2023-10-25 13:05:56 -04:00

339 lines
12 KiB

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright 2023 yuzu Emulator Project
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
#include <random>
#include "core/core.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_process.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/k_system_resource.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvdrv/devices/nvmap.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvdrv/nvdrv.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvnflinger/buffer_queue_producer.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvnflinger/fb_share_buffer_manager.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvnflinger/pixel_format.h"
#include "core/hle/service/nvnflinger/ui/graphic_buffer.h"
#include "core/hle/service/vi/layer/vi_layer.h"
#include "core/hle/service/vi/vi_results.h"
namespace Service::Nvnflinger {
namespace {
Result AllocateIoForProcessAddressSpace(Common::ProcessAddress* out_map_address,
std::unique_ptr<Kernel::KPageGroup>* out_page_group,
Core::System& system, u32 size) {
using Core::Memory::YUZU_PAGESIZE;
// Allocate memory for the system shared buffer.
// FIXME: Because the gmmu can only point to cpu addresses, we need
// to map this in the application space to allow it to be used.
// FIXME: Add proper smmu emulation.
// FIXME: This memory belongs to vi's .data section.
auto& kernel = system.Kernel();
auto* process = system.ApplicationProcess();
auto& page_table = process->GetPageTable();
// Hold a temporary page group reference while we try to map it.
auto pg = std::make_unique<Kernel::KPageGroup>(
kernel, std::addressof(kernel.GetSystemSystemResource().GetBlockInfoManager()));
// Allocate memory from secure pool.
pg.get(), size / YUZU_PAGESIZE,
// Get bounds of where mapping is possible.
const VAddr alias_code_begin = GetInteger(page_table.GetAliasCodeRegionStart());
const VAddr alias_code_size = page_table.GetAliasCodeRegionSize() / YUZU_PAGESIZE;
const auto state = Kernel::KMemoryState::IoMemory;
const auto perm = Kernel::KMemoryPermission::UserReadWrite;
std::mt19937_64 rng{process->GetRandomEntropy(0)};
// Retry up to 64 times to map into alias code range.
Result res = ResultSuccess;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 64; i++) {
*out_map_address = alias_code_begin + ((rng() % alias_code_size) * YUZU_PAGESIZE);
res = page_table.MapPageGroup(*out_map_address, *pg, state, perm);
if (R_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
// Return failure, if necessary
R_UNLESS(i < 64, res);
// Return the mapped page group.
*out_page_group = std::move(pg);
// We succeeded.
Result CreateNvMapHandle(u32* out_nv_map_handle, Nvidia::Devices::nvmap& nvmap, u32 size) {
// Create a handle.
Nvidia::Devices::nvmap::IocCreateParams create_params{
.size = size,
.handle = 0,
R_UNLESS(nvmap.IocCreate(create_params) == Nvidia::NvResult::Success,
// Assign the output handle.
*out_nv_map_handle = create_params.handle;
// We succeeded.
Result FreeNvMapHandle(Nvidia::Devices::nvmap& nvmap, u32 handle) {
// Free the handle.
Nvidia::Devices::nvmap::IocFreeParams free_params{
.handle = handle,
R_UNLESS(nvmap.IocFree(free_params) == Nvidia::NvResult::Success, VI::ResultOperationFailed);
// We succeeded.
Result AllocNvMapHandle(Nvidia::Devices::nvmap& nvmap, u32 handle, Common::ProcessAddress buffer,
u32 size) {
// Assign the allocated memory to the handle.
Nvidia::Devices::nvmap::IocAllocParams alloc_params{
.handle = handle,
.heap_mask = 0,
.flags = {},
.align = 0,
.kind = 0,
.address = GetInteger(buffer),
R_UNLESS(nvmap.IocAlloc(alloc_params) == Nvidia::NvResult::Success, VI::ResultOperationFailed);
// We succeeded.
