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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:7
translate pt_br chapter_12B_1d38fcc9:
# "The saturday after next I’m laying in bed, scrolling through various feeds of worthless information."
"No sábado seguinte estou deitado na cama, navegando por vários feeds de informação inútil."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:9
translate pt_br chapter_12B_8b769d24:
# "God this Sandanistan post-modern graffitist RSS feed’s become a dumpster fire. Fucking tourists."
"Cristo, o feed desse RSS de grafite pós-moderno Sadanistão tá uma completa bosta. Porra de turistas. "
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:12
translate pt_br chapter_12B_7039d963:
# "I got an open can of soda, the lights are out, and I can hear RAYmba bumping around his box."
"Tenho uma lata aberta de refri nas mãos, as luzes estão apagadas e consigo ouvir o RAYmba batendo nos cantos da sua caixa."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:14
translate pt_br chapter_12B_d84ee323:
# "This is the life."
"Isso que é vida."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:17
translate pt_br chapter_12B_a9b388f8:
# "I’m about to reply to some guy claiming that he is most definitely angered in the posterior, but my phone buzzes, throwing off my answer."
"Estou prestes a responder a um cara que definitivamente só está com fogo no cu, mas meu telefone vibra, apagando minha resposta."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:19
translate pt_br chapter_12B_bef49f10:
# "It’s a text from Fang."
"É uma mensagem de Fang."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:27
translate pt_br chapter_12B_3ce2450f:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} heyyyyyyy you got any plans later today?"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} eeeeeee aí! tem planos pra hoje?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:30
translate pt_br chapter_12B_e3c3085b:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} who do you take me for"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} quem você pensa que eu sou"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:33
translate pt_br chapter_12B_7a24e44b:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} why do you ask?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} pq a pergunta?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:36
translate pt_br chapter_12B_e1e6d246:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} ive shown you some songs from my favorite band right?"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} te mostrei umas musicas da minha banda preferida né?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:38
translate pt_br chapter_12B_47412463:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} ‘Bigly Die’?"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} ‘Bigly Die’?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:41
translate pt_br chapter_12B_561d84cb:
# "I vaguely recall Fang’s phone bugging out occasionally, was that supposed to be music?"
"Me lembro vagamente do telefone de Fang fazendo um barulho ocasionalmente. Era praquilo ser música?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:43
translate pt_br chapter_12B_e1a9c974:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} think so yeah"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} acho que mostrou sim"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:46
translate pt_br chapter_12B_670d2f0c:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} theyre coming into town for tonight only!!!!!!!"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} eles vão tocar aqui, só hoje!!!!!!"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:49
translate pt_br chapter_12B_6774e01e:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} cool, you plan on buying a ticket?"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} massa, vai comprar um ingresso?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:52
translate pt_br chapter_12B_580f6303:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} no need >:)))))"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} não preciso >:)))))"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:54
translate pt_br chapter_12B_775bb7d6:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} i won them in a raffle!"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} eu ganhei eles num sorteio!"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:57
translate pt_br chapter_12B_f9bebf67:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} now when you say ‘them’..."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} quando você diz ‘eles’..."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:60
translate pt_br chapter_12B_56d81f82:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} of course i want you to go dork"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} é claro que eu quero que você vá comigo bobão"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:63
translate pt_br chapter_12B_82f4afb9:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} oh. cool."
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} ah. legal."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:65
translate pt_br chapter_12B_3363ba23:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} wait"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} pera"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:68
translate pt_br chapter_12B_bf1dc919:
# "{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} ill come pick you up at six tonight, dont forget!"
"{i}Fang:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} vou te buscar as seis da noite, não esquece!!"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:71
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ca48e5a2:
# "{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.15} alright, see you then"
"{i}Anon:{/i}{fast}{w=.2} beleza, te vejo mais tarde"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:79
translate pt_br chapter_12B_72360bce:
# "My hand falls to my side, dropping the phone onto the mattress."
"Minha mão cai para o lado, largando o celular no colchão."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:81
translate pt_br chapter_12B_f208d6fd:
# "A concert{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Um show{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:84
translate pt_br chapter_12B_dbe5c97a:
# "On the one hand, I get to spend time with Fang doing something they love."
"Por um lado, eu vou passar um tempo com Fang fazendo algo que elu ama."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:86
translate pt_br chapter_12B_8e1e5cb5:
