Ming Ming 6e9a34342a Revamp how share is managed for album
Shares are now stored in the album json, such that users other than the album owner are aware of the shares
2021-11-25 21:02:41 +08:00

547 lines
17 KiB

import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:math';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:idb_sqflite/idb_sqflite.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/app_db.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/cover_provider.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/item.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/provider.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/sort_provider.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/upgrader.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/data_source.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/exception.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/int_util.dart' as int_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/iterable_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/or_null.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/remote_storage_util.dart' as remote_storage_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/string_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/type.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/get_file_binary.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/ls.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/put_file_binary.dart';
import 'package:quiver/iterables.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
bool isAlbumFile(Account account, File file) =>
/// Immutable object that represents an album
class Album with EquatableMixin {
DateTime? lastUpdated,
required this.provider,
required this.coverProvider,
required this.sortProvider,
}) : lastUpdated = (lastUpdated ??;
static Album? fromJson(
JsonObj json, {
required AlbumUpgraderV1? upgraderV1,
required AlbumUpgraderV2? upgraderV2,
required AlbumUpgraderV3? upgraderV3,
required AlbumUpgraderV4? upgraderV4,
required AlbumUpgraderV5? upgraderV5,
}) {
final jsonVersion = json["version"];
JsonObj? result = json;
if (jsonVersion < 2) {
result = upgraderV1?.call(result);
if (result == null) {"[fromJson] Version $jsonVersion not compatible");
return null;
if (jsonVersion < 3) {
result = upgraderV2?.call(result);
if (result == null) {"[fromJson] Version $jsonVersion not compatible");
return null;
if (jsonVersion < 4) {
result = upgraderV3?.call(result);
if (result == null) {"[fromJson] Version $jsonVersion not compatible");
return null;
if (jsonVersion < 5) {
result = upgraderV4?.call(result);
if (result == null) {"[fromJson] Version $jsonVersion not compatible");
return null;
if (jsonVersion < 6) {
result = upgraderV5?.call(result);
if (result == null) {"[fromJson] Version $jsonVersion not compatible");
return null;
return Album(
lastUpdated: result["lastUpdated"] == null
? null
: DateTime.parse(result["lastUpdated"]),
name: result["name"],
AlbumProvider.fromJson(result["provider"].cast<String, dynamic>()),
coverProvider: AlbumCoverProvider.fromJson(
result["coverProvider"].cast<String, dynamic>()),
sortProvider: AlbumSortProvider.fromJson(
result["sortProvider"].cast<String, dynamic>()),
shares: (result["shares"] as List?)
?.map((e) => AlbumShare.fromJson(e.cast<String, dynamic>()))
albumFile: result["albumFile"] == null
? null
: File.fromJson(result["albumFile"].cast<String, dynamic>()),
toString({bool isDeep = false}) {
return "$runtimeType {"
"lastUpdated: $lastUpdated, "
"name: $name, "
"provider: ${provider.toString(isDeep: isDeep)}, "
"coverProvider: $coverProvider, "
"sortProvider: $sortProvider, "
"shares: ${shares?.toReadableString()}, "
"albumFile: $albumFile, "
/// Return a copy with specified field modified
/// [lastUpdated] is handled differently where if not set, the current time
/// will be used. In order to keep [lastUpdated], you must explicitly assign
/// it with value from this or a null value
Album copyWith({
OrNull<DateTime>? lastUpdated,
String? name,
AlbumProvider? provider,
AlbumCoverProvider? coverProvider,
AlbumSortProvider? sortProvider,
OrNull<List<AlbumShare>>? shares,
OrNull<File>? albumFile,
}) {
return Album(
lastUpdated == null ? null : (lastUpdated.obj ?? this.lastUpdated),
name: name ??,
provider: provider ?? this.provider,
coverProvider: coverProvider ?? this.coverProvider,
sortProvider: sortProvider ?? this.sortProvider,
shares: shares == null ? this.shares : shares.obj,
albumFile: albumFile == null ? this.albumFile : albumFile.obj,
JsonObj toRemoteJson() {
return {
"version": version,
"lastUpdated": lastUpdated.toIso8601String(),
"name": name,
"provider": provider.toJson(),
"coverProvider": coverProvider.toJson(),
"sortProvider": sortProvider.toJson(),
if (shares != null) "shares": shares!.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList(),
// ignore albumFile
JsonObj toAppDbJson() {
return {
"version": version,
