Sync translations with POEditor

This commit is contained in:
Ming Ming 2024-01-14 23:31:16 +08:00
parent e47f033b3a
commit 60192a56ca
7 changed files with 1386 additions and 422 deletions

View file

@ -234,6 +234,80 @@
"@rootPickerSubHeaderText": {
"description": "Inform user what to do in root picker widget"
"rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": "(ves enrere)",
"@rootPickerNavigateUpItemText": {
"description": "Text of the list item to navigate up the directory tree"
"rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut deseleccionar l'element",
"@rootPickerUnpickFailureNotification": {
"description": "Failed while unpicking an item in the root picker list"
"rootPickerListEmptyNotification": "Per favor, selecciona almenys una carpeta o prem saltar per a incloure-les totes",
"@rootPickerListEmptyNotification": {
"description": "Error when user pressing confirm without picking any folders"
"setupWidgetTitle": "Per a començar",
"@setupWidgetTitle": {
"description": "Title of the introductory widget"
"setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": "Pots canviar-ho més tard a la configuració",
"@setupSettingsModifyLaterHint": {
"description": "Inform user that they can modify this setting after the setup process"
"setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": "Aquesta aplicació crea una carpeta al servidor de Nextcloud per a desar fitxers de preferències. Per favor, no la modifiques o elimines si no tens pensat eliminar aquesta app",
"@setupHiddenPrefDirNoticeDetail": {
"description": "Inform user about the preference folder created by this app"
"settingsWidgetTitle": "Configuració",
"@settingsWidgetTitle": {
"description": "Title of the Settings widget"
"settingsLanguageTitle": "Idioma",
"@settingsLanguageTitle": {
"description": "Set display language"
"settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Per defecte",
"@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": {
"description": "Follow the Android system language"
"settingsExifSupportTitle": "Suport EXIF",
"@settingsExifSupportTitle": {
"description": "Title of the EXIF support setting"
"settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Requereix un ús extra de la xarxa",
"@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": {
"description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting"
"settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Processa l'EXIF només a través de WiFi",
"@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": {
"description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network"
"settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Es poden aplicar càrrecs",
"@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": {
"description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network"
"settingsMemoriesTitle": "Memories",
"@settingsMemoriesTitle": {
"description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
"settingsMemoriesSubtitle": "Mostra fotos fetes al passat",
"@settingsMemoriesSubtitle": {
"description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
"settingsAccountTitle": "Compte",
"settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etiqueta",
"@settingsAccountLabelTitle": {
"description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason"
"settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Estableix una etiqueta per a mostrar en comptes de l'URL del servidor",
"settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Carpetes incloses",
"@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": {
"description": "Change the included folders of an account"
"settingsShareFolderTitle": "Compartir carpeta",
"@settingsShareFolderTitle": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": "Troba la carpeta compartida",
"@settingsShareFolderDialogTitle": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
@ -241,5 +315,269 @@
"settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": "Aquest ajust correspon al paràmetre share_folder a config.php. Els dos valors han de ser idèntics.\n\nPer favor, troba la mateixa carpeta a la establerta en config.php.",
"@settingsShareFolderDialogDescription": {
"description": "Set the share folder such that it matches the parameter in config.php"
"settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Els resultats es desen al dispositiu",
"settingsThemeTitle": "Tema",
"settingsThemeDescription": "Personalitza l'apariència de l'app",
"settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Segueix el tema del dispositiu",
"@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": {
"description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10"
"settingsSeedColorTitle": "Color del tema",
"@settingsSeedColorTitle": {
"description": "Customize the colors used in app"
"settingsSeedColorDescription": "Utilitzat per a derivar tots els colors de l'app",
"@settingsSeedColorDescription": {
"description": "Customize the colors used in app"
"settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Selecciona un color",
"@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": {
"description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app"
"settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Tema més obscur",
"@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": {
"description": "Make the dark theme darker"
"settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": "Fes servir el negre al tema obscur",
"@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTrueDescription": {
"description": "When black in dark theme is set to true"
"settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": "Fes servir el gris al tema obscur",
"@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": {
"description": "When black in dark theme is set to false"
"settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Varis",
"settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Prem dos vegades per a sortir",
"@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": {
"description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app"
"settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Ordena pel nom del fitxer a Fotos",
"@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": {
"description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)"
"settingsExperimentalTitle": "Experimental",
"settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funcions que no estan llestes per a un ús diari",
"settingsExpertTitle": "Avançat",
"@settingsExpertTitle": {
"description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution"
"settingsExpertWarningText": "Per favor estigues segur que entens totes les opcions abans de fer-les servir",
"settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Buida la base de dades de fitxers",
"settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Buida totes les dades desades sobre els arxius, i resincronitza amb el servidor",
"settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "La base de dades s'ha buidat correctament. Es recomana reiniciar l'app",
"millimeterCountSymbol": "{count}mm",
"@millimeterCountSymbol": {
"description": "Number of millimeters",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "1"
"detailsTooltip": "Detalls",
"@detailsTooltip": {
"description": "Tooltip of the details button"
"downloadTooltip": "Descarrega",
"@downloadTooltip": {
"description": "Tooltip of the download button"
"downloadProcessingNotification": "Descarregant l'arxiu",
"@downloadProcessingNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that the file is being downloaded"
"downloadSuccessNotification": "S'ha descarregat correctament",
"@downloadSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that the file is downloaded successfully"
"downloadFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut descarregar",
"@downloadFailureNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that the file cannot be downloaded"
"nextTooltip": "Següent",
"@nextTooltip": {
"description": "Tooltip of the next button"
"previousTooltip": "Anterior",
"@previousTooltip": {
"description": "Tooltip of the previous button"
"webSelectRangeNotification": "Mantè shift + clic per a seleccionar tots els d'enmig",
"@webSelectRangeNotification": {
"description": "Inform web user how to select items in range"
"mobileSelectRangeNotification": "Manté premut un altre element per a seleccionar tots els d'enmig",
"@mobileSelectRangeNotification": {
"description": "Inform mobile user how to select items in range"
"updateDateTimeDialogTitle": "Modifica la data i hora",
"@updateDateTimeDialogTitle": {
"description": "Dialog to modify the date & time of a file"
"dateSubtitle": "Data",
"timeSubtitle": "Hora",
"dateYearInputHint": "Any",
"dateMonthInputHint": "Mes",
"dateDayInputHint": "Dia",
"timeHourInputHint": "Hora",
"timeMinuteInputHint": "Minut",
"timeSecondInputHint": "Segon",
"dateTimeInputInvalid": "Valor invàlid",
"@dateTimeInputInvalid": {
"description": "Invalid date/time input (e.g., non-numeric characters)"
"sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": "Nom de l'àlbum (descendent)",
"@sortOptionAlbumNameDescendingLabel": {
"description": "Sort by album name, in descending order"
"sortOptionManualLabel": "Manual",
"@sortOptionManualLabel": {
"description": "Sort manually"
"albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": "Prem i arrastra per a reordenar manualment",
"@albumEditDragRearrangeNotification": {
"description": "Instructions on how to rearrange photos"
"albumAddTextTooltip": "Afegeix text",
"@albumAddTextTooltip": {
"description": "Add some text that display between photos to an album"
"shareTooltip": "Compartir",
"@shareTooltip": {
"description": "Share selected items to other apps"
"shareSelectedEmptyNotification": "Selecciona algunes fotos per a compartir",
"@shareSelectedEmptyNotification": {
"description": "Shown when user pressed the share button with only non-sharable items (e.g., text labels) selected"
