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synced 2025-03-23 10:33:38 +01:00
shooter end reformatted
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 2837 additions and 4 deletions
@ -1 +1,785 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
#label BowlingForVolcanoHigh: - commented out 6/12/21 - redundant with new label/jump per chapter
label chapter_10.0A:
scene room anon day
#Bowling for Volcano High
"I wake up the next morning with my head cradled in my arms."
play music "audio/OST/Appreciating the Moment.ogg" fadein 1.0
"My back aches from the lack of proper bedding, but that’s hardly anything new."
"Groggily, I pull myself to my feet."
"I pull back the curtain to reveal that a thick sunday fog had rolled in overnight."
"What time is it…?"
"Guess I’ll check my phone…"
show anonphone at scenter with moveinbottom
"Ten AM, huh…"
hide anonphone with moveoutbottom
"Damn, I slept a while."
"...Did Fang sleep well?"
A "Fang, you up?"
stop music
"The bed is empty."
A "Oh."
"Wait a second."
"My phone has seventy missed calls and over a hundred texts from Naser…"
"That’s right, my phone was on silent last night for Prom."
"He’s probably just worried about Fang, but by Raptor Jesus’ right nut man."
"I open the most recent voicemail."
FD "By Raptor Jesus’ left testicle if Fang is not home within the hour I will hunt you down and mount your head on my trophy wall! You will RUE the day that-"
"Next one…"
FD "Maybe I didn’t make myself fucking clear. You will be sleeping with the fishes if Lucy is not home in the morning. I have a particular set of-"
"I’m starting to get the idea."
"All the texts are written in a similar vein."
"I try texting Fang to see if she got home safe."
"Anon: hey, you alright?"
"Anon: just noticed your dad was pretty livid last night"
"Anon: he mustve been writing all night long"
"...No immediate response."
"Well, she’ll see it when she sees it."
"S’not like I can do much else for Fang right now."
"I take note of the mess that Fang created, a reminder of how badly I fucked up."
"Fuck me. So this is what they mean by Prom Night disasters."
"I always thought it was just a euphemism for teen pregnancies."
"There’s laminate… something, splinters all over the floor from my dresser."
"And a check inside my bathroom reveals that The Duke managed to crack my porcelain throne."
"Shit. No way am I getting my deposit back now."
"I check the controller carefully, only barely relieved that there’s no damage."
"After I’ve swept up the bits of broken dresser I find I have no real clue what to do."
"A check of my phone again shows that Fang’s at least seen my texts."
"I sigh."
"How do I make this up to her?"
"I feel like a fucking heel right now."
"It’ll take my mind off things at least."
scene black with fade
"Master Grug, you mind telling me what you’re doing on that boat?"
"Ooga booga, finish this fight."
"Guess I’ll play the next one, I really don’t feel like doing anything else today."
scene room anon night with fade
"Wake Grug when you need Grug."
"Really wish I could just float away in an iceberg like Master Grug after last night."
show anonphone with moveinbottom
"I glance at my phone and realize I spent ten hours playing Rock Ring."
"My mind was turned off for most of that, guess I just lost track of time."
hide anonphone with moveoutbottom
"I’m shaken from my thoughts by a knock at my door."
"The door I forgot to lock."
"Oh god, I’m gonna be murdered, butchered, my body parts sold on the black market and turned into some disgusting rhinorex’s sex toys."
"Hopefully in that order."
"Before I can search for my knife, the door opens to reveal…"
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang neutral flip at sright
with dissolve
play music "audio/OST/appreciating_the_scenery.ogg" fadein 1.0
F "Anon? You- oh! Hey…"
F "Uh… Why are you huddled in the fetal position?"
A "Fang? Oh thank fuck."
"I deflate, slumping lifelessly on my bed."
A "I thought your dad was here to kill me."
F "Ah. Yeah. Sorry."
"Fang sets her backpack down on the kitchen table."
F "So…"
show anon sad with dissolve
"Shit. Should have actually thought about what I should say to her."
A "Fang, about last ni-"
F "It’s fine."
show anon neutral with dissolve
A "-ight.. What?"
F "It’s fine, Anon. I don’t blame you for what happened."
F "In fact, I’m sorry for overreacting last night."
"There’s something about this all that is setting off alarms in my head."
"I don’t know what kind though. Or why."
