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# TODO: Translation updated at 2024-04-25 18:24
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:8
translate pt_br chapter_1_721d4187:
# "January sixth."
"6 de Janeiro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:10
translate pt_br chapter_1_469b552b:
# "Year 201M2020 BC."
"Ano 201M2020 AC."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:12
translate pt_br chapter_1_85fed111:
# "Volcaldera Bluffs."
"Volcaldera Bluffs."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:14
translate pt_br chapter_1_fb0df619:
# "Weather conditions; cold as balls."
"O clima de hoje: Tão frio que o saco chega a encolher."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:17
translate pt_br chapter_1_faba27b5:
# "It’s my first time living close to water."
"É minha primeira vez morando tão perto do mar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:19
translate pt_br chapter_1_51ab5b42:
# "The idea of ‘marine layer’ is new to me, but I do understand morning mist."
"Essa ideia de ‘camada marinha’ é novidade pra mim, mas conheço bem a névoa da manhã."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:21
translate pt_br chapter_1_f21f3a09:
# "This was like it, except infinitely more shitty."
"Era bem assim mesmo, só que mil vezes pior, uma merda."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:24
translate pt_br chapter_1_f7e38541:
# "The heavy fog makes navigating to my new school more difficult as I fail to see anything five feet in front of me."
"A neblina é tão densa que dificulta encontrar o caminho para a nova escola. Não consigo ver nada além de um metro na minha frente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:26
translate pt_br chapter_1_a9c5203d:
# "Like a runt of a tree planted in the sidewalk that I swerve to avoid."
"Prova disso é esse toco de árvore no meio da calçada, que precisei desviar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:29
translate pt_br chapter_1_b0ef5ebc:
# "It’s my first time having to walk to school too."
"Também é a primeira vez que preciso andar até a minha escola."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:31
translate pt_br chapter_1_d5555773:
# "My new apartment is in an awkward spot. Opposite side of town, yet no school or public bus to take me from there."
"Meu apartamento fica no cu do mundo. Lado oposto da cidade, mas ainda assim, não há transporte nenhum pra me levar, nem público, nem escolar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:33
translate pt_br chapter_1_40dd9d87:
# "It’s my first day at a new school."
"É meu primeiro dia no colégio novo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:35
translate pt_br chapter_1_7d8cec11:
# "The second half of the first semester of senior year."
"Segundo bimestre do terceirão, final do ensino médio."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:37
translate pt_br chapter_1_3fd4dc11:
# "I had six months left at my old school."
"Ainda faltavam seis meses na minha antiga escola."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:39
translate pt_br chapter_1_1d1df7c1:
# "I can’t even imagine the kind of hell those six months would have been."
"Nem consigo imaginar o inferno que teria sido."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:41
translate pt_br chapter_1_873c7ea0:
# "But this{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}"
"Mas isso{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:43
translate pt_br chapter_1_a7f1d9e6:
# "I should take my mind off of it."
"É algo que eu deveria tirar da cabeça."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:46
translate pt_br chapter_1_12a8a9a6:
# "I whip out my phone, and consider the best way to make people upset online."
"Tiro meu celular do bolso, e penso no melhor jeito de irritar as pessoas online."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:58
translate pt_br chapter_1_e9db9787:
# "The thread goes 404 right as I'm ready to post my well thought-out reply."
"A thread cai assim que eu me preparo pra postar minha resposta muito bem-elaborada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:60
translate pt_br chapter_1_5581b458:
# "Better hide my phone before someone sees fit to take it from me, the only human around town. I think."
"Melhor esconder o celular antes que algum vagabundo tome de mim, o único humano na cidade. Eu acho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:68
translate pt_br chapter_1_d9d93727:
# "It’s the sounds that reach me first.{w=.4} The chatter of people milling about."
"São os sons que chegam em mim primeiro.{w=.4} A conversa fiada de gente matando tempo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:71
translate pt_br chapter_1_b88e3b5b:
# unknown "Bro."
unknown "Mano{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:73
translate pt_br chapter_1_2567acb5:
# unknown "It’s been too long!"
unknown "Faz tanto tempo!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:75
translate pt_br chapter_1_17e84c5e:
# unknown "It was only three weeks *giggle*"
unknown "Foram só três semanas *risadinhas*"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:78
translate pt_br chapter_1_2df16778:
# "I can make out the building now."
"Já consigo ver o prédio agora."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:80
translate pt_br chapter_1_d88bf746:
# "The fog shrouding gives the school an ominous vibe to it."
"A névoa encobrindo a escola dá um clima sinistro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:82
translate pt_br chapter_1_2c10c191:
# "I look at the name written on the arch over the entrance."
"Eu dou uma olhada no nome escrito no arco sobre a entrada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:85
translate pt_br chapter_1_910136bc:
# "{cps=*0.2}{b}{size=+10}{i}Volcano High{/i}{/size}{/b}{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}{b}{size=+10}{i}Volcano High{/i}{/size}{/b}{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:97
translate pt_br chapter_1_17a1fd49:
# A "Perfect setting for a horror game. Or maybe a shitty WAD."
A "O cenário perfeito para um jogo de terror. Ou talvez um atentado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:100
translate pt_br chapter_1_ac54fa65:
# "The attempt at humouring myself just made me feel more alone."
"A tentativa de me alegrar só fez com que me sentisse ainda mais solitário."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:108
translate pt_br chapter_1_8a73dff0:
# "A check of my phone says I’m 30 minutes early."
"Uma conferida rápida no celular me diz que estou cerca de meia-hora adiantado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:110
translate pt_br chapter_1_c819fb6b:
# "Wonderful."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:119
translate pt_br chapter_1_c87e60d5:
# "I move to the entrance, only to see all of the steps occupied by students."
"Ando até a entrada, apenas para ver todos os degraus ocupados por estudantes."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:128
translate pt_br chapter_1_b4cbba1b:
# "Their eyes turn to me.{w=0.4} Expressions of confusion and contemplation."
"Os olhos deles se viraram para mim.{w=0.4} Expressões de confusão e contemplação."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:130
translate pt_br chapter_1_f10cc3d9:
# "I can feel their judging stares, the same that had haunted me for four months previous."
"Eu consigo sentir esses olhares me julgando, os mesmos que me assombraram pelos quatro últimos meses."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:133
translate pt_br chapter_1_7e3ccf2e:
# "I can already picture what they’re thinking."
"Já consigo até imaginar o que eles estão pensando."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:135
translate pt_br chapter_1_6a98e0dd:
# "{i}\"Dude, check it out!\"{/i}"
"{i}\"Mano, Olha aquilo ali!\"{/i}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:137
translate pt_br chapter_1_7550897a:
# "{i}\"Is that a skinnie?\"{/i}"
"{i}\"Aquilo é um pelanca?\"{/i}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:139
translate pt_br chapter_1_caa565bb:
# "{i}\"Where’s his spear?{w=0.4} Aren’t they all like, spear chuckers or something?\"{/i}"
"{i}\"Cadê a lança dele?{w=0.4} Eles não são todos, sabe, primitivos ou algo assim?\"{/i}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:141
translate pt_br chapter_1_a073d7b7:
# "{i}\"Bet he eats his own kind.\"{/i}"
"{i}\"Aposto que ele é canibal.\"{/i}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:144
translate pt_br chapter_1_2c969baa:
# "They probably see me as some kind of circus attraction and nothing more."
"Eles provavelmente me vêem como um tipo de atração de circo e nada mais."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:146
translate pt_br chapter_1_48ed7c65:
# "Ha, I’m the freakshow among this cereal box mascot crowd."
"Há!! Eu sou a aberração no meio dessa multidão de mascotes de cereal."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:148
translate pt_br chapter_1_c55fea5a:
# "Taking acid is not nearly as colorful as going to Volcano High, I should write that down."
"Uma viagem de LSD tem menos cores que o povo dessa escola{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Eu devia anotar isso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:151
translate pt_br chapter_1_95fcf390:
# "As I write \"{i}write that down{/i}\" on my phone’s note app, I noticed the surrounding students stopped looking at me, which is good."
"Enquanto eu escrevo \"{i}anotar isso{/i}\" no meu app de notas, reparei que os alunos ao meu redor pararam de me olhar, o que é bom."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:153
translate pt_br chapter_1_06e5f4ba:
# "I can peep around the friend circles without a problem now."
"Posso xeretar as panelinhas sem problema agora."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:155
translate pt_br chapter_1_d3abf380:
# "Not like I'll ever be a part of one anyway."
"Não é como se eu fosse fazer parte de alguma mesmo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:170
translate pt_br chapter_1_84a584c0:
# "?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:183
translate pt_br chapter_1_297e964b:
# "Talk about wanting to stand out, I never thought it was possible to look like you were from a black and white twenties cartoon."
"Falando sobre querer chamar atenção, nunca achei que seria possível parecer que você veio direto de um desenho animado em preto-e-branco dos anos 20."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:186
translate pt_br chapter_1_1770ba3b:
# "She does differ from the other technicolor students though{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"Ela com certeza é diferente dos outros alunos RGB pelo menos{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:189
translate pt_br chapter_1_49917820:
# "...in the worst way possible."
"{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} do pior jeito possível."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:196
translate pt_br chapter_1_60e2a362:
# "O-oh yeah.{w=0.4} She's staring at me{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"É isso.{w=0.4} Ela tá me encarando{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:198
translate pt_br chapter_1_599c4881:
# "...with that look."
"{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} com {i}aquele{/i} olhar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:200
translate pt_br chapter_1_e50329a0:
# "{cps=*0.4}Fucking hell.{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.4}Mas que merda.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:203
translate pt_br chapter_1_d0160bdb:
# "Has she never seen a human in her life?"
"Por acaso ela nunca viu um humano na vida?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:206
translate pt_br chapter_1_1b18e2c6:
# "{cps=*0.4}I fucking hate that look.{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.4}Eu odeio a porra daquele olhar.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:209
translate pt_br chapter_1_f7b8cf08:
# "Contempt."
"Me desprezando."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:211
translate pt_br chapter_1_cdb596c4:
# "Judging."
"Me julgando."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:213
translate pt_br chapter_1_c30b5374:
# "Everyone that has looked at me like that never proved to be anything more than an asshole."
"Todo mundo que me olhou dessa maneira nunca provou ser nada mais do que um imbecil."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:216
translate pt_br chapter_1_b6bf5d89:
# "Like I'M the anomaly here. She's just as dumb and insufferable as the rest of them."
"Como se EU fosse a anomalia aqui. Ela é tão idiota e insuportável quanto o resto deles."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:218
translate pt_br chapter_1_1d6c3c9a:
# "She’s probably no better than me, miss \"my snout is so big I can land a plane on it\"."
"Ela provavelmente não é melhor do que eu, senhorita \"minha fuça é tão grande que eu posso pousar um avião nela\"."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:220
translate pt_br chapter_1_14b3f71b:
# "Go back to your friends."
"Fica com a sua laia."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:231
translate pt_br chapter_1_a439b59a:
# "Huh."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:233
translate pt_br chapter_1_1b66350f:
# "She did."
"Não é que ela foi mesmo?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:236
translate pt_br chapter_1_2725013b:
# "I feel like I should say something."
"Acho que eu deveria dizer alguma coisa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:240
translate pt_br chapter_1_f46581f9:
# "I notice that all this time my knees were weak and my arms were heavy."
"{i}Às vezes acho que não vai dar pé, eu queria fugir{/i}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:243
translate pt_br chapter_1_5b0490b5:
# "My feet carry me over the soggy grass as I look for somewhere else to be."
"Meus pés me carregam sobre a grama ensopada enquanto procuro algum outro lugar para ficar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:245
translate pt_br chapter_1_a93bd557:
# "On the side of the building is where I find sanctuary."
"Ao lado do prédio é onde encontro meu santuário."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:263
translate pt_br chapter_1_2520286c:
# "It’s a small alcove of sorts."
"É tipo uma pequena alcova."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:265
translate pt_br chapter_1_248b7672:
# "The pavement is cracked to bits and the shrubs surrounding it are overgrown."
"A calçada está trincada, grama crescendo entre as rachaduras."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:267
translate pt_br chapter_1_a74eebe1:
# "Even the bench, cracked paint on rotted wood held between two concrete legs, matched the ‘abandoned’ vibe of the place."
"Até o banco, com tinta desgastada, madeira podre e suportado por duas pernas de concreto, completa o clima ‘abandonado’ desse lugar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:270
translate pt_br chapter_1_89c08daa:
# "It was perfect."
"Era perfeito para mim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:280
translate pt_br chapter_1_ac35edd8:
# "I flop down on the wet bench and the violent crack from it makes my heart drop."
"Eu me jogo no banco molhado e um ‘creck’ violento faz meu coração parar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:283
translate pt_br chapter_1_c2ca2ec7:
# "Almost perfect but good enough."
"Quase perfeito, mas bom o suficiente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:286
translate pt_br chapter_1_f36a33bd:
# "I feel a tightness in my chest and my lungs fight to draw air in."
"Eu sinto um aperto no peito, e meus pulmões se esforçam para puxar ar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:291
translate pt_br chapter_1_0808b0bf:
# "Head in my hands I can fully understand what I’ve done now."
"Com a cabeça entre as mãos, começo a perceber agora a cagada que eu fiz."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:293
translate pt_br chapter_1_fcbaf4fb:
# "Six months in a new school."
"Seis meses em uma nova escola."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:295
translate pt_br chapter_1_a9b6dce0:
# "A year on my own in some rundown apartment in a town I know nothing about."
"Um ano sozinho num apartamento fodido em uma cidade que eu não conheço nada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:297
translate pt_br chapter_1_ea73072e:
# "All on my own."
"Totalmente sozinho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:300
translate pt_br chapter_1_c9e178c2:
# "Three weeks."
"Três semanas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:302
translate pt_br chapter_1_5730d968:
# "It took a day for me to want to change schools, three weeks to make it happen, and now this is my life for the next year. "
"Levou um dia para eu querer trocar de escola, e três semanas para que isso acontecesse. E essa é minha vida agora, até o ano que vem."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:305
translate pt_br chapter_1_d058512d:
# "I think back to my old man’s ultimatum."
"Fico pensando no ultimato que meu velho me deu."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:307
translate pt_br chapter_1_2154dbf1:
# "{i}Once the lease is done, Anon, either college or the service.{/i}"
"{i}Anon, terminando o contrato de aluguel, você tem duas opções: faculdade ou exército.{/i}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:309
translate pt_br chapter_1_62618ca4:
# "{i}{cps=*0.35}I don’t care which.{/cps}{/i}"
"{i}{cps=*0.35}Pouco me importa qual.{/cps}{/i}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:324
translate pt_br chapter_1_0be7640f:
# unknown "{cps=*0.5}Would you happen to be Anon?{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*0.5}Com licença, você é o Anon?{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:327
translate pt_br chapter_1_6402fd69:
# "I look up."
"Eu olho para cima."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:329
translate pt_br chapter_1_a31a12af:
# "The bench broke down."
"O banco quebra."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:349
translate pt_br chapter_1_b0f6f9d5:
# "I lay on the ground, ass hurt from hitting jagged concrete and splintered wood."
"Fico no chão, com a bunda doendo por ter batido no concreto chanfrado e madeira estilhaçada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:351
translate pt_br chapter_1_3c656109:
# "Thank god for jeans."
"Graças a Deus por inventarem o jeans."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:364
translate pt_br chapter_1_3be2f9ed:
# unknown "Oh my goodness! Are you okay?"
unknown "Minha nossa! Você tá bem?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:367
translate pt_br chapter_1_129c2868:
# "I groan."
"Eu resmungo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:369
translate pt_br chapter_1_60d064fb:
# A "{cps=*0.35}Never better...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.35}Sussa...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:371
translate pt_br chapter_1_1804798f:
# "I instinctively apply my ‘chill guy’ facade in the presence of strangers to hide how uneasy I am today."
"Eu instintivamente coloco uma fachada de ‘cara de boa’ na presença de estranhos para esconder o quão angustiado estou hoje."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:373
translate pt_br chapter_1_b219f646:
# "A hand is held over my face.{w=0.5} In my pain addled confusion, I shake it."
"Uma mão está estendida na frente do meu rosto.{w=0.5} Na minha confusão causada pela dor, eu a aperto."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:376
translate pt_br chapter_1_b3e103a4:
# unknown "Naser!"
unknown "Naser!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:378
translate pt_br chapter_1_39a6d706:
# Nas "Right, right."
Nas "Opa, foi mal."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:390
translate pt_br chapter_1_5c4795b8:
# "The hand tightens around my own and pulls roughly."
"A mão dele segurou firme na minha e me puxou de uma vez."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:402
translate pt_br chapter_1_49e5d07f:
# "The force is enough for my feet to get under me, stumbling back up to stand before the pair of strangers."
"A força é suficiente para me erguer do chão. Cambaleio, tentando me manter em pé na frente do par de estranhos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:404
translate pt_br chapter_1_c5c5d024:
# "It also felt like enough force to pull my arm out of its socket."
"E também pareceu ser o suficiente para deslocar meu ombro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:409
translate pt_br chapter_1_771142b2:
# A "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} 'Sup?"
A "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} E aí?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:411
translate pt_br chapter_1_fbdfd63f:
# Nas "You're Anon, yeah?"
Nas "Você é o Anon, né?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:414
translate pt_br chapter_1_d9856389:
# unknown "I'm glad we found you!"
unknown "Que bom que te achamos!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:418
translate pt_br chapter_1_27fa7d70:
# A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Who are you guys?{w=0.4} Why do you know my name?"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Quem são vocês?{w=0.4} E por que sabem o meu nome?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:422
translate pt_br chapter_1_b616be43:
# unknown "Where are my manners!{w=0.6}{nw}"
unknown "Ah, onde estão meus modos!{w=0.6}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:426
translate pt_br chapter_1_abb93ace:
# N "Where are my manners!{fast} My name is Naomi, student council president and your guide."
N "Ah, onde estão meus modos!{fast} Meu nome é Naomi, sou a presidente do conselho estudantil, e sua guia."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:428
translate pt_br chapter_1_3a6054f1:
# N "It’s my sincere pleasure to make your acquaintance Anon!"
N "É o maior prazer te conhecer pessoalmente, Anon!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:431
translate pt_br chapter_1_31526921:
# Nas "We’re your welcoming committee."
Nas "Somos o seu comitê de boas-vindas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:435
translate pt_br chapter_1_c92353e8:
# A "O{w=0.3}-kay then."
A "{cps=*0.1}Beeee{/cps}-leza então."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:437
translate pt_br chapter_1_0608a562:
# "{cps=*0.5}Is that really necessary?{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.5}Precisa disso tudo mesmo?{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:440
translate pt_br chapter_1_8c056025:
# N "I had this prepared just for you!"
N "Eu preparei isso aqui só pra você!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:451
translate pt_br chapter_1_27086932:
# "The orange one, Naomi, hands me a brochure."
"A laranjinha, Naomi, me entrega um folheto."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:457
translate pt_br chapter_1_850cabfa:
# "{i}\"Volcano High and You:{w=0.4} A New Beginning to Adulthood.\"{/i}"
"{i}\"Volcano High e Você:{w=0.4} Um novo início à vida adulta.\"{/i}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:459
translate pt_br chapter_1_9468ed67:
# "The title alone makes me gag."
"Só o título já me dá ânsia."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:461
translate pt_br chapter_1_bf251447:
# "The orange one, Naomi, looks at me expectantly."
"Ela olha para mim, toda esperançosa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:464
translate pt_br chapter_1_fb75a2c7:
# "The brochure is full of the typical trivialities."
"O folheto está cheio das balelas de sempre."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:466
translate pt_br chapter_1_c2633dd8:
# "College prep, financial assistance, after school programs{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Preparação para faculdade, dicas de estudo, atividades pós-graduação{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:468
translate pt_br chapter_1_a30fcfe5:
# "None of it matters."
"Nada que tenha importância."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:475
translate pt_br chapter_1_a208a3ea:
# Nas "Babe, I’ve got some things to take care of."
Nas "Amor, eu preciso resolver umas coisas agora."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:477
translate pt_br chapter_1_8bc85051:
# "Naser looks back to the school entrance. I follow his eyes and see some people trying to lift a large speaker up the stairs of the school."
