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import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
import 'package:drift/drift.dart' as sql;
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/debug_util.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/di_container.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file/data_source.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file_descriptor.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file_util.dart' as file_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/sqlite/database.dart' as sql;
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/sqlite/files_query_builder.dart' as sql;
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/sqlite/type_converter.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/exception.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/iterable_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/list_util.dart' as list_util;
import 'package:nc_photos/object_extension.dart';
import 'package:np_codegen/np_codegen.dart';
part 'file_cache_manager.g.dart';
class FileCacheLoader {
this._c, {
required this.cacheSrc,
required this.remoteSrc,
this.shouldCheckCache = false,
}) : assert(require(_c));
static bool require(DiContainer c) => DiContainer.has(c, DiType.fileRepo);
/// Return the cached results of listing a directory [dir]
/// Should check [isGood] before using the cache returning by this method
Future<List<File>?> call(Account account, File dir) async {
List<File>? cache;
try {
cache = await cacheSrc.list(account, dir);
// compare the cached root
final cacheEtag =
cache.firstWhere((f) => f.compareServerIdentity(dir)).etag!;
// compare the etag to see if the content has been updated
var remoteEtag = dir.etag;
if (remoteEtag == null) {
// if no etag supplied, we need to query it form remote
"[call] etag missing from input, querying remote: ${logFilename(dir.path)}");
remoteEtag = (await remoteSrc.list(account, dir, depth: 0)).first.etag;
if (cacheEtag == remoteEtag) {
if (shouldCheckCache) {
await _checkTouchEtag(account, dir, cache);
} else {
_isGood = true;
} else {
_log.info("[call] Remote content updated for ${dir.path}");
} on CacheNotFoundException catch (_) {
// normal when there's no cache
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
_log.shout("[call] Cache failure", e, stackTrace);
return cache;
bool get isGood => _isGood;
String? get remoteTouchEtag => _remoteEtag;
Future<void> _checkTouchEtag(
Account account, File f, List<File> cache) async {
final result = await _c.touchManager.checkTouchEtag(account, f);
if (result == null) {
_isGood = true;
} else {
_remoteEtag = result;
final DiContainer _c;
final FileWebdavDataSource remoteSrc;
final FileDataSource cacheSrc;
final bool shouldCheckCache;
var _isGood = false;
String? _remoteEtag;
class FileSqliteCacheUpdater {
FileSqliteCacheUpdater(this._c) : assert(require(_c));
static bool require(DiContainer c) => DiContainer.has(c, DiType.sqliteDb);
Future<void> call(
Account account,
File dir, {
required List<File> remote,
}) async {
final s = Stopwatch()..start();
try {
await _cacheRemote(account, dir, remote);
} finally {
_log.info("[call] Elapsed time: ${s.elapsedMilliseconds}ms");
Future<void> updateSingle(Account account, File remoteFile) async {
final sqlFile = SqliteFileConverter.toSql(null, remoteFile);
await _c.sqliteDb.use((db) async {
final dbAccount = await db.accountOf(account);
final inserts =
await _updateCache(db, dbAccount, [sqlFile], [remoteFile], null);
if (inserts.isNotEmpty) {
await _insertCache(db, dbAccount, inserts, null);
Future<void> _cacheRemote(
Account account, File dir, List<File> remote) async {
