Ming Ming 8ce0125879 Limit number of async queries to be fired at the same time
While the plugin can handle this no problem, the dart side will get stuck when all the results come in over a tiny period of time
2022-05-28 14:38:11 +08:00

662 lines
20 KiB

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:idb_shim/idb_client.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/api/api.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/app_db.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/debug_util.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/file_cache_manager.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file_util.dart' as file_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/webdav_response_parser.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/exception.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/iterable_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/k.dart' as k;
import 'package:nc_photos/or_null.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/touch_token_manager.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/compat/v32.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path_lib;
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
import 'package:xml/xml.dart';
class FileWebdavDataSource implements FileDataSource {
const FileWebdavDataSource();
Account account,
File dir, {
int? depth,
}) async {
_log.fine("[list] ${dir.path}");
final response = await Api(account).files().propfind(
path: dir.path,
depth: depth,
getlastmodified: 1,
resourcetype: 1,
getetag: 1,
getcontenttype: 1,
getcontentlength: 1,
hasPreview: 1,
fileid: 1,
favorite: 1,
ownerId: 1,
trashbinFilename: 1,
trashbinOriginalLocation: 1,
trashbinDeletionTime: 1,
customNamespaces: {
"com.nkming.nc_photos": "app",
customProperties: [
if (!response.isGood) {
_log.severe("[list] Failed requesting server: $response");
throw ApiException(
response: response,
message: "Failed communicating with server: ${response.statusCode}");
final xml = XmlDocument.parse(response.body);
var files = WebdavResponseParser().parseFiles(xml);
// _log.fine("[list] Parsed files: [$files]");
bool hasNoMediaMarker = false;
files = files
.forEachLazy((f) {
if (file_util.isNoMediaMarker(f)) {
hasNoMediaMarker = true;
.where((f) => _validateFile(f))
.map((e) {
if (e.metadata == null || e.metadata!.fileEtag == e.etag) {
return e;
} else {"[list] Ignore outdated metadata for ${e.path}");
return e.copyWith(metadata: OrNull(null));
await _compatUpgrade(account, files);
if (hasNoMediaMarker) {
// return only the marker and the dir itself
return files
.where((f) =>
dir.compareServerIdentity(f) || file_util.isNoMediaMarker(f))
} else {
return files;
listSingle(Account account, File f) async {"[listSingle] ${f.path}");
return (await list(account, f, depth: 0)).first;
remove(Account account, File f) async {"[remove] ${f.path}");
final response = await Api(account).files().delete(path: f.path);
if (!response.isGood) {
_log.severe("[remove] Failed requesting server: $response");
throw ApiException(
response: response,
message: "Failed communicating with server: ${response.statusCode}");
getBinary(Account account, File f) async {"[getBinary] ${f.path}");
final response = await Api(account).files().get(path: f.path);
if (!response.isGood) {
_log.severe("[getBinary] Failed requesting server: $response");
throw ApiException(
response: response,
message: "Failed communicating with server: ${response.statusCode}");
return response.body;
putBinary(Account account, String path, Uint8List content) async {"[putBinary] $path");
final response =
await Api(account).files().put(path: path, content: content);
if (!response.isGood) {
_log.severe("[putBinary] Failed requesting server: $response");
throw ApiException(
response: response,
message: "Failed communicating with server: ${response.statusCode}");
Account account,
File f, {
OrNull<Metadata>? metadata,
OrNull<bool>? isArchived,
OrNull<DateTime>? overrideDateTime,
bool? favorite,
}) async {"[updateProperty] ${f.path}");
if (metadata?.obj != null && metadata!.obj!.fileEtag != f.etag) {
"[updateProperty] Metadata etag mismatch (metadata: ${metadata.obj!.fileEtag}, file: ${f.etag})");