"Naser olha para a entrada da escola. Eu sigo seu olhar e vejo algumas pessoas tentando levar uma caixa de som gigante escada acima."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:480
translate pt_br chapter_1_56f4f8ad:
# N "O{w=.1}-oh."
N "A{w=.1}-ah."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:482
translate pt_br chapter_1_2f07c130:
# N "I’ll see you at lunch, right Naser?"
N "Então, te vejo no almoço, Naser?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:485
translate pt_br chapter_1_31c52a21:
# "She looks dejected."
"Ela parece meio desanimada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:489
translate pt_br chapter_1_2fc96c72:
# Nas "*chuckles*{w=0.4} Of course."
Nas "*risos*{w=0.4} É claro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:504
translate pt_br chapter_1_4f11694c:
# "Naser pulls her into a hug and nudges his muzzle against hers."
"Naser puxa ela para um abraço e esfrega o focinho com o dela."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:506
translate pt_br chapter_1_2e380ba2:
# "Is that how dinos kiss?"
"Beijo de dinossauro é assim?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:523
translate pt_br chapter_1_15dddff5:
# "He leaves, running quickly to assist with the heavy sound equipment."
"Ele vai embora, correndo para ajudar com o equipamento de som pesado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:526
translate pt_br chapter_1_5af8024d:
# N "Ahem."
N "Ahem{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:532
translate pt_br chapter_1_4f772110:
# "I turn back to Naomi. She smiles again, though there is a plasticity to it."
"Eu me viro de volta à Naomi. Ela sorri, mas sinto uma certa falsidade."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:535
translate pt_br chapter_1_0cd9f166:
# N "So, Anon, why did you transfer here?"
N "Então, Anon, por que se transferiu pra cá?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:538
translate pt_br chapter_1_37064025:
# "The question catches me off guard."
"A pergunta me pega de surpresa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:542
translate pt_br chapter_1_9ffb9ad4:
# "I freeze like a deer caught in headlights, scrambling to come up with any plausible answer."
"Eu congelo, com o cu na mão, tentando pensar em alguma resposta plausível."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:545
translate pt_br chapter_1_eb40a622:
# "It’s an innocent question, she can’t have known, could she?"
"É só uma pergunta inocente, né? Não tem como ela saber de nada{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {b}NÉ?{/b}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:547
translate pt_br chapter_1_f2eb215c:
# "What did mom and pop put in the transfer request form when they shipped my ass here?"
"O que será que a Mãe e o Pai colocaram na requisição de transferência quando me largaram aqui?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:551
translate pt_br chapter_1_3ddd19bb:
# A "Uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} Então{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:554
translate pt_br chapter_1_59c50f1f:
# N "You uh, don’t have to answer if you don’t want to."
N "Você{cps=*.1}...{/cps} não precisa responder se não quiser."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:557
translate pt_br chapter_1_1b69ce26:
# "I focus my attention on the brochure out of embarrassment."
"Envergonhado, foco minha atenção no folheto."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:561
translate pt_br chapter_1_022a6cae:
# "Lunch! Right! I’m getting kinda hungry!"
"Almoço, porra, claro! Eu tô mesmo ficando com fome!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:563
translate pt_br chapter_1_cc42047e:
# "What about something to eat?"
"O que será que tem aqui para comer?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:565
translate pt_br chapter_1_124ed23f:
# "Yadda yadda, herbivore, vegan, tofu, {cps=*0.6}disgusting{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Foda-se, foda-se, foda-se, herbívoros, vegano, tofu, {cps=*0.6}putz, que nojo{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:568
translate pt_br chapter_1_7e32f54d:
# "Wait, hold on{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"Pera lá{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:570
translate pt_br chapter_1_312bc1f1:
# "Carnivore line, Filet Mignon-{w=.4} what the fuck is wrong with this school?!"
"Menu carnívoro: picanha-{w=.4} mas que porra de escola é essa?!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:573
translate pt_br chapter_1_cf7b8513:
# A "Is there a soup kitchen or something around here?"
A "Tem alguma merenda na cantina ou algum restaurante comunitário por perto?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:577
translate pt_br chapter_1_5c18df95:
# N "Oh dear{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=0.7}{nw}"
N "Ai nossa{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=0.7}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:579
translate pt_br chapter_1_279f8205:
# N "Oh dear...{fast} Anon, are you in need of financial assistance?"
N "Ai nossa...{fast} Anon, por acaso precisa de auxílio financeiro?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:582
translate pt_br chapter_1_02130b64:
# A "I can figure things out on my own, don’t worry too much about it."
A "Nah, eu dou meus pulos, pode ficar tranquila."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:587
translate pt_br chapter_1_bc766f4f:
# N "Oh, the school here has programs to help it’s less fortunate students!"
N "Ah, nossa escola fornece auxílio para alunos com dificuldades financeiras!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:591
translate pt_br chapter_1_4ba2ed0f:
# N "The principal here is great, come on, I’ll take you to him!"
N "O diretor aqui é excelente! Vem comigo, eu te levo até ele!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:595
translate pt_br chapter_1_b709eb92:
# "The absolute last thing I want to be doing is asking for handouts{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Eu juro que a última coisa que eu quero é pedir esmola{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:597
translate pt_br chapter_1_1fae028b:
# A "{cps=*0.35}Actually,{w=.4} I-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}"
A "{cps=*0.35}Na real{w=.4} eu-{/cps}{w=0.3}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:610
translate pt_br chapter_1_71ef7c12:
# "Naomi grabs my hand and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Naomi me segura pela mão e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:614
translate pt_br chapter_1_c3739b85:
# "{cps=*.05}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:626
translate pt_br chapter_1_78048af8:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:629
translate pt_br chapter_1_851a1cbe:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:632
translate pt_br chapter_1_851a1cbe_1:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:635
translate pt_br chapter_1_6ad49046:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:637
translate pt_br chapter_1_ef0a6907:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:639
translate pt_br chapter_1_1b097de1:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:642
translate pt_br chapter_1_1b097de1_1:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:645
translate pt_br chapter_1_fe45e0a2:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:648
translate pt_br chapter_1_1ab92254:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:650
translate pt_br chapter_1_8fa3f982:
# "SHE’S TAKING ME SOMEWHERE BY THE HAND{w=0.15} {size=-5}HAND{/size}{w=0.15} {size=-10}HAND{/size}{w=0.15} {size=-15}HAND{/size}"
"ELA ESTÁ ME LEVANDO PARA ALGUM LUGAR DE M{w=0.15}{size=-5}M{/size}{w=0.15}{size=-8}M{/size}{w=0.15}{size=-10}M{/size}{w=0.15}{size=-13}M{/size}{w=0.15}{size=-15}ÃOS DADAS{/size}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:653
translate pt_br chapter_1_51f126b6:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:656
translate pt_br chapter_1_24a25c08:
# "WAIT"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:660
translate pt_br chapter_1_37823eb7:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:663
translate pt_br chapter_1_24272216:
# "I AM SAFE."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:670
translate pt_br chapter_1_469e414e:
# "Okay, okay. Just stay silent and don’t make a mess of things."
"Ok beleza. É só ficar de bico fechado e não fazer merda."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:687
translate pt_br chapter_1_7c6d4764:
# "{cps=*0.1}......{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:689
translate pt_br chapter_1_9d0fec52:
# "It’s so soft, and smooth, and surprisingly warm for scales."
"As escamas são tão macias e sedosas, surpreendentemente quentes também."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:692
translate pt_br chapter_1_c1877b29:
# "How lewd."
"Que obsceno."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:694
translate pt_br chapter_1_2099d1d5:
# "Day one and I’ve already fallen to such depraved lows as handholding."
"Primeiro dia e já me rendi às piores depravações, como andar de mãos dadas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:707
translate pt_br chapter_1_03f4d699:
# N "Here we are Anon. Principal Spears should be able to help with your money situation."
N "Aqui estamos Anon. O diretor Spears pode ajudar você em relação à sua situação financeira."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:710
translate pt_br chapter_1_71e39bde:
# "Huwhat."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:712
translate pt_br chapter_1_c13a640e:
# "Oh. Right."
"Ah,{w=0.3} é mesmo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:716
translate pt_br chapter_1_4d09988d:
# "Naomi knocks on the door."
"Naomi bate na porta."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:719
translate pt_br chapter_1_4ab37fa7:
# unknown "State your business!"
unknown "Diga o que quer!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:723
translate pt_br chapter_1_1b7d2bb9:
# N "The new student needs financial help, Principal Spears."
N "O aluno novo precisa de auxílio financeiro, Diretor Spears."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:728
translate pt_br chapter_1_adfe6f99:
# Sp "Lend him a five!"
Sp "Dá uma nota de 5 pra ele!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:730
translate pt_br chapter_1_c9c6117f:
# N "I think he means the loan program, sir."
N "Acredito que ele está falando do programa de empréstimo, senhor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:732
translate pt_br chapter_1_b943d34d:
# Sp "Tell him to come in later, I’m dealing with another student."
Sp "Diga a ele para vir mais tarde, agora estou lidando com outro aluno."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:736
translate pt_br chapter_1_1f9f56e2:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:740
translate pt_br chapter_1_c3f49d99:
# N "Tsk."
N "Tsc."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:745
translate pt_br chapter_1_7d8e9279:
# "The orange parasaurolophus’ expression quickly changes from{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} whatever that was to that same smile she’s had up until now."
"A expressão na fuça dessa parassaurolofo laranja mudou bem rápido de{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=.2} seja lá o que raios foi aquilo, para o mesmo sorriso de antes."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:750
translate pt_br chapter_1_bf193cce:
# N "Well Anon, why don’t I show you to class? Home room should be starting soon."
N "Que tal eu te mostrar a sua sala? As primeiras aulas devem começar daqui a pouco."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:754
translate pt_br chapter_1_7a4749a2:
# "Right. Home room. I take out my crumpled schedule from my pocket."
"Certo, aulas. Vejo aqui depois de tirar o papel com meus horários do bolso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:756
translate pt_br chapter_1_f7f6fb1e:
# "Naomi takes the slip from me."
"Naomi toma o papel das minhas mãos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:758
translate pt_br chapter_1_37747083:
# "And blows my eardrums out with a squeal capable of shattering glass."
"E arrebenta meus tímpanos com um gritinho agudo capaz de estourar vidros."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:764
translate pt_br chapter_1_4046c8d3:
# N "We share first period and English together!"
N "Vamos fazer nossa primeira aula e Português juntos!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:766
translate pt_br chapter_1_cc8fddc8:
# N "Come on, I’ll introduce you to the class and you’ll be able to make all sorts of new friends!"
N "Vem, vou te apresentar para o resto da classe e você vai poder fazer todo tipo de novas amizades!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:771
translate pt_br chapter_1_ffa4eff0:
# "{cps=*.2}Yay me.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:825
translate pt_br chapter_1_2646b746:
# "I follow after her to a classroom on the 2nd floor. The seats were being filled with students."
"Sigo ela até uma sala de aula no segundo andar. As carteiras já estão sendo preenchidas com estudantes."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:827
translate pt_br chapter_1_828f6ef9:
# "I take one near the front, knowing I’ll have to introduce myself. I’ll probably be doing that for all my classes."
"Pego uma perto da frente, já sabendo que vou precisar me apresentar. Provavelmente vou ter que fazer isso pra todas as aulas de hoje."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:830
translate pt_br chapter_1_5ae03075:
# "{cps=*0.4}Fuck my life.{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.4}Não fode...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:848
translate pt_br chapter_1_927e213a:
# "The artificial ring of a bell blares from a speaker on the wall. With it everyone waits as the teacher finally enters the room and shuts the door."
"De uma caixa de som na parede toca o sinal genérico. Com isso todos aguardam enquanto o professor finalmente entra na sala e fecha a porta."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:856
translate pt_br chapter_1_ac541a2e:
# Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Ohayo gozaimasu curassu. Tudei yu habu e niu curassu-meito tsu Borukeino Hai{/cps}"
Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Ohayo gozaimasu crasse! Hoji ocê tem nova corega de crasse no Borukeino Hai.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:859
translate pt_br chapter_1_67aaa788:
# "What?"
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{cps=*.4} Quê?{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:861
translate pt_br chapter_1_64bb90bc:
# Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Anon-kun puriizu camu appu zen intorudiusu yooru serfu{/cps}"
Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Anon-kun pufavô vem pla cima, faz intlodução, né.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:864
translate pt_br chapter_1_37d680a4:
# "Naomi coughs and makes a subtle nod up."
"Naomi limpa a garganta e dá uma acenada sutil com a fuça."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:870
translate pt_br chapter_1_42f3e19f:
# "OH!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:873
translate pt_br chapter_1_4979e949:
# "I stand from my seat and face the class."
"Me levanto da minha carteira e encaro a turma."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:875
translate pt_br chapter_1_ebe6aa8c:
# "Once again all eyes on me and the tightness in my chest returns. I inhale deep, willing my erratic heart to slow."
"Mais uma vez, aqueles olhares em mim, e o aperto no peito volta. Respiro fundo, acalmando os batimentos irregulares."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:892
translate pt_br chapter_1_161540de:
# A "Hey{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
A "E aí{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:895
translate pt_br chapter_1_9207fde9:
# "Again those eyes, just like three weeks ago."
"De novo, todos esses olhares, igual a três semanas atrás."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:897
translate pt_br chapter_1_d73012b6:
# A "My name is Anon. I uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
A "Meu nome é Anon. Eu, é{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:899
translate pt_br chapter_1_8053e463:
# "Just like every day for the past four months."
"Igual a todos os dias, pelos últimos quatro meses."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:901
translate pt_br chapter_1_1b2a8f40:
# A "I don’t really have any hobbies."
A "Eu não tenho mesmo nenhum hobbie."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:904
translate pt_br chapter_1_409fba67:
# "I wanted to flee."
"Eu quero vazar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:906
translate pt_br chapter_1_a5f89624:
# "Hide away."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:908
translate pt_br chapter_1_a00640d6:
# "Anything to avoid those judging eyes."
"Tudo pra evitar esses olhares me julgando."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:911
translate pt_br chapter_1_c06e1f25:
# N "{cps=*0.5}What was your old school like?{/cps}"
N "{cps=*0.5}Como era sua antiga escola?{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:921
translate pt_br chapter_1_bf9b6be6:
# "My throat clenches. I think back again to it all."
"Minha garganta fecha completamente. Penso novamente em tudo aquilo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:923
translate pt_br chapter_1_6e5f6344:
# A "Uh{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} I{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}"
A "É{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} Eu{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:925
translate pt_br chapter_1_049b957e:
# "There’s whispers now."
"Começaram os sussurros."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:927
translate pt_br chapter_1_9f5f7131:
# "The hushed tones, silenced snickers, blending with the everpresent stares."
"Os tons afobados, risadinhas baixas, se misturando com os já presentes olhos me encarando."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:929
translate pt_br chapter_1_e59ae129:
# "My heart hammers at my chest and I am sure that they all can hear it. See the cold chill racing over me."
"Meu coração esmurra meu peito, sinto um calafrio gelado percorrendo meu corpo, tenho certeza de que todos estão vendo minha crise."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:933
translate pt_br chapter_1_d280ac58:
# Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Anon-kun, yuu du natto habu tsu ansaa zattu{/cps}"
Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Anon-kun, num plecisa lespondê.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:946
translate pt_br chapter_1_4b077f6b:
# "His words snap me out of my trance."
"Suas palavras me tiram do meu transe."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:948
translate pt_br chapter_1_32c4553f:
# "Only Naomi was looking at me. The rest were preoccupied."
"Apenas Naomi olhava pra mim. O restante estava ocupado com outras coisas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:950
translate pt_br chapter_1_3dd34bf6:
# "Either talking about their winter break. Or catching up on sleep."
"Seja falando sobre as férias ou tentando puxar um ronco."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:953
translate pt_br chapter_1_44659828:
# "They’ve all been ignoring me the entire time."
"Eles estavam todos me ignorando o tempo inteiro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:958
translate pt_br chapter_1_804873a0:
# Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Puriizu retaano tsu yo shiito, Anon-kun.{/cps}"
Tsuki "{cps=*0.6}Pufavô voltá sua cadêra, Anon-Kun.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:960
translate pt_br chapter_1_b5d4abf9:
# Tsuki "{i}Hai{/i}, nao curassu-"
Tsuki "{i}Hai{/i}! Agola crasse-"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:963
translate pt_br chapter_1_ded7df67:
# "{cps=*0.75}That was nothing like my Japanese animes.{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.75}Isso não foi {b}NADA{/b} parecido com meus animes.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:970
translate pt_br chapter_1_b32e2dd2:
# "Mr. Tsuki continued on, drawing what little attention there was to himself."
"O Sr. Tsuki continuou sua aula, puxando a pouca atenção que tinha para si."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:972
translate pt_br chapter_1_2128295c:
# "I sat down, finally feeling the blood that had caught in my legs rush up, leaving me lightheaded."
"Me sentei, finalmente sentindo que meu sangue voltou a percorrer o restante do corpo, me deixando aéreo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:977
translate pt_br chapter_1_e5721baa:
# "And I probably have to do this for each class today?"
"E provavelmente vou ter que fazer isso{cps=*.1}...{/cps} pra TODAS as aulas de hoje?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:980
translate pt_br chapter_1_62693e7c:
# "{cps=*0.6}Double fuck my life.{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.6}Puta que me pariu...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:987
translate pt_br chapter_1_22e2899e:
# "Awkward introduction after awkward introduction to classmates that couldn’t care less kept me anxious the whole morning."