Result AllocateHandleForBuffer(u32* out_handle, Nvidia::Module& nvdrv,
Common::ProcessAddress buffer, u32 size) {
// Get the nvmap device.
auto nvmap_fd = nvdrv.Open("/dev/nvmap");
auto nvmap = nvdrv.GetDevice<Nvidia::Devices::nvmap>(nvmap_fd);
ASSERT(nvmap != nullptr);
// Create a handle.
R_TRY(CreateNvMapHandle(out_handle, *nvmap, size));
// Ensure we maintain a clean state on failure.
ASSERT(R_SUCCEEDED(FreeNvMapHandle(*nvmap, *out_handle)));
// Assign the allocated memory to the handle.
R_RETURN(AllocNvMapHandle(*nvmap, *out_handle, buffer, size));
constexpr auto SharedBufferBlockLinearFormat = android::PixelFormat::Rgba8888;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferBlockLinearBpp = 4;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferBlockLinearWidth = 1280;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferBlockLinearHeight = 768;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferBlockLinearStride =
SharedBufferBlockLinearWidth * SharedBufferBlockLinearBpp;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferNumSlots = 7;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferWidth = 1280;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferHeight = 720;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferAsync = false;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferSlotSize =
SharedBufferBlockLinearWidth * SharedBufferBlockLinearHeight * SharedBufferBlockLinearBpp;
constexpr u32 SharedBufferSize = SharedBufferSlotSize * SharedBufferNumSlots;
constexpr SharedMemoryPoolLayout SharedBufferPoolLayout = [] {
SharedMemoryPoolLayout layout{};
layout.num_slots = SharedBufferNumSlots;
for (u32 i = 0; i < SharedBufferNumSlots; i++) {
layout.slots[i].buffer_offset = i * SharedBufferSlotSize;
layout.slots[i].size = SharedBufferSlotSize;
layout.slots[i].width = SharedBufferWidth;
layout.slots[i].height = SharedBufferHeight;
return layout;
void MakeGraphicBuffer(android::BufferQueueProducer& producer, u32 slot, u32 handle) {
auto buffer = std::make_shared<android::GraphicBuffer>();
buffer->width = SharedBufferWidth;
buffer->height = SharedBufferHeight;
buffer->stride = SharedBufferBlockLinearStride;
buffer->format = SharedBufferBlockLinearFormat;
buffer->buffer_id = handle;
buffer->offset = slot * SharedBufferSlotSize;
ASSERT(producer.SetPreallocatedBuffer(slot, buffer) == android::Status::NoError);
} // namespace
FbShareBufferManager::FbShareBufferManager(Core::System& system, Nvnflinger& flinger,
std::shared_ptr<Nvidia::Module> nvdrv)
: m_system(system), m_flinger(flinger), m_nvdrv(std::move(nvdrv)) {}
FbShareBufferManager::~FbShareBufferManager() = default;
Result FbShareBufferManager::Initialize(u64* out_buffer_id, u64* out_layer_id, u64 display_id) {
std::scoped_lock lk{m_guard};
// Ensure we have not already created a buffer.
R_UNLESS(m_buffer_id == 0, VI::ResultOperationFailed);
// Allocate memory and space for the shared buffer.
Common::ProcessAddress map_address;
std::addressof(m_buffer_page_group), m_system,
// Create an nvmap handle for the buffer and assign the memory to it.
R_TRY(AllocateHandleForBuffer(std::addressof(m_buffer_nvmap_handle), *m_nvdrv, map_address,
// Record the display id.
m_display_id = display_id;
// Create a layer for the display.
m_layer_id = m_flinger.CreateLayer(m_display_id).value();
// Set up the buffer.
m_buffer_id = m_next_buffer_id++;
// Get the layer.