A "I… What?"
F "I said I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have blown up on you like last night."
A "Even if it was my fault? I should have-"
F "It isn’t, Anon."
A "But-"
show black with fade
"My words are cut off. My mind goes completely blank."
"Fang’s hands grip my dirty dress shirt tightly as her beak presses against my parted lips, her tongue invading my mouth."
"She pulls away abruptly, leaving me confused and lightheaded."
A "I..wha...Fang?"
"Her hands guide me down onto my bed and she straddles my lap."
stop music fadeout 1.0
show black with fade
"Sometime in the night the bed shifts."
play music "audio/OST/The Hunt for more (You)s.ogg" fadein 1.0
"I hear the bathroom door close so I pay it no mind and drift back to sleep."
"Eventually my internal clock wakes me up."
scene room anon day with fade
"Stretching and yawning, realize that it’s a lot brighter than normal."
"Did I sleep in?"
"The alarm clock on my table has been unplugged…"
"I reach over to grab my phone to check the time."
"Nine-o-two AM?"
"Oh shit, Fang and I are beyond late."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"Wait, where is Fang?"
"Her backpack is gone, too."
"Oh come on, she went to school without me?!"
"I rush to put my clothes on and get out the door as soon as possible."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"About halfway there my phone buzzes in my pocket."
"Unread texts from Fang?"
"{i}Fang: ♪ Control over my life you denied, And now death approaches from the sky, Why'd it be me you had to vilify? I guess this is Goodbye, Volcano High ♫{/i}"
"The cryptic message stops me in my tracks."
"Something is definitely wrong."
"This almost reads like…"
"The adrenaline pushes my feet back into a desperate bolt towards the school."
scene outside school fog
show anon neutral at aleft
with fade
"The whole time my mind floods with horrid worst-case scenarios."
"I tell myself I’m just worrying, but my mad sprint betrays the lie."
"As I approach the school, I notice a crowd through the haze."
"Surely it’s just a drill."
"The deceit is shattered when I see the crowd consists of students huddling and crying, with teachers quietly making sure everyone is accounted for."
"...Where’s Fang?"
"She has to be in this crowd."
"There’s just a fire in the school that scared people."
"She’s in this crowd somewhere."
scene a02 with fade
T "YOU!!"
"The voice calls out through the silence for all to hear."
"Trish moves to stand a dozen feet in front of me on the pavement."
"A shaky finger directing malice towards me."
"She’s redfaced, streams of tears running the mascara down her face."
"Blurred heads turn to the commotion."
"I can’t say anything."
"Is this really happening?"
"She chucks her phone through the air."
"It misses by inches and smashes on the ground somewhere behind me."
"By now her tirade becomes incomprehensible screaming."
"A teacher has to hold her back and try directing her to a nearby curb to sit."
scene black with fade
"...I don’t have time for this."
"Where is Fang?"
"I gotta get in that building."
"I turn around and dash away into the fog as Trish is being consoled by a group of students."
scene hallway with fade
"The side door is still unlocked, and I’m able to slip in without being noticed."
"The halls are silent, despite it all."
"My footsteps clatter through the empty halls."
"It’s third period now, Fang always talks about having to deal with Naomi in Econ."
"That’s not on this floor, fuck!"
scene black with fade
"I pause when I reach the stairwell upwards."
"I can’t say for sure what, but my instincts are screaming at me to not go up, to turn back now."
"... I can’t."
"My hand lightly glides along the handrail while I cautiously cross the stairs to the second floor."
"The first thing that hits me is the smell."
"That electric, almost metallic stench of wet ozone."
"I’ve never been in a real fight before, but even so…"
"It’s a smell everyone instinctively knows."
"I couldn’t tell what sound I made, because I frankly don’t remember."
"All I will ever remember from this is the sight of my former classmates splattered across the halls like bags of waste."
scene a04 with fade
"The spills and trails of blood tell the story of their final moments."
"Two were trying to run and still remain face down in their final resting places."
"One slumped from a locker, smearing his remains all the way down like a puppet string."
"And the last one, who tried fighting back, now clumped in the middle of the hallway soaked in the collective pooling blood."
"It was Naser."
"This isn’t real, none of this is real."
"I’m just having a nightmare after last nights’ episode."
"Things are just fine, I’ll return to reality soon…"
"...God...Damn it..."
