wukko c0289b6a8c basically new readme and more languages
- indonesian localization by @LyfeV
- rewrote readme
- added new line at the end for files that were missing it
2022-08-01 21:48:37 +06:00

37 lines
1.6 KiB

import UrlPattern from "url-pattern";
import { services as patterns } from "./config.js";
import { cleanURL, apiJSON } from "./sub/utils.js";
import { errorUnsupported } from "./sub/errors.js";
import loc from "../localization/manager.js";
import match from "./match.js";
export async function getJSON(originalURL, ip, lang, format, quality) {
try {
let url = decodeURI(originalURL);
if (!url.includes('http://')) {
let hostname = url.replace("https://", "").replace(' ', '').split('&')[0].split("/")[0].split("."),
host = hostname[hostname.length - 2],
if (host == "youtu") {
host = "youtube";
url = `${url.replace("", "").replace("https://", "")}`;
if (host && host.length < 20 && host in patterns && patterns[host]["enabled"]) {
for (let i in patterns[host]["patterns"]) {
patternMatch = new UrlPattern(patterns[host]["patterns"][i]).match(cleanURL(url, host).split(".com/")[1]);
if (patternMatch) break;
if (patternMatch) {
return await match(host, patternMatch, url, ip, lang, format, quality);
} return apiJSON(0, { t: errorUnsupported(lang) } )
} return apiJSON(0, { t: errorUnsupported(lang) } )
} else {
return apiJSON(0, { t: errorUnsupported(lang) } )
} catch (e) {
return apiJSON(0, { t: loc(lang, 'ErrorSomethingWentWrong') });