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synced 2025-03-22 10:00:27 +01:00
Probs last batch
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 152 additions and 152 deletions
@ -1000,7 +1000,7 @@ translate es chapter_1_7c6d4764:
translate es chapter_1_9d0fec52:
translate es chapter_1_9d0fec52:
# "It’s so soft, and smooth, and surprisingly warm for scales."
# "It’s so soft, and smooth, and surprisingly warm for scales."
"Es tan suave, y lisa, y sorprendentemente cálida para tener escamas."
"Es tan suave, y lisa. Sorprendentemente cálida para tener escamas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:692
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:692
translate es chapter_1_c1877b29:
translate es chapter_1_c1877b29:
@ -1114,7 +1114,7 @@ translate es chapter_1_37747083:
translate es chapter_1_4046c8d3:
translate es chapter_1_4046c8d3:
# N "We share first period and English together!"
# N "We share first period and English together!"
N "¡Compartimos la primera hora y lenguaje juntos!"
N "¡Compartimos la primera hora y la clase de lengua!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:766
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:766
translate es chapter_1_cc8fddc8:
translate es chapter_1_cc8fddc8:
@ -2452,7 +2452,7 @@ translate es chapter_1_2ce391a9:
translate es chapter_1_6921293f:
translate es chapter_1_6921293f:
# Nas "They're actually a really nice person once you get to know them."
# Nas "They're actually a really nice person once you get to know them."
Nas "Elle es en realidad una persona muy agradable una vez que le conoces."
Nas "Elle es en realidad une persone muy agradable una vez que le conoces."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1735
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1735
translate es chapter_1_bb31485a:
translate es chapter_1_bb31485a:
@ -2830,7 +2830,7 @@ translate es chapter_1_7b3661c2:
translate es chapter_1_34700231:
translate es chapter_1_34700231:
# Sp "{b}{cps=*0.5}WHOSE SORRY ASS AM I GOING TO HAVE TO SUPLEX!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch
# Sp "{b}{cps=*0.5}WHOSE SORRY ASS AM I GOING TO HAVE TO SUPLEX!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch
Sp "{b}{cps=*0.5}¡A QUIÉN LE VOY A TENER QUE APLASTAR EL CULO!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch
Sp "{b}{cps=*0.5}¡¿A QUIÉN LE VOY A TENER QUE HACER UN SUPLEX?!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2042
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2042
translate es chapter_1_07a08bfb:
translate es chapter_1_07a08bfb:
@ -5026,7 +5026,7 @@ translate es lpostCavemanConference_af9b84dd:
translate es lpostCavemanConference_0ac4c1d5:
translate es lpostCavemanConference_0ac4c1d5:
# unknown "{cps=*.7}{i}NO ONE WOULD WANT TO FUCK YOU, BITCH!{/i}{/cps}"
# unknown "{cps=*.7}{i}NO ONE WOULD WANT TO FUCK YOU, BITCH!{/i}{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*.7}{i}¡NADIE QUERRÍA COGER CONTIGO, ZORRA!{/i}{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*.7}{i}¡A TI NADIE TE DARÍA, ZORRA!{/i}{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3583
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3583
translate es lpostCavemanConference_e2c8fe19:
translate es lpostCavemanConference_e2c8fe19:
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ translate es chapter_11_32280a97:
translate es chapter_11_fadcbd18:
translate es chapter_11_fadcbd18:
# "Worst samurai english teacher ever."
# "Worst samurai english teacher ever."
"El peor profesor de lenguaje samurái de la historia."
"El peor profesor samurái de lengua de la historia."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:471
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:471
translate es chapter_11_2af8baec:
translate es chapter_11_2af8baec:
@ -1240,7 +1240,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_7ffb17e0:
translate es lSortingThings_3044cc6c:
translate es lSortingThings_3044cc6c:
# Nas "Next, either get a good supply of earplugs or say goodbye to your sense of hearing entirely. She can and will stay up until two a.m. listening to music on full blast."
# Nas "Next, either get a good supply of earplugs or say goodbye to your sense of hearing entirely. She can and will stay up until two a.m. listening to music on full blast."
Nas "A continuación, consigue una buena provisión de tapones para los oídos o despídete por completo de tu sentido del oído. Puede y estará despierta hasta las dos de la madrugada escuchando música a todo volumen."
Nas "Luego, consigue una buena provisión de tapones para los oídos o despídete por completo de tu sentido del oído. Puede y estará despierta hasta las dos de la madrugada escuchando música a todo volumen."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:900
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:900
translate es lSortingThings_b07f71c2:
translate es lSortingThings_b07f71c2:
@ -1510,7 +1510,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_fd0165b8:
translate es lSortingThings_8755cc6a:
translate es lSortingThings_8755cc6a:
# A "Don’t freak out, he’s just here to- wait."
# A "Don’t freak out, he’s just here to- wait."
A "No te asustes, solo está aquí para- esperar."
A "No te asustes, solo está aquí para- espera."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1058
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1058
translate es lSortingThings_602346a3:
translate es lSortingThings_602346a3:
@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_a2c700b7:
translate es lSortingThings_35576b2e:
translate es lSortingThings_35576b2e:
# A "And my account was locked, how did you even get that to start?"
# A "And my account was locked, how did you even get that to start?"
A "Y mi cuenta estaba bloqueada, ¿cómo lograste que desbloquerla?"
A "Y mi cuenta estaba bloqueada, ¿cómo te metiste?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1069
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1069
translate es lSortingThings_4cebd6ac:
translate es lSortingThings_4cebd6ac:
@ -1540,7 +1540,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_4cebd6ac:
translate es lSortingThings_2287a364:
translate es lSortingThings_2287a364:
# F "Who cares about that, why’s {i}he{/i} here?"
# F "Who cares about that, why’s {i}he{/i} here?"
F "¿A quién le importa eso? ¿Por qué {i}él{/i} está aquí?"
F "¿A quién le importa eso? ¿Qué hace {i}él{/i} aquí?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1076
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1076
translate es lSortingThings_5d97c84a:
translate es lSortingThings_5d97c84a:
@ -1552,7 +1552,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_5d97c84a:
translate es lSortingThings_86b03b13:
translate es lSortingThings_86b03b13:
# Nas "Well, Anon, you’re welcome for the ride, I’ll just be going now."
# Nas "Well, Anon, you’re welcome for the ride, I’ll just be going now."
Nas "Bueno, Anon, de nada por el recorrido, me voy a ir yendo."
Nas "Bueno, Anon, de nada por el viaje, me voy a ir yendo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1090
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1090
translate es lSortingThings_30a7f66c:
translate es lSortingThings_30a7f66c:
@ -1594,7 +1594,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_0d14f43a:
translate es lSortingThings_4e1f2037:
translate es lSortingThings_4e1f2037:
# F "You what?!"
# F "You what?!"
F "¡¿Tu que?!"
F "¡¿Tú qué?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1114
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1114
translate es lSortingThings_19da39d1:
translate es lSortingThings_19da39d1:
@ -1618,7 +1618,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_600f7b32:
translate es lSortingThings_63768ce3:
translate es lSortingThings_63768ce3:
# F "I’m serious, you can’t tell him, he’d kill Anon!"
# F "I’m serious, you can’t tell him, he’d kill Anon!"
F "En serio, no puedes decírselo, ¡él mataría a Anon!"
F "En serio, no puedes decírselo, ¡mataría a Anon!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1123
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1123
translate es lSortingThings_0d582d61:
translate es lSortingThings_0d582d61:
@ -1642,7 +1642,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_537a25db:
translate es lSortingThings_806289cb:
translate es lSortingThings_806289cb:
# Nas "Why don’t you trust me with even this?!"
# Nas "Why don’t you trust me with even this?!"
Nas "¡¿Por qué no confías en mí incluso con esto?!"
Nas "¡¿Por qué no confías en mí ni siquiera para esto?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1142
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1142
translate es lSortingThings_5ceed74b:
translate es lSortingThings_5ceed74b:
@ -1654,7 +1654,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_5ceed74b:
translate es lSortingThings_edcda3fe:
translate es lSortingThings_edcda3fe:
# Nas "Sorry. I’m going now. I won’t tell, I swear."
# Nas "Sorry. I’m going now. I won’t tell, I swear."
Nas "Lo siento. Me voy ahora. No le diré, lo juro."
Nas "Lo siento. Ya me voy. No le diré, lo juro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1147
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1147
translate es lSortingThings_a0e5a09b:
translate es lSortingThings_a0e5a09b:
@ -1714,7 +1714,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_f8ff9f44:
translate es lSortingThings_6480a993:
translate es lSortingThings_6480a993:
# Nas "Those{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# Nas "Those{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
Nas "Esas{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
Nas "¿Esas{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1177
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1177
translate es lSortingThings_5c788dc2:
translate es lSortingThings_5c788dc2:
@ -1804,7 +1804,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_83e0ccea:
translate es lSortingThings_0d37c1ba:
translate es lSortingThings_0d37c1ba:
# Nas "I was always thinking I’d done something wrong because of how you acted differently since then."
# Nas "I was always thinking I’d done something wrong because of how you acted differently since then."
Nas "Siempre pensé que había hecho algo malo por la forma en que actuaste desde ese entonces."
