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synced 2025-03-17 12:48:53 +01:00
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import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:idb_sqflite/idb_sqflite.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/app_db.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/cover_provider.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/provider.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/upgrader.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/data_source.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/exception.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/int_util.dart' as int_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/iterable_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/list_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/remote_storage_util.dart' as remote_storage_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/get_file_binary.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/ls.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/put_file_binary.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path;
import 'package:quiver/iterables.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
bool isAlbumFile(File file) =>
List<AlbumItem> makeDistinctAlbumItems(List<AlbumItem> items) =>
(a, b) =>
a is AlbumFileItem &&
b is AlbumFileItem &&
a.file.path == b.file.path, (a) {
if (a is AlbumFileItem) {
return a.file.path.hashCode;
} else {
return Random().nextInt(0xFFFFFFFF);
abstract class AlbumItem {
factory AlbumItem.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
final type = json["type"];
final content = json["content"];
switch (type) {
case AlbumFileItem._type:
return AlbumFileItem.fromJson(content.cast<String, dynamic>());
_log.shout("[fromJson] Unknown type: $type");
throw ArgumentError.value(type, "type");
Map<String, dynamic> toJson() {
String getType() {
if (this is AlbumFileItem) {
return AlbumFileItem._type;
} else {
throw StateError("Unknwon subtype");
return {
"type": getType(),
"content": toContentJson(),
Map<String, dynamic> toContentJson();
static final _log = Logger("entity.album.AlbumItem");
class AlbumFileItem extends AlbumItem with EquatableMixin {
// ignore: hash_and_equals
bool operator ==(Object other) => equals(other, isDeep: true);
bool equals(Object other, {bool isDeep = false}) {
if (other is AlbumFileItem) {
return super == other &&
(file == null) == (other.file == null) &&
(file?.equals(other.file, isDeep: isDeep) ?? true);
} else {
return false;
factory AlbumFileItem.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
return AlbumFileItem(
file: File.fromJson(json["file"].cast<String, dynamic>()),
toString() {
return "$runtimeType {"
"file: $file"
toContentJson() {
return {
"file": file.toJson(),
get props => [
// file is handled separately, see [equals]
final File file;
static const _type = "file";
/// Immutable object that represents an album
class Album with EquatableMixin {
DateTime lastUpdated,
@required String name,
@required this.provider,
@required this.coverProvider,
}) : this.lastUpdated = (lastUpdated ?? DateTime.now()).toUtc(),
this.name = name ?? "";
factory Album.fromJson(
Map<String, dynamic> json, {
AlbumUpgraderV1 upgraderV1,
AlbumUpgraderV2 upgraderV2,
}) {
final jsonVersion = json["version"];
if (jsonVersion < 2) {
json = upgraderV1?.call(json);
if (json == null) {
_log.info("[fromJson] Version $jsonVersion not compatible");
return null;
if (jsonVersion < 3) {
json = upgraderV2?.call(json);
if (json == null) {
_log.info("[fromJson] Version $jsonVersion not compatible");
return null;
return Album(
lastUpdated: json["lastUpdated"] == null
? null
: DateTime.parse(json["lastUpdated"]),
name: json["name"],
AlbumProvider.fromJson(json["provider"].cast<String, dynamic>()),
coverProvider: AlbumCoverProvider.fromJson(
json["coverProvider"].cast<String, dynamic>()),
albumFile: json["albumFile"] == null
? null
: File.fromJson(json["albumFile"].cast<String, dynamic>()),
toString({bool isDeep = false}) {
return "$runtimeType {"
"lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, "
"name: $name, "
"provider: ${provider.toString(isDeep: isDeep)}, "
"coverProvider: $coverProvider, "
"albumFile: $albumFile, "
/// Return a copy with specified field modified
/// [lastUpdated] is handled differently where if null, the current time will
/// be used. In order to keep [lastUpdated], you must explicitly assign it
/// with value from this
Album copyWith({
