wukko c0289b6a8c basically new readme and more languages
- indonesian localization by @LyfeV
- rewrote readme
- added new line at the end for files that were missing it
2022-08-01 21:48:37 +06:00

77 lines
5.8 KiB

"name": "english",
"code": "en",
"substrings": {
"ContactLink": "<a class=\"text-backdrop\" href=\"{repo}\">let me know</a>"
"strings": {
"LinkInput": "paste the link here",
"AboutSummary": "{appName} is your go-to place for social media downloads. zero ads, trackers, or any other creepy bullshit attached. simply paste a share link and you're ready to rock!",
"AboutSupportedServices": "currently supported services:",
"EmbedBriefDescription": "save content from social media without creeps following you around",
"MadeWithLove": "made with <3 by wukko",
"AccessibilityInputArea": "link input area",
"AccessibilityOpenAbout": "open about popup",
"AccessibilityDownloadButton": "download button",
"AccessibilityOpenSettings": "open settings popup",
"AccessibilityOpenChangelog": "view changelog popup",
"AccessibilityClosePopup": "close the popup",
"AccessibilityOpenDonate": "open donation popup",
"TitlePopupAbout": "what's {appName}?",
"TitlePopupSettings": "settings",
"TitlePopupError": "uh-oh...",
"TitlePopupChangelog": "what's new?",
"TitlePopupDonate": "support {appName}",
"TitlePopupDownload": "download",
"ErrorSomethingWentWrong": "something went wrong and i couldn't get anything for you. you can try again, but if issue persists, please {ContactLink}.",
"ErrorUnsupported": "it seems like this service is not supported yet or your link is invalid.",
"ErrorBrokenLink": "{s} is supported, but something is wrong with your link. maybe you didn't copy it fully?",
"ErrorNoLink": "i can't guess what you want to download! please give me a link.",
"ErrorPageRenderFail": "something went wrong and page couldn't render. if it's a recurring or critical issue, please {ContactLink}. it'd be useful if you provided current commit hash ({s}) and error recreation steps. thank you :D",
"ErrorRateLimit": "you're making way too many requests. calm down and try again in a few minutes.",
"ErrorCouldntFetch": "couldn't fetch metadata. check if your link is correct and try again.",
"ErrorLengthLimit": "current length limit is {s} minutes. what you tried to download was longer than {s} minutes. pick something else to download!",
"ErrorBadFetch": "something went wrong with info fetching. you can try a different format and resolution or just try again later.",
"ErrorCorruptedStream": "this download is unfortunately corrupted. try again or try a different format and resolution.",
"ErrorNoInternet": "there's no internet or {appName} api is down. check your connection and try again.",
"ErrorCantConnectToServiceAPI": "i couldn't connect to {s} api. seems like either {s} is down or {appName} server ip got blocked. try again later.",
"ErrorEmptyDownload": "there's no media content to download. try something else!",
"ErrorLiveVideo": "i can't download a live video. wait for stream to finish and try again.",
"ErrorNoStreamID": "there's no such streamId.",
"ErrorNoType": "there's no such expected response type.",
"SettingsAppearanceSubtitle": "appearance",
"SettingsThemeSubtitle": "theme",
"SettingsFormatSubtitle": "download format",
"SettingsMiscSubtitle": "more settings",
"SettingsDownloadsSubtitle": "downloads",
"SettingsQualitySubtitle": "quality",
"SettingsThemeAuto": "auto",
"SettingsThemeLight": "light",
"SettingsThemeDark": "dark",
"SettingsQualitySwitchMax": "max",
"SettingsQualitySwitchHigh": "high\n",
"SettingsQualitySwitchMedium": "medium\n",
"SettingsQualitySwitchLow": "low\n",
"SettingsQualitySwitchLowest": "lowest",
"SettingsFormatSwitchAudio": "audio only",
"SettingsKeepDownloadButton": "keep &gt;&gt; visible",
"AccessibilityKeepDownloadButton": "keep the download button always visible",
"SettingsEnableDownloadPopup": "ask for a way to save",
"AccessibilityEnableDownloadPopup": "ask what to do with downloads",
"SettingsFormatDescription": "select webm if you need max quality available. webm videos are usually higher quality but ios devices can't play them natively. all \"audio only\" downloads are max quality.",
"SettingsQualityDescription": "if selected resolution isn't available, closest one gets picked instead. if you want to post a youtube video on twitter, select 720p. twitter likes videos like that way more.",
"DonateSubtitle": "it's hard to pay for hosting right now",
"DonateDescription": "i don't like crypto how it is right now, but it's currently the only way for me to pay for anything abroad. mastercard/visa cards and services similar to paypal are no longer an option.",
"LinkGitHubIssues": "&gt;&gt; report issues and check out the source code on github",
"LinkGitHubChanges": "&gt;&gt; see previous changes and contribute on github",
"LinkDonateContact": "&gt;&gt; let me know if currency you want to donate isn't listed",
"NoScriptMessage": "{appName} uses javascript for api requests and interactive interface. you have to allow javascript to use this site. we don't have any ads or trackers, pinky promise.",
"DownloadPopupDescriptionIOS": "since you have an ios device, you have to press and hold the download button and then select \"download video\" in appeared popup to save the video. this will be required for as long as apple forces safari webview upon all browser developers on ios.",
"DownloadPopupDescription": "download button opens a new tab with requested file. you can disable this popup in settings.",
"DownloadPopupWayToSave": "pick a way to save",
"ClickToCopy": "click to copy",
"Download": "download",
"CopyURL": "copy url"