Nas "Siempre creí que había hecho algo malo por la forma en que actuaste desde entonces."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1237
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1237
translate es lSortingThings_cb853968:
translate es lSortingThings_cb853968:
@ -1828,7 +1828,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_ed8f9f4e:
translate es lSortingThings_3631e7c6:
translate es lSortingThings_3631e7c6:
# Nas "All I ever do is ruin things for you."
# Nas "All I ever do is ruin things for you."
Nas "Todo lo que hago es arruinar las cosas para ti."
Nas "Todo lo que hago es arruinarte las cosas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1247
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1247
translate es lSortingThings_228b620c:
translate es lSortingThings_228b620c:
@ -1858,7 +1858,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_2e350eaf:
translate es lSortingThings_abee1507:
translate es lSortingThings_abee1507:
# F "Urgh, way to ruin the moment Anon."
# F "Urgh, way to ruin the moment Anon."
F "Urgh, que manera de arruinar el momento Anon."
F "Urgh, que manera de arruinar el momento, Anon."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1269
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1269
translate es lSortingThings_cef9c868:
translate es lSortingThings_cef9c868:
@ -1876,7 +1876,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_fbfdaa38:
translate es lSortingThings_5f864413:
translate es lSortingThings_5f864413:
# F "Remind me why we’re dating again?"
# F "Remind me why we’re dating again?"
F "¿Recuérdame por qué estamos saliendo de nuevo?"
F "¿Me recuerdas de nuevo por qué estamos saliendo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1283
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1283
translate es lSortingThings_ab20d181:
translate es lSortingThings_ab20d181:
@ -1918,7 +1918,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_643900aa:
translate es lSortingThings_f40b6f6c:
translate es lSortingThings_f40b6f6c:
# F "Which is why I’d rather dad not arrest him and kill him."
# F "Which is why I’d rather dad not arrest him and kill him."
F "Por eso prefiero que papá no lo arreste y lo mate."
F "Por eso preferiría que papá no lo arreste y lo mate."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1306
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1306
translate es lSortingThings_3fc5a0f2:
translate es lSortingThings_3fc5a0f2:
@ -1936,7 +1936,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_bd5c7623:
translate es lSortingThings_51ace14b:
translate es lSortingThings_51ace14b:
# Nas "I told you before, I won’t tell."
# Nas "I told you before, I won’t tell."
Nas "Te lo dije antes, no le diré."
Nas "Ya te dije que no le diré."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1313
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1313
translate es lSortingThings_4f82e49b:
translate es lSortingThings_4f82e49b:
@ -2032,7 +2032,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_fbe5ab2e_2:
translate es lSortingThings_e3483ca3:
translate es lSortingThings_e3483ca3:
# F "Well I can’t say I’m staying at Trish or Reed’s place."
# F "Well I can’t say I’m staying at Trish or Reed’s place."
F "Bueno, no puedo decir que me quede en casa de Trish o Reed."
F "Bueno, no puedo decir que me quedé en casa de Trish o Reed."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1373
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1373
translate es lSortingThings_07caa7db:
translate es lSortingThings_07caa7db:
@ -2080,7 +2080,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_8d8b1f24:
translate es lSortingThings_022b6d61:
translate es lSortingThings_022b6d61:
# A "Well let’s fix that last part then."
# A "Well let’s fix that last part then."
A "Bueno, vamos a arreglar eso último parte entonces."
A "Bueno, vamos a arreglar eso último entonces."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1397
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1397
translate es lSortingThings_59326fbd:
translate es lSortingThings_59326fbd:
@ -2092,13 +2092,13 @@ translate es lSortingThings_59326fbd:
translate es lSortingThings_4e14fd79:
translate es lSortingThings_4e14fd79:
# "Her eyes instantly lock onto the hefty back of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets I take out."
# "Her eyes instantly lock onto the hefty back of dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets I take out."
"Sus ojos se fijan al instante en el grueso dorso de los nuggets de pollo con forma de dinosaurio que saco."
"Sus ojos se fijan al instante en el grueso paquete de los nuggets de pollo con forma de dinosaurio que saco."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1403
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1403
translate es lSortingThings_5cb56e09:
translate es lSortingThings_5cb56e09:
# A "You gonna stay for dinner Naser?"
# A "You gonna stay for dinner Naser?"
A "¿Vas a quedarte a cenar Naser?"
A "¿Vas a quedarte a cenar, Naser?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1406
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1406
translate es lSortingThings_fbb4c4ac:
translate es lSortingThings_fbb4c4ac:
@ -2122,7 +2122,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_4a6bb0b4:
translate es lSortingThings_0ddde4c6:
translate es lSortingThings_0ddde4c6:
# A "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Guess he wasn’t wrong about the carjacking thing."
# A "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Guess he wasn’t wrong about the carjacking thing."
A "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Supongo que no estaba equivocado con lo de robos de coche."
A "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Supongo que no se equivocó con lo de los robos de coche."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1440
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1440
translate es lSortingThings_1d4eb2b4:
translate es lSortingThings_1d4eb2b4:
@ -2188,7 +2188,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_0a97bb7c:
translate es lSortingThings_c7e85142:
translate es lSortingThings_c7e85142:
# "In fact I’d be extremely happy if it was."
# "In fact I’d be extremely happy if it was."
"De hecho, estaría muy contento si fuera."
"De hecho, estaría muy contento si lo fuera."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1493
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1493
translate es lSortingThings_e93d58f0:
translate es lSortingThings_e93d58f0:
@ -2206,13 +2206,13 @@ translate es lSortingThings_d7deef6b:
translate es lSortingThings_d7a7a4fd:
translate es lSortingThings_d7a7a4fd:
# "In English I’m still trying to catch up with the rest of the class."
# "In English I’m still trying to catch up with the rest of the class."
"En lengua todavía estoy intentando ponerme al día con el resto de la clase."
"En la clase de lengua todavía estoy intentando ponerme al día con el resto de la clase."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1505
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1505
translate es lSortingThings_644bef27:
translate es lSortingThings_644bef27:
# "In any other class I’d have been caught up, but Mr. Tsuki is an absolute slave driver."
# "In any other class I’d have been caught up, but Mr. Tsuki is an absolute slave driver."
"En cualquier otra clase me habría puesto al día, pero el Sr. Tsuki es un absoluto esclavista."
"En cualquier otra clase ya me habría puesto al día, pero el Sr. Tsuki es un absoluto esclavista."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1508
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1508
translate es lSortingThings_e2812839:
translate es lSortingThings_e2812839:
@ -2356,7 +2356,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_1fd50c73:
translate es lSortingThings_8ecccb70:
translate es lSortingThings_8ecccb70:
# "(I passed the assignment.)"
# "(I passed the assignment.)"
"(Aprové esa tarea.)"
"(Aprobé esa tarea.)"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1581
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1581
translate es lSortingThings_5265cde7:
translate es lSortingThings_5265cde7:
@ -2368,7 +2368,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_5265cde7:
translate es lSortingThings_110b1e14:
translate es lSortingThings_110b1e14:
# "Fang and I got plates of country fried steak and start heading up the stairs, chattering about possibly seeing a movie this weekend."
# "Fang and I got plates of country fried steak and start heading up the stairs, chattering about possibly seeing a movie this weekend."
"Fang y yo conseguimos platos de bistec frito campestre y comenzamos a subir las escaleras, charlando sobre la posibilidad de ver una película este fin de semana."
"Fang y yo elegimos platos de bistec frito campestre y comenzamos a subir las escaleras, charlando sobre la posibilidad de ver una película este fin de semana."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1595
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1595
translate es lSortingThings_6922f0c7:
translate es lSortingThings_6922f0c7:
@ -2398,7 +2398,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_58ebfaa8:
translate es lSortingThings_230fe157:
translate es lSortingThings_230fe157:
# T "Fang! I thought we’d be hanging out in the auditorium. Y’know, like usual?"
# T "Fang! I thought we’d be hanging out in the auditorium. Y’know, like usual?"
T "¡Fang! Pensé que estaríamos pasando el rato en el auditorio. Ya sabes, ¿como de costumbre?"
T "¡Fang! Pensé que pasaríamos el rato en el auditorio. Ya sabes, ¿como de costumbre?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1622
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1622
translate es lSortingThings_ab7dd452:
translate es lSortingThings_ab7dd452:
@ -2452,7 +2452,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_4553e340:
translate es lSortingThings_59130e6b:
translate es lSortingThings_59130e6b:
# "Once I’m at the top I swing my legs onto the ladder, blocking Trish from climbing up too."
# "Once I’m at the top I swing my legs onto the ladder, blocking Trish from climbing up too."
"Una vez que estoy en la cima, balanceo mis piernas sobre la escalera, impidiendo que Trish suba también."
"Una vez en la cima dejo colgar las piernas sobre la escalera, impidiendo que Trish suba también."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1687
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1687
translate es lSortingThings_48f1093d:
translate es lSortingThings_48f1093d:
@ -2482,7 +2482,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_615d2b2b:
translate es lSortingThings_e7b605ee:
translate es lSortingThings_e7b605ee:
# T "Anon I swear to fuck!" with vpunch
# T "Anon I swear to fuck!" with vpunch
T "¡Anon juro por Dios!" with vpunch
T "¡Anon, te juro por Dios!" with vpunch
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1705
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1705
translate es lSortingThings_252034f5:
translate es lSortingThings_252034f5:
@ -2494,7 +2494,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_252034f5:
translate es lSortingThings_765edc72:
translate es lSortingThings_765edc72:
# "I can tell Fang is getting annoyed at Trish not taking the hint."
# "I can tell Fang is getting annoyed at Trish not taking the hint."
"Puedo decir que Fang se está molestando porque Trish no captó la indirecta."