final setProps = {
if (metadata?.obj != null)
"app:metadata": jsonEncode(metadata!.obj!.toJson()),
if (isArchived?.obj != null) "app:is-archived": isArchived!.obj,
if (overrideDateTime?.obj != null)
if (favorite != null) "oc:favorite": favorite ? 1 : 0,
final removeProps = [
if (OrNull.isSetNull(metadata)) "app:metadata",
if (OrNull.isSetNull(isArchived)) "app:is-archived",
if (OrNull.isSetNull(overrideDateTime)) "app:override-date-time",
final response = await Api(account).files().proppatch(
path: f.path,
namespaces: {
"com.nkming.nc_photos": "app",
"": "oc",
set: setProps.isNotEmpty ? setProps : null,
remove: removeProps.isNotEmpty ? removeProps : null,
if (!response.isGood) {
_log.severe("[updateProperty] Failed requesting server: $response");
throw ApiException(
response: response,
message: "Failed communicating with server: ${response.statusCode}");
Account account,
File f,
String destination, {
bool? shouldOverwrite,
}) async {"[copy] ${f.path} to $destination");
final response = await Api(account).files().copy(
path: f.path,
destinationUrl: "${account.url}/$destination",
overwrite: shouldOverwrite,
if (!response.isGood) {
_log.severe("[copy] Failed requesting sever: $response");
throw ApiException(
response: response,
message: "Failed communicating with server: ${response.statusCode}");
} else if (response.statusCode == 204) {
// conflict
throw ApiException(
response: response,
message: "Failed communicating with server: ${response.statusCode}");
Account account,
File f,
String destination, {
bool? shouldOverwrite,
}) async {"[move] ${f.path} to $destination");
final response = await Api(account).files().move(
path: f.path,
destinationUrl: "${account.url}/$destination",
overwrite: shouldOverwrite,
if (!response.isGood) {
_log.severe("[move] Failed requesting sever: $response");
throw ApiException(
response: response,
message: "Failed communicating with server: ${response.statusCode}");
createDir(Account account, String path) async {"[createDir] $path");
final response = await Api(account).files().mkcol(
path: path,
if (!response.isGood) {
_log.severe("[createDir] Failed requesting sever: $response");
throw ApiException(
response: response,
message: "Failed communicating with server: ${response.statusCode}");
Future<void> _compatUpgrade(Account account, List<File> files) async {
for (final f in files.where((element) => element.metadata?.exif != null)) {
if (CompatV32.isExifNeedMigration(f.metadata!.exif!)) {
final newExif = CompatV32.migrateExif(f.metadata!.exif!, f.path);
await updateProperty(
metadata: OrNull(f.metadata!.copyWith(
exif: newExif,
static final _log = Logger("entity.file.data_source.FileWebdavDataSource");
class FileAppDbDataSource implements FileDataSource {
const FileAppDbDataSource(this.appDb);
list(Account account, File dir) {"[list] ${dir.path}");
return appDb.use(
(db) => db.transaction(
[AppDb.dirStoreName, AppDb.file2StoreName], idbModeReadOnly),
(transaction) async {
final fileStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.file2StoreName);
final dirStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.dirStoreName);
final dirItem = await dirStore
.getObject(AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryKeyForDir(account, dir)) as Map?;
if (dirItem == null) {
throw CacheNotFoundException("No entry: ${dir.path}");
final dirEntry =
AppDbDirEntry.fromJson(dirItem.cast<String, dynamic>());
final entries = await dirEntry.children.mapStream((c) async {
final fileItem = await fileStore
.getObject(AppDbFile2Entry.toPrimaryKey(account, c)) as Map?;
if (fileItem == null) {
"[list] Missing file ($c) in db for dir: ${logFilename(dir.path)}");
throw CacheNotFoundException("No entry for dir child: $c");
return AppDbFile2Entry.fromJson(fileItem.cast<String, dynamic>());
}, k.simultaneousQuery).toList();
// we need to add dir to match the remote query
return [dirEntry.dir] + => e.file).where((f) => _validateFile(f)).toList();
listSingle(Account account, File f) {"[listSingle] ${f.path}");
throw UnimplementedError();
/// List files with date between [fromEpochMs] (inclusive) and [toEpochMs]