"shareDownloadingDialogContent": "Descarregant",
"@shareDownloadingDialogContent": {
"description": "Downloading photos to be shared"
"searchTooltip": "Cerca",
"clearTooltip": "Buidar",
"@clearTooltip": {
"description": "Clear some sort of user input, typically a text field"
"listNoResultsText": "Sense resultats",
"@listNoResultsText": {
"description": "When there's nothing in a list"
"listEmptyText": "Buit",
"@listEmptyText": {
"description": "When there's nothing in a list"
"albumTrashLabel": "Paperera",
"@albumTrashLabel": {
"description": "Deleted photos"
"restoreTooltip": "Restaurar",
"@restoreTooltip": {
"description": "Restore selected items from trashbin"
"restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, one{Restaurant 1 element} other{Restaurant {count} elements}}",
"@restoreSelectedProcessingNotification": {
"description": "Restoring selected items from trashbin",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "1"
"restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": "Tots els elements s'han restaurat correctament",
"@restoreSelectedSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Restored all selected items from trashbin successfully"
"restoreSelectedFailureNotification": "{count, plural, one{No s'ha pogut restaurar 1 element} other{No s'han pogut restaurar {count} elements}}",
"@restoreSelectedFailureNotification": {
"description": "Cannot restore some of the selected items from trashbin",
"placeholders": {
"count": {
"example": "1"
"restoreProcessingNotification": "Restaurant element",
"@restoreProcessingNotification": {
"description": "Restoring the opened item from trashbin"
"restoreSuccessNotification": "S'ha restaurat l'element amb èxit",
"@restoreSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Restored the opened item from trashbin successfully"
"restoreFailureNotification": "No s'ha pogut restaurar l'element",
"@restoreFailureNotification": {
"description": "Cannot restore the opened item from trashbin"
"deletePermanentlyTooltip": "Eliminar permanentment",
"@deletePermanentlyTooltip": {
"description": "Permanently delete selected items from trashbin"
"emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": "Tots els elements s'eliminaran permanentment del servidor.\n\nAquesta acció no és reversible",
"@emptyTrashbinConfirmationDialogContent": {
"description": "Make sure the user wants to delete all items"
"unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": "Elimina la coberta",
"@unsetAlbumCoverTooltip": {
"description": "Unset the cover of the opened album"
"muteTooltip": "Silencia",
"@muteTooltip": {
"description": "Mute the video player"
"unmuteTooltip": "Desilencia",
"@unmuteTooltip": {
"description": "Unmute the video player"
"collectionPeopleLabel": "Gent",
"@collectionPeopleLabel": {
"description": "Browse photos grouped by person"
"slideshowTooltip": "Carrussel",
"@slideshowTooltip": {
"description": "A button to start a slideshow from the current collection"
"slideshowSetupDialogTitle": "Configura el carrussel",
"@slideshowSetupDialogTitle": {
"description": "Setup slideshow before starting"
"slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": "Duració de la imatge (MM:SS)",
"@slideshowSetupDialogDurationTitle": {
"description": "Set the duration of each image in MM:SS format. This setting is ignored for videos"
"slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": "Mescla",
"@slideshowSetupDialogShuffleTitle": {
"description": "Whether to shuffle the collection"
"slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": "Repeteix",
"@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": {
"description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide"
"slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Inverteix",
"@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": {
"description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order"
"linkCopiedNotification": "Enllaç copiat",
"@linkCopiedNotification": {
"description": "Copied the share link to clipboard"
"shareMethodDialogTitle": "Comparteix com a",
"@shareMethodDialogTitle": {
"description": "Let the user pick how they want to share"
"shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Previsualitza",
"@shareMethodPreviewTitle": {
"description": "Share the preview of a file"
"shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Comparteix com a una previsualització amb altres apps (només es suporten imatges)",
"shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Arxiu original",
"@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": {
"description": "Share the original file"
"shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Descarrega l'arxiu original i comparteix-lo amb altres apps",
"shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Enllaç públic",
"@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": {
"description": "Create a share link on server and share it"

View file

@ -178,6 +178,10 @@
"@nameInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data"
"nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Je vyžadován název",
"@nameInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents"
"skipButtonLabel": "PŘESKOČIT",
"@skipButtonLabel": {
"description": "Label of the skip button"
@ -416,6 +420,10 @@
"@settingsVersionTitle": {
"description": "Title of the version data item"
"settingsServerVersionTitle": "Server",
"@settingsServerVersionTitle": {
"description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25"
"settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Zdrojový kód",
"@settingsSourceCodeTitle": {
"description": "Title of the source code item"
@ -1362,6 +1370,33 @@
"@loopTooltip": {
"description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player"
"createCollectionFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se vytvořit sbírku",
"@createCollectionFailureNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created"
"addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Přidat do sbírky",
"@addItemToCollectionTooltip": {
"description": "Add one or more items to a collection"
"addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se přidat do sbírky",
"@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection"
"setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Nepodařilo se nastavit obal sbírky",
"@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": {
"description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover"
"exportCollectionTooltip": "Export",
"@exportCollectionTooltip": {
"description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection"
"exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Exportovat sbírku",
"createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Album Nextcloud",
"@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": {
"description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+"
"createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Serverové album, vyžaduje Nextcloud 25 nebo novější",
"removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Nepodařilo se odebrat některé sbírky",
"errorUnauthenticated": "Neověřený přístup. Pokud problém přetrvává, přihlaste se znovu",
"@errorUnauthenticated": {
"description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401"
@ -1393,5 +1428,40 @@
"errorNoStoragePermission": "Chybějící oprávnění k přístupu k úložišti",
"@errorNoStoragePermission": {
"description": "Missing permission on Android"
"settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadata souboru",
"@settingsMetadataTitle": {
"description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)"
"settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Poskytovatel osob",
"@settingsPersonProviderTitle": {
"description": "Select the server app for face recognition"
"settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Použít systémovou barvu",
"@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": {
"description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You"
"settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "POUŽÍT SYSTÉMOVOU BARVU",
"@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": {
"description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You"
"searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Otevřete nastavení pro přepnutí poskytovatele nebo si otevřete nápovědu pro více informací",
"@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": {
"description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people"
"accountSettingsTooltip": "Nastavení účtu",
"contributorsTooltip": "Přispěvatelé",
"setAsTooltip": "Nastavit jako",
"@setAsTooltip": {
"description": "e.g., set as wallpaper"
"deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Chystáte se odhlásit ze serveru {server}",
"@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": {
"description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)",
"placeholders": {
"server": {
"example": ""

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"appTitle": "Fotos",
"translator": "Andreas\nPhilProg\nSebastian\nOdious",
"translator": "Andreas\nPhilProg\nshagn\nOdious",
"@translator": {
"description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language"
@ -969,10 +969,18 @@
"homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Home-Ordner nicht gefunden",
"homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": "Home-Verzeichnis nicht gefunden",
"@homeFolderNotFoundDialogTitle": {
"description": "The app failed to scan the user's home folder on signing in"
"homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": "Bitte korrigieren Sie die unten angezeigte WebDAV-URL. Sie finden die URL in der Nextcloud-Weboberfläche.",
"@homeFolderNotFoundDialogContent": {
"description": "Ask the user to provide us the correct WebDAV URL"
"homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": "Bitte geben Sie den Namen Ihres Home-Verzeichnis ein",