"Puedo notar que Fang se está molestando porque Trish no captó la indirecta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1711
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1711
translate es lSortingThings_7e1764e4:
translate es lSortingThings_7e1764e4:
@ -2536,7 +2536,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_4515ad7c:
translate es lSortingThings_0e6ef2b5:
translate es lSortingThings_0e6ef2b5:
# T "We {i}need{/i} you to come back to-"
# T "We {i}need{/i} you to come back to-"
T "Nosotros {i}necesitamos{/i} que vuelvas a-"
T "{i}Necesitamos{/i} que vuelvas a-"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1737
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1737
translate es lSortingThings_23f3a0d2:
translate es lSortingThings_23f3a0d2:
@ -2548,7 +2548,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_23f3a0d2:
translate es lSortingThings_16e07868:
translate es lSortingThings_16e07868:
# "Her voice is a calm fury, cold and collected and bitter."
# "Her voice is a calm fury, cold and collected and bitter."
"Su voz es una furia tranquila, fría, serena y amargada."
"Su voz es una furia tranquila, fría, serena y amarga."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1744
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1744
translate es lSortingThings_9c89e496:
translate es lSortingThings_9c89e496:
@ -2596,7 +2596,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_07ad9eb6:
translate es lSortingThings_9adfebb2:
translate es lSortingThings_9adfebb2:
# "Trish’s jaw hangs open, a barely audible squeak of protest escaping her."
# "Trish’s jaw hangs open, a barely audible squeak of protest escaping her."
"Trish tiene queda boquiabierta y se le escapa un chillido de protesta apenas audible."
"Trish se queda boquiabierta y se le escapa un chillido de protesta apenas audible."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1773
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1773
translate es lSortingThings_89d5e1cf:
translate es lSortingThings_89d5e1cf:
@ -2614,19 +2614,19 @@ translate es lSortingThings_bab08819:
translate es lSortingThings_aba1153c:
translate es lSortingThings_aba1153c:
# "Fang waits until her footsteps quiet before letting out a sigh."
# "Fang waits until her footsteps quiet before letting out a sigh."
"Fang espera hasta que sus pasos se silencien antes de dejar escapar un suspiro."
"Fang espera hasta que el sonido de sus pasos se pierde antes de dejar escapar un suspiro."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1797
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1797
translate es lSortingThings_b194884a:
translate es lSortingThings_b194884a:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}That hurt."
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}That hurt."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Eso duele."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Eso dolió."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1807
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1807
translate es lSortingThings_e5064811:
translate es lSortingThings_e5064811:
# "Fang’s hand finds mine and grasps it."
# "Fang’s hand finds mine and grasps it."
"La mano de Fang encuentra la mía y la agarra."
"La mano de Fang encuentra la mía y la aferra."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1809
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1809
translate es lSortingThings_6acdb1cd:
translate es lSortingThings_6acdb1cd:
@ -2644,13 +2644,13 @@ translate es lSortingThings_56d70da4:
translate es lSortingThings_2d4af9b9:
translate es lSortingThings_2d4af9b9:
# F "Anon, do you think I fucked up?"
# F "Anon, do you think I fucked up?"
F "Anon, ¿crees que la he cagado?"
F "Anon, ¿crees que la cagué?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1817
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1817
translate es lSortingThings_55499733:
translate es lSortingThings_55499733:
# "I consider for a moment."
# "I consider for a moment."
"Considero por un momento."
"Lo considero por un momento."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1819
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1819
translate es lSortingThings_d090e0e3:
translate es lSortingThings_d090e0e3:
@ -2662,7 +2662,7 @@ translate es lSortingThings_d090e0e3:
translate es lSortingThings_f63f1713:
translate es lSortingThings_f63f1713:
# "It wasn’t all malicious. Just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} misguided."
# "It wasn’t all malicious. Just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} misguided."
"No fue todo malicioso. Solo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} equivocado."
"No fue del todo malicioso. Solo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} equivocado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1824
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1824
translate es lSortingThings_0b427a65:
translate es lSortingThings_0b427a65:
@ -2734,7 +2734,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_37ca4bda:
translate es lMendingThings_0a404b70:
translate es lMendingThings_0a404b70:
# Nas "{cps=*.75}Just picture the fucked up flipper ba-{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}"
# Nas "{cps=*.75}Just picture the fucked up flipper ba-{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}"
Nas "{cps=*.75}Solo imagina el la monstruosidad de sus hij-{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}"
Nas "{cps=*.75}Solo imagina la monstruosidad de sus hij-{/cps}{w=.5}{nw}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1868
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1868
translate es lMendingThings_4f2b540b:
translate es lMendingThings_4f2b540b:
@ -2758,7 +2758,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_6ae7cd1a:
translate es lMendingThings_94eca142:
translate es lMendingThings_94eca142:
# Nas "Look man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# Nas "Look man{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Mira hombre{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Mira, hombre{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1881
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1881
translate es lMendingThings_02337656:
translate es lMendingThings_02337656:
@ -2800,13 +2800,13 @@ translate es lMendingThings_598c532d:
translate es lMendingThings_7923e80c:
translate es lMendingThings_7923e80c:
# A "I wouldn’t worry about it too much right now, she’s under a lot of pressure."
# A "I wouldn’t worry about it too much right now, she’s under a lot of pressure."
A "Yo no me preocuparía demasiado en este momento, está bajo mucha presión."
A "Yo no me preocuparía demasiado por eso en este momento, está bajo mucha presión."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1900
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1900
translate es lMendingThings_f8ac117c:
translate es lMendingThings_f8ac117c:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Did something happen to her?"
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Did something happen to her?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿Le ha pasado algo?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿Le pasó algo?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1902
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1902
translate es lMendingThings_83c5d87a:
translate es lMendingThings_83c5d87a:
@ -2842,7 +2842,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_fbe5ab2e_1:
translate es lMendingThings_fdecf1b1:
translate es lMendingThings_fdecf1b1:
# A "You’re in a much better position to help her, you’re her brother and all."
# A "You’re in a much better position to help her, you’re her brother and all."
A "Estás en una posición mucho mejor para ayudarla, después de todo eres su hermano."
A "Tú estás en una posición mucho mejor para ayudarla, después de todo eres su hermano."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1916
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1916
translate es lMendingThings_3cac18e6:
translate es lMendingThings_3cac18e6:
@ -2872,13 +2872,13 @@ translate es lMendingThings_7d6d696e:
translate es lMendingThings_9e0e0974:
translate es lMendingThings_9e0e0974:
# Nas "Telling ME how my own sibling feels about me. How she'd be better off if I didn't exist."
# Nas "Telling ME how my own sibling feels about me. How she'd be better off if I didn't exist."
Nas "Diciéndome a MÍ como mi propia hermana se siente. Cómo élla estaría mejor si yo no existiera."
Nas "Diciéndome a MÍ como se siente conmigo mi propia hermana. Cómo élla estaría mejor si yo no existiera."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1928
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1928
translate es lMendingThings_20ecaa63:
translate es lMendingThings_20ecaa63:
# Nas "Now you’re here telling me she’s having a mental breakdown, which {i}I{/i} didn’t know."
# Nas "Now you’re here telling me she’s having a mental breakdown, which {i}I{/i} didn’t know."
Nas "Ahora estás aquí diciéndome que está teniendo un colapso mental, lo cual {i}yo{/i} no sabía."
Nas "Ahora estás aquí diciéndome que está teniendo un colapso mental, lo que {i}yo{/i} no sabía."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1931
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1931
translate es lMendingThings_ea48edd6:
translate es lMendingThings_ea48edd6:
@ -2890,7 +2890,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_ea48edd6:
translate es lMendingThings_274d39e9:
translate es lMendingThings_274d39e9:
# Nas "Fucking hell, Anon, tell me: Why do I gotta hear about how Fang feels from Trish, Reed, and now YOU?"
# Nas "Fucking hell, Anon, tell me: Why do I gotta hear about how Fang feels from Trish, Reed, and now YOU?"
Nas "Maldita sea, Anon, dime: ¿Por qué tengo que escuchar como siente Fang de Trish, Reed y ahora TÚ?"
Nas "Maldita sea, Anon, dime: ¿Por qué tengo que escuchar como siente Fang de Trish, Reed y ahora de TI?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1949
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1949
translate es lMendingThings_c6c4b118:
translate es lMendingThings_c6c4b118:
@ -2902,7 +2902,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_c6c4b118:
translate es lMendingThings_691114b6:
translate es lMendingThings_691114b6:
# Nas "WHY do I aggravate \"THEM\" so much?"
# Nas "WHY do I aggravate \"THEM\" so much?"
Nas "¿POR QUÉ agravo tanto a \"ELLE\"?"
Nas "¿POR QUÉ le molesto tanto a \"ELLE\"?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1954
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:1954
translate es lMendingThings_58b2bd49:
translate es lMendingThings_58b2bd49:
@ -3028,7 +3028,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_1841387e:
translate es lMendingThings_3e9c7dd2:
translate es lMendingThings_3e9c7dd2:
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2026
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2026
translate es lMendingThings_fbe5ab2e_3:
translate es lMendingThings_fbe5ab2e_3:
@ -3070,7 +3070,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_1cfe3492:
translate es lMendingThings_e6935a82:
translate es lMendingThings_e6935a82:
# Nas "Mom and Dad were always there with me but Fang never saw me in the hospital."
# Nas "Mom and Dad were always there with me but Fang never saw me in the hospital."
Nas "Mamá y papá siempre estuvieron conmigo, pero Fang nunca me visitó al hospital."
