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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:8
translate pt_br chapter_10_a79e8242:
# A "Hang on, lemme get my key{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Calma aí, deixa eu pegar minha chave{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:10
translate pt_br chapter_10_842c4ca9:
# "I awkwardly fish around for it in my pocket, hand weighed down by some cheap first aid stuff from the nearby liquor store."
"Procuro a chave no bolso de maneira desajeitada, com a mão pesando por conta de uma sacola cheia de produtos de primeiros socorros baratos, comprados numa distribuidora de bebidas próxima."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:13
translate pt_br chapter_10_d8901b47:
# A "{cps=*.4}This stuff wasn’t nece-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "{cps=*.4}Não precisava comprar iss-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:15
translate pt_br chapter_10_5e1375a0:
# F "Shut up."
F "Cala a boca."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:17
translate pt_br chapter_10_9064cbc7:
# F "Open the door."
F "Abre a porta."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:20
translate pt_br chapter_10_f6e85d6b:
# "I finally managed to find my key wedged between my leg and wallet."
"Finalmente consigo encontrar a chave presa entre minha perna e a carteira."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:22
translate pt_br chapter_10_ae147666:
# "Fang takes the key from me and opens the door before I can think to throw it out the broken window nearby."
"Fang pega a toma da minha mão e abre a porta antes que eu consiga pensar em jogá-la pela janela quebrada aqui perto."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:25
translate pt_br chapter_10_f9b497a5:
# "Welp. No turning back now."
"É. Não dá pra voltar atrás agora."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:27
translate pt_br chapter_10_b08d0124:
# A "Welcome to Casa Del Shithole, occupancy a miserable weeb."
A "Bem-vinda à {i}Maison de Merde{/i}, ocupação: um nerdola solitário."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:37
translate pt_br chapter_10_03c03db3:
# "Raptor Jesus threw me a bone at least."
"Jesus Raptor me deu uma ajudinha pelo menos."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:39
translate pt_br chapter_10_4ba4443d:
# "There’s no dirty dishes stacked in the sink."
"Não tem louça suja empilhada na pia."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:41
translate pt_br chapter_10_10e7a2ad:
# "The trash is mostly empty save for a discarded box of cereal."
"O lixo está basicamente vazio, fora uma caixa de cereal vazia."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:43
translate pt_br chapter_10_77ba344c:
# "And my monitor is NOT displaying something Saturnia related."
"E meu monitor NÃO tá exibindo nada relacionado a Saturnia."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:46
translate pt_br chapter_10_ea26e59f:
# "The entrance isn’t big enough for both Fang and I, so I leave her supporting shoulder and limp my way to the twin-sized mattress on the floor."
"A entrada não é grande o suficiente para nós dois, então solto o ombro que ela estava usando para me apoiar e manco até a cama de solteiro."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:58
translate pt_br chapter_10_6de77e3d:
# "It’s so tempting to just drop face-first like usual, but I don’t think I’d survive the shock of the fall."
"É tão tentador simplesmente cair de cara como sempre, mas acho que eu não sobreviveria ao impacto da queda."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:70
translate pt_br chapter_10_74a2d3ca:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Nice place{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Lugar bacana{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:73
translate pt_br chapter_10_ed69034f:
# A "You don’t have to stay. I just wanna curl up in bed and sleep my sorrows away."
A "Não precisa ficar. Eu só quero me deitar em posição fetal e dormir pra esquecer a tristeza."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:76
translate pt_br chapter_10_32f872d9:
# F "Anon it’s ten in the morning."
F "Anon, são dez da manhã."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:79
translate pt_br chapter_10_7eb2e797:
# A "And?"
A "E?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:82
translate pt_br chapter_10_93957748:
# F "And you’re fucking hurt. At least let me try and patch you up."
F "E você tá machucado, porra. Pelo menos me deixa tentar te ajudar."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:84
translate pt_br chapter_10_cc65cf93:
# A "You do-"
A "Você-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:89
translate pt_br chapter_10_fdd4769a:
# "Fang’s glare makes my mouth click shut."
"A encarada de Fang me faz calar a boca."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:93
translate pt_br chapter_10_3a8e3792:
# "Fang sets the bag of ice packs, icy hots, and sabre balm on my computer desk when something catches her eye."
"Fang coloca os pacotes de gelo, sauronpas, e a pomada de bálsamo na mesa do meu computador, quando algo chama sua atenção."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:98
translate pt_br chapter_10_c92ef587:
# F "Is{cps=*.1}...{/cps} is that the phone roomba you bought a while back? You actually kept that thing?"
F "Isso{cps=*.1}...{/cps} é o aspirador de celular que você comprou naquele dia? Cê realmente ficou com isso?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:100
translate pt_br chapter_10_4825cab4:
# "Fang is standing over the shoebox I’ve been using to hold my ‘pet’."
"Fang está em pé ao lado da caixa de sapato que eu tenho usado para prender o meu ‘bicho de estimação’."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:102
translate pt_br chapter_10_d3c81c70:
# "I’ve put in a few wooden blocks for it to bump around."
"Coloquei uns blocos de madeira para ele bater."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:105
translate pt_br chapter_10_d95db720:
# A "Uhh, yeah. Can you go ahead and feed him for me?"
A "Ah, é. Pode dar alguma coisa pra ele comer?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:108
translate pt_br chapter_10_8b83a62a:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}With this box of cornflakes?"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Essa caixa de sucrilhos?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:110
translate pt_br chapter_10_dd4601da:
# A "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} two or three will do."
A "Aham{cps=*.1}...{/cps} uns dois ou três deve dar."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:112
translate pt_br chapter_10_dec8be9f:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}And you taped your railgun to the top of it."
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} E você colou a pistola eletromagnética no topo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:114
translate pt_br chapter_10_9aead4e7:
# A "If you look close I gave him angry eyebrows too."
A "Se você olhar direito eu coloquei umas sobrancelhas irritadas também."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:117
translate pt_br chapter_10_3a5d43bf:
# F "Why?"
F "Por quê?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:120
translate pt_br chapter_10_94385b44:
# A "Mom never let me have a pet. And he’s cute."
A "Minha mãe nunca me deixou ter um bicho. E ele é bonitinho."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:125
translate pt_br chapter_10_f2462593:
# F "He?"
F "Ele?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:127
translate pt_br chapter_10_5156be09:
# A "Don’t make fun of Metal Gear RAYmba or else he’ll shoot you."
A "Olha, não fale mal do Metal Gear RAYmba, senão ele vai atirar em você."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:129
translate pt_br chapter_10_a0e5a09b:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:131
translate pt_br chapter_10_456377f4:
# A "He’s armed with tiny angry marine munitions."
A "Ele tá armado."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:133
translate pt_br chapter_10_a0e5a09b_1:
# F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:136
translate pt_br chapter_10_6d549d5f:
# "Fang crumples up some of the flakes and pours the crumbs into RAY’s box."
"Fang esmaga alguns flocos de cereal e joga na caixa do Ray."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:138
translate pt_br chapter_10_482fc460:
# "I can hear it happily ingesting breakfast from my bed."
"Posso ouvir ele comendo seu café da manhã alegremente."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:141
translate pt_br chapter_10_ccbb2e03:
# F "You are such a dweeb, Anon."
F "Você é muito mané, Anon."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:143
translate pt_br chapter_10_154df1db:
# "There’s no heat in her words."
"Não tem malícia nas palavras dela."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:151
translate pt_br chapter_10_bbce8020:
# "Fang turns to me, the small tub of disgusting green stuff in hand."
"Fang se vira para mim, com um tubo de uma parada verde nojenta na mão."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:153
translate pt_br chapter_10_4e6204d2:
# F "Alright, let me see where you’re hurt Anon."
F "Beleza Anon, deixa ver onde você se machucou."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:156
translate pt_br chapter_10_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:158
translate pt_br chapter_10_f6821ea9:
# "{cps=*.4}No way in fuck.{/cps}"
"{cps=*.4}Nem fodendo.{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:161
translate pt_br chapter_10_e02bc756:
# F "Now."
F "Agora."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:164
translate pt_br chapter_10_1a34901a:
# "Shit. When did Fang learn the patented Mom Glare."
"Porra. Quando foi que a Fang aprendeu a Encarada de Mãe patenteada?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:167
translate pt_br chapter_10_8a3c4248:
# F "Take off your shirt."
F "Tira a blusa."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:169
translate pt_br chapter_10_0953ffde:
# A "{cps=*.4}Wait wha-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
A "{cps=*.4}Calma aí, qu-{/cps}{w=.4}{nw}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:172
translate pt_br chapter_10_0a847b8e:
# F "Take it off or I’ll cut it off with your knife."
F "Tira logo ou eu vou cortar ela com a sua faca."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:175
translate pt_br chapter_10_5c733eef:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Fine{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Tá{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:185
translate pt_br chapter_10_e5517e2d:
# "I step into my tiny shower stall and turn on the water."
"Entro no pequeno box do meu chuveiro e ligo a água."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:187
translate pt_br chapter_10_23de8aab:
# "The shower head sputters before it starts weakly spraying lukewarm water."
"O chuveiro pinga um pouco antes de começar a esguichar água morna em mim."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:196
translate pt_br chapter_10_18995d38:
# "The temperature of the water doesn’t help the tension in my muscles or the bruises marring my skin."
"A temperatura da água não ajuda com a tensão dos meus músculos ou os hematomas feios na minha pele."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:205
translate pt_br chapter_10_9f271066:
# "I stretch around and see massive blotches of purple and black splattered across my torso."
"Dou uma checada e vejo manchas roxas e pretas enormes espalhadas pelo meu torso."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:216
translate pt_br chapter_10_d5b5e330:
# "Each contusion is hot to the touch under my fingers and the pain is intense."
"Cada uma das contusões está quente ao toque, e a dor é intensa."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:224
translate pt_br chapter_10_ce2b637f:
# "The worst is across my chest where the bollard hit me."
"A pior é no meu peito, que bati no poste de amarração."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:234
translate pt_br chapter_10_e2c40459:
# "I eventually get finished examining my wicked wounds and step out of the bathroom."
"Eventualmente termino de examinar meus machucados feios e saio do banheiro."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:236
translate pt_br chapter_10_faa9c902:
# "Fang is on her phone doing Raptor Jesus knows what."
"Só Jesus Raptor sabe o que Fang está fazendo no seu celular."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:246
translate pt_br chapter_10_b3f9abbf:
# "Fang then pats the bed."
"Ela dá um tapinha na cama."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:249
translate pt_br chapter_10_ff8faea9:
# F "Come here."
F "Vem cá."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:252
translate pt_br chapter_10_9b4270dd:
# "I walk over and lie down on my stomach."
"Ando até lá e deito de bruços."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:265
translate pt_br chapter_10_cac3da1d:
# F "Jesus that's bad{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Meu Deus, isso tá feio{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:268
translate pt_br chapter_10_ee3dd4d0:
# "I then felt a cold cream and soft touch on my back, along with a massive jolt of pain."
"Sinto então um creme gelado e um toque suave nas minhas costas, junto de uma onda massiva de dor."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:270
translate pt_br chapter_10_d1dcfe11:
# A "FUCK!"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:272
translate pt_br chapter_10_5c5b62f7:
# F "Shit, sorry! Are you okay?"
F "Merda, foi mal! Tá tudo bem?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:275
translate pt_br chapter_10_ec046ea5:
# A "Yeah, just didn’t expect it to hurt that bad{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Tá, só não esperava que fosse doer tanto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:278
translate pt_br chapter_10_662615a2:
# F "Just try to relax."
F "Tenta relaxar um pouco."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:280
translate pt_br chapter_10_0b3075ba:
# "I sigh and try my hardest not to freak out when she touches me."
"Eu suspiro e tento o meu melhor para não surtar quando ela me toca."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:282
translate pt_br chapter_10_a737de1e:
# "She eventually finds a sweet spot of pressure to apply. It still hurts a little, but it doesn’t cause me to wince."
"Eventualmente ela encontra a quantia certa de pressão para aplicar. Ainda dói um pouco, mas não o suficiente para me fazer tremer com a dor."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:287
translate pt_br chapter_10_29a1975f:
# "Her hands are soft."
"Suas mãos são macias."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:289
translate pt_br chapter_10_4c9e5462:
# "I find myself relaxing under Fang’s ministrations."
"Começo a relaxar com a massagem de Fang."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:292
translate pt_br chapter_10_61a7c440:
# F "Starting to feel better now?"
F "Tá se sentindo melhor agora?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:294
translate pt_br chapter_10_8ce61eb8:
# "I nod."
"Aceno com a cabeça."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:296
translate pt_br chapter_10_e0040715:
# "My eyes feel heavy as the ointment begins to warm up, drawing away tension from my aching muscles."
"Meus olhos ficam pesados quando a pomada começa a esquentar, tirando a tensão dos meus músculos doloridos."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:298
translate pt_br chapter_10_fcdf3bf8:
# "I can make out a steady thumping on my bed."
"Consigo ouvir um batuque firme na minha cama."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:300
translate pt_br chapter_10_8685912d:
# "My senses fade more until all I’m aware of is Fang’s fingers tracing circles over my sore back and the sound of thumping."
