s at least seen my texts."
"Un nuovo controllo del mio telefono mostra che Fang ha almeno visto i miei messaggi."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:118
translate it chapter_14A_3f739ce1:
# "I sigh."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:120
translate it chapter_14A_a1bd6948:
# "How do I make this up to her?"
"Come posso farmi perdonare?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:122
translate it chapter_14A_c461b11e:
# "I feel like a fucking heel right now."
"Mi sento come una fottuta spina nel fianco in questo momento."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:125
translate it chapter_14A_ea8a5171:
# "The XROX is still running, might as well finish Rock Ring."
"L'XROX è ancora accessa, tanto vale finire Rock Ring."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:127
translate it chapter_14A_54d952b9:
# "It’ll take my mind off things at least."
"Almeno mi distrae un po'."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:136
translate it chapter_14A_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:138
translate it chapter_14A_5f4fd716:
# "Master Grug, you mind telling me what you’re doing on that boat?"
"Master Grug, ti dispiace dirmi cosa stai facendo su quella barca?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:140
translate it chapter_14A_b41c4eff:
# "Ooga booga, finish this fight."
"Ooga booga, finisco questo scontro."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:143
translate it chapter_14A_b18fa9d9:
# "Guess I’ll play the next one, I really don’t feel like doing anything else today."
"Penso che giocherò la campagna successiva, oggi non ho proprio voglia di fare altro."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:145
translate it chapter_14A_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:154
translate it chapter_14A_62da35d1:
# "Wake Grug when you need Grug."
"Svegliate Grug quando avrete bisogno di Grug."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:157
translate it chapter_14A_55f50c33:
# "Really wish I could just float away in an iceberg like Master Grug after last night."
"Vorrei davvero poter galleggiare su un iceberg come Master Grug dopo la scorsa notte."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:164
translate it chapter_14A_82c2f372:
# "I glance at my phone and realize I spent ten hours playing Rock Ring."
"Guardo il mio telefono e mi rendo conto di aver passato dieci ore a giocare a Rock Ring."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:166
translate it chapter_14A_5b778353:
# "My mind was turned off for most of that, guess I just lost track of time."
"La mia mente era spenta per la maggior parte del tempo, credo di aver perso la cognizione del tempo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:176
translate it chapter_14A_9f115d19:
# "I’m shaken from my thoughts by a knock at my door."
"Un colpo alla porta mi scuote dai miei pensieri."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:178
translate it chapter_14A_5695822c:
# "The door I forgot to lock."
"La porta che avevo dimenticato di chiudere."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:182
translate it chapter_14A_79a1d94e:
# "Oh god, I’m gonna be murdered, butchered, my body parts sold on the black market and turned into some disgusting rhinorex’s sex toys."
"Oddio, sarò assassinato, macellato, le mie parti del corpo saranno vendute al mercato nero e trasformate in giocattoli sessuali di qualche disgustoso rhinorex."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:184
translate it chapter_14A_2a0b150f:
# "Hopefully in that order."
"Spero in quest'ordine."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:190
translate it chapter_14A_ea8a1623:
# "Before I can search for my knife, the door opens to reveal{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Prima che io possa cercare il mio coltello, la porta si apre per rivelare{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:205
translate it chapter_14A_c73063d9:
# F "Anon? You- oh! Hey…"
F "Anon? Tu- oh! Ehi…"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:208
translate it chapter_14A_fd939103:
# F "Uh… Why are you huddled in the fetal position?"
F "Uh… Perché sei rannicchiato in posizione fetale?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:214
translate it chapter_14A_2e0d0e88:
# A "Fang? Oh thank fuck."
A "Fang? Oh cazzarola, grazie."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:216
translate it chapter_14A_1e42e023:
# "I deflate, slumping lifelessly on my bed."
"Mi rilasso e mi accascio senza vita sul letto."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:218
translate it chapter_14A_2a4321a3:
# A "I thought your dad was here to kill me."
A "Pensavo che tuo Padre fosse qui per uccidermi."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:221
translate it chapter_14A_824a0267:
# F "Ah. Yeah. Sorry."
F "Ah. Sì. Scusa."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:223
translate it chapter_14A_aa2d86ee:
# "Fang sets her backpack down on the kitchen table."
"Fang appoggia il suo zaino sul tavolo della cucina."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:226
translate it chapter_14A_f8660223:
# F "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Quindi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:228
translate it chapter_14A_357ebe52:
# "Shit. Should have actually thought about what I should say to her."
"Merda. Avrei seriamente dovuto pensare a cosa dirle."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:231
translate it chapter_14A_11fd38da:
# A "Fang, about last ni-"
A "Fang, a proposito di ieri no-"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:233
translate it chapter_14A_0617ddcf:
# F "It’s fine."
F "È tutto ok."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:236
translate it chapter_14A_8e8b2fae:
# A "-ight.. What?"
A "-otte... Cosa?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:238
translate it chapter_14A_825d8b29:
# F "It’s fine, Anon. I don’t blame you for what happened."
F "È tutto ok, Anon. Non ti do colpa per quello che è successo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:241
translate it chapter_14A_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:243
translate it chapter_14A_06deeebd:
# F "In fact, I’m sorry for overreacting last night."
F "Anzi, mi dispiace di aver esagerato ieri sera."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:246
translate it chapter_14A_de5181b5:
# "There’s something about this all that is setting off alarms in my head."
"C'è qualcosa in tutto questo che fa scattare allarmi nella mia testa."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:248
translate it chapter_14A_b465cf21:
# "I don’t know what kind though. Or why."
"Ma non so di che tipo. O perché."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:250
translate it chapter_14A_bd801fa6:
# A "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} what?"
A "Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cosa?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:252
translate it chapter_14A_3732bdd8:
# F "I said I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up on you like last night."
F "Ho detto che mi dispiace. Non sarei dovuta esplodere contro di te come ieri sera."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:254
translate it chapter_14A_e9c34143:
# A "Even if it was my fault? I should have-"
A "Anche se è stata colpa mia? Avrei dovuto-"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:259
translate it chapter_14A_759bc09a:
# F "It isn’t, Anon."
F "Non è colpa tua, Anon."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:261
translate it chapter_14A_0202fba1:
# A "But-"
A "Ma-"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:272
translate it chapter_14A_c96d2883:
# "My words are cut off. My mind goes completely blank."
"Le mie parole vengono troncate. La mia mente si svuota completamente."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:274
translate it chapter_14A_4f3aef2c:
# "Fang’s hands grip my dirty dress shirt tightly as her beak presses against my parted lips, her tongue invading my mouth."
