wukko c0289b6a8c basically new readme and more languages
- indonesian localization by @LyfeV
- rewrote readme
- added new line at the end for files that were missing it
2022-08-01 21:48:37 +06:00

29 lines
1.4 KiB

import got from "got";
import loc from "../../localization/manager.js";
import { genericUserAgent, maxVideoDuration } from "../config.js";
export default async function(obj) {
try {
let req = await got.get(`${obj.sub}/comments/${}/${}.json`, { headers: { "user-agent": genericUserAgent } });
let data = (JSON.parse(req.body))[0]["data"]["children"][0]["data"];
if ("reddit_video" in data["secure_media"] && data["secure_media"]["reddit_video"]["duration"] * 1000 < maxVideoDuration) {
let video = data["secure_media"]["reddit_video"]["fallback_url"].split('?')[0],
audio = video.match('.mp4') ? `${video.split('_')[0]}_audio.mp4` : `${data["secure_media"]["reddit_video"]["fallback_url"].split('DASH')[0]}audio`;
try {
await got.head(audio, { headers: { "user-agent": genericUserAgent } });
} catch (err) {
audio = ''
if (audio.length > 0) {
return { typeId: 2, type: "render", urls: [video, audio], filename: `reddit_${data["secure_media"]["reddit_video"]["fallback_url"].split('/')[3]}.mp4` };
} else {
return { typeId: 1, urls: video};
} else {
return { error: loc(obj.lang, 'ErrorEmptyDownload') };
} catch (err) {
return { error: loc(obj.lang, 'ErrorBadFetch') };