/// (exclusive)
Future<List<File>> listByDate(
Account account, int fromEpochMs, int toEpochMs) async {"[listByDate] [$fromEpochMs, $toEpochMs]");
final items = await appDb.use(
(db) => db.transaction(AppDb.file2StoreName, idbModeReadOnly),
(transaction) async {
final fileStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.file2StoreName);
final dateTimeEpochMsIndex =
final range = KeyRange.bound(
AppDbFile2Entry.toDateTimeEpochMsIndexKey(account, fromEpochMs),
AppDbFile2Entry.toDateTimeEpochMsIndexKey(account, toEpochMs),
return await dateTimeEpochMsIndex.getAll(range);
return items
.map((i) => AppDbFile2Entry.fromJson(i.cast<String, dynamic>()))
.map((e) => e.file)
.where((f) => _validateFile(f))
/// Remove a file/dir from database
remove(Account account, File f) {"[remove] ${f.path}");
return FileCacheRemover(appDb)(account, f);
getBinary(Account account, File f) {"[getBinary] ${f.path}");
throw UnimplementedError();
putBinary(Account account, String path, Uint8List content) async {"[putBinary] $path");
// do nothing, we currently don't store file contents locally
Account account,
File f, {
OrNull<Metadata>? metadata,
OrNull<bool>? isArchived,
OrNull<DateTime>? overrideDateTime,
bool? favorite,
}) {"[updateProperty] ${f.path}");
return appDb.use(
(db) => db.transaction(AppDb.file2StoreName, idbModeReadWrite),
(transaction) async {
// update file store
final newFile = f.copyWith(
metadata: metadata,
isArchived: isArchived,
overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime,
isFavorite: favorite,
final fileStore = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.file2StoreName);
await fileStore.put(AppDbFile2Entry.fromFile(account, newFile).toJson(),
AppDbFile2Entry.toPrimaryKeyForFile(account, newFile));
Account account,
File f,
String destination, {
bool? shouldOverwrite,
}) async {
// do nothing
Account account,
File f,
String destination, {
bool? shouldOverwrite,
}) async {
// do nothing
createDir(Account account, String path) async {
// do nothing
final AppDb appDb;
static final _log = Logger("entity.file.data_source.FileAppDbDataSource");
class FileCachedDataSource implements FileDataSource {
this.appDb, {
this.shouldCheckCache = false,
}) : _appDbSrc = FileAppDbDataSource(appDb);
list(Account account, File dir) async {
final cacheLoader = FileCacheLoader(
appDb: appDb,
appDbSrc: _appDbSrc,
remoteSrc: _remoteSrc,
shouldCheckCache: shouldCheckCache,
forwardCacheManager: forwardCacheManager,
final cache = await cacheLoader(account, dir);
if (cacheLoader.isGood) {
return cache!;
// no cache or outdated
try {
final remote = await _remoteSrc.list(account, dir);
await FileCacheUpdater(appDb)(account, dir, remote: remote, cache: cache);
if (shouldCheckCache) {
// update our local touch token to match the remote one
const tokenManager = TouchTokenManager();
try {
await tokenManager.setLocalToken(
account, dir, cacheLoader.remoteTouchToken);
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
_log.shout("[list] Failed while setLocalToken", e, stacktrace);
// ignore error
return remote;
} on ApiException catch (e) {
if (e.response.statusCode == 404) {"[list] File removed: $dir");
_appDbSrc.remove(account, dir);
return [];
} else if (e.response.statusCode == 403) {"[list] E2E encrypted dir: $dir");
_appDbSrc.remove(account, dir);
return [];
} else {
listSingle(Account account, File f) {
return _remoteSrc.listSingle(account, f);
remove(Account account, File f) async {
await _appDbSrc.remove(account, f);
await _remoteSrc.remove(account, f);
getBinary(Account account, File f) {
return _remoteSrc.getBinary(account, f);
putBinary(Account account, String path, Uint8List content) async {
await _remoteSrc.putBinary(account, path, content);
Account account,
File f, {
OrNull<Metadata>? metadata,
OrNull<bool>? isArchived,
OrNull<DateTime>? overrideDateTime,
bool? favorite,
}) async {
await _remoteSrc
metadata: metadata,
isArchived: isArchived,
overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime,
favorite: favorite,
.then((_) => _appDbSrc.updateProperty(
metadata: metadata,
isArchived: isArchived,
overrideDateTime: overrideDateTime,
favorite: favorite,
