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import 'package:bloc/bloc.dart';
import 'package:equatable/equatable.dart';
import 'package:logging/logging.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/account.dart';
2021-11-12 22:13:02 +01:00
import 'package:nc_photos/ci_string.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/debug_util.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/item.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/album/provider.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/file.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/share.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/entity/sharee.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/iterable_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/object_extension.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/list_share.dart';
import 'package:nc_photos/use_case/list_sharee.dart';
class ListAlbumShareOutlierItem with EquatableMixin {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierItem(this.file, this.shareItems);
toString() {
return "$runtimeType {"
"file: '${file.path}', "
"shareItems: ${shareItems.toReadableString()}, "
get props => [
final File file;
final List<ListAlbumShareOutlierShareItem> shareItems;
abstract class ListAlbumShareOutlierShareItem with EquatableMixin {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierShareItem();
class ListAlbumShareOutlierExtraShareItem
extends ListAlbumShareOutlierShareItem {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierExtraShareItem(this.share);
toString() {
return "$runtimeType {"
"share: $share, "
get props => [
final Share share;
class ListAlbumShareOutlierMissingShareItem
extends ListAlbumShareOutlierShareItem {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierMissingShareItem(
this.shareWith, this.shareWithDisplayName);
toString() {
return "$runtimeType {"
"shareWith: $shareWith, "
"shareWithDisplayName: $shareWithDisplayName, "
get props => [
2021-11-12 22:13:02 +01:00
final CiString shareWith;
final String? shareWithDisplayName;
abstract class ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocEvent {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocEvent();
class ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocQuery extends ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocEvent {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocQuery(this.account, this.album);
toString() {
return "$runtimeType {"
"account: $account, "
"album: $album, "
final Account account;
final Album album;
abstract class ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocState with EquatableMixin {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocState(this.account, this.items);
toString() {
return "$runtimeType {"
"account: $account, "
"items: ${items.toReadableString()}, "
get props => [
final Account? account;
final List<ListAlbumShareOutlierItem> items;
class ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocInit extends ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocState {
ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocInit() : super(null, const []);
class ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocLoading extends ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocState {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocLoading(
Account? account, List<ListAlbumShareOutlierItem> items)
: super(account, items);
class ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocSuccess extends ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocState {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocSuccess(
Account? account, List<ListAlbumShareOutlierItem> items)
: super(account, items);
class ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocFailure extends ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocState {
const ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocFailure(
Account? account, List<ListAlbumShareOutlierItem> items, this.exception)
: super(account, items);
toString() {
return "$runtimeType {"
"super: ${super.toString()}, "
"exception: $exception, "
get props => [
final dynamic exception;
/// List the outliers in a shared album
/// An outlier is a file where its shares are different to the album's that it
/// belongs, e.g., an unshared item in a shared album, or vice versa.
/// Different users are responsible to manage shares for different files. For
/// the owner of the album, they are responsible to manage:
/// 1. files added by yourself
/// 2. files added by other users: for each participants, any files that are
/// added before the album share for him/her was created
/// For other users, they are responsible to manage:
/// 1. shares between you and the owner for all files added by you
/// 2. files added by you: for each participants, any files that are
/// added on or after the album share for him/her was created
class ListAlbumShareOutlierBloc extends Bloc<ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocEvent,
ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocState> {
ListAlbumShareOutlierBloc(this.shareRepo, this.shareeRepo)
: super(ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocInit());
mapEventToState(ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocEvent event) async* {
_log.info("[mapEventToState] $event");
if (event is ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocQuery) {
yield* _onEventQuery(event);
Stream<ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocState> _onEventQuery(
ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocQuery ev) async* {
try {
assert(ev.album.provider is AlbumStaticProvider);
yield ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocLoading(ev.account, state.items);
final albumShares = await () async {
var temp = (ev.album.shares ?? [])
2021-11-12 22:13:02 +01:00
.where((s) => s.userId != ev.account.username)
if (ev.album.albumFile!.ownerId != ev.account.username) {
// add owner if the album is not owned by this account
final ownerSharee = (await ListSharee(shareeRepo)(ev.account))
.firstWhere((s) => s.shareWith == ev.album.albumFile!.ownerId);
userId: ownerSharee.shareWith,
displayName: ownerSharee.label,
2021-11-12 22:13:02 +01:00
return Map.fromEntries(temp.map((as) => MapEntry(as.userId, as)));
final products = <ListAlbumShareOutlierItem>[];
final errors = <Object>[];
await _processAlbumFile(ev.account, ev.album, albumShares, errors));
await _processAlbumItems(ev.account, ev.album, albumShares, errors));
if (errors.isEmpty) {
yield ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocSuccess(ev.account, products);
} else {
yield ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocFailure(
ev.account, products, errors.first);
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
_log.severe("[_onEventQuery] Exception while request", e, stackTrace);
yield ListAlbumShareOutlierBlocFailure(ev.account, state.items, e);
Future<List<ListAlbumShareOutlierItem>> _processAlbumFile(
Account account,
Album album,
2021-11-12 22:13:02 +01:00
Map<CiString, AlbumShare> albumShares,
List<Object> errors,
) async {
if (!album.albumFile!.isOwned(account.username)) {
// album file is always managed by the owner
return [];
final shareItems = <ListAlbumShareOutlierShareItem>[];
try {
final albumSharees = albumShares.values.map((s) => s.userId).toSet();
final shares = (await ListShare(shareRepo)(account, album.albumFile!))