"Meus sentidos vão se enfraquecendo, até que tudo o que consigo perceber são os dedos de Fang traçando círculos nas minhas costas e o som do batuque."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:303
translate pt_br chapter_10_e6e25318:
# "I wonder what that is."
"Queria saber o que é isso."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:306
translate pt_br chapter_10_22068f55:
# "Fang’s hands slow to a stop and eventually pull away, leaving me disappointed."
"As mãos de Fang lentamente param e eventualmente se afastam, me deixando desapontado."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:309
translate pt_br chapter_10_98e72942:
# "The bed shifts."
"A cama se move."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:312
translate pt_br chapter_10_8b5dcbe5:
# F "Anon."
F "Anon."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:314
translate pt_br chapter_10_d68a1ee9:
# "There’s something in her voice, but I can’t discern it."
"Tem algo na voz dela, mas não sei dizer o quê."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:317
translate pt_br chapter_10_2c23493f:
# A "Hm?"
A "Hm?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:320
translate pt_br chapter_10_748ac476:
# F "I need to do the front."
F "Preciso passar na frente."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:323
translate pt_br chapter_10_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:331
translate pt_br chapter_10_3f152cff:
# "Okay then."
"Ok então."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:334
translate pt_br chapter_10_e151a9cd:
# "I roll over onto my back."
"Me viro de barriga para cima."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:342
translate pt_br chapter_10_df01031c:
# "And find myself face to beak with her."
"E percebo que estou cara-a-bico com ela."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:345
translate pt_br chapter_10_37fefd03:
# "Dangerously close."
"Perigosamente próximos."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:348
translate pt_br chapter_10_33cecfbb:
# "I can feel her breath on my lips and I blush."
"Consigo sentir a respiração dela nos meus lábios e fico vermelho."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:350
translate pt_br chapter_10_a3302084:
# "It never even occurred to me that I could apply the ointment on myself."
"Eu nem cheguei a pensar que podia simplesmente passar a pomada sozinho."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:353
translate pt_br chapter_10_c36232f1:
# "I want to look aside."
"Quero olhar para o outro lado."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:355
translate pt_br chapter_10_cff8054f:
# "Turn my face away to hide the growing blush."
"Virar a cara pra esconder o meu rosto vermelho."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:358
translate pt_br chapter_10_083beb34:
# "But I can’t."
"Mas não consigo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:360
translate pt_br chapter_10_4ab4a5c6:
# "I’m entranced looking into Fang’s warm amber eyes."
"Estou fascinado olhando para os olhos quentes e cor de âmbar da Fang."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:363
translate pt_br chapter_10_338ad754:
# "Millions of words flash through my head as I try to find something to say."
"Milhões de palavras passam pela minha cabeça enquanto tento encontrar algo para dizer."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:365
translate pt_br chapter_10_3757c5be:
# "Fang is looking right back."
"Fang está olhando de volta para mim."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:367
translate pt_br chapter_10_e12ecde1:
# "Eyes that seemed to glow with what little sunlight filling the room stared into mine."
"Olhos que parecem brilhar com o pouco de luz do Sol que ilumina o quarto, estão olhando diretamente para os meus."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:370
translate pt_br chapter_10_7917e98b:
# "I wonder{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Eu imagino se{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:372
translate pt_br chapter_10_c74a04ac:
# "I hope{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Eu espero que{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:378
translate pt_br chapter_10_8f52dce0:
# "Do you like me, Fang?"
"Você gosta de mim, Fang?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:381
translate pt_br chapter_10_17131f5b:
# F "A-Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "A-Anon{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:384
translate pt_br chapter_10_41fe9e4e:
# "I’m pulled out of my thoughts by her voice."
"A voz dela me tira dos meus pensamentos."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:387
translate pt_br chapter_10_753751a3:
# "Fang’s blushing heavily too, now."
"Fang também está muito vermelha agora."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:389
translate pt_br chapter_10_85377e2b:
# "And her tail is positively hammering away at my bed."
"E a cauda dela com certeza está batendo com força na minha cama."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:392
translate pt_br chapter_10_71846403:
# "Wait."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:395
translate pt_br chapter_10_f929fa51:
# "{cps=*.3}Oh fuck.{/cps}"
"{cps=*.3}Puta merda.{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:397
translate pt_br chapter_10_c035d474:
# "Did I?"
"Será que eu{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:400
translate pt_br chapter_10_5186e326:
# A "I- um{cps=*.1}...{/cps} w-was that{cps=*.1}...{/cps} did I say-"
A "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} eu falei isso-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:403
translate pt_br chapter_10_798b31c4:
# F "Y-yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "A-aham."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:405
translate pt_br chapter_10_fabe2da1:
# A "{cps=*.3}Fffffffffff-{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.3}Mmmmmmmm-{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:411
translate pt_br chapter_10_5d7edcb2:
# "My head sinks back into my pillow."
"Minha cabeça se afunda novamente no travesseiro."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:413
translate pt_br chapter_10_de50291a:
# A "{cps=*.3}-ffffffffff{/cps}{i}fuck{/i}."
A "{cps=*.3}-mmmmm{/cps}{i}merda{/i}."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:416
translate pt_br chapter_10_620ea31f:
# "A snort escapes from Fang’s beak."
"Uma risada escapa do bico de Fang."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:426
translate pt_br chapter_10_3d19d680:
# F "You’re such a fucking dweeb{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Você é mesmo um mané do caralho{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:429
translate pt_br chapter_10_5adb831e:
# "Her fingers brush lightly across the largest bruise on my chest, without ointment."
"Seus dedos deslizam suavemente pelo maior hematoma no meu peito, sem a pomada."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:434
translate pt_br chapter_10_cd5c566c:
# F "You mutter from time to time. I didn’t start noticing til our{cps=*.1}...{/cps} d-date{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Sabe, você fala sozinho de vez em quando. Eu não tinha reparado até o dia do nosso{cps=*.1}...{/cps} e-encontro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:437
translate pt_br chapter_10_07725c11:
# "I groan aloud."
"Solto um grunhido alto."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:439
translate pt_br chapter_10_7bb85a56:
# "So the entire time{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Então esse tempo todo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:441
translate pt_br chapter_10_0410a56b:
# F "Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} It’s uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} kinda cute{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} meio que{cps=*.1}...{/cps} fofinho{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:444
translate pt_br chapter_10_a57cac18:
# A "Raptor Jesus on his cross of rock. So for months now-"
A "Jesus Raptor na cruz de pedra, então já faz meses que-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:446
translate pt_br chapter_10_2f6bd375:
# F "I’ve known. And{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Que eu já sabia. E{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:453
translate pt_br chapter_10_24d7cc1f:
# "Fang leans over me with her hand braced next to my head in support."
"Fang se inclina sobre mim com sua mão perto da minha cabeça para dar apoio."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:456
translate pt_br chapter_10_7e5b530d:
# F "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps} like you too{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
F "Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps} também gosto de você{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:459
translate pt_br chapter_10_f21444b8:
# "Fang’s hand moves back to my chest, resting just over my machine-gun beating heart."
"A mão de Fang se move novamente para o meu peito ficando em cima do meu coração, batendo tão rápido quanto uma metralhadora."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:462
translate pt_br chapter_10_69ab1108:
# "Her head slowly descends toward mine."
"Sua cabeça lentamente se abaixa em direção à minha."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:464
translate pt_br chapter_10_64faa66b:
# "And before we can start trying to figure out how Human-Dino tonsil hockey is played."
"E antes que possamos começar a descobrir como rola esse negócio de beijo Humano-Dino."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:466
translate pt_br chapter_10_f5e13bb1:
# "Fang’s weight begins to press down behind her hand."
"O peso da Fang começa a fazer pressão no local da mão."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:469
translate pt_br chapter_10_def67fe6:
# "Which is dead center of the most serious bruise on my chest."
"Que tá exatamente em cima do meu hematoma mais sério no peito."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:475
translate pt_br chapter_10_950cff99:
# A "FUCK!" with vpunch
A "AH, PORRA!" with vpunch
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:477
translate pt_br chapter_10_18853c65:
# F "Oh shit sorrysorrysorry-"
F "Ai merda, desculpadesculpadesculpa-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:483
translate pt_br chapter_10_e10b64de:
# A "{cps=*.15}Haaaah.{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.15}Haaaah.{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:485
translate pt_br chapter_10_94f87304:
# "I manage to catch my breath."
"Consigo recuperar o fôlego."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:488
translate pt_br chapter_10_a37a10ec:
# A "I’m okay. Just ow{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Tô bem. Mas{cps=*.1}...{/cps} ai{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:491
translate pt_br chapter_10_a2f2c2fb:
# "My hand wraps around Fang’s."
"Minhas mãos se entrelaçam com as de Fang."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:493
translate pt_br chapter_10_3e4c9af6:
# A "M-maybe uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} something else?"
A "T-talvez uma{cps=*.1}...{/cps} coisa diferente?"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:495
translate pt_br chapter_10_3bca1d52:
# A "That won’t stress these."
A "Que não vá apertar aqui."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:497
translate pt_br chapter_10_64df486c:
# "I nod at the blemishes across my chest."
"Aceno com a cabeça para os machucados no meu peito."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:500
translate pt_br chapter_10_7d6dc22d:
# F "Er{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.25}liiiiike{/cps}{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
F "Ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.25}tiiiipo{/cps}{cps=*.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:503
translate pt_br chapter_10_97151cd8:
# A "{cps=*.2}Liiike{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} hug? Maybe? I don-"
A "{cps=*.2}Tiiiipo{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps} um abraço? Talvez? Eu nã-"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:509
translate pt_br chapter_10_1f0629e5:
# "I’m cut off by Fang moving closer to me again."
"Sou interrompido pela Fang se aproximando de mim novamente."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:511
translate pt_br chapter_10_a38744a4:
# "Her arm shifts, moving from my chest to my shoulder."
"O braço dela troca de posição, indo do meu peito para o ombro."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:514
translate pt_br chapter_10_a50862e7:
# "Her wing drapes over both of us, becoming a soft and warm blanket of feathers."
"A asa dela cobre nós dois, virando um cobertor de penas macio e quente."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:516
translate pt_br chapter_10_60dc3f8e:
# "And her head lands next to mine, sinking into our now shared pillow until I’m eye to eye with her."
"Ela deita a cabeça perto da minha, se afundando no nosso agora travesseiro compartilhado, até que eu fique cara a focinho com ela."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:519
translate pt_br chapter_10_670f7540:
# F "Cuddling it is."
F "Ficamos abraçados então."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:521
translate pt_br chapter_10_2e01bcfc:
# "I smile and nod."
"Eu sorrio e aceno com a cabeça."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:524
translate pt_br chapter_10_ffca6583:
# "Even if Fang is now laying atop my arm and I’m starting to lose feeling in it."
"Mesmo que Fang esteja em cima do meu braço agora, deixando ele dormente."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:526
translate pt_br chapter_10_e427f6d4:
# "The feel of her warm body pressed against my side is definitely worth it."
"A sensação do corpo quente dela pressionado ao meu lado definitivamente vale à pena."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:529
translate pt_br chapter_10_db99cbf9:
# "And between that warmth and the plush wing-blanket, my eyes grow heavy again."
"E entre esse calor e o cobertor de penas, meus olhos ficam pesados novamente."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:532
translate pt_br chapter_10_f944aa09:
# "Fang’s already started to snore, right into my ear."
"Fang já começou a roncar baixinho, bem no meu ouvido."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:535
translate pt_br chapter_10_029ec7f7:
# "Fuck it. I close my eyes and decide that sleeping with Fang is easily the best thing to happen to me."
"Foda-se. Fecho meus olhos e decido que dormir com a Fang é com certeza a melhor coisa que já aconteceu comigo."
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:538
translate pt_br chapter_10_5a015d00:
# "Ah, there{cps=*.1}...{/cps} we{cps=*.1}...{/cps} go{size=-5}o{/size}{size=-10}o{/size}{cps=*.1}{size=-10}...{/size}{/cps}"
"Ah, e lá{cps=*.1}...{/cps} vamos{cps=*.1}...{/cps} n{size=-5}ó{/size}{size=-10}s{/size}{cps=*.1}{size=-10}...{/size}{/cps}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:546
translate pt_br chapter_10_75e32a77:
# "Z{size=-5}z{/size}{size=-10}z{/size}"
# game/script/10.an-excellent-reason-to-start-abusing-mod-powers.rpy:548
translate pt_br chapter_10_f1638dc1_1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"