// generate a new random token
final token = const Uuid().v4().replaceAll("-", "");
const tokenManager = TouchTokenManager();
final dir = File(path: path_lib.dirname(f.path));
await tokenManager.setLocalToken(account, dir, token);
final fileRepo = FileRepo(this);
await tokenManager.setRemoteToken(fileRepo, account, dir, token);
"[updateMetadata] New touch token '$token' for dir '${dir.path}'");
Account account,
File f,
String destination, {
bool? shouldOverwrite,
}) async {
await _remoteSrc.copy(account, f, destination,
shouldOverwrite: shouldOverwrite);
Account account,
File f,
String destination, {
bool? shouldOverwrite,
}) async {
await _remoteSrc.move(account, f, destination,
shouldOverwrite: shouldOverwrite);
createDir(Account account, String path) async {
await _remoteSrc.createDir(account, path);
final AppDb appDb;
final bool shouldCheckCache;
final FileForwardCacheManager? forwardCacheManager;
final _remoteSrc = const FileWebdavDataSource();
final FileAppDbDataSource _appDbSrc;
static final _log = Logger("entity.file.data_source.FileCachedDataSource");
/// Forward cache for listing AppDb dirs
/// It's very expensive to list a dir and its sub-dirs one by one in multiple
/// queries. This class will instead query every sub-dirs when a new dir is
/// passed to us in one transaction. For this reason, this should only be used
/// when it's necessary to query everything
class FileForwardCacheManager {
Future<List<File>> list(Account account, File dir) async {
// check cache
final dirKey = AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryKeyForDir(account, dir);
final cachedDir = _dirCache[dirKey];
if (cachedDir != null) {
_log.fine("[list] Returning data from cache: ${logFilename(dir.path)}");
return _withDirEntry(cachedDir);
// no cache, query everything under [dir]
"[list] No cache and querying everything under ${logFilename(dir.path)}");
await _cacheDir(account, dir);
final cachedDir2 = _dirCache[dirKey];
if (cachedDir2 == null) {
throw CacheNotFoundException("No entry: ${dir.path}");
return _withDirEntry(cachedDir2);
Future<void> _cacheDir(Account account, File dir) async {
final dirItems = await appDb.use(
(db) => db.transaction(AppDb.dirStoreName, idbModeReadOnly),
(transaction) async {
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.dirStoreName);
final dirItem = await store
.getObject(AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryKeyForDir(account, dir)) as Map?;
if (dirItem == null) {
return null;
final range = KeyRange.bound(
AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryLowerKeyForSubDirs(account, dir),
AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryUpperKeyForSubDirs(account, dir),
return [dirItem] + (await store.getAll(range)).cast<Map>();
if (dirItems == null) {
// no cache
final dirs = dirItems
.map((i) => AppDbDirEntry.fromJson(i.cast<String, dynamic>()))
(e) => MapEntry(AppDbDirEntry.toPrimaryKeyForDir(account, e.dir), e)));
"[_cacheDir] Cached ${dirs.length} dirs under ${logFilename(dir.path)}");
// cache files
final fileIds = => e.children).fold<List<int>>(
[], (previousValue, element) => previousValue + element);
final fileItems = await appDb.use(
(db) => db.transaction(AppDb.file2StoreName, idbModeReadOnly),
(transaction) async {
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.file2StoreName);
return await Future.wait( =>
store.getObject(AppDbFile2Entry.toPrimaryKey(account, id))));
final files = fileItems
.map((i) => AppDbFile2Entry.fromJson(i.cast<String, dynamic>()))
_fileCache.addEntries( => MapEntry(e.file.fileId!, e.file)));
"[_cacheDir] Cached ${files.length} files under ${logFilename(dir.path)}");
List<File> _withDirEntry(AppDbDirEntry dirEntry) {
return [dirEntry.dir] + {
try {
return _fileCache[id]!;
} catch (_) {
"[list] Missing file ($id) in db for dir: ${logFilename(dirEntry.dir.path)}");
throw CacheNotFoundException("No entry for dir child: $id");
final AppDb appDb;
final _dirCache = <String, AppDbDirEntry>{};
final _fileCache = <int, File>{};
static final _log = Logger("entity.file.data_source.FileForwardCacheManager");
bool _validateFile(File f) {
// See:
return f.lastModified != null;