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2022-11-16 11:34:40 -03:00
# TODO: Translation updated at 2022-10-24 02:07
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:12
translate es chapter_x4_d2b2ddbb:
# "{cps=*.2}-- February Seventeenth --{/cps}"
"{cps=*.2}-- 17 de febrero --{/cps}"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:17
translate es chapter_x4_f9dfc1bd:
# "I lean back against the wall, my freshly polished horns feeling fantastic today."
"Me recuesto contra la pared, mis cuernos recién pulidos se sienten fantásticos hoy."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:19
translate es chapter_x4_f8ce47dc:
# "I deserve it after all the shit I deal with at school. Not to mention the tiny terrors at home{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Me lo merezco después de toda la mierda con la que trato en la escuela. Sin mencionar los pequeños terrores en casa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:22
translate es chapter_x4_53a2aca5:
# "A part of me wants to feel bad that I left Fang on their own the other day."
2022-11-16 11:34:40 -03:00
"Una parte de mí quiere sentirse mal por haber dejado a Fang sole el otro día."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:24
translate es chapter_x4_7ff476f0:
# "Especially with that useless skinnie."
"Especialmente con ese inútil skinnie."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:26
translate es chapter_x4_7a177870:
# "But between the nice clean feeling on my scalp and the great news{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"Pero entre la agradable sensación de limpieza en mi cuero cabelludo y las grandes noticias{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:39
translate es chapter_x4_c3ff649c:
# T "Skinnie convinced him? How'd he manage to do that?"
T "¿El Skinnie lo convenció? ¿Cómo se las arregló para hacer eso?"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:44
translate es chapter_x4_180f5b34:
# F "I dunno but it's awesome! A real venue this time!"
F "No lo sé, ¡pero es impresionante! ¡Esta vez es un lugar de verdad!"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:48
translate es chapter_x4_ee4c712f:
# "It takes a second to actually register it."
"Tomo un segundo para poder captarlo."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:50
translate es chapter_x4_6ae4d039:
# "An actual venue..?"
"¿Un lugar real..?"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:52
translate es chapter_x4_5b935872:
# "An actual venue!!"
"¡¡Un lugar real!!"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:54
translate es chapter_x4_cd7428b5:
# "The thoughts and possibilities flare in my head, all one step closer to reality."
"Los pensamientos y posibilidades brillan en mi cabeza, todo un paso más cerca de la realidad."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:62
translate es chapter_x4_5c963499:
# T "Our chance to make VVURM DRAMA the hit it deserves to be!"
T "Nuestra oportunidad de hacer de VVURM DRAMA el éxito que merece."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:64
translate es chapter_x4_1c946d3c:
# "Our celebration continues until someone, probably one of the teachers passing by, knocks on the music rooms door several times."
"Nuestra celebración continúa hasta que alguien, probablemente uno de los profesores que pasa por allí, llama varias veces a la puerta del salón de música."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:70
translate es chapter_x4_8d488b5e:
# "Then I remember the person responsible."
"Entonces me acuerdo de la persona responsable."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:73
translate es chapter_x4_80846632:
# "Ah, maybe skinnie isnt so bad."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"Ah, tal vez el Skinnie no sea tan malo."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:76
translate es chapter_x4_79e4eceb:
# "Pffft, nah. I probably coulda convinced that fucking fossil too."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"Pffft, nah. Yo probablemente podría haber convencido a ese maldito fósil también."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:79
translate es chapter_x4_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:81
translate es chapter_x4_21b30cc5:
# "I look at Fang and notice them with a look on their face I havent seen in a very long time."
2022-11-16 11:34:40 -03:00
"Miro a Fang y le noto con una mirada que no había visto en mucho tiempo."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:83
translate es chapter_x4_3af83fe1:
# "Like theyre daydreaming again."
2022-11-16 11:34:40 -03:00
"Como si volviera a soñar despierte."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:86
translate es chapter_x4_9786f7ef:
# "Its kinda weird. Like theyre too{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
2022-11-16 11:34:40 -03:00
"Es un poco raro. Como si estuviera{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:88
translate es chapter_x4_e590bc57:
# "Embarrassed looking? Hmm?"
2022-11-16 11:34:40 -03:00
"¿Avergonzade? ¿Hmm?"