"Após inúmeras introduções constrangedoras aos colegas que não davam duas fodas pra mim, fiquei ansioso a manhã inteira."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:989
translate pt_br chapter_1_7ca4575b:
# "And there’s still the rest of the day to go."
"E ainda tinha o restante do dia pra encarar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:998
translate pt_br chapter_1_e0895b16:
# "Eventually, lunch comes around."
"Eventualmente chega a hora do almoço."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1000
translate pt_br chapter_1_031a8f80:
# "All the edible stuff is well outside my price range of fucking free, so I settle for a pseudopizza."
"Tudo o que é comestível tá totalmente fora do meu orçamento, que é de zero dinheiros, então eu pego uma pseudopizza."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1002
translate pt_br chapter_1_ea6155e9:
# "The kind that becomes a viable weapon if you leave it alone for ten minutes."
"Do tipo que dá para usar para matar alguém se você deixar esfriar por dez minutos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1005
translate pt_br chapter_1_14d01def:
# "No time to waste after exiting the line, I scan the lunchroom for an open seat."
"Sem tempo a perder depois de sair da fila, procuro um lugar vazio pelo pátio pra sentar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1007
translate pt_br chapter_1_e7b64473:
# "I thought I had found a decent spot in the corner when disaster struck."
"Pensei ter achado um local decente num canto até rolar um desastre."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1030
translate pt_br chapter_1_3e388f35:
# "Said disaster was a hand grabbing my shoulder and turning me about."
"O desastre, no caso, é uma mão segurando meu ombro e me virando abruptamente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1032
translate pt_br chapter_1_58044b12:
# "My plate of pizza shaped cardboard threatened to smear across my shirt."
"Meu prato, com o pedaço de papelão que chamo de pizza, quase virou em cima da minha blusa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1034
translate pt_br chapter_1_b9abab58:
# "I fought the momentum of the tray until the hand that had spun me stabilized it and me."
"Tentei evitar que a bandeja tombasse, até que a mão que me virou ajudou a estabilizar tudo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1046
translate pt_br chapter_1_605c04e5:
# Nas "Whoa there!{w=0.4} Nearly dropped your food Anon."
Nas "Eita!{w=0.4} Quase derrubou tua comida, Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1053
translate pt_br chapter_1_5f4149c7:
# A "Yeah, whose fault is that?"
A "Pois é, de quem é a culpa?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1059
translate pt_br chapter_1_19f7b668:
# Nas "...Yours?{fast}"
Nas "... Sua?{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1062
translate pt_br chapter_1_6ace475a:
# "I swear to all that is good and holy."
"Eu juro por tudo o que é sagrado{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1067
translate pt_br chapter_1_708e6335:
# Nas "Wanna sit with us?"
Nas "Tá afim de almoçar com a gente?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1069
translate pt_br chapter_1_0b716a4f:
# A "What?"
A "Quê?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1071
translate pt_br chapter_1_687ab71e:
# Nas "Wanna sit with Naomi and me? Since you’re new and all."
Nas "Tá afim de almoçar comigo e a Naomi? Já que você é novato e tal."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1073
translate pt_br chapter_1_d1a698b5:
# "He points to a table where the living pink sugar rush is waving."
"Ele aponta para uma mesa onde a fofoqueira fúcsia está acenando para nós."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1076
translate pt_br chapter_1_4d8c4393:
# "God damn it."
"Puta merda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1078
translate pt_br chapter_1_dd6f52c6:
# "I don’t want to make a scene."
"Não tô afim de fazer cena."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1081
translate pt_br chapter_1_5484a4d1:
# A "{cps=*0.2}Suuuure{/cps}{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.2}Beeeeleza{/cps}{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1104
translate pt_br chapter_1_011b9a25:
# "Before I even sit down the barrage of questions begins."
"Antes mesmo de sentar, sou atingido por uma caralhada de perguntas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1113
translate pt_br chapter_1_bdd9cc18:
# N "SO!{w=0.5}{nw}"
N "ENTÃO!{w=0.5}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1115
translate pt_br chapter_1_94a5cbc6:
# N "What do you think of Volcano High?{w=0.4}{nw}"
N "O que você achou daqui, Volcano High?{w=0.4}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1117
translate pt_br chapter_1_fbd39503:
# N "How about your classes?{w=0.3}{nw}"
N "E as suas aulas?{w=0.3}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1119
translate pt_br chapter_1_9825e9a1:
# N "You seem-{w=0.3}{nw}"
N "Você pare-{w=0.3}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1121
translate pt_br chapter_1_950db4ca:
# "I just nod along, starting to not pay attention."
"Eu só aceno com a minha cabeça e paro de prestar atenção."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1125
translate pt_br chapter_1_313d6883:
# Nas "You looking forward to the rest of the day?"
Nas "E aí, animado pro resto do dia?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1127
translate pt_br chapter_1_c9d760f3:
# A "Not really."
A "Não muito, na real."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1129
translate pt_br chapter_1_97fb3c71:
# A "All these introductions, you know?"
A "Toda essa parada de me apresentar, sabe?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1131
translate pt_br chapter_1_1e65db9b:
# Nas "I get you, hard to talk to people you don’t know, right?"
Nas "Ah, tô ligado, é complicado falar com gente que você não conhece, né?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1133
translate pt_br chapter_1_fe078986:
# A "Something like that, yeah."
A "Tipo isso aí."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1136
translate pt_br chapter_1_f7afbdbc:
# A "Hell, last period I tripped in front of everyone. Talk about a first impression."
A "Pô, na última aula eu tropecei na frente de todo mundo. Que primeira impressão, hein?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1140
translate pt_br chapter_1_42071ee3:
# Nas "I don’t think they’d care too much."
Nas "Eu acho que ninguém liga muito."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1147
translate pt_br chapter_1_728808ea:
# N "Have you had any trouble since then?{w=0.4} Do you have enough money for food today?"
N "Teve algum problema depois disso?{w=0.4} Você tem dinheiro suficiente pra almoçar hoje?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1154
translate pt_br chapter_1_76fc311e:
# Nas "Oh, you’re short on food money man?"
Nas "Putz, tá quebrado, mano?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1164
translate pt_br chapter_1_1a004ba0:
# A "Not really, just got to sign up for some handouts."
A "Na real não, só preciso resolver a questão do empréstimo escolar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1168
translate pt_br chapter_1_a8d6f66e:
# "Naomi is starting to look disappointed I’m only picking up on Naser’s interjections."
"Naomi parece realmente desapontada por eu estar respondendo somente às perguntas do Naser."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1170
translate pt_br chapter_1_06c36783:
# Nas "If you need a bit more extra chow, there’s going to be free refreshments at my si--{w=0.4} uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Se precisar de um rango mais tarde, vai ter um lanche de graça no show de{cps=*.1}...{/cps} min- irm–{w=0.4} aff{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1175
translate pt_br chapter_1_42bd1eee:
# Nas "At Fang’s concert after school today"
Nas "No show de Fang depois da escola."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1177
translate pt_br chapter_1_4a1d7796:
# A "Your what?"
A "Hã? Quem?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1180
translate pt_br chapter_1_fa038881:
# Nas "Fang."
Nas "Fang."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1182
translate pt_br chapter_1_41b7057b:
# A "Your brother or{cps=*0.2}...?{/cps}"
A "É seu irmão ou{cps=*0.2}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1185
translate pt_br chapter_1_a83f6e18:
# Nas "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{cps=*0.3}Sibling.{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{cps=*0.3} Irmane.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1188
translate pt_br chapter_1_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1192
translate pt_br chapter_1_27717921:
# Nas "Fang’s gonna have some extra pizzas for the show. You could take some home."
Nas "Vai rolar umas pizzas extras pro show, você pode levar algumas pra casa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1194
translate pt_br chapter_1_ad9c1b57:
# A "I uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} dunno about concerts."
A "Eu{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} é, não sei sobre isso de show, velho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1196
translate pt_br chapter_1_4913198e:
# A "Not really one for public events like that."
A "Não sou de ir pra eventos públicos assim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1199
translate pt_br chapter_1_0a35062f:
# Nas "Alright man, just thought you could use a few opportunities to make friends."
Nas "Tranquilo mano, só achei que você podia aproveitar umas oportunidades pra fazer amigos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1202
translate pt_br chapter_1_42c98a99:
# "What was that?"
"Como é?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1204
translate pt_br chapter_1_3c88d5d3:
# "I’ll assume that wasn’t meant to be malicious."
"Eu vou assumir que a intenção não foi maliciosa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1208
translate pt_br chapter_1_61e3b8da:
# A "{cps=*0.5}I’ll consider it.{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.5}Eu vou pensar.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1213
translate pt_br chapter_1_eb047db5:
# N "Hey!{w=0.4} Don’t leave me out of the conversation!"
N "Ei!{w=0.4} Não me deixem de fora da conversa!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1217
translate pt_br chapter_1_919fe3c6:
# N "How about I help you pick out some cheap food after school?"
N "Que tal se eu te ajudar a fazer umas compras baratas depois da aula?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1219
translate pt_br chapter_1_0b40d74e:
# N "I know some {i}great{/i} vegan shops in the area!"
N "Sei de {i}ótimas{/i} lojas veganas aqui perto!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1222
translate pt_br chapter_1_079a44cb:
# "My stomach rolls at the V-word."
"Meu estômago se embrulha todo ao ouvir a palavra com V."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1224
translate pt_br chapter_1_b0a72d47:
# A "{cps=*0.25}Maaaaybe{/cps} another time, sorry."
A "{cps=*0.25}Eeeeeeeh{/cps}, talvez depois, foi mal."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1226
translate pt_br chapter_1_52fa995c:
# A "So about that concert Naser?"
A "Então, e esse show aí, Naser?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1231
translate pt_br chapter_1_addca604:
# "Dinner and a show? Sign me the fuck up."
"Jantar e um show? Tô dentro pra caralho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1235
translate pt_br chapter_1_e1ff2b79:
# A "So what do they play?"
A "O quê que eles tocam?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1237
translate pt_br chapter_1_eb76ce3c:
# Nas "Music."
Nas "Música."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1239
translate pt_br chapter_1_666499c6:
# A "Music?"
A "Música?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1241
translate pt_br chapter_1_fc4c7e1e:
# Nas "Yes."
Nas "É."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1243
translate pt_br chapter_1_7a2c17ec:
# A "What kind?"
A "Que tipo de música?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1245
translate pt_br chapter_1_fae0d782:
# Nas "The kind you listen to."
Nas "Do tipo que você escuta."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1247
translate pt_br chapter_1_2a83dfa7:
# A "Wh-{w=0.3} Well what genre?"
A "Ah-{w=0.3} não, qual o gênero?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1250
translate pt_br chapter_1_976280e4:
# Nas "The good kind?"
Nas "{cps=*.1}...{/cps} {cps=*.3}Do bom?{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1253
translate pt_br chapter_1_6c1f02bc:
# A "You don’t know, do you."
A "Tu não faz ideia, né?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1256
translate pt_br chapter_1_3a8a91aa:
# Nas "Nope."
Nas "Nenhuma."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1258
translate pt_br chapter_1_7aaea753:
# "Well, free food is free food."
"Bom, comida de graça é comida de graça. Vambora, porra!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1261
translate pt_br chapter_1_e28c6cb3:
# "I look at my pizza, noticing something is wrong."
"Olho pra minha própria pizza, reparando que tem algo errado com ela."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1263
translate pt_br chapter_1_00d8ed37:
# "I test it with my plastic spork and watch the cheap utensil shatter to bits."
"Tento furar com o garfo de plástico só para ver o talher barato se quebrando por completo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1266
translate pt_br chapter_1_e574a586:
# "I curse life for a third time today."
"Puta que me pariu de novo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1268
translate pt_br chapter_1_cc1da391:
# "The dreaded ten-minute mark has passed, rendering my ‘pizza’ only useful as building material."
"Acabou o tempo útil de dez minutos da minha ‘pizza’, que agora só serve de reboco."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1272
translate pt_br chapter_1_2130dc1b:
# N "{cps=*0.3}Oh dear.{/cps}{w=0.4} Naser why don’t you split your sandwich with him?"
N "{cps=*0.3}Minha nossa!{/cps}{w=0.4} Naser, você podia dividir o seu sanduíche com ele, né?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1276
translate pt_br chapter_1_d72dd327:
# Nas "But it’s my sandwich!"
Nas "Mas é o MEU sanduíche!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1281
translate pt_br chapter_1_32272050:
# N "It’s fine, we can split my vegan TLT!"
N "Tudo bem, a gente pode dividir meu sanduíche vegano de tofu, tomate e alface!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1286
translate pt_br chapter_1_56252d4a:
# "Naser shudders and looks at his own footlong philly sub longingly."
"Naser se estremece e olha triste para o seu próprio sanduba de 30cm."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1288
translate pt_br chapter_1_1184332a:
# Nas "S{w=0.2}-sure thing, babe."
Nas "A{w=0.2}-ah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} pode ser então, amor{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1297
translate pt_br chapter_1_ac69b347:
# "He tears the sandwich in two and hands me the larger half."
"Ele parte o sanduíche em dois e me dá a metade maior."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1299
translate pt_br chapter_1_32a0b257:
# Nas "Here, Anon."
Nas "Toma aqui, Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1305
translate pt_br chapter_1_7870f5e1:
# "I will never forget your brave sacrifice."
"Nunca me esquecerei de seu corajoso sacrifício."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1308
translate pt_br chapter_1_6fa69ebb:
# "With that we all dig into our meal."
"E com isso todos nós comemos os nossos lanches."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1310
translate pt_br chapter_1_c904541c:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1321
translate pt_br chapter_1_6eab3a53:
# "{cps=*0.2}-- After school --{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}-- Após as Aulas --{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1324
translate pt_br chapter_1_49090fe6:
# "My classes after lunch were the same as before it."
"As aulas depois do almoço foram exatamente como antes dele."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1326
translate pt_br chapter_1_acf08bec:
# "By now I had a rehearsed introduction that only the teacher cared about."
"A essa altura, eu já tinha uma apresentação bem ensaiada, com a qual só o professor se importava."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1328
translate pt_br chapter_1_2bcdb17e:
# "My classmates were disinterested and I would sit down to be forgotten."
"Meus colegas de classe continuavam totalmente desinteressados e eu me sentava na minha carteira para ser esquecido pelo mundo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1330
translate pt_br chapter_1_0b13518e:
# "I hope the rest of the year is just like that."
"Só espero que seja assim pelo resto do ano."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1332
translate pt_br chapter_1_ea4df449:
# "I just want to skate through it all."
"Quero só deixar tudo acontecer naturalmente e desaparecer."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1334
translate pt_br chapter_1_8bdb85ec:
# "All that’s left for today is the concert. And dinner."
"Tudo o que resta para hoje é o show. E o rango."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1349
translate pt_br chapter_1_7e161d07:
# "I wait outside the auditorium entrance with Naser, who was checking his phone for messages."
"Espero do lado de fora da entrada do auditório ao lado de Naser, que estava checando suas mensagens no celular."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1351
translate pt_br chapter_1_6d62e671:
# Nas "Right, Fang says the show is starting in a bit. See?"
Nas "Beleza, Fang diz que o show vai começar logo mais, tá vendo?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1356
translate pt_br chapter_1_0d8a9028:
# "Naser turns the screen to me."
"Naser me mostra a tela do celular."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1373
translate pt_br chapter_1_d8045c29:
# A "{cps=*0.15}FWR?{/cps}{w=0.4} Like, Franklin W. Roosevelt?"
A "{cps=*0.15}AFC?{/cps}{w=0.4} Tipo, o América, time de futebol?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1375
translate pt_br chapter_1_e20c2800:
# Nas "Nah.{w=0.4} Fucked-wing retard."
Nas "Nem.{w=0.4} Asa fodida do caralho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1378
translate pt_br chapter_1_0d82ba41:
# Nas "Fang’s words, not mine."
Nas "Palavras de Fang, não minhas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1380
translate pt_br chapter_1_a72c93ea:
# A "Is your uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}sibling{w=0.4} always like this?"
A "Então, é{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} sempre desse jeito?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1382
translate pt_br chapter_1_3fcc25c3:
# Nas "{cps=*0.4}Fang’s{/cps}{cps=*0.1}....{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*0.4}Fang é{/cps}{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1386
translate pt_br chapter_1_82177a82:
# "I wait for him to continue."
"Espero ele terminar a frase."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1388
translate pt_br chapter_1_6a112103:
# Nas "Well um{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Então{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} é{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1390
translate pt_br chapter_1_6d7f7d55:
# Nas "I mean, kinda?"
Nas "Tipo isso, eu acho?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1393
translate pt_br chapter_1_b74dfa4e:
# A "Glad I’m an only child."
A "Agradeço por ser filho único."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1396
translate pt_br chapter_1_5ca6e608:
# "Naser glares at me."
"Naser me dá uma encarada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1399
translate pt_br chapter_1_fc2d184a:
# Nas "Fang’s still family."
Nas "Fang ainda é família."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1401
translate pt_br chapter_1_c40a8d13:
# A "Ah, sorry. Just saying is all."
A "Ah, foi mal. Só tô falando mesmo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1404
translate pt_br chapter_1_f5c16365:
# "Naser deflates."
"Naser se acalma."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1406
translate pt_br chapter_1_3c54384b:
# Nas "You’re good, Anon."
Nas "Tranquilo, Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1408
translate pt_br chapter_1_9195a178:
# Nas "And yeah, they’re family but Fang’s just so{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} so{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Pois é, é minha família, mas Fang é tão{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} tão{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1411
translate pt_br chapter_1_123e9914:
# A "Difficult?"
A "Difícil?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1414
translate pt_br chapter_1_4627db0a:
# Nas "YES!{w=0.4} Difficult!{w=0.4} And I don’t know why."
Nas "ISSO!{w=0.4} Difícil!{w=0.4} E eu nem sei o motivo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1416
translate pt_br chapter_1_cc465ad6:
# A "Sounds rough."
A "É foda."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1419
translate pt_br chapter_1_dd18c493:
# Nas "It is."
Nas "É sim{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1421
translate pt_br chapter_1_630812d9:
# Nas "Like, I know sh-{w=0.4} THEY care{w=0.4} but Fang doesn’t even wanna be around me."
Nas "É que tipo, eu sei que el-{w=0.4} ELU se importa,{w=0.4} mas Fang nunca quer ficar nem perto de mim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1423
translate pt_br chapter_1_a06e7411:
# A "{cps=*0.25}Hmmm.{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.25}Hmmm.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1427
translate pt_br chapter_1_be9681df:
# "Finally the doors open and I smell the cheesy, heart-clogging goodness within."
"Finalmente as portas se abrem e eu sinto o cheiro maravilhoso de queijo, daquela delícia que entope as artérias."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1430
translate pt_br chapter_1_126aaa3a:
# Nas "Sweet. Come on, Anon."
Nas "Massa. Chega aí, Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1440
translate pt_br chapter_1_f0ecf94f:
# "{cps=*0.6}A caveman of a man holds open the door for everyone.{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.6}Um homem das cavernas segura a porta aberta para todos entrarem.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1453
translate pt_br chapter_1_fde6f7a0:
# unknown "Wait.{fast}"
unknown "Espera.{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1456
translate pt_br chapter_1_a8a4e02a:
# "His massive hand stops me."
"Sua gigantesca mão me segura."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1459
translate pt_br chapter_1_8d85773e:
# A "A{w=0.2}-ah. Y-yes?"
A "A{w=0.2}-ah, pois não?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1461
translate pt_br chapter_1_5b61c964:
# "I’m guided to the side, away from the crowd that’s filtering into the auditorium."
"Ele me guia para o lado, longe da multidão que está se afunilando para dentro do auditório."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1469
translate pt_br chapter_1_0b2f902b:
# unknown "So how are you feeling about our lovely school, Anon?"
unknown "Então Anon, o que você está achando da nossa querida escola?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1474
translate pt_br chapter_1_07fe5707:
# A "{cps=*0.1}Uh...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.1}É...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1476
translate pt_br chapter_1_918a4b16:
# "It’s the spear-shaped pin on his lapel that reads ‘principal’ that informs me of who this giant is."
"É o broche em formato de lança preso na lapela dele com os dizeres ‘diretor’ que me informa a identidade do gigante."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1478
translate pt_br chapter_1_725dc4b1:
# A "O{w=0.1}-oh!{w=0.4} It’s uh{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}nice?!"
A "A{w=0.1}-ah!{w=0.4} Então, é{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} bacana?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1480
translate pt_br chapter_1_2f0c9e99:
# A "Cleaner than my old school."
A "Com certeza mais limpa que minha última escola."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1482
translate pt_br chapter_1_d87e681d:
# "He guffaws and slaps his chest."
"Ele solta uma gargalhada e bate no próprio peito."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1485
translate pt_br chapter_1_b3d274ae:
# Sp "You can thank your classmates for that."
Sp "Você pode agradecer aos seus colegas de classe por isso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1488
translate pt_br chapter_1_67aaa788_1:
# "What?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1491
translate pt_br chapter_1_bc08ed67:
# Sp "Now, go enjoy the show."
Sp "Agora vai lá e aproveita o show."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1493
translate pt_br chapter_1_73b69041:
# A "Yes sir."
A "Sim senhor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1496
translate pt_br chapter_1_c7747a59:
# Sp "Oh, I do need you to come by my office tomorrow for some paperwork."
Sp "Ah sim, eu vou precisar que você venha até o meu escritório amanhã para preencher uma papelada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1499
translate pt_br chapter_1_cca270f2:
# "I nod and go back to the door where Naser is standing, holding it open for the last of the audience to go inside."
"Eu aceno com a cabeça e volto para a porta onde Naser está esperando, segurando ela aberta para que o restante da platéia termine de entrar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1519
translate pt_br chapter_1_fa62d78f:
# "Naser leads me and the large crowd into the shitty school theater."
"Naser guia a mim e a multidão para o palco escolar de merda."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1521
translate pt_br chapter_1_a66ce908:
# "The foyer has tables with boxes of pizzas stacked taller than me."
"O hall de entrada tem algumas mesas com caixas de pizza empilhadas numa torre maior do que eu."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1526
translate pt_br chapter_1_bb1fbe51:
# Nas "You can take a couple boxes after, Anon. That should help ya out."
Nas "Pega umas duas caixas depois, Anon. Deve te ajudar um pouco."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1529
translate pt_br chapter_1_19fe706d:
# A "Who the hell got all these anyway?"
A "Cara, quem comprou isso tudo mesmo?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1531
translate pt_br chapter_1_a5ad2fc3:
# Nas "I did."
Nas "Fui eu."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1533
translate pt_br chapter_1_3dccdd72:
# "I take a box down from the stack. Others have already started stacking their plates."
"Pego uma caixa da pilha. Outros já começaram a empilhar as fatias nos seus pratos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1536
translate pt_br chapter_1_15bfd602:
# "I check the logo on the box."
"Dou uma olhada na marca estampada na caixa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1538
translate pt_br chapter_1_557c71ef:
# A "And to get so many larges from{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} \"Dino-moe’s Pizza\"?"
A "E foram pizzas gigantes da{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} \"Pizza do Dino-Moe\"?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1540
translate pt_br chapter_1_7aaa8470:
# A "That’s a couple hundred bucks though."
A "Velho, isso custou pelo menos uns duzentos contos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1543
translate pt_br chapter_1_151cd8be:
# Nas "Meh, ‘bout a month’s allowance."
Nas "Meh, mais ou menos um mês de mesada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1546
translate pt_br chapter_1_2072d0ec:
# "A month? That explains that disaster of a jacket."
"Um mês? Isso explica essa atrocidade de jaqueta."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1549
translate pt_br chapter_1_b288cfc6:
# A "So about the actual show-"
A "Então, sobre o show-"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1551
translate pt_br chapter_1_a84e9e2f:
# Nas "I’ll check on them. Be right back."
Nas "Eu vou dar uma olhada neles, volto já."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1556
translate pt_br chapter_1_7f7da7e0:
# "Left on my own I stack my plate up with some quality grease-topped delight."
"Agora sozinho, começo a empilhar meu próprio prato com essas delícias gordurosas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1564
translate pt_br chapter_1_1083c70d:
# "I lean against the wall, chewing bits of supreme and observing the rest of the crowd."
"Fico apoiado na parede, mastigando pedaços da suprema e observando o restante da multidão."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1569
translate pt_br chapter_1_e630f1c5:
# unknown "{cps=*0.6}-nother shitshow-{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*0.6}-tro desastre-{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1571
translate pt_br chapter_1_92bda576:
# unknown "{cps=*0.6}She’s so stupid-{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*0.6}Ela é tão imbecil-{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1573
translate pt_br chapter_1_67a711a5:
# unknown "{cps=*0.6}-they even bother?{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*0.6}-les tão pelo menos tentando?{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1575
translate pt_br chapter_1_886e5482:
# unknown "{cps=*0.6}Bunch of losers-{/cps}"
unknown "{cps=*0.6}Que bando de otários-{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1581
translate pt_br chapter_1_af313d73:
# "Everyone seems to share the same sentiment."
"Parece que todo mundo compartilha da mesma opinião."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1583
translate pt_br chapter_1_f4aa44d3:
# "So why the hell did they even show up for this?"
"Pra que caralhos então eles se deram ao trabalho de vir até aqui?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1586
translate pt_br chapter_1_8cb0f35a:
# "Naser finally comes back and opens the door to the main hall."
"Naser retorna, finalmente, e abre a porta para o hall de entrada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1590
translate pt_br chapter_1_1247d870:
# "The crowd moves in, though I hang back so I can talk with Naser."
"A galera entra, mas eu fico para trás para falar com Naser."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1595
translate pt_br chapter_1_c1949473:
# A "What’s with them, Naser?"
A "Qual é a deles, Naser?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1597
translate pt_br chapter_1_3394b7fa:
# Nas "What do you mean?"
Nas "Como assim?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1599
translate pt_br chapter_1_2628ab0a:
# A "The crowd. They were talking mad shit."
A "A galera. Tavam falando merda pra caralho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1603
translate pt_br chapter_1_4d0a41b1:
# Nas "{i}What?!{/i}{fast}"
Nas "{i}O quê?!{/i}{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1610
translate pt_br chapter_1_34a3a151:
# "Naser grasps at the air unsure what to think or do at the moment.{w=0.5} I think he’s angry."
"Naser cerra os punhos sem saber o que pensar ou fazer no momento.{w=0.5} Acho que ele está bem puto."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1637
translate pt_br chapter_1_11dcdcb2:
# A "Whoa{w=0.2} whoa."
A "Eita{w=0.2} porra."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1641
translate pt_br chapter_1_61a34d55:
# Nas "Ugh, I should’ve known."
Nas "Saco, eu já devia esperar por isso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1646
translate pt_br chapter_1_8558cfd5:
# A "I don’t, what are you talking about man?"
A "Não tô entendendo mano. Do que você tá falando?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1653
translate pt_br chapter_1_15492a6e:
# Nas "{cps=*0.5}I brought them here so Fang has an audience.{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*0.5}Eu trouxe eles pra cá, pra que Fang tivesse uma platéia.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1656
translate pt_br chapter_1_5e7d4890:
# A "Oh."
A "Oh."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1663
translate pt_br chapter_1_9bdb634a:
# "Naser’s phone rings."
"O celular do Naser toca."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1665
translate pt_br chapter_1_bbbdf303:
# "He moves aside to answer it."
"Ele vai para o canto para atender."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1678
translate pt_br chapter_1_00f32a37:
# Nas "Fa-{w=0.6}{nw}"
Nas "Fa-{w=0.6}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1683
translate pt_br chapter_1_5e3e2c00:
# "{i}!#&$@*%%?!{/i}" with vpunch
"{i}!#&$@*%%?!{/i}" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1686
translate pt_br chapter_1_e6206702:
# "The voice on the other end is loud and shrill."
"A voz do outro lado da linha é alta e estridente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1689
translate pt_br chapter_1_768fb1ac:
# Nas "Yeah{w=0.2} I-{w=0.5}{nw}"
Nas "Sim,{w=0.2} eu-{w=0.5}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1694
translate pt_br chapter_1_5c86f035:
# "{b}&%%#$@*%%!@#&*%%!!{/b}" with hpunch
"{b}&%%#$@*%%!@#&*%%!!{/b}" with hpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1696
translate pt_br chapter_1_202682c2:
# "He holds the phone away from his ear to save his eardrum."
"Ele tira o telefone de perto da orelha para tentar poupar seus tímpanos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1699
translate pt_br chapter_1_803a2ce8:
# Nas "Okay okay I-"
Nas "Ok, beleza, eu-"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1702
translate pt_br chapter_1_3a87006f:
# "The call ends and Naser sags."
"A chamada termina e Naser cede."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1712
translate pt_br chapter_1_f13a9037:
# Nas "I’ve gotta leave."
Nas "Vou ter que sair."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1718
translate pt_br chapter_1_14dbb8d2:
# A "Seriously?"
A "É sério?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1720
translate pt_br chapter_1_acaef8b1:
# Nas "Yeah, Fang doesn’t want me here."
Nas "É, Fang não me quer por aqui."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1722
translate pt_br chapter_1_a4b101eb:
# Nas "Said I’ll ruin the show."
Nas "Disse que eu vou estragar tudo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1725
translate pt_br chapter_1_5e6d1ac0:
# "Harsh."
"Putz,{w=0.2} pesado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1730
translate pt_br chapter_1_2ce391a9:
# Nas "Look, whatever happens promise you won’t hold this against them."
Nas "Olha, independente do que rolar, promete que não vai guardar rancor delu."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1732
translate pt_br chapter_1_6921293f:
# Nas "They're actually a really nice person once you get to know them."
Nas "Elu é uma pessoa muito bacana quando você conhece a fundo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1735
translate pt_br chapter_1_bb31485a:
# A "Naser why did you just murder the english language in cold blood?"
A "Naser, por qual razão você resolveu assassinar a língua Portuguesa a sangue frio?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1738
translate pt_br chapter_1_1ee6d6ec:
# "Within I see the rest of the audience, huddled in groups around tiny snack tables."
"Lá dentro, vejo o restante da platéia, separados em grupos em volta de pequenas mesas de petiscos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1742
translate pt_br chapter_1_e154de10:
# Nas "Even went to the trouble of switching out the seats for them. Naomi said it’d help."
Nas "Tive até o trabalho de trocar os assentos pra eles. Naomi disse que isso ajudaria."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1744
translate pt_br chapter_1_7f4a4c32:
# "With a huff Naser turns away, begrudgingly leaving the auditorium."
"Com um suspiro, Naser vai embora do auditório."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1752
translate pt_br chapter_1_aa1576d6:
# "I enter the hall and take a seat in the back, away from the rest of the crowd."
"Entro no salão e pego uma cadeira no fundo, longe do restante da multidão."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1758
translate pt_br chapter_1_a7104309:
# "The lights dim and the curtains are drawn open."
"As luzes diminuem e as cortinas se abrem."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1768
translate pt_br chapter_1_aaed6e7d:
# "Onstage is a trio of people my age."
"No palco há um trio de pessoas da minha idade."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1770
translate pt_br chapter_1_e4e3543e:
# "I think Fang is the drummer? He doesn’t look related to Naser, maybe it is the main front-woman?"
"Será que Fang é o baterista? Nah, não parece em nada com o Naser. Talvez seja a vocalista principal?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1772
translate pt_br chapter_1_49cdbf8c:
# "That must be Naser’s sister."
"Essa deve ser a irmã do Naser."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1775
translate pt_br chapter_1_44a17d88:
# A "Wh-"
A "Qu-"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1777
translate pt_br chapter_1_037eb724:
# "Then why the whole confusion over her sex? For fuck’s sake."
"Então por que toda essa confusão com o gênero dela? Puta que pariu!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1779
translate pt_br chapter_1_86c7e605:
# "I’m just getting thrown around today. I don’t know."
"Não dá mesmo para entender esse \"povo\"."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1782
translate pt_br chapter_1_28aa8568:
# "She looks familiar."
"Mas ela me parece familiar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1787
translate pt_br chapter_1_48ef5640:
# "The band doesn’t bother introducing themselves."
"A banda não se importa em se apresentar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1792
translate pt_br chapter_1_14f5bcef:
# "Instead the purple one begins plucking her bass."
"Ao invés disso, a roxinha começa a dedilhar o seu baixo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1794
translate pt_br chapter_1_a94e7592:
# "It all went tumbling down from there."
"E a partir daí, foi só ladeira abaixo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1804
translate pt_br chapter_1_c8451924:
# "What I thought was a guitar sounded horrifically wrong, far too heavy."
"O que eu pensei ser uma guitarra soava terrivelmente errado. Muito pesado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1806
translate pt_br chapter_1_1f6079d3:
# "The lead guitarist was using a fucking bass."
"A guitarrista principal estava usando a porra de um baixo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1809
translate pt_br chapter_1_62d44145:
# "And then the vocals kicked in."
"E aí entra o vocal."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1811
translate pt_br chapter_1_f7387105:
# "It’s horrific screeching, combined with the amelodious shredding on a bass created a cacophony equal to hundreds of cats ritualistically sacrificed."
"É uma gritaria terrível, combinada com a desarmoniosa destruição causada no baixo, que criou uma cacofonia idêntica a centenas de gatos sendo sacrificados ritualisticamente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1813
translate pt_br chapter_1_2c9b76e7:
# "I fight the urge to cover my ears."
"Eu luto contra o impulso de tapar meus ouvidos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1815
translate pt_br chapter_1_734e24d0:
# "I don’t know too much about music, but even I know that you don’t use two basses in one band unless you know exactly what you’re doing."
