
92 lines
3 KiB

import 'dart:isolate';
import 'package:drift/drift.dart';
import 'package:drift/isolate.dart';
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
import 'package:np_db_sqlite/src/database.dart';
import 'package:np_db_sqlite/src/util.dart';
import 'package:np_platform_util/np_platform_util.dart';
typedef ComputeWithDbCallback<T, U> = Future<U> Function(
SqliteDb db, T message);
/// Create a drift db running in an isolate
/// This is only expected to be used in the main isolate
Future<SqliteDb> createDb() async {
// see:
final driftIsolate = await _createDriftIsolate();
final connection = await driftIsolate.connect();
return SqliteDb(executor: connection);
Future<U> computeWithDb<T, U>(
ComputeWithDbCallback<T, U> callback, T args, SqliteDb fallbackDb) async {
if (getRawPlatform() == NpPlatform.web) {
return await callback(fallbackDb, args);
} else {
return await compute(
_computeWithDbImpl<T, U>,
_ComputeWithDbMessage(await getSqliteConnectionArgs(), callback, args),
class _IsolateStartRequest {
const _IsolateStartRequest(this.sendDriftIsolate, this.platformArgs);
final SendPort sendDriftIsolate;
final Map<String, dynamic> platformArgs;
class _ComputeWithDbMessage<T, U> {
const _ComputeWithDbMessage(
this.sqliteConnectionArgs, this.callback, this.args);
final Map<String, dynamic> sqliteConnectionArgs;
final ComputeWithDbCallback<T, U> callback;
final T args;
Future<DriftIsolate> _createDriftIsolate() async {
final args = await getSqliteConnectionArgs();
final receivePort = ReceivePort();
await Isolate.spawn(
_IsolateStartRequest(receivePort.sendPort, args),
// _startBackground will send the DriftIsolate to this ReceivePort
return await receivePort.first as DriftIsolate;
Future<void> _startBackground(_IsolateStartRequest request) async {
// this is the entry point from the background isolate! Let's create
// the database from the path we received
final executor = openSqliteConnectionWithArgs(request.platformArgs);
// we're using DriftIsolate.inCurrent here as this method already runs on a
// background isolate. If we used DriftIsolate.spawn, a third isolate would be
// started which is not what we want!
final driftIsolate = DriftIsolate.inCurrent(
() => DatabaseConnection(executor),
// this breaks background service!
serialize: false,
// inform the starting isolate about this, so that it can call .connect()
Future<U> _computeWithDbImpl<T, U>(_ComputeWithDbMessage<T, U> message) async {
// we don't use driftIsolate because opening a DB normally is found to perform
// better
final sqliteDb = SqliteDb(
executor: openSqliteConnectionWithArgs(message.sqliteConnectionArgs),
try {
return await message.callback(sqliteDb, message.args);
} finally {
await sqliteDb.close();