Ming Ming 8ce0125879 Limit number of async queries to be fired at the same time
While the plugin can handle this no problem, the dart side will get stuck when all the results come in over a tiny period of time
2022-05-28 14:38:11 +08:00

318 lines
10 KiB

import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:idb_shim/idb_client.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/app_db.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/debug_util.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/data_source.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/exception.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/iterable_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/k.dart' as k;
import 'package:nc_photos/object_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/remote_storage_util.dart' as remote_storage_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/touch_token_manager.dart';
class FileCacheLoader {
required this.appDb,
required this.appDbSrc,
required this.remoteSrc,
this.shouldCheckCache = false,
/// Return the cached results of listing a directory [dir]
/// Should check [isGood] before using the cache returning by this method
Future<List<File>?> call(Account account, File dir) async {
List<File>? cache;
try {
if (forwardCacheManager != null) {
cache = await forwardCacheManager!.list(account, dir);
} else {
cache = await appDbSrc.list(account, dir);
// compare the cached root
final cacheEtag =
cache.firstWhere((f) => f.compareServerIdentity(dir)).etag!;
// compare the etag to see if the content has been updated
var remoteEtag = dir.etag;
// if no etag supplied, we need to query it form remote
remoteEtag ??= (await remoteSrc.list(account, dir, depth: 0)).first.etag;
if (cacheEtag == remoteEtag) {
"[list] etag matched for ${AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryKeyForDir(account, dir)}");
if (shouldCheckCache) {
await _checkTouchToken(account, dir, cache);
} else {
_isGood = true;
} else {"[call] Remote content updated for ${dir.path}");
} on CacheNotFoundException catch (_) {
// normal when there's no cache
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
_log.shout("[call] Cache failure", e, stackTrace);
return cache;
bool get isGood => _isGood;
String? get remoteTouchToken => _remoteToken;
Future<void> _checkTouchToken(
Account account, File f, List<File> cache) async {
final touchPath =
final fileRepo = FileRepo(FileCachedDataSource(appDb));
const tokenManager = TouchTokenManager();
String? remoteToken;
try {
remoteToken = await tokenManager.getRemoteToken(fileRepo, account, f);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
"[_checkTouchToken] Failed getting remote token at '$touchPath'",
_remoteToken = remoteToken;
String? localToken;
try {
localToken = await tokenManager.getLocalToken(account, f);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
"[_checkTouchToken] Failed getting local token at '$touchPath'",
if (localToken != remoteToken) {
"[_checkTouchToken] Remote and local token differ, cache outdated");
} else {
_isGood = true;
final AppDb appDb;
final FileWebdavDataSource remoteSrc;
final FileAppDbDataSource appDbSrc;
final bool shouldCheckCache;
final FileForwardCacheManager? forwardCacheManager;
var _isGood = false;
String? _remoteToken;
static final _log = Logger("entity.file.file_cache_manager.FileCacheLoader");
class FileCacheUpdater {
const FileCacheUpdater(this.appDb);
Future<void> call(
Account account,
File dir, {
required List<File> remote,
List<File>? cache,
}) async {
await _cacheRemote(account, dir, remote);
if (cache != null) {
await _cleanUpCache(account, remote, cache);
Future<void> _cacheRemote(Account account, File dir, List<File> remote) {
return appDb.use(
(db) => db.transaction(
[AppDb.dirStoreName, AppDb.file2StoreName], idbModeReadWrite),
(transaction) async {
final dirStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.dirStoreName);
final fileStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.file2StoreName);
// add files to db
await remote.forEachAsync(
(f) => fileStore.put(AppDbFile2Entry.fromFile(account, f).toJson(),
AppDbFile2Entry.toPrimaryKeyForFile(account, f)),
// results from remote also contain the dir itself
final resultGroup =
remote.groupListsBy((f) => f.compareServerIdentity(dir));
final remoteDir = resultGroup[true]!.first;
final remoteChildren = resultGroup[false] ?? [];
// add dir to db
await dirStore.put(
AppDbDirEntry.fromFiles(account, remoteDir, remoteChildren)
AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryKeyForDir(account, remoteDir));
/// Remove extra entries from local cache based on remote contents
Future<void> _cleanUpCache(
Account account, List<File> remote, List<File> cache) async {
final removed = cache
.where((c) => !remote.any((r) => r.compareServerIdentity(c)))
if (removed.isEmpty) {
"[_cleanUpCache] Removed: ${ => f.path).toReadableString()}");
await appDb.use(
(db) => db.transaction(
[AppDb.dirStoreName, AppDb.file2StoreName], idbModeReadWrite),
(transaction) async {
final dirStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.dirStoreName);
final fileStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.file2StoreName);
for (final f in removed) {
try {
if (f.isCollection == true) {
await _removeDirFromAppDb(account, f,
dirStore: dirStore, fileStore: fileStore);
} else {
await _removeFileFromAppDb(account, f, fileStore: fileStore);
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
"[_cleanUpCache] Failed while removing file: ${logFilename(f.path)}",
final AppDb appDb;
static final _log = Logger("entity.file.file_cache_manager.FileCacheUpdater");
class FileCacheRemover {
const FileCacheRemover(this.appDb);
/// Remove a file/dir from cache
/// If [f] is a dir, the dir and its sub-dirs will be removed from dirStore.