"@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Home folder can't be left empty"
"createCollectionTooltip": "Neues Album",
"@createCollectionTooltip": {
"description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future"
@ -1061,6 +1069,14 @@
"description": "Blur the background of a photo"
"enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Machen Sie den Hintergrund Ihrer Fotos unscharf, am besten geeignet für Porträts",
"enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Unschärfe",
"@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": {
"description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter"
"enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Superauflösung (4x)",
"@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": {
"description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)"
"enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Vergrößern Sie Ihre Fotos auf das 4-fache der ursprünglichen Auflösung (siehe Hilfe für Details wie die maximale Auflösung hier verwendet wird)",
"enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Stilübertragung",
"@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": {

View file

@ -1428,5 +1428,40 @@
"errorNoStoragePermission": "Tallennustilan käyttölupa vaaditaan",
"@errorNoStoragePermission": {
"description": "Missing permission on Android"
"settingsMetadataTitle": "Tiedoston metatiedot",
"@settingsMetadataTitle": {
"description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)"
"settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Henkilön tarjoaja",
"@settingsPersonProviderTitle": {
"description": "Select the server app for face recognition"
"settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Käytä järjestelmän oletusarvoa",
"@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": {
"description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You"
"settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "KÄYTÄ JÄRJESTELMÄN OLETUSARVOA",
"@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": {
"description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You"
"searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Valitse \"asetukset\" vaihtaaksesi tarjoajaa tai paina \"apua\" saadaksesi lisää tietoa",
"@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": {
"description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people"
"accountSettingsTooltip": "Tiliasetukset",
"contributorsTooltip": "Avustajat",
"setAsTooltip": "Aseta",
"@setAsTooltip": {
"description": "e.g., set as wallpaper"
"deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Olet aikeissa uloskirjautua palvelimelta {server}",
"@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": {
"description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)",
"placeholders": {
"server": {
"example": ""

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"appTitle": "Photos",
"translator": "mgreil",
"translator": "mgreil\nFymyte",
"@translator": {
"description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language"
@ -8,6 +8,10 @@
"@photosTabLabel": {
"description": "Label of the tab that lists user photos"
"collectionsTooltip": "Collections",
"@collectionsTooltip": {
"description": "Groups of photos, e.g., albums, trash bin, etc"
"zoomTooltip": "Zoom",
"@zoomTooltip": {
"description": "Tooltip of the zoom button"
@ -20,7 +24,7 @@
"@settingsMenuLabel": {
"description": "Label of the settings entry in menu"
"selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, other{{count} sélectionné}}",
"selectionAppBarTitle": "{count, plural, =1{{count} sélectionné} other{{count} sélectionnés}}",
"@selectionAppBarTitle": {
"description": "Title of the contextual app bar that shows number of selected items",
"placeholders": {
@ -55,7 +59,7 @@
"@archiveTooltip": {
"description": "Archive selected items"
"archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archivage 1 élément} other{Archivage de {count} éléments}}",
"archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": "{count, plural, =1{Archivage de 1 élément} other{Archivage de {count} éléments}}",
"@archiveSelectedProcessingNotification": {
"description": "Archiving the selected items",
"placeholders": {
@ -140,7 +144,7 @@
"@createAlbumTooltip": {
"description": "Tooltip of the button that creates a new album"
"albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Empty} =1{1 élément} other{{count} éléments}}",
"albumSize": "{count, plural, =0{Vide} =1{1 élément} other{{count} éléments}}",
"@albumSize": {
"description": "Number of items inside an album",
"placeholders": {
@ -162,10 +166,22 @@
"connectingToServer2": "En attente d'autorisation du server",
"@connectingToServer2": {
"description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser"
"connectingToServerInstruction": "En attente de connexion via navigateur",
"@connectingToServerInstruction": {
"description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser"
"nameInputHint": "Nom",
"@nameInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data"
"nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Ce champ est requis",
"@nameInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents"
"skipButtonLabel": "IGNORER",
"@skipButtonLabel": {
"description": "Label of the skip button"
@ -182,6 +198,10 @@
"@signIn2faHintText": {
"description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)"
"signInHeaderText2": "Connexion a Nextcloud",
"@signInHeaderText2": {
"description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server"
"serverAddressInputHint": "Adresse du serveur",
"@serverAddressInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data"
@ -246,14 +266,26 @@
"@settingsLanguageTitle": {
"description": "Set display language"
"settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Utiliser la langue système",
"@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": {
"description": "Follow the Android system language"
"settingsExifSupportTitle": "Prise en charge EXIF",
"@settingsExifSupportTitle": {
"description": "Title of the EXIF support setting"
"settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Exiger une utilisation supplémentaire du réseau",
"settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": "Demande une utilisation plus intense du réseau",
"@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": {
"description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting"
"settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Ne traîter les fichier EXIF que lorsque connecté au Wifi",
"@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": {
"description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network"
"settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Des frais supplémentaires peuvent s'appliquer",
"@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": {
"description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network"
"settingsMemoriesTitle": "Souvenirs",
"@settingsMemoriesTitle": {
"description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
@ -263,6 +295,11 @@
"description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
"settingsAccountTitle": "Compte",
"settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Nom",
"@settingsAccountLabelTitle": {
"description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason"
"settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Utiliser ce nom pour remplacer l'URL du server",
"settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Dossiers inclus",
"@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": {
"description": "Change the included folders of an account"
@ -287,21 +324,63 @@
"@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": {
"description": "Enable/disable various server apps"
"settingsViewerTitle": "Viewer",
"settingsViewerDescription": "Customize the image/video viewer",
"settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Luminosité écran",
"settingsPhotosDescription": "Sélectionner le contenu de l'onglet photo",
"@settingsPhotosDescription": {
"description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab"
"settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Intervalle",
"@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": {
"description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year"
"settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": "{range, plural, one{+-{range} jour} other{+-{range} jours}}",
"@settingsMemoriesRangeValueText": {
"description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year, could be 0",
"placeholders": {
"range": {
"example": "1"
"settingsViewerTitle": "Visionneur",
"settingsViewerDescription": "Personnaliser le visionneur de vidéo/image",
"settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Luminosité d'écran",
"settingsScreenBrightnessDescription": "Remplacer le niveau de luminosité du système",
"settingsForceRotationTitle": "Ignorer le verrouillage de la rotation",
"settingsForceRotationDescription": "Faire pivoter l'écran même lorsque la rotation automatique est désactivée",
"settingsMapProviderTitle": "Fournisseur de carte",
"settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Regrouper les photos par date",
"settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Appliquer uniquement lorsque l'album est trié par heure",
"settingsImageEditTitle": "Editeur",
"@settingsImageEditTitle": {
"description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor"
"settingsImageEditDescription": "Personnaliser l'amélioration des images et l'éditeur",
"settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Résolution des images pour l'amélioration",
"settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Les photos avec une resolution supérieure seront réduites.\n\nLes images hautes résolutions prennent beaucoup plus de temps et de mémoire à traîter. Baisser cette résolution si l'application se ferme pendants le traitement de vos photos.",
"settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Enregistrer les résultats sur le server",
"@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": {
"description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device"
"settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Les résultats sont sauvegardées sur le server, ou sur l'appareil si l'envoi échou.",
"settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Les résultats sont sauvegardés sur l'appareil",
"settingsThemeTitle": "Thème",
"settingsThemeDescription": "Personnalisez l'apparence de l'application",
"settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Suivre le thème du système",
"settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Suivre le thème système",
"@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": {
"description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10"
"settingsSeedColorTitle": "Couleur principale",
"@settingsSeedColorTitle": {
"description": "Customize the colors used in app"
"settingsSeedColorDescription": "Utilisée pour déduire les couleurs de l'application",
"@settingsSeedColorDescription": {
"description": "Customize the colors used in app"
"settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Choisissez une couleur",
"@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": {
"description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app"
"settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Thème plus sombre",
"@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": {
"description": "Make the dark theme darker"
@ -314,8 +393,25 @@
"@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": {
"description": "When black in dark theme is set to false"
"settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Divers",
"settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Tapper deux fois pour quitter",
"@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": {
"description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app"
"settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Trier par nom de fichier",
"@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": {
"description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)"
"settingsExperimentalTitle": "Expérimental",
"settingsExperimentalDescription": "Des fonctionnalités qui ne sont pas prêtes pour une utilisation quotidienne",
"settingsExpertTitle": "Options avancées",
"@settingsExpertTitle": {
"description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution"
"settingsExpertWarningText": "Soyer certains de comprendre chaque option avant de continuer",
"settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Effacer la base de données",
"settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Effacer les données mis en cache et relancer une synchronisation complète avec le server",
"settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Base de données effacé avec succès. Vous pouvez redemander l'application",
"settingsAboutSectionTitle": "À propos",
"@settingsAboutSectionTitle": {
"description": "Title of the about section in settings widget"
@ -324,6 +420,10 @@
"@settingsVersionTitle": {
"description": "Title of the version data item"
"settingsServerVersionTitle": "Serveur",
"@settingsServerVersionTitle": {
"description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25"
"settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Code source",
"@settingsSourceCodeTitle": {
"description": "Title of the source code item"
@ -337,7 +437,7 @@
"description": "Capture app logs for bug report"
"settingsCaptureLogsDescription": "Aider le développeur à diagnostiquer les bugs",
"settingsTranslatorTitle": "Traducteur",
"settingsTranslatorTitle": "Traducteurs",
"@settingsTranslatorTitle": {
"description": "Title of the translator item"
@ -516,6 +616,14 @@
"@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": {
"description": "Sort by time, in descending order"
"sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nom de fichier",
"@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": {
"description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order"
"sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nom de fichier (descendant)",
"@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": {
"description": "Sort by filename, in descending order"
"sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nom d'album",
"@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": {
"description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order"
@ -629,6 +737,12 @@
"configButtonLabel": "CONFIGURER",
"useAsAlbumCoverTooltip": "Utiliser comme couverture d'album",
"helpTooltip": "Aide",
"helpButtonLabel": "AIDE",
"removeFromAlbumTooltip": "Retirer de l'album",
"@removeFromAlbumTooltip": {
"description": "Remove the opened photo from an album"
"changelogTitle": "Journal des modifications",
"@changelogTitle": {
"description": "Title of the changelog page"
@ -717,6 +831,10 @@
"@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": {
"description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide"
"slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Inverser",
"@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": {
"description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order"
"linkCopiedNotification": "Lien copié",
"@linkCopiedNotification": {
"description": "Copied the share link to clipboard"
@ -725,6 +843,16 @@
"@shareMethodDialogTitle": {
"description": "Let the user pick how they want to share"
"shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Aperçu",
"@shareMethodPreviewTitle": {
"description": "Share the preview of a file"
"shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Partager un aperçu de plus basse qualité aux autres application (ne supporte que les images)",
"shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Fichier original",
"@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": {
"description": "Share the original file"
"shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Télécharge le fichier original et le partage aux autres applications",
"shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Lien public",
"@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": {
"description": "Create a share link on server and share it"
@ -996,6 +1124,279 @@
"@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": {
"description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery"
"enhanceTooltip": "Améliorer",
"@enhanceTooltip": {
"description": "Enhance a photo"
"enhanceButtonLabel": "AMÉLIORER",
"enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Amélioré vos photos",
"enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Vos photos sont traîter sur l'appareil. Par défaut, elle sont réduite à 2048x1546. Vous pouvez ajuster la résolution dans les paramètres",
"enhanceLowLightTitle": "Amélioration pour basse lumière",
"@enhanceLowLightTitle": {
"description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment"
"enhanceLowLightDescription": "Augmente la luminosité des photos prise en environnement peu lumineux",
"enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Luminosité",
"@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": {
"description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be"
"collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Edité (local)",
"@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": {
"description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor"
"deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Les éléments sélectionné serons supprimer définitivement de l'appareil.\n\nCette action n'est pas réversible",
"@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": {
"description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device"
"enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Flou d'arrière plan",
"@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": {
"description": "Blur the background of a photo"
"enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Ajoute un effet de flou a l'arrière de vos photos, fonctionne mieux pour les portraits",
"enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Niveau de flou",
"@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": {
"description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter"
"enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super-resolution (4x)",
"@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": {
"description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)"
"enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Augmente la résolution de vos photos par 4 (voir l'aide pour plus de détail sur la résolution maximum)",
"enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Transfert de style",
"@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": {
"description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo"
"enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Choisissez un style",
"@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": {
"description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm"
"enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Transferer le style d'une image de référence sur vos photos",
"enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Choisissez un style",
"@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": {
"description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image"
"enhanceColorPopTitle": "Augmenter le contraste",
"@enhanceColorPopTitle": {
"description": "Desaturate the background of a photo"
"enhanceColorPopDescription": "Desature l'arrière plan des photos, fonctionne mieux avec les portraits",
"enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Poids",
"@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": {
"description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high."