"Le mani di Fang afferrano con forza la mia camicia sporca mentre il suo becco preme contro le mie labbra aperte, la sua lingua invade la mia bocca."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:277
translate it chapter_14A_aef4de4c:
# "She pulls away abruptly, leaving me confused and lightheaded."
"Si allontana bruscamente, lasciandomi confuso e stordito."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:280
translate it chapter_14A_8878c5f7:
# A "I..wha...Fang?"
A "Io...cos...Fang?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:282
translate it chapter_14A_3db03bc8:
# F "It's fine, Anon. Everything is fine."
F "Va tutto bene, Anon. Va tutto bene."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:286
translate it chapter_14A_6e1919a8:
# "Her hands guide me down onto my bed and she straddles my lap."
"Le sue mani mi guidano sul letto e lei si mette a cavalcioni sulle mie gambe."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:289
translate it chapter_14A_ddd008b5:
# "{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:295
translate it chapter_14A_9a616d90:
# "Sometime in the night the bed shifts."
"A un certo punto della notte il letto si sposta."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:301
translate it chapter_14A_2d01fc08:
# "I hear the bathroom door close so I pay it no mind and drift back to sleep."
"Sento la porta del bagno chiudersi, non ci faccio caso e mi riaddormento."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:304
translate it chapter_14A_7d178a8e:
# "Eventually my internal clock wakes me up."
"Alla fine il mio orologio interno mi sveglia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:311
translate it chapter_14A_4d3126f3:
# "Stretching and yawning, realize that it’s a lot brighter than normal."
"Mentre mi stiracchio e sbadiglio, mi accorgo che c'è molta più luce del normale."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:313
translate it chapter_14A_ff1d4dc1:
# "Did I sleep in?"
"Ho dormito fino a tardi?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:316
translate it chapter_14A_902a8338:
# "The alarm clock on my table has been unplugged{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"La sveglia sul tavolo è stata scollegata{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:318
translate it chapter_14A_03a88b5e:
# "I reach over to grab my phone to check the time."
"Mi allungo per prendere il telefono e controllare l'ora."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:321
translate it chapter_14A_0f42133a:
# "Nine-o-two AM?"
"Le nove e due di mattina?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:323
translate it chapter_14A_7b559132:
# "Oh shit, Fang and I are beyond late."
"Oh merda, io e Fang siamo in ritardo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:326
translate it chapter_14A_9d44890b:
# "Wait, where is Fang?"
"Aspetta, dov'è Fang?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:328
translate it chapter_14A_264c30ee:
# "Her backpack is gone, too."
"Anche il suo zaino è sparito."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:331
translate it chapter_14A_dca83c1f:
# "Oh come on, she went to school without me?!"
"Oh, andiamo, è andata a scuola senza di me?!"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:334
translate it chapter_14A_1f174fb9:
# "I rush to put my clothes on and get out the door as soon as possible."
"Mi affretto a rivestirmi e a uscire dalla porta il prima possibile."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:337
translate it chapter_14A_6ba219cd:
# "About halfway there my phone buzzes in my pocket."
"A circa metà strada il mio telefono suona in tasca."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:339
translate it chapter_14A_72f7da7b:
# "Unread texts from Fang?"
"Messaggi non letti da parte di Fang?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:342
translate it chapter_14A_7c4244c4:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} ♪ Control over my life you denied,{w=.6}{nw}"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} ♪ Negato il controllo della mia vita tu hai,{w=.6}{nw}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:343
translate it chapter_14A_09b60ad6:
# extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}And now death approaches from the sky,{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}"
extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}E ora la morte dal cielo subirai.{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:344
translate it chapter_14A_4028c8f4:
# extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}Why'd it be me you had to vilify?{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}"
extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}Hai denigrato me, perché mai?{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:345
translate it chapter_14A_90a30dab:
# extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}Goodbye Volcano High ♪{/cps}"
extend "{cps=*.6}\n \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ {fast}Goodbye Volcano High ♪{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:348
translate it chapter_14A_7bf4690a:
# "The cryptic message stops me in my tracks."
"Il messaggio criptico mi blocca."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:350
translate it chapter_14A_31a4be26:
# "Something is definitely wrong."
"C'è qualcosa di decisamente sbagliato."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:353
translate it chapter_14A_356e22e2:
# "This almost reads like{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"È come se questa fosse{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:357
translate it chapter_14A_3d6db318:
# "The adrenaline pushes my feet back into a desperate bolt towards the school."
"L'adrenalina spinge i miei piedi in una corsa disperata verso la scuola."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:370
translate it chapter_14A_b4d77e76:
# "The whole time my mind floods with horrid worst-case scenarios."
"Per tutto il tempo la mia mente si riempie di tutti i possibili scenari peggiori."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:372
translate it chapter_14A_1af73739:
# "I tell myself I’m just worrying, but my mad sprint betrays the lie."
"Mi dico che mi sto solo preoccupando, ma il mio sprint forsennato svela la menzogna."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:378
translate it chapter_14A_f4623245:
# "As I approach the school, I notice a crowd through the haze."
"Mentre mi avvicino alla scuola, noto una folla attraverso la foschia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:380
translate it chapter_14A_1d81a6a7:
# "Surely it’s just a drill."
"Sicuramente è solo un'esercitazione."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:383
translate it chapter_14A_4e7054e6:
# "The deceit is shattered when I see the crowd consists of students huddling and crying, with teachers quietly making sure everyone is accounted for."
