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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:12
translate pt_br chapter_x5_a6fab692:
# "It's been a month since I ruined everything."
"Faz um mês desde que eu arruinei tudo."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:15
translate pt_br chapter_x5_6aa04bcf:
# "Since I pushed Fang away because I couldn't handle them spending more time with someone else."
"Depois que me afastei Fang por não conseguir suportar que elu estivesse passando mais tempo com outra pessoa."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:18
translate pt_br chapter_x5_b26e1d6e:
# "And now Reed is the only one who puts up with me."
"E agora Reed é o único que me aguenta."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:26
translate pt_br chapter_x5_e52cb671:
# "Since his parents are out of town for another business trip, we're hanging out at his house trying to take my mind off things."
"Já que os pais dele estão fora da cidade em outra viagem de negócios, aproveitamos para matar tempo em sua casa, tentando me distrair dos problemas."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:29
translate pt_br chapter_x5_ee8df4c4:
# "And by that, Reed means getting high as fuck."
"E por ‘distrair’, Reed quis dizer ‘ficar chapado pra caralho’."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:32
translate pt_br chapter_x5_8cb0503e:
# "But laying in the backyard and staring up at the sky, it's all I can think about."
"Mas deitada na grama olhando para o céu, isso é tudo em que consigo pensar."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:35
translate pt_br chapter_x5_d91f4467:
# "Meanwhile, Reed is currently going on about his grand plan to open the first medical carfentanyl dispensary in the country."
"Enquanto isso, Reed está falando sobre o seu grande plano de abrir o primeiro dispensário de carfentanil do país."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:37
translate pt_br chapter_x5_f26dc34d:
# "Not that the stuff does much for me, but it's better than talking about literally anything else."
"Não que isso faça muito efeito em mim, mas é melhor do que usar praticamente qualquer outra coisa."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:45
translate pt_br chapter_x5_b1bdcad5:
# Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}I'm telling you, dude{cps=*.1}...{/cps} it's genius."
Re "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tô te falando, mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps} é genial, saca?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:47
translate pt_br chapter_x5_820d9c3a:
# Re "I'd call it like, 'The Carfetorium'."
Re "Tava querendo chamar de tipo, 'O Carfetório'."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:50
translate pt_br chapter_x5_06298b94:
# T "Better name than 'Reed's Feed and Seed' at least."
T "Pelo menos é um nome melhor do que 'Carfêteria do Reed'."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:52
translate pt_br chapter_x5_1d1344ad:
# "Reed begins laughing at his first idea, which gets a giggle out of me."
"Reed começa a gargalhar da sua primeira ideia, o que tirou uma risadinha de mim."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:54
translate pt_br chapter_x5_ba6e795f:
# "But that doesn't last, and before long the empty feeling in my chest returns."
"Mas isso não dura muito e logo volta a sensação de vazio no meu peito."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:57
translate pt_br chapter_x5_7f5a3f31:
# "I pass back the blunt and let out a sigh."
"Devolvo a ponta para ele e suspiro."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:60
translate pt_br chapter_x5_59b36985:
# T "Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps} am I a bad person?"
T "Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu sou uma pessoa ruim?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:63
translate pt_br chapter_x5_ec6d44f3:
# "I glance over to see Reed inhale for a good ten seconds before blowing out smoke like a steam engine."
"Olho em direção ao Reed e o vejo tragar por uns bons dez segundos antes de soltar toda a fumaça como um motor a vapor."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:65
translate pt_br chapter_x5_978720a8:
# "I swear this stuff only makes his lungs stronger."
"Tenho certeza de que esse negócio só deixa os pulmões dele ainda mais fortes."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:68
translate pt_br chapter_x5_5377f2b3:
# Re "Nah man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} What makes you think that?"
Re "Nah mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps} O que faz tu imaginar isso?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:70
translate pt_br chapter_x5_41190e75:
# T "It's just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I can't stop thinking about everything I did{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "É só que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu não consigo parar de pensar em tudo o que fiz{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:72
translate pt_br chapter_x5_ca71e6d4:
# Re "We all make mistakes, amigo. Like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} like 'member that time I caught the cooking class on fire?"