"...Where is Fang…?"
"I just need to find her."
"There’s one open door in the hall, the one closest to the battlefield."
"I already know I’m not going to see her."
"Fang hasn’t been in that room since she started."
"The only thing in there is the huddled corpse of our student council president."
"...Guess she didn’t get that ‘perfect highschool life’ in the end."
scene black with fade
"The stairs."
"There’s only one place she can be."
"One place where she’d go."
"When I turn back to the stairwell, something makes a wet thud behind me."
"Somehow, Naser’s still alive."
"He’s moved his arm in my direction, and still has the strength to move a bit."
"His eyes meet mine for a moment."
"I can’t focus on him."
"He’s got seconds left, anything I tried would just be a waste of time."
"His hand makes a wet slap against the hard tiles one last time while I start up the stairs."
"Somehow, the remaining two flights of stairs have gained another several hundred steps."
"I haven’t seen who it was yet, it might not be her."
"You know well it can only be her."
"How could I have known this would happen? This isn’t my fault..!"
"You had just as much a hand in this as she did."
"Fang isn’t here. She’s at home being grilled by her father for seeing me again."
"She’s behind that door with a loaded gun."
"...How long have I been standing here, staring at the doorknob?"
"...How much longer could I get away with putting it off?"
"As it is, it’s not the worst case scenario."
"Even if Naser and Naomi are gone…"
"There’s a chance it’s not Fang up here."
"I’d rather just stand here forever."
"Relishing in the possibility that there’s some hope left."
"Time stops for no one."
"Not even me."
"The police sirens have been outside for a while."
"I can’t ignore them any longer."
"I owe Fang this much at least."
"The doorknob is still cold on my hand."
"I turn it and exit to the rooftop."
"In the dense morning fog the only thing to stand out is the silhouette."
"One that I easily recognize."
scene a10 with fade
A "Fang."
"She’s silent. I can’t even tell if she’s looking at me or not."
A "Fang, please. Say something."
"My legs feel leaden as I approach her."
A "Fang. Come on. T-this is all…"
"Slowly more and more details come too."
"The revolver that hung limply from her fingers."
"The splatter of blood on her pants."
"Her wings with multiple bald patches on them."
"And the sound of her ragged breaths."
A "Fang…"
"My fingers brush against her shoulder."
scene black
play sound "audio/effects/shot.ogg"
"Hot, searing pain."
"My left leg crumples under me."
"As I fall I see Fang’s beautiful amber eyes."
"They’re red and puffy, with makeup-less tears running freely down her cheeks."
F "A-Anon… WHY ARE YOU-!"
A "Aaaah… haaaah… Fang… Why…?"
F "Y-you weren’t supposed to be here!"
F "You shouldn’t have come here!"
A "Fuck… Because… Because I love you! Haaaaaah."
scene a10 with fade
"I struggle to balance on my left leg. The hole in my shin dribbles blood down to the floor."
"I don’t care though."
"I hobble forward."
"Fang steps back."
F "S-stay back!"
"The revolver clatters against the concrete, spent on ammo."
A "Fang… please…"
"A painful step forward."
"She takes another back."
F "Anon!"
A "Just come downstairs with me… It’s not over, it doesn’t have to be this wa-"
"With a crunch, my shin gives out completely, lurching me forward onto my hands and knees."
scene black with fade
"I have to keep going."
"Even if it’s on my knees."
"I can feel myself slowing."
"My thoughts cloudy."
"The blood loss..."
"The pain is so intense, however."
"It brings some clarity to my mind."
"Enough that I can drag myself forward."
A "Please, come down with me."
F "Oh-oh god. Oh my god. S-stop…"
"The sharp bone pokes and tears through my leg muscle."
"I briefly look behind me, the trail is spilling out and making my other leg wet."
"Bile rises up my throat at the sight."
"I swallow hard and look back to Fang."
"I have to reach her."
"I can still fix this."
"I can still save her."
"Fang keeps backing away as I try to get closer, remaining out of my reach."
"Fang stops and catches her balance."
"Her foot is halfway over the edge."
"We’ve reached the edge of the rooftop."
"End of the line."
A "Fang."
A "Look at me."
scene a11 with fade
"Her head shakily turns from the concrete below to meet my eyes again."
