Everything is designed and engineered following my taste and vision. This is a personal side project for me to learn about Mastodon and experiment with new UI/UX ideas.
- **Status actions (reply, boost, favourite, bookmark, etc) are hidden by default**.<br>They only appear in individual status page. This is to reduce clutter and distraction. It may result in lower engagement, but we're not chasing numbers here.
- **Boost is represented with the rocket icon**.<br>The green double arrow icon (retweet for Twitter) doesn't look right for the term "boost". Green rocket looks weird, so I use purple.
- **Short usernames (`@username`) are displayed in timelines, instead of the full account username (`@username@instance`)**.<br>Despite the [guideline](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/api/guidelines/#username) mentioned that "Decentralization must be transparent to the user", I don't think we should shove it to the face every single time. There are also some [screen-reader-related accessibility concerns](https://twitter.com/lifeofablindgrl/status/1595864647554502656) with the full username, though this web app is unfortunately not accessible yet.
- **No autoplay for video/GIF/whatever in timeline**.<br>The timeline is already a huge mess with lots of people, brands, news and media trying to grab your attention. Let's not make it worse. (Current exception now would be animated emojis.)
- **Hash-based URLs**.<br>This web app is not meant to be a full-fledged replacement to Mastodon's existing front-end. There's no SEO, database, serverless or any long-running servers. I could be wrong one day.
- From the fetched posts (e.g. 20 posts per fetch), if number of boosts are more than quarter of total posts or more than 3 consecutive boosts, boosts carousel UI will be triggered.
- If number of boosts are more than 3 quarters of total posts, boosts carousel UI will be slotted at the end of total posts fetched (per "page").
- Else, boosts carousel UI will be slotted in between the posts.
### Thread number badge (e.g. Thread 1/X)

- Check every post for `inReplyToId` from cache or additional API requests, until the root post is found.
- If root post is found, badge will show the index number of the post in the thread.
- Limit up to 3 API requests as the root post may be very old or the thread is super long.
- If index number couldn't be found, badge will fallback to showing `Thread` without the number.
-`npm run fetch-instances` - Fetch instances list from [joinmastodon.org/servers](https://joinmastodon.org/servers), save it to `src/data/instances.json`
Go to [Releases](https://github.com/cheeaun/phanpy/releases) and download the latest `phanpy-dist.zip` or `phanpy-dist.tar.gz`. It's pre-built so don't need to run any install/build commands. Extract it. Serve the folder of extracted files.
Download or `git clone` this repository. Use `production` branch for *stable* releases, `main` for *latest*. Build it by running `npm run build` (after `npm install`). Serve the `dist` folder.
- Web page title, shown in the browser window or tab title
- App title, when installed as PWA, shown in the Home screen, macOS dock, Windows taskbar, etc
- OpenGraph card title, when shared on social networks
- Client name, when [registering the app for authentication](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/client/token/#app) and shown as client used on posts in some apps/clients
-`PHANPY_WEBSITE` (optional but recommended, default: `https://phanpy.social`) affects:
- Canonical URL of the website
- OpenGraph card URL, when shared on social networks
- Root path for the OpenGraph card image
- Client URL, when [registering the app for authentication](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/client/token/#app) and shown as client used on posts in some apps/clients
-`PHANPY_DEFAULT_INSTANCE` (optional, no defaults):
- e.g. 'mastodon.social', without `https://`
- Default instance for log-in
- When logging in, the user will be redirected instantly to the instance's authentication page instead of having to manually type the instance URL and submit
- URL of the instance registration page
- E.g. `https://mastodon.social/auth/sign_up`
-`PHANPY_PRIVACY_POLICY_URL` (optional, default to official instance's privacy policy):
- URL of the privacy policy page
- May specify the instance's own privacy policy
-`PHANPY_LINGVA_INSTANCES` (optional, space-separated list, default: `lingva.phanpy.social [...hard-coded list of fallback instances]`):
- Specify a space-separated list of instances. First will be used as default before falling back to the subsequent instances. If there's only 1 instance, means no fallback.
- May specify a self-hosted Lingva instance, powered by either [lingva-translate](https://github.com/thedaviddelta/lingva-translate) or [lingva-api](https://github.com/cheeaun/lingva-api)
- List of fallback instances hard-coded in `/.env`
- [↗️ List of lingva-translate instances](https://github.com/thedaviddelta/lingva-translate?tab=readme-ov-file#instances)
### Static site hosting
Try online search for "how to self-host static sites" as there are many ways to do it.
#### Lingva-translate or lingva-api hosting
See documentation for [lingva-translate](https://github.com/thedaviddelta/lingva-translate) or [lingva-api](https://github.com/cheeaun/lingva-api).
I am one of the earliest users of Twitter. Twitter was launched on [15 July 2006](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twitter). I joined on December 2006 and my [first tweet](https://twitter.com/cheeaun/status/1298723) was posted on 18 December 2006.
I know how early Twitter looks like. It was fun.
Back then, I [made a Twitter clone](https://twitter.com/cheeaun/status/789031599) called "Twig" written in Python and Google App Engine. I almost made my own [Twitter desktop client](https://github.com/cheeaun/chidori) written in Appcelerator Titanium. I [gave one of my best talks about the Twitter client](https://www.slideshare.net/cheeaun/story-of-a-thousand-birds) in a mini-conference. I built this thing called "Twitter [Columns](https://twitter.com/columns)", a web app that shows your list of followings, your followings' followings, your followers, your followers' followers and so on. In 2009, I wrote a blog post titled ["How I got started with Twitter"](https://cheeaun.com/blog/2009/04/how-i-got-started-with-twitter/). I created [two](https://twitter.com/cheeaun/status/1273422454) [themes](https://twitter.com/cheeaun/status/1487781343) for DestroyTwitter (a desktop client made with Adobe Air by Jonnie Hallman) and one of them is called ["Vimeo"](https://dribbble.com/shots/31624). In 2013, I wrote [my own tweets backup site](https://github.com/cheeaun/tweets) with a front-end to view my tweets and a [CouchDB backend](https://github.com/cheeaun/tweet-couch) to store them.