"L'inganno si infrange quando vedo che la folla è composta da studenti che si accalcano e piangono, con gli insegnanti che si assicurano discretamente che tutti siano presenti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:385
translate it chapter_14A_29d783af:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Where’s Fang?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dov'è Fang?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:387
translate it chapter_14A_6f8cab44:
# "She has to be in this crowd."
"Deve essere in mezzo a questa folla."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:389
translate it chapter_14A_385bbe6b:
# "There’s just a fire in the school that scared people."
"C'è semplicemente stato un incendio nella scuola che ha spaventato la gente."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:391
translate it chapter_14A_352cca4b:
# "She’s in this crowd somewhere."
"È in mezzo alla folla, da qualche parte."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:405
translate it chapter_14A_31da633f:
# T "{b}YOU!!{/b}"
T "{b}TU!!{/b}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:408
translate it chapter_14A_da0176bc:
# "The voice calls out through the silence for all to hear."
"La voce chiama attraverso il silenzio alle orecchie di tutti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:411
translate it chapter_14A_ba95283b:
# "Trish moves to stand a dozen feet in front of me on the pavement."
"Trish si sposta per stare a qualche metro davanti a me sul marciapiede."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:413
translate it chapter_14A_1e11b7cb:
# "A shaky finger directing malice towards me."
"Con un dito tremante che punta malignità verso di me."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:416
translate it chapter_14A_4e6d529a:
# "She’s redfaced, streams of tears running the mascara down her face."
"Ha il viso arrossato, con rivoli di lacrime che le rigano il mascara sul viso."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:418
translate it chapter_14A_eb270181:
# T "{b}WHY DID YOU COME HERE?!?{/b}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:420
translate it chapter_14A_10b0d36b:
# "Blurred heads turn to the commotion."
"Le teste offuscate si voltano verso il trambusto."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:422
translate it chapter_14A_e6ce6ee9:
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:424
translate it chapter_14A_c9c7e532:
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:426
translate it chapter_14A_013c8204:
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:428
translate it chapter_14A_414ac5bc:
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:430
translate it chapter_14A_995dde4a:
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:433
translate it chapter_14A_98be223c:
# "I can’t say anything."
"Non riuscivo a dire nulla."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:436
translate it chapter_14A_d8937bc6:
# "Is this really happening?"
"Sta accadendo veramente?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:439
translate it chapter_14A_0338d48f:
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:441
translate it chapter_14A_e1154c84:
# T "YOU SHOW UP, GET THEIR ATTENTION, AND NOW{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} AND NOW{cps=*.1}...{/cps}!"
T "TI PRESENTI, OTTIENI LA SUA ATTENZIONE, E ORA{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} E ORA{cps=*.1}...{/cps}!"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:443
translate it chapter_14A_d96f0d1e:
# "She chucks her phone through the air."
"Lancia il telefono attraverso l'aria."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:445
translate it chapter_14A_58800d47:
# "It misses by inches and smashes on the ground somewhere behind me."
"Mi manca per pochi centimetri e si schianta a terra da qualche parte dietro di me."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:447
translate it chapter_14A_b6456fbf:
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:449
translate it chapter_14A_c52ea1c8:
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:451
translate it chapter_14A_ebdfcaf0:
# "By now her tirade becomes incomprehensible screaming."
"Ormai la sua filippica era diventata un urlo incomprensibile."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:454
translate it chapter_14A_ab68d90b:
# "A teacher has to hold her back and try directing her to a nearby curb to sit."
"Un insegnante è costretto a trattenerla, cercando di indirizzarla verso un marciapiede vicino per farla sedere."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:469
translate it chapter_14A_29567c7e:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I don’t have time for this."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Non ho tempo per questo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:471
translate it chapter_14A_00f1cc3c:
# "Where is Fang?"
"Dov'è Fang?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:473
translate it chapter_14A_1c5da81c:
# "I gotta get in that building."
"Devo entrare in quell'edificio."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:476
translate it chapter_14A_758c8ee1:
# "I turn around and dash away into the fog as Trish is being consoled by a group of students."
"Mi volto e fuggo nella nebbia, mentre Trish viene consolata da un gruppo di studenti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:493
translate it chapter_14A_1bb84c44:
# "The side door is still unlocked, and I’m able to slip in without being noticed."
"La porta laterale è ancora aperta e riesco a entrare senza farmi notare."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:496
translate it chapter_14A_fbb235cf:
# "The halls are silent, despite it all."
"Nonostante tutto, i corridoi sono silenziosi."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:498
translate it chapter_14A_5ef088d7:
# "My footsteps clatter through the empty halls."
"I miei passi risuonano nei corridoi vuoti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:501
translate it chapter_14A_7bd19c65:
# "It’s third period now, Fang always talks about having to deal with Naomi in Econ."
"È la terza ora, Fang parla sempre di dover aver a che fare con Naomi in economia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:503
translate it chapter_14A_827ef70a:
# "That’s not on this floor, fuck!"
"Non è su questo piano, cazzo!"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:512
translate it chapter_14A_003eadfd:
# "I pause when I reach the stairwell upwards."
"Mi fermo quando raggiungo la tromba delle scala che sale."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:516
translate it chapter_14A_6d330b58:
# "I can’t say for sure what, but my instincts are screaming at me to not go up, to turn back now."
"Non so esattamente il perché, ma il mio istinto mi urla di non salire, di tornare indietro."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:518
translate it chapter_14A_9111b5ee:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I can’t."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No, non posso."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:520
translate it chapter_14A_4c279a43:
# "My hand lightly glides along the handrail while I cautiously cross the stairs to the second floor."
"La mia mano scivola leggermente sul corrimano mentre percorro con cautela le scale che portano al secondo piano."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:527
translate it chapter_14A_13e72234:
# "The first thing that hits me is the smell."
"La prima cosa che mi colpisce è l'odore."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:530
translate it chapter_14A_fa1b9121:
# "That electric, almost metallic stench of wet ozone."
"Quel tanfo elettrico, quasi metallico, di ozono bagnato."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:532
translate it chapter_14A_ded80c39:
# "I’ve never been in a real fight before, but even so{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Non mi sono mai menato con qualcuno, ma nonostante questo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:535
translate it chapter_14A_a3031f95:
# "It’s a smell everyone instinctively knows."
"È un odore che tutti conoscono istintivamente."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:538
translate it chapter_14A_0ca99409:
# "I couldn’t tell what sound I made, because I frankly don’t remember."
"Non saprei dire che suono ho fatto, perché francamente non me lo ricordo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:540
translate it chapter_14A_7e9fe6f5:
# "All I will ever remember from this is the sight of my former classmates splattered across the halls like bags of waste."