final sqlFiles = await remote.convertToFileCompanion(null);
await _c.sqliteDb.use((db) async {
final dbAccount = await db.accountOf(account);
final inserts = await _updateCache(db, dbAccount, sqlFiles, remote, dir);
if (inserts.isNotEmpty) {
await _insertCache(db, dbAccount, inserts, dir);
if (_dirRowId == null) {
_log.severe("[_cacheRemote] Dir not inserted");
throw StateError("Row ID for dir is null");
final dirFileQuery = db.select(db.dirFiles)
..where((t) => t.dir.equals(_dirRowId))
..orderBy([(t) => sql.OrderingTerm.asc(t.rowId)]);
final dirFiles = await dirFileQuery.get();
final diff = list_util.diff(dirFiles.map((e) => e.child),
if (diff.onlyInB.isNotEmpty) {
await db.batch((batch) {
// insert new children
diff.onlyInB.map((k) => sql.DirFile(dir: _dirRowId!, child: k)));
if (diff.onlyInA.isNotEmpty) {
// remove entries from the DirFiles table first
await diff.onlyInA.withPartitionNoReturn((sublist) async {
final deleteQuery = db.delete(db.dirFiles)
..where((t) => t.child.isIn(sublist))
..where((t) =>
t.dir.equals(_dirRowId) | t.dir.equalsExp(db.dirFiles.child));
await deleteQuery.go();
}, sql.maxByFileIdsSize);
// select files having another dir parent under this account (i.e.,
// moved files)
final moved = await diff.onlyInA.withPartition((sublist) async {
final query = db.selectOnly(db.dirFiles).join([
return query.map((r) => r.read(db.dirFiles.child)!).get();
}, sql.maxByFileIdsSize);
final removed = diff.onlyInA.where((e) => !moved.contains(e)).toList();
if (removed.isNotEmpty) {
// delete obsolete children
await _removeSqliteFiles(db, dbAccount, removed);
await db.cleanUpDanglingFiles();
/// Update Db files in [sqlFiles]
/// Return a list of DB files that are not yet inserted to the DB (thus not
/// possible to update)
Future<List<sql.CompleteFileCompanion>> _updateCache(
sql.SqliteDb db,
sql.Account dbAccount,
Iterable<sql.CompleteFileCompanion> sqlFiles,
Iterable<File> remoteFiles,
File? dir,
) async {
// query list of rowIds for files in [remoteFiles]
final rowIds = await db.accountFileRowIdsByFileIds(
sql.ByAccount.sql(dbAccount), remoteFiles.map((f) => f.fileId!));
final rowIdsMap = Map.fromEntries(rowIds.map((e) => MapEntry(e.fileId, e)));
final inserts = <sql.CompleteFileCompanion>[];
// for updates, we use batch to speed up the process
await db.batch((batch) {
for (final f in sqlFiles) {
final isSupportedImageFormat =
file_util.isSupportedImageMime(f.file.contentType.value ?? "");
final thisRowIds = rowIdsMap[f.file.fileId.value];
if (thisRowIds != null) {
// updates
where: (sql.$FilesTable t) => t.rowId.equals(thisRowIds.fileRowId),
where: (sql.$AccountFilesTable t) =>
if (f.image != null) {
where: (sql.$ImagesTable t) =>
} else {
if (isSupportedImageFormat) {
(sql.$ImagesTable t) =>
if (f.imageLocation != null) {
where: (sql.$ImageLocationsTable t) =>
} else {
if (isSupportedImageFormat) {
(sql.$ImageLocationsTable t) =>
if (f.trash != null) {
where: (sql.$TrashesTable t) =>
} else {
(sql.$TrashesTable t) => t.file.equals(thisRowIds.fileRowId),
_onRowCached(thisRowIds.fileRowId, f, dir);
} else {
// inserts, do it later
"[_updateCache] Updated ${sqlFiles.length - inserts.length} files");
return inserts;
Future<void> _insertCache(sql.SqliteDb db, sql.Account dbAccount,
List<sql.CompleteFileCompanion> sqlFiles, File? dir) async {
_log.info("[_insertCache] Insert ${sqlFiles.length} files");
// check if the files exist in the db in other accounts
final entries =
await sqlFiles.map((f) => f.file.fileId.value).withPartition((sublist) {
final query = db.queryFiles().run((q) {
expressions: [db.files.rowId, db.files.fileId],
return q.build();
return query
.map((r) =>
MapEntry(r.read(db.files.fileId)!, r.read(db.files.rowId)!))