Nas "Mamá y papá siempre estuvieron conmigo, pero Fang nunca me visitó en el hospital."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2047
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2047
translate es lMendingThings_8e9e3273:
translate es lMendingThings_8e9e3273:
@ -3136,7 +3136,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_733ee882:
translate es lMendingThings_5297392b:
translate es lMendingThings_5297392b:
# A "Rather not."
# A "Rather not."
A "Preferiría no."
A "Preferiría no hacerlo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2083
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2083
translate es lMendingThings_099d0f6f:
translate es lMendingThings_099d0f6f:
@ -3148,7 +3148,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_099d0f6f:
translate es lMendingThings_7aa82e06:
translate es lMendingThings_7aa82e06:
# Nas "It was FINE. We hung out, we had movie nights, she'd bring her friends, we all got along."
# Nas "It was FINE. We hung out, we had movie nights, she'd bring her friends, we all got along."
Nas "Estaba BIEN. Nos juntabamos, teníamos noches de cine, ella traía a sus amigos, todos nos llevábamos bien."
Nas "Estaba BIEN. Nos juntábamos, teníamos noches de películas, traía a sus amigos, todos nos llevábamos bien."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2090
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2090
translate es lMendingThings_7f00aafe:
translate es lMendingThings_7f00aafe:
@ -3166,7 +3166,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_2f2a7284:
translate es lMendingThings_a21a71a0:
translate es lMendingThings_a21a71a0:
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}the pronoun thing took a while to get used to, but I was happy for her at first, going along because I didn't want to step on her toes."
# Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}the pronoun thing took a while to get used to, but I was happy for her at first, going along because I didn't want to step on her toes."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}lo del pronombre me costó un poco acostumbrarme, pero al principio me alegré por ella, siguiéndole la corriente porque no quería pisarle los pies."
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}me costó un poco acostumbrarme a lo del pronombre, pero al principio estaba feliz por ella, siguiéndole la corriente para no molestarla."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2097
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2097
translate es lMendingThings_538632f6:
translate es lMendingThings_538632f6:
@ -3178,7 +3178,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_538632f6:
translate es lMendingThings_01f8599b:
translate es lMendingThings_01f8599b:
# Nas "I'd try helping her and everything would just get more insufferable every time."
# Nas "I'd try helping her and everything would just get more insufferable every time."
Nas "Intentaba ayudarla y todo se volvía más insufrible cada vez."
Nas "Intentaba ayudarla y todo se volvía más insoportable cada vez."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2103
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2103
translate es lMendingThings_9e73fc80:
translate es lMendingThings_9e73fc80:
@ -3196,7 +3196,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_dc3bdc05:
translate es lMendingThings_bea0557d:
translate es lMendingThings_bea0557d:
# Nas "Trish is not a bad girl, Anon. But goddamn if she didn't inculcate in Fang’s head ALL the wrong things."
# Nas "Trish is not a bad girl, Anon. But goddamn if she didn't inculcate in Fang’s head ALL the wrong things."
Nas "Trish no es una mala chica, Anon. Pero maldición si ella no inculcó en la cabeza de Fang TODAS las cosas equivocadas."
Nas "Trish no es una mala chica, Anon. Pero, maldición, si ella no inculcó en la cabeza de Fang TODAS las cosas incorrectas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2111
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2111
translate es lMendingThings_dc87ffa7:
translate es lMendingThings_dc87ffa7:
@ -3250,7 +3250,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_f1638dc1:
translate es lMendingThings_23ac00cc:
translate es lMendingThings_23ac00cc:
# "My knee is back to not liking it when I bend it too much and I’m taking careful breaths again."
# "My knee is back to not liking it when I bend it too much and I’m taking careful breaths again."
"Mi rodilla ha vuelto a no gustarle cuando la doblo demasiado y vuelvo a respirar con cuidado."
"A mi rodilla ha vuelto a no gustarle cuando la doblo demasiado y vuelvo a respirar con cuidado."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2154
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2154
translate es lMendingThings_e1efe1fc:
translate es lMendingThings_e1efe1fc:
@ -3334,7 +3334,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_aa8fbf8c:
translate es lMendingThings_1ccd5b8b:
translate es lMendingThings_1ccd5b8b:
# A "But you wear the same things every day, what are you changing into?"
# A "But you wear the same things every day, what are you changing into?"
A "Pero tú te pones lo mismo todos los días, ¿a qué te cambias?"
A "Pero te pones lo mismo todos los días, ¿a qué te cambias?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2193
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2193
translate es lMendingThings_5ea98e1b:
translate es lMendingThings_5ea98e1b:
@ -3394,7 +3394,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_327c4801:
translate es lMendingThings_bb8c0c02:
translate es lMendingThings_bb8c0c02:
# "She’s acting like I'm about to fall over, geez."
# "She’s acting like I'm about to fall over, geez."
"Actúa como si estuviera a punto de derrivarme, cielos."
"Actúa como si estuviera a punto de derribarme, cielos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2228
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2228
translate es lMendingThings_2104fe5e:
translate es lMendingThings_2104fe5e:
@ -3556,7 +3556,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_434feb22:
translate es lMendingThings_7c64d1d5:
translate es lMendingThings_7c64d1d5:
# F "You don't hate me, do you?"
# F "You don't hate me, do you?"
F "No me odias, ¿verdad?"
F "Tú no me odias, ¿verdad?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2340
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2340
translate es lMendingThings_ba5496bb:
translate es lMendingThings_ba5496bb:
@ -3640,13 +3640,13 @@ translate es lMendingThings_28818e71:
translate es lMendingThings_a96ed132:
translate es lMendingThings_a96ed132:
# "I hold her by the shoulders. They feel scruffy."
# "I hold her by the shoulders. They feel scruffy."
"La agarro por los hombros. Se siente áspera."
"La agarro por los hombros. Se sienten ásperos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2389
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2389
translate es lMendingThings_8e1a88eb:
translate es lMendingThings_8e1a88eb:
# A "Fang, what happened?"
# A "Fang, what happened?"
A "Fang, ¿qué ha pasado?"
A "Fang, ¿qué pasó?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2392
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2392
translate es lMendingThings_5f3bf677:
translate es lMendingThings_5f3bf677:
@ -3688,7 +3688,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_2c488f7f:
translate es lMendingThings_8741d65d:
translate es lMendingThings_8741d65d:
# F "Anon wait!"
# F "Anon wait!"
F "¡Anon espera!"
F "¡Anon, espera!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2429
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2429
translate es lMendingThings_448d244a:
translate es lMendingThings_448d244a:
@ -3808,7 +3808,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_f1638dc1_1:
translate es lMendingThings_31736249:
translate es lMendingThings_31736249:
# "I make us both some microwave dino nuggets and we silently eat on the floor."
# "I make us both some microwave dino nuggets and we silently eat on the floor."
"Preparo para ambos unos dino nuggets de microondas y comemos en silencio en el suelo."
"Nos preparo unos dino nuggets de microondas y comemos en silencio en el suelo."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2480
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2480
translate es lMendingThings_485d53f9:
translate es lMendingThings_485d53f9:
@ -3904,7 +3904,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_67d5b59e:
translate es lMendingThings_714e4cf8:
translate es lMendingThings_714e4cf8:
# A "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} don’t think he’ll come to Skin Row."
# A "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} don’t think he’ll come to Skin Row."
A "Yo uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} no creo que venga a Skin Row."
A "Yo, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} no creo que venga a Skin Row."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2531
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2531
translate es lMendingThings_35d887c6:
translate es lMendingThings_35d887c6:
@ -3982,7 +3982,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_b30ca7eb:
translate es lMendingThings_afe1e434:
translate es lMendingThings_afe1e434:
# A "Well. What about your parents? Have you even told them you’re here?"
# A "Well. What about your parents? Have you even told them you’re here?"
A "Bien. ¿Que hay de tus padres? ¿Les has dicho siquiera que estás aquí?"
A "Bien. ¿Qué hay de tus padres? ¿Les has dicho siquiera que estás aquí?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2562
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2562
translate es lMendingThings_7d50045d:
translate es lMendingThings_7d50045d:
@ -4102,7 +4102,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_2503d5e0:
translate es lMendingThings_e7d09d83:
translate es lMendingThings_e7d09d83:
# "Which she’s quick to invade."
# "Which she’s quick to invade."
"La cual se apresura a invadir."
"El cual se apresura a invadir."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2626
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2626
translate es lMendingThings_8d316a67:
translate es lMendingThings_8d316a67:
@ -4120,7 +4120,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_a05a2b96:
translate es lMendingThings_67c3a5f5:
translate es lMendingThings_67c3a5f5:
# A "Night Fang."
# A "Night Fang."
A "Noches Fang."
A "Noches, Fang."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2635
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2635
translate es lMendingThings_19b371ab:
translate es lMendingThings_19b371ab:
@ -4180,7 +4180,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_5cd73da5:
translate es lMendingThings_0331b0b5:
translate es lMendingThings_0331b0b5:
# "Isn’t interested in helping, to say the least."
# "Isn’t interested in helping, to say the least."
"No está interesado en ayudar, por decir algo."