"lastUpdated": lastUpdated.toIso8601String(),
"name": name,
"provider": provider.toJson(),
"coverProvider": coverProvider.toJson(),
"sortProvider": sortProvider.toJson(),
if (shares != null) "shares": shares!.map((e) => e.toJson()).toList(),
if (albumFile != null) "albumFile": albumFile!.toJson(),
get props => [
final DateTime lastUpdated;
final String name;
final AlbumProvider provider;
final AlbumCoverProvider coverProvider;
final AlbumSortProvider sortProvider;
final List<AlbumShare>? shares;
/// How is this album stored on server
/// This field is typically only meaningful when returned by [AlbumRepo.get]
final File? albumFile;
/// versioning of this class, use to upgrade old persisted album
static const version = 6;
class AlbumShare {
const AlbumShare({
required this.userId,
factory AlbumShare.fromJson(JsonObj json) {
return AlbumShare(
userId: json["userId"],
displayName: json["displayName"],
JsonObj toJson() {
return {
"userId": userId,
if (displayName != null) "displayName": displayName,
bool operator ==(Object other) {
return identical(this, other) ||
other is AlbumShare &&
runtimeType == other.runtimeType &&
get hashCode => userId.toLowerCase().hashCode;
toString() {
return "$runtimeType {"
"userId: $userId, "
"displayName: $displayName, "
/// User ID or username, case insensitive
final String userId;
final String? displayName;
class AlbumRepo {
/// See [AlbumDataSource.get]
Future<Album> get(Account account, File albumFile) =>
dataSrc.get(account, albumFile);
/// See [AlbumDataSource.create]
Future<Album> create(Account account, Album album) =>
dataSrc.create(account, album);
/// See [AlbumDataSource.update]
Future<void> update(Account account, Album album) =>
dataSrc.update(account, album);
/// See [AlbumDataSource.cleanUp]
Future<void> cleanUp(
Account account, String rootDir, List<File> albumFiles) =>
dataSrc.cleanUp(account, rootDir, albumFiles);
final AlbumDataSource dataSrc;
abstract class AlbumDataSource {
/// Return the album defined by [albumFile]
Future<Album> get(Account account, File albumFile);
// Create a new album
Future<Album> create(Account account, Album album);
/// Update an album
Future<void> update(Account account, Album album);
/// Clean up cached albums
/// Remove dangling albums in cache not listed in [albumFiles] and located
/// inside [rootDir]. Do nothing if this data source does not cache previous
/// results
Future<void> cleanUp(Account account, String rootDir, List<File> albumFiles);
class AlbumRemoteDataSource implements AlbumDataSource {
get(Account account, File albumFile) async {"[get] ${albumFile.path}");
const fileRepo = FileRepo(FileWebdavDataSource());
final data = await GetFileBinary(fileRepo)(account, albumFile);
try {
return Album.fromJson(
upgraderV1: AlbumUpgraderV1(logFilePath: albumFile.path),
upgraderV2: AlbumUpgraderV2(logFilePath: albumFile.path),
upgraderV3: AlbumUpgraderV3(logFilePath: albumFile.path),
upgraderV4: AlbumUpgraderV4(logFilePath: albumFile.path),
upgraderV5: AlbumUpgraderV5(account,
albumFile: albumFile, logFilePath: albumFile.path),
lastUpdated: OrNull(null),
albumFile: OrNull(albumFile),
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
dynamic d = data;
try {
d = utf8.decode(data);
} catch (_) {}
_log.severe("[get] Invalid json data: $d", e, stacktrace);
throw const FormatException("Invalid album format");
create(Account account, Album album) async {"[create]");
final fileName = _makeAlbumFileName();
final filePath =
const fileRepo = FileRepo(FileWebdavDataSource());
await PutFileBinary(fileRepo)(account, filePath,
const Utf8Encoder().convert(jsonEncode(album.toRemoteJson())),
shouldCreateMissingDir: true);
// query album file
final list = await Ls(fileRepo)(account, File(path: filePath),
shouldExcludeRootDir: false);
return album.copyWith(albumFile: OrNull(list.first));
update(Account account, Album album) async {"[update] ${album.albumFile!.path}");
const fileRepo = FileRepo(FileWebdavDataSource());
await PutFileBinary(fileRepo)(account, album.albumFile!.path,
const Utf8Encoder().convert(jsonEncode(album.toRemoteJson())));
cleanUp(Account account, String rootDir, List<File> albumFiles) async {}
String _makeAlbumFileName() {
// just make up something
final timestamp =;
final random = Random().nextInt(0xFFFFFF);
return "${timestamp.toRadixString(16)}-${random.toRadixString(16).padLeft(6, '0')}.nc_album.json";
static final _log = Logger("entity.album.AlbumRemoteDataSource");
class AlbumAppDbDataSource implements AlbumDataSource {
const AlbumAppDbDataSource(this.appDb);
get(Account account, File albumFile) {"[get] ${albumFile.path}");
return appDb.use((db) async {
final transaction = db.transaction(AppDb.albumStoreName, idbModeReadOnly);
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.albumStoreName);
final index = store.index(AppDbAlbumEntry.indexName);
final path = AppDbAlbumEntry.toPathFromFile(account, albumFile);
final range = KeyRange.bound([path, 0], [path, int_util.int32Max]);