A "Back away from there, please."
F "I-I… I…"
A "It’s not over."
A "Stay with me here, please."
F "I…"
A "Don’t leave me alone."
"We stare for an eternity, all through the police’s screaming below."
"Fang looks below once more, down the three story drop to the walkway below."
"The walkway we’d passed through so many times to get to classes without a second thought."
"The walkway we crossed daily with our friends through all our trials."
A "Please…"
"She looks to me again, less shakily this time."
"The sides of her mouth curl into a warm smile."
"The last of her tears falls."
scene a12 with fade
"She jumps."
A "Fang!"
"I can’t look over."
"I don’t want to see it."
"The authorities betray my final wish of death by bursting through the door at that exact minute."
"I drift into unconsciousness when they start wrapping my leg."
scene black with fade
pause 5
"Three weeks pass."
"All I can remember is the sterile hospital room and an endless lineup of reporters."
"The whole incident made national news."
"Apparently I had become ‘the brave soul who took a bullet to stop a school shooting.’"
"But to everyone I know I’m just the one who caused all this."
"After I refused to answer the constant pestering enough, I was finally left in blissful solitude."
"I expected a visit from Spears, or Reed, or Stella or someone."
"But they never came."
"I got discharged just yesterday."
"I’ll need to stay on a crutch for a few months, but that’s hardly the wound I'm worried about."
scene a13 with fade
"...Her funeral was today."
"I wasn’t invited, of course."
"But I can’t just leave it either."
"So I wait out of sight several hundreds of feet away for the remaining family members to trickle out of the crowd and go home."
scene a14a with fade
"The last figure lingers for over an hour."
"If anyone, he’s the one who deserved this the least."
"He was right the whole time, about me."
"And here I am, defiling her grave with my presence."
"Eventually, he too leaves."
scene a15 with fade
"The alternations of footsteps and the crutch make me feel more mechanical than human."
"Then again, that may be true regardless of having a crutch."
scene a14 with fade
"The two graves are right next to each other."
"Various flowers pollute the fresh mounds."
"In memory of Naser. Loving son and brother."
"... I’m sorry, man."
"I hobble over to the other headstone."
"{i}Here lies dearest Lucy. Heaven restores you in light.{/i}"
"God damn it."
"This is all my fault."
"None of this would have happened if I noticed something was wrong."
"If I just supported Fang more instead of getting into a fight."
"If I never got between her and her friends by telling her how I felt."
"If I never bothered Fang and just stayed to myself."
"...If I never moved to Volcaldera in the first place."
"And because of me Naomi and Naser and Fang and the others are gone."
"Because I’m too fucking stupid to see any of the warning signs."
"I should be crying right now."
"I should be screaming to the world why I should have died instead."
"But I instead I just feel…"
"My final plea to Fang races through my head."
#fade in wind blowing here
play sound "audio/effects/wind.wav" loop volume 0.3
"{i}Don’t leave me alone.{/i}"
"I just feel completely and utterly and hopelessly alone."
"The sprinkling rain stops."
"Seems the world is tired of my monologuing."
"Like Trish said, I’m just some nobody from the middle of nowhere."
"And the only person I ever cared about is gone."
"The split second I thought I was somebody, I ruined everything."
"So now, I’m back to being nobody."
"It’s better this way."
$ quick_menu = False
window hide
play sound "audio/effects/wind.wav" loop volume 0.2
play music "audio/OST/Sad!.ogg" fadein 1.0 volume 2.8 noloop
pause 20
stop sound fadeout 1.0
scene black with fade
pause 30
scene 1of4 with fade
pause 15
$ renpy.quit()
@ -1 +1,113 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
#label shooter: - commented out 6/12/21 - new format
label chapter_8.50A:
#Announcing a Plan | shooter
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang neutral at scenter
"I help Fang through the first few questions until she says she has a good grasp on the concept."
"Eventually I’m able to focus on my own work again, making steady progress through the remaining problems."
"My mind wanders back to the idea of going to Prom."
stop music fadeout 1.0
"I honestly don’t feel like going."
"Maybe Fang will feel the same about skipping prom and just going to the beach or something."
play music 'audio/OST/That Monochromatic Weirdo.ogg' fadein 1.0
A "Hey Fang. Do-"
"Something’s off with Fang, she’s gazing vacantly into space."