"Não entendo nada sobre música mas até EU sei que não se usa dois baixos em uma banda, a não ser que você saiba EXATAMENTE o que está fazendo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1818
translate pt_br chapter_1_854d8db3:
# "{cps=*0.3}Ooooooh nooooooo.{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.3}Aaaaaah nããããão.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1820
translate pt_br chapter_1_402681f2:
# "{cps=*0.3}Ooooooooh{/cps} God."
"Meu {cps=*0.3}Deeeeeeeus!{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1823
translate pt_br chapter_1_5d3bc179:
# "What were they thinking?!{fast}" with vpunch
"Que porra eles tavam pensando?!{fast}" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1825
translate pt_br chapter_1_22fe6c40:
# "I looked back to the crowd to gauge their interest."
"Dei uma olhada para o resto do pessoal, avaliando a reação deles."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1827
translate pt_br chapter_1_7eddea60:
# "Surely I’m not alone in thinking this is an absolute travesty."
"Certamente eu não sou o único achando que isso é uma absoluta bosta."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1831
translate pt_br chapter_1_acf6661c:
# unknown "{cps=*0.5}PFFFT AHAHAHA{/cps}{w=0.5} THEY STILL FUCKING SUCK!!"
unknown "{cps=*0.5}PFFFT AHAHAHA{/cps}{w=0.5} ELES AINDA SÃO RUINS PRA CARALHO!!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1858
translate pt_br chapter_1_28a05b4d:
# "The crowd was standing, jeering and laughing with whoever said that."
"A galera estava em pé, zoando e rindo, se juntando a quem quer que tenha dito isso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1860
translate pt_br chapter_1_70ab340e:
# "More words were said but the laughter eclipsed them and the music."
"Mais palavras foram ditas, mas as gargalhadas ofuscaram elas e a música."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1863
translate pt_br chapter_1_6756f382:
# "Wait, what happened to the music?"
"Calma, o que rolou com a música?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1865
translate pt_br chapter_1_8b3556d6:
# "On-stage, the trio looked panicked."
"No palco, o trio parecia ter entrado em pânico."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1867
translate pt_br chapter_1_3f7373f7:
# "The drummer was inching off stage, while the purple bassist was about to break down into tears."
"O baterista se arrastava para fora do palco, enquanto a baixista roxa estava a ponto de se debulhar em lágrimas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1869
translate pt_br chapter_1_bb71e9f2:
# "But the frontwoman stood there. Stood her ground."
"Mas a vocalista ficou lá. Firme e forte."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1884
translate pt_br chapter_1_81b4ec76:
# unknown "{b}FUCK YOU!{/b}{fast}"
unknown "{b}VAI SE FODER!{/b}{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1886
translate pt_br chapter_1_b887c92a:
# "She tossed her bass aside, raising both hands and proudly displaying a finger on each of them."
"Ela largou o baixo de lado, levantando as duas mãos e orgulhosamente mostrando um dedo em cada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1888
translate pt_br chapter_1_9414818e:
# unknown "FUCK ALL OF YOU!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1892
translate pt_br chapter_1_9e57a8ff:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1895
translate pt_br chapter_1_68ef3955:
# "Pffft{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}{w=0.2} That struck a chord with her."
"Pffff{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}{w=0.2} Isso deu uma mexida nela."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1910
translate pt_br chapter_1_a8a08600:
# "I watch as she grabs her bass and takes the arm of the purple one, rushing off stage with the pink drummer."
"Observo ela pegar seu baixo e segurar o braço da roxinha, saindo rápido do palco com o baterista rosado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1922
translate pt_br chapter_1_e4e8f7c1:
# "Oh God I can’t take this, I’m gonna grow a 6 pack from laughing so much, I’m just gonna grab my pizza and leave."
"Meu Deus, eu não aguento isso, vou ganhar um tanquinho de tanto rir! Vou só pegar a minha pizza e sair fora."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1935
translate pt_br chapter_1_563160f7:
# "I turn towards the door and see Principal Spears, a fierce glare freezing me in place."
"Me viro em direção à porta e vejo o Diretor Spears, um olhar feroz me paralisa no lugar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1939
translate pt_br chapter_1_1223c3a9:
# Sp "Anon.{fast}"
Sp "Anon.{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1943
translate pt_br chapter_1_3bbb7999:
# "{cps=*0.2}Oh fuck.{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}Agora fodeu.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1945
translate pt_br chapter_1_31989947:
# "His voice is even more stern than this morning."
"Sua voz parece ainda mais severa do que nesta manhã."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1948
translate pt_br chapter_1_72430a5a:
# A "Yes sir?"
A "Senhor?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1950
translate pt_br chapter_1_70e8a409:
# "He looks to the crowd and then to me."
"Ele olha para a platéia e então, para mim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1953
translate pt_br chapter_1_2d639362:
# Sp "I don’t want to hear about any of this come tomorrow."
Sp "Eu não quero ouvir nada sobre isso amanhã."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1955
translate pt_br chapter_1_3baaae98:
# Sp "I expect some goddamned maturity from you, Anon."
Sp "Eu espero um mínimo de maturidade vindo de você, Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1957
translate pt_br chapter_1_162f159b:
# Sp "You’ll be an adult once you graduate."
Sp "Você será um adulto assim que se formar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1960
translate pt_br chapter_1_d662aab9:
# A "Uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Why me though?"
A "Ahm{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Por que eu?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1962
translate pt_br chapter_1_3cfa9b88:
# Sp "I’ve taught many students, and I can tell these things."
Sp "Ensinei muitos estudantes, então eu consigo ver essas coisas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1977
translate pt_br chapter_1_8507b210:
# "His hand lands on my shoulder."
"Sua mão recai sobre o meu ombro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1979
translate pt_br chapter_1_69bc47c0:
# "It’s grip was firm as it weighed on me."
"Seu aperto era firme enquanto pesava em mim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1983
translate pt_br chapter_1_bf1a30c3:
# Sp "Listen here, Anon."
Sp "Escuta aqui, Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1985
translate pt_br chapter_1_f5d38831:
# Sp "{cps=*0.6}You are not the only person in the world.{/cps}"
Sp "{cps=*0.6}Você não é a única pessoa no mundo.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1988
translate pt_br chapter_1_0ad3e36e:
# Sp "Everyone’s fighting their own battles."
Sp "Todos estão lutando suas próprias batalhas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:1990
translate pt_br chapter_1_3e933b5c:
# "The hand squeezes before pushing me towards the door."
"A mão aperta ainda mais antes de me empurrar em direção à porta."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2000
translate pt_br chapter_1_c75a374d:
# Sp "I want to see you in my office first thing tomorrow."
Sp "Eu quero te ver no meu escritório amanhã, assim que você chegar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2002
translate pt_br chapter_1_74750784:
# Sp "Now get out of here, this is the only warning that you’ll get from me."
Sp "Agora dá o fora daqui. Esse é o único aviso que você vai receber de mim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2004
translate pt_br chapter_1_600124ae:
# Sp "Next time it will be campus clean-up."
Sp "Na próxima, é trabalho de limpeza do campus."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2019
translate pt_br chapter_1_7b3661c2:
# "Behind me the principal’s voice shakes the room."
"Atrás de mim, a voz do diretor estremece a sala."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2027
translate pt_br chapter_1_34700231:
# Sp "{b}{cps=*0.5}WHOSE SORRY ASS AM I GOING TO HAVE TO SUPLEX!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch
Sp "{b}{cps=*0.5}QUAL O PRIMEIRO COITADO QUE VAI LEVAR UM PILÃO?{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2042
translate pt_br chapter_1_07a08bfb:
# "Back in the foyer I see some boxes of partially finished pizza left."
"De volta ao hall de entrada, vejo caixas com algumas sobras de pizza."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2044
translate pt_br chapter_1_5ccaeca1:
# "I consolidate them all into a pair of boxes and make my exit."
"Junto todas as sobras dentro de duas caixas e vou embora."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2058
translate pt_br chapter_1_26a7e37c:
# "The sun is starting to set now as I make my way home."
"O Sol começa a se pôr enquanto faço minha caminhada para casa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2064
translate pt_br chapter_1_75675c5d:
# Sp "{i}{cps=*0.6}You are not the only person in the world.{/cps}{/i}"
Sp "{alpha=0.75}{i}{cps=*0.6}Você não é a única pessoa no mundo.{/cps}{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2067
translate pt_br chapter_1_23a6a4ad:
# "Pfft. Like I don’t already know that. There’s like{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}"
"Pfft. Como se eu já não soubesse disso. Tem tipo{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2069
translate pt_br chapter_1_2faacd27:
# "The classmates that all ignored me today."
"Os colegas que me ignoraram o dia inteiro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2071
translate pt_br chapter_1_29e70fe8:
# "Naomi’s annoying ass."
"A Naomi, chata pra caralho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2073
translate pt_br chapter_1_2afc4970:
# "That fucking caveman of a principal."
"A porra do homem das cavernas, que é diretor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2076
translate pt_br chapter_1_3b9f7e48:
# "Naser, whose been a bro."
"Naser, que na real é um brother."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2079
translate pt_br chapter_1_7533fc51:
# "Naser’s Sis-"
"A irmã do Nas-"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2084
translate pt_br chapter_1_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2086
translate pt_br chapter_1_fb6e33a2:
# "Shit."
"Que merda."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2088
translate pt_br chapter_1_c904541c_1:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2100
translate pt_br chapter_1_b6cdb4da:
# "{cps=*0.2}-- The Next Day --{/cps}"
"{cps=*0.2}-- No Dia Seguinte --{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2105
translate pt_br chapter_1_2e5e92d3:
# "{cps=*20}*BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{/cps}"
"{cps=*20}*BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{w=0.481} *BLEEP*{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2112
translate pt_br chapter_1_80db955f:
# "The bane of all sleep echoes violently by my head, swiftly erasing any traces of slumber."
"O destruidor de todo o sono ecoa violentamente na minha cabeça, rapidamente acabando com qualquer traço de descanso alegre."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2114
translate pt_br chapter_1_f087375a:
# "Still without the energy to turn the alarm off, I stare at the ceiling for a bit, recalling the events of the last few days as an exercise."
"Ainda com muita preguiça de desligar o alarme, encaro o teto por um momento, relembrando os eventos do dia anterior."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2117
translate pt_br chapter_1_4585d3d4:
# "The school, if you could call it one."
"A escola, se é que posso chamá-la disso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2119
translate pt_br chapter_1_fd48d7ad:
# "My new friends, if you could call them that."
"Meus novos amigos, se é que posso chamá-los assim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2121
translate pt_br chapter_1_a80525e3:
# "That band, if you could call it such."
"Aquela banda, se é que pode ser chamada de banda."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2124
translate pt_br chapter_1_d1309b30:
# "Great idea Anon, start the day by dissing everything you've done so far in your new life."
"Ótima ideia Anon! Começar o dia zoando tudo o que você fez até então na sua nova vida."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2126
translate pt_br chapter_1_43988396:
# "No wonder you're so damn popular."
"É por isso mesmo que você é tão popular."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2129
translate pt_br chapter_1_2ea63bf5:
# "Finally, I lean out of bed and turn the alarm clock off."
"Finalmente saio da cama e desligo o despertador."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2131
translate pt_br chapter_1_4e965170:
# "I have a good forty-five minutes before I need to be at school - and it takes twenty to walk."
"Tenho uns bons quarenta e cinco minutos antes de precisar estar na escola, e é uma caminhada de vinte minutos até lá."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2133
translate pt_br chapter_1_eeb34c75:
# "That leaves twenty-five minutes to get ready."
"Isso me deixa com vinte e cinco minutos para me arrumar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2135
translate pt_br chapter_1_8a144f15:
# "With practiced movements I execute a proper combat roll from bed, tackling the floor and headbutting it into submission."
"Com movimentos precisos eu executo um rolamento de combate de cima da cama, atacando o chão com uma cabeçada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2139
translate pt_br chapter_1_5985d46e:
# "With practiced movements I execute a proper combat roll from bed, tackling the floor and headbutting it into submission.{fast}{w=0.6} My foe defeated, I groan in victory." with vpunch
"Com movimentos precisos eu executo um rolamento de combate de cima da cama, atacando o chão com uma cabeçada.{fast}{w=0.6} Meu inimigo foi derrotado, urro em vitória." with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2143
translate pt_br chapter_1_ec4b0114:
# "My new bed is half the size of what I’m used to."
"Minha nova cama tem metade do tamanho que estava acostumado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2145
translate pt_br chapter_1_27bcdfe6:
# "The hardwood{w=0.2} (or is it vinyl?){w=0.2} floor is cold as hell."
"O chão de madeira{w=0.2} (ou será que é vinil?){w=0.2} é gelado pra cacete."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2147
translate pt_br chapter_1_fc2856e2:
# "From the purview of the floor, I look around my room again."
"Do ponto de vista do chão, analiso meu quarto novamente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2154
translate pt_br chapter_1_5fd7ceb8:
# "A tiny, one room apartment with only a computer, bed, television, and fridge."
"Um pequeno apartamento de um cômodo só, que tem um computador, cama, TV e geladeira."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2156
translate pt_br chapter_1_d3e7de8d:
# "A whole year in this shithole."
"Um ano inteiro nessa bosta."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2158
translate pt_br chapter_1_6a3bb01d:
# "{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} Guess I gotta take it one day at a time."
"{cps=*0.2}...{/cps} Um dia de cada vez, eu acho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2168
translate pt_br chapter_1_6a63c1f7:
# "Picking myself up, I slide into todays’{w=0.2} (and everyday's){w=0.2} clothes and pour myself a bowl of off-brand cereal I picked up the day before."
"Me levanto, visto as roupas de hoje{w=0.2} (iguais às de todos os outros dias){w=0.2} e encho uma vasilha de cereal vagabundo que comprei no dia anterior."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2170
translate pt_br chapter_1_638d2565:
# "My eyes scan over my phone while I shovel my sugary breakfast into my mouth."
"Meus olhos acompanham a tela do celular enquanto encho a boca com o meu café da manhã açucarado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2173
translate pt_br chapter_1_d169e79e:
# "*Scroll*{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2175
translate pt_br chapter_1_db47b1c7:
# "*Crunch*{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2177
translate pt_br chapter_1_d169e79e_1:
# "*Scroll*{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2179
translate pt_br chapter_1_db47b1c7_1:
# "*Crunch*{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2181
translate pt_br chapter_1_7070d109:
# "Like a poorly-oiled machine until it runs out of fuel with a noisy slurp."
"Bom, de grão em grão a galinha enche o papo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2184
translate pt_br chapter_1_845a6981:
# "Soon enough, it's time to leave for school. I grab my backpack and slide it over my shoulders."
"Está quase na hora de ir para a escola. Pego minha mochila e a jogo por cima dos ombros."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2186
translate pt_br chapter_1_554cc9f9:
# "I take my jacket off the hanger and{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Pego minha jaqueta do cabide e{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2190
translate pt_br chapter_1_c904541c_2:
# "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2192
translate pt_br chapter_1_d9d24cd1:
# "I take off the backpack and put the jacket on."
"Tiro a mochila das costas e coloco a jaqueta."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2212
translate pt_br chapter_1_d3f74506:
# "I approach the grand building, looking to find a place in line between the other students trundling into the front doors."
"Me aproximo do grande prédio, procurando um lugar na fila entre os outros estudantes que passam pelas portas da frente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2214
translate pt_br chapter_1_58aac202:
# "The halls before class are as crowded as always, with hundreds of students filing in unison towards their homerooms."
"Os corredores estão lotados antes das aulas começarem, como sempre. Centenas de estudantes andando em direção às suas salas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2216
translate pt_br chapter_1_0cd91a5f:
# "By now I was starting to be able to make my way around on autopilot, I've walked the same path twice already after all."
"Por agora eu já estou começando a fazer meu caminho no modo automático. Já andei por aqui duas vezes, no fim das contas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2219
translate pt_br chapter_1_a295d33f:
# "Even after the longest sleep of my life, I still feel miserably tired and ready to crash once again."
"Mesmo depois do mais longo sono da minha vida ainda me sinto miseravelmente cansado e pronto para capotar de novo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2221
translate pt_br chapter_1_319e1ba4:
# "I found another entrance at the side of the school that has less students on it. The less the merrier."
"Encontrei outra entrada na lateral da escola que tem menos estudantes por perto. Quanto menos, melhor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2224
translate pt_br chapter_1_a617a85e:
# "I check my clock once again - I’m early. Fucking hell. Should have shitposted a bit more."
"Dou mais uma olhada no meu relógio - Estou adiantado. Puta que pariu, devia ter aproveitado pra postar mais merda na internet."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2229
translate pt_br chapter_1_abfb5bba:
# "Why am I here so early again?"
"Por que estou aqui tão cedo mesmo?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2231
translate pt_br chapter_1_5bf4c984:
# "Think I had to do something."
"Acho que eu tinha que fazer alguma coisa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2235
translate pt_br chapter_1_3c6e0704:
# "Oh yeah."
"Ah sim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2237
translate pt_br chapter_1_4257b494:
# "I should talk to Naser. Give him my version of events."
"Eu deveria falar com o Naser. Dar a ele a minha versão dos fatos."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2239
translate pt_br chapter_1_2bba5c69:
# "That way he won’t kick my ass."
"Assim, com um pouco de sorte, ele não vai me enfiar a porrada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2242
translate pt_br chapter_1_71846403:
# "Wait."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2244
translate pt_br chapter_1_d872b4bd:
# "Oh goddamn it."
"Ah, puta merda."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2246
translate pt_br chapter_1_228444c7:
# "The principal also wanted to see me."
"O diretor também queria me ver."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2248
translate pt_br chapter_1_dcd5448a:
# "Shit, probably gonna get some demerit or whatever rich schools do as punishment."
"Porra, provavelmente vou ganhar algum demérito ou qualquer merda que essas escolas de riquinhos dão como punição."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2250
translate pt_br chapter_1_4cbb1d59:
# "I had almost forgotten."
"Quase esqueci."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2252
translate pt_br chapter_1_52a4d7f3:
# "Please Raptor Jesus just let this be the last time I need to deal with stuff like this."
"Por favor, Jesus Raptor, faça com que essa seja a última vez que eu precisarei lidar com coisas assim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2254
translate pt_br chapter_1_f802c3dc:
# "Get it over with so I can finally just slip my way through this year."
"Melhor terminar logo com isso pra poder finalmente sumir durante esse ano."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2271
translate pt_br lnaserBro_79b06e6d:
# "Principal caveman can wait. I want to apologize to Naser about yesterday{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"O diretor homem das cavernas pode esperar. Eu quero me desculpar com Naser por ontem{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2273
translate pt_br lnaserBro_b04c76d1:
# "I hope I can be nice to him this time."
"Espero que eu consiga ser legal com ele dessa vez."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2276
translate pt_br lnaserBro_ab38126b:
# "Great job, Anon!"
"Ótimo trabalho, Anon!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2278
translate pt_br lnaserBro_3e41f05b:
# "He saves you from soy poisoning by sacrificing his footlong, and how do you repay him? By laughing at his sister."
"Ele te salva de envenenamento por soja sacrificando o próprio sanduba, e como você agradece? Se mijando de rir da irmã dele."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2281
translate pt_br lnaserBro_81dc9517:
# "There he is, I hope he’s not too busy."
"Ele tá bem ali, espero que não esteja muito ocupado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2283
translate pt_br lnaserBro_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2285
translate pt_br lnaserBro_c97a1401:
# "I just realized I don’t know what to say to him."
"Reparei só agora que não faço ideia do que dizer a ele."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2288
translate pt_br lnaserBro_f3c64976:
# "\"I wasn’t laughing AT your sister,{w=0.4} I was laughing WITH the crowd.\""
"\"Ei, eu não tava rindo DA sua irmã,{w=0.4} eu tava rindo COM a galera.\""
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2290
translate pt_br lnaserBro_a038ce56:
# "No,{w=0.3} that sounds bad."
"Não,{w=0.3} isso soa terrível."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2293
translate pt_br lnaserBro_de4e1ca8:
# "\"Weird sisters,{w=0.2} amirite?\""
"\"Essas nossas irmãs, só dão dor de cabeça,{w=0.2} hein?\""
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2295
translate pt_br lnaserBro_b97b4fff:
# "I might be retarded.{w=0.5} I just told him I’m an only son yesterday."
"Eu devo ser retardado.{w=0.5} Falei pra ele ontem mesmo que sou filho único."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2298
translate pt_br lnaserBro_72296700:
# "\"Can’t help it,{w=0.1} dude.{w=0.5} Some people just won’t amount to anything in life.{w=0.5} Sorry.\""
"\"Não tem jeito{w=0.1} irmão,{w=0.5} algumas pessoas não foram feitas pra ter sucesso na vida.{w=0.5} Foi mal.\""
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2300
translate pt_br lnaserBro_e28d0b9e:
# "This isn’t time to be edgy,{w=0.2} Anon."
"Não é hora de ser babaquinha,{w=0.2} Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2302
translate pt_br lnaserBro_262ba3b1:
# "As I try and fail to find some way to explain myself to Naser I also fail at actually finding Naser."
"Enquanto tento encontrar uma maneira de me explicar para o Naser, falhando miseravelmente, também não consigo mais ver o próprio Naser."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2305
translate pt_br lnaserBro_7f6b21e6:
# "How the fuck did I even end up in the tard yard?"
"De repente percebo que estou mais perdido do que cego em tiroteio."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2318
translate pt_br lnaserBro_91bd23d5:
# "After what feels like a space decade of walking, or really just half an hour I find the crippled pteradon being accosted by a {cps=*0.1}VERY{/cps} pissed off purple midget."
"Depois do que pareceu uma década andando, ou na real, só meia-hora, encontro o pteranodonte aleijado sendo abordado por uma anãzinha púrpura {cps=*0.1}MUITO{/cps} puta."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2336
translate pt_br lnaserBro_0c148ca0:
# unknown "{cps=*0.4}-SAID YOU INVITED ALL THOSE ASSHOLES!{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2339
translate pt_br lnaserBro_037dbe7c:
# Nas "Wait, Trish, you don’t understand-!"
Nas "Trish, calma, você não tá enten-"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2344
translate pt_br lnaserBro_0dcc7da5:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2349
translate pt_br lnaserBro_4ba0ccd3:
# "Students are clearing out of the way, just trying to get to their classes."
"Os estudantes estão saindo do caminho, apenas tentando chegar até suas salas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2352
translate pt_br lnaserBro_5d399fd6:
# "This must be a common occurrence."
"Isso aí deve ser recorrente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2365
translate pt_br lnaserBro_7a81c55e:
# "The diminutive triceratops, Trish, bows her head and charges Naser."
"O tricerátopo diminuto, Trish, abaixa a cabeça e tenta chifrar Naser."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2388
translate pt_br lnaserBro_82138b24:
# "He just holds a hand out to her forehead."
"Ele apenas segura uma mão na testa dela."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2409
translate pt_br lnaserBro_b2f5261b:
# T "GET YOUR HANDS OFF ME!!" with vpunch
T "Ô TIRA A MÃO DE MIM HEIN!!" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2411
translate pt_br lnaserBro_bf664d4a:
# Nas "Trish, I’m not going to fight you again."
Nas "Não vou brigar contigo de novo, Trish."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2413
translate pt_br lnaserBro_efc98c6f:
# Nas "The principal’s already gotten onto me about the lockers from last time."
Nas "O diretor já me encheu o saco por conta dos armários da última vez."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2415
translate pt_br lnaserBro_cb51533d:
# Nas "Believe me, I had no idea the concert would have turned out like that."
Nas "Pode acreditar, eu não fazia ideia de que o show ia rolar daquele jeito."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2417
translate pt_br lnaserBro_def43cbf:
# T "LIAR!!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2419
translate pt_br lnaserBro_410545a6:
# Nas "I just wanted to make sure you guys had an actual audience-"
Nas "Olha, eu só queria que vocês tivessem ALGUMA platéia-"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2421
translate pt_br lnaserBro_e2eb7964:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2423
translate pt_br lnaserBro_c8d91dd1:
# Nas "You know what I mean, come on{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Coé, você sabe do que eu tô falando{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2425
translate pt_br lnaserBro_0aca0dc3:
# T "Argh!"
T "Argh!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2435
translate pt_br lnaserBro_dfcbf5c0:
# "She stops trying to gore Naser and throws her arms to her sides."
"Ela para de tentar eviscerar o Naser e estira os braços para os lados do corpo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2441
translate pt_br lnaserBro_c4127f71:
# T "Screw you!"
T "Foda-se você!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2445
translate pt_br lnaserBro_bb8662d6:
# T "Even if you weren’t trying to mess with Fang!"
T "Mesmo que tu não tivesse tentando sacanear Fang!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2447
translate pt_br lnaserBro_5f6f8996:
# T "Screw!{w=0.4} You!"
T "Foda-se!{w=0.4} Você!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2454
translate pt_br lnaserBro_946230d3:
# "She stomps off."
"Ela marcha para longe."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2462
translate pt_br lnaserBro_af330b4a:
# Nas "{i}*Sigh.*{/i}"
Nas "{i}*Suspira.*{/i}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2465
translate pt_br lnaserBro_ae6cd455:
# A "What was that all about?"
A "O que rolou aqui?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2477
translate pt_br lnaserBro_4b777a49:
# N "Oh,{w=0.3} Anon."
N "Oh,{w=0.3} Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2480
translate pt_br lnaserBro_f798647f:
# N "Don’t worry about it,{w=0.4} it’s nothing."
N "Não se preocupe com isso,{w=0.4} não é nada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2484
translate pt_br lnaserBro_c08a432f:
# Nas "Y’know, girl issues, right?{w=0.4} {cps=*0.15}Haha...{/cps}"
Nas "Problemas com garotas, sabe como é né?{w=0.4} {cps=*0.15}Haha...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2488
translate pt_br lnaserBro_0c2b6746:
# A "{cps=*0.4}Sure...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.4}Claro...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2490
translate pt_br lnaserBro_c120ad13:
# A "Sounds like she was grilling you about the concert."
A "Parece que ela tava putassa contigo pelo show."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2494
translate pt_br lnaserBro_c5372c6f:
# Nas "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2498
translate pt_br lnaserBro_7c1cfd6f:
# N "Some concert,{w=0.3} right?"
N "E que show,{w=0.3} não é?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2504
translate pt_br lnaserBro_bb34686c:
# A "Actually, about that{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
A "Então, sobre isso{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2507
translate pt_br lnaserBro_70c479f9:
# A "I, uhh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
A "Eu, eh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2526
translate pt_br lnaserBro_7e391a31:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2539
translate pt_br lnaserBro_f556d884:
# A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2541
translate pt_br lnaserBro_477cddb3:
# "A layer of cold sweat makes its presence known."
"Um filete de suor gelado me informa que o recado foi dado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2546
translate pt_br lnaserBro_b23f47ad:
# Nas "It can wait, the office is down this hall on the right."
Nas "Deixa pra depois, a diretoria fica no final do corredor ali à direita."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2548
translate pt_br lnaserBro_ef94bb66:
# A "I know the way, but thanks."
A "Eu sei o caminho, mas valeu."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2550
translate pt_br lnaserBro_b28dde92:
# "Naser waves and heads off."
"Naser acena e vai embora."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2556
translate pt_br lnaserBro_9212b3e0:
# "Guess it’s to the principal’s office with me. Again."
"Bom, acho que é hora de ver o diretor. De novo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2558
translate pt_br lnaserBro_ac64ecb7:
# "And thinking about him makes me think about last night."
"Pensar nele me faz lembrar da noite passada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2561
translate pt_br lnaserBro_37820b6b:
# Sp "{cps=*0.6}{i}You are not the only person in the world.{/i}{/cps}"
Sp "{alpha=0.75}{cps=*0.6}{i}Você não é a única pessoa no mundo.{/i}{/cps}{/alpha}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2564
translate pt_br lnaserBro_9d1c937e:
# "Poor Naser, man."
"Coitado do Naser, velho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2566
translate pt_br lnaserBro_633cce4b:
# "Just wanted to help his sister."
"O cara só quer ajudar a irmã."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2568
translate pt_br lnaserBro_d73b455d:
# "But it’s not like he did anything wrong."
"Mas não é como se ele tivesse feito algo de errado também."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2585
translate pt_br lnaserBro_fc10b4cb:
# "Just as I reach the office the sound of clinking glass draws my attention to the apricot asspain and some pink raptor."
"Assim que chego ao escritório, o som de vidro tintilando chama minha atenção para o raptor cor de rosa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2589
translate pt_br lnaserBro_029484b7:
# N "Is that contraband, Reed?"
N "Reed, isso é contrabando?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2594
translate pt_br lnaserBro_a12402a2:
# Re "Bro, you’ve known I’m in a band for like, a year now."
Re "{cps=*.2}Pôôô{/cps} mano, tu tá ligada que eu tô numa banda faz tipo, um ano."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2603
translate pt_br lnaserBro_30cfc405:
# N "No!{w=0.4} {cps=*.4}{i}Contra{/i}band!{/cps}{w=0.4} In your backpack!"
N "Não!{w=0.4} {cps=*.4}{i}Contra{/i}bando, não banda!{/cps}{w=0.4} Dentro da sua mochila!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2606
translate pt_br lnaserBro_1867051a:
# Re "{cps=*0.2}Hmmm...{/cps}{w=0.4}{nw}"
Re "{cps=*0.2}Hmmm...{/cps}{w=0.4}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2608
translate pt_br lnaserBro_cb6ec6f0:
# Re "Hmmm...{fast} nah, I left my games at home."
Re "Hmmm...{fast} Não pô, deixei meus joguinhos em casa, sacô?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2613
translate pt_br lnaserBro_355cb004:
# "Naomi facepalms, or whatever counts as a facepalm with a snout."
"Naomi bate a mão na testa, ou seja lá o que foi que ela fez tendo uma fuça."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2620
translate pt_br lnaserBro_5dca1759:
# N "Reed!{fast}{w=0.7} You have a bong in your backpack!" with vpunch
N "Reed!{fast}{w=0.7} Tem um bong na sua mochila!" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2623
translate pt_br lnaserBro_b4b85ac9:
# Re "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2}{nw}"
Re "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2625
translate pt_br lnaserBro_0fa52348:
# Re "...{fast} But we aren’t in Britain?"
Re "...{fast} Mas eu não jogo ping-pong bicho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2630
translate pt_br lnaserBro_b02399bb:
# N "Ugh, you’re impossible{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Ugh, você é impossível{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2640
translate pt_br lnaserBro_477151be:
# "Naomi huffs and returns her focus to a stack of papers on the desk, leaving a satisfied raptor in her wake."
"Naomi suspira, irritada, e volta sua atenção para uma pilha de papéis em cima da mesa, deixando para trás um raptor satisfeito."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2644
translate pt_br lnaserBro_890cc470:
# Re "Heh, {cps=*.5}works every time{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "Eita, {cps=*.5}que sempre funciona hehe{/cps}{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2646
translate pt_br lnaserBro_9b3fdfae:
# "I need to learn how to do that."
"Eu preciso aprender a fazer isso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2650
translate pt_br lnaserBro_c9697865:
# Re "S’all ‘bout misdirection{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Re "O segredo tá na distração, bicho{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2653
translate pt_br lnaserBro_0ad25b8b:
# "What."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2657
translate pt_br lnaserBro_2ef29b9e:
# Re "Deuces."
Re "Tamo junto."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2668
translate pt_br lnaserBro_93bfc487:
# "The fuck just happened?"
"Que porra foi isso agora?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2679
translate pt_br lnaserBro_05a2dd6c:
# N "Oh! Anon, I didn’t see you there!"
N "Ah, não vi você aí, Anon!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2682
translate pt_br lnaserBro_08862c92:
# N "Just in time to finish your paperwork!"
N "Bem a tempo de terminar a sua papelada!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2685
translate pt_br lnaserBro_e3b3c9d6:
# A "Paperwhatsit now?"
A "Ah, sim, a papela- quê?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2688
translate pt_br lnaserBro_52ba1abb:
# N "Go inside, Principal Spears will finalize it with you now."
N "Pode entrar, o Diretor Spears vai finalizar tudo com você."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2692
translate pt_br lnaserBro_6422ed2a:
# "Paperwork? What fucking paperwork? I’m pretty sure all that stuff was finished before I even came here."
"Papelada? Que porra de papelada? Tenho certeza que tudo isso já estava resolvido antes mesmo de vir para cá."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2694
translate pt_br lnaserBro_c40fd5e5:
# "Whatever. Probably a detention slip or whatever the principal has planned."
"Tanto faz, provavelmente uma advertência ou qualquer merda que o diretor tenha planejado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2707
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_f79e83a7:
# "Probably best I try and not make the principal pissed at me."
"Provavelmente é melhor evitar irritar o diretor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2709
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_83558697:
# "Campus beautification sounds like slave labor. And my arms are strictly for shitposting and gaming."
"Esse negócio de ‘Embelezamento do Campus’ parece trabalho escravo. Meus braços servem apenas para jogar a noite inteira ou postar merda na internet."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2712
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_5607df1e:
# "I try to recall the way that the pomelo primadonna showed me to the office."
"Tento me lembrar o caminho para a diretoria que aquela garota-pomelo me mostrou."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2714
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_ab96ca4a:
# "I somehow found myself in the potato ranch at the back of the school."
"De alguma forma, acabei indo parar na plantação de batatas da escola."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2717
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_41a0d905:
# "Fuck am I tired already."
"Merda, eu já estou até cansado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2729
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_f854a35f:
# A "How the fuck did I end up here?"
A "Como caralhos eu vim parar aqui?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2741
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_3bec2ad6:
# unknown "Don’t worry man, it happens to new students all the time{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
unknown "Relaxa irmãozinho, isso aí rola com os calouros o teeempo todo{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2744
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_36c1271c:
# A "Wha-?"
A "Que-?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2746
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_6de220d3:
# "Some pink raptor smelling of very heavily burnt grass surprises me."
"Um raptor cor-de-rosa cheirando a mato prensado me pega de surpresa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2750
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_312f84ce:
# unknown "If you’re looking for the office you’re gonna wanna go thataway."
unknown "Se tiver procurando a diretoria tu vai bem por ali, meu nobre."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2752
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_1196f077:
# A "Oh-{w=0.3} thanks."
A "Ah,{w=0.3} beleza, valeu."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2755
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_3048f867:
# unknown "Yeah, no problem, man{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
unknown "Pode crer mano{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2757
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_01ebf169:
# unknown "I’m about to go myself, but I forgot something in my locker."
unknown "Já tava indo também, mas esqueci umas paradas lá no meu armário{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2759
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_d46685e6:
# unknown "See ya."
unknown "Falou."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2772
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_13bb0fd5:
# "He walks off down another hallway."
"Ele sai por outro corredor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2775
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_e419e27f:
# "I should follow the directions he gave me."
"Melhor seguir as instruções que ele me deu."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2779
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_6546cc02:
# "Oh wait{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"Epa, pera aí{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2781
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_3ea9e367:
# "Was that the drummer from last night?"
"Esse não era aquele baterista de ontem?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2784
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_a439b59a:
# "Huh."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2788
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_f824d9b6:
# "As I near the office I can feel a heavy tension suffusing the air."
"Quando me aproximo da diretoria, sinto um clima de tensão no ar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2790
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_8e8fc47e:
# "In front of the principals’ office is Naomi and some other chick, engaged in a heated conversation."
"Na frente do escritório está Naomi e uma outra garota, em um argumento acalorado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2803
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_e8fd58f6:
# unknown "Come on, Naomi, there’s no reason at all for you to keep us from selling merchandise at school!"
unknown "Qual é Naomi! Não tem motivo nenhum pra não deixar a gente vender nossos produtos na escola!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2807
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_523f418f:
# N "Very sorry, Trish, but we’ve already told you before that due to your friends’{cps=*.1}...{/cps} record{cps=*.1}...{/cps} we can’t allow you to sell on school grounds."
