Ming Ming 8ce0125879 Limit number of async queries to be fired at the same time
While the plugin can handle this no problem, the dart side will get stuck when all the results come in over a tiny period of time
2022-05-28 14:38:11 +08:00

120 lines
3.6 KiB

import 'dart:async';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/override_comparator.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
extension IterableExtension<T> on Iterable<T> {
/// Return a new sorted list
List<T> sorted([int Function(T a, T b)? compare]) => toList()..sort(compare);
/// Return a new stable sorted list
List<T> stableSorted([int Function(T a, T b)? compare]) {
final tmp = toList();
mergeSort(tmp, compare: compare);
return tmp;
/// Return a string representation of this iterable by joining the result of
/// toString for each items
String toReadableString() => "[${join(', ')}]";
Iterable<U> mapWithIndex<U>(U Function(int index, T element) fn) sync* {
int i = 0;
for (final e in this) {
yield fn(i++, e);
/// The current elements of this iterable modified by async function [fn].
/// The result of [fn] will be emitted by the returned stream in the same
/// order as this iterable.
/// If [simultaneousFuture] > 1, [fn] will be called multiple times before
/// awaiting their results.
Stream<U> mapStream<U>(
Future<U> Function(T element) fn, [
simultaneousFuture = 1,
]) async* {
final container = <Future<U>>[];
for (final e in this) {
if (container.length >= simultaneousFuture) {
for (final result in await Future.wait(container)) {
yield result;
if (container.isNotEmpty) {
for (final result in await Future.wait(container)) {
yield result;
/// Invokes async function [fn] on each element of this iterable in iteration
/// order.
/// If [simultaneousFuture] > 1, [fn] will be called multiple times before
/// awaiting their results.
Future<void> forEachAsync(
Future Function(T element) fn, [
simultaneousFuture = 1,
]) async {
final container = <Future>[];
for (final e in this) {
if (container.length >= simultaneousFuture) {
await Future.wait(container);
if (container.isNotEmpty) {
await Future.wait(container);
Iterable<Tuple2<int, T>> withIndex() => mapWithIndex((i, e) => Tuple2(i, e));
/// Whether the collection contains an element equal to [element] using the
/// equality function [equalFn]
bool containsIf(T element, bool Function(T a, T b) equalFn) =>
any((e) => equalFn(e, element));
/// Same as [contains] but uses [identical] to compare the objects
bool containsIdentical(T element) =>
containsIf(element, (a, b) => identical(a, b));
Iterable<Tuple2<U, List<T>>> groupBy<U>({required U Function(T e) key}) {
final map = fold<Map<U, List<T>>>(
(previousValue, element) =>
previousValue..putIfAbsent(key(element), () => []).add(element));
return => Tuple2(e.key, e.value));
/// Return a new list with only distinct elements
List<T> distinct() {
final s = <T>{};
return where((element) => s.add(element)).toList();
/// Return a new list with only distinct elements determined by [equalFn]
List<T> distinctIf(
bool Function(T a, T b) equalFn, int Function(T a) hashCodeFn) {
final s = <OverrideComparator<T>>{};
return where((element) =>
s.add(OverrideComparator<T>(element, equalFn, hashCodeFn))).toList();
/// Invokes [action] on each element of this iterable in iteration order
/// lazily
Iterable<T> forEachLazy(void Function(T element) action) sync* {
for (final e in this) {
yield e;