"No está interesado en ayudar, por decir lo menos."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2679
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2679
translate es lMendingThings_a8cbf218:
translate es lMendingThings_a8cbf218:
@ -4216,7 +4216,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_bc04bbcd:
translate es lMendingThings_d9faf285:
translate es lMendingThings_d9faf285:
# "But Rosa noticed me, judging by her waving hand and overly cheerful smile."
# "But Rosa noticed me, judging by her waving hand and overly cheerful smile."
"Pero Rosa si me notó, a juzgar por como agita su brazó y su sonrisa demasiado alegre."
"Pero Rosa sí me notó, a juzgar por como agita su brazó y su sonrisa demasiado alegre."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2700
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2700
translate es lMendingThings_4fd9f4b0:
translate es lMendingThings_4fd9f4b0:
@ -4270,7 +4270,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_d44e89ca:
translate es lMendingThings_045064b1:
translate es lMendingThings_045064b1:
# St "Did you finish a good series and feel that post-finale depression?"
# St "Did you finish a good series and feel that post-finale depression?"
St "¿Has terminado una buena serie y has sentido esa depresión post-final?"
St "¿Terminaste una buena serie y tienes esa depresión post-final?"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2740
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2740
translate es lMendingThings_a5334b28:
translate es lMendingThings_a5334b28:
@ -4282,7 +4282,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_a5334b28:
translate es lMendingThings_003a8bc5:
translate es lMendingThings_003a8bc5:
# St "Was it because that one pervy anime got canceled? I wouldn’t have pegged you as a fan of that kind of stuff."
# St "Was it because that one pervy anime got canceled? I wouldn’t have pegged you as a fan of that kind of stuff."
St "¿Fue porque ese anime ecchi fue cancelado? No te veía como un fan de ese tipo de cosas."
St "¿Fue porque cancelaron ese anime ecchi? No te veía como un fan de ese tipo de cosas."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2746
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2746
translate es lMendingThings_b8bdeb4a:
translate es lMendingThings_b8bdeb4a:
@ -4384,7 +4384,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_f4c74a83:
translate es lMendingThings_aa50e444:
translate es lMendingThings_aa50e444:
# Ro "Ay dios mio! An-on! What is the matter with you?!"
# Ro "Ay dios mio! An-on! What is the matter with you?!"
Ro "¡Ay dios mio! ¡Anon! ¡¿Qué es lo que te pasa?!"
Ro "¡Ay, dios mío! ¡Anon! ¡¿Qué chingados te pasa?!"
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2804
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2804
translate es lMendingThings_8c513d76:
translate es lMendingThings_8c513d76:
@ -4672,7 +4672,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_2ab3aa5a:
translate es lMendingThings_2716fce5:
translate es lMendingThings_2716fce5:
# "Thankfully I reach the end of the day with no more triceratops-shaped incidents and hurry my way back home."
# "Thankfully I reach the end of the day with no more triceratops-shaped incidents and hurry my way back home."
"Por suerte, llego al final del día sin más incidentes con forma de triceratops y me apresuro a volver a casa."
"Afortunadamente llego al final del día sin más incidentes con forma de triceratops y me apresuro a volver a casa."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2995
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:2995
translate es lMendingThings_d0306e29:
translate es lMendingThings_d0306e29:
@ -4690,7 +4690,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_4c2280c0:
translate es lMendingThings_d9ff7bf5:
translate es lMendingThings_d9ff7bf5:
# "But do either of them really understand what’s actually going on? It’s not like this is just some dumb argument."
# "But do either of them really understand what’s actually going on? It’s not like this is just some dumb argument."
"Pero, ¿alguna de ellas entiende realmente lo que está pasando? No se trata de una discusión tonta."
"Pero, ¿alguna de ellas entiende realmente lo que está pasando? No se trata de cualquier discusión tonta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3001
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3001
translate es lMendingThings_50117a9f:
translate es lMendingThings_50117a9f:
@ -4714,7 +4714,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_1701ee08:
translate es lMendingThings_fd3ffc18:
translate es lMendingThings_fd3ffc18:
# "I guess it couldn’t hurt to talk to them though, right? At the very least they could point me in the right direction."
# "I guess it couldn’t hurt to talk to them though, right? At the very least they could point me in the right direction."
"Pero supongo que no está de más hablar con ellas, ¿no? Al menos podrían indicarme la dirección correcta."
"Pero supongo que no está de más hablar con ellas, ¿no? Al menos podrían apuntarme en la dirección correcta."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3018
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3018
translate es lMendingThings_95f46616:
translate es lMendingThings_95f46616:
@ -4870,7 +4870,7 @@ translate es lMendingThings_836e654c:
translate es lMendingThings_8189b048:
translate es lMendingThings_8189b048:
# "I glance back to Fang in bewilderment, she’s cast her head aside in shame."
# "I glance back to Fang in bewilderment, she’s cast her head aside in shame."
"Miro hacia atrás a Fang con desconcierto, ella echó la cabeza a un lado avergonzada."
"Miro hacia atrás a Fang con desconcierto, ella echa la cabeza a un lado avergonzada."
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3116
# game/script/11.school-assignment-and-route-lock.rpy:3116
translate es lMendingThings_0bd0cb94:
translate es lMendingThings_0bd0cb94:
@ -292,7 +292,7 @@ translate es chapter_11A_a87bb792:
translate es chapter_11A_261c87bf:
translate es chapter_11A_261c87bf:
# "\"Highlight of our time here at Volcano High\" indeed."
# "\"Highlight of our time here at Volcano High\" indeed."
"\"Lo más destacado de nuestro tiempo aquí en el Instituto Volcáno\" de verdad."
"\"Lo más destacado de nuestro tiempo aquí en el Instituto Volcano\" de verdad."
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:156
# game/script/11A.fang-desperately-wants-to-win-prom-night.rpy:156
translate es chapter_11A_f1638dc1_1:
translate es chapter_11A_f1638dc1_1:
@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ translate es chapter_11D_a2d75666:
translate es chapter_11D_f0304496:
translate es chapter_11D_f0304496:
# A "You don’t seem as excited as last time you got somewhere to play."
# A "You don’t seem as excited as last time you got somewhere to play."
A "No pareces tan emocionada como la última vez que encontramos a un lugar para tocar."
A "No pareces tan emocionada como la última vez que encontramos un lugar para tocar."
# game/script/11D.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right-and-she-teases-him-while-carrying-herself-with-more-confidence.rpy:329
# game/script/11D.anon-gets-fangs'-pronouns-right-and-she-teases-him-while-carrying-herself-with-more-confidence.rpy:329
translate es chapter_11D_3ff16d82:
translate es chapter_11D_3ff16d82:
@ -628,7 +628,7 @@ translate es chapter_12A_468b7813:
translate es chapter_12A_daaab1a3:
translate es chapter_12A_daaab1a3:
# "It says these ebonics come from Trish, but I didn’t know they were meeting later{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# "It says these ebonics come from Trish, but I didn’t know they were meeting later{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Dice que estos siglos vienen de Trish, pero no sabía que se reunirían después{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Dice que estos jeroglíficos vienen de Trish, pero no sabía que se reunirían después{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:439
# game/script/12A.music-museum-date.rpy:439
translate es chapter_12A_3e8194fa:
translate es chapter_12A_3e8194fa:
@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ translate es chapter_12B_ba26487b:
translate es chapter_12B_ec901b36:
translate es chapter_12B_ec901b36:
# F "Oh, fuck both of you."
# F "Oh, fuck both of you."
F "Oh, vayanse a la mierda."
F "Oh, váyanse a la mierda."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:185
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:185
translate es chapter_12B_64ad30f8:
translate es chapter_12B_64ad30f8:
@ -562,7 +562,7 @@ translate es chapter_12B_0d490f62:
translate es chapter_12B_df33bcfe:
translate es chapter_12B_df33bcfe:
# "The music’s starting to sound like a gaggle of pissed-off cats being dropped into lawnmower blades, so I pop in the earplugs I got earlier."
# "The music’s starting to sound like a gaggle of pissed-off cats being dropped into lawnmower blades, so I pop in the earplugs I got earlier."
"La música empieza a sonar como una pandilla de gatos enfadados que se dejan caer sobre las cuchillas de un cortacésped, así que me pongo los tapones conseguí antes."
"La música empieza a sonar como una pandilla de gatos enfadados que se dejan caer sobre las cuchillas de un cortacésped, así que me pongo los tapones que conseguí antes."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:294
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:294
translate es chapter_12B_aff8d81b:
translate es chapter_12B_aff8d81b:
@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ translate es chapter_12B_a5c79570:
translate es chapter_12B_392bc903:
translate es chapter_12B_392bc903:
# A "Yeah, I’ll start buying my own when they cost less than my monthly rent."
# A "Yeah, I’ll start buying my own when they cost less than my monthly rent."
A "Sí, empezaré a comprar los míos cuando me cuesten menos que mi alquiler mensual."
A "Sí, empezaré a comprar los míos cuando cuesten menos que mi alquiler mensual."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:566
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:566
translate es chapter_12B_eecc47c8:
translate es chapter_12B_eecc47c8:
@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ translate es chapter_13A_f11bceb0:
translate es chapter_13A_ac054736:
translate es chapter_13A_ac054736:
# "He gives a disappointed look through the reflection."
# "He gives a disappointed look through the reflection."
"Me rina una mirada de decepción a través del reflejo."