"enhanceRetouchTitle": "Retouche automatique",
"@enhanceRetouchTitle": {
"description": "Automatically improve your photo"
"enhanceRetouchDescription": "Retouche automatiquement vos photos, ameliore l'éclat des couleurs",
"doubleTapExitNotification": "Tapper une deuxième fois pour quitter",
"@doubleTapExitNotification": {
"description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button"
"imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Quitter sans enregistrer ?",
"@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": {
"description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)"
"imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Vos changements ne sont pas sauvegardés",
"discardButtonLabel": "Quitter",
"@discardButtonLabel": {
"description": "Discard the current unsaved content"
"saveTooltip": "Sauvegarder",
"@saveTooltip": {
"description": "Save the current content"
"imageEditColorBrightness": "Luminosité",
"@imageEditColorBrightness": {
"description": "Adjust the brightness of an image"
"imageEditColorContrast": "Contraste",
"@imageEditColorContrast": {
"description": "Adjust the contrast of an image"
"imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Point blanc",
"@imageEditColorWhitePoint": {
"description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment:"
"imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Point noir",
"@imageEditColorBlackPoint": {
"description": "Adjust the black point of an image"
"imageEditColorSaturation": "Saturation",
"@imageEditColorSaturation": {
"description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image"
"imageEditColorWarmth": "Chaleur",
"@imageEditColorWarmth": {
"description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'"
"imageEditColorTint": "Teinte",
"@imageEditColorTint": {
"description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint"
"imageEditTitle": "Aperçu des modifications",
"@imageEditTitle": {
"description": "Title of the image editor"
"imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Couleur",
"@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": {
"description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image"
"imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Transformation",
"@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": {
"description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it"
"imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientation",
"@imageEditTransformOrientation": {
"description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step"
"imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": "h",
"@imageEditTransformOrientationClockwise": {
"description": "Indicate a clockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space"
"imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": "ah",
"@imageEditTransformOrientationCounterclockwise": {
"description": "Indicate a counterclockwise rotation. This text must be short as there's only minimal space"
"imageEditTransformCrop": "Rogner",
"@imageEditTransformCrop": {
"description": "Crop the image"
"categoriesLabel": "Catégories",
"searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Vidéos",
"@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": {
"description": "Search all videos"
"searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRES",
"@searchFilterButtonLabel": {
"description": "Modify search filters"
"searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtres",
"@searchFilterDialogTitle": {
"description": "Dialog to modify search filters"
"applyButtonLabel": "APPLIQUER",
"@applyButtonLabel": {
"description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings"
"searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Tous",
"@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": {
"description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored"
"searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Vrai",
"@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": {
"description": "Positive option for a boolean filter"
"searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Faux",
"@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": {
"description": "Negative option for a boolean filter"
"searchFilterTypeLabel": "Type",
"@searchFilterTypeLabel": {
"description": "Filter search results by file type"
"searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Image",
"@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": {
"description": "Filter search results by file type"
"searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "images",
"@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": {
"description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)"
"searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Vidéo",
"@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": {
"description": "Filter search results by file type"
"searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "vidéos",
"@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": {
"description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)"
"searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Favoris",
"@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": {
"description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites"
"searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "favoris",
"@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": {
"description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)"
"searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "Non favoris",
"@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": {
"description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)"
"showAllButtonLabel": "Tous",
"@showAllButtonLabel": {
"description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)"
"gpsPlaceText": "A proximité de {place}",
"@gpsPlaceText": {
"description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.",
"placeholders": {
"place": {}
"gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "A propos",
"@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": {
"description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)"
"gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "La localisation affiché n'est qu'une estimation et n'est pas garantie d'être exact. Ceci ne represente en rien notre point de vu sur des espaces disputés.",
"@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": {
"description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)"
"collectionPlacesLabel": "Localisation",
"@collectionPlacesLabel": {
"description": "Browse photos grouped by place"
"imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Sauvegarder",
"@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": {
"description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server"
"imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Sélectionner où sauvegarder les images traitées. Si vous choisissez sur le serveur mais que l'envoi échoué, l'image sera sauvegardée sur l'appareil",
"@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": {
"description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server"
"imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "APPAREIL",
"@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": {
"description": "Save the image on the current device"
"imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERVEUR",
"@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": {
"description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server"
"initialSyncMessage": "Synchronisation avec le serveur pour la première fois",
"@initialSyncMessage": {
"description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced."
"loopTooltip": "Répéter",
"@loopTooltip": {
"description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player"
"createCollectionFailureNotification": "La création de la collection a échouée",
"@createCollectionFailureNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created"
"addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Ajouter a la collection",
"@addItemToCollectionTooltip": {
"description": "Add one or more items to a collection"
"addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "L'ajout a la collection a échoué",
"@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection"
"setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Le changement de la couverture a échoué",
"@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": {
"description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover"
"exportCollectionTooltip": "Exporter",
"@exportCollectionTooltip": {
"description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection"
"exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Exporter la collection",
"createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Albums Nextcloud",
"@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": {
"description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+"
"createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Albums sur le serveur, requiert Nextcloud 25 ou plus récent",
"removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "La suppression des collections a échouée",
"errorUnauthenticated": "Accès non authentifié. Veuillez vous reconnecter si le problème persiste",
"@errorUnauthenticated": {
"description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401"
@ -1027,5 +1428,40 @@
"errorNoStoragePermission": "Exiger une autorisation d'accès au stockage",
"@errorNoStoragePermission": {
