Victoria Nadasdi f3818f6681
feat: add Docker image build on prod release and publish to
This patch add a simple Docker image that builds the application with
node and puts the end result into a small nginx image.

Updtaed the prod release GitHub action to build and publish the image on
GitHub's OCI registry ( and connect it to the repository.


Docker is fun, more and more people deploy images on their homelab,
Docker Swarm, or Kubernetes clusters. I do the same. First I build a
builder for myself[^1], then I had a "waaaaait a minute...." moment and
realised I can upstream it and put it here.

Another options for the GitHub action:
I can move the whole build to a separate workflow and trigger on new
tag and instead of building the application, just download the artifact
from the release page on GitHub (like my version[^2] does on manual trigger).

2024-04-16 18:40:29 +02:00

16 lines
408 B

from node:21-alpine as builder
workdir /code
copy . /code
run npm ci && npm run build
from nginx:1.25.4-alpine
label maintainer="Victoria Nadasdi <>"
label org.opencontainers.image.source=
label org.opencontainers.image.description="Docker Image for Phanpy"
label org.opencontainers.image.licenses=MIT
copy --from=builder /code/dist /usr/share/nginx/html