"Me tira una mirada de decepción a través del reflejo."
# game/script/13A.fang-loses-it-after-losing-prom-queen.rpy:354
# game/script/13A.fang-loses-it-after-losing-prom-queen.rpy:354
translate es chapter_13A_382c96b4:
translate es chapter_13A_382c96b4:
@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ translate es chapter_13B_3f326d3f:
translate es chapter_13B_871e84ac:
translate es chapter_13B_871e84ac:
# F "Controlling freak, probably does Naser’s homework."
# F "Controlling freak, probably does Naser’s homework."
F "Loca por el control, probablemente le hace la tarea de Naser."
F "Loca por el control, probablemente le hace la tarea a Naser."
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:718
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:718
translate es chapter_13B_932e9fe5:
translate es chapter_13B_932e9fe5:
@ -1588,7 +1588,7 @@ translate es chapter_13B_fb4dc2b4:
translate es chapter_13B_fd4fbb23:
translate es chapter_13B_fd4fbb23:
# F "That I ever opened up to you thinking this time would be different!"
# F "That I ever opened up to you thinking this time would be different!"
F "¡Que me abrí mi corazón pensando que esta vez sería diferente!"
F "¡Que abrí mi corazón pensando que esta vez sería diferente!"
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:922
# game/script/13B.fang-breaks-up-with-anon.rpy:922
translate es chapter_13B_875abd71:
translate es chapter_13B_875abd71:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ translate es chapter_13D_82b80bc8:
translate es chapter_13D_406e5fc4:
translate es chapter_13D_406e5fc4:
# "Fang’s mom saves me, taking the mountainous pterodactyl by his head crest."
# "Fang’s mom saves me, taking the mountainous pterodactyl by his head crest."
"La madre de Fang me salva, cogiendo al al pterodáctilo por la cresta."
"La madre de Fang me salva, cogiendo al pterodáctilo por la cresta."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:62
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:62
translate es chapter_13D_171d153f:
translate es chapter_13D_171d153f:
@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ translate es chapter_13D_8a114362:
translate es chapter_13D_899c3da7:
translate es chapter_13D_899c3da7:
# A "I could do that in seconds on a certain website."
# A "I could do that in seconds on a certain website."
A "Yo odría hacerlo en segundos en cierto sitio web."
A "Yo podría hacerlo en segundos en cierto sitio web."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:410
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:410
translate es chapter_13D_0ad8303b:
translate es chapter_13D_0ad8303b:
@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ translate es chapter_13D_027e6ad7:
translate es chapter_13D_f29c20ca:
translate es chapter_13D_f29c20ca:
# "The drive back to school is rather calm, despite the driver going at least thirty miles over the speed limit the whole time."
# "The drive back to school is rather calm, despite the driver going at least thirty miles over the speed limit the whole time."
"El viaje de vuelta a la escuela es bastante tranquilo, a pesar de que el conductor va al menos cincuenta kilómteros por encima del límite de velocidad todo el tiempo."
"El viaje de vuelta a la escuela es bastante tranquilo, a pesar de que el conductor va al menos cincuenta kilómeteros por encima del límite de velocidad todo el tiempo."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:644
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:644
translate es chapter_13D_052c5d70:
translate es chapter_13D_052c5d70:
@ -1919,7 +1919,7 @@ translate es chapter_13D_13386564:
translate es chapter_13D_01ee170e:
translate es chapter_13D_01ee170e:
# T "I want to dance, and so help me Raptor Jesus I’m getting a dance."
# T "I want to dance, and so help me Raptor Jesus I’m getting a dance."
T "Quiero bailar, y así que ayúdame Jesús Raptor voy a conseguir un baile."
T "Quiero bailar, así que ayudame Raptor Jesús que voy a conseguir un baile."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1555
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1555
translate es chapter_13D_bb0eed98:
translate es chapter_13D_bb0eed98:
@ -2243,7 +2243,7 @@ translate es chapter_13D_bee716ab:
translate es chapter_13D_6865cf37:
translate es chapter_13D_6865cf37:
# A "Later, Principal Spears."
# A "Later, Principal Spears."
A "No vemos, director Spears."
A "Nos vemos, director Spears."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1813
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:1813
translate es chadshark_f4496517:
translate es chadshark_f4496517:
@ -3935,7 +3935,7 @@ translate es FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_0fadb572:
translate es FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_ff078461:
translate es FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_ff078461:
# "Rosa and Reed apparently finished their botanical conversation and were listening in on Stella’s entire ‘fortune’."
# "Rosa and Reed apparently finished their botanical conversation and were listening in on Stella’s entire ‘fortune’."
"Al parecer, Rosa y Reed terminaron su conversación botánica y estaban escuchando prestando atención a la ‘fortuna’ de Stella."
"Al parecer, Rosa y Reed terminaron su conversación botánica y estaban escuchando la ‘fortuna’ de Stella."
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3024
# game/script/13D.fang-plays-well,-naomi-jealous,-fang-talks-to-anon-to-break-up-while-she-thinks-about-her-life.rpy:3024
translate es FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_af5c0029:
translate es FastTimesAtVolcanoHigh_af5c0029:
@ -1162,7 +1162,7 @@ translate es chapter_14A_dd50cf34:
translate es chapter_14A_eca853f8:
translate es chapter_14A_eca853f8:
# "He’s got seconds left, anything I tried would just be a waste of time."
# "He’s got seconds left, anything I tried would just be a waste of time."
"Le quedan segundoscde vida, cualquier cosa que intentara sería una pérdida de tiempo."
"Le quedan segundos de vida, cualquier cosa que intentara sería una pérdida de tiempo."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:650
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:650
translate es chapter_14A_fdb8b547:
translate es chapter_14A_fdb8b547:
@ -2020,7 +2020,7 @@ translate es chapter_14A_9d469299:
translate es chapter_14A_dc29215f:
translate es chapter_14A_dc29215f:
# "And because of me Naomi and Naser and Fang and the others are gone."
# "And because of me Naomi and Naser and Fang and the others are gone."
"Y por mi culpa Naomi y Naser y Fang y los demás se han ido."
"Y por mi culpa Naomi, Naser, Fang y los demás se han ido."
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1377
# game/script/14A.KO_OP-ending.rpy:1377
translate es chapter_14A_19bf088d:
translate es chapter_14A_19bf088d:
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ translate es chapter_14D_08344323:
translate es chapter_14D_a9c5203d:
translate es chapter_14D_a9c5203d:
# "Like a runt of a tree planted in the sidewalk that I swerve to avoid."
# "Like a runt of a tree planted in the sidewalk that I swerve to avoid."
"Como un pequeñ árbol plantado en la acera que apenas esquivo."
"Como un pequeño árbol plantado en la acera que apenas esquivo."
# game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:24
# game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:24
translate es chapter_14D_9eca8dcb:
translate es chapter_14D_9eca8dcb:
@ -418,7 +418,7 @@ translate es chapter_14D_de9327d0:
translate es chapter_14D_156e72f7:
translate es chapter_14D_156e72f7:
# A "Real shame about his last presidential run."
# A "Real shame about his last presidential run."
A "Una verdadera lástima lo su última candidatura presidencial."
A "Una verdadera lástima lo de su última candidatura presidencial."
# game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:232
# game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:232
translate es chapter_14D_e70eda5c:
translate es chapter_14D_e70eda5c:
@ -1576,7 +1576,7 @@ translate es kino_7cc37b0f:
translate es kino_e0f8f2f0:
translate es kino_e0f8f2f0:
# "I guess I never did say goodbye to Volcano High."
# "I guess I never did say goodbye to Volcano High."
"Creo que nunca le dije adiós al Instituto Volcán."
"Creo que nunca le dije adiós al Instituto Volcano."
# game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:862
# game/script/14D.gold-ending.rpy:862
translate es kino_d9f385c2:
translate es kino_d9f385c2:
@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ translate es chapter_8_37d49bf5:
translate es chapter_8_c2a7a9a4:
translate es chapter_8_c2a7a9a4:
# Re "‘Ey guys… saved ya some seats."
# Re "‘Ey guys… saved ya some seats."
Re "Ey chicos... les guardé algunos asientos."
Re "Hey chicos... les guardé algunos asientos."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:121
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:121
translate es chapter_8_188dd0b2:
translate es chapter_8_188dd0b2:
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ translate es chapter_8_3b3630e5:
translate es chapter_8_69ed3c9b:
translate es chapter_8_69ed3c9b:
# Sp "ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE PUNKS." with vpunch
# Sp "ALRIGHT YOU LITTLE PUNKS." with vpunch
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:191
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:191
translate es chapter_8_04439f5d:
translate es chapter_8_04439f5d:
@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ translate es chapter_8_86bff4a2:
translate es chapter_8_90428b04:
translate es chapter_8_90428b04:
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:197
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:197
translate es chapter_8_060fc86a:
translate es chapter_8_060fc86a:
@ -238,13 +238,13 @@ translate es chapter_8_c9939e83:
translate es chapter_8_d7716552:
translate es chapter_8_d7716552:
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:203
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:203
translate es chapter_8_e4d1e506:
translate es chapter_8_e4d1e506:
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:205
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:205
translate es chapter_8_b98a0a4b:
translate es chapter_8_b98a0a4b:
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ translate es chapter_8_2c101d7a:
translate es chapter_8_b5ecc959:
translate es chapter_8_b5ecc959:
# "The principal gives a single approving nod and exits stage right."
# "The principal gives a single approving nod and exits stage right."
"El director hace un único gesto de aprobación y sale por la derecha del escenario."