"Tutto ciò che ricorderò è la vista dei miei ex compagni di classe disseminati per i corridoi come sacchi di rifiuti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:551
translate it chapter_14A_364a7a00:
# "The spills and trails of blood tell the story of their final moments."
"Le fuoriuscite e le scie di sangue raccontano la storia dei loro ultimi momenti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:554
translate it chapter_14A_08f1a241:
# "Two were trying to run and still remain face down in their final resting places."
"Due hanno cercato di scappare e sono ancora a faccia in giù nel loro luogo di riposo finale."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:557
translate it chapter_14A_0d8c44b8:
# "One slumped from a locker, smearing his remains all the way down like a puppet string."
"Uno si è accasciato da un armadietto, spalmando i suoi resti fino in fondo come il filo di una marionetta."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:560
translate it chapter_14A_2bf085be:
# "And the last one, who tried fighting back, now clumped in the middle of the hallway soaked in the collective pooling blood."
"E l'ultimo, che aveva tentato di reagire, era ammassato al centro del corridoio, immerso nel sangue collettivo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:564
translate it chapter_14A_3395fe29:
# "It was Naser."
"Era Naser."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:568
translate it chapter_14A_d1b5d013:
# "This isn’t real, none of this is real."
"Non è reale, niente di tutto questo è reale."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:570
translate it chapter_14A_5b4565ae:
# "I’m just having a nightmare after last nights’ episode."
"Sto avendo un incubo dopo l'episodio di ieri sera."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:573
translate it chapter_14A_e1eb6542:
# "Things are just fine, I’ll return to reality soon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Le cose vanno bene, presto tornerò alla realtà{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:575
translate it chapter_14A_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:577
translate it chapter_14A_f1638dc1_3:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:579
translate it chapter_14A_c3739b85:
# "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:582
translate it chapter_14A_5744a981:
# "Please{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Per favore{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:585
translate it chapter_14A_fee5ba23:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}God{cps=*.1}...{/cps} damn it{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dio{cps=*.1}...{/cps} maledizione{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:589
translate it chapter_14A_0ea068ed:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Where is Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Dov'è Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:591
translate it chapter_14A_3c732e0b:
# "I just need to find her."
"Devo solo trovarla."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:594
translate it chapter_14A_d3295b71:
# "There’s one open door in the hall, the one closest to the battlefield."
"C'è una porta aperta nel corridoio, quella più vicina al campo di battaglia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:596
translate it chapter_14A_55708f91:
# "I already know I’m not going to see her."
"So già che non la vedrò."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:598
translate it chapter_14A_d90d7212:
# "Fang hasn’t been in that room since she started."
"Fang non è mai stata in quella stanza da quando ha iniziato."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:601
translate it chapter_14A_83836549:
# "The only thing in there is the huddled corpse of our student council president."
"L'unica cosa che c'è lì dentro è il cadavere rannicchiato della nostra presidentessa del consiglio studentesco."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:604
translate it chapter_14A_3e594e1f:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Guess she didn’t get that ‘perfect highschool life’ in the end."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Immagino che alla fine non abbia ottenuto la ‘vita perfetta da liceale’."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:606
translate it chapter_14A_f1638dc1_4:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:618
translate it chapter_14A_35433d5e:
# "The stairs."
"Le scale."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:620
translate it chapter_14A_c6af99ef:
# "There’s only one place she can be."
"C'è solo un posto dove può essere."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:622
translate it chapter_14A_c65f8a8c:
# "One place where she’d go."
"L'unico posto dove andrebbe."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:625
translate it chapter_14A_4e81a705:
# "When I turn back to the stairwell, something makes a wet thud behind me."
"Quando mi volto verso la tromba delle scale, qualcosa fa un tonfo umido dietro di me."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:628
translate it chapter_14A_59ec411d:
# "Somehow, Naser’s still alive."
"In qualche modo, Naser è ancora vivo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:630
translate it chapter_14A_9c667f70:
# "He’s moved his arm in my direction, and still has the strength to move a bit."
"Ha mosso il braccio nella mia direzione e ha ancora la forza di muoversi un po'."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:633
translate it chapter_14A_93c69c8c:
# "His eyes meet mine for a moment."
"I suoi occhi incontrano i miei per un momento."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:636
translate it chapter_14A_4d365134:
# "Disappointment."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:638
translate it chapter_14A_f560fa94:
# "Sorrow."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:640
translate it chapter_14A_d893e257:
# "Mourning."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:643
translate it chapter_14A_c3739b85_1:
# "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:645
translate it chapter_14A_dd50cf34:
# "I can’t focus on him."
"Non posso focalizzarmi su di lui."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:647
translate it chapter_14A_eca853f8:
# "He’s got seconds left, anything I tried would just be a waste of time."
"Gli restano pochi secondi, qualsiasi tentativo sarebbe solo una perdita di tempo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:650
translate it chapter_14A_fdb8b547:
# "His hand makes a wet slap against the hard tiles one last time while I start up the stairs."
"La sua mano sbatte un'ultima volta contro le dure piastrelle mentre io mi avvio verso le scale."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:656
translate it chapter_14A_f23ce361:
# "Somehow, the remaining two flights of stairs have gained another several hundred steps."
"In qualche modo, le due rampe di scale rimanenti hanno guadagnato altre centinaia di gradini."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:659
translate it chapter_14A_ab8fd705:
# "I haven’t seen who it was yet, it might not be her."
"Non ho ancora visto chi era, potrebbe non essere lei."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:661
translate it chapter_14A_ee75308d:
# "You know well it can only be her."
"Sai bene che può essere solo lei."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:664
translate it chapter_14A_df426b3a:
# "How could I have known this would happen? This isn’t my fault.{cps=*.1}...{/cps}!"
"Come potevo sapere che sarebbe successo? Non è colpa mia.{cps=*.1}...{/cps}!"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:666
translate it chapter_14A_e9085070:
# "You had just as much a hand in this as she did."
"Tu hai contribuito a questa situazione tanto quanto lei."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:669
translate it chapter_14A_c06c08e6:
# "Fang isn’t here. She’s at home being grilled by her father for seeing me again."
"Fang non è qui. È a casa a farsi torchiare dal Padre per avermi rivisto."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:671
translate it chapter_14A_47ef7487:
# "She’s behind that door with a loaded gun."
"È dietro quella porta con una pistola carica."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:674
translate it chapter_14A_f66ba5d2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}How long have I been standing here, staring at the doorknob?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Da quanto tempo sono qui a fissare la maniglia della porta?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:676
translate it chapter_14A_5647f838:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}How much longer could I get away with putting it off?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Per quanto tempo ancora potevo rimandare?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:679
translate it chapter_14A_5329c56f:
# "As it is, it’s not the worst case scenario."
"Così com'è, non è il peggiore degli scenari possibili."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:681
translate it chapter_14A_3595d131:
# "Even if Naser and Naomi are gone{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Anche se Naser e Naomi non ci sono più{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:683
translate it chapter_14A_d89fa678:
# "There’s a chance it’s not Fang up here."
"C'è la possibilità che non sia Fang qui sopra."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:686
translate it chapter_14A_78a10dd3:
# "I’d rather just stand here forever."
"Preferirei rimanere qui per sempre."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:688
translate it chapter_14A_cda80b9a:
# "Relishing in the possibility that there’s some hope left."
"Godendo della possibilità che ci sia ancora un po' di speranza."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:691
translate it chapter_14A_f075c862:
# "However."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:693
translate it chapter_14A_da96b13d:
# "Time stops for no one."
"Il tempo non si ferma per nessuno."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:695
translate it chapter_14A_29b29ff5:
# "Not even me."
"Nemmeno per me."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:698
translate it chapter_14A_9f5647d6:
# "The police sirens have been outside for a while."
"Le sirene della polizia continuavano a suonare da un po'."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:700
translate it chapter_14A_bc397e17:
# "I can’t ignore them any longer."
"Non posso più ignorarle."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:702
translate it chapter_14A_7f58444d:
# "I owe Fang this much at least."
"Devo a Fang almeno questo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:704
translate it chapter_14A_f1638dc1_5:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:706
translate it chapter_14A_0c8578c2:
# "The doorknob is still cold on my hand."
"La maniglia è ancora fredda sulla mia mano."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:708
translate it chapter_14A_c3512722:
# "I turn it and exit to the rooftop."
"La giro ed esco sul tetto."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:735
translate it chapter_14A_ebd67e52:
# "In the dense morning fog the only thing to stand out is the silhouette."
"Nella fitta nebbia del mattino l'unica cosa che si distingue è la sagoma."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:737
translate it chapter_14A_445a8d36:
# "One that I easily recognize."
"Una che riconosco facilmente."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:754
translate it chapter_14A_4b0e20b6:
# A "Fang."
A "Fang."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:760
translate it chapter_14A_7e860244:
# "She’s silent. I can’t even tell if she’s looking at me or not."
"È silenziosa. Non riesco nemmeno a capire se mi sta guardando o meno."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:763
translate it chapter_14A_0ba774bc:
# A "Fang, please.{w=.4} Say something."
A "Fang, ti prego.{w=.4} Di' qualcosa."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:765
translate it chapter_14A_19ac2a36:
# "My legs feel leaden as I approach her."
"Mi sento le gambe appesantirsi mentre mi avvicino a lei."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:767
translate it chapter_14A_fa45e732:
# A "Fang.{w=.4} Come on.{w=.4} T-this is all{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Fang.{w=.4} Dai.{w=.4} Q-questo è tutto un{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:769
translate it chapter_14A_24356c1a:
# "Slowly more and more details come to."
"Lentamente emergono sempre più dettagli."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:772
translate it chapter_14A_dcb3f5dc:
# "The revolver that hung limply from her fingers."
"Il revolver che pendeva floscio dalle sue dita."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:774
translate it chapter_14A_5794a7bc:
# "The splatter of blood on her pants."
"Gli schizzi di sangue sui suoi pantaloni."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:776
translate it chapter_14A_e553db0f:
# "Her wings with multiple bald patches on them."
"Le sue ali con molteplici chiazze calve."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:778
translate it chapter_14A_9bededb5:
# "And the sound of her ragged breaths."
"E il rumore dei suoi respiri affannati."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:781
translate it chapter_14A_5a549d4e:
# A "Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:783
translate it chapter_14A_a8b719b1:
# "My fingers brush against her shoulder."
"Le mie dita sfiorano la sua spalla."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:820
translate it chapter_14A_ff928922:
# A "{i}ARGH!{/i}"
A "{i}ARGH!{/i}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:828
translate it chapter_14A_22257695:
# "Hot, searing pain."
"Un dolore caldo, bruciante."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:830
translate it chapter_14A_ff8fa657:
# "My left leg crumples under me."
"La gamba sinistra si accartoccia sotto di me."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:833
translate it chapter_14A_a95f57f8:
# "As I fall I see Fang’s beautiful amber eyes."
"Mentre cado, vedo i bellissimi occhi ambrati di Fang."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:836
translate it chapter_14A_ffac4966:
# "They’re red and puffy, with makeup-less tears running freely down her cheeks."
"Sono rossi e gonfi, con lacrime senza trucco che scorrono liberamente sulle guance."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:862
translate it chapter_14A_7b2383c3:
# F "A-Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps} WHY ARE YOU-!"
F "A-Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps} PERCHÉ SEI-!"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:864
translate it chapter_14A_b2905722:
# A "Aaaah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} haaaah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} why{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
A "Aaaah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} haaaah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} perché{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:866
translate it chapter_14A_cc458be2:
# F "Y-you weren’t supposed to be here!"
F "N-non avresti dovuto essere qui!"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:869
translate it chapter_14A_8723b6d1:
# F "You shouldn’t have come here!"
F "Non saresti dovuto venire qui!"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:872
translate it chapter_14A_3d0b69f6:
# A "Fuck{cps=*.1}...{/cps} because{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} because I love you!{w=.4} Haaaaaah."
A "Cazzo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} perché{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} perché ti amo!{w=.4} Haaaaaah."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:875
translate it chapter_14A_90d59c73:
# "I struggle to balance on my left leg. The hole in my shin dribbles blood down to the floor."
"Faccio fatica a stare in equilibrio sulla gamba sinistra. Il buco nella tibia fa gocciolare sangue sul pavimento."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:877
translate it chapter_14A_1c52dee4:
# "I don’t care though."
"Ma non mi interessa."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:882
translate it chapter_14A_ca8bf071:
# "I hobble forward."
"Avanzo zoppicando."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:907
translate it chapter_14A_54c7e432:
# "Fang steps back."
"Fang indietreggia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:909
translate it chapter_14A_51a808dd:
# F "S-stay back!"
F "S-stai indietro!"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:911
translate it chapter_14A_c879a559:
# "The revolver clatters against the concrete, spent on ammo."
"Il revolver sbatte contro il cemento, con le munizioni esaurite."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:914
translate it chapter_14A_f3c01f83:
# A "Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps} please{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ti prego{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:917
translate it chapter_14A_0d036be7:
# "A painful step forward."
"Un doloroso passo avanti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:940
translate it chapter_14A_deb52c9e:
# "She takes another back."
"E lei ne fa uno indietro."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:943
translate it chapter_14A_ba6c663b:
# F "Anon!"
F "Anon!"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:947
translate it chapter_14A_4c903e72:
# A "Just come downstairs with me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} It’s not over, it doesn’t have to be this wa-{w=.4}{nw}"
A "Vieni giù con me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=.4} Non è finita, non deve andare co-{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:974
translate it chapter_14A_0721c7a9:
# "With a crunch, my shin gives out completely, lurching me forward onto my hands and knees."
"Con uno scricchiolio, la tibia cede completamente, facendomi cadere in avanti sulle mani e sulle ginocchia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:981
translate it chapter_14A_39d51749:
# "I have to keep going."
"Devo andare avanti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:983
translate it chapter_14A_33874dfb:
# "Even if it’s on my knees."
"Anche se in ginocchio."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:986
translate it chapter_14A_2f9cc011:
# "I can feel myself slowing."
"Sento che sto rallentando."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:988
translate it chapter_14A_928e9a8a:
# "My thoughts cloudy."
"I miei pensieri si sono annebbiati."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:991
translate it chapter_14A_9fd7c359:
# "The blood loss{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"La perdita di sangue{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:994
translate it chapter_14A_24c3dc60:
# "The pain is so intense, however."
"Il dolore è lancinante, tuttavia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:996
translate it chapter_14A_f3146ab2:
# "It brings some clarity to my mind."
"Fa chiarezza nella mia mente."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:998
translate it chapter_14A_5be1fd6b:
# "Enough that I can drag myself forward."
"Tanto da potermi trascinare in avanti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1022
translate it chapter_14A_16d3f051:
# A "Please, come down with me."
A "Ti prego, scendi con me."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1026
translate it chapter_14A_1ce58723:
# F "Oh-oh god.{w=.4} Oh my god.{w=.4} S-stop{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Od-oddio.{w=.4}Oh mio Dio.{w=.4} F-fermati{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1029
translate it chapter_14A_74ce8dfe:
# "The sharp bone pokes and tears through my leg muscle."
"L'osso appuntito mi perfora e lacera il muscolo della gamba."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1032
translate it chapter_14A_3215797e:
# "I briefly look behind me, the trail is spilling out and making my other leg wet."
"Guardo per un attimo dietro di me, la scia si sta spargendo e mi bagna l'altra gamba."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1034
translate it chapter_14A_aa302936:
# "Bile rises up my throat at the sight."
"La bile mi sale in gola a tale vista."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1037
translate it chapter_14A_01e45e43:
# "I swallow hard and look back to Fang."
"Deglutisco con forza e mi volto verso Fang."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1040
translate it chapter_14A_2a5c1d85:
# "I have to reach her."
"Devo raggiungerla."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1042
translate it chapter_14A_cbeb93af:
# "I can still fix this."
"Posso ancora sistemare tutto."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1044
translate it chapter_14A_13b1a6be:
# "I can still save her."
"Posso ancora salvarla."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1095
translate it chapter_14A_4dc1c687:
# "Fang keeps backing away as I try to get closer, remaining out of my reach."
"Fang continua a indietreggiare mentre cerco di avvicinarmi, rimanendo fuori dalla mia portata."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1098
translate it chapter_14A_f479722e:
# "Fang stops and catches her balance."
"Fang si ferma e recupera l'equilibrio."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1101
translate it chapter_14A_3a1289fe:
# "Her foot is halfway over the edge."
"Il suo piede è a metà del bordo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1104
translate it chapter_14A_36d402e9:
# "We’ve reached the edge of the rooftop."
"Abbiamo raggiunto il bordo del tetto."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1107
translate it chapter_14A_3edd3f33:
# "End of the line."
"Fine della corsa."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1123
translate it chapter_14A_4b0e20b6_1:
# A "Fang."
A "Fang."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1125
translate it chapter_14A_42fcf467:
# A "Look at me."
A "Guardami."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1127
translate it chapter_14A_4b2da5cb:
# "Her head shakily turns from the concrete below to meet my eyes again."
"La sua testa si gira tremante dal cemento sottostante per incontrare di nuovo i miei occhi."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1130
translate it chapter_14A_af3332c2:
# A "Back away from there, please."
A "Allontanati da lì, ti prego."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1132
translate it chapter_14A_82bb809d:
# F "I-I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "I-Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1134
translate it chapter_14A_10a7f6aa:
# A "It’s not over."
A "Non è finita."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1136
translate it chapter_14A_b573bae9:
# A "Stay with me here, please."
A "Resta qui con me, per favore."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1139
translate it chapter_14A_797ea20f:
# F "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Io{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1141
translate it chapter_14A_784b22fb:
# A "Don’t leave me alone."
A "Non lasciarmi da solo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1144
translate it chapter_14A_7f1f5979:
# "We stare for an eternity, all through the police’s screaming below."
"Ci fissiamo per un'eternità, mentre sotto urla la polizia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1153
translate it chapter_14A_0e8a369b:
# "Fang looks below once more, down the three story drop to the walkway below."
"Fang guarda ancora una volta in basso, lungo la caduta di tre piani fino al marciapiede sottostante."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1155
translate it chapter_14A_bf9825d0:
# "The walkway we’d passed through so many times to get to classes without a second thought."
"Il marciapiede che avevamo attraversato tante volte per andare a lezione senza pensarci due volte."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1157
translate it chapter_14A_502e50e7:
# "The walkway we crossed daily with our friends through all our trials."
"Il marciapiede che abbiamo attraversato ogni giorno con i nostri amici durante tutte le nostre tribolazioni."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1160
translate it chapter_14A_753402dc:
# A "Please{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
A "Ti prego{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1170
translate it chapter_14A_c767681a:
# "She looks to me again, less shakily this time."
"Mi guarda di nuovo, questa volta meno tremante."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1173
translate it chapter_14A_88c6a45a:
# "The sides of her mouth curl into a warm smile."
"I lati della bocca si arricciano in un caldo sorriso."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1176
translate it chapter_14A_88fe1525:
# "The last of her tears falls."
"Cade l'ultima lacrima."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1184
translate it chapter_14A_410af97c:
# A "{i}Fang!{/i}"
A "{i}Fang!{/i}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1205
translate it chapter_14A_df1ba937:
# "I can’t look over."
"Non posso guardare."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1208
translate it chapter_14A_7cd70745:
# "I don’t want to see it."
"Non voglio guardare."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1214
translate it chapter_14A_4279b4c5:
# "The authorities betray my final wish of death by bursting through the door at that exact minute."
"Le autorità tradiscono il mio ultimo desiderio di morte irrompendo dalla porta proprio in quel momento."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1217
translate it chapter_14A_6e46c695:
# "I drift into unconsciousness when they start wrapping my leg."
"Svengo quando iniziano a fasciarmi la gamba."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1233
translate it chapter_14A_c3739b85_2:
# "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1239
translate it chapter_14A_afcaecf2:
# "Three weeks pass."
"Sono passate tre settimane."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1242
translate it chapter_14A_abc3ff42:
# "Probably."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1245
translate it chapter_14A_437e172a:
# "All I can remember is the sterile hospital room and an endless lineup of reporters."
"Ricordo solo la stanza sterile dell'ospedale e una fila interminabile di giornalisti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1247
translate it chapter_14A_52b7a056:
# "The whole incident made national news."
"L'intero incidente ha fatto notizia a livello nazionale."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1250
translate it chapter_14A_ee2ddb88:
# "Apparently I had become ‘the brave soul who took a bullet to stop a school shooting.’"
"A quanto pare ero diventato ‘il coraggioso eroe che si è preso un proiettile per fermare una sparatoria in una scuola’."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1252
translate it chapter_14A_36693438:
# "But to everyone I know I’m just the one who caused all this."
"Ma per tutti so di essere solo la causa di tutto questo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1255
translate it chapter_14A_e3bf94bd:
# "After I refused to answer the constant pestering enough, I was finally left in blissful solitude."
"Dopo essermi rifiutato di rispondere alle continue domande, sono stato finalmente lasciato in beata solitudine."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1258
translate it chapter_14A_4238dc53:
# "I expected a visit from Spears, or Reed, or Stella or someone."
"Mi aspettavo una visita da Spears, o da Reed, o da Stella o da qualcuno."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1260
translate it chapter_14A_12f7a4b4:
# "But they never came."
"Ma non sono mai venuti."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1263
translate it chapter_14A_7107203f:
# "I got discharged just yesterday."
"Sono stato dimesso proprio ieri."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1265
translate it chapter_14A_c801aaba:
# "I’ll need to stay on a crutch for a few months, but that’s hardly the wound I'm worried about."
"Dovrò usare una stampella per qualche mese, ma non è questa la ferita che mi preoccupa."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1278
translate it chapter_14A_774875bb:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Her funeral was today."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Il suo funerale si è tenuto oggi."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1281
translate it chapter_14A_055b4458:
# "I wasn’t invited, of course."
"Non sono stato invitato, ovviamente."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1283
translate it chapter_14A_4fb9c69a:
# "But I can’t just leave it either."
"Ma non posso neanche non esserci."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1286
translate it chapter_14A_39346055:
# "So I wait out of sight several hundreds of feet away for the remaining family members to trickle out of the crowd and go home."
