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synced 2025-03-26 08:54:42 +01:00
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import 'dart:io' as io;
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:np_codegen/np_codegen.dart';
import 'package:np_common/or_null.dart';
import 'package:np_common/type.dart';
import 'package:np_datetime/np_datetime.dart';
import 'package:np_db/src/entity.dart';
import 'package:np_db_sqlite/np_db_sqlite.dart';
import 'package:to_string/to_string.dart';
part 'api.g.dart';
typedef NpDbComputeCallback<T, U> = Future<U> Function(NpDb db, T message);
/// A data structure that identify a File in db
@ToString(ignoreNull: true)
class DbFileKey {
const DbFileKey({
}) : assert(fileId != null || relativePath != null);
const DbFileKey.byId(int fileId) : this(fileId: fileId);
const DbFileKey.byPath(String relativePath)
: this(relativePath: relativePath);
String toString() => _$toString();
bool compareIdentity(DbFileKey other) =>
fileId == other.fileId || relativePath == other.relativePath;
final int? fileId;
final String? relativePath;
class DbSyncResult {
const DbSyncResult({
required this.insert,
required this.delete,
required this.update,
final int insert;
final int delete;
final int update;
/// Sync results with ids
/// The meaning of the ids returned depends on the specific call
class DbSyncIdResult {
const DbSyncIdResult({
required this.insert,
required this.delete,
required this.update,
factory DbSyncIdResult.fromJson(JsonObj json) => DbSyncIdResult(
insert: (json["insert"] as List).cast<int>(),
delete: (json["delete"] as List).cast<int>(),
update: (json["update"] as List).cast<int>(),
JsonObj toJson() => {
"insert": insert,
"delete": delete,
"update": update,
bool get isEmpty => insert.isEmpty && delete.isEmpty && update.isEmpty;
bool get isNotEmpty => !isEmpty;
final List<int> insert;
final List<int> delete;
final List<int> update;
class DbLocationGroup with EquatableMixin {
const DbLocationGroup({
required this.place,
required this.countryCode,
required this.count,
required this.latestFileId,
required this.latestDateTime,
String toString() => _$toString();
List<Object?> get props => [
final String place;
final String countryCode;
final int count;
final int latestFileId;
final DateTime latestDateTime;
class DbLocationGroupResult {
const DbLocationGroupResult({
required this.name,
required this.admin1,
required this.admin2,
required this.countryCode,
String toString() => _$toString();
final List<DbLocationGroup> name;
final List<DbLocationGroup> admin1;
final List<DbLocationGroup> admin2;
final List<DbLocationGroup> countryCode;
abstract class NpDb {
factory NpDb() => NpDbSqlite();
/// Initialize the db for the main isolate
/// If running on android, you must pass the current SDK int to [androidSdk].
/// If running on other platforms, this value will be ignored, you can pass
/// null in such case
Future<void> initMainIsolate({
required int? androidSdk,
/// Initialize the db for a background isolate
/// If running on android, you must pass the current SDK int to [androidSdk].
/// If running on other platforms, this value will be ignored, you can pass
/// null in such case
Future<void> initBackgroundIsolate({
required int? androidSdk,
/// Dispose the db
/// After disposing, you must not call any methods defined here anymore. This
/// is typically used before stopping a background isolate
Future<void> dispose();
Future<io.File> export(io.Directory dir);
/// Start an isolate with a [NpDb] instance provided to you
Future<U> compute<T, U>(NpDbComputeCallback<T, U> callback, T args);
/// Insert [accounts] to db
Future<void> addAccounts(List<DbAccount> accounts);
/// Clear all data in the database and insert [accounts]
/// WARNING: ALL data will be dropped!
Future<void> clearAndInitWithAccounts(List<DbAccount> accounts);
Future<void> deleteAccount(DbAccount account);
Future<List<DbAlbum>> getAlbumsByAlbumFileIds({
required DbAccount account,
required List<int> fileIds,
Future<void> syncAlbum({
required DbAccount account,
required DbFile albumFile,
required DbAlbum album,
/// Return all faces provided by the Face Recognition app
Future<List<DbFaceRecognitionPerson>> getFaceRecognitionPersons({
required DbAccount account,
/// Return faces provided by the Face Recognition app with loosely matched
/// [name]
Future<List<DbFaceRecognitionPerson>> searchFaceRecognitionPersonsByName({
required DbAccount account,
required String name,
/// Replace all recognized people for [account]
Future<DbSyncResult> syncFaceRecognitionPersons({
required DbAccount account,
required List<DbFaceRecognitionPerson> persons,
/// Return files located inside [dir]
Future<List<DbFile>> getFilesByDirKey({
required DbAccount account,
required DbFileKey dir,
Future<List<DbFile>> getFilesByDirKeyAndLocation({
required DbAccount account,
required String dirRelativePath,
required String? place,
required String countryCode,
/// Return [DbFile]s by their corresponding file ids
/// No error will be thrown even if a file in [fileIds] is not found, it is
/// thus the responsibility of the caller to decide how to handle such case.