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:91
translate es chapter_x4_f3220626:
# T "So{cps=*.1}...{/cps} You two do anything else all day?"
T "Así que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ¿Ustedes dos hicieron algo más en todo ese día?"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:93
translate es chapter_x4_c4630411:
# F "Not really. After I told Naser to fuck off, we got free pizza and just hung out."
F "En realidad no. Después de que le dije a Naser que se fuera a la mierda, conseguimos pizza gratis y pasamos el rato."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:95
translate es chapter_x4_699cdaa8:
# T "Exciting."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
T "Emocionante."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:97
translate es chapter_x4_3e1ae040:
# "Unremarkably dull, more like. The guy looks duller than dull."
2022-11-16 11:34:40 -03:00
"Más bien aburrido. Él tipo parece más aburrido que aburrido."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:100
translate es chapter_x4_30729e8b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} there is something else I wanted to talk about."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Bueno{cps=*.1}...{/cps} hay algo más de lo que quería hablar."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:103
translate es chapter_x4_e86c4823:
# "I sit up and nod, giving them my undivided attention."
2022-11-16 11:34:40 -03:00
"Me incorporo y asiento con la cabeza, prestándo toda mi atención."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:105
translate es chapter_x4_db9aceb8:
# T "Sure, go for it, Fang."
2022-11-16 11:34:40 -03:00
T "Claro, adelante, Fang."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:107
translate es chapter_x4_f2d54f84:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Promise you won't tell anyone? Not even Reed."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}¿Prometes que no se lo dirás a nadie? Ni siquiera a Reed."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:110
translate es chapter_x4_1d297c5e:
# T "Ooh, Fang has a big secret now, do they?"
T "Ooh, Fang tiene un gran secreto ahora, ¿verdad?"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:114
translate es chapter_x4_d2a7e216:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I think Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps} likes me{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Creo que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} le gusto a Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:118
translate es chapter_x4_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:120
translate es chapter_x4_4d86154c:
# T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Gross, Fang."
T "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Asqueroso, Fang."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:123
translate es chapter_x4_366f979a:
# T "You sure he's not just trying to get into your pants or something?"
T "¿Seguro que no está intentando meterse en tus pantalones o algo así?"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:126
translate es chapter_x4_7270b0ba:
# "Fang sighs and looks up. Their snout waves back and forth as they stare up at the dirty looking ceiling while thinking."
"Fang suspira y mira hacia arriba. Su hocico se agita de un lado a otro mientras mira el techo de aspecto sucio mientras piensa."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:129
translate es chapter_x4_97c8a0e6:
# F "I don't know{cps=*.1}...{/cps} he has this thing he does where he mumbles{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I don't think he knows he does it."
F "No sé{cps=*.1}...{/cps} él tiene esta cosa que hace cuando murmura{cps=*.1}...{/cps} No creo que sepa que lo hace."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:132
translate es chapter_x4_7b97b553:
# F "Some of the things he says are{cps=*.1}...{/cps} nice things about me."
F "Algunas de las cosas que él dice son{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cosas agradables sobre mí."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:135
translate es chapter_x4_ac2bd8c9:
# F "It's{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you know, kind of cute{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
F "Es{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ya sabes, un poco lindo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:139
translate es chapter_x4_f6f1c680:
# "Just what did that skinnie say and do? I swear{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"¿Pero qué ha dicho y hecho ese skinnie? Juro que{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:142
translate es chapter_x4_87813f74:
# T "Don't tell me-"
T "No me digas-"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:144
translate es chapter_x4_b05eef0a:
# F "He's still a huge dweeb and all but{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Él sigue siendo un gran bobo y todo, pero{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:148
translate es chapter_x4_36b1082a:
# F "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} think{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I kinda like him too."
