
469 lines
9.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
part of '../viewer.dart';
class _State {
const _State({
required this.fileIdOrders,
required this.rawFiles,
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
required this.files,
required this.fileStates,
required this.index,
required this.currentFile,
required this.isShowDetailPane,
required this.isClosingDetailPane,
required this.isDetailPaneActive,
required this.openDetailPaneRequest,
required this.closeDetailPane,
required this.isZoomed,
required this.isInitialLoad,
required this.isShowAppBar,
required this.appBarButtons,
required this.bottomAppBarButtons,
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
required this.pendingRemovePage,
required this.imageEditorRequest,
required this.imageEnhancerRequest,
required this.shareRequest,
required this.slideshowRequest,
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required this.setAsRequest,
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
factory _State.init({
required List<int> fileIds,
required int index,
required FileDescriptor? currentFile,
required List<ViewerAppBarButtonType> appBarButtons,
required List<ViewerAppBarButtonType> bottomAppBarButtons,
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
}) =>
fileIdOrders: fileIds,
rawFiles: const {},
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
files: const {},
fileStates: const {},
index: index,
currentFile: currentFile,
isShowDetailPane: false,
isClosingDetailPane: false,
isDetailPaneActive: false,
openDetailPaneRequest: Unique(const _OpenDetailPaneRequest(false)),
closeDetailPane: Unique(false),
isZoomed: false,
isInitialLoad: true,
isShowAppBar: true,
appBarButtons: appBarButtons,
bottomAppBarButtons: bottomAppBarButtons,
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
pendingRemovePage: Unique(null),
imageEditorRequest: Unique(null),
imageEnhancerRequest: Unique(null),
shareRequest: Unique(null),
slideshowRequest: Unique(null),
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setAsRequest: Unique(null),
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
String toString() => _$toString();
bool get canOpenDetailPane => !isZoomed;
final List<int> fileIdOrders;
final Map<int, FileDescriptor> rawFiles;
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final Map<int, FileDescriptor> files;
final Map<int, _PageState> fileStates;
final int index;
final FileDescriptor? currentFile;
final _PageState? currentFileState;
final Collection? collection;
final CollectionItemsController? collectionItemsController;
final Map<int, CollectionFileItem>? collectionItems;
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
final bool isShowDetailPane;
final bool isClosingDetailPane;
final bool isDetailPaneActive;
final Unique<_OpenDetailPaneRequest> openDetailPaneRequest;
final Unique<bool> closeDetailPane;
final bool isZoomed;
final bool isInitialLoad;
final bool isShowAppBar;
final List<ViewerAppBarButtonType> appBarButtons;
final List<ViewerAppBarButtonType> bottomAppBarButtons;
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
final Unique<int?> pendingRemovePage;
final Unique<ImageEditorArguments?> imageEditorRequest;
final Unique<ImageEnhancerArguments?> imageEnhancerRequest;
final Unique<_ShareRequest?> shareRequest;
final Unique<_SlideshowRequest?> slideshowRequest;
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final Unique<_SetAsRequest?> setAsRequest;
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
final ExceptionEvent? error;
class _PageState {
const _PageState({
required this.itemHeight,
required this.hasLoaded,
required this.shouldPlayLivePhoto,
factory _PageState.create() {
return const _PageState(
itemHeight: null,
hasLoaded: false,
shouldPlayLivePhoto: false,
String toString() => _$toString();
final double? itemHeight;
final bool hasLoaded;
final bool shouldPlayLivePhoto;
abstract class _Event {}
class _Init implements _Event {
const _Init();
String toString() => _$toString();
class _SetIndex implements _Event {
const _SetIndex(this.index);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int index;
class _RequestPage implements _Event {
const _RequestPage(this.index);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int index;
class _SetCollection implements _Event {
const _SetCollection(this.collection, this.itemsController);
String toString() => _$toString();
final Collection? collection;
final CollectionItemsController? itemsController;
class _SetCollectionItems implements _Event {
const _SetCollectionItems(this.value);
String toString() => _$toString();
final List<CollectionItem>? value;
/// Merge regular files with collection items. The point of doing this is to
/// support shared files in an server side shared album, as these files do not
/// have a record in filesController
class _MergeFiles implements _Event {
const _MergeFiles();
String toString() => _$toString();
2024-10-06 19:15:45 +02:00
class _ToggleAppBar implements _Event {
const _ToggleAppBar();
String toString() => _$toString();
class _ShowAppBar implements _Event {
const _ShowAppBar();
String toString() => _$toString();
class _HideAppBar implements _Event {
const _HideAppBar();
String toString() => _$toString();
class _SetAppBarButtons implements _Event {
const _SetAppBarButtons(this.value);
String toString() => _$toString();
final List<ViewerAppBarButtonType> value;
class _SetBottomAppBarButtons implements _Event {
const _SetBottomAppBarButtons(this.value);
String toString() => _$toString();
final List<ViewerAppBarButtonType> value;
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class _PauseLivePhoto implements _Event {
const _PauseLivePhoto(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _PlayLivePhoto implements _Event {
const _PlayLivePhoto(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _Unfavorite implements _Event {
const _Unfavorite(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _Favorite implements _Event {
const _Favorite(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _Unarchive implements _Event {
const _Unarchive(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _Archive implements _Event {
const _Archive(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _Share implements _Event {
const _Share(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _Edit implements _Event {
const _Edit(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _Enhance implements _Event {
const _Enhance(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _Download implements _Event {
const _Download(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _Delete implements _Event {
const _Delete(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
class _RemoveFromCollection implements _Event {
const _RemoveFromCollection(this.value);
String toString() => _$toString();
final CollectionItem value;
class _StartSlideshow implements _Event {
const _StartSlideshow(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
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class _SetAs implements _Event {
const _SetAs(this.fileId);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
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class _OpenDetailPane implements _Event {
const _OpenDetailPane(this.shouldAnimate);
String toString() => _$toString();
final bool shouldAnimate;
class _CloseDetailPane implements _Event {
const _CloseDetailPane();
String toString() => _$toString();
class _DetailPaneClosed implements _Event {
const _DetailPaneClosed();
String toString() => _$toString();
class _ShowDetailPane implements _Event {
const _ShowDetailPane();
String toString() => _$toString();
class _SetDetailPaneInactive implements _Event {
const _SetDetailPaneInactive();
String toString() => _$toString();
class _SetDetailPaneActive implements _Event {
const _SetDetailPaneActive();
String toString() => _$toString();
class _SetFileContentHeight implements _Event {
const _SetFileContentHeight(this.fileId, this.value);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int fileId;
final double value;
class _SetIsZoomed implements _Event {
const _SetIsZoomed(this.value);
String toString() => _$toString();
final bool value;
class _RemovePage implements _Event {
const _RemovePage(this.value);
String toString() => _$toString();
final int value;
class _SetError implements _Event {
const _SetError(this.error, [this.stackTrace]);
String toString() => _$toString();
final Object error;
final StackTrace? stackTrace;