DateTime lastUpdated,
String name,
AlbumProvider provider,
AlbumCoverProvider coverProvider,
File albumFile,
}) {
return Album(
lastUpdated: lastUpdated,
name: name ?? this.name,
provider: provider ?? this.provider,
coverProvider: coverProvider ?? this.coverProvider,
albumFile: albumFile ?? this.albumFile,
Map<String, dynamic> toRemoteJson() {
return {
"version": version,
"lastUpdated": lastUpdated.toIso8601String(),
"name": name,
"provider": provider.toJson(),
"coverProvider": coverProvider.toJson(),
// ignore albumFile
Map<String, dynamic> toAppDbJson() {
return {
"version": version,
"lastUpdated": lastUpdated.toIso8601String(),
"name": name,
"provider": provider.toJson(),
"coverProvider": coverProvider.toJson(),
if (albumFile != null) "albumFile": albumFile.toJson(),
get props => [
final DateTime lastUpdated;
final String name;
final AlbumProvider provider;
final AlbumCoverProvider coverProvider;
/// How is this album stored on server
/// This field is typically only meaningful when returned by [AlbumRepo.get]
final File albumFile;
/// versioning of this class, use to upgrade old persisted album
static const version = 3;
class AlbumRepo {
/// See [AlbumDataSource.get]
Future<Album> get(Account account, File albumFile) =>
this.dataSrc.get(account, albumFile);
/// See [AlbumDataSource.create]
Future<Album> create(Account account, Album album) =>
this.dataSrc.create(account, album);
/// See [AlbumDataSource.update]
Future<void> update(Account account, Album album) =>
this.dataSrc.update(account, album);
/// See [AlbumDataSource.cleanUp]
Future<void> cleanUp(Account account, List<File> albumFiles) =>
this.dataSrc.cleanUp(account, albumFiles);
final AlbumDataSource dataSrc;
abstract class AlbumDataSource {
/// Return the album defined by [albumFile]
Future<Album> get(Account account, File albumFile);
// Create a new album
Future<Album> create(Account account, Album album);
/// Update an album
Future<void> update(Account account, Album album);
/// Clean up cached albums
/// Remove dangling albums in cache not listed in [albumFiles]. Do nothing if
/// this data source does not cache previous results
Future<void> cleanUp(Account account, List<File> albumFiles);
class AlbumRemoteDataSource implements AlbumDataSource {
get(Account account, File albumFile) async {
_log.info("[get] ${albumFile.path}");
final fileRepo = FileRepo(FileWebdavDataSource());
final data = await GetFileBinary(fileRepo)(account, albumFile);
try {
return Album.fromJson(
upgraderV1: AlbumUpgraderV1(),
upgraderV2: AlbumUpgraderV2(),
).copyWith(albumFile: albumFile);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
dynamic d = data;
try {
d = utf8.decode(data);
} catch (_) {}
_log.severe("[get] Invalid json data: $d", e, stacktrace);
throw FormatException("Invalid album format");
create(Account account, Album album) async {
final fileName = _makeAlbumFileName();
final filePath =
final fileRepo = FileRepo(FileWebdavDataSource());
await PutFileBinary(fileRepo)(
account, filePath, utf8.encode(jsonEncode(album.toRemoteJson())),
shouldCreateMissingDir: true);
// query album file
final list = await Ls(fileRepo)(account, File(path: filePath),
shouldExcludeRootDir: false);
return album.copyWith(albumFile: list.first);
update(Account account, Album album) async {
_log.info("[update] ${album.albumFile.path}");
final fileRepo = FileRepo(FileWebdavDataSource());
await PutFileBinary(fileRepo)(account, album.albumFile.path,
cleanUp(Account account, List<File> albumFiles) async {}
String _makeAlbumFileName() {
// just make up something
final timestamp = DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch;
final random = Random().nextInt(0xFFFFFF);
return "${timestamp.toRadixString(16)}-${random.toRadixString(16).padLeft(6, '0')}.json";
static final _log = Logger("entity.album.AlbumRemoteDataSource");
class AlbumAppDbDataSource implements AlbumDataSource {
get(Account account, File albumFile) {
_log.info("[get] ${albumFile.path}");
return AppDb.use((db) async {
final transaction = db.transaction(AppDb.albumStoreName, idbModeReadOnly);
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.albumStoreName);
final index = store.index(AppDbAlbumEntry.indexName);
final path = AppDbAlbumEntry.toPath(account, albumFile);
final range = KeyRange.bound([path, 0], [path, int_util.int32Max]);
final List results = await index.getAll(range);
if (results?.isNotEmpty == true) {
final entries = results
.map((e) => AppDbAlbumEntry.fromJson(e.cast<String, dynamic>()));
if (entries.length > 1) {