"El director hace un único asentimiento de aprobación y sale por la derecha del escenario."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:227
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:227
translate es chapter_8_f78344b1:
translate es chapter_8_f78344b1:
@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ translate es chapter_8_9d03aa0f:
translate es chapter_8_bcf46a94:
translate es chapter_8_bcf46a94:
# T "I wasn’t asking you, douche."
# T "I wasn’t asking you, douche."
T "No te estaba preguntando, idiota."
T "No te estaba preguntando a ti, idiota."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:369
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:369
translate es chapter_8_7c7615f3:
translate es chapter_8_7c7615f3:
@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ translate es chapter_8_7c7615f3:
translate es chapter_8_e8760383:
translate es chapter_8_e8760383:
# T "{cps=*0.4}...Kay{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Talk to ya later Fang."
# T "{cps=*0.4}...Kay{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Talk to ya later Fang."
T "{cps=*0.4}...'Kay{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Hablamos más tarde Fang."
T "{cps=*0.4}...'Key{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Hablamos más tarde Fang."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:374
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:374
translate es chapter_8_c9e13d09:
translate es chapter_8_c9e13d09:
@ -358,7 +358,7 @@ translate es chapter_8_c9e13d09:
translate es chapter_8_2dd57bb8:
translate es chapter_8_2dd57bb8:
# T "Fuck you Anon."
# T "Fuck you Anon."
T "Vete a la mierda Anon."
T "Vete a la mierda, Anon."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:380
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:380
translate es chapter_8_2faefd24:
translate es chapter_8_2faefd24:
@ -406,7 +406,7 @@ translate es chapter_8_fb9a8704:
translate es chapter_8_c497b4fe:
translate es chapter_8_c497b4fe:
# F "Wanna like, study at my place? I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} kinda need help{cps=*.1}...{/cps} with science."
# F "Wanna like, study at my place? I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} kinda need help{cps=*.1}...{/cps} with science."
F "¿Quieres estudiar en mi casa? Yo uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} necesito ayuda{cps=*.1}...{/cps} con ciencias."
F "¿Quieres estudiar en mi casa? Yo, uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} necesito ayuda{cps=*.1}...{/cps} con ciencias."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:422
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:422
translate es chapter_8_1f9f9c2a:
translate es chapter_8_1f9f9c2a:
@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ translate es chapter_8_0f4255e3:
translate es chapter_8_6460a5df:
translate es chapter_8_6460a5df:
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:469
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:469
translate es chapter_8_3c80d894:
translate es chapter_8_3c80d894:
@ -1924,7 +1924,7 @@ translate es musicalchoices_5cdeff3b:
translate es musicalchoices_529b421d:
translate es musicalchoices_529b421d:
# "Sheesh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} guy needs like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} all the chill pills…"
# "Sheesh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} guy needs like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} all the chill pills…"
"Rayos{cps=*.1}...{/cps} el tipo necesita como{cps=*.1}...{/cps} todas las pastillas calmantes…"
"Rayos{cps=*.1}...{/cps} el tipo necesita como{cps=*.1}...{/cps} todos los sedantes…"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1378
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1378
translate es musicalchoices_ff9cebf9:
translate es musicalchoices_ff9cebf9:
@ -2164,7 +2164,7 @@ translate es musicalchoices_852bf8dc:
translate es musicalchoices_7322e69c:
translate es musicalchoices_7322e69c:
# "My science score is barely passing."
# "My science score is barely passing."
"Mi puntuación en ciencias es de apenas un aprobado."
"Mi puntuación en ciencias es apenas aprobatoria."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1505
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1505
translate es musicalchoices_aa92722e:
translate es musicalchoices_aa92722e:
@ -2206,7 +2206,7 @@ translate es musicalchoices_a19e0787:
translate es musicalchoices_3b4feed7:
translate es musicalchoices_3b4feed7:
# "As a bonus, I aced Music class."
# "As a bonus, I aced Music class."
"Como extra, aprobé la clase de música."
"Por si fuera poco, me lucí en la clase de música."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1520
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1520
translate es musicalchoices_dc49eb88:
translate es musicalchoices_dc49eb88:
@ -2218,7 +2218,7 @@ translate es musicalchoices_dc49eb88:
translate es musicalchoices_8707e83a:
translate es musicalchoices_8707e83a:
# "And the fact I was able to play guitar, even shittily, was enough."
# "And the fact I was able to play guitar, even shittily, was enough."
"Y el hecho de que fuera capaz de tocar la guitarra, aunque fuera una mierda, era suficiente."
"Y el hecho de que fuera capaz de tocar la guitarra, aunque fuera como la mierda, fue suficiente."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1525
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1525
translate es musicalchoices_f1638dc1_1:
translate es musicalchoices_f1638dc1_1:
@ -2230,7 +2230,7 @@ translate es musicalchoices_f1638dc1_1:
translate es musicalchoices_a696981e:
translate es musicalchoices_a696981e:
# "Fang seemed proud of the fact that I was able to play well enough to get a passing grade."
# "Fang seemed proud of the fact that I was able to play well enough to get a passing grade."
"Fang parecía orgullosa del hecho de que yo fuera capaz de tocar lo suficientemente bien como para obtener una calificación de aprobado."
"Fang parecía orgullosa del hecho de que yo fuera capaz de tocar lo suficientemente bien como para aprobar."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1533
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1533
translate es musicalchoices_db2ac31b:
translate es musicalchoices_db2ac31b:
@ -2242,7 +2242,7 @@ translate es musicalchoices_db2ac31b:
translate es musicalchoices_7e92b38b:
translate es musicalchoices_7e92b38b:
# "Her way of ‘congratulating’ me was to hip-check me right into my locker, only to apologize while laughing her ass off."
# "Her way of ‘congratulating’ me was to hip-check me right into my locker, only to apologize while laughing her ass off."
"Su forma de 'felicitarme' fue darme un golpe de cadera contra mi casillero, para luego disculparse mientras se reía a carcajadas."
"Su forma de ‘felicitarme’ fue darme un golpe de cadera contra mi casillero, para luego disculparse mientras se reía a carcajadas."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1538
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1538
translate es musicalchoices_5b6d8c4a:
translate es musicalchoices_5b6d8c4a:
@ -2284,7 +2284,7 @@ translate es musicalchoices_bce41fd7:
translate es musicalchoices_60288bbf:
translate es musicalchoices_60288bbf:
# "It’s sorta like just the act of creating something and being able to say ‘I made this’."
# "It’s sorta like just the act of creating something and being able to say ‘I made this’."
"Es como el acto de crear algo y poder decir 'yo hice esto'."
"Es como el acto de crear algo y poder decir ‘yo hice esto’."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1555
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1555
translate es musicalchoices_14a38117:
translate es musicalchoices_14a38117:
@ -2308,7 +2308,7 @@ translate es musicalchoices_daddf4c1:
translate es musicalchoices_dad17c68:
translate es musicalchoices_dad17c68:
# "Ah, just a day in the life of an underappreciated artist."
# "Ah, just a day in the life of an underappreciated artist."
"Ah, solo un día en la vida de un artista menospreciado."
"Ah, un día cualquiera en la vida de un artista menospreciado."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1574
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1574
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5e4a0ff7:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5e4a0ff7:
@ -2320,7 +2320,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5e4a0ff7:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_26d4e754:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_26d4e754:
# A "I’d rather get started with studying, actually."
# A "I’d rather get started with studying, actually."
A "Preferiría empezar a estudiar, en realidad."
A "Debería empezar a estudiar, en realidad."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1580
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1580
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_3d7774bd:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_3d7774bd:
@ -2350,7 +2350,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5592b54b:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5759a100:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5759a100:
# A "Ehh, why not science first since that’s your hardest subject."
# A "Ehh, why not science first since that’s your hardest subject."
A "Ehh, por qué no comensamos con ciencias ya que es tu materia más difícil."
A "Ehh, por qué no comenzamos con ciencias ya que es tu materia más difícil."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1605
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1605
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_7ab667df:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_7ab667df:
@ -2560,7 +2560,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_564f99ce:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_89f51ac9:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_89f51ac9:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Electrons are more tightly bound to the nuclei (which we'll discuss next). When current is applied, electrons move-"
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Electrons are more tightly bound to the nuclei (which we'll discuss next). When current is applied, electrons move-"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Los electrones están más unidos a los núcleos (de los que hablaremos a continuación). Cuando se aplica corriente, los electrones se mueven-"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Los electrones están unidos más estrechamente a los núcleos (de los que hablaremos a continuación). Cuando se aplica corriente, los electrones se mueven-"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1714
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1714
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_564f99ce_1:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_564f99ce_1:
@ -2680,13 +2680,13 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_f661a523:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_95f78baa:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_95f78baa:
# FM "I got your favorite, dino nuggies!"
# FM "I got your favorite, dino nuggies!"
FM "¡Tengo tu favorito, dino nuggets!"
FM "¡Traje tu favorito, dino nuggets!"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1793
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1793
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_2bae8ac2:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_2bae8ac2:
# F "Those're for Naser."
# F "Those're for Naser."
F "Esos son para Naser."