}, sql.maxByFileIdsSize);
final fileRowIdMap = Map.fromEntries(entries);
await Future.wait(sqlFiles.map((f) async {
var rowId = fileRowIdMap[f.file.fileId.value];
if (rowId != null) {
// shared file that exists in other accounts
} else {
final dbFile = await db.into(db.files).insertReturning(
f.file.copyWith(server: sql.Value(dbAccount.server)),
rowId = dbFile.rowId;
final dbAccountFile =
await db.into(db.accountFiles).insertReturning(f.accountFile.copyWith(
account: sql.Value(dbAccount.rowId),
file: sql.Value(rowId),
if (f.image != null) {
await db.into(db.images).insert(
f.image!.copyWith(accountFile: sql.Value(dbAccountFile.rowId)));
if (f.imageLocation != null) {
await db.into(db.imageLocations).insert(f.imageLocation!
.copyWith(accountFile: sql.Value(dbAccountFile.rowId)));
if (f.trash != null) {
await db
.insert(f.trash!.copyWith(file: sql.Value(rowId)));
_onRowCached(rowId, f, dir);
void _onRowCached(int rowId, sql.CompleteFileCompanion dbFile, File? dir) {
if (dir != null) {
if (_compareIdentity(dbFile, dir)) {
_dirRowId = rowId;
bool _compareIdentity(sql.CompleteFileCompanion dbFile, File appFile) {
if (appFile.fileId != null) {
return appFile.fileId == dbFile.file.fileId.value;
} else {
return appFile.strippedPathWithEmpty ==
final DiContainer _c;
int? _dirRowId;
final _childRowIds = <int>[];
class FileSqliteCacheRemover {
FileSqliteCacheRemover(this._c) : assert(require(_c));
static bool require(DiContainer c) => DiContainer.has(c, DiType.sqliteDb);
/// Remove a file/dir from cache
Future<void> call(Account account, FileDescriptor f) async {
await _c.sqliteDb.use((db) async {
final dbAccount = await db.accountOf(account);
final rowIds = await db.accountFileRowIdsOf(f, sqlAccount: dbAccount);
await _removeSqliteFiles(db, dbAccount, [rowIds.fileRowId]);
await db.cleanUpDanglingFiles();
final DiContainer _c;
class FileSqliteCacheEmptier {
FileSqliteCacheEmptier(this._c) : assert(require(_c));
static bool require(DiContainer c) => DiContainer.has(c, DiType.sqliteDb);
/// Empty a dir from cache
Future<void> call(Account account, File dir) async {
await _c.sqliteDb.use((db) async {
final dbAccount = await db.accountOf(account);
final rowIds = await db.accountFileRowIdsOf(dir, sqlAccount: dbAccount);
// remove children
final childIdsQuery = db.selectOnly(db.dirFiles)
final childIds =
await childIdsQuery.map((r) => r.read(db.dirFiles.child)!).get();
childIds.removeWhere((id) => id == rowIds.fileRowId);
if (childIds.isNotEmpty) {
await _removeSqliteFiles(db, dbAccount, childIds);
await db.cleanUpDanglingFiles();
// remove dir in DirFiles
await (db.delete(db.dirFiles)
..where((t) => t.dir.equals(rowIds.fileRowId)))
final DiContainer _c;
/// Remove a files from the cache db
/// If a file is a dir, its children will also be recursively removed
Future<void> _removeSqliteFiles(
sql.SqliteDb db, sql.Account dbAccount, List<int> fileRowIds) async {
// query list of children, in case some of the files are dirs
final childRowIds = await fileRowIds.withPartition((sublist) {
final childQuery = db.selectOnly(db.dirFiles)
return childQuery.map((r) => r.read(db.dirFiles.child)!).get();
}, sql.maxByFileIdsSize);
childRowIds.removeWhere((id) => fileRowIds.contains(id));
// remove the files in AccountFiles table. We are not removing in Files table
// because a file could be associated with multiple accounts
await fileRowIds.withPartitionNoReturn((sublist) async {
await (db.delete(db.accountFiles)
(t) => t.account.equals(dbAccount.rowId) & t.file.isIn(sublist)))
}, sql.maxByFileIdsSize);
if (childRowIds.isNotEmpty) {
// remove children recursively
return _removeSqliteFiles(db, dbAccount, childRowIds);
} else {