"Her worksheet lies untouched in front of her."
A "... Fang?"
F "... I’ve decided."
A "Huh?"
show fang happy flip at scenter
F "VVURM DRAMA has to play for the school at prom."
F "It’s the only way that everyone will finally see our talent."
A "Wait, your band? But I thought you broke off last mon-"
F "Oh, don’t worry about that."
F "Trish called with the idea last night and I apologized!"
A "I-wait, you apologized?"
F "Thinking about it again, leaving the band was something of an overreaction on my part."
A "Overreaction? But she-"
F "Trish has been my friend for a long time, and I shouldn’t have been so harsh on her."
A "Uh… ye-"
F "So the band’s back together!"
F "Isn’t that great!?"
A "I-I, uh, sure?"
F "So you’ll go to prom to help us play, right?"
"So much for avoiding it. Fuck me."
A "Guess I don’t have much of a choice."
A "You sure about Trish though?"
A "She proba-"
F "Oh, you can apologize to her at lunch today."
stop music
A "Wh-buh… What?!"
play music 'audio/OST/ballad_of_the_boot.ogg' fadein 1.0
A "Why in the seven fucks would I apologize to her?"
A "The janitors have stopped washing my locker since it just gets more dicks drawn on it every day!"
A "There’s more dicks on my locker than in a pride parade for fucks sake!"
F "It’s easier than just letting it boil, right?"
F "You should be more willing to forgive people."
F "Come on, we both have limited friend groups."
F "We can’t afford to burn bridges when we can just accept things, right?"
"When she puts it like that…"
A "I… Whatever. Fine."
"But how she put it."
"Maybe it’s just me, but she seems a little…"
F "Ohh, thank you so much Anon!"
F "I’ll start looking for a good suit to wear!"
"Fang yanks her phone out and starts looking through an online catalogue of androgynous formal wear."
"Well, this can’t be a good sign."
"Highlight of our time here at Volcano High indeed."
stop music fadeout 1.0
jump chapter_8.75A
@ -1 +1,553 @@
#TODO: transfer DaScript appropriately to this section
label chapter_8.75A:
#Lets all go to the Museum
scene black with fade
scene room anon dark with fade
play music 'audio/OST/to_swagger.ogg' fadein 1.0
"Later that night after school Fang texts me."
"Fang: Alright i got a plan"
"Anon: a plan?"
"Fang: To make sure the concert goes off without a hitch"
"Fang: First we need to learn right from the source"
"Anon: the source?"
"Fang: Theres an old museum of fine arts doing a special exhibit on music next week"
"Fang: Lots of stories of bands pulling through last minute right?"
"Fang: If we study from those old guys we’re guaranteed to do great!"
"Anon: is it really that simple?"
"Fang: Sure!"
"Fang: Were gonna learn how old bands did well, were gonna play our music at prom, everyones gonna love us, and its gonna be great."
"Anon: that’s a lot of ‘gonnas’"
"Fang: And youre gonna come with me"
"Anon: what about trish and reed?"
"Fang: Sending them to a bunch of old record shops to cover more ground"
"Fang: So itll just be the two of us"
"Anon: sounds like a plan."
"Fang: Meet me at the galleria at three alright?"
"Anon: i’ll be there."
"I put my phone down and look around my room."
"Do you need to dress special to go to museums…?"
"... Not sure if that would be good enough."
"It’s probably fine, I shouldn’t be getting so worked up."
"I get to spend the whole day with Fang, after all."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene museum
play music 'audio/effects/chatter loop.ogg' fadein 1.0
"The fine art museum turns out to be a relatively modern building right in the middle of the galleria."
"Exactly the last kind of place I would expect Fang to be seen at."
"I almost regret my decision not to wear my dirty dress clothes before seeing Fang already waiting for me by the entrance."
"Seeing me approach, she drops her cigarette and grinds the butt to ash under her heel."
F "Took you long enough."
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang happy flip at sright
with dissolve
"Here’s your one chance Anon don’t fuck it up."
A "Kept you waiting, huh?"
F "God, you’re such a dork. C’mon, the music exhibit is inside."
"Thankfully admission to the museum was free."
"She leads me by the hand through the front doors, and I immediately feel the temperature fall at least ten degrees."