Re "Todo mundo erra, manita. Tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} lembra daquela vez que eu taquei fogo na sala de aula de culinária?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:74
translate pt_br chapter_x5_6538f94b:
# T "Yeah, yeah, can't cook to save your life. That doesn't make me feel any less shitty."
T "É, pois é, você não conseguiria cozinhar nem se sua vida dependesse disso. Mas isso não faz com que eu me sinta menos lixo."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:76
translate pt_br chapter_x5_426cd1cf:
# Re "Just makes us people, s'all. We all make 'em and we all gotta fix 'em, y'know?"
Re "Quer dizer que a gente é gente, só isso. A gente faz cagada e depois a gente tem que consertar, saca?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:79
translate pt_br chapter_x5_532e42a1:
# Re "'Member meeting Anon an' how he came clean with us?"
Re "Tu lembra quando a gente conheceu o Anon e como ele se abriu com a gente?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:81
translate pt_br chapter_x5_1a9efef3:
# "The mere mention of his name doesn't help and only makes me want to cry."
"Ouvir o nome dele não ajuda e só me faz ficar com mais vontade de chorar."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:84
translate pt_br chapter_x5_108e25d1:
# Re "Alright, T{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tell Doctor Reed s'on your mind."
Re "Beleza, T{cps=*.1}...{/cps} conta pro Doutor Reed o que tá na tua mente."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:86
translate pt_br chapter_x5_ec35d6bc:
# "Guess Reed's back to being my therapist."
"Bom, ao que parece, o Reed voltou a ser meu terapeuta."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:89
translate pt_br chapter_x5_fa47d459:
# T "Where do I even begin{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Eu nem sei por onde começar{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:91
translate pt_br chapter_x5_b3c94550:
# "Somewhere not involving Anon."
"De qualquer ponto que não envolva o Anon."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:93
translate pt_br chapter_x5_6085779a:
# Re "Dunno man{cps=*.1}...{/cps} how 'bout why you weren't like, chill with Anon?"
Re "Sei lá, velho{cps=*.1}...{/cps} me conta porque tu nunca foi de boa com o Anon."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:96
translate pt_br chapter_x5_9d469299:
# "Fuck."
"Puta que pariu."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:99
translate pt_br chapter_x5_781e93d8:
# T "I don't know{cps=*.1}...{/cps} at first I thought he was just kinda annoying. Shows up out of nowhere and all of a sudden is friends with everyone we know."
T "Não sei{cps=*.1}...{/cps} no começo eu achava que ele era só irritante. Apareceu do nada e de repente é o melhor amigo de todo mundo que eu conheço."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:102
translate pt_br chapter_x5_5fa85b56:
# T "When he first talked to us it seemed fine{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you know Fang, it's always a big deal when they talk to someone new."
T "Ele parecia de boa da primeira vez que a gente se falou{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cê conhece Fang, sabe como elu fica quando conversa com gente nova."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:104
translate pt_br chapter_x5_658ccdde:
# T "But there was always something about him that didn't sit right. Like how he never respected their pronouns."
T "Mas sempre teve alguma coisa com ele que me incomodava. Tipo como ele nunca respeitou os pronomes delu."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:107
translate pt_br chapter_x5_2c32d59a:
# T "God I sound like such a bitch saying it out loud."
T "Putz, eu pareço babaca demais falando isso."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:109
translate pt_br chapter_x5_63dd960b:
# Re "Not a bitch{cps=*.1}...{/cps} you were just like, confused."
Re "Não babaca{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cê só tava tipo, confusa e tal."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:111
translate pt_br chapter_x5_9d53485a:
# "Reed passes the carfe back to me and I take a sharp inhale, filling my chest with that warm dizzying feeling."
"Reed passa a ponta de carfê de volta para mim e dou uma tragada longa, enchendo meus pulmões com a sensação quente de dormência."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:113
translate pt_br chapter_x5_3ea23988:
# "The clouds I exhale aren't nearly as impressive as Reed's."
"As pequenas nuvens que exalo não são nada perto do que o Reed consegue fazer."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:115
translate pt_br chapter_x5_49d119f8:
# Re "Anon's probably just s'lost and confused s'you, bro."
Re "Aposto que o Anon só tá tão confuso e perdido quanto você, mano."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:117
translate pt_br chapter_x5_b0d59f29:
# Re "Try'na meet new people at a new school an' all. 'Specially after all that he went through."
Re "Tipo, imagina só tentar conhecer gente nova numa escola nova e tal. Ainda mais depois de tudo que ele passou, saca?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:120
translate pt_br chapter_x5_136161c2:
# T "It's just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I liked how things were with the band{cps=*.1}...{/cps} with Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "É que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu gostava de como as coisas tavam indo com a banda{cps=*.1}...{/cps} com Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:122
translate pt_br chapter_x5_9f6289ba:
# T "It felt like he was trying to change everything he touched."
T "Parece que ele tava tentando mudar tudo em que metia a mão."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:124
translate pt_br chapter_x5_137291da:
# T "Then Fang told me about when they went on that d-{cps=*.1}...{/cps} went to find the venue for us."
T "Aí Fang vem me contar como foi aquele encont-{cps=*.1}...{/cps} como foi achar o local pra gente tocar."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:126
translate pt_br chapter_x5_f41cd14e:
# T "How Anon was always mumbling to himself and some of the stuff he said."
T "Como o Anon tava sempre resmungando sozinho e sobre as coisas que ele falava."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:128
translate pt_br chapter_x5_3f2af2e9:
# T "After that I just{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I thought Anon was going to hurt them somehow. Like he didn't actually care about Fang and was just trying to use them or change them or something."
T "Depois disso tudo eu só{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu achei que o Anon ia machucar elu de alguma forma. Que ele não se importava de verdade com Fang e tivesse só tentando mudar elu de algum jeito ou sei lá."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:131
translate pt_br chapter_x5_f410d7fc:
# T "I guess I figured if Fang saw how weird Anon really was they wouldn't want to talk to him anymore{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Acho que eu só pensei que se Fang visse como ele é um esquisitão, elu não falaria mais com ele{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:133
translate pt_br chapter_x5_39e8b745:
# T "Then that didn't happen and they started going out{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Now Fang won't even talk to me anymore."
T "E não foi isso o que aconteceu, eles começaram a sair{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Agora Fang nem olha na minha cara."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:136
translate pt_br chapter_x5_5b7bd007:
# "Reed sits up and I find myself automatically following, wrapping my arms around my knees."
"Reed ajusta a postura e eu o acompanho, automaticamente abraçando os meus joelhos."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:150
translate pt_br chapter_x5_fc8f421f:
# Re "I mean{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I won't lie to you, man. That was a pretty dick move an' all."
Re "Então{cps=*.1}...{/cps} não vou mentir pra ti, mano. Tu sacaneou demais."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:153
translate pt_br chapter_x5_1beefbfb:
# Re "But s'all like, in the past, y'know? Nothing changing it now."
Re "Mas tipo, já passou, saca? Não dá pra voltar atrás."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:155
translate pt_br chapter_x5_0af06755:
# Re "Fang'll forgive you. Same's Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps} just gotta give 'em time."
Re "Fang vai te perdoar, certeza. O Anon também{cps=*.1}...{/cps} só dá um tempo pra eles."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:157
translate pt_br chapter_x5_c670ca10:
# T "What about you though? Fang isn't mad at you, why haven't you talked to them?"
T "E você? Fang não tem nada contra você, então por que cês não tão se falando?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:160
translate pt_br chapter_x5_c5cfaa8b:
# "A sigh tells me it's not something he's exactly thrilled about either."
"Um suspiro me diz que não é um assunto muito divertido para ele também."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:162
translate pt_br chapter_x5_9cea79e7:
# Re "Man, it's rough{cps=*.1}...{/cps} figured I'd give Fang an' Anon space n'all."
Re "Maaaano, é tenso{cps=*.1}...{/cps} acho que eu só quero dar um espaço pros dois, saca?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:164
translate pt_br chapter_x5_b69282c0:
# Re "Besides{cps=*.1}...{/cps} didn't wanna make you think I was abandoning you, y'know?"
Re "E tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} não queria que tu achasse que eu te abandonei, velho."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:166
translate pt_br chapter_x5_bc7636ce:
# Re "Not a good place to be, isolated like that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Ficar isolado assim não é massa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:169
translate pt_br chapter_x5_65c1a35a:
# "I bury my head in my knees as tears begin to well in my eyes."
"Enfio a cara entre os joelhos quando as lágrimas começam a escorrer."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:172
translate pt_br chapter_x5_5ced4a55:
# "Nice going, Trish. Reed's also suffering for what you did."
"Boa, Trish. Reed também tá na merda pelo que você fez."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:175
translate pt_br chapter_x5_a979221a:
# T "I was talking to Sage the other day{cps=*.1}...{/cps} She said she heard from Rosa, who heard from Stella, who was talking to Anon about prom{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Eu tava falando com a Sage esses dias{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Ela disse que a Rosa falou, que ouviu da Stella, que tava falando sobre o baile com o Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:178
translate pt_br chapter_x5_a409c8c9:
# Re "Like, he's going with Fang{cps=*.1}...{/cps} right?"
Re "Ele e Fang vão juntos{cps=*.1}...{/cps} né isso?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:183
translate pt_br chapter_x5_cae87bd5:
# T "Wh- how'd you find out?"
T "Qu- como tu descobriu?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:186
translate pt_br chapter_x5_cec26cdf:
# Re "Spears, bro."
Re "Spears, mano."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:188
translate pt_br chapter_x5_8b73940b:
# Re "Gave me the ol' quick rundown when I was all 'hell yeah dude' to deejaying."
Re "Chegou com todo o papo e abriu o bico quando eu tava animadão pra brincar de DJ, saca?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:190
translate pt_br chapter_x5_38144069:
# Re "Said something about needing another thing during prom an' that he'd ask Fang to play on stage."
Re "Falou umas paradas de precisar duma apresentação extra no baile e tal, que ele ia falar com Fang pra tocar no palco."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:193
translate pt_br chapter_x5_41440c9c:
# "Fang performing on stage."
"Fang vai tocar no palco."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:195
translate pt_br chapter_x5_17f2aa79:
# "At prom?"
"No baile da escola?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:197
translate pt_br chapter_x5_5eaff3c2:
# T "Th-that was our big plan{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "E-esse{cps=*.1}...{/cps} era o nosso plano{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:199
translate pt_br chapter_x5_ab1e318b:
# T "With the way Fang always talked about it, I always thought it was the only way they'd be caught going to prom{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "Do jeito que Fang falava sobre isso, sempre achei que esse seria o único jeito de elu ir para um baile{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:207
translate pt_br chapter_x5_b449165d:
# T "Now they're{cps=*.1}...{/cps} they're{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
T "E agora elu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} elu{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:209
translate pt_br chapter_x5_e81e3a57:
# "Here comes the waterworks."
"E lá vem a cachoeira{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:213
translate pt_br chapter_x5_6f840452:
# T "They're doing it all like we don't exist anymore!"
T "Elu tá fazendo tudo como se a gente nem existisse mais!"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:215
translate pt_br chapter_x5_6256e3fe:
# "That pushes me over the edge and I begin bawling into my arms."
"Isso me faz perder a compostura e agora estou chorando em meus braços."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:220
translate pt_br chapter_x5_80aefffc:
# Re "C'mon T, it's alright. Just let it all out."
Re "Qualé T, tá de boa. Não precisa se segurar."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:222
translate pt_br chapter_x5_ffbc4320:
# "Reed hugs my shoulder with his toned arms-"
"Reed me envolve com os seus braços tonificados-"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:224
translate pt_br chapter_x5_da903ce4:
# "God damn it, Trish, not now."
"Puta merda, Trish, agora não."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:227
translate pt_br chapter_x5_2042f29b:
# "I cry my eyes out for the next few minutes, with Reed doing his best to silently comfort me."
"Choro como se não houvesse amanhã, enquanto Reed faz seu melhor para me consolar."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:231
translate pt_br chapter_x5_89919846:
# Re "Doing okay?"
Re "Cê tá bem?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:234
translate pt_br chapter_x5_f46dd146:
# "I wipe my face with my increasingly moist sleeve, getting the last of it out of my system."
"Enxugo meu rosto com minhas mangas úmidas, tirando tudo o que estava preso dentro de mim."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:241
translate pt_br chapter_x5_7c829e78:
# Re "Y'know{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Spears was a real bro and like, gave me a 'plus one' ticket to prom n'all."