/// The files inside any of these dirs will be removed from file2Store.
/// If [f] is a file, the file will be removed from file2Store, but no changes
/// to dirStore.
Future<void> call(Account account, File f) async {
if (f.isCollection != false) {
// removing dir is basically a superset of removing file, so we'll treat
// unspecified file as dir
await appDb.use(
(db) => db.transaction(
[AppDb.dirStoreName, AppDb.file2StoreName], idbModeReadWrite),
(transaction) async {
final dirStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.dirStoreName);
final fileStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.file2StoreName);
await _removeDirFromAppDb(account, f,
dirStore: dirStore, fileStore: fileStore);
} else {
await appDb.use(
(db) => db.transaction(AppDb.file2StoreName, idbModeReadWrite),
(transaction) async {
final fileStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.file2StoreName);
await _removeFileFromAppDb(account, f, fileStore: fileStore);
final AppDb appDb;
Future<void> _removeFileFromAppDb(
Account account,
File file, {
required ObjectStore fileStore,
}) async {
try {
if (file.fileId == null) {
final index = fileStore.index(AppDbFile2Entry.strippedPathIndexName);
final key = await index
.getKey(AppDbFile2Entry.toStrippedPathIndexKeyForFile(account, file));
if (key != null) {
_log.fine("[_removeFileFromAppDb] Removing fileStore entry: $key");
await fileStore.delete(key);
} else {
await AppDbFile2Entry.toPrimaryKeyForFile(account, file).run((key) {
_log.fine("[_removeFileFromAppDb] Removing fileStore entry: $key");
return fileStore.delete(key);
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
"[_removeFileFromAppDb] Failed removing fileStore entry: ${logFilename(file.path)}",
/// Remove a dir and all files inside from the database
Future<void> _removeDirFromAppDb(
Account account,
File dir, {
required ObjectStore dirStore,
required ObjectStore fileStore,
}) async {
// delete the dir itself
try {
await AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryKeyForDir(account, dir).run((key) {
_log.fine("[_removeDirFromAppDb] Removing dirStore entry: $key");
return dirStore.delete(key);
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
if (dir.isCollection != null) {
_log.shout("[_removeDirFromAppDb] Failed removing dirStore entry", e,
// then its children
final childrenRange = KeyRange.bound(
AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryLowerKeyForSubDirs(account, dir),
AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryUpperKeyForSubDirs(account, dir),
for (final key in await dirStore.getAllKeys(childrenRange)) {
_log.fine("[_removeDirFromAppDb] Removing dirStore entry: $key");
try {
await dirStore.delete(key);
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
_log.shout("[_removeDirFromAppDb] Failed removing dirStore entry", e,
// delete files from fileStore
// first the dir
await _removeFileFromAppDb(account, dir, fileStore: fileStore);
// then files under this dir and sub-dirs
final range = KeyRange.bound(
AppDbFile2Entry.toStrippedPathIndexLowerKeyForDir(account, dir),
AppDbFile2Entry.toStrippedPathIndexUpperKeyForDir(account, dir),
final strippedPathIndex =
for (final key in await strippedPathIndex.getAllKeys(range)) {
_log.fine("[_removeDirFromAppDb] Removing fileStore entry: $key");
try {
await fileStore.delete(key);
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
_log.shout("[_removeDirFromAppDb] Failed removing fileStore entry", e,
final _log = Logger("entity.file.file_cache_manager");