final List results = await index.getAll(range);
if (results.isNotEmpty == true) {
final entries = =>
AppDbAlbumEntry.fromJson(e.cast<String, dynamic>(), account));
if (entries.length > 1) {
final items = {"[get] ${e.path}[${e.index}]");
return AlbumStaticProvider.of(e.album).items;
}).reduce((value, element) => value + element);
return entries.first.album.copyWith(
lastUpdated: OrNull(null),
provider: AlbumStaticProvider.of(entries.first.album).copyWith(
items: items,
} else {
return entries.first.album;
} else {
throw CacheNotFoundException("No entry: $path");
create(Account account, Album album) async {"[create]");
throw UnimplementedError();
update(Account account, Album album) {"[update] ${album.albumFile!.path}");
return appDb.use((db) async {
final transaction =
db.transaction(AppDb.albumStoreName, idbModeReadWrite);
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.albumStoreName);
await _cacheAlbum(store, account, album);
cleanUp(Account account, String rootDir, List<File> albumFiles) async {}
final AppDb appDb;
static final _log = Logger("entity.album.AlbumAppDbDataSource");
class AlbumCachedDataSource implements AlbumDataSource {
AlbumCachedDataSource(this.appDb) : _appDbSrc = AlbumAppDbDataSource(appDb);
get(Account account, File albumFile) async {
try {
final cache = await _appDbSrc.get(account, albumFile);
if (cache.albumFile!.etag?.isNotEmpty == true &&
cache.albumFile!.etag == albumFile.etag) {
// cache is good
"[get] etag matched for ${AppDbAlbumEntry.toPathFromFile(account, albumFile)}");
return cache;
"[get] Remote content updated for ${AppDbAlbumEntry.toPathFromFile(account, albumFile)}");
} on CacheNotFoundException catch (_) {
// normal when there's no cache
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
_log.shout("[get] Cache failure", e, stacktrace);
// no cache
final remote = await _remoteSrc.get(account, albumFile);
await _cacheResult(account, remote);
return remote;
update(Account account, Album album) async {
await _remoteSrc.update(account, album);
await _appDbSrc.update(account, album);
create(Account account, Album album) => _remoteSrc.create(account, album);
cleanUp(Account account, String rootDir, List<File> albumFiles) async {
appDb.use((db) async {
final transaction =
db.transaction(AppDb.albumStoreName, idbModeReadWrite);
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.albumStoreName);
final index = store.index(AppDbAlbumEntry.indexName);
final rootPath = AppDbAlbumEntry.toPath(account, rootDir);
final range = KeyRange.bound(
["$rootPath/", 0], ["$rootPath/\uffff", int_util.int32Max]);
final danglingKeys = await index
// get all albums for this account
.openKeyCursor(range: range, autoAdvance: true)
.map((cursor) => Tuple2((cursor.key as List)[0], cursor.primaryKey))
// and pick the dangling ones
.where((pair) => !albumFiles.any(
(f) => pair.item1 == AppDbAlbumEntry.toPathFromFile(account, f)))
// map to primary keys
.map((pair) => pair.item2)
for (final k in danglingKeys) {
_log.fine("[cleanUp] Removing DB entry: $k");
await store.delete(k);
Future<void> _cacheResult(Account account, Album result) {
return appDb.use((db) async {
final transaction =
db.transaction(AppDb.albumStoreName, idbModeReadWrite);
final store = transaction.objectStore(AppDb.albumStoreName);
await _cacheAlbum(store, account, result);
final AppDb appDb;
final _remoteSrc = AlbumRemoteDataSource();
final AlbumAppDbDataSource _appDbSrc;
static final _log = Logger("entity.album.AlbumCachedDataSource");
Future<void> _cacheAlbum(
ObjectStore store, Account account, Album album) async {
final index = store.index(AppDbAlbumEntry.indexName);
final path = AppDbAlbumEntry.toPathFromFile(account, album.albumFile!);
final range = KeyRange.bound([path, 0], [path, int_util.int32Max]);
// count number of entries for this album
final count = await index.count(range);
// cut large album into smaller pieces, needed to workaround Android DB
// limitation
final entries = <AppDbAlbumEntry>[];
if (album.provider is AlbumStaticProvider) {
var albumItemLists = partition(
AlbumStaticProvider.of(album).items, AppDbAlbumEntry.maxDataSize)
if (albumItemLists.isEmpty) {
albumItemLists = [<AlbumItem>[]];
entries.addAll(albumItemLists.withIndex().map((pair) => AppDbAlbumEntry(
lastUpdated: OrNull(null),
provider: AlbumStaticProvider.of(album).copyWith(
items: pair.item2,
} else {
entries.add(AppDbAlbumEntry(path, 0, album));
for (final e in entries) {"[_cacheAlbum] Caching ${e.path}[${e.index}]");
await store.put(e.toJson(),
AppDbAlbumEntry.toPrimaryKey(account, e.album.albumFile!, e.index));
if (count > entries.length) {
// index is 0-based
final rmRange =
KeyRange.bound([path, entries.length], [path, int_util.int32Max]);
final rmKeys = await index
.openKeyCursor(range: rmRange, autoAdvance: true)
.map((cursor) => cursor.primaryKey)
for (final k in rmKeys) {
_log.fine("[_cacheAlbum] Removing DB entry: $k");
await store.delete(k);
final _log = Logger("entity.album");