VI::Layer* layer = m_flinger.FindLayer(m_display_id, m_layer_id);
ASSERT(layer != nullptr);
// Get the producer and set preallocated buffers.
auto& producer = layer->GetBufferQueue();
MakeGraphicBuffer(producer, 0, m_buffer_nvmap_handle);
MakeGraphicBuffer(producer, 1, m_buffer_nvmap_handle);
// Assign outputs.
*out_buffer_id = m_buffer_id;
*out_layer_id = m_layer_id;
// We succeeded.
Result FbShareBufferManager::GetSharedBufferMemoryHandleId(u64* out_buffer_size,
s32* out_nvmap_handle,
SharedMemoryPoolLayout* out_pool_layout,
u64 buffer_id,
u64 applet_resource_user_id) {
std::scoped_lock lk{m_guard};
R_UNLESS(m_buffer_id > 0, VI::ResultNotFound);
R_UNLESS(buffer_id == m_buffer_id, VI::ResultNotFound);
*out_pool_layout = SharedBufferPoolLayout;
*out_buffer_size = SharedBufferSize;
*out_nvmap_handle = m_buffer_nvmap_handle;
Result FbShareBufferManager::GetLayerFromId(VI::Layer** out_layer, u64 layer_id) {
// Ensure the layer id is valid.
R_UNLESS(m_layer_id > 0 && layer_id == m_layer_id, VI::ResultNotFound);
// Get the layer.
VI::Layer* layer = m_flinger.FindLayer(m_display_id, layer_id);
R_UNLESS(layer != nullptr, VI::ResultNotFound);
// We succeeded.
*out_layer = layer;
Result FbShareBufferManager::AcquireSharedFrameBuffer(android::Fence* out_fence,
std::array<s32, 4>& out_slot_indexes,
s64* out_target_slot, u64 layer_id) {
std::scoped_lock lk{m_guard};
// Get the layer.
VI::Layer* layer;
R_TRY(this->GetLayerFromId(std::addressof(layer), layer_id));
// Get the producer.
auto& producer = layer->GetBufferQueue();
// Get the next buffer from the producer.
s32 slot;
R_UNLESS(producer.DequeueBuffer(std::addressof(slot), out_fence, SharedBufferAsync != 0,
SharedBufferWidth, SharedBufferHeight,
SharedBufferBlockLinearFormat, 0) == android::Status::NoError,
// Assign remaining outputs.
*out_target_slot = slot;
out_slot_indexes = {0, 1, -1, -1};
// We succeeded.
Result FbShareBufferManager::PresentSharedFrameBuffer(android::Fence fence,
Common::Rectangle<s32> crop_region,
u32 transform, s32 swap_interval,
u64 layer_id, s64 slot) {
std::scoped_lock lk{m_guard};
// Get the layer.
VI::Layer* layer;
R_TRY(this->GetLayerFromId(std::addressof(layer), layer_id));
// Get the producer.
auto& producer = layer->GetBufferQueue();
// Request to queue the buffer.
std::shared_ptr<android::GraphicBuffer> buffer;
R_UNLESS(producer.RequestBuffer(static_cast<s32>(slot), std::addressof(buffer)) ==
// Queue the buffer to the producer.
android::QueueBufferInput input{};
android::QueueBufferOutput output{};
input.crop = crop_region;
input.fence = fence;
input.transform = static_cast<android::NativeWindowTransform>(transform);
input.swap_interval = swap_interval;
R_UNLESS(producer.QueueBuffer(static_cast<s32>(slot), input, std::addressof(output)) ==
// We succeeded.
Result FbShareBufferManager::GetSharedFrameBufferAcquirableEvent(Kernel::KReadableEvent** out_event,
u64 layer_id) {
std::scoped_lock lk{m_guard};
// Get the layer.
VI::Layer* layer;
R_TRY(this->GetLayerFromId(std::addressof(layer), layer_id));
// Get the producer.
auto& producer = layer->GetBufferQueue();
// Set the event.
*out_event = std::addressof(producer.GetNativeHandle());
// We succeeded.
} // namespace Service::Nvnflinger