N "Sinto muito Trish, mas já te falamos várias vezes que por conta da{cps=*.1}...{/cps} reputação{cps=*.1}...{/cps} do seu amigo, não podemos mais deixar vocês venderem nada dentro da escola."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2809
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_15a4d3c2:
# N "Seven times, in fact."
N "Na verdade foram sete vezes."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2811
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_ccd56bf3:
# "The purple one, Trish, throws up her hands in frustration."
"A roxinha, Trish, sacode os braços, frustrada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2815
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_049d66f8:
# T "Six! {i}This{/i} is the seventh!"
T "SEIS! {i}Essa{/i} aqui é a sétima!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2818
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_4845dabb:
# N "Go ahead and fill out a form{w=0.2}{nw}"
N "Se você quiser mesmo tentar outra vez,{w=0.2}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2822
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_ef21b6b5:
# N "Go ahead and fill out a form{fast} if you really want to try again."
N "Se você quiser mesmo tentar outra vez,{fast} pode preencher o formulário novamente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2824
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_c75f3d1f:
# T "I saw last time you just threw it in the trash without reading it!"
T "Da última vez que eu fiz isso você só jogou no lixo sem nem olhar duas vezes!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2828
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_d8621205:
# N "It was illegible, Trish. You should work on your handwriting a bit."
N "Porque estava ilegível, Trish. Talvez você devesse trabalhar um pouco mais a sua caligrafia."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2833
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_f75601d9:
# T "{b}ARGH!{/b}" with vpunch
T "{b}ARGH!{/b}" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2836
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_d8c23aa2:
# T "I don’t have time for this, I need to go track someone down."
T "Eu não tenho tempo pra isso, preciso acertar as contas com alguém."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2845
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_cc00d767:
# "She stomps away, leaving Naomi to deflate a bit."
"Ela marchou para longe, deixando Naomi relaxar um pouco."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2848
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_dba12802:
# A "That anything important?"
A "Era alguma coisa importante?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2859
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_1316256b:
# N "Sorry you had to see that, Anon."
N "Desculpe por ter visto isso, Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2862
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_02abc532:
# N "Oh, I didn’t notice we were blocking the door from you, my apologies."
N "Ah, eu nem percebi que estávamos impedindo a passagem, desculpa mesmo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2864
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_dd64362b:
# A "The principal asked to see me early, I’m not really in any rush."
A "O diretor me pediu para vir aqui cedo, mas não tô lá com muita pressa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2867
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_7582407d:
# N "Very commendable of you, though!"
N "Isso é muito responsável da sua parte!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2869
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_9596cc1b:
# N "Go right ahead on in."
N "Pode entrar agora."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2872
translate pt_br lpissOffCaveman_ce08bb23:
# A "Sure, thanks."
A "Tá, valeu."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2888
translate pt_br lspears_office_6b5cc754:
# "I open the door to the cramped office, expecting to see a gruff cave of a workspace."
"Abro a porta para o escritório apertado, esperando ver uma caverna como área de trabalho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2890
translate pt_br lspears_office_c0fe6b32:
# "Instead, it was a fairly well furnished space complete with armchairs and cabinets of old photos."
"Ao invés disso, era um espaço até que bem mobiliado, com poltronas e armários de fotos antigas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2900
translate pt_br lspears_office_6da06368:
# Sp "You going to stand there forever? What are you waiting for? Sit."
Sp "Vai ficar em pé aí para sempre? Tá esperando o quê? Sente-se."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2905
translate pt_br lspears_office_60d9ff81:
# "I plant myself in one of the armchairs and sink a bit lower into the cushion than expected."
"Sento em uma das poltronas e me afundo mais no estofado do que esperava."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2907
translate pt_br lspears_office_352c24c3:
# "Perks of being a human, I guess."
"Vantagens de ser humano, eu acho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2912
translate pt_br lspears_office_ee53deb2:
# Sp "I believe I told you last night to be here first thing this morning."
Sp "Creio que lhe disse ontem à noite para estar aqui o mais cedo possível."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2915
translate pt_br lspears_office_891c07f4:
# "Shit!"
"Ah que merda!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2918
translate pt_br lspears_office_412f2215:
# Sp "Tell me, do I have a stutter?"
Sp "Me diz, eu gaguejei?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2920
translate pt_br lspears_office_f556d884:
# A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2923
translate pt_br lspears_office_39f40583:
# Sp "Speak.{fast}"
Sp "Diga.{fast}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2925
translate pt_br lspears_office_fefdcb50:
# A "N-no, sir."
A "N-não senhor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2928
translate pt_br lspears_office_f4a717de:
# Sp "{i}{cps=*.25}*sigh...*{/cps}{/i}"
Sp "{i}{cps=*.25}*suspiro...*{/cps}{/i}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2930
translate pt_br lspears_office_22bcb4ce:
# Sp "Take this as a learning experience, Anon."
Sp "Tome isso como uma experiência de aprendizado, Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2932
translate pt_br lspears_office_c977cb19:
# Sp "Punctuality gets you far in life."
Sp "Pontualidade te leva longe na vida."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2934
translate pt_br lspears_office_9971a4db:
# A "Yes, sir."
A "Sim, senhor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2937
translate pt_br lspears_office_8be5dccf:
# Sp "I let you off the hook last night because you’re a new student."
Sp "Eu deixei passar ontem por você ser um aluno novo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2939
translate pt_br lspears_office_19e62dce:
# Sp "I meant what I said last night."
Sp "Eu falei sério ontem."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2943
translate pt_br lspears_office_da8545e6:
# Sp "Punctual like I asked. I like that, Anon."
Sp "Pontual assim como pedi. Eu gostei disso, Anon."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2945
translate pt_br lspears_office_a3423fdf:
# Sp "I trust that what happened last night won’t become a recurring problem with you?"
Sp "Acredito que o ocorrido da noite passada não se tornará um problema recorrente com você, não é?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2947
translate pt_br lspears_office_6601c322:
# A "No, sir."
A "Não, senhor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2949
translate pt_br lspears_office_9b2b1a83:
# Sp "Good. I meant what I said last night."
Sp "Ótimo. Eu falei sério ontem."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2952
translate pt_br lspears_office_cde08c8a:
# "Hopefully not about the whole pile driving thing."
"Espero que não seja a parte sobre o pilão."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2954
translate pt_br lspears_office_55158ace:
# Sp "Still, I didn’t bring you in here to lecture you."
Sp "De toda forma, não te chamei aqui para dar um sermão."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2956
translate pt_br lspears_office_bb10f799:
# "He didn’t?"
"Hã? Não?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2958
translate pt_br lspears_office_8ef5b222:
# Sp "Not many people have to use the school’s financial services."
Sp "Poucas pessoas precisaram utilizar os serviços financeiros da escola."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2961
translate pt_br lspears_office_0b716a4f:
# A "What?"
A "O quê?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2963
translate pt_br lspears_office_b1c845a5:
# A "Financial services?"
A "Serviços financeiros?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2965
translate pt_br lspears_office_967cd5d6:
# Sp "All the paperwork’s done to get you a special lunch card for the semester."
Sp "Toda a papelada já está pronta para te garantir um vale-refeição especial para o semestre."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2967
translate pt_br lspears_office_79c44df7:
# Sp "You don’t have to worry about paying until after graduation."
Sp "Você não precisa se preocupar em pagar antes da graduação."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2969
translate pt_br lspears_office_2e8bb63f:
# Sp "No interest, no down payments, none of that."
Sp "Sem juros nem entrada, nada dessas coisas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2972
translate pt_br lspears_office_a19c94fc:
# A "I uh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} What’s happening, sir?"
A "Eu{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} Eh{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} O que é isso tudo, Sr.?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2974
translate pt_br lspears_office_0ff8a734:
# Sp "You signed up for the financial services, correct?"
Sp "Você se inscreveu para receber o auxílio financeiro, correto?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2976
translate pt_br lspears_office_e3c881e7:
# Sp "Naomi told me you needed help with food and even had the papers filed out."
Sp "A Naomi me avisou que você precisava de ajuda com a alimentação e, inclusive, já estava com toda a papelada preenchida."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2978
translate pt_br lspears_office_a2279aca:
# "Naomi?!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2980
translate pt_br lspears_office_57c957ca:
# Sp "Allow me to double-check real fast."
Sp "Me deixe apenas checar com ela, um instante."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2991
translate pt_br lspears_office_bce54825:
# Sp "{b}NAOMI!!{/b}" with vpunch
Sp "{b}NAOMI!!{/b}" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3003
translate pt_br lspears_office_895fd4b2:
# "Hello tinnitus my old friend{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"E eu gostava tanto de você{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} meus tímpanos{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3009
translate pt_br lspears_office_c9afde3d:
# N "{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}"
N "{cps=*0.2}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3013
translate pt_br lspears_office_b0a1ee00:
# Sp "{cps=*0.2}......{/cps}"
Sp "{cps=*0.2}......{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3017
translate pt_br lspears_office_fa8715a0:
# N "{cps=*0.2}....{/cps}"
N "{cps=*0.2}....{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3021
translate pt_br lspears_office_a7140457:
# Sp "{cps=*0.2}.....{/cps}"
Sp "{cps=*0.2}.....{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3025
translate pt_br lspears_office_e639a21e:
# "Oh god am I stuck like this?"
"Céus, será que eu tô preso nisso?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3033
translate pt_br lspears_office_2bf1c244:
# Sp "-dismissed Naomi."
Sp "-dispensada, Naomi."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3035
translate pt_br lspears_office_f32c17a7:
# Sp "And just to be absolutely clear, Anon did ask you for this, correct?"
Sp "E só para deixar absolutamente claro, você que pediu por isso correto, Anon?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3039
translate pt_br lspears_office_f3dc9af6:
# N "Well, he {i}is{/i} in need of assistance, right?"
N "Bom, ele {i}está{/i} precisando do auxílio, certo?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3041
translate pt_br lspears_office_a8d0a6e3:
# N "Otherwise he’s stuck with the budget meals."
N "Do contrário, não vai ter opções pra almoçar bem."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3047
translate pt_br lspears_office_4605065c:
# Sp "Anon?"
Sp "Anon?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3049
translate pt_br lspears_office_98569b47:
# "I glance between the two."
"Olho entre os dois por um tempo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3051
translate pt_br lspears_office_58890863:
# "It probably wasn’t malicious, but still{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
"Provavelmente não foi com más intenções, mas ainda assim{cps=*0.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3053
translate pt_br lspears_office_29826615:
# "I’m not getting involved in office politics today."
"Não tô mesmo afim de me envolver em políticas administrativas hoje."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3055
translate pt_br lspears_office_c26931bd:
# A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} {cps=*0.2}Yes.{/cps}"
A "{cps=*0.1}...{/cps} {cps=*0.2}Isso.{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3059
translate pt_br lspears_office_0df2f2e9:
# N "Oh, lovely!"
N "Ah, que ótimo!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3065
translate pt_br lspears_office_6cab2144:
# N "{cps=*0.5}Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any other prob-{/cps}{nw}"
N "{cps=*0.5}Não deixe de perguntar se você tiver mais algum probl-{/cps}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3067
translate pt_br lspears_office_8d3e115f:
# Sp "You may leave now, Naomi."
Sp "Pode se retirar agora, Naomi."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3071
translate pt_br lspears_office_5bcbd156:
# N "Oh! Yes sir!"
N "Ah! Sim senhor!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3074
translate pt_br lspears_office_c6c4dac1:
# "She leaves the office and Spears clicks the papers on his desk into a stack."
"Ela deixa o escritório e Spears empilha os papéis em cima da mesa num pequeno monte."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3077
translate pt_br lspears_office_4de3d0c9:
# Sp "Hate to do that, but she goes on for ages."
Sp "Odeio fazer isso, mas ela fala sem parar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3079
translate pt_br lspears_office_ca149770:
# Sp "Anyways, go ahead and sign here.{w=0.4} Here.{w=0.4} Here.{w=0.4} Initial here.{w=0.4} Date here.{w=0.4} Print your name here."
Sp "De toda forma, pode assinar aqui.{w=0.4} Aqui.{w=0.4} Aqui.{w=0.4} Primeiro nome aqui.{w=0.4} Data aqui.{w=0.4} Nome completo aqui."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3082
translate pt_br lspears_office_39b1aa64:
# "I didn’t catch any of that."
"Não entendi absolutamente nada disso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3084
translate pt_br lspears_office_d0465fa4:
# A "W{w=0.1}-what?"
A "Q{w=0.1}-quê?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3086
translate pt_br lspears_office_699c037b:
# Sp "Just kidding. You’re good to go Anon, and don’t forget this."
Sp "É só brincadeira. Pode ir Anon, e não se esqueça de levar isso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3091
translate pt_br lspears_office_1c806082:
# "He holds out the poorly laminated lunch card for me to take."
"Ele segura o vale-refeição surrado, esperando que eu pegue."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3093
translate pt_br lspears_office_5c585be5:
# Sp "Just keep in mind,"
Sp "Apenas tenha em mente,"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3095
translate pt_br lspears_office_94ba4043:
# Sp "As a senior, this semester is your last, your biggest chance to figure your future out."
Sp "como um aluno do terceiro ano, esse é o seu último semestre, sua maior chance de encontrar o seu caminho para o futuro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3097
translate pt_br lspears_office_3509b824:
# Sp "Even if you’re new to all of us here at Volcano High, we’re here to help you make the most of it."
Sp "Mesmo que você ainda seja um novato para todos nós aqui em Volcano High, estaremos aqui para te ajudar a aproveitar o máximo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3100
translate pt_br lspears_office_893ecd27:
# "Huh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3102
translate pt_br lspears_office_c0122d40:
# A "Thank you, Mister Spears."
A "Muito obrigado, Sr. Spears."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3106
translate pt_br lspears_office_5e9ed34a:
# "Mr. Spears nods and gives a small smile."
"Sr. Spears acena com a cabeça e me dá um pequeno sorriso."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3108
translate pt_br lspears_office_d264cfd3:
# Sp "You can come in anytime. I’m always here to listen."
Sp "Pode vir a qualquer momento, estou sempre aqui para ouvir."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3112
translate pt_br lspears_office_926eb9e1:
# Sp "You can come in anytime. I’m always here to listen.{fast} Except for topics relating to estrus season."
Sp "Pode vir a qualquer momento, estou sempre aqui para ouvir.{fast} Exceto por tópicos relacionados à temporada de estro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3115
translate pt_br lspears_office_7e8dae32:
# "I sense great exhaustion in that last bit."
"Senti uma exaustão enorme nessa última parte."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3119
translate pt_br lspears_office_23bd00f1:
# "I thank Mr. Spears one last time and head to homeroom."
"Agradeço ao Sr. Spears uma última vez e vou para minha sala de aula."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3121
translate pt_br lspears_office_a20cefa7:
# "..."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3133
translate pt_br lspears_office_1906c3a8:
# "I thank Mr. Spears one last time and head out."
"Agradeço ao Sr. Spears uma última vez e saio da sala."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3149
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_3bb6e375:
# "Naser should be around here somewhere, I wanted to talk to him before class."
"Naser deve estar em algum lugar aqui perto. Queria falar com ele antes da aula."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3151
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_e5a43a54:
# "There’s still a bit of time before the bell."
"Ainda tenho um pouco de tempo antes do sinal."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3154
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_fe484c21:
# "But where would Naser be hanging out about now?"
"Mas onde será que ele poderia estar exatamente agora?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3156
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_9dfd4c27:
# "Maybe near the cafeteria?{w=0.4} {cps=*0.5}This place serves breakfa-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
"Talvez perto da cantina?{w=0.4} {cps=*0.5}Será que eles servem caf-{/cps}{w=.3}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3161
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_711fc0ec:
# unknown "{cps=*0.25}WAOOOH!!{/cps}" with vpunch
unknown "{cps=*0.25}WAOOOH!!{/cps}" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3163
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_1d746e1d:
# "With the screech of a banshee, a blur of purple launches itself onto an unsuspecting student."
"Com o urro de uma banshee, um vulto roxo se atira diretamente em um estudante desavisado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3165
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_f9285378:
# "Everyone in the hallway pauses to watch as a midget of a triceratops attempts to bring down the taller raptor student."
"Todos no corredor param para ver a tricerátopo anã tentar derrubar o raptor estudante."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3169
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_c83435e1:
# unknown "{b}{cps=*2}IMMAKILLYOUTRIGGA!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch
unknown "{b}{cps=*2}EU TE MATO TRIOULO DO CARALHO!{/cps}{/b}" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3172
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_39057d9f:
# "The student body collectively rolls their eyes and continues on, choosing to ignore the pissed off trigga as she finally forces the helpless guy to the floor and sits triumphantly on his chest."
"O corpo estudantil coletivamente revira os olhos e continua o seu caminho, escolhendo ignorar a trioula putassa quando ela inevitavelmente derruba o coitado no chão, sentando triunfantemente em cima do seu peito."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3175
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_c7dfead2:
# "I’m pretty sure some would pay good money for this treatment."
"Tenho certeza que alguém por aí pagaria uma grana preta por esse tipo de tratamento."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3177
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_9ee84da7:
# "The ineffectual pummel-slapping included as she flails at the raptor’s face."
"Incluindo a surra ineficaz enquanto ela esbofeteia o rosto do raptor."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3180
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_f1b5ddb3:
# T "You were there last night weren’t you?!"
T "Tu tava lá noite passada, num tava?!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3182
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_d02d4bdd:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3184
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_e0aac050:
# T "You owe my band an apology!"
T "Tá devendo um pedido de desculpas pra minha banda!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3186
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_16d3d809:
# unknown "WILL IT GET YOU OFF OF ME?!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3188
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_c173a841:
# T "If it’s good enough."
T "Depende do que tu falar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3190
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_a319b047:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3193
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_603d2955:
# "Wait, she’s in the band that played yesterday?"
"Calma aí, ela tava na banda que tocou ontem?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3197
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_6e0b216c:
# "I{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2} Should get out of here."
"Eu{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.2} deveria sair fora daqui."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3199
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_83496df6:
# "Last thing I need is whatever’s going on here."
"A última coisa que eu preciso é de uma parada dessas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3202
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_625ab8aa:
# "I discreetly slip away, down the nearest hall."
"Malandramente, vazo pelo corredor mais próximo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3214
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_8e3c4133:
# A "That happen often{cps=*0.1}...?{/cps}"
A "Isso rola com frequência{cps=*0.1}...?{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3228
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_ab20fb55:
# Nas "Does what happen often?"
Nas "O quê, exatamente?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3234
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_d3b87133:
# A "WAH!"
A "WAH!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3238
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_bd63c162:
# "Naser’s leaning against a set of lockers, along with that guy from before."
"Naser está apoiado numa fileira de armários, junto com o carinha de antes."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3241
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_f9ab0ac6:
# "The other one’s making a throat-slashing gesture, waving a palm across his neck."
"O outro está fazendo um gesto com o dedo, como se cortasse a garganta, depois segurando a palma da mão sobre o pescoço."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3246
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_6e2b3992:
# A "Uhh{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} nothing important."
A "Ahnn{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.3} nada importante."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3261
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_c89a4c28:
# unknown "So as I was saying, bro{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
unknown "Então, como eu tava falando maninho{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3263
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_256b42eb:
# unknown "BXR, best tactic in the game, y’know?"
unknown "BXR bicho, melhor tática do jogo, saca?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3269
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_ee65213c:
# Nas "Erm, yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Makes sense, I guess?"
Nas "É{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Meio que faz sentido? Eu acho?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3273
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_2c3f2ba7:
# Nas "Anyways, Reed. I’m sorry for how things went last night, I didn’t think those assholes would laugh at you."
Nas "De toda forma Reed, foi mal como as coisas rolaram ontem, não achei que aqueles babacas fossem zoar vocês."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3277
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_94004a03:
# "Oh."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3285
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_37421412:
# Re "Nah man, s’cool."
Re "Não esquenta bruxo, tá de boa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3287
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_49c0c397:
# Re "They called me because they wanted me to kill bugs crawling on the drums with a couple sticks, I don't know why a bunch of people came there to watch it."