F "Ese es el de Naser."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1797
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1797
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_fec101b7:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_fec101b7:
@ -2770,7 +2770,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_37d3235d:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5a94d85f:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5a94d85f:
# "I wasn’t aware their beaks got red too."
# "I wasn’t aware their beaks got red too."
"No sabía que sus picos se volvían rojos también."
"No sabía que sus picos se sonrojaban también."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1850
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1850
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_73e3f6b3:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_73e3f6b3:
@ -2782,13 +2782,13 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_73e3f6b3:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_0f314e0c:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_0f314e0c:
# FM "That you and lil’ Nassie need to knock on our door at night when it’s your parent’s ‘special’ time."
# FM "That you and lil’ Nassie need to knock on our door at night when it’s your parent’s ‘special’ time."
FM "Que tú y el pequeño Nassie tienen que llamar a nuestra puerta por la noche cuando es la hora 'especial' de tus padres."
FM "Que tú y el pequeño Nassie tienen que llamar a nuestra puerta por la noche cuando es la hora ‘especial’ de tus padres."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1855
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1855
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_46690686:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_46690686:
# F "Not what YOU said!"
# F "Not what YOU said!"
F "¡No lo que TU dijiste!"
F "¡No lo que TÚ dijiste!"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1858
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1858
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_d3c15eb1:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_d3c15eb1:
@ -2800,7 +2800,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_d3c15eb1:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_ce414b3e:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_ce414b3e:
# "The tiny Ptero turns to me with an apologetic smile."
# "The tiny Ptero turns to me with an apologetic smile."
"La pequeño Ptero se vuelve hacia mí con una sonrisa de disculpa."
"La pequeña Ptero se vuelve hacia mí con una sonrisa de disculpa."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1863
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1863
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_02b4de1f:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_02b4de1f:
@ -2818,7 +2818,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_daa5713d:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_da767e1e:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_da767e1e:
# "Beef Strog-Anon does not sound palatable to me."
# "Beef Strog-Anon does not sound palatable to me."
"Beef Strog-Anon no me parece apetecible."
"La ternera Strog-Anon no me suena apetecible."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1871
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1871
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_eef60250:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_eef60250:
@ -2848,7 +2848,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_687399fa:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_a9c94c27:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_a9c94c27:
# "She reaches elbow-deep into her purse and pulls out a small flipbook."
# "She reaches elbow-deep into her purse and pulls out a small flipbook."
"Mete la mano hasta el codo en su bolso y saca un pequeño libro."
"Mete la mano hasta el codo en su bolso y saca un pequeño álbum."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1882
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1882
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_383ee302:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_383ee302:
@ -2866,7 +2866,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_c14d3957:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_bf8121b6:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_bf8121b6:
# "Well it IS kinda cute{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# "Well it IS kinda cute{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Bueno, ES un poco lindo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Bueno, ES algo linda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1903
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1903
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_42bd173e:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_42bd173e:
@ -2902,7 +2902,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_2da51e18:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_fb6808c1:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_fb6808c1:
# "I manage a weak wave as Fang continues to rush me towards the door in embarrassment."
# "I manage a weak wave as Fang continues to rush me towards the door in embarrassment."
"Logro saludar débilmente mientras Fang sigue apurándome hacia la puerta avergonzada."
"Logro despedirme débilmente con la mano mientras Fang sigue apurándome avergonzada hacia la puerta."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1950
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:1950
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_ea6e5331:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_ea6e5331:
@ -2992,7 +2992,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_34e41542:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_600638ed:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_600638ed:
# "Fang: Just ignore anything she says"
# "Fang: Just ignore anything she says"
"Fang: Simplemente ignora cualquier cosa que diga"
"Fang: Solo ignora cualquier cosa que diga"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2001
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2001
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_6b9041ee:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_6b9041ee:
@ -3028,13 +3028,13 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5d43bae7:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_da29a414:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_da29a414:
# "Anon: lol jk"
# "Anon: lol jk"
"Anon: lol mentira"
"Anon: lol es broma"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2015
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2015
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_16a5ff0a:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_16a5ff0a:
# "Fang: gobble a knob"
# "Fang: gobble a knob"
"Fang: comete un pene"
"Fang: cómete un pene"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2017
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2017
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_a33c1353:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_a33c1353:
@ -3130,7 +3130,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_393f7659:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_8e16f2a8:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_8e16f2a8:
# A "No, it really was just studying."
# A "No, it really was just studying."
A "No, en realidad solo estabamos estudiando."
A "No, en verdad solo estábamos estudiando."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2077
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2077
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_2387e8d1:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_2387e8d1:
@ -3142,7 +3142,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_2387e8d1:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_50e1b21d:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_50e1b21d:
# SV "You WHAT."
# SV "You WHAT."
SV "Tu QUE."
SV "Tú QUÉ."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2082
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2082
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_2c23493f:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_2c23493f:
@ -3190,7 +3190,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_340d58a1:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_6fa071b6:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_6fa071b6:
# SV "I was right! HA!"
# SV "I was right! HA!"
SV "¡Tenía razon! ¡jA!"
SV "¡Tenía razón! ¡jA!"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2104
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2104
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_6873acd2:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_6873acd2:
@ -3280,7 +3280,7 @@ translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_5e206d22:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_3c210331:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_3c210331:
# "In the end, Mr Jingo screwed us over by making music midterm a live demonstration."
# "In the end, Mr Jingo screwed us over by making music midterm a live demonstration."
"Al final, el Sr. Jingo nos jodió haciendo que el parcial de música sea una demostración en vivo."
"Al final, el Sr. Jingo nos jodió haciendo que el parcial de música fuera una demostración en vivo."
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2150
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:2150
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_e5ac4cac:
translate es lGetStartedOnStudy_e5ac4cac:
@ -3316,23 +3316,23 @@ translate es strings:
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:793
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:793
old "Try Something Cool"
old "Try Something Cool"
new "Prueba algo genial"
new "Intentar algo genial"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:796
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:796
old "Keep it simple"
old "Keep it simple"
new "Mantenlo simple"
new "Mantenerlo simple"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:807
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:807
old "Jam out hard"
old "Jam out hard"
new "Toca con fuerza"
new "Tocar con fuerza"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:810
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:810
old "Strum with confidence"
old "Strum with confidence"
new "Rasguea con confianza"
new "Rasguear con confianza"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:807
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:807
old "Keep a soft tone"
old "Keep a soft tone"
new "Manten un tono suave"
new "Mantener un tono suave"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:823
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:823
old "Press this button or else your mother dies in her sleep"
old "Press this button or else your mother dies in her sleep"
@ -3340,9 +3340,9 @@ translate es strings:
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:820
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:820
old "Try to impress"
old "Try to impress"
new "Trata de impresionar"
new "Tratar de impresionar"
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:823
# game/script/8.anon-and-fang-study-together.rpy:823
old "Play something random"
old "Play something random"
new "Toca algo al azar"
new "Tocar algo al azar"
@ -874,7 +874,7 @@ translate es chapter_x6_f1638dc1:
translate es chapter_x6_288af298:
translate es chapter_x6_288af298:
# "Everyone gets a burger from the piles, sorted into two piles for real and fake meat."
# "Everyone gets a burger from the piles, sorted into two piles for real and fake meat."
"Todos obtienen una hamburguesa clasificadas en dos pilas, una para carne real y otra para falsa."
"Todos obtienen una hamburguesa de una de las dos pilas, una para carne real y otra para falsa."
# game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:718
# game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:718
translate es chapter_x6_c6869e33:
translate es chapter_x6_c6869e33:
@ -1792,7 +1792,7 @@ translate es chapter_x6_77706e93:
translate es chapter_x6_73783362:
translate es chapter_x6_73783362:
# St "{i}Hai!{/i} It was so sweet, like one of my Japanese animes!"
# St "{i}Hai!{/i} It was so sweet, like one of my Japanese animes!"
St "{i}¡Hai!{/i} Fue tan dulce, como uno de mis animes japoneses!"
St "{i}¡Hai!{/i} Fue tan dulce, ¡como uno de mis animes japoneses!"
# game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1405
# game/script/x6-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:1405
translate es chapter_x6_818d3fc5:
translate es chapter_x6_818d3fc5:
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ translate es chapter_x9_3cdb7344:
translate es chapter_x9_598fc1de:
translate es chapter_x9_598fc1de:
# extend " and shut up!"
# extend " and shut up!"
extend " ¡y cállate!"
extend " y ¡cállate!"
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:40
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:40
translate es chapter_x9_7dc98af8:
translate es chapter_x9_7dc98af8:
@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ translate es chapter_x9_12ecd9f3:
translate es chapter_x9_2a59ca8f:
translate es chapter_x9_2a59ca8f:
# "I take a calming sigh and walk out the door to the wailing idiot trying to wake up the whole neighborhood."
# "I take a calming sigh and walk out the door to the wailing idiot trying to wake up the whole neighborhood."
"Doy un suspiro tranquilizador y salgo por la puerta ante el la idiota auyante que intenta despertar a todo el vecindario."
"Doy un suspiro tranquilizador y salgo por la puerta ante la idiota auyante que intenta despertar a todo el vecindario."
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:127
# game/script/x9-naomi-tribulations.rpy:127
translate es chapter_x9_99f16620:
translate es chapter_x9_99f16620:
Reference in a new issue