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import 'dart:async';
import 'dart:convert';
import 'dart:io';
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/mobile/android/self_signed_cert.dart';
import 'package:np_codegen/np_codegen.dart';
import 'package:np_common/type.dart';
import 'package:np_string/np_string.dart';
import 'package:path/path.dart' as path_lib;
import 'package:path_provider/path_provider.dart';
import 'package:uuid/uuid.dart';
part 'self_signed_cert_manager.g.dart';
class SelfSignedCertManager {
factory SelfSignedCertManager() => _inst;
Future<void> init() async {
HttpOverrides.global = _CustomHttpOverrides();
final infos = await _readAllCerts();
_whitelist = infos;
/// Verify [cert] and return if it's registered in the whitelist for [host]
bool verify(X509Certificate cert, String host, int port) {
final fingerprint = _sha1BytesToString(cert.sha1);
return _whitelist.any((info) =>
fingerprint == info.sha1 &&
host.toLowerCase() == info.host.toLowerCase());
String getLastBadCertHost() => _latestBadCert.host;
String getLastBadCertFingerprint() =>
/// Whitelist the last bad cert
Future<CertInfo> whitelistLastBadCert() async {
final info = await _writeCert(_latestBadCert.host, _latestBadCert.cert);
return info;
/// Clear all whitelisted certs and they will no longer be allowed afterwards
Future<void> clearWhitelist() async {
final certDir = await _openCertsDir();
await certDir.delete(recursive: true);
return SelfSignedCert.reload();
Future<bool> removeFromWhitelist(CertInfo cert) async {
final certDir = await _openCertsDir();
final certFiles = (await certDir.list().toList()).whereType<File>();
for (final f in certFiles) {
if (!f.path.endsWith(".json")) {
try {
final info = CertInfo.fromJson(jsonDecode(await f.readAsString()));
if (info == cert) {
final pemF = File(f.path.slice(0, -5));
await Future.wait([f.delete(), pemF.delete()]);
"[removeFromWhitelist] File removed: ${f.path}, ${pemF.path}");
return true;
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
"[removeFromWhitelist] Failed to read certificate file: ${path_lib.basename(f.path)}",
return false;
List<CertInfo> get whitelist => _whitelist.toList();
/// Read and return all persisted certificate infos
Future<List<CertInfo>> _readAllCerts() async {
final products = <CertInfo>[];
final certDir = await _openCertsDir();
final certFiles = (await certDir.list().toList()).whereType<File>();
for (final f in certFiles) {
if (!f.path.endsWith(".json")) {
try {
final info = CertInfo.fromJson(jsonDecode(await f.readAsString()));
"[_readAllCerts] Found certificate info: ${path_lib.basename(f.path)} for host: ${info.host}");
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
"[_readAllCerts] Failed to read certificate file: ${path_lib.basename(f.path)}",
return products;
/// Persist a new cert and return the info object
Future<CertInfo> _writeCert(String host, X509Certificate cert) async {
final certDir = await _openCertsDir();
while (true) {
final fileName = const Uuid().v4();
final certF = File("${certDir.path}/$fileName");
if (await certF.exists()) {
await certF.writeAsString(cert.pem, flush: true);
final siteF = File("${certDir.path}/$fileName.json");
final certInfo = CertInfo.fromX509Certificate(host, cert);
await siteF.writeAsString(jsonEncode(certInfo.toJson()), flush: true);
"[_persistBadCert] Persisted cert at '${certF.path}' for host '${_latestBadCert.host}'");
return certInfo;
Future<Directory> _openCertsDir() async {
final privateDir = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
final certDir = Directory("${privateDir.path}/certs");
if (!await certDir.exists()) {
return certDir.create();
} else {
return certDir;
late _BadCertInfo _latestBadCert;
var _whitelist = <CertInfo>[];
static final _inst = SelfSignedCertManager._();
// Modifications to this class must also reflect on Android side
final class CertInfo with EquatableMixin {
const CertInfo({
required this.host,
required this.sha1,
required this.subject,
required this.issuer,
required this.startValidity,
required this.endValidity,
factory CertInfo.fromX509Certificate(String host, X509Certificate cert) {
return CertInfo(
host: host,
sha1: _sha1BytesToString(cert.sha1),
subject: cert.subject,
issuer: cert.issuer,
startValidity: cert.startValidity,
endValidity: cert.endValidity,
JsonObj toJson() {
return {
"host": host,
"sha1": sha1,
"subject": subject,
"issuer": issuer,
"startValidity": startValidity.toUtc().toIso8601String(),
"endValidity": endValidity.toUtc().toIso8601String(),
factory CertInfo.fromJson(JsonObj json) {
return CertInfo(
host: json["host"],
sha1: json["sha1"],
subject: json["subject"],
issuer: json["issuer"],
startValidity: DateTime.parse(json["startValidity"]),
endValidity: DateTime.parse(json["endValidity"]),
List<Object?> get props => [
final String host;
final String sha1;
final String subject;
final String issuer;
final DateTime startValidity;
final DateTime endValidity;
class _BadCertInfo {
_BadCertInfo(this.cert, this.host, this.port);
final X509Certificate cert;
final String host;
final int port;
class _CustomHttpOverrides extends HttpOverrides {
HttpClient createHttpClient(SecurityContext? context) {
return super.createHttpClient(context)
..badCertificateCallback = (cert, host, port) {
try {
if (SelfSignedCertManager().verify(cert, host, port)) {
// _log.warning(
// "[badCertificateCallback] Allowing whitelisted self-signed cert");
return true;
} catch (e, stacktrace) {
_log.shout("[badCertificateCallback] Failed while verifying cert", e,
SelfSignedCertManager()._latestBadCert = _BadCertInfo(cert, host, port);
return false;
String _sha1BytesToString(Uint8List bytes) =>
bytes.map((e) => e.toRadixString(16).padLeft(2, "0")).join();