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import 'package:nc_photos/iterator_extension.dart';
import 'package:tuple/tuple.dart';
/// Return the difference between two sorted lists, [a] and [b]
/// [a] and [b] MUST be sorted in ascending order, otherwise the result is
/// undefined.
/// The first returned list contains items exist in [b] but not [a], the second
/// returned list contains items exist in [a] but not [b]
Tuple2<List<T>, List<T>> diffWith<T>(
List<T> a, List<T> b, int Function(T a, T b) comparator) {
final aIt = a.iterator, bIt = b.iterator;
final aMissing = <T>[], bMissing = <T>[];
while (true) {
if (!aIt.moveNext()) {
// no more elements in a
bIt.iterate((obj) => aMissing.add(obj));
return Tuple2(aMissing, bMissing);
if (!bIt.moveNext()) {
// no more elements in b
// needed because aIt has already advanced
aIt.iterate((obj) => bMissing.add(obj));
return Tuple2(aMissing, bMissing);
final result = _diffUntilEqual(aIt, bIt, comparator);
Tuple2<List<T>, List<T>> diff<T extends Comparable>(List<T> a, List<T> b) =>
diffWith(a, b, Comparable.compare);
Tuple2<List<T>, List<T>> _diffUntilEqual<T>(
Iterator<T> aIt, Iterator<T> bIt, int Function(T a, T b) comparator) {
final a = aIt.current, b = bIt.current;
final diff = comparator(a, b);
if (diff < 0) {
// a < b
if (!aIt.moveNext()) {
return Tuple2([b] + bIt.toList(), [a]);
} else {
final result = _diffUntilEqual(aIt, bIt, comparator);
return Tuple2(result.item1, [a] + result.item2);
} else if (diff > 0) {
// a > b
if (!bIt.moveNext()) {
return Tuple2([b], [a] + aIt.toList());
} else {
final result = _diffUntilEqual(aIt, bIt, comparator);
return Tuple2([b] + result.item1, result.item2);
} else {
// a == b
return const Tuple2([], []);