"description": "Missing permission on Android"
"settingsMetadataTitle": "Métadonnées",
"@settingsMetadataTitle": {
"description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)"
"settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Application de reconnaissance faciale",
"@settingsPersonProviderTitle": {
"description": "Select the server app for face recognition"
"settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Utiliser les couleurs système",
"@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": {
"description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You"
"settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "COULEURS SYSTÈME",
"@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": {
"description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You"
"searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Appuyer sur paramètres pour changer de fournisseur ou aide pour en savoir plus",
"@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": {
"description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people"
"accountSettingsTooltip": "Paramètres du compte",
"contributorsTooltip": "Contributeur",
"setAsTooltip": "Utiliser comme",
"@setAsTooltip": {
"description": "e.g., set as wallpaper"
"deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Vous êtes sur le point de vous déconnecter de {server}",
"@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": {
"description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)",
"placeholders": {
"server": {
"example": ""

View file

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
"appTitle": "Zdjęcia",
"translator": "szymok",
"translator": "szymok\nShieldziak",
"@translator": {
"description": "Name of the translator(s) for this language"
@ -166,10 +166,22 @@
"connectingToServer2": "Czekamy aż serwer nas autoryzuje",
"@connectingToServer2": {
"description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser"
"connectingToServerInstruction": "Proszę zalogować się otwartą przeglądarką",
"@connectingToServerInstruction": {
"description": "Shown when the app is waiting for the user to sign in via an external browser"
"nameInputHint": "Nazwa",
"@nameInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting name data"
"nameInputInvalidEmpty": "Nazwa jest wymagana",
"@nameInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Shown when a name input is required but value not given. This is intended to be a generic message and does not assume what this 'name' represents"
"skipButtonLabel": "POMIŃ",
"@skipButtonLabel": {
"description": "Label of the skip button"
@ -186,6 +198,10 @@
"@signIn2faHintText": {
"description": "(deprecated, may be removed in the future)"
"signInHeaderText2": "Logowanie Nextcloud",
"@signInHeaderText2": {
"description": "Sign in to Nextcloud server"
"serverAddressInputHint": "Adres serwera",
"@serverAddressInputHint": {
"description": "Hint of the text field expecting server address data"
@ -250,6 +266,10 @@
"@settingsLanguageTitle": {
"description": "Set display language"
"settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": "Domyślny systemu",
"@settingsLanguageOptionSystemDefaultLabel": {
"description": "Follow the Android system language"
"settingsExifSupportTitle": "Wsparcie dla EXIF",
"@settingsExifSupportTitle": {
"description": "Title of the EXIF support setting"
@ -258,6 +278,14 @@
"@settingsExifSupportTrueSubtitle": {
"description": "Subtitle of the EXIF support setting when the value is true. The goal is to warn user about the possible side effects of enabling this setting"
"settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": "Przetwarzaj EXIF tylko przez Wi-Fi",
"@settingsExifWifiOnlyTitle": {
"description": "Whether to only process EXIF data when connected to a Wi-Fi network"
"settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": "Mogą obowiązywać opłaty za przesyłanie danych",
"@settingsExifWifiOnlyFalseSubtitle": {
"description": "Shown when users allow processing exif data over any network"
"settingsMemoriesTitle": "Wspomnienia",
"@settingsMemoriesTitle": {
"description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
@ -267,6 +295,11 @@
"description": "Memory albums contain photos taken in a specific time range in the past"
"settingsAccountTitle": "Konto",
"settingsAccountLabelTitle": "Etykieta",
"@settingsAccountLabelTitle": {
"description": "An account label is used to replace the server URL in the app bar, could be useful for privacy reason"
"settingsAccountLabelDescription": "Ustaw etykietę wyświetlaną zamiast adresu URL serwera",
"settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": "Uwzględniane foldery",
"@settingsIncludedFoldersTitle": {
"description": "Change the included folders of an account"
@ -291,6 +324,14 @@
"@settingsServerAppSectionTitle": {
"description": "Enable/disable various server apps"
"settingsPhotosDescription": "Dostosuj zawartość wyświetlaną na karcie Zdjęcia",
"@settingsPhotosDescription": {
"description": "The 'Photos' here means the tab called 'Photos', not literally a photo. The title of this setting will also reuse the label of that tab"
"settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": "Zakres wspomnień",
"@settingsMemoriesRangeTitle": {
"description": "How many adjacent days to be inclded in memories for a particular year"
"settingsViewerTitle": "Przeglądarka",
"settingsViewerDescription": "Dostosowywanie przeglądarki obrazów/wideo",
"settingsScreenBrightnessTitle": "Jasność ekranu",
@ -300,12 +341,37 @@
"settingsMapProviderTitle": "Dostawca map",
"settingsShowDateInAlbumTitle": "Grupuj zdjęcia według daty",
"settingsShowDateInAlbumDescription": "Zastosuj tylko wtedy, gdy album jest posortowany według czasu",
"settingsImageEditTitle": "Edytor",
"@settingsImageEditTitle": {
"description": "Include settings for image enhancements and the image editor"
"settingsImageEditDescription": "Dostosuj ulepszenia obrazu i edytor obrazów",
"settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionTitle2": "Rozdzielczość obrazu dla ulepszeń",
"settingsEnhanceMaxResolutionDescription": "Zdjęcia większe niż wybrana rozdzielczość zostaną zmniejszone. Zdjęcia w wysokiej rozdzielczości wymagają znacznie więcej pamięci i czasu na przetwarzanie. Obniż to ustawienie, jeśli aplikacja uległa awarii podczas poprawiania zdjęć.",
"settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": "Zapisz rezultat na serwerze",
"@settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTitle": {
"description": "Whether to save the edit/enhance results to server instead of the current device"
"settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerTrueDescription": "Rezultaty są zapisywane na serwerze, a w przypadku niepowodzenia wracają do pamięci urządzenia",
"settingsImageEditSaveResultsToServerFalseDescription": "Rezultaty są zapisywane na tym urządzeniu",
"settingsThemeTitle": "Motyw",
"settingsThemeDescription": "Dostosuj wygląd aplikacji",
"settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": "Zostosuj motyw systemu",
"@settingsFollowSystemThemeTitle": {
"description": "Respect the system dark mode settings introduced on Android 10"
"settingsSeedColorTitle": "Kolor motywu",
"@settingsSeedColorTitle": {
"description": "Customize the colors used in app"
"settingsSeedColorDescription": "Służy do ustawienia wszystkich kolorów używanych w aplikacji",
"@settingsSeedColorDescription": {
"description": "Customize the colors used in app"
"settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": "Wybierz kolor",
"@settingsSeedColorPickerTitle": {
"description": "Dialog to customize the colors used in app"
"settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": "Ciemniejszy motyw",
"@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeTitle": {
"description": "Make the dark theme darker"
@ -318,8 +384,25 @@
"@settingsUseBlackInDarkThemeFalseDescription": {
"description": "When black in dark theme is set to false"
"settingsMiscellaneousTitle": "Różne",
"settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": "Kliknij dwukrotnie, aby wyjść",
"@settingsDoubleTapExitTitle": {
"description": "If enabled, users need to tap the back button twice to exit app"
"settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": "Rozdzielczość obrazu dla ulepszeń",
"@settingsPhotosTabSortByNameTitle": {
"description": "Sort photos listed in the Photos tab by filename (descending)"
"settingsExperimentalTitle": "Eksperymentalne",
"settingsExperimentalDescription": "Funkcje, które nie są gotowe do codziennego użytku",
"settingsExpertTitle": "Zaawansowane",
"@settingsExpertTitle": {
"description": "Settings that must be tweaked with caution"
"settingsExpertWarningText": "Przed kontynuowaniem upewnij się, że w pełni rozumiesz działanie każdej opcji",
"settingsClearCacheDatabaseTitle": "Wyczyść bazę danych plików",
"settingsClearCacheDatabaseDescription": "Wyczyść informacje o pliku w pamięci podręcznej i uruchom pełną ponowną synchronizację z serwerem",
"settingsClearCacheDatabaseSuccessNotification": "Baza danych została pomyślnie wyczyszczona. Sugerujemy ponowne uruchomienie aplikacji",
"settingsAboutSectionTitle": "O aplikacji",
"@settingsAboutSectionTitle": {
"description": "Title of the about section in settings widget"
@ -328,6 +411,10 @@
"@settingsVersionTitle": {
"description": "Title of the version data item"
"settingsServerVersionTitle": "Serwer",
"@settingsServerVersionTitle": {
"description": "This item will show the server software version, e.g., Nextcloud 25"