F "Creo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} A mí también me gusta un poco."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:153
translate es chapter_x4_68925db4:
# "What! With Anon! Him!"
"¡Qué! ¡Con Anon! ¡Él!"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:156
translate es chapter_x4_31fe7ec7:
# T "Fang, are you for real right now?"
T "Fang, ¿estás hablando en serio ahora?"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:159
translate es chapter_x4_353cc0fc:
# "They huff and cross their arms."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"Fang resopla y se cruza de brazos."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:161
translate es chapter_x4_c3574b1f:
# F "Im just saying. Anons a good friend."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
F "Solo estoy diciendo. Anon es un buen amigo."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:165
translate es chapter_x4_e7ec798c:
# "A friend? The way they said it doesnt sound like friend shit."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"¿Amigo? La forma en que lo dio no suena como una mierda de amigo."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:167
translate es chapter_x4_62383a61:
# "Not like with me."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"No para mi "
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:170
translate es chapter_x4_96a2829d:
# T "Puhlease, Fang. Anons just like every other guy at Volcano High."
T "Por favor, Fang. Anon es igual que todos los demás chicos del Instituto Volcano."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:173
translate es chapter_x4_6821c5a7:
# T "Only worse because hes broke and from the boonies."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
T "Solo que es peor porque no tiene dinero y vive en un barrio marginal."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:176
translate es chapter_x4_11e77540:
# F "Cmon Trish, youre being harsh on him. You dont even know Anon."
F "Vamos Trish, estás siendo dura con él. Ni siquiera conoces a Anon."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:179
translate es chapter_x4_052d6560:
# T "I dont need to know him to know hes just like the rest of them."
T "No necesito conocerlo para saber que es igual que el resto."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:185
translate es chapter_x4_cd83e66d:
# "I hear Fang sigh and lean back in their chair."
"Escucho a Fang suspirar y recostarse en su silla."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:187
translate es chapter_x4_c570cc3c:
# F "Maybe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Tal vez{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:189
translate es chapter_x4_18120e33:
# T "No maybes about it, Fang. Their type are all the same. Nothing but loser assholes."
T "No hay tal vez, Fang. Los de su tipo son todos iguales. Nada más que imbéciles perdedores."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:192
translate es chapter_x4_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:194
translate es chapter_x4_cf93ef62:
# F "Even after he helped us with the venue?"
F "¿Incluso después de que nos ayudara con el lugar?"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:197
translate es chapter_x4_a33e1ded:
# T "A trick probably."
T "Probablemente un truco."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:204
translate es chapter_x4_56d701c6:
# "He probably only wants Fang for their body."
2022-10-31 00:22:51 -06:00
"Él probablemente solo quiere a Fang por su cuerpo."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:206
translate es chapter_x4_7986c52b:
# "Fucking sleazy pervert."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"Maldito sucio pervertido."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:209
translate es chapter_x4_c3fe712c:
# "I knew I had to keep my eyes on him at all times."
"Sabía que tenía que mantener mis ojos en él en todo momento."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:212
translate es chapter_x4_a72723a7:
# "What right does that fucking monkey have to just come into my life and muck things up."
"Qué derecho tiene ese puto mono a meterse en mi vida y estropear las cosas."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:216
translate es chapter_x4_60678be3:
# F "Maybe we should get some practice in, Trish."
F "Tal vez deberíamos practicar un poco, Trish."
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:221
translate es chapter_x4_432a79a5:
# T "Sounds like a plan. We have to prepare for our biggest show yet!"
T "Suena como un plan. ¡Tenemos que prepararnos para nuestro espectáculo más grande hasta ahora!"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:226
translate es chapter_x4_358c5034:
# "Our biggest show{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Nuestro mayor espectáculo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:234
translate es chapter_x4_96c017dc:
# "I hand Fang the blue strat, which they immediately set to tuning just right."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"Le entrego a Fang la strat azul, que inmediatamente se pone a afinar a la perfección."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:236
translate es chapter_x4_0968d0ed:
# "Mr. Jingo really needs to get some new gear, these things arent maintained at all."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"El Sr. Jingo realmente necesita conseguir equipo nuevo, estas cosas no están mantenidas en absoluto."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:240
translate es chapter_x4_73609ea2:
# "Even this bass, no one ever even uses it."
2022-11-12 17:58:08 -03:00
"Incluso este bajo, nadie nunca lo usa."
2022-10-24 02:56:06 -03:00
# game/script/x4-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:243
translate es chapter_x4_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"