final items = entries.map((e) {
_log.info("[get] ${e.path}[${e.index}]");
return AlbumStaticProvider.of(e.album).items;
}).reduce((value, element) => value + element);
return entries.first.album.copyWith(
provider: AlbumStaticProvider(
items: items,
} else {
return entries.first.album;
} else {
throw CacheNotFoundException("No entry: $path");
create(Account account, Album album) async {
throw UnimplementedError();
update(Account account, Album album) {
_log.info("[update] ${album.albumFile.path}");
return AppDb.use((db) async {
final transaction =
db.transaction(AppDb.albumStoreName, idbModeReadWrite);
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.albumStoreName);
await _cacheAlbum(store, account, album);
cleanUp(Account account, List<File> albumFiles) async {}
static final _log = Logger("entity.album.AlbumAppDbDataSource");
class AlbumCachedDataSource implements AlbumDataSource {
get(Account account, File albumFile) async {
try {
final cache = await _appDbSrc.get(account, albumFile);
if (cache.albumFile.etag?.isNotEmpty == true &&
cache.albumFile.etag == albumFile.etag) {
// cache is good
"[get] etag matched for ${AppDbAlbumEntry.toPath(account, albumFile)}");
return cache;
"[get] Remote content updated for ${AppDbAlbumEntry.toPath(account, albumFile)}");
} on CacheNotFoundException catch (_) {
// normal when there's no cache
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
_log.shout("[get] Cache failure", e, stacktrace);
// no cache
final remote = await _remoteSrc.get(account, albumFile);
await _cacheResult(account, remote);
return remote;
update(Account account, Album album) async {
await _remoteSrc.update(account, album);
await _appDbSrc.update(account, album);
create(Account account, Album album) => _remoteSrc.create(account, album);
cleanUp(Account account, List<File> albumFiles) async {
AppDb.use((db) async {
final transaction =
db.transaction(AppDb.albumStoreName, idbModeReadWrite);
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.albumStoreName);
final index = store.index(AppDbAlbumEntry.indexName);
final rootPath = AppDbAlbumEntry.toRootPath(account);
final range = KeyRange.bound(
["$rootPath/", 0], ["$rootPath/\uffff", int_util.int32Max]);
final danglingKeys = await index
// get all albums for this account
.openKeyCursor(range: range, autoAdvance: true)
.map((cursor) => Tuple2((cursor.key as List)[0], cursor.primaryKey))
// and pick the dangling ones
.where((pair) => !albumFiles
.any((f) => pair.item1 == AppDbAlbumEntry.toPath(account, f)))
// map to primary keys
.map((pair) => pair.item2)
for (final k in danglingKeys) {
_log.fine("[cleanUp] Removing DB entry: $k");
await store.delete(k);
Future<void> _cacheResult(Account account, Album result) {
return AppDb.use((db) async {
final transaction =
db.transaction(AppDb.albumStoreName, idbModeReadWrite);
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.albumStoreName);
await _cacheAlbum(store, account, result);
final _remoteSrc = AlbumRemoteDataSource();
final _appDbSrc = AlbumAppDbDataSource();
static final _log = Logger("entity.album.AlbumCachedDataSource");
Future<void> _cacheAlbum(
ObjectStore store, Account account, Album album) async {
final index = store.index(AppDbAlbumEntry.indexName);
final path = AppDbAlbumEntry.toPath(account, album.albumFile);
final range = KeyRange.bound([path, 0], [path, int_util.int32Max]);
// count number of entries for this album
final count = await index.count(range);
// cut large album into smaller pieces, needed to workaround Android DB
// limitation
final entries = <AppDbAlbumEntry>[];
if (album.provider is AlbumStaticProvider) {
var albumItemLists = partition(
AlbumStaticProvider.of(album).items, AppDbAlbumEntry.maxDataSize)
if (albumItemLists.isEmpty) {
albumItemLists = [<AlbumItem>[]];
entries.addAll(albumItemLists.withIndex().map((pair) => AppDbAlbumEntry(
provider: AlbumStaticProvider(items: pair.item2),
} else {
entries.add(AppDbAlbumEntry(path, 0, album));
for (final e in entries) {
_log.info("[_cacheAlbum] Caching ${e.path}[${e.index}]");
await store.put(e.toJson(),
AppDbAlbumEntry.toPrimaryKey(account, e.album.albumFile, e.index));
if (count > entries.length) {
// index is 0-based
final rmRange =
KeyRange.bound([path, entries.length], [path, int_util.int32Max]);
final rmKeys = await index
.openKeyCursor(range: rmRange, autoAdvance: true)
.map((cursor) => cursor.primaryKey)
for (final k in rmKeys) {
_log.fine("[_cacheAlbum] Removing DB entry: $k");
await store.delete(k);
final _log = Logger("entity.album");