"settingsSourceCodeTitle": "Kod źródłowy",
"@settingsSourceCodeTitle": {
"description": "Title of the source code item"
@ -520,6 +607,14 @@
"@sortOptionTimeDescendingLabel": {
"description": "Sort by time, in descending order"
"sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": "Nazwa pliku",
"@sortOptionFilenameAscendingLabel": {
"description": "Sort by filename, in ascending order"
"sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": "Nazwa pliku (malejąco)",
"@sortOptionFilenameDescendingLabel": {
"description": "Sort by filename, in descending order"
"sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": "Nazwa albumu (rosnąco)",
"@sortOptionAlbumNameLabel": {
"description": "Sort by album name, in ascending order"
@ -727,6 +822,10 @@
"@slideshowSetupDialogRepeatTitle": {
"description": "Whether to restart the slideshow from the beginning after the last slide"
"slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": "Powrót",
"@slideshowSetupDialogReverseTitle": {
"description": "Whether to play the slideshow in reverse order"
"linkCopiedNotification": "Link skopiowany",
"@linkCopiedNotification": {
"description": "Copied the share link to clipboard"
@ -735,6 +834,16 @@
"@shareMethodDialogTitle": {
"description": "Let the user pick how they want to share"
"shareMethodPreviewTitle": "Podgląd",
"@shareMethodPreviewTitle": {
"description": "Share the preview of a file"
"shareMethodPreviewDescription": "Udostępnij podgląd w obniżonej jakości innym aplikacjom (obsługuje tylko obrazy)",
"shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": "Oryginalny plik",
"@shareMethodOriginalFileTitle": {
"description": "Share the original file"
"shareMethodOriginalFileDescription": "Pobierz oryginalny plik i udostępnij go innym aplikacjom",
"shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": "Publiczny link",
"@shareMethodPublicLinkTitle": {
"description": "Create a share link on server and share it"
@ -934,6 +1043,339 @@
"@homeFolderInputInvalidEmpty": {
"description": "Home folder can't be left empty"
"createCollectionTooltip": "Nowa kolekcja",
"@createCollectionTooltip": {
"description": "Create a new collection. A collection can be an album, a folder, or something else in the future"
"createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": "Album",
"@createCollectionDialogAlbumLabel": {
"description": "Create an album as collection"
"createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": "Pokaż zdjęcia dodane przez Ciebie z dowolnego miejsca na serwerze",
"@createCollectionDialogAlbumDescription": {
"description": "Describe how an album collection works"
"createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": "Folder",
"@createCollectionDialogFolderLabel": {
"description": "Create a folder as collection"
"createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": "Pokaż zdjęcia w folderze",
"@createCollectionDialogFolderDescription": {
"description": "Describe how a folder collection works"
"collectionFavoritesLabel": "Ulubione",
"@collectionFavoritesLabel": {
"description": "Browse photos added to favorites"
"favoriteTooltip": "Ulubiony",
"@favoriteTooltip": {
"description": "Add photo to favorites"
"favoriteSuccessNotification": "Dodano do ulubionych",
"@favoriteSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Successfully added photos to favorites"
"favoriteFailureNotification": "Nie udało się dodać do ulubionych",
"@favoriteFailureNotification": {
"description": "Failed adding photos to favorites"
"unfavoriteTooltip": "Usuń z ulubionych",
"@unfavoriteTooltip": {
"description": "Remove photo to favorites"
"unfavoriteSuccessNotification": "Usunięto z ulubionych",
"@unfavoriteSuccessNotification": {
"description": "Successfully removed photos from favorites"
"unfavoriteFailureNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć z ulubionych",
"@unfavoriteFailureNotification": {
"description": "Failed removing photos from favorites"
"createCollectionDialogTagLabel": "Tag",
"@createCollectionDialogTagLabel": {
"description": "Create a collection containing files with tags"
"createCollectionDialogTagDescription": "Pokaż zdjęcia z określonymi tagami",
"@createCollectionDialogTagDescription": {
"description": "Describe how a tag collection works"
"addTagInputHint": "Dodaj tag",
"@addTagInputHint": {
"description": "Input a tag"
"tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": "Dodaj przynajmniej 1 tag",
"@tagPickerNoTagSelectedNotification": {
"description": "At least 1 tag is required to create a tag collection. This error is shown when user try to create one without selecting any tags"
"backgroundServiceStopping": "Zatrzymywanie usługi",
"@backgroundServiceStopping": {
"description": "The background service is stopping itself"
"metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": "Niski poziom baterii",
"@metadataTaskPauseLowBatteryNotification": {
"description": "Shown when the app has paused reading image metadata due to low battery"
"enhanceTooltip": "Ulepsz",
"@enhanceTooltip": {
"description": "Enhance a photo"
"enhanceButtonLabel": "ULEPSZ",
"enhanceIntroDialogTitle": "Ulepsz swoje zdjęcia",
"enhanceIntroDialogDescription": "Twoje zdjęcia są przetwarzane lokalnie na Twoim urządzeniu. Domyślnie są one skalowane do rozdzielczości 2048x1536. Rozdzielczość wyjściową możesz dostosować w Ustawieniach",
"enhanceLowLightTitle": "Ulepszenia przy słabym oświetleniu",
"@enhanceLowLightTitle": {
"description": "Enhance a photo taken in low-light environment"
"enhanceLowLightDescription": "Rozjaśnij swoje zdjęcia zrobione w warunkach słabego oświetlenia",
"enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": "Jasność",
"@enhanceLowLightParamBrightnessLabel": {
"description": "This parameter sets how much brighter the output will be"
"collectionEditedPhotosLabel": "Edytowane (lokalnie)",
"@collectionEditedPhotosLabel": {
"description": "List photos on your device that were modified by the app, via image enhancements or the image editor"
"deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": "Wybrane elementy zostaną trwale usunięte z tego urządzenia.\n\nTo działanie jest nieodwracalne",
"@deletePermanentlyLocalConfirmationDialogContent": {
"description": "Make sure the user wants to delete the items from the current device"
"enhancePortraitBlurTitle": "Rozmycie portretowe",
"@enhancePortraitBlurTitle": {
"description": "Blur the background of a photo"
"enhancePortraitBlurDescription": "Rozmyj tło swoich zdjęć, najlepiej sprawdza się w przypadku portretów",
"enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": "Ilość rozmycia",
"@enhancePortraitBlurParamBlurLabel": {
"description": "This parameter sets the radius of the blur filter"
"enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": "Super rozdzielczość (4x)",
"@enhanceSuperResolution4xTitle": {
"description": "Upscale an image. The algorithm implemented in the app will upscale to 4x the original resolution (eg, 100x100 to 400x400)"
"enhanceSuperResolution4xDescription": "Powiększ swoje zdjęcia do 4x rozdzielczości oryginalnej (zobacz Pomoc, aby uzyskać szczegółowe informacje na temat stosowania tu maksymalnej rozdzielczości)",
"enhanceStyleTransferTitle": "Transfer stylu",
"@enhanceStyleTransferTitle": {
"description": "Transfer the image style from a reference image to a photo"
"enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": "Wybierz styl",
"@enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogTitle": {
"description": "Pick a reference image for the style transfer algorithm"
"enhanceStyleTransferStyleDialogDescription": "Przenieś styl obrazu z obrazu referencyjnego na swoje zdjęcia",
"enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": "Proszę wybierz styl",
"@enhanceStyleTransferNoStyleSelectedNotification": {
"description": "Show this error if users did not pick a reference image"
"enhanceColorPopDescription": "Zmniejsz nasycenie tła swoich zdjęć, najlepiej sprawdza się w przypadku portretów",
"enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": "Waga",
"@enhanceGenericParamWeightLabel": {
"description": "This generic parameter sets the weight of the applied effect. The effect will be more obvious when the weight is high."
"enhanceRetouchTitle": "Automatyczny retusz",
"@enhanceRetouchTitle": {
"description": "Automatically improve your photo"
"enhanceRetouchDescription": "Automatycznie retuszuj swoje zdjęcia, poprawiaj ogólny kolor i intensywność",
"doubleTapExitNotification": "Stuknij ponownie, aby wyjść",
"@doubleTapExitNotification": {
"description": "If double tap to exit is enabled in settings, shown when users tap the back button"
"imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": "Odrzucić zmiany?",
"@imageEditDiscardDialogTitle": {
"description": "Warn before dismissing image editor (e.g., user pressing back button)"
"imageEditDiscardDialogContent": "Twoje zmiany nie zostały zapisane",
"discardButtonLabel": "ODRZUĆ",
"@discardButtonLabel": {
"description": "Discard the current unsaved content"
"saveTooltip": "Zapisz",
"@saveTooltip": {
"description": "Save the current content"
"imageEditColorBrightness": "Jasność",
"@imageEditColorBrightness": {
"description": "Adjust the brightness of an image"
"imageEditColorContrast": "Kontrast",
"@imageEditColorContrast": {
"description": "Adjust the contrast of an image"
"imageEditColorWhitePoint": "Biały punkt",
"@imageEditColorWhitePoint": {
"description": "Adjust the white point of an image. Learn more about this adjustment:"
"imageEditColorBlackPoint": "Czarny punkt",