# "On the other, concert."
"Por outro, o show."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:89
translate pt_br chapter_12B_b310b0d3:
# "Who am I kidding, of course I’m going."
"Quem eu quero enganar, é óbvio que eu vou."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:92
translate pt_br chapter_12B_fd2b9f86:
# "I should go run and buy some earplugs just in case{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Mas por via das dúvidas, eu deveria comprar uns tampões de ouvido{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:100
translate pt_br chapter_12B_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:111
translate pt_br chapter_12B_557d485a:
# "As I wait in front of my building for Fang I can’t help but feel a bit nervous."
"Enquanto espero por Fang na frente do meu prédio, começo a ficar agitado."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:113
translate pt_br chapter_12B_49607918:
# "I’ve never been to a proper concert before."
"Nunca fui num show de verdade antes."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:115
translate pt_br chapter_12B_d271800f:
# "The closest was Fang and the band at Moe’s place."
"O mais perto disso foi Fang e a banda lá no Moe."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:117
translate pt_br chapter_12B_50db7841:
# "That counts, right?"
"Isso conta, né?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:120
translate pt_br chapter_12B_41d8115c:
# "Before I can continue that thought, I spot the NasCar speeding towards me."
"Antes que pudesse continuar esse pensamento, vejo o NasCar se aproximando rapidamente."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:122
translate pt_br chapter_12B_449f6c24:
# "I feel myself cringe a bit for even thinking of that name."
"Sinto vergonha alheia toda vez que penso nesse nome."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:125
translate pt_br chapter_12B_3a8094c1:
# "I move to the back before the car comes to a complete stop and open the door, Fang sitting on the other side."
"Ando para trás antes que o carro pare completamente e abro a porta, Fang está sentade do outro lado."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:127
translate pt_br chapter_12B_70f87d0e:
# F "Get in, dweeb."
F "Entra aí, mané."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:130
translate pt_br chapter_12B_43983785:
# "I can tell Naser is a bit nervous driving in this part of town with how he’s constantly looking around the car."
"Posso dizer que o Naser está meio nervoso por dirigir nessa parte da cidade, visto que ele está olhando ao redor do carro constantemente."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:136
translate pt_br chapter_12B_05d52906:
# "The door barely shuts when he speeds away from my apartment building and back towards civilization."
"A porta mal se fecha quando ele acelera para longe do meu prédio, de volta para a civilização."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:139
translate pt_br chapter_12B_312cbbe3:
# Nas "So uh, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Então, Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:141
translate pt_br chapter_12B_4d764ec7:
# A "Yeah?"
A "Oi?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:144
translate pt_br chapter_12B_9bf2adbd:
# Nas "That’s where you live?"
Nas "É aqui que cê mora?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:146
translate pt_br chapter_12B_034750bf:
# "Essentially asking \"are you that poor\"."
"Basicamente perguntando \"você é tão pobre assim?\"."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:148
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ee65e1e4:
# A "Nah, I just sleep there, keep all my stuff there, and hang out there most of the time."
A "Não, pô, eu só durmo ali, deixo todas as minhas coisas lá e é onde passo a maior parte do meu tempo."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:150
translate pt_br chapter_12B_e23c8d85:
# "That elicited a laugh from Fang and a confused look from Naser."
"Isso provocou uma risada em Fang e um olhar confuso no Naser."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:152
translate pt_br chapter_12B_b6cb7907:
# "Can’t win them all I guess."
"Não dá pra ganhar todas, eu acho."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:155
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ce9d61f6:
# A "So this band-"
A "Então, essa banda-"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:157
translate pt_br chapter_12B_f214e240:
# F "Bigly Die."
F "Bigly Die."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:159
translate pt_br chapter_12B_16813d3b:
# A "Bigly Die. Where are they playing at?"
A "Bigly Die. Onde eles vão tocar?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:161
translate pt_br chapter_12B_3aa17525:
# F "Some club on the other side of town called the Lava Lamp."
F "Numa casa de shows do outro lado da cidade, o Lava Lamp."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:164
translate pt_br chapter_12B_b8d37f0a:
# "Can’t say I’ve really been to a club either."
"Também nunca estive em uma casa de shows."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:166
translate pt_br chapter_12B_e152f5dd:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And what genre is their music exactly?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E qual exatamente é o gênero musical deles?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:168
translate pt_br chapter_12B_adfdad05:
# F "They’re a Post-Extreme Neo-Indie Experimental Hardcore-Mathcore-Grindcore Industrial Heavy Punk Metal band."
F "Eles são uma banda Pós-Extremo Neo-Indie Experimental Hardcore-Mathcore-Grindcore Industrial Heavy Punk Metal."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:170
translate pt_br chapter_12B_60f94cde:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}What?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Quê?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:172
translate pt_br chapter_12B_0317557b:
# F "With an emphasis on creative expression and a down-to-earth worldview that just really speaks to me."
F "Com ênfase em expressão criativa e visão de mundo pé-no-chão, que eu me identifico bastante."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:174
translate pt_br chapter_12B_efcfdc40:
# F "It’s the kind of stuff I wish we could have played in our band but Trish never thought it was ‘marketable’ enough."
F "É o tipo de coisa que eu queria que a gente tocasse na nossa banda, mas a Trish nunca achou que fosse ‘comercializável’ o suficiente."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:177
translate pt_br chapter_12B_62665331:
# A "English?"
A "Agora fala em Português."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:179
translate pt_br chapter_12B_9d72c272:
# Nas "Blender noises."
Nas "Barulho de liquidificador."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:181
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ba26487b:
# A "Thanks."
A "Valeu."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:183
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ec901b36:
# F "Oh, fuck both of you."
F "Ah, vão se foder vocês dois."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:185
translate pt_br chapter_12B_64ad30f8:
# "Fang pouts, or as they put it, was in ‘silent protest against the world.’"
"Fang faz bico, ou como elu diz, era um ‘protesto silencioso contra o mundo’."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:188
translate pt_br chapter_12B_659de3ae:
# "Really, the way Fang crossed their arms and pointedly looked away from the two of us made me chuckle at the cute angry act."
"Mas na verdade, o jeito que Fang cruzou os braços e olhou para longe de nós dois me fez rir da birra fofinha delu."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:190
translate pt_br chapter_12B_99c5949a:
# A "So, word salad genre aside, they sound pretty big."
A "Então, apesar do gênero sopa de letrinhas, eles parecem ser uma banda grande."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:192
translate pt_br chapter_12B_1cb7fc3b:
# Nas "Not really."
Nas "Na verdade, não."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:194
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ea9c7f93:
# F "They’re pretty underground, honestly."
F "Eles são bem underground na real."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:196
translate pt_br chapter_12B_1d4c60bd:
# "Fang passes my ticket over so I can see."
"Fang entrega meu ingresso e vejo os detalhes do show."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:199
translate pt_br chapter_12B_08bf038c:
# "Oh wow."
"Ah, uau."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:201
translate pt_br chapter_12B_85a15a56:
# "The venue can hold double what Moe’s could."
"O local suporta o dobro de pessoas comparado ao Moe."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:203
translate pt_br chapter_12B_a1048f03:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Does that make it a big venue? Trish said Moe’s was small."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Então isso seria grande? A Trish disse que a pizzaria era pequena."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:205
translate pt_br chapter_12B_cb45b2d8:
# F "The place shouldn’t be too packed."
F "O lugar não deve lotar."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:207
translate pt_br chapter_12B_7473e9ed:
# F "I know you don’t exactly like crowds, Anon."
F "Eu sei que você não é muito fã de multidão, Anon."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:210
translate pt_br chapter_12B_7036a7d2:
# "Awww, she does care."
"Awww, elu se importa."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:213
translate pt_br chapter_12B_7174c2c8:
# "When we get there Naser stops me before I get out."
"Assim que chegamos, Naser me para antes que eu saia do carro."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:215
translate pt_br chapter_12B_30564091:
# Nas "You need earplugs bro?"
Nas "Precisa de uns tampões de ouvido, mano?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:217
translate pt_br chapter_12B_e37f17b2:
# A "Oh, I brought my own actually, but thanks."
A "Ah, na verdade eu trouxe um par, mas valeu."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:221
translate pt_br chapter_12B_292e876d:
# F "Bunch of pansies. Both of you."
F "Bando de bichinhas. Vocês dois."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:234
translate pt_br chapter_12B_c02691b2:
# "Naser smiles again and drives off, leaving Fang and I in front of the building."
"Naser sorri novamente e vai embora, deixando Fang e eu na frente do edifício."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:236
translate pt_br chapter_12B_0f94b11e:
# "The place is a warehouse shed three stories tall, with graffiti staining nearly every inch of it."
"O local é um armazém de três andares, com pichações por praticamente toda sua extensão."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:238
translate pt_br chapter_12B_38a70aee:
# "I’ve always wondered how people get up there."
"Sempre fiquei imaginando como as pessoas conseguem subir lá para pichar."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:242
translate pt_br chapter_12B_115cd581:
# "Already I can hear the bass rattling my eardrums."
"Já consigo ouvir o baixo sacudindo meus tímpanos."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:247
translate pt_br chapter_12B_2ceb8b8a:
# "A man by the entrance checks our tickets and lets us pass."
"Um homem na entrada verifica nossos ingressos e nos deixa entrar."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:249
translate pt_br chapter_12B_3aecc435:
# A "This place must be pretty nice if they have to use a bouncer."
A "Esse lugar deve ser bem bacana se eles precisam de um segurança."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:252
translate pt_br chapter_12B_c24e2922:
# F "Oh yeah, the band makes plenty. They can afford some neat stuff like that."
F "Ah sim, a banda faz uma grana boa. Eles podem gastar com umas paradas legais desse tipo."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:254
translate pt_br chapter_12B_2c9b7ccd:
# "Painted signs in the lobby point to a stairwell leading down into the basement."
"Placas pintadas na entrada apontam para uma escada que leva ao porão."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:257
translate pt_br chapter_12B_750e0475:
# "The temperature rises a good twenty degrees on the trip down."
"A temperatura sobe uns bons dez graus no caminho para baixo."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:270
translate pt_br chapter_12B_7e23b4c1:
# A "Jeez, do they have a furnace going down here?"
A "Caramba, isso aqui é um forno por acaso?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:275
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ab4ceffd:
# F "Concerts are usually hot, Anon."
F "Shows normalmente são quentes, Anon."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:277
translate pt_br chapter_12B_de421c27:
# F "Didn’t I tell you to bring a water bottle or something?"
F "Eu não te falei pra trazer uma água?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:280
translate pt_br chapter_12B_745d76fa:
# A "No?"
A "Não?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:283
translate pt_br chapter_12B_1bc8eba1:
# F "Oops."
F "Ops."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:286
translate pt_br chapter_12B_c9c59e51:
# F "Well, there was a water fountain back up in the lobby. Not sure if you want to actually drink from it though unless you have a lead stomach lining."
F "Então, tem um bebedouro lá em cima no salão. Não sei se você vai querer mesmo beber dali, a não ser que tenha um estômago de aço."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:289
translate pt_br chapter_12B_0d490f62:
# A "I’ll keep that in mind."
A "Ok, vou manter isso em mente."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:292
translate pt_br chapter_12B_df33bcfe:
# "The music’s starting to sound like a gaggle of pissed-off cats being dropped into lawnmower blades, so I pop in the earplugs I got earlier."
"A música começa a soar como um bando de gatos irritados sendo jogados nas lâminas de um cortador de gramas, então eu coloco os tampões de ouvido que comprei mais cedo."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:294
translate pt_br chapter_12B_aff8d81b:
# "I was starting to hear animalistic chanting combined with the arrhythmic bashing of drums and what could only be described as the unholy fusion of squealing feedback and an unmaintained generator running on overdrive."
"Estava começando a ouvir um canto animalesco combinado com a batida sem ritmo da bateria e o que eu só consigo descrever como a fusão profana de uma microfonia estridente com um gerador sem manutenção fazendo hora extra."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:297
translate pt_br chapter_12B_fb60bd12:
# "Fang rolls their eyes and gestures to the open door to the concert hall."
"Fang revira os olhos e gesticula para a porta que leva ao palco."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:299
translate pt_br chapter_12B_87f48b63:
# F "The preshow’s almost done, we got here just in time."
F "O show de abertura tá quase acabando, a gente chegou bem na hora."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:307
translate pt_br chapter_12B_a859a723:
# "As soon as we open the doors, we’re almost blown back by the wall of sound that blasts past us."
"Assim que abrimos as portas, quase somos jogados para trás pela parede sonora que passa por nós."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:320
translate pt_br chapter_12B_8c03899c:
# "The earplugs were not helping. At all."
"Os tampões não estão ajudando. Em nada."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:322
translate pt_br chapter_12B_9889552e:
# "I’m pretty sure I just went deaf."
"Tenho certeza que acabei de ficar surdo."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:326
translate pt_br chapter_12B_e0f1b8e5:
# "There are about a hundred to a hundred fifty of the concert-goers, give or take."
"Tem por volta de umas cem a cento e cinquenta pessoas aqui, pra mais ou pra menos."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:328
translate pt_br chapter_12B_b72e570a:
# "Most of them are thronging the stage while a few hang back and nurse their beers, waiting for the show to start."
"A maioria está perto do palco enquanto alguns ficam mais para trás bebendo suas cervejas, esperando o show começar."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:331
translate pt_br chapter_12B_153345f9:
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:335
translate pt_br chapter_12B_603b57c6:
# "The crowd responds with a collective roar of approval, Fang adding her voice to the cacophonic chorus."
"A multidão responde com um urro coletivo de aprovação, Fang adicionando sua voz ao canto cacofônico. "
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:337
translate pt_br chapter_12B_98533288:
# unknown "It was an honor to open for the main show tonight, and they’re in for the gig of their lives judging by how brutal you guys were in the pit!"
unknown "Foi uma honra fazer a abertura para o show principal dessa noite, e eles vão ter a melhor apresentação de suas vidas, se considerar como vocês foram brutais na roda punk!"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:339
translate pt_br chapter_12B_1f18d5d3:
# "Another roar rips from the audience at the bare-faced flattery, probably the leftover adrenaline in their systems."
"A platéia solta outro urro para a bajulação descarada, provavelmente culpa da adrenalina que ainda está nas suas veias."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:344
translate pt_br chapter_12B_73382bcb:
# unknown "Alright{cps=*.1}...{/cps} it’s time. Are you guys ready?"
unknown "Beleza{cps=*.1}...{/cps} tá na hora. Vocês estão prontos?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:346
translate pt_br chapter_12B_8c9363ae:
# "The crowd is practically foaming at the mouth as they scream unintelligibly yet again."
"O público praticamente espuma pela boca enquanto grita novamente de maneira ininteligível."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:348
translate pt_br chapter_12B_0bdbf639:
# unknown "Come on, is that all you fucking got?! ARE YOU FUCKING READY?!"
unknown "Vamo lá, é só isso que vocês conseguem?! VOCÊS TÃO PRONTOS, CARALHO?!"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:357
translate pt_br chapter_12B_af57635b:
# "{w=.5} I thought that they couldn’t possibly have been more ready, but they somehow manage to scream even louder."
"{w=.5}Achei que eles não poderiam possivelmente estarem mais prontos, mas de alguma forma conseguiram gritar ainda mais alto."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:359
translate pt_br chapter_12B_709d564b:
# "I think I even saw some guy get punched as the person next to him thrust his fist upward while he yelled."
"Acho que até vi um cara levar um soco quando a pessoa do lado dele jogou o punho para o alto enquanto gritava."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:361
translate pt_br chapter_12B_156c3220:
# unknown "Now that’s what I like to hear. Let’s welcome{cps=*.1}...{/cps} BIGLY DIE!"
unknown "Agora sim, é isso aí que eu quero ouvir. Vamos receber agora{cps=*.1}...{/cps} BIGLY DIE!"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:372
translate pt_br chapter_12B_7996f86d:
# "The crowd goes absolutely nuclear, people jumping up and down screaming their heads off as the band walks up onto the stage."
"A plateia vai à loucura, pessoas pulando para cima e para baixo gritando ensandecidamente enquanto a banda entra no palco."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:374
translate pt_br chapter_12B_40075af3:
# "Without another word they launch right into their opening song."
"Sem nenhuma palavra eles já começam a tocar a música de abertura."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:381
translate pt_br chapter_12B_24ec7aae:
# "A flurry of instruments meet my ears in something vaguely resembling music."
"Uma enxurrada de instrumentos encontra meus ouvidos em algo que vagamente lembra música."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:384
translate pt_br chapter_12B_0e900c3a:
# "I still don’t quite understand the appeal, but the energy of the moment is getting to me."
"Eu ainda não entendi muito bem qual é a deles, mas a energia do momento está começando a me afetar."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:392
translate pt_br chapter_12B_b442533c:
# "Before I know it I’m jumping and fist swinging along with everyone else."
"Antes que eu pudesse perceber, estava pulando e dando socos para cima junto de todo mundo."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:395
translate pt_br chapter_12B_d4b1cd8b:
# "Fang sees me join in and their beaming smile intensifies."
"Fang me vê participar e seu sorriso radiante se intensifica."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:397
translate pt_br chapter_12B_7342eb41:
# "Soon enough I’m elbow deep in the pit screaming as wildly as the crowd."
"Antes que eu perceba, estou enfiado até o pescoço na roda punk, gritando tão ferozmente quanto a multidão."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:399
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ba7c22b3:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Then a stray elbow clocks me out early."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E então uma cotovelada me nocauteia."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:409
translate pt_br chapter_12B_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:412
translate pt_br chapter_12B_92e2782e:
# "Urgh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:415
translate pt_br chapter_12B_69e9d5b9:
# "Guh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} fuck piss cunt shit{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Guh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} puta merda caralho desgraça{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:418
translate pt_br chapter_12B_75b1479c:
# unknown "How the fuck are you so heavy?"
unknown "Como caralhos você é tão pesado?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:420
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ba53165b:
# "Wha{cps=*.1}...{/cps}?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:423
translate pt_br chapter_12B_63a8c961:
# "Someone’s dragging me?"
"Alguém tá me carregando?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:426
translate pt_br chapter_12B_8926bc8a:
# F "Oh, you’re back!"
F "Ah, você acordou!"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:428
translate pt_br chapter_12B_3e8f2b6d:
# "Fang lets me down onto my back, and I sit up straight."
"Fang me deixa deitado de costas, e me sento em seguida."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:440
translate pt_br chapter_12B_a506bc80:
# "We’re back in the lobby of the building, only it’s a lot quieter than when we first arrived."
"Estamos de volta no salão do prédio, mas agora está muito mais quieto do que quando chegamos."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:451
translate pt_br chapter_12B_eb57cc53:
# "A dull pain rings through my head."
"Uma dor forte percorre minha cabeça."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:454
translate pt_br chapter_12B_7fe48a6c:
# F "Are you alright?"
F "Cê tá bem?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:457
translate pt_br chapter_12B_1a7b5a31:
# A "What happened?"
A "O que aconteceu?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:459
translate pt_br chapter_12B_b2775030:
# F "No idea, after the show I just found you laying on the ground."
F "Não faço ideia, depois do show eu te encontrei jogado no chão."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:461
translate pt_br chapter_12B_cf36048d:
# F "You’re pretty lucky no one jumped on you. Everyone’s got good ole steel toes."
F "Cê tem sorte que ninguém pisou em você. Todo mundo aqui usa umas boas botas de aço."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:465
translate pt_br chapter_12B_af5a317e:
# A "I was out the rest of the show?"
A "Eu fiquei apagado por todo resto da apresentação?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:468
translate pt_br chapter_12B_a41a679e:
# F "That’s the concert experience, right?"
F "Essa é a experiência de um show, né?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:470
translate pt_br chapter_12B_d925991f:
# F "Isn’t it great?"
F "Não é foda?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:474
translate pt_br chapter_12B_97bf7cda:
# A "It{cps=*.1}...{/cps} certainly is a different experience, yeah."
A "Foi{cps=*.1}...{/cps} diferente, com certeza, é."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:479
translate pt_br chapter_12B_8e0b6a71:
# A "Argh, my head{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Ai, minha cabeça{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:482
translate pt_br chapter_12B_59d88f7b:
# F "Yeah, you’re gonna want a rag or something."
F "É, acho que você precisa de um pano ou alguma coisa."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:484
translate pt_br chapter_12B_56f072f6:
# F "Your lip’s pretty busted."
F "Teu lábio tá bem arrebentado."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:487
translate pt_br chapter_12B_4ad56bf8:
# "I feel around my face, and sure enough a new pulse of pain shakes me."
"Passo os dedos pelo rosto, e com certeza sinto uma nova dor pulsante."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:489
translate pt_br chapter_12B_19a1fd95:
# "My fingers are covered in blood as I register my new cleft lip."
"Meus dedos estão cobertos de sangue quando reparo no meu novo lábio leporino."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:491
translate pt_br chapter_12B_d2c2843e:
# A "Do you got one?"
A "Tem um aí?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:494
translate pt_br chapter_12B_4a5423bd:
# F "No{cps=*.1}...{/cps} sorry{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Não{cps=*.1}...{/cps} foi mal{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:496
translate pt_br chapter_12B_86b9bc4f:
# "I bunch up the front of my shirt and hold it to my mouth."
"Pego a parte da frente da minha blusa e seguro contra minha boca."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:499
translate pt_br chapter_12B_12d8c767:
# F "Naser always keeps a first-aid kit in his trunk, he’ll be here in ten or so minutes."
F "Naser sempre deixa um kit de primeiros socorros no porta-malas. Ele deve chegar em uns dez minutos."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:502
translate pt_br chapter_12B_c8c14c6f:
# F "You’ll look like ass at school for a few days but it can’t be that much of a change."
F "Você vai parecer um idiota na escola por uns dias, mas acho que isso não muda muita coisa."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:504
translate pt_br chapter_12B_0a1d802f:
# "Fang laughs at their own joke and I try to join in before my splitting headache kicks in."
"Fang ri da própria piada e tento rir junto, quando minha dor de cabeça bate forte."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:507
translate pt_br chapter_12B_92c1e9eb:
# F "Can you get up or do I have to drag you all the way out the door?"
F "Consegue levantar ou eu vou ter que te arrastar lá pra fora?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:521
translate pt_br chapter_12B_cb695650:
# "My legs are a bit wobbly but I manage to stand up with some assistance from Fang."
"Minhas pernas estão meio bambas, mas consigo ficar em pé com a ajuda de Fang."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:534
translate pt_br chapter_12B_800c20d5:
# "They lead me out the front of the building and we sit on the curb to wait for Naser."
"Elu me leva para a frente do prédio e nos sentamos no meio-fio para esperar o Naser."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:538
translate pt_br chapter_12B_656847bd:
# F "You doing okay? The bleeding stopped."
F "Cê tá melhor? Parou de sangrar."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:540
translate pt_br chapter_12B_c0200777:
# A "I feel like my head’s about to explode but I’ll be fine."
A "Parece que minha cabeça vai explodir, mas vou ficar bem."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:542
translate pt_br chapter_12B_ac1cf7b7:
# A "Better than last time this happened at least."
A "Pelo menos tá melhor do que da última vez que isso aconteceu."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:545
translate pt_br chapter_12B_db5fd4a3:
# "Fang reaches into their pocket and retrieves their lighter and pack of cigarettes."
"Fang coloca a mão no bolso e pega seu isqueiro e um maço de cigarros."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:547
translate pt_br chapter_12B_74857eb7:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}You want a smoke?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Vai querer um?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:549
translate pt_br chapter_12B_b96bb06d:
# A "You know me too well."
A "Cê me conhece muito bem."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:551
translate pt_br chapter_12B_540b2b7b:
# "I take them from Fang’s hand and light my own cigarette for once."
"Pego os dois da mão de Fang e acendo meu próprio cigarro pra dar uma variada."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:554
translate pt_br chapter_12B_d1774d53:
# "Taking my first draw and it’s almost enough to ignore my migraine."
"Minha primeira tragada é quase o suficiente para ignorar minha enxaqueca. "
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:557
translate pt_br chapter_12B_e5f6547b:
# F "You seem to really like those."
F "Cê realmente gosta disso né?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:559
translate pt_br chapter_12B_9a110f4f:
# A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Aham{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:561
translate pt_br chapter_12B_a5c79570:
# F "You should get around to scraping enough pennies to get your own sometime."
F "Tu devia juntar umas moedas e comprar os teus qualquer dia desses."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:563
translate pt_br chapter_12B_392bc903:
# A "Yeah, I’ll start buying my own when they cost less than my monthly rent."
A "É, eu vou comprar quando eles custarem menos do que o meu aluguel."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:565
translate pt_br chapter_12B_eecc47c8:
# F "So until then you’re gonna keep getting your teeth kicked in just to get one of mine?"
F "Aí até lá cê vai continuar apanhando só pra poder pegar um dos meus?"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:567
translate pt_br chapter_12B_351903cd:
# A "That’s the plan!"
A "É a ideia!"
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:577
translate pt_br chapter_12B_f4aac8ac:
# "We chuckle, and Fang shifts closer to me, hugging my arm."
"Rimos um pouco, e Fang se aproxima de mim, abraçando meu braço."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:581
translate pt_br chapter_12B_6476f9cf:
# F "Dweeb."
F "Mané."
# game/script/12B.band-fang-likes-concert.rpy:589
translate pt_br chapter_12B_f1638dc1_2:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"