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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-02-15 16:48
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:7
translate it chapter_x7_c29bd288:
# "{cps=*0.2}-- April, 201M2021 BC --{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}-- Aprile, 201M2021 AC --{/cps}"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:26
translate it chapter_x7_136e81ea:
# F "-I’m just saying is that he shouldn’t have tried-"
F "-sto solo dicendo che non avrebbe dovuto provare a-"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:28
translate it chapter_x7_0f6cd1de:
# A "Sweet tooth, you shouldn’t just kick your teacher in the nuts."
A "Golosona, non dovresti calciare le palle del tuo professore."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:41
translate it chapter_x7_e25c7714:
# "I growl at the phone in my hand."
"Ringhio al telefono nella mia mano."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:43
translate it chapter_x7_1e37ca13:
# "He’s lucky he’s in college right now."
"È fortunato che ora sta al college."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:46
translate it chapter_x7_88301096:
# F "I don’t want to hear it."
F "Non ne voglio sentire."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:48
translate it chapter_x7_34f11990:
# A "Yeah, but still. So what’s the punishment?"
A "Sì, ma comunque. Quindi quale è la punizione?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:56
translate it chapter_x7_3aa5f584:
# "With a huff I turn my phone around the living room, slowly being rearranged to fit more useless people."
"Sbuffando giro il telefono verso il salotto, che viene lentamente sistemato per contenere più persone inutili."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:59
translate it chapter_x7_a623e4b6:
# F "Setting up for baby bro’s going away party."
F "Sto sistemando per la festa di addio del mio fratellino."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:62
translate it chapter_x7_4d2dc3f1:
# A "D’aaawww, such a caring sister."
A "D’aaawww, che sorella premurosa."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:65
translate it chapter_x7_ac7f8a83:
# "I don’t even have to turn the screen back to see Anon’s shit eating grin."
"Neanche devo rigirare lo schermo per vedere il sorrisetto da schiaffi di Anon."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:68
translate it chapter_x7_8ab63d23:
# F "Dad says I gotta clean up after, too."
F "Papà ha anche detto che dopo devo pulire."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:71
translate it chapter_x7_0d04aa71:
# A "If you’d move out Fang-{w=0.5}{nw}"
A "Fang se ti trasferissi-{w=0.5}{nw}"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:77
translate it chapter_x7_aa6a057b:
# F "{cps=*2.0}Trying to!{/cps}" with vpunch
F "{cps=*2.0}Ci sto provando!{/cps}" with vpunch
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:91
translate it chapter_x7_ceb41cc8:
# "I finally look back at my screen and I see him giving me his soothing, calming face."
"Finalmente riguardo lo schermo e lo vedo la sua rassicurante e calmante faccia."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:93
translate it chapter_x7_28075ac5:
# "Even seeing that look from him stings."
"Anche vedere quello sguardo fa male."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:96
translate it chapter_x7_b5493898:
# F "I didn’t mean to shout."
F "Non volevo urlare."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:98
translate it chapter_x7_305a6196:
# A "It’s fine Fang. I’m lucky to have a dorm room, I doubt dad would’ve sprung for an apartment again."
A "Va tutto bene Fang. Io sono fortunato ad avere una stanza nel dormitorio, dubito che mio padre avrebbe pagato di nuovo per un appartamento."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:100
translate it chapter_x7_e1395dc1:
# A "He’s still pissed about that security deposit."
A "È ancora incazzato riguardo il deposito cauzionale."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:103
translate it chapter_x7_a26f57b3:
# "Ah, right. That was my fault."
"Ah, giusto. Colpa mia."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:106
translate it chapter_x7_09819d7f:
# F "Wasn’t my fault. Reed was the one to bring the carfe."
F "Non è stata colpa mia. È stato Reed a portare il carfe."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:109
translate it chapter_x7_f02d756e:
# A "{cps=*0.5}Riiiight.{/cps}{w=0.3} Still, I thought you and Trish would be moving in together."
A "{cps=*0.5}Giuuuuusto.{/cps}{w=0.3} Comunque, pensavo che tu e Trish sareste andate a vivere insieme."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:113
translate it chapter_x7_ef250a67:
# F "{cps=*0.3}Fffffffff{/cps}uck her. She wanted to move in with Reed instead."
F "{cps=*0.3}Fffffffff{/cps}anculo Trish. È voluta andare a vivere con Reed."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:116
translate it chapter_x7_4939174e:
# A "Really?"
A "Seriamente?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:118
translate it chapter_x7_60e0039b:
# F "Really!"
F "Seriamente!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:120
translate it chapter_x7_55facc70:
# A "It was the late night jam outs, wasn’t it."
A "Sono state le suonate a notte fonda, vero?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:122
translate it chapter_x7_ec5383ae:
# F "No!"
F "No!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:124
translate it chapter_x7_8507308a:
# A "Ha! You owe me ten bucks!"
A "Ha! Mi devi 10 bigliettoni!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:127
translate it chapter_x7_f9e47df0:
# "Stupid Anon and his stupid bets and his stupid always being right!"
"Stupido Anon e le sue stupide scommesse e il suo stupido avere sempre ragione!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:129
translate it chapter_x7_4e73629a:
# "Damn it, I know I’m fucking blushing right now. I just fucking know it."
"Cacchio, sono sicura di stare arrossendo in questo momento. Porca puttana se lo so."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:132
translate it chapter_x7_d545a297:
# A "I-{w=.5}{nw}"
A "Io-{w=.5}{nw}"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:134
translate it chapter_x7_39126cb3:
# F "Don’t you say it!"
F "Non dirlo!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:136
translate it chapter_x7_2593b906:
# A "Told-{w=.5}{nw}"
A "Te l'avevo-{w=.5}{nw}"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:138
translate it chapter_x7_ba6c663b:
# F "Anon!"
F "Anon!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:140
translate it chapter_x7_ad659dc3:
# A "You-{w=.5}{nw}"
A "Detto-{w=.5}{nw}"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:151
translate it chapter_x7_f4fb822b:
# F "I’ll hang up!"
F "Guarda che attacco!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:154
translate it chapter_x7_b5909de5:
# A "Okay okay. Sorry I asked."
A "Ok ok. Scusa di aver chiesto."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:157
translate it chapter_x7_599e8fa1:
# A "But what’re you gonna do now?"
A "Ma ora cosa farai?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:161
translate it chapter_x7_e76e5299:
# "I exhale deeply and feel all the weight of my current predicament land on my shoulders."
"Espiro profondamente e sento tutto il peso della mia situazione corrente pesarmi sulle spalle."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:164
translate it chapter_x7_034671f6:
# F "I don’t know. Maybe Stella-{w=0.5} what?"
F "Non lo so. Forse Stella-{w=0.5} cosa?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:174
translate it chapter_x7_5b2f1964:
# "Anon’s head is shaking rapidly and his hands are waving like crazy."
"Anon scuote la testa rapidamente e agita le mani come un pazzo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:180
translate it chapter_x7_add02565:
# F "I don’t see what the problem would be with Stella as a roommate."
F "Non vedo quali problemi ci potrebbero essere con Stella come coinquilina."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:200
translate it chapter_x7_48f58c6f:
# FD "Oi! Stop slackin’ Lucy. The living room ain’t gonna clean itself!"
FD "Oi! Smettila di poltrire Lucy. Il salotto non si pulisce da solo!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:202
translate it chapter_x7_bcf9c97a:
# "Not now! I still want to talk with him!"
"Non ora! Voglio ancora parlargli!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:208
translate it chapter_x7_e3e4ca4c:
# A "Ah man.{w=0.3} I guess I should go?"
A "Ah cacchio.{w=0.3} Presumo debba andare?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:219
translate it chapter_x7_29d136d6:
# "No no no! Damn it!"
"No no no! Cacchio!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:223
translate it chapter_x7_378dbb9a:
# F "Urgh.{w=0.3} I need to finish this. I’m sorry Anon."
F "Urgh.{w=0.3} Devo finire qui. Mi dispiace Anon."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:226
translate it chapter_x7_25c82e61:
# A "It’s fine, and I wish I could be there now, but the scholarship and all…"
A "Tutto ok, e vorrei poter essere lì ora, ma la borsa di studio e tutto quanto…"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:228
translate it chapter_x7_e4e942b8:
# A "Plus the whole dorm fumigation thing and having to change rooms."
A "Poi tutta quella cosa della disinfestazione del dormitorio e il dover cambiare stanza."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:230
translate it chapter_x7_0747e9dc:
# A "Fuckin’ roommate got lucky during it in a spare theater room."
A "Coinquilino del cazzo ha avuto culo e l'ha passata in una sala del cinema vuota."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:233
translate it chapter_x7_8a5618ba:
# A "The bastard."
A "Il bastardo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:236
translate it chapter_x7_0291434f:
# A "We’ll talk later, Fang. Have fun with the party okay?"
A "Parleremo dopo, Fang. Divertiti alla festa okay?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:243
translate it chapter_x7_505d35a3:
# "Before I can say I love him the screen fades to my wallpaper."
"Prima che possa dirgli che lo amo lo schermo ritorna a mostrare il mio sfondo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:245
translate it chapter_x7_e0742b8f:
# "The wallpaper of me and him together on christmas."
"Lo sfondo di io e lui insieme a Natale."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:248
translate it chapter_x7_ae17ef33:
# "I sigh one last time and pocket my phone."
"Sospiro un'ultima volta e metto il telefono in tasca."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:255
translate it chapter_x7_93ed389a:
# "The cool and smooth texture of polished stone makes me realize I’m holding the necklace again."
"La trama fredda e liscia di pietra levigata mi fa presente che sto tenendo di nuovo la collana."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:258
translate it chapter_x7_4a2c3ac5:
# "Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:263
translate it chapter_x7_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:279
translate it chapter_x7_e3d9c3dd:
# "Thirty minutes till Naser gets back now."
"Mancano trenta minuti al ritorno di Naser."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:281
translate it chapter_x7_ab5eca19:
# "Everyone that came is just casually chatting, already snacking on all of mom’s better dishes."
"Tutti quelli che sono arrivati stanno chiacchierando e già sgranocchiando tutti i piatti migliori di Mamma."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:284
translate it chapter_x7_4b726957:
# "Shame about dad’s guacamole though."
"Peccato per il guacamole di Papà però."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:286
translate it chapter_x7_abe2c785:
# "For them, that is. It may be fucking delicious but the aftermath isn’t pretty."
"Per loro, dico. Sarà pure una cazzo di delizia ma i postumi non sono dei migliori."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:298
translate it chapter_x7_ce41da63:
# "I shudder involuntarily at the thought of my last birthday party."
"Rabbrividisco involontariamente al pensiero della mia ultima festa di compleanno."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:300
translate it chapter_x7_d5f794cb:
# "No wonder he married mom."
"Ci credo che ha sposato Mamma."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:304
translate it chapter_x7_a06813a8:
# "The banners hung up with thumbtacks from under the couch (and abc gum) flying gallantly above the staircase, people start to trickle in to celebrate Naser officially pissing off."