"@imageEditColorBlackPoint": {
"description": "Adjust the black point of an image"
"imageEditColorSaturation": "Nasycenie",
"@imageEditColorSaturation": {
"description": "Adjust the color saturation of an image"
"imageEditColorWarmth": "Ciepło",
"@imageEditColorWarmth": {
"description": "This roughly equals to adjusting the color temperature of an image. The end result is to shift the image colors such that it looks 'warmer' or 'cooler'"
"imageEditColorTint": "Odcień",
"@imageEditColorTint": {
"description": "Shift colors from a green to a magenta tint"
"imageEditTitle": "Podgląd zmian",
"@imageEditTitle": {
"description": "Title of the image editor"
"imageEditToolbarColorLabel": "Kolor",
"@imageEditToolbarColorLabel": {
"description": "Label of the color tools. These can be used to adjust the color of an image"
"imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": "Przekształć",
"@imageEditToolbarTransformLabel": {
"description": "Label of the transformation tools. These can be used to transform an image, e.g., rotate it"
"imageEditTransformOrientation": "Orientacja",
"@imageEditTransformOrientation": {
"description": "Change the orientation of the image, 90 degree per step"
"imageEditTransformCrop": "Przytnij",
"@imageEditTransformCrop": {
"description": "Crop the image"
"categoriesLabel": "Kategorie",
"searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": "Wideo",
"@searchLandingCategoryVideosLabel": {
"description": "Search all videos"
"searchFilterButtonLabel": "FILTRY",
"@searchFilterButtonLabel": {
"description": "Modify search filters"
"searchFilterDialogTitle": "Filtry wyszukiwania",
"@searchFilterDialogTitle": {
"description": "Dialog to modify search filters"
"applyButtonLabel": "ZASTOSUJ",
"@applyButtonLabel": {
"description": "A confirmation button, typically in a dialog, that apply the current settings"
"searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": "Każde",
"@searchFilterOptionAnyLabel": {
"description": "This is the default option for all search filters. Filters with this value will be ignored"
"searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": "Prawda",
"@searchFilterOptionTrueLabel": {
"description": "Positive option for a boolean filter"
"searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": "Fałsz",
"@searchFilterOptionFalseLabel": {
"description": "Negative option for a boolean filter"
"searchFilterTypeLabel": "Typ",
"@searchFilterTypeLabel": {
"description": "Filter search results by file type"
"searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": "Obraz",
"@searchFilterTypeOptionImageLabel": {
"description": "Filter search results by file type"
"searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": "obrazy",
"@searchFilterBubbleTypeImageText": {
"description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, image)"
"searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": "Wideo",
"@searchFilterTypeOptionVideoLabel": {
"description": "Filter search results by file type"
"searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": "wideo",
"@searchFilterBubbleTypeVideoText": {
"description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by file type, video)"
"searchFilterFavoriteLabel": "Ulubione",
"@searchFilterFavoriteLabel": {
"description": "Filter search results by whether it's in favorites"
"searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": "ulubione",
"@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteTrueText": {
"description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, true)"
"searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": "nie ulubione",
"@searchFilterBubbleFavoriteFalseText": {
"description": "List of active search filters shown in the result page (by favorites, false)"
"showAllButtonLabel": "POKAŻ WSZYSTKO",
"@showAllButtonLabel": {
"description": "A button to show all items of a certain item group (e.g., show all recognized faces)"
"gpsPlaceText": "Niedaleko {place}",
"@gpsPlaceText": {
"description": "The estimated place where a photo was taken at. The place could be a town, a city, an administrative region, or a country.",
"placeholders": {
"place": {}
"gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": "O miejscu",
"@gpsPlaceAboutDialogTitle": {
"description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)"
"gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": "Miejsce pokazane tutaj jest jedynie przybliżonym szacunkiem i nie gwarantuje się, że będzie dokładne. Nie reprezentuje naszych poglądów na żadne sporne obszary.",
"@gpsPlaceAboutDialogContent": {
"description": "Warn about the inaccurate nature of our offline reverse geocoding feature (i.e., converting coordinates into addresses)"
"collectionPlacesLabel": "Miejsca",
"@collectionPlacesLabel": {
"description": "Browse photos grouped by place"
"imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": "Zapisywanie wyniku",
"@imageSaveOptionDialogTitle": {
"description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server"
"imageSaveOptionDialogContent": "Wybierz, gdzie zapisać ten i przyszłe przetworzone obrazy. Jeśli wybrałeś serwer, ale aplikacji nie udało się go przesłać, zostanie on zapisany na Twoim urządzeniu.",
"@imageSaveOptionDialogContent": {
"description": "This dialog asks users to choose between saving the edited/enhanced result on the device or server"
"imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": "URZĄDZENIE",
"@imageSaveOptionDialogDeviceButtonLabel": {
"description": "Save the image on the current device"
"imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": "SERWER",
"@imageSaveOptionDialogServerButtonLabel": {
"description": "Save the image on your Nextcloud server"
"initialSyncMessage": "Synchronizacja z serwerem po raz pierwszy",
"@initialSyncMessage": {
"description": "After adding a new account, the app need to sync with the server before showing anything. This message will be shown on screen instead with a proper progress bar and the folder being synced."
"loopTooltip": "Pętla",
"@loopTooltip": {
"description": "Enable or disable loop in the video player"
"createCollectionFailureNotification": "Nie udało się utworzyć kolekcji",
"@createCollectionFailureNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that a collection cannot be created"
"addItemToCollectionTooltip": "Dodaj do kolekcji",
"@addItemToCollectionTooltip": {
"description": "Add one or more items to a collection"
"addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": "Nie udało się dodać do kolekcji",
"@addItemToCollectionFailureNotification": {
"description": "Inform user that the item cannot be added to a collection"
"setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": "Nie udało się ustawić okładki kolekcji",
"@setCollectionCoverFailureNotification": {
"description": "Cannot set the opened item as the collection cover"
"exportCollectionTooltip": "Eksportuj",
"@exportCollectionTooltip": {
"description": "Export an arbitrary Collection (typical one with generated contents) as a new static Collection"
"exportCollectionDialogTitle": "Eksportuj kolekcję",
"createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": "Album Nextcloud",
"@createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumLabel": {
"description": "Server-side albums that are available in Nextcloud 25+"
"createCollectionDialogNextcloudAlbumDescription": "Album Serwera, wymaga Nextcloud 25 lub nowszego",
"removeCollectionsFailedNotification": "Nie udało się usunąć niektórych kolekcji",
"errorUnauthenticated": "Nieautoryzowany dostęp. Jeśli problem będzie się powstarzał zaloguj się ponownie",
"@errorUnauthenticated": {
"description": "Error message when server responds with HTTP401"
@ -965,5 +1407,40 @@
"errorNoStoragePermission": "Wymagany dostęp do pamięci",
"@errorNoStoragePermission": {
"description": "Missing permission on Android"
"settingsMetadataTitle": "Metadane pliku",
"@settingsMetadataTitle": {
"description": "Metadata (e.g., date, resolution, GPS, etc)"
"settingsPersonProviderTitle": "Dostawca Rozpoznawania",
"@settingsPersonProviderTitle": {
"description": "Select the server app for face recognition"
"settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": "Użyj koloru systemowego",
"@settingsSeedColorSystemColorDescription": {
"description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You"
"settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": "UŻYJ KOLORU SYSTEMU",
"@settingsSeedColorPickerSystemColorButtonLabel": {
"description": "Use color provided by the OS, i.e., Material You"
"searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": "Naciśnij ustawienia, aby zmienić dostawcę lub naciśnij pomoc, aby dowiedzieć się więcej",
"@searchLandingPeopleListEmptyText2": {
"description": "Shown in the search landing page under the People section when there are no people"
"accountSettingsTooltip": "Ustawienia konta",
"contributorsTooltip": "Współautorzy",
"setAsTooltip": "Ustaw jako",
"@setAsTooltip": {
"description": "e.g., set as wallpaper"
"deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": "Zamierzasz się wylogować z {server}",
"@deleteAccountConfirmDialogText": {
"description": "Confirmation dialog when deleting an account (i.e., signing out)",
"placeholders": {
"server": {
"example": ""

View file

@ -1,26 +1,6 @@
"ca": [
@ -42,28 +22,8 @@
@ -84,26 +44,6 @@
@ -124,26 +64,6 @@
@ -164,24 +84,6 @@
@ -332,29 +234,6 @@
"cs": [
"de": [
@ -371,14 +250,10 @@
@ -500,150 +375,6 @@
"fi": [
"fr": [
"it": [
@ -1005,149 +736,10 @@
"pl": [
"pt": [