"Quindi aspetto a diverse centinaia di metri di distanza, che i membri della famiglia restanti escano dalla mischia e se ne vadano a casa."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1295
translate it chapter_14A_b8a9f4e6:
# "The last figure lingers for over an hour."
"L'ultima figura si sofferma per oltre un'ora."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1297
translate it chapter_14A_753b791a:
# "If anyone, he’s the one who deserved this the least."
"Se c'è qualcuno, è quello che se lo meritava di meno."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1300
translate it chapter_14A_c6db4db9:
# "He was right the whole time, about me."
"Ha sempre avuto ragione su di me."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1302
translate it chapter_14A_7f7058a9:
# "And here I am, defiling her grave with my presence."
"Ed eccomi qui, a profanare la sua tomba con la mia presenza."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1305
translate it chapter_14A_ad097453:
# "Eventually, he too leaves."
"Alla fine se ne va anche lui."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1319
translate it chapter_14A_0a8d971e:
# "The alternations of footsteps and the crutch make me feel more mechanical than human."
"L'alternanza dei passi e della stampella mi fa sentire più meccanico che umano."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1322
translate it chapter_14A_ef93c7b8:
# "Then again, that may be true regardless of having a crutch."
"D'altra parte, questo potrebbe essere vero indipendentemente dal fatto di avere una stampella."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1332
translate it chapter_14A_7b696fa7:
# "The two graves are right next to each other."
"Le due tombe sono una accanto all'altra."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1334
translate it chapter_14A_3974d631:
# "Various flowers pollute the fresh mounds."
"Vari fiori contaminano i cumuli freschi."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1337
translate it chapter_14A_1286b2a1:
# "{cps=*.4}{i}\"In memory of Naser. Loving son and brother.\"{/i}{/cps}"
"{cps=*.4}{i}\"In memoria di Naser. Figlio e fratello affettuoso.\"{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1340
translate it chapter_14A_140507fd:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I’m sorry, man."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Mi dispiace così tanto, amico."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1343
translate it chapter_14A_7cc2230a:
# "I hobble over to the other headstone."
"Mi avvicino zoppicando all'altra lapide."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1346
translate it chapter_14A_f506a4c6:
# "{cps=*.4}{i}\"Here lies dearest Lucy. Heaven restores you in light.\"{/i}{/cps}"
"{cps=*.4}{i}\"Qui giace la cara Lucy. Il paradiso ti ridona la luce.\"{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1349
translate it chapter_14A_2283e48d:
# "They buried her using her real name."
"L'hanno sepolta con il suo vero nome."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1355
translate it chapter_14A_4d8c4393:
# "God damn it."
"Dio cane."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1357
translate it chapter_14A_797a2266:
# "This is all my fault."
"È tutta colpa mia."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1360
translate it chapter_14A_65b841c7:
# "None of this would have happened if I noticed something was wrong."
"Tutto questo non sarebbe successo se avessi notato che qualcosa non andava."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1362
translate it chapter_14A_9165ed22:
# "If I just supported Fang more instead of getting into a fight."
"Se solo avessi sostenuto di più Fang invece di litigare."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1364
translate it chapter_14A_75dd47da:
# "If I never got between her and her friends by telling her how I felt."
"Se non mi fossi mai messo in mezzo tra lei e i suoi amici dicendole come mi sentivo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1366
translate it chapter_14A_09eee443:
# "If I never bothered Fang and just stayed to myself."
"Se non avessi mai disturbato Fang e fossi rimasto solo a farmi gli affari miei."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1369
translate it chapter_14A_2a1e31ba:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}If I never moved to Volcaldera in the first place."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Se non mi fossi mai trasferito a Volcaldera."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1372
translate it chapter_14A_9d469299:
# "Fuck."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1375
translate it chapter_14A_dc29215f:
# "And because of me Naomi and Naser and Fang and the others are gone."
"E grazie a me Naomi e Naser e Fang e gli altri non ci sono più."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1377
translate it chapter_14A_19bf088d:
# "Because I’m too fucking stupid to see any of the warning signs."
"Perché sono un ritardato di merda a non aver visto i segnali di pericolo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1380
translate it chapter_14A_87c461cd:
# "I should be crying right now."
"Dovrei piangere in questo momento."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1382
translate it chapter_14A_fb1f0ca7:
# "I should be screaming to the world why I should have died instead."
"Dovrei invece stare urlando al mondo sul perché non sono io quello che è morto."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1384
translate it chapter_14A_b3b8f1df:
# "But I instead I just feel{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"E invece mi sento solamente{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1387
translate it chapter_14A_2f356572:
# "My final plea to Fang races through my head."
"La mia ultima supplica a Fang mi passa per la testa."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1394
translate it chapter_14A_83f350ce:
# "{i}{cps=*.3}Don’t leave me alone.{/cps}{/i}"
"{i}{cps=*.3}Non lasciarmi da solo.{/cps}{/i}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1397
translate it chapter_14A_0d7968f2:
# "I just feel completely and utterly and hopelessly alone."
"Mi sento completamente e totalmente solo e senza speranza."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1404
translate it chapter_14A_f368f841:
# "The sprinkling rain stops."
"Smette di piovere."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1406
translate it chapter_14A_23e37017:
# "Seems the world is tired of my monologuing."
"Sembra che il mondo si sia stancato del mio monologo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1409
translate it chapter_14A_cef22ae8:
# "Like Trish said, I’m just some nobody from the middle of nowhere."
"Come ha detto Trish, sono solo una nullità che viene dal mezzo al nulla."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1411
translate it chapter_14A_d559df3f:
# "And the only person I ever cared about is gone."
"E l'unica persona di cui mi sia mai importato qualcosa non c'è più."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1414
translate it chapter_14A_bfc55776:
# "The split second I thought I was somebody, I ruined everything."
"Nella frazione di secondo in cui ho pensato di essere qualcuno, ho rovinato tutto."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1416
translate it chapter_14A_fd10d053:
# "So now, I’m back to being nobody."
"E ora, sono tornato a essere nessuno."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1418
translate it chapter_14A_c3739b85_3:
# "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1424
translate it chapter_14A_f617b802:
# "It’s better this way."
"È meglio così."