"Gli striscioni appesi con puntine da sotto il divano (e gomma masticata) sventolano galantemente sopra la scalinata, le persone cominciano a entrare per festeggiare Naser che se ne va ufficialmente a farsi fottere."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:306
translate it chapter_x7_6483e1f0:
# "He got accepted into a prestigious medical school back last august."
"È stato accettato in una prestigiosa scuola medica l'agosto scorso."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:309
translate it chapter_x7_9bf21ac8:
# "Still remember him prancing around like there was ever a chance he’d get rejected."
"Ancora ricordo di vederlo pullulare in giro come se ci fosse una qualsiasi possibilità che venisse rifiutato."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:311
translate it chapter_x7_ccc0b6d8:
# "I started going to community college around the same time, he has no idea the grueling experience ahead of him."
"Io ho cominciato ad andare al college statale nello stesso periodo, lui non ha idea dell'estenuante esperienza che lo aspetta."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:313
translate it chapter_x7_08b9976e:
# "Then again, he does this kind of shit perfectly."
"D'altronde, lui con roba così se la cava perfettamente."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:324
translate it chapter_x7_20e982c2:
# FM "Lucy, would you be a dear and dim the lights?"
FM "Lucy, saresti così gentile da abbassare le luci?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:328
translate it chapter_x7_1b0ebbd7:
# "I snap back to reality."
"Ritorno alla realtà."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:330
translate it chapter_x7_1442d676:
# "Naser’s close school friends are all ready and perched out of sight of the entryway."
"Gli amici stretti di scuola di Naser sono tutti pronti e appollaiati fuori dalla vista dell'ingresso."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:356
translate it chapter_x7_b60ceae0:
# "I notice one of his old team mates even brought Stella along when I turn the light knob."
"Quando giro la manopola della luce noto che uno dei suoi vecchi compagni di squadra si è anche portato Stella appresso."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:363
translate it chapter_x7_5448c783:
# "Maybe Anon was right in his rant a few weeks ago about girls having it easier?"
"Forse Anon aveva ragione con la sua invettiva di qualche settimana fa riguardante il fatto che le ragazze avessero la vita più facile?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:366
translate it chapter_x7_e98cb933:
# "Nah, that’s bullshit."
"Nah, stronzate."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:381
translate it chapter_x7_b3dc907c:
# "Trish comes barreling in through the door like there’s a blizzard outside."
"Trish sfreccia attraverso la porta come se di fuori ci fosse una bufera."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:402
translate it chapter_x7_028d95d4:
# T "Fang! It took a while but Reed’s distracted!"
T "Fang! Ci ho messo un po' ma Reed è distratto!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:408
translate it chapter_x7_b5323be9:
# F "Oh thank fuck."
F "Oh grazie al cielo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:410
translate it chapter_x7_4f40b88c:
# F "Definitely don’t need him being arrested today of all days."
F "Non voglio assolutamente vederlo venire arrestato proprio oggi."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:419
translate it chapter_x7_556a484a:
# FD "Arrested for what?"
FD "Arrestato per cosa?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:440
translate it chapter_x7_c9ca6a88:
# FangAndTrish "For being the most wanted guy in Volcano high."
FangAndTrish "Per essere il tizio più ricercato e popolare di Volcano High."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:442
translate it chapter_x7_4c196e3f:
# "That line doesn’t work anymore, but he hasn’t given me a new one yet."
"Quella frase non funziona più, ma non me ne ha ancora data una nuova."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:445
translate it chapter_x7_3363e0f0:
# F "Do you need anything else, Dad?"
F "Ti serve qualcos'altro, Papà?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:447
translate it chapter_x7_03ff0809:
# FD "Don’t think so. Your mother’s got an entire bakery going at once in the kitchen, but she hasn’t needed help before."
FD "Non credo. Tua Madre sta gestendo un'intera pasticceria da sola in cucina, ma non le è mai servito aiuto."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:450
translate it chapter_x7_d2ea82f0:
# FM "Dear!"
FM "Caro!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:462
translate it chapter_x7_741dce9a:
# "The old man limps back towards the kitchen, shoulders slightly hung about being fucking told by mom in seconds."
"Il vecchio zoppica verso la cucina, spalle leggermente flosce dopo che mia Madre lo ha fatto ricredere in qualche secondo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:468
translate it chapter_x7_04b27fe7:
# F "Okay, spill.{w=0.3} How?"
F "Okay, sputa il rospo.{w=0.3} Come?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:471
translate it chapter_x7_5b0eb2e3:
# T "I asked Rosa to clear some time for him. She took it to mean a classic date night."
T "Ho chiesto a Rosa di trovare un po' di tempo per lui. Lei l'ha preso come l'avere un classico appuntamento con lui."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:474
translate it chapter_x7_8760151c:
# F "Could’ve just told him Stella’s boyfriend would be here, he’d stay miles away."
F "Gli avresti semplicemente potuto dire che il ragazzo di Stella sarebbe stato qui, sarebbe stato a miglia di distanza."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:477
translate it chapter_x7_e96e05e6:
# T "Figured he’d forgotten by now, you know him."
T "Ho immaginato che oramai si fosse dimenticato, lo conosci."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:479
translate it chapter_x7_117d0fd2:
# F "Right, and what about you? Last time you threw a glass of juice on the old man."
F "Giusto, e che mi dici di te? L'ultima volta hai lanciato un bicchiere di succo al vecchio."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:481
translate it chapter_x7_0e7a6216:
# F "We seriously don’t need any arrests tonight."
F "Seriamente, non abbiamo bisogno di nessun arresto stasera."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:483
translate it chapter_x7_380b4589:
# "Trish blows a raspberry and looks away."
"Trish fa una pernacchia e guarda altrove."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:486
translate it chapter_x7_a68c8d17:
# T "Maybe if he wasn’t such a pig."
T "Forse se non fosse una sporca guardia."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:491
translate it chapter_x7_5b4057b5:
# F "*Ahem*"
F "*Ahem*"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:493
translate it chapter_x7_852c5a6f:
# T "You know what I mean. I’m telling you, him and Moe are-"
T "Sai cosa voglio dire. Te lo dico, lui e Moe sono-"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:495
translate it chapter_x7_165719c8:
# Moe "‘Lucy! Yer ma sayz Nasah is on ‘is ways!"
Moe "‘Lucy! Tu Madre m'ha detto che Nasah st'arrivà!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:501
translate it chapter_x7_f1ade405:
# F "Shit, hide!"
F "Merda, nascondetevi!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:518
translate it chapter_x7_a6718a3e:
# "Everyone in the room scatters, hiding as best they can in our living room."
"Tutti nella stanza si sparpagliano, nascondendosi al meglio che possono nel nostro salotto."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:520
translate it chapter_x7_9b3738e0:
# "I even see Stella and the old varsity Football captain dive into the closet."
"Vedo anche Stella e il vecchio capitano di Football della scuola tuffarsi nell'armadio."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:523
translate it chapter_x7_234cc338:
# "The door creaks open and Naomi leads Naser in slowly."
"La porta si apre scricchiolando e Naomi fa entrare Naser lentamente."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:542
translate it chapter_x7_a9c2e4f2:
# Nas "-are Mom and Dad dancing again? I can’t see-"
Nas "-Mamma e Papa stanno ballando di nuovo? Non riesco a vedere-"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:563
translate it chapter_x7_b1edc851:
# "I twist the dimmer knob to full brightness, making Naser shade his eyes."
"Giro la manopola della luce alla massima potenza, facendo riparare gli occhi a Naser."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:565
translate it chapter_x7_f3cd71ff:
# Nas "Wha-"
Nas "Cos-"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:589
translate it chapter_x7_7e5e1ac7:
# Everyone "SURPRISE!"
Everyone "SORPRESA!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:598
translate it chapter_x7_93a4996a:
# F "Naomi’s pregnant!"
F "Naomi è incinta!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:636
translate it chapter_x7_86623409:
# NaserAndNaomi "WHAT!?" with vpunch
NaserAndNaomi "COSA!?" with vpunch
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:642
translate it chapter_x7_549c5405:
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:684
translate it chapter_x7_e855b4fb:
# "Dad swats my crest with one hand."
"Papà mi tira uno schiaffo sulla cresta con una mano."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:687
translate it chapter_x7_48debc4e:
# FD "No, since you’re leaving us for college next week your Mother thought we should throw you a going away party."
FD "No, dato che ci lascerai per il college la settimana prossima tua Madre ha pensato che dovremmo organizzarti una festa d'addio."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:691
translate it chapter_x7_0b72d472:
# FM "Oh, yes, I invited all your school friends, too."
FM "Oh, sì. Ho anche invitato tutti i tuoi amici di scuola."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:714
translate it chapter_x7_f6a40a5c:
# "I see the little gerbil on a treadmill in his head spinning aimlessly until comprehension dawns on him that his privacy has been violated."
"Vedo il piccolo criceto su una ruota nella sua testa correre a vuoto finché non si rende conto che la sua privacy è stata violata."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:718
translate it chapter_x7_06706745:
# Nas "Oh. My yearbook."
Nas "Oh. Il mio annuario."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:720
translate it chapter_x7_afeab27e:
# FM "Don’t worry dear, I put it back in your dirty laundry pile where it was left!"
FM "Non ti preoccupare caro, l'ho rimesso nella tua pila dei panni sporchi dove l'avevi lasciato!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:723
translate it chapter_x7_9b8704eb:
# "Aside from the peanut gallery this is fairly standard dinner banter."
"A parte la piccionaia questi sono sfottò da cena abbastanza normali."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:727
translate it chapter_x7_128f7dcf:
# Nas "{cps=*0.5}Moooooooooomm{/cps}, not in front of my friends."
Nas "{cps=*0.5}Maaaaaammaaaaaa{/cps}, non davanti ai miei amici."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:730
translate it chapter_x7_f9fbeb11:
# Chet "Chill man, we know how it is, your Mom is just gonna miss you."
Chet "Rilassati cì, sappiamo come stanno le cose, a tua Madre mancherai, tutto qui."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:734
translate it chapter_x7_692a7a50:
# "The other track members nod in agreement."
"Gli altri membri del team di atletica leggera annuiscono."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:740
translate it chapter_x7_3469c194:
# N "It’s great everyone came! Let’s all enjoy the party!"
N "È bellissimo che siano venuti tutti! Godiamoci la festa!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:749
translate it chapter_x7_2463d816:
# "A holler of agreement and the whole thing kicks off as though it had been going on for hours already."
"Gente grida d'accordo e la festa parte come se stesse già andando avanti da ore."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:767
translate it chapter_x7_293783a7:
# "I make a beeline for the food table with Trish, stealing enough grub to keep me sated through the whole ordeal."
"Punto dritto verso il tavolo del cibo con Trish, rubando abbastanza da mangiare da tenermi saziata per tutta la serata."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:769
translate it chapter_x7_6ee7613d:
# "Ordinarily I’d just hole up in my room and annoy everyone by playing ‘Frankly I Did Do a Little Winning’, but…"
"Di solito mi sarei chiusa in camera mia e avrei dato fastidio a tutti suonando ‘Francamente Ho Vinto un Bel Po'’, ma…"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:771
translate it chapter_x7_7a357a94:
# "Damn skinnie costing me two hours of my life by resolving blood feuds."
"Maledetto senza-squame mi stai costando due ore della mia vita avendo risolto le mie faide di sangue."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:774
translate it chapter_x7_1d0aa0de:
# "Whatever, it’s not like these jocks want to talk with me."
"Vabbè, non è che questi sportivi vogliano parlare con me."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:777
translate it chapter_x7_7ece093e:
# "But Stella, jeez she’s got the attention of all the boys."
"Ma Stella, cacchio, lei ha l'attenzione di tutti i ragazzi."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:780
translate it chapter_x7_4bc5481c:
# T "It’s weird, right?"
T "È strano, vero?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:782
translate it chapter_x7_e5def6e9:
# F "I know.{w=0.3} Like, how?"
F "Lo so.{w=0.3} Tipo, come?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:784
translate it chapter_x7_17356bf0:
# T "I mean, I’ve seen her talking a lot with that hot dog chick that’s near your place."
T "Dico, l'ho vista parlare tanto con quella tizia degli hot dog vicina da te."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:791
translate it chapter_x7_a088a442:
# F "What are you implying?"
F "Cosa stai insinuando?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:794
translate it chapter_x7_e15ce1ed:
# T "C’mon, you gotta admit her set up is a little seedy."
T "Eddai, devi ammettere che il suo giro è un po' losco."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:796
translate it chapter_x7_5b69a489:
# F "She’s chill, Trish. Not some kinda{cps=*.1}...{/cps} multitasking prostitute."
F "Lei è a posto, Trish. Non è una sottospecie di{cps=*.1}...{/cps} prostituta multifunzione."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:799
translate it chapter_x7_26cc1612:
# T "Pffft. Not even."
T "Pffft. Nah."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:801
translate it chapter_x7_2adae790:
# "Ah, I know that pout well."
"Ah, conosco bene quel broncio."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:804
translate it chapter_x7_94444945:
# F "No vegan options?"
F "Niente cibo vegano?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:810
translate it chapter_x7_b5948a9f:
# T "Herbies matter!"
T "Gli erbivori contano!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:813
translate it chapter_x7_9ec638b6:
# "Dad’s head whips around at Trish’s shout."
"La testa di Papà si gira di scatto verso le grida di Trish."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:872
translate it chapter_x7_795ab211:
# "The room’s temperature drops as the two glare at each other."
"La temperatura della stanza scende mentre i due si lanciano occhiatacce."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:875
translate it chapter_x7_566165d5:
# F "Trish!"
F "Trish!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:888
translate it chapter_x7_096c9f38:
# "I give her a quick reality check with my elbow."
"La riporto in fretta alla realtà con il mio gomito."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:948
translate it chapter_x7_0b8eac52:
# "Everyone awkwardly returns to their own tiny dinner talk, Dad getting the patented look from Mom as she pulls him aside."
"Tutti ritornano con imbarazzo alle loro chiacchiere da cena, Papà sta subendo lo sguardo patentato da Mamma mentre lo porta in disparte."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:951
translate it chapter_x7_f20dc133:
# T "He’s SO a dirty cop."
T "È SICURAMENTE uno sbirro corrotto."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:956
translate it chapter_x7_96f53571:
# F "And you would’ve been in cuffs again."
F "E tu ti saresti ritrovata di nuovo in manette."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:962
translate it chapter_x7_36438833:
# "Trish’s small chuckle is enough to know she won’t actually start another argument tonight."
"La risatina di Trish mi basta per sapere che non inizierà un'altra discussione stasera."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:970
translate it chapter_x7_5efed09e:
# "I scan the room again as I nibble on some of the tiny sandwiches Mom made."
"Scruto di nuovo la stanza mentre mangiucchio uno dei piccoli panini che ha fatto Mamma."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:972
translate it chapter_x7_cc76e0a5:
# "Aside from Stella being swarmed by boys three times her size, Chet and Naser are bro-ing it up with some crazy looking handshake and Naomi is talking with mom."
"A parte Stella che viene assalita da ragazzi grandi tre volte lei, Chet e Naser si divertono con una specie di stretta di mano da pazzi e Naomi sta parlando con Mamma."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:975
translate it chapter_x7_3697d684:
# T "You’re doing it again."
T "Lo stai facendo di nuovo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:977
translate it chapter_x7_00ea3b67:
# "Hm?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:980
translate it chapter_x7_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:982
translate it chapter_x7_bdc6073a:
# "My thumb circles softly over the surface of polished stone."
"Il mio pollice fa dolci cerchi sulla superficie della pietra levigata."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:985
translate it chapter_x7_629c371d:
# T "Anon texted me earlier, y’know."
T "Anon mi ha messaggiata prima, sai."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:994
translate it chapter_x7_deed07f3:
# F "Really?"
F "Seria?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:997
translate it chapter_x7_88fd44e9:
# T "He said you owe him ten bucks."
T "Mi ha detto che gli devi 10 bigliettoni."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1006
translate it chapter_x7_34b3f6f2:
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1008
translate it chapter_x7_1cf71f3d:
# F "{cps=*0.6}FFFFFFFFFFFFFF{/cps}{nw}"
F "{cps=*0.6}AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA{/cps}{nw}"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1011
translate it chapter_x7_985cc0e9:
# extend "{cps=*0.6}uuuuuuuuuuuuck.{/cps}"
extend "{cps=*0.6}aaaaaaaaaaaaaazzo.{/cps}"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1014
translate it chapter_x7_85ccb6e5:
# T "You gonna tell me why?"
T "Mi vuoi dire perché?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1016
translate it chapter_x7_ec5383ae_1:
# F "No!"
F "No!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1030
translate it chapter_x7_dbaf5813:
# "Oh no, not the sad eyes."
"Oh no, non gli occhi tristi."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1032
translate it chapter_x7_735724c0:
# "Damn it."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1035
translate it chapter_x7_c6eb4e26:
# F "May have made a bet on the roommate thing."
F "Potrei aver scommesso su tutta la cosa del coinquilino."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1061
translate it chapter_x7_1e77bad6:
# "Trish tries to headbutt me, but I already have her at arm’s length with my palm on her face."
"Trish prova a tirarmi una capocciata, ma già la ho a distanza di braccio con il mio palmo sulla sua faccia."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1064
translate it chapter_x7_7371e915:
# F "For your info, I bet in your favor."
F "Per tua informazione, io ho scommesso a tuo favore."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1073
translate it chapter_x7_9ed6b131:
# "Trish finally relents, leaning back against the wall."
"Trish finalmente si placa, appoggiandosi al muro."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1076
translate it chapter_x7_8bd8a41b:
# T "I just got out of a loud house, Fang. I’d like to experience having a good night’s sleep for the first time in my life."
