2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
# The Mous Pad
label chapter_x2:
stop music fadeout(3)
2021-10-05 19:57:20 +01:00
scene black with Dissolve(2)
pause 1
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
scene skinrow
show anon neutral flip:
yalign 0.1 xalign 0.7
show black
show viewfinder
show rec:
ypos 0.072 xpos 0.91
alpha 1
pause .5
alpha 0
pause .5
with Dissolve(1)
pause 2
A "Right, you’ re recording?"
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
window hide
window auto
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
pause .5
# appreciating the moment
# appreciating the scenery
# fuck you I like this chick
play music 'audio/ost/fuck you i like this chick.ogg' fadein 0.5
hide black with Dissolve(1)
pause .5
show anon happy flip with dissolve
A "Heyyy, what’ s up? It’ s ya boy, Anon, and this is my criiiiiiiiiiiib!"
pause .5
F "Dork{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
show anon neutral flip with Dissolve(.25)
A "Quiet you!"
A "Ignore the hired help."
pause .5
F "Hired?!"
A "Shush!"
show anon:
easein_cubic 1.5 xalign 0.8
show anon shrug flip with dissolve
A "We’ re right in the heart of Skin Row, one of Volcaldera Bluff’ s most historic cultural districts!"
pause .5
F "Yeah, if you call crack ‘ cultural’ {cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
2021-10-05 19:57:20 +01:00
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}CULTURAL districts!"
pause .5
A "I’ ve been living here for almost seven months and I wouldn’ t trade it for anywhere else in the state."
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
A "So let’ s head on inside for the grand tour!"
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
window hide
window auto
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
pause .5
2022-11-23 03:21:49 -06:00
show black with Dissolve(1)
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
scene room anon day alt
show viewfinder
show rec:
ypos 0.072 xpos 0.91
alpha 1
pause .5
alpha 0
pause .5
2022-11-23 03:21:49 -06:00
with Dissolve(1)
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
pause .5
F "What’ s so ‘ grand’ about a one-room apartment? My bedroom is bigger than this!"
A "Fang I swear to god, don’ t make me ask Reed to do this instead."
pause .5
A "So this is the kitchen area, loaded with all the essentials I need to get me through the week. Alfredo, carbonara, pesto, you name it and I can cook it."
F "Carbonara is pretty good, I’ ll give you that{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "Moving on- Fang! You don’ t need to show the refrigerator!"
F "You call thirty energy drinks ‘ essential’ ?"
A "You try getting through a 48 hour Rock Ring 2 marathon without those!"
pause .5
A "Anyways, make sure you get a good pan view of the apartment."
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
window hide
window auto
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
pause .5
show anon shrug behind viewfinder:
yalign 0.1 xalign -0.4
show anon:
easein_cubic 1 xalign 0.1
with dissolve
pause .5
"This is what I call the ‘ Mous Pad’ ."
pause .5
F "You have literally never called it that before."
F "Wait. Why are you doing this again?"
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
A "My forum pen-pal dared me to do it."
pause .5
F "Your{cps=*.1}...{/cps} pen-pal? You’ re trying to impress some weirdo on the Internet with{cps=*.1}...{/cps} this."
A "Yeah, her screen name’ s StegoStar231. I’ m pretty sure she’ s from Japan. Cool, huh?"
F "‘ Her’ ? You’ re sure you aren’ t just being groomed?"
A "No, shut up."
show anon:
easein_cubic 1 xalign 0.4
pause .25
show anon neutral with dissolve
A "Anyways, next is the battlestation, ready for all those late-night raid sessions with the clan."
show anon:
easein_back 1 xalign 0.0
A "And THIS little guy is Metal Gear RAYmba! Custom modified with a railgun for stealth launches at the science teacher!"
2021-10-05 20:01:22 +01:00
F "Some weirdo forced him to buy a phone roomba on our first date and he decided to keep it."
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
A "And it was the best decision I made that day!"
pause .5
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}Why are you giving me that look? Moving on!"
show anon:
easein_cubic 1.5 xalign 0.3
A "The bed. Where I do all my sleeping."
pause .5
F "Among other things."
A "Fang! How vulgar!"
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
window hide
window auto
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
pause .5
show anon:
ease_cubic 1 xalign 0.9
pause .25
show anon neutral with dissolve
pause .25
A "My TV, XROX hooked up and ready to play Rock Ring at a moment’ s notice."
A "And my closet, with all the clothes I’ ll ever need."
pause .5
F "What the fuck? I thought you just kept cleaning the same shirt over and over. Why do you have so many?"
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
A "Am I giving a tour to StegoStar or you?"
F "Tell me more about this ‘ StegoStar’ character. What’ s ‘ her’ deal?"