/// Returned files are NOT guaranteed to be sorted as [fileIds]
Future<List<DbFile>> getFilesByFileIds({
required DbAccount account,
required List<int> fileIds,
/// Return [DbFile]s by their date time value
Future<List<DbFile>> getFilesByTimeRange({
required DbAccount account,
required List<String> dirRoots,
required TimeRange range,
/// Update one or more file properties of a single file
Future<void> updateFileByFileId({
required DbAccount account,
required int fileId,
String? relativePath,
OrNull<bool>? isFavorite,
OrNull<bool>? isArchived,
OrNull<DateTime>? overrideDateTime,
DateTime? bestDateTime,
OrNull<DbImageData>? imageData,
OrNull<DbLocation>? location,
/// Batch update one or more file properties of multiple files
/// Only a subset of properties can be updated in batch
Future<void> updateFilesByFileIds({
required DbAccount account,
required List<int> fileIds,
OrNull<bool>? isFavorite,
OrNull<bool>? isArchived,
/// Add or replace files in db
Future<void> syncDirFiles({
required DbAccount account,
required DbFileKey dirFile,
required List<DbFile> files,
/// Replace a file in db
Future<void> syncFile({
required DbAccount account,
required DbFile file,
/// Add or replace nc albums in db
/// Return fileIds affected by this call
Future<DbSyncIdResult> syncFavoriteFiles({
required DbAccount account,
required List<int> favoriteFileIds,
/// Return number of files without metadata
Future<int> countFilesByFileIdsMissingMetadata({
required DbAccount account,
required List<int> fileIds,
required List<String> mimes,
/// Delete a file or dir from db
Future<void> deleteFile({
required DbAccount account,
required DbFileKey file,
/// Return a map of file id to etags for all dirs and sub dirs located under
/// [relativePath], including the path itself
Future<Map<int, String>> getDirFileIdToEtagByLikeRelativePath({
required DbAccount account,
required String relativePath,
/// Remove all children of a dir
Future<void> truncateDir({
required DbAccount account,
required DbFileKey dir,
/// Return [DbFileDescriptor]s
/// Limit results by their corresponding file ids if [fileIds] is not null. No
/// error will be thrown even if a file in [fileIds] is not found, it is thus
/// the responsibility of the caller to decide how to handle such case
/// [includeRelativeRoots] define paths to be included; [excludeRelativeRoots]
/// define paths to be excluded. Paths in both lists are matched as prefix
/// Limit type of files to be returned by specifying [mimes]. The mime types
/// are matched as is
/// Returned files are sorted by [DbFileDescriptor.bestDateTime] in descending
/// order
Future<List<DbFileDescriptor>> getFileDescriptors({
required DbAccount account,
List<int>? fileIds,
List<String>? includeRelativeRoots,
List<String>? excludeRelativeRoots,
List<String>? relativePathKeywords,
String? location,
bool? isFavorite,
List<String>? mimes,
int? limit,
Future<DbLocationGroupResult> groupLocations({
required DbAccount account,
List<String>? includeRelativeRoots,
List<String>? excludeRelativeRoots,
Future<List<DbNcAlbum>> getNcAlbums({
required DbAccount account,
Future<void> addNcAlbum({
required DbAccount account,
required DbNcAlbum album,
Future<void> deleteNcAlbum({
required DbAccount account,
required DbNcAlbum album,
/// Add or replace nc albums in db
Future<DbSyncResult> syncNcAlbums({
required DbAccount account,
required List<DbNcAlbum> albums,
Future<List<DbNcAlbumItem>> getNcAlbumItemsByParent({
required DbAccount account,
required DbNcAlbum parent,
/// Add or replace nc album items in db
Future<DbSyncResult> syncNcAlbumItems({
required DbAccount account,
required DbNcAlbum album,
required List<DbNcAlbumItem> items,
/// Return all faces provided by the Recognize app
Future<List<DbRecognizeFace>> getRecognizeFaces({
required DbAccount account,
Future<List<DbRecognizeFaceItem>> getRecognizeFaceItemsByFaceLabel({
required DbAccount account,
required String label,
Future<Map<String, List<DbRecognizeFaceItem>>>
required DbAccount account,
required List<String> labels,
ErrorWithValueHandler<String>? onError,
Future<Map<String, DbRecognizeFaceItem>>
required DbAccount account,
required List<String> labels,
ErrorWithValueHandler<String>? onError,
/// Replace all recognized faces for [account]
/// Return true if any of the faces or items are changed
Future<bool> syncRecognizeFacesAndItems({
required DbAccount account,
required Map<DbRecognizeFace, List<DbRecognizeFaceItem>> data,
/// Return all tags
Future<List<DbTag>> getTags({
required DbAccount account,
/// Return the tag matching [displayName]
Future<DbTag?> getTagByDisplayName({
required DbAccount account,
required String displayName,
/// Replace all tags for [account]
Future<DbSyncIdResult> syncTags({
required DbAccount account,
required List<DbTag> tags,
/// Migrate to app v55
Future<void> migrateV55(void Function(int current, int count)? onProgress);
/// Run vacuum statement on a database backed by sqlite
/// This method is not necessarily supported by all implementations
Future<void> sqlVacuum();