T "Sono appena uscita da un inferno di casa, Fang. Vorrei passare una buona notte di sonno per la prima volta nella mia vita."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1082
translate it chapter_x7_39a04dd9:
# F "Yeah, and leave a sister out in the cold."
F "Già, e lasciare una sorella fuori al gelo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1085
translate it chapter_x7_8a99184f:
# F "What am I gonna do now?"
F "Ora cosa farò?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1087
translate it chapter_x7_948386fd:
# F "It’s not like I can move in with Anon."
F "Non è come se potessi trasferirmi da Anon."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1090
translate it chapter_x7_25f4c725:
# F "Unlike Naomi and Naser."
F "Al contrario di Naomi e Naser."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1177
translate it chapter_x7_395a0d6e:
# "I want to be jealous."
"Voglio essere gelosa."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1179
translate it chapter_x7_05957c79:
# "Thinking about how they get what I want so badly."
"Pensare a come loro hanno quello che voglio così tanto."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1182
translate it chapter_x7_93e7df4c:
# "But even with Naser’s scholarship, Dad’s spending so much for him."
"Ma anche con la borsa di studio di Naser, Papà sta spendendo così tanti soldi per lui."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1185
translate it chapter_x7_65423597:
# "But…"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1188
translate it chapter_x7_572694d1:
# "Naser deserves it."
"Naser se lo merita."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1190
translate it chapter_x7_16e936a2:
# "He deserves the fucking world after putting up with me."
"Si merita tutto il cazzo di mondo dopo avermi sopportata."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1213
translate it chapter_x7_4d375ab8:
# "I glance over to him nervously trying to bridge some conversation with Mom and his teammates."
"Guardo verso di lui che sta nervosamente tentando di creare una conversazione tra Mamma e i suoi compagni di squadra."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1215
translate it chapter_x7_8208728c:
# "Naomi of course close behind him to direct the whole thing."
"Ovviamente Naomi è dietro di lui a dirigere tutto."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1218
translate it chapter_x7_0122d1e4:
# unknown "Hey!"
unknown "Ehi!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1221
translate it chapter_x7_041b510d:
# "Someone calls to me from across the room."
"Qualcuno mi chiama dall'altro lato della stanza."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1257
translate it chapter_x7_4f350c0c:
# "Oh, it’s just the ex-captain of the football team."
"Oh, è solo l'ex-capitano della squadra di football."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1259
translate it chapter_x7_594406dc:
# "Still wonder how Stella managed to catch this guy."
"Ancora mi chiedo come ha fatto Stella a pescarsi questo tipo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1262
translate it chapter_x7_5b5e7c65:
# Chet "Hey, you’re the chick that played during prom last year, right?"
Chet "Ehi, sei la tipa che ha suonato durante il ballo l'anno scorso, giusto?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1264
translate it chapter_x7_62965665:
# Chet "Come on, play somethin’ and liven up the place a bit!"
Chet "Dai, suonaci qualcosa e rallegra un po' l'atmosfera!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1267
translate it chapter_x7_fb98aca8:
# "The other track team members holler in agreement."
"Gli altri membri della squadra di atletica leggera approvano urlando."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1270
translate it chapter_x7_a012da6c:
# "Trish isn’t facing me but she has an odd look going on there."
"Trish non mi sta guardando ma ha uno sguardo strano."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1288
translate it chapter_x7_8dbcf3f9:
# F "Well, hey, it happened."
F "Beh, ehi, è successo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1291
translate it chapter_x7_b3d8588e:
# T "Oh boy."
T "Oh mamma."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1294
translate it chapter_x7_9f5198db:
# F "Was it just like you always imagined?"
F "Era come te lo saresti sempre immaginato?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1297
translate it chapter_x7_375e27d7:
# "She smirks and looks at me from the corner of her eye."
"Lei fa un sorrisetto e mi guarda con la coda dell'occhio."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1300
translate it chapter_x7_b9e29f13:
# T "There was a bit more groveling involved."
T "Nei miei pensieri c'era un po' più di adulazione."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1302
translate it chapter_x7_f55f352c:
# T "I kind of forgot about it, honestly."
T "Me ne ero quasi dimenticata, onestamente."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1305
translate it chapter_x7_1d877948:
# T "You gonna play?"
T "Suonerai?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1308
translate it chapter_x7_40219b2d:
# F "Eh, sure, why the fuck not."
F "Eh, certo, perché no, cazzo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1310
translate it chapter_x7_d29efcea:
# F "I was getting bored anyway."
F "Tanto mi stavo annoiando."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1330
translate it chapter_x7_62b4298c:
# "I high five Trish as I pass her by."
"Batto il cinque a Trish e la lascio."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1348
translate it chapter_x7_6bc1b4a2:
# "In my room I take the time to consider which weapon I want to slay it with."
"Nella mia stanza mi prendo il tempo per pensare con quale arma dovrei spaccare."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1350
translate it chapter_x7_01f62a90:
# F "What would he pick? Probably at random."
F "Lui cosa sceglierebbe? Probabilmente a caso."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1358
translate it chapter_x7_8298c6da:
# F "Aha! I got it."
F "Aha! Ci sono."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1362
translate it chapter_x7_5e317de2:
# "I set down my three favorites at the foot of my bed and sprinkle some cracker crumbs in front of them."
"Metto le mie tre chitarre preferite ai piedi del letto e ci spargo un po' di briciole di cracker davanti."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1364
translate it chapter_x7_cb2b37d7:
# "Then with a quick tap of my foot I let my most loyal minion decide."
"Poi con una piccola botta del mio piede lascio decidere al mio seguace più fedele."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1367
translate it chapter_x7_45ea5e45:
# "RAYmba’s mechanical mouth makes quick work of the crumbs, choosing first my good ole’ artcore hollowbody."
"La bocca meccanica di RAYmba si sbarazza facilmente delle briciole, scegliendo per prima la mia buona vecchia semiacustica artcore."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1370
translate it chapter_x7_a72402ba:
# F "Good boy!"
F "Bravo ragazzo!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1372
translate it chapter_x7_ed0476d2:
# "I quickly tune my proffered weapon, watching as RAYmba finishes it’s dinner before returning to it’s dock."
"Accordo in fretta l'arma offerta, guardando mentre RAYmba finisce la sua cena prima di ritornare alla sua base."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1374
translate it chapter_x7_7dfa77b2:
# "I pat my robotic pet for doing an amazing job and head back to my waiting audience."
"Accarezzo il mio animale domestico robotico per il fantastico lavoro fatto e mi dirigo verso il mio pubblico in attesa."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1395
translate it chapter_x7_e8ca14d9:
# "Only to nearly get kneecapped by Naomi’s stupidly fat tail."
"Solo per essere quasi gambizzata dalla coda stupidamente grassa di Naomi."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1399
translate it chapter_x7_90ab98e8:
# "Who would even like a girl with such a disgusting, lardy tail."
"A chi mai potrebbe piacere una ragazza con una coda così disgustosa e lardosa."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1401
translate it chapter_x7_bdadb3d7:
# "Unlike mine."
"A differenza della mia."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1407
translate it chapter_x7_2047dcab:
# F "What the fuck!"
F "Ma che cazzo!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1410
translate it chapter_x7_1aaf6424:
# "She scowls."
"Lei mi guarda storto."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1413
translate it chapter_x7_17a7cefa:
# F "Were you trying to bust my knee? You stupid beige bitch."
F "Mi stavi provando a spaccare il ginocchio? Stupida battona beige."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1425
translate it chapter_x7_2118ef42:
# N "I didn’t mean to. I was simply heading for the bathroom up here. It seems that Chet and-or Stella are currently using the other bathroom."
N "Non volevo. Mi stavo semplicemente dirigendo verso il bagno quassù. Sembra che Chet e/o Stella stiano usando l'altro bagno."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1431
translate it chapter_x7_7724066d:
# "She turns her nose and continues down the hallway."
"Lei storce il naso e prosegue lungo il corridoio."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1433
translate it chapter_x7_a04fc48f:
# "I’m half-tempted to brain her with my beloved guitar."
"Sono mezza-tentata di ammazzarla con la mia amata chitarra."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1437
translate it chapter_x7_963e2a14:
# "Feh."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1440
translate it chapter_x7_58cf2a4f:
# "I turn and make my way down the steps."
"Mi giro e scendo i gradini."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1514
translate it chapter_x7_ce0c7cbe:
# "Trish scooches to give me enough space on the stairs to set the guitar on my knee to play."
"Trish si scansa per farmi abbastanza spazio sulle scale per sistemare la chitarra sul ginocchio e suonare."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1517
translate it chapter_x7_03249e7f:
# F "What should I start with, do you think?"
F "Con cosa dovrei iniziare?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1519
translate it chapter_x7_df4782ba:
# T "Shit, it’s been forever since we heard ‘My Fucking Maw, Man’."
T "Merda, è passata un'eternita da quando abbiamo sentito ‘Wow, Le Mie Cazzo di Fauci’."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1521
translate it chapter_x7_9d51cccc:
# F "Wasn’t it called ‘I’m Way Too Hungover’?"
F "Ma non si chiamava ‘Sono Troppo Sbronzo’?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1524
translate it chapter_x7_c96ed075:
# T "No, Reed just fell backwards when he told us and didn’t bother correcting himself."
T "No, Reed è solo caduto all'indietro quando ce l'ha detto e non si è preoccupato di correggersi."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1527
translate it chapter_x7_c07a9d1a:
# "Sounds like something he’d do, yeah."
"Sembra qualcosa che lui farebbe, già."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1531
translate it chapter_x7_630f932f:
# "Most of the party-goers are already looking my way in anticipation."
"La maggior parte dei festaioli già guarda verso di me con anticipazione."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1533
translate it chapter_x7_6cb298dc:
# "I run the first few stanzas in my head a couple of times and begin strumming."
"Suono le prime strofe nella mia testa un paio di volte e incomincio a strimpellare."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1610
translate it chapter_x7_b5afc47d:
# "My fingers glide along the fretboard easily enough and my pick wildly plucks the cords."
"Le mie dita scivolano abbastanza facilmente sulla tastiera e il mio plettro pizzica selvaggiamente le corde."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1613
translate it chapter_x7_0bfec3d5:
# "The party is cheering and stamping out a drum beat for me to play to."
"La festa sta tifando e sta pestando un ritmo di batteria da accompagnamento."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1615
translate it chapter_x7_95fe677d:
# "Even Trish beside me is joining in on the makeshift metronome."
"Anche Trish vicino a me si sta unendo al metronomo improvvisato."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1618
translate it chapter_x7_ef99c98d:
# "I let loose a hard and fast rift, taking the chance to actually feel out the crowd."
"Schitarro un riff pesante e veloce, prendendo l'occasione per tastare la folla."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1636
translate it chapter_x7_dff477e6:
# "All of the jocks and even Stella are loving this."
"Tutti gli sportivi e anche Stella lo stanno adorando."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1650
translate it chapter_x7_7c2016fa:
# "I can see Dad’s snear slowly vanish as Mom repeatedly steps on his foot."
"Posso vedere il sogghigno di Papà sparire lentamente mentre Mamma gli pesta ripetutamente il piede."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1653
translate it chapter_x7_ed10d2ac:
# "Naomi’s the last one I look at, and I’m expecting one of her vicious sneers."
"Naomi è l'ultima che guardo, e mi aspetto uno dei suoi feroci sogghigni."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1655
translate it chapter_x7_14bcb2a2:
# "Instead she’s looking like someone took all her hopes and dreams and flushed them down the drain."
"Invece lei ha una faccia come se qualcuno avesse preso tutti i suoi sogni e speranze e li avesse gettati giù per lo scarico."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1658
translate it chapter_x7_13b79e37:
# "I nearly miss my next note, so I focus back on my guitar."
"Manco a malapena la mia prossima nota, quindi mi riconcentro sulla mia chitarra."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1661
translate it chapter_x7_6196c3e6:
# "With an extra flourish I end the punk song with a fist pump."
"Con qualche fronzolo extra finisco la canzone punk con un pugno in aria."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1694
translate it chapter_x7_c890acf5:
# "The room hollers, demanding more amazing music from me."
"La stanza esulta, esigendo più spettacolare musica da me."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1697
translate it chapter_x7_65423597_1:
# "But…"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1700
translate it chapter_x7_46460455:
# F "Oi! I’m just the ambiance, pricks."
F "Oi! Io sono solo il sottofondo, cazzoni."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1702
translate it chapter_x7_2d98a027:
# F "It’s baby bro’s party, after all."
F "È la festa del mio fratellino, dopo tutto."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1758
translate it chapter_x7_bf270638:
# "With the spotlight on Naser now I decide to just sit back on the stairs."
"Con i riflettori su Naser decido di risedermi sulle scale."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1761
translate it chapter_x7_3b242b8d:
# T "Still gonna play?"
T "Suonerai ancora?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1763
translate it chapter_x7_d74240a5:
# F "Eh… Thinking something slower now."
F "Eh… Ora stavo pensando a qualcosa di più lento."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1766
translate it chapter_x7_b3025ca1:
# F "Dad’ll pitch a fit if they start a mosh pit."
F "A mio Padre prenderebbero le convulsioni se iniziassero un mosh pit."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1775
translate it chapter_x7_a7153c58:
# "We chuckle together, my fingers now lazily strumming a mellow tune for the party."
"Ridacchiamo inseme, le mie dita ora stanno pigramente strimpellando una melodia dolce per la festa."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1777
translate it chapter_x7_9ccde839:
# "It’s a simple song, one I’ve learned perfectly from granny."
"È una canzone semplice, una che nonnina mi ha insegnato alla perfezione."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1779
translate it chapter_x7_4fe0ec03:
# "So perfectly I can look out as everyone else chats and enjoys the calmer atmosphere."
"Così alla perfezione che posso guardare mentre tutti gli altri chiacchierano e godono dell'atmosfera più calma."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1841
translate it chapter_x7_4ffefce1:
# "Naser and Chet have started arm wrestling."
"Naser e Chet hanno iniziato a giocare a braccio di ferro."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1843
translate it chapter_x7_05d78fb5:
# "Stella and some of Naser’s old teammates are talking like crazy about something."
"Stella e qualcuno dei vecchi compagni di Naser stanno parlando di qualcosa come pazzi."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1846
translate it chapter_x7_1485a892:
# St "-and it’s like wrestling!"
St "-ed è tipo wrestling!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1848
translate it chapter_x7_b0718b16:
# unknown "No way, that sounds retarded!"
unknown "Neanche per sogno, sembra da ritardati!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1850
translate it chapter_x7_e439441b:
# unknown "Yeah, spaceships awrasslin’?!"
unknown "Già, astronavi che si picchiano?!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1852
translate it chapter_x7_431a5932:
# St "Yeah way! It’s really cool!"
St "Sì per sogno! È molto fico!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1855
translate it chapter_x7_9ad5c5ab:
# Chet "It really is, bros! We’ve been marathonin’ it er’ry weekend!"
Chet "Lo è sul serio, ragazzi! Lo stiamo maratonando ogni weekend!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1858
translate it chapter_x7_7d570d1d:
# "The jocks start jeering and tossing their solo cups at him."
"Gli sportivi cominciano a prenderlo in giro e a lanciargli i loro bicchieri."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1919
translate it chapter_x7_c8b30d94:
# "Giving Naser the chance to finally win."
"Dando finalmente a Naser una possibilità di vincere."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1969
translate it chapter_x7_d0c4a5aa:
# "Both Chet and Naser sheepishly hold a hand behind their heads while Naser gets showered in praise from his parents."
"Sia Chet che Naser tengono timidamente una mano dietro la testa mentre Naser viene inondato di elogi dai suoi genitori."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1980
translate it chapter_x7_bc52bd6c:
# "Naomi ducks under his other arm and embraces him, rubbing muzzles together."
"Naomi passa sotto il suo altro braccio e lo abbraccia, strofinandosi i musi a vicenda."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1983
translate it chapter_x7_cbd460f5:
# "Wait, no. That didn’t happen."
"Aspetta, no. Non è successo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1985
translate it chapter_x7_f054f1c7:
# "Only Naomi did the nuzzling."
"Solo Naomi ha strofinato."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:1992
translate it chapter_x7_20492c57:
# "Nah, those two are a whole room away, probably didn’t see it right."
"Nah, quei due sono a una stanza di distanza, forse non ho visto bene."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:2025
translate it chapter_x7_f98e6895:
# "When they separate, Naser follows Chet back to the enthralling conversation on wrestling spaceships or whatever with Stella."
"Quando si separano, Naser segue Chet verso l'avvincente conversazione su astronavi che fanno wrestling o quello che è con Stella."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:2028
translate it chapter_x7_e6d6d413:
# "A purple hand breaches my line of sight."
"Una mano viola irrompe nel mio campo visivo."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:2065
translate it chapter_x7_33bb787d:
# T "Hey, Fang! Hellooo!"
T "Ehi, Fang! C'è nessuuunooo!"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:2067
translate it chapter_x7_3e1f2f9c:
# F "Yeah?"
F "Sì?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:2070
translate it chapter_x7_88fb679e:
# T "You bridged that last song into Mussolini Macho Mystery perfectly, you didn’t even notice?"
T "Sei passata perfettamente dall'ultima canzone a Mussolini Macho Mystery, neanche te ne sei accorta?"
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:2073
translate it chapter_x7_b00e3a87:
# "I just now realize I am, in fact, playing a completely different song than when I started."
"Ora mi rendo conto che sto, infatti, suonando una canzone completamente differente da quella che ho iniziato."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:2079
translate it chapter_x7_3c18bd38:
# "Trish and I continue making small talk through the rest of the party while I keep the ambience upbeat."
"Trish e io continuiamo a chiacchierare per il resto della festa mentre io mantengo allegra l'atmosfera."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:2082
translate it chapter_x7_e4def665:
# "One of the track members spills some popcorn on the floor below him."
"Uno dei membri della squadra di atletica fa cascare un po' di popcorn sul pavimento dietro di lui."
# game/script/x7-naomi-tribulations.rpy:2085
translate it chapter_x7_107de147:
# "I should start thinking of ways to get out of cleanup."
"Dovrei iniziare a pensare a come sfuggire al pulire."