Re "Me deram baquetas pra matar umas baratas que tavam subindo na bateria, não saquei o motivo de ter tanta gente vindo pra olhar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3290
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_6998880c:
# Nas "Right{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} And you’re absolutely sure Trish is taking it okay?"
Nas "Beleza{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} Você tem certeza que a Trish tá levando numa boa?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3293
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_ee5beccd:
# Re "Hell yeah, man. Nothin’ goin’ on in the Trish department at all."
Re "Total, meu brother. Tem nada pegando com a mina não, suave."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3296
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_93f06ddf:
# "Reed suddenly reaches into his pocket and retrieves his phone, tapping away at a shockingly long password."
"Reed então subitamente pega seu celular do bolso, começando a digitar uma senha absurdamente longa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3302
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_1b625d82:
# Re "Oh,{w=0.2} sick!{w=0.4} Right, gotta go. Catch you later, amigo."
Re "Oloco,{w=0.2} que foda!{w=0.4} Tô vazando, falo contigo depois manito."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3310
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_f9494198:
# "The raptor bolts before Naser can respond, undoubtedly related to the triceratops."
"O raptor some antes que Naser tivesse chance de responder. Sem dúvidas tinha a ver com a tricerátopo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3315
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_3af4a2c0:
# Nas "Weird guy."
Nas "Carinha esquisito."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3318
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_3d62f163:
# A "Uh,{w=0.4} Naser,{w=0.4} {cps=*.7}I actually wanted to talk to-{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}"
A "Eh-{w=0.4} Naser,{w=0.4} {cps=*.7}na real eu precisava fal-{/cps}{w=.6}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3333
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_8b262b2a:
# Nas "Crap, can’t miss my homeroom today."
Nas "Putz, não posso perder essa aula hoje."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3336
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_743248e8:
# Nas "Sorry, it’ll have to wait a bit."
Nas "Foi mal, vamos ter que deixar pra mais tarde."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3339
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_b15668d9:
# A "It{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} no, that’s fine."
A "Nã{cps=*.1}...{/cps}{w=0.4} ok, tranquilo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3341
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_ad21e258:
# A "See you later."
A "A gente se fala depois."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3347
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_fdf7758f:
# "Naser heads off down the hall and I go to my own homeroom."
"Naser segue em direção ao fundo do corredor, e eu vou para a minha própria aula."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3349
translate pt_br lfinding_naser_f1638dc1:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3363
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_95c52013:
# "The periods pass and eventually it’s lunchtime again."
"Os períodos passam e eventualmente é hora do almoço novamente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3365
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_76839c26:
# "I’ve been focusing a bit less on class, and more on getting a routine down to avoid unwanted confrontation."
"Estou me focando um pouco menos nas aulas, e mais em entender a rotina para evitar confrontos desnecessários."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3367
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_2662575a:
# "It’s like it’s only me and the teacher in class, phasing out everyone else."
"É como se estivéssemos apenas eu e o professor na sala, invisíveis para todos os outros."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3375
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_18f98820:
# "I follow the flow of students towards the lunchroom, mindlessly looking about the halls."
"Sigo o fluxo dos estudantes em direção ao pátio, olhando pelos corredores sem muito foco."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3377
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_80c24032:
# "Passing by the athletic awards case, a decent amount of group photos have Naser front and center."
"Passando pelo mostruário de premiações atléticas, uma boa parte das fotos têm o Naser na frente e no centro."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3379
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_b1f5cf9d:
# "Apparently this school is pretty well known for their track team."
"Aparentemente a escola é relativamente bem conhecida pelo seu time de corrida."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3381
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_9a605727:
# "In a similar vein, Naomi is present in a good deal of the photos in the academic achievement case."
"De maneira similar, Naomi está presente em boa parte das fotos das conquistas acadêmicas."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3383
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_6105289f:
# "The last case was reserved for general awards, I guess trophies that don’t belong anywhere else."
"O último mostruário era reservado às conquistas gerais. Imagino que são troféus que não se encaixam em nenhum outro lugar."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3386
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_2a496875:
# "The school has a few commendation awards for their efforts to stop bullying."
"A escola tem alguns prêmios elogiando seus esforços para combater o bullying."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3388
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_6f1065fc:
# "Feh, they pass those around to every school."
"Meh, eles entregam isso pra qualquer colégio."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3391
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_1747947c:
# "Looking around, there’s several posters on the walls here."
"Olhando por aí, tem vários pôsteres colados nas paredes."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3393
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_71b60fd7:
# "All simple slogans to stop the evil bully menace."
"Todos com slogans simples para evitar a ameaça do bullying."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3395
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_88878519:
# "A fat lot of good those did me at my old school{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
"Grandes merdas que esses me fizeram na antiga escola{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3397
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_314b40b5:
# "They always went all in with those efforts."
"Eles sempre foram com tudo com esses esforços."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3399
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_1572d415:
# "One time they even got the whole student body into the auditorium to watch a short movie."
"Certa vez até passaram um filme para todo o corpo estudantil no auditório."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3401
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_1031795f:
# "Some frail, pasty kid gets pestered by a chubby, buff bully."
"Um garoto pequeno e franzino, sendo atazanado por um gorducho fortão."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3403
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_1e452339:
# "The kid ended up trying to run away and got hit by a car, with the credits scrolling over a scene in the hospital."
"O garoto acabou tentando fugir e foi atropelado por um carro, com os créditos passando por cima de uma cena no hospital."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3405
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_ffa42251:
# "Everyone in class just said things like \"Man,{w=0.2} good thing I’m not like that bully.\", \"Yeah, if I ever see a bully like that I’ll help the kid!\""
"Todos na sala disseram coisas como \"Mano,{w=0.2} ainda bem que não sou como esse valentão.\", \"pois é, se eu vir um cara desses, com certeza vou ajudar o garoto!\""
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3408
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_17dc65d3:
# "Then they went right back to talking about me."
"E então, logo em seguida, voltaram a falar mal de mim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3410
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_7ef78c31:
# "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}No use feeling bad about the past."
"{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Não adianta ficar remoendo sobre o passado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3424
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_95797750:
# "I’m here now."
"Foco no presente."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3426
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_03adb2d8:
# "With the lunch card in my possession I’m able to snag something actually edible."
"Agora com o meu vale-refeição em mãos, consigo pegar algo comestível. Pra dar uma variada."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3428
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_e4178897:
# "I should run the math on how much I’ll end up owing, but I feel more like indulging myself."
"Certamente deveria tomar cuidado com o que pego para não ficar devendo muito, mas estou afim de me esbaldar hoje."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3444
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_b09e3caf:
# "Why not both?"
"Por que não os dois?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3446
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_4cb69c18:
# "Hence my tray stacked high with desserts and the tastiest looking sandwich from the lunchline."
"Com isso seguro minha bandeja cheia até o topo com bolachas e o sanduíche mais brabo que encontrei."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3449
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_5e567df2:
# "Looking around for a place to sit I see the aggravating creamsicle waving at me."
"Enquanto procurava um lugar para sentar, vejo o picolé de laranja mais irritante de todos acenando para mim."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3455
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_329ccd5b:
# "Next to her is Naser with a complicated expression."
"Ao lado dela estava Naser, fazendo uma careta estranha."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3461
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_f83fe2ae:
# Nas "{i}{cps=*.7}I just wanted to make sure you guys had an actual audience-{/cps}{/i}"
Nas "{alpha=0.75}{i}{cps=*.7}Olha, eu só queria que vocês tivessem ALGUMA platéia-{/cps}{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3465
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_079f958c:
# Nas "{i}{cps=*.7}I brought them here so Fang has an audience.{/cps}{/i}"
Nas "{alpha=0.75}{i}{cps=*.7}Eu trouxe eles pra cá, pra que Fang tivesse uma platéia.{/cps}{/i}{/alpha}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3468
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_fb6e33a2:
# "Shit."
"Que merda."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3470
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_23887fcc:
# "I go and sit across from Naser and Naomi."
"Lá vou eu me sentar com Naser e Naomi{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3487
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_36ba1ab8:
# N "I see you’re making use of the lunch card."
N "Vejo que você já usou seu vale-refeição!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3491
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_0a75b057:
# A "{cps=*.4}Yyyyeeeaaaaah...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.4}Poiséééé...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3494
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_f7853b71:
# N "But all those sugars! All that is bad for your health, Anon. This school’s vegan options-"
N "Mas olha quanto açúcar! Anon, isso é bem ruim pra sua saúde. Nossa escola tem ótimas opções vega-"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3496
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_f8d5f7c5:
# "I tune her out with the help of a crunchy sugar cookie."
"E eu ignoro ela com a ajuda de um biscoito {cps=*.3}beeeem{/cps} crocante."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3499
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_aec6b71a:
# "A glance at Naser and I notice that he’s just poking at his pasta."
"Uma olhada para Naser e reparo que ele só está cutucando a comida."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3505
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_ca801e66:
# N "Naser sweetie, you shouldn’t play with your food."
N "Naser, meu amor{cps=*.1}...{/cps} É falta de educação brincar com a sua comida."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3512
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_07ef26a2:
# Nas "Huhwha-{w=0.6}{nw}"
Nas "Éoque-{w=0.6}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3515
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_a3c93083:
# Nas "Huhwha-{fast} OH! Anon, what’s up?"
Nas "Éoque-{fast} Ah! E aí Anon, tudo tranquilo?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3517
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_4f45cd81:
# A "Not much. And you?"
A "Suave. E você?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3520
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_0fde9976:
# Nas "Yeah no, totally good!"
Nas "Eu? Eu tô de boa!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3522
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_be4ba734:
# "His following laugh sounds hollow."
"Sua risada soa completamente vazia."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3525
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_d632225b:
# N "Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
N "Naser{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3530
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_e29a9731:
# Nas "Yeah yeah. It’s just{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "Não, não. Tá tudo bem, é só que{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3534
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_06a7f820:
# Nas "Fang stayed home today."
Nas "Fang ficou em casa hoje."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3536
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_e643dc67:
# Nas "The concert was a shitshow and they wanted to avoid everyone. I knew I shouldn’t have invited all those guys."
Nas "O show foi um desastre e elu queria evitar todo mundo. Eu sabia que não devia ter convidado aquela galera."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3544
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_a26b07cc:
# "Naomi places a comforting hand on his shoulder."
"Naomi põe a mão no ombro de Naser de forma reconfortante."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3546
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_802dd6f1:
# A "I uh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Yeah{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Então{cps=*.1}...{/cps} É{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3548
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_45913fe3:
# A "That crowd was harsh."
A "Aquela galera foi meio{cps=*.1}...{/cps} cruel."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3550
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_976c6a98:
# Nas "What happened after I left?"
Nas "O que aconteceu depois que eu fui embora?"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3552
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_aece86fa:
# "Naser looks at me pitifully."
"Naser olha para mim, chateado."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3554
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_7a475fad:
# Nas "Trish gave me a general idea, but I have to know{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "A Trish explicou mais ou menos, mas eu preciso saber o resto{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3557
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_4198b179:
# Sp "{cps=*.6}{i}You are not the only person in the world.{/i}{/cps}"
Sp "{alpha=0.75}{cps=*.6}{i}Você não é a única pessoa no mundo.{/i}{/cps}{/alpha}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3560
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_8bbf4d5f:
# "Ah, shit."
"Que merda{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3563
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_2efb2439:
# A "The band never made it past the first song. Someone said they ‘still’ sucked."
A "A banda nem chegou a passar da primeira música. Alguém falou que eles ‘ainda’ são horríveis."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3569
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_212248b5:
# "Naser grits his teeth."
"Naser cerra os dentes."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3575
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_723db08a:
# A "Whoa whoa, calm down man."
A "Ei, ei! Calma, cara."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3577
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_af9b84dd:
# Nas "What else? Did they say anything about Fang?!"
Nas "O que mais? Falaram alguma coisa de Fang?!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3580
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_0ac4c1d5:
# unknown "{cps=*.7}{i}NO ONE WOULD WANT TO FUCK YOU, BITCH!{/i}{/cps}"
unknown "{alpha=0.75}{cps=*.7}{i}NINGUÉM QUER FODER VOCÊ, SUA VAGABUNDA!{/i}{/cps}{/alpha}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3583
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_e2c8fe19:
# A "{cps=*.4}...Yeah...{/cps} I don’t think you’d want to hear it though{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.4}... É...{/cps} falaram sim, mas não acho que você queira saber{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3585
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_b8f0a709:
# Nas "And? What happened after?!{w=.5}{nw}"
Nas "E aí? O que rolou depois?!{w=.5}{nw}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3593
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_15717fee:
# Nas "And? What happened after?!{fast} I’m gonna kick all their asses!" with vpunch
Nas "E aí? O que rolou depois?!{fast} Vou enfiar a mão em todo mundo!" with vpunch
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3598
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_bc23eef1:
# N "Naser! Please calm yourself!"
N "Naser! Se acalma, por favor!"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3604
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_8ba6e6f0:
# "I realize now that I had been laughing with them."
"Reparei agora que estava rindo junto com eles."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3607
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_36fc5476:
# A "I left after that. Principal Spears was fucking pissed."
A "Eu saí de lá depois disso. O Diretor Spears tava puto pra caralho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3609
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_b1a6e4e3:
# A "Even threatened to suplex them."
A "Ameaçou até de meter um pilão em todo mundo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3616
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_266fe8e3:
# "Naser sags, emotionally spent."
"Naser desaba, emocionalmente exausto."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3621
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_2139b394:
# Nas "{cps=*.3}Haaaaah....{/cps} Fuck{cps=*.1}...{/cps} So that’s why she stayed home{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
Nas "{cps=*.3}Ahhh...{/cps} Que merda{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Então é por isso que ela ficou em casa{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3625
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_a03486ad:
# N "If Fang wishes to stay home then that is her prerogative."
N "Se a Fang decidiu ficar em casa, então é escolha dela."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3627
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_f9be240f:
# N "You just need to give her some time, Naser."
N "Você só precisa dar um tempo pra ela, Naser."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3629
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_7f2247cc:
# "While she said that I noticed a strange expression cross over Naomi’s face."
"Enquanto dizia isso, notei uma expressão esquisita no rosto da Naomi."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3632
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_3a4fd19a:
# Nas "I know babe. I just wish I could help them more."
Nas "Eu sei, amor. Só queria poder ajudar mais elu."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3635
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_284ff9ea:
# A "Yeah. If you need any help Naser, I owe ya for the pizza."
A "Pois é, Naser. Se precisar de alguma coisa, ainda tô te devendo pela pizza."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3643
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_34998a7d:
# "We finish eating and make small talk until the bell signals us to go to our sixth period."
"Terminamos de comer e jogamos conversa fora até o sinal tocar, avisando sobre a sexta aula."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3645
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_d59c0e3e:
# "Day two out of however many left is now out of my way."
"Segundo dia fora do caminho. Sei lá quantos mais ainda restam."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3648
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_2b6fcf56:
# "I’m fairly certain that if Naser found out I laughed too I’d need to avoid him."
"Tenho quase certeza de que se Naser descobrir que eu também estava rindo, precisaria evitá-lo."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3650
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_a418b269:
# "Those cheeto covered claws look like they’d freakin’ hurt, man."
"Essas garras sujas de salgadinho devem machucar pra cacete, velho."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3654
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_15ce8b25:
# "With that drama now past me I can just disappear and cheese through the rest of the year like I’m invisible."
"Com todo o drama agora ficando para trás, posso simplesmente desaparecer e deixar o ano passar direto, como se eu fosse invisível."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3656
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_3de2441e:
# "Oh when June hits it’s gonna be so sweet."
"Ahh, quando Junho chegar vai ser muito massa."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3659
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_d84a3f46:
# "Amen to that."
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3661
translate pt_br lpostCavemanConference_ddd008b5:
# "{cps=*0.05}...{/cps}"
translate pt_br strings:
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:50
old "Reply to the obvious shill thread"
new "Responder a thread, que é claramente um golpe"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:50
old "Bait the obvious underaged poster"
new "Baitar o OP, que é claramente uma criança"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2257
old "Naser's a bro"
new "Naser é um brother"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:2257
old "I don't wanna piss off the caveman."
new "Não tô afim de irritar o homem das cavernas"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3433
old "Grab the cookies you fatass"
new "Pega as bolachas, seu gordola"
# game/script/1.first-two-days-anon-meets-fang.rpy:3433
old "That sandwich looks good"
new "O sanduba tá bonito"