2022-07-09 00:17:56 +06:00

22 lines
2.1 KiB

"generic": "something went wrong and i couldn't get the video. you can try again,",
"notSupported": "it seems like this service is not supported yet or your link is invalid.",
"brokenLink": "{s} is supported, but something is wrong with your link.",
"noURL": "something is wrong with your link. it's probably missing. i can't guess what you want to download!",
"badResolution": "your screen resolution is not supported. try a different device.",
"tryAgain": "\ncheck the link and try again.",
"letMeKnow": "but if issue persists, please <a class=\"text-backdrop nowrap\" href=\"\">let me know</a>.",
"fatal": "something went wrong and page couldn't be rendered. if you want me to fix this, please <a href=\"\">contact me</a>. it'd be useful if you provided the commit hash ({s}) along with recreation steps. thank you :D",
"rateLimit": "you're making way too many requests. calm down and try again in a few minutes.",
"youtubeFetch": "couldn't fetch metadata. check if your link is correct and try again.",
"youtubeLimit": "current length limit is {s} minutes. what you tried to download was longer than {s} minutes.",
"youtubeBroke": "something went wrong with info fetching. you can try a different format or just try again later.",
"corruptedVideo": "oddly enough the requested video is corrupted on its origin server. youtube does this sometimes because it's fucking stupid.",
"corruptedAudio": "oddly enough the requested audio is corrupted on its origin server. youtube does this sometimes because it's fucking stupid.",
"noInternet": "it seems like either {appName} api is down or there's no internet. check your connection and try again.",
"liveVideo": "i can't download a live video. wait for stream to finish and try again.",
"nothingToDownload": "it seems like there's nothing to download. try another link!",
"cantConnectToAPI": "i couldn't connect to {s} api. seems like either {s} is down or server ip got blocked. try again later.",
"noStreamID": "there's no such stream id. you can't fool me!",
"noType": "there's no such expected response type."