Re "Sabe{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Spears é um cara super de boa e tipo, ele me deu um ingresso ‘a mais’ pro baile."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:244
translate pt_br chapter_x5_886f8092:
# Re "If Fang n' Anon are gonna be there, we could talk to them then."
Re "Se Fang e o Anon vão estar lá, a gente podia falar com eles, né?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:251
translate pt_br chapter_x5_36b8d5ee:
# T "Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Are you asking me to prom?"
T "Reed{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Cê tá me chamando pro baile?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:253
translate pt_br chapter_x5_08d9743a:
# "He shrugs and gives a brief smile."
"Ele dá de ombros e sorri de leve."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:256
translate pt_br chapter_x5_1d116613:
# Re "Makes sense, y'know? They'll be there an' we can be there n'all."
Re "Faz sentido, né? Eles vão estar lá, e a gente também podia ir, e tal."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:267
translate pt_br chapter_x5_106fdf04:
# Re "BESIDES! King Rex can't be the only dude there without a date!"
Re "ALÉM DISSO! O King Rex não pode ser o único cara sem um par!"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:273
translate pt_br chapter_x5_bb8ca489:
# "I shake my head and let a laugh escape."
"Balanço a cabeça e deixo uma risadinha escapar."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:275
translate pt_br chapter_x5_1bd64bf4:
# T "Well{cps=*.1}...{/cps} King Rex better bring his friend because I'm not dancing with the school mascot."
T "Então{cps=*.1}...{/cps} É melhor o King Rex levar um amigo, porque eu não vou dançar com o mascote da escola."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:288
translate pt_br chapter_x5_bb0a44d3:
# "Reed rises up and extends a hand to me, pulling me to my feet."
"Reed fica de pé e estende a mão, me levantando."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:291
translate pt_br chapter_x5_400f38b3:
# Re "Feeling better now, T?"
Re "Tá de boa agora, T?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:293
translate pt_br chapter_x5_bbd5c37b:
# "I open my mouth to answer but end up settling with a nod."
"Abro minha boca para responder, mas simplesmente aceno com a cabeça."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:295
translate pt_br chapter_x5_c0bb0463:
# "Sniffling, I wipe the last remnants of my little episode from my face with my now-wet sleeve."
"Ainda chorando, limpo o restante da minha pequena cena com a minha manga já encharcada."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:298
translate pt_br chapter_x5_64eef8dd:
# "Looks like it's laundry day when I get home."
"Acho que hoje é dia de lavar roupas."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:300
translate pt_br chapter_x5_8e21416f:
# "God, I hope Riley hasn’t destroyed the washer again."
"Céus, espero que Riley não tenha destruído a máquina de lavar de novo."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:304
translate pt_br chapter_x5_9e1ad38d:
# Re "Things'll be alright, we have like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} plenty of time to work it out before prom."
Re "As coisa vão ficar de boa, a gente tem tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tempo pacas pra resolver tudo antes do baile."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:306
translate pt_br chapter_x5_69f0dfbf:
# Re "Y'know what always makes me feel better?"
Re "Sabe o que sempre melhora meu humor?"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:311
translate pt_br chapter_x5_eb9eb73c:
# T "Carfe{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
T "Carfê{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:314
translate pt_br chapter_x5_cea1a387:
# Re "Food, bro! There's that bomb-ass taco stand down the street, the one with the veggie tacos you like."
Re "Não, mano, comida! Tem um podrão cabuloso ali na esquina, até o vegano que tu curte."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:316
translate pt_br chapter_x5_a9f11d8d:
# Re "Plus, like{cps=*.1}...{/cps} it'll help take your mind off it. Food now, Fang later."
Re "E mais, tipo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} vai ajudar você a pensar em outra coisa e tal. Comida agora, Fang depois."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:320
translate pt_br chapter_x5_a4ca361e:
# T "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} that sounds nice."
T "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} parece uma boa ideia."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:322
translate pt_br chapter_x5_8a1ab9c0:
# "Shoving my hands into my hoodie pocket, I allow a smile to creep onto my face."
"Enfiando as mãos nos bolsos do meu casaco, permito que um sorriso apareça em meu rosto."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:330
translate pt_br chapter_x5_76454b19:
# "Great, now I need to start looking at dresses."
"Ótimo, agora eu preciso começar a procurar vestidos."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:332
translate pt_br chapter_x5_9faeef5c:
# "I know Reed would spring for one, but I think I have enough saved up."
"Eu sei que Reed pagaria por um numa boa, mas acho que tenho dinheiro o suficiente guardado."
# game/script/x5-passion-of-the-trigga.rpy:337
translate pt_br chapter_x5_6b947111:
# "I’ll need to check Lil Tru for some cheap fitters."
"Vou precisar olhar umas roupas baratas em Lil' Tru."