"Are museums always this cold?"
scene museuminside
show anon neutral at aleft
show fang happy at sright
"The music exhibit is all the way in the back of the museum, past several rooms of abstract modern art."
F "What a bunch of junk."
A "What, you don’t want to buy a painting made with dino egg yolks and whites for ten million?"
F "What a steal!"
A "What about a sheet of paper with an url to a picture of a fridge for fifty grand?"
F "You’re messing with me."
A "It’s true, I’ll show you when we get out of here."
"We reach the exhibit hall with the big words ‘THE STYGY MOLDRIX EXPERIENCE’ hanging over the door."
"Despite it being a limited time event on the life and times of a famous musician, there’s only a few dozen people here."
F "Finally!"
F "Alright, Anon, get ready to take notes!"
A "Notes…?"
"Fang grabs me by the forearm and rushes the two of us into the exhibit."
"Once inside, she gives me her phone."
F "Take pictures of everything for me, okay?"
A "Dowhatnow? Uh, okay, sure…"
F "Let’s start with… Uhh…"
"She scans the room briefly before pointing giddily to a guitar hanging inside a case."
"Despite being several decades old, the guitar was clearly well looked after."
"The lacquer on the wood gleamed under the spotlights and the metal didn’t have a speck of rust on it."
F "OH! OH! That!"
A "What is it?"
"She sprints over to the case and I have to catch up making sure I don’t drop her phone."
F "It’s Stygy’s famous guitar!"
F "It’s actually a right handed piece, but Stygy was left-handed but couldn’t afford a lefty guitar, so he re-strung a regular one so he could play it."
F "This guitar was the one he used on his last show at an informal gig in some jazz club in London, a few days before he bit it while OD-ing on drugs."
A "Yeah, that’s pretty cool."
"I caught maybe half of that."
"Either way, I snap several pictures from various angles while Fang continues her sermon."
F "Alright, what’s next?"
"She drags me along to the next display case, a few vacuum-sealed pages with various scribblings on them."
F "And these are some letters he hand-wrote to his father! If my dad wasn’t such an asshole he could have pulled some strings and let us play in the precinct!"
"I try keeping up with her ramblings while taking pictures, but somewhere along the way I lose her in the twisting corridors."
A "Oops."
"I stand in place looking around a bit, but she’s nowhere in sight."
"She can’t have gone far, guess I’ll keep taking pictures of things."
"My eyes are drawn to a monitor on the wall playing documentary footage."
"It was a clip of Stygy playing the national anthem as a protest song or something."
"It sounded kinda cool, I’ll give him that much."
F "Ooh, that’s a good find, Anon!"
"Fang’s voice makes me jump as she reappears out of nowhere."
F "Maybe we could play something like that, show us as a champion of the common man!"
A "...Yeah, my thoughts exactly. Glad I could help."
F "I saw some good stuff in the next row over we can go check out. too."
"She drags me away from the screen to whatever it is she wants to take ‘inspiration’ from."
play music 'audio/OST/The Hunt for more (You)s.ogg' fadein 1.0
"I’m glad she’s having fun and all, but…"
"I wish this was more of a date than a research assignment."
"But I guess she’d feel the same way if I bombarded her with anime."
"She has her interests and I have mine."
"Maybe after this I can take her to a restaurant."
"We’re in a city, but there’s bound to be something relatively cheap nearby."
"It’d be nice, talking about the pictures and things we’ve been taking over some burgers."
"It’s only four-thirty now, it’ll be about dinner time by the time we get out, too."
"Pretty decent timing, sounds like a good plan."
"Fang drags me around a few more exhibits, cataloguing the various paraphernalia and stopping occasionally to obsess over some minor detail."
"Eventually we loop back around to the entrance."
"Fang looks back at the room we just came from."
A "You about ready to go?"
F "Maybe… Just trying to think if we missed anything…"
A "I’m pretty sure we got everything, you could probably reconstruct the entire exhibit using only these pictures I took."
F "I guess… Just can’t have this part of the plan go wrong, you know?"
A "About that, I’m still not sure what your plan is meant to-"
"She dashes off back into the room we just came in, leaving my words dangling from my mouth."
"While I’m gone her phone buzzes."
play music 'audio/OST/Summertime Synth.ogg' fadein 1.0
"Trish: hey r u rdy to mt up lik u sad we wud?"