A "Dunno what there is to say. She likes anime and- wait, you aren’ t jealous, are you?"
F "I’ d be jealous if it was an actual girl you were talking to, you dweeb."
A "Good. Between you and me, she’ s not really my type."
pause .5
F "And you’ re taken."
A "And I’ m happily taken."
pause .5
show anon happy flip with dissolve
A "Anyways, uh, I think that’ s about it for my crib tour. Hope you enjoyed, StegoStar. Make sure you get back to me about the new Lucky Star episode, too."
show anon neutral flip with dissolve
A "And done."
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
window hide
window auto
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
pause .5
hide rec
hide viewfinder
with Dissolve(.25)
pause .75
show fang neutral:
yalign 0.0 xalign -0.4
show fang:
easein_cubic 1 xalign 0.1
with dissolve
pause .5
F "So, does StegoStar have any other hobbies?"
A "I, err, think she’ s into card games?"
show fang considering with Dissolve(.25)
F "Hmmmm{cps=*.1}...{/cps} Card games, huh? Anything else you know of?"
A "For not being jealous you sure care a lot about what she does. She sent me some pictures of her garden once."
show fang unimpressed with Dissolve(.25)
F "What, like a zen garden? Or is that some kind of euphemism?"
A "What? No! Just flowers and stuff. I can show you if you want."
show anon:
ease_cubic 1 xalign 0.7
pause 1
F "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
stop music fadeout 3
show fang:
easein_quart 1 xalign 0.05
show fang surprised with Dissolve(.25)
F "This is Stella’ s garden."
pause .5
A "Whaaaat, no it isn’ t. See?"
show fang neutral with Dissolve(.25)
F "Anon, this is Stella’ s yard."
pause .5
A "Nah, you’ re just jea-"
show fang:
easein_back 1 xalign 0.2
show fang happy with Dissolve(.25)
F "Here’ s her fucking instaglyph, you idiot."
pause .5
show anon:
easein_cubic 1 xalign 0.8
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
A "{cps=*.1}...{/cps}"
pause .5
play music 'audio/ost/bayside bumming it.ogg'
show anon unimpressed flip with dissolve
A "One moment, I need to use the bathroom."
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
window hide
window auto
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
pause .5
show fang behind anon
show anon:
easeout_cubic 1 xalign -0.2
pause .5
hide anon with dissolve
play sound 'audio/effects/doorslam.ogg'
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
pause .1
window show Dissolve(0.0001)
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
"{b}*SLAM*{/b}" with vpunch
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
window hide
window auto
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
show fang happy flip with dissolve
pause .5
show viewfinder
show rec:
ypos 0.072 xpos 0.91
alpha 1
pause .5
alpha 0
pause .5
with dissolve
pause .5
"*Ring ring ring click*"
pause .5
A "Sooo{cps=*.1}...{/cps} When were you going to tell me?"
show fang:
easein_cubic 1.5 xalign 0.5
A "NO!"
show fang:
easein_elastic 1.5 xalign 0.8
F "{cps=*.4}d’ aaaaaawww{/cps}. Anon had a {cps=*.5}{i}cruuuush{/i}{/cps}."
A "And I HAVE a girlfriend!"
A "No I will NOT be keeping that promise!"
A "Apology not accepted!"
A "Oh and by the way your husbando is shit!"
pause .5
play sound 'audio/effects/doorslam.ogg'
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
"*woosh {nw}"
extend "{b}SLAM{/b}*" with vpunch
window hide
window auto
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
pause .5
show anon sad behind viewfinder:
yalign 0.1 xalign -0.5
show anon:
easein_cubic 1 xalign 0.0
with dissolve
pause 1
A "Ugh{cps=*.1}...{/cps} I need a smo-"
show anon neutral with Dissolve(.25)
A "Wait."
pause .5
show anon unimpressed with dissolve
A "Are you still filming?!"
show viewfinder:
linear 0.5 alpha 0
show rec:
linear 0.5 alpha 0
show fang:
easein_back 0.75 xalign 1.0
easeout_cubic 1 xalign 2.8
F "{cps=*.75}AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA{/cps}{w=1}{nw}"
show anon:
easein_cubic 1 xalign 0.4
show anon pissed with Dissolve(.25)
A "Fang I swear to fu- Get back here!"
2021-11-06 18:54:43 -05:00
window hide
window auto
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00
show anon:
easeout_cubic 1 xalign 1.5
pause .5
hide anon with dissolve
stop music fadeout 4
pause 2
2021-10-05 19:57:20 +01:00
scene black with Dissolve(1.5)
pause 2
2021-09-14 21:40:47 +01:00