.where((element) => element.shareType == ShareType.user)
final sharees = shares.map((s) => s.shareWith!).toSet();
final missings = albumSharees.difference(sharees);
"[_processAlbumFile] Missing shares: ${missings.toReadableString()}");
shareItems.addAll(missings.map((e) => albumShares[e]!).map((s) =>
ListAlbumShareOutlierMissingShareItem(s.userId, s.displayName)));
final extras = sharees.difference(albumSharees);
"[_processAlbumFile] Extra shares: ${extras.toReadableString()}");
.map((e) => shares.firstWhere((s) => s.shareWith == e))
.map((s) => ListAlbumShareOutlierExtraShareItem(s)));
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
"[_processAlbumFile] Exception: ${logFilename(album.albumFile?.path)}",
return [];
if (shareItems.isNotEmpty) {
return [ListAlbumShareOutlierItem(album.albumFile!, shareItems)];
} else {
return [];
Future<List<ListAlbumShareOutlierItem>> _processAlbumItems(
Account account,
Album album,
2021-11-12 22:13:02 +01:00
Map<CiString, AlbumShare> albumShares,
List<Object> errors,
) async {
final products = <ListAlbumShareOutlierItem>[];
final fileItems =
for (final fi in fileItems) {
try {
(await _processSingleFileItem(account, album, fi, albumShares, errors))
?.apply((item) {
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
"[_processAlbumItems] Failed while _processSingleFile: ${logFilename(fi.file.path)}",
return products;
Future<ListAlbumShareOutlierItem?> _processSingleFileItem(
Account account,
Album album,
AlbumFileItem fileItem,
2021-11-12 22:13:02 +01:00
Map<CiString, AlbumShare> albumShares,
List<Object> errors,
) async {
final shareItems = <ListAlbumShareOutlierShareItem>[];
final shares = (await ListShare(shareRepo)(account, fileItem.file))
.where((element) => element.shareType == ShareType.user)
2021-11-12 22:13:02 +01:00
final sharees = shares.map((s) => s.shareWith!).toSet();
final albumSharees = albumShares.values
.where((s) => _isItemSharePairOfInterest(account, album, fileItem, s))
.map((s) => s.userId)
var missings = albumSharees
// Can't share to ourselves or the file owner
.where((s) => s != account.username && s != fileItem.file.ownerId)
"[_processSingleFileItem] Missing shares: ${missings.toReadableString()} for file: ${logFilename(fileItem.file.path)}");
for (final m in missings) {
final as = albumShares[m]!;
ListAlbumShareOutlierMissingShareItem(as.userId, as.displayName));
final extras = sharees.difference(albumSharees);
"[_processSingleFileItem] Extra shares: ${extras.toReadableString()} for file: ${logFilename(fileItem.file.path)}");
for (final e in extras) {
try {
2021-11-12 22:13:02 +01:00
shares.firstWhere((s) => s.shareWith == e)));
} catch (e, stackTrace) {
"[_processSingleFileItem] Failed while processing extra share for file: ${logFilename(fileItem.file.path)}",
if (shareItems.isNotEmpty) {
return ListAlbumShareOutlierItem(fileItem.file, shareItems);
} else {
return null;
bool _isItemSharePairOfInterest(
Account account, Album album, AlbumItem item, AlbumShare share) {
if (album.albumFile!.isOwned(account.username)) {
// album owner
return item.addedBy == account.username ||
} else {
// non album owner
if (item.addedBy != account.username) {
return false;
} else {
return share.userId == album.albumFile!.ownerId ||
final ShareRepo shareRepo;
final ShareeRepo shareeRepo;
static final _log =