"It says these ebonics come from Trish, but I didn’t know they were meeting later…"
"This’ll throw a huge wrench into my plan earlier…"
F "Alright, sorry, I’m back."
A "What was that about?"
F "Sorry, had to hit up the gift shop."
A "Oh."
"That explains the fuck-ugly tie-dye monstrosity tide around her headcrest."
A "You uh, got a text from Trish, I think."
"I hand her back her phone."
F "Oh! That’s right, I told her and Reed that we’d meet up after we were done with everything."
A "...I see…"
F "Right, so I’ll tell her we should meet at-"
A "Actually, Fang, hold on a second…"
F "Hm?"
A "Before we all meet together, do you want to stop by a restaurant or something, just the two of us?"
"She thinks to herself for a moment and smiles."
F "Of course, I dragged you along this whole time after all."
A "Don’t worry about it."
A "I think I can get us something from that taco truck I saw on the way in."
F "Alright, I’ll tell Trish to wait a bit."
"Instead of Fang dragging me through the museum, we walked out casually hand in hand."
"I think I saw that truck a block east from here…"
A "By the way, do you take pollo or asada or what on your taco. Please don’t say leng-"
F "Wait!!"
"She stops dead in her tracks, head jerked to the side."
A "Huh?"
F "Look!"
"I peer at where she’s pointing."
"Some poster on the museum wall, it’s an advertisement for a documentary playing in the museum’s mini theater."
"And… It’s a documentary on Stygy Moldrix."
F "I didn’t see this on the way in, we have to see that too!"
A "But what abou-"
F "I know, I know, I’m sorry Anon…"
"Her eyes plead with me for mercy."
F "Just bear with me a while longer?"
"Well, it’s not like the truck’s going anywhere, at least."
A "... Fine. Let’s go…"
F "Oh, thank you Anon!"
A "Yeah, I know this means a lot to you."
F "Come on, the next showing is in five minutes!"
"Already I’m being dragged back inside."
"I guess seeing a movie with Fang isn’t the worst thing in the world."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
scene theater with fade
"Well this sucks."
"I feel my stomach grumble for what feels like the fiftieth time, once again regretting not even buying an overpriced bag of popcorn."
"Stealthily as I could, I check the time on my phone before the light can distract anyone else."
"It’s been thirty-six minutes since the documentary started, only a few more to go before I can escape."
"I glance over at Fang, who has been so engrossed in the film that she hasn’t so much as looked at me this entire time."
"Resigning myself to my fate, my eyes return to the screen which is currently going on about Stygy’s fourth unfinished studio album."
"How exciting."
"I would have just slept through it if I knew Fang wouldn’t be upset with me."
"Not just because of how interested she is in Stygy Moldrix, but because I wouldn’t be taking notes."
"As the screen fades and the lights turn back on, I silently thank Raptor Jesus for ending my forty-minute torment."
F "That was really good! A lot of ideas for the band!"
A "Er… yeah, it was cool I guess."
"Just please get me out of here."
A "Now about that food truck…"
F "Oh! I told Trish and Reed that we could meet at the Galleria food court, we can get something to eat there."
"Really not looking forward to being anywhere near Trish but food is food."
"Part of me just wants to call the date here and go home."
"Not that it was ever much of a date to begin with."
A "Alright, let’s go then."
"At least I can talk to Reed about Rock Ring or something."
"Fang smiles and leads me back out of the museum and towards the food court."
"I still think this is a bad idea, I’m still not over what Trish did and I doubt her mind has changed much either."
F "Stop being grumpy, Anon, you’re just hungry."
"For fuck’s sake."
A "Fang, someone filled my locker with a shit-ton of hentai they printed out last week. It’s not okay."
F "That’s just some dumbass at school, we can get some food and it’ll be fine."
scene foodcourt
show fang neutral at aleft
show anon neutral at aleft
with fade
"We round the corner and I immediately lock on to a certain triceratops."
show reed sunglasses flip at rright:
show trish neutral:
xalign 0.8
with dissolve
"Trish and Reed were already eating at one of the tables."
"Fuck that."
A "I’m gonna go get something to eat first… You want anything?"
F "Nah, I’m good. Not that hungry."
"Extra order of fries it is."
"I split off from Fang to find a place to get food from."
scene foodcourt
show anon neutral flip at aleft
with fade
play music 'audio/OST/sadist.ogg' fadein 1.0
"I glance over my shoulder to see Fang saying something and hugging Trish, both of them turning to look over at me."
"Trish looking significantly less enthused than Fang. No surprise there."
"I stand in line for a Cretaceous Fried Chicken stand and order my food, savoring every moment I wait and don’t have to interact with Trish."
"The moment doesn’t last long and I walk over to the table, food in hand."
scene foodcourt
show fang neutral at aleft
show anon neutral at aleft
show reed sunglasses flip at rright:
show trish neutral flip:
xalign 1.1
with dissolve
"I take the seat between Fang and Reed, which puts me straight across the table from Trish."
"Of fucking course."
"I place the basket of fries in front of Fang and she immediately starts digging in. So much for not being hungry."
"Reed gives me a thumbs up, wearing his giant oversized sunglasses again."
"While Trish is making a face somewhere in between judgemental and open contempt."
show trish smug flip
T "So what took you so long? He wasn’t wasting your time again, was he, Fang?"
show trish neutral flip with dissolve
"Welp time to clock out of that conversation."
"I’m sure they can have a riveting discussion without me."
"It’s just one meal after all, I can ignore Trish for an hour and then Fang and I can leave."
"Digging into my basket of chicken tenders, I pull out my phone and head straight to the armenian graphic design forum."
show anonphone with moveinbottom
"There’s another Grugsnax thread I can shitpost in to pass the time."
"Every once in a while I look up from my phone and catch Trish giving me a death glare before turning to look back at the others."
"Before long my train of thought is broken by Fang saying… something."
F "...so Anon, what do you think?"
hide anonphone with moveoutbottom
A "Uh, yeah. That sounds good?"
F "Great! We can try Trish’s new song in the next rehearsal!"
show trish smug flip with dissolve
"Trish looks smug. What did I agree to?"
T "I’m surprised you agreed to that, I would have thought you wanted us to play some anime song instead."
"She’s just loving this, isn’t she."
Re "Hey man, that sounds kinda fun."
"Reed is qualed by Trish’s sneer."
"Know what. I don’t care anymore."
F "Maybe… But let’s talk about that later. I’m cravin’ a milkshake now."
hide fang with dissolve
"Fang gets up and turns to a nearby smoothie booth."
"Leaving me here."
"To deal with this. These."
T "So, Anon…"
"Her grin is just short of vicious."
T "So happy you agreed to my idea."
T "Guess you’re starting to get some good taste."
T "Better than any of that weeb-pop trash you’ve got on your phone."
"I pointedly ignore her. She’s trying to get a rise out of me."
T "Maybe I’ll make a somebody out of you too."
T "Maybe…"
"My fist clenches tightly beneath the table."
"It's not worth it.":
"I can see it now."
"I've had about enough of this.":
"Just before I get up I think through it one more time."
"Her stupid horn jammed right in her eye."
"I sigh."
"My fist unfurls."
A "Yeah, sure, whatever."
"God this was a waste of a day."
"Normally I would love just spending time with Fang, but she’s been so preoccupied with the band lately."
"I don’t even know why she needed me today when all she did was drag me around."
"And now being anywhere near Trish is the cherry on the shit sundae."
"Fang returns a few moments later with a milkshake in her hand."
show fang happy at sleft behind anon with dissolve
F "What’d I miss?"
T "Just talking to White Knight about his taste in music."
"Fuck this."
"I can’t deal with this anymore."
A "Shit, I just got a text from the post office. Says my dad’s prom suit came and I wanted to get there before it closed."
A "Sorry to do this Fang, I gotta go. See you at school tomorrow."
"I hate lying to Fang this way but I just can’t stand being around Trish any more."
show fang sad with dissolve
F "O-oh, it wasn’t anything I did, was it?"
A "Everything’s fine, I just want to be ready for prom and your show."
show fang neutral with dissolve
"That seemed to put her at ease."
F "Alright… we still have a bunch to talk about for the show. See you tomorrow, then."
show reed happy sunglasses flip with dissolve
Re "Peace, dude."
"I give Fang a reassuring hug and promptly head towards the bus stop, not missing Trish’s dumb smug face as I pass her."
scene black with fade
stop music fadeout 1